[eBook - PDF] Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday Experience 5th Edition - ISBN13 : 978-1337408271
Categories: Psychology - Cognitive Psychology Year: 2020 Edition: 5 Language: English Pages: 496 ISBN-13: 978-1337408271 ISBN-10: 1337408271 File: PDF, 33.56 MB
Categories: Psychology - Cognitive Psychology
Year: 2020
Edition: 5
Language: English
Pages: 496
ISBN-13: 978-1337408271
ISBN-10: 1337408271
File: PDF, 33.56 MB
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<strong>Cognitive</strong> <strong>Psychology</strong>: <strong>Connecting</strong> <strong>Mind</strong>, <strong>Research</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Everyday</strong><br />
<strong>Experience</strong> <strong>5th</strong> <strong>Edition</strong><br />
1.<br />
<strong>eBook</strong> <strong>PDF</strong> : ISBN :<strong>978</strong>-<strong>1337408271</strong><br />
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Description :<br />
Does not contain an access card. A lot goes on in your head when you're doing<br />
something simple like remembering (or forgetting!) to do your next assignment.<br />
Bruce Goldstein explains all this activity going on in your mind in COGNITIVE<br />
Concrete examples <strong>and</strong> illustrations help you underst<strong>and</strong> both the scientific<br />
importance of theories <strong>and</strong> their relevance to you, including research-based<br />
suggestions for better ways to study. <strong>Mind</strong>Tap brings the experiments to life<br />
with interactive demos <strong>and</strong> CogLab: The Online Cognition Lab. You can<br />
participate in experiments as a subject <strong>and</strong> experience the effects of the<br />
demonstrations yourself to learn how the mind works.<br />
Year: 2020<br />
<strong>Edition</strong>: <strong>5th</strong> <strong>Edition</strong><br />
Language: English<br />
Pages: 496<br />
ISBN 13: <strong>978</strong>-<strong>1337408271</strong><br />
File: <strong>eBook</strong> 31.34 MB