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Regional District of Central Kootenay

December 8, 2022


713/22 That the Board approve the hiring of a part time employee to oversee New

Denver Recreation No. 6 activities and venues as necessary from Recreation

Commission No. 6 – New Denver, Silverton, and Area H Service S229.

Moved and seconded,

And Resolved:

714/22 That BC Emergency Services personnel be granted free use of the New Denver

Community Gym when they are in New Denver.

Moved and seconded,

And Resolved:



715/22 That the Board approve the payment of the following grants from the Recreation

Commission No. 6 – New Denver, Silverton, and Area H Service S229 2022


Hills Recreation Society $700

Slocan Solutions Society $880

Silverton Community Club $250

Lucerne Elementary Secondary School $2,000

Pavilion Bluebird Volunteers $400

New Denver Lantern Festival $210

Moved and seconded,

And Resolved:

716/22 That the Board appoint the following individuals to the Recreation Commission

No. 6 for a term to end December 31, 2024:

Erika McKeil

Richard Johnson

4.2.2 Community Sustainable Living Committee: minutes November 29, 2022

Moved and seconded,

And Resolved:

717/22 That the RDCK Board direct staff to include funding up to $45,000 in the 2023

draft Financial Plan, from Local Government Climate Action Program (LGCAP)

Reserve Fund held in General Administration Service S100, for the 2023

Watershed Governance Initiative GIS Assistant.

4.2.3 Recreation Commission No. 4 - Nakusp and Area K: minutes November 30,


Moved and seconded,

And Resolved:





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