HGT Magazine #128 March/April 2024
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Can We Make It Affordable?<br />
Haida Gwaii’s Annual Bird Count<br />
+<br />
FOOD<br />
Nourishing a Haida Culture<br />
Issue 128<br />
Mar / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />
$6.50 (INCL. GST)<br />
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 1
May 3rd to June 28th, <strong>2024</strong><br />
Grand Opening<br />
May 3rd @ 7 pm<br />
2 HG<br />
Call for Artists - Art Drop Off<br />
<strong>April</strong> 12th & 13th, 10 am - 4 pm<br />
Location: Oceans Gallery,<br />
Haida Gwaii Museum<br />
Cost: $15<br />
Artist Lecture by Kit Bell<br />
May 10th, 7 to 8:30 pm<br />
Location: Haida Heritage Centre,<br />
Classroom 1<br />
Cost: FREE<br />
Workshop - The Power of the Underpainting<br />
May 11th, 10 am-4:30 pm<br />
Facilitator: Kit Bell<br />
Location: Bill Reid Room<br />
Cost: $50<br />
HaidaGwaiiAllIslandArtShow<br />
allislandartshow@gmail.com<br />
514-238-7953<br />
Register by<br />
<strong>April</strong> 13th<br />
Register by<br />
<strong>April</strong> 26th<br />
Check our Facebook Page for updates<br />
<strong>2024</strong> Adjudicator<br />
Haida Gwaii Museum,<br />
Oceans gallery<br />
2, Second Beach Road<br />
HlGaagilda, Skidegate
Subscribe<br />
Get the <strong>HGT</strong> magazine delivered<br />
right to your post box and save<br />
10% off the retail price. On-island<br />
for one year (six issues): $35.10<br />
plus GST. Off-island (anywhere<br />
in Canada): $51.00 plus GST. US:<br />
$74.85 plus GST.<br />
Advertise<br />
Haida Gwaii Trader is committed<br />
to help spread the word of<br />
businesses of all sizes with<br />
affordable options for everyone.<br />
Rates start as low as $45 per<br />
month plus GST.<br />
Submit<br />
We welcome you to send us your<br />
family-oriented stories, news,<br />
illustrations, cartoons, poems,<br />
etc., for publishing consideration.<br />
Contact Information<br />
Phone: 250-557-2088<br />
Email: info@haidagwaiitrader.<br />
com<br />
Mail: PO Box 313, Port Clements,<br />
BC V0T 1R0<br />
Website: haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
<br />
Deadline for MayJune/24 issue<br />
Content we layout: <strong>April</strong> 10 th<br />
<strong>2024</strong>.<br />
Classifieds and print ready<br />
submissions: <strong>April</strong> 20 th <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
Haida place names as per the<br />
This is Haida Gwaii Kaats’ii hla |<br />
Káats’a hlaa <strong>2024</strong> publication.<br />
The views and opinions expressed<br />
by the various authors do not<br />
necessarily reflect the opinions,<br />
beliefs or viewpoints of Haida<br />
Gwaii Trader. © <strong>2024</strong> Haida<br />
Gwaii Trader. All rights reserved.<br />
Prefer a digital copy? Scan here<br />
for the <strong>HGT</strong> Ezine!<br />
Features<br />
8<br />
A Naturalist's Almanac<br />
Haida Gwaii’s Annual Bird Count<br />
14<br />
Haida Gwaii Local<br />
Foods Project<br />
Nourishing a Haida Culture<br />
26<br />
Home Sweet Home<br />
Can We Make It Affordable?<br />
Also In This Issue<br />
Dear Huckleberry ................................... 6<br />
'Round and About ................................. 11<br />
Go Breakers! ......................................... 12<br />
Port Swimming Spot ............................. 13<br />
Haida Gwaii Eats................................... 16<br />
Buying Your First Home ...................... 18<br />
Gwaii Trust ........................................... 20<br />
Investing in Housing ............................ 23<br />
Helping Hands ...................................... 25<br />
On the Cover: Née Kún Rose Spit | PC Michael Russ<br />
Plus (bottom of the page): Wren Binnema | PC Jenny Kellar<br />
All Things Music .................................. 30<br />
Puzzle Page ........................................... 32<br />
Kids' Musings ........................................ 33<br />
Science Corner ..................................... 34<br />
Horoscope .............................................. 35<br />
Classifieds .............................................. 36<br />
Tide Tables ............................................. 45<br />
Community Calendar ........................... 47<br />
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 3
Our Valued Contributors<br />
Haida Gwaii<br />
Trader Values<br />
<strong>HGT</strong> commits to the Truth and<br />
Reconciliation’s Call to Action<br />
#85: continuing to develop<br />
media initiatives that inform<br />
and educate the Canadian<br />
public, and connect the Haida<br />
people and fellow islanders.<br />
We proudly serve the<br />
unceded traditional territory<br />
of the Haida Nation along<br />
with all those who live,<br />
work and play on Haida<br />
Gwaii. We offer affordable<br />
advertising for all local<br />
businesses and exemplary<br />
off-island businesses whose<br />
products and/or services are<br />
in limited, local supply.<br />
UNITED<br />
Our focus is to build,<br />
maintain and enhance<br />
bridges between the Haida<br />
people and fellow islanders<br />
of all ages, genders and<br />
income, between nature and<br />
humanity, and between spirit<br />
and ego.<br />
We support basic,<br />
equitable needs shared<br />
by all, including social<br />
sustainability, clean air,<br />
water and energy, affordable<br />
housing, wellness, and<br />
nutritious, locally produced<br />
food.<br />
Lin Armstrong loves reading,<br />
writing, jigsaws, theatre, sports<br />
and volunteering at the Thrift<br />
Store. She lives in Daajing Giids<br />
with hubby Jack and cat Lady<br />
Bean. armstrongs@haidagwaii.ca<br />
Jasmine Beachy is a wife and<br />
proud mother of two active<br />
boys. She is a local StrongStart<br />
facilitator and has lived in Wáan<br />
Kún Port Clements for 18 years.<br />
jasmine970@hotmail.com<br />
Monica Caulfield, a professional<br />
astrologer since 2007, is passionate<br />
about helping people develop tools<br />
of awareness and purpose in life.<br />
sageadvisor2u@gmail.com<br />
Stu Crawford is an ecologist<br />
who lives in Masset and enjoys<br />
learning, eating things, and<br />
exploring Haida Gwaii.<br />
stu.crawford@gmail.com<br />
Margo Hearne is a 46-year<br />
Masset resident, naturalist and<br />
writer. She uses her skills to build<br />
things. hecatebird@gmail.com<br />
Behind the Scenes<br />
Shellene Patience<br />
Owner<br />
Editor in Chief<br />
shellene.patience@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
Claude Adams<br />
Assistant Editor<br />
assistant.editor@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
Dear Huckleberry, an observer<br />
of human conduct and love<br />
interactions, is passionate about<br />
finding creative ways to navigate<br />
love, friendships and familiar<br />
relationships.<br />
dearhuckleberry.hgt@gmail.com<br />
Jana McLeod has lived on Haida<br />
Gwaii all her life. She’s a mother to<br />
8 and grandma to 7. Writing, and<br />
making people laugh keeps her<br />
grounded.<br />
ja_mcleod@hotmail.com<br />
Rosemary “Ro” Millham is<br />
a retired university professor,<br />
geologist, NASA scientist and<br />
educator. She enjoys the peace,<br />
beauty, people and nature of<br />
Haida Gwaii and loves taking<br />
her dog for walks on the beach.<br />
ro.rosemary@gmail.com<br />
Rhonda Lee Russ is an<br />
Anishnaubek writer, storyteller,<br />
and researcher. I write to<br />
share important stories about<br />
people, places, and the issues<br />
that affect them. For content<br />
and photography needs email<br />
gooseeyes@gmail.com<br />
Jamie McDonald<br />
Events Manager<br />
Contributing Writer<br />
events.manager@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
Terri-Lynne Penner<br />
Administrative Assistant<br />
Classifieds & Subscriptions Manager<br />
info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
Graphic Design and Desktop Publishing Team: Direct Design & Andre Favron<br />
IT: Northern Rogue Technologies Inc., JAMAXX Web Design, Direct Design<br />
Bookkeeper: J. Pigeon Bookkeeping & Accounting<br />
4 HG
Letter From the Editor<br />
A Roof Over Every Head<br />
By Shellene Patience<br />
Our goal with this issue<br />
of the <strong>HGT</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> was to<br />
shine some extra light on affordable<br />
housing. I think we’ve all heard<br />
this topic being discussed more in the<br />
past year or so than ever before. This<br />
must be a good thing.<br />
Hot diggity! The planet being an interrelated organism is no longer back page news. Sure, it’s not quite front and<br />
center as much as it could be, but people are putting two and two together; If the places we call home, and the bylaws<br />
that support them, don’t make us feel safe and secure, suffering will undeniably affect us all.<br />
There was a time, not so long ago, that a good many people in the ‘developed’ nations strived for bigger and more…<br />
of pretty much everything. But, since the pandemic, times have changed. Big time. If you have a roof over your head<br />
and nutritious food in your fridge, you’re doing dang well. As far as I’m concerned, these are wise and healthy ideals.<br />
The size of homes is no longer as important as the quality of life inside them. Smaller and simpler abodes are gaining<br />
traction. And cooperative housing is now being seriously considered for people both young and Elder.<br />
It’s hard to believe such a basic human need took this long to move up on our leaders priority lists. There’s no denying<br />
it: initiatives designed to lower housing costs and increase accessibility to affordable housing are now being<br />
implemented Canada wide. Slowly but surely, that means here on Haida Gwaii as well.<br />
Amazing shifts like this - how our tax dollars are being spent - are worth our ongoing attention and support. People<br />
are speaking up and change is happening. Our voices absolutely count. Cast your local, provincial and national<br />
votes: affordable homes for all.<br />
Another super positive note: spring is just around the corner. Whoo hoo!<br />
One foot gently in front<br />
of the other,<br />
Shellene Patience<br />
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 5
Dear Huckleberry is an advice column aiming to use a bit of sound advice to<br />
nurture healing and growth, while hopefully making you laugh a little too. This<br />
column is not a substitute for working with a licensed counsellor. Please seek<br />
professional help if you are struggling.<br />
Dear Huckleberry,<br />
A close friend of mine recently stopped talking to<br />
me. They say nothing is wrong, but they don’t return<br />
hardly any of my communications and don’t ask how<br />
I’m doing anymore. I’ve tried to give them space,<br />
but it feels like ghosting and it hurts really bad.<br />
- Ghosting Sucks<br />
family and friends. You can be respectful, kind and<br />
understanding towards your mate’s family, but it’s<br />
their responsibility to make them understand that<br />
loving them is loving you. It’s not yours. So have<br />
that talk. Maybe your partner knows what the issue<br />
is and how to fix it. Or maybe they are the issue.<br />
Either way you deserve love and acceptance from<br />
the people closest to you.<br />
Dear Ghosting Sucks, being ghosted is always<br />
painful. It leads us to question our worth, our actions<br />
and the relationships we create. The worst part is that<br />
there is no explanation for the distance or acknowledgment<br />
of it and you are still investing energy into<br />
ruminating about where you stand with your friend.<br />
There are several routes you can take here. Why<br />
not share your feelings with<br />
this person? You deserve clarity,<br />
even if the clarity you get<br />
is that this person isn’t worthy<br />
of your friendship anymore.<br />
Another idea is to just give it<br />
time. Maybe your friend is going through shame,<br />
pain or confusion. Maybe they are having problems<br />
reaching out. Either way, you need to stop scratching<br />
that wound and focus on yourself and those around<br />
you who are choosing to be there for you.<br />
Dear Huckleberry,<br />
Keeping it brief and to the point: what do you do when<br />
your mate loves you but their friends or family don’t?<br />
- Love in a Bubble<br />
Dear Love in a Bubble, talk to your partner<br />
about this. The relationship you have is with them,<br />
but they are the ones having a relationship with their<br />
Stop scratching that<br />
wound and focus on<br />
yourself…<br />
Dear Huckleberry,<br />
I cannot count anymore how many failures and<br />
disappointments I’ve had, and although most times<br />
my intentions were good, I always seem to get it<br />
wrong. Am I wrong for feeling that I’m a victim?<br />
- Feeling Snubbed<br />
Dearest, victimhood is kind<br />
of like a mask, there to hide you<br />
from facing your own growth.<br />
The trick is to regain responsibility<br />
of yourself, to be prepared,<br />
to ask for help, to reclaim your knowledge<br />
and skills, to center yourself and get to know yourself<br />
at your most vulnerable place. For good or bad, you<br />
got this far by yourself, you wrote your own story,<br />
so just surrender to the waves of life, become one<br />
with their motion and let go of your ego’s need to<br />
control the tides.<br />
Life doesn’t work for you or against you. Life moves<br />
all around you and life will crash and storm as it<br />
will. You can stay frozen with fear and let it drown<br />
you repeatedly. Or you can move with it, dive into<br />
the deep and let the vagaries of life teach you how<br />
to swim.<br />
Have a letter you would like to submit for consideration? Email dearhuckleberry.hgt@gmail.com or send via mail<br />
to Dear Huckleberry c/o Haida Gwaii Trader, PO Box 313, Port Clements, BC V0T 1R0. Do explain your full<br />
situation - unlimited text – but also include a 100-word maximum overview question. If your submission is chosen,<br />
only the overview question will be published.<br />
6 HG
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<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 7
A Naturalist’s Almanac<br />
On the Wing — Haida Gwaii’s Annual Bird Count<br />
Article by Margo Hearne<br />
It was peaceful in ‘Wáan Kún Port Clements,<br />
sunny in HlGaagilda Skidegate<br />
Inlet and stormy at Rose Spit. Despite<br />
the changing conditions, the counts<br />
were completed within the deadline.<br />
Masset’s weather was the most challenging,<br />
with a cold, wet northeaster<br />
in the morning and a cold, wetter<br />
southeaster in the afternoon. Tll.aal<br />
Tlell was mild, the light rain in the<br />
morning cleared by the afternoon<br />
and we had time to check out the<br />
nine lovely Trumpeter Swans that<br />
sat serenely on the river before the<br />
sun went down. All the ‘usual suspects’<br />
showed up to be counted, with<br />
the exception of a Peregrine Falcon.<br />
Where were they this year? We had<br />
a Merlin, that short-tailed swift little<br />
falcon and not one but nine Sharpshinned<br />
Hawks, the accipiter with<br />
longer tail and wider wings.<br />
The little Downy<br />
Woodpecker was<br />
almost late for<br />
the party…<br />
There were not as many offshore<br />
birds this year. The Rose Spit Count,<br />
where thousands of Common Murres<br />
were seen in the past, only produced<br />
five. Eight Marbled Murrelets and six<br />
Ancient Murrelets were low numbers<br />
indeed. The count at the Spit is always<br />
the wildest and this year was no<br />
exception. Our neighbour Thor took<br />
us to the edge where we were joined<br />
by three hardy birders on an ATV. We<br />
were all thoroughly soaked before the<br />
day was done. “This is hard-core birding,”<br />
said one, and we had to agree.<br />
The Skidegate Inlet counters aced it<br />
with 1,415 Western Grebes and 230<br />
Brant, those lovely sea-geese of the<br />
Pacific. They also had 38 Black-bellied<br />
Plovers and 238 Oystercatchers,<br />
the high count for the islands.<br />
Waterfowl numbers were down. It<br />
has been a mild winter and many<br />
might have remained in the north.<br />
Black Turnstones with one Rock Sandpiper<br />
PC | Margo Hearne<br />
8 HG
Cedar Waxwings in the sun<br />
PC | Margo Hearne<br />
Green-winged Teal only numbered<br />
363 in Delkatla; we usually have over<br />
1,000. We can only hope that Avian<br />
Flu hasn’t affected them; the bug is<br />
still out there. We ran into wonderful<br />
flocks of shorebirds in Port Clements;<br />
Dunlin and Black Turnstones were<br />
joined by 27 Surfbirds, the only ones<br />
for the island. Two lovely Hooded<br />
Mergansers also drifted in the estuary<br />
close to town.<br />
One of the exciting aspects of the<br />
count is the expectation of finding<br />
rare birds. On the very first count in<br />
1982 in Greater Massett, a Cattle Egret<br />
appeared in Delkatla. Forty-two years<br />
later one took off from the banks of<br />
the Kumdis River on count day. We<br />
haven’t seen it since and we never<br />
did get a photograph. Virginia Rails<br />
are hard birds to find but one liked<br />
Tlell and was duly recorded. The<br />
Wood Duck was back at the pond<br />
this year in Gr. Massett and the little<br />
Downy Woodpecker was almost<br />
late for the party but squeaked in on<br />
count week. Two Cedar Waxwings<br />
showed up. They nest here in summer<br />
but are rare winter visitors. Anna’s<br />
Hummingbirds are staying around,<br />
Downy Woodpecker<br />
PC | Margo Hearne<br />
Hooded Mergansers<br />
drifted on the estuary<br />
PC | Margo Hearne<br />
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 9
three in the north and one in the<br />
south. Their numbers show what a<br />
mild winter it is.<br />
Redpolls are not uncommon here. We<br />
have had them in the past, but what<br />
were those dark little things feeding<br />
in the gravel in Masset’s downpour?<br />
They were also sighted at a feeder in<br />
Lawn Hill. And two other counters<br />
were curious about them as they had<br />
seen and photographed them around<br />
town. They were definitely members<br />
of the finch family, but Redpolls usually<br />
have bright red caps and these<br />
birds were much darker. We sent the<br />
photos to a friend in Abbotsford, who<br />
contacted a friend in Hungary, who<br />
knew of someone who worked with<br />
redpolls. It seems we now have both<br />
the North American (bright red caps)<br />
and the Lesser Redpolls (darker), all<br />
the way from somewhere across the<br />
vast Pacific Ocean. What an amazing<br />
journey for such small creatures!<br />
And then there was one of the largest<br />
birds of all, with a wingspan of 6.5<br />
feet (198 cm) that landed on the beach<br />
in Skidegate. A Laysan Albatross, a bit<br />
battered and bruised but alive. The<br />
wildlife rescue in Vancouver restored<br />
it to health and it flew away.<br />
It was quite a season. Thank you to<br />
everyone who participated from all<br />
over the islands. We couldn’t have<br />
done it without you. In memory of<br />
our best birding buddy Martin Williams<br />
who wandered the winter world<br />
with us for over 20 years, and in deep<br />
sorrow for Peter Hamel, who started<br />
these counts in 1982 and died suddenly<br />
on February 18 following hip<br />
replacement surgery. How can we<br />
continue without him?<br />
Results: Skidegate Inlet 78 species,<br />
8,604 individuals; Rose Spit 35 species,<br />
876 individuals; Port Clements<br />
52 species, 2,193 individuals; Greater<br />
Massett 80 species, 5,345 individuals;<br />
Tlell 48 species, 2,687 individuals for<br />
a total of 106 species and 19,705 individuals.<br />
North American Redpoll<br />
sighted at Lawn Hill<br />
PC | Shellene Patience<br />
10 HG<br />
The mystery Redpoll<br />
PC | Margo Hearne<br />
Peter Hamel and<br />
Martin Williams<br />
PC | CBC 2022
‘Round and About<br />
Affordable Housing? – Some Good News<br />
Article by Jana McLeod<br />
When the Trader asked if I might write something on the<br />
topic of affordable housing, I said that if I had to pick one<br />
of my least likely professions, it would be investigative<br />
reporter. First, it goes against my firm belief that the less<br />
I talk to people the better. Another problem is my bad<br />
memory. And lastly, I have a full-time job already, so my<br />
brain cells are maxed.<br />
I do, however, like to babble about almost anything so<br />
my head is always full of ideas. I also do a lot of eavesdropping.<br />
Everything I write<br />
is hearsay anyway. I’m certain<br />
my three readers don’t mind<br />
that at all. I thought for about<br />
20 minutes that I should go<br />
around and ask people about<br />
this interesting theme of affordable housing. Then I talked<br />
myself out of it. The subject has such a great scope<br />
and it’s an intricate issue. In fact, just the thought of it<br />
makes my eyes roll all the way to the back of my head.<br />
Unpopular opinion, it would make the shortest article<br />
ever: “Affordable housing? Doesn’t exist.” Film at 11.<br />
If it’s an Airbnb you want, there’s tons available but it<br />
would be quite a costly endeavour. As a landlord you’d<br />
have to be ready to reduce your profit and take the chance<br />
to rent out to a family. That doesn’t seem like a realistic<br />
expectation. Especially with Haida Gwaii being such a<br />
great tourist attraction.<br />
I myself have never had an issue with renting as I went<br />
from relative to relative before buying a house in the early<br />
nineties. Sounds simple but it sure wasn’t. I think this is<br />
one of the more common routes for many people. My<br />
own children have dealt and are dealing with the lack<br />
of housing. The good news is that Old Massett Village<br />
Council (OMVC) seems to have sprung to life with many<br />
projects on the go. A cruise down the village is very exciting<br />
with all the new houses. It seems like they just<br />
finished Chief Matthews’ new building and now there’s<br />
a new pool on the list of projects being done.<br />
My sister lived in the teachers’<br />
apartments on Wallace St. in<br />
Masset when they were first<br />
built. They were fancy and<br />
lovely to stay in. Now they’re<br />
a little run down and in need<br />
of some TLC. OMVC bought the whole complex recently.<br />
Renovations will be done so if you’re patient you can look<br />
into getting in on that opportunity. There are also apartments<br />
soon to be renovated. Tlaga Gaawtlaas Bluejacket<br />
is another place that’s being presented as a solution for<br />
keeping our nurses and doctors in the community. It’s a<br />
complicated subject but the good news is, at least we’re<br />
talking about it.<br />
The good news is, at least<br />
we’re talking about it.<br />
So, if you’re looking, my suggestion is to keep posting on<br />
social media, keep after the powers-that-be for solutions,<br />
watch buy-and-sells for houses and talk to your banker<br />
about a possible mortgage instead of rent. And finally,<br />
don’t ask me because I’m just as lost as you are.<br />
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 11
echobay@hgqci.org<br />
Haida Gwaii Essentials<br />
Handcrafted Soap<br />
& Body Products<br />
Available at: Or<br />
Masset Market & Shop<br />
Island Retailers Online!<br />
islandwisehaidagwaii.com<br />
Sporting a New Look<br />
Go Breakers!<br />
Athletes from GidGalang Kuuyas<br />
Naay (GKNS) travel all over the province<br />
representing their school and<br />
communities in sports as varied as<br />
wrestling, basketball, volleyball, soccer<br />
and x-country running. And this<br />
year they are wearing brand new jerseys,<br />
thanks to Gwaii Trust, Northern<br />
Savings Credit Union and the GKNS<br />
Parent Advisory Council (PAC).<br />
GKNS coaches, staff and community<br />
volunteers work hard to bring<br />
student athletes to sporting competitions<br />
- training, practising and travelling<br />
long distances via ferry, plane<br />
and/or bus to compete. Unfortunately,<br />
many of the sports teams had old<br />
and mis-matched jerseys, and some<br />
no longer met competition standards.<br />
So when the GKNS PAC asked staff<br />
and students how they could support<br />
the school, “new quality jerseys” was<br />
the overwhelming priority.<br />
The PAC secured a Youth Grant from<br />
Gwaii Trust and the Community<br />
Fund from Northern Savings Credit<br />
Union. Through consultation with<br />
staff, coaches and students, home and<br />
away jerseys for both boys’ and girls’<br />
teams were designed and ordered<br />
By Jody Bissett<br />
for basketball, volleyball, wrestling,<br />
x-country running, and soccer. These<br />
jerseys feature the “Breakers” name<br />
(chosen by the students) and the incredible<br />
Xyuu design by Billy Yovanovich.<br />
Wearing the new jerseys, the Secondary<br />
School Breakers won the Senior<br />
Boys Northwest Zone "A" Basketball<br />
championships, held in Houston.<br />
They beat Bulkley Valley Christian<br />
school in the finals 85-66. The team<br />
is ranked 5th in the province and is<br />
off to the provincials.<br />
The students, staff and parents/<br />
guardians of the GKNS Breakers<br />
would like to extend a huge HAAWA<br />
to Gwaii Trust and NSCU, in particular<br />
Meghan Cross and Carla Lutner<br />
at Gwaii Trust and Vaughan New at<br />
NSCU.<br />
If you have ideas for ways PAC can<br />
support students and staff at GKNS,<br />
please email gknsspac.info@gmail.<br />
com. If you have questions about the<br />
role of PACs at Haida Gwaii schools or<br />
to learn more about the SD50 District<br />
Parent Advisory Council (DPAC), visit<br />
sd50.bc.ca/dpac or email hgdpac@<br />
gmail.com.<br />
GKNS Basketball team<br />
Front row (l-r) – Daris Peerless, River Michaeloff, Levi Burton, Gregory Putterill,<br />
Teemo Laughlin, Logan Jones, Loay Almahamid, Trace Swain, Desi Collinson.<br />
Back row (l-r) – Duane Alsop, Riley Duke, Lief Morton<br />
PC | Kris Olsen<br />
12 HG
An Inlet Interlude<br />
The Ideal Swim Spot<br />
Photos Courtesy Maureen Bailey<br />
Imagine it’s a warm,<br />
lazy late-afternoon early<br />
spring day on Haida<br />
Gwaii, and you’re looking<br />
for a spot by the<br />
water to take in one of<br />
the island’s spectacular<br />
sunsets. You’ve packed<br />
a sandwich, a thermos<br />
of coffee or tea, and<br />
even a swimsuit, just in<br />
case you work up the<br />
courage for a bracing<br />
dip. Or maybe you’ll<br />
don a wetsuit like some<br />
other local and rather<br />
hardy year-round<br />
swimmers.<br />
So, you turn off the<br />
highway into ‘Wáan<br />
Kún Port Clements,<br />
make your way down Bayview Drive<br />
to where the Sunset Park Trail (starts<br />
at the PC Museum and ends at the<br />
Bird Tower) crosses the road, and<br />
you find what you’re looking for: A<br />
handy parking lot, an outhouse and<br />
off to the right, a trail that leads to<br />
a small stretch of sandy shoreline.<br />
You’ve arrived!<br />
Thanks to the Village of Port Clements’<br />
Vibrant Community Commission<br />
and funding from the Gwaii Trust<br />
Society and the Province of BC, this<br />
popular spot for swimming<br />
enthusiasts has<br />
some wonderful seaside<br />
features. There’s<br />
a gazebo, a charming<br />
little swim shack with<br />
two local art-adorned<br />
changing rooms, a picnic<br />
table and a shoreline,<br />
bench-accompanied<br />
firepit.<br />
And the view across<br />
Gaw Káahlii Masset Inlet<br />
is just what you’ve<br />
been hoping for: a<br />
breath-taking vista of<br />
calm water and hills in<br />
the distance.<br />
After enjoying the sunset,<br />
you make a note to<br />
self to be sure to visit this spot in the<br />
summer. The perfect getaway! Please<br />
note, this is a use at your own risk<br />
swim spot and be sure to leave it tidy<br />
and garbage-free for others to enjoy.<br />
Looking For<br />
Lifeguards<br />
Talking about swimming, Haida<br />
Gwaii Recreation has a call-out<br />
for anybody interested in being<br />
certified as a lifeguard. It’s part of<br />
HGREC’s effort to support aquatic<br />
programming across the island, for<br />
events like summer camp or the Agate<br />
Man Triathlon. Or maybe you<br />
just want to help make safe swim<br />
programs a reality. If this interests<br />
you, please reach out to info@<br />
hgrec.com. HGREC is also looking<br />
for funding to make this happen.<br />
Veracious<br />
Exterior & Transport LTD<br />
• Roofing • Decking<br />
• Gutters & more!<br />
caroson@live.com<br />
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info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
250-557-2088<br />
250-559-8561<br />
31857 Hwy 16<br />
in Tll.aal Tlell<br />
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 13
On a recent Friday, a shipment of 364 locally harvested<br />
crabs was delivered to Tahayghen Elementary School in<br />
Masset, and the students got a chance to learn all about<br />
crab-shucking from a group of volunteer Nonnalang<br />
grandmothers.<br />
But this was more than a master class in seafood processing.<br />
Because that crabmeat, after it’s<br />
cleaned and canned, will eventually<br />
find its way to the lunch tables of the<br />
students themselves – a vivid illustration<br />
of Local Food 2 School (LF2S)<br />
program now in its tenth year.<br />
The program supplies local and traditional<br />
food to 450 students in eight<br />
Island schools - food grown, hunted,<br />
fished and harvested as part of an<br />
effort to bring young people closer<br />
to their cultural roots. And equally<br />
important, in the process, to provide<br />
a nourishingly healthy diet.<br />
Says Elizabeth Moore, a Haida leader<br />
in the LF2S program: “When parents<br />
see their children happy eating and<br />
working on traditional foods, they get<br />
that sense of glowing understanding<br />
and connection, and that creates a<br />
healthy family.”<br />
Northern Health community dietitian<br />
Shelly Crack says the LF2S food<br />
includes garden produce, venison,<br />
fish, seafood and local berries. Much<br />
of the food is gathered in the summer<br />
months when school is out, and then<br />
distributed throughout the school<br />
year. Kiku Dhanwant was instrumental<br />
in setting up the program in 2014.<br />
14 HG<br />
Food to School – Nourishing a Haida Culture<br />
Article by Claude Adams<br />
You are tapping<br />
into ancestral<br />
knowledge…<br />
– Shelly Crack<br />
“What we heard from Elders and schools and knowledge<br />
keepers,” Shelly says, “was that they wanted the food<br />
served in our schools to be more reflective of food from<br />
the Islands and Haida culture.”<br />
But there are challenges, like finding a way around strict<br />
government regulations about how food is processed<br />
and distributed. That’s where people like<br />
Tahayghen student<br />
butchering a deer<br />
PC |Shelly Crack<br />
Elizabeth Moore come in, challenging<br />
regulators that traditional foods are safe<br />
and have been enjoyed for centuries.<br />
“It seems,” she says, “like government<br />
agencies are waking up to the harms of<br />
the legislation and are seeking guidance<br />
from indigenous knowledge keepers.”<br />
Wren Binnema shucking<br />
crab at Tahayghen<br />
PC | Jenny Kellar
R<br />
G<br />
A<br />
A<br />
S<br />
There’s a strong educational aspect to the LF2S program McDonald and Joanne Yovanovich of the Xaayda/Xaada<br />
as well. For example, students in Gaw Tlagée Old Massett Foods Committee (XFC) are also key players in making<br />
learn from Elders how to<br />
HAIDA<br />
skin deer, cut fish and grow<br />
GWAII<br />
the program a success.<br />
LOCAL<br />
produce in the garden. And recently, the program hosted<br />
Shelly Crack says the program benefits everyone: “You<br />
a workshop at the high school on how to can local tuna<br />
are tapping into ancestral knowledge of food harvesting<br />
and salmon.<br />
(and) creating a little micro-food economy for hunters<br />
Funding comes exclusively from food security grants, and fishermen . . . so you have this local food sustainability<br />
model and it’s all ending up on the plates of children<br />
from the Breakfast Club of Canada, the Vancouver Foundation,<br />
the Victoria Foundation and locally, Gwaii Trust. eating nutritious food . . . I think it really touches on all<br />
Margaret Edgars, Gwen Edgars Brown, Michelle “Missy” the big problems of the world.”<br />
Haida Gwaii Farmers’ Markets 2022<br />
A farmer’s market is more than just a cornucopia of local food, plants, artisan handicrafts and other bounty. It’s also an occasion to<br />
share some relaxing time with friends and neighbours, to savor some local culture, and to contribute to the community’s economy.<br />
And you might even get to enjoy a hot meal! Haida Gwaii has four such markets, three on Graham Island, and one on Moresby<br />
Island, so most of us are only minutes away from an enriching weekly experience.<br />
Masset Market- Make it! Bake it! Grow it!<br />
Date/Time: Fridays, 11am-2pm, year-round<br />
Location: Across from the HG Co-op, 1575 Main<br />
Street in Masset.<br />
What we offer: Locally grown and prepared foods including vegetables,<br />
greens and microgreens, eggs, preserves, ferments, baked<br />
goods and treats, plant starts and seedlings, cut flowers, mushrooms<br />
and berries are available in season. Locally handcrafted<br />
items include soap and body products, jewellery, pottery, and<br />
knitted, painted, felted and beach-combed treasures and more!<br />
Delicious hot lunches are a new regular feature at the market.<br />
Contact: Natalie Affolter / 250-626-9181 / massetmarket@gmail.<br />
com<br />
Tll.aal Tlell Farmers’ Market<br />
Date/Time: Sundays, 11am—2pm, starting June<br />
5, 2022, until the last week of October.<br />
Location: Highway 16, behind and to the left of<br />
the Tlell Fire Hall. Look for the giant carrot!<br />
What we offer: Spring greens, hot lunch items, farm fresh eggs,<br />
baked goods, jams and jellies, canning, sourdough bread, kombucha,<br />
strawberry, raspberry, rhubarb and currant seedlings and<br />
much more!<br />
Contact: Marylynn Hunt / 250-559-8282 / stmarysspring@<br />
gmail.com / Facebook: Tlell Farmers Market<br />
Thank You HGLFP Sponsors, QC Farmers’ Market, Moresby Market, and<br />
Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte Farmers’ Market<br />
Date/Time: Saturdays, 11am—2pm, year-round<br />
(with a short break around Christmas/January).<br />
Location: Gather, 223 Oceanview Drive, Daajing<br />
Giids.<br />
What we offer: You’ll find delicious baked treats of all kinds,<br />
locally grown fresh produce, gorgeous flowers, foraged mushrooms,<br />
locally harvested kelp products, and more!<br />
Contact: Heidi Archer, Market Manager / queencharlottemarket@gmail.com<br />
/ Instagram: @qc_market / Facebook: @<br />
QueenCharlotteFarmersMarket<br />
Moresby Artisan Market (K’il Kun Sandspit)<br />
Date/Time: Sundays, 11am-1pm, starting Sunday,<br />
June 12, 2022, through mid-September<br />
Location: In front of ALM Elementary School,<br />
406 Copper Bay Road<br />
What we offer: Baked goods, occasional fresh produce, art by<br />
local kids, pottery, handmade sea salt and soaps, sewing, photography<br />
and more!<br />
The HGLFS Team<br />
Back Row (l to r): Marnie Smith, Kieran Wake, Contact: Kyla Kelsey Mitchel, Kricheldorf Tammi / moresbymarket@gmail.com Ryland, Chris Horner. /<br />
Front Row (l to r): Shelly Crack, the late Facebook: and dearly-missed @MoresbyMarket Margaret Edgars, Julia Weder.<br />
Missing: Elizabeth Moore.<br />
PC | Cacilia Honisch<br />
M<br />
I S<br />
L<br />
A<br />
N<br />
D<br />
E<br />
A<br />
S<br />
T<br />
H<br />
A<br />
FARM ERS'<br />
C<br />
O<br />
T<br />
FARM ERS'<br />
To become a sponsor or for more info call 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 15
Haida Gwaii Eats<br />
Halibut Soufflé *<br />
Article and photos by Jamie McDonald | Recipe from Jenny Brooks<br />
I was at the Health Centre in HlGaagilda Skidegate the day a much-loved<br />
member of the community passed away and I was inspired to share this recipe,<br />
which was being prepared by the staff to bring to the grieving family. It<br />
made me think of how much love and attention we put into food as a way of<br />
comforting, of showing our support and of coming together.<br />
Jenny’s recipe can also be found in the Halaa Ga Taa** cookbook, published<br />
in 2016. This book includes 30 recipes and came out of the Haida Owned and<br />
Operated entrepreneurship course. Háw’aa | hawaa, thank you for allowing<br />
us to share this delicious recipe with all islanders.<br />
Ingredients<br />
2 cups mayonnaise<br />
1 cup grated cheddar<br />
½ cup milk<br />
5 egg whites<br />
2 lbs halibut<br />
1 teaspoon garlic powder<br />
Salt and pepper to taste<br />
1 tablespoon oil<br />
1 tablespoon butter<br />
Preparation<br />
1. Sprinkle the fish with garlic powder, salt and pepper.<br />
2. Fry in oil and butter until golden – only 1-3 minutes per side – do not<br />
overcook.<br />
3. Remove from heat and transfer fish to a 13 x 9 pan.<br />
4. Mix the mayo, cheese and milk together.<br />
5. Beat the egg whites until they are stiff. Fold into the mayo/cheese/milk<br />
mixture and pour over the fish.<br />
6. Bake at 350°F for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown. Especially delicious<br />
when shared with loved ones.<br />
7. Enjoy!<br />
* Soufflé derived from French verb “souffler” meaning to blow or inflate, which<br />
is what the egg whites do once they hit the oven’s heat.<br />
** Hala ga taa in the SHIP ÝAAYDA KIL GLOSSARY “A” — June 11 th , 2015,<br />
meaning “Come and eat.”<br />
16 HG
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 17
Buying Your First Home<br />
Making it More Affordable<br />
By Tracey De Frane<br />
Finding an affordable home can be an overwhelming<br />
challenge, but if you are a prospective first-time buyer,<br />
there are a number of incentives you should know about.<br />
Taken together, they can save you a great deal of money<br />
and heartache.<br />
First Home Savings Account: A federal government<br />
initiative, this allows prospective first-time buyers to<br />
save tax-free up to $8000 per year to a lifetime maximum<br />
of $40,000. Your parents and/or grandparents can gift you<br />
money, tax-free, to deposit into your account. For more information:<br />
www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/<br />
tax/individuals/topics/first-home-savings-account.html<br />
RRSP Home Buyer’s Plan: This allows you to withdraw<br />
up to $35,000 from your RRSP to buy or build your<br />
first home. You can use this in conjunction with the First<br />
Home Savings Account. For more information: www.<br />
canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/<br />
topics/rrsps-related-plans/what-home-buyers-plan.html<br />
First-Time Home Buyer’s Program: This plan<br />
reduces or eliminates the property transfer tax when you<br />
purchase your first home. If you have already bought your<br />
first home, you can apply for a refund within 18 months.<br />
For more information: www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/taxes/property-taxes/property-transfer-tax/exemptions/firsttime-home-buyers<br />
BC Home Owner Grant: This reduces the property<br />
tax you pay each year on your principal residence. For<br />
more information: www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/taxes/<br />
property-taxes/annual-property-tax/home-owner-grant<br />
First-Time Home Buyers’ Tax Credit: If you’re<br />
buying for the first time, claiming this credit can land you<br />
a total tax rebate of $1,500. For more information: www.<br />
canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/programs/about-canada-revenue-agency-cra/federal-government-budgets/budget-2022-plan-grow-economy-make-life-more-affordable/<br />
first-time-home-buyers-tax-credit.html<br />
18 HG<br />
GST/HST New Housing Rebate: There are many<br />
different rebates available. For more information:<br />
www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/rc4028/gst-hst-new-housing-rebate.html#pnhrfobh<br />
New Construction Funding for Indigenous<br />
Housing: This is a plan for funding and financing<br />
opportunities for on- and off-reserve Indigenous communities.<br />
For more information: www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/<br />
professionals/project-funding-and-mortgage-financing/<br />
funding-programs/indigenous/new-construction<br />
First-Time Home Buyer’s Workbook: A resource,<br />
published by Canada Guaranty, that answers a host of<br />
questions about how to approach your first purchase.<br />
What can you comfortably afford? How do you budget<br />
for future maintenance? And much more. www.canadaguaranty.ca/first-time-home-buyers-workbook/<br />
There are also a host of other cost-saving strategies for<br />
first-time buyers. These include financial assistance from<br />
Mom and Dad, shared living and purchasing a home with<br />
rental accommodations. Another option is group buying.<br />
If one person doesn’t qualify on their own for a mortgage,<br />
another group member with a stronger financial position<br />
may act as guarantor. This will increase their chances<br />
of approval and provide an entry point into the market.
Secondary Suite Incentive Program<br />
If you decide to renovate your home to create a secondary suite for rental purposes, the BC government will pay<br />
half the cost of the renovations, up to a maximum of $40,000. Certain conditions apply, notably that the homeowner<br />
continue to live in the home, and that the rent charged be below market rates for five years. For Haida Gwaii,<br />
that means the maximum rent charged for the secondary suite may not exceed $888 for a bachelor/one bedroom,<br />
$1000 for a two-bedroom suite or $1170 for three bedrooms or more.<br />
Another qualifier is that the secondary suite must have received a municipal building permit on or after <strong>April</strong><br />
1, 2023 and must be a new legal self-contained unit with a kitchen and full bathroom. Improvements to existing<br />
rental units are not eligible. Laneway homes and garden suites (separate from a primary residence) are eligible.<br />
Applications will open on <strong>April</strong> 17 this year and will be available to 3000 homeowners over three years. For more<br />
information, go to bchousing.org/secondary-suite.<br />
www.theboondocs.org<br />
So… What do you think?<br />
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 19
Empowering Youth in Remote Communities: Haida<br />
Gwaii Recreation's Afterschool Program in K’il Kun<br />
Grant Stream: Youth Centred Communities<br />
Organization: Haida Gwaii Recreation<br />
Project: After School Program in K'il Kun<br />
Award: $10,000<br />
In K’il Kun Sandspit, the promise of an exciting afterschool<br />
program unfolded through the efforts of the<br />
team at Haida Gwaii Recreation led by stalwart Rec Coordinator,<br />
Alissa MacMullin. With a budget of $10,000<br />
provided through the Youth Centred Communities<br />
grant, this free program brought certified instructors<br />
once a month for multi-day sessions, with a focus on<br />
arts and recreation.<br />
The geographical remoteness posed a challenge, but HG<br />
Rec was determined to make it work after seeing the<br />
success of the program in both Masset and 'Wáan Kún<br />
Port Clements. From creative dance and gymnastics, to<br />
art workshops and a running club, the diverse activities<br />
enriched the lives of 20 youth over nine months.<br />
In the end, the program’s success lies not just in the<br />
varied options for instructors but in the investment in<br />
About the<br />
This grant provides a predictable source of revenue to<br />
operate youth centres and/or offer youth activities in each<br />
Gwaii Trust community on Haida Gwaii. In communities<br />
where there is a youth centre, the grant is reserved for<br />
them pending an application. In communities that do not<br />
have a youth centre the grant can be used for other youthbased<br />
activities.<br />
Up to $10,000 is available to each community.<br />
For more information and to apply online, visit:<br />
gwaiitrust.com/grants<br />
20 HG
developing and compensating local<br />
talents. HG Rec is looking forward<br />
to the next iteration, optimistic about<br />
achieving its goal of ensuring a sustainable<br />
and enriching program for<br />
the youth of Sandspit.<br />
For more information about this or any<br />
of our grants, and to apply online, visit:<br />
gwaiitrust.com/grants<br />
For more information about Haida<br />
Gwaii Recreation, visit: hgrec.com<br />
Grant<br />
Tip!<br />
What is the deadline to apply for a Travel Assistance Grant?<br />
Applications are accepted throughout the year, but must be received a minimum<br />
of seven days before travel. Visit gwaiitrust.com/grants for more information!<br />
Haawa, Háw’aa, Thank You!<br />
Your donations have so far helped raise over<br />
$38,000 for the Gwaii Animal Helpline Fund!<br />
But wait, it’s not over! Donate now and we’ll continue to match your<br />
donations, up to a total of $50,000.<br />
This is an endowment fund, and the purpose is to direct the interest<br />
generated from investments to support the well-being of companion<br />
animals on Haida Gwaii on a long-term basis. It will take time to generate<br />
sufficient income to support initiatives, but thanks to your help the Gwaii<br />
Animal Helpline is moving closer to that goal every day!<br />
gwaiitrust.com/about/hgcf<br />
Travel Assistance & Continuing Education: Open throughout the year, visit gwaiitrust.com for details<br />
Youth Grant: Oct 1 by 11:59pm<br />
Youth Centred Communities: Apr 1 by 11:59pm<br />
Community Innovation: Apr 1, Jun 1, Sep 1, Nov 1 by 11:59pm<br />
Arts Grant: Jun 1, Oct 1 by 11:59pm<br />
(note, the Arts Grant is currently under review. Dates are subject to change)<br />
gwaiitrust.com<br />
1 800 663 2388<br />
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 21
22 HG
Investing in Housing<br />
on Haida Gwaii<br />
During my recent visit to Haida Gwaii I had a chance to<br />
connect with constituents on many issues and housing was<br />
a major theme. Making sure every person in BC has access<br />
to affordable housing has been a key priority of our BCNDP<br />
government and we are seeing the tangible results of<br />
working together with communities.<br />
19 Units<br />
Daajing Giids<br />
24 Units<br />
HlGaagilda Skidegate<br />
On Haida Gwaii we’ve built supportive housing in Daajing<br />
Giids with 19 units at Kaal Naay Alder House and renovated<br />
4 units of affordable housing through our Community<br />
Housing Fund. In HlGaagilda Skidegate we’ve invested in<br />
24 units of elder and affordable housing nearing completion<br />
and most recently through BC Housing we’ve provided $4<br />
million to purchase and renovate the old teachers<br />
apartments which will be owned and operated by Old<br />
Masset Village Council and open in late <strong>2024</strong> with 12 units.<br />
Through our BC Builds program and other initiatives the<br />
Province will attract more investment and make it easier for<br />
communities to build housing.<br />
There is more work to do and I will continue to advocate for<br />
more affordable housing on Haida Gwaii.<br />
Yours in Service,<br />
Jennifer Rice<br />
MLA North Coast<br />
12 Units<br />
Masset<br />
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 23
Waterfront pub with<br />
spectacular views and sunsets!<br />
Check out our Facebook<br />
& Instagram<br />
pages for up to<br />
date info or call<br />
250-626-7939<br />
Casual & Fine Dining • Full Bar with Beer on Tap<br />
Live Entertainment • Sports & Themed Events<br />
Daily Drink Specials • Happy Hour Every Day 3pm-5pm<br />
Take-out • Off Sales • Lotto & ATM Machine<br />
Shuttle Bus • Wheelchair Accessible<br />
theaxeandanchor<br />
pub@gmail.com<br />
Located at 117<br />
Bayview Drive,<br />
Port Clements<br />
24 HG
Helping Hands<br />
Adventure Camp for Kids<br />
By Lin Armstrong<br />
What could be better than attending<br />
a camp where you get to meet all of<br />
your peers and share amazing adventures<br />
right here on Haida Gwaii?<br />
That’s Mount Moresby Adventure<br />
Camp (MMAC) at Mosquito Lake,<br />
where staff deliver outdoor educational<br />
programming to Haida Gwaii<br />
youth for grades 5, 9 and 11. Any students<br />
enrolled in those grades may<br />
attend because the educational programs<br />
are part of the School District<br />
50 curriculum.<br />
Since the inception of the MMAC society<br />
in 1988, hundreds of students have<br />
had access to the two longhouses, the<br />
kayaks and canoes and the interpretive<br />
trails linked to the camp. Back in<br />
2016, leaders of the camp were concerned<br />
that the forest trails designed<br />
for guided walks might be lost to<br />
logging. Thanks to people involved<br />
with the Haida Nation and School<br />
District 50 and to hundreds of islanders<br />
who spoke in favor of protecting<br />
the area (including the support of the<br />
tree farm license holder), the Crown<br />
land area of the camp was expanded<br />
to protect trails and ecosystems.<br />
Each year, volunteers go in early to<br />
ready the camp for the season. Just<br />
recently, a walkway and cribbing<br />
were completed by volunteers, and<br />
a new swimming dock is planned.<br />
Currently four camps are offered. The<br />
Spring Camp runs May 14 to June<br />
14 for two grade six groups and two<br />
grade nine groups who attend with<br />
their teacher chaperones. The grade<br />
nine groups also venture into Gwaii<br />
Haanas. In the Fall, the grade 11s are<br />
taught how to pit cook as well as safe<br />
kayak and canoe techniques. They<br />
then paddle across Mosquito Lake,<br />
camp overnight at the base and climb<br />
Mosquito Mountain the next day.<br />
In 2019, the Covid epidemic forced<br />
MMAC to change the way they delivered<br />
their programming. Determined<br />
to keep supporting the Haida Gwaii<br />
students, staff created video modules<br />
for the classroom to supplement the<br />
in-person camp outs.<br />
MMAC camps are supported with<br />
grants from Gwaii Trust and Haida<br />
Gwaii Child and Family and Gwaii<br />
Hanaas. The Canada Summer Jobs<br />
program funds counsellor youth<br />
employment positions.<br />
MMAC has a Haida (Xaayda Kil)<br />
name, K’aay Xada Adventure Camp.<br />
Counsellor Guustl’as Rorick teaching class<br />
PC | Leila Willis Newton<br />
There is a new website under construction<br />
and a new logo. The logo<br />
was designed by one of the returning<br />
counsellors, Guustl’as Rorick.<br />
The camp is looking for an assistant<br />
camp cook and counsellors. For more<br />
details and how to apply, email Etchi<br />
Zaleski at mmacexecutivedirector@<br />
gmail.com or call her at 250-626-7653.<br />
Water safety class<br />
on Mosquito Lake<br />
PC | Leila Willis Newton<br />
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 25
Home Sweet Home<br />
Can We Make It Affordable?<br />
Article and Photos by Rhonda Lee McIsaac<br />
A home is more than just a shelter. It should be a warm<br />
comfortable space, offering security and social well-being.<br />
Unfortunately, this is not the case for many young<br />
couples, families, seniors, those with disabilities, or those<br />
at risk who do not have a place to call home on Haida<br />
Gwaii. It’s the job of government departments at all levels<br />
and contractors to address their needs by increasing the<br />
numbers and types of affordable, available dwellings.<br />
Across Haida Gwaii, local authorities say they’re doing as<br />
much and as quickly as the system and budgets will allow.<br />
In this over-view, we look at what local communities have<br />
done, and what they hope to do.<br />
Gaw Tlagée Old Massett<br />
The Old Massett Housing Department assists community<br />
members to “access funding or supports for anything<br />
related to their home.” It also manages many residential<br />
areas including over 20 social housing units and a 12-unit<br />
apartment building. It also provides services for renovations,<br />
health and safety upgrades, new building subsidies<br />
and holds monthly housing meetings for members on the<br />
third Thursday of every month. For more information:<br />
oldmassettvillagecouncil.com/departments/omvc-housing.<br />
‘Wáan Kún Port Clements<br />
The Port Clements Housing and Restoration Society<br />
(PCHRS) was established in 2019. A report completed<br />
in 2020 outlined the need for housing for seniors, those<br />
with disabilities and low-income earners. The PCHRS<br />
is working on a feasibility study for the construction of<br />
a 10–12-unit project on Village land. The society is always<br />
looking for support and involvement by community<br />
members on Haida Gwaii. For more information, contact<br />
Manzanita Snow, President and Founder of the PCHRS,<br />
at 250-557-8579.<br />
HlGaagilda Skidegate<br />
It’s an eye-catching sight for anyone driving into Skidegate:<br />
the newly sided 24-unit building above the Taaw<br />
Naay Gas station. The hillside structure is a focus of anticipation<br />
and hope for many Haida Elders and families<br />
awaiting new homes.<br />
The project, expected to be completed this spring, will<br />
be a welcome addition to the on-reserve housing supply<br />
in the community, which currently comprises some 360<br />
dwellings, according to the latest Government of Canada<br />
census. The building will consist of 12 one-bedroom units<br />
with a den (including one accessible unit), each 631 sq.<br />
ft., and 12 two-bedroom units with a den (including two<br />
accessible units), each 759 sq. ft.<br />
BC Housing, which is undertaking the project with the<br />
Skidegate Band Council (SBC), says the large units are designed<br />
to meet the daily needs of community elders, many<br />
of whom care for grandchildren on a full-time basis. The<br />
additional space is also important for intergenerational<br />
Exciting affordable housing in HlGaagilda Skidegate.<br />
26 HG
Home is a place in our hearts. From K’il Kun<br />
Sandspit to Masset and all other communities<br />
in between. This is where we all live.<br />
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 27
households in the community. The building is being built<br />
adjacent to the Skidegate Health Centre but is not a part<br />
of it. The project will incorporate traditional design elements<br />
to foster culture and community and will include<br />
a medicine garden for the residents’ use.<br />
Led by the SBC, Xaayda Naay Haida House Society was<br />
formed to manage the development once complete. The<br />
society worked with design consultants to ensure that the<br />
project meets the needs of the community and celebrates<br />
local culture.<br />
The province, through BC Housing, provided approximately<br />
$5.1 million to the project through the Indigenous<br />
Housing Fund (IHF), as well as $2 million through the<br />
Federal Bilateral BC Priorities Housing Initiative. The<br />
federal government, through Indigenous Services Canada,<br />
contributed $1.4 million.<br />
While this is the first project it has worked on with the<br />
Skidegate Band Council, BC Housing says it will continue<br />
to partner with First Nations and Indigenous organizations<br />
to respond to their housing needs. The province<br />
created the IHF in 2018, becoming the first province in<br />
Canada to invest in First Nations’ housing on reserve, a<br />
federal jurisdiction. To date, more than 1,500 IHF homes<br />
are open or underway throughout B.C., including 527<br />
units on reserve. For more information: bchousing.org/<br />
about/federal-agreements<br />
The Skidegate Band Council and their Housing Department<br />
assist community members with “all housing issues<br />
including obtaining social housing, rentals, mould problems,<br />
renovations, building new houses and financing”<br />
according to their website. Band members can contact<br />
the SBC for more program and service information. For<br />
more information: skidegate.ca<br />
Daajing Giids<br />
The Daajing Giids Heritage Housing Society (DGH-<br />
HS) and Daajing Giids Housing Development Society<br />
(DGHDS) have been providing subsidized and affordable<br />
housing in the community since 1982. They are not a<br />
rental agency but work in conjunction with BC Housing,<br />
Northern Health and their Board of Directors. Their mandate<br />
is to provide affordable housing for seniors, people<br />
with disabilities, and those with low incomes in Daajing<br />
Giids. There is, like everywhere, a waitlist for housing.<br />
The Heritage Housing Society owns or operates several<br />
properties: Heritage House, a 10-unit independent living<br />
building for seniors aged 65 and older; Kal Naay Alder<br />
House, a 19-unit supportive living project, owned by the<br />
28 HG<br />
HlGaagilda Skidegate Continued<br />
province and operated by DGHHS under contract; Cedar<br />
Place, a four-unit independent living building; Martin<br />
Manor, a four-unit assisted living facility; and one detached<br />
family home. For more information: dghousingsocieties.org<br />
Daajing Giids Mayor Lisa Pineault issued the following<br />
statement:<br />
“VDG has no land and no ability to use crown land within<br />
the municipality at this time. We have concluded strategic<br />
planning and planning for both a wastewater treatment<br />
facility and wastewater complementary projects are at<br />
the top of the list. This project will have a great deal of<br />
materials such as rock and gravel that could be planned<br />
for road improvements throughout the municipality. I<br />
am hopeful to get to this work however council has prioritized<br />
business licencing at our last meeting.” For more<br />
information: daajinggiids.ca<br />
There was no reply from K’il Kun Sandspit by the time<br />
we went to press.<br />
Despite all these endeavours, the need for more affordable<br />
housing across Haida Gwaii is evident by the wait lists and<br />
the various surveys taken. Rents and house prices keep<br />
rising, there’s a backlog of orders for building supplies and<br />
a shortage of available local contractors and experienced<br />
tradespeople. In its latest budget, the BC government has<br />
taken some measures to alleviate the crisis. But, unhappily,<br />
in the near term it will mean more sleepless nights<br />
for those in cramped or at-risk housing situations, waiting<br />
for their chance at a Home Sweet Home.<br />
We Want to Hear<br />
From You!<br />
Do you have any affordable housing comments, news<br />
or events? Haida Gwaii Trader passionately believes<br />
this is an important topic to keep top of mind. Please<br />
don’t hesitate to contact us, via whatever method works<br />
best for you.<br />
info@haidagwaiitrader.com | 250-557-2088<br />
PO Box 313, Port Clements, BC V0T 1R0<br />
Message us on Facebook
Port<br />
Clements<br />
1201 Oceanview Drive, Daajing Giids steve@haidagwaiidesigns.ca www.haidagwaiidesigns.ca<br />
H a i d a G wa i i<br />
H a i d a G wa i i<br />
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We work with First Nations to help them<br />
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www.fnmhf.ca<br />
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 29
All Things Music<br />
Music Runs in the Family – Meet Mitch Wilson<br />
Article by Jamie McDonald | Photos provided by Mitch Wilson<br />
I asked Mitch what first inspired him<br />
to start playing music. He said he<br />
remembered being about five years<br />
old, and his dad playing with his band<br />
in an old shack while he watched<br />
through the crack in the door. Finally<br />
his dad would notice Mitch and tell<br />
him to go home, which he would<br />
pretend to do and then come back to<br />
listen and watch some more! “I was<br />
always in awe of him,” he says.<br />
Music is the tie that binds Mitch and<br />
his father, the great local legend Harold<br />
Wilson aka Chini Har. “He is my<br />
linchpin, musically,” says Mitch. “If<br />
you had the chance to see him live, it<br />
was always something to behold. The<br />
man knows how to lift you up. One<br />
of the first lessons he taught me<br />
was: when you write music, try to write<br />
stuff to lift people up; tell them the good<br />
stuff, the best part of life. Your responsibility<br />
is to keep them on the dance<br />
floor and keep them happy. Don’t write<br />
complaints about life. My old man<br />
definitely influenced my writing.”<br />
As an adult, Mitch and his father had<br />
many occasions to play together at<br />
different blues venues like the Yale or<br />
the James Bay Inn where they always<br />
surprised the audience and fellow<br />
musicians by getting the whole bar<br />
up and dancing! In 2015, he got to<br />
play at the Edge of the World festival<br />
with his father.<br />
“I remember looking up and there<br />
was a blue light across the tree line,<br />
across the river; it took my breath<br />
away. When we finished the set, I was<br />
going to the parking lot to bring my<br />
equipment and I saw my dad coming<br />
towards me. He came and sat down<br />
and talked about seeing his dad across<br />
the Tlell river, shining like a bright<br />
light. That was one of the coolest<br />
moments in my life – acknowledging<br />
a shared experience of our ancestor<br />
shining a light on us.”<br />
Mitch has been playing guitar for<br />
28 years, and he also plays bass and<br />
sings. “I love writing songs, it’s my<br />
catharsis, my medicine.” He describes<br />
his music as Cinematic Indie Break<br />
Rock – “Cinematic cause I love that<br />
Chini Har watching Mitch play at the Boxing<br />
day show at the Small Hall in 2022<br />
Chini Har wowing the crowd<br />
PC | Full Moon Photo<br />
Mitch and Chini Har at The Yale in Vancouver<br />
30 HG
musical backdrop to poignant scenes<br />
in cinema, when the music is to the<br />
point but done in such a creative way.<br />
Indie because I think artists have to<br />
go beyond what is playing on the<br />
radio to talk about what goes on in<br />
society. Unlike my father, I think the<br />
trick is to learn to flip the script and<br />
write about the trials and tribulations<br />
of life but in a way that people are<br />
receptive to hearing. Break beats –<br />
aka electronic music because it’s my<br />
favorite type of music to dance to, it<br />
gets people on the floor, and automatically<br />
moves my body…and it’s the<br />
same beat as rock, which is my default<br />
genre, being indigenous is being rock<br />
and roll! That’s just the beat of life.”<br />
Mitch is continuously developing his<br />
creative process. “My process is still<br />
evolving. I have about 500 song ideas<br />
in memos – something pops into my<br />
head or I dream of a song, I turn on<br />
my voice memo and hum or sing a<br />
melody or a riff. My song writing process<br />
is getting better, but it’s a constant<br />
struggle to stay present in the moment<br />
so I struggle with completing these<br />
songs. I guess I’m like my father in<br />
that respect! My dad is in the process<br />
of writing his first song…for the past<br />
two years. He’s asking people for their<br />
input because it’s a song about the<br />
people of Haida Gwaii and he’s trying<br />
to get it right on the dot.”<br />
One of the reasons Mitch originally<br />
left Haida Gwaii for the city as a young<br />
adult was that he didn’t have anyone<br />
to play music with. Now, he’s coming<br />
back home because he believes there<br />
is a growing community of musicians<br />
on island who can come together and<br />
Mitch Wilson<br />
make music in an inclusive environment.<br />
“There’s a place for folks who<br />
want to create on Haida Gwaii!” he<br />
says. “I want to help create that space<br />
for people and send a message out to<br />
the people that coming together to<br />
play is about fun, so come out and<br />
play!”<br />
A shared<br />
experience of our<br />
ancestor shining<br />
a light on us<br />
- Mitch Wilson<br />
If you want to listen to Mitch’s music,<br />
you’ll just have to wait for a performance<br />
because he doesn’t have any<br />
recorded music online. He’s hoping<br />
to do one last show with his father<br />
at the Edge of the World festival this<br />
summer.<br />
Mitch and Chini Har playing<br />
at the Edge of the World 2015<br />
Come on out for the<br />
last (until September)<br />
Haida Gwaii Coffeehouse<br />
of the season!<br />
<strong>March</strong> 29 th will feature Haida<br />
Gwaii’s NEW jazz band – Fun<br />
Guise! Marnie Younger (bass<br />
and vocals), Wayne Harris (guitar<br />
and vocals), Roly Tompson<br />
(drums and vocals), Charley<br />
Robertson (guitar), Gordon<br />
Horner (saxophone, keyboard<br />
and vocals). They will be playing<br />
fun and danceable covers of<br />
Swing Jazz classics.<br />
778 230 9871<br />
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 31
Puzzle Page<br />
Spring Sweet Home<br />
By Terri-Lynne Penner<br />
Across<br />
1. Where cherished memories intertwine with comforting<br />
familiarity.<br />
3. Musical instruments or spaces designed to enhance or transmit<br />
sound without electronic amplification.<br />
9. 19th-century Renaissance country house.<br />
10. Stems or stalks of beans, peas, potatoes, grasses, used for<br />
thatching and bedding.<br />
11. A religious, spring celebration that may include various types of<br />
eggs. (2 words)<br />
14. To go about carelessly and slowly.<br />
15. The glue that keeps the home together.<br />
16. A musical instrument that is often a family room centrepiece. (2<br />
words)<br />
20. A quaint, cozy space to live.<br />
22. The fuzzy feeling when we come home from a long day.<br />
23. A “22 across” food, often made with cheese.<br />
24. A home built by wildlife to raise its offspring.<br />
Down<br />
1. A large home, typically owned by wealthy families in<br />
Spanish countries.<br />
2. Home-cooked___are good for the soul.<br />
4. Luxury vacation on this type of ship.<br />
5. A sigh of unwillingness.<br />
6. An ocean activity that could wash away a home sweet<br />
home.<br />
7. A temporary homesite, often made in the wilderness.<br />
8. Focusing on the___ and now, keeps us grounded.<br />
12. English royal house of Welsh origins.<br />
13. A home safety device that sounds an alarm when there is<br />
fire.<br />
Answer key can be found after the Community Calendar at<br />
the back of the magazine.<br />
15. If we eat too much “23 across” during the winter, we may<br />
not___our pants.<br />
17. A name-brand spray that makes surfaces non-stick.<br />
18. I___to the spring sun streaming in my window.<br />
19. The sun will___the earth to let the flowers bloom.<br />
21. We have two of these so we many hear more than we<br />
speak. (singular)<br />
22. Every home should have a___of beans in the pantry.<br />
Photo creation aided by AI.<br />
32 HG
Kids' Musings<br />
The World According to Carter & Connor<br />
It’s finally spring! The boys and I have<br />
been planting seeds to make another<br />
attempt at growing our own flowers<br />
and vegetables this year. Carter has<br />
grown into quite the responsible young<br />
man and has promised to help me with<br />
the greenhouse every day, and I know<br />
he will! We are learning together and<br />
I am passing on valuable skills to the<br />
boys. Every day is a learning adventure!<br />
I don’t get to spend much time<br />
with Carter so I am glad that we have a<br />
hobby that we can enjoy together and<br />
I get my time to chat with him, or just<br />
listen to what he has to say.<br />
Carter: “I’m hungry.”<br />
Me: “You just had a<br />
sandwich.”<br />
Carter: “I know, but<br />
my stomach is still<br />
asking me for snacks.”<br />
C: “Mom, look at Otis.<br />
He’s just loving the<br />
snow, living his best<br />
life.”<br />
Article and Photos by Jasmine Beachy<br />
M: “Have you ever<br />
seen pictures of your<br />
Dad and I on our wedding<br />
day?”<br />
C: “No.”<br />
M: “Do you want to?”<br />
C: “No.”<br />
M: “Why?”<br />
C: “Because it would be horrible.”<br />
C: “My back and wrist hurt.”<br />
M: “Why?”<br />
C: “Because I was laying on the couch<br />
too much holding the remote.”<br />
C: “I’ve been sleeping all night. I don’t<br />
know what it is, but every time I close<br />
my eyes, I fall asleep.”<br />
Carter was helping me cook burgers<br />
and while they were cooking, I ate<br />
Connor (L) and Carter<br />
with model of the Titanic<br />
they made with Mom<br />
some leftover soup.<br />
C: “Why are you eating before us?<br />
Aren’t kids supposed to eat first?”<br />
C: “I wish I could run around the<br />
house naked all day. If I could just do<br />
that, I’d be living my best life.”<br />
C: “Hey Mom, did you know that the<br />
words you say can’t go away?”<br />
M: “Like you can’t take it back?”<br />
C: “No, I mean that it’s always going<br />
to be in your head, it’ll never go away.”<br />
I revved up my truck.<br />
C: “Whoa Mom! Don’t do that! You<br />
almost scared my brain right out of<br />
my head!”<br />
C: “I don’t like the<br />
feel of the sugar on<br />
my teeth. I want to<br />
keep my teeth feeling<br />
healthy.”<br />
Connor: “Cahyah!<br />
You have a butt pancake!”<br />
C: “No Connor, I do<br />
not. It would have to<br />
be shaped like a butt<br />
to be a butt pancake.”<br />
C: “Connor, say fire.”<br />
Connor: “Fire.”<br />
C: “Wow! That’s really<br />
good Connor! Remember<br />
when you would say shire? You’re<br />
doing really good Connor!”<br />
The older the boys get the more they<br />
fight. It’s inevitable, but the older they<br />
get the more they also help each other<br />
and cheer each other on. They may<br />
fight hard but they also love hard.<br />
It’s so great witnessing their brotherhood<br />
and journey together! If you have<br />
any funny children’s stories to share,<br />
send them to Shellene at HG Trader<br />
at info@haidagwaiitrader.com.<br />
Triple J Contracting<br />
• SITE PREP<br />
Cornelius Stoltzfus<br />
250-557-4280<br />
Michael Horst<br />
250-557-2053<br />
Kohlen and<br />
Company Appraisals<br />
Richard Kohlen, CRA, P. APP<br />
Serving Haida Gwaii<br />
since 2015<br />
Contact us!<br />
250-302-1074<br />
richardkohlen@gmail.com<br />
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 33
The Science Corner<br />
Soaring, Spring and Sneezing<br />
The Secret of Soaring<br />
On a flight to Haida Gwaii from Vancouver, one of two<br />
engines on my hubby’s plane blew out about 15 minutes<br />
after taking off. It landed safely, to my great relief. Who<br />
knew that a plane can still fly with one engine? I knew<br />
it was possible, a fact confirmed in a novel I was reading<br />
at the time about bombers in WWII that lost more than<br />
an engine in airborne battles and still flew (Bomber by<br />
Len Deighton). But it got me thinking about how the pioneers<br />
of aviation achieved flight through trial, error and<br />
persistence.<br />
Flight involves four forces: lift, drag, thrust and weight.<br />
That luggage you check at the gate must meet a certain<br />
weight depending on the size of the plane and its ability<br />
to move forward with the total weight of luggage, passengers<br />
and the aircraft itself. Then there is drag on the<br />
plane as it thrusts forward through the atmosphere and<br />
wind.<br />
One of the most important forces is that of lift. Without<br />
lift a plane cannot get off the ground. We all feel that<br />
increase in speed as a plane moves down the runway<br />
before it takes off. Lift happens as speed increases and<br />
What’s Up?<br />
By Ro Millham<br />
air is forced above and below the wings. Airplane wings<br />
are curved at the top and flat underneath. That is the<br />
secret of lift! Air moving over the curved top of the wings<br />
creates a low-pressure system while creating a high-pressure<br />
system under the wings. Since high pressure systems<br />
move into low pressure systems (Bernoulli’s Principle)<br />
the pressure under the wings forces the wings up, up,<br />
and away we go! Even one of two operating engines can<br />
produce enough thrust to keep lift “afloat”.<br />
PC | Science Facts<br />
In the Northern Hemisphere, the first day of spring will<br />
be on <strong>March</strong> 19. This is also the start of the vernal equinox.<br />
All daylight hours are basically equal globally on<br />
this day (as well as on the autumnal equinox).<br />
On <strong>March</strong> 25, a partial lunar eclipse occurs when the<br />
Moon passes through the Earth’s partial shadow, or penumbra.<br />
During this type of eclipse, the Moon will darken<br />
slightly but not completely. The eclipse will be visible<br />
throughout all North America.<br />
On <strong>April</strong> 8, a total solar eclipse occurs. (Be sure to wear<br />
proper eye protection). Sadly, however, it is not visible<br />
in Canada, If you are traveling, a map of the totality<br />
path can be found at eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SEplot/SEplot2001/SE<strong>2024</strong>Apr08T.GIF<br />
PC | Celestron<br />
Achoo!<br />
Consider the sneeze. It is the job of the sneeze<br />
center in your brain to make all the muscles work<br />
together, in just the right order, to send an irritation<br />
flying out of your nose. And fly it does! Sneezing<br />
can send tiny particles speeding out of your nose at<br />
up to 100 miles per hour!<br />
34 HG
Haida Gwaii Stargazers<br />
Horoscopes for <strong>March</strong> & <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />
By Monica Caulfield<br />
Aries (Mar 20 – Apr 19) One cycle ends while another begins,<br />
dearest Aries. One minute you feel the beauty of community spirit,<br />
then the next minute, you are the only one left standing. You’re<br />
coming across as a bit dreamy and idealistic but what’s really happening<br />
is that your desire to speak your mind is coming to fruition.<br />
Just be sure that you’re as diplomatic as you can possibly be. Keywords:<br />
radical, rare, and starry-eyed.<br />
Taurus (Apr 20 – May 19) You’ve made it to the end of the line,<br />
dearest Taurus. Soon enough, it will become crystal clear which<br />
direction to journey further. You value freedom, individuality and<br />
staying authentic in the moment so you can embrace your feelings.<br />
Practice saying what pleases you and what does not. Be sure<br />
to stay centered and focused on the prize. Keywords: guided, aim<br />
and organize.<br />
Gemini (May 20 – June 20) You are seeing your complete bounty,<br />
dearest Gemini. What you planted months ago, is what is now<br />
bearing fruit. Is this what you wish to eat? Become reflective, then<br />
adjust your goals and aspirations as you see fit. There’s powerful<br />
work to be had in relation to your mission in life. Keywords: aspiration,<br />
direction and desire.<br />
Cancer (June 21 – July 21) Look to your life purpose, dearest<br />
Cancer. Take an honest evaluation to determine if you are pursuing<br />
this or not. The things you value have become unique and<br />
authentic; you just need to get clear about what they are and then<br />
get out of your own way. Keywords: confidence, tenacity and will.<br />
Leo (July 22 – Aug 21) Your mission and career are highlighted,<br />
dearest Leo. What new lessons can you master to become your<br />
best self? What steps do you need to take to continue your unceasing<br />
success? Try to eliminate power struggles you may have<br />
with friends or family. There’s a lot of vitality you can tap into to<br />
make a positive difference in the world. Keywords: forge ahead,<br />
fortitude and life-force.<br />
Virgo (Aug 22 – Sept 21) There’s intensity in the air, dearest Virgo,<br />
be it positive or negative. In any case, prepare how you might<br />
cope with the flavor of the season by trying to stay focused on a<br />
productive outcome. You have plenty of endurance for this. Get<br />
out in nature as much as possible and preferably with loved ones.<br />
Keywords: landscape, focal point and the Universe.<br />
Libra (Sept 22 – Oct 21) Finalize the jobs in your queue, dearest<br />
Libra, so when it’s time to hang out with friends and family,<br />
you can do this with no guilt. It’s a creative time to play with joy;<br />
you’ll see that you feel lighter doing so. Don’t leap to any untested<br />
conclusions and be sure to turn on your diplomatic personality.<br />
Keywords: gracious, astute and savvy.<br />
Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) Creativity is the name of the game,<br />
dearest Scorpio. Lots of opportunities are coming your way<br />
wrapped in a unique box. Get all your ya-ya’s out so you are ready<br />
for the next steps. Find your inner child and shine. Keywords:<br />
passion, purpose, and process.<br />
Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 20) Focus on your homelife, dearest<br />
Sagittarius. What do your loved ones need or what do you need<br />
from your loved ones? Get organized to complete tasks left half-done,<br />
especially emotional ones. Do you have unfinished business?<br />
Finish it. Keywords: calling, craft and pursuit.<br />
Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) Security is the word of the day,<br />
dearest Capricorn. Be it in finances, self-confidence, or overall<br />
resources, you are on a mission to become an expert in the field<br />
of your choice. Stay grounded, put yourself in the natural world<br />
as often as possible and be mindful of the process. Keywords:<br />
observant, watchful and in the know.<br />
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) You have a fair amount of stamina,<br />
dearest Aquarius. There are a lot of experiences in play. You need<br />
your authenticity and freedom to feel sane, your finances and selfworth<br />
to be in order and to juggle all the opportunities coming<br />
your way. The goal is to prioritize the most important, then start<br />
there and work your way through. Keywords: treasure, honor and<br />
self-love.<br />
Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 19) Imagine a new dream for yourself, dearest<br />
Pisces. It’s great to develop the insight for any new adventure as<br />
long as you give equal time to the preparation and plan. You certainly<br />
are capable to run with passionate purpose straight into your<br />
aspirations and desires. Keywords: goodwill, visualize and fancy.<br />
Proud to Serve<br />
Haida Gwaii!<br />
Your voice for North Coast<br />
and Haida Gwaii<br />
@JenniferRiceBC<br />
@JenniferRice06<br />
@JenniferRice6<br />
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JenniferRice.ca<br />
Jennifer.Rice.MLA@leg.bc.ca<br />
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 35
Looking to post a free* classified or event ad? It’s super easy! Simply log onto www.haidagwaiitrader.com,<br />
click on the category tab for the type of ad you wish to place and the site will then guide you each step of the<br />
way. Need a hand? Do not hesitate to contact us. Prefer mail? Our mailing address is PO Box 313, Port Clements,<br />
BC, V0T 1R0. Please note: The deadline for new and/or updated classifieds to appear in each issue is<br />
noon on the 20th of the month prior to the next publication. (For example, noon on Aug 20th for the Sep/Oct<br />
issue.) *Free classifieds apply to private, personally owned and non-business postings. Ads pertaining to business products,<br />
services, employment as well as real estate for sale or for rent are subject to fees.<br />
Supporting<br />
local makers<br />
Beautiful clothes<br />
for beautiful<br />
women!<br />
Exclusively made<br />
in Canada<br />
Size Inclusive<br />
XS to 3X<br />
Slow Fashion<br />
Sustainable Fabrics<br />
32 Cow Bay Rd<br />
Prince Rupert<br />
250-922-4342<br />
lazycatcloset.ca<br />
36 HG<br />
Owner<br />
Trish Lazar<br />
In the Home & Office<br />
Women Leather Boots. 1 pair of<br />
size 8 MIA boots. Worn a couple<br />
times but 1/2 size too small for<br />
me $20 Call Menzie at (250) 557-<br />
4240 or email mencie_lucena@yahoo.com<br />
Kitchen Cabinets. 3 IKEA cabinets with<br />
doors and drawers. 98” countertop. 30” Italian<br />
black granite sink. All new. Call Matt at (778)<br />
260-5909 or email mattpierce@iname.com<br />
Mosaic Tile for Sale. Approximately 200 sqft<br />
tan. Approximately 200 sqft light blue. 1 3/4”<br />
square on 12x12 sheets. Thinset and grout<br />
included. Still must determine total sqft. Price<br />
per sqft $3. Call Matthew at (778) 260-5909 or<br />
email mattpierce@iname.com<br />
Framed Needlepoint. 1-Round<br />
frame with gold detail of pink<br />
rose 14” dia. $15 1-Round frame<br />
with gold detail of yellow rose 14”<br />
dia. $15 1- Round carved frame of<br />
pink rose 12.5” dia. $15 Call Lisa<br />
at (778) 957-8966 or email Lisa.h@telus.net<br />
Secret Lab Titan Chair. Gaming<br />
chair available. Head cushion not<br />
included. $300 Mathew @ email<br />
mathewsalce3@gmail.com<br />
Samsung Surround Sound System. Like<br />
brand. Five speakers and subwoofer. $150 Call<br />
Suzanne at (250) 637-5606 or email Suzanne.<br />
aalders@hotmail.com<br />
Pastry Beater-Kitchen Aid.<br />
Bought wrong size. Brand new,<br />
never used $35 Call Connie at<br />
(403) 598-6055 or email conniehere@hotmail.com<br />
44” Samsung TV. In excellent condition with<br />
wall mounting bracket attached and hardware.<br />
Not a smart TV. Great for movies. $200.<br />
Call Lucy Stefanyk at (250) 637-1604 or email<br />
lucillestefanyk@gmail.com<br />
Folding Doors. Brand new, still in the package.<br />
$175 Call Lucy Stefanyk at (250) 637-1604<br />
or email lucillestefanyk@gmail.com<br />
Beveled Edged Mirrored Glass. 1-30”Wx-<br />
25”H $15 2-30”Wx30”H30”W 1-48”Wx30”H<br />
$30 1-48”Wx40”H $40. Call Lisa at (778) 957-<br />
8966 or email Lisa.h@telus.net<br />
Dog Booties. Large size dog booties, set of 4,<br />
never used. Adjustable Velcro straps, easy slipon<br />
traction control sole. $30 Call Connie at<br />
(403) 598-6055 or email conniehere@hotmail.<br />
com<br />
Toaster. Like new, work great.<br />
$10 Call Connie at (403) 598-6055<br />
or email conniehere@hotmail.<br />
com<br />
Toaster Oven. Used. Works<br />
great, no issues. $30 Call Connie<br />
at (403) 598-6055 or email conniehere@hotmail.com<br />
Travel Cases. Green suitcase.<br />
$30 Gold suitcase-$20 Backpacks<br />
- $10 ea. Call Marilyn at (250)<br />
557-8548 or email mbliss@haidagwaii.net<br />
In the Yard & Workshop<br />
Time to Think Chicks? Get<br />
your order in by <strong>March</strong> 28 for<br />
May 3 pick up. May 17 for June 21<br />
pick up. Price list and catalogue<br />
in store. Call Ranch Feeds at (250)<br />
557-4276 or email rfeeds@qcislands.net<br />
Boat Hook For Sale. For docking purposes.<br />
Like new. $60 Call Morris at (250) 559-0024 or<br />
email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
Hot Tub Amazing Deal! Beachcomber<br />
Energy Saver hot tub in<br />
excellent condition. Lots of jets<br />
and places to relax and feel the<br />
magic! Open to offers. Call Morris<br />
at (250) 559-0024 or email info@<br />
Simplify your finances with<br />
0% interest<br />
on Balance Transfers<br />
for 9 months<br />
Diehard Heavy Vintage Sawzall. Makita<br />
with 3 extra blades. Works great $45 Call Toni<br />
at (250) 626-5472 or email tintintooni@gmail.<br />
com<br />
Makita Mac5200 Air Compressor.<br />
Barely used, 3hp and 5.2-gallon<br />
tank. Does not come with air<br />
hose. Open to trades $400 Call<br />
Chris at (250) 626-8968 or email chris421sd@<br />
gmail.com<br />
Oxy Acetylene Torches and<br />
Tanks. Small torch kit with 15’<br />
of lines, striker and carrier for<br />
bottles that are approx. 18”tall and<br />
4”wide. Barely used. Open to trades and offers.<br />
$250 Call Chris at (250) 626-8968 or email<br />
chris421sd@gmail.com<br />
Wiring Staples. New in box. T&B wiring<br />
staples, galvanized, 14/2-12/2. Ordered 2 boxes<br />
of 100, got 2 cartons of 500. Selling full box for<br />
$45+partial box for $32. $77 Call Toni at (250)<br />
626-5472 or email tintintooni@gmail.com<br />
Poultry Netting. Two rolls of poultry netting,<br />
1”x48”x25” 20 gauge galvanized, with 1 lb fencing<br />
staples $100 Call Dani at (250) 637-1375 or<br />
email dani.lacusta@telus.net<br />
Roofing Nailer. Bostich roofing<br />
nailer plus a box of about 5000<br />
nails. $300 Call Toney at (250)<br />
637-1986 or email the_cajun_<br />
ace@hotmail.com<br />
Ammunition. 2 boxes of 2 3/4 12 gauge 000<br />
shot 2 boxes of 3” 12-gauge slugs 14 50 grain<br />
REM. 222 1 box of 180 grain 30-06 21 150 grain<br />
Winchester 30-30. PAL is required. Will Trade<br />
for box of 243 or $50 Call Gordon Usher at<br />
(250) 637-5755 or email patngord2@icloud.<br />
com<br />
Thick Aluminium/Copper<br />
Cable. Thick underground cable<br />
with three strands:2x 2/0 (3/8”)<br />
aluminium plus 1x 3/16” copper<br />
(earth). 270 ft for $630 including spool or $45<br />
per 10 ft length. $45 Paul at email hgtads@<br />
runbox.com<br />
On the Road<br />
Will Rent. Camper Trailer 2022 model<br />
“Sunset’. 34“x8” with a 14” slide out.<br />
Purchased from dealer Jan 2023, unit fully<br />
equipped with king size bed, kitchen includes<br />
propane stove\oven, an electric furnace, thermostat<br />
control, propane heating. Unit designed<br />
for travel, with dual wheel trailer assembly.<br />
May have pad rental space. Asking $70,000<br />
Call Bob (250) 637 1168<br />
95 Ural Motorcycle. With 2<br />
sidecars. Low mileage. Many<br />
new spare parts. $5,000 Call Matthew<br />
at (778) 260-5909 or email<br />
mattpierce@iname.com<br />
Antennas. I have 3 Larsen magnetic antennas<br />
for sale. All 3 $45 Call Gord Usher at (250) 637-<br />
5755 or email patngord2@icloud.com<br />
2019 FourStar Golf Cruiser.<br />
Must sell due to illness,3-wheel<br />
trike hydraulic disc brakes, 36V<br />
system with charger, 2 speed plus<br />
reverse, fitted waterproof cover,<br />
full workshop manual, carry basket, umbrella<br />
holder. easily transportable. Email savchukmelnik1@gmail.com<br />
2012 Ford F150 XLT. Runs well.<br />
Extended cab. 2 bucket seats.<br />
6’x6’ box. Tires are brand new.<br />
$10,000 OBO. Call Jeremy at<br />
250-557-2007 or 250-557-4589 or<br />
email info@haidagwaiitrader.<br />
com<br />
1996 Jeep Cherokee Sport. Low kms for the<br />
year. Drive-train in good shape,<br />
good motor. New exhaust from<br />
Cat, converter back. Very good<br />
rubber. Great 4x4, standard 5<br />
speed. Heavy duty hitch. Wired for trailer with<br />
electric brakes. Rear leaf springs worn out. Lots<br />
of rust underneath. Would make a good parts<br />
or project truck. $1,000 Call Dave Whitehead at<br />
(250) 626-5098 or email davewhitehead@shaw.<br />
ca<br />
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 37
Put Your Ad Here<br />
info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
250-557-2088<br />
Varla Eagle One Dual Motor<br />
Electric Scooter. Almost new.<br />
Odo is 13.67 miles. Top speed is<br />
40+mph. Range is 40 miles per<br />
charge. Open to offers. Mike email lowepatricia32@gmail.com<br />
2008 Grand Caravan:<br />
236,000km. New tires. Open to<br />
offers. Pictures available upon<br />
request. Bandex Truck Service<br />
Bed: for a dually truck. In decent<br />
shape. Offers. Aluminum Canopy:<br />
Comes with factory-built aluminum side<br />
toolboxes. Fits half ton truck. $500 OBO Call<br />
Micheal at (250) 557-2053 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
2012 Heartlland Road Warrior<br />
395rw Toy Hauler. 5th Wheel<br />
Triple Axle Queen Bed Washer/<br />
Dryer 1.5 Bath 12’ Garage 5500<br />
Onan Gen on Board Fuel 3 Slides<br />
41’ Total Loft Bunks in Garage Paid $47k not<br />
including taxes. This unit needs a little work<br />
though not much. Price reflects. Will take<br />
partial trade on boat, quad, SxS. No projects.<br />
$38,000 Call Ron Diaz at (250) 626-7927 email<br />
dcshaidagwaii@gmail.com<br />
1975 Harley, 1967 Triumph<br />
Tiger and a Few More Toys.<br />
Bike may not be exact as picture.<br />
Day time calls only please Call<br />
Lindsey Doerksen at (778) 260-4733 or email<br />
info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
2020 Yamaha Viking VI 6-Seater<br />
Side by Side. Only 1500 kms,<br />
700cc engine, power steering, 4x4<br />
with diff lock. 2” highlifter lift<br />
kit, 4500 lb winch, light bar, Yamaha hard roof<br />
and folding windshield, 2x Dragonfire youth<br />
harnesses and stock seat belts. Well maintained,<br />
recent oil change. Too may options<br />
to list. Gently used from a young family. No<br />
accidents. Located in Daajing Giids. $18,900<br />
Call Adam Jackson at (250) 735-6505 or email<br />
Adam.g.jackson85@gmail.com<br />
Pair of Tire Chains with Tensioners.<br />
One pair of new, unused<br />
V-bar tire chains with cam<br />
locks for light trucks (Quality<br />
Chain model V322LWQX), plus<br />
a pair of six-point rubber spider<br />
tensioners. Chains are for tire sizes 255/85-16;<br />
275/70-17; 265/75-17; 275/55-18; 265/70-18;<br />
275/70-18; 265/75-18; 235/80-18; 245/70-19.5.<br />
Should fit a 26’ U-Haul! $200 Call Andy Hudson<br />
at (250) 626-9150 or email andyhudson.<br />
mail@gmail.com<br />
38 HG
Haida Gwaii<br />
Auto Inc.<br />
Dealer #50179<br />
2020 Ford F150<br />
102,500km/Stk#104 $31,995<br />
2022 Hyundai Eiantra<br />
41,600km/Stk#2102 $27,995<br />
2021 Nissan Versa<br />
53,500km/Stk#101 $24,995<br />
2019 Subaru Forester<br />
120,000km/Stk#90 $27,995<br />
“No reasonable offer<br />
refused!”<br />
250-559-4641<br />
605 Ocean View Dr.<br />
Daajing Giids<br />
bill@hgauto.ca<br />
Garmin/Etrex GPS mounts.<br />
Should accommodate most<br />
GPS’s. Etrex bike handlebar<br />
mount. Both for $25 or best<br />
offer Call George at (250) 559-7899 or email<br />
grstein@qcislands.net<br />
Mini Digger DINGO 9.2.<br />
Narrow 760mm width smaller<br />
then the 790mm they sell. One<br />
of the smallest digging machines<br />
for tight access. Narrow kit is supplied, good<br />
wheels and tyres. Starts perfect and sounds and<br />
works as it should. $7,500 Call Jacob at (409)<br />
203-1228 or email jacobmvawter@gmail.com<br />
On the Water<br />
15ft 2023 Kolibri Inflatable<br />
Boat with HD Galvanized<br />
Trailer. Only used 25 hours.<br />
Lots of extras. Racor fuel filter<br />
15” launching wheels Tonneau roof. Will sell<br />
separately. $5,000 Call Matt at (778) 260-5909<br />
or email mattpierce@iname.com<br />
Wetsuit and Hooded Wetsuit<br />
Vest. Xcel 5.4mm wetsuit size<br />
XXL, patch repair on the belly<br />
area, no hood. Bare Ultrawarmth<br />
7.3mm hooded wetsuit vest size<br />
XL, lightly used. $200 each or $350 for both<br />
Call Toney Coffey at (250) 637-1986 or email<br />
the_cajun_ace@hotmail.com<br />
Commercial Class Double Eagle<br />
Boat with Trailer. Can be<br />
seen at On the Mark Services Ltd<br />
Massett. Last used as a charter<br />
fishing boat in Rupert. Inboard<br />
GM 350 4bbl and Volvo Penta Drive. Midship<br />
Towing Post. I am told she will do 45 knots.<br />
20 feet bow to stern. Has not seen water since<br />
it was rebuilt in 2013. Complete with down<br />
riggers, out riggers, weights and rods. Cuddy<br />
Cushions, porta potty, Stove, Counter, ice box,<br />
Wet Well, chromed Bimini overhead rod rack.<br />
Includes two head up PFD’s, flare gun, first aid<br />
kit. Complete with trailer and ready to go fishing.<br />
GPS and fish finder with charts included<br />
only needs updating, VHF radio, older canvas<br />
cover included. $12,345 Call Peter at (250) 626-<br />
7875 or email davydahl@ymail.com<br />
Mercury SeaPro 200. 5-year-old<br />
Seapro outboards only 3 season<br />
on them because of covid. 1600-<br />
1900h mostly trolling hours. All<br />
maintenance up to date including<br />
new impellers. 6 available.<br />
Can deliver anywhere on island<br />
if needed. $8,000 Call Sheldon at (250) 626-<br />
7548 or email Sheldon13@live.ca<br />
Mustang Bib Pants. New in bag XL red<br />
$125 Call Matthew at (778) 260-5909 or email<br />
mattpierce@iname.com<br />
Wanted<br />
Wanted Extra Large Boxes for<br />
grandson’s playhouse. Fridge<br />
or deep freeze boxes or any<br />
extra-large boxes. Will pay and<br />
pick up. Call Adele Kupp at (250) 981-7051 or<br />
email adelekupp123@gmail.com<br />
Wanted A Small Breed Puppy. My best dog,<br />
my best friend, died in November and I need<br />
to find a new best friend. Hopefully if you<br />
have one it is free or cheap as I am on disability.<br />
I am overflowing with love for a new puppy<br />
male or female not picky. I am limited in<br />
lifting ability, thus that is why I need a small<br />
breed pup, my limit is 25 lbs. I really appreciate<br />
your taking time to read my ad and hope<br />
someone knows a person whose dog is going<br />
to have puppies soon. Call Nung Koyas Kevin<br />
Jager at (250) 626-6014 or email kevjager.<br />
haida@gmail.com<br />
Wanted Long-term Rental/Rent to Own.<br />
We are 2 young folks that have recently moved<br />
back to Haida Gwaii. We are currently living<br />
in an RV and would love to give someone<br />
some rent for a bit more space! Port Clements<br />
is ideal, but a 15-minute bubble around town<br />
is also doable: I work for the town office so<br />
I would rather not commute. Please give us<br />
a shout if you wouldn’t mind having us as<br />
tenants. Call Miles Christen at (780) 680-9957<br />
or email 7warningbears@gmail.com<br />
Wanted Marine Radio Waterproof. Looking<br />
for a well functioning marine radio for<br />
safe kayak travel whatever the weather around<br />
the islands. Please help. Thanks kindly. Call<br />
Cecille at (438) 831-4118 or email Cecilledasilva@gmail.com<br />
Freebies<br />
FREE Golden Retriever Puppies<br />
to Forever Homes. Due to<br />
moving abroad! 1 Male,1 Female.<br />
Excellent temperament. House<br />
trained with very good trainable natures &<br />
perfect for families with children and other<br />
pets. I will not re home to just any-one.<br />
PLEASE email me first at: stephaniechristensen59@gmail.com<br />
before Text (312) 932-<br />
7651<br />
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 39
Organic Produce<br />
Groceries & Dairy<br />
• Artisan Breads & Baked Goods<br />
• Farm Fresh, Seasonal Veggies<br />
• Free Range Meats<br />
• Organic Charcuterie Meats<br />
• International Cheeses<br />
• Foods for All Diets<br />
250-559-8623<br />
store@isabelcreek.ca<br />
Open Mon-Sat: 10am-5:30pm<br />
3219 Wharf Street<br />
Daajing Giids<br />
Healing Temple<br />
Certified Reiki Teacher • Crystal Healer<br />
Alaskan Essence Practitioner<br />
Shirodhara/Hot Jade Massage<br />
250-534-9405<br />
AngelAuraHealing.com<br />
Real Estate & Rentals<br />
Masset Bike Shop. Great<br />
opportunity to run your own<br />
business without “breaking the<br />
bank.” Tremendous potential for<br />
bike sales and service along with other sports<br />
equipment. The building is in great shape on<br />
2 lots with room for small living quarters. The<br />
business is in the heart of Masset and close<br />
to the airport offering daily service to the<br />
mainland. Price: $209,000 Call John at (250)<br />
218-9776 or email Johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />
<strong>2024</strong> Swan Cres Masset. Embrace the opportunity<br />
of a lifetime with this lovely 12,000<br />
sq ft lot! Tucked away on a peaceful cul-desac,<br />
this level and private lot eagerly awaits the<br />
construction of your dream home. Just steps<br />
from the bird sanctuary and near shopping,<br />
schools, and restaurants, this location offers<br />
the perfect blend of privacy and convenience.<br />
With water, sewer, and hydro services readily<br />
available, this idyllic lot is ready for you<br />
to turn your vision into a reality. Don’t miss<br />
out on this perfect chance to create the home<br />
you’ve always imagined. Act now and claim<br />
your dream home’s foundation! Price $80,000<br />
Call (250) 618-2434 or email tracey.defrane@<br />
gmail.com<br />
1 Froese 3/4 Acre. Port Clements.<br />
3/4 Acre lot fully serviced<br />
and subdividable. Price $179,000<br />
Call John (250) 218-9776 or<br />
email Johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />
122 Acres in Masset. Old growth forest.<br />
Access by helicopter or hiking in. Not in the<br />
ALR. Timber Opportunity, or off grid living.<br />
Price: $600,000 Call Tracey @ (250) 618-2434<br />
or email tracey.defrane@gmail.com<br />
1416 Delkatla Street Masset.<br />
Over 150 feet of waterfront and<br />
180 panoramic views of Masset<br />
Sound. This spacious waterfront<br />
home with 4 bdrm and 3 baths, has a freshly<br />
updated basement. Price $900,000 Call (250)<br />
618-2434 or email tracey.defrane@gmail.com<br />
4 Newcombe Ave Port Clements.<br />
This is an incredible live/<br />
work opportunity in the heart of<br />
Haida Gwaii. This property has it<br />
all! It includes a 3-bedroom, 1 bathroom, residence,<br />
with kitchen, living room and dining<br />
room. Downstairs you enter the motel guest<br />
space with office, washroom, dining room and<br />
fully equipped commercial kitchen. Additionally,<br />
there is an office, storage room, indoor<br />
workshop, and a detached garage. Motel guest<br />
rooms of various sizes are in adjacent buildings.<br />
Price $465,000 Call Sarah (250) 922-5409<br />
or email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />
Modular Home To Be Moved<br />
North of Port Clements.<br />
Older and in fair condition, this<br />
home is 14’ x 70’, with a new roof in 2011,<br />
2-bedroom, 1 bathroom, which needs to be<br />
remodelled. Large, bright living room, open<br />
kitchen and nice size dining room. Laminate<br />
flooring in living room, kitchen, dining room<br />
and master bedroom. Solid wood subfloor<br />
installed under laminate. Comes with wood<br />
stove and hot water tank and includes the 14’’<br />
x 18 addition and 10’ x 28’ deck. Solid and<br />
movable. $20,000 OBO Call Ephram Martin at<br />
(250) 557-8572<br />
1836 Alder Crescent This<br />
beautifully updated,5 Bedrooms,<br />
office, 2-bathroom, family home<br />
is situated in a quiet cul de sac<br />
walking distance to all amenities. There is a<br />
spacious deck off the kitchen, a garden shed<br />
for storage and a 20x20 garage, ample space<br />
for RV and boat parking. The property consists<br />
of 2 lots, totaling over 13,000 sqft. A new heat<br />
pump was recently installed. MLS # R2840720<br />
Price $470,000 Call Sarah (250) 922-5409 or<br />
email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />
372 School Road Sandspit.<br />
5-minute walk to the golf course,<br />
this 4-bdrm, 2-bath home is nestled<br />
on a large private lot with a<br />
large workshop and covered parking for your<br />
fishing boat and RV. Price $600,000 Call (250)<br />
618-2434 or email tracey.defrane@gmail.com<br />
40 HG
Put Your Ad Here<br />
info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
250-557-2088<br />
Groceries & Liquor<br />
Bakery & Deli<br />
Home & Office Supplies<br />
Gifts & Local Treasures<br />
91 Bayview Dr. Port Clements<br />
Mon-Sat 10-6 | 250-557-4331<br />
Sarah Barnhardt<br />
Licensed Realtor<br />
Longtime Haida<br />
Gwaii resident<br />
Serving all<br />
island communities<br />
Call me!<br />
Prince<br />
Rupert<br />
250.922.5409<br />
sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />
519 3rd Avenue West,<br />
Prince Rupert<br />
2226 Dogwood Cr Masset<br />
Recently renovated and ready to<br />
move in! This 4-bed home has<br />
been fully renovated in the last<br />
year. Both bathrooms and the kitchen have<br />
been tastefully updated, as well as new floors,<br />
all new appliances, and a new heat pump.<br />
Located near the end of a quiet street with<br />
easy access to schools and shopping. Masset<br />
is a lovely community on the northern end of<br />
Graham Island, Haida Gwaii, which is famous<br />
for its world-renowned beaches, fishing,<br />
forests, and culture. Price $239,500 Call (250)<br />
922-5409 or email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />
1574 MacLeod St Masset.<br />
Bring your business ideas to this<br />
wonderful commercial property<br />
in downtown Masset, Haida<br />
Gwaii. This building has been purpose built<br />
with a large cafe style kitchen, including a<br />
convenient drive-through window, allowing<br />
you to serve customers on the go. The main<br />
floor also has a lovely guest dining area and<br />
washroom. The second level, flex space, consists<br />
of two large rooms, another washroom<br />
and laundry facilities. Call Sarah Barnhardt<br />
Re/Max Coast Mountains MLS # C804948<br />
Price $475,000 Call (250) 922-5409 or sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />
2 Grouse Street. The only<br />
gas station in town! Over 5000<br />
sqft building has a long list of<br />
assets, including, fuel services<br />
(gas and diesel), convenience<br />
store, restaurant, commercial kitchen, 2<br />
dining rooms, and office space. Upstairs is<br />
a lovely 1470 sqft, renovated, 3-bedroom 1.5<br />
bath apartment with an outside entrance.<br />
The ground level 1470 sqft apartment has<br />
2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, office, and a large<br />
indoor workshop. A must-see opportunity in<br />
the charming village of Port Clements. MLS<br />
R2832537 Price $699,000 Call (250) 922- 5409<br />
or email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />
Worker Accommodations<br />
Long or Short Term. Port<br />
Clements: furnished and unfurnished<br />
1 and 2 -bedroom apartments.<br />
Newly renovated, including bathroom<br />
and kitchen. Sat. internet, TV, king-size beds,<br />
laundry, and parking are incl. Well suited for<br />
worker accommodation. Clean and secure<br />
building. Masset: several renovated housing<br />
units. 3 and 4-bedroom units. Furnished or<br />
unfurnished. Sat. internet, cable, laundry, and<br />
parking is included. Call Dustin (250) 661-<br />
9012 or email dustin@rushworthelectric.ca<br />
1868 Balsam Cr Masset. Fully<br />
renovated and ready to move in!<br />
This is a beautiful, newly renovated<br />
home. Everything has been<br />
done including both bathrooms, kitchen, new<br />
floors, and paint throughout, all new appliances<br />
and heat pump. Located in a quiet cul de<br />
sac walking distance to everything Masset has<br />
to offer. Masset is located on the northern end<br />
of Graham Island, with easy access to some of<br />
Haida Gwaii’s best beaches, forests, fishing,<br />
and recreational opportunities. Price $249,500<br />
Call (250) 922-5409 or email sarahbarnhardt@<br />
remax.net<br />
Location, Location! 622 7th<br />
St This large waterfront lot<br />
in Daajing Giids is ready for<br />
development. Currently operating<br />
as a liquidation store, but the C2 blended<br />
zoning allows for mixed use residential and<br />
commercial opportunities including short<br />
term rentals. With stunning ocean views and<br />
over 15,000 sqft, it is the ideal location for a<br />
BnB, restaurant, or any number of commercial<br />
endeavors. Incredible waterfront location<br />
with all the conveniences of the village. Price<br />
$800,000 Call Sarah (250) 922-5409 or email<br />
sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />
Shop for Sale 361 Beach Rd.<br />
60ft W X 72ft L X 26ft H, with 3<br />
phase power located 4km from<br />
Sandspit. The shop is on License<br />
of Occupation land. Price: $40,000 Call Phil<br />
(250) 637-5614 or email shiels@qcislands.net<br />
362 Christina Place, Sandspit.<br />
This beautifully renovated 3<br />
bed 2 bath home is a rare find, a<br />
must see! Every room has been<br />
updated tastefully with west coast charm. The<br />
open concept main floor has vaulted ceilings,<br />
and a cozy fireplace, primary bedroom with<br />
ensuite, spacious rec room. 1280 sqft workshop<br />
with covered RV storage, heated garage,<br />
custom deck, greenhouse and fruit trees. MLS<br />
#R2846681 Price $685,000 Call Sarah (250)<br />
922-5409 or email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />
House for Sale. To be moved.<br />
896 sqft (not including covered<br />
porch),1 bedroom/1 bathroom<br />
home. Utility room. Large,<br />
bright living room. Kitchen with fridge and<br />
stove. Lots of double-paned windows. Painted<br />
plywood floors. Covered porch. Located north<br />
of Port Clements. Assistance with moving the<br />
building is available. Price: $60,000 Call: Ask<br />
for Charles or Esther Phone: 250-557-8563 Alternate<br />
phone number: (250) 557-2007 (Ask for<br />
Jeremy) Email: info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 41
42 HG<br />
Valley Boat<br />
Service<br />
Fabrication<br />
Custom Upgrades<br />
250-557-2057<br />
Port Clements, BC<br />
Space Rentals<br />
Online Gift Shop<br />
Events<br />
Tours<br />
#2 Second Beach Road<br />
HlGaagilda Skidegate,<br />
Haida Gwaii<br />
250-559-7885<br />
www.haidaheritagecentre.com<br />
info@haidaheritage.com<br />
Employment & Training<br />
Salesperson. Rocky’s is looking for part/fulltime<br />
salesperson, ASAP. The ideal candidate<br />
will have prior experience in a retail setting<br />
and have a basic understanding of chainsaws<br />
and yard equipment or be willing to learn. You<br />
must be able to work as part of a team. Duties:<br />
Answering the phone & greeting customers:<br />
Developing relationships customers, operating<br />
POS system and cash handling, receiving &<br />
stocking freight, monitoring inventory. Remuneration:<br />
Part/Full-time permanent position.<br />
Wage starting @ $18/h Application: Open<br />
until filled Interested candidates may email<br />
questions and/or cover letter & resume to:<br />
Ronald Goetzinger at (250) 559-0014 or email<br />
ronald.goetzinger@gwaalagaanaay.com<br />
Request for Quotes-Website<br />
Redevelopment. The Village of<br />
Port Clements is seeking quotes<br />
from qualified website designers<br />
to refresh our current website. Priorities<br />
1. For the website to be functional and<br />
look nice. 2.Easy Navigation: people should be<br />
able to find what they need quickly and more<br />
intuitively. 3.Simple and streamlined: a less is<br />
more approach should be taken in terms of the<br />
level of text and relevant content. 4.Enhance<br />
municipal services by enhancing online access<br />
points. We would like to include a reservation<br />
page for our campground, improve our current<br />
payment portal for paying bills. Elizabeth<br />
Cumming email deputy@portclements.ca<br />
Community Residence<br />
Support Worker-Masset<br />
Community Residence Support<br />
Worker Permanent Casual/<br />
On-Call Position Hours: On-<br />
Call/ Variable hours. BCGEU wage starting at<br />
$22/hr. Job Summary: You will be providing<br />
respectful daily living support and general<br />
daily operation and upkeep to adult residents<br />
with developmental disabilities living in the<br />
CLBC staffed residence. See online Haida<br />
Gwaii Trader-Classifieds-Employment for detailed<br />
job description or call Daniel Kolpatzik<br />
at (250) 626-7977 or email clcm@hgscp.ca<br />
Subject line: Community Support Worker Position<br />
Attention: Community Living Contracts<br />
Manager Mail: box 811, 2132 Collison Avenue,<br />
Masset, BC, V0T 1M0<br />
Seeking Skilled Carpenter.<br />
Looking for a carpenter to help<br />
finish the inside of a 70’ boat. The<br />
vessel is on land in a shed and is<br />
heated. $50/hr to start. Position<br />
opened until filled. Call Randy at (604) 996-<br />
9135 or email randy@obrienlogging.com<br />
Gwaii Haanas Summer Youth Jobs. Gwaii<br />
Haanas is an opportunity for you to experience<br />
the natural and cultural wonders of the place<br />
and learn about the many contributions the<br />
Haida Nation has made locally, regionally and<br />
nationally. Positions The Youth Employment<br />
and Skills Strategy (YESS) Federal Government<br />
jobs initiative for young Canadians aged<br />
15 to 30, to increase employment for youth,<br />
enabling them to gain work experience, skills,<br />
and to extend their networks. Parks Canada<br />
encourages applications by youth facing barriers<br />
to employment, in particular Indigenous<br />
Canadians and persons living with disabilities.<br />
Wage: Min wage+ Call Gwaii Haanas HR at<br />
(250) 559-8818 or email GwaiiHaanas.HR@<br />
pc.gc.ca<br />
Administrative & Bookkeeping<br />
Assistant. Gwaalagaa Naay<br />
Corporation is seeking an administrative &<br />
bookkeeping assistant for a full-time position.<br />
The primary responsibility will be to work collaboratively<br />
with the Executive Director and<br />
Bookkeeper to assist in managing the day-today<br />
operations of GNC and the various companies<br />
it oversees. Wage starting @ $20.95/h.<br />
Call Ronald Goetzinger at (250) 559-0014 or<br />
email ronald.goetzinger@gwaalagaanaay.com<br />
Store Manager. Rocky’s is seeking a highly<br />
motivated F/T Store Manager who will be<br />
responsible for the overall operations. The<br />
successful candidate will be able to enhance<br />
customer satisfaction, meet sales and profitability<br />
goals and manage staff effectively.<br />
Candidates will have the most success if they<br />
have a background in retail management. This<br />
role will report directly to the Executive Director.<br />
Wage starting @ $28/h: F/T position, wage<br />
based on experience Applications: Deadline:<br />
Open until filled Ronald Goetzinger, Executive<br />
Director ronald.goetzinger@gwaalagaanaay.<br />
com (250) 559-0014<br />
Opportunities for Support<br />
Workers. Alder House is looking<br />
for full or part time Program<br />
Support workers (PSW). Starting<br />
salary is $22/h. The PSWs function as part of a<br />
team to provide a range of supports, communicate<br />
clearly and sensitively with vulnerable<br />
people, build and maintain relationships with<br />
participants, have a high level of patience and<br />
emotional resilience and strong organizational<br />
skills. Required is a combination of skills and<br />
experience, ability to complete BC Housing required<br />
training, a Vulnerable Criminal Record<br />
check and basic computer experience. Contact<br />
Sandra Dean McKay or Jessa Griffith at (778)<br />
260 3420 jessa.griffith@alderhouse.ca
Responsible for efficient delivery of fibre<br />
to dry land sorts, local mills and users.<br />
Provide mentorship to Taan supervisors<br />
and work with contractors to ensure<br />
compliance with safety, Haida Gwaii<br />
Land Use Objectives Order, WorkSafe BC<br />
regulations, the Forest Act, Forest and<br />
Range Act and Taan’s CMS.<br />
Application Deadline: open until filled.<br />
$90,000 - $110,000 yr<br />
Full time<br />
To view this and other job<br />
postings at HaiCo please go<br />
to haico.ca/careers<br />
P. 250.559.2337<br />
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 43
44 HG<br />
3113 Oceanview Drive, DG<br />
Put Your Ad Here<br />
and Promote Your<br />
Business<br />
info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
250-557-2088<br />
Gasoline Engine Mechanic. Rocky’s is looking<br />
for a F/T gasoline engine mechanic, ASAP.<br />
The ideal candidate will be an experienced<br />
mechanic who has worked on various equipment.<br />
Keeps accurate records of all repairs and<br />
maintenance performed, Orders and installs<br />
replacement parts and supplies as needed, discusses<br />
equipment issues, maintenance plans,<br />
and work performed with customers Wage<br />
starting at $28/h. Application: Deadline: Open<br />
until filled. Call Ronald Goetzinger at (250)<br />
559-0014 or email ronald.goetzinger@gwaalagaanaay.com<br />
Hiring Full Time MSR. Northern<br />
Savings Credit Union has<br />
an opening for a Full Time Member Service<br />
Representative for our Daajing Giids branch.<br />
This would appeal to an outgoing individual<br />
interested in providing excellent customer<br />
service and a career in sales. Minimum<br />
Qualifications: Education: Secondary School<br />
Diploma required. Experience: Previous sales<br />
and service experience is preferred or an<br />
equivalent combination of education, training<br />
and experience. Skills: Excellent written and<br />
verbal English communication skills. Working<br />
knowledge, skills and experience in Microsoft<br />
Office. Hourly Rate: $25.55-$29.36 Apply<br />
online: https://www.northsave.com/about/<br />
careers Call Naomi Juetten at (250) 628-0356<br />
or email naomijuetten@northsave.com<br />
Victim Services Program<br />
Coordinator. Compensation:<br />
$27.28-$31.30hr QUALIFICA-<br />
QUIREMENTS Two years recent<br />
related experience, or an equivalent<br />
combination of education, training, and<br />
experience, Human / social service Diploma is<br />
required, Communication skills, both written<br />
and oral, Computer skills (Word, Excel, email/<br />
online data entry), Works well in teams as well<br />
as independently, Knowledge of First Nations<br />
culture and Masset communities is an asset,<br />
Knowledge of court proceedings, victim rights,<br />
and the Family Act is expected, This position<br />
is dependent on a clear Criminal Records<br />
Check TO APPLY: Fax: (250) 626-4662 or<br />
e-mail ed@hgscp.ca Subject line: Victim Service<br />
Program Coordinator Position Attention:<br />
Executive Director Mail: Box 811, Masset, BC,<br />
V0T 1M0 Call Brie Altrogge (250) 626-4664<br />
Heavy Duty Mechanic. $60/hr<br />
to start. Full benefits. Will help<br />
with accommodation if needed.<br />
Looking for someone with real technical<br />
skills- electrical (ability to read computers)<br />
and machinery skills for heavy equipment:<br />
trucks, excavators, loaders, etc. Live on Haida<br />
Gwaii, one of the greatest places to live. Best<br />
hunting. Mild weather. Position opened until<br />
filled. Call Randy O’Brien at (604) 996-9135 or<br />
email randy@obrienlogging.com<br />
At Your Service<br />
Tax Time! It’s that time of year!<br />
Individual Tax Returns for as low<br />
as $55 (plus GST). We are located<br />
just north of Port Clements Call (250)-626-7478<br />
or email j.pigeon_bookkeeping@live.com to<br />
book your in-office appointment or to arrange<br />
how best to get your information to me-Canada<br />
Post, courier and email are all great options!<br />
Serving Haida Gwaii since 2013<br />
Local and Free-Range Beef for<br />
Sale. No hormones or antibiotics.<br />
Place your order now until<br />
May <strong>2024</strong> for a Side or Quarter.<br />
$7/lb. Cut and wrapped. Wide range of custom<br />
cuts including ground. Delivery available. Call<br />
Cyrus at (250) 557-4727 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
Haida Gwaii Labour Ready.<br />
Haida Gwaii Labour Ready<br />
Island Wide Don’t have the time<br />
or equipment? Give us a call for<br />
a free quote (778) 260-0987 We<br />
bring all our own equipment Here are a few<br />
service below, if you don’t see what you’d<br />
like done just ask us-Gutter Cleaning-Dump<br />
Runs-Cemetery Cleaning-Jobsite Clean-up-<br />
Yard Clean-u-Heavy Lifting-General Labour-Hard<br />
Labour-Odd Handyman Jobs-Lawn<br />
Care -Bush Clearing-Grass Cutting-House<br />
Cleaning-House Sitting-Vehicle Cleaning-Boat<br />
Cleaning Call Stephanie Markham at (778)<br />
260-0987 or email smits_31@yahoo.ca<br />
Alcoholics Anonymous. If<br />
you have a drinking problem we<br />
can help. If you live in the north<br />
end of Haida Gwaii call John at<br />
250-626-7557. In-person meetings<br />
are on Wednesdays, at 8 pm in the Masset Fire<br />
Hall soup kitchen. If you live in the South<br />
end, call Lou at 250-559-4568. Meetings are<br />
held in the HlGaagilda Skidegate at the United<br />
Church, at 8 pm on Saturday nights. For more<br />
info on how to join a local virtual Zoom meeting,<br />
call John at 250-626-7557. Call John/Lou<br />
at (250) 626-7557 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com
Haida Gwaii Tide Tables <strong>2024</strong><br />
The tide height in Haida Gwaii varies by up to 24 feet<br />
(more than 7 meters)! The big tides (higher highs and<br />
lower lows) happen every 2 weeks around the full and<br />
new moons. Knowing the tides is important for exploring<br />
tide pools, harvesting intertidal food, fishing, navigation,<br />
and tidal currents. So before you head out, be<br />
sure to check the date, time, and tide height, and adjust<br />
the time for your specific location around Haida Gwaii.<br />
Tides in Haida Gwaii<br />
Compared to predictions for Prince Rupert<br />
K'iis Gwaay<br />
Langara Pt<br />
10 min early<br />
Estimates are unofficial and may vary<br />
significantly from reality<br />
Hl'yaalang Waagusd<br />
North Beach<br />
5 min early<br />
Masset<br />
Gawée Sdaa 20 min late<br />
Alexandra Narrows<br />
Flood starts 0:15 after low<br />
Ebb starts 0:10 after high<br />
Sk'iiluu Kaahlii<br />
Nesto Inlet<br />
10 min early<br />
Skaats'insii<br />
Dawson Hbr<br />
15 min early<br />
Taan Guu<br />
Trounce Inlet<br />
Low 55 min late<br />
High 20 min late<br />
Daa.ulgaay<br />
East Skidegate Narrows<br />
(Floods west)<br />
West Beacon<br />
Flood starts 3:20 – 3:50 after low<br />
Ebb starts 3:00 – 3:30 after high<br />
East Beacon<br />
Flood starts 1:50 – 2:50 after low<br />
Ebb starts 1:30 – 2:30 after high<br />
Juus Kaahlii<br />
Juskatla<br />
Low 5:15 late<br />
High 4:45 late<br />
Designed by:<br />
Stu Crawford<br />
Box 788, Masset, BC<br />
stu.crawford@gmail.com<br />
(250) 626-3868<br />
Crawford<br />
Ecological Consulting<br />
Taa Suu<br />
Hunger Hbr<br />
20 min early<br />
Data from the Canadian Hydrographic Service<br />
Gaw Kaahlii<br />
Masset Sound<br />
Flood starts 2:50 after low<br />
Ebb starts 2:30 after high<br />
Gamadiis<br />
Port Clements<br />
Low 3:05 late<br />
High 2:50 late<br />
Daajing Giids<br />
Queen Charlotte<br />
Low 20 min late<br />
High same as P.R.<br />
Kuuɢahl<br />
McCoy Cove<br />
Low 15 min late<br />
High 5 min late<br />
K'yal Gawɢa<br />
Pacofi<br />
Low 10 min late<br />
High same as P.R.<br />
Gwaay K'aas<br />
Copper Is.<br />
Same as P.R.<br />
Kay Tay Daanaay<br />
Cape St James<br />
Low 10 min early<br />
High 5 min early<br />
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 45
Save the date! Exibition opens Saturday July 6th.<br />
MARCH 8 - JUNE 15<br />
OPENS 7 PM MARCH 8<br />
www.haidagwaiimuseumgiftshop.ca<br />
Art by Benedicte Hansen | Music by David Archer<br />
on exhibit until <strong>March</strong> 30, <strong>2024</strong><br />
Cultural Tours + Programs<br />
Pricing + bookings available online<br />
250.559.4643 . haidagwaiimuseum.ca<br />
250.559.7885 . haidaheritagecentre.com<br />
Winter Hours<br />
TUESDAY - SATURDAY 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM<br />
46 HG
Haida Gwaii Trader Community Calendar<br />
<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />
Go to www.haidagwaiitrader.com, click on the Calendar tab and post your event, or send your event details to<br />
Jamie McDonald at events.manager@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
All calendar details appear as promoted at the time of printing.<br />
Island Wide & Online<br />
Alcoholics Anonymous If you have a drinking<br />
problem we can help. If you live in the north end<br />
of Haida Gwaii call John at 250-626-7557. In-person<br />
meetings are on Wednesdays, at 8 pm in the<br />
Masset Fire Hall soup kitchen. If you live in the<br />
South end, call Lou at (250) 559-4568. Meetings are held in the<br />
HlGaagilda Skidegate at the United Church, at 8 pm on Saturday<br />
nights. For more info on how to join a virtual meeting, call John<br />
at (250) 626-7557 or visit aa.org/pages/en_US<br />
VIRL – Tech support with library Manager<br />
Patrick. If you need any tech support, contact your<br />
local VIRL branch and schedule a time to come in<br />
with your device. For info, psiebold@virl.bc.ca or<br />
(778) 269-4132.<br />
StrongStart – Free drop in and play based program<br />
for parents/caregivers and children ages<br />
0-kindergarten. Massett Mon-Fri 9-12/ Tahayghen Elementary<br />
School / 2151 Tahayghen Dr / For more information contact Beth<br />
Kellar at (250) 626-5572 or bkellar@sd50.bc.ca or Facebook:<br />
Tahayghen Strong Start Port Clements Tue, Wed and Thu, 9-12<br />
Multiplex / 36 Cedar Avenue West For more information contact<br />
Jasmine Beachy at (250) 557-4333 or jbeachy@sd50.bc.ca or FB:<br />
PCES StrongStart. Sandspit Mon to Fri, 9-12 / Agnes L Mathers<br />
Elementary School / 406 Copper Bay / For more information contact<br />
Claire Gauthier at (250) 637-5454 or cgauthier@sd50.bc.ca<br />
or FB: ALM Strong Start Skidegate Wed-Thu, 9-12 Sk’aadgaa<br />
Naay Elementary / 500 Skidegate Heights / For more information<br />
contact Winnie Tsai Wilson at (250) 559-8889 or wtsai@sd50.<br />
bc.ca or FB Sk’aadgaa Naay Strong Start<br />
Making Sense of Pain Management Program<br />
Online via Zoom, 10 week program X 2 hrs/wk,<br />
starting in <strong>April</strong> / An opportunity for people who<br />
live in the Pacific Northwest of BC who struggle<br />
with persistent pain to meet regularly and build a<br />
community of support while learning about pain, it’s management<br />
and coping strategies. Contact (250) 917-8928 to register.<br />
Gaw Tlagée / Old Massett & Masset<br />
Harm Reduction Lunch Mon & Fri / 10am-2pm / Wellness<br />
House / 2132 Collison Ave. / For more information contact David<br />
Emerson at (778) 361-0769 or david.emerson@haidahealth.ca<br />
Kwiiyaans Community Hall Activities Eagle<br />
Ave. / Old Masset / Bootcamp Tue-Thu, 6-7 am;<br />
Youth Centre Program Tue 3-5 pm; Boxing Tue<br />
5:30- 6:30; Babies program Wed 3-5 pm; Elders<br />
walking program Fri 10:30-12. For more information<br />
and current updates, contact Tando (250)<br />
626-7995 or FB Kwiiyaans Community Hall<br />
Tawlang Ga Tlaayds - Open Gym & Haida<br />
Singing Wednesdays, 3-5 pm / Kwiiyaans Hall 348<br />
Eagle Ave / Join us, families with children 0-6 years<br />
old & siblings. Snacks provided. Together Tuesdays<br />
Tuesdays 11-1pm + monthly dinner 6-8pm.<br />
Xaad Kil Story Time Thursdays 10am-12. Infant feeding<br />
group 3 rd Tuesday of the month, 11-12:30 pm; Family Drop-in<br />
Fridays, 10 am-12 pm. For more information, contact Ashley Jacobson,<br />
Coordinator at (250) 626-3573 or check our FB: Tawlang<br />
Ga Tlaayds.<br />
Women’s Drop-In Coffee Time Thursdays 10am-<br />
Noon / Wellness House / 2112 Collison Ave. / Open<br />
to all self-identifying women! Healthy snacks<br />
provided. For more information contact Delevina<br />
at (250) 626-3911 and Maureen Samuels @ Northern Health<br />
(250) 626-4725. Rides provided by Ellis Edgars (250) 626-9118.<br />
For more information contact Carly at (250) 626-7884 or wellness.coordinator@haidahealth.ca.<br />
Wellbriety Mondays from<br />
<strong>March</strong> 4 th to June 10 th , 5-7pm / First 3 sessions will be open and<br />
the remainder will be closed to new participants to ensure safety<br />
and confidentiality. Coffee, tea and snacks provided. Contact<br />
Rachel (250) 626-7433 or Shauna (250) 626-7792 for more info.<br />
FB: Niislaa Naay Healing House Society. Monday Men’s Group<br />
Second & last Mondays of the month / 5-8pm / Gaw Tlagee Youth<br />
Centre / 150 Raven Ave / All Ages Welcome Dinner and beverages<br />
provided. Bring a friend. Activities: games, skill building,<br />
discussions, connections. For more information contact Brodie<br />
Swanwon at (778) 791-8118 or brodie.swanson@haidahealth.ca<br />
or FB: Niislaa Naay Healing House Society<br />
Breastfeeding group <strong>March</strong> 6 & <strong>April</strong> 3rd 11am-<br />
12:30pm / NCCSS / 1317 Wilson St. / This peer support<br />
group is for parents who are currently breastfeeding,<br />
chestfeeding, lactating or providing human milk to their<br />
little ones, as well as expecting parents thinking of human milk<br />
feeding, and elders and community care providers with lived<br />
human milk feeding experience. For more information contact<br />
Emma at (250) 626-7688 or emma.mt@lllc.ca or FB: LLLC -La<br />
Leche League Haida Gwaii or www.lllc.ca<br />
250-557-2088 / info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 47
Gaw Tlagée Youth Centre Activities – Jaadas Inclusive<br />
Thursdays 4-5 pm; Haida Children & Youth Dance Group<br />
Wednesdays, 3-4:30 pm. For more info contact Kieran (250)<br />
626-7876; Breakfast program Tue-Wed-Thu 7:30-8:30 am;<br />
Afterschool programs Mon-Fri 3-4:30 pm. Pre-teen and teen<br />
activities, sports, movie nights, and more. For more information<br />
contact Toni-Lynn Davidson at Tonilynn.davidson@haidahealth.<br />
ca or FB Old Masset Youth Program<br />
Masset Market Fridays, year-round, 11am – 2pm;<br />
Monthly Night Market Last Friday of the month,<br />
6-8 pm / Across from the HG Co-op, 1575 Main<br />
Street / Locally grown and prepared foods as well<br />
as locally handcrafted items and more! Delicious<br />
hot lunches are a regular feature at the market. For more info,<br />
contact Natalie Affolter at (250) 626-9181 or massetmarket@<br />
gmail.com or check us out on Facebook and Instagram: Masset<br />
Market<br />
Ocean Friends Stations 11-12pm / VIRL 2123<br />
Collison / <strong>March</strong> 19th A guardian-child led<br />
program where you visit ocean-themed activity<br />
stations together. & Storytime <strong>March</strong> 26 th Stories,<br />
felts, songs and a craft! Lego Club Wednesdays /<br />
3-4pm. For more information contact Etchi Zaleski at (250) 626-<br />
3663 or jzaleski@virl.bc.ca<br />
Wáan Kύn / Gamadiis Llnagaay Port Clements<br />
Seniors’ Yoga Thursdays / 11am-12pm Multiplex<br />
Seniors’ Room / 36 Cedar Avenue West / Learn<br />
to respect your body and discover its intelligence<br />
as you stretch, strengthen, open, and relax. Mats<br />
are available, please bring a blanket and arrive a<br />
few minutes early. FREE! Instructor: Jennifer Pigeon. For more<br />
information contact HG Rec at (250) 626-5652 or info@hgrec.<br />
com or hgrec.com<br />
Easter Turkey Shoot @ Port Clements Rod<br />
and Gun Club / <strong>March</strong> 24 / 12-3pm / Juskatla<br />
Road, 5 km out of Port / A classic Haida Gwaii Turkey<br />
shoot. Compete in a number of different categories to win<br />
an Easter Turkey. For more information contact Jason Rupke at<br />
(250) 589-1420 or jasonrupke@hotmail.com or FB: PortClementsRodandGunClub<br />
Forbes Pharmacy<br />
at the Hospital in Daajing Giids<br />
48 HG<br />
9 am to 5 pm<br />
Closed for lunch 1-2 pm<br />
250-559-4910 rxdm1005@nbly.ca<br />
www.forbespharmacy.ca<br />
Find us on Facebook!<br />
Port Clements Community Market <strong>March</strong> 12th,<br />
26th and <strong>April</strong> 9th, 23rd / 11 am-2 pm / St Mark’s<br />
Church 54 Bayview Dr / Make..Bake..Craft..Grow..<br />
Upcycle. Markets will be held twice monthly.<br />
Handmade knit and crocheted goods, homemade<br />
desserts, locally made jams and preserves, hand<br />
crafted jewellery, locally made arts and crafts, new<br />
and genlty used items. Free coffee and hot chocolate. Cash, debit,<br />
credit cards and e-transfers accepted. Table rentals $15 each.<br />
For more information contact Betty Stewart at (250) 922-5467<br />
or pcvcc@portclements.ca or FB: Port Clements Community<br />
Market<br />
Storytime Tuesdays / 11:30am-12pm / Multipurpose<br />
Building, Strong Start Room / 36 Cedar Avenue<br />
West / Join Etchi from the Vancouver Island Regional<br />
Library for Storytime! For more information<br />
contact Etchi Zaleski at (250) 626-3663 or jzaleski@virl.bc.ca<br />
Daajing Giids<br />
VIRL Daajing Giids Events 138 Bay Street.<br />
Knitters Social Thursdays (apart from when there<br />
are movie nights) Movie night: The Boot Cake<br />
<strong>March</strong> 21 / 6:30-8pm / Join the Charlie Circle in<br />
Adipur, India as they celebrate Chaplin’s 116th<br />
birthday. Movie night: The Book Makers Apr 18 / 6:30pm-<br />
8pm / While exploring the question: “What should books<br />
become in the digital age” meet a group of book artists and<br />
celebrate the beauty and artistry of hand-crafted books. For more<br />
information contact Michelle Scott at (250) 559-4518 or dg1@<br />
virl.bc.ca or virl.bc.ca<br />
Earth Temple Activities & Events 403 Oceanview<br />
Drive. The Groove - Monthly Ecstatic<br />
Dance Party Every 2nd Friday of the month<br />
8-9:30pm / A safe space for freedom of movement.<br />
All ages; suggested donation $10. For more<br />
information contact Jessiquita at (250) 617-5013<br />
or jessiquitamadrid@gmail.com. Yoga Inspired Fitness with<br />
Shelley Tuesdays / 6-7 pm / Shelley’s fitness classes are inspired<br />
by yoga poses along with pilates and strength training exercises.<br />
Yoga with Lance Mondays 6-7pm Tai Chi inspired exercise<br />
Wednesdays / 12-1pm Hatha Yoga with Meghan Wednesdays /<br />
5:30 – 7 pm / Art Jam <strong>March</strong> 11 & 25 / 8-9:30 pm / Join us with<br />
your ongoing art project and listen to good tunes whilst creating<br />
with fellow art enthusiasts! Cost: by donation. For more information<br />
contact Jamie at (514) 238-7953 or planetjamie@yahoo.<br />
ca. Equinox Event <strong>March</strong> 20 / 6:45-9pm Yoga, breath work<br />
and crystal singing bowls. For more information on all programs<br />
contact Karen at (250) 637-1918 or kswalhout@gmail.com or<br />
earth-temple.square.site<br />
Wellness Wednesdays 11:30 am-2 pm Firehall<br />
202, 2nd ave / Join us every Wednesday for a free<br />
lunch and optional sharing circle led by a mental<br />
health professional. For more information contact<br />
Jason Rupke at (250) 559-4981 or jason.rupke@<br />
Daajing Giids - cont.<br />
Family Connection Drop In Monthly, 2nd Thursday<br />
/ 10am-12 / Island Wellness Society Lounge<br />
204 Oceanview / Peer-to-peer support and connection<br />
group for folks who are expecting, or have had<br />
a baby in the past year. Join us for some delicious<br />
snacks and good company! Feel free to bring your baby and/<br />
or partner. Drop in Playgroup Fridays / 9-11am / This playgroup<br />
is available for littles age 0-5years old. Parents must be in<br />
attendance. Baby Steps Last Monday of the month: <strong>March</strong> 25 –<br />
Birth Stories; <strong>April</strong> 29 – Baby’s first bites / 5:30-7 pm / A monthly<br />
meeting for expecting parents or folks with littles 0-1. Dinner<br />
provided. Attendance via Zoom available. Text your rsvp to Jenna<br />
(250) 889-3057. For more information contact (250) 559-4711 or<br />
ccrrfamilyresource@islandswellnesssociety.com or FB: Haida<br />
Gwaii Child Care Resource and Referral Program<br />
@ GidGalang Kuuyas Naay Secondary School Gymnasium<br />
/ 801 Oceanview / Check out their website<br />
for a schedule of all indoor sports & other<br />
activities – hgrec.com<br />
Breastfeeding group <strong>March</strong> 15 / 11-12:30 pm<br />
Child Centre / 134 Bay Street / This peer support<br />
group is for parents who are currently providing<br />
human milk to their little ones, as well as expecting parents<br />
thinking of human milk feeding, and elders and community care<br />
providers with lived human milk feeding experience. For more<br />
information contact Emma at (250) 626-7688 or emma.mt@lllc.<br />
ca or FB: LLLC -La Leche League Haida Gwaii or www.lllc.ca<br />
Taoist Tai Chi® Saturdays / 10am-12pm / Wednesdays 6-8 pm<br />
Daajing Giids Community Hall / 134 Bay Street Strength, Flexibility,<br />
Stillness. For more information contact Beatie at (250)<br />
631-9160 or haidagwaii@taoist.org or www.taoist.org<br />
Haida Gwaii Coffeehouse / 6:30-9pm Daajing<br />
Giids Community Hall / <strong>March</strong> 29 - Featuring Fun<br />
Guise / The doors open at 6:30pm. The evening<br />
will begin with a shared community meal, so<br />
please remember to bring a bowl, spoon and mug<br />
to partake. The open mic starts at 7pm (sign up<br />
between 6:30 and 7pm). Everything is by donation. Fun Guise, a<br />
Swing Jazz band that wants to take you out for a good time! With<br />
Marnie Younger’s sweet vocal leads, Charley Robertson’s smooth<br />
guitar licks, Wayne Harris’s harmonies and guitar, Gord Horner<br />
on keys and sax, and Roly Thompson’s impeccable drumming,<br />
we’ll draw you out of your seats to swing, sway and spin to classic<br />
jazz standards with a Haida Gwaii twist. For more information,<br />
follow on Facebook or visit www.haidagwaiicoffeehouse.<br />
com.<br />
Sunday Church and Worship Service Sundays / 10am-12pm<br />
Bethel Assembly Church / 222 Oceanview Drive / We are a friendly<br />
and welcoming family fellowship Christian Church (affiliated<br />
with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) where everybody<br />
(including children) is welcome. Sunday services commence at<br />
10am followed by fellowship. Free Lunch Tuesdays / 11:30am-2<br />
pm. For more information, please check our website: bethelassembly.ca<br />
For more information contact Bill and Heather at<br />
(604) 989-2364 or bbeamish1@hotmail.com or bethelassembly.ca<br />
K’il Kun Sandspit<br />
VIRL - Craft Night Thursdays / 5-7pm Vancouver<br />
Island Regional Library / Seabreeze Plaza, Beach Rd<br />
Bring a craft project you’re working on and join a<br />
fun, social crafting circle every week! Knitting, embroidery,<br />
crochet, beading, painting, paper crafts,<br />
anything goes! Drop-ins welcome. For more information Kelsey<br />
(250) 637-2247 or sp1@virl.bc.ca or virl.bc.ca/branches/sandspit<br />
Taoist Tai Chi® Sundays / 6-7:30pm / Sandspit Community<br />
Hall / 411 Alliford Bay / Strength, Flexibility, Stillness. For more<br />
information contact Remi (250) 637-5729 or haidagwaii@taoist.<br />
org or taoist.org<br />
Drop-in Floor Hockey Thursdays / 7-8pm Agnes<br />
L Mathers Elementary school gymnasium / 406 Copper<br />
Bay / Floor hockey is a family of indoor hockey<br />
games, usually in the style of ice hockey, that are<br />
played on flat floor surfaces, such as a basketball<br />
court. COST: Free! For adults, Co-Ed – bring your own gear or<br />
borrow! ORGANIZER: Jamie Polk. For more information contact<br />
HG Rec at (250) 637-1192 or info@hgrec.com or hgrec.com<br />
HlGaagilda Skidegate<br />
All Islands’ Art Show – Art Drop Off Apr 12-13<br />
10 am - 4pm / Haida Gwaii Museum<br />
2 2nd beach road / Come drop off your art piece<br />
for the <strong>2024</strong> All Islands’ Art Show which runs<br />
from May 3rd to June 28th! Art Show Opening May 3 / 7-9<br />
pm / Join us for the grand opening of the All Islands’ Art Show!<br />
Bring finger foods to share and dress up for this beautiful event<br />
celebrating islanders’ artistic talents! Free and open to all. The<br />
Power of Underpainting Workshop May 11 / 10am-4:45pm<br />
Bill Reid Room / Following the path set up by the underpainting,<br />
subsequent layers of paint allow the buildup of visual depth<br />
and rich texture. Learn various methods of progressing with the<br />
image, such as transparent, opaque, positive and negative painting.<br />
Instructor: visiting Adjudicator Kit Bell. Cost: 50$ Register<br />
before <strong>April</strong> 26 th . For more information contact Jamie Mcdonald<br />
at (514) 238-7953 or allislandartshow@gmail.com or FB: All<br />
Islands’ Art Show<br />
Caturday Night Fever Sat, Apr 13 / 9:30pm-2am / Small Hall<br />
Front Street / Caturday Night Fever, the annual Gwaii Animal<br />
Helpline fundraiser Disco dance party. 100% of proceeds going to<br />
the Gwaii Animal Helpline. Cost: 20$ at the door, 5$ drinks, no<br />
minors allowed, designated drivers will be available on site. For<br />
more information contact Erica Rae Reid at Ericaraereid@gmail.<br />
com or FB: Haida Gwaii Communities - Nearly everything and<br />
anything island related<br />
Tll.aal / Tlell<br />
Taoist Tai Chi® Wednesdays / 10am-noon / Tlell Firehall 36542<br />
Hwy 16 / Strength, Flexibility, Stillness. For more information<br />
contact Charlie at (250) 559-8252 or haidagwaii@taoist.org or<br />
taoist.org<br />
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 49
Sara’s Seedy Saturday Mar 23 / 11am-2pm Tlell<br />
Farmers Market / Hwy 16, Behind the Firehall / A<br />
gardeners swap and shop type event with a variety<br />
of products from plants and seeds to produce.<br />
Lunch Concession available. Free admission. To<br />
become a vendor contact Linda Louis at (250) 559-8975, or at<br />
sewwhat@qcislands.net. Limited number of tables available. FB:<br />
Graham Island East Coast Farmers Institute<br />
Your Communities, Your Councils<br />
Village of Port Clements Regular Council<br />
Meetings: 3 rd Monday of the month; Committee<br />
of the Whole meetings: Once a month, dates TBA<br />
7-8:30pm / 36 Cedar Avenue West Regular Council<br />
meetings. For more information (250) 557-4295 or office@portclements.ca<br />
or portclements.ca<br />
Daajing Giids 1st and 3rd Monday of the month<br />
7pm / 903 A Oceanview Drive / Regular Council<br />
Meetings. For more information (250) 559-4765 or office@<br />
queencharlotte.ca, queencharlotte.ca<br />
Masset 2nd and 4th Monday of each month 7pm<br />
1686 Main Street / Regular Council Meetings. For<br />
more information (250) 626-3995 or vomadmin@<br />
mhtv.ca or massetbc.com<br />
Athlii Gwaii Legacy Trust<br />
Public Notice<br />
As required under Section 35, Subsection “b” of the<br />
AGLT Deed of Trust, the following documents have<br />
been made available for public viewing:<br />
1. AGLT Operations Report<br />
for the year ending Dec 31, 2023<br />
2. AGLT Annual Statement of Financial Position<br />
for the year ending Dec 31, 2023<br />
Both reports can be found online at www.aglt.ca or<br />
through either of the two local Gwaii Trust Society / Athlii<br />
Gwaii Legacy Trust offices.<br />
For questions regarding either of these reports or<br />
any other information regarding AGLT, contact:<br />
Carla Lutner, Executive Director<br />
Gwaii Trust Society/Athlii Gwaii Legacy Trust<br />
carla.lutner@gwaiitrust.com<br />
Athlii Gwaii Legacy Trust<br />
PO Box 588, Masset BC, V0T1M0<br />
Gaw Tlagée / Old Massett: 250 626 3654<br />
HlGaagilda / Skidegate: 250 559 8883<br />
By following these Haida Gwaii Trader-inspired tips, you<br />
can create compelling classified ads that quickly attract<br />
potential buyers and lead to successful sales!<br />
Puzzle Page<br />
Answer Key<br />
• Clarity is Key: Keep your ad description clear and<br />
concise, focusing on key features and benefits.<br />
• Capture Quality Images: Take high-quality photos<br />
from various angles to showcase your item's<br />
condition accurately.<br />
• Be Honest and Transparent: Include any flaws in<br />
your item to build trust with buyers.<br />
• Engage with Buyers: Use friendly language and<br />
respond to inquiries quickly to foster positive<br />
interactions.<br />
50 HG
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 51
HARBOUR DAY <strong>2024</strong><br />
Saturday, May 18 th<br />
Make a splash with the whole family!<br />
Parade, Food, Kids Events, Fireworks, Farmers’ Market<br />
Follow us on Facebook or visit our web page for the full agenda!<br />
Photo credits: <strong>April</strong> Edgars, Emily Bell, Myrna Bell-Wilson and the Village of Masset<br />
This is a great opportunity to be a part of our community! We are seeking<br />
volunteers to make Harbour Day <strong>2024</strong> a success and fun-filled day for<br />
families. This event is made possible by you!<br />
The Village of Masset | 1686 Main Street | 250-626-3995 | admin@masset.ca | massetbc.com