Leadership Pasco Newsletter - Spring 2024

The Leadership Pasco Newsletter is published quarterly. SINCE 1991, THE MISSION OF LEADERSHIP PASCO is to identify and recruit current or potential leaders of Pasco County, facilitate the development and interaction of those leaders, and to foster an issues-oriented learning environment for these leaders and the citizens of Pasco County in order to encourage an ex-change of ideas and generate enthusiasm for community growth and development.

The Leadership Pasco Newsletter is published quarterly. SINCE 1991, THE MISSION OF LEADERSHIP PASCO is to identify and recruit current or potential leaders of Pasco County, facilitate the development and interaction of those leaders, and to foster an issues-oriented learning environment for these leaders and the citizens of Pasco County in order to encourage an ex-change of ideas and generate enthusiasm for community growth and development.


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<strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />

Bus Tour 2.0 Makes History

To our <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> Family,<br />

Happy <strong>Spring</strong>! I cannot believe how fast this<br />

program year has gone! I want to thank all of<br />

our board members, directors emeriti, program<br />

day leaders, speakers, and all of our supporters<br />

of <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> who continue to make this<br />

program a success.<br />

I recently had the opportunity to attend the <strong>2024</strong><br />

Youth <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> graduation. Thank you<br />

to Barbara DeSimone ’96, Ben Diel ’16, and<br />

Rob Aguis ’01 for all that you do to support this<br />

program. Our future is certainly very bright with<br />

these impressive leaders of tomorrow!<br />

The adult program only has a few program days left. They had a great time at SIMSOC and<br />

it appears they read the book! The Class of <strong>2024</strong> is holding its <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> Clays for<br />

Community on April 25, <strong>2024</strong> at Tampa Bay Sporting Clays. The proceeds from this event<br />

will benefit the launch of the CREATE Learning Lab for children living at the Metropolitan<br />

Ministries campus located in Holiday, Florida. This is sure to be a great time for an even<br />

greater cause! For more information and sponsorship opportunities, please visit Clays for<br />

Community - <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> Class of <strong>2024</strong>.<br />

I want to extend a special thanks to the Alumni Committee for launching the inaugural Bus<br />

Tour 2.0 on March 12, <strong>2024</strong>! This was an opportunity for <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> Alumni and guests<br />

to learn about and visit developing projects in <strong>Pasco</strong> County. These projects included Double<br />

Branch, Moffitt Innovation Campus, Wiregrass Recreation Center, and concluded with a<br />

happy hour at the only rooftop bar in Wesley Chapel! Thank you to our sponsors and speakers<br />

for making our first Bus Tour 2.0 a hit!<br />

We will be celebrating the <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> Class of <strong>2024</strong> graduation on June 6, <strong>2024</strong> at<br />

Spartan Manor. I wonder what the Class of <strong>2024</strong> has in store with their skit. We will also<br />

present the prestigious Judith Rochelle award and present the Program Day of the Year. You<br />

should be receiving email invitations and reminders in the near future.<br />

Applications for the Class of 2025 are open! Please spread the word and refer any questions to<br />

board members. Applications close on May 15, <strong>2024</strong>. If you know someone who is interested<br />

in applying to be a part of the Class of 2025, please visit https://leadershippasco.com/<br />

Application.<br />

Thank you for your support of <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong>!<br />

Brendan Gorman Class of 2018<br />

President, <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong><br />

Attorney, Laporte, Mulligan, and Werner-Watkins, P.A.<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong><br />

<strong>Pasco</strong><br />

<strong>Newsletter</strong><br />


PASCO is to identify and recruit current or potential<br />

leaders of <strong>Pasco</strong> County, facilitate the development<br />

and interaction of those leaders, and to foster an issues-oriented<br />

learning environment for these leaders<br />

and the citizens of <strong>Pasco</strong> County in order to encourage<br />

an exchange of ideas and generate enthusiasm<br />

for community growth and development.<br />

The <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong> is published quarterly.<br />

Please direct correspondence about this publication<br />

to <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong>, P.O. Box 695, Elfers, FL,<br />

34680. Readers also may reach staff by sending an<br />

email to administration@leadershippasco.com.<br />

Editorial Staff<br />

Amanda Hart '14<br />

Editor<br />

Tara O'Connor '16<br />

Editor<br />

Jason Longo '17<br />

Design<br />

Photo Credits<br />

J. David Wright '20 (Cover, 2, 3, bottom 13,<br />

14-16)<br />

Board Members<br />

Don Anderson '16<br />

Chuck Anderson '20<br />

Gary Burden '19<br />

Angel Cook '18, President Elect<br />

Angie Gardner '11<br />

Brendan Gorman '18, President<br />

Kim Hamm '15<br />

Amanda Hart '14<br />

Laura Knight '22<br />

William Labbancz '22<br />

Crystal Lazar '13<br />

Manny Long '16, Treasurer<br />

Kathy Masucci '22<br />

Tara O'Connor '16, Immediate Past President<br />

Joseph Poblick '14<br />

Laura Raposa '19, Secretary<br />

Sam Rockwell '22<br />

Debbie Shackowski '20<br />

James Walters '15<br />

© <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong>. All rights reserved.

Features<br />

4<br />

6<br />

8<br />

9<br />

Bus Tour 2.0<br />

Sponsor Spotlight: R.J. Kielty<br />

William Labbancz '22<br />

Gary Burden '19<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

Education Day<br />

J. David Wright '20 & Becky Bennett '07 King<br />

and Queen<br />

Youth <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> Graduation<br />

<strong>Spring</strong> Program Day Sponsors<br />

AdventHealth Wesley Chapel<br />

Alfonso Hersch, Attorneys at Law<br />

The Bank of Tampa<br />

BayCare Health System<br />

Blackjack Media Group<br />

Florida's Sports Coast<br />

Habitat for Humanity of East and Central <strong>Pasco</strong> County<br />

Heather Grimes<br />

Home Res-Q Remodeling<br />

Interstruct, Inc.<br />

Island Paradise Charters<br />

Keller Williams Realty - Kelly’s Home Team<br />

Micro Solutions<br />

Nikki Alvarez-Sowles, Esq.,<br />

<strong>Pasco</strong> County Clerk & Comptroller<br />

O'Connor Law Group, P.A.<br />

Olga's Bakery<br />

Olympus Limo, Inc.<br />

<strong>Pasco</strong> Education Foundation<br />

<strong>Pasco</strong>-Hernando State College<br />

Photos By J. David Wright<br />

Pontlitz Asset Advisors<br />

Premier Community HealthCare<br />

Pure Project Management<br />

Sailwinds Realty<br />

Time Trap Escape Room<br />

Wharton-Smith, Inc.<br />

United Way of <strong>Pasco</strong> County<br />

Vincent House - <strong>Pasco</strong> County<br />

USF Federal Credit Union<br />

Windsong Charters and Boat Rentals

<strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> Rolls Out Bus Tour 2.0,<br />

an Alumni and Community Experience<br />

By Jason Longo '17<br />

Bus Tour 2.0 made history on March 12, <strong>2024</strong> as the first <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong><br />

alumni and community mobile networking and educational event. It was an<br />

idea from a board meeting executed through the leadership of board member<br />

Kathy Masucci '22 and the alumni committee.<br />

The day begain with a light breakfast and networking at Wiregrass Ranch<br />

Sports Campus, Wesley Chapel. From there the sold-out event group boarded<br />

a 55 passenger Olympus Limo motor coach (with new bus smell) with<br />

destinations in Central and East <strong>Pasco</strong>. During the ride attendees learned<br />

about the major <strong>Pasco</strong> business and construction developments happening<br />

from the people in the know.<br />

Hope Kennedy, North Tampa Bay Chamber President shared so much about<br />

current and future pasco demographics, business, and plans. She also spoke<br />

about the growth of infrastructure to match the numbers of new rooftops.<br />

The group also heard from Michael Wolf '24, Vice President, Columnar/<br />

DoubleBranch and Phillips & Jordan and Art Phelps, Senior Vice President,<br />

Industrial and Commerercial, Phillips and Jordan, Inc. as we viewed<br />

the expansive mixed-use development, DoubleBranch, formerly known as<br />

<strong>Pasco</strong> Town Center. The project will feature 4 million square feet of industrial<br />

development, 725,000 square feet of offices, 400,000 square feet of<br />

retail, 3,500 housing units and 300 hotel beds on a 965-acre parcel at the<br />

southeast corner of Interstate 75 and State Road 52. At completion, Double-<br />

Branch will generate over $600 million in long-term economic impact on an<br />

estimated $2 billion buildout for the surrounding area. As companies locate,<br />

the development is anticipated to be home to 6,000 jobs including many in<br />

the logistics, life sciences, and healthcare target industry sectors.<br />

Mike Bishop '17, Senior Vice President, <strong>Pasco</strong> Economic Development Council<br />

(PEDC) spoke about projects the PEDC is involved in around the county, and<br />

answered many questions along the way about land for sale, recently sold, or<br />

in development. The tour learned more about PEDC's mission and structure.<br />

PEDC is the lead economic development organization dedicated to the<br />

overall growth and prosperity of <strong>Pasco</strong> County through the development of a<br />

sustainable and diversified economy. <strong>Pasco</strong> EDC is a private, non-profit organization<br />

that promotes countywide economic development and continues to<br />

be a strong partnership funded by corporate and public investors focused on<br />

the economic vitality of <strong>Pasco</strong> County. Bishop also spoke about SMARTstart<br />

Small Business program and other tools for small business success.<br />

The bus drove to the new Moffitt Innovation Campus, also known as Speros<br />

for a tasty lunch and presentation by Casey Cane, Moffitt, Speros FL, <strong>Pasco</strong><br />

County Global Innovation Center. Speros is a 775-acre <strong>Pasco</strong> County campus<br />

to be used for the future of revolutionary cancer treatment and research.<br />

The campus will feature 16 million square feet of lab, office, manufacturing<br />

and clinical space. Several hundred acres will remain natural and a habitat<br />

for Florida wildlife. The tour learned the name Speros, is a derivative of the<br />

Latin verb “Sperare,” meaning “to hope” or “to look forward to." Approximatly<br />

14,000 Moffitt team members will be employed on campus at project<br />

completion.<br />

Harold Sample '91, was an attendee of the tour and shared <strong>Pasco</strong><br />

County history with us, along with sights such as Angeline Academy<br />

of Innovation, Land 'O Lakes, and the MetroLagoon communities of<br />

Eperson in Wesley Chapel and Mirada in San Antonio. Sample and Kurt<br />

Connover '92 retired from conducting our class Bus Tour with Class<br />

of <strong>2024</strong>, and new leaders of Michele Baker '97 and Frances Werner-<br />

Wakins '11 will be taking on the two-day program in 2025. Both were in<br />

attendance at Bus Tour 2.0 and have been working with Sample and<br />

Connover on next-year's program day.<br />

The tour traveled back to the Wiregrass Recreation Center where<br />

they learned more about the tourism industry that is putting <strong>Pasco</strong><br />

on the map. Tourism Day is our newest program day, so most of our<br />

alumni have not experienced the full day. Adam Thomas '24 Director<br />

of Florida's Sports Coast, our tourism bureau, and co-chair of Tourism<br />

Day presented that component along with a tour and details on<br />

Wiregrass Recreation Center by Ronnie Outen, Operations Manager<br />

and Basketball Director.<br />

Attendees concluded with an optional happy hour at Skybox, Wesley<br />

Chapel’s only rooftop bar, at Residence Inn. It was a beautiful day, and<br />

a great way to travel around the county to learn from the best, and have<br />

some great conversation with new and old friends.<br />

Many of the attendees are members of the community who plan to<br />

learn more about <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> or who have plans to apply for<br />

Class of 2025.<br />

John Austin-Willis '15, Frances Werner-Watkins '11, and Tom Celotto '15<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong> NEWSLETTER

Dr. Chris Dunning '24, Gene Snyder '17, and Jason Longo '17<br />

Patrick Barnes and Jennifer Yingling '18<br />

Sponsors<br />

Northpoint Wealth Management of Raymond James<br />

American Interiors<br />

CTI Cabling Technologies, Inc.<br />

Focus Flooring<br />

Mike Bishop '17<br />

Graybar<br />

Gresham Smith<br />

Innovative Connections<br />

Panduit<br />

Skyview Companies<br />

Turner<br />

Photos By J. David Wright<br />

Michele Baker '97 Nichole, "Nikki" Alvarez-Sowles '15

Sponsor Spotlight: R.J. Kielty Plumbing,<br />

Heating, and Air<br />

By Debi Shackowski '20<br />

Although Tanner Kielty is VP of operations at R.J. Kielty Plumbing,<br />

Heating, and Air, he has actually been at the helm of Operations<br />

for the past ten (10) years. The family business has been a<br />

landmark and part of New Port Richey for 50 years. During<br />

Tanner’s years the company has grown exponentially under his<br />

management and creativity. An FSU dual graduate with degrees in<br />

entrepreneurship and management. Married 11 years to the love of<br />

his life, Erica and father of three (3): Royce, Bowen and Piper Jules.<br />

Through my friendship with Tanner I have learned he is the kindest,<br />

warmest and most laid back person you will ever encounter AND<br />

an individual who loves to laugh.<br />

Tanner’s motto is simple:<br />

"New Port Richey is more than just a city, it's our home! At<br />

RJ Kielty Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling we are dedicated<br />

to providing quality workmanship for our neighbors in our<br />

community!<br />

Their doors first opened in 1973 and they currently serve the<br />

entire Greater West Central Florida region with three locations<br />

in New Port Richey, Tampa and Orlando. Their employees are<br />

valued partners in our organization’s mission: to give exceptional<br />

customer service, provide innovative solutions, and perform the<br />

finest workmanship on EVERY job. The company is also committed<br />

to giving back to neighboring communities that have continually<br />

supported their work.<br />

To learn more about R.J. Kielty Plumbing, Heating, and Air, please<br />

visit their website www.rjkielty.com.

Presented by<br />

Clay Sponsor: $3,000<br />

Team of 4<br />

Logo ad on all printed materials<br />

Social Media recognition<br />

1 Mulligan per shooter<br />

16 Raffle tickets per team<br />

Ability to add branded materials in swag bags<br />

1 station sign<br />

Ammo Sponsor: $1,500<br />

Team of 4<br />

Social Media recognition<br />

1 Mulligan per shooter<br />

8 Raffle tickets per team<br />

Ability to add branded materials in swag bags<br />

1 station sign<br />

Lunch Sponsor: (1) - Sold Out $2,000<br />

Ability to bring signage<br />

Table set up during lunch<br />

Ability to add branded materials in swag bags<br />

1 station sign<br />

Team Ticket $1,000<br />

Team of 4<br />

includes cart, ear plugs, breakfast, lunch & 50<br />

rounds<br />

1 station sign<br />

Individual Ticket $250<br />

<br />

Will be added into a team<br />

includes cart for team, ear plugs, breakfast,<br />

lunch & 50 rounds<br />

Alumni Ticket<br />

• Includes lunch & networking<br />

• * Covers alumni dues till<br />

12/31/24 if not up-to-date.<br />

$50 * - Free if up-to-date on dues.<br />

Benefitting:<br />

Purchase sponsorships or<br />

tickets by scanning the QR code<br />

or visit <strong>Leadership</strong><strong>Pasco</strong>.com

Board Member Spotlight: William Labbancz '22<br />

William A. Labbancz is the Real Estate Broker of Sailwinds Realty in New Port<br />

Richey. He started his career in in 2009 as a real estate agent then transitioned<br />

to a team lead and in 2014 became the broker of Sailwinds Realty. When William<br />

opened Sailwinds Realty it made him one of the youngest brokers in the United<br />

States. In 2018, William was inducted into the International Real Estate Hall of<br />

Fame. William prides himself and his time as being some of the most knowledgeable<br />

and capable real estate agents in the industry. From investment properties to<br />

multi-million dollar waterfront properties William and his team are there to help.<br />

William is an active volunteer in his local community as the Vice President of New<br />

Port Richey Main Street, Inc. and the <strong>2024</strong> President of the West <strong>Pasco</strong> Board of<br />

Realtors.<br />


Board Member Spotlight: Gary Burden '19<br />

I am Gary A. Burden, I’ve spent the past 25+ years in Banking, Commercial<br />

Real Estate and as a Business Owner. As a Vice President at SouthState Bank, I<br />

specialized in helping business owners improve their cash-flow through treasury<br />

management solutions, reduced fees on their deposits & obtain competitive<br />

interest rates on both deposits and loans. I manage a TEAM of banking professionals<br />

who aim to provide banking solutions designed to put the need, education,<br />

and guidance of our customers first. I have held a Florida 215 Insurance<br />

License since 2010 and a Florida Real Estate License since 2002. I manage<br />

a Commercial property portfolio including Unimproved Vacant Land, Office<br />

buildings, Warehouse/Industrial and Retail Shopping Centers. I’ve assisted<br />

with 1031-Exchange providers for a tax deferral to our clients. I have been a<br />

<strong>Pasco</strong> resident since 2001. In my free time I enjoy the outdoors, hiking (Working<br />

on Seven Summit Club Status), camping, fishing, personal fitness, cooking,<br />

photography and traveling. I’m a huge “grunge” music era fan, mostly Pearl<br />

Jam, having seen 50+ shows. I attended Georgia State University majoring in<br />

Natural Science and Criminal Justice. I’m a past President 2020-21 and current<br />

member of Holiday Rotary Club where I am the Rotary Foundation Chairman<br />

2023-24. I’m <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> Alumni Class of 2019 (Nothing finer than<br />

2019).<br />

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gaburdenlending<br />

Instagram: @ThisOldBlueCarreal estate agents in the industry. From investment<br />

properties to multi-million dollar waterfront properties William and his<br />

team are there to help.<br />



Calling on Alumni and current class members!<br />

If you would like to be considered for a <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong><br />

Board of Directors position, please prepare a resume and<br />

also a short narrative of what you feel you could bring to<br />

the Board if selected.<br />

The deadline for submission is Sunday, April 14.<br />

Visit www.<strong>Leadership</strong><strong>Pasco</strong>.com for more details.


• Representation of the company at all<br />

program days<br />

• Class tuition provided for one outstanding<br />

member of the company ($2,000 Value)<br />

• Placement of a banner on the <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong><br />

Website including a link to the company website<br />

• Inclusion of the company’s logo in all emails sent<br />

to the class<br />

• Provide and display of a banner with company<br />

information at each program day<br />

• Sponsorship of one Alumni event for the<br />

calendar year<br />

• Incorporation of company logo on all class<br />

materials<br />


$5000<br />

• Access to email <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> Alumni twice<br />

during the calendar year (email will be sent by<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong>)<br />

• Four full-page ads in our quarterly newsletter<br />

• Twelve social media posts throughout the year<br />

• Formal thank you from the <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong><br />

President, as well as three minutes to address the<br />

class at a program day of your choosing<br />

• Opportunity to distribute marketing materials to<br />

the class<br />

• Two tickets to the annual holiday event<br />

• Four tickets to <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> graduation<br />

• Payment of Alumni dues for the year of your choice<br />



$3500 $2500<br />

• Representation of the company at two program days<br />

• Credit Class tuition provided for one outstanding<br />

member of the company ($1,000 Value)<br />

• Placement of a logo on the <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> website<br />

including a link to the company website<br />

• Provide and display of a banner with company<br />

information at two program days<br />

• Sponsorship of one Alumni event for the calendar year<br />

($250 value)<br />

• Access to email <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> Alumni once<br />

during the calendar year (email will be sent by<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong>)<br />

• Two full-page ads in our quarterly newsletter<br />

• Six social media posts throughout the year<br />

• Formal thank you from the <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> President,<br />

as well as two minutes to address the class at<br />

a program day of your choosing<br />

• Opportunity to distribute marketing materials to<br />

the class<br />

• Two tickets to <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> Graduation<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong> NEWSLETTER<br />

• Representation of the company at<br />

one program day<br />

• Credit Class tuition provided for one<br />

outstanding member of the company<br />

($500 Value)<br />

• Placement of name on the <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

<strong>Pasco</strong> website including a link to the<br />

company website<br />

• Sponsorship of one Alumni event for the<br />

calendar year ($250 value)<br />

• One half-page ad in our quarterly<br />

newsletter<br />

• Three social media posts throughout<br />

the year<br />

• Formal thank you from the <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

<strong>Pasco</strong> President<br />

• Opportunity to distribute marketing<br />

materials to the class<br />

• Two tickets to <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong><br />


Download form at<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong>pasco.com/Sponsorship<br />



$750<br />

• Placement of name on the <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

<strong>Pasco</strong> Website including a link to the<br />

company website<br />

• One quarter-page ad in our quarterly<br />

newsletter<br />

• One social media posts throughout<br />

the year<br />

• Formal thank you from the <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

<strong>Pasco</strong> President<br />

• Opportunity to distribute marketing<br />

materials to the class<br />


$500<br />

• Placement of name on the <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> website<br />

including a link to the company website<br />

• Sponsorship listing in the graduation program<br />

• Corporate logo on all produced and distributed material<br />

during the sponsored day’s class session<br />

• Recognition at one Alumni event<br />

• Social media recognition<br />

• Remarks to event participants during the sponsored<br />

day’s class session<br />

• Opportunity to distribute corporate marketing materials<br />

during the event<br />


$250<br />

• Placement of name on the <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> website including a link to the company website<br />

• Social media recognition<br />

• Sponsorship listing in the graduation program<br />

• Opportunity to distribute corporate marketing materials during the event<br />

**All sponsorships exclude SIMSOC & Youth <strong>Leadership</strong> Programs.<br />


Thank you for your sponsorship of <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong>. Kindly fill in the form of your sponsorship commitment<br />

and email to sponsorship@leadershippasco.com.<br />

My organization,<br />

<strong>Pasco</strong> with the following sponsorship package:<br />

Executive Sponsorship ($5000)<br />

Gold Sponsorship ($3500)<br />

Silver Sponsorship ($2500)<br />

Bronze Sponsorship ($750)<br />

Program Day sponsor ($500)<br />

Friend of <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> ($250)<br />

(company name), is committed to sponsor <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

Make Checks Payable to:<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong><br />

Address:<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> P.O. Box 695<br />

Elfers, FL. 34680<br />

**Disclaimer: Priority deadline August 1st.<br />



Exploring Excellence: <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> Class of <strong>2024</strong><br />

Embraces Education Day Journey<br />

D<br />

By Laura Raposa '19<br />

On March 21, <strong>2024</strong>, the <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> Class of <strong>2024</strong> participated<br />

in Education Day. The class started their day at the <strong>Pasco</strong><br />

County Schools District office and received updates and information<br />

from Stacey Capogrosso '14 with the <strong>Pasco</strong> Education Foundation,<br />

Dr. Steve Knobl '14 with the Early Learning Coalition,<br />

Superintendent Kurt Browning '96, Melanie Waxler and Michael<br />

Baumaister from <strong>Pasco</strong> County Schools.<br />

The first stop after the district office was Starkey Ranch K-8. The<br />

group met Principal Jennifer Frantz and her team showed off the<br />

fantastic student talent and facility that showcases theater, robotics,<br />

computer science and dance magnet programs. The next<br />

stop was Fred K. Marchman Technical College where the group<br />

was treated to lunch by the award-winning culinary students.<br />

Following lunch, the group toured the cosmetology, welding, and<br />

culinary programs with Dr. Chris Dunning as a tour guide.<br />

Following Marchman, Dr. Dunning showed off some of the great<br />

programs being offered at Wendell Krinn Technical High School<br />

including Cybersecurity, Aquaponics and Biomedical Sciences.<br />

On the bus to and from stops, the group learned more about<br />

<strong>Pasco</strong> County Schools with presentations from Samantha Del<br />

Valle, Office of Leading and Learning; Chris Williams, Director of<br />

Planning; and George Papaemanuel, Human Capital Partner.<br />

Finally, the day wrapped up at the West Campus of <strong>Pasco</strong>-Hernando<br />

State College with greetings from President, Dr. Jesse Pisors,<br />

Updates from Dr. Alysen Heil, Dean of Workforce Programs,<br />

Health Program Tours from Dr. Billie Gabbard, Dean of Heath<br />

Occupations and Nursing and a glimpse of Student Life at PHSC<br />

presented by John Fey, Director of Student Life and <strong>Leadership</strong>.<br />

Here are a few quotes from the Class about Education Day:<br />

“The most valuable part of the day was either the<br />

tour across the campus at Wendell-Krinn or the<br />

various tours of PHSC to see how things operate<br />

behind the scenes as well as the various tools that<br />

our educators have to provide education to the<br />

next generation of students.”<br />

“There is so much that the schools have to offer<br />

and today really helps community leaders be prepared<br />

to be cheerleaders for the cause.”<br />

“I loved the variety of speakers and the different<br />

stops because there were things I had no idea<br />

about. I also loved when we got to meet the students<br />

in some of the schools to hear from them.”<br />

A sincere thank you to our Education Day Sponsors: O’Connor<br />

Law Group, <strong>Pasco</strong> Education Foundation and <strong>Pasco</strong>-Hernando<br />

State College.<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong> NEWSLETTER

Dr. Jesse Pisors, President, <strong>Pasco</strong> Hernando State College<br />

Superintendent Kurt Browning '96<br />

J. David Wright '20 & Becky Bennett '07, Elected King and Queen<br />

J. David Wright '20 and Becky Bennett '07were crowned King Pithla and Queen Chasco on March 15 at the <strong>2024</strong> Chasco Coronation Ball. <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

<strong>Pasco</strong> is proud that two of our fine alumni were honored for their community leadership and positive impact! “It warms my heart to see the good being<br />

done in our community, and everyone coming together to celebrate it. Happy Chasco to All!!!” said Jamie Mick '07, 2015 Queen and <strong>2024</strong> chair of the ball.<br />

Be sure to read this terrific article in Suncoast News about this amazing pair and Chasco.<br />

Becky Bennett '07 and J. David Wright '20<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong><br />



Youth <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> Class of <strong>2024</strong> Wraps<br />

By Barbara De Simone '96<br />

The Youth <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> Class of <strong>2024</strong> celebrated their<br />

graduation at a breakfast on March 15, <strong>2024</strong> at Timber Greens<br />

Country Club. More than 100 sponsors, school officials, parents<br />

and <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> Board members were there to cheer on the<br />

graduating students: Colt Blancher, Katarina Boglino, Isabella<br />

Bowling, Thomas Celotto, Jr., Noah Downey, Vincent Farides,<br />

Dominic Fusco, William Gantt, Jake Giber, Nadama Gilkerson,<br />

Sophia Giri, Nathan Grimes, Luiza Guryeva, Allan Guzman,<br />

Elissa Hill, Liam Hornung, Melodi Kazazi, Calina Levy, Alina<br />

Manadyel, Ethan Mendez, Alyssa Mintrone, Montana Montayre,<br />

Morgan Montayre, Alfonso Nava, Victoria Ogundeyin, Xiomig<br />

Ozorio Matias, Trinity Perry, Justyce Rice, Ethan Rubin, Lilliana<br />

St. Aubin, Paul Steele, Hailey Suggs and Gianna Walsh.<br />

Youth <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> is a leadership development program<br />

that informs, motivates, and increases the awareness of selected<br />

high school aged students through issue-oriented seminars and<br />

interaction with community leaders. Sessions include Orientation<br />

and Team Building, Law Enforcement, Health Care/Community<br />

Services, Government/Economic Development and Education.<br />

Matt Grimes, Nathan Grimes, and Heather Grimes '11<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> is able to keep the student fee at $35 due to<br />

generous support from our sponsors: the Law Office of Tara<br />

O’Connor, United Way of <strong>Pasco</strong> County, <strong>Pasco</strong> Hernando State<br />

College, Fred K. Marchman Technical College, Morton Plant<br />

North Bay Hospital, Olympus Limo, <strong>Pasco</strong> County Sheriff’s Office,<br />

<strong>Pasco</strong> Education Foundation and the Rotary Clubs of Dade<br />

City Noon, Holiday, New Port Richey, Seven <strong>Spring</strong>s, Trinity and<br />

West <strong>Pasco</strong> Sunset. We appreciate them.<br />

Applications for the Class of 2025 will open for Sophomores and<br />

Juniors at the beginning of the school year.<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong> NEWSLETTER<br />

Amanda Walsh '16 and Gianna Walsh

Youth <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> Class of <strong>2024</strong> Graduates<br />

Colt Blancher, Angeline Academy of Innovation<br />

Katarina M. Boglino, Gulf High School<br />

Isabella C. Bowling, River Ridge High School<br />

Thomas Celotto, Jr. Hudson High School<br />

Noah J. Downey, Sunlake High School<br />

Vincent J. Farides, River Ridge High School<br />

Dominic Fusco, Wesley Chapel High School<br />

William C. Gantt, J.W. Mitchell High School<br />

Jake Giber, Genesis Preparatory High School<br />

Nadama N. Gilkerson, <strong>Pasco</strong> High School<br />

Sophia M. Giri, Wiregrass Ranch High School<br />

Nathan M. Grimes, J.W. Mitchell High School<br />

Luiza Guryeva, Wesley Chapel High School<br />

Allan Guzman, Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation<br />

Elissa A. Hill, JW Mitchell High School<br />

Liam C. Hornung, J.W Mitchell High School<br />

Melodi Kazazi, Sunlake High School<br />

Calina M. Levy, Wiregrass Ranch High School<br />

Alina Manadyel, Dayspring Early College Academy<br />

Ethan A. Mendez, Cypress Creek high School<br />

Alyssa B. Mintrone, Land O' Lakes High School<br />

Montana T. Montayre, Wendell Krinn Technical High School<br />

Morgan T. Montayre, Wendell Krinn Technical High School<br />

Alfonso E. Nava, Dayspring Early College Academy<br />

Victoria Ogundeyin, Cypress Creek High School<br />

Xiomig N. Ozorio Matias, Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation<br />

Trinity Perry, Wesley Chapel High School<br />

Justyce P. Rice, Anclote High School<br />

Ethan Rubin, Hudson High School<br />

Lilliana E. St Aubin, Hudson High School<br />

Paul L. Steele, Land O Lakes High School<br />

Hailey J. Suggs, Anclote High School<br />

Gianna Walsh, Fivay High School

Liam Hornung<br />

Class Quotes<br />

Tom Celotto '11, Barbara De Simone '96, and Rob Aguis '01<br />

The Youth <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong> program is truly one of a kind.<br />

Throughout the program I have made life long friendships, restored<br />

old ones, and got a much deeper grasp of what happens in <strong>Pasco</strong><br />

county. My favorite part of the program was the sheriff's department.<br />

We got to see just how big the department truly is and the<br />

amazing technology they are incorporating into their line of work.<br />

I used to only want to leave pasco county but throughout this program<br />

i have found a new love for it and all of the amazing opportunities<br />

it has to offer. I can truly see myself living here forever.<br />

- Noah J. Downey, Sunlake High School<br />

Nadama Gilkerson and Laura Knight '22<br />

"As I reflect on my time in the <strong>Pasco</strong> Youth <strong>Leadership</strong>, a moment<br />

that stands out for me was was when the program had economic<br />

day. That day I and many others in my group learned about how<br />

our leaders here in <strong>Pasco</strong> County work tirelessly to grow and provide<br />

new opportunities to all those who live in its community. It was<br />

that day that I realized it does not take someone who is in a high<br />

position to be a leader but someone who genuinely cares for their<br />

community and the people who reside in it. The program allowed<br />

its members to meet many leaders form doctors to business leaders<br />

and even our very own superintendent of schools Kurt Browning.<br />

In the end I am profoundly grateful for the privilege of being part of<br />

this amazing program that is the <strong>Pasco</strong> Youth <strong>Leadership</strong> program.<br />

It has been an amazing experience that has given all who have<br />

joined new experiences, skills, and memories that can be taken<br />

further on the journey we call life."<br />

- Ethan A. Mendez, Cypress Creek high School<br />

SPRING <strong>2024</strong> NEWSLETTER<br />

Sponsors<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Pasco</strong><br />

Fred K. Marchman Technical College<br />

Mortan Plant North Bay Hospital<br />

O'Connor Law Group, P.A.<br />

Olympus Limo<br />

<strong>Pasco</strong> County Sheriff's Office<br />

<strong>Pasco</strong> Education Foundation<br />

<strong>Pasco</strong> Hernando State College<br />

Rotary Club of Dade City Noon<br />

Rotary Club of Holiday<br />

Rotary Club of New Port Richey<br />

Rotary Club of Seven <strong>Spring</strong>s<br />

Rotary Club of Trinity<br />

Rotary Club of West <strong>Pasco</strong> Sunset<br />

United Way of <strong>Pasco</strong> County



THE CLASS OF 2025!<br />








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