Amersham and Chalfonts Together March April 2024
For this issue only - we have printed !1,300 copies #Community publication hand delivered to over 10,000 homes and businesses via Royal Mail distribution in Amersham, Chalfont St Giles, Chalfont St Peter and Little Chalfont. News and views from non profit organisations, communities, charities, schools, with features on health, food, lifestyle, financial and much more. Please email us with latest news to:
For this issue only - we have printed !1,300 copies #Community publication hand delivered to over 10,000 homes and businesses via Royal Mail distribution in Amersham, Chalfont St Giles, Chalfont St Peter and Little Chalfont. News and views from non profit organisations, communities, charities, schools, with features on health, food, lifestyle, financial and much more. Please email us with latest news to:
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FREE<br />
Find a New Hobby or Skill<br />
Donate to the Kindness Club<br />
Great British Dog Walk - 28th <strong>April</strong><br />
Visit Kew & Chiltern Open Air Museum<br />
11,000 complimentary copies h<strong>and</strong> delivered by Royal Mail to homes<br />
in <strong>Amersham</strong>, Chalfont St Giles, Chalfont St Peter <strong>and</strong> Little Chalfont<br />
copies at Tesco Superstore, <strong>Amersham</strong><br />
THE<br />
CLUB<br />
Donate Mon & Wed<br />
10am - 12pm<br />
Mill Meadow, CSP<br />
see p21<br />
For help or food donations<br /><br />
Tel: 01494 512 277<br />
Private GP with a difference<br />
0330 088 2020<br /><br />
<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> Issue 30
Welfare of older people<br />
Hooray<br />
Gerrards Cross<br />
<strong>Together</strong> is<br />
now online!<br />
GERRARDS CROSS<br /><br />
<strong>Together</strong><br />
Visit<br />
for a copy <strong>and</strong> more details.<br />
01753 917241<br />
Sunday 18th May<br />
For help or food donations<br /><br />
Tel: 01494 512 277<br />
January/February <strong>2024</strong> Issue 2<br />
Want to advertise your charity / club or group?<br />
If you have a club or group in the area <strong>and</strong> would like a free listing<br />
please get in contact.<br />
Want to advertise your business?<br />
Advertise in Gerrards Cross <strong>Together</strong> online, or our printed copies<br />
covering Beaconsfield, <strong>Amersham</strong>, Chalfont St Peter, Chalfont St Giles<br />
<strong>and</strong> Little Chalfont.<br />
Rates are very competitive <strong>and</strong> when budgets are tight, our community<br />
spirit would like to help in times of need.<br />
Contact for more details.<br />
<strong>Together</strong><br />
<strong>Together</strong><br />
<strong>Together</strong><br />
Creating the Future<br />
Our Thorpians have gone on to be leaders, entrepreneurs,<br />
scholars, athletes <strong>and</strong> artists, to name but a few. Whatever<br />
the future holds for our students aged 4 to 16, we support,<br />
challenge <strong>and</strong> empower each unique individual to explore<br />
their passions, develop their talents <strong>and</strong> fulfil their ambitions.<br />
Your future awaits at Thorpe House School…<br />
Whole School Open Mornings:<br />
Wednesday 13th <strong>March</strong> <strong>2024</strong>, 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.<br />
Tuesday 14th May <strong>2024</strong>, 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m<br />
Scan the QR code to find out more <strong>and</strong> book your place.<br />
Thorpe House<br />
Sixth Form<br />
Launching<br />
September <strong>2024</strong><br />
In the heart of Gerrards Cross,<br />
our br<strong>and</strong> new Sixth Form<br />
offers first class teaching,<br />
with an emphasis on<br />
academic achievement, the<br />
development of key life skills,<br />
leadership <strong>and</strong> exploration,<br />
extended pastoral care, <strong>and</strong><br />
bespoke university<br />
<strong>and</strong> careers guidance.<br />
Visit<br />
sixth to discover more<br />
<strong>and</strong> apply.<br />
Thorpe House School<br />
Oval Way, Gerrards Cross,<br />
Bucks SL9 8QA<br />
01753 882474<br /><br /><br />
@thorpehousesch<br />
To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email 3
Useful Numbers<br />
Mental Help Helpline 24/7<br />
t: 0800 783 0119 / 01865 904 997<br />
National Domestic Abuse Helpline 24/7<br />
t: 0808 2000 247<br />
Chilterns Dial-a-ride for those with<br />
mobility problems t: 01494 766 123<br />
Alcoholics Anonymous<br />
Call confidentially on: t: 0800 917 7650<br />
Be Amazing <strong>and</strong> Volunteer<br />
Age UK’s Befriending service matches older<br />
people with volunteers who have similar interests.<br />
t: 01296 431911<br />
e:<br />
Bucks Mind in Buckinghamshire<br />
Volunteers over 18 years needed<br />
t: 01494 463364 or<br />
w:<br />
Meet the Team<br />
Publisher, Editor & Sales<br />
Therese Cooklin - 07786 735 711<br />
Magazine Designer<br />
Mathew Peet, Digital Bear Design - 01949 839 206<br />
Content is accurate to the best of our knowledge, however <strong>Amersham</strong><br />
& <strong>Chalfonts</strong> <strong>Together</strong> part of <strong>Together</strong> Magazines Limited cannot be<br />
held liable for loss or damage, caused by errors or omissions. Inclusion<br />
of advertisers does not indicate our endorsement of their products or<br />
services.<br />
The opinions <strong>and</strong> findings expressed in articles submitted to this<br />
publication are solely those of the authors <strong>and</strong> should not be assumed<br />
to be those of <strong>Amersham</strong> <strong>Together</strong> or its affiliates.<br />
© Paul Wilkinson Photography - Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.<br />
Event details see p14<br />
Hello & welcome!<br />
Hooray spring is here! I hope you are enjoying the<br />
beautiful spring flowers that are emerging from the<br />
winter soil <strong>and</strong> you’re taking time to enjoy the sun<br />
when it shines, the birds singing <strong>and</strong> how amazing<br />
mother nature is!<br />
Thank you to everyone who has visited Gerrards<br />
Cross <strong>Together</strong> - the GX magazine online. GX is<br />
another town where wonderful kind people live,<br />
bringing the community together!<br />
It’s Mother’s Day on Sunday 10th <strong>March</strong> so don’t<br />
forget to mark the occasion, Hearing Dogs for the<br />
Deaf are organising the Big British Dog Walk at<br />
Waddesdon Manor (p14) <strong>and</strong> check out the Young<br />
Journalist’s writing from p15 to p18 with news about<br />
Kew Gardens, exams <strong>and</strong> the environment.<br />
The Chiltern Rangers are collaborating with CSP<br />
Parish Council on a special community project (p26)<br />
<strong>and</strong> to win a fabulous Family Ticket to Bekonscot<br />
go to p31.<br />
There’s lots more exciting news inside <strong>and</strong> if you<br />
own a local business <strong>and</strong> want to get your business<br />
noticed why not get in touch <strong>and</strong> we can have a<br />
chat. Take care!<br />
With love,<br />
Therese<br />
May/June <strong>2024</strong><br />
Editorials: 27th <strong>March</strong><br />
Advertisers: 28th <strong>March</strong><br />
t: 07786 735 711<br />
e:<br />
w:<br />
Get your business noticed<br />
for as little as £36<br />
Royal Mail door-to-door delivery <strong>and</strong><br />
drop-off sites to over 17,000 homes in<br />
Beaconsfield, <strong>Amersham</strong> & <strong>Chalfonts</strong><br />
ADVERTS, WEBSITES, LEAFLETS, car livery,<br />
clothing designs<br />
Family run business<br />
Full <strong>and</strong> partial rewires<br />
Safety electrical testing<br />
L<strong>and</strong>lords reports (PRS)<br />
Fuse board upgrades<br />
Garden lighting<br />
All electrical work undertaken<br />
Adam: 077251 72878 Craig: 077305 75633<br />
w:<br />
e:<br />
Find us on instagram: @alcon_electrical<br />
To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email 5
Chiltern Open<br />
Air Museum is<br />
re-opening<br />
Local history museum <strong>and</strong> charity,<br />
Chiltern Open Air Museum is re-opening<br />
on Saturday 9th <strong>March</strong>. The 45-acre site,<br />
in Chalfont St Giles, is an outdoor museum<br />
with a collection of historic buildings<br />
spanning 2000 years of history offering<br />
a captivating journey through time.<br />
From ancient structures to more recent additions,<br />
each building tells a unique story, contributing to<br />
the museum’s rich tapestry of history.<br />
New for <strong>2024</strong>, visitors can put on a pair of 3D<br />
glasses <strong>and</strong> delve into COAM’s captivating<br />
mini 3D exhibition, a series of images captured<br />
on-site by photographer Ethel Davies. From<br />
Easter, you can see a collection of willow<br />
sculptures highlighting the animals <strong>and</strong> nature<br />
found on site from the sheepdog working the<br />
flock of sheep, the heron looking for his lunch in<br />
the pond, the fox stalking the chickens, <strong>and</strong> the<br />
deer exploring the woodl<strong>and</strong>.<br />
On Sunday 24th <strong>March</strong> you can come <strong>and</strong><br />
listen to Heritage Stories; a collection of stories,<br />
told by local storytellers, about how they have<br />
come to be in Buckinghamshire <strong>and</strong> how their<br />
communities have become firmly established as<br />
part of our beautiful county. Weather permitting;<br />
the storytelling will happen around a campfire<br />
adding both atmosphere <strong>and</strong> warmth!<br />
Over the Easter holidays, you can take part in<br />
an Easter trail, there will be pony rides over the<br />
Easter weekend <strong>and</strong> the 2nd <strong>and</strong> 9th <strong>April</strong> are<br />
Terrific Tuesdays with family crafts <strong>and</strong> clay<br />
modelling. Visit for full details.<br />
Find out more <strong>and</strong> book at<br />
Chiltern Open Air Museum, Newl<strong>and</strong> Park, Gorel<strong>and</strong>s Lane, Chalfont St Giles, Bucks, HP8 4AB<br /><br />
6 <strong>Amersham</strong> & <strong>Chalfonts</strong> <strong>Together</strong> is part of Community <strong>Together</strong>
Commute • Shop • Explore<br />
by bus<br />
106 107<br />
hourly connections between<br />
<strong>Amersham</strong> & Slough<br />
via Little Chalfont, Chalfont St Peter & Gerrards Cross<br />
1 1A 1B<br />
direct connections to<br />
Chesham & High Wycombe<br />
up to every 15 mins from <strong>Amersham</strong><br />
single<br />
bus fares<br />
capped at<br />
Early bird?<br />
Hop on the bus<br />
within Bucks with a concessionary<br />
bus pass, for just £1 before 0900*<br />
times & fares online:<br />
<br />
*Some exclusions apply.<br />
Offer valid until further notice.<br />
To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email 7
Why not learn a new skill in <strong>2024</strong>?<br />
Whether you are interested in learning for<br />
fun, education or personal development,<br />
Buckinghamshire Adult Learning<br />
provides workshops, short courses,<br />
<strong>and</strong> qualifications suitable for anyone<br />
over the age of 19.<br />
Their 5-week short courses are perfect for<br />
those with busy lives who can’t commit<br />
months ahead or just want to try something<br />
new, <strong>and</strong> the one-day workshops are an ideal<br />
way to get an immersive experience or have<br />
fun with friends.<br />
Choosing a course<br />
Want to learn a language? Try a new creative<br />
art? Or maybe get h<strong>and</strong>s-on <strong>and</strong> give glass<br />
work or pottery a go? Courses in these <strong>and</strong><br />
so many more are held weekly across the<br />
county, with dedicated centres in <strong>Amersham</strong>,<br />
Beaconsfield, Chesham, Gerrards Cross,<br />
Buckingham, Aylesbury, High Wycombe,<br />
<strong>and</strong> Evreham, as well as many classes making<br />
use of local community facilities.<br />
Gain a new skill or qualification<br />
Also on offer are funded courses in digital<br />
skills, English <strong>and</strong> maths. Or if you want<br />
to gain a new qualification <strong>and</strong> give your<br />
career a boost, there are free online courses<br />
in areas such as Digital Marketing, Business<br />
Administration, Social Care, Mental Health,<br />
Underst<strong>and</strong>ing Autism <strong>and</strong> Counselling<br />
Skills.<br />
To find the course for you or to get more<br />
information on anything mentioned here,<br />
please visit<br />
where you can search everything on offer<br />
<strong>and</strong> enrol online.<br />
Find an<br />
Adult Learning<br />
course for you<br />
Choose from hundreds of one-day workshops <strong>and</strong><br />
short courses, including:<br />
• Creative Arts<br />
• Health & Fitness<br />
• Foreign Languages<br />
• English, Maths & Digital Skills<br />
• Lip-Reading & Sign Language<br />
• Interior Design & Gardening<br />
• Distance Online Learning<br />
Enrol now for spring courses<br />
01296 382403 |<br /><br />
8 <strong>Amersham</strong> & <strong>Chalfonts</strong> <strong>Together</strong> is part of Community <strong>Together</strong>
Morse Funeral Services<br />
Independent Funeral Directors<br />
Here when your family needs ours<br />
<strong>Together</strong> we will arrange a fitting, affordable funeral without compromising<br />
on respect <strong>and</strong> dignity for your loved ones.<br />
* Experienced, personal service * Cremation * Burial *<br />
* Fully equipped facility for the care of loved ones *<br />
* Direct Cremation available * Green Funerals *<br />
* Prepaid Plans * Chapel of Rest * Full wash facilities*<br />
e:<br />
t: 01494 301 232 ( 24 hour )<br />
w:<br />
38 London End, Beaconsfield, HP9 2JH<br />
Experienced, Friendly<br />
& Professional Internal<br />
& External Decorators.<br />
We have been<br />
working in & around<br />
Beaconsfield,<br />
Gerrards Cross,<br />
<strong>Amersham</strong> &<br />
surrounding areas<br />
since 1993.<br />
Please call to discuss<br />
your requirements.<br />
Call Nigel:<br />
01494 681 794 or 07771 521 263<br /><br />
Ear, Nose &<br />
Throat Problem?<br />
See an Experienced Private<br />
ENT Specialist<br />
at<br />
Millbarn Medical Centre<br />
Beaconsfield<br />
Call: 07718 233 033<br />
Insured / Self-funding -<br />
No referral needed<br />
To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email 9
Electrolysis is still the only permanent<br />
solution for removing unwanted hairs!<br />
In a global hair removal market<br />
worth over $1 billion USD, electrolysis<br />
continues to be unrivalled in its ability<br />
to permanently remove unwanted hair.<br />
In 1875 an ophthalmologist discovered that he<br />
could permanently remove ingrown eyelashes<br />
from his patients. Over 100 years later,<br />
electrolysis continues to be both a safe <strong>and</strong><br />
reliable method of treatment.<br />
Electrolysis is a truly unique solution <strong>and</strong> can be<br />
performed on almost everyone!<br />
Electrolysis is 100% effective on all genders, all<br />
skin colours <strong>and</strong> skin types <strong>and</strong> on all hair colours<br />
including those troublesome white, red or grey<br />
hairs. Often times we are trapped in an endless cycle<br />
of reaching for our razor, waiting between waxing<br />
appointments or enduring the pinch of the tweezer,<br />
however methods which involve the forcible yanking<br />
or ripping of hairs from their follicles commonly lead<br />
to other skin issues such as hyperpigmentation,<br />
microscopic cuts in the skin or ingrown hairs.<br />
As shown by the image below, ultimately we are left<br />
with heavily distorted hair follicles, which respond<br />
with a better blood supply <strong>and</strong> enlarged follicle.<br />
This means the body produces thicker hairs than we<br />
started out with!<br />
- puberty<br />
- stress<br />
- pregnancy<br />
- menopause<br />
It is during these times, that excessive levels of<br />
<strong>and</strong>rogens “switch on” stem cells in the skin -<br />
et voila, new unwanted hairs emerge!<br />
Unfortunately sufferers of a condition called Polycystic<br />
Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) can attest to this. Of those<br />
affected by this condition, approximately 70%<br />
experience unwanted hair growth on the face <strong>and</strong><br />
chest.<br />
In short, knowing that we are able to permanently<br />
remove these troublesome hairs altogether is a<br />
powerful feeling, especially given the emotional<br />
<strong>and</strong> mental stress accompanied with constantly<br />
maintainance.<br />
As with anything, electrolysis is a process. We target<br />
each individual hair that can be seen above the surface<br />
of the skin, one at a time. Active follicles can take<br />
anywhere between 3-12 months to grow new hairs.<br />
However, in partnership with your electrologist, you<br />
will achieve permanent results.<br />
Hormones may run the show, but we can fight back<br />
Hormones act as chemical messengers <strong>and</strong> we<br />
all experience major fluctuations in the levels of<br />
<strong>and</strong>rogens (a group of sex hormones) during times<br />
such as:<br />
Upper lip - before (top) <strong>and</strong><br />
after (bottom) treatment -<br />
© electrolysiswithgigi<br />
10 <strong>Amersham</strong> & <strong>Chalfonts</strong> <strong>Together</strong> is part of Community <strong>Together</strong>
A R E Y O U S T R U G G L I N G<br />
W I T H U N W A N T E D H A I R ?<br />
E l e c t r o l y s i s i s t h e o n l y F D A a p p r o v e d<br />
m e t h o d o f p e r m a n e n t l y r e m o v i n g<br />
u n w a n t e d h a i r .<br />
W H A T I S E L E C T R O L Y S I S ?<br />
A s m a l l e l e c t r i c c u r r e n t i s a p p l i e d t o t h e b a s e<br />
o f e a c h i n d i v i d u a l h a i r f o l l i c l e d e s t r o y i n g t h e<br />
r o o t a n d s u r r o u n d i n g h a i r g r o w t h c e l l s . T h i s<br />
i n h i b i t s t h e f o l l i c l e ’ s a b i l i t y t o g r o w a n o t h e r<br />
h a i r e v e r a g a i n !<br />
W I L L T H I S T R E A T M E N T W O R K F O R M E ?<br />
I t i s 1 0 0 % e f f e c t i v e o n A L L s k i n t y p e s , s k i n<br />
c o l o u r s a n d h a i r c o l o u r s - e v e n p e a c h f u z z c a n<br />
b e t r e a t e d .<br />
H O W D O I G E T S T A R T E D ?<br />
C o n t a c t m e t o a r r a n g e y o u r F R E E p h o n e<br />
c o n s u l t a t i o n . T h i s i s t o e n s u r e t h a t i t i s s a f e<br />
t o t r e a t y o u . W e c a n t h e n b o o k y o u i n f o r y o u r<br />
p a t c h t e s t a n d f i r s t t r e a t m e n t .<br />
O P E N I N G T I M E S<br />
S u n d a y 9 a m - 8 p m<br />
M o n d a y 9 a m - 8 p m<br />
T h u r s d a y 9 a m - 8 p m<br />
C o n s u l t a t i o n s c a n b e a r r a n g e d<br />
a n y d a y o f t h e w e e k a t a t i m e<br />
w h i c h s u i t s y o u .<br />
G E T I N T O U C H<br />
0 7 7 7 0 6 5 4 9 4 7<br />
e l e c t r o l y s i s w i t h g i g i<br />
w w w . e l e c t r o l y s i s w i t h g i g i . c o m<br />
( I N S I D E ) Y - L A B , 1 2 H I G H S T R E E T , I V E R , S L 0 9 N G
Meet <strong>Amersham</strong><br />
Tesco Community<br />
Champion<br />
Bj Tailor has been <strong>Amersham</strong> Tesco<br />
community champion for 2 years.<br />
2023 was a fantastic second year as a<br />
community champion by supporting <strong>and</strong><br />
raising money for different charities.<br />
Throughout the year <strong>Amersham</strong> Tesco<br />
has supported over 150 charities <strong>and</strong><br />
organisations. ‘Our stronger starts’ i.e Blue<br />
Token Scheme has helped 12 local projects/<br />
charities to share £12,000 throughout the<br />
year. This scheme has been going on<br />
for many years <strong>and</strong> is very popular with<br />
customers getting the opportunity to vote<br />
for the selected projects.<br />
<strong>Amersham</strong> Mayor - Elizabeth Shephard supporting the Trussell Trust<br />
Foodbank<br />
This couldn’t be achieved without the help<br />
of our loyal customers <strong>and</strong> colleagues.<br />
Bj works closely with Trussell Trust Foodbank<br />
in Chesham <strong>and</strong> has visited several events<br />
including planting bulbs <strong>and</strong> putting up<br />
bird’s houses at <strong>Amersham</strong> Hospital or<br />
attending Lonely People’s Christmas meal<br />
held at Chesham Town Hall on Christmas<br />
Day with the mayor <strong>and</strong> other dignitaries.<br />
Christmas Day 2023 at elderly people’s lunch at Chesham Town Hall<br />
Bj managed to organise so many different<br />
events in the month leading up to Christmas.<br />
It was extremely fun <strong>and</strong> festive month with<br />
carol singers, <strong>Amersham</strong> music b<strong>and</strong>, Children<br />
Music Academy, Great Missenden Light<br />
House <strong>and</strong> Santa even visited!<br />
He also commits his time <strong>and</strong> effort into<br />
running his second h<strong>and</strong> book shelf located on<br />
the shop floor to help him with extra funding.<br />
In 2023 he generated just below £6,000 which<br />
is being used to help our local community.<br />
Bj spreading awareness about the Stronger Start token campaign.<br />
In Tesco <strong>Amersham</strong> over £30,000 has been<br />
raised in 2023 which is a fantastic amount!<br />
Tesco’s <strong>Amersham</strong> would like to say a<br />
huge thank you to all their customers <strong>and</strong><br />
colleagues who have been extremely<br />
supportive to their community champion.<br />
Please come into Tesco store in <strong>Amersham</strong> to<br />
speak with Bj if you have a charity you would<br />
like supported.<br />
12 <strong>Amersham</strong> & <strong>Chalfonts</strong> <strong>Together</strong> is part of Community <strong>Together</strong>
Meditation on Twin Hearts<br />
with<br />
Healing Clinic<br />
Relax, sit comfortably <strong>and</strong> enjoy this meditation to reduce<br />
stress, increase happiness <strong>and</strong> leave you with a sense of inner calm.<br />
Experience a Taster Pranic Therapy Treatment, one of the fastest<br />
growing complementary therapies worldwide, effective for the<br />
treatment of any physical or psychological conditions.<br />
7:30 - 9pm<br />
2nd <strong>and</strong> 4th Tuesday of the Month<br />
Chalfont St Peter Community Centre, Gravel Hill,<br />
Gerrards Cross, SL9 9QX<br />
£5 donation to<br />
Reg: 1188773<br />
Contact: Inger Lise Howarth 07770 815715<br /><br />
Institute of Pranic Healing<br />
To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email UK & Irel<strong>and</strong><br />
2023: A Great<br />
Year for<br />
Buckinghamshire<br />
Scouts<br />
We had our endurance events which involved<br />
a 10km hike for Cubs (boys <strong>and</strong> girls aged<br />
8 to 10), a 40km hike for Scouts (boys <strong>and</strong><br />
girls aged 10 to 14), <strong>and</strong> a 60km hike for our<br />
Explorers (boys <strong>and</strong> girls aged 14 to 17).<br />
We had an orienteering event for Beavers (boys<br />
<strong>and</strong> girls aged 6 to 8), Cubs, Scouts <strong>and</strong> Explorer,<br />
with team <strong>and</strong> individual events. This was a great<br />
success with route-finding skills <strong>and</strong> observation<br />
being the key to finishing in excellent times.<br />
We’ve seen the opening of more Squirrel Dreys<br />
(boys <strong>and</strong> girls aged 4 <strong>and</strong> 5) <strong>and</strong> over 500 Beaver<br />
Scouts experienced a sleepover at Gulliver’s L<strong>and</strong><br />
in Milton Keynes.<br />
We’ve had many Scout Troops <strong>and</strong> Explorer Units<br />
who went camping or had sleepovers. Some of<br />
these sleepovers were in Group HQs whereas<br />
others were in museums <strong>and</strong> on boats. Several of<br />
our Troops <strong>and</strong> Units had international trips, which<br />
included camps in Belgium, France <strong>and</strong> Holl<strong>and</strong>.<br />
Volunteer Daniel said, “It’s been great to see the<br />
Scouts grow <strong>and</strong> develop since they’ve been in the<br />
Troop. I hadn’t been involved in Scouts when I was<br />
younger <strong>and</strong> had no experience of working with<br />
young people. I was able to share my interest in the<br />
outdoors <strong>and</strong> I’ve led events including night hikes,<br />
canoeing, making bird boxes <strong>and</strong> geocaching.<br />
If you want to know more about becoming a<br />
volunteer, or are interested in your son or daughter<br />
joining, please visit<br />
Great British Dog Walk<br />
at Waddesdon Manor,<br />
Sunday 28th <strong>April</strong><br />
There will be waggy tails <strong>and</strong> wet noses in<br />
abundance at Waddesdon Manor near<br />
Aylesbury on 28th <strong>April</strong>, when hundreds<br />
of dog walkers gather to raise money for<br />
national charity, Hearing Dogs for Deaf<br />
People.<br />
The walk, which is supported by Specsavers<br />
Audiologists, is the first of 13 similar events to be<br />
held in picturesque locations across the UK as<br />
part of one of the charity’s most important annual<br />
fundraisers, the Great British Dog Walk.<br />
By taking part in either the 3km or 5km sponsored<br />
dog walk, people will be helping to train more<br />
incredible hearing dogs to alert partners to lifesaving<br />
<strong>and</strong> important sounds <strong>and</strong> help them<br />
reconnect with life.<br />
The event will also feature fun additional activities,<br />
including a cake sale with homemade cakes<br />
provided by the charity’s incredible volunteers.<br />
A free dog b<strong>and</strong>ana is included with every adult<br />
ticket.<br />
The Great British Dog Walk is run by Hearing Dogs<br />
for Deaf People, the national charity that trains<br />
dogs to alert deaf children <strong>and</strong> adults to important<br />
<strong>and</strong> life-saving sounds.<br />
Tickets are £12 in advance for adults <strong>and</strong> are<br />
available online at The Great British Dog Walk<br />
or £15 on the day. Children under 16 go free.<br />
14 <strong>Amersham</strong> & <strong>Chalfonts</strong> <strong>Together</strong> is part of Community <strong>Together</strong>
ISSUE 19<br />
How to de-stress<br />
from exams<br />
Do you feel stuck in the same old daily<br />
regime? Perhaps an upcoming event is<br />
making you nervous.<br />
Whether your stress be minor or an<br />
inconvenience, it can still harm your physical<br />
or mental health. Stress can raise blood<br />
pressure, or risk a heart attack or stroke,<br />
Prolonged anxiety can disrupt your sleep<br />
patterns <strong>and</strong> lead to long term health<br />
problems. I recently sat the ‘dreaded’ GCSE<br />
examinations, so familiar with stress. Follow<br />
my research,to discover my favourite ways to<br />
cope with anxiety:<br />
1. Back to Nature - walk in the local<br />
countryside<br />
Buckinghamshire has many rustic footpaths to<br />
lose yourself in the shady woods <strong>and</strong> rolling<br />
hills that surround us. They’re not hard to<br />
find <strong>and</strong> are easy to access. It is proven that<br />
exercise releases endorphins, (the ‘happy’<br />
hormones that boost your mood), so switch<br />
off your phone off <strong>and</strong> head for the great<br />
outdoors to reap the benefits! Why not go for<br />
a ramble in the picturesque Chiltern Hills this<br />
weekend?<br />
2. Anyone Fancy a Cupcake?<br />
Sometimes the pressures of everyday life like<br />
school <strong>and</strong> work add up overwhelm you. Find<br />
time to unwind <strong>and</strong> do something enjoyable<br />
to counteract this feeling! My favourite way<br />
to step away from the chaos is to bake.<br />
Many people find the process of baking<br />
therapeutic – gently folding together<br />
ingredients, smoothing the mixture into<br />
the cake tin, breathing in the smell of fresh<br />
baking. Better still, of course, you get<br />
scrumptious cake at the end of it!<br />
3. Read a Book<br />
There are many worlds to escape to through<br />
reading, Beneficial to your mental wellbeing<br />
helping a number of challenges. For example:<br />
concentration, enhancing your imagination<br />
<strong>and</strong> promoting relaxation. Pick up a book <strong>and</strong><br />
get caught in the trance of reading.<br />
Which one will you try?<br />
By Araminta Thomlinson-Wells<br />
Araminta Thomlinson-Wells is a student at<br />
<strong>Amersham</strong> School <strong>and</strong> is a keen writer.<br />
Disclaimer<br />
Please note: the opinions <strong>and</strong> findings expressed in this article are<br />
solely those of the author <strong>and</strong> should not be assumed to be those of<br />
<strong>Amersham</strong> <strong>and</strong> Chalfont <strong>Together</strong> or its affiliates.<br />
To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email 15
ISSUE 19<br />
Kew Gardens -<br />
The perfect Spring<br />
day out<br />
As Spring is near, why not spend a day at<br />
Kew Gardens in London. With three to four<br />
hour walks possible within the grounds –<br />
Kew Gardens will fill up your day with over<br />
60,000 beautiful flower displays, around<br />
50,000 living plants, a treetop walkway<br />
<strong>and</strong> even a Waterlily House. So what really<br />
st<strong>and</strong>s out this Spring at Kew?<br />
The Arboretum<br />
I’ve been to Kew Gardens a few times before<br />
<strong>and</strong> the features that stood out to me the<br />
most were the 14,000 trees surrounding the<br />
glasshouses. The actual term is ‘The Arboretum’<br />
which means “a place of trees” <strong>and</strong> with over<br />
2,000 species it certainly st<strong>and</strong>s true to its<br />
name! Kew Gardens has trees that have been<br />
st<strong>and</strong>ing since the 1700s, along with some that<br />
Kew’s experts helped come to life <strong>and</strong> thrive<br />
due to the latest ‘cutting-edge technology’.<br />
Alpine House <strong>and</strong> Rock Garden - © RBG Kew<br />
It never loses its impact <strong>and</strong> looks beautiful<br />
every season but personally, I think it looks<br />
best in the Spring!<br />
What’s On<br />
If the ‘Arboretum’ isn’t enough for you - check<br />
out this event! In the Shirley Sherwood Gallery<br />
of Botanical Arts there is an exhibition called<br />
‘Mat Collishaw: Petrichor’. It is open from 10am<br />
to 2:30pm <strong>and</strong> lasts until the 7th <strong>April</strong> this year.<br />
Aerial view of Arboretum <strong>and</strong> Temperate House - © RBG Kew<br />
16 <strong>Amersham</strong> & <strong>Chalfonts</strong> Giving <strong>Together</strong> our is future part of the Community freedom of <strong>Together</strong> speech
Bluebells in the Natural Area at Kew Gardens - Jeff Eden © RBG Kew<br />
In the exhibition, you can view artworks that<br />
display a ‘variety of pioneering techniques’<br />
like using AI to recreate a 17th century still life<br />
yet with insects rather than flowers in Collishaw’s<br />
‘Alluvion’. If that’s still not persuading you to visit<br />
Kew, a ‘Rock Garden’ which has “wild-collected<br />
plants” that mimic the many mountain regions<br />
of the world is open to view. It is Kew Garden’s<br />
largest outdoor area for the science of plants<br />
<strong>and</strong> more than 70% of plants in the Rock<br />
Waterlily House at Kew Gardens - Sebastian Kettley © RBG Kew<br />
Garden are grown from wild-collected seeds.<br />
So, have I convinced you yet? With an Arboretum<br />
full of rare <strong>and</strong> ancient trees, an art expedition<br />
that The Guardian rated five stars <strong>and</strong> so much<br />
more just a short journey away - why not give this<br />
UNESCO World Heritage site a visit!<br />
For more details go to:<br />
Sophie Hazzard<br />
The Rock Garden - Ines Stuart-Davidson © RBG Kew<br />
Disclaimer<br />
Please note: the opinions <strong>and</strong> findings expressed in this article are<br />
solely those of the author <strong>and</strong> should not be assumed to be those of<br />
<strong>Amersham</strong> <strong>and</strong> Chalfont <strong>Together</strong> or its affiliates.<br />
To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email 17
ISSUE 19<br />
Think globally,<br />
Act locally<br />
There are 8 billion people on this planet.<br />
With so many people <strong>and</strong> what seems like<br />
an endless bombardment of bad news <strong>and</strong><br />
problems around the world, we may not<br />
feel that it is possible for us to inspire <strong>and</strong><br />
enact meaningful, positive change.<br />
However, with a vision of global equity, justice <strong>and</strong><br />
peace, the actions of individuals <strong>and</strong> communities<br />
can create significant impacts. As the Dalai Lama<br />
said, ‘Just as ripples spread out when a single<br />
pebble is dropped into water, the actions of<br />
individuals can have far-reaching effects.’ Seemingly<br />
small decisions such as how to travel or what to eat<br />
can impact the lives of people, other beings <strong>and</strong><br />
environmental health in the long-term. This can<br />
be amplified by raising awareness <strong>and</strong> involving<br />
community members in causes such as environmental<br />
protection <strong>and</strong> charities. Examples of people<br />
thinking globally <strong>and</strong> acting locally can be seen<br />
around the world <strong>and</strong> serve as an inspiration to<br />
everyone wanting to create a better world for the<br />
present <strong>and</strong> future generations.<br />
To begin with, caring for your own individual health<br />
<strong>and</strong> wellbeing can be seen as one of the first steps<br />
to cultivating passion <strong>and</strong> energy for altruistic<br />
pursuits. A healthy, balanced diet of seasonal, local<br />
foods would not only improve individual health but<br />
would also reduce food miles. This would, in turn,<br />
reduce global greenhouse gas emissions which<br />
exacerbate global warming <strong>and</strong> climate change.<br />
Shifting to a more healthy, plant-based diet may<br />
also has positive impacts on many scales as it<br />
reduces global greenhouse gas emissions by<br />
livestock farming <strong>and</strong> prevents individual risk<br />
of non-communicable diseases such as heart<br />
disease, cancer <strong>and</strong> stroke. Exercising regularly<br />
<strong>and</strong> spending time in nature can benefit both<br />
your mental <strong>and</strong> physical health as well as<br />
improving the quality of social interactions if<br />
done with other people, deepening a sense of<br />
community <strong>and</strong> care for each other.<br />
Examples of community action with a global vision<br />
for good include Findhorn Ecovillage in Scotl<strong>and</strong>.<br />
This spiritual community has been awarded with<br />
the UN-Habitat Best Practices for their focus<br />
on sustainable, zero carbon architecture <strong>and</strong><br />
infrastructure. The three core practices of ‘Inner<br />
listening’, ‘Co-creation with nature’ <strong>and</strong> ‘Work as<br />
love in action’ have led them to creating a place<br />
for people to connect to themselves, each other<br />
<strong>and</strong> nature in an ecovillage of zero carbon homes<br />
built from natural materials. Growing their own<br />
food is also a communal practice that is healthy<br />
<strong>and</strong> sustainable.<br />
At a smaller, more local scale, my school have an<br />
Eco-Society which has rejuvenated the school<br />
pond to allow biodiversity to thrive <strong>and</strong> fundraised<br />
money for improving the environment of<br />
the school. We have exciting projects such as the<br />
planting of a fruit orchard <strong>and</strong> vegetable garden<br />
coming up this Spring along with a stall at the<br />
Climate Action Day in <strong>Amersham</strong>.<br />
It’s the small things that add up to make an impact,<br />
so let’s begin with positivity <strong>and</strong> kindness towards<br />
ourselves, others <strong>and</strong> our community by keeping<br />
a hopeful global vision in mind when making small<br />
actions towards a better world.<br />
Sanchi is a student in Little Chalfont.<br />
The three things she loves most are<br />
nature, people <strong>and</strong> writing. Uniting<br />
these, she aims to create a brighter,<br />
greener world!<br />
Sanchi<br />
Disclaimer<br />
Please note: the opinions <strong>and</strong> findings expressed in this article are<br />
solely those of the author <strong>and</strong> should not be assumed to be those of<br />
<strong>Amersham</strong> <strong>and</strong> Chalfont <strong>Together</strong> or its affiliates.<br />
18 <strong>Amersham</strong> & <strong>Chalfonts</strong> Giving <strong>Together</strong> our is future part of the Community freedom of <strong>Together</strong> speech
Listen to your Gut:<br />
What is a healthy<br />
microbiome & how<br />
do we know if we<br />
have one?<br />
As we seek to improve our health <strong>and</strong><br />
prolong healthy ageing, it’s important to<br />
reflect on our gut flora. The microbiome<br />
is made up of trillions of bacteria, fungi<br />
<strong>and</strong> viruses that usually live in balance in<br />
our gut <strong>and</strong> on our bodies.<br />
It is becoming clear that our western lifestyle<br />
<strong>and</strong> diet are having a profound effect on<br />
our gut balance <strong>and</strong> subsequently our<br />
immune response. If the balance of our<br />
gut microbiome is out of kilter, it can lead<br />
to symptoms of fatigue <strong>and</strong> depression.<br />
Over time, it can also increase your risk of<br />
cancer, diabetes <strong>and</strong> dementia.<br />
Good Vs bad bacteria<br />
There are bad bacteria like helicobacter<br />
pylori which can cause stomach ulcers <strong>and</strong><br />
cancers <strong>and</strong> pro-inflammatory bacteria such<br />
as firmicutes (which don’t cause illness),<br />
but can lead to long-term problems if they<br />
colonise the gut to excess.<br />
Good bacteria like lactobacillus or<br />
bacteroidetes are linked to positive health<br />
benefits. They can boost your immune<br />
response <strong>and</strong> help reduce chronic<br />
inflammation. If we reduce inflammation,<br />
then we decrease our chances of developing<br />
long term health issues.<br />
Medications can also contribute to this<br />
imbalance. For example, antibiotics, antacids<br />
like omeprazole <strong>and</strong> anti-inflammatory pain<br />
killers like ibuprofen can all help to cause<br />
this imbalance.<br />
Knowing exactly what your microbiome<br />
contains allows experts to help you to<br />
address any issues <strong>and</strong> with a doctor’s<br />
help, deal with any concerning symptoms.<br />
What does testing involve?<br />
A stool test is performed over 3 days. The<br />
stool is analysed in a laboratory, looking for<br />
the different types of bacteria, parasites,<br />
evidence of fibre <strong>and</strong> c<strong>and</strong>ida overgrowth.<br />
This information allows nutritionists <strong>and</strong><br />
doctors to recommend dietary tweaks to<br />
optimise your gut health <strong>and</strong> achieve<br />
bacterial rebalance.<br />
For more information or to book a Gut Health<br />
Discover call, contact the team on 0330 088<br />
2020 or visit our website<br />
Why is it important is check your<br />
microbiome?<br />
If you have an excess of poor gut bacteria,<br />
they can cause gut symptoms like bloating,<br />
wind, indigestion, food allergies <strong>and</strong><br />
intolerances. Outside of the gut, these<br />
bacteria can increase inflammation which can<br />
lead to cancers, diabetes, high cholesterol,<br />
cold <strong>and</strong> flu <strong>and</strong> arthritis.<br />
Dr Riccardo Di Cuffa, Founder & Chief<br />
Medical Officer, Thyme<br /><br />
0330 088 2020<br />
To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email 19
Dementia Café in<br />
Speen supported by<br />
volunteers, started by<br />
Ashridge Homecare<br />
Ashridge Homecare hosted a training<br />
session led by dementia expert <strong>and</strong> friend<br />
of Ashridge, Sally Blackden.We are an<br />
independent charity that is proud to be<br />
affiliated with national Mind.<br />
This empowering event centred around a group of<br />
devoted volunteers in Speen, the vibrant heart of<br />
a monthly Dementia Café—an initiative proudly<br />
pioneered by Ashridge Home Care. The pivotal<br />
role volunteers play in this initiative is so important,<br />
but the emphasis is the importance of communitydriven<br />
support for individuals grappling with<br />
dementia <strong>and</strong> their caregivers, paid or unpaid.<br />
The Dementia Café st<strong>and</strong>s out as a unique resource<br />
that relies on the commitment of many volunteers.<br />
The café, which takes place every third Thursday of<br />
the month, serves as a vital hub offering emotional<br />
<strong>and</strong> practical assistance to those navigating the<br />
complex l<strong>and</strong>scape of dementia. The success of<br />
this initiative hinges on the dedication of volunteers,<br />
<strong>and</strong> Ashridge Homecare are so grateful to them.<br />
The paramount importance of community<br />
involvement in dementia care cannot be<br />
overstated. Volunteers are the lifeblood of the<br />
Dementia Café, creating a supportive space where<br />
individuals facing dementia can find underst<strong>and</strong>ing<br />
<strong>and</strong> a sense of belonging.<br />
The whole team at Ashridge Home Care express<br />
their heartfelt gratitude to the volunteers <strong>and</strong> to<br />
Sally. Join them every third Thursday to build<br />
communities that promote the well-being of<br />
individuals <strong>and</strong> families impacted by dementia.<br />
Our Dementia Café is held at Speen Chapel, Speen<br />
every third Thursday of the month. All welcome.<br />
Providing Outst<strong>and</strong>ing<br />
Home Care<br />
Call for a friendly chat on 01494 917344<br />
or visit<br />
Ashridge Home Care specialises in providing highly<br />
personalised one to one care that enables people to remain<br />
in the comfort of their own home. We are one of the few<br />
care companies to offer both around the clock live-in care,<br />
as well as daily visiting care. Whatever your situation, we<br />
believe everyone should be able to stay in their own home<br />
with just the right amount of help <strong>and</strong> companionship to<br />
remain safe <strong>and</strong> independent.<br />
You may only need help for a couple of hours a week<br />
with light housework <strong>and</strong> to keep on top of chores or<br />
you may require more specialist 24 hour support from a<br />
professionally trained live-in carer. Ashridge Home Care<br />
can arrange for qualified carers to help in any situation.<br />
20 <strong>Amersham</strong> & <strong>Chalfonts</strong> <strong>Together</strong> is part of Community <strong>Together</strong>
CSP’s Kindness Club<br />
is overflowing<br />
The little Blue Container, which first sprang<br />
up alongside the community centre in <strong>March</strong><br />
2022 to provide basic commodities for<br />
Ukrainian refugees seeking temporary<br />
refuge in the <strong>Chalfonts</strong>, seems to have<br />
become quite the draw as residents of<br />
nearby towns <strong>and</strong> villages learn of its existence.<br />
The Blue Container has become a drop off point for<br />
wheelchairs, mobility aids, splints, crutches <strong>and</strong> all sorts<br />
of medical supplies <strong>and</strong> equipment that families may<br />
be left with that they wish to keep out of l<strong>and</strong>fill.<br />
Antiseptic creams, b<strong>and</strong>ages, incontinence pads<br />
<strong>and</strong> basic triage supplies get sorted <strong>and</strong> packed with<br />
urgency <strong>and</strong> sent over to Ukraine almost fortnightly.<br />
Donations of warm blankets, sleeping bags, good<br />
quality shoes <strong>and</strong> winter clothing for children <strong>and</strong><br />
adults are also gratefully received, some of which is<br />
used locally for families experiencing financial hardship.<br />
Left to right: Karen (founder of the Kindness Club), Chris <strong>and</strong> Anita regular<br />
contributors from Chalfont WI.<br />
contact list of residents who would like to help source<br />
needed items even more pro-actively, <strong>and</strong> are in the<br />
process of starting a monthly subscription donation<br />
of £5/month to join The Kindness Club as active<br />
ambassadors, to help us grow by sharing the stories of<br />
our success. Our little Blue Container has become such<br />
a positive beacon - a real feel-good project that is based<br />
solely on the generosity <strong>and</strong> kindness of people who<br />
are keen to see a softer, gentler way of reaching out to<br />
share the excess of what they have with others who are less<br />
fortunate”, said Kindness Club founder Karen Dickson.<br />
If you would like to hear more about The Kindness<br />
Club, Karen is currently doing talks in the local area.<br />
She can be contacted on<br />
“Over the last 22 months The Kindness Club has lived<br />
up to its name, <strong>and</strong> we are keen to exp<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> build<br />
on what we are currently doing. We are growing our<br />
To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email 21
* When you buy a frame for £18 or more. Excludes other offers. Assumes Free NHS eye test <strong>and</strong> NHS voucher subject to NHS guidelines. Ask for details.<br />
* Excludes All inclusive range <strong>and</strong> other offers. Conditions apply<br />
EYE NEWS<br />
You only get one<br />
pair of eyes!<br />
Look after them!<br />
lenses that adapt better to light <strong>and</strong> Office lenses<br />
that help with the varying screen distances needed<br />
for laptops, desktops <strong>and</strong> vision across a room. With<br />
For many, new year resolutions are falling<br />
away. Healthy eating <strong>and</strong> more exercise aren’t<br />
matched with the same enthusiasm as a few<br />
weeks ago. You can make a great start by<br />
eating plenty of green leafy vegetables,<br />
vibrant coloured fruits, <strong>and</strong> oily fish - <strong>and</strong><br />
also ensure you have a regular eye test.<br />
Not only having an eye test to monitor the state<br />
of your eyes, your Optician can also identify whether<br />
you have high blood pressure <strong>and</strong> high cholesterol<br />
from the test. Having a special OCT scan of your<br />
eye this can help to diagnose <strong>and</strong> therefore monitor<br />
conditions 5-7 years earlier than a st<strong>and</strong>ard eye test.<br />
The cost of this test is about the cost of a round of golf<br />
or a pamper at the spa. Healthcare today is about early<br />
detection, monitoring <strong>and</strong> treatment of conditions.<br />
lens treatments like Blue Control to help the blue<br />
light flicker from electronic screens <strong>and</strong> UV absorbing<br />
Reflection Free to minimise annoying reflections with<br />
added UV protection, it’s advisable to listen to advice<br />
<strong>and</strong> underst<strong>and</strong> the benefits to help you make the<br />
right choice.<br />
There are innovations in frame materials too. Frames<br />
made from recycled materials are light, durable <strong>and</strong><br />
popular. The Eco range by Modo have an individual<br />
matching polarised magnetic sun clip meaning your<br />
clear prescription glasses become a sunglass without<br />
the need for a second pair. With lots of designs <strong>and</strong><br />
colours you won’t find it difficult to appreciate more<br />
than one style.<br />
Whatever concerns you may have about your eyes or<br />
vision ask your Optician. After all, they know all about<br />
eyes.<br />
We have seen the introduction of specialist lenses for<br />
night driving, new improved photochromic (Transitions)<br />
Helen Gilbert FBDO<br />
Dispensing Optician<br />
opticians & audiologists Your vision...Our care<br />
2 for 1<br />
Kids & Teens<br />
glasses<br />
Let us show you the difference...<br />
... Ask about office lenses<br />
Eye tests are free for kids<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
With glare reducing lenses designed specifically for night driving , UV protection, blue control lenses,<br />
photochromic lenses that darken when you drive <strong>and</strong> polarised lenses, our qualified opticians can advise<br />
you on the best eyewear for your lifestyle.<br />
For any advice please phone your local branch. We will be very happy to help.<br />
Our eye test has retinal photography as st<strong>and</strong>ard <strong>and</strong> the option of OCT. Book your eye test online today.<br />
3 Station Road Gerrards Cross 85-87 Sycamore Road <strong>Amersham</strong><br />
01753 886306 01494 721795<br />
22 <strong>Amersham</strong> & <strong>Chalfonts</strong> <strong>Together</strong> is part of Community <strong>Together</strong>
To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email 23
Between Mums gets<br />
funding boost to<br />
support more mums<br />
returning to work<br />
Laura Arguello, founder of the site Between<br />
Mums, a platform created to support mums<br />
returning to work after a career break,<br />
recently secured a £1000 grant.<br />
This funding has not only empowered the<br />
business to enhance its social media presence<br />
but has also allowed the launch of Mum’s<br />
Academy—an online hub offering courses<br />
<strong>and</strong> resources covering essential topics like<br />
job search, confidence-building, <strong>and</strong> mindset<br />
development. Laura said, “I’m so pleased that<br />
the grant review team recognised the potential<br />
of Between Mums <strong>and</strong> has chosen to support<br />
me with this grant. As a small business,<br />
funding is always a challenge <strong>and</strong> this<br />
investment will allow me to reach more<br />
mums <strong>and</strong> to have a bigger impact in the<br />
short term. Being a mother myself, I I<br />
underst<strong>and</strong> the complexities of returning to<br />
work after a career break, especially in a job<br />
you love <strong>and</strong> receiving the compensation<br />
you deserve.” Laura continually updates<br />
her Academy at,<br />
introducing new courses to respond to<br />
mothers’ diverse needs <strong>and</strong> interests.<br />
This grant scheme is a part of the New Founder<br />
Programme, a initiative designed to help UK<br />
entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds start<br />
<strong>and</strong> grow their businesses. Delivered by Hatch,<br />
funded by Pizza Hut/Yum! Foundation <strong>and</strong> with<br />
grants administered by Groundwork UK, the<br />
programme has successfully created a dynamic<br />
network of partners, funders, <strong>and</strong> investors who<br />
share its visionary goals.<br />
24 <strong>Amersham</strong> & <strong>Chalfonts</strong> <strong>Together</strong> is part of Community <strong>Together</strong>
Join us in<br />
transforming lives!<br />
Be a Volunteer Befriender with Connection<br />
Support in Buckinghamshire. Are you ready to<br />
make a real difference in your community?<br />
Become a beacon of hope <strong>and</strong> companionship<br />
for those in need with Connection Support!<br />
We’re on a mission to combat isolation <strong>and</strong><br />
uplift lives, <strong>and</strong> we need you to make it<br />
happen.<br />
From my volunteering work I’ve gained the<br />
friendship, trust <strong>and</strong> gratitude of clients. The<br />
“warm fuzzy feeling” from knowing you’ve<br />
helped someone, that what you have done<br />
has made their lives a tiny bit better than if<br />
you hadn’t been there. – Brian, Volunteer<br />
The range of support you can offer is diverse <strong>and</strong><br />
tailored to the unique needs of each individual.<br />
Whether it’s accompanying someone to<br />
appointments, teaching digital skills, or simply<br />
providing companionship, your presence <strong>and</strong><br />
assistance can have a profound impact.<br />
The essence of volunteering as a befriender lies<br />
in the emotional tapestry you’ll help create – the<br />
laughter shared over a cup of coffee, the stories<br />
exchanged during local events, <strong>and</strong> the bonds<br />
formed over moments of vulnerability <strong>and</strong><br />
strength.<br />
Volunteering in this capacity allows you to<br />
create meaningful connections with members<br />
of your community while offering vital support.<br />
At Connection Support we make volunteering<br />
flexible to accommodate personal schedules <strong>and</strong> Visit<br />
preferences, so it’s easy for you to get involved. volunteer/ for more information.<br />
To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email 25
Community project<br />
- between Chiltern<br />
Rangers <strong>and</strong> CSP<br />
Parish Council<br />
In a collaborative effort, Chalfont St Peters<br />
Parish Council <strong>and</strong> Chiltern Rangers are<br />
transforming a disused plot near Gravel Hill<br />
into a thriving nature reserve. This ambitious<br />
venture, funded by the Parish council <strong>and</strong><br />
supported by the local community, has<br />
captured the curiosity of residents <strong>and</strong><br />
passers-by.<br />
However, what lies beneath holds the promise<br />
of a flourishing wildlife haven, featuring a<br />
me<strong>and</strong>ering woodl<strong>and</strong> walk <strong>and</strong> a floodplain<br />
set to become a vital habitat for various<br />
water-dependent species.<br />
Once an overgrazed horse paddock, the vision<br />
for this area is clear— a wildflower <strong>and</strong> wetl<strong>and</strong><br />
haven with light grazing from cattle. Potential<br />
collaboration with Freshwater Habitats holds<br />
promise for the reintroduction of specialised<br />
wetl<strong>and</strong> plant species.<br />
At the heart of this accomplishment is the<br />
community’s collective effort. Chalfont<br />
Community College <strong>and</strong> volunteers have<br />
strategically thinned the woodl<strong>and</strong> to encourage<br />
natural regeneration, repurposing materials into<br />
dead hedges to create valuable habitats for local<br />
wildlife.<br />
The journey towards rejuvenation has not been<br />
without challenges. These being the removal<br />
of glass, barbed wire <strong>and</strong> extensive flytipping.<br />
As we witness the gradual revival of this<br />
neglected space, the unified force between<br />
Chalfont St Peters Parish Council, Chiltern<br />
Rangers, <strong>and</strong> the community is creating not<br />
just a nature reserve but a testament to shared<br />
commitment <strong>and</strong> community partnership.<br />
Chiltern Rangers invite anyone interested to<br />
join them. Phase one of the restoration project<br />
continues until <strong>March</strong> <strong>2024</strong>, with more to<br />
follow.<br />
Getting involved is simple - sign up on<br />
Chiltern Rangers Eventbrite or contact them<br />
at<br />
26 <strong>Amersham</strong> & <strong>Chalfonts</strong> <strong>Together</strong> is part of Community <strong>Together</strong>
Prenuptial agreements –<br />
the importance of timing<br />
<strong>and</strong> being well prepared in<br />
advance of your wedding<br />
Spring is a season that symbolises starting<br />
afresh, or starting over. It often brings a<br />
flurry of activity as the wedding season<br />
goes into full force.<br />
I still recall the beautifully dressed woman<br />
that appeared in my office 8 years ago for a<br />
meeting late one afternoon. She h<strong>and</strong>ed over<br />
a pre-nuptial agreement. As I scanned the<br />
document I realised that it was dated the same<br />
date as our appointment. She then told me<br />
that she <strong>and</strong> her fiancé had married earlier that<br />
day, <strong>and</strong> she had come to see me to sign the<br />
document. Hence the beautiful cream silk dress!<br />
I had to deliver the bad news that I could not<br />
do anything for her that day <strong>and</strong> that she <strong>and</strong><br />
BEACS_130x90_OUT_CMYK_3.pdf 1 20/10/2023 10:12<br />
I needed to go through her <strong>and</strong> her new<br />
husb<strong>and</strong>’s financial circumstances before I could<br />
advise her on whether the agreement was fair.<br />
Another important aspect was that the parties<br />
enter into the agreement with a clear head, <strong>and</strong><br />
the day of the wedding was not it.<br />
In 2010 following a l<strong>and</strong>mark ruling the court<br />
gave a clear ruling that an agreement properly<br />
entered into was of ‘magnetic importance’ <strong>and</strong><br />
that spouses should be held to it, unless it could<br />
be demonstrated that it were unfair <strong>and</strong> did not<br />
meet the needs of the parties.<br />
Early legal advice is important so that the<br />
paperwork is done well in advance of the<br />
wedding, so that you can enjoy your big day.<br />
Rupinder Rai,<br />
Partner, Rayden Solicitors<br />
Beaconsfield<br />
C<br />
M<br />
Y<br />
CM<br />
MY<br />
CY<br />
MY<br />
K<br />
To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email 27
s<br />
al<br />
<strong>Together</strong> BRAIN MATTER<br />
Place a number from 1 to 9 into each empty<br />
square so every number appears once in each<br />
horizontal row, each vertical column <strong>and</strong> each<br />
box of nine squares.<br />
7<br />
9 7 4<br />
2 3 6<br />
1<br />
5 3 8<br />
9 7 2<br />
8<br />
1Cake 6 Making 5<br />
8 6 5 9 2 7 4 1 3<br />
1<br />
MAZE<br />
Maze<br />
Start at the top left corner <strong>and</strong> work your way<br />
through this maze to the bottom right corner.<br />
Start at the top left corner <strong>and</strong> work your way through t<br />
START<br />
FINISH<br />
Can you fit all of these cake-making words into the mixing bowl, then rearrange the letters in the<br />
yellow squares to form another word linked to baking?<br />
Can you fit all 4 of letters these cake-making words into<br />
the mixing bowl,<br />
1 2 3BOWL<br />
then rearrange the letters in the<br />
yellow squares 8 5 4 9 7 6<br />
EGGS<br />
to form another word linked to<br />
baking?<br />
MILK<br />
4 9 7 3 1 6 8 5 2<br />
OVEN<br />
4 letters<br />
BOWL 3 EGGS 4 25 MILK letters 5OVEN<br />
7 8 6 9 1<br />
5 letters FLOUR<br />
6 6letters<br />
5 9 4 3 1 2 8 7<br />
SUGAR<br />
BUTTER<br />
9 7 4<br />
7 7letters<br />
1 86 letters 2 6 2 93 5 3 4 6<br />
8 letters<br />
CURRANTS 5 3 SULTANAS 47 letters 7 8 2 1 6 9<br />
1<br />
9 letters RAISINS<br />
5 3 8<br />
BAKING 9 8TIN68 letters 1 4 3 7 2 5<br />
7<br />
The<br />
2<br />
word<br />
7<br />
is: __________________________<br />
6 9 5 38<br />
Answers on p30<br />
4 8<br />
28 <strong>Amersham</strong> & <strong>Chalfonts</strong> <strong>Together</strong> is part of Community <strong>Together</strong><br />
9 7 2<br />
9 letters
Safe & gentle ear wax<br />
removal at a clinic<br />
near you<br />
Microsuctioning<br />
At Hearwego Clinic we provide instant <strong>and</strong> effective ear wax removal treatment. Microsuction is the gold<br />
st<strong>and</strong>ard method of ear wax removal.<br />
Unlike traditional ear syringing or irrigation, which uses water, microsuction uses gentle suction to remove<br />
ear wax. This is a safe, gentle <strong>and</strong> effective method of ear wax removal <strong>and</strong>, in the majority of cases, provides<br />
instant relief <strong>and</strong> immediately restores full hearing. Our Audiologists are trained in all methods<br />
of ear wax removal, microsuction, ear irrigation (commonly known as ear syringing) <strong>and</strong><br />
instrumentation.<br />
What to expect at your appointment<br />
At Hearwego our practitioners will use a microscope to see a detailed view of your<br />
ear canal <strong>and</strong> examine the potential build-up of ear wax. Ear wax <strong>and</strong> debris are<br />
removed using a gentle device. Our appointments include an examination of your<br />
ears <strong>and</strong> removal of ear wax using microsuction, which typically lasts between 10-30<br />
minutes. Depending on the consistency of the wax, we may need to revert to ear<br />
irrigation (commonly known as ear syringing) or instrumentation. In rare cases, a<br />
follow-up visit may be required to remove particularly stubborn ear wax.<br />
Are you experiencing any of the following?<br />
• Pressure in the ears<br />
• Blocked feeling in the ears<br />
• Need to pop your ears but can’t<br />
OFFER<br />
Ear wax removal<br />
2 ears for<br />
the price<br />
of one<br />
To qualify you must bring<br />
this advert with you.<br />
• Sudden loss of hearing or muffles sound<br />
• Hearing aids whistling<br />
• Underperforming hearing aids<br />
Call for more information on<br />
Call: 07903 013 123 / 07535 603 744 or<br />
01494 590 860<br />
Email:<br />
New website:<br />
The Studio, 37 Station Road, Beaconsfield HP9 1QG<br />
To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email 29
9 7 4<br />
3 6<br />
1<br />
1 6 5<br />
3 8<br />
Cake Making<br />
Little Chalfont Village Hall<br />
~ Every 2nd Saturday ~<br />
8(except January & August)<br />
4 letters<br />
9am to 1pm<br />
BOWL<br />
7 2<br />
9 7 4<br />
2 3 6<br />
6 1 4<br />
5<br />
3<br />
3<br />
7 2<br />
85<br />
1 6<br />
7<br />
9 5 38<br />
4 8<br />
9 7 2<br />
1<br />
1 6 5<br />
Answer:<br />
1<br />
5 9 2 7 4 1 3<br />
3 8 5 4 9 7 6<br />
7 3 1 6 8 5 2<br />
2 5 7 8 6 9 1<br />
9 4 3 1 2 8 7<br />
8 2 6 9 5 3 4<br />
4 7 8 2 1 6 9<br />
SUDOKU<br />
Little Chalfont Evening WI<br />
Little Chalfont, Village Hall, Cokes Lane HP8 4LJ<br />
The second Tuesday of each month<br />
7:30pm for a 7:45pm start<br />
We have tea, coffee <strong>and</strong> home-made cake.<br />
Do come <strong>and</strong> visit us, as your first visit is free!<br />
EGGS<br />
Tea, coffee <strong>and</strong> home-made MILK cakes<br />
from Little Chalfont OVEN Evening WI<br />
FREE ENTRY 5 letters<br />
/redkitecraft FLOUR<br />
e:<br />
SPOON<br />
SUGAR<br />
8 6 5 9 2 7 4 1 3<br />
1 2 3 8 5 4 9 7 6<br />
Can you fit all of these cake-making words into the mixing bowl, then rearrange the letters in the<br />
yellow squares to form another word linked to baking?<br />
6 letters<br />
BUTTER<br />
7 letters<br />
8 letters<br />
9 letters<br />
1<br />
Maze<br />
MAZE<br />
The word is: __________________________<br />
Start at the top left corner <strong>and</strong> work your way through this maze to the bottom right corner.<br />
PUZZLE<br />
Answer: COOKING<br />
B U T T E R<br />
4 9 7 3 1 6 8 5 2<br />
O<br />
B<br />
W C S U G A R<br />
3 4 2 5 7 8 6 9 1<br />
F L O U R K<br />
6 5 9 4 3 1 2 8 7<br />
R<br />
I<br />
S R A I S I N S<br />
7 1 8 2 6 9 5 3 4<br />
P A G E<br />
5 3 4 7 8 2 1 6 9<br />
O V E N M T G<br />
O T I I G<br />
30<br />
9 8 6 1 4 3 7 2 5<br />
N S U L T A N A S<br />
2 7 1 6 9 5 3 4 8<br />
<strong>Amersham</strong> & <strong>Chalfonts</strong> <strong>Together</strong> is part of Community K <strong>Together</strong>
Competition!<br />
Win a Family ticket for 2<br />
adults <strong>and</strong> 2 children to visit<br />
Bekonscot Model Village<br />
Answer this question:<br />
What is new in <strong>2024</strong><br />
a) New play area<br />
b) High Shrunkham Junction<br />
c) Nothing new for <strong>2024</strong><br />
d) Both a) <strong>and</strong> b) are new<br />
Competition closes on 31st <strong>March</strong><br />
To enter go to<br /><br />
Ticket<br />
worth<br />
£40.70!<br />
Good luck!<br />
Bekonscot Opens for the <strong>2024</strong> Season<br />
Bekonscot Model Village <strong>and</strong> Railway opened its gates for the <strong>2024</strong> season on Saturday<br />
10th February. It will remain open 7 days a week, 10.00am until 5.30pm until Sunday 3rd<br />
November. Enjoy this quintessentially English view of rural life in the 1930s. Set in 1.5 acres<br />
of immaculate gardens <strong>and</strong> including an extensive <strong>and</strong> historic gauge 1 model railway.<br />
New for <strong>2024</strong><br />
New Play Area - The children’s playground has had an upgrade with new accessible play equipment<br />
<strong>and</strong> additional seating.<br />
High Shrunkham Junction - Become the size of Bekonscot’s<br />
models <strong>and</strong> discover the interior of a 1930s railway station.<br />
A new immersive <strong>and</strong> interactive museum experience.<br />
Upcoming Events<br />
Easter weekend 29th <strong>March</strong> - 1st <strong>April</strong> – Professor Crump,<br />
childrens entertainer.<br />
Bank Holiday weekend 25th - 27th May – Birds of Prey demonstration<br />
Every Monday during term time – Toddler Takeover. Age appropriate<br />
toys, games <strong>and</strong> crafts.<br />
Tuesday, Wednesday <strong>and</strong> Thursday of school holidays –<br />
Professor<br />
Make <strong>and</strong> Take Crafts<br />
Crump<br />
To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email 31
Book online<br />
today<br />
See a GP in<br />
person or via<br />
videocall from<br />
just £59<br /> 0330 088 2020