HGT Magazine #127 January/February 2024

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Staving off the Gloom<br />


A Critical Local Need<br />

+<br />


Issue 127<br />

Jan / Feb <strong>2024</strong><br />

$6.50 (INCL. GST)<br />


The Best Medicine<br />

<strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 1





TUESDAY - SATURDAY 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM<br />



www.haidagwaiimuseumgiftshop.ca<br />

Photo credit: Barbara J. Wilson, 2001<br />



view inhouse + online<br />



Benedicte Hansen | David Archer<br />





www.haidagwaiimuseum.ca/exhibitions<br />




Jason Goetzinger<br />

Danielle Louise Allard<br />

Saulo Olmedo Evans<br />

Cultural Tours + Programs<br />

Pricing + bookings available online<br />



250.559.4643 . haidagwaiimuseum.ca<br />

250.559.7885 . haidaheritagecentre.com<br />

Winter Hours<br />

TUESDAY - SATURDAY 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM<br />

2 HG

Subscribe<br />

Get the <strong>HGT</strong> magazine delivered<br />

right to your post box and save<br />

10% off the retail price. On-island<br />

for one year (six issues): $35.10<br />

plus GST. Off-island (anywhere<br />

in Canada): $51.00 plus GST. US:<br />

$74.85 plus GST.<br />

Advertise<br />

Haida Gwaii Trader is committed<br />

to help spread the word of<br />

businesses of all sizes with<br />

affordable options for everyone.<br />

Rates start as low as $45 per<br />

month plus GST.<br />

Submit<br />

We welcome you to send us your<br />

family-oriented stories, news,<br />

illustrations, cartoons, poems,<br />

etc., for publishing consideration.<br />

Contact Information<br />

Phone: 250-557-2088<br />

Email: info@haidagwaiitrader.<br />

com<br />

Mail: PO Box 313, Port Clements,<br />

BC V0T 1R0<br />

Website: haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

<br />

Deadline for MarApril/24 issue<br />

Content we layout: Feb 10 th<br />

<strong>2024</strong>.<br />

Classifieds and print ready<br />

submissions: Feb 20 th <strong>2024</strong>.<br />

Haida place names as per the<br />

This is Haida Gwaii Kaats’ii hla |<br />

Káats’a hlaa <strong>2024</strong> publication.<br />

The views and opinions expressed<br />

by the various authors do not<br />

necessarily reflect the opinions,<br />

beliefs or viewpoints of Haida<br />

Gwaii Trader. © <strong>2024</strong> Haida<br />

Gwaii Trader. All rights reserved.<br />

Prefer a digital copy? Scan here<br />

for the <strong>HGT</strong> Ezine!<br />

Features<br />

8<br />

Affordable Housing<br />

A Critical Local Need<br />

24<br />

Winter Wellness<br />

Staving off the Gloom<br />

28<br />

‘Round and About<br />

Laughter, Family and Culture –<br />

The Best Medicine<br />

Also In This Issue<br />

Dear Huckleberry ................................... 6<br />

A Naturalist’s Almanac ......................... 7<br />

Swiilawiid .............................................. 10<br />

Gwaii Animal Helpline ........................ 11<br />

Haida Gwaii Local Foods Project ........ 12<br />

Gwaii Trust ........................................... 14<br />

Haida Gwaii Eats .................................. 18<br />

All Things Music .................................. 20<br />

Helping Hands ...................................... 23<br />

On the Cover: Rennell Sound divers Alex Baylak (L)<br />

and Olivia Armstrong | PC Tess Hedderich<br />

Plus image: Kenneth Williams (L), Jana McLeod<br />

and wee ones, Kwai McLeod-Miller (L) and Autumn<br />

Richardson-McLeod<br />

Puzzle Page ........................................... 29<br />

Kids' Musings ....................................... 30<br />

Science Corner ...................................... 31<br />

Horoscope .............................................. 32<br />

Classifieds .............................................. 33<br />

Tide Tables ............................................. 42<br />

Community Calendar ........................... 43<br />

<strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 3

Our Valued Contributors<br />

Haida Gwaii<br />

Trader Values<br />

<strong>HGT</strong> commits to the Truth and<br />

Reconciliation’s Call to Action<br />

#85: continuing to develop<br />

media initiatives that inform<br />

and educate the Canadian<br />

public, and connect the Haida<br />

people and fellow islanders.<br />


We proudly serve the<br />

unceded traditional territory<br />

of the Haida Nation along<br />

with all those who live,<br />

work and play on Haida<br />

Gwaii. We offer affordable<br />

advertising for all local<br />

businesses and exemplary<br />

off-island businesses whose<br />

products and/or services are<br />

in limited, local supply.<br />

UNITED<br />

Our focus is to build,<br />

maintain and enhance<br />

bridges between the Haida<br />

people and fellow islanders<br />

of all ages, genders and<br />

income, between nature and<br />

humanity, and between spirit<br />

and ego.<br />


We support basic,<br />

equitable needs shared<br />

by all, including social<br />

sustainability, clean air,<br />

water and energy, affordable<br />

housing, wellness, and<br />

nutritious, locally produced<br />

food.<br />

Lin Armstrong loves reading,<br />

writing, jigsaws, theatre, sports<br />

and volunteering at the Thrift<br />

Store. She lives in Daajing Giids<br />

with hubby Jack and cat Lady<br />

Bean. armstrongs@haidagwaii.ca<br />

Jasmine Beachy is a wife and<br />

proud mother of two active<br />

boys. She is a local StrongStart<br />

facilitator and has lived in Wáan<br />

Kún Port Clements for 15 years.<br />

jasmine970@hotmail.com<br />

Monica Caulfield, a professional<br />

astrologer since 2007, is passionate<br />

about helping people develop tools<br />

of awareness and purpose in life.<br />

sageadvisor2u@gmail.com<br />

Stu Crawford is an ecologist<br />

who lives in Masset and enjoys<br />

learning, eating things, and<br />

exploring Haida Gwaii.<br />

stu.crawford@gmail.com<br />

Margo Hearne is a 46-year<br />

Masset resident, naturalist and<br />

writer. She uses her skills to build<br />

things. hecatebird@gmail.com<br />

Behind the Scenes<br />

Shellene Patience<br />

Owner<br />

Editor in Chief<br />

shellene.patience@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Claude Adams<br />

Assistant Editor<br />

assistant.editor@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Dear Huckleberry, an observer<br />

of human conduct and love<br />

interactions, is passionate about<br />

finding creative ways to navigate<br />

love, friendships and familiar<br />

relationships.<br />

dearhuckleberry.hgt@gmail.com<br />

Jana McLeod has lived on Haida<br />

Gwaii all her life. She’s a mother to<br />

8 and grandma to 7. Writing, and<br />

making people laugh keeps her<br />

grounded.<br />

ja_mcleod@hotmail.com<br />

Rosemary “Ro” Millham is<br />

a retired university professor,<br />

geologist, NASA scientist and<br />

educator. She enjoys the peace,<br />

beauty, people and nature of<br />

Haida Gwaii and loves taking<br />

her dog for walks on the beach.<br />

ro.rosemary@gmail.com<br />

Jamie McDonald<br />

Events Manager<br />

Contributing Writer<br />

events.manager@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Terri-Lynne Penner<br />

Administrative Assistant<br />

Classifieds & Subscriptions Manager<br />

info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Graphic Design and Desktop Publishing Team: Direct Design & Andre Favron<br />

IT: Northern Rogue Technologies Inc., JAMAXX Web Design, Direct Design<br />

Bookkeeper: J. Pigeon Bookkeeping & Accounting<br />

4 HG

Letter From the Editor<br />

Looking Forward, Looking Back<br />

By Shellene Patience<br />

Here we are, dear readers: a new year… whoo hoo! Yet another opportunity for<br />

fresh beginnings. Yes, these are days just like any other days that roll along<br />

in time, but there’s no denying that every new year feels, well, new. ‘Out<br />

with the old, in with the new,’ as the saying goes. I think an upgrade<br />

is in order. How about, ‘Learn from the old and steward the new’?<br />

On December 6th 2023, the last of my grandparents, my beloved<br />

maternal grandmother, passed away just a few months following<br />

her one-hundred birthday. I was blessed to have the support<br />

(thank you, háw’aa to my family, <strong>HGT</strong> Team and understanding<br />

customers) to travel off-island and spend time with my grandma<br />

during her last days. Although it was heartbreaking to say goodbye,<br />

her transition was, for the most part, swift and smooth. She<br />

lived a full life and family meant everything to her.<br />

A profoundly valued chapter now closed, at the age of fifty-six,<br />

I am for the first time in my life grand parentless. How blessed<br />

I’ve been to have benefited from their wisdom, kinship, kindness<br />

and so much love.<br />

Born in the early 1900s, all of my grandparents were hard-working,<br />

blue-collar survivors of two world wars and the same number<br />

of global pandemics. For them, a successful life meant you owned a<br />

roof over your head as well as having a bounty of homegrown, hunted,<br />

harvested and preserved food in the pantry, enough to last through the<br />

winter, and savings to retire on. If they were lucky, they might have enough<br />

put away to do some globe-trotting. For fun, they gathered often with family,<br />

friends and neighbours.<br />

Today, many aspects of our “modern” world are coming full circle. Affordable<br />

housing, whether you own it or not, and food security are back to being top<br />

of mind. Travel is no longer a given and the banes of the virtual world are<br />

making in-person interactions significantly resurgent.<br />

May <strong>2024</strong> find rising numbers of humans listening attentively to the wise<br />

whispers of their ancestors, healing with and stewarding nature, transcending<br />

via art and music and elevating their spirits with deepened human connections.<br />

This year is said to be the beginning of a game-changing and transformative<br />

time in history. Rise up and unite, lightworkers – people who are dedicated<br />

to spreading love, positivity and healing energy to the world. Everyone, join<br />

in. Why, for goodness sake not?<br />

Final moments,<br />

Grandma and Shellene<br />

One foot gently in front<br />

of the other,<br />

Shellene Patience<br />

<strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 5


Dear Huckleberry is an advice column aiming to use a bit of sound advice to<br />

nurture healing and growth, while hopefully making you laugh a little too. This<br />

column is not a substitute for working with a licensed counsellor. Please seek<br />

professional help if you are struggling.<br />

Dear Huckleberry,<br />

I recently started dating someone who lives far away.<br />

We have a lot in common, both of us are in our 50s,<br />

have grown kids, and we are both widowers. Our<br />

relationship is new but exciting, however I know<br />

nothing about what I am doing or how to keep<br />

this relationship or move it forward. Any advice?<br />

– Need to Know<br />

Dear Need to Know, a new love is always a<br />

beautiful opportunity to explore new parts of you<br />

and take chances. Long distance relationships can<br />

be scary and hard, but the secret is not to focus on<br />

the “long distance” part of it all too much, instead<br />

focus on what is going on when you are connecting.<br />

Are you enjoying yourselves? Do you feel your emotional<br />

needs are being met? Remember if the distance<br />

is too much there are always planes to take and<br />

moves to make, but that is only worth it if during<br />

the time apart you both see the relationship growing.<br />

It doesn’t matter where on this planet you are.<br />

As long as you have the same goals, looking at the<br />

same future and taking steps in that direction, you<br />

are already moving forward.<br />

Dear Huckleberry,<br />

What advice could you give to a teenager going<br />

through her very first heartbreak? My daughter<br />

won’t listen to me, since when her dad and I got<br />

divorced I couldn’t handle it well, so I’m hoping at<br />

least she can hear your advice on how to get over it<br />

and move on. – Anxious Parent<br />

Dear Anxious Parent, we all cope differently<br />

with heartache. Your daughter may not have agreed<br />

with the way you did your divorce, but it was the<br />

way you knew how and as you move forward you<br />

will see that you handled it the way you needed to.<br />

Now when it comes to giving advice to a teenager I<br />

will tell you, don’t take it personally, one of the key<br />

characteristics of puberty is the search for independence<br />

both physically and mentally.<br />

She will do what she thinks is best and all you can<br />

do to help is show her a better way by example.<br />

Dear Huckleberry,<br />

I know this guy, he is really good guy and a great<br />

friend, but sometimes he can be a bit rude or out of<br />

place. I think he means well most of the time, but<br />

he can make people around him uncomfortable. I<br />

tried distancing myself, but it felt wrong because he<br />

doesn’t even think when he does it, so I don’t know<br />

how to handle situations around him and I would<br />

appreciate any advice. - Perplexed<br />

We think we choose our friends, dearest Perplexed,<br />

but honestly, I think people come into our lives<br />

because they have something to teach us or learn<br />

from us. And in between we either learn to love them<br />

or dislike them. This guy, you love. Maybe he is in<br />

your life to show you that some people are raised<br />

differently, that sometimes someone’s intentions are<br />

just as important as their actions, or that everyone<br />

has room to improve and may need guidance.<br />

And maybe you are in his life to give guidance, or<br />

just accept him as he is.<br />

Have a letter you would like to submit for consideration? Email dearhuckleberry.hgt@gmail.com or send via mail<br />

to Dear Huckleberry c/o Haida Gwaii Trader, PO Box 313, Port Clements, BC V0T 1R0. Do explain your full<br />

situation - unlimited text – but also include a 100-word maximum overview question. If your submission is chosen,<br />

only the overview question will be published.<br />

6 HG

A Naturalist’s Almanac<br />

Evening Shadows – The Stirrings of Winter<br />

Article and photos by Margo Hearne<br />

Autumn slipped slowly into Haida<br />

Gwaii this year; golden leaves<br />

remained where they had fallen for<br />

a few weeks before the southeasters<br />

swept them away. Winter birds are<br />

back and the wind is rising. El Nino is<br />

expected to bring mild, wet weather.<br />

Rain is so much softer in a mild winter<br />

and birds are happier.<br />

Dabbling ducks swim across Delkatla<br />

Wildlife Sanctuary, the Yakoun Estuary,<br />

Bearskin Bay, Shingle Bay and<br />

other coastal wetlands. Those little<br />

diving ducks the Buffleheads have<br />

returned and a Peregrine Falcon calls<br />

from the high trees. A Sharp-shinned<br />

Hawk chases the jays. Things are back<br />

to normal, as in Shakespeare’s Macbeth:<br />

“light thickens and the crow<br />

makes wing to the rooky wood”<br />

Despite the early nightfall, dogs still<br />

have to be walked before bedtime. It’s<br />

a good excuse to see if there’s any evening<br />

activity. Around 9 pm recently<br />

a flock of swans flew overhead; their<br />

lonely trumpet call echoed over the<br />

town as they came in low and might<br />

have landed in the sanctuary. Otters<br />

splash in the dark water beneath the<br />

bridge. Our small terrier cross Fintan<br />

has a big ego and small brain and will<br />

attack anything. He has to be kept on<br />

a short leash when crossing the bridge<br />

and when near the trails that lead<br />

from the forest to the water. The trails<br />

are made by otters or raccoons and<br />

either animal would make short work<br />

of him. It’s a risky business walking<br />

a small dog when otters are around;<br />

on two occasions this fall dogs were<br />

attacked as they romped innocently<br />

near the water. The otters have killed<br />

more than one small pooch over time.<br />

One mid-winter night when out with<br />

doggy Fergus a Peregrine Falcon<br />

downed a Mallard and landed with<br />

it under the streetlights.<br />

One can hear the<br />

owls call about<br />

every mile or so.<br />

On quiet moonlit nights the tiny<br />

Saw-whet Owl often calls across<br />

Masset Inlet. The still water reflects<br />

the sound for quite a distance. They<br />

also call behind the villages; when<br />

out for an evening walk one can hear<br />

the owls call about every mile or so.<br />

There are more Saw-whet Owls here<br />

than we realize; at least five called<br />

to one another along a trail through<br />

the trees during an evening survey.<br />

They don’t exactly ‘sing’ like a robin<br />

but call a quick ‘tik-tik-tik-tik-tik’ on<br />

the same pitch - a bit like a dripping<br />

tap. These little owls occur throughout<br />

North America; here they feed<br />

on seaweed racks on the beach at<br />

night and - spookily, silently - fly<br />

off if approached. They will also<br />

eat poisoned rats and die. The little<br />

night-birds are too precious to suffer<br />

like this. And so to Milton’s ‘Paradise<br />

Lost’. That gloomy English poet<br />

described the night as being ‘Mongst<br />

horrid shapes, and shrieks, and sights<br />

unholy/from out some uncouth cell/<br />

where brooding Darkness spreads<br />

his jealous wings/and the night-raven<br />

sings. He should have gone out<br />

more. The ‘shapes and shrieks and<br />

sights unholy’ were probably nothing<br />

more than foxes or badgers and<br />

the night-raven a Tawny Owl that<br />

called from a nearby copse. Despite<br />

the shivery sounds the night is not<br />

to be feared.<br />

Buffleheads<br />

Otters in<br />

Delkatla Wildlife Sanctuary<br />

Saw-whet owl in<br />

Centennial Park, Port Clements<br />

<strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 7

Affordable Housing<br />

A Critical Local Need<br />

Article and photos by Lin Armstrong<br />

We know Canada is not exempt from<br />

the world-wide housing crisis. And<br />

housing availability is also a major<br />

issue on these islands. Fortunately,<br />

the Daajing Giids Heritage Housing<br />

Society (DGHHS) and the Daajing<br />

Giids Housing Development Society<br />

(DGHDS) continue to take steps to try<br />

to mitigate the shortage of dwellings.<br />

DGHSS was incorporated in 1982 to<br />

provide affordable housing options.<br />

To that end, they operate a ten-unit<br />

apartment building for seniors and<br />

people with disabilities called Heritage<br />

House, a four-unit apartment<br />

building called Cedar Place and a<br />

19-unit supportive housing building<br />

called Kal Naay Alder House. The latter<br />

is owned by the province and operated<br />

by the DGHHS under contract.<br />

All three buildings are fully occupied<br />

and all have waiting lists. Turn-over<br />

is infrequent.<br />

Martin Manor, the four-apartment<br />

assisted-living building, is under the<br />

auspices of the DGHDS. Qualifying<br />

for Martin Manor requires an assessment<br />

by the Home Care case manager<br />

at Northern Health. An applicant has<br />

to meet specific criteria in order to be<br />

eligible. Here too, there is a waiting<br />

list.<br />

In 2018 the societies hired Co-Host, a<br />

facilitator’s collective providing strategic<br />

planning, with the objective of<br />

assessing current housing needs and<br />

supply and also to identify emerging<br />

housing needs and the anticipated<br />

affordable housing supply. Fully onethird<br />

of the interviewees said their<br />

Cedar Place<br />

8 HG

housing situation was precarious.<br />

Some responded they would have to<br />

move as their accommodation was up<br />

for sale and others said their rental<br />

was going to be turned into an Airbnb.<br />

Adding to the foreseeable shortage<br />

were a number of local dwellings being<br />

bought as holiday homes by people<br />

who do not live on Haida Gwaii.<br />

The big surprise was the number of<br />

people already homeless in the community.<br />

With the information provided by the<br />

survey, a comprehensive funding proposal<br />

was submitted to BC Housing<br />

for intake into the Community Housing<br />

Fund to build some more affordable<br />

housing units. The new development<br />

would be called Yew Wood Place<br />

in Daajing Giids. The government has<br />

yet to respond to the request.<br />

The societies are only able to meet<br />

your housing needs within their own<br />

housing portfolio. If you are planning<br />

to request accommodation from either<br />

society, you need to add yourself<br />

to a list. To be added to the DGHHS<br />

or DGHDS lists, you can obtain an<br />

application at dghousingsocieties.org<br />

or email admin@dghousingsocieties.<br />

org or you can request an application<br />

from 778-260-4630, Monday to Friday,<br />

nine to noon. The application must be<br />

mailed to Box 84, Daajing Giids, V0T<br />

1S0. For more information, access the<br />

webpage noted above.<br />

Heritage House<br />

<strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 9

10 HG

Gwaii Animal Helpline<br />

Supporting Lifelong Connections<br />

Submitted by the Gwaii Animal Helpline Society<br />

In 2021, several individuals who are<br />

committed to improving the lives<br />

of companion animals in Haida<br />

Gwaii established the Gwaii Animal<br />

Helpline Society. In 2022, the Society<br />

gained charity status and established a<br />

charitable fund under the Haida Gwaii<br />

Community Foundation.<br />

One of the most challenging situations<br />

that some guardians encounter<br />

is when life circumstances change and<br />

they can no longer care for their companion<br />

animal. We understand this is<br />

an extremely stressful and emotional<br />

situation. Our hope is that if you need<br />

to surrender your animal, you can trust<br />

us to match your companion to a new<br />

loving home. Our preferred approach<br />

is to provide support to current guardians<br />

who are struggling to care for their<br />

companion animal(s) to improve the<br />

life of both guardian and companion<br />

animal. Support comes in the form of<br />

guidance, information sharing, referrals,<br />

and/or special financial assistance<br />

programs. If none of these options are<br />

viable, adoption is the next best outcome<br />

for companion animals who<br />

cannot remain or be returned to their<br />

original guardians.<br />

Grow your business with Community Futures.<br />

Support and Funding are available now!<br />

Connect with your local Community Futures<br />

office to learn how Taking Care of Business<br />

can unlock a wealth of training resources<br />

- and funding - to help your business grow<br />

and thrive.<br />

Haida Gwaii Community Futures<br />

250-626-5594<br />

Visit: TakingCareOfBusiness.biz<br />

Companion Animals up for Adoption<br />

250-559-8561<br />

31857 Hwy 16<br />

in Tll.aal Tlell<br />

Tika<br />

Tika is a very sweet 8-month-old kitten<br />

who loves her food, treats and playtime.<br />

Playtime is a favourite interaction<br />

and she’ll keep you on your toes.<br />

Mocha<br />

The lovely Mocha is a bit shy at<br />

first but warms up in short order. 8<br />

months old, spayed and vaccinated.<br />

Would one or both fine young ladies be a welcome addition to your family? If<br />

so, complete a cat matching application on our website found under the “Programs<br />

and Services” tab.<br />

The Gwaii Animal Helpline Society (GAHS) is a BC registered charity<br />

located in Haida Gwaii, which is the unceded territory of the Haida<br />

Nation. We are solely volunteer run. Our primary mandate is to<br />

support and encourage humane treatment of abandoned, surrendered,<br />

injured, or neglected companion animals who need human<br />

assistance. For more info, check out our website at www.gwaiianimalhelpline.com,<br />

email gwaiianimalhelpline@gmail.com or message us<br />

on Facebook/Gwaii Animal Helpline.<br />

<strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 11



Food Security Champions – A Winning Food Drive<br />

Article by Claude Adams<br />

As the driving force behind the latest<br />

annual Skidegate Cram the Cruiser<br />

food drive, Michelle McDonald is<br />

probably Haida Gwaii’s most strategic<br />

shopper. Because every year, Michelle,<br />

a Skidegate Band (SBC) councillor<br />

widely known as Missy, is tasked with<br />

raising thousands of dollars for the<br />

campaign, and stretching each dollar<br />

as far as it will go.<br />

This past holiday season, Michelle<br />

raised $15,100 for food that found<br />

its way to the local food banks, two<br />

schools, the Skidegate Daycare Program,<br />

an adult day program and Kal<br />

Naay Alder House, a supportive housing<br />

facility in Daajing Giids, collectively<br />

helping feed between 600 and<br />

700 islanders over the holiday.<br />

Cram the Cruiser Team: (L-R) Cst Logan Gunn, Cst Stephen Adams, PSE Bev<br />

Yovanovich, SBC Councillor Missy McDonald, Haico Reps Tisha Hill and Jeff Mosher,<br />

Cpl Jeff Lance, Fishery office Steve Lawrence and Chase Edwards and Cst Derek Murray.<br />

12 HG

R<br />

G<br />

A<br />

A<br />

S<br />

their children so we made sure they<br />

got exactly what they wanted: cheeses<br />

and meat and fruit for the kids. The<br />

dinner but no lunches so we gave them<br />

stews and chilis and the like, anything<br />

that they could heat up in their micro-<br />

Michelle headed a Cram the Cruiser<br />

team that included the Skidegate<br />

Co-op, the local RCMP, Department of<br />

Fisheries and Oceans, the local Con-<br />


same way with the Food Bank . . . okay waves. . . the high schools wanted a<br />

servation officer and the Skidegate let’s fill your freezer full of meat, deer full turkey dinner for everybody, so<br />

Band. Bev Yovanovich, detachment<br />

FOODS<br />

and halibut, everything<br />


they need, as we provided everything including the<br />

clerk of the Daajing Giids RCMP, was much as possible local (food).” drinks.”<br />

a key member of the team that helped<br />

“We loaded Alder House with lunch In the end, this impressively bountiful<br />

deliver the food and organize related<br />

stuff because they get breakfast and food drive not only feeds the hungry<br />

events.<br />

but also fosters a spirit of generosity,<br />

Haida Gwaii Farmers’ Markets 2022<br />

“Our objective,” Michelle says, “is to<br />

says Michelle, who is also a director of<br />

make sure all meal programs are full Okay, let’s fill the Food Bank. “I’ve seen us go from<br />

of food, healthy food, and to make<br />

your freezer full<br />

50 people to up to 100 and something,<br />

sure A farmer’s it impacts market as is many more people than just as a possible<br />

share from some any relaxing demographic, time with friends whether and neighbours, of to meat. savor some . local . . culture, and to out contribute for a short to the time, community’s they came economy. back<br />

cornucopia local food, plants, artisan handicrafts and other people bounty. who It’s have also been an occasion down and to<br />

it’s And a small you might infant even all get the to enjoy way a to hot an meal! Haida Gwaii has four such markets, three on and Graham gave Island, me a and cash one donation, Moresby and<br />

Elder.”<br />

Island, so most of us are only – minutes Michelle away from an enriching weekly said experience. thank you for helping them get<br />

through a tough time.”<br />

The secret is creative fund-raising that “Missy” McDonald<br />

begins in the Masset summer, Market- reaching Make it! out<br />

Bake it! Grow it!<br />

Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte Farmers’ Market<br />

to off-island contributors—mostly<br />

Date/Time: Fridays, 11am-2pm, year-round<br />

Date/Time: Saturdays, 11am—2pm, year-round<br />

mainland companies Location: that Across do business from the HG Co-op, 1575 Main<br />

(with a short break around Christmas/<strong>January</strong>).<br />

every year with Street the SBC. in Masset. In large part,<br />

Location: Gather, 223 Oceanview Drive, Daajing<br />

says Michelle, they prefer to remain<br />

Giids.<br />

anonymous. What we offer: Locally “I plan grown everything. and prepared The foods including vegetables,<br />

greens and<br />

contributors know<br />

microgreens,<br />

they will<br />

eggs,<br />

get a<br />

preserves,<br />

letter<br />

from me by the summertime, then<br />

ferments, baked What we offer: You’ll find delicious baked treats of all kinds,<br />

goods and treats, plant starts and seedlings, cut flowers, mushrooms<br />

and berries are available in season. Locally handcrafted rooms, locally harvested kelp products, and more!<br />

locally grown fresh produce, gorgeous flowers, foraged mush-<br />

I tell them I need to start shopping at<br />

items include soap and body products, jewellery, pottery, and<br />

sales in the fall, so they know what my<br />

knitted, painted, felted and beach-combed treasures and more! Contact: Heidi Archer, Market Manager / queencharlottemarket@gmail.com<br />

/ Instagram: @qc_market / Facebook: @<br />

final<br />

Delicious<br />

dollar<br />

hot<br />

figure<br />

lunches<br />

is.”<br />

are a new regular feature at the market.<br />

Only three contributors are based<br />

QueenCharlotteFarmersMarket<br />

on Contact: Haida Natalie Gwaii: Affolter Guppy’s / 250-626-9181 Trucking / massetmarket@gmail.<br />

Co, com which is Michelle’s family busi-<br />

Moresby Artisan Market (K’il Kun Sandspit)<br />

ness, HaiCo (The Haida Enterprise<br />

Date/Time: Sundays, 11am-1pm, starting Sunday,<br />

June 12, 2022, through mid-September<br />

Co.), and the social Tll.aal assistance Tlell Farmers’ depart-<br />

Market<br />

ment of the Skidegate Date/Time: Band Sundays, Council. 11am—2pm, starting June<br />

Location: In front of ALM Elementary School,<br />

She doesn’t solicit 5, 2022, island until the companies last week of October.<br />

406 Copper Bay Road<br />

“because I didn’t Location: want to Highway tax communities<br />

the Tlell here Fire when Hall. Look they for are the hurting.” giant carrot!<br />

What we offer: Baked goods, occasional fresh produce, art by<br />

16, behind and to the left of<br />

local kids, pottery, handmade sea salt and soaps, sewing, photography<br />

and more!<br />

With What we donations offer: Spring in greens, hand, hot she lunch does items, farm fresh eggs,<br />

bulk baked food goods, buying, jams and looking jellies, canning, for sales sourdough bread, kombucha,<br />

stocking strawberry, up on raspberry, items with rhubarb a long and currant seedlings and Contact: Kelsey Kricheldorf / moresbymarket@gmail.com /<br />

and<br />

shelf much life. more! She also works to fill specific<br />

Facebook: @MoresbyMarket<br />

needs. “At the (Skidegate) Daycare, a<br />

lot Contact: of the Marylynn parents don’t Hunt have / 250-559-8282 enough / stmarysspring@<br />

money gmail.com to / send Facebook: healthy Tlell snacks Farmers with Market Food security champs, Bev Yovanovich (L) and Missy McDonald<br />

Thank You HGLFP Sponsors, QC Farmers’ Market, Moresby Market, and<br />

M<br />

I S<br />

L<br />

A<br />

N<br />

D<br />

E<br />

A<br />

S<br />

T<br />

H<br />

A<br />

FARM ERS'<br />


C<br />

O<br />

T<br />

FARM ERS'<br />

To become a sponsor or for more info call 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

<strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 13

What is the Haida Gwaii Community Foundation?<br />

The Haida Gwaii Community Foundation (HGCF) was<br />

established by the Gwaii Trust Society in the fall of 2016<br />

as an opportunity to receive funds and issue tax receipts<br />

to donors.<br />

There are three funds currently accepting donations:<br />

Carl Hart Legacy Fund<br />

Launched in 2016, the Carl Hart Legacy Fund is building<br />

an endowment to support youth-oriented programs at<br />

Rediscovery T’aalan Stl’ang in perpetuity. Rediscovery<br />

gives young people on Haida Gwaii a chance to reconnect<br />

with the land, their culture and their communities.<br />

Gwaii Trust has agreed to match the first $250,000 in<br />

donations.<br />

Gwaii Animal Helpline Fund<br />

The Gwaii Animal Helpline Fund was launched in<br />

November, 2023. Donations support the well-being of<br />

companion animals on Haida Gwaii on a long-term<br />

basis. Gwaii Trust has agreed to match the first $50,000<br />

in donations.<br />

Welcome Our New Chief Operations Officer<br />

Hello, my name is Latasha Williams. My Haida name is Chaaw Salee Jaadaas (Beach<br />

Girl), given to me by the late Naanii Mary Swanson. I am from the Sangalth Sdast’a.aas<br />

Eagle Clan. I was born and raised here on Haida Gwaii. I reside in Masset with my husband,<br />

our three sons, two dogs, and two kittens. I am very privileged to be able to raise<br />

my family in their culture, surrounded by friends, family, and the beaches.<br />

My goal is to continue<br />

with the<br />

work of enhancing<br />

the quality of life<br />

in all communities<br />

on Haida Gwaii.<br />

14 HG<br />

I left for Victoria, BC at the age of 17 to pursue my post-secondary<br />

dreams of getting educated so I could return home<br />

to make a positive impact. I completed areas in: Exercise and<br />

Wellness, Indigenous Family Support, Indigenous Studies,<br />

and Sport Management.<br />

Shortly after moving back home in 2014, I started working<br />

at the Youth Centre, under the Old Massett Health Centre/<br />

Niislaa Naay Healing House Society. After almost a decade of<br />

connecting with families, hosting community events, and helping to eliminate barriers<br />

within our community, I felt ready to bring my passions to a grander platform.<br />

General Fund<br />

Donations made to the General Fund are unrestricted<br />

and used at the discretion of the Board of Directors to<br />

meet future priorities and ever-changing needs in our<br />

community. Past donations have gone to support medical<br />

travel for Haida Gwaii residents through Hope Air.<br />

In addition, the Foundation houses the Green Shield<br />

Canada Community Impact Fund. Launched in 2022,<br />

the fund invests in local organizations dedicated to<br />

improving oral and mental health on Haida Gwaii. This<br />

includes an investment of $290,000 for flow-through<br />

granting over two years (2022-<strong>2024</strong>), as well as a permanent<br />

endowment of $200,000.<br />

Are you interested in establishing a new fund with the<br />

Haida Gwaii Community Foundation? Visit our website<br />

at gwaiitrust.com/about/hgcf for more information,<br />

or contact Carla Lutner at carla.lutner@gwaiitrust.com /<br />

250 559 5807.<br />

It is an honour to be the new Chief Operations Officer at the Gwaii Trust Society. Their values align perfectly with<br />

mine, both personally and professionally. My goal is to continue with the work of enhancing the quality of life in all<br />

communities on Haida Gwaii.

Haawa, Haw’aa, Thank You!<br />

In less than two weeks you helped raise over $25,000 for the<br />

Gwaii Animal Helpline Fund!<br />

But wait, it’s not over! Donate now and we’ll<br />

continue to match your donations, up to a total<br />

of $50,000.<br />

gwaiitrust.com/about/hgcf<br />

<strong>2024</strong> Grant Updates<br />


Youth Grant<br />

Youth Centred Communities<br />

Major Contributions<br />

Food Sovereignty<br />

Arts Grant*<br />

Community Innovation<br />


Continuing Education<br />

Travel Assistance Grant<br />

Community Events<br />

Winter Holiday<br />

Feb 1, Oct 1 by 11:59pm<br />

April 1 by 11:59pm<br />

March 1 by 11:59pm<br />

March 1 by 11:59pm<br />

June 1, Oct 1 by 11:59pm<br />

Feb 1, April 1, June 1, Sept 1, Nov 1, by 11:59pm<br />

Applications accepted throughout the year<br />

Applications accepted throughout the year<br />

Applications accepted throughout the year until Dec 1 by 11:59pm<br />

Applications accepted throughout the year until Dec 1 by 11:59pm<br />

For more information or to apply for funding, contact our office or visit www.gwaiitrust.com/grants<br />

*deadline subject to change<br />


The Major Contributions Grant is designed to support larger projects in community infrastructure and planning. Our<br />

goal is to help build safer, healthier, and more attractive communities. Major Contributions is designed to help enhance<br />

the lives of all islanders and make our island a more desirable place to live, work, play and visit. The maximum<br />

application amount has been updated to $200,000 for <strong>2024</strong>.<br />


In <strong>2024</strong>, individuals or organizations with overdue grant reporting, where an extension has not been approved, will<br />

need to finalize their reporting before they can apply for a new grant.<br />


Travel Assistance & Continuing Education: Open throughout the year, visit gwaiitrust.com for details<br />

Youth Grant: Feb 1 by 11:59pm<br />

Community Innovation: Feburary 1 by 11:59pm<br />

Major Contributions: March 1 by 11:59pm<br />

Food Sovereignty: March 1 by 11:59pm<br />

gwaiitrust.com<br />

1 800 663 2388<br />

<strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 15

$83<br />

$88/mo.<br />

$98<br />

$108/mo.<br />

$108<br />

$138/mo.<br />

Fibre-optic services are live in<br />

HlGaagilda Skidegate, Masset<br />

and Gaw Tlagée Old Massett!<br />

Quantum 100<br />

Symmetrical<br />

• Save $5/month<br />

on a 2-year<br />

commitment<br />

Quantum 500<br />

Symmetrical<br />

• Save $10/month<br />

on a 2-year<br />

commitment<br />

Quantum Gigabit<br />

Symmetrical<br />

• Save $30/month<br />

on a 2-year<br />

commitment<br />

Sign up for a 2-year<br />

Internet commitment and<br />

SAVE UP TO $30/MONTH!<br />

• Up to 100Mbps<br />

download and<br />

upload speed<br />

• Up to 500Mbps<br />

download and<br />

upload speed<br />

• Up to 1,000Mbps<br />

download and<br />

upload speed<br />


Add Stream TV and home phone<br />

services to save even more!<br />

*Prices subject to change without notice.<br />

Terms and conditions apply.<br />

16 HG



Article and photos submitted by Haida House at Tll.aal<br />

The Xaayda Gud Ad Is Naay conference room at<br />

the Haida House has been host to many on-island<br />

meetings, retreats, and functions over the<br />

years. It also brings large groups of off-islanders<br />

for conferences and events being that Haida<br />

Gwaii has so much to offer in terms of culture,<br />

science, wellness, you name it.<br />

The large windows filtering in natural light, offering<br />

panoramic views of the lush surroundings,<br />

creates an inspiring atmosphere. A serene setting<br />

guaranteed to generate creative thoughts,<br />

offer the perfect backdrop for meditative moments,<br />

and is a quiet, soothing, calming space to<br />

retreat.<br />

This beautiful, flexible space can accommodate<br />

up to 35 people seated and is spacious enough<br />

to use for practising yoga or hosting a masterclass<br />

and workshop. Being centrally located, it is<br />

the ideal place to gather individuals from either<br />

end of the island and provides an opportunity<br />

for a mini, on-island getaway for your attendees<br />

if they desire to stay in the lodge or longhouse<br />

While the conference room is available yearround,<br />

the best time to book the space is in<br />

the off-season, over the late fall to early spring<br />

months. During this time, the guest-free lodge<br />

has plenty of areas available for breakout sessions<br />

or conference amenities. Use the private<br />

bar room to do the critical thinking; escape to<br />

the riverbanks or orchard for a fun teambuilding<br />

exercise; head to the back courtyard for a<br />

stretch in the afternoon sun; turn two of the<br />

lodge rooms into massage therapy treatment<br />

spaces for your attendees, like other retreats<br />

have done in the past.<br />

No need to fret about food either as we can<br />

accommodate buffet-style meals, grazing tables<br />

for snacking, and all the coffee and tea<br />

services necessary to keep your audiences alert<br />

and engaged. We are open for bookings now.<br />

Contact the team at the Haida House via email:<br />

info@haidahouse.com or phone the local number<br />

250.557.4600 to host your next event in our<br />

Xaayda Gud Ad Is Naay conference room.<br />



<strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 17

Haida Gwaii Eats<br />

Belly-Warming Carrot Soup<br />

Article and photos by Jamie McDonald<br />

One local produce that is available year-round (thanks to the Mennonites on-island) is carrots! If you went to the<br />

grocery store and came home with a beautiful bunch of carrots, then this soup recipe is for you. It is easy to make<br />

and great for warming up on cold winter nights. Its delicious creamy texture will please everybody’s palate!<br />

Ingredients<br />

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil<br />

1/2 medium yellow onion, chopped<br />

1/2 teaspoon sea salt (or to taste)<br />

3 garlic cloves, smashed<br />

1 pound carrots, roughly chopped<br />

1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger*<br />

1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar or lemon juice<br />

3 cups vegetable or chicken broth<br />

freshly ground black pepper (to taste)<br />

1 teaspoon maple syrup, optional<br />

½ cup coconut milk, optional<br />

Tip for peeling fresh ginger: I always keep fresh ginger in my freezer and use<br />

the back of a spoon to scrape off the peel – it discards less of the ginger than<br />

peeling with a knife and is easy!<br />

18 HG<br />

Instructions<br />

1. Heat the oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add the onions, salt<br />

and pepper and cook until softened, stirring occasionally, about 8 minutes.<br />

Add the smashed garlic cloves (they’ll get blended later) and carrots<br />

and cook 8 minutes more, stirring occasionally.<br />

2. Stir in the ginger, apple cider vinegar, and broth. Bring to a boil, then<br />

reduce the heat and simmer for 30 minutes.<br />

3. Let cool slightly and transfer to a blender or use an immersion blender.<br />

Blend until smooth. If your soup is too thick, add a little water or coconut<br />

milk. If you would like your soup a little sweeter, add the maple syrup.<br />

4. Serve with a drizzle of coconut milk, if desired.<br />

Enjoy this great soup with some freshly baked biscuits or fried bread!

Newly renovated pub with waterfront patio!<br />

Casual & Fine Dining • Full Bar with Beer on Tap<br />

Live Entertainment • Sports & Themed Events<br />

Daily Drink Specials • Happy Hour Every Day 3pm-5pm<br />

Take-out • Off Sales • Lotto & ATM Machine • Shuttle Bus<br />

Check out our Facebook & Instagram pages for up to<br />

date info or call 250-626-7939<br />

theaxeandanchorpub@gmail.com<br />

Located at 117 Bayview Drive, Port Clements<br />

<strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 19

All Things Music<br />

By Jamie McDonald<br />

Möbius<br />

Saltation is the debut album from<br />

Haida Gwaii-based alternative rock<br />

trio Möbius. Touching on sounds<br />

from grunge, prog and classic rock,<br />

the album explores both the beauty<br />

and darkness of modern human<br />

growth. It examines how we evolve,<br />

and how increasingly complex systems<br />

hinder our ability to control<br />

our own trajectory. Through a combination<br />

of expansive soundscapes,<br />

punchy rhythms, and driving jams,<br />

songs touch on themes of environmentalism,<br />

industrialization, and<br />

existentialism.<br />

The majority of the songs were written<br />

and developed in the early phase<br />

of the pandemic, but the album was<br />

recorded from late 2021 to mid-2023.<br />

All recording, editing, mixing and<br />

mastering was done locally on Haida<br />

Gwaii. Listeners will notice the opening<br />

and closing tracks in Saltation<br />

share a motif, interpreted in different<br />

ways. We can be one of the many particles<br />

carried as the surface beneath<br />

us changes shape, or we can leverage<br />

this chaos, finding novel avenues to<br />

adapt and find balance. The album<br />

is available on all music streaming<br />

services (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.),<br />

and available for digital purchase on<br />

Bandcamp. CDs are also available,<br />

currently stocked at Funk It and<br />

Which 3rd Ave Bookstore in Daajing<br />

Giids. If you’d like to have a CD sent<br />

to you, reach out to the band on Facebook<br />

or Instagram @musicofmobius<br />

- support local music! The lead single<br />

from the album Run was released<br />

December 1, with an accompanying<br />

music video produced by local film<br />

maker Josiah Fennell. Check it out on<br />

the Möbius YouTube channel!<br />

20 HG<br />

Möbius<br />

PC Josiah Fennell<br />

Stills from the Run music video

Minstrel<br />

Cramps<br />

Years in the making, the Minstrel<br />

Cramps’ first album oscillates in tone<br />

from somber reflection to manic calls<br />

to action. Teeth is studded with songs<br />

that embrace the strange and absurd<br />

nuances that make us human. Ranging<br />

from bluesy pagan funk to wild<br />

guttural grunge, potent lyrics question<br />

the current state of our world and<br />

dredge answers from within and without:<br />

through finding solace in nature,<br />

dismantling systems of oppression,<br />

challenging gender and sexual norms,<br />

and finding joy in the murkiest mires.<br />

The new album is available for listening<br />

or downloading on Bandcamp.<br />

Carsen Gray<br />

Carsen was approached by Christopher<br />

Auchter to sing a song in his<br />

The Minstrel Cramps<br />

new feature-length documentary The<br />

Stand. “He felt I was the right person<br />

to sing a song for a particular scene,“<br />

says Carsen. “I was SO excited and<br />

grateful that Chris wanted to have me<br />

sing on his film for such a powerful<br />

scene.” Christopher has also written<br />

and directed the short films The<br />

Mountain of SGaana and Now is the<br />

Time, both available for free streaming<br />

on the platform nfb.ca. Keep<br />

posted for the release of his new film<br />

The Stand in <strong>2024</strong>.<br />

Haida Gwaii<br />

Coffeehouse<br />

Join us for the monthly coffeehouse<br />

in Daajing Giids, at the Community<br />

Hall. Doors open at 6:30pm for<br />

a simple community dinner (please<br />

bring your bowl, spoon and mug)<br />

and sign-up for the open mic. Music<br />

starts around 7:30 pm with pen mic,<br />

followed by our feature performer.<br />

Carsen Gray in<br />

recording studio<br />

All this goodness by donation, in cash<br />

or in kind! We are super grateful for<br />

volunteers willing to pitch in. If you<br />

would like to help, please contact us<br />

(haidagwaiicoffeehouse@gmail.com).<br />

<strong>January</strong> 26th will feature Kayla, a local<br />

non-binary singer/songwriter brought<br />

to you live in the dead of winter to<br />

channel your vitamin D-deficient<br />

lamentations and perhaps rejoice in<br />

the absurdity of being anything at all.<br />

Will spring come after all? Tune in to<br />

find out. Special guest: selected works<br />

from Hibby Gren’s Poems; <strong>February</strong><br />

23rd will feature Möbius.<br />

Choir<br />

The Choir will start up again for the<br />

south end, on <strong>January</strong> 23rd, rehearsing<br />

every Tuesday in the United<br />

Church 183 3rd Ave, HlGaagilda<br />

Skidegate, from 7-9 pm. New voices<br />

are always welcome. Email gord63@<br />

haidagwaii.net for details.<br />






778 230 9871<br />


<strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 21

New Chapter in Silviculture – A Vision for Change<br />

In the lush landscapes of Haida<br />

Gwaii, a small crew from Gaw Tlagée<br />

Old Massett is rewriting the script<br />

on silviculture. Instead of planting<br />

trees or setting up protectors, the Gaw<br />

Tlagée crew is engaged with Taan Forest<br />

in stand management work along<br />

the forested areas of the Maaman<br />

Gándlee Mamin River, Blackwater<br />

and Ghost Rivers – a departure from<br />

conventional silviculture practices.<br />

Taan Forest prides itself on exceeding<br />

standard environmental and silviculture<br />

obligations and is aiming<br />

to restore and rehabilitate old harvest<br />

areas. The Gaw Tlagée crew is<br />

working within some of the 110,000<br />

hectares of forest within Taan tenures<br />

now in protection. Once targeted<br />

for their old-growth, forests along<br />

streams were indiscriminately logged<br />

30 to 80 years ago. Today our Gaw<br />

Tlagée crew works to restore ecological<br />

representation and wildlife habitat<br />

in areas where old growth trees<br />

should never have been harvested.<br />

To achieve this, the Gaw Tlagée crew<br />

is employing a unique method of girdling<br />

excess trees to create habitat,<br />

but more importantly making space<br />

to facilitate faster growth and create<br />

larger trees in a shorter time frame<br />

than is occurring naturally. Girdling<br />

select trees involves removing a ring<br />

of bark around the base that slowly<br />

kills the tree, leaving an ecologically<br />

valuable snag for habitat. Remaining<br />

live trees, approximately 600<br />

per hectare, can then grow faster,<br />

22 HG<br />

Article and image submitted by Taan Forest<br />

providing increased carbon sequestration,<br />

larger rooting systems and<br />

larger branches for additional wildlife<br />

habitat. This year the crew is working<br />

on 180 hectares of treatment along<br />

Ghost Creek, Blackwater Creek and<br />

the Maaman Gándlee.<br />

The Gaw Tlagée crew, comprised of<br />

experienced and new hires, has played<br />

a pivotal role since its inception in<br />

2019. Over 500 hectares have been<br />

treated so far. Once led and supervised<br />

by a third-party environmental<br />

contractor, we are now looking to<br />

scale down this support as the Gaw<br />

Tlagée crew members have received<br />

enough training during their employment.<br />

This is a positive example of<br />

how Taan Forest is investing in our<br />

employee/contractor’s skillset, fostering<br />

long-term careers and actively<br />

contributing to the sustainability of<br />

the program. Taan Forest’s dedication<br />

to restoration aligns with our commitment<br />

to expand opportunities in<br />

the North, creating a lasting impact<br />

on both individuals and the Gaw<br />

Tlagée community. Looking ahead,<br />

there are plans to expand the project<br />

to multiple crews, additional training<br />

and treatment of more areas annually<br />

fostering growth and continuity<br />

in the initiative. The Gaw Tlagée<br />

crew’s efforts aim to give the stands<br />

old growth characteristics, ultimately<br />

shaping a greener and more sustainable<br />

future for the region.<br />

Girdling a tree<br />

The restoration work has been supported<br />

through grant funding. However,<br />

the short-term nature of funding<br />

and sporadic funding availability<br />

unfortunately means that we are not<br />

able to offer long-term contracts.<br />

Behind the scenes at Taan Forest we<br />

are working to find long term funding<br />

options.<br />

As the Gaw Tlagée crew continues its<br />

work, Taan Forest is planning additional<br />

treatment areas and applying<br />

for additional funding. In <strong>2024</strong>, treatment<br />

will focus on creating more taan<br />

bear dens, raptor fly zones and corridors,<br />

and diverse habitats.<br />

The journey is ongoing, and as March<br />

<strong>2024</strong> approaches, the Gaw Tlagée<br />

crew and Taan Forest stand ready to<br />

usher in a new era of silviculture. To<br />

find out more, join us for our Xaayda<br />

Haida public information sessions<br />

planned for March <strong>2024</strong>. Details can<br />

be found on our website and social<br />


Helping Hands<br />

A Boon in Bereavement<br />

By Lin Armstrong<br />

One of the Islands’ most unique nonprofit<br />

organizations is the Haida Gwaii<br />

Funeral Services Society (HGFSS),<br />

which since 2018 has offered what<br />

the name suggests – timely assistance<br />

to the families in which a loved one<br />

has died.<br />

Based on the protocols developed<br />

specifically for these islands, members<br />

of the society are available to help with<br />

all that is needed in the event of a death.<br />

This includes guiding people through<br />

the bureaucratic paperwork required<br />

by the government, arranging for a<br />

casket to be built, help in obtaining a<br />

plot in a cemetery and planning the<br />

funeral service. (With respect, Haida<br />

burial practices are sacred and not<br />

discussed in this article.)<br />

One should not<br />

profit from the<br />

deceased.<br />

- HGFSS motto<br />

The motto of the HGFSS, and the<br />

society’s underlying principle, is<br />

Non morales ad lucre mortise, Latin<br />

for “One should not profit from the<br />

deceased.” Annual donations from<br />

the Daajing Giids Thrift Shop Society<br />

and the Hospital Days Foundation<br />

cover operating costs. The Gwaii<br />

Trust has donated money to house the<br />

hearse and other equipment needed,<br />

Casket wood donated by Taan Forest<br />

Photo by Matt Pierce<br />

including a second donation of wood<br />

from Taan Forest for casket kits.<br />

In 2019 Solicitor General Hon. Mike<br />

Farnworth changed the regulations<br />

governing funerals that allowed<br />

exemptions for all northern remote<br />

areas, including those communities<br />

that are situated more than 200 km<br />

from the nearest funeral home. George<br />

Westwood and Matt Pierce became<br />

license-exempt funeral directors and<br />

recently, three people came forward<br />

to train as community undertakers.<br />

After their training, Shanti Thurber,<br />

Ross Plourde and Kayla MacDermid<br />

will be able to continue offering the<br />

undertaking services of the society<br />

to the communities of Haida Gwaii.<br />

George Westwood has over thirty<br />

years of experience helping bereaved<br />

families. In a recent conversation, he<br />

offered this advice for what to say to<br />

someone who has just suffered the<br />

loss of a loved one. Simply, “What<br />

can I do for you?” Sometimes the help<br />

can be as elementary as a cup of tea<br />

and the willingness to just sit down<br />

and listen.<br />

His parting words might be: “We are<br />

there for you. Be there for each other.”<br />

To learn more about the services the<br />

HGFSS offers, you can refer to the<br />

Haida Gwaii Trader website/Ezine<br />

tab. We have published three articles<br />

thus far on Haida Gwaii deathcare:<br />

Issue 86/MarApril 2017, Issue 91/Jan-<br />

Feb 2018 and Issue 101/SeptOct 2019.<br />

Matt Pierce can be reached at 250 559<br />

8686.<br />

<strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 23

Winter Wellness<br />

Staving Off the Gloom<br />

By Jamie McDonald<br />

Now that the holidays have passed and decorations are packed away, winter’s darkness can feel less dreamy and<br />

more dreadful…but it doesn’t have to be! The darkness of this time of year offers its own gifts and magic if we take<br />

the time to discover them. I asked community members what they do in the winter months to stay healthy, enjoy<br />

the outdoors and ward off seasonal depression... hopefully, you can find inspiration in some of their answers!<br />

Alison Keery dancing<br />

PC | Zachary Cardwell<br />

Jamie Mcdonald paddleboarding in Kagan Bay<br />

Jamie McDonald, Daajing Giids<br />

I like to put my wetsuit on and take my paddle board<br />

out in Kagan Bay!<br />

Reine Pineault, Daajing Giids<br />

Stay active, weather permitting visit all the communities,<br />

walk the beaches, attend functions that are<br />

being organized in all the communities if you can<br />

just get out of the house.<br />

Alison Keery, Masset<br />

For me, dancing is always a way to ward off darkness.<br />

It is the best way for my body to drop into the<br />

present moment. And dancing in collaboration with<br />

others fills my cup up more than anything else! The<br />

non-verbal connections through resonance of beings<br />

during a creative process is the most magical way to<br />

find community and heal. The sense of belonging<br />

and working towards a shared goal that is rooted in<br />

play is where I have built so many strong and lifelong<br />

friendships.<br />

Mark Baggaley, Daajing Giids<br />

Music and art…<br />

Fran Fowler, Daajing Giids<br />

Pickleball, Geocaching.<br />

24 HG

Locally grown herbs make a<br />

great bouquet, GiO Cojocaru,<br />

Dragonfly Garden<br />

PC | Zachary Cardwell<br />

Pam Greenstock,<br />

‘Wáan Kún Port Clements<br />

Winter blooms!<br />

Forester, a happy dog with Jorg Schermer, resident of Tll.aal Tlell<br />

Sarah Conners, Tll.aal Tlell<br />

Walking dogs.<br />

Mikko Jones (L) and<br />

brother Kane<br />

Tll.aal Tlell beach<br />

Cheryl Bennett, ‘Wáan Kún Port Clements<br />

Beach walks, whatever the weather; when it’s wet and windy, no one<br />

else is there!!<br />

Jay Jones, HlGaagilda<br />

Skidegate<br />

When the weather is decent,<br />

getting out on the boat with my<br />

boys. Working the crab traps,<br />

fishing or just exploring. Great<br />

for the mental health and also<br />

teaches the kids some real-life<br />

skills.<br />

Erica Rae Reid, Daajing Giids<br />

Rest, prepping the garden for next season, gym, cold water dips, community events to stay connected, a protein<br />

rich diet, vitamin D, intramural sports & above all GOOD RAIN GEAR to just get outside as much as one is<br />

able to. And of course, ice cream. .... and how could I forget, a good wetsuit doesn’t hurt either!<br />

<strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 25

Jen Rutt, Daajing Giids<br />

I force myself off the couch from in front of the fire<br />

to the myriad of wonderful, fun, heartwarming,<br />

artistic local events we have through the winter. My<br />

personal favourite is the Daajing Giids Coffee House<br />

with open mic and music. It helps me connect with<br />

friends, fight the darkness and live a little life.<br />

Ava-Beth Williams, HlGaagilda<br />

Skidegate<br />

When I was a kid and if there was no snow on the<br />

ground some cousins, my sisters and I would swim<br />

in ditches or play man hunt.<br />

Brie Altrogge, Masset<br />

Go to the gym and get regular<br />

exercise, eat healthy, say no to<br />

extra obligations, make art, find<br />

one regular weekly activity that<br />

involves mild but not onerous<br />

socializing, and do a bedtime<br />

meditation that helps with falling<br />

asleep so as to get good regular<br />

sleep.<br />

Carlos Herrera,<br />

‘Wáan Kún Port Clements<br />

Practicing tattooing.<br />

Rennell Sound<br />

Harmonie Rose,<br />

‘Wáan Kún Port Clements<br />

Winter camping; I hike mountains,<br />

snowboard and kayak<br />

places....<br />

P Jean Oliver, Victoria<br />

This winter, plans are shaping up for a big painting trip to<br />

Haida Gwaii next summer. Usually I get through waiting for<br />

the winter solstice, and the light coming back, and thinking<br />

of my garden, dreaming of seedlings in pots.<br />

Painting by P Jean Oliver<br />

26 HG

Meadow Rue<br />

Chris Ashurst (and friends) surfing<br />

Scout & Chris Ashurst, Masset<br />

Surfing.<br />

South Beach (between Sangan<br />

& Agate Beach)<br />

Larissa Dombrowski,<br />

Masset<br />

Beach walks galore or a little<br />

paddleboarding.<br />

Alex Baylak (L), Olivia Armstrong and Tess Hedderich<br />

Tess Hedderich, ‘Wáan Kún Port Clements<br />

Scuba dive with Sedna Exploration Haida Gwaii - will keep the mind fresh,<br />

the soul young and the body active! This was Rennell Sound after the<br />

first snow fall. Camp and dive - anytime of the year!!<br />

Coho fishing on Copper River<br />

James Lattimer,<br />

K’il Kun Sandspit<br />

Walk the rivers and do some<br />

fishing.<br />

Tasharra Moore,<br />

K’il Kun Sandspit<br />

I really enjoy the stargazing<br />

during the winter. Storm watching,<br />

going to the gym, getting<br />

plenty of sleep and creating art<br />

is often how I occupy the wondrous<br />

and dreary winter months.<br />

Jared Vandenberg,<br />

‘Wáan Kún Port Clements<br />

Yellow sunglasses, cold water<br />

swimming, vitamin D, healthy/<br />

whole food, no seed oils if possible,<br />

no refined carbohydrates/<br />

sugar, don’t look at your cell<br />

phone too often lol.<br />

Lance Reid, Daajing<br />

Giids<br />

Northern Lights, star gazing<br />

and storm watching.<br />

Tina Hamlin, used to live in Daajing Giids<br />

When we lived up there, Dave would kayak surf at Rennell and we<br />

would ocean kayak in Kagan Bay and beyond. And of course, a dog<br />

walk in the woods every day no matter if it was raining. And also yoga<br />

and a sound bath at Earth Temple was wonderful too.<br />

Thank you, háw’aa/haawa everyone for sharing some of your way cool ways to stave off winter gloom!<br />

<strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 27

‘Round and About<br />

Laughter, Family and Culture – The Best Medicine<br />

Article and photo by Jana McLeod<br />

Dealing with the island medical system<br />

right now, for me, is like being in<br />

a dinghy surrounded by sharks. I love<br />

the staff here and have had some great<br />

experiences. But navigating the red<br />

tape, staff shortages, and long delays<br />

will get tiring for the best of us.<br />

I’ve lost patience a few times to be<br />

honest. I’ve had to source out some<br />

remedies that came organically in<br />

my life. I remember when my mom<br />

was coming to see me after I ended<br />

up in the hospital in Vancouver. She<br />

was delayed one day and I seriously<br />

thought I would die of a broken heart.<br />

When she finally came, she shared<br />

the story of her adventurous journey.<br />

She was waiting patiently for the staff<br />

to direct her to me when a couple of<br />

nurses started asking her questions.<br />

They asked if she was tired, my mom<br />

said of course, and they tried to admit<br />

her! She said she was so tempted. A<br />

busy mom of six, she said she needed<br />

the rest! She made me laugh and feel<br />

relieved all at the same time.<br />

Moms are medicine, this I know for<br />

sure. Make sure you always let your<br />

mom know how important she is.<br />

I almost lost my daughter a few years<br />

back. I got there and brought a sea<br />

glass that I had smudged. I put it on<br />

her belly and started talking about her<br />

grandmother’s role in her creation. I<br />

also told her about her ancestors who<br />

were always with her. I shared how I<br />

saw the canoes full of her family gathered<br />

to help her fight. The busy ward<br />

was so quiet as I kept telling her stories.<br />

She was so much stronger even<br />

in one day. Culture is medicine. Sing<br />

your songs and speak your language,<br />

it’s so healing. Decolonize when you<br />

can, share your stories until they don’t<br />

hurt anymore.<br />

Moms are<br />

medicine.<br />

Another one of my kids had a lengthy,<br />

very difficult hospitalization. The only<br />

thing that would make her painful<br />

medications tolerable was watching<br />

one of her niece’s videos where she<br />

was laughing and being silly. A hug<br />

from another niece made her feel instantly<br />

so much better. Children and<br />

grandbabies are medicine! They make<br />

my life!!<br />

When my babies were growing up it<br />

was a crazy household. One thing I<br />

always did for myself was bath time.<br />

One time I locked the door and sank<br />

down past my ears into the bathwater.<br />

AHHH I was thinking. Then I felt a<br />

presence, I opened my eyes and there<br />

was my son’ s face, only inches away<br />

from mine. After almost inhaling a<br />

gallon of water I got up. He looked<br />

right into my eyes and said, “Hey<br />

mom, do that trick where you get up<br />

and all the water disappears.”<br />

Laughter is medicine. I have a knack<br />

for tackling trauma with humor.<br />

Without it I would be lost. Do what<br />

works for you to get you through what<br />

you have to face. Be gentle with yourself<br />

always.<br />

Jana McLeod (second from left), daughters Michelle (l), Trish,<br />

son Joshua, his wife Rachael, son Richard, and grandbabies.<br />

28 HG

Puzzle Page<br />

Lovin’ the New Year<br />

By Terri-Lynne Penner<br />

Across<br />

1 A game often played as couples gather where winning sets of tiles<br />

are collected.<br />

5 Bivalve mollusks, a popular tummy warming, chowder<br />

ingredient.<br />

8 The cold months make the temperature a little___ outside.<br />

9 Chilled and slippery, like a <strong>January</strong> sidewalk.<br />

10 Protect yourself in all matters of love or this plural bacterium<br />

might get you.<br />

12 Salad fit for an emperor, perfect side dish for a romantic dinner.<br />

14 Sprightly and mischievous, embodying one’s inner magic.<br />

16 Sailing is so romantic – this triangular sail sets ahead of the<br />

foremast (two words).<br />

17 Bears will soon begin to stir from their winter ___.<br />

19 Too ensure you can see your loved ones clearly it helps to do an<br />

occasional eye ___.<br />

20 A winter’s read: All the Pretty Horses by Cormac ___.<br />

21 A fun and delicious meal to share with one another - often<br />

includes nori seaweed.<br />

Down<br />

1 Classic and fun movie to snuggle and watch again and<br />

again: ___in Black.<br />

2 We commonly wish each other these at the beginning of<br />

each year (three words).<br />

3 Happy times result when no rent is ___.<br />

4 Grammar lesson: word that is derived from a verb but acts<br />

as a noun.<br />

5 First hit the airwaves on November 2, 1936.<br />

6 Valentine’s Day is the official day of ___.<br />

7 “Feliz Día de San Valentín” is an example of this language.<br />

11 Embrace a festive spirit.<br />

Answer key can be found after the Community Calendar at<br />

the back of the magazine.<br />

12 Sharing these with your bestie on a cold afternoon.<br />

13 Botanical bristle.<br />

15 From a spacecraft or a DVD, I’m the action that sets things<br />

free.<br />

18 Wishing all to be a ___ of a tax refund!<br />

<strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 29

Kohlen and<br />

Company Appraisals<br />

Richard Kohlen, CRA, P. APP<br />

Serving Haida Gwaii<br />

since 2015<br />

Contact us!<br />

250-302-1074<br />

richardkohlen@gmail.com<br />


PICK-UP<br />

SIGN UP<br />

NOW!<br />

Biweekly pick-up<br />

Worm Compost<br />

Starting at $14/mth<br />

Special Event<br />

Composting<br />

SIGN UP AT<br />


(778) 986-3307<br />

30 HG<br />

Kids' Musings<br />

The World According to Carter & Connor<br />

Another year has passed with these little<br />

monkeys. It is going far too fast. In<br />

just four short months in Grade One,<br />

Carter has matured so much. Connor<br />

is fast approaching his entry into<br />

kindergarten, and this Mama couldn’t<br />

be prouder or sadder! Moments with<br />

our little ones are so fleeting. It’s been<br />

quite the journey watching Carter<br />

grow into a young man who comes<br />

up with his own ideas and solutions<br />

in his everyday life.<br />

Me: “Carter, stop pulling my hair.”<br />

Carter: “One day I’m going to make<br />

you bald.”<br />

C: “Hmm, I think that my body is<br />

asking for more water.”<br />

C: “I don’t like Coca Cola because<br />

every time I burp it hurts my nose and<br />

my throat.”<br />

C: “I feel like a salami.”<br />

M: “Ok why?”<br />

C: “Because I’m so hungry.”<br />

Article and Photos by Jasmine Beachy<br />

C: “It wasn’t my fault, it was my brain’s<br />

fault.”<br />

C: “Mom, I still want that little boat<br />

that I can ride in.”<br />

M: “Sorry hunny, I don’t know where<br />

to get something like that.”<br />

C: “Just look at the map and order it<br />

Mom, and while you’re at it, order one<br />

for Connor too.”<br />

M: “Why does your breath smell like<br />

garlic?”<br />

C: “I dunno, I was eating white broccoli.”<br />

M: “You mean cauliflower?”<br />

C: “Yah, white broccoli.”<br />

C: “Mom, did you hear that? They’re<br />

singing about the bathroom. That’s<br />

potty talk and that’s unappropriate.”<br />

Connor (L) and Carter<br />

sporting their new haircuts<br />

C: “Mom, are you going to stop at the<br />

house to get your bathing suit?”<br />

M: “No, for what?”<br />

C: “For the baby shower we are going<br />

to.”<br />

M: “Hey Carter, do you like my new<br />

hair cut?”<br />

C: “No. I like it long. It’s too short and<br />

it looks like poo.”<br />

M: “So Carter, what is something nice<br />

that you could do for someone?”<br />

C: “I dunno, pay them for work that<br />

they do for me?”<br />

Connor: “Mom! Ugh! Someone talk<br />

to me!”<br />

M: “Ok Connor, what do you want to<br />

talk about?”<br />

Connor: “Nothing, I just want to talk.”<br />

M: “Connor, count from 1 to 10.”<br />

Connor: “Ok! 1, 10!”<br />

The boys are eagerly awaiting when<br />

we can go back to Rennell Sound, but<br />

in the meantime, we’ve been crafting<br />

and reading books. Soaking in every<br />

minute of these precious moments!<br />

Remember never to take for granted<br />

time with your littles! If you have<br />

any funny children’s stories to share,<br />

send them to Shellene at HG Trader<br />

at info@haidagwaiitrader.com.

The Science Corner<br />

Little Boy and Little Girl<br />

By Ro Millham<br />

Our fall into winter has been unseasonably warmer due to<br />

El Niño (Little Boy). El Niño is a climate pattern that describes<br />

the unusual warming of surface waters in the eastern<br />

tropical Pacific Ocean with weaker winds from the east. It<br />

is the “warm phase” of a larger phenomenon called the El<br />

Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). La Niña (Little Girl), the<br />

“cool phase” of ENSO, is a pattern that describes the unusual<br />

cooling of the region’s surface waters. El Niño and La Niña<br />

are considered the ocean part of ENSO, while the Southern<br />

Oscillation is its atmospheric changes.<br />

A typical El Niño is expected across the BC province with<br />

mild Pacific air dominating through most of the season and<br />

fewer-than-normal arctic outbreaks. A drier-than-normal<br />

winter is expected across most of the province except the far<br />

north. The south coast region should see below normal snowfall<br />

and more sunshine than is typical during winter. However,<br />

precipitation totals should still end up near normal due to<br />

Credits: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration at noaa.gov<br />

a few periods when the storm track will shift north into the region and bring Pineapple Express events with a risk for<br />

excessive rainfall. (The term Pineapple Express refers to a kind of atmospheric river.)<br />

Unfortunately, climate change can exacerbate or mitigate certain impacts related to El Niño. For example, El Niño<br />

could lead to new records for higher temperatures, particularly in areas that already experience above-average temperatures<br />

during El Niño. For more comprehensive information, go to www.weather.gov/news/230706-ElNino<br />

What’s up?<br />

<strong>2024</strong> starts with Venus as a morning star (begun 9/23). It’s<br />

the brightest planetary object in the sky, other than the<br />

Moon, visible from Earth. The entire cycle is Venus as a<br />

morning star for 263 days, 50 days absent, 263 days as an<br />

evening star and finally 8 days absent, for a total of 584<br />

days, also known as the synodic period of Venus. And<br />

Venus and Jupiter can be seen together in the sky for days<br />

starting early March.<br />

Moon and Saturn are also close in the sky Jan. 13 and 14.<br />

Saturn can be observed with good binoculars.<br />

Image credit: Earth and Sky<br />

A Whale of a Thought<br />

Killer whales are actually dolphins. Despite their name, killer whales (orcas) are the largest members of the dolphin<br />

family. Ironically, orcas are also whales because delphinids belong to the Cetacean order within the toothed whale<br />

(Odontoceti) suborder. However, the term whale is typically reserved for baleen whales of the Mysticeti suborder. The<br />

major physical feature that ensures orcas are dolphins is the presence of a melon, a fatty deposit that assists the animals<br />

in echolocation and only exists in dolphins.<br />

<strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 31

Haida Gwaii Stargazers<br />

Horoscopes for <strong>January</strong> & <strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />

By Monica Caulfield<br />

Aries (Mar 20 – Apr 19) Your goals and aspirations are front and<br />

center, dearest Aries. What is your purpose in life, and how will you<br />

fulfill this? It’s important to remember that speaking with clarity<br />

will go a long way toward future visions. Keywords: intuition,<br />

wisdom and observation.<br />

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 19) Since you are out in the public eye,<br />

dearest Taurus, you might as well show everyone your true mission<br />

in life. When you go with the flow honestly, you show the<br />

world there’s more to be had when you have faith in the process.<br />

Keywords: truth, acceptance and belief.<br />

Gemini (May 20 – June 20) It’s time to take a stand, dearest<br />

Gemini, and trust that it is the correct path for you now. There is<br />

no need to continue gathering information on a subject to which<br />

you already know the answers. Follow through by making a concise<br />

decision that you can live with. Keywords: resolution, result<br />

and outcome.<br />

Cancer (June 21 – July 21) Right now, dearest Cancer, your tendency<br />

is to psychoanalyze everything near you. No need to respond<br />

to the issues that you think are important; instead, respond to the<br />

issues that you feel. This is an appropriate solution. Just make<br />

sure that you gather enough information to have several options<br />

to choose from. Keywords: feedback, reply and scoop.<br />

Leo (July 22 – Aug 21) You are in an organizational frenzy, dearest<br />

Leo. To have the stamina and time for the next adventure, you<br />

first need to get all your ducks in a row. Balance that checkbook,<br />

complete your home improvements, and catalog the clothes in your<br />

closet. Once you feel put back together, you’ll be ready to devote<br />

your energy to yourself and your loved ones.<br />

Keywords: standardize, upgrade and fine-tune.<br />

Virgo (Aug 22 – Sept 21) Finish up with your playtime, dearest<br />

Virgo, since you are coming into a place where you shine the<br />

brightest; in organization and checking things off that long list of<br />

yours. Hard work has never been a problem for you. Just make sure<br />

that the work you do is meaningful and fulfilling. Don’t waste a<br />

second on anything that you don’t love. Keywords: pace, prioritize<br />

and process.<br />

Libra (Sept 22 – Oct 21) There is someone or something related to<br />

your home or family, that needs your attention now, dearest Libra.<br />

Use your great diplomatic skills to address this since the next step<br />

for you is to recreate and play to eliminate the accumulated stress<br />

of the day. Go out and enjoy nature! But first, focus on your home<br />

life. Keywords: passionate, sensitive and at rest.<br />

Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) You’re juggling many balls, in the air,<br />

dearest Scorpio. Of course, you can do so, but at what cost? It’s<br />

better to prioritize your life decisions to determine in what order<br />

to proceed. Then you won’t waste your valuable time on issues<br />

that aren’t your priority. Keywords: head-start, winning position<br />

and connection.<br />

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 20) Get your finances in order, dearest<br />

Sagittarius. But perhaps they already are? In that case, it’s time to<br />

determine what you value in your life and how you will ground<br />

yourself enough to enjoy the fruits of your labor. When you arrive<br />

32 HG<br />

at the simple truths of life, you’ll be able to appreciate all the beauty<br />

the world provides you without fretting or worrying. Keywords:<br />

conscious, attentive and awake.<br />

Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) A new year is dawning on your life,<br />

dearest Capricorn. You can rise above it all and understand that the<br />

parts of your life you cannot see might be your greatest gift. It’s okay<br />

to be spontaneous and let it flow easily, knowing you are secure<br />

and sound. Bloom bright! Keywords: excitement, devotion and joy.<br />

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) Finish up with your past, dearest<br />

Aquarius, in order to slide into the present and future. Of course,<br />

looking back at things from a world perspective is good, but living<br />

in the present moment is where all the juicy parts are. Do something<br />

that puts you in the here and now. Get a massage, walk by<br />

the sea, or have that long-lost conversation with a loved one. Focus!<br />

Keywords: spotlight, target and real-world.<br />

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 19) Volunteer within your community,<br />

dearest Pisces. Especially when you teach what you know, you<br />

will find that you teach yourself about the benefits of kindness. In<br />

turn, this will come back to you in big waves. Plan to help others<br />

in need, to open yourself up to the possibility of peace. What’s not<br />

to love about this? Keywords: unity, decency and grace.<br />

Proud to Serve<br />

Haida Gwaii!<br />

Your voice for North Coast<br />

and Haida Gwaii<br />

@JenniferRiceBC<br />

@JenniferRice06<br />

@JenniferRice6<br />

1-866-624-7734<br />

JenniferRice.ca<br />


Looking to post a free* classified or event ad? It’s super easy! Simply log onto www.haidagwaiitrader.com,<br />

click on the category tab for the type of ad you wish to place and the site will then guide you each step of the<br />

way. Need a hand? Do not hesitate to contact us. Prefer mail? Our mailing address is PO Box 313, Port Clements,<br />

BC, V0T 1R0. Please note: The deadline for new and/or updated classifieds to appear in each issue is<br />

noon on the 20th of the month prior to the next publication. (For example, noon on Aug 20th for the Sep/Oct<br />

issue.) *Free classifieds apply to private, personally owned and non-business postings. Ads pertaining to business products,<br />

services, employment as well as real estate for sale or for rent are subject to fees.<br />

Supporting<br />

local makers<br />

Beautiful clothes<br />

for beautiful<br />

women!<br />

Exclusively made<br />

in Canada<br />

Size Inclusive<br />

XS to 3X<br />

Slow Fashion<br />

Sustainable Fabrics<br />

32 Cow Bay Rd<br />

Prince Rupert<br />

250-922-4342<br />

lazycatcloset.ca<br />

Owner<br />

Trish Lazar<br />

In the Home & Office<br />

Laminate Flooring. I have approximately<br />

80 sq. ft of brown in colour laminate flooring<br />

with foam backing for sale. 10.2 mm thick.<br />

$25 Call Gord at (250) 637-5755 or email patngord2@icloud.com<br />

New Beaded Earrings. Very<br />

pretty would go with that special<br />

outfit. Many styles to choose<br />

from. $25 Call Sarleana at (250)<br />

626-7606 or email fletchercollion@hotmail.com<br />

Secret Lab Titan Chair. Gaming<br />

chair available. Head cushion<br />

not included. $300 In Daajing<br />

Giids. email mathewsalce3@<br />

gmail.com<br />

Plumbing Valves. These are all<br />

new GATE VALVES: 1-1-1/4”<br />

1- 1” 4-3/4” 5-1/2” 1-Zone Valve<br />

Shark Bites: 1-1” Valve 2- 1” Unions 2- 1”<br />

End Caps $175 Call John at (250) 637-1100 or<br />

email john@amsltd.ca<br />

Canon Photo Printer. We<br />

bought a new computer, and the<br />

printer is no longer compatible.<br />

Like new, produces excellent pictures.<br />

Comes with 11 ink cartridges, besides<br />

the ink in it, instruction book and CDs. $100<br />

Call Suzanne Aalders at (250) 637-5606 or<br />

email suzanne.aalders@hotmail.com<br />

Samsung Surround Sound. Samsung surround<br />

system. Excellent shape. Six speakers.<br />

$200 Call Suzanne Aalders at (250) 637-5606<br />

or email suzanne.aalders@hotmail.com<br />

Original Oil Painting. Antique<br />

from former Austro-Hungarian<br />

Empire. $190 Call Paul’s email<br />

hgtads@runbox.com<br />

Original Oil Painting. In antique<br />

frame. Former Austro-Hungarian<br />

Empire c.1930. $190 Paul’s<br />

email hgtads@runbox.com<br />

New Stainless-Steel Cups. Styles<br />

to choose from. Good for Hot or cold<br />

$35 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606<br />

or email fletchercollison@hotmail.<br />

com<br />

TEA POT. Deep Cobalt Blue by Dominic<br />

Pottery. $75 Call Terry Tollestrup at (250) 559-<br />

4595 or email echo5594595@gmail.com<br />

Sigma 24-70mm f2.8 DG DN<br />

Art Nikon Mount. In excellent<br />

condition with no scratches.<br />

Hardly used. Mathew email<br />

kr24920.3@gmail.com<br />

Printer Phone Fax. Brother<br />

Comes with spare black ink cartridge<br />

and drum unit. Paid $200<br />

but didn’t work for my Mac. My<br />

loss your gain. $110 Call Melinda<br />

at (250) 637-1660 or email Eagleeye.mp@gmail.com<br />

Cork Boots Size 11. $80 Call Sarleana<br />

at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison@hotmail.com<br />

Oil Painting of Trees. Antique<br />

original oil painting. Totally<br />

unique. From former Austro-Hungarian<br />

Empire. About<br />

100 years old $190 Paul’s email hgtads@<br />

runbox.com<br />

Antique Coat/Hat/Umbrella Stand.<br />

Originally from the former Austro-Hungarian<br />

Empire. About 100 years old. $190 Email Paul<br />

at hgtads@runbox.com<br />

New Dr-HOS 2- 1 Back Relief.<br />

For 25–41-inch waist. Good for<br />

back pain, degenerative disc,<br />

back strain. $151 Call Sarleana at<br />

(250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison@hotmail.com<br />

New Dream Catchers. Agate<br />

dream catcher. Styles to chose from.<br />

$50 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606<br />

or email fletchercollison@hotmail.<br />

com<br />

<strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 33

In the Yard & Workshop<br />

Hot Tub. Beachcomber Energy<br />

Saver in excellent condition. Lots<br />

of jets and places to relax and<br />

“feel the magic!” Open to offers.<br />

Call Morris @ (250) 559-0024 or<br />

email info@haidagwaiitrader.<br />

com<br />

Stihl HT101 Professional Pole<br />

Saw Pruner. Excellent condition<br />

- bought for a garden make<br />

over and no longer needed. $600<br />

Donald’s email donaldova1234@gmail.com<br />

.223 left hand bolt CZ. CZ rifle with 4 power<br />

Leupold scope $850 Call Lanny Turk after Dec<br />

17 at (250) 559-8065 or email turklanny56@<br />

gmail.com<br />

2006 John Deere 310 SG 4X4<br />

Backhoe. Well maintained, 9330<br />

hours. Comes with 16” digging<br />

bucket and 40” clean-up bucket. Good, clean<br />

running machine. Tires about 60% Asking<br />

$32,500 Backhoe located in Port Clements,<br />

BC Call Jonathan 250-557-4456 sonlightautobody@ibyfax.com<br />

On the Road<br />

2020 Dualtran Thunder<br />

Electric Scooter. Hey guys, I’m<br />

selling my 2020 Dualtron eagle<br />

pro. Has 1,250 miles, but only has<br />

8 charge cycles. I’ve taken care of<br />

the battery very well. Only have<br />

charged to 100% about 3 times.<br />

Mainly used this scooter between 45% and<br />

80% state of charge to optimize its overall<br />

battery life expectancy. A normal battery with<br />

500 cycles would be about 20,000 miles. Using<br />

the battery between 40% and 80% would easily<br />

triple that number. Also ride this scooter<br />

mostly between 25 mph and 30 mph so as<br />

not to stress the cells too much. $1,400 Math<br />

email lichtrevor@gmail.com<br />

Pair of Tire Chains with Tensioners.<br />

One pair of new, unused<br />

V-bar tire chains with cam locks<br />

for light trucks (QualityChain<br />

model V322LWQX), plus a pair of<br />

six-point rubber spider tensioners.<br />

$305 at Canadian Tire. Chains are for tire<br />

sizes 255/85-16; 275/70-17; 265/75-17; 275/55-<br />

18; 265/70-18; 275/70-18; 265/75-18; 235/80-<br />

18; 245/70-19.5. Should fit a 26’ U-haul! $200<br />

Call Andy Hudson at (250) 626-9150 or email<br />

andyhudson.mail@gmail.com<br />

34 HG

Haida Gwaii<br />

Auto Inc.<br />

Dealer #50179<br />

2014 Nissan Sentra<br />

77,300km/Stk#0018 $15,995<br />

2016 Ford F250 XLT<br />

185,650km/Stk#95 $27,995<br />

2019 Subaru Forrester<br />

120,000km/Stk#90 $27,995<br />

2017 Toyota Yaris<br />

67,850km/Stk#50 $17,995<br />

“No reasonable offer<br />

refused!”<br />

250-559-4641<br />

605 Ocean View Dr.<br />

Daajing Giids<br />

bill@hgauto.ca<br />

On the Road<br />

2012 Ford F150 XLT. Runs well.<br />

Extended cab. 2 bucket seats. 6’<br />

x 6’ box. Tires are brand new.<br />

$10,000 OBO. Call Jeremy at<br />

(250) 557-2007 or (250) 557-4589<br />

or email info@haidagwaiitrader.<br />

com<br />

Volvo S40 T5 AWD - 2006 sedan.<br />

It’s got tons of new parts, all<br />

wheel drive, turbo 2.5L engine,<br />

218 horsepower, leather interior,<br />

sunroof, upgraded speakers,<br />

tinted windows, good fuel<br />

economy, I’m the 2nd owner. It’s<br />

fully loaded for its year. Brand new tires, and<br />

recent oil change. Roof racks- Yakima Baseline<br />

CoreBar set for bare roof vehicle, professionally<br />

installed, willing to sell separately,<br />

dm for details. Has a couple of brake related<br />

service lights on, doesn’t affect drivability, one<br />

of them is an abs sensor that’s been broken<br />

for years. I’m selling as I’ve bought a newer/<br />

bigger vehicle. Price negotiable. $6,500 Call<br />

Kirsten H at (250) 634-0767 or email kirsten.<br />

holuboch@gmail.com<br />

GMC 1500. Just got this truck<br />

a few months ago, really happy<br />

with it so I might not sell. I’m<br />

only putting some feelers out<br />

because I originally wanted<br />

something more midsize. Put a 4”<br />

lift kit on total 6” upgraded upper<br />

suspension, .25” spacers, new winters. Bought<br />

from a dealer in Kelowna then lift was done<br />

at a different shop. At4 model 6.2 v8, heated<br />

seats and steering wheel, leather interior,<br />

Bose sound system, auto back window, back<br />

up cam (all the bells and whistles-hill descent<br />

control 4WD etc). $64,000 Alessandra at (604)<br />

619-1091 or email allycross_456@hotmail.<br />

com<br />

Garmin/Etrex GPS mounts.<br />

Should accommodate most<br />

GPS’s. Both for $25 or best offer.<br />

Call George at (250) 559-7899 or<br />

email grstein@qcislands.net<br />

Price Reduced! 2015 F350<br />

Platinum 4x4 6.7L Diesel. Fully<br />

deleted, fully equipped heavy<br />

duty pick up. Amazing truck.<br />

Very clean. 258500 km. Hate to part with it,<br />

as she is a real beauty. Note: that is a building<br />

in the background not a canopy. $55,000 Call<br />

Travis at (250) 637-1011 or email bigfoot@<br />

haidagwaii.net<br />

Tire Chains. Winter is coming and you may<br />

need these. New pair of VC320 tire chains.<br />

Used set and 2 sets to fit 35” rubber. Call Gord<br />

at (250) 637-5755 or email patngord2@icloud.<br />

com<br />

DARCHE Panorama 2 Roof<br />

Top Tent. Excellent condition,<br />

smells like brand new! Bought<br />

it just over 3 years ago for $2399<br />

and only slept in it once. Comes with everything<br />

that is meant to and the Annex which<br />

has never been used/setup $1,300. Email<br />

Allan at cb788308@gmail.com<br />

1975 Harley, 1967 Triumph Tiger<br />

and a few more toys. 1975<br />

Harley, 1967 Triumph Tiger and<br />

a few more toys. Bike may not be<br />

exact as picture. Day time calls only please.<br />

Lindsey Doerksen (778) 260-4733 or email<br />

info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Varla Eagle One Dual Motor<br />

Electric Scooter. Almost new.<br />

Odo is 13.67 miles. Top speed is<br />

40+ mph. Range is 40 miles per<br />

charge. Open to offers. Email<br />

Mike lowepatricia32@gmail.com<br />

Honda Ruckus Scooter. 50cc, low<br />

km. Price $1400. Call Morris @ (250)<br />

559-0024 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Replacement Head for 2009-<br />

2014 F150 This is a way to<br />

upgrade your stock F150 stereo<br />

to something you can connect to<br />

your phone. It’s a complete replacement for<br />

your centre console panel. $200 Call Sylvan<br />

at (250) 626-7425 or email sylvandaugert@<br />

hotmail.com<br />

“<br />

“Haida Gwaii Trader is an amazing platform to buy, sell and gain<br />

information especially if you're new to the island. The staff are<br />

extremely outgoing and will do everything possible to get you the<br />

assistance you need. Well Done - 5 Stars.<br />

Masset Services Ltd.<br />

<strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 35

36 HG<br />

3113 Oceanview Drive, DG<br />

Healing Temple<br />

Certified Reiki Teacher • Crystal Healer<br />

Alaskan Essence Practitioner<br />

Shirodhara/Hot Jade Massage<br />

250-534-9405<br />

AngelAuraHealing.com<br />

Ford Escape. 2011 ford escape<br />

XLT Never driven on HG, no<br />

rust, clean, leather interior, new<br />

tires 115,000klms $8,500 Call<br />

Regina Williams at (250) 626-9000 or email<br />

scouttsy@gmail.com<br />

Bandex Truck Service Bed (as<br />

seen in photo). Also For Sale:<br />

2008 Grand Caravan and Aluminum<br />

Canopy. Bandex Truck<br />

Service Bed: for a dually truck.<br />

In decent shape. Offers. Also for<br />

sale (see pix on <strong>HGT</strong> website/<br />

On the Road section) 2008 Grand Caravan:<br />

236,000km. New tires. Open to offers. Aluminum<br />

Canopy: Comes with factory-built aluminum<br />

side toolboxes. Fits half ton truck. Price<br />

for canopy is $500 OBO. For any one of these<br />

three items for sale, call Micheal at (250) 557-<br />

2053 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

On the Water<br />

Boat Hook. For docking purposes. Like new.<br />

$60 Call Morris @250-559-0024 or email<br />

info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Double Eagle Boat with Trailer.<br />

Retired Senior needs to sell<br />

boat ASAP. Last used as a charter<br />

fishing boat in Prince Rupert. Inboard GM<br />

350cid 4bbl and Volvo Penta Drive. Midship<br />

towing post. 20 feet bow to stern. Has not<br />

seen water since it was rebuilt in 2013. Many<br />

accessories available. Has cuddy with windows,<br />

stove, porta potty, live fish well, and<br />

a chromed Bimini overhead rod rack. VHF<br />

radio. Can be seen at ‘On the Mark Service’ in<br />

Masset. Peter (250) 626-7875 or Davy at (780)<br />

621-7420 or email davydahl@gmail.com<br />

Kids Zone<br />

Bugaboo Donkey Duo Pram.<br />

Bugaboo donkey duo pram,<br />

siblings set. Excellent condition<br />

both cosmetically and mechanically.<br />

Has just been professionally<br />

deep cleaned with polish detail<br />

and service ready for sale, looks<br />

and feels like a brand-new pram.<br />

Two seats and a newborn bassinet.<br />

Cup and skateboard holder, new leather<br />

covers on the belly bars. $450 Email Lia,<br />

jlee37242@gmail.com<br />

Thule Chariot Lite 2. Perfect<br />

condition, a lightweight trailer,<br />

jogger, and stroller, designed for<br />

everyday activities. In great use.<br />

You’ll love using this with your<br />

kids! $1,000 Email Patricia at<br />

kr249203@gmail.com<br />

Real Estate & Rentals<br />

Masset Bike Shop. Great opportunity<br />

to run your own business<br />

without “breaking the bank.” Tremendous<br />

potential for bike sales<br />

and service along with other sports equipment.<br />

The building is in great shape, on 2 lots and<br />

room for small living quarters. The business is<br />

in the heart of Masset and close to the airport<br />

offering daily service to the mainland. Price<br />

$209,000 Call 250 218 9776 or email johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />

Great Building at 1605 Old<br />

Beach Rd Masset. Formerly<br />

Masset Grocery. A Great 4,698<br />

sqft building in top notch condition,<br />

includes all equipment, displays, shelving,<br />

walk-in cooler, walk-in freezer and a fully<br />

equipped deli kitchen, Priced @ $725,000 Call<br />

250 218 9776 or email Johnismay2014@gmail.<br />

com<br />

563 Beitush Rd Tlell. This<br />

special 10-acre oceanfront surrounded<br />

by dunes, trees, sand and<br />

is just a short stroll to miles of<br />

beach. Beachcombing, fishing, and exploring<br />

are right at your fingertips. This private and<br />

bright, one level home features an open layout<br />

with vaulted ceilings, metal roof and wrap<br />

around covered deck. Own a piece of paradise!<br />

Contact: Mike Morse PREC 250 600 6620<br />

Sarah Barnhardt 250 922 5409 Re/Max Coast<br />

Mountains. Price $750,000 email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

For Sale 122 Acre Lot, Masset. Old growth,<br />

not in the ALR. Price $600,000 Call 250-618-<br />

2434 or email tracey.defrane@gmail.com<br />

<strong>2024</strong> Swan Cres Masset. Double lot ready for<br />

you to build your dream house. Price $80,000<br />

Call 250-618-2434 or email tracey.defrane@<br />

gmail.com<br />

3/4 Acre 1 Froese Subdivision.<br />

Port Clements. Fully serviced<br />

and subdividable in the heart of<br />

the village of Port Clements, now<br />

available at $179,000. Call John 250 218 9776<br />

or email Johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />

2150 Elm Crescent Masset. A<br />

charming single-detached house<br />

with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms,<br />

and an unfinished basement. The<br />

lovely, treed lot offers privacy, many places<br />

to relax and enjoy. Windows upgraded 2007.<br />

Heat pump Nov 2022. Updated plumbing dry<br />

well. This well-cared-for home is a 5-min. walk<br />

from the beach or downtown. Price $269,000<br />

Call (250) 626-5256 or email dragonflydeb21@<br />



Groceries & Liquor<br />

Bakery & Deli<br />

Home & Office Supplies<br />

Gifts & Local Treasures<br />

91 Bayview Dr. Port Clements<br />

Mon-Sat 10-6 | 250-557-4331<br />

Sarah Barnhardt<br />

Licensed Realtor<br />

Longtime Haida<br />

Gwaii resident<br />

Serving all<br />

island communities<br />

Call me!<br />

Prince<br />

Rupert<br />

250.922.5409<br />

sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

519 3rd Avenue West,<br />

Prince Rupert<br />

House for Sale. To Be Moved.<br />

896 square foot (not including<br />

covered porch), one bedroom/one<br />

bathroom home. Utility room.<br />

Large, bright living room. Kitchen with fridge<br />

and stove. Lots of double-paned windows.<br />

Painted plywood floors. Covered porch. Located<br />

north of Port Clements. Assistance with<br />

moving the building is available. Price: $60,000<br />

Call Charles/Esther 250-557-8563 or Jeremy<br />

(250) 557-2007 Email info@haidagwaiitrader.<br />

com<br />

4 Newcombe Ave. Port Clements.<br />

This is an incredible live/<br />

work opportunity in the heart of<br />

Haida Gwaii. This property has<br />

it all! It includes a 3-bedroom, 1 bathroom,<br />

residence, with kitchen, living room and dining<br />

room. Downstairs you will enter the motel<br />

guest space with office, washroom, dining<br />

room and fully equipped commercial kitchen.<br />

Additionally, there is an office, storage room,<br />

indoor workshop, and a detached garage. Motel<br />

guest rooms of various sizes are in adjacent<br />

buildings. Sarah Barnhardt 250 922 5409 Price<br />

$465,000 Call 250 922 5409 or email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

372 School Road Sandspit.<br />

5-minute walk to the golf course.<br />

This 4-bedroom, 2 bathroom<br />

home is nestled in on a private<br />

large lot with a large workshop and covered<br />

parking for your fishing boat and RV. Price<br />

$600,000 Call 250-618-2434 or email tracey.<br />

defrane@gmail.com<br />

2226 Dogwood Cr. Masset.<br />

Recently renovated and ready to<br />

move in! This 4-bedroom home<br />

has been fully renovated in the<br />

last year. Both bathrooms and the kitchen have<br />

been tastefully updated, new floors, all new<br />

appliances, and a new heat pump. Located<br />

near the end of a quiet street with easy access<br />

to schools and shopping. Masset is a lovely<br />

community on the northern end of Graham<br />

Island, Haida Gwaii, which is famous for its<br />

world-renowned beaches, fishing, forests, and<br />

culture. Price $239,500 Call (250) 922 5409 or<br />

email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

1416 Delkatla Street Masset.<br />

Over 150 feet of waterfront and<br />

180-degree panoramic views of<br />

Masset Sound. This spacious<br />

waterfront home with 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms<br />

has a freshly updated basement. Price<br />

$900,000 Call 250-618-2434 or email tracey.<br />

defrane@gmail.com<br />

175 Bayview Port Clements.<br />


What a great house to call home!<br />

Main floor entry with spacious<br />

bedroom, large kitchen and walk-in pantry<br />

and lovely open living/dining room with<br />

double doors to outside deck overlooking the<br />

panoramic views of the ocean and surrounding<br />

mountains...launch your kayak right from<br />

the yard! The walk out basement is bright<br />

and features an additional 3 bedrooms, full<br />

bathroom and a cozy family room with wood<br />

burning stove. The house has had extensive<br />

upgrades in 2022 and comes fully furnished<br />

and equipped. This is a great opportunity to<br />

enjoy the great Port Clements lifestyle. Price<br />

$525,000 Call (250) 218-9776 or email Johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />

815 Oceanview Drive. This is a<br />

great starter home, income property<br />

or recreational property on<br />

a lovely 12,000 sqft lot in Daajing<br />

Giids. Beautiful ocean views and a park area<br />

across the road make this lot extra special. Enjoy<br />

the private yard and relax to the sounds of<br />

the salmon stream running by. The 4-bedroom<br />

mobile home with addition is in good condition,<br />

with a large mudroom for additional<br />

indoor storage and ocean views right from the<br />

living room. Also included is a 8 x 20 c-can for<br />

all your outdoor storage needs, or turn it into a<br />

spacious workshop. Price $229,000 Call (250)<br />

922-5409 or email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

Renovated 3 bedroom. 1.5-bathroom,<br />

single former PMQ on a<br />

large corner lot. New metal roof<br />

(2023), windows replaced (2003),<br />

heat pump (2019). Large 8x12 shed. Partially<br />

fenced. Garden beds. Price $299,999 Email<br />

Trevor.Rath78@yahoo.com<br />

1574 MacLeod Street, Masset<br />

Bring your business ideas<br />

to this wonderful commercial<br />

property in downtown Masset,<br />

Haida Gwaii. This building has been purpose<br />

built with an incredible commercial kitchen,<br />

including a convenient drive through window<br />

allowing you to serve customers on the go. The<br />

main floor also has a lovely guest dining area<br />

and washroom. The second level, flex space,<br />

consists of two large rooms, another washroom<br />

and laundry facilities. This newly built<br />

building is ready to move in and see your business<br />

dreams come to life. Price: $525,000. For<br />

more information call Sarah Barnhardt Re/<br />

Max Coast Mountains (PR) at (250) 922-5409<br />

or email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

<strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 37

Organic Produce<br />

Groceries & Dairy<br />

• Artisan Breads & Baked Goods<br />

• Farm Fresh, Seasonal Veggies<br />

• Free Range Meats<br />

• Organic Charcuterie Meats<br />

• International Cheeses<br />

• Foods for All Diets<br />

250-559-8623<br />

store@isabelcreek.ca<br />

Open Mon-Sat: 10am-5:30pm<br />

3219 Wharf Street<br />

Daajing Giids<br />

Haida Gwaii Essentials<br />

Handcrafted Soap<br />

& Body Products<br />

Available at: Or<br />

Masset Market & Shop<br />

Island Retailers Online!<br />

islandwisehaidagwaii.com<br />

1173 Beitush Road. For your<br />

moments of bliss and joy. Oceanfront<br />

acreage on Haida Gwaii,<br />

surrounded by Naikoon Provincial<br />

Park. 10.89 acres (8.89 plus 2 accreted<br />

land) beachfront with a 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom<br />

ranch home with high ceilings, ready for<br />

your finishing touch (new constructions still<br />

requires some finishing work, interior doors/<br />

casings, plus septic install - priced accordingly),<br />

plus a rustic cabin at the beachfront.<br />

This romantic rain forested property opens to<br />

miles of sandy beachfront. Price $850,000. Call<br />

250.212.8552 or email mperrier@sothebysrealty.ca<br />

160 Acres, Port Clements. Lot<br />

390. Zoned as residential (non-industrial).<br />

Tree farm, agriculture<br />

(grazing or farming) and subdivision/6-acre<br />

lots. 12km north of Port Clements,<br />

off Highway 16, down Watt Lake Main,<br />

6km in. Next to Loon Lake. Has a cranberry<br />

marsh and a creek that can make electricity.<br />

Good for a fish farm, one has been started.<br />

Mainly flat. Can drill down easily for water.<br />

You would never pump it dry, nice clear water.<br />

Pine, spruce and hemlock. Price: $6K/acre or<br />

best offer Call (778) 914-0191 or email info@<br />

haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Worker Accommodations<br />

Long or Short Term. Port Clements<br />

and Masset Port Clements:<br />

furnished and unfurnished 1 and 2 -bedroom<br />

apartments. Newly renovated, including bathroom<br />

and kitchen. Sat. internet, TV, king-size<br />

beds, laundry, and parking are incl. Well suited<br />

for worker accommodation. Clean and secure<br />

building. Masset: several renovated housing<br />

units. 3 and 4 - bedroom units. Furnished or<br />

unfurnished. Sat. internet, cable, laundry, and<br />

parking are included. Call for pricing. Call<br />

(250)-661-9012 or email dustin@rushworthelectric.ca<br />

Shop for Sale. 60ft W X 72ft L X<br />

26ft H, with 3 phase power located<br />

4km from Sandspit. The shop<br />

is on License of Occupation Land.<br />

Price $40,000 Contact Phil @ (250) 637 5614 or<br />

email shiels@qcislands.net<br />

1868 Balsam Cr Masset. Fully<br />

renovated and ready to move in!<br />

This is a beautiful, newly renovated<br />

home. Everything has been<br />

done including both bathrooms, kitchen, new<br />

floors, and paint throughout, all new appliances<br />

and heat pump. Located in a quiet cul de<br />

sac walking distance to everything Masset has<br />

to offer. Masset is located on the northern end<br />

of Graham Island, with easy access to some of<br />

Haida Gwaii’s best beaches, forests, fishing,<br />

and recreational opportunities. Price $249,500<br />

Call (250) 922 5409 or email sarahbarnhardt@<br />

remax.net<br />

2 Grouse Street. The only gas<br />

station in town! The over 5000<br />

sqft building has a long list of<br />

assets, including, fuel services<br />

(gas and diesel), convenience store, restaurant,<br />

commercial kitchen, 2 dining rooms,<br />

and office space. Upstairs is a lovely 1470 sqft,<br />

renovated, 3-bedroom, 1.5-bathroom apartment<br />

with an outside entrance. The ground<br />

level 1470 sqft apartment has 2 bedrooms, 1<br />

bathroom, office, and a large indoor workshop.<br />

A must see opportunity in the charming<br />

village of Port Clements. MLS R2832537. Price<br />

$699,000. Call (250) 922 5409 or email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

For Rent. Skidegate Landing.<br />

Main floor of home with 1 Br,<br />

1BA w/ washer/dryer, some<br />

essentials, and furnishings. Ideal<br />

for a single person or couple. Enjoy a stunning<br />

view, a new woodstove, garage space for wood<br />

storage and tinkering, and close to the ferry.<br />

Home is a work in progress, but your space<br />

is comfortable and quiet. Rent reflects this at<br />

$400 per month. Resident cat included. Top<br />

floor reserved for owner’s storage. Available<br />

end of December. Contact Glenn with references<br />

at (250) 637-1821 or akaudio@qcislands.<br />

net.<br />

Join Our Advertising Family<br />

250-557-2088<br />

info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

38 HG

2150 Elm Crescent Masset. A charming single-detached<br />

house with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and<br />

an unfinished basement. The lovely, treed lot offers<br />

privacy, many places to relax and enjoy. Windows<br />

upgraded 2007. Heat pump Nov 2022. Updated plumbing dry<br />

well. This well-cared-for home is a 5-min. walk from the beach<br />

or downtown. Price $269,000 Call (250) 626-5256 or email dragonflydeb21@gmail.com<br />

Wanted<br />

Book Wanted. Am hoping to buy a copy of the book “Fishing<br />

the Queen Charlotte Islands” by Bob Long. Will pay for packing<br />

and shipping to California. Thank you! Call Scott Mayeda at<br />

(760) 525-1908 or email skaman1@mac.com<br />

ISO: Housing for March/April/May. I am looking to rent a<br />

house, apartment or any combo out in the spring of <strong>2024</strong> for 12<br />

people and NO PETS. Clean and respectful crew. I am hoping to<br />

secure a spot in Port Clements but open to staying in Masset as<br />

well. Open to the possibility of half the crew in Masset and half<br />

in Port Clements. Let me know what is available! Thanks in advance.<br />

Call Jill Bennett at (306) 630-2120 or email bennett_jill@<br />

hotmail.com<br />

Toddler Bed Wanted. Looking for a toddler bed frame for our<br />

nearly two-year-old. Call Erica Reid at (250) 637-1777 or email<br />

erica_jean_ryan@hotmail.com<br />

Freebies<br />

FREE Crib. Used baby crib. Pick up in Skidegate. Call Erica<br />

Reid at (250) 637-1777 or email erica_jean_ryan@hotmail.com<br />

Employment & Training<br />

Food & Beverage - <strong>2024</strong> Haida House Recruitment.<br />

Join our food and beverage team at the<br />

Haida House at Tllaal for the <strong>2024</strong> season! Are you<br />

passionate about delivering exceptional service in a<br />

breathtaking natural setting? For our staff, we have<br />

competitive starting wages, a shuttle bus and accommodation<br />

options to help support our team. Apply today at:<br />

Call Kathy James at (888) 602-0989 or email careers@haico.ca<br />

Housekeeping - <strong>2024</strong> Haida House Recruitment.<br />

Join our housekeeping team at the Haida<br />

House at Tllaal for the <strong>2024</strong> season! Are you<br />

passionate about delivering exceptional service in a<br />

breathtaking natural setting? For our staff, we have<br />

competitive starting wages, a shuttle bus and accommodation<br />

options to help support our team. Apply today at:<br />

Call Kathy James at (888) 602-0989 or email careers@haico.ca<br />

Opportunities for Support Workers. Alder<br />

House is looking for full or part time Program<br />

Support workers. Starting salary is $22.00 p/h. Reporting<br />

to the Program Manager, the PSWs function<br />

as part of a team to provide a range of supports serving Alder<br />

House residents, many of whom are living with mental illness<br />

and/or substance abuse. Required is a High School Diploma (or<br />

a combination of skills and experience), ability to complete BC<br />

Housing required training, basic computer experience and completion<br />

of a Vulnerable Criminal Record check. Contact Sandra<br />

Dean McKay or Jessa Griffith at jessa.griffith@alderhouse.ca or<br />

call (778) 260 3420.<br />

Employment Advisor. As an Employment Advisor<br />

you will work with local people to assist them to<br />

find work, change careers, start a business, or take<br />

training. To succeed in this role, you need to: Care<br />

about people’s long-term success, have a strong understanding<br />

of community resources and the local job market, be ready<br />

to coach individuals, facilitate groups, understand the needs<br />

and service requirements of diverse client groups, have a great<br />

balance of people, administrative and technical skills, bring a<br />

passion for ongoing learning and improvement in the career<br />

development field. Call Julia Corbett at (250) 624-9498 or email<br />

Julia.C@hseds.ca<br />

Guest Services - <strong>2024</strong> Haida House Recruitment.<br />

Are you passionate about delivering<br />

exceptional guest services in a breathtaking natural<br />

setting? For our staff, we have competitive starting<br />

wages, a shuttle bus and accommodation options<br />

to help support our team. Apply today at: Call<br />

Kathy James at (888) 602-0989 or email careers@haico.ca<br />

Hiring Full Time MSR. Northern Savings Credit Union has<br />

an opening for a Full Time Member Service Representative for<br />

our Masset branch. This would appeal to an outgoing individual<br />

interested in providing excellent customer service and a career<br />

in sales. Minimum Qualifications: Education: Secondary School<br />

Diploma required. Experience: Previous sales and service experience<br />

is preferred or an equivalent combination of education,<br />

training and experience. Skills: Excellent written<br />

and verbal English communication skills. Working<br />

knowledge, skills and experience in Microsoft Office.<br />

Hourly Rate: $24.99 - $28.73 Apply online: www.northsave.<br />

com/AboutUs/Careers Call Naomi Juetten at (250) 628-0356 or<br />

email naomijuetten@northsave.com<br />

Office Clerk. As an Office Clerk, you will work with local<br />

people and assist clients and visitors in the reception area and<br />

the WorkBC Resource Centre ensuring everyone enjoys a high<br />

level of satisfaction, and are provided with a consistent, professional<br />

approach in a welcoming environment. You will provide<br />

support, information, tools, and resources to help people undertake<br />

job search, career planning, self-assessment, labour market<br />

research, and other employment activities as independently<br />

as possible. This role also provides basic technical support as<br />

needed and liaises with Employment Advisors and other staff<br />

to ensure that all services offered are current and appropriate<br />

to the community and for client needs. Call Evie Nance at (250)<br />

624-9498 or email Evie.N@hseds.ca<br />

Promote Your Business<br />

250-557-2088<br />

info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Affordable rates / Web and print exposure<br />

Ad design assistance<br />

<strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 39

Space Rentals<br />

Online Gift Shop<br />

Events<br />

Tours<br />

#2 Second Beach Road<br />

HlGaagilda Skidegate,<br />

Haida Gwaii<br />

250-559-7885<br />

www.haidaheritagecentre.com<br />

info@haidaheritage.com<br />

Assistant Manager. As the<br />

HSEDS Assistant Manager, you<br />

will have a great balance of people,<br />

administrative, and technical<br />

skills, facilitate WorkBC program delivery<br />

on-island, oversee the facilities and team, participate<br />

in, and lead community engagement,<br />

and seek opportunities for partnerships and<br />

future programs. To succeed in this fast-paced<br />

role you need to care about people’s long-term<br />

success, have a strong understanding of community<br />

resources and the local job market, be<br />

ready to coach individuals, facilitate groups,<br />

and reach out to those who need our services<br />

in the community. Evie Nance at (250) 624-<br />

9498 or email Evie.N@hseds.ca<br />

Employment Advisor. As<br />

an Employment Advisor you<br />

will work with local people to<br />

assist them to find work, change<br />

careers, start a business, or take training. To<br />

succeed in this role, you need to: Care about<br />

people’s long-term success, have a strong understanding<br />

of community resources and the<br />

local job market, be ready to coach individuals,<br />

facilitate groups, understand the needs<br />

and service requirements of diverse client<br />

groups, have a great balance of people, administrative<br />

and technical skills, bring a passion<br />

for ongoing learning and improvement in the<br />

career development field. Call Julia Corbett at<br />

(250) 624-9498 or email Julia.C@hseds.ca<br />

Opportunities for Support<br />

Workers. Alder House is looking<br />

for full or part time Program<br />

Support workers. Starting salary<br />

is $22.00 p/h. Reporting to the Program<br />

Manager, the PSWs function as part of a team<br />

to provide a range of supports serving Alder<br />

House residents, many of whom are living<br />

with mental illness and/or substance abuse.<br />

Required is a High School Diploma (or a<br />

combination of skills and experience), ability<br />

to complete BC Housing required training,<br />

basic computer experience and completion of<br />

a Vulnerable Criminal Record check. Contact<br />

Sandra Dean McKay or Jessa Griffith at jessa.<br />

griffith@alderhouse.ca or call (778) 260 3420.<br />

Hiring Full Time MSR. Northern<br />

Savings Credit Union has<br />

an opening for a Full Time Member Service<br />

Representative for our Masset branch. This<br />

would appeal to an outgoing individual<br />

interested in providing excellent customer<br />

service and a career in sales. Minimum<br />

Qualifications: Education: Secondary School<br />

Diploma required. Experience: Previous sales<br />

and service experience is preferred or an<br />

equivalent combination of education, training<br />

and experience. Skills: Excellent written<br />

and verbal English communication skills.<br />

Working knowledge, skills and experience in<br />

Microsoft Office. Hourly Rate: $24.99 - $28.73<br />

Apply online: www.northsave.com/AboutUs/<br />

Careers Call Naomi Juetten at (250) 628-0356<br />

or email naomijuetten@northsave.com<br />

Social Worker - Gaw Tlagée<br />

or HlGaagilda. Wage: $40.66/<br />

hour Position: Full Time Permanent<br />

(35-hours/week) Haida Child & Family<br />

is a Haida-led organization providing culturally<br />

appropriate wrap around services to<br />

Haida children and families. Reporting to the<br />

Director of Practice, SW will provide culturally<br />

holistic services to children and families<br />

within the parameters provided by the B.C.<br />

Child, Family and Community Services Act,<br />

and the Aboriginal Operational and Practice<br />

Standards and Indicators (AOPSI). Pursuant<br />

to Section 41 of the BC Human Rights Code,<br />

preference may be given to qualified applicants<br />

of Aboriginal ancestry. This position<br />

requires Union membership and is open to<br />

all applicants. Submit your resume/cover<br />

letter+3 professional references to Chantel<br />

Wellman at chantel@hrwest.ca.<br />

At Your Service<br />

Local, Free-Range Beef for<br />

Sale! No hormones or antibiotics.<br />

Place your order now until May<br />

<strong>2024</strong> for a Side or Quarter. $7/<br />

lb. Cut and wrapped. Wide range of custom<br />

cuts including ground. Delivery available. Call<br />

Cyrus @ Twin Ranch (250) 557-4727 or email<br />

info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />


Immerse yourself in transformative education inspired by Haida Gwaii.<br />

Apply today for our Summer Session in Plants, People, and Place.<br />

hginstitute.ca / hg.institute@ubc.ca<br />

40 HG

Valley Boat<br />

Service<br />

Fabrication<br />

Custom Upgrades<br />

250-557-2057<br />

Port Clements, BC<br />

Professional Tile Setting<br />

Services Locally based team<br />

of 2, with plenty of combined<br />

knowledge of good construction<br />

practices. Formal trade ticketing<br />

combined with extensive building experience.<br />

Tile, stone, brickwork, pavers, and cultured<br />

stone, specializing in residential custom home<br />

installations. Call Murray Kennedy or Eve<br />

Irvine today to arrange a quote at (250) 626-<br />

7541 or email tileworkdoneright@gmail.com<br />

Gardening Workshops. Are<br />

you interested in learning how<br />

to grow your own food? From<br />

seed starting to preserving and<br />

everything in-between? Nutrimentum<br />

Wellness is a new wellness-centered<br />

business and will be offering<br />

10 hands-on gardening workshops from April<br />

to September just north of Port Clements.<br />

Details on each workshop are still to come,<br />

and as part of our planning process, we would<br />

like to know how many people are interested<br />

in attending. Contact jennifer@nutrimentumwellness.com<br />

to express interest, for more<br />

information, or to register; or check out our<br />

website – www.nutrimentumwellness.com –<br />

for updates as they become available or to join<br />

our mailing list.<br />

Haida Gwaii Labour Ready.<br />

Island Wide. Don’t have the time<br />

or equipment? Give us a call or<br />

text 778-260-0987 for a free quote.<br />

We bring all our own equipment.<br />

Here are a few services below,<br />

if you don’t see what you’d like<br />

done, just ask us -Gutter Cleaning -Dump<br />

Runs -Cemetery Cleaning -Jobsite Cleanup<br />

-Yard Clean-up -Heavy Lifting -General<br />

Labour -Hard Labour -Odd Handyman Jobs<br />

-Lawn Care -Bush Clearing -Grass Cutting<br />

-House Cleaning -House Sitting -Vehicle<br />

Cleaning -Boat Cleaning. Call Stephanie at<br />

(778) 260-0987 or email smits_31@yahoo.ca<br />

Community Service Listings<br />

Alcoholics Anonymous. If you<br />

have a drinking problem we can<br />

help. If you live in the north end<br />

of Haida Gwaii call John at 250-<br />

626-7557. In-person meetings are<br />

on Wednesdays, at 8 pm in the Masset Fire<br />

Hall soup kitchen. If you live in the South<br />

end, call Lou at 250-559-4568. Meetings are<br />

held in the HlGaagilda Skidegate at the United<br />

Church, at 8 pm on Saturday nights. For<br />

more info on how to join a local virtual Zoom<br />

meeting, call John at (250) 626-7557. Call<br />

John/Lou at (250) 626-7557 or email info@<br />

haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Our Mandate: To facilitate the availability and delivery of affordable broadband Internet<br />

services to residential and commercial customers on Haida Gwaii. Through investment in the<br />

installation and operation of broadband network infrastructure, and the aggregation of internet<br />

traffic to maximize purchasing power for connectivity to the public Internet.<br />

Are you a community minded individual interested in helping us maintain<br />

and continue to build Haida Gwaii’s Internet infrastructure?<br />

GwaiiTel has an opening for 1 Director to join the team.<br />

We are looking for a dynamic individual to help us steer this volunteer run, non-profit society.<br />

Internet access is vital for our communities and we are looking for a strong individual to assist GwaiiTel in continuing to<br />

improve access to high speed Internet on Haida Gwaii.<br />

If you are interested in serving as a Director for GwaiiTel, please contact Terri Walker at terri.walker@gwaiitel.com or call 250-<br />

559-7756 for an application package.<br />

Previous governance experience and a good knowledge of technology and/or telecommunications is an asset.<br />

Closing Date <strong>January</strong> 19, <strong>2024</strong> at 4:00pm<br />

GwaiiTel Society<br />

Website: gwaiitel.com<br />

Email: terri.walker@gwaiitel.com<br />

PO Box 796, Daajing Giids, BC, Canada V0T1S0<br />

Unit 4 – 888 Highway 16, Skidegate, BC<br />

<strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 41

Haida Gwaii Tide Tables <strong>2024</strong><br />

The tide height in Haida Gwaii varies by up to 24 feet<br />

(more than 7 meters)! The big tides (higher highs and<br />

lower lows) happen every 2 weeks around the full and<br />

new moons. Knowing the tides is important for exploring<br />

tide pools, harvesting intertidal food, fishing, navigation,<br />

and tidal currents. So before you head out, be<br />

sure to check the date, time, and tide height, and adjust<br />

the time for your specific location around Haida Gwaii.<br />

Tides in Haida Gwaii<br />

Compared to predictions for Prince Rupert<br />

K'iis Gwaay<br />

Langara Pt<br />

10 min early<br />

Estimates are unofficial and may vary<br />

significantly from reality<br />

Hl'yaalang Waagusd<br />

North Beach<br />

5 min early<br />

Masset<br />

Gawée Sdaa 20 min late<br />

Alexandra Narrows<br />

Flood starts 0:15 after low<br />

Ebb starts 0:10 after high<br />

Sk'iiluu Kaahlii<br />

Nesto Inlet<br />

10 min early<br />

Skaats'insii<br />

Dawson Hbr<br />

15 min early<br />

Taan Guu<br />

Trounce Inlet<br />

Low 55 min late<br />

High 20 min late<br />

Daa.ulgaay<br />

East Skidegate Narrows<br />

(Floods west)<br />

West Beacon<br />

Flood starts 3:20 – 3:50 after low<br />

Ebb starts 3:00 – 3:30 after high<br />

East Beacon<br />

Flood starts 1:50 – 2:50 after low<br />

Ebb starts 1:30 – 2:30 after high<br />

Juus Kaahlii<br />

Juskatla<br />

Low 5:15 late<br />

High 4:45 late<br />

Designed by:<br />

Stu Crawford<br />

Box 788, Masset, BC<br />

stu.crawford@gmail.com<br />

(250) 626-3868<br />

Crawford<br />

Ecological Consulting<br />

Taa Suu<br />

Hunger Hbr<br />

20 min early<br />

Data from the Canadian Hydrographic Service<br />

Gaw Kaahlii<br />

Masset Sound<br />

Flood starts 2:50 after low<br />

Ebb starts 2:30 after high<br />

Gamadiis<br />

Port Clements<br />

Low 3:05 late<br />

High 2:50 late<br />

Daajing Giids<br />

Queen Charlotte<br />

Low 20 min late<br />

High same as P.R.<br />

Kuuɢahl<br />

McCoy Cove<br />

Low 15 min late<br />

High 5 min late<br />

K'yal Gawɢa<br />

Pacofi<br />

Low 10 min late<br />

High same as P.R.<br />

Gwaay K'aas<br />

Copper Is.<br />

Same as P.R.<br />

Kay Tay Daanaay<br />

Cape St James<br />

Low 10 min early<br />

High 5 min early<br />

42 HG

Haida Gwaii Trader Community Calendar<br />

<strong>January</strong>/<strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />

Go to www.haidagwaiitrader.com, click on the Calendar tab and post your event, or send your event details to<br />

Jamie McDonald at events.manager@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

All calendar details appear as promoted at the time of printing.<br />

Island Wide & Online<br />

Alcoholics Anonymous If you have a drinking<br />

problem we can help. If you live in the north end<br />

of Haida Gwaii call John at 250-626-7557. In-person<br />

meetings are on Wednesdays, at 8 pm in the<br />

Masset Fire Hall soup kitchen. If you live in the<br />

South end, call Lou at 250-559-4568. Meetings are held in the<br />

HlGaagilda Skidegate at the United Church, at 8 pm on Saturday<br />

nights. For more info on how to join a virtual meeting, call John<br />

at 250-626-7557 or visit aa.org/pages/en_US<br />

VIRL – Tech support with library Manager<br />

Patrick. If you need any tech support, contact your<br />

local VIRL branch and schedule a time to come<br />

in with your device. Contacts can be found at virl.<br />

bc.ca<br />

StrongStart – Free drop in and play based program<br />

for parents/caregivers and children ages<br />

0-kindergarten. Massett Mon-Fri 9-12/ Tahayghen Elementary<br />

School / 2151 Tahayghen Dr / For more information contact<br />

Beth Kellar at 250-626-5572 or bkellar@sd50.bc.ca or Facebook:<br />

Tahayghen Strong Start Port Clements Tue, Wed and Thu, 9-12<br />

/ Multiplex / 36 Cedar Avenue West / For more information contact<br />

Jasmine Beachy at 250-557-4333 or jbeachy@sd50.bc.ca or<br />

FB: PCES StrongStart. Sandspit Mon to Fri, 9-12 / Agnes L Mathers<br />

Elementary School / 406 Copper Bay / For more information<br />

contact Claire Gauthier at 250-637-5454 or cgauthier@sd50.bc.ca<br />

or FB: ALM Strong Start Skidegate Sk’aadgaa Naay Elementary<br />

/ 500 Skidegate Heights / For more information contact Janine<br />

Wilson at 250-559-8889 or jwilson@sd50.bc.ca or FB Sk’aadgaa<br />

Naay Strong Start<br />

Gaw Tlagée / Old Massett & Masset<br />

Masset Market: Winter break from Jan 1 –<br />

Feb 3 NO MARKETS; Masset Market Fridays,<br />

year-round, 11am – 2pm; Monthly Night Market<br />

Last Friday of the month, 6-8 pm / Across from the<br />

HG Co-op, 1575 Main Street in Masset / Locally<br />

grown and prepared foods as well as locally handcrafted items<br />

and more! Delicious hot lunches are a regular feature at the<br />

market. For more info, contact Natalie Affolter at 250-626-9181<br />

or massetmarket@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook and<br />

Instagram: Masset Market<br />

VIRL Masset Events Storytime Wednesdays<br />

11:30-12pm / Tahayghen Elementary School - small<br />

gym / 2151 Tahayghen Dr. Lego Club Wednesdays<br />

3-4pm / Puppet Show Jan 25 / 4-5pm<br />

Vancouver Island Regional Library / 2123 Collison.<br />

For more information contact Etchi Zaleski at 250-626-3663 or<br />

jzaleski@virl.bc.ca<br />

Tawlang Ga Tlaayds - Open Gym Mondays &<br />

Fridays, 10am-12; Wednesdays 3-5pm / Kwiiyaans<br />

Hall / 348 Eagle Ave / Join us, families with children<br />

0-6 years old & siblings. Snacks provided.<br />

Together Tuesdays Tuesdays 12-2pm + monthly<br />

dinner 6-8pm. Xaad Kil Story Time Thursdays 10am-12. Breastfeeding<br />

group, Pregnancy Outreach Program, and other activities<br />

offered at the Gaw Tlagee Youth Centre. For more information,<br />

contact Ashley Jacobson, Coordinator at 250-626-3573 or check<br />

our FB: Old Massett Tawlang ga Tlaayds.<br />

Kwiiyaans Community Hall Activities Every<br />

day of the week / Eagle Ave. / Old Masset / Cardio<br />

Bootcamp, Boxing, Yoga and Open Gym. For more<br />

information and current updates, contact Tando<br />

250-626-7995 or FB Kwiiyaans Community Hall<br />

Gaw Tlagee Youth Centre Activities – Pre-teen<br />

and teen activities, sports, movie nights, after<br />

school homework club (Thursdays from 3-4 pm) and more. For<br />

more information contact Toni-Lynn Davidson at Tonilynn.<br />

davidson@haidahealth.ca or FB Old Masset Youth Program<br />

Breastfeeding group Every 3rd Wednesday of the<br />

month / 11am-12:30pm / Old Masset Youth Centre<br />

150B Raven Ave / This peer support group is for<br />

parents who are currently breastfeeding, chestfeeding, lactating<br />

or providing human milk to their little ones, as well as expecting<br />

parents thinking of human milk feeding, and elders and community<br />

care providers with lived human milk feeding experience.<br />

For more information contact Emma at 250-626-7688 or<br />

emma.mt@lllc.ca or FB: LLLC -La Leche League Haida Gwaii or<br />

www.lllc.ca<br />

Women’s Drop-In Coffee Time Thursdays /<br />

10am-Noon / Wellness House / 2112 Collison Ave.<br />

/ Open to all self-identifying women! Healthy<br />

snacks provided. For more information contact<br />

Delevina at 250-626-3911 and Maureen Samuels @ Northern<br />

Health 250-626-4725. Rides provided by Ellis Edgars 250-626-<br />

9118. For more information contact Carly at 250-626-7884 or<br />

wellness.coordinator@haidahealth.ca or FB: Niislaa Naay Healing<br />

House Society<br />

Haida Gwaii Arts Council presents 7-9:30pm /<br />

Playhouse / 1616 Millard Street / Contemporary<br />

Dance by Kunji Ikeda Feb 9 / Kinji Ikeda will<br />

collaborate with Masset dancer Alison Keery for this show.<br />

Adam Robert Thomas Jazz Concert Mar 1 / Juno-nominated<br />

Jazz musician Adam Robert Thomas’ unique sound combines<br />

elements of soul, jazz, indie and top 40 music. For more information<br />

contact Beng Favreau at 250-637-1344 or info@hgartscouncil.ca<br />

or FB: hgartscouncil<br />

<strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 43

Coach Al’s Hockey Camp – Masset Thursdays<br />

from <strong>January</strong> 18-Feb 8 / 3:30-5pm / Roller Rink /<br />

behind the Village Office on Gudangaay Tlaats’gaa<br />

Naay Secondary School grounds / Join Coach Al in<br />

the new year and learn the fundamentals of hockey!<br />

Youth in grades 4 to 7. Registration required. For more information<br />

contact HG Rec at 250-637-1192 or info@hgrec.com or<br />

hgrec.com<br />

Harm Reduction Lunch Fridays & Mondays / 10am-2pm /<br />

Wellness House / 2132 Collison Ave. / For more information<br />

contact David Emerson at 778-361-0769 or david.emerson@<br />

haidahealth.ca<br />

Community Dance Project Jan 11, 12, 18 & 19 / 5-7pm / Kwiiyaans<br />

Community Hall / Eagle Ave / This is a FREE workshop<br />

series open to EVERYONE on Haida Gwaii. It is co-presented by<br />

local professional dance artist, Alison Keery and Mnidoo Mnising<br />

based professional dance artist Candice Irwin. All ages and<br />

abilities are encouraged! Bring the whole family! Children under<br />

10 must be accompanied by an adult. This Workshop Series will<br />

be exploring movement themes on land, sea and sky. COME<br />

DANCE WITH US! For more information or to register contact<br />

Alison Keery at alison.keery@hotmail.com or FB: Alison Keery<br />

Wáan Kύn / Gamadiis Llnagaay Port Clements<br />

Family Day Fun Shoot @ Port Clements Rod<br />

and Gun Club / Feb 19 / 12-3pm / Juskatla Road,<br />

5 km out of Port / Any caliber, any distance, bring<br />

your family out and have some fun. Prizes for best sportsmanship,<br />

most improved, and best accuracy for three age categories.<br />

For more information contact Jason Rupke at 250-589-1420 or<br />

jasonrupke@hotmail.com or FB: PortClementsRodandGunClub<br />

Seniors’ Yoga Thursdays / 11am-12pm / Multiplex<br />

Seniors’ Room / 36 Cedar Avenue West / Learn to<br />

respect your body and discover its intelligence as<br />

you stretch, strengthen, open, and relax. Mats are<br />

available, please bring a blanket and arrive a few<br />

minutes early. FREE! For more information contact HG Rec at<br />

250-626-5652 or info@hgrec.com or hgrec.com<br />

Storytime Tuesdays / 11:30am-12pm / Multipurpose<br />

Building, Strong Start Room / 36 Cedar Avenue<br />

West / Join Etchi from the Vancouver Island Regional<br />

Library for Storytime! For more information<br />

contact Etchi Zaleski at 250-626-3663 or jzaleski@<br />

virl.bc.ca<br />

Daajing Giids<br />

Family Connection Drop In Monthly, 2nd<br />

Thursday / 10am-12 / Island Wellness Society<br />

Lounge / 204 Oceanview / Peer-to-peer support and<br />

connection group for folks who are expecting, or<br />

have had a baby in the past year. Join us for some<br />

delicious snacks and good company! Feel free to bring your baby<br />

and/or partner. Drop in Playgroup Fridays / 9-11am / This<br />

playgroup is available for littles age 0-5years old. Parents must<br />

be in attendance. For more information contact 250-559-4711 or<br />

ccrrfamilyresource@islandswellnesssociety.com or FB: Haida<br />

Gwaii Child Care Resource and Referral Program<br />

44 HG<br />

VIRL Daajing Giids Events 138 Bay Street. Knitters<br />

Social Thursdays (apart from when there is the<br />

movie nights) Movie night: Objectified Jan 18 /<br />

6:30-8pm / Join us to watch. Movie night: Eating<br />

Alaska Feb 15 / 6:30pm-8pm / Join us for our Movie<br />

Night. For more information contact Michelle Scott at 250-559-<br />

4518 or dg1@virl.bc.ca or virl.bc.ca<br />

Earth Temple Activities & Events 403 Oceanview<br />

Drive. The Groove - Monthly Ecstatic<br />

Dance Party Every 2nd Friday of the month /<br />

8-9:30pm / A safe space for freedom of movement.<br />

All ages; suggested donation $10. For more information<br />

contact Jessiquita at 250-617-5013 or jessiquitamadrid@gmail.com.<br />

Yoga Inspired Fitness with Shelley<br />

Tuesdays / 6-7pm / Shelley’s fitness classes are inspired by yoga<br />

poses along with pilates and strength training exercises. Yoga<br />

with Lance Mondays / 6-7pm / Tai Chi inspired exercise<br />

Wednesdays / 12-1pm / Afterschool Program Wednesdays Jan<br />

10-Feb 14 / 3:30-5pm / Join Karen for fun activities for youth ages<br />

6-12. Qi Gong Fridays / 11-12:15pm / Join Kiki for this practice.<br />

Mandala Drawing Jan 13 / 1:30-4:30pm / Join Kiki and take a<br />

deep dive into Sacred Geometry. Registration for this offering at<br />

www.kikivanderheiden.com Tarot Workshop Jan 14 / 1-4pm<br />

/ With Karen & Ali. Mindful Belly Moves Jan 20 / 2:30-5pm /<br />

Join S’ya. For more information on all programs contact Karen<br />

at 250-637-1918 or kswalhout@gmail.com or earth-temple.<br />

square.site<br />

Breastfeeding group Last Wednesday of the month<br />

/ 9:30-11am / Gather / 223 Oceanview Drive / This<br />

peer support group is for parents who are currently<br />

breastfeeding, chestfeeding, lactating or providing human<br />

milk to their little ones, as well as expecting parents thinking of<br />

human milk feeding, and elders and community care providers<br />

with lived human milk feeding experience. For more information<br />

contact Emma at 250-626-7688 or emma.mt@lllc.ca or FB:<br />

LLLC -La Leche League Haida Gwaii or www.lllc.ca<br />

Sunday Church and Worship Service Sundays / 10am-12pm /<br />

Bethel Assembly Church / 222 Oceanview Drive / We are a friendly<br />

and welcoming family fellowship Christian Church (affiliated<br />

with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) where everybody<br />

(including children) is welcome. Sunday services commence<br />

at 10am followed by fellowship. For more information, please<br />

check our website: bethelassembly.ca For more information contact<br />

Bill and Heather at 604-989-2364 or bbeamish1@hotmail.<br />

com or bethelassembly.ca<br />

Forbes Pharmacy<br />

at the Hospital in Daajing Giids<br />


9 am to 5 pm<br />

Closed for lunch 1-2 pm<br />

250-559-4910 rxdm1005@nbly.ca<br />

www.forbespharmacy.ca<br />

Find us on Facebook!

Daajing Giids - cont.<br />

Taoist Tai Chi® Saturdays / 10am-12pm / Daajing Giids Community<br />

Hall / 134 Bay Street / Strength, Flexibility, Stillness For<br />

more information contact Beatie at 250-631-9160 or haidagwaii@taoist.org<br />

or www.taoist.org<br />

Support Group – a compassionate gathering<br />

for those with elders facing dementia symptoms<br />

Jan 29 / 6:30-8pm / Senior’s room next to<br />

VIRL / 138 Bay Street / Our sessions include caring,<br />

sharing understanding and tea. All are welcome.<br />

For more information contact Shelley Braun at 250-600-0215 or<br />

haidagwaii@bcss.org<br />

Haida Gwaii Coffeehouse / 6:30-9pm / Daajing<br />

Giids Community Hall / Jan 26 – featuring Kayla<br />

; Feb 23 – featuring Möbius / The doors open at<br />

6:30pm. The evening will begin with a shared community<br />

meal, so please remember to bring a bowl,<br />

spoon and mug to partake. The open mic starts at<br />

7pm (sign up between 6:30 and 7pm). Everything is by donation.<br />

For more information, follow on Facebook or visit www.haidagwaiicoffeehouse.com.<br />

HG Rec activities @ GidGalang Kuuyas Naay<br />

Secondary School Gymnasium / 801 Oceanview<br />

/ Check out their website for a schedule of all<br />

indoor sports & other activities – hgrec.com<br />

Haida Gwaii Arts Council Shows @ 7-9:30pm /<br />

Daajing Giids Community Hall / 134 Bay Street<br />

/ Alex Cuba Solo Tour on Haida Gwaii Jan 23 /<br />

Latin Grammy/Juno winner, singer-songwriter Alex<br />

Cuba will be performing one solo show in Haida Gwaii, bringing<br />

his brand of world music and calibre of musicianship that will<br />

both inspire and delight many. Special show admission price –<br />

$20 for HGAC members; $25 for public. Contemporary Dance<br />

by Kunji Ikeda Feb 10 / Kinji Ikeda will collaborate with Masset<br />

dancer Alison Keery for this show. Adam Robert Thomas Jazz<br />

Concert Mar 2 / Juno-nominated Jazz musician Adam Robert<br />

Thomas’ unique sound combines elements of soul, jazz, indie<br />

and top 40 music. For more information contact Beng Favreau at<br />

250-637-1344 or info@hgartscouncil.ca or FB: hgartscouncil<br />


Send your details to Jamie McDonald at<br />

events.manager@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

K’il Kun Sandspit<br />

VIRL - Craft Night Thursdays / 5-7pm / Vancouver<br />

Island Regional Library / Seabreeze Plaza, Beach Rd<br />

/ The Sandspit Branch continues to host craft night<br />

every Thursday evening. Bring a craft project you’re<br />

working on and join a fun, social crafting circle<br />

every week! Knitting, embroidery, crochet, beading, painting,<br />

paper crafts, anything goes! Drop-ins welcome. For more information<br />

Kelsey (250) 637-2247 or sp1@virl.bc.ca or virl.bc.ca/<br />

branches/sandspit<br />

Taoist Tai Chi® Sundays / 6-7:30pm / Sandspit Community<br />

Hall / 411 Alliford Bay / Strength, Flexibility, Stillness. For more<br />

information contact Remi 250-637-5729 or haidagwaii@taoist.<br />

org or taoist.org<br />

Drop-in Floor Hockey Thursdays / 7-8pm / Agnes<br />

L Mathers Elementary school gymnasium / 406 Copper<br />

Bay / Floor hockey is a family of indoor hockey<br />

games, usually in the style of ice hockey, that are<br />

played on flat floor surfaces, such as a basketball<br />

court. COST: Free! For adults, Co-Ed – bring your own gear or<br />

borrow! ORGANIZER: Jamie Polk. For more information contact<br />

HG Rec at 250-637-1192 or info@hgrec.com or hgrec.com<br />

HlGaagilda Skidegate<br />

Community Dance Project Jan 8, 9, 15 & 16 /<br />

5-7pm / Sk’aadGaa Naay / 500 Skidegate Heights<br />

/ This is a FREE workshop series open to EV-<br />

ERYONE on Haida Gwaii. It is co-presented by<br />

local professional dance artist, Alison Keery and<br />

Mnidoo Mnising based professional dance artist Candice Irwin.<br />

All ages and abilities are encouraged! Bring the whole family!<br />

Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult. This<br />

Workshop Series will be exploring movement themes on land,<br />

sea and sky. COME DANCE WITH US! For more information or<br />

to register contact Alison Keery at alison.keery@hotmail.com or<br />

FB: Alison Keery<br />

Coach Al’s Hockey Camp Wednesdays, Jan 17-Feb 7 / 3:30-<br />

5pm / Sk’aadGaa Naay Elementary Gymnasium / 500 Skidegate<br />

Heights / Join Coach Al in the new year and learn the fundamentals<br />

of hockey! Youth in grades 4 to 7 are invited to develop<br />

their skills through drills, mini-games, & scrimmages in a safe<br />

environment, where they’ll be encouraged to fall in love with the<br />

game. Registration required. For more information contact HG<br />

Rec at 250-637-1192 or info@hgrec.com or hgrec.com<br />

<strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 45

HlGaagilda Skidegate - cont.<br />

Support Group - Do you have a friend or family<br />

member living with mental illness or have<br />

issues with substance use? Jan 30 / 6:30-8pm /<br />

Food Pantry / green building by Small Hall on Front<br />

Street / Our peer-led support group extends a warm<br />

welcome to everyone, not just families, seeking a safe space to<br />

discuss concerns and share experiences. Following the NAMI<br />

approach, our aim is to work as a group with the clear intention<br />

to increase our capacity to navigate difficult times. You are not<br />

alone. For more information contact Shelley Braun at 250-600-<br />

0215 or haidagwaii@bcss.org or bcss.org<br />

CHN Career/Job Fair Jan 31 / 3-7:30pm / Small<br />

Hall / Front Street / The Council of the Haida<br />

Nation invite you to join us for the 2nd Annual<br />

CHN Career/Job Fair. Tables are 100$ each. To<br />

book a table or for more information, please email:<br />

katrina.overton@haidanation.com. Catered dinner<br />

to be served at 5 p.m. For more information contact CHN at<br />

250.559.4468 or katrina.overton@haidanation.com or haidanation.ca<br />


May 3rd to June 30th<br />

Online & in person event<br />


F o r m o r e i n f o v i s i t<br />

w w w . h g a r t s c o u n c i l . c a<br />

H a i d a G w a i i A l l I s l a n d A r t S h o w<br />

allislandartshow@gmail.com . . .<br />

Tll.aal / Tlell<br />

Taoist Tai Chi® Wednesdays / 10am-noon / Tlell Firehall / 36542<br />

Hwy 16 / Strength, Flexibility, Stillness. For more information<br />

contact Charlie at 250 559 8252 or haidagwaii@taoist.org or<br />

taoist.org<br />

Your Communities, Your Councils<br />

Village of Port Clements Regular Council<br />

Meetings: 3 rd Monday of the month; Committee of<br />

the Whole meetings: Once a month, dates TBA /<br />

7-8:30pm / 36 Cedar Avenue West / Regular Council<br />

meetings. For more information (250) 557-4295 or office@portclements.ca<br />

or portclements.ca<br />

Daajing Giids 1st and 3rd Monday of the month<br />

/ 7pm / 903 A Oceanview Drive / Regular Council<br />

Meetings. For more information (250) 559-4765 or office@<br />

queencharlotte.ca, queencharlotte.ca<br />

Masset 2nd and 4th Monday of each month / 7pm<br />

/ 1686 Main Street / Regular Council Meetings. For<br />

more information (250) 626-3995 or vomadmin@<br />

mhtv.ca or massetbc.com<br />

Puzzle Page<br />

Answer Key<br />


Call us at 250-557-2088 or<br />

email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

46 HG

<strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 47

Haida Gwaii Arts Council<br />

<strong>2024</strong> Music Events<br />

Alex Cuba Solo Show<br />

<strong>January</strong> 23 th | Hall in Daajing Giids<br />

HGAC Members: $20 | Public: $25<br />

RAIN dance performance<br />

by Kunji Ikeda<br />

<strong>February</strong> 9 th | Masset Playhouse<br />

<strong>February</strong> 10 th | Hall in Daajing Giids<br />

HGAC Members: $15 | Public: $20<br />

Adam Robert Thomas<br />

Jazz Concert<br />

March 1 st | Masset Playhouse<br />

March 2 nd | Hall in Daajing Giids<br />

HGAC Members: $15 | Public: $20<br />

All shows start at 7:30PM. Door opens at 7PM. Cash admission at the door.<br />

www.hgartscouncil.ca<br />


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