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Poole Harbour
& Marina Guide
Free tide
times included
Poole Harbour Map......... Inside front cover
Harbour Master Welcome...........................4
Harbour Dues..............................................6
PHC Hired Moorings.....................................7
Navigation Hints..........................................8
Harbour Control..........................................9
Safety at Sea..............................................10
Personal Watercraft (PWS)........................16
Chain Ferry................................................18
Bylaws........................................................ 20
Lifting Bridge Schedule...............................21
Kite Surfing................................................ 22
Poole Quay Boat Haven............................. 25
Poole Quay Boat Haven Team................... 26
Poole Quay Boat Haven Layout................. 28
Port of Poole Layout.................................. 29
Information............................................... 30
Recycling Facilities..................................... 32
Marina Facilities........................................ 33
Swinging Moorings & RIB / Jet Ski Docks....34
PHC Master Plan........................................ 36
Sand Polo................................................... 38
Brownsea Open Air Theatre......................41
Tide Times.................................................43
Sand Fest...................................................47
Pip Hare.....................................................48
Poole Christmas Lights.............................. 50
Birds of Poole Harbour.............................. 52
The International Seakeepers Society......54
Dream Machines....................................... 56
Product Focus............................................ 58
Dorset Police Marine Section......................61
Brownsea Island........................................ 63
Bournemouth Air Festival..........................64
The Friends of Dolphin.............................. 66
Poole Regatta............................................. 68
Poole Museum........................................... 70
Poole Lifeboat Festival.............................. 72
Arne Walks................................................74
Studland Bay.............................................. 76
Studland Bay Marine Partnership............. 78
Sea Hives project...................................... 79
Rick Stein Recipe........................................ 80
The Jurassic Coast................................... 82
Useful Telephone Numbers......................84
General information................................. 85
List of Advertisers..................................... 86
Marinas and Moorings contacts............... 88
Poole Town map...............Inside back cover
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Quiet Area
No Pws/Jetskis
Overwintering Bird
Sensitive Areas (Nov-Mar)
Designated watersports
PHC Mooring trots
Quiet Area
Fuel Stations
Landing on any of the islands
in the Harbour is prohibited.
No Anchoring in or near
Navigational Channels.
Seaward extent of
speed limit,
Bye Law 2aa.
All year, 10 knots
max to Bell Buoy
No Pws/Jetskis
Quiet Area
Bass nursery
30 Apr - 1 Nov
07831 647197
No Water Ski-ing
Within 300m Of
The Shore
to the 2024 edition of the Poole
Harbour & Marina Guide
I am really looking forward to seeing you all
afloat and enjoying our wonderful harbour
during my first full summer season having
joined the team back in September.
Safety of navigation is the primary
responsibility of a Harbour Master and
this is primarily achieved by conservancy
of the main navigable channels and
monitoring the traffic that use them. Potential
conflicts between Poole’s diverse range of
waterbourne activities are carefully assessed
to ensure that control measures are in
place to mitigate risk to as low as reasonably
This of course all comes at a considerable
cost which is partly paid for by the harbour
dues that users pay for the public right to
navigate in the harbour. If your vessel is
floating on the water within Poole Harbour
then please ensure you have purchased your
harbour dues which you can do by visiting
our website or contacting the
harbour office on 01202 440200. Those of you
who purchase your harbour dues directly
from PHC will notice we have launched a new
and much slicker payments system called Harbour Assist.
The first in our new series of harbour dues plaque stickers,
depicting the harbour’s more distinctive navigation buoys,
features No1 ‘Bar Buoy’ with a view behind of Old Harry Rocks
– part of the world famous Jurassic Coast.
For your safety we take misbehaviour on the water very
seriously and have in recent years prosecuted over 60
persons for byelaw infringements such as speeding,
excessive wash, pollution and dangerous navigation as
examples. If you witness dangerous seamanship or observe
an incident, then please report it immediately to our 24-7
Harbour Control on 01202 440230 or VHF Ch14 and, ideally,
follow up via our website’s reporting form which can be
done swiftly on a mobile device. We will dispatch patrols to
the scene where available and record the activity on CCTV
and Radar. All reports come directly to me for subsequent
Finally, please make the most of what Europe’s largest
natural harbour has to offer and don’t hesitate to contact
me should you feel the need at
Harry Gregory
Harbour Master
2024 0000
Expires 31 March 2025
2024/25 TIDE TIMES
More detailed information can be obtained from the
Poole Harbour Commissioners website
Please do not hesitate to contact us about any harbour
related matter by writing to the Harbour Office or by
email to
Report a maritime
incident here
Additionally, you can follow us on
Facebook, LinkedIn and twitter.
6 The Call Poole 999 Harbour in an emergency and Marina or Guide 101 Non-emergency
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Harbour Dues
The public right of navigation within
the Harbour is dependent on the
payment of appropriate Harbour
Dues. Once a boat is launched into the
water it is ready to exercise that right
of navigation and the appropriate
Harbour Dues payment is required.
The Harbour Authority is empowered to
take action to recover Harbour Dues,
which may result in the arrest and sale
of vessels which unfortunately happens
from time to time.
The requirements of the Port Marine Safety
Code must be met and as a responsible Harbour
Authority we are obliged to follow best practice.
The resources required come at a cost.
You may find it useful to know why Harbour Dues
are charged, and how the money is spent.
Harbour Dues charges fund the conservancy of
Poole Harbour and go towards:
Surveying, dredging to keep the channels clear
and marked with navigational aids (all buoys,
marker beacons, lights, stakes, notice boards
Traffic management to keep the Harbour safe
(Harbour Control, Radar, CCTV and Automatic
Identification System);
Responding to and handling emergencies,
patrolling and enforcing Byelaws.
Vessels not displaying an annual Harbour Dues
decal will be stopped by one of our Harbour
patrol vessels in order to check whether Harbour
Dues have been paid. Patrol Officers regularly
sight vessels on pontoons in all clubs and marinas
in the Harbour. Other Harbour users kindly pass
on information. Annual Harbour Dues are valid
from 1st April to 31st March and can be paid at
the Harbour Office or most clubs and marinas.
Alternatively you can use our online service which
is available via our new website:
Please display your annual Harbour Dues disc
in a prominent position on the port side of
your craft.
Action will be taken by the Harbour Authority
to recover unpaid dues. Unfortunately vessels
have been arrested and sold as previously
mentioned. This is carried out under section
44 of the Harbour, Docks and Piers clauses
Act 1847.
Please be advised that Harbour Dues are
non-refundable and non-transferable.
Poole Harbour has an excellent reputation for
marine safety, navigation aid management and
liaison with stakeholders and your Harbour Dues
payments will help to maintain or improve that
reputation going forward.
Thank you for your contribution and I wish you a
safe and enjoyable time in Poole Harbour.
Harry Gregory
Harbour Master
2024 0000
Expires 31 March 2025
Prices (all include VAT)
Annual - £24.05 per metre
Monthly - £15.69 per metre
Weekly - £4.06 per metre
Daily - £0.96 per metre
Scan QR code
to pay online
The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
Private licensed moorings are authorised by
Poole Harbour Commissioners to a named
person for a nominated craft. They are not
transferable, nor can any other craft occupy
the mooring without the Harbour Master’s
permission. Please note that new moorings will
not be granted for a vessel that has a draught
in excess of 0.8 metres. Please head to the
moorings section of our website and complete
the online application form or email if you would like further
Band A: up to 4 metres £31.44
Band B: 4.1 to 8 metres £62.94
Band C: 8.1 to 12 metres £94.39
Band D: 12.1 to 16 metres £125.78
Registration Fee £33.00
Crown Estate Levy £143.00
Poole Harbour Commissioners have 93 Swinging Moorings and 32 Pontoon Berths available for hire:
26 Swinging Moorings (1st April – 31st March)
5 Swinging Moorings (1st April – 31st October)
20 Swinging Moorings (1st April – 31st October)
31 Swinging Moorings (1st April – 31st October)
4 Swinging Moorings (1st April – 31st October)
32 Berths (1st April – 31st March)
7 Swinging Moorings (1st April – 31st October)
Navigation Hints
See Admiralty Chart 2611 or Imray Chart Y23
The approach to Poole
• If approaching from the Solent, the entrance is identifiable from the high cliffs
of Anvil Point. When nearer, the rocks of Old Harry (Handfast Point) are clearly
visible. The Swash Channel is clearly marked.
• When leaving for, or approaching from the west, beware of the strong
current off Handfast Point on the ebb tide.
• The Harbour is accessible at all states of the tide and is only dangerous in
very strong S and SE winds, particularly on the ebb tide.
• The entrance channel ‘The Swash’ passes between the Training Bank,
on the western side, and Hook Sands to the east. Be careful of the Chain Ferry,
just at the entrance, as the ebb can run to 5 knots or more.
Take extreme care using the East Looe Cut, due to shifting sands.
Navigational Safety Guidance
• Avoid sailing in the main navigational channels
where possible, especially in poor visibility. Be
aware of the effect of passing close to a large
vessel. The ship’s hydro-dynamic displacement
can pull the water from under you without
• Give right of way to large vessels which are
limited in their manoeuvring space. Remember
they may have less room than is immediately
• If you have to proceed within the channel keep
to the starboard (right hand) side or use the
small boat channel. Vessels with a draft of up
to 1.5 metres should use the southern side of
the middle ship channel.
• Be Alert ~ keep a sharp look out for vessels
surveying, dredging and laying buoys or
moorings. Look around you ~ especially
• Watch your wash ~ even when you are
proceeding within the speed limit, you may be
creating a wash. Slow down whenever you see
other vessel activity which could be affected,
for example craft embarking passengers or
youngsters in canoes.
• The International Regulations for the
Prevention of Collisions at Sea apply to all
vessels ~ including those racing.
• Take particular care with boats under sail,
especially when they are racing.
• Be visible and make your intentions clear.
You may think you know what you are doing and
where you are going, but put yourself in the
shoes of the Master of the cross-channel ferry
~ does he know your intentions?
• You may see a large ship at all times, but if you
disappear from the view of the Master of a ship
you are too close. Ask yourself ‘can you see
the crafts Bridge?’ If not - the Master probably
can’t see you.
• Do not underestimate the speed of other ships.
If your boat is slow you might not be able to
take effective action to keep clear if you find
yourself on a collision course. If in doubt, take
avoiding action and take it early.
• Do not anchor or drift in any navigational
channel or create an obstruction within
the channels.
• Do not secure to, or obscure any navigational
marks, buoy, beacon or stake.
• Mariners are advised that large inbound
vessels will tend to be on the port hand side of
the channel between the Harbour Entrance and
North Haven Point to avoid Chapmans Peak.
10 The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
Harbour Control
Poole Harbour Control is a 24/7 all year round
vessel monitoring centre providing essential
information to commercial and leisure marine
traffic. It is the first point of contact for all craft
especially in the event of an incident or accident.
The Harbour Control Officer (HCO) has a
number of resources available to keep
watch on various activities, day and night,
including Radar, CCTV, AIS, and the latest in 3D
vessel monitoring equipment. The HCO is also
assisted by a number of patrol vessels and
organisations around the harbour as well as
the harbour user. All monitoring equipment is
recordable including voice communications for
safety and training purposes and to assist in
incident investigation.
The Harbour Control Officer should be
contacted in the event of any emergency in
the harbour using:
VHF Channel 14 (or 16)
Call sign: “Poole Harbour Control”
Telephone: 01202 440230
In case of an emergency
call 999 and ask for the
“Poole Bridge” VHF Channel 12
Radar, CCTV, VHF communications and
telephone conversations to Harbour
Control are recorded for safety and
training purposes and can be used
to prosecute persons in violation of
harbour bylaws.
Use of VHF Radio
If you have a marine radio on your boat,
maintain a listening watch on Channel 16
outside the harbour area but remember
this is a calling and distress frequency. It is
not a conversational channel and except in
an emergency, you must switch to another
channel when contact has been made.
In the Swash Channel and inside the harbour
it is advisable to maintain a listening watch on
Channel 14 which is the harbour operations
channel. You should not communicate on
this channel unless it is necessary for safety
reasons, but you will be able to follow and
anticipate the movements of other shipping.
All harbour patrol launches, Harbour Control,
Sandbanks Chain Ferry and the Dorset Marine
Police keep watch on Channel 14.
If there’s an accident
If you are involved in a marine incident or accident within
Poole Harbour and its approach channels, no matter how
minor, you must report it as soon as possible. Incident
report forms are available from the Harbour Office, or
you can submit a report online at
management/report-an-incident/, but an initial report should
be made to Poole Harbour Control or to the Harbour Patrol
vessel, call sign ‘VIXEN’ on VHF Channel 14.
Safety at sea
Always wear a life jacket
You should take a little time before you get out
on the waterway to make sure you are as safe
as possible. The governing bodies for most
sports and activities produce specific guidance
for anyone participating in their particular
disciplines. We recommend that you follow the
RNLI Six Tips for a safe trip and any activity
specific guidance from governing bodies as
a bare minimum. We also recommend that
you register your craft with the Coastguard’s
Voluntary Safety identification Scheme CG66.
All craft, whether a kayak or motor yacht, can
be registered with the scheme.
Safety at night
You, like many other users, may be afloat after
dusk and during the hours of darkness whether
you’re arriving from another harbour or just
enjoying some fishing. As darkness presents its
own dangers when navigating in the water way
you must ensure that you do everything you can
to minimise the risk to yourself and other users.
The harbour is completely different at night
and you need to alter the way you operate your
vessel to suit the conditions, whether at anchor
or underway. You must carry and show the
correct lights.
Remember when afloat at
night or in reduced visibility:
Go slow, be seen
and keep a lookout!
Go slow in darkness, fog or when glare from the
sun restricts your visibility, you must slow down
to a safe speed.
A safe speed is one at which you can stop and
avoid a collision, considering the circumstances
and conditions at the time. Remember – the
faster you go, the faster you approach hazards
and hitting a hazard at speed can have a greater
impact on you, your passengers and your boat.
Be seen
You may be able to see others but can they see
you? At night, every type of craft on the water
needs lights in order to be seen. Whether you
are paddling, rowing, sailing or motoring,
everyone needs to be able to recognise where
you are and what you are doing. Make sure you
have the right lights for your craft and that
they work properly. Use them as soon as the sun
goes down or when visibility is poor. Your lights
should be mounted in a position that gives you
optimum night vision and allows others to see
you from every direction. Make sure you don’t
adversely affect your night vision, or the vision
of other boat skippers. You should also carry a
working waterproof floating torch.
It is recommended that canoeists use a head
torch during periods of poor visibility and
at night.
The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
Keep a lookout
You must take particular care when navigating
at night or in reduced visibility – it can be like
looking into a black hole. Look and listen at all
times, as a number of hazards such as moored
boats are unlit. Navigation lights may not be as
bright as other lights and background lights may
hide something that is closer.
If it is a large ship, the lights might be high and
you may not realise that you are looking at the
sides of a black hull. If you have the slightest
doubt, stop, ensure you are lit and have a good
look around you. Navigation marks can help
you navigate safely in the waterway. Navigation
marks often indicate where hazards are, but
should be coupled with reference to a chart
and local knowledge of the area, particularly in
the dark.
Restricted Visibility Routine -
This comes into force when visibility in the Harbour or parts of the Harbour is less than 500 metres.
Small vessels are strongly advised not to leave their berths but, if they do so, they are to proceed
with great caution, with navigation lights on and making the appropriate sound signals, and are
to keep clear of the main shipping channels and avoid impeding commercial vessels. If fitted they
should monitor VHF Channel 14 for shipping movements and visibility updates.
We all want to enjoy the sea and the seaside, but there are a few things to bear in mind while
on, or in, the ocean. Follow these steps and stay safe while you enjoy your stay at the seaside.
Don’t get cut off by the tide
Keep an eye on the tide and find out
when high and low tides are to ensure
you don’t get trapped in caves or get
cut off from the shoreline.
Swimming in the sea
Swim with a friend and stay within your
depth near the shore. If you do get
caught in a strong current, stay calm,
raise your hand and shout for help.
If you are swimming alone, swim
parallel to the shore until you are able
to swim or wade back to the shore.
Inflatable toys and boats can quickly
be swept out to sea, even in light winds,
stay between the red and yellow flags
on a lifeguarded beach.
The red flag means danger.
Never go in the water when
the red flag is flying
The red and yellow flag
shows the area of the beach
patrolled by lifeguards. This
is the safest area to swim.
The black and white
chequered flag shows the
area of water for boats and
surfers. Don’t swim here it’s
An orange windsock flying
means that there are
dangerous wind conditions and
you shouldn’t use inflatable toys
or boats on the sea.
In an emergency call 999 for the coastguard
Main Shipping Channels
The speed limit of 10 knots is applicable
throughout the year. Mariners are advised that
in accordance with the Poole Harbour Byelaw
2(aa) speed restrictions are relaxed within the
Wareham Channel, Middle Ship Channel and
North Channel during the period 1st October
to 31st March. The speed limits still apply
throughout the rest of the harbour, especially
6 knots in Little Channel and Holes Bay, and 10
knots in the harbour entrance area between
Bell Buoy and 1400 metres to seaward of South
Haven Point.
Channel Marks
All navigational marks in Poole Harbour
conform to IALA Region ‘A’ System of Buoyage
and are positioned as shown in the latest
editions of Admiralty Chart 2611 and Imray
Laurie Y23.
Buoys are numbered consecutively from the
seaward end of the Swash Channel, Poole Bar
Buoy being No1. Buoys marking the red port
hand side of the channel have even numbers
and the buoys on the green starboard side
have odd numbers.
A new edition of Admiralty Chart No. 2611 was
published in August 2020. Minor channels
are marked with stakes, the colours and top
marks of which conform to the IALA System
of Buoyage. All stakes are fitted with luminous
tape, two stripes on the port marker, one stripe
to starboard.
14 The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
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16 The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2020
Expires 31 March 2025
2024 0000
Waterskiing & Wake Boarding
A permit is required for waterskiing inside the
harbour, it can be obtained from the Harbour
Office or the Poole Harbour Commissioners’
Current costs are:-
Daily £26 Inc. VAT, Weekly £75 Inc. VAT, Annual £240
Inc. VAT. Payment can now be made online via our
website Harbour Dues are payable
in addition on each boat.
Harbour Master permission
required by Permit
Pay online
or at the Harbour Office.
Please note the vessel must
also be in possession of valid
Harbour Dues.
Minimum 3rd party
insurance required.
Minimum of 2 people on the
boat whilst towing a skier (one
driving, one observer).
The Vessel must have a name
or number that is clearly
Ski boats must navigate
the designated area in an
anticlockwise direction.
Persons riding on towed
inflatables are not permitted
anywhere within
Poole Harbour Limits.
No Water skiing/Wakeboarding
Sunset till Sunrise.
Scan QR code
to pay online
The designated water ski area is in the Wareham
Channel and is approximately 2000 metres long
and varies in width between 300 metres and 600
metres. The area is marked by, yellow buoys .
Water skiers are exempt from the speed limit
when operating within this area. Water skiing
boats must have a minimum of two people in
the boat, one of whom acts as a lookout astern.
Boats should circuit the area in an anti-clockwise
direction and avoid getting too close to each
Water skiing may take place anywhere outside
the harbour to seaward of the 6 knots yellow buoy
markers off the beaches. The use of inflatable
towed toys pose a significant hazard to other
users within the harbour and indeed to the
person on them should they be thrown into the
water. These inflatables are prohibited from use
anywhere within the harbour. They may be towed
out to sea for use outside the harbour entrance
providing they are not manned during the transit.
Water Skiing and Wakeboarding behind
a Personal Watercraft (Jetski) is not
permitted within Poole Harbour.
Refer to harbour layout at front of this guide for
designated water ski area
Watercraft (PWs)
A PW permit, which is the equivalent of Harbour
Dues for other recreational vessels, signifies the
Harbour Master’s written permission to operate
within the harbour.
Remember, the Harbour extends to 1,400 metres to
seaward of South Haven Point.
Application forms are available from the Harbour
Office and on the Poole Harbour Recreational
Before a permit is issued the
applicant must undertake:-
PW owners must have proper insurance.
If launching at Baiter Public Slipway, third party
liability cover is a mandatory requirement of the
Borough of Poole. WARNING your insurance may be
invalid if you do not have a permit.
• That the craft is data tagged and the number
is clearly visible;
• Not to let any person under 16 years of age
ride the PW unless they are under the direct
supervision of the permit holder, or hold the RYA
Certificate of Proficiency for PWs;
• To abide by the Harbour Master’s directions.
As part of the Poole Harbour Commissioners’
Aquatic Management Plan there are a number of
designated zones within the harbour to allow the
segregation of high speed activities. This reduces
conflict with other harbour users therefore
reducing risk and improving safety. Personal
watercraft have such a zone north of Brownsea
Island where they must operate with caution and
have due regard for other harbour users. PW
operators are not allowed to speed outside of this
You may be stopped on the water by one of the
PHC Patrol Craft, including the PW ‘Viper’. The
Patrol Officer will ask to see evidence of having
purchased a permit. Failure to do so may result in
prosecution with fines of up to £1,000 plus costs.
PWs are prohibited from using the quiet area to
the south of Brownsea Island. In all other areas
of the harbour they are subject to the speed limit
of 10 knots, or 6 knots in the Little
Channel and Holes Bay. These
speed limits are strictly enforced.
PWs must not linger in the
harbour entrance or the main
shipping channels and are not
to ‘play the wake’ of larger
vessels. The recommended
area for launching is Baiter Public
Slipway where permits can be obtained. Permits
may also be obtained from the Harbour Office and
Poole Quay Boat Haven.
The National Trust does not permit PWs to be
launched or landed on the beach at Studland.
Daily £26 Inc. VAT, Weekly £68 Inc. VAT,
Annual £208 Inc. VAT. Payment can now be made
online via our website:
Expires 31 March 2023
Poole Harbour Personal Watercraft Permit 2022
Speed Limits only exempt
in designated area
Speed Limits only exempt in
designated area
Quiet area - NO PWC
No loitering in main channels
No towing of any object
with person on board
No use of PWC
from Sunset till Sunrise
Scan QR code
to pay online
No towing behind PW of any
object with a person onboard
The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
Refer to harbour layout at front of this
guide for designated jet ski area
Chain Ferry
The Chain Ferry has
Right of Way!
The chain ferry has right of way over all craft
except those under compulsory pilotage.
Basically, this means that if you don’t have a
pilot onboard then you must give way to the
chain ferry. Mariners are advised that there
is a Harbour Commissioners Byelaw in place to
enforce this right of way which has significantly
reduced the number of incidents involving the
chain ferry.
When approaching the ferry crossing
point, anticipate its direction of movement and
plan your course of action well in advance.
Mariners should keep well clear passing astern
and should never attempt to pass close ahead.
Remember that the chains will be taut and
shallow in front of the ferry and that they are
also a hazard at the rear.
The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
There is a very real danger of the tide sweeping
you down onto the ferry. Remember, the ferry
can do nothing to get out of your way.
Anticipate the chain ferry’s movements. A black
ball hoisted at the forward end will indicate its
intention to move off the slipway.
The white flashing strobe light will be activated
to indicate the direction of movement when the
engines are engaged. The chain ferry operates
to a schedule and has right of way, so please
think ahead and try to pass well clear astern
of it.
As a guide, ferry crossing times are on the hour
from the Haven Hotel (north) side and every
twenty minutes thereon from 0700 hours to 2300
hours. From the Studland (south) side, crossing
times start at 0710 hours and then every twenty
minutes until 2310 hours. At peak periods, this
schedule may change when a continuous shuttle
is normally run. The ferry runs all year, except
Christmas Day and during maintenance.
The Harbour
The entrance is the most hazardous area of
the harbour and special vigilance and care is
required when passing through. It is only 300
metres wide, with very strong tidal streams
particularly at spring ebb and the slow moving
chain ferry operates at its narrowest point.
Sailing vessels so fitted please use your engines
when transitting the entrance. It may be a
source of pride to you to achieve this under sail
alone, but it is not safe when congested, and
imposes greater risk to other users, especially
when the wind is light and the stream strong.
Dinghies sailed by trainees should be towed
through theharbour entrance until they are in
clear water.
Do not lay any mooring, fishing equipment or
any other item which may create a hazard
to navigation.
Local Notices
to Mariners
Local Notices to Mariners are issued by the
Harbour Master on a regular basis to inform
mariners of any operations or works taking
place in the harbour which may affect the safety
of navigation.
These are distributed to all the marine
operations involved in the Harbour area, as
well as adjacent harbour Masters, local marine
offices and notice boards at harbour access
points. Acquaint yourself with the location of
these notices and check regularly for new and
relevant information.
Local Notices may be obtained from the Harbour
Office in New Quay Road, or the Poole Quay
Boat Haven Office on Town Quay or on the PHC
Scan QR code
to subscribe here
Exemptions from speed limits
From time to time you will see craft exceeding
the speed limit through the harbour.
The following vessels have permission to exceed
the speed limit in the circumstances described:
Police Vessels
Harbour Patrol Vessels
RNLI Lifeboat & Inshore Lifeboat
Royal Marines
Please note
Radar, CCTV, VHF
communications and
telephone conversations to Harbour
Control are recorded for safety and
training purposes and can be used to
prosecute persons in violation of Harbour
The Speed Limit of 10 knots is applicable
throughout the year. Mariners are advised that
in accordance with the Poole Harbour Byelaw
2(aa) speed restrictions are relaxed within the
Wareham Channel, Middle Ship Channel and
North Channel during the period 1st October
to 31st March. The speed limits still apply
throughout the rest of the harbour, especially
6 knots in Little Channel and Holes Bay, and 10
knots in the harbour entrance area between
Bell Buoy and 1400 metres to seaward of South
Haven Point.
Speeding and excessive wash offences are taken
very seriously and may result in prosecution
Précis of Relevant Byelaws
Byelaws are essential tools for the safe
management of the Harbour. While it is the
Harbour Commissioners’ policy to educate, it is
unfortunate that prosecution action in the
courts is necessary for those who refuse to
behave in a responsible manner.
These are the important byelaws which affect
recreational users:
1 All vessels shall conform to the orders and
directions of the Harbour Master.
2(a) Every vessel shall be navigated with care
and caution and at such speed and in such
manner as not to endanger the lives or
cause injury or be a nuisance to persons
or endanger the safety of or cause
damage to other vessels, moorings, buoys,
beacons or other property.
2(aa) Vessels shall not be navigated at a speed
exceeding 10 knots through the water.
2(b) Vessels shall not be navigated at a speed
exceeding 6 knots in the Little Channel,
between the Quays and in Holes Bay.
2(bb) No person shall engage in board sailing
within the Middle Ship Channel or within
the Haven Channel without the Harbour
Master’s written consent. Persons
intending to cross these channels shall do
so by the shortest possible route and so as
not cause an obstruction to other vessels
navigating in the channel.
2(c) Persons or vessels engaged in fishing with
nets, lines, or trawls shall not obstruct
with their vessels or gear any channel or
fairway used by vessels.
2(d) Vessels may not wilfully be permitted to
drift in a fairway for the purpose of fishing
or any other purpose.
2(e) No person shall engage in water skiing,
ascending by towed kite or parachute, or
use a jet ski (PW) or hovercraft except
with the written permission of the Harbour
Chain Ferry
Priority between chain ferry and other vessels.
All vessels navigating in the Harbour which are
not subject to compulsory pilotage shall give
way to the chain ferry.
Poole Harbour (Harbour Traffic Signals)
(Poole Bridges) Byelaws 2011
The Master of a vessel moving in the vicinity of the downstream bridge or the upstream
bridge must comply at all times with an indication given by the signals.
Significance of Signals
Which apply to both the fixed and opening spans
(1) A red signal conveys the prohibition that
vessels must not proceed beyond the signal
(2) A flashing red signal indicates a serious
emergency and conveys the prohibition that
vessels must not proceed beyond the signal
(3) A green signal indicates that vessels may
proceed beyond the signal
(4) A red-with-yellow signal indicates that vessels
may proceed with caution beyond the signal
Call Sign “Poole Bridge” – VHF Ch 12
The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
Lifting Bridges schedule (See for most up to date schedule)
Key - Weekdays: red Additional Weekend & Bank Holiday lifts: green
Both leaves down
Vessels may proceed with
caution in both directions
All vessels stop
Vessels may proceed
Lift 1
Lifting Sequence
Lift 1 Lift 2 Lift 3
05.30 ASAP* As Required**
06.30 ASAP* As Required**
07.30 ASAP* As Required**
08.30 ASAP* As Required**
09.30 ASAP* As Required**
10.30 ASAP* As Required**
11.30 ASAP* As Required**
12.30 ASAP* As Required**
13.30 ASAP* As Required**
14.30 ASAP* As Required**
Vessels stop to allow on coming
vessels through channel
All vessels stop
All red flashing
All vessels stop
15.30 ASAP* As Required**
16.30 ASAP* As Required**
17.30 ASAP* As Required**
18.30 ASAP* As Required**
19.30 ASAP* As Required**
20.30 ASAP* As Required**
21.30 ASAP* As Required**
22.30 ASAP* As Required**
23.30 ASAP* As Required**
When Bridge Maintenance takes place a Local Notice to Mariners will be published, these can be found
on our website or alternatively on
* As soon as the first lift is completed and the bridge reopened to road traffic.
** If required, then as soon as the second lift is completed and the bridge reopened to road traffic.
Note 1
All vessels to be on station at scheduled
lift time and make contact with the
Bridge Operator.
Note 4
All scheduled times will consist of a two
or three bridge sequence depending on
the boat traffic on station.
Note 2
Note 3
Which bridge opens at the scheduled lift
time (Lift 1) will normally be as published,
but may alter depending on boat traffic
and tidal stream.
If there are no boats on station at the
scheduled lift time then no lifts will take
Note 5
Note 6
Lift 3 in a sequence will not be provided
if it is required within 15 minutes of the
start of the following sequence.
Mariners may use the holding berths on
the West (Hamworthy) side of the basin
between lifts.
Kite Surfing
Over the years, PHC has opted for an
educational and support approach, which
included regular meetings with the kite surfing
community and being involved in the setting up
of the Poole Kite Surfing Club and the creation
of a Code of Practice. This went some way to
improving the safety of the sport.
However over recent years popularity has
increased and accidents have occurred,
therefore greater regulation was deemed
necessary. Following months of consultation
with the kite surfing community, the British Kite
Sports Association (BKSA), Borough of Poole,
Natural England and the RNLI, Poole Harbour
Commissioners (PHC) introduced a General
Direction in April 2014, which empowers a kite
surfing permit scheme in Poole Harbour.
Harbour Master’s permission is required by permit application.
All Kite Surfers require a permit to use the Harbour.
A minimum of 3rd party insurance is required.
Kite Surfers must have competence to
self-rescue and full pack down in deep water.
No Kite Surfing within 50m of the Harbour Wall.
Always use an effective primary and
secondary kite safety system.
It is highly recommended that Kite Surfers are
members of the BKSA and have reached level 2
Independent Kite Surfer Level with a recognised school.
Always assist fellow Kite Surfers when launching
and landing. Self-launching is not recommended.
Avoid Kite Surfing where there are
swinging moorings.
Complete a Site Assessment on arrival as the area can
get exceptionally busy both ashore and on the water.
No matter how competent you are, or how good the
The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
1. This direction is given pursuant to article 12 of
the Poole Harbour Revision Order 2012 (“the 2012
Order”) in respect of any surfboard or similar
vessel powered by a kite(“a Kite Surfer”).
This direction shall apply in all parts of the
Harbour, as defined by article 4 of the 2012
Order (“the Harbour”).
2. No Kite Surfer shall be operated in the Harbour
by any person who is not in possession of a
“Kite Surfing Permit”. Such a permit denotes
a declaration that the holder has at least 3rd
party public liability insurance, a competency
statement to confirm ability to self-rescue and
deep water pack down, has paid the relevant
dues and agrees to abide by appropriate terms
and conditions issued by the Harbour Master
3. Students of BKSA registered schools while
undergoing training under the direct supervision
of a BKSA accredited instructor will be exempt
from the requirement to purchase a permit,
however they must wear a “rash” vest provided
by their school.
4. Persons issued with a “Kite Surfing Permit”
must display the supplied tag at all times when
kite surfing. It is recommended that owners mark
their equipment with their mobile numbers in
indelible ink. This assists the emergency services
if equipment is lost and usually sees the items
being reunited with the owner.
5. Any person in charge of a Kite Surfer, or is
otherwise responsible for its management or
operation who fails to comply with this Direction
shall be guilty of an offence pursuant to article
15 of the 2012 Order and may be prosecuted.
Permits can be purchased online via the PHC
website. Daily £9, Annual £42 inc. VAT online
via PHC website:
Kite Surfing is not permitted in the Harbour
Entrance or the Main Channels between the
Bar Buoy and the Turning Basin.
Scan QR code
to pay online
The Harbour is extremely popular with all water sports and is
not without dangers to participants of these sports, to others
in the vicinity and to the environment. The below information is
for your safety and the safety of other Harbour users.
It is highly recommended that participants
are members of the BSUPA and have
undergone formal training in the sport.
Wear a suitable buoyancy aid.
Wear a wetsuit all year round.
Check the weather (you ideally need light,
onshore winds, under 10 knots) Do not
underestimate the forces of nature.
Avoid offshore winds.
Check tidal flow is safe to SUP
(under 2 knots).
Avoid all areas with fast flowing water
including the Harbour Entrance.
SUP with others (tell someone where you are
going and when you come back).
Avoid any hazard or fixed object in the water by
a minimum of 2 board lengths.
Wear a leash (coiled on flat water or
straight in surf – added safety – buy a
quick release type).
Take your phone in a waterproof bag.
No lingering in the main channels,
beware of Commercial Shipping &
other craft.
Scan QR code
for more
Seek advice before you
go out. Plan your day and
remember the water is not
always safe. If conditions
are poor – don’t go out!
2016 - 2017 - 2019 - 2020
Poole Town Quay, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HJ
t: 01202 649488 |
VHF Channel 80 call sign “Poole Quay Boat Haven”
Meet the Poole Quay Boat Haven team
Kerrie Gray CMM
Kerrie started her career in the marine industry in 2005. Starting
her career as a Marina Operative at Poole Quay Boat Haven in
the summer season while teaching sailing in warmer climates in
the winter. Six years later, in 2011, she was promoted to Assistant
Manager before getting her big break in 2017 with the promotion
of Marina Manager. Kerrie’s other role is Event Manager of the
Poole Harbour Boat Show, and most recently appointed Marina
Manager for the Southampton International Boat Show.
Tom Killick
Tom re-joined the team in June 2022 having worked for the
marinas in 2018 as the Bosun. In the meantime he has spent his
time as the aftersales manager for an local yacht broker. Tom
prides himself on having a top level of customer service and
an extensive knowledge of the industry. Tom holds numerous
marine qualifications and has vast experience in both practical
and administrative tasks. This has recently led to Tom becoming
the boat house manager for Poole Lifeboat Station.
Harry Whittle
Harry re-joined the team in March 2023, having previously worked
for the Marina’s in 2018. In the mean time Harry has been working
as a Dockmaster at a local Marina. During this time he has gained
a vast amount of knowledge which makes him a perfect fit for
the team.
The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
Tracey Phillips
Having worked as a member of seasonal staff in 2011, Tracey
joined the permanent team later in the year when she
became one of the office administrators. Tracey has gained
qualifications in RYA Powerboat Level II and the Marine Radio
Certificate, and works alongside the rest of the team looking
after the day-to-day running of the marinas.
Kori Williams Morgan
Kori joined the team in April 2022 as a seasonal member of
staff and currently works part time for the Marina’s, whilst he is
currently enrolled at Rockley Watersports studying a BTEC Level
3 in outdoor education. Kori spends his spare time on the water
as an instructor at Poole Sea Cadets.
Poole Quay Boat Haven layout
Poole Quay Boat Haven, Town Quay, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HJ
The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
Port of Poole Marina layout
Port of Poole Marina, Gatehouse, New Harbour Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 4AJ
Bienvenue à
Poole Quay Boat
Haven dans le
magnifique port
de Poole.
À l’arrivée, nous
vous demandons
de signaler au
bureau Marina
où un membre du
personnel sera en mesure de vous donner des
informations concernant notre installations.
Toutes les mouillages disposent de l’électricité,
l’eau douce et Wi-Fi gratuite. Les douches sont
gratuites et accessibles par un code.
Nous sommes situés à seulement
quelques minutes de nombreux cafés et
restaurants, ainsi si vous avez besoin d’une
recommandation d’un membre du personnel
sera heureux de vous aider. Nous espérons
que vous apprécierez votre séjour avec nous.
Herzlich Willkommen
im schönen Poole
Quay Boat Haven
Wir bitten Sie,
sich direkt bei der
Ankunft im Marina
Büro anzumelden, wo
unsere Mitarbeiter
Sie auch über alle
und Möglichkeiten des Hafens informieren
können. Wir wären Ihnen dankbar, wenn
Sie die Liegeplatzgebühren direkt bei der
Anmeldung begleichen. Alle Stege sind mit
Frischwasser, Stromanschluss und WiFi
ausgerüstet. Die Benutzung der Duschen ist
frei. Den Zugangscode hierfür erhalten Sie bei
der Anmeldung.
Viele Cafés und Restaurants sind in wenigen
Gehminuten zu erreichen. Unsere Mitarbeiter
freuen sich, wenn sie Ihnen bei Bedarf behilflich
sein können.
Wir wünschen Ihnen einen angenehmen
Welkom bij Poole Quay
Boat Haven in het
mooie Poole Harbour.
Bij aankomst
verzoeken wij u zich
te melden bij het
jachthaven kantoor
waar het personeel
u informatie over
onze faciliteiten zal
geven. We willen u ook
verzoeken direct bij
het boeken te betalen.
Alle ligplaatsen zijn voorzien van elektriciteit,
drinkwater en Wi-Fi internet. De douches zijn
gratis en toegankelijk met een code die u zal
worden gegeven bij het boeken.
Wij liggen slechts een paar minuten lopen van
cafés en restaurants, dus als u een aanbeveling
nodig heeft zal een personeelslid u graag helpen.
Wij hopen dat u een plezierig verblijf bij ons heeft.
Welkom in Poole
Quay Boat Haven
in het mooie haven
Poole Harbour.
By u aankomst
vragen wij u aan te
melden in het bureel
van de Marina waar
een persoon van de staff u de informaties over
ons voorzieningen zal geven.
Mogen wij u vragen van de betaling te doen op
het moment dat u aan de haven aankomst. Al de
plaatsen hebben elektriciteit, water en wi-fi. De
douches zijn gratis en u kunt toegang hebben per
code die aan de aankomst zal gegeven worden.
We zijn maar enkele minuten te voet van de
winkels en de restaurants dus als u meer
informaties nodig te wensen zal het door ons
personeel met veel plezier door me te delen.
Wy hopen dat u veel plezier zullen hebben met u
reis bij ons.
The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
If you love your harbour,
don’t treat it like a bog…
Use on-shore
Fit a holding tank
or chemical toilet
Use the pumping station
housed at Poole Quay Boat Haven
to empty your toilet
And if you can’t do any of those,
flush at least 3 miles offshore
Recycling Facilities
The following items can be
recycled on the pontoon in
the following recycling bins.
Other items can be disposed of in the harbourside waste facilities
General waste
Use the wheelie bins
near the marina
office for bagged
Empty cans should
be disposed of in
the labelled box
Lead acid batteries
and dry cell batteries
Batteries may be
disposed of by
arrangement with
haven staff
Chemical toilet
disposal point
The disposal point
is next to the
recycling bins
Waste oil, oily water
and oil contaminated
Waste oil can be
disposed of in the
designated area
Sewage pump-out
Tokens are required
to use this facility.
These are available
from the marina
office. There is a £10
charge for use of this
facility for visitors.
The facility is free to
berth holders.
The recycling and waste facilities at Poole Quay Boat Haven are
managed by our long established and well respected recycling
company, operating in all market sectors ranging from individual
site requirements through to major regional and mainland UK
recycling contracts.
Marina Facilities
Shore power is available with
16amp connections on all
pontoons. 63amp single phase,
63amp 3 phase and 32amp is
limited. If you do require one of
these connections, please speak
to the office staff at the time of
booking. There is a £3.50 per
night charge for connection to
the electricity. A meter maid can
be issued for anyone wishing to
stay for longer periods.
Showers & toilets
Showers and toilets are
available at both marinas at no
extra charge. All the facilities
are cleaned daily (twice daily
at busy periods) and are only
available for berth holders and
visitors. Codes will be given to
you when you visit reception to
check in.
Pump out
Pump charge is £10 per vessel
(free of charge for annual
berth holders). We request that
customers wishing to use this
facility contact us in advance.
This facility is located near
the Haven entrance. Please
be aware that this facility is
located on a working berth
and therefore may not always
be available. Staff will do their
best to assist if vessels are
obstructing use of the pump
out but cannot guarantee
availability especially during
peak times. Please refer to
marina layout on page 28.
2kg bags of ice are available
for £2. Please ask at reception
at either marina.
Laundry facilities
Laundry facilities are available
at both our marinas. Please ask
at reception. Tokens need to
be purchased and cost £3.50
for the washing machine, 60p
for liquitabs, and £1.50 for the
tumble drier.
Drinking water
Drinking water is provided on
all pontoons. You can also use
this water for washing down
vessels but we would request
that you do not leave the water
running unnecessarily.
Full terms and conditions can be found on our website:
We offer a combined package
of seven months on a swinging
mooring and five months’ winter
let in the marina.
You’re welcome to use the marina
facilities, showers, water, laundry
etc. all year round.
A limited number of swinging
moorings are also available for
daily/weekly use.
Wych Moorings
RIB/Jet Ski
We have berths for jet skis
and RIBs up to 6.1 meters.
These are dry berths that
allow you to leave your
vessel out of the water to
reduce maintenance costs.
Please ask for details.
36 The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
Super Yachts
At Poole Quay Boat Haven we can accommodate vessels with a maximum length of
230ft (70m) and a draft of 15.7ft (4.8m). 63amp 3 phase, 63amp single phase shore
power is available. Please state requirements upon booking. On the Port estate we can
accommodate vessels up to 210m in length with a maximum draft of 9m.
Master plan - our 20 year vision
Be the UK’s number one
marine leisure location
There is a shortage of Marina berths on the
South Coast with most marinas reporting waiting
lists. Our award-winning marinas, Poole Quay
Boat Haven and Port of Poole Marina, operate at
full capacity with long waiting lists.
Our Masterplan proposes to build a
new Marine Centre with a focus on
Regeneration, Community Benefit,
Sustainability and Job Creation.
Poole Harbour is fast becoming the UK’s
destination of choice for visiting superyachts.
Outline for visual representation only.
The exact delineation is subject to
change pending ongoing studies.
The project also proposes (subject to change
as studies are carried out):
3 A marine refuelling facility
3 Secure berths for power and sail boats
3 Facilities to support major marine events
such as Boat Shows and Tall Ships
3 International Sailing Regattas
3 Additional facilities for Poole Harbour
stakeholders, including Fishermen and
commercial operators
3 New public access to harbour viewing area
3 A new environmental awareness centre
3 Harbour Access for local organisations
3 Facilities for superyachts
3 Support for local marine businesses
Poole Quay is a very attractive location for a new
Marine Centre Regeneration Project, providing
direct links to the town and proximity to the main
navigation channels and activity areas.
38 The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
In addition to the Marine Centre
project, we have identified the
following opportunities to maximise
the Port estate’s potential.
Maximise the port
Estate potential
Explore potential for improvements to
the Port’s rail link
The Port of Poole is one of the few UK South Coast
ports to be rail connected.
PHC continues to explore, with Network Rail, possible
improvements to the Hamworthy branch line and Port
siding to align with customers’ expansion plans and
transportation of cargo via rail.
Rail can be a far more environmentally-friendly mode
of transport than road, aligning with our ambitions to
become a Leading Green Port.
Continue to market Port of Poole to
potential tenants
Alongside the Port’s RoRo ferry and cargo operation,
PHC leases buildings and other facilities to a range
of commercial tenants, providing revenue which
supports our other activities and supporting a large
number of jobs and businesses on the Port Estate.
PHC remains committed to marketing this aspect of the
Port to interested customers, providing covered and
uncovered facilities.
To read the full master plan, please go to
What’s On
Welcome to Sandpolo, a destination
festival like no other.
A firm fixture in the UK’s sporting and
social calendar since 2008, Sandpolo
hosts a world-class polo event annually at
Sandbanks, Poole. The unique, high-energy
format makes one of the oldest equestrian
sports easier for both newcomers to
follow, and dedicated polo fans to enjoy.
Of course, it’s not just about the
weekend’s sport – Sandpolo brings
fashion, food and entertainment together;
enjoy a day of fine-dining in the hospitality
marquee, take time out and make the
most of the street food village, relax
at the pitch-side bar, or party hard with
internationally acclaimed entertainment
each evening until midnight.
13:00 – Gates open
14:30 – Arena entertainment
15:00 – Opening ceremony
15:10 – Polo match
16:30 – Arena entertainment
17:45 – Prize giving (Saturday only)
18:00 – Evening party
00:00 – Carriages
Please note: Bars and food village
open from 1pm, Itinerary subject to change.
We look forward to seeing you
all on the beach at Sandpolo 2024!
Get your tickets at
The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
• Powerboat & PWC Courses
• Motorboat Courses
• Shorebased Courses
01202 686666
If you’re new to powerboating, or an old hand, a
course with us will enhance your understanding,
safety and enjoyment of the sport.
Powerboat & PWC Courses
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• Children’s Courses
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Motorboat Courses
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• Dayskipper
• Advanced
• Powerboat Instructors
• Own Boat Tuition
• Marina Handling
• Yachtmaster Preparation
• Own Boat Tuition
The Slipway,
Cobbs Quay Marina
Poole, Dorset, BH15 4EL
Authors of the RYA
Powerboat Handbooks
For more details on courses please visit
Shorebased Courses
• ICC VHF/SRC Course
• Radar
• First Aid
• Sea Survival
• Dayskipper Theory
• Yachtmaster Theory
• Using a GPS/Chartplotter
• Navigation Refresher
Synonymous with watersports expertise and training, Rockley has an
outstanding 46-year reputation of offering exceptional RYA training courses
in sailing, powerboating and windsurfing to all standards from beginner
to instructor level. Our courses for youngsters and adults get you out on
the water, learning new skills and having fun. Youngsters can also enjoy
our hugely popular multi-activity days which take place across our three
centres in Dorset. Try our water-based activities at Poole Park Lake and
Rockley Point or have a go at climbing, archery, high ropes plus many more
fun land-based activities at our Buddens Activity Centre in the Purbecks.
01202 677272
Call in for a free taster
The Complete Yacht Ownership Experience.
Yacht Management
07540 899970 / 01202 818484
our Fudge is freshly made in store
(Dorset) Ltd
Buy Online
5 High Street, Poole, BH15 1AB
01202 674117
90% of boats are
repaired on scene
Dedicated marine
Home berth start
Unlimited callouts
JOIN TODAY: 0800 885500 •
RYA Yacht Master Instructor &
Examiner (power)
RYA/MCA commercially
endorsed (200grt)
• Tuition
• Charters
• Deliveries
• Boat Maintenance
Tel: +44 (0)7710109351
The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
What’s On?
24th July - 9th August
By William Shakespeare
Join us and enjoy our take on arguably the most
exciting of all of the Bard’s plays, certainly the
most revered, all the themes of Shakespeare’s
dark vision of the rise and fall of King Macbeth of
Scotland will be brought to life for you on Brownsea
Island in 2024.
We are one of the biggest theatrical projects in
the south, the annual production is set on The
National Trust’s Brownsea Island , these beautiful
surroundings make for a wonderful show, and a
fantastic evening of traditional Shakespeare.
BOAT receive excellent national and regional
coverage, and have been featured in The Guardian
as one of the UK’s Top 10 Open Air Theatre Venues,
Debrett’s 2009 list of the top five things to do in
England and in 2019 Woman’s Weekly featured BOAT
as one of the Top 5 Open Air Theatres in the UK.
We are a registered charity (no. 278003) which raises funds primarily
for the National Trust and the Dorset Wildlife Trust. The company is
professionally run, but all those involved with us, whether onstage,
backstage or front-of-house are unpaid volunteers.
44 The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
Tide times 2024/25
LAT 5043N LONG 159W
© Crown Copyright and/or database rights. Reproduced by permission of the Controller of Her
Majesty’s Stationery Office and the UK Hydrographic Office (
LAT 5043N LONG 159W
Tide times 2024/25
Time m Time m Time m Time m Time m Time m Time m Time m
0449 0.5 0431 0.4 0540 0.7 0542 0.3 0554 0.8 0616 0.3 0640 0.7 0725 0.5
0940 2.2 0941 2.3 1028 2.0 1057 2.3 1053 2.0 1127 2.3 1146 1.9 1218 2.1
TU 1706 0.6 W 1648 0.4 F 1758 1.0 SA 1805 0.6 SU 1813 1.0 M 1840 0.6 W 1903 0.9 TH 1952 0.9
2153 2.3 2156 2.4 2235 2.1 2310 2.4 2255 2.0 2337 2.4 2304 2.0
Time m Time m Time m Time m Time m Time m Time m Time m
0449 0.5 0431 0.4 0540 0.7 0542 0.3 0554 0.8 0616 0.3 0640 0.7 0725 0.5
0940 2.2 0941 2.3 1028 2.0 1057 2.3 1053 2.0 1127 2.3 1146 1.9 1218 2.1
TU 1706 0.6 W 1648 0.4 F 1758 1.0 SA 1805 0.6 SU 1813 1.0 M 1840 0.6 W 1903 0.9 TH 1952 0.9
2153 2.3 2156 2.4 2235 2.1 2310 2.4 2255 2.0 2337 2.4 2304 2.0
0527 0.6 0512 0.4 0614 0.8 0630 0.4 0627 0.8 0704 0.4 0718 0.7 0014 2.0
1014 2.1 1024 2.3 1110 1.9 1142 2.2 1137 1.9 1208 2.2 1102 1.8 0813 0.8
W 1744 0.7 TH 1731 0.5 SA 1833 1.1 SU 1856 0.8 M 1849 1.1 TU 1931 0.8 TH 1943 1.0 F 1241 1.9
2226 2.2 2238 2.3 2218 2.0 2352 2.2 2231 1.9 2252 1.9 2043 1.0
0527 0.6 0512 0.4 0614 0.8 0630 0.4 0627 0.8 0704 0.4 0718 0.7 0014 2.0
1014 2.1 1024 2.3 1110 1.9 1142 2.2 1137 1.9 1208 2.2 1102 1.8 0813 0.8
W 1744 0.7 TH 1731 0.5 SA 1833 1.1 SU 1856 0.8 M 1849 1.1 TU 1931 0.8 TH 1943 1.0 F 1241 1.9
2226 2.2 2238 2.3 2218 2.0 2352 2.2 2231 1.9 2252 1.9 2043 1.0
0602 0.7 0555 0.4 0648 0.8 0722 0.5 0705 0.8 0013 2.2 0800 0.8 0012 1.9
1049 2.0 1108 2.3 1029 1.8 1228 2.1 1048 1.8 0754 0.5 1107 1.8 0905 1.0
TH 1820 0.9 F 1816 0.6 SU 1912 1.2 M 1952 0.9 TU 1930 1.1 W 1247 2.0 F 2030 1.0 SA 1248 1.8
2258 2.0 2321 2.3 2234 1.9 2251 1.9 2024 0.9 2325 1.9 2143 1.2
0602 0.7 0555 0.4 0648 0.8 0722 0.5 0705 0.8 0013 2.2 0800 0.8 0012 1.9
1049 2.0 1108 2.3 1029 1.8 1228 2.1 1048 1.8 0754 0.5 1107 1.8 0905 1.0
TH 1820 0.9 F 1816 0.6 SU 1912 1.2 M 1952 0.9 TU 1930 1.1 W 1247 2.0 F 2030 1.0 SA 1248 1.8
2258 2.0 2321 2.3 2234 1.9 2251 1.9 2024 0.9 2325 1.9 2143 1.2
0637 0.8 0641 0.5 0728 0.9 0032 2.1 0746 0.8 0039 2.0 0848 0.9 0042 1.7
1121 1.9 1154 2.1 1053 1.7 0817 0.7 1108 1.7 0847 0.7 1149 1.8 1009 1.2
F 1855 1.0 SA 1905 0.8 M 1956 1.2 TU 1315 1.9 W 2016 1.1 TH 1320 1.9 SA 2125 1.1 SU 1328 1.7
2228 1.9 2305 1.8 2053 1.0 2318 1.8 2122 1.0 2255 1.3
0637 0.8 0641 0.5 0728 0.9 0032 2.1 0746 0.8 0039 2.0 0848 0.9 0042 1.7
1121 1.9 1154 2.1 1053 1.7 0817 0.7 1108 1.7 0847 0.7 1149 1.8 1009 1.2
F 1855 1.0 SA 1905 0.8 M 1956 1.2 TU 1315 1.9 W 2016 1.1 TH 1320 1.9 SA 2125 1.1 SU 1328 1.7
2228 1.9 2305 1.8 2053 1.0 2318 1.8 2122 1.0 2255 1.3
0712 0.9 0003 2.1 0813 1.0 0106 2.0 0833 0.9 0050 1.9 0014 1.8 0135 1.6
1039 1.7 0733 0.7 1129 1.7 0917 0.8 1140 1.7 0945 0.9 0947 1.0 1126 1.3
SA 1935 1.2 SU 1242 2.0 TU 2046 1.3 W 1403 1.8 TH 2107 1.2 F 1345 1.7 SU 1247 1.8 M 1456 1.6
2249 1.8 2004 1.0 2344 1.8 2156 1.1 2358 1.8 2224 1.1 2230 1.1
0712 0.9 0003 2.1 0813 1.0 0106 2.0 0833 0.9 0050 1.9 0014 1.8 0135 1.6
1039 1.7 0733 0.7 1129 1.7 0917 0.8 1140 1.7 0945 0.9 0947 1.0 1126 1.3
SA 1935 1.2 SU 1242 2.0 TU 2046 1.3 W 1403 1.8 TH 2107 1.2 F 1345 1.7 SU 1247 1.8 M 1456 1.6
2249 1.8 2004 1.0 2344 1.8 2156 1.1 2358 1.8 2224 1.1 2230 1.1
0753 1.0 0046 2.0 0905 1.0 0134 1.8 0926 1.0 0132 1.7 0124 1.7 0005 1.2
1110 1.7 0833 0.8 1214 1.6 1020 0.9 1228 1.7 1049 1.1 1054 1.0 0310 1.5
SU 2021 1.3 M 1338 1.9 W 2142 1.3 TH 1924 2.1 F 2205 1.2 SA 1431 1.7 M 1534 1.8 TU 1236 1.3
2324 1.7 2113 1.1 2259 1.1 2329 1.2 2338 1.1 1858 1.9
0753 1.0 0046 2.0 0905 1.0 0134 1.8 0926 1.0 0132 1.7 0124 1.7 0005 1.2
1110 1.7 0833 0.8 1214 1.6 1020 0.9 1228 1.7 1049 1.1 1054 1.0 0310 1.5
SU 2021 1.3 M 1338 1.9 W 2142 1.3 TH 1924 2.1 F 2205 1.2 SA 1431 1.7 M 1534 1.8 TU 1236 1.3
2324 1.7 2113 1.1 2259 1.1 2329 1.2 2338 1.1 1858 1.9
0840 1.1 0132 1.9 0033 1.7 0221 1.7 0054 1.7 0232 1.6 0400 1.7 0107 1.2
1151 1.6 0942 0.9 1003 1.1 1124 0.9 1027 1.0 1154 1.1 1203 1.0 1009 1.9
M 2115 1.4 TU 1844 2.1 TH 1316 1.6 F 1528 1.7 SA 1343 1.7 SU 1532 1.7 TU 1818 1.9 W 1335 1.3
2225 1.2 2244 1.3 2307 1.1 1928 1.8
0840 1.1 0132 1.9 0033 1.7 0221 1.7 0054 1.7 0232 1.6 0400 1.7 0107 1.2
1151 1.6 0942 0.9 1003 1.1 1124 0.9 1027 1.0 1154 1.1 1203 1.0 1009 1.9
M 2115 1.4 TU 1844 2.1 TH 1316 1.6 F 1528 1.7 SA 1343 1.7 SU 1532 1.7 TU 1818 1.9 W 1335 1.3
2225 1.2 2244 1.3 2307 1.1 1928 1.8
0008 1.7 0220 1.8 0141 1.7 0000 1.1 0218 1.7 0030 1.1 0045 1.0 0201 1.0
0936 1.1 1052 0.9 1105 1.0 0318 1.7 1130 1.0 0340 1.6 0640 1.8 0816 1.7
TU 1244 1.5 W 1945 2.1 F 2017 1.9 SA 1224 1.0 SU 1604 1.8 M 1256 1.1 W 1310 1.0 TH 1426 1.2
2217 1.4 2331 1.1 2348 1.2 1839 1.9 1634 1.8 1858 2.0 1811 1.9
0008 1.7 0220 1.8 0141 1.7 0000 1.1 0218 1.7 0030 1.1 0045 1.0 0201 1.0
0936 1.1 1052 0.9 1105 1.0 0318 1.7 1130 1.0 0340 1.6 0640 1.8 0816 1.7
TU 1244 1.5 W 1945 2.1 F 2017 1.9 SA 1224 1.0 SU 1604 1.8 M 1256 1.1 W 1310 1.0 TH 1426 1.2
2217 1.4 2331 1.1 2348 1.2 1839 1.9 1634 1.8 1858 2.0 1811 1.9
0107 1.6 0311 1.7 0321 1.7 0058 1.0 0010 1.1 0128 1.1 0148 0.8 0248 0.9
1039 1.2 1157 0.9 1209 1.0 0416 1.7 0407 1.7 0445 1.6 0730 2.0 0840 1.8
W 1411 1.5 TH 1821 1.9 SA 1822 1.8 SU 1321 1.0 M 1232 0.9 TU 1352 1.1 TH 1412 0.8 F 1510 1.1
2331 1.4 1705 1.8 1832 1.9 1729 1.8 1945 2.2 1859 2.0
0107 1.6 0311 1.7 0321 1.7 0058 1.0 0010 1.1 0128 1.1 0148 0.8 0248 0.9
1039 1.2 1157 0.9 1209 1.0 0416 1.7 0407 1.7 0445 1.6 0730 2.0 0840 1.8
W 1411 1.5 TH 1821 1.9 SA 1822 1.8 SU 1321 1.0 M 1232 0.9 TU 1352 1.1 TH 1412 0.8 F 1510 1.1
2331 1.4 1705 1.8 1832 1.9 1729 1.8 1945 2.2 1859 2.0
0234 1.6 0032 1.0 0049 1.1 0152 1.0 0110 0.9 0221 1.0 0246 0.6 0330 0.8
1151 1.1 0404 1.7 0441 1.8 0515 1.7 0648 1.8 0546 1.7 0820 2.1 0831 1.9
TH 2104 1.9 F 1255 0.8 SU 1308 0.9 M 1413 0.9 TU 1332 0.8 W 1443 1.1 F 1509 0.7 SA 1550 1.0
1855 1.9 1852 1.9 1757 1.9 1910 2.0 1821 2.0 2033 2.3 2001 2.1
0234 1.6 0032 1.0 0049 1.1 0152 1.0 0110 0.9 0221 1.0 0246 0.6 0330 0.8
1151 1.1 0404 1.7 0441 1.8 0515 1.7 0648 1.8 0546 1.7 0820 2.1 0831 1.9
TH 2104 1.9 F 1255 0.8 SU 1308 0.9 M 1413 0.9 TU 1332 0.8 W 1443 1.1 F 1509 0.7 SA 1550 1.0
1855 1.9 1852 1.9 1757 1.9 1910 2.0 1821 2.0 2033 2.3 2001 2.1
0045 1.2 0127 0.9 0144 0.9 0241 0.9 0208 0.7 0308 0.9 0338 0.4 0407 0.7
0605 1.7 0459 1.8 0704 1.9 0616 1.8 0738 2.0 0649 1.8 0905 2.3 0850 2.0
F 1259 1.0 SA 1348 0.8 M 1403 0.7 TU 1501 0.9 W 1429 0.7 TH 1529 1.0 SA 1601 0.6 SU 1625 0.9
1848 1.8 1931 2.0 1928 2.1 1852 2.0 1956 2.2 1916 2.0 2117 2.5 O 2054 2.2
0045 1.2 0127 0.9 0144 0.9 0241 0.9 0208 0.7 0308 0.9 0338 0.4 0407 0.7
0605 1.7 0459 1.8 0704 1.9 0616 1.8 0738 2.0 0649 1.8 0905 2.3 0850 2.0
F 1259 1.0 SA 1348 0.8 M 1403 0.7 TU 1501 0.9 W 1429 0.7 TH 1529 1.0 SA 1601 0.6 SU 1625 0.9
1848 1.8 1931 2.0 1928 2.1 1852 2.0 1956 2.2 1916 2.0 2117 2.5 O 2054 2.2
0138 1.1 0218 0.8 0235 0.7 0327 0.8 0301 0.5 0351 0.8 0426 0.2 0439 0.6
0642 1.8 0743 1.9 0753 2.0 0827 1.9 0828 2.1 0829 1.9 0948 2.4 0930 2.1
SA 1352 0.8 SU 1437 0.7 TU 1453 0.6 W 1546 0.9 TH 1522 0.6 F 1611 1.0 SU 1648 0.5 M 1657 0.8
1917 2.0 2002 2.0 2011 2.2 1951 2.1 2044 2.3 O 2019 2.1 2200 2.6 2139 2.3
0138 1.1 0218 0.8 0235 0.7 0327 0.8 0301 0.5 0351 0.8 0426 0.2 0439 0.6
0642 1.8 0743 1.9 0753 2.0 0827 1.9 0828 2.1 0829 1.9 0948 2.4 0930 2.1
SA 1352 0.8 SU 1437 0.7 TU 1453 0.6 W 1546 0.9 TH 1522 0.6 F 1611 1.0 SU 1648 0.5 M 1657 0.8
1917 2.0 2002 2.0 2011 2.2 1951 2.1 2044 2.3 O 2019 2.1 2200 2.6 2139 2.3
0224 0.9 0304 0.7 0323 0.5 0409 0.7 0352 0.4 0429 0.7 0511 0.1 0510 0.6
0727 1.9 0816 2.0 0840 2.2 0845 2.0 0916 2.3 0908 2.0 1028 2.4 1009 2.2
SU 1439 0.7 M 1523 0.7 W 1542 0.5 TH 1627 0.9 F 1614 0.5 SA 1648 0.9 M 1734 0.5 TU 1728 0.8
1953 2.1 2025 2.1 2056 2.3 O 2045 2.2 2130 2.4 2113 2.2 2239 2.5 2219 2.3
0224 0.9 0304 0.7 0323 0.5 0409 0.7 0352 0.4 0429 0.7 0511 0.1 0510 0.6
The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
© Crown Copyright and/or database rights. Reproduced by permission of the Controller of Her
Majesty’s Stationery Office and the UK Hydrographic Office (
North Atlantic - Europe
Tide times 2024/25
LAT 5043N LONG 159W
© Crown Copyright and/or database rights. Reproduced by permission of the Controller of Her
Majesty’s Stationery Office and the UK Hydrographic Office (
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What’s On?
Sunday 14th July 2024 | Sandbanks Beach
Sandfest is a destination festival like no other
in the UK. With luxury properties, pristine
south coast sand and celebrity residents,
Sandbanks is a world famous location often
featured on television as the place to be.
The boutique beach festival consistently
attracts party people from near and far.
SandFest is a firm fixture on the summer
calendar with tickets sought after even
before they are available.
This unique festival doesn’t just seduce you
with indulgent surroundings, it delivers with
the finest sounds too. Top class acts play at
SandFest and since its inception these have
included: Faithless, Idris Elba, Tinie Tempah,
Chase and Status and Hannah Wants to
name just a few. Plus in 2019, we even had
a cameo spot from ‘MC Hazza’ aka Harry
Redknapp (The King of the Jungle) dropping
some beats with DJ Luck – that went viral
and made international news!
Pip Hare
It is Vendée Globe year and we have just
nine short months until I line up with 39 other
boats off the coast of Les Sables d’Olonne
to take on the world once more.
In 2023 we upgraded our boat to big foils
to bring its performance in line with the
latest generation of boats and after seven
months off the water I then had three races
in the second half of 2023. Our objectives
needed to be tight to make the most of our
time. I would be racing double handed for
the Fastnet and TJV, with a fellow British
skipper, then the Retour à La Base would
finish the year off with a solo trans-Atlantic
in December. We set the goals of getting
to know the boat on the Fastnet and a
snapshot of raw speed compared to the
rest of the fleet.
The TJV was going to be about proving
reliability with the big foils, it would be the
first chance we had to push for an extended
period with the foils and we needed to
identify and uncover any weakness or
problems that had not revealed themselves
in our training prior to the event. On the
TJV I would learn what it felt like to push the
boat, with the security of another person
on board, I would get confidence in the new
sounds and feelings the more powerful set
up delivered.
The Retour à La Base was my first chance to
imagine what it will be like sailing our ‘new’
boat in the Southern Ocean for extended
periods on the big foils.
The race was fast and delivered the
tough weather conditions expected, with
low pressure systems chasing each other
across the North Atlantic, creating sea
states in excess of eight metres in places
and winds gusting over 50 knots. Not only
was this race going to demonstrate the
strength and reliability of the boat, but it
would give me a chance to pick and execute
routes around the systems, learning about
where my lines of risk and reward would lie
with this new boat and how that compared
to the rest of the fleet.
The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
new mainsail and the increased mast rake
(leaning the mast back more) which we are
setting up now. At the end of April, we are
expecting to take delivery of our new mast,
installing it and then immediately sailing
across the Atlantic to New York. At the end of
May, I will race in the New York Vendée race,
finishing in Les Sables d’Olonne. The official
entry list for the Vendée Globe Race will be
announced on the 1st July, we are safe in
our rankings right now so have no reason to
worry we will not make the cut.
Through July, our second refit of the year
will see Medallia back out of the water so
the bottom can be faired and painted to
perfection to go around the world. In August
I will take delivery of my new sails and then
have 2 months to practice with them and
record our new performance.
I loved pushing the boat, and I learned
more every day. Medallia is fast in her new
configuration, my top speed during the race
was 37.2 knots and even though I was there
I still struggle to imagine me sailing that fast
alone. I learned to live with the instability, to
protect myself, to back off when I couldn’t
and not to be afraid of the dramatic noises
that emanated every time the hull crashed
down into a wave. It was stressful but I
learned to love it.
We finished the Retour à La Base in 11th
position which is the highest positioning I
have ever achieved in an IMOCA race and
a huge validation of the effort and energy
my team have put in over the last year, as
well as the decision we made not to stick
with the status quo but believe we could be
better and change to the big foils. Overall,
the team finished 13th in the IMOCA globe
rankings for the year, which takes in to
account we missed one race and finished
very poorly in the Fastnet. Once again, a
huge validation for a team with only two
full years of training and performance
behind them.
By October we must be in the race Village
in Les Sables d’Olonne, ready for the
November 10th start.
This year is already two months in and
running away fast. I am nervous and I
always wish for more time. I want to get
this right and I know that every decision
we make as a team now will have impact
on what happens to me over those three
months of racing. It’s a hard reality. But
based on our progression to date I have
faith and confidence we will do this right and
will be able to pivot and recover if we take a
wrong turn, that is the nature of what we do
both on and off the water.
I look forward to sharing the year with you
and building the excitement to our race
around the world.
At the moment our schedule will see us in
refit until the beginning of March, then I will
have six weeks of training time, to try our
Follow the Christmas light trail
Enter a world of Christmas in Poole, with
this FREE Christmas attraction! Be prepared
to be dazzled as thousands of twinkling
lights take you on a nautical journey that
starts at the gateways to Poole; Hunger Hill
and The Lighthouse.
Once through these iconic structures,
immerse yourself in a magical maritime
Christmas as you follow the light trail from
Falkland Square, through the High Street
and onto Poole Quay with its array of lights.
2023 featured a number of impressive light
installations, including a 5-metre tall ship, a
giant anchor, several lit-up Christmas trees
ranging in size between 8 and 11 metres,
a couple of walk-through structures, light
projections and glistening overhangs.
This enchanting light trail offers much
more than just light installations, with a
couple of children’s funfair rides, some
Christmas huts, and a festive food and
drinks offering. We can’t wait to welcome
you back!
Poole Christmas Maritime Light Trail
2024/25 dates to be confirmed, explore the
website to find out what happened in 2023.
52 The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
Birds of
Poole Harbour
Our organization is devoted to elevating
bird conservation, observation, and
educational efforts within Poole Harbour
and its surroundings. We engage with
schools, enthusiastic locals, and curious
visitors, providing Birds of Poole Harbour as a
distinctive educational platform for a broad
Poole Harbour holds the prestigious RAMSAR
and SPA (Special Protection Area) designations,
recognizing it as a habitat for significant
numbers of bird species of both national
and international importance. This positions
it as one of the UK’s most crucial ecological
sites, further enhanced by its surrounding
pristine Lowland Heathland. Consequently, bird
studies and monitoring are essential for the
continued conservation activities in the area.
Our mission is to deepen the understanding of
this remarkable site among the public, inviting
them to join us in experiencing its wonders.
Through various initiatives, including habitat
creation, community engagement, the School
Bird Boat Project, a diverse schedule of public
events, and the flagship Poole Harbour Osprey
reintroduction program, we aim to foster a
connection with avian life and nature that is
enriching and necessary.
Birds of Poole Harbour serves as a guide
through the well-known and hidden gems
of this expansive harbour, offering regular
events, targeted surveys, live webcams, and
daily updates to spotlight Poole Harbour as a
national point of interest. Whether you’re a
budding enthusiast or a seasoned naturalist,
our initiatives cater to all interests.
We’re grateful for your visit to our website and
eagerly anticipate your participation in our field
The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
We see our role as the link
to raising the profile of bird
conservation, observation and
education in and around the
Poole Harbour area through
harbour-wide partnership
working, high standards of
people engagement work
and continuous monitoring
of the harbour and its bird
For more information about
Birds of Poole Harbour visit
Sail Into Discovery:
Charting a Course for
Oceanographic Research,
Conservation and Education
Become a Citizen Scientist with
Yacht and boat owners can advance
oceanographic research, conservation and
education in the most remote corners of our
planet’s vast seas. By offering time on your
vessel as a floating platform for science, you can
be a force for positive change.
In celebration of our twenty-fifth anniversary,
The International SeaKeepers Society
(SeaKeepers) expanded its reach by establishing
a new office in London, serving both the United
Kingdom and Europe. This milestone was
commemorated on the 13th of May 2023 with a
special event held at the Royal National Lifeboat
Institute (RNLI) in Poole. During the evening,
we celebrated the support of Poole Harbour
Commissioners, RNLI, The Green Blue, The
Maiden Factor Foundation, British Marine and
the Nippon Foundation-GEBCO in the company
of programme partners, Mike Golding OBE,
Tracy Edwards MBE and British Yachtswoman
and Vendee Globe competitor Pip Hare. These
collaborations pave the way for impactful
initiatives aimed at advancing marine research
and conservation efforts.
Seabed 2030 Project
SeaKeepers partnered with the Nippon
Foundation-GEBCO on this collaborative project
as part of the effort to map the world ocean by
2030, along with the IHO Data Center for Digital
Bathymetry (DCDB) at the National Centers for
Environmental Information, Boulder. The goal is
to provide small hardware data loggers that are
used to collect bathymetric data from volunteer
observers. The project was launched at the
United Nations (UN) Ocean Conference in June
2017 and is aligned with the UN’s Sustainable
Development Goal #14 to conserve and
SeaKeepers invites the UK boating community to
join us in the DISCOVERY Yacht Programme. By
offering your vessel as a floating platform for
science, you can play a crucial role in driving
positive change for our oceans.
The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
Nets are fine mesh nets towed behind boats
to collect samples of neustonic organisms,
algae, plastics, plankton and seawater. This
programme engages the yachting community
by providing comprehensive onboard kits which
allow yacht crews and owners to tow nets that
are designed to collect plankton, seaweed, and
small organisms at the ocean surface.
sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine
resources. This information will help identify
uncharted features such as seamounts and
canyons, verify charted information and help
fill the spaces on charts where no data exists.
Routinely measured parameters such as under
keel depth and position can then be stored,
uploaded and contributed to local and global
mapping initiatives.
Neuston Net Research Collective
This project unites the academic world and the
international yachting community to conserve
and understand our oceans through scientific
research. In partnership with the National
Oceanography Centre (NOC), Florida Gulf Coast
University (FGCU) and Georgetown University,
these collaborations span a wide range of
research topics utilising Neuston Nets. Neuston
National Oceanography SubCTech
Microplastic Sampling
SeaKeepers is collaborating with the NOC, a
United Kingdom leader in ocean research,
technological innovation and education
on understanding marine plastics. The
collaboration aims to tackle some of the crucial
questions pertaining to microplastics in the
ocean, including their fate, distribution and
ecological effects. There is a critical need to
understand the extent and characteristics of
this contamination, down to the smallest sizes
possible, because the smaller the particle, the
higher the risk to ecosystems and humans.
By installing a SubCtech microplastic sampler
onboard that will automatically collect and filter
samples, citizen scientists provide access to
regions and data that would not otherwise be
Join the SeaKeepers Mission
In addition to our Citizen Science initiatives, you
can browse our Programme Opportunities that
include at-sea research expeditions around the
globe. These projects provide owners, guests,
and crew the opportunity to support ongoing
research while engaging with influential, wellestablished
marine scientists.
Browse SeaKeepers Programme
Opportunities, or become a
DISCOVERY Yacht by filling out our
application at
What’s On?
Dream Machines will be back at Poole Quay, every Tuesday in 2024.
The event creates a unique, exciting atmosphere as bikers and
spectators enjoy a relaxed evening on Poole Quay. The backdrop
of the quay and harbour offers the perfect location and there is
a great selection of waterside cafes, bars, restaurants and food
kiosks offering refreshment, many with bike night specials on their
menus. Please do not arrive before 5.30pm – parking will not be
available before this time and we need to avoid queues forming.
If you are interested in trading at the Poole Dream Machines event,
please fill out our Poole Events Form to register your interest.
NB, the area between Pavers and Studio Poole is private land from
Old Orchard, all the way back to the lifting barrier.
*We have been asked to keep it clear for fire access as some fire
exits open on to it.
The price of Season ticket armbands for 2024 will be £10.00 and
are available to purchase from the Tourist Information Centre in
Poole Museum. Alternatively the price of entry is £3.00 per bike per
evening. Payment for this can either be by cash of via contactless
card (the cashiers will have card readers available)
Access onto the Quay for bikers – as last year, access onto the
event site will need to be made via the old Lifting Bridge end of
the Quay. Please do not try to access via the Lower High Street as
this has now been de-trafficked. Please follow West Street to its
junction with The Quay (just before the lifting bridge). And then
along the Quay to the central area. The backdrop of the quay and
harbour offers the perfect location and there is a great selection
of waterside cafes, bars, restaurants and food kiosks offering
refreshment, many with bike night specials on their menus.
58 The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
The popular Bike of the Night competition takes
place every week. On the evening a different
judge selected by Poole Tourism selects their
favourite bike on display. The winner receives
some brilliant bike related goodies.
see you
Relief Band
The Relief Band is designed
to control the debilitating
symptoms of motion
sickness, whether travelling
by air, land or sea.
Available at Amazon
Mix Underwater
An underwater scooter is the
perfect boat accessory for
you if you’re a keen swimmer,
snorkeller or diver.
Available at Amazon
60 The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
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Poole Harbour & Marina Guide Jan 2024.indd 1 12/01/2024 13:00:16
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Dorset Police
Marine Section
Dorset Police Marine Force Support Group (FSG),
together with the Marine Engagement Team
work with partners and community groups
to deter and detect crime and anti-social
behaviour and seek to tackle longer term
problems which affect our 89 miles of coastline.
This includes the busy and popular Weymouth
and Christchurch Harbours, the small fishing
ports of West Bay, Lyme Regis and Swanage,
and the world’s second largest natural harbour
at Poole, which itself has over 100 miles of
coastline. The Dorset coastline represents the
Maritime and Coastguards Agency’s (MCA)
busiest area in terms of search and rescue
incidents and the Poole lifeboat is the most
tasked lifeboat in the country.
There are millions of pounds worth of vessels
registered in or moored at the miscellany of
marinas and yacht clubs (26 in Poole alone)
and anchorage areas along the coastline.
There are also a great many tourists and other
watersport enthusiasts who bring their own
craft into the area, for example divers visiting
Dorset’s numerous shipwrecks, windsurfing
championships and a burgeoning of watercraft
users. Besides these, Poole Harbour alone
• The headquarters of the Royal National
Lifeboat Institution
• Furzey Island (Europe’s biggest onshore
oil facility)
• Home to the world-renowned Sunseeker
International Shipyard.
Two cross-channel ferry services operate
from Dorset’s coastline across one of the
world’s busiest shipping lanes to France and the
Channel Islands. At the peak of the season there
are 1,500 traffic movements each day in and out
of Poole Harbour alone.
Harbour Assist
As part of our ongoing efforts to modernise our
processes and generally improve the experience
for our customers, Poole Harbour Commissioners
are pleased to announce that we are this year
launching a new customer portal using the online
service ‘Harbour Assist’. Harbour Assist are based
in Cornwall and support many harbour authorities
and marinas across the country including a few in
Poole already.
PHC will be using the Harbour Assist portal for
invoicing and customer communications for
harbour dues, permits and swing moorings.
Customers will be able to pay their fees and
check their contact details securely and quickly
using any device. Using the portal and email will
be more convenient for most but you will still have
the option to call us or visit the Moorings office.
If you currently pay PHC’s fees via your club or
marina, please note that nothing will appear
different for you this year. We are providing your
mooring operators with details of minor changes
affecting them. Please note that customers
moored within PHC’s Poole Quay Boat Haven or
Port of Poole Marina are expected to move onto
the portal later this year.
For all other harbour users, Harbour Dues and
Permits will still be available to purchase through
our website however you’ll notice the web page
will look a little different and, as a one off, you will
be required to spend a couple of minutes setting
up a Harbour Assist account.
Please get in touch should you have any questions
If you are a PHC swing mooring customer, an
account will be created for you, and we will contact
you with further guidance. To ensure a smooth
transition, please note renewals will be slightly
later than usual this year whilst the new system is
brought online. More information and dates will be
shared with those affected shortly.
The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
removing wild rhododendrons which can be host
to a tree disease, the pine trees are being given
room to naturally regenerate and ensure food
for the squirrels in years to come. Brownsea
Island has a long and chequered history since it
was first occupied in the Iron Age.
The largest island in Poole Harbour, Brownsea
Island is celebrating 50 years of being open to
the public under the care of the National Trust.
The island is large enough to have several
different wildlife habitats including woodland,
heathland and a lagoon making it a haven for
wildlife, such as the rare red squirrel and a
wide variety of birds including the flamboyantly
coloured peacock.
The lagoon is managed by the Dorset Wildlife
Trust and is home to large flocks of waders,
particularly avocets, black-tailed godwits &
visiting wildfowl over winter. In the summer
breeding common and sandwich terns, gulls
& little egrets can also be seen.
The island’s red squirrels are one of the few
colonies left in England. In recent years work
has been carried out to improve the pine tree
habitat which provides a home and food for
the squirrels. By thinning some of the trees and
In the Victorian age the clay deposits on the
island were exploited for a pottery making
sanitary ware. Workers were housed in a
village called Maryland on the island.
At the turn of the century the island was
bought by Charles van Raalte, who hosted the
first Scout camp in 1907, led by Lord Baden-
Powell. A stone marks the spot of that camp
and Brownsea still has an affectionate place in
the heart of many scouts.
Mary Bonham-Christie then bought the island
in 1927 and turned it into a dedicated nature
conservation area, evicting most of the
residents. When she died in 1961, the island
passed to the Crown and was handed to the
National Trust, opening to the public in
May 1963.
Her passion for caring for the island’s wildlife
continues, but in contrast to her reclusive
nature, the island is open to visitors every
year. Walks across the island allow its varied
history to be discovered and wildlife to be
spotted or simply for the open expanse to be
used as an outdoor playground for children.
Bournemouth Air Festival
Dates TBC
Since its inception in 2008, the Bournemouth Air Festival has attracted over seven million guests to
the seaside town. The event’s coordinators were honored with a gold award in 2015, marking it as
the Tourism Event of the Year by Visit England, a distinction that underscores its global fame and
importance as a premier event to experience.
Throughout its history, the festival has featured an array of spectacular jets and aerobatic
teams, elevating the experience with each passing year. The 2020 Virtual Air Festival was a special
highlight, offering a recap of past festivals through interviews and videos of favorite pilots,
teams, and aircraft, including notable participants like the Red Arrows, RAF Typhoon, The Blades,
Miss Demeanour, The Matadors, Breitling Jet Team, Strikemaster Pair, Avro Vulcan, The Tigers,
Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, and others.
Among the esteemed aerobatic squads that have performed above Bournemouth are The Red
Arrows, RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, Tiger Parachute Team, Black Cats, and Breitling
Wingwalkers, ensuring an entertaining experience for attendees of all ages.
Additionally, the festival features a wide variety of food stalls offering delicious options, from
classic fish and chips to exotic international flavors, catering to all palates. We look forward to
welcoming you in 2024.
The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
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Free boat trips for the
disabled courtesy of The
Friends of Dolphin Charity
Dolphin was conceived as a special project by the
Rotary Club of Parkstone in 1979 to celebrate the 75th
Anniversary of Rotary International. The aim was
simple: to provide a specially equipped, sturdy safe
boat to give free trips to disabled persons of all ages
and disabilities, especially those in wheelchairs, in
Poole Harbour, which is the second largest natural
harbours in the world. Dolphin I was launched in 1980
and since then we have taken over 50,000 passengers.
We have, over the years, had great help and support
from the Royal Marines at their Hamworthy base, the
Poole Harbour Commissioners, the Poole Boat Haven
Marina and, also the Poole Fisherman’s Association
who very kindly allow us a berth in their end of the
Marina. Dolphin III works from Poole Quay Boat Haven
with the kind help and cooperation of the Marina
staff, where the pontoons allow direct loading of
wheelchairs. It must also be stressed that the whole
service is run entirely by many volunteers who willing
donate their time.
The Friends of Dolphin take the safety of both
passengers and boat most diligently and are
constantly looking at improvements. With this in mind,
regular training exercises are carried out by the
crew so that we are able to deal with any emergency
should it ever arise. We operate trips from 1st May
until 30th September each year, on average taking
over 2000 disabled passengers with their carers. The
majority of trips are around the Harbour and islands,
of which there are two in any one day, but where the
tides allow, there can be a single trip in the day up to
Wareham where our passengers enjoy a fish and chip
lunch on board before returning down river to Poole.
Although the majority of our passengers are mainly
from Dorset and Hampshire, we also have many who
holiday in the area from many parts of the UK.
In May 2018 the Lord Lieutenant of Dorset, Angus
Campbell, presented The Friends of Dolphin with the
prestigious Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service,
known as the MBE for Charities. Our Chairman, Ray
Kipling, commented “We are absolutely thrilled to
have been recognised in this way. It is a reflection of
many years of hard work by hundreds of volunteers
who have brought so much happiness to all our
passengers”. In September 2018, the Lord Lieutenant
also kindly came to present a certificate and flowers
to our 50,000th passenger… another milestone since
we started in 1980.
For more information please visit:
The Friends of Dolphin wish to thank the Poole Harbour Commissioners and the staff
of the Boat Haven for their help and assistance over the years.
The Friends of Dolphin have now given free trips to disabled of all ages and disabilities
since 1980, and rely entirely on fundraising and donations to run and maintain Dolphin III.
Should any disabled group or individuals wish to book a trip then please contact:
Carol Cox on 01202 875867or E Mail:
Should anyone wish to give a donation then please contact:
Bob Irwin on 01258 857806.
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• 100% eco-friendly | m: 07850 386401
The best thing in the water since dolphins!
Poole Regatta was first created to
celebrate the Millennium in 2000, and was
so successful that it was decided to repeat
the event every two years. Courses are
set inside Poole Harbour and outside
in Poole Bay, to give the widest possible
choice for the different classes for which
we provide racing.
This Regatta is hosted by the Combined Clubs of Poole
for all types of keelboat, from the largest IRC classes
to the 2.4m class sailed by one person, which is used in
the Paralympics.
The yacht clubs in the harbour share
the organisation of the event, with a full
programme of daily racing, evenings at
Parkstone and Poole Yacht Clubs, and the
prizegiving at Royal Motor Yacht Club.
There is always a strong entry of visitors,
berthed mainly at Poole Quay Boat Haven,
and free water transport is available to
take entrants to the different evening
70 The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
We’re back in 2024
Save the date for the next
International Paint Poole Regatta
The 2024 IRC National Championship
Keelboats from 2.4mR to the largest
IRC and VPRS classes
Glorious racing conditions in Poole Bay
and Poole Harbour
The usual extensive social programme
including Competitors’ Reception
at Poole Quay Boat Haven
The next
International Paint
Poole Regatta
25-27 MAY
Great facilities for visiting yachtsmen
Organised by the Combined Yacht Clubs of Poole
Poole Museum
reopening 2024
Poole Museum is expected to re-open at he
end of 2024 after major conservation and
restoration works are completed on our
exciting redevelopment project ‘Our Museum:
Rediscovering Poole’s Maritime Heritage’. We
look forward to welcoming you back soon!
The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
The transformation of Poole Museum into
a modern and thriving cultural center, and
community hub is made possible through
funds raised by National Lottery players. The
redevelopment project, supported by BCP
Council, aims to enhance the experience of
Poole Quay and Old Town through the provision
of extensive and updated community facilities.
As part of the redevelopment, three new
galleries will be created in collaboration with
residents, showcasing the museum’s extensive
maritime collections. A new temporary exhibition
gallery will also be established to host major
touring exhibitions, bringing new cultural
experiences to Poole.
Thanks to National Lottery players, we have
planned lots of exciting changes, including:
• three brand new maritime galleries showcasing more of our collections
• increased interactive and engaging displays
• conserved and restored Wool Hall, a significant Grade I listed medieval port building
• a new temporary exhibitions gallery bringing national touring exhibitions to Poole
• better access for all our visitors to enjoy their visit to the museum
• a vibrant events and activities programme for residents and visitors to Poole
The historic buildings housing the museum - Grade II listed Oakley’s
Mill and Grade I listed medieval Wool Hall and Scaplen’s Court - will be
restored and conserved while necessary repairs and maintenance
are carried out. Previously unopened areas, such as Scaplen’s Court
and Garden, will be accessible to the public year-round as part of
the museum visit.
The project also includes a vibrant and diverse program of
creative and cultural activities for the local community and
visitors. The museum will offer new educational workshops
developed in collaboration with local schools and teachers,
enriching the learning experience for all. Improved accessibility
is an integral part of the project, with plans for the installation
of a new, larger lift in Poole Museum and an elevator in
Scaplen’s Court, making the upper floor of the building accessible
for the first time.
Overall, this exciting redevelopment project aims to transform Poole
Museum into an outstanding cultural center, creating an enriching
experience for both residents and visitors alike.
Poole Lifeboat
Saturday 18 & Sunday 19 May 2024 11am – 4pm
This year marks the 200th
anniversary of the Royal
National Lifeboat Institution,
an incredible milestone in
the organisation’s lifesaving
history. Across the UK and
Ireland, there is a calendar
of events taking place to pay
tribute to this moment and here in Poole there
will be a Lifeboat Festival on Saturday 18 and
Sunday 19 May.
Poole Lifeboat Station and the Old Lifeboat
Museum will also be open for the weekend
with activities and opportunities to meet crew
members and volunteers.
The festival comes to a grand finale with a
Parade of Sail at 4pm on Sunday afternoon.
Featuring the current RNLI fleet, historic and
international lifeboats, the parade will process
down the main channel accompanied by full
Poole Lifeboat Festival will feature an openhouse
event at the Support Centre site, with
behind-the-scenes tours of the facilities
and factories, examples of the current fleet
on display, NET recovery demonstrations,
interactive workshops in the college,
demonstrations in the Sea Survival Centre,
and an RNLI Showcase Hub at the rear of the
All Weather Lifeboat Centre featuring a stage
with Q&As, demos and live music, as well as
children’s entertainment, trade stands, food
and drink.
The Quayside in Poole will host the History of
Maritime Search & Rescue Boat Show, with an
array of historic and international in-service
lifeboats moored at the Marina. A road closure
will be in place for part of the Quay, and visitors
will be able to access the marina pontoons to
see the lifeboats up close and talk to crews.
The Quay will have static lifeboats on display, a
pop-up RNLI shop, and trade stands. There will
be live music and entertainment.
For further information, and
to book tickets for some of
the activities available visit:
The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
18–19 MAY 2024 • 11AM–4pm
Immerse yourself in 200 years of lifesaving
The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI), a charity registered in England and Wales
(209603), Scotland (SC037736), the Republic of Ireland (CHY 2678 and 20003326),
the Bailiwick of Jersey (14), the Isle of Man (1308 and 006329F), the Bailiwick of Guernsey
and Alderney, of West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HZ
Arne Walks
Arne stands out as an exceptional bird-watching
location in Dorset, notable not only for its avian
inhabitants but also as one of the rare locales
hosting all six of the UK’s native reptiles. Nestled
by Poole Harbour and within the Dorset Area
of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Arne presents
landscapes of unparalleled splendor. This area is
a diverse tapestry of ecosystems, each bustling
with a wide variety of wildlife. Visitors can traverse
expansive heathlands frequented by reptiles,
wander through ancient oak woodlands filled with
the melodies of birds, observe Sika Deer stags
during their rutting season in the farm fields, and
watch Spoonbills in the wetlands. The exploration
doesn’t end there; the area offers chances to see
wading birds navigating the mudflats, Dartford
Warblers flitting through the scrub, and seals
lounging along the shore.
Arne’s distinct blend of habitats is meticulously
managed to foster optimal wildlife conditions.
The lowland heath, a habitat under threat in the
UK, holds significant value, providing a home
for numerous rare birds such as Dartford
Warblers, Woodlarks, and Nightjars. However,
Arne’s biodiversity extends beyond birds, with the
presence of Smooth Snakes, Heath Tiger Beetles,
Ladybird Spiders, and the uncommon Yellow
Centaury plant.
To maintain the openness of the heathland
as it has been for millennia, various
management strategies are employed,
including grazing. Visitors should not be
surprised to encounter cattle, ponies, or
pigs during their visit. Furthermore, Poole
Harbour is internationally recognized for its
critical role in supporting large populations
of wintering waders and wildfowl, notably
the Avocet in substantial numbers.
A leisurely stroll through the heathland and
woodland culminates at Shipstal Beach, a
serene haven offering respite from the
more crowded areas of Poole Harbour.
Opening times
Nature reserve 8:30 am - Dusk
Car park 8:30 am - Dusk
Visitor centre 9:30 am - 4:00 pm
Shop 9:30 am - 4:00 pm
Cafe 9:30 am - 4:00 pm
Entrance charges
Adult £5.00
Car park £5.00
16-24 year olds - FREE (with valid i.d.)
Child £2.50
RSPB members is free entry including
car park
The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
and Enjoy
this FREE
Community Event !
Where Poole’s heritage of seafood
& music come together for an
amazing weekend.
Saturday 14th and Sunday
15th September 2024
Poole Old Town & Quay
Music both days featuring 20 acts
each day performing on 5 stages
Live evening music in local pubs
and restaurants.
Enjoy specially created seafood dishes
at participating local hospitality
businesses – ALL WEEKEND!
Daily ‘Produce & Gift Market’ in
Hennings on the Quay. Featuring Fish &
Shellfish stalls, local produce & gifts.
Family fun with the Seafood
& Sounds Oyster Trail!
The Poole Arms, Saint Tropez Restaurant and Truly Scrumptious sweet shop.
Thanks to Dolphin Shopping Centre without their support the return
of this community event wouldn’t happen.
Seafood & Sounds is a Poole Old Town and Quay community event organised by the owners of City Cruises, The Customs House,
Studland bay
The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
Studland Bay Marine Partnership
Representing a wide range of
organisations, the Studland Bay
Marine Partnership (SBMP) brings
together local stakeholders
including conservation and boating
organisations, academics,
community groups and supporting
local businesses.
The partnership was formed to find
solutions that meet the needs of the
public and recreational boaters,
ensuring everyone can continue
to enjoy the bay, whilst protecting
and restoring the area’s sensitive
seagrass habitat.
Thanks to the work undertaken by
the SBMP, you can join hundreds of
waterborne visitors to Studland Bay
who have already take a proactive
approach to conservation by using
You can find the distinctive green
and white eco-moorings across the
bay identified by their 5 or 10 tonne
weightings – an environmentally
friendly alternative to dropping
What’s happening now and how
to pledge your support
SBMP has secured funding for
additional eco-moorings to be
installed in the bay in 2024, bringing
the total number of SBMP ecomoorings
available to the public
to 87. Funding will also enable the
continuation of its research and
monitoring programme, as well
as signage for local marinas and
Details for boat users, who benefit
themselves and the seagrass by
using an eco-mooring, on how to
forward their mooring fee via a
simple to use app in will be available
on the mooring pick-up lines and via
the webpage in 2024.
The partnership is also launching
a supporter’s scheme for local
businesses or individuals to pledge
donations and sponsorship.
For more information
scan the QR code
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80 The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
Sea Hives
at Poole Quay
In February 2023 Poole Quay Boat Haven and Sea Hives Ltd
installed a Sea Hive artificial reef under a pontoon in the
marina as part of the initiative to enhance the local marine
Sea Hives are structures made from recycled fishing nets and
plastic bottles, moulded to make hexagonal tubes, with an
aim to create and restore marine ecosystems with the overall
objective of increasing the density and diversity of marine
species, especially fish and molluscs.
In April 2023 all of the Sea Hives surfaces were covered with
algae, showing good signs of growth within such as small
time scale of the Sea Hive being in the water.
In September 2023 David Francis (Managing Director)
met with us to have a detailed look at how the Sea Hive
has grown over the warmer months. It emerged
that the Sea Hive has been colonised by a variety
of filter feeding animals, including sea squirts
(tunicates) and sponges. The filter feeders help
to remove organic material from the sea and
provide refuge for crabs and prawns. Many
fish have also been seen in and around
the Sea Hive including bass and mullet.
Boat Haven
More details about
the project are available at:
With views across Poole Harbour,
our restaurant in Sandbanks is the perfect spot
From Rick Stein’s French Odyssey
to enjoy Rick’s iconic fresh seafood dishes.
• 8 sea bass fillets, around
90g each
• A little melted butter,
for brushing
• Salt and freshly ground
black pepper
For the beurre blanc:
• 5g shallots, very finely chopped
• 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
• 4 tablespoons dry white wine or
vermouth, such as Noilly Prat
• 6 tablespoons fish stock
• 2 tablespoons double cream
• 175g chilled unsalted butter, cut into
small pieces
Grilled sea bass with beurre blanc sauce
Join us for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Whether you’re planning a weekend celebration or a midweek supper,
this classic sea bass with beurre blanc will get rave reviews around
the table, we guarantee it. It’s simple, quick to make and once you’ve
mastered the sauce you can experiment with different fish species,
like hake or turbot.
10-14 Banks Road, Poole, BH13 7QB
Serves 4
1) Preheat the grill to high. Brush the sea bass fillets with some melted
butter and season inside and out with salt and black pepper.
2) Put the sea bass on a buttered baking tray and grill for about 4
minutes, until the flesh is firm and opaque and the skin is crispy.
3) Serve with wilted spinach and some minted new potatoes (or chips).
For the beurre blanc:
1) Put the shallots, vinegar, wine or vermouth and stock into a small
pan and simmer until reduced to about 4 tablespoons.
2) Add the cream and boil until reduced a little more. Lower the heat
and gradually whisk in the butter, a few pieces at a time, until the
sauce is thick and creamy.
3) Season to taste with salt and pepper and pass through a sieve into a
clean warm jug.
The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
© Rick Stein’s French
Odyssey, BBC Books, 2005
Explore the
Jurassic Coast
World Heritage Site
We are fortunate to live near the Jurassic
Coast, a remarkable 95-mile stretch from
Exmouth in East Devon to Old Harry Rocks
near Poole Harbour. This coastal area is a
haven for nature enthusiasts, fossil collectors,
and those eager to absorb the stunning
landscapes along the South West Coast Path.
Covering 185 million years of Earth’s history,
this coastline reveals a nearly unbroken
sequence of rock formations from the Triassic,
Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods, unveiled
through centuries of coastal erosion. Over
different epochs, this region has transformed
from deserts to shallow tropical seas and
marshlands, capturing in stone the fossils of
diverse creatures that once inhabited these
Fossil Hunting
Landslide activity is frequent along certain
segments of the coast, revealing an extensive
assortment of fossils across various locations.
84 The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
interested in learning more, the Charmouth
Heritage Coast Centre offers valuable insights
for visitors, and the Lyme Regis Museum
presents an engaging exploration of the
region’s geological past.
The Jurassic Coast features a variety of
landscapes, including vast beaches, dramatic
cliffs, hidden coves, and headlands, appealing
to all visitors. It’s dotted with natural wonders
such as Durdle Door’s arches, Old Harry
Rocks, and Stair Hole’s blowholes, shaped by
nature over millennia. These processes not
only sculpt the coastline but also reveal new
fossils. Notably, the sea has created coves
like Lulworth Cove, a stunning spot accessible
by land or sea. If visiting by boat, remember
to avoid the Lulworth Firing Ranges exclusion
zone during practice firings.
The South West Coast Path, which runs from
South Haven Point at Studland to Minehead
in Somerset, includes the entire length of
the Jurassic Coast and is an excellent way
to explore the Jurassic Coast. Some people
choose to walk the whole route, camping at
various sites along the way, while others prefer
to do shorter walks from the many car parks.
Being a World Heritage Site, it’s crucial
to maintain the precious ecosystems and
natural splendor that both locals and tourists
treasure, ensuring their preservation for the
generations to come.
Fossil enthusiasts often flock to the beaches
of Charmouth and Lyme Regis, though it’s
important to adhere to the Fossil Hunting Code
and stay vigilant about tidal changes! Near
Lulworth Cove, one can find a fossilized forest,
while Lyme Regis boasts 71 distinct layers of
rock, each hosting unique ammonite species.
The diversity of rock formations along the
coastline supports distinct plant and animal
life, making fossils an intriguing window into
the evolutionary history of the area. For those
Useful telephone numbers
Lifeboat - In an emergency, dial
999 and ask for Coastguard
Poole Boathouse................01202 665607
Poole................................. 01202 670776
Southampton Marine Office.02038 172210
Maritime and
Coastguard Agency..........02038 172000
Poole Harbour Commissioners
Main Number.................... 01202 440200
Harbour Control............... 01202 440230
Poole Quay Boat Haven/Town Quay
Berthing............................ 01202 649488
Poole Bridge....................... 01202 676531
Radio Frequencies
Calling and Distress............Channel 16
Harbour Control................. Channel 14
Bridge Control.....................Channel 12
Fire and Rescue Service..............999
Police...999 or 01202 552099 (Ext. 3276)
Ambulance In emergency dial......999
Taxi....................................01202 373737
Doctor (Lifeboat Quay Medical centre)
.............................................01202 680111
Dentist............................... 01202 682255
Hospital...............................01202 665511
Chemist (Rowlands)...........01202 677932
Bournemouth Int. Airport. 01202 364000
Condor Ferries................. 0345 6091024
More Bus........................... 01202 338420
South West Trains............03456 000650
Brittany Ferries..................0330 1597000
Poole Tourism.................... 01202 128888
Border Force.................... 01202 579233
Solent and other local harbours
Beaulieu............................. 01590 616200
Bembridge.........................01983 872828
Chichester..........................01243 512301
Cowes................................01983 293952
Hamble.............................. 01489 576387
Langstone......................... 02392 463419
Littlehampton..................... 01903 721215
Lymington.......................... 01590 672014
Newport.............................01983 823885
Newtown............................01983 531424
Poole................................. 01202 440200
Portsmouth KHM...............02392 723694
Southampton....................02380 608208
Weymouth........................ 01305 838423
Yarmouth........................... 01983 760321
• 4 to 8 Seaters Available • Local & Long Distance
Airport Transfers • Executive Car Travel
• 24/7 Service • Personal & Business Accounts
To get Discounted Fixed Price Travel,
just pay in advance by 3D Secure Card Payment
90% of boats are
repaired on scene
Dedicated marine
Home berth start
Unlimited callouts
JOIN TODAY: 0800 885500 •
Only LeeSan truly
specialise in toilets
Toilets, Tanks, Hoses,
Clips, Gauges, Deck
Fittings, Vent Filters
and everything you
need plus
Advice & Guidance
Providing the best
seat on-board .....
Supported by our
Spares Delivery
Discount Code
T: 01295 770000
RYA Yacht Master Instructor &
Examiner (power)
RYA/MCA commercially
endorsed (200grt)
• Tuition
• Charters
• Deliveries
• Boat Maintenance
Tel: +44 (0)7710109351
Waste Disposal
Government legislation requires ports
to have a port waste management plan.
Copies of the Poole Harbour Waste
Management Plan are available from the
Harbour Office. All waste from visiting
vessels must be deposited ashore and
there are adequate facilities at Poole
Quay Boat Haven, all marinas and most
yacht clubs for domestic waste. Pumpout
is available at Poole Quay Boat Haven
and waste oil may be landed there by
arrangement with the staff. Visiting craft
should not use on board toilet and shower
facilities while alongside as these are
provided ashore.
If you have any cause to complain about
behaviour in the harbour, please contact
Harbour Control immediately on Channel
14, or telephone 01202 440230, and follow up
with a letter, or an Incident Report (forms
available from the Harbour Master’s
Office or online on PHC website: www.phc. as soon as possible afterwards. All
complaints, accidents and incidents are
investigated by the Harbour Authority and
action taken where appropriate. We rely on
you to help us in our endeavours to keep
the harbour safe.
Cobbs Quay - 01202 674299
Petrol and diesel 24 hours
CPL Petroleum (by Poole Bridge) -
DIESEL ONLY - 01202 674 551
0800 - 1600 (summer weekdays)
0830 - 1500 (weekends & winter)
Parkstone Bay Marina - 01202 747 857
Petrol and diesel
0800-1800 April - September
0800-1600 October - March
Salterns Marina - 01202 709 971
Petrol and diesel 24 hours
Fuel Duty -
How will it work?
How will the boater work out what
percentage of fuel they intend to use
for propulsion? Analysis suggests that
a split of 60% for propulsion and 40%
for domestic use (heating, cooking, etc)
probably reflects MOST people’s use and
it is therefore likely that many users will
declare a similar apportionment.
List of advertisers
ASAP Supplies.......................................... Pg. 59
Buzz Tech Marine...................................Pg. 42
Carine Yachts.........................................Pg. 40
City Cruises............................................ Pg. 78
Cobbs Quay Marina...................... Back cover
Davis’s Boatyard.................................... Pg. 90
Friends of Dolphin.................................. Pg. 66
GIBBS.........................................................Pg. 3
Hotel Du Vin & Bistro............................... Pg. 65
JD Yachts.................................................Pg. 14
Lake Yard........................... Inside back cover
Lee San................................................... Pg. 85
Marine Technology Projects...................Pg. 46
New Wave Club.......................................Pg. 17
Pantaenius Sail /Motor Yacht Insurance.......Pg. 5
Parsons..................................................Pg. 42
The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
Pegasus Keel – Krab............................... Pg. 67
Peter Keats............................................. Pg. 60
Poole Regatta.......................................... Pg. 69
Poole RNLI Life Boat Festival................... Pg. 73
Poole Quay Boat Haven..................... Pg. 25-35
Powerboat Training UK........................... Pg. 39
PRC Streamline...............................Pg. 59 & 84
Rick Stein................................................. Pg. 59
Rockley.................................................... Pg. 39
Savills.......................................................Pg. 51
Savvy Navvy............................................Pg. 13
Seafood and Sounds.............................. Pg. 75
Sea Start.........................................Pg. 40 & 84
Steve Jones Marine Services.........Pg. 40 & 85
The Watersports Academy.................... Pg. 89
Truly Scrumptious..................................Pg. 40
Nearest facilities/services
1. Gas refills (Go Outdoors)
2. Post Office (WH Smiths)
3. Postbox (corner of High Street by Old Orchard or
outside Poole Museum)
4. Supermarkets(Tesco Express, Sainsbury’s Local,
large Sainsbury’s, Asda)
5. Dog walk (Baiter/Whitecliff)
6. Swimming pool/gym (Everyone Active)
7. Chandlery (Force 4) (was Piplers)
P Car parks (Thistle Hotel or multi-storey –
both pay and display)
Marinas and Moorings
Name and address of business Telephone Berths Moorings Slipway 24hr
MDL Cobbs Quay Marina
Hamworthy, Poole, BH15 4HJ
Davis’s Boatyard
Hamworthy, Poole, BH15 4HJ
Dorset Lake Marina
Lake Drive, Hamworthy, BH15 4DT
Parkstone Bay Marina
Turks Lane, Parkstone, BH14 8EW
Parkstone Yacht Club*
Pearce Ave., Parkstone, BH14 8EH
Poole Quay Boat Haven
Poole Town Quay, BH15 1HJ
Port of Poole Marina
Gatehouse. New Harbour Road,
Poole BH15 4AJ
The Poole Yacht Club*
New Harbour Road West, BH15 4AQ
Redclyffe Yacht Club*
Redcliffe, Wareham, Dorset BH20 5BE
Ridge Wharf Yacht Centre
Ridge, Wareham, Dorset BH20 5BG
Rockley Boat Park
Napier Road, Hamworthy, BH15 4LZ
Royal Motor Yacht Club*
Panorama Road, Sandbanks, BH13 7RE
Salterns Marina Ltd
40 Salterns Way, Lilliput, BH14 8JR
Sandbanks Yacht Company
32 Panorama Rd, Poole BH13 7RD
Shell Bay Marine
Ferry Road, Studland, BH19 3BA
Poole Moorings and Jetties
Off Dee Way, West Quay Road, BH15 1HT
North Haven Yacht Club,
2b Banks Road, Sandbanks, Poole,
Dorset, BH13 7QB
Liliput Sailing Club
200A Sandbanks Rd, Poole BH14 8HA
01202 674299 850 10 Yes No
01202 674349 82 Alongside Yes No
01202 674531 45 100 No Yes
01202 747857 280 150 No Yes
01202 743610 204 160 Yes Yes
01202 649488 125 20 No Yes
01202 649488 60 0 No Yes
01202 672687 400 21 Yes Yes
01929 551227 12 69 No No
01929 552650 126 43 Yes No
01202 665001 32 24 Yes (2) Yes
01202 707227 109 94 Yes No
01202 709971 280 69 Yes Yes
01202 611262 0 114 Yes No
01929 450340 0 87 Yes Yes
01202 695336 0 70 No Yes
01202 708830 0 150 No Yes
01202 740 319
*These are members’ clubs which have occasional visitors’ berths
Slipway & Tel. Ramp description Information Charges
Baiter Public slipway
No telephone
MDL Cobb’s Quay Marina
01202 674299
Ridge Wharf Yacht Centre
01929 552650
Rockley Point
01202 665001
Salterns Marina
01202 709971
Shell Bay
01929 450 340
Wide concrete
Shallow angle, easy access
Yes – daily fee
recommended jetski launch point
Very busy – report to Dock
Yes – daily fee
Master’s office on arrival
Concrete Self launch max length 6.2mtrs Yes
Concrete ramp 30ft
wide and steep
Report to boat park attendant
Yes – daily fee
Concrete Shallow launch point Yes – daily fee
The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2024
Booking essential in summer
and weekends
Yes – daily fee
Yours to be Discovered
Our forty-berth marina has deep water access at
all tides and is a secure and secluded location.
Yours to be Discovered
LAKE YARD IS with THAT courtesy SPECIAL water PLACE taxi YOU’VE service, BEEN dinghy WAITING racks, TO DISCOVER.
lockers, parking and shower facilities.
Our forty-berth marina has deep water access at
all tides and is a secure and secluded location.
Lake Yard is a busy working yard with a fifty
MOORINGS tonne boatlift, full maintenance services
We have 100 deep water swinging moorings
and boatyard facilities. For full details
with courtesy water taxi service, dinghy racks,
call Jenny on 01202 674531.
lockers, parking and shower facilities.
Lake Yard is a busy working yard with a fifty
tonne boatlift, full maintenance The Boston Whaler services
and boatyard facilities. is perfect For full for details the
call Jenny on 01202 674531.
shallow waters of Poole Harbour and, as
the THE sole HOME distributor OF BOSTON in the WHALER UK and UK Ireland,
our knowledge and experience The Boston is unrivalled. Whaler
is perfect for the
shallow waters of Poole Harbour and, as
the sole distributor in the UK and Ireland,
our knowledge and experience is unrivalled.
Sit and soak up the unrivalled views from our
WATERSIDE waterfront BAR marquee & RESTAURANT whilst dining in style.
Sit Meet and old soak friends, up the make unrivalled new ones views or from simply our
and unwind
a glass
of something
Meet old friends, make new ones or simply
nice relax from and our unwind well-stocked with a glass bar. of You something can also hire
our nice Deck from Room our well-stocked for private dining bar. You or can for special also hire
Deck Room
For more
for private
or for
occasions. For more information call 01202 676953.
The Restaurant & Bar
are now THE operating CLUB as
The Member’s Restaurant Only. & Bar
You are can now apply operating to join as on
Member’s Only.
our website, over the
You can apply to join on
our phone website, or pop over in and the
phone pick or up pop a form. in and
pick up a form.
Lake Yard Lake Drive, Poole, Dorset BH15 4DT
t 01202 674531 | e |
If you’re looking for a stunning marina in Poole, with a lively atmosphere, friendly staff,
If you’re looking for a stunning marina in Poole, with a lively atmosphere, friendly staff,
fantastic facilities, easy access to blue flag beaches and small islands to explore
fantastic facilities, easy access to blue flag beaches and small islands to explore
by boat, then you’ve found it, at Cobb’s Quay Marina.
by boat, then you’ve found it, at Cobb’s Quay Marina.
*In points, T&Cs apply
*In points, T&Cs apply
harbour guide 2023 advert - PRINT.pdf 3 17/01/2023 10:40
Poole's longest established family boatyard Est. 1964
• 82 Pontoon berths with
Free WIFI.
• Jet Ski Docks.
• 14 Alongside berths.
• Hard standing for
300 Vessels.
• Cranage up to 42ft.
• High pressure cleaning /
Dinghy and trailer storage.
• Fresh water and electricity
• DIY Slipway.
• Independent Shipwright,
Surveyor and Brokerage.
• Marine Engineers and
• Separate Toilet / Shower
facilities for berth holders.
• Friendly, knowledgeable
staff and a true family
Storage Ashore & Lifting all year round
Winter Discounts available
Cobb’s Quay, Hamworthy, Poole BH15 4EJ
01202 674349 •