Wildflower Guide
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<strong>Wildflower</strong> Program at DC Ranch<br />
The <strong>Wildflower</strong> Program at DC Ranch is one of the hallmarks of<br />
DC Ranch’s unique desert character. Each spring, residents enjoy<br />
displays of wildflowers that have been carefully planted and<br />
cared for by the landscape team.<br />
The <strong>Wildflower</strong> Program, planned and implemented under the<br />
Developer Agreement with the City of Scottsdale more than 20<br />
years ago, is a way to celebrate the unique desert setting. It has<br />
also become one of the largest native wildflower displays in Arizona.<br />
<strong>Wildflower</strong> Mix<br />
%<br />
Each year, a special mix of wildflowers is created. Look<br />
for this symbol to see what percentage of the mix each<br />
type of wildflower makes up.<br />
Images may not be reproduced without permission.<br />
1%<br />
Desert Marigold | Baileya multiradiata<br />
Showy desert marigold is a 12-18 in.,<br />
mound-shaped biennial or short-lived perennial.<br />
The flowers, which occur sporadically over<br />
a long bloom period, turn papery with age.<br />
The name Marigold, given to several species of<br />
Asteraceae with sunny yellow or orange<br />
flowers, comes from “Mary’s Gold,” in honor of<br />
the Virgin.