Nor'West News: March 14, 2024

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Thursday <strong>March</strong> <strong>14</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 11<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

8<br />

9 10<br />

339<br />

SUDOKU<br />

Every row, column and box should<br />

contain the digits 1 to 9.<br />

WordBuilder<br />


239<br />

6<br />

T E N<br />

I C H<br />

11 12<br />

13 <strong>14</strong> 15<br />

16 17 18 19<br />

many words of three or more letters,<br />

How including many plurals, words can you of make three from or the more six<br />

letters, using each letter only once? No foreign<br />

words or words beginning with a capital are<br />

allowed. There's at least one six-letter word.<br />

once?<br />

TODAY<br />

Good 20 Very Good 25 Excellent 30<br />

letters, including plurals, can you make<br />

from the six letters, using each only<br />

No words beginning with a capital are<br />

allowed. There’s at least one six-letter<br />

Solution 238: DEFORM, demo, doe, doer, dome,<br />

dorm, fed, foe, for, ford, fore, form, FORMED, fro,<br />

word. from, mod, mode, more, ode, ore, red, redo, ref,<br />

rod, rode, roe.<br />

Good 20 Very Good 25 Excellent 30<br />

20<br />

21 22 23<br />

24 25<br />

26 27<br />

Across<br />

1. Persistently annoy (6)<br />

4. Entry (6)<br />

9. Foreshadow (4)<br />

10. Comforting (10)<br />

11. Tawdry or tasteless (6)<br />

12. Noise (8)<br />

13. Famed (4-5)<br />

15. Fossil fuel (4)<br />

16. Particle (4)<br />

17. Sickened (9)<br />

21. Too young (8)<br />

22. Claim (6)<br />

24. Put in a trance (10)<br />

25. Lump of earth (4)<br />

26. Abandon (6)<br />

27. Pickled flower buds (6)<br />

Down<br />

1. Supply (7)<br />

2. Searches (5)<br />

3. Made of clay (7)<br />

5. Informal (6)<br />

6. Shocking (9)<br />

7. Sultry (7)<br />

8. BSE (3,3,7)<br />

<strong>14</strong>. Unfinished business (5,4)<br />

16. Irritated (7)<br />

18. Female relative (7)<br />

19. Absorb all attention (7)<br />

20. Trade (6)<br />

23. Money (5)<br />

Crossword<br />

Across: 1. Pester, 4.<br />

Access, 9. Bode, 10.<br />

Reassuring, 11. Kitsch, 12.<br />

Clangour, 13. Well-known,<br />

15. Coal, 16. Atom, 17.<br />

Disgusted, 21. Underage,<br />

22. Allege, 24. Hypnotised,<br />

25. Clod, 26. Desert, 27.<br />

Capers.<br />

Down: 1. Provide, 2. Seeks,<br />

3. Earthen, 5. Casual, 6.<br />

Egregious, 7. Sensual, 8.<br />

Mad cow disease, <strong>14</strong>. Loose<br />

ends, 16. Annoyed, 18.<br />

Grandma, 19. Engross, 20.<br />

Barter, 23. Lucre.<br />

WordBuilder<br />

Cent, chi, chin, chine, cite,<br />

echt, etch, ethic, ETHNIC,<br />

hen, hie, hint, hit, ice, inch,<br />

itch, net, nice, niche, nit, nth,<br />

tec, tech, ten, tench, the,<br />

then, thin, thine, tic, tie, tin,<br />

tine<br />


Each number represents a different letter of the alphabet. Write the<br />

given letters into all squares with matching numbers. Now work out<br />

which letters are represented by the other numbers.<br />

Decoder<br />

Sudoku<br />

All puzzles copyright<br />

T H E P U Z Z L E C O M P A N Y<br />


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