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NO GUTS,<br />
AIRLIFT-SS-CWN-FINAL-FLAT.pdf 1 1/17/24 10:58 AM<br />
Add even more value to your location<br />
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Attached to a coiled 16’ hose, our all new and<br />
easy to use air detailing gun provides 80PSI of<br />
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Perfect for detailing dust from hard to reach<br />
areas like mirrors, door jams, air vents, seams<br />
and crevices.<br />
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Shown with Vac Pedestal<br />
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options available.<br />
Air detailing gun provides<br />
80PSI of cleaning power.<br />
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Stainless Steel Vac Pedestal<br />
• 24 inches tall<br />
• Easy installing<br />
• No concrete required<br />
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• Industrial grade<br />
• Raised presence<br />
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612-529-1000 400 HIGHWAY 55 W MAPLE LAKE, MN 55358<br />
2 • WINTER 2024<br />
WINTER 2024 • 3
Looking Back ..................4<br />
Around the Wash ............6<br />
Spring Insurance<br />
Coverage<br />
Tips ................................... 10<br />
Profile of Rockwash ... 12<br />
Industry Dirt ................. 14<br />
Extra Extra .................... 18<br />
Looking Back<br />
…. to 2014<br />
Can you believe it was 10 years ago that Self<br />
Serve Car Wash News re-debuted with a new<br />
publisher and editor? Time has flown, and the<br />
integrity and passion that goes into each issue,<br />
as well as the dedicated subscribers have all<br />
withstood the test of time.<br />
Fill in the Blank ........... 24<br />
Association News ....... 26<br />
Tricks of the Trade ..... 32<br />
It’s Back<br />
Polls .................................. 40<br />
Going Up? ...................... 42<br />
Darwin ............................. 48<br />
VOL. 52, NO. 1, WINTER 2024<br />
Publisher Jackson Vahaly<br />
Editor Debra Gorgos<br />
Design Katy Barret-Alley<br />
Editor Emeritus Jarret J. Jakubowski<br />
Editor Posthumous Joseph J. Campbell<br />
Editor Posthumous Julia E. Campbell<br />
Self Serve Carwash News is published 4 times<br />
per year and is independently owned by Jackson<br />
Vahaly. Web address is<br />
All inquiries should be directed to:<br />
Self Serve Car Wash News<br />
110 Childs Ln., Franklin, TN 37067<br /><br />
Copyright 2023. 2 Dollar Media/<strong>SSCWN</strong>. All Rights Reserved<br />
4 • WINTER 2024<br />
WINTER 2024 • 5
Around the Wash:<br />
Spring Insurance<br />
Coverage …<br />
and the surprises that affect wash owners<br />
By Dan Tharp, CIC, RWCS<br />
As the temperatures begin to rise and the last of<br />
the cold weather melts away, springtime may reveal<br />
damage from winter while also exposing your wash<br />
to spring storms, hail, tornados, and wind damage.<br />
With severe storms becoming more frequent, and<br />
more intense, it becomes of great importance to<br />
truly understand your commercial insurance policy.<br />
Before we discuss the exciting world of insurance<br />
coverage’s (sarcasm intentional), let’s take a<br />
quick look at some “natural catastrophe” facts. My<br />
intention is not to spark a debate about climate<br />
change, but just provide some basic facts. 2017<br />
proved to be a devastating year for damages from<br />
natural catastrophes with insured losses to property<br />
across the globe exceeding $130 billion (actual losses<br />
were over $300 billion). Even more concerning<br />
to U.S. insurers is the fact that three major hurricanes<br />
hit the U.S. in a span of about a month (Harvey,<br />
Irma & Maria), that coupled with a devastating<br />
wildfire season made the United States insured losses<br />
account for almost 50% of the world losses.<br />
“A key point is that some of the catastrophic<br />
events, such as the series of three extremely damaging<br />
hurricanes, or the very severe flooding in South<br />
Asia after extraordinarily heavy monsoon rains, are<br />
giving us a foretaste of what is to come,” said Torsten<br />
Jeworrek, Munich Re board member, in a press<br />
release. “Because even though individual events<br />
6 • WINTER 2024<br />
cannot be directly traced to climate change, our experts<br />
expect such extreme weather to occur more<br />
often in future.”<br />
Since 1980, the number of loss events have<br />
been slowly rising. The insurance industry tallied<br />
more than 700 world events in 2017. For comparison<br />
over the last 30 years, that number has hovered<br />
around 500.<br />
All of this simply points to the fact that wash<br />
owners need to understand their commercial insurance<br />
policies more than ever before, as the likelihood<br />
of an owner experiencing weather-related<br />
damage increases every year. In addition, if you<br />
have simply renewed your coverage every year<br />
without discussing coverage changes that may have<br />
been endorsed to your policy, you likely will be in<br />
for a big surprise when you do file that claim. Following<br />
are two major coverage changes that most<br />
insurance carriers are now relying on to minimize<br />
their exposure to loss payouts.<br />
The Wind/Hail Deductable<br />
One endorsement that we have seen most insurance<br />
carriers moving to as they attempt to minimize<br />
their exposure is a Wind/Hail deductible.<br />
This endorsement changes your standard property<br />
deductible when damage is caused by wind or hail.<br />
The Wind/Hail deductible comes in one of<br />
two forms and is utilized in replacement of your<br />
standard property deductible. When implemented<br />
the replacement deductible will be indicated as a<br />
flat stated dollar amount or a percentage deductible.<br />
There is an enormous difference in these two<br />
options and every wash owner should be aware of<br />
those differences.<br />
OPTION 1: Flat Deductible: If you have a “flat dollar<br />
deductible” it will be listed in the Wind/Hail endorsement<br />
as a dollar amount generally from $500<br />
to $5,000. Should your property suffer damage<br />
from a wind/hail related event the amount listed<br />
as your Wind/Hail deductible would be subtracted<br />
from the paid claim amount. Let’s assume that<br />
your wash has roof damage from a hail storm that<br />
results in a covered claim for $18,000. Your Wind/<br />
Hail deductible is listed as $1,500 – in this case the<br />
amount of the claim paid would be $16,500.<br />
OPTION 2: Percentage Deductible: The trend,<br />
since hurricane Katrina struck, has been the usage<br />
of percentage deductibles. Instead of a dollar<br />
amount listed as the Wind/Hail deductible a percentage<br />
is listed. Generally ranging from 1% to<br />
15%. Percentage deductibles are calculated very<br />
differently from Flat Deductibles. The percentage<br />
deductible is based upon your wash’s insured<br />
building value. Let’s assume your building is insured<br />
for $750,000 and you suffer the same roof<br />
damage as the above example. Your Wind/Hail<br />
deductible is listed as 3% – in this case you would<br />
not receive any assistance from your policy with<br />
this claim. $750,000 x 3% = $22,500 – since this<br />
amount exceeds the amount of the claim, $18,000;<br />
there would be no payout from your policy.<br />
WINTER 2024 • 7
Around the Wash<br />
The Roof -<br />
Cosmetic Damage Exclusion<br />
The second and more recent endorsement, in<br />
this case it is an exclusion of coverage, that insurance<br />
carriers have begun attaching to new and renewal<br />
policies is the Roof - Cosmetic Damage Exclusion.<br />
Commercial property insurance coverage is<br />
“triggered” by a covered peril (hail, wind, etc.) having<br />
a damaging effect on insured property. This is<br />
generally called “physical damage” by insurers; however,<br />
the term “physical damage” or “damage” is not<br />
specifically defined in most insurance policies. This<br />
means that ANY physical alteration to the property,<br />
no matter how slight, can be considered damage,<br />
thus triggering a claim being paid. To limit coverage<br />
for “non-functional damage”, insurers have begun<br />
to include the “cosmetic damage” exclusion. Cosmetic<br />
damage is usually defined as marring, pitting<br />
or other superficial damage from hail or wind that<br />
alters the appearance of the roof, but does not prohibit<br />
it from functioning as a moisture barrier. What<br />
this means to the wash owner is that if a Roof - Cosmetic<br />
Damage Exclusion is attached to your commercial<br />
property insurance policy and your roof is<br />
damaged by hail…unless your roof is leaking, you<br />
most likely will not be able to file a claim against<br />
your insurer, regardless of how ugly the roof looks.<br />
Three Important Steps<br />
So, the bottom line here is that if you own a<br />
wash in a storm susceptible area, which seems to be<br />
encompassing more and more of the country lately,<br />
that you take the time to review your property policy<br />
closely. If your policy contains an endorsement<br />
for Wind/Hail deductibles or a Roof – Cosmetic<br />
Damage Exclusion take these three steps to properly<br />
manage your coverage.<br />
1. Read your policy – make certain that you<br />
fully understand the deductible placed on your policy.<br />
2. Talk to your agent – make sure your agent<br />
fully explains all the requirements and nuances of<br />
your policy. Ask if there are alternatives available<br />
through your current insurer or other carriers.<br />
3. Be prepared - catastrophes happen. No<br />
matter where you live in the United States, you’re<br />
just a couple of years away from some major catastrophic<br />
event. If your policy has implemented<br />
a Wind/Hail deductible, make sure you have the<br />
money saved up so you’ll be able to pay it when<br />
that inevitable storm strikes.<br />
Dan is licensed in all states (except Alaska &<br />
Hawaii) and has been assisting business owners<br />
protect their operations, assets, customers and<br />
employees for over 25 years. For questions regarding<br />
this article or other insurance matters he can be<br />
reached at<br />
Hail usually strikes the hardest in the<br />
spring months, but can last throughout<br />
the summer. The largest hailstone recorded<br />
measured in at 8” in diameter, 18.5” in<br />
circumference, and weighed 1.94 pounds<br />
was found on July 23, 2010, near Vivian,<br />
South Dakota, according to Weather<br />
Underground Historian Chris Burt.<br />
The heaviest hail recorded was found<br />
in Gopalganj District, Bangladesh, on<br />
April 14, 1986, and weighed 2.25 pounds<br />
On July 30, 1979, in Fort Collins, Colorado,<br />
a hailstorm, produced pellets the<br />
size of grapefruits.<br />
On April 20-21, 2006, in San Marcos,<br />
Texas, a hailstorm produced hail that<br />
was 3.9 inches in diameter.<br />
On April 14, 1999, in Sydney, Australia,<br />
40,000 vehicles were damaged during a<br />
hailstorm which produced hail that was<br />
3.7 inches in diameter.<br />
8 • WINTER 2024<br />
WINTER 2024 • 9
TIPs<br />
TAX TIPS<br />
Need help with<br />
taxes? The IRS is<br />
offering free help<br />
nationwide<br />
Helped by Inflation Reduction Act funding, nearly<br />
250 IRS Taxpayer Assistance Centers nationwide<br />
will have extended operating hours Tuesdays and<br />
Thursdays during the tax filing season.<br />
The Internal Revenue Service announced on January<br />
29 that nearly 250 IRS Taxpayer Assistance Centers<br />
(TACs) around the country will extend their<br />
weekly office hours to give taxpayers additional time<br />
to get the help they need during the filing season.<br />
The extended office hours will continue through<br />
Tuesday, April 16. To see if a nearby TAC is offering<br />
extended hours, taxpayers can visit their local office.<br />
To find your local office, visit<br />
office-locator/ or can call 844-545-5640. Normally,<br />
TACs are open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday<br />
through Friday, and operate by appointment.<br />
As part of continuing transformation work, the Internal<br />
Revenue Service announced on December 18,<br />
2023, the launch of the second phase of a new online<br />
self-service tool for businesses that expands the business<br />
tax account capabilities and eligible entity types.<br />
As a result, individual partners of partnerships and<br />
individual shareholders of S corporation businesses<br />
are now eligible for a business tax account in addition<br />
to sole proprietors.<br />
Available at, the new<br />
business tax account is a key part of the agency’s continuing<br />
service improvement initiative. This is part of<br />
the larger effort under last year’s Inflation Reduction<br />
Act (IRA) and described in the multi-year Strategic<br />
Operating Plan released this spring.<br />
“This is part of the ongoing IRS modernization effort<br />
to make improvements for business taxpayers<br />
and others,” said IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel.<br />
“This next step in the evolution of the Business Tax<br />
Account will help these businesses download transcripts<br />
and other features. Ultimately, these new<br />
online options will help make interactions easier for<br />
businesses while reducing paper-based processes and<br />
the need to call the IRS.”<br />
This phase of business tax account also adds the<br />
following new features:<br />
• For sole proprietors, this includes Forms:<br />
940, 941, 943, 944, 945, 8752, 8288, 11-C,<br />
10 • WINTER 2024<br />
The expanded hours at the assistance centers reflect<br />
funding and staffing made possible under the Inflation<br />
Reduction Act, which is being used across the IRS to<br />
improve taxpayer service, add new technology and<br />
tools as well as help tax compliance efforts.<br />
“This is another example of how additional IRS<br />
resources are helping taxpayers across the country,”<br />
said IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel. “Adding extra<br />
hours provide more options for hard-working taxpayers<br />
to get help with their tax issues. The IRS is<br />
continuing to work hard both during the upcoming<br />
tax season and throughout the year to find ways to<br />
make it easier for people to interact with us.”<br />
“We’re inviting anyone who wants or needs some<br />
assistance to stop by,” added IRS Wage & Investment<br />
Division Commissioner and Taxpayer Experience<br />
IRS launches new online tool for businesses<br />
730, 2290.<br />
• For S corporations, this includes Forms:<br />
940, 941, 943, 944, 945, 8752, 8288, 11-C,<br />
730, 1120S, 2290.<br />
• For partnerships, this includes Forms: 940,<br />
941, 943, 944, 945, 1065, 8752, 8288, 8804,<br />
11-C, 730, 2290.<br />
• CP080: Reminder - we have not received<br />
your return, credits may be on your<br />
account.<br />
• CP136: Annual notification of Federal Tax<br />
Deposit (FTD) requirements (Forms: 941,<br />
941-SS).<br />
• CP216F: Application for extension of time<br />
to file an employee plan return – approved.<br />
Individual partners and individual shareholders<br />
will be able to access business tax account information<br />
once they have filed a business return with the<br />
Schedule K-1 and it is processed by the IRS. To access<br />
business tax account, individuals must have a<br />
Schedule K-1 for a minimum of one year during the<br />
2019-2022 period on file. They will only be able to<br />
view information for the year(s) they have a Schedule<br />
K-1 on file. New businesses won’t have access<br />
until a business return is submitted, processed, and<br />
on file with the IRS.<br />
Sole proprietors with an Employer Identification<br />
“If you don’t drive<br />
your business, you<br />
will be driven out<br />
of business.”<br />
- B.C. FORBES,<br />
Officer Ken Corbin. “This is one more way the IRS is<br />
delivering expanded services to help visitors resolve<br />
their tax issues, make a payment or answer general<br />
tax-related questions. Whatever the case, we’re offering<br />
additional time for taxpayers to get the face-toface<br />
help they may need.”<br />
During these additional office hours, TACs will offer<br />
all regular services, however for cash payments,<br />
taxpayers must have an appointment. If a taxpayer<br />
needs in-person identity verification services, they<br />
must bring two forms of identification, and one must<br />
be a current government-issued photo ID. They<br />
should also bring a copy or digital image of the tax<br />
return in question if one was filed. Tax return preparation<br />
is not a service provided at any IRS TAC.<br />
Number (EIN) qualify to access their business tax<br />
account. Also known as self-employed individuals,<br />
sole proprietors with EINs are those who file a<br />
business return under their EIN, such as reporting<br />
payroll taxes and reporting the highway use tax on<br />
trucks and buses.<br />
Sole proprietors who have already set up an individual<br />
account under their SSN or ITIN, and have an<br />
EIN linked to their SSN or ITIN, can use their existing<br />
login to access their business tax account. At this<br />
time, sole proprietors who do not have an EIN are<br />
not eligible to set up a business tax account. Instead,<br />
they can access their tax records by setting up an IRS<br />
individual online account.<br />
Over time, business tax account will be a one-stop<br />
application that provides business taxpayers a suite<br />
of digital products and services, including access to<br />
viewing letters or notices, requesting tax transcripts,<br />
adding third parties for power of attorney or tax information<br />
authorization, and storing bank account<br />
information to manage tax payments.<br />
It will help users manage their tax obligations, reducing<br />
the burden on taxpayers who would otherwise<br />
need to call or mail the IRS. To set up a new<br />
business tax account, or for more information about<br />
this app, visit<br />
CBK5000<br />
Deluxe Security<br />
All-purpose choice<br />
suitable for many car wash<br />
businesses, especially those<br />
that have an attendant or<br />
are in low-crime areas. Each<br />
box has a durable, 11 gauge<br />
304 stainless steel body<br />
and built-in cam locks to<br />
deter theft.<br />
Deluxe Coin Boxes<br />
Long Hull<br />
Long hull boxes have a separate money drawer underneath the control unit.<br />
Coins drop down a chute into this vault, where they remain until emptied.<br />
Paper money continues to be collected and held within the unit's bill acceptor.<br />
Short Hull<br />
Short hull coin boxes have a compact footprint and are designed for use with<br />
a separate safe. While paper money is held in the unit’s bill acceptor, all coins<br />
drop through a tube into your hidden safe for extra security.<br />
• Dixmor dgital timer<br />
• Mars bill acceptor<br />
• 10 position “QC” rotary switch<br />
• IDX MA850 coin acceptor<br />
• 11 gauge 304 stainless steel<br />
CBK5000 Long Hull with coin drawer CBK6000 Short Hull vault ready<br />
PS400<br />
2 Bay PS200<br />
3 Bay PS300<br />
4 Bay PS400<br />
5 Bay PS500<br />
6 Bay PS600<br />
KR Coin Boxes<br />
CBK6000<br />
Now available with<br />
CryotoTap Plus!<br />
CBK6000HS<br />
High Security<br />
Operator Pro<br />
Pump Stand<br />
VFD Drive with<br />
Direct Drive Pumps<br />
• Thicker 7 gauge stainless steel<br />
• High security plug locks<br />
• Dixmor digital timer<br />
• Reinforced tmer display<br />
housing<br />
• Added security latches<br />
• IDX MA850 coin acceptor<br />
• Mars bill acceptor<br />
• 10 position “QC” rotary switch<br />
Each box includes high security plug locks and extra security<br />
latches Kleen-Rite high security coin boxes are a great choice<br />
for unattended car washes or high crime areas. While no single<br />
product can completely guarantee against theft, a high security<br />
coin box is a great deterrent! The added safety features make it<br />
harder to access funds, discouraging opportunistic thieves.<br />
High Security Coin Boxes<br />
One of the main highlights of the Operator<br />
Pro is the use of VFDs, or variable frequency<br />
drives, that save on electrical consumption and<br />
reduce wear on pumps. VFDs are used instead<br />
of contactors to slowly ramp up the startup and<br />
shutdown of the pump. Instead of going from<br />
0 to 100% speed, VFDs gradually increase the<br />
speed of the pump when starting (and gradually<br />
decrease when shutting off).<br />
• Cuts down on inrush electrical consumption<br />
for the motor, which is easier on the motor<br />
brushes<br />
• Eliminates rough banging and abuse on the<br />
motor when starting<br />
• VFDs can be used to control what pressure<br />
level you want from each pump - when the<br />
pump can be used in a more versatile way,<br />
it eliminates or drastically cuts down on the<br />
need for auxiliary equipment like spot-free<br />
and low-pressure delivery units<br />
800.233.3873 | KLEENRITE.COM<br />
CBK5000HS Long Hull CBK6000HS Short Hull<br />
Features:<br />
• Dimensions: 71”H x 58”W x 32”D<br />
• Offered in 2-6 bay formats.<br />
• Quiet Design. Electrical motor to pump<br />
connection is direct coupled.<br />
• Smoother start and stopping of electrical<br />
motor to decrease all motor wear.<br />
• Same pump / hose / gun for all High,<br />
Medium & Low pressure applications<br />
doing away with the need for all of<br />
the extra delivery devices within the<br />
mechanical room and hoses to run.<br />
• Weepmizer freeze protection integrated.<br />
• Industry trusted CAT pumps come<br />
standard unless specified by customer.<br />
Standard 8 Options<br />
1. Tire Cleaner<br />
2. Presoak<br />
3. Soap<br />
4. Foam Brush<br />
(Dosatron)<br />
CBK5000HS<br />
5. Wax<br />
6. Rinse<br />
7. Spot-free Rinse<br />
(Delivery only)<br />
8. Stop<br />
WINTER 2024 • 11
The One and Only Original<br />
The Most Complete Line of Foaming Brushes<br />
Amrit Mattu, Surinder Mattu,<br />
and Ajay Mattu<br />
LOCATION: Rockwall, Texas<br />
Rockwall is part of the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex.<br />
As of 2020, the U.S. Census Bureau estimated<br />
that the population is 47,251, up from 45,888 in<br />
2019. The estimated median household income in<br />
2021 was $116,890, up from $65,411 in 2000. The<br />
estimated per capita income in 2021 was $45,272,<br />
up from $29,843 in 2000.<br />
How many locations are there?<br />
Just 1!<br />
What type of car wash is it?<br />
Just a self serve.<br />
How many bays does it have?<br />
6 bays with 1 of the bays being oversized for<br />
trucks, trailers, RVs or boats.<br />
What is the location of the<br />
car wash like?<br />
It is suburban by location but urban within the<br />
city type of area, Rockwall is 20 minutes east of Dallas,<br />
separated by a large lake, (Lake Ray Hubbard).<br />
Rockwall is desirable due to its island-like feel being<br />
away from the big city while still providing anything<br />
necessary to residents!<br />
Do you have a lot of competition?<br />
I am the only self serve in all of Rockwall. There<br />
are 3 tunnels within a mile of our location, but they<br />
have minimal impact on the self serve wash.<br />
When did you acquire or<br />
build the car wash?<br />
We purchased the car wash about 3 months ago,<br />
so around November 2023.<br />
Why did you decide to be a<br />
car wash owner?<br />
My parents recently retired after being business<br />
owners for over 25 years. They wanted something<br />
to do… so we decided as a family to purchase the<br />
car wash. The location was great as we live close by!<br />
Is there anything unique about<br />
your car wash that sets you<br />
apart from the competition?<br />
This car wash was built and run by the previous<br />
owner for over 35 years. The residents of Rockwall<br />
knew it was there, but it was on a decline for the<br />
past few years. We assumed from the disinterest of<br />
the sellers, that this was a great opportunity to turn<br />
things around. The closest self serves to us are over<br />
15-20 minutes away, so this makes our location very<br />
unique and desirable for the customer who wants a<br />
DIY experience.<br />
What kinds of renovations<br />
have you done since taking<br />
over the wash last year?<br />
We have recently repainted, and fixed a lot of<br />
structural issues. With the help of Stinger Chemicals,<br />
we Installed all new Dosatron chemical measuring<br />
machines, which has been our biggest upgrade. The<br />
bill changers which used to eat customers’ money<br />
are actually working now after replacing harnesses<br />
and we are about to offer credit card acceptance at<br />
each bay as soon as the parts arrive.evv Our vacuums<br />
were pretty bad when we took over, so we<br />
went through them and now we have great suction<br />
from them. There were many leaks throughout the<br />
building and inside the equipment room and off the<br />
roof due to old hoses, which were repaired also! Our<br />
vending machines are now working as well, and this<br />
was a very easy fix! We have also done some foam<br />
injection to some areas of the ground where puddles<br />
of water were forming.<br />
What are the future plans<br />
for the car wash?<br />
In the future we have plans to repave the entire<br />
lot and add a touchless IBA.<br />
What is your favorite thing about<br />
being a part of the car wash industry?<br />
I have been a huge car enthusiast my whole<br />
life and this gives me a little window into it from<br />
my perspective. Also, as an engineer by trade, the<br />
mechanical side of a car wash is right in my wheelhouse!<br />
My family has let me take the reins on this<br />
and I’m enjoying it!<br />
What do you think is the biggest<br />
challenge to owning a car wash?<br />
I think the biggest thing is dealing with customers<br />
who don’t treat the property well. From dumping<br />
loads of mud to breaking nozzles or vacuum<br />
hoses. Some folks just don’t care and that is the biggest<br />
heartache of this self serve business. Luckily the<br />
breakage doesn’t happen often, but the mud sure<br />
does! We have a great pit clean out crew that comes<br />
quarterly and a wheelbarrow and shovel combo we<br />
use daily make to make it a bit easier to deal with!<br />
What advice do you have for<br />
other self serve owners?<br />
Have a very flexible schedule early on. Listen to<br />
your customers, and fix what issues have been there<br />
for a long time. Go the extra mile to keep your customer<br />
happy. A lot of people say it’s a “side hustle”<br />
and you can do it along with your day job. This is<br />
true but you have to get the wash to that point first.<br />
We are almost there to where it is becoming that.<br />
But it takes time!<br />
Still Number One!<br />
43.2% Longer Life Than Other Brushes<br />
Outstanding Construction & virtually unbreakable head insure longer life.<br />
Erie has more Hog’s Hair in every brush and Erie’s Hog’s Hair is longer.<br />
Non-Leaking, Non-Scratching Head<br />
All Heads have re-tooled, leak-proof threads and safely recessed screws.<br />
6 Feed Holes for Best Liquid Delivery<br />
The ONLY brush with 6 holes for the most consistent delivery of water & foam.<br />
Fullest & Highest Quality Hogs Hair<br />
The most dense, gentle Hogs Hair in 9 lengths; Nylon & Cloth also available.<br />
Widest Possible Range of Choices<br />
Standard & Round Shape; 3 Fill Materials; Black Plastic or Aluminum Head;<br />
and 4 Nylon or 6 Cloth colors with a Rainbow of options for Bumper-Gaskets.<br />
12 • WINTER 2024<br />
WINTER 2024 • 13
All of the news including new hires, acquisitions, merges and anything else concerning the self serve car wash industry.<br />
Synergy Solutions celebrates 20th anniversary<br />
Synergy Solutions, a leading family-owned and<br />
operated technology-driven car wash chemical<br />
manufacturer, proudly announces its 20th anniversary<br />
in business, a press release stated. For two<br />
decades, Synergy Solutions has been at the forefront<br />
of product innovation, delivering Advanced<br />
Polymer Solutions to its customers and contributing<br />
to the growth of the car wash industry.<br />
Founded in 2003 by Peter Denissoff, Synergy<br />
Solutions has evolved from a humble startup to<br />
a dynamic force in the industry. The company’s<br />
commitment to excellence, customer satisfaction,<br />
and technological advancement has propelled it to<br />
new heights, establishing a reputation for reliability,<br />
service, and innovation.<br />
Peter Denissoff, the visionary behind the company’s<br />
success, expressed gratitude and excitement<br />
about reaching this significant milestone. “Celebrating<br />
20 years in business is a testament to the<br />
hard work, dedication, and passion of our team. We<br />
started as a family venture, and today, we stand as<br />
a thriving business, delivering exceptional value to<br />
our customers.”<br />
The company’s success is attributed to its ability<br />
to embrace the ever-changing car wash market, invest<br />
in great talent, and foster a culture of innovation<br />
and service.<br />
Stephen Denissoff, Synergy Solutions’ Operations<br />
Manager, commented on the anniversary celebration,<br />
saying, “We are incredibly proud of what<br />
we have achieved over the past two decades. This<br />
milestone is a celebration of our journey, the relationships<br />
we’ve built, and the positive impact we’ve<br />
had in car washing. As we look forward, our commitment<br />
to pushing the boundaries of innovation<br />
and customer service remains unwavering.”<br />
OPW acquires Transchem Group<br />
OPW of Hamilton, Ohio, announced in a January<br />
18 press release that it has acquired Transchem<br />
Group (“Transchem”), one of the largest suppliers<br />
of cleaning, water and site management solutions<br />
for the car wash industry. Transchem will now<br />
become part of OPW’s Vehicle Wash Solutions<br />
platform (“OPW VWS”), which also includes renowned<br />
brands like PDQ, Belanger and Innovative<br />
Control Systems (“ICS”).<br />
Headquartered in Cambridge, Ontario, Transchem<br />
offers a variety of chemical and cleaning<br />
products including premium brands, such as Turtle<br />
Wax® Pro and Autolux chemistry; True Vue 2<br />
chemical management; ClearWash water reclaim<br />
systems; and Soax pressure washers. Transchem also<br />
offers private label and custom chemical blending<br />
solutions, as well as Digital Mosaic, a proven technology<br />
platform that helps car wash operators manage<br />
their subscriptions and loyalty programs.<br />
“We are excited to have Transchem join the<br />
OPW team, expanding OPW VWS’ portfolio of<br />
world-class solutions that helps our customers’<br />
car washes perform better, safer and more sustainably,”<br />
said Keith Moye, Vice President and General<br />
Manager of OPW Vehicle Wash Solutions, in the<br />
press release. “With Transchem, OPW VWS will<br />
now offer a variety of chemistry solutions to help<br />
drive success for car wash operators around the<br />
world. And like OPW VWS, Transchem has been<br />
serving the vehicle wash industry for decades with<br />
an intense focus on crafting products that help<br />
keep people and the environment safe.”<br />
OPW’s portfolio of vehicle wash solutions is<br />
one of the most comprehensive in the industry, offering<br />
tunnel and in-bay automatic wash systems,<br />
payment terminals, process controls, management<br />
software, automation systems and now chemistry<br />
and water reclaim systems.<br />
“At Transchem we pride ourselves on building<br />
true long-term partnerships with our customers,<br />
and we are excited to join a company that shares<br />
the same values,” said Nathan Ewing, President<br />
of Transchem, in the press release. “OPW Vehicle<br />
Wash Solutions is the perfect partner to continue<br />
driving Transchem’s growth and maintaining high<br />
standards of customer service for our existing and<br />
new customers.”<br />
To learn more about the complete range of vehicle<br />
wash equipment and payment systems offered<br />
by the companies of OPW Vehicle Wash Solutions,<br />
please visit<br />
OPW Vehicle Wash Solutions was formed in<br />
January 2019 and consists of PDQ Manufacturing,<br />
Inc., Belanger, Inc., Innovative Control Systems<br />
(ICS) and Kesseltronics. PDQ is a preeminent provider<br />
of in-bay automatic wash systems and payment<br />
terminals, while Belanger is an innovative<br />
leader in soft-touch tunnel and in-bay automatic<br />
wash systems. ICS provides industry-leading car<br />
wash technology, like payment terminals, process<br />
controls and software management and automation<br />
systems, and Kesseltronics designs machine<br />
controls for successful tunnel wash operation. Together,<br />
they create a revolutionary single source<br />
for all vehicle wash needs.<br />
Transchem Group has over 45 years of expertise<br />
providing the car wash industry with innovative<br />
chemistry and equipment. Its mission is to<br />
build a legacy by providing industry-leading car<br />
wash products and services that are effective and<br />
environmentally sustainable. Turtle Wax® Pro,<br />
Autolux brand chemicals, True Vue 2 chemical<br />
management, Soax pressure washers, Clearwash<br />
reclaim systems and the Digital Mosaic technology<br />
platform are part of Transchem’s portfolio.<br />
Ammori Equity Partners in buys 19<br />
Zax Auto Wash locations<br />
Car Wash Advisory, a Florida investment banking firm exclusively focused<br />
on advising privately owned car wash businesses, has sold 19 Zax Auto Wash<br />
locations to Michigan Wash Co., a press release stated. Michigan Wash Co.<br />
was formed by Ammori Equity Partners in Birmingham, Alabama. Terms of<br />
the transaction were not disclosed.<br />
Zax Auto Wash is a metro Detroit car wash brand that is among the top 100<br />
car wash companies in the United States, according to the press release. AEP<br />
says it sees this acquisition as an opportunity to leverage its core competencies<br />
that have led to more than 30 years of success in customer service businesses.<br />
“With the acquisition of Zax Auto Wash, we are embracing the future of the<br />
car washing business while focusing on customer service and delivering quality<br />
washes at affordable prices,” Saber Ammori, founder and managing partner<br />
of Ammori Equity Partners, stated in the press release. “Our operational background<br />
and team focused culture will propel us into a new era of innovation,<br />
growth, and opportunities to develop a world class brand.”<br />
Ammori adds that customers can expect an elevated level of service, offerings,<br />
and a dynamic new customer experience at each location.<br />
“The AEP acquisition is an exciting new chapter for Zax,” says Brian Blaskay,<br />
founder and CEO of Zax, in the press release. “I believe that this strategic<br />
move will allow the local brand to benefit from a new perspective and larger<br />
corporate operating structure, something that we believe will allow each location<br />
to continue to thrive in the ever-changing car wash landscape for years<br />
to come.”<br />
Tidal Wave Auto Spa expands to<br />
230 locations<br />
Tidal Wave Auto Spa, based out of Thomaston, Georgia, one of the nation’s<br />
fastest-growing express car wash companies, celebrated the grand opening<br />
of two brand-new South Carolina locations this week in Aiken and Myrtle<br />
Beach, according to a January 16 press release.<br />
“The opening of our Aiken and Myrtle Beach washes officially extends our<br />
footprint to 230 locations,” said Tidal Wave Auto Spa founder and CEO Scott<br />
Blackstock, in the press release. “We’re proud to have operated in South Carolina<br />
since 2014, and these two new locations mark an exciting milestone on our<br />
journey to bring our industry-leading car wash experience to more communities.<br />
We’re looking forward to providing clean, efficient, and enjoyable car care<br />
to folks in Aiken, Myrtle Beach, and the Palmetto State for years to come.”<br />
To celebrate the Grand Openings, both new locations offered eight days<br />
of free car washes from January 16-January 23. This limited-time promotion<br />
provided an opportunity for car owners to experience Tidal Wave’s premium<br />
wash option, Graph-X4, at no cost. the press release stated. Additionally, any<br />
new customer that joined a Clean Club unlimited wash membership plan<br />
during the grand opening week was given their first month of unlimited washes<br />
for only $9.97 – saving up to $40.<br />
Tidal Wave Auto Spa has operated in South Carolina since 2014 and currently<br />
has 21 express wash locations throughout the state. The company plans<br />
to open several additional South Carolina locations in 2024, including brandnew<br />
locations in Myrtle Beach and Clover opening in the coming months, the<br />
press release stated.<br />
14 • WINTER 2024<br />
WINTER 2024 • 15
Whistle Express Car Wash debuts across the<br />
Midwest and Southeast<br />
Magnolia Wash Holdings, of Charlotte, North<br />
Carolina, is now Whistle Express Car Wash, unifying<br />
more than 100 car wash locations from a<br />
variety of local and regional chains and independent<br />
operators under one cohesive brand, offering<br />
customers an elevated wash experience, no matter<br />
where their travels take them within the company’s<br />
nine-state footprint.<br />
According to a December 11 press release,<br />
Whistle Express is currently the 10th largest car<br />
wash brand in the country, but with an aggressive<br />
growth plan that will add up to 50 additional locations<br />
in 2024—funded by a recent investment by<br />
funds managed by Oaktree Capital Management,<br />
L.P.—CEO Jose Costa plans to climb the rankings<br />
quickly. The move to consolidate under one name<br />
stems from a desire to create consistency among<br />
the brand’s extensive network of car washes, many<br />
of which were locally owned and operated with a<br />
very loyal fan base. Costa, who spent time at Bojangles<br />
Restaurants, Inc., and Driven Brands prior<br />
to taking the helm at Magnolia Wash Holdings in<br />
May 2022, said the efficiency and affordable membership<br />
structure appeal to the growing number of<br />
consumers who take pride in meticulously maintaining<br />
one of the largest investments they’ll make<br />
in their lifetime.<br />
Now, all 200,000 of the brand’s Unlimited Wash<br />
Club members can leverage their memberships<br />
at any location, ensuring a consistent, top-notch<br />
wash experience anytime, anywhere. The brand is<br />
committed to reinventing the consumer experience<br />
through technology and innovation that take<br />
the utmost care of our customers’ vehicles. From<br />
a gentle, touchless prep process to top-tier application<br />
of products designed to clean and protect,<br />
each trip through Whistle’s was tunnel leave cars<br />
sparkling and spotless.<br />
“The feeling of driving around in a clean car is<br />
a little win that can brighten any day, and Whistle<br />
Express makes those little wins quick, easy, and<br />
affordable,” Costa said in a press release. “Wherever<br />
they may find themselves, our customers will<br />
come to know that the Whistle Express brand is<br />
synonymous with quality and efficiency.”<br />
In addition to competitive membership pricing,<br />
customers can expect a multi-sensory experience<br />
including in-tunnel lights and uplifting scents that<br />
offer a brief escape from the every day hustle .<br />
Drivers can also take advantage of free self-vacuum<br />
stations, floor mat cleaning machines, towels<br />
and sprays, all of which deliver a seamless wash<br />
experience resulting in high-level shine. Whistle<br />
Express locations will also use state-of-the-art<br />
technology that reclaims 85 percent of the water<br />
used in a wash and uses 91 percent less water<br />
when compared to a home wash.<br />
16 • WINTER 2024<br />
National Carwash Solutions acquires<br />
International Drying Corporation<br />
National Carwash Solutions (NCS), of Grimes,<br />
Iowa, a carwash service and systems provider in<br />
North America, proudly announced the strategic<br />
acquisition of International Drying Corporation<br />
(IDC), a leading manufacturer of proprietary drying<br />
systems, flat belt conveyor systems, and related<br />
components. According to a December 8 press<br />
release, this acquisition reinforces NCS’s commitment<br />
to providing a comprehensive, one-stopshop<br />
solution for carwash operators.<br />
IDC, renowned for its dedication to the quality<br />
and customer-focus of wash owners worldwide,<br />
brings a wealth of expertise to the NCS family.<br />
The addition of IDC’s best-in-class suite of dryer<br />
products, including the Black Widow, Stealth, and<br />
Stealth Predator lines, and its new King Cobra flat<br />
belt conveyor system, enhances NCS’s ability to<br />
offer a differentiated and comprehensive range of<br />
solutions.<br />
Art Stephens, a dynamic leader with a long and<br />
successful history in the car wash industry, joins<br />
NCS as part of the acquisition. His proven track<br />
record in product development, design, and engineering<br />
will contribute to the continued success of<br />
NCS in providing innovative solutions to its customers,<br />
while IDC’s outstanding production team<br />
delivers on this vision from day to day.<br />
“After 42 years in this industry, partnering with<br />
NCS and its incredible team is a tremendous privilege,”<br />
said Arthur D. Stephens, President & CEO of<br />
IDC. “Thanks to the entire NCS team for making<br />
us feel like part of the family. We eagerly anticipate<br />
serving the industry with our new family for<br />
years to come.”<br />
“We are thrilled to welcome International Drying<br />
Corporation into the NCS family,” said Jesse<br />
Wurth, CEO of NCS, in the press release. “This<br />
strategic move allows us to strengthen our business<br />
line and offer an unparalleled bundled solution<br />
to our valued customers. The expertise and<br />
dedication of the IDC team, combined with the<br />
leadership of Art Stephens, will bolster our commitment<br />
to excellence and innovation.”<br />
NCS, founded in 1973, has established the<br />
only direct end-to-end customer service and support<br />
network in the industry. The NCS family of<br />
brands includes well-known names such as Mac-<br />
Neil, Ryko, Vacutech, PurClean, TSS, Baywatch,<br />
Armor All Professional®, Rain-X®, Blue Coral®,<br />
and Black Magic®.<br />
WINTER 2024 • 17
EXTRA!<br />
Workers were surprised<br />
to see this coming out<br />
of woman’s car<br />
Yes, that’s right…a groundhog was found stuck<br />
to a woman’s car. The driver pulled into Mike’s<br />
Car Wash last September in Fort Wayne, Indiana,<br />
to wash off her grill after a bird got stuck in it.<br />
Employees at a Jiffy Lube told WPTA that employees<br />
next door at Mike’s Car Wash needed<br />
their help with an “unusual” situation.<br />
The car wash employees said they noticed the<br />
groundhog when they were checking the front<br />
bumper of the woman’s vehicle.<br />
“It was definitely an odd day at work,” Jiffy Lube<br />
Manager Dalton Brenneke, said in the story. “The<br />
last thing I expected was to be pulling apart a front<br />
bumper to remove a groundhog.”<br />
Fort Wayne Animal Care and Control was also<br />
contacted. They helped in taking parts of the car<br />
apart to free the groundhog.<br />
“He was cute but definitely mad that we were<br />
trying to take him from his warm home,” Brenneke<br />
EXTRA!<br />
said in the story.<br />
Workers said they ended up having to not only remove<br />
the front bumper of the car but also a rear left<br />
tire to free the groundhog, according to the story.<br />
Presenting the news stories<br />
featuring self serve car washes<br />
Brenneke said the team involved in freeing<br />
the groundhog ended up naming him Mike after<br />
Mike’s Car Wash. The animal was handed over to<br />
an officer after the rescue, according to the story.<br />
CHECK<br />
OUT OUR<br /><br />
in bay AUTOMATICS<br />
Water Wizard 2.0<br />
Touch-Free In Bay Automatic with impressive<br />
cleaning power.<br />
eFusion<br />
Soft Touch In Bay Automatic System.<br />
Iowa self serve<br />
says, ‘bring on the<br />
competition!”<br />
The car wash competition is heating up In Iowa,<br />
but one self serve owner says they aren’t worried,<br />
according to a January 28 from The Gazette. According<br />
to the story, the number of car wash businesses<br />
increased 26 percent between 2017 and 2021, going<br />
from 228 to 289, according to the U.S. Census. In<br />
the five years before that, from 2012 to 2017, the<br />
number of car washes increased 7.5 percent, going<br />
from 212 to 228, according to the census.<br />
“It’s the gym membership style where the top<br />
10 percent of users you don’t make a lot of money<br />
on, but as it winds down you get people washing<br />
two or three times a month that you do better<br />
with,” said Brett Arends, one of the owners of the<br />
Blue Lagoon Car Wash in Cedar Rapids and the<br />
Awesome Car Wash in Clinton.<br />
The Blue Lagoon car wash has five self-serve car<br />
wash bays, and two automatic bays, according to<br />
the story. Arends said they don’t offer a monthly<br />
membership at the Blue Lagoon because it would<br />
be hard to keep up with the demand.<br />
“It can be difficult for in-bay automatics to do<br />
a subscription just because for our top wash, it<br />
takes about six-and-a-half minutes to get your car<br />
washed,” Arends said in the story.<br />
Arends said part of the reason they will stay<br />
afloat with all of the competition is because they<br />
have an adjacent storage facility. “Income is very<br />
irregular with a car wash,” he said in the story.<br />
“One month we’ll do really well, the next month<br />
you’ll have freezing weather and lots of snow, like<br />
we’re having right now… We have consistent storage<br />
income year-round, and that helps us weather<br />
the peaks and valleys of the car wash business. …<br />
We also have a really nice location on Blairs Ferry<br />
Road, but a lot of the small guys I know have been<br />
hurt fairly significantly by the tunnels.”<br />
Small business<br />
owners are saying:<br />
Everything is<br />
awesome!<br />
According to a J.D. Power 2024 U.S. Merchant<br />
Services Satisfaction Study, small business owners<br />
are optimistic about the future, with 88% indicating<br />
the financial state of their individual businesses<br />
is about the same or better off than a year ago.<br />
In a February 2 story by Crowdfund Insider,<br />
“small business financial optimism is “correlated<br />
with increased sales processed by merchant services<br />
providers.”<br />
There are 94% of merchants “that now accept<br />
debit or credit cards; 88% that accept digital<br />
wallet; and 54% that accept Buy Now, Pay Later<br />
(BNPL) payment methods,” the story stated in reference<br />
to the J.D. Power study.<br />
“The past couple of years have been very challenging<br />
for most small businesses, but industry-wide<br />
efforts to simplify payment processing<br />
fee structures, ramp up customer support and<br />
speed up payments have had positive effects on<br />
merchant services satisfaction,” said Paul McAdam,<br />
senior director of banking and payments intelligence<br />
at J.D. Power.<br />
Other key findings of the study include:<br />
• Small businesses say they are receiving<br />
payments faster. More than one-third<br />
(34%) say the typical amount of time from<br />
transaction to funding their merchant<br />
accounts was faster than expected, up 10<br />
percentage points from a year ago. Likewise,<br />
65% of small businesses say they’ve received<br />
faster funding, so card payments are settled/<br />
posted same day or on non-business days,<br />
up 14 percentage points from 2021.<br />
• Provider responses to COVID-19 earn goodwill<br />
among small businesses. Nearly threefourths<br />
(73%) of small business customers<br />
say they are aware of at least one proactive<br />
measure their merchant services provider has<br />
taken in response to challenges caused by<br />
the pandemic, which has driven a 71-point<br />
increase in satisfaction with cost of service.<br />
Specific actions taken by providers in response<br />
to the pandemic include offering discounted<br />
products and services, updated fraud controls<br />
and faster funding turnaround times.<br />
The FusionX is a customer choice<br />
combination wash system. It combines the unmatched cleaning<br />
ability of the Water Wizard 2.0 touch free system with the<br />
eFusion three soft touch brush system featuring<br />
Sparkle Soft wash materials.<br />
This robust unit provides<br />
tough cleaning power<br />
while still being gentle<br />
SCAN<br />
Here<br />
18 • WINTER 2024<br />
WINTER 2024 • 19
EXTRA!<br />
EXTRA!<br />
New self serve<br />
going up in<br />
Shepton Mallet,<br />
England<br />
Work is under way on a self serve car<br />
wash in Shepton Mallet, England, according<br />
to a January 22 Shepton Mallet<br />
Nub News story.<br />
The car wash promises advanced<br />
features like underfloor heating, softened<br />
water, hot wax and pre-soak<br />
options. This project is transforming<br />
a previously unused plot and will be<br />
called the Smart Auto Spa. Recent<br />
developments include the installation<br />
of a large commercial water tank and<br />
the addition of a heavy-duty gas pipe,<br />
the story said. Operating hours are<br />
planned from 7 am to 11 pm, and the<br />
facility will include modern lighting<br />
and a roof for weather protection.<br />
Customer retention report includes need for loyalty programs<br /> released a report on December<br />
8, all about customer retention.<br />
The <strong>web</strong>site gathered the customer retention findings<br />
from a variety of sources. Here are the following<br />
statistics, according to<br />
Insure with the<br />
LEADER<br />
in Car Wash<br />
Insurance<br />
Since 1986<br />
• The probability of selling to an<br />
existing customer is 60-70 percent.<br />
The probability of selling to a new<br />
prospect is 5-20 percent.<br />
• 80 percent of your future profits<br />
will come from just 20 percent of your<br />
existing customers.<br />
• 65 percent of a company’s business<br />
comes from existing customers.<br />
• 32 percent of executives say retaining<br />
existing customers is a priority.<br />
• A typical American business will lose<br />
15 percent of its customers each<br />
year.<br />
• 27 percent of small business owners<br />
estimate that 11-20 percent of firsttime<br />
customers don’t return to their<br />
business.<br />
• 80 percent of businesses<br />
surveyed rely on email marketing for<br />
customer retention.<br />
• 56 percent of survey respondents<br />
considered email marketing to be the<br />
most effective method of reaching<br />
customer retention goals.<br />
• 36 percent of U.S. retail<br />
professionals said organic search<br />
drives customer retention.<br />
• 43 percent of U.S. retail<br />
professionals said paid search drives<br />
customer retention.<br />
• 44 percent of U.S. retail professionals<br />
said social media drives customer<br />
retention.<br />
• 37 percent of U.S. retail<br />
professionals said retargeting drives<br />
customer retention.<br />
• 21 percent of U.S. retail professionals<br />
said affiliates drive customer<br />
retention.<br />
• 18 percent of U.S. retail<br />
professionals said referral marketing<br />
drives customer retention.<br />
• 8 percent of U.S. retail<br />
professionals said mobile<br />
marketing drives customer<br />
retention.<br />
• It costs 5 percent more to acquire a<br />
new customer than it does to keep a<br />
current one.<br />
• It costs 16x more to bring a new<br />
customer up to the same level as a<br />
current one.<br />
• 82 percent of companies agree that<br />
retention is cheaper to execute than<br />
acquisition.<br />
• A mere two percent increase in<br />
customer retention can lower costs<br />
by as much as 10 percent.<br />
• 82 percent of consumers in the<br />
United States said they stopped<br />
doing business with a company due<br />
to a poor customer experience.<br />
• Companies lose 71 percent of<br />
consumers due to poor customer<br />
service.<br />
• 68 percent of customers leave you<br />
because they perceive you are<br />
indifferent to them.<br />
• 60 to 70 percent of customers will do<br />
business with a company again if it<br />
deals with a customer service issue<br />
fairly even if the result is not in their<br />
favor.<br />
• 47 percent of customers would take<br />
their business to a competitor within<br />
a day of experiencing poor customer<br />
service.<br />
• 66 percent of consumers<br />
who switched brands did so because<br />
of poor service.<br />
20 • WINTER 2024<br />
WINTER 2024 • 21
EXTRA!<br />
EXTRA!<br />
Creek runs red due to<br />
car wash run-off<br />
Food trucks galore are the answer,<br />
says car wash owner<br />
David Dunn, owner of Cornelius Car Wash in Cornelius, North Carolina,<br />
is adding food trucks, a farmers’ market and entertainment to some unused<br />
land on the car wash’s property, a January 9 Cornelius Today story said.<br />
“My vision for this piece of property is to be a centerpiece of the community,”<br />
Dunn said in the story.<br />
Dunn intends to add a 12 foot by 15-foot stage for local performers. Food<br />
vendors will pay $500 per month for renting out a space.<br />
Some of the vendors include Ruff Roasting Coffee, Factory Hot Dogs, Your<br />
Mom’s Donuts and Taco Mobile.<br />
Do you agree? 5 things small<br />
business owners wish they knew<br />
An in-depth report by MSN, reveals the top five things small business<br />
owners said they wished they knew before starting out. The January 28<br />
story includes:<br />
1. You’ll need to delegate more than you like.<br />
2. You have to be ruthless with your processes.<br />
3. You’ll spend more time running the business than you think.<br />
4. You’ll need to manage your cash.<br />
5. You’re responsible for building an audience.<br />
And in Richardson, Texas, we have something you would see in Game of<br />
Thrones as a creek was babbling with bright, red-colored water, thanks to<br />
soap run-off from a nearby car wash, Fox 4 reported on January 29.<br />
Soap from the Clean and Shine Car Wash made its way into the Floyd<br />
Branch Creek, causing quite the site: The car wash owner began to hastily<br />
fabricate a temporary fix to a blockage, illegally directing wastewater into<br />
the creek, the story said. Richardson Health Director Bill Alsup said in the<br />
story, “The car wash had kind of fabricated some temporary housing and<br />
piping and was discharging some of their automotive detergents into the<br />
storm drain from their base.”<br />
An environmental cleanup crew helped curtail the creek water to prevent<br />
the tainted water from spreading. Over 21,000 gallons of contaminated<br />
water were extracted. “The spill has been successfully cleaned, and water<br />
quality tests show normal results,” according to a statement from the city.<br />
The Clean and Shine Carwash now faces a fine for causing the spill.<br />
“Luckily, the car wash detergent is, is it, you know, terribly hazardous to<br />
speak of we haven’t noticed any kind of environmental impact to aquatic<br />
life or the foliage or anything,” Alsup said in the story.<br />
LESS WORK.<br />
MORE<br />
CLEAN.<br />
<br />
Iowa self serve says, ‘bring on the<br />
competition!”<br />
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The car wash competition is heating up In Iowa, but one self serve owner<br />
says they aren’t worried, according to a January 28 from The Gazette.<br />
According to the story, the number of car wash businesses increased 26<br />
percent between 2017 and 2021, going from 228 to 289, according to the<br />
U.S. Census. In the five years before that, from 2012 to 2017, the number<br />
of car washes increased 7.5 percent, going from 212 to 228, according to<br />
the census.<br />
“It’s the gym membership style where the top 10 percent of users you<br />
don’t make a lot of money on, but as it winds down you get people washing<br />
two or three times a month that you do better with,” said Brett Arends,<br />
one of the owners of the Blue Lagoon Car Wash in Cedar Rapids and the<br />
Awesome Car Wash in Clinton.<br />
The Blue Lagoon car wash has five self-serve car wash bays, and two automatic<br />
bays, according to the story. Arends said they don’t offer a monthly<br />
membership at the Blue Lagoon because it would be hard to keep up with<br />
the demand.<br />
“It can be difficult for in-bay automatics to do a subscription just because<br />
for our top wash, it takes about six-and-a-half minutes to get your car<br />
washed,” Arends said in the story.<br />
Arends said part of the reason they will stay afloat with all of the competition<br />
is because they have an adjacent storage facility. “Income is very irregular<br />
with a car wash,” he said in the story. “One month we’ll do really well,<br />
the next month you’ll have freezing weather and lots of snow, like we’re<br />
having right now… We have consistent storage income year-round, and that<br />
helps us weather the peaks and valleys of the car wash business. … We also<br />
have a really nice location on Blairs Ferry Road, but a lot of the small guys<br />
I know have been hurt fairly significantly by the tunnels.”<br />
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WINTER 2024 • 23
FUN&<br />
GAMES<br />
Think these two pictures taken at a self<br />
serve car wash are the same? Think again!<br />
There are six differences. Can you spot them all?<br />
Why Hoffman Mint Tokens?<br />
When washing your car<br />
is the pit….stop<br />
In London, England, we have a<br />
hybrid prank/advertisement for Mobil 1<br />
motor oil. In the video, a self serve car<br />
wash customer pulls into a bay and is<br />
immediately surrounded by a pit crew<br />
similar to the ones seen in professional<br />
racing. According to the <strong>web</strong>site<br />
description:<br />
“In this real life stunt, we bring an<br />
unsuspecting carwash customer closer to<br />
motorsports.<br />
With Mobil 1 Synthetic Motor Oil<br />
inside many race engines, we’re so close<br />
to motorsports it’s personal.”<br />
5. Hose and wand are missing<br />
6. #11 is misisng in sign<br />
3. Second ceilding light<br />
4. Different taillight<br />
1. Neighborhood has changed<br />
2. Cement is a different color<br />
WE OFFER<br />
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There’s never a baaaaaaaaa day to wash a goat<br />
Nothing is off limits in South Africa!, according to a story from EastCoastRadio.<br />
It looks as if petrol station workers were somehow tasked with washing someone’s<br />
goats (did I really just type that?). It is unclear if car wash soap or a soap made<br />
specifically for animals was used, but according to the video, no wands were used.<br />
See us at the upcoming Southwest Car Wash Show<br />
and International Car Wash Show!<br />
24 • WINTER 2024<br />
WINTER 2024 • 25
*All events are subject to changes<br />
due to current circumstances.<br />
2024<br />
FEB 28 - MARCH 1<br />
Southwest Car Wash<br />
Association<br />
Fort Worth Convention Center<br />
Fort Worth, Texas<br />
MAY 13-15<br />
Car Wash Show<br />
Nashville, Tennessee<br />
AUGUST 13-15<br />
Car Wash Show Australia<br />
International Convention Centre,<br />
Sydney, Australia<br />
SEPTEMBER 17-18<br />
Heartland Product and<br />
Equipment Show<br />
Mid-America Center<br />
Council Bluffs, Iowa<br />
OCTOBER 7-9<br />
Northeast Regional<br />
Carwash Convention<br />
(NRCC)<br />
Atlantic City Convention Center, New<br />
Jersey<br />
Association News<br />
Southwest Car Wash Association<br />
• Emmitt Smith to<br />
serve as SCWA’s keynote<br />
The SCWA is excited to welcome professional<br />
football icon Emmitt Smith, as its 2024 keynote<br />
speaker at the SCWA Convention and Expo<br />
taking place February 28 to<br />
March 1 at the Fort Worth,<br />
Texas, Convention Center, a<br />
press release stated.<br />
Emmitt Smith is one of<br />
the greatest to ever play the<br />
game. As a first-round pick in<br />
the 1990 NFL Draft, Smith<br />
was the cornerstone of the<br />
Dallas Cowboys offense for<br />
13 seasons, the SCWA stated.<br />
In his 15 seasons as a running<br />
back in the National Football<br />
League, Smith amassed many<br />
records that still stand today,<br />
including:<br />
• Most career rushing<br />
yards and most career<br />
rushing touchdowns.<br />
• Three Super Bowl<br />
championship rings,<br />
• Induction into the Pro<br />
Football Hall of Fame<br />
• Selection to the NFL<br />
100 All-Time Team<br />
(honoring the best<br />
players of the NFL’s first<br />
100 years).<br />
• Surpassed Walter<br />
Payton as the NFL’s all<br />
time leading rusher.<br />
• The eight-time Pro<br />
Bowler<br />
After his playing days,<br />
Smith has served as a football TV analyst and<br />
then took his television career a step further when<br />
he won the third season of ABC’s Dancing with<br />
the Stars, the press release stated. He also added<br />
author to his list of accomplishments, publishing<br />
Game On, which outlines the principles that<br />
helped him succeed both on and off the field.<br />
Smith has now transitioned to the role of businessman<br />
and entrepreneur running several companies<br />
spanning real estate, construction, and<br />
technology. He is active in charitable outreach in<br />
the Dallas area and on a national level, providing<br />
educational opportunities and unique experiences<br />
for underserved youth.<br />
Smith has become a co-owner of a NASCAR<br />
team partnering with Jesse Iwuji Motorsports for<br />
the 2022 NASCAR Xfinity Series season.<br />
“Smith will offer an inspiring and motivating<br />
perspective on how the principles of his success<br />
in sports has ignited his success in business and in<br />
life,” stated the SWCA.<br />
In other news, the SCWA announced that Stu<br />
Crum, CEO of True Blue Car Wash, will host the<br />
CEO Forum taking place on Wednesday, February 28.<br />
True Blue Car Wash has 65<br />
locations in Arizona, Texas,<br />
Illinois and Indiana with its<br />
headquarters in Tempe, Arizona.<br />
True Blue was purchased in<br />
February of 2023 by Alimentation<br />
Couche-Tard (Circle K).<br />
Previously, Crum served as<br />
Chairman and President of<br />
Bridgestone Retail – a $4 billion<br />
business unit of Bridgestone<br />
Americas, a SCWA<br />
press release stated. Stu had<br />
leadership oversight of operations<br />
for 2,218 company-owned<br />
tire and automotive<br />
service centers across the<br />
United States operating under<br />
the Firestone Complete Auto<br />
Care, Tires Plus, Hibdon Tires<br />
Plus and Wheel Works brands;<br />
all of which employ more<br />
than 23,000 people.<br />
Stu also served as former<br />
President of Jiffy Lube International,<br />
overseeing more<br />
than 2,100 franchised service<br />
centers serving approximately<br />
22 million customers<br />
annually throughout North<br />
America. He held numerous<br />
other leadership roles<br />
with Shell during his 13-<br />
year tenure there, including<br />
Vice President of National<br />
Accounts, North American<br />
Automotive Consumer Products; General Manager<br />
Strategy & Portfolio, North America; General<br />
Manager Sales & Operations, Caribbean, Central<br />
America, Northern South America; and Director<br />
of Marketing. Prior to joining Shell, Stu worked<br />
for Texaco Inc., serving in various marketing and<br />
retail capacities.<br />
He earned a bachelor’s degree in Marketing<br />
from the University of Tulsa, where he attended<br />
on a full football scholarship before spending<br />
three years as a professional place kicker in the<br />
NFL and USFL.<br />
“Stu will bring our attendees great insights and<br />
ideas for our car wash operations from his vast experience<br />
in the business world,” stated the SCWA.<br />
The Best for Your Success !<br />
The Best for Your Success !<br />
D&S Car Wash Supply<br />
26 • WINTER 2024<br />
WINTER 2024 • 27
Carwash<br />
Zierco’s Original Swivel and<br />
Boom Assembly, with<br />
New Rebuildable<br />
Cartridge<br />
Boom Assembly<br />
MODEL 203<br />
• Feather light rotating action<br />
• Twin compression springs are<br />
tension-adjustable for a variety<br />
of hose and gun weights<br />
• Swivel rotates 360˚ - 12 ft.<br />
diameter<br />
• Proven performance with over 50 years<br />
service in the field (Since 1962)<br />
• Temperatures to 280˚ max.,<br />
pressure to 2000 psi<br />
• Longer hose life as spring<br />
prevents kinks<br />
• Ruggedly built, satisfaction<br />
guaranteed<br />
Carwash<br />
Boom<br />
Assemblies<br />
Zierco’s Easy Service Swivel and<br />
Boom Systems with<br />
MODEL 204 and 206 FEATURES<br />
• Twin compression springs are tension-adjustable<br />
for a variety of hose and gun weights<br />
• Swivel rotates 360˚ - 12 ft. diameter<br />
• Temperatures to 280˚ max., pressure to 2000 psi<br />
• Longer hose life as spring prevents kinks<br />
• Ruggedly built, satisfaction guaranteed<br />
• Optional stainless steel components<br />
• Proven performance with over 50 years service in<br />
the field (Since 1962)<br />
Boom Systems with Full 360 Degree roTATIoN<br />
Booms are Available with 3 Different Mountings<br />
MODEL 204<br />
STYLE B<br />
Flat Plate<br />
Mounts directly<br />
to the ceiling or<br />
beam.<br />
Easy to Use -"Feather Light" rotating action<br />
STYLE C<br />
Swivel Base<br />
Mounts directly to<br />
the ceiling.<br />
MODEL 206<br />
OFFSET Overhead Carwash Boom<br />
Allows for TWO Center Boom Installation<br />
STYLE D<br />
Wall Bracket<br />
Mounts to wall and<br />
is adjustable so<br />
boom swings<br />
to wall when<br />
not in use.<br />
Ideal for foaming brushes.<br />
CALL<br />
414-764-6630<br />
FAX: (414) 764-9763<br /><br />
7355 S. 1st. Street<br />
Oak Creek, WI 53154<br /><br />
VISA and Master Card accepted<br />
107C Cartridge Features:<br />
• Field Repairable<br />
• 100% 304 Stainless Steel Internal<br />
Materials Eliminate Failure Due to<br />
Corrosion<br />
• Double O-Ring Design Uses Any<br />
Type of Grease<br />
107C CARTRIDGE<br />
TM<br />
CALL<br />
(414)-764-6630<br /><br />
7355 S. 1st Street<br />
Oak Creek, WI 53154<br />
Fax: (414) 764-9763<br /><br />
204B<br />
To Convert Model 203<br />
to a 204 Assembly<br />
Remove boom body<br />
from hinge plate<br />
Rotate hinge plate<br />
counter clockwise to<br />
remove seal elbow<br />
TM<br />
Replace O-Rings<br />
VISA and Master Card<br />
accepted<br />
28 • WINTER 2024<br />
WINTER 2024 • 29
Association News<br />
Western Carwash Association<br />
• Hello, Hawaii!<br />
The Western Carwash Association (WCA) is<br />
hosting a retreat in Maui, Hawaii, this October.<br />
According to the WCA, the event is being called<br />
Destination Paradise! Leadership Retreat Maui,<br />
and it will take place from October 9-10, 2024, at<br />
the Sheraton Maui Resort & Spa. The WCA added<br />
Hawaii to its list of states back in 1991. Today, the<br />
Association covers 12 states including California,<br />
Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Alaska, Montana,<br />
Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Washington and Nevada.<br />
Self serve experts to offer input at ICA Show<br />
Along with the event being hosted in Maui,<br />
the WCA wants its members to know that it is<br />
working hard to host more “in-person” events. In a<br />
posting on its <strong>web</strong>site, the WCA stated: When you<br />
think of WCA, you think of experience. That has<br />
been one of our focal points these last couple of<br />
years, upping the association game with in-person<br />
experiences worth attending. We look to continue<br />
this trend in 2024 with our exciting destination<br />
events in Nashville and Maui. We are also looking<br />
forward to bringing more focused attention to the<br />
self-serve industry. If you have attended The Car<br />
Wash Show in the last few years, you know that<br />
our self-serve centric education is standing room<br />
only. The audience’s participation is remarkable,<br />
whether they are posing questions to a panel of<br />
operators or discovering methods to optimize<br />
their system for maximum profit using customer-centric<br />
business strategies.<br />
The 2024 Car Wash Show will take place in<br />
Nashville, Tennessee, from May 13-15. The time<br />
and date of the Self Serve Car Wash session has<br />
not yet been announced.<br />
Carwash Association of<br />
Pennsylvania<br />
CAP recognizes industry<br />
leaders<br />
The Carwash Association of Pennsylvania recognized<br />
two very special people at its dinner on<br />
September 13, according to a press release. These<br />
individuals have made a lasting mark on the carwash<br />
industry in Pennsylvania and beyond and we<br />
are grateful for their service, stated CAP.<br />
Pennsylvania Carwasher of the Year: Scott Soisson<br />
CAP was proud to present Scott Soisson, Carwash<br />
Category Manager of Sheetz, Inc, with the<br />
Pennsylvania Carwasher of the Year award. Scott<br />
served 21 years in the United States National<br />
Guard and has utilized Grace for Vets for Sheetz,<br />
Inc to give away 200,000+ free car washes to veterans<br />
since 2014. For this year’s Grace for Vets<br />
event, Sheetz, Inc gave away 38,000 washes!<br />
Grace for Vets is an annual event which promotes<br />
the giving away of free car washes to veterans and<br />
Car Wash Operators of New Jersey<br />
• ICA president visits NJ<br />
car washes<br />
The Car Wash Operators of New Jersey’s (CWONJ)<br />
Fall Membership Meeting, took place November 8, at<br />
the Suburban Golf Club in Union, New Jersey. According<br />
to a CWONJ press release, the event featured<br />
International Carwash Association (ICA) President<br />
and Benny’s Car Wash co-owner Justin Alford. Alford,<br />
a third generation carwasher who hails from Baton<br />
Rouge, Louisiana, made the trip with his wife Juliet<br />
and daughter Helen, a fourth generation carwasher,<br />
to speak at the annual meeting. The event attracted<br />
around 60 attendees. “It was an honor to have Justin<br />
come to New Jersey and share his family’s incredible<br />
and successful carwashing story,” said CWONJ President<br />
Dino Nicoletta, according to the press release.<br />
Prior to the annual membership meeting Alford<br />
got the opportunity to visit some washes in the<br />
state. “What a great day,” said Alford according to<br />
the press release. “We were able to visit so many<br />
really interesting washes and spend time with<br />
some of my carwash friends old and new,” he said.<br />
“What a great group of operators.”<br />
Alford, whose grandfather started in the industry<br />
in 1951, owns nine Benny’s car washes in the<br />
Baton Rouge, LA, market with his father Ben and<br />
brother Jason. They run successful conveyor locations<br />
with full service, express, oil changes, gas,<br />
detail and c-stores. In fact, Benny’s and Innovative<br />
Control Systems (ICS), of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania,<br />
the event’s hors d’oeuvre sponsor, were instrumental<br />
in launching the first express car wash in<br />
the United States back in 2001.<br />
Alford shared his company’s growth and evolution<br />
and educated the group on all things Baton<br />
current military personnel on Veteran’s Day. Over<br />
260,000 cars are now washed each year worldwide<br />
on Veterans Day and over three million cars have<br />
been washed since this program was founded.<br />
Honoring Grace for Vets: Mark Curtis<br />
CAP was proud to present a proclamation from<br />
Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro to its Keynote<br />
Speaker, Mark Curtis of Splash Car Wash and<br />
President of Grace for Vets.<br />
Rouge complete with Mardi Gras beads that featured<br />
the wash’s mascot. “What a great meeting,”<br />
added Nicoletta. “Justin is a true professional and<br />
a really outstanding guy.”<br />
Also during the meeting Princeton Public Affairs<br />
Group (PPAG) lobbyist Sam Weinstein updated<br />
attendees on the two-year efforts to push<br />
legislation through the state that would deem car<br />
washes “essential” if COVID or another similar epidemic<br />
shuts down businesses. “Sam and the team<br />
at PPAG are pushing hard on our behalf and with<br />
a little more effort we hope to get to the finish<br />
line,” Nicoletta stated in the press release.<br />
New York State Car Wash<br />
Association<br />
• NYSCWA Holds Event at<br />
JMA Dome<br />
The New York State Car Wash Association (NY-<br />
SCWA) held an informal event at the JMA Wireless<br />
Dome (formerly The Carrier Dome) on September<br />
23, 2023, when the Syracuse Orange took on the<br />
Army West Point Black Knights for a noon football<br />
game, according to a press release. The event was<br />
sponsored by Simoniz USA and Micrologic.<br />
A pre-game was hosted by K & S Car Wash and<br />
catered by Lasca’s Restaurant, both of Auburn,<br />
New York. “We were happy to help out and provide<br />
some great food for those in attendance,” Chris<br />
Kubarek, with K & S and an NYSCWA board member,<br />
stated in the press release. “It was a fun day.”<br />
The Orange were victorious beating the Black<br />
Knights 29 to 16. Added NYSCWA President Walt<br />
Hartl in the press release. “Thanks to our sponsors<br />
and to those who were able to come out to the<br />
game. You’ve got to love college football!”<br />
Also, retired Colonel Mark Ferraro was the<br />
Guest Speaker as he is the Executive Deputy Secretary<br />
for the Department of Military and Veteran<br />
Affairs, CAP stated. He serves as the primary advisor<br />
to the Adjutant General. He spent his career<br />
in the United States Army and Pennsylvania Army<br />
National Guard. He has served in a variety of operational<br />
and leadership positions in both the Active<br />
Army and Pennsylvania National Guard.<br />
self serve<br />
& support equipment<br />
Used for 2-6<br />
self serve Bays<br />
• High and low pressure gauge<br />
• Pre-wired and pre-plumbed<br />
• Low voltage electric panels<br />
• Single V-belt & pulley<br />
• Stainless steel belt guards<br />
• Easy access to chemicals<br />
• System lettering and<br />
graphic decaling<br />
Available for 7-12 bays<br />
Features<br />
• Low pressure tire cleaner, medium<br />
pressure pre-soak, high pressure soap,<br />
foaming brush, rinse, foaming<br />
conditioner, clear coat protectant,<br />
high pressure wax<br />
• All stainless steel construction<br />
• Totally self-contained<br />
• Removable pump assembly<br />
• Model CAT 5CP2120<br />
Pump, 4.0 GPM/1000 PSI<br />
• Brass regulators<br />
• Automatic chemical mixing tank<br />
• Fused terminal blocks<br />
• 3 HP 3 PH motor<br />
The Power Pack<br />
self-service car<br />
wash system<br />
is designed for the space<br />
conscious. The modular<br />
stainless steel framework<br />
is about 25% shorter but<br />
still includes most of the<br />
same features as the<br />
Super Saver 2500.<br />
Optional<br />
Features<br />
• Bug remover<br />
•Triple foam<br />
brush<br />
• Triple shine<br />
• Spot-free<br />
rinse (low or<br />
medium<br />
pressure)<br />
• Marine<br />
engine flush<br />
• Stainless Steel arches that are<br />
designed for the single SS vacuums<br />
• Fixed SS Boom to provide the hose<br />
near the drivers door of the vehicle<br />
• Vacuum boom can be ordered<br />
to allow the hose to swing<br />
over the vehicle<br />
• Post is 3” x 6” x 8’ tall for the<br />
fixed vac arch<br />
UNDER $11,000.00<br />
*STARTING AT UNDER $11,000.00<br />
• Marinas<br />
• RV Parks<br />
• Beaches<br />
• C-Stores<br />
• Apartments<br />
• Car Rental<br />
• Auto Dealerships<br />
• Car washes<br />
• Laundromats<br />
and More!<br />
International models available.<br />
94000 Series Vacuum<br />
The 94000 Series Vacuums are constructed of high<br />
quality, stainless steel and provide high performance.<br />
SCAN<br />
Here<br />
30 • WINTER 2024<br />
WINTER 2024 • 31
Please Note: Some posts feature minor edits for readability. Also note that opinions and statements made<br />
here are by each forum user and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoints of Self Serve Car Wash News.<br />
Money behind the message<br />
Our billboard lease is coming up for renewal and I am wondering what<br />
some of you with a billboard are getting per month? Right now ours is<br />
2 sided on a 14k car per day road. [We currently get] $125/month but<br />
the current lease is from 2002 so that might have been good back then<br />
because we did not own the property at that time… - DYLANBENNETT<br />
I always thought the rent paid for these things was way<br />
too low. Had a guy approach me once for an electronic<br />
billboard and I was going to get a small percentage of<br />
the time on the billboard as rent. I told him I wanted<br />
10% of the gross. He ran away angry. You could have<br />
a similar situation. They pay whatever now but could<br />
make a boatload more money if they upgrade to an<br />
electronic version with multiple advertisers. - EARL WEISS<br />
I don’t have one on my property, but I rent one for<br />
another business I own....we pay $225 a month....for 1<br />
side of the billboard. - RFREEMAN<br />
It’s probably worth your time to get a company that<br />
specializes in billboard negotiations. As you know billboard<br />
leases are usually long term. The billboard company<br />
representative negotiates billboard leases all day<br />
He’s not heavy,<br />
he’s my dumpster…<br />
I was emptying buckets of sand from my SS bays (not pit mud) into the<br />
dumpster when I overloaded the front and it tipped over. I’ve never<br />
had this be an issue in my past 25 years. Thought I’d just throw it out as<br />
a warning to the young guys and some of the older guys that aren’t quite<br />
as nimble as I am. - ERIC H<br />
Had that happen at my place once. Not fun to reload<br />
and get it back up.<br />
- EARL WEISS<br />
I had dumpsters like that, but some of the front<br />
wheels were attached like outriggers, and were about<br />
6-8” ahead of the front of the dumpster. Apparently,<br />
you are not the only one this has happened to. - I.B.<br />
32 • WINTER 2024<br />
long, most businesspeople may do it once or twice in<br />
their lifetime. You need a pro on your side. Make them<br />
pay for electricity if they are using your power. - KENO<br />
They have their own meter for the billboard and the<br />
only thing I can find is it rents for at least $1500 a<br />
month minimum their <strong>web</strong>site shows the range for the<br />
area being $1500 to $6000 a month. - DYLANBENNETT<br />
We currently have a three-sided billboard on our<br />
property that has been there since the eighties. My<br />
father said that it was put there with only a verbal<br />
agreement, currently we are being paid a total of<br />
$2,000.00 + per year for all three signs. My question<br />
is ….should we have a written agreement, and is this<br />
a fair price? This billboard sits in a major intersection<br />
that sees probably 10k cars per day. - WSM 1989<br />
Wouldn’t want to think of the outcome if a kid was tagging<br />
along with you and got caught up in that, yeesh!<br />
Never seen a bin like that.<br />
Is there a reason why you load it on the sloped side<br />
and not the reverse where there’s no chance of it trying<br />
to bite your legs off ? - EDREDTOP<br />
It’s easier for the driver to get the dirt out if it is towards<br />
the front. Any water that is in the dirt or other<br />
liquids drain to the bottom of the can and freeze. On<br />
long cold spells I can lose half of the capacity of the<br />
Presenting some of the best self serve<br />
discussions from<br />
<strong>SSCWN</strong> EDITOR CHIMES IN:<br />
As of 2022, the billboard industry for<br />
the United States is worth $8.5 billion,<br />
according to Today,<br />
there are over 370,000 billboards in<br />
the United States, with over 15,000<br />
added each year.<br />
Our car wash was built around a large 2-sided billboard.<br />
We’re located on a prominent corner in our<br />
city, with 102,000 cars per day. We renewed our<br />
10-year contract 3 years ago. We used to get $1500/<br />
month, but they reduced it down to $1000/month.<br />
I wasn’t happy about the reduction in rent, but had<br />
no wiggle room. I had a billboard attorney review it<br />
too. Outfront Media owns the billboard base to the<br />
ground, and was willing to remove it if I didn’t agree.<br />
I can’t complain too much. $12,000 a year is better<br />
than nothing. The billboard is a landmark and makes<br />
it easy to find my wash. They have their own meter,<br />
and pay for their own electricity. - KIMBERLY BERG<br />
dumpster with paper frozen to the bottom.<br />
I had less issues with the square dumpsters that are<br />
used on front loader garbage trucks. - ERIC H<br />
I wouldn’t have something that dangerous on my<br />
property. It’s a safety hazard. I’d be calling the garbage<br />
hauler and would ask for a square dumpster. I<br />
have a square 2-yard dumpster on wheels that gets<br />
dumped twice a week. - RANDY<br />
Let’s talk trash<br />
I manage a car wash in Florida. We have 6 SS bays, 1 in bay automatic plus vacs,<br />
etc. In past years we would occasionally have a contractor or off-road enthusiast<br />
trash one of our bays. Over the past year we’ve had an explosion of this. It has<br />
become a multiple-times-a-day issue and is affecting our labor costs, pit pumping<br />
costs, and our reputation. We’ve put up signage, asked them nicely when we<br />
see it, and had some egregious offenders trespassing. Any advice would<br />
be greatly appreciated. - MH12956<br />
I had a software company create a program where<br />
I can remotely turn off each bay. If I see something<br />
on the camera, I just turn it off. If they call, I explain<br />
to them and ask them to clean it up. If they won’t<br />
then I won’t turn it back on. Sometimes if I see it<br />
beforehand, I just turn it off before they even have<br />
a chance to wash. - SUNAHARA<br />
Comes with the territory, unfortunately. The best<br />
thing to do is raise prices so those off-road guys<br />
spend some good $ getting that mud off. - AXXLROD<br />
It takes a lot of time and patience to train your customers.<br />
Some say it’s not worth it and just tolerate<br />
it. Some look forward to the business and will<br />
happily clean it up. To discourage the unwanted activity<br />
you have to be willing to spend time on site<br />
and learn when the offenders come in. I noticed a<br />
10th BI-ANNUAL<br />
pattern of my bays being trashed at one wash on<br />
Sunday night during hunting season. All the people<br />
that go hunting all weekend would come in and<br />
wash it off before they went home. I started closing<br />
down on Sunday nights and over time that greatly<br />
reduced hunters washing mud as I trained them to<br />
go elsewhere. In the past I’ve also closed the bays on<br />
rainy days because very little “good” business happens<br />
on rainy days.<br />
The wash that is closest to me is old school and welcomes<br />
all washers. He has a place to dispose of the<br />
mud onsite whereas I do not. I’ll send the big mess<br />
makers to his wash, and he happily accepts them.<br />
I used to know an owner who literally would sit<br />
in his truck for hours at a time watching customers<br />
like a security guard. He ran a clean wash but IMO<br />
that was a bit too much. You can get a lot of cleanup<br />
done in an hour at a wash. - GREG PACK<br />
I draw the line at stuff that doesn’t go down the<br />
drain. Mud goes down into the pits, so I don’t kick<br />
the off-roaders out, even though I don’t enjoy their<br />
patronage. Users I don’t allow:<br />
• Contractors that spray out construction debris<br />
like wood scraps, nails, drywall pieces, etc...<br />
• Landscapers that spray out mulch or yard waste.<br />
• Horse trailers that spray out hay or horse ^%$#.<br />
Users I call police on:<br />
• Spraying out spilled wet paint.<br />
• Roofers spraying out tar.<br />
• Carpet cleaners dumping their wastewater.<br />
• RVs dumping their waste tanks. - AXXLROD<br />
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WINTER 2024 • 33
That’s a pretty good list. I like to add to the list:<br />
people who try to do maintenance on their cars and<br />
people who try to wash off their old engines and car<br />
parts. - OBZENMATT<br />
One of my favorite pics.<br />
February- huge busy day.<br />
This was about 10 trucks<br />
worth. Colder than hell!<br />
Greg is right - it takes<br />
time to train customers.<br />
After all these years we<br />
now have customers policing<br />
customers. You catch<br />
some people on camera.<br />
The big offenders are<br />
usually a landscaper, tow<br />
truck, septic pumper etc.<br />
with a name or number on the truck. Call the boss<br />
and call them out on it.<br />
Word gets around and problems go way down!<br />
I can also shut the bays off from home but no<br />
longer watch the cameras that close. - SHINEPRO<br />
How do you rig shutting your bays down? I’ve got<br />
to do it. We all train our customers but there will always<br />
be that element. [This one guy was] was spraying<br />
his truck bed out yesterday and I could see the<br />
degreaser he was spraying the bed down with. I was<br />
50 minutes away at my other wash watching this idiot.<br />
Would’ve loved to cut power on him! - TRAVELER17<br />
I have a system from a company in Utah.<br />
Controlled by the <strong>web</strong>site. It’s a relay system that<br />
wires into the bay boxes in the workroom or any<br />
other function you want to hook it to.<br />
I can shut the bays off, put time on a bay, close<br />
the automatic, open the automatic doors, turn the<br />
attic heat on, check the temp in the attic trough,<br />
turn the change machine off, turn the workroom<br />
lights on… and this can all be done from my phone.<br />
Pretty [darn] handy system.<br />
A word of caution: Shutting the bay down on<br />
someone is something I rarely do anymore because<br />
1 in 5 will get pissed and you end up fixing the<br />
wand after they slam it to the ground! - SHINEPRO<br />
You guys can rig up something simple with a home<br />
automation system like YoLink. They sell a tiny wifi<br />
relay that will handle 5 amps. just kill the power to<br />
the timer or (better yet) just open the timed output<br />
circuit. Would cost $25 for the hub and $25 for<br />
each device you want to control. I haven’t mounted<br />
one remotely in a bay yet. I’ll try to put one in a meter<br />
door and make sure it gets an adequate signal.<br />
Another option are the inexpensive four channel<br />
relays you can buy on Amazon for around $25.<br />
To use that though it may have to be centrally<br />
located in the equipment room and wiring run<br />
to the bay. Although tempting to try, I don’t<br />
think I look at my cameras often enough to<br />
catch offenders. - GREG PACK<br />
If you stay open after a snow and salt event, not<br />
trying to be mean, but what do you expect?<br />
When this happens, I spend a lot more time at<br />
the car wash and keep the snow and salt clods<br />
pushed out of each bay. Other washes in town<br />
let it build up so bad people don’t use their<br />
wash. I’m a firm believer that you get what you<br />
put into it....I make really good $$$ when it’s like<br />
this and work a little harder to make sure all customers<br />
have a good experience! - 2BIZ<br />
This is probably the worst part of owning the car<br />
wash, people will do this $%^*. I have just learned<br />
to try to embrace it the best I can. It is too darn<br />
hard to chase every one of them down and there are<br />
so many folks going through that trying to educate<br />
them will not work for me. - DESIGNFLAW<br />
The 10 relay boards were about $500 each.<br />
Plus, the boxes, wiring, etc. $1500.<br />
Go to their <strong>web</strong>site– they have a demo of their free<br />
app. - SHINEPRO<br />
You are right....I totally<br />
misunderstood.<br />
The topic was trashed<br />
bays!!! This is what<br />
trashed bays look like!<br />
Yep, that is paint!<br />
…Luckily it was a<br />
water-soluble latex<br />
paint....Took me a few<br />
hours with my 4400<br />
psi pressure washer to<br />
get it cleaned up. - 2BIZ<br />
I caught one doing the same thing about a year or<br />
so ago, I asked her if she would like it if I pulled in<br />
her driveway at her home and did something like<br />
that, her response was, “I wouldn’t mind” response<br />
was. “Then, why the hell are you doing it<br />
here!!!” Her options after that were to pay me $500<br />
for the clean-up or the next step was I was going to<br />
call the law. She pulled out $500 and left. Took me<br />
about 3 or 4 hours to clean it up as well. - CBCHEVY4X4<br />
I came in this morning to find one of my bays completely<br />
coated with mud. It took close to an hour to<br />
wash down all the walls and floor. About an hour<br />
later I got a new 3 star Google review from a guy<br />
complaining about being charged $20 for 20 minutes<br />
and he didn’t even finish washing when it hit<br />
the limit. The actual charge was 30 minutes for $20.<br />
I checked the charges on Nayax and figured out he<br />
had to have been the one that destroyed the bay. I<br />
replied to his review stating the actual price and<br />
time then found him on Facebook, now I know<br />
who he is and I can’t wait to run into him around<br />
town. - HEYVERN<br />
I also use the Control By Web relay (X-WR-4R3-I)<br />
to turn off 24v to the bay meters and toggle the<br />
power to the change machines to reset them. I use<br />
(X-408) to monitor the status of everything like<br />
power outages, water leaks, changer - out of service,<br />
bay power tripped, and door open/closed. It runs<br />
through an app on your phone that you can customize<br />
to fit your needs and then set your notifications<br />
accordingly. I had previously used, and still do use<br />
a few sensors, from a company called Monnit. It’s a<br />
wireless platform that works well but has a little lag<br />
time in the ability to turn the bay power off. - SCOTT S<br />
I think we all draw our own line about what is<br />
“acceptable.” We have an unattended wash in<br />
a rural location, near too many 4WD tracks.<br />
So, mud, hay and manure are all just part of<br />
life for us. But from time to time we have had<br />
paint and grease all over a bay, which has been<br />
a huge headache to clean up. And my discovery<br />
of a bay full of maggots was completely out of<br />
line! - GREG_T<br />
I’ve had the same...Dumped out maggot infested<br />
fish! Maggots completely covering the bay floor<br />
and in the pit! Of the two, I would take latex<br />
paint any day! Maggots are harder to kill than I<br />
expected… - 2BIZ<br />
Eternal sunshine of the spotless hydrominder<br />
I’m having problems with a hydrominder. The water pressure coming through is<br />
barely noticeable. I’m not getting any chemical pull through due to the low pressure.<br />
I took it apart and the valve is in pretty rough shape. I’m thinking this is the problem<br />
but don’t have a replacement confirmation. Anyone have any insight? - NOOB<br />
The black plastic vertical piece is called an “educator.”<br />
Take it off and take it apart and see if any gunk has accumulated.<br />
- EARL WEISS<br />
The first thing to check would be the screen on the<br />
water inlet. I’d order the plastic valve and the diaphragm<br />
kit that goes into the valve. - RANDY<br />
I checked the screen, and it looks pretty clear. I have<br />
good flow before entering the hydrominder. I believe<br />
my constriction is coming from the minder. - NOOB<br />
You might want to replace the valve, stem kit and the injector.<br />
Or just replace the complete hydrominder. - RANDY<br />
We had this problem when we re-opened at one of our<br />
IBAs after who knows how many years. A rebuild kit solved<br />
the issue. It probably just needs the rubber diaphragm, but<br />
might as well replace it all while you are in there. - KENO<br />
Any time I have low flow I clean the inlet screen and<br />
change the diaphragm and that usually fixes it. The<br />
diaphragms are available individually for just a few<br />
bucks. - GREG PACK<br />
A diaphragm usually fixes it. You can replace the whole<br />
stem kit if you want, but probably not necessary. These<br />
are parts you need to have on hand, so order a stem kit<br />
and a few diaphragms. - I.B. WASHINCARS<br />
34 • WINTER 2024<br />
WINTER 2024 • 35
O Canada?<br />
Will this wash succeed?<br />
Hey everyone! I have an opportunity<br />
car wash (4 vacuums) however, I need<br />
Site fundamentals:<br />
to take over a car wash that has been<br />
closed for less than 1 year. The landlord<br />
operated it for 3 years and decided he<br />
no longer wanted to be an operator. I<br />
scouted the location and left a note to<br />
get in contact with this landlord. The<br />
plan is to sign a long-term lease (10-20<br />
years) and retool the 6 bay self-serve<br />
some guidance with how to negotiate<br />
the starting lease price. We have<br />
already agreed to an abated rent for 12<br />
months, which is awesome! The total<br />
lot size is 12,000 SQ/F and the building<br />
size is 4100 SQ/F. Do car wash leases<br />
go by $/sqf or is there another formula<br />
to determine a starting rate?<br />
• Key demographics (borderline)<br />
• Traffic count (poor)<br />
• Competition (excellent)<br />
• Site visibility (great)<br />
• Site accessibility (good)<br />
• Retail draw (good)<br />
I look forward to your input on this! -<br />
Competition....excellent (meaning there aren’t other<br />
washes close by?<br />
Lease property........<br />
This would be a “no” deal! Just on the first two I<br />
would pass on it. Add that it’s a lease then for sure it’s<br />
a “no thank you.”<br />
Why did he decide he didn’t want to be an operator<br />
anymore? Maybe income wasn’t worth the work due to<br />
the factors you listed above. 12 months free rent?<br />
Sounds like a poor location. - RFREEMAN<br />
The building is perpendicular to the road, the bays are<br />
pull in/back out, and it’s not eye-catching in any way.<br />
Looks like if the customer does choose to use the place,<br />
it’s going to be a pain to use.<br />
I’d recommend passing. - DAN KAMSICKAS<br />
Competition....excellent (meaning there aren’t other<br />
washes close by????)<br />
This means little competition- nearest car wash is<br />
20-minute drive away<br />
Lease property........<br />
The demographic report does not account for the<br />
military base (thousands of people as their address is<br />
not registered to the city)<br />
Why did he decide he didn’t want to be an operator<br />
anymore? Maybe income wasn’t worth the work due to<br />
the factors you listed above. 12 months free rent?<br />
Car washes are not for everyone, he learned this<br />
quickly. I am taking it over for free, I just need some<br />
insight on how to make an offer for the monthly lease as<br />
I don’t want to overshoot it.<br />
You said there is excellent competition, what does that<br />
mean? People want convenience. What if you did get<br />
busy during a rush part of the season, how is anyone supposed<br />
to wait on a bay? Ask yourself if you would pull<br />
in and sit behind somebody waiting to pull out. Sounds<br />
like an accident waiting to happen. Listen to the advice<br />
above. Just the layout of that building is a “No” and a lease<br />
in a small town is a hard “no.” I bought my first wash in a<br />
small town and if I had a lease on it, I wouldn’t make any<br />
profit. There is a reason that place isn’t open. If it were<br />
making money, I promise the guy wouldn’t be so eager to<br />
give away 12 months of rent. How much money needs to<br />
be put back in this place ? Does any of the equipment operate?<br />
How much was this place generating 3 years ago?<br />
LOTS of questions - TRAVELER17<br />
Folks, some of the points are valid, however I would<br />
not be so negative on the opportunity. It’s like buying<br />
a house, everything is overpriced until you settle on a<br />
fair price.<br />
In this case, maybe the landlord will make the rent<br />
a small amount with an option to buy the place in the<br />
future and forgo the rent entirely until the renovations<br />
are covered. There is more than one way to look at a<br />
potential deal if the location is good. Hard to evaluate<br />
a place remotely as it takes eyeballs on the place to see<br />
the true potential or lack thereof. I recall a wash I made<br />
an offer to purchase after visiting the site for several<br />
days for a few hours to see how the place looked with<br />
customers. If one just looked at Google demographic<br />
data, you would have passed on the place because the<br />
town was under 2000 people. The wash was on a major<br />
road which changed the picture entirely. - ROZ<br />
Yes. Pull in/back out is a pain. Perpendicular to the road<br />
usually signifies a narrow lot which further complicates<br />
the traffic flow on site. I can think of 4 washes like that<br />
built around here during the boom of the 90s and everyone<br />
had multiple owners over the years that were<br />
convinced they got a sweet deal on it so they could for<br />
certain make a go of it. Everyone eventually failed and<br />
the sites were bulldozed. - DAN KAMSICKAS<br />
Don’t put yourself on the hook for 10 years. Get:<br />
A. 2-year lease with lots of options<br />
B. Right of First Refusal.<br />
C. Try to get an option to buy. - EARL WEISS<br />
There is some validity to Dan’s observations. I own a<br />
“Canadian Style” self service location. We converted the<br />
place to a self storage location as the location was not<br />
great. The benefit of that style is that wind will not blow<br />
through the bays, so they do not get as cold in the wintertime.<br />
We also have garage doors on each bay that we<br />
closed prior to a snowstorm.<br />
I would still kick the tires on the place. The real reason<br />
the place closed may be due to competition nearby.<br />
In our case an Exxon station was built that has two IBA<br />
(TF and SC) which is what people want. They get a discount<br />
on gas with a wash so most people moved away<br />
from self washing their cars. - ROZ<br />
Silver lining- If conventional operations don’t work it<br />
would be an easy site to convert to gated wash.<br />
Have one (buy used) paystation with a fixed price<br />
($10) and entry gate. Have one exit gate. Everything behind<br />
the gate is included in the entry price. The pull-inback-out<br />
bays would reduce the undesirable customers<br />
at a gated wash which are big vehicles or trailers. I’d give<br />
it a go with a short-term lease with options to extend<br />
if it worked. Could probably do this conversion with a<br />
used paystation for 15K Advantages- reduces theft concerns<br />
(all money is at the gate near the road) and simplifies<br />
money collection. Easy to run if it works. - GREG PACK<br />
Thanks for your insight. The location has a lot of traffic,<br />
and only 1 other operational self serve car wash that is<br />
20 minutes away. I don’t want to own this land and that<br />
is why I connected with the landlord of the property to<br />
negotiate a long-term lease to get the car wash business<br />
for free. He has already agreed to this and I will have the<br />
rights to the business. Good idea for the winter as this<br />
is a hurdle I will need to tackle since it is close to Ottawa-<br />
(winters are brutal). My next step is meeting with<br />
a distributor to see what would work best for the lot.<br />
We can constantly go over as to why the previous operator<br />
failed, but once someone knows what they are<br />
doing and cares about the business it will be successful.<br />
That is what I plan to do… I have a structure and strategy<br />
where I am already winning by not having to buy the<br />
business outright, not paying rent for 1 whole year to<br />
cover the costs of re-tooling the equipment.<br />
I live in Toronto and there are plenty of car washes<br />
that are EXTREMELY successful and have terrible traffic<br />
control and people will still come and use them. I am<br />
also looking for a mentor in this space so please let me<br />
know if you are willing to share any additional knowledge<br />
by connecting via email or phone. - TRISTAVENDRYES<br />
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manufacturing equipment to insure the highest quality<br />
equipment available anywhere. We manufacture<br />
everything in house in order to maintain our quality<br />
standards. Our sales volume allows us to purchase<br />
raw materials at tremendous savings. We then<br />
pass these savings along to our customers.<br /><br />
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Etowah, NC 28729<br />
Join our Team!<br />
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qualified installers<br />
in select areas of<br />
the US, Canada<br />
and Mexico. Also<br />
have openings at<br />
the factory.<br /><br />
888 920 2646<br />
WINTER 2024 • 39
WE ASK.<br />
The following poll was posted<br />
to If you<br />
would like to add your vote,<br />
or a comment, visit:<br /> or follow the<br />
QR code:<br />
POLL: Plans for 2024<br />
What are you going<br />
to accomplish at your<br />
car wash this year?<br />
Install lp salt neutralizer and bug remover in<br />
self serve bays including ten position rotary<br />
switches. Install 5 more security cameras Put<br />
up new “car wash” plastic letters on building. -<br />
WAXMAN<br />
Add booms to my vac Islands. Replace floor<br />
heat boiler with an instant tankless system. -<br />
TIMMB<br />
Remove rust and repaint the roof, re-sheet 2<br />
bays, and re-build 1 of the equipment rooms.<br />
Replace and reface pole sign with new graphics,<br />
and add an ATM. - MUDMONEY<br />
Tidy up our landscaping. Get the bays painted<br />
to freshen them up. I keep saying “When I<br />
have time...” but that doesn’t happen, so we<br />
will hire a painter. Keep our clean up staff,<br />
who have been excellent. - GREG_T<br />
All new mitter and brush microfiber/foam/<br />
nylon in the tunnel. - WASHNSHINE<br />
Raising the start up time to $4 for 4 minutes<br />
and offer 3 minutes free when they use 8<br />
minutes. - JMMUSTANG<br />
I installed new coin boxes last month. I’m<br />
going to put new decals on the vacuums and<br />
seal coat the lot. A good “spring cleanup”. - BILL<br />
CAPRON<br />
POLL:<br />
No rest for the turkey<br />
Are you open on<br />
Thanksgiving?<br />
Open 365 days a<br />
year! - 2BIZ<br />
Why would we<br />
want to close,<br />
it’s a busy time<br />
of the year. The<br />
only time we<br />
close is when it’s<br />
too snowy or icy. -<br />
RANDY<br />
Yes: 100%<br />
Yep I was at my wash this morning washing<br />
down bays and washing towels. - WAXMAN<br />
Open @ 23 degrees and overcast, lite traffic<br />
mostly hunters from out of state. - MUDMONEY<br />
One of the busiest days of the year! No way we<br />
close. Everyone wants to clean their car before<br />
going to mom’s for turkey! - RFREEMAN<br />
MEP001<br />
It was a sad day when<br />
we learned that frequent<br />
carwashforum-user MEP001,<br />
Miles Edwards Parris, passed<br />
away. He was a helpful and<br />
active member of the self<br />
serve community and his<br />
posts were fun and plentiful.<br />
He joined the forum in August<br />
2007 and as of his passing,<br />
he posted 16,667 times.<br />
Just 58 years old, Parris was from Round<br />
Rock, Texas. According to his obituary,<br />
“After attending high school Miles went<br />
on to work in the commercial car wash<br />
business. He was an expert in all<br />
aspects of the business—management,<br />
leasing, car wash technology,<br />
technician, safe cleaning solutions,<br />
environmental factors, supplies, sales,<br />
maintenance, and repair.<br />
He passed away on October 7, 2023. He<br />
is also survived by his beloved girlfriend Terri<br />
Gosnell.<br />
Terri took to the carwash forum to post about his<br />
passing. She also mentioned that the forum was his<br />
second home.<br />
“Miles left us Saturday morning at 5:30am. This is<br />
such a tragedy. He was a brilliant, funny man. He had<br />
the kindest heart with the sharpest tongue. Please, look<br />
after your health. We are not invincible. Forgive often and<br />
express kindness and love. Thank you for all the kind<br />
wishes,” she wrote.<br />
Terri also added, “He truly did work very hard all of<br />
his life and had refined his craft. The last few years<br />
we have been able to enjoy life a little and slow<br />
down so I am grateful for that. He did not<br />
have a large circle in the offline world but<br />
you guys made up for it. You were the<br />
ones he wanted to interact with. He loved<br />
sharing his tips and tricks and he was full<br />
of them. Aside from the hole this has left<br />
in my heart, I know that it has left a huge<br />
hole in the car wash community. I had been<br />
urging him to write a book of some sort so<br />
that this knowledge would not be lost. I wish he<br />
had. Today I spent the day figuring out how to get the<br />
foam brush up and working at a wash and also helped<br />
assemble some pump plumbing he had been working on.<br />
I feel like he was hanging around, cursing us and praising<br />
us. I honestly thought I’d never be able to look at another<br />
car wash after all this. Maybe I will pick up the mantle<br />
and carry on. I just don’t know. It’s crushing to do this<br />
without him but I don’t think he’d want the business to<br />
crash. I will probably lurk in here to pick up information.<br />
I hope it won’t freak anyone out. He’d be tickled if<br />
someone thought he was haunting the place…”<br />
40 • WINTER 2024<br />
WINTER 2024 • 41
TODAY!<br />
Going up?<br />
What self serves are charging<br />
throughout the country<br />
Raising your prices. It’s a slippery slope of worrying<br />
you’ll upset regular customers and also not being<br />
able to stay afloat. There’s also the factor of whether<br />
or not a more expensive wash will weed out the<br />
stragglers and vagabonds. It’s a ping pong dilemma,<br />
do this or do that? If you raise them can you lower<br />
them if customer visits decline? One way to see<br />
if you’re on track is to check out the competition.<br />
What are they pricing? Is there car wash in a nice<br />
area? Is it neat and well-kept and worth the cost of a<br />
42 • WINTER 2024<br />
wash? There’s also the time allotted and then a game<br />
of math and division comes into play. Maybe you<br />
should just try raising them and see what happens.<br />
One way to see if what you’re charging measures<br />
up, we collected the prices of various self serves from<br />
across the county. And, while demographics are different<br />
in San Francisco, California, compared to<br />
Monowi, Nebraska, it’s still an interesting consideration<br />
for your pricing strategy.<br />
Erie, Minnesota<br />
Bays: $1 for 1:40 minutes<br />
Vacs: $1 for 4 minutes<br />
Ardmore, Oklahoma<br />
Bays: $2 for 4 minutes<br />
Vacs: 75 cents for 3 minutes<br />
Western New York<br />
Bays: $4 start up, $1 per minute<br />
Vacs: $2 for 4 minutes<br />
Atlanta, Georgia<br />
Bays: $2 start up, $1 per minute<br />
Vacs: $1 vacuum for 4 minutes<br />
Atlanta, Georgia<br />
Bays: $3 for 4 minutes, $1 for 80<br />
seconds<br />
Vacs: $2 for 5 minutes<br />
1-888-234-9667 FOR A DISTRIBUTOR IN YOUR AREA.<br />
WINTER 2024 • 43
North Ogden, Utah<br />
Bays: $3 to start, $1 for 1:04 minutes<br />
Vacs: $1.50 for 5 minutes<br />
Central City, Nebraska<br />
Bays: $2 to start (cash), choice<br />
of $3, $5, $7, or $10 for credit cards<br />
Vacs: $1 for 5 minutes<br />
St. Louis, Missouri<br />
Bays: Cash $3 for 4 minutes,<br />
credit card $4 for 4 minutes<br />
Vacs: Cash $1.50 for 4 minutes,<br />
credit card $2 for 4 minutes<br />
Albany, New York<br />
Bays: $6.48 credit card startup<br />
(because we have to charge tax<br />
on credit cards in New York State).<br />
Count up timers $.92 per minute<br />
Cash startup/count down timers:<br />
$4 for 3.5 minutes, $6 for 8 minutes<br />
Vacs: $3 for 5 minutes<br />
I think that generally speaking car wash prices are too low. I see a lot of that<br />
evidenced here in this survey.<br />
My car wash is in a middle to lower income region of Massachusetts. I also<br />
offer car detailing. We have gone up considerably on our prices in the last 7 to<br />
10 years. I realized I was working far too hard and never seemed to get ahead.<br />
Our overhead is very reasonable, so a price increase was implemented. People<br />
do complain about the detailing prices and for some reason they think they can<br />
negotiate. However, I have a good manager in place, and I delegate customer<br />
service in the detail department to him. I tend to get insulted when people try to<br />
“talk me down” so I removed myself from that part of the business.<br />
When I had Autowash Maintenance install my new razor a few years ago I ran<br />
Numbers and contemplated pricing for quite some time. I finally settled on a nice<br />
high price and while some customers do protest it’s actually not that many and<br />
you would be surprised at my percentages for the top package. I also raised my<br />
start up price in the self serves and vacs.<br />
Business is much more enjoyable when there is a bit of extra money to make<br />
improvements etc. that’s why we’re here!<br />
We have the cleanest & most modern SS<br />
car wash within 25 miles. We have in-bay<br />
dryers, new vacuums, accept credit cards,<br />
offer mobile payment app and absorb all the<br />
card fees. No complaints from customers<br />
& we’re still busy on a cold, winter day!<br />
- Waxman, Western Massachusetts<br />
I am scared to raise<br />
the prices. I feel<br />
like, my customers<br />
will run away.<br />
I don’t understand, with the cost of business going up every month<br />
how you can not raise your prices to match and keep your bottom<br />
line where you need it? Every situation is different but let’s presume<br />
in your opinion you have the best wash in your area, the cleanest, upto-date,<br />
and everything works 99% of the time. Just as an extreme<br />
example, if you raise your prices and lost 10% of your customers<br />
which is almost ridiculous. You still have 90% paying your increased<br />
price and you’ve probably lost your worst customers anyway. You’re<br />
still making more money with less customers! Over the last 34 years in<br />
business 28 of those attended, when I raised my prices, the attendant<br />
only had to deal with the people who didn’t put enough money in the<br />
box and said “my bad” I should have noticed. Do the math otherwise<br />
you’ll end up working for nothing. You’re in business to make a fair<br />
PROFIT on what you’re doing.<br />
- Timmb, Albany, New York<br />
I’m going to raise prices on the SS I just bought, and I am<br />
not going to display any signage about it. The thing is I am not<br />
going to change the $2 start. I am only going to change the<br />
time per quarter. Right now, its 30 seconds per quarter and I<br />
am going to drop it to 25 seconds.<br />
The next price increase will come whXen I switch from<br />
quarters to dollar coins and people will be forced to pay in<br />
dollar increments instead of 25 cents (We will still accept<br />
quarters if the customer brings their own).<br />
Western Massachusetts<br />
Bays: $5 start, $1 per minute<br />
Vacs: $2 for 4 minutes<br />
Houston, Texas<br />
Bays: 50 cents for 1:40 minutes<br />
Vacs: 50 cents for 3 minutes<br />
Maryland and West Virginia<br />
Bays: Cash $3 to start for 4 minutes<br />
Credit card is $5 to start at the same rate as cash.<br />
Vacs: $2 for 5 minutes<br />
Ocean Shores, Washington<br />
Bays: Cash $2 to start, $1 per minute,<br />
credit card $3 minimum, count up, $15 max.<br />
Vacs: $1 start for 2 minutes<br />
Citrus Heights, California<br />
Bays: $4 for 5 minutes (.80 / minute)<br />
Vacs: $2 for 4 minutes (new Doyle vacuums)<br />
Southern California<br />
Bays: $5 for 6 minutes, 83 cents per 1 minute<br />
Vacs: $2 for 5 minutes<br />
- Kimberly Berg, Citrus Heights, California<br />
- Designflaw, Houston, Texas<br />
- UtahYoutubeGuy<br />
10th BI-ANNUAL<br />
10th BI-ANNUAL<br />
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June 16-18, 2024<br />
This conference is our place to thrive<br />
together, positioning ourselves to succeed<br />
and lead confidently. It’s a designated space<br />
for professional women in the car wash<br />
industry, becoming a movement to educate,<br />
inspire, and support each other in various roles.<br />
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44 • WINTER 2024<br />
WINTER 2024 • 45
Northern Montana<br />
Bays: $4 for 4 minutes (cash only)<br />
Combo vas and shampooer:<br />
$2 for 4 minutes<br />
Central Tennessee<br />
Bays: $1 to start, $0.50 per minute<br />
Vacs: $1 for 4 minutes<br />
Cleveland, Ohio<br />
Bays: $4 to start, $1 per minute<br />
Vacs: $2 for 3 minutes<br />
Southern California<br />
Bays: $4 for 4 minutes (thinking<br />
about making it $5s), $1 per minute<br />
Vacs: $2 for 3 minutes<br />
Northern Minnesota<br />
Bays: $5 to start, $1 per minute<br />
Superbay: $6.25to start,<br />
$1.25 per minute<br />
Vacs: $2 for 4 minutes (coins only)<br />
Northeast Texas<br />
Bays: $2 to start for 4 minutes<br />
Vacs: $1.50 for 4 minutes<br />
It’s all about ‘Elasticity’<br />
In microeconomics, the technical phrase for<br />
knowing how responsive sales are to price changes,<br />
everything else the same, is the price elasticity of demand.<br />
Just substitute the word “responsiveness” for<br />
“elasticity” to make the concept simple.<br />
In general, how responsive sales are to price<br />
changes is determined by several factors with the<br />
most important being the availability of substitutes.<br />
More substitutes implies greater elasticity (responsiveness)<br />
and the opposite. Salt essentially has no<br />
substitute and its demand is very price inelastic (unresponsive<br />
to price changes). Fresh tomatoes have<br />
Overseas:<br />
Victoria, Australia<br />
In Australian dollars,<br />
$1 = 1 minute, 30 seconds.<br />
many substitutes and the demand for them is relatively<br />
elastic (responsive to price changes), again everything<br />
else the same.<br />
For self-serve car washes, the three major substitutes<br />
are the full-service car washes (tunnels?), washing<br />
at home, or just to live with the dirt and salt. Since<br />
there is no published study that tries to estimate the<br />
price elasticity of demand for self-serve car washes,<br />
we have to rely on anecdotes.<br />
Having a commonsense idea of how price changes<br />
have affected sales in the past will be a good guide<br />
to determining what to do.<br />
Current Inflation Rates for the United States<br />
Source:<br />
We want your stories!<br />
MAYBE AN<br />
Reach out to Editor Debra Gorgos<br /> to share<br />
your story with our readers.<br />
“You won’t believe what this<br />
Darwin did at my wash…”<br />
“The best decision I ever made<br />
for my business was…”<br />
“On rainy days, I like to…”<br />
Some<br />
conversation<br />
starters:<br />
“We were struggling with low<br />
volumes when we decided to…”<br />
“The funniest thing a customer<br />
ever did at my wash…”<br />
46 • WINTER 2024<br />
WINTER 2024 • 47
DARWIN at<br />
the<br />
OUR<br />
The investment in security cameras pays off for carwash operators<br />
(and the readers of <strong>SSCWN</strong>) with these mostly frustrating, sometimes funny -- and always cautionary<br />
-- stories of Darwins Caught on Camera. Images of these criminals and/or their vehicles were given<br />
to police and the press. Many have been caught thanks to the prowess of security cameras.<br />
Let’s give a round-of-applause to this car wash owner, as he not only caught a<br />
litterer on camera, but also got him sent to jail! In Huntington, Tennessee, Christopher Ethan Johnson,<br />
was arrested back on January 14 for littering and vandalizing the A1 Pro Wash. According to The Banner,<br />
police were dispatched when business owner Anthony Thomas said he had a person on his video camera<br />
dumping garbage in one of the bays.<br />
Johnson also apparently did some damage to the boom, foam brush and weep gun as he was leaving<br />
the bay, the story said.<br />
A man who apparently didn’t read Jason Bourne’s autobiography, was<br />
caught trying to pretend to be a car wash employee before stealing a customer’s car. But, he<br />
was wearing the wrong colored clothing, was seen loitering around the car wash before hand<br />
and he was also caught on video. The car this man risked his record for was a Honda Civic.<br />
The incident took place in Malaysia in November. According to The Rakyat Post, a 25-yearold<br />
man brought his aunt’s Honda Civic hatchback to the car wash, and handed over the car<br />
keys to a person he thought was an employee.<br />
According to the car wash’s cameras, the suspect, who was dressed in black and green attire,<br />
had been loitering outside the car wash. Note, however, that the car wash employees wear blue<br />
and black attire. After he got the keys to the car, he swiftly drove away. The car wash owner<br />
posted CCTV footage on Facebook, hoping for input from the public.<br />
Acting on the information received, an arrest was made on 23 November at 6:10 a.m.<br />
and the car was recovered. The suspect is a 26-year-old unemployed male with a history of 2<br />
drug-related offenses, the story said.<br />
Apparently the pandemic made this next guy way too comfortable with his<br />
mask. In Odessa, Texas, a man was caught on a car wash’s surveillance camera because he pulled<br />
down his mask before robbing an employee at the car wash. Yes, you read that right: It was before the<br />
robbery. As in, “now is not the time to expose one’s face.” He was one of three men. The two other<br />
men had masks on and have not been identified. But, you know who was? Ding, ding, ding! The guy<br />
not wearing a mask!<br />
It all took place last August when according to an August 24 Odessa American report, employees<br />
of the Mighty Wash called 911 around 8 p.m. to report that an employee had been robbed.<br />
“When officers arrived, a 20-year-old employee said one of the men pushed him and the other<br />
pointed a gun at him before he stole roughly $1,000 from a back room, the report stated. Three other<br />
employees corroborated the man’s story.<br />
Two of the three men were wearing masks, but one of the men didn’t have one on, for some reason.<br />
That man was identified and arrested.<br />
48 • WINTER 2024<br />
In something out of a spaghetti western,<br />
a huge brawl broke out at a car wash in<br />
Cadishead, England, on October 4, according to the<br />
Manchester Evening News.<br />
It seemed as if different fights broke out all over<br />
the place…Maybe it was rehearsals for a West Side<br />
Story reboot?<br />
According to the story, officers were called to the<br />
scene outside the Meera hand car wash around 11.15<br />
a.m. on a Wednesday (October 4). Police said a man was<br />
attacked by another man after ‘entering the forecourt of<br />
a business,’ but not much else is known. He was taken to<br />
hospital with serious and life-changing injuries.<br />
According to witnesses, it seemed as if the fight<br />
included two groups of men. The sharks and the<br />
Jets, perhaps?<br />
Cranberry sauce, green-bean<br />
casserole and turkey and a whole lotta<br />
vandalism.<br />
If there were a Thanksgiving version of The<br />
Grinch, then it would be this guy. In fact, I looked<br />
up mean pilgrims from back in the day and decided<br />
Colonist George Weymonth was one of the worst.<br />
So, we can make him the Thanksgiving Day bad guy<br />
from now on. In Nashua, New Hampshire, we have<br />
an unthankful man who vandalized a car wash on<br />
Thanksgiving day.<br />
According to the Newport Dispatch, the incident<br />
occurred at the Golden Nozzle Car Wash, where<br />
employees reported on November 24 that car wash<br />
equipment had been damaged while the business was<br />
closed for the holiday.<br />
Video surveillance footage showed a man deliberately<br />
damaging brushes, hoses, and sprayers in the car<br />
wash bays. Bah humbug! Or, whatever the Thanksgiving<br />
equivalent of the saying is… The amount of damages<br />
equals about $3,000. Thanks to the footage, police<br />
tracked down the culprit and were able to arrest him.<br />
WINTER 2024 • 49
Neither the driver or any<br />
customers were hurt.<br />
A literal dumpsterfire took place in Crossville,<br />
Tennessee, according to a 38 story. And,<br />
according to surveillance cameras, it was deliberate.<br />
Firefighters were called to the parking lot near a dumpster and propane tank,<br />
to put out a fire. Does anyone else immediately sing the Johnny Cash song when<br />
they are talking about a fire? Just me?... Okay.<br />
Police also discovered a young man inside one of the car wash bays. Video<br />
surveillance showed the man apparently throwing items into a pile and intentionally<br />
setting the fire. And the flames went higher. And it burned, burned, burned….The<br />
suspect told police that he did not remember setting the blaze. He did, however,<br />
request a trip to the hospital, and told police he had a medical condition.<br />
Whether it was due to a medical condition or not, we’ll wait and see if the<br />
judge presiding over the case send the suspect into a burning ring of jail time.<br />
CUSTOM<br />
GinSan lets you upgrade your equipment with professionally designed<br />
custom doors, graphics & branding that gives your location a unique look and feel!<br />
Thankfully, Alka’s car<br />
wash has three other bays<br />
which were not impacted<br />
by the crash.<br />
This isn’t really a crime, unless the driver<br />
was inebriated, but if he was not, then what the heck was<br />
wrong with him? According to a November 11 CT Insider story,<br />
an out-of-control van swerved through traffic and crashed into a<br />
local car wash, wiping out three self serve bays.<br />
Ilir Alka, the owner of Mr. Touchless Car Wash of Waterbury, Connecticut,<br />
said in the story, “My business is destroyed for a few months,<br />
and I depend on these months to make money during the busy season.<br />
Those are the busiest and most up-to-date bays that I have.”<br />
The crash occurred around 8:30 p.m. on a Friday, according to<br />
the car wash’s surveillance footage. Video shows the van narrowly<br />
missing another vehicle as sparks fly from underneath. Then it slams<br />
into a sedan parked inside one of the bays.<br />
Sunday morning an individual wearing a Ghillie<br />
suit, broke into the car wash in Head of Island. The<br />
alarm scared him away before he could steal anything.<br />
He was driving a new model, white Toyota tundra<br />
truck: Notice the American flag on the dash and a<br />
spare tire on the passenger side. The driver side back<br />
In a twisted case of “Isn’t it Ironic,” a YouTuber was<br />
identified and arrested after being caught ... on camera of<br />
all things.<br />
In Colorado Springs, Colorado, a man filmed himself speeding on his motorcycle<br />
at 170+ miles per hour. He was caught thanks to a car wash’s camera, according to<br />
a February 5 NBC 9News report. The YouTuber, identified as Rendon Dietzmann,<br />
32, of Texas, uploaded a video last year that was titled “...driving from Colorado<br />
Springs to Denver in 20 minutes.” The video shows Dietzmann traveling up to 173<br />
mph on a motorcycle as he darts between numerous drivers while heading north on<br />
Interstate 25, the story said.<br />
The affidavit, authored by a Colorado State Patrol investigator, describes how<br />
security camera footage from a car wash and convenience store taken on September<br />
28, 2023, helped in identifying the motorist.<br />
According to the affidavit, footage clearly shows Dietzman purchasing Red Bull<br />
inside an Exxon station.<br />
There is still a warrant out for his arrest.<br />
A Facebook post showing images of an attempted theft at a car wash in Port Vincent,<br />
Louisiana, led to one arrest. The post, by Blane Smiley, included the text:<br />
window is either spray-painted over or covered, (the<br />
license plate looks to be removed)... If you have any<br />
information, please call or text…<br />
He also offered a $200 reward for any information.<br />
The post was dated January 14, but also updated<br />
on January 14 with the following message:<br />
This individual has been arrested by Livingston<br />
parish sheriff’s office! But not before he went to our<br />
Port Vincent car wash location a couple nights later<br />
and while in the process of a theft there , did some<br />
pretty serious damage! Thankfully, we are back up<br />
and running now!<br />
Replace Your Existing<br />
Jim Coleman, Carolina Pride, Etowah<br />
Valley, RYKO, Mark VII, Dilling and<br />
Harris, A-OK, Specialty, or Magic<br />
Wand door assemblies with new<br />
cutting edge GinSan technology.<br />
Available in 7, 10, & 12 gauge stainless<br />
steel with rotary or push buttons, coin,<br />
bill and credit card acceptance.<br />
System will accommodate<br />
up to six bays in a four<br />
squire foot template!<br />
See all these exciting products and more at our<br />
<strong>web</strong>site, or call us at 800.446.7267<br />
50 • WINTER 2024<br />
WINTER 2024 • 51
The Top 5<br />
From<br />
Coming on strong!<br />
72 COUNT<br />
NEW CAR SCENT • VS10189<br />
STRAWBERRY • VS10312<br />
BAYSIDE BREEZE • VS17121<br />
BLACK ICE • VS10155<br />
SUNSET BEACH • VS17177<br />
ROSE THORN • VS17308<br />
• VS10324<br />
TRUE NORTH • VS17146<br />
SUPERNOVA • VS17303<br />
VANILLAROMA • VS10105<br />
24 COUNT<br />
CARDED<br />
NEW CAR SCENT • VS50189<br />
STRAWBERRY • VS50312<br />
BAYSIDE BREEZE • VS57121<br />
BLACK ICE • VS50155<br />
SUNSET BEACH • VS57177<br />
ROSE THORN • VS57308<br />
TRUE NORTH • VS57146<br />
SUPERNOVA • VS57303<br />
VANILLAROMA • VS50205<br />
52 • WINTER 2024