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Women’s Day<br />
2024<br />
Theme: Women United in Christ<br />
Galatians 3:26-28<br />
SUNDAY, March 24, 2024<br />
11:00 AM<br />
First Baptist Church of Red Oak<br />
4710 Washington Road<br />
College Park, GA 30349
Women’s Day<br />
2024<br />
Women’s Day<br />
2024<br />
Theme: Women United in Christ<br />
Galatians 3:26-28<br />
VIOLA ROUNDTREE PARKER was born to the late Reverend<br />
and Mrs. Frank A. Roundtree in Coffee County, Douglas,<br />
Georgia. Her father was an (AME) African Methodist Episcopal<br />
Preacher and Presiding Elder in the 11th and 12th districts.<br />
She is the youngest of four children. All of her siblings are<br />
deceased. She pioneered integration and graduated from<br />
Coffee High School in 1966. She has one daughter and six<br />
grandchildren. In 2004, she united in holy matrimony with Terry<br />
Parker of Saint Louis, Missouri. In 2005, they became full time<br />
parents to five of her grandchildren. Who were ages 3,6, 9, 11<br />
and 13 at that time. All her grandchildren are now grown and gone.<br />
REV. PARKER lived in Alabama for twenty years after attending<br />
undergraduate school at Tuskegee University, where she graduated with a Bachelor of Science<br />
degree in Social Work. She completed 1 - ½ years in Clinical Social Work, at the University of<br />
Alabama, Tuscaloosa. Her professional career began in Child Welfare and Mental Health Services.<br />
She became a licensed minister in 1988, at Gaines Chapel AME, Douglas, and served as a<br />
licentiate, at Saint Philip Monumental, Savannah (in the Ole Georgia Conference). She was<br />
ordained a Deacon in 1991; ordained in 1993, an Itinerant Elder, in the Atlanta-North Georgia<br />
Annual Conference (Flipper Temple). She attended (ITC) Interdenominational Theological<br />
Seminary, the Erskine Theological Seminary, and the Emmanuel Bible College/Seminary, before<br />
receiving a Master of Arts Degree in 1996, in preaching. She has pastored in Atlanta, Waycross,<br />
Saint Simons Island, Carrollton, and East Point, Georgia. She served St. John (East Point), for<br />
nearly ten years. She pastored New Hope (Buckhead), Atlanta, for a brief period, in 2014. She has<br />
served on the Ministerial Efficiency Committee, Trustee Board, the Board of Examiners and the<br />
Finance Team in the Atlanta North Georgia Conference. She was the only female clergy elected, as<br />
delegate, in the Atlanta North Georgia Conference, to the General Conference in 2008, held in St.<br />
Louis, Missouri. She was a delegate in 2012; held in Nashville, Tennessee; an alternate at the 51st<br />
session of the General Conference 2021.<br />
REV. PARKER is bi-vocational with over thirty years of work experience in Clinical Social Work. Her<br />
professional work experience has yielded skills in completing psychiatric assessments, providing<br />
education, consultation, counseling and care to individuals, groups, families, and multi-family<br />
groups. She possesses skills in psycho drama, social drama, and family sculpting. These services<br />
have been provided directly and indirectly through clinical management in metropolitan and rural<br />
settings (i.e. adolescent substance abuse treatment, severely emotionally disturbed residential<br />
care. In-home and outpatient behavioral health services). With her leadership and skills in<br />
psychotherapy, individual family and multifamily groups, <strong>program</strong> planning, implementation, and<br />
evaluation, two organizations for behavioral health gained (Joint Commission) accreditations.<br />
She remained bi-vocational until she faced health challenges beginning in 2001 and had a<br />
complete hip replacement in 2003. She became a full-time pastor in 2003. Her life experiences<br />
and dedication to the work the Lord has called her to remain steadfast, unmovable, and always<br />
abounding in the work of the Lord. She often says, “to Him who is able to do exceedingly,<br />
abundantly, more than we can ask, think, or imagine, according to his power that is at work, within<br />
us!, to Him be the Glory, throughout all generations, forever and ever!” (Her testament in Life).<br />
REV. PARKER was appointed as pastor of Mt. Pleasant (Palmetto) on May 11, 2015. She retired<br />
from Mount Pleasant on October 27th, 2021 at Midyear Convocation.
Theme: Women United in Christ<br />
Galatians 3:26-28<br />
Women’s Day<br />
2024<br />
SUNDAY, March 24, 2024<br />
11:00 AM<br />
First Baptist Church of Red Oak<br />
4710 Washington Road | College Park, GA 30349<br />
Sister Lucille Wallace<br />
Presiding<br />
The Lord’s Day Congregational Song................................<br />
Invocation......................................................................<br />
Choral Response.................. ”Glory Be to the Father”.........<br />
Sister Sebernia Freeman<br />
Almighty God, we thankfully invite You into this Holy place today. Bless this service<br />
today. Bless this service with Your presence. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen<br />
Old Testament Reading...................................................<br />
New Testament Reading.................................................<br />
Congregational Prayer....................................................<br />
Occasion & Welcome.....................................................<br />
Announcements.............................................................<br />
Selection........................................................................<br />
Worship With Tithes & Offerings<br />
Rosalyn Harris & Emma Slaton<br />
Doxology Prayer.............................................................<br />
Introduction of the Speaker............................................<br />
Selection.......................................................................<br />
Speaker.........................................................................<br />
Invitation to Christ ............ “Jesus is the Answer” .............<br />
Final Remarks................................................................<br />
Benediction/Blessing of the Food...................................<br />
Sister Nelcina Bolden<br />
Sister Vearl James<br />
Sister Mary Groves<br />
Sister Tamu (Ann Norman)<br />
Sister Vearl James<br />
Virtuous Women’s Choir<br />
Sister Archie Emerson<br />
Virtuous Women’s Choir<br />
Rev. Viola Parker<br />
Rev. Dr. John A. Allen, Sr.<br />
Pastor Allen<br />
Postlude - Congregation Please Stand<br />
Refreshments will be served immediately following service.