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The One and Only Original<br />
The Most Complete Line of Foaming Brushes<br />
Amrit Mattu, Surinder Mattu,<br />
and Ajay Mattu<br />
LOCATION: Rockwall, Texas<br />
Rockwall is part of the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex.<br />
As of 2020, the U.S. Census Bureau estimated<br />
that the population is 47,251, up from 45,888 in<br />
2019. The estimated median household income in<br />
2021 was $116,890, up from $65,411 in 2000. The<br />
estimated per capita income in 2021 was $45,272,<br />
up from $29,843 in 2000.<br />
How many locations are there?<br />
Just 1!<br />
What type of car wash is it?<br />
Just a self serve.<br />
How many bays does it have?<br />
6 bays with 1 of the bays being oversized for<br />
trucks, trailers, RVs or boats.<br />
What is the location of the<br />
car wash like?<br />
It is suburban by location but urban within the<br />
city type of area, Rockwall is 20 minutes east of Dallas,<br />
separated by a large lake, (Lake Ray Hubbard).<br />
Rockwall is desirable due to its island-like feel being<br />
away from the big city while still providing anything<br />
necessary to residents!<br />
Do you have a lot of competition?<br />
I am the only self serve in all of Rockwall. There<br />
are 3 tunnels within a mile of our location, but they<br />
have minimal impact on the self serve wash.<br />
When did you acquire or<br />
build the car wash?<br />
We purchased the car wash about 3 months ago,<br />
so around November 2023.<br />
Why did you decide to be a<br />
car wash owner?<br />
My parents recently retired after being business<br />
owners for over 25 years. They wanted something<br />
to do… so we decided as a family to purchase the<br />
car wash. The location was great as we live close by!<br />
Is there anything unique about<br />
your car wash that sets you<br />
apart from the competition?<br />
This car wash was built and run by the previous<br />
owner for over 35 years. The residents of Rockwall<br />
knew it was there, but it was on a decline for the<br />
past few years. We assumed from the disinterest of<br />
the sellers, that this was a great opportunity to turn<br />
things around. The closest self serves to us are over<br />
15-20 minutes away, so this makes our location very<br />
unique and desirable for the customer who wants a<br />
DIY experience.<br />
What kinds of renovations<br />
have you done since taking<br />
over the wash last year?<br />
We have recently repainted, and fixed a lot of<br />
structural issues. With the help of Stinger Chemicals,<br />
we Installed all new Dosatron chemical measuring<br />
machines, which has been our biggest upgrade. The<br />
bill changers which used to eat customers’ money<br />
are actually working now after replacing harnesses<br />
and we are about to offer credit card acceptance at<br />
each bay as soon as the parts arrive.evv Our vacuums<br />
were pretty bad when we took over, so we<br />
went through them and now we have great suction<br />
from them. There were many leaks throughout the<br />
building and inside the equipment room and off the<br />
roof due to old hoses, which were repaired also! Our<br />
vending machines are now working as well, and this<br />
was a very easy fix! We have also done some foam<br />
injection to some areas of the ground where puddles<br />
of water were forming.<br />
What are the future plans<br />
for the car wash?<br />
In the future we have plans to repave the entire<br />
lot and add a touchless IBA.<br />
What is your favorite thing about<br />
being a part of the car wash industry?<br />
I have been a huge car enthusiast my whole<br />
life and this gives me a little window into it from<br />
my perspective. Also, as an engineer by trade, the<br />
mechanical side of a car wash is right in my wheelhouse!<br />
My family has let me take the reins on this<br />
and I’m enjoying it!<br />
What do you think is the biggest<br />
challenge to owning a car wash?<br />
I think the biggest thing is dealing with customers<br />
who don’t treat the property well. From dumping<br />
loads of mud to breaking nozzles or vacuum<br />
hoses. Some folks just don’t care and that is the biggest<br />
heartache of this self serve business. Luckily the<br />
breakage doesn’t happen often, but the mud sure<br />
does! We have a great pit clean out crew that comes<br />
quarterly and a wheelbarrow and shovel combo we<br />
use daily make to make it a bit easier to deal with!<br />
What advice do you have for<br />
other self serve owners?<br />
Have a very flexible schedule early on. Listen to<br />
your customers, and fix what issues have been there<br />
for a long time. Go the extra mile to keep your customer<br />
happy. A lot of people say it’s a “side hustle”<br />
and you can do it along with your day job. This is<br />
true but you have to get the wash to that point first.<br />
We are almost there to where it is becoming that.<br />
But it takes time!<br />
Still Number One!<br />
43.2% Longer Life Than Other Brushes<br />
Outstanding Construction & virtually unbreakable head insure longer life.<br />
Erie has more Hog’s Hair in every brush and Erie’s Hog’s Hair is longer.<br />
Non-Leaking, Non-Scratching Head<br />
All Heads have re-tooled, leak-proof threads and safely recessed screws.<br />
6 Feed Holes for Best Liquid Delivery<br />
The ONLY brush with 6 holes for the most consistent delivery of water & foam.<br />
Fullest & Highest Quality Hogs Hair<br />
The most dense, gentle Hogs Hair in 9 lengths; Nylon & Cloth also available.<br />
Widest Possible Range of Choices<br />
Standard & Round Shape; 3 Fill Materials; Black Plastic or Aluminum Head;<br />
and 4 Nylon or 6 Cloth colors with a Rainbow of options for Bumper-Gaskets.<br />
12 • WINTER 2024<br />
WINTER 2024 • 13