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North Ogden, Utah<br />

Bays: $3 to start, $1 for 1:04 minutes<br />

Vacs: $1.50 for 5 minutes<br />

Central City, Nebraska<br />

Bays: $2 to start (cash), choice<br />

of $3, $5, $7, or $10 for credit cards<br />

Vacs: $1 for 5 minutes<br />

St. Louis, Missouri<br />

Bays: Cash $3 for 4 minutes,<br />

credit card $4 for 4 minutes<br />

Vacs: Cash $1.50 for 4 minutes,<br />

credit card $2 for 4 minutes<br />

Albany, New York<br />

Bays: $6.48 credit card startup<br />

(because we have to charge tax<br />

on credit cards in New York State).<br />

Count up timers $.92 per minute<br />

Cash startup/count down timers:<br />

$4 for 3.5 minutes, $6 for 8 minutes<br />

Vacs: $3 for 5 minutes<br />

I think that generally speaking car wash prices are too low. I see a lot of that<br />

evidenced here in this survey.<br />

My car wash is in a middle to lower income region of Massachusetts. I also<br />

offer car detailing. We have gone up considerably on our prices in the last 7 to<br />

10 years. I realized I was working far too hard and never seemed to get ahead.<br />

Our overhead is very reasonable, so a price increase was implemented. People<br />

do complain about the detailing prices and for some reason they think they can<br />

negotiate. However, I have a good manager in place, and I delegate customer<br />

service in the detail department to him. I tend to get insulted when people try to<br />

“talk me down” so I removed myself from that part of the business.<br />

When I had Autowash Maintenance install my new razor a few years ago I ran<br />

Numbers and contemplated pricing for quite some time. I finally settled on a nice<br />

high price and while some customers do protest it’s actually not that many and<br />

you would be surprised at my percentages for the top package. I also raised my<br />

start up price in the self serves and vacs.<br />

Business is much more enjoyable when there is a bit of extra money to make<br />

improvements etc. that’s why we’re here!<br />

We have the cleanest & most modern SS<br />

car wash within 25 miles. We have in-bay<br />

dryers, new vacuums, accept credit cards,<br />

offer mobile payment app and absorb all the<br />

card fees. No complaints from customers<br />

& we’re still busy on a cold, winter day!<br />

- Waxman, Western Massachusetts<br />

I am scared to raise<br />

the prices. I feel<br />

like, my customers<br />

will run away.<br />

I don’t understand, with the cost of business going up every month<br />

how you can not raise your prices to match and keep your bottom<br />

line where you need it? Every situation is different but let’s presume<br />

in your opinion you have the best wash in your area, the cleanest, upto-date,<br />

and everything works 99% of the time. Just as an extreme<br />

example, if you raise your prices and lost 10% of your customers<br />

which is almost ridiculous. You still have 90% paying your increased<br />

price and you’ve probably lost your worst customers anyway. You’re<br />

still making more money with less customers! Over the last 34 years in<br />

business 28 of those attended, when I raised my prices, the attendant<br />

only had to deal with the people who didn’t put enough money in the<br />

box and said “my bad” I should have noticed. Do the math otherwise<br />

you’ll end up working for nothing. You’re in business to make a fair<br />

PROFIT on what you’re doing.<br />

- Timmb, Albany, New York<br />

I’m going to raise prices on the SS I just bought, and I am<br />

not going to display any signage about it. The thing is I am not<br />

going to change the $2 start. I am only going to change the<br />

time per quarter. Right now, its 30 seconds per quarter and I<br />

am going to drop it to 25 seconds.<br />

The next price increase will come whXen I switch from<br />

quarters to dollar coins and people will be forced to pay in<br />

dollar increments instead of 25 cents (We will still accept<br />

quarters if the customer brings their own).<br />

Western Massachusetts<br />

Bays: $5 start, $1 per minute<br />

Vacs: $2 for 4 minutes<br />

Houston, Texas<br />

Bays: 50 cents for 1:40 minutes<br />

Vacs: 50 cents for 3 minutes<br />

Maryland and West Virginia<br />

Bays: Cash $3 to start for 4 minutes<br />

Credit card is $5 to start at the same rate as cash.<br />

Vacs: $2 for 5 minutes<br />

Ocean Shores, Washington<br />

Bays: Cash $2 to start, $1 per minute,<br />

credit card $3 minimum, count up, $15 max.<br />

Vacs: $1 start for 2 minutes<br />

Citrus Heights, California<br />

Bays: $4 for 5 minutes (.80 / minute)<br />

Vacs: $2 for 4 minutes (new Doyle vacuums)<br />

Southern California<br />

Bays: $5 for 6 minutes, 83 cents per 1 minute<br />

Vacs: $2 for 5 minutes<br />

- Kimberly Berg, Citrus Heights, California<br />

- Designflaw, Houston, Texas<br />

- UtahYoutubeGuy<br />

10th BI-ANNUAL<br />

10th BI-ANNUAL<br />



Salt Lake City, Utah<br />

June 16-18, 2024<br />

This conference is our place to thrive<br />

together, positioning ourselves to succeed<br />

and lead confidently. It’s a designated space<br />

for professional women in the car wash<br />

industry, becoming a movement to educate,<br />

inspire, and support each other in various roles.<br />

email: bjj@womenincarwash.com<br />

204.489.4215 | www.womenincarwash.com<br />

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