HGT Magazine #129 May/June 2024

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A New Day Dawns<br />

Issue 129<br />

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />

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Get the <strong>HGT</strong> magazine delivered<br />

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for one year (six issues): $35.10<br />

plus GST. Off-island (anywhere<br />

in Canada): $51.00 plus GST. US:<br />

$74.85 plus GST.<br />

Advertise<br />

Haida Gwaii Trader is committed<br />

to help spread the word of<br />

businesses of all sizes with<br />

affordable options for everyone.<br />

Rates start as low as $45 per<br />

month plus GST.<br />

Submit<br />

We welcome you to send us your<br />

family-oriented stories, news,<br />

illustrations, cartoons, poems,<br />

etc., for publishing consideration.<br />

Contact Information<br />

Phone: 250-557-2088<br />

Email: info@haidagwaiitrader.<br />

com<br />

Mail: PO Box 313, Port Clements,<br />

BC V0T 1R0<br />

Website: haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

<br />

Deadline for JulyAug/24 issue<br />

Content we layout: <strong>June</strong> 10 th<br />

<strong>2024</strong>.<br />

Classifieds and print ready<br />

submissions: <strong>June</strong> 20 th <strong>2024</strong>.<br />

Haida place names as per the<br />

This is Haida Gwaii Kaats’ii hla |<br />

Káats’a hlaa <strong>2024</strong> publication.<br />

The views and opinions expressed<br />

by the various authors do not<br />

necessarily reflect the opinions,<br />

beliefs or viewpoints of Haida<br />

Gwaii Trader. © <strong>2024</strong> Haida<br />

Gwaii Trader. All rights reserved.<br />

Prefer a digital copy? Scan here<br />

for the <strong>HGT</strong> Ezine!<br />

Features<br />

10<br />

The Mapmaker<br />

Learning from What We’ve Lost<br />

16<br />

Haida Gwaii Local<br />

Foods Project<br />

<strong>2024</strong> Farmers’ Markets<br />

28<br />

Embracing the Truth<br />

A New Day Dawns<br />

Also In This Issue<br />

Dear Huckleberry ................................... 6<br />

A Naturalist's Almanac .......................... 8<br />

'Round and About ................................ 12<br />

Cat Tale .................................................. 14<br />

Life-Changing Award ........................... 15<br />

Haida Gwaii Eats .................................. 18<br />

Gwaii Trust ............................................ 22<br />

Neil Carey at 102 ................................... 25<br />

Making Things Right ........................... 26<br />

On The Cover: Image is a composite of Landsat, TRIM,<br />

bathymetry and NASA data, reprojected in Google Earth.<br />

Design and production | by John Broadhead, David Leversee<br />

and Simon Davies, Copyright Gowgaia Institute.<br />

All Things Music ................................... 32<br />

Puzzle Page ............................................ 34<br />

Kids' Musings ........................................ 35<br />

Science Corner ...................................... 36<br />

Horoscope .............................................. 37<br />

Classifieds .............................................. 38<br />

Tide Tables ............................................. 48<br />

Community Calendar ........................... 50<br />

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 3

Our Valued Contributors<br />

Haida Gwaii<br />

Trader Values<br />

<strong>HGT</strong> commits to the Truth and<br />

Reconciliation’s Call to Action<br />

#85: continuing to develop<br />

media initiatives that inform<br />

and educate the Canadian<br />

public, and connect the Haida<br />

people and fellow islanders.<br />


We proudly serve the<br />

unceded traditional territory<br />

of the Haida Nation along<br />

with all those who live,<br />

work and play on Haida<br />

Gwaii. We offer affordable<br />

advertising for all local<br />

businesses and exemplary<br />

off-island businesses whose<br />

products and/or services are<br />

in limited, local supply.<br />

UNITED<br />

Our focus is to build,<br />

maintain and enhance<br />

bridges between the Haida<br />

people and fellow islanders<br />

of all ages, genders and<br />

income, between nature and<br />

humanity, and between spirit<br />

and ego.<br />


We support basic,<br />

equitable needs shared<br />

by all, including social<br />

sustainability, clean air,<br />

water and energy, affordable<br />

housing, wellness, and<br />

nutritious, locally produced<br />

food.<br />

Lin Armstrong loves reading,<br />

writing, jigsaws, theatre, sports<br />

and volunteering at the Thrift<br />

Store. She lives in Daajing Giids<br />

with hubby Jack and cat Lady<br />

Bean. armstrongs@haidagwaii.ca<br />

Jasmine Beachy is a wife and<br />

proud mother of two active<br />

boys. She is a local StrongStart<br />

facilitator and has lived in Wáan<br />

Kún Port Clements for 18 years.<br />

jasmine970@hotmail.com<br />

Monica Caulfield, a professional<br />

astrologer since 2007, is passionate<br />

about helping people develop tools<br />

of awareness and purpose in life.<br />

sageadvisor2u@gmail.com<br />

Stu Crawford is an ecologist<br />

who lives in Masset and enjoys<br />

learning, eating things, and<br />

exploring Haida Gwaii.<br />

stu.crawford@gmail.com<br />

Margo Hearne is a 46-year<br />

Masset resident, naturalist and<br />

writer. She uses her skills to build<br />

things. hecatebird@gmail.com<br />

Behind the Scenes<br />

Shellene Patience<br />

Owner<br />

Editor in Chief<br />

shellene.patience@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Claude Adams<br />

Assistant Editor<br />

assistant.editor@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Dear Huckleberry, an observer<br />

of human conduct and love<br />

interactions, is passionate about<br />

finding creative ways to navigate<br />

love, friendships and familiar<br />

relationships.<br />

dearhuckleberry.hgt@gmail.com<br />

Jana McLeod has lived on Haida<br />

Gwaii all her life. She’s a mother to<br />

8 and grandma to 7. Writing, and<br />

making people laugh keeps her<br />

grounded.<br />

ja_mcleod@hotmail.com<br />

Rosemary “Ro” Millham is<br />

a retired university professor,<br />

geologist, NASA scientist and<br />

educator. She enjoys the peace,<br />

beauty, people and nature of<br />

Haida Gwaii and loves taking<br />

her dog for walks on the beach.<br />

ro.rosemary@gmail.com<br />

Rhonda Lee Russ is an<br />

Anishnaubek writer, storyteller,<br />

and researcher. I write to<br />

share important stories about<br />

people, places, and the issues<br />

that affect them. For content<br />

and photography needs email<br />

gooseeyes@gmail.com<br />

Jamie McDonald<br />

Events Manager<br />

Contributing Writer<br />

events.manager@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Terri-Lynne Penner<br />

Administrative Assistant<br />

Classifieds & Subscriptions Manager<br />

info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Graphic Design and Desktop Publishing Team: Direct Design & Andre Favron<br />

IT: Northern Rogue Technologies Inc., JAMAXX Web Design, Direct Design<br />

Bookkeeper: J. Pigeon Bookkeeping & Accounting<br />

4 HG

Letter From the Editor<br />

The Narrowing of Us and Them<br />

By Shellene Patience<br />

April 14th, <strong>2024</strong>. The energy of the<br />

crowd gathered at the George Brown<br />

Recreation Centre in HlGaagilda<br />

Skidegate is positively electric. Bearing<br />

witness to the signing of the<br />

Gaayhllxid | Gíhlagalgang “Rising<br />

Tide” Haida Title Lands Agreement<br />

moved many, including myself, to<br />

tears.<br />

It’s awe-inspiring how much work it<br />

took to achieve this goal and ample<br />

implementation efforts lie ahead.<br />

Although this chapter comes with<br />

many expressed uncertainties…<br />

risks, benefits, trade-offs, one thing<br />

is clear. Haida Title undeniably<br />

embodies precedent-setting opportunities<br />

not just for Haida Gwaii but<br />

for the planet as a whole.<br />

Stewardship and Unity<br />

Energy and resources from the<br />

earth, sun and moon, give. Living<br />

things, especially people, take. It<br />

is evident that our survival now<br />

hinges on harmonious coexistence.<br />

If we value ongoing life, we must<br />

steward. Each other and the planet.<br />

Stewardship is less a matter of<br />

power - who owns what - and more<br />

a matter of who takes care of what.<br />

Do we really have time to focus on<br />

anything but sustaining life?<br />

“Power without love is<br />

reckless and abusive<br />

and love without power is<br />

sentimental and anemic.<br />

Power at its best is love<br />

implementing the demands<br />

of justice, and justice at its<br />

best is power correcting<br />

everything that stands<br />

against love.”<br />

- Martin Luther King Jr.<br />

Supporting another key imperative<br />

of working together, the spectrum<br />

of engaged stakeholders for this<br />

initiative is impressive. It involves<br />

Haida and other First Nation citizens,<br />

municipal and provincial<br />

governments, the general public,<br />

property owners, tenure and licence<br />

holders, business owners, industry<br />

and the legal community.<br />

It’s unity in diversity. Our ability to<br />

reach this, as Mahatma Gandhi prophetically<br />

said, “will be the beauty<br />

and the test of our civilization.”<br />

<strong>May</strong> all move forward, as Haida<br />

Elders advise, by walking softly.<br />

One foot gently in front<br />

of the other,<br />

Shellene Patience<br />

PC | Sonoko N from Pixabay<br />

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 5


Dear Huckleberry is an advice column aiming to use a bit of sound advice to<br />

nurture healing and growth, while hopefully making you laugh a little too. This<br />

column is not a substitute for working with a licensed counsellor. Please seek<br />

professional help if you are struggling.<br />

Dear Huckleberry,<br />

Since my mom’s passing, despite my efforts to<br />

connect, there seems to be a barrier between me<br />

and my father. We are very different. I came to realize<br />

my mom was the glue of our family and now every<br />

time I try to be close he pushes me away. What can<br />

I do? – Feeling Adrift<br />

Dearest, while it’s natural to crave a deeper connection,<br />

everyone processes emotions differently.<br />

Your father might be coping with your mom’s passing<br />

in his own way, which may inadvertently create<br />

distance. Be vulnerable and honest without making<br />

assumptions. Let him know that you value him and<br />

want to rebuild your connection. Just be patient and<br />

give your father space to open up at his own pace.<br />

a completely different career path. Many people who<br />

have navigated similar challenges can share their<br />

insights, so reach out to mentors and colleagues for<br />

guidance and support. Most importantly, be patient<br />

with yourself. Celebrate your achievements along the<br />

way and remember that it’s never too late to make<br />

changes and find your purpose.<br />

Dear Huckleberry,<br />

I’ve yet to find anyone romantically who is as<br />

interested in me as I am in them. The courtship<br />

process often feels like I’m wasting my time. What<br />

is your advice to cut to the chase of knowing if there<br />

are genuine compatibilities? - Looking For the<br />

Real Thing<br />

Dear Huckleberry,<br />

I find myself feeling unfulfilled in my career<br />

and uncertain about my future. I’m not finding<br />

the sense of purpose I had hoped for. How can I<br />

navigate this feeling and<br />

chart a more fulfilling course<br />

for my professional life?<br />

– Unfulfilled<br />

Dear Unfulfilled, this feeling<br />

is normal when you’ve<br />

never asked yourself what<br />

truly matters to you, what<br />

brings you joy and what you’re passionate about.<br />

The key is curiosity; be open to everything that sparks<br />

something inside you: new opportunities, learning<br />

experiences, new projects within your current job,<br />

pursuing further education or training or exploring<br />

Dear Looking For the Real Thing, finding<br />

genuine compatibility in the realm of romance<br />

can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack.<br />

Especially if you are not clear about your own values,<br />

interests and non-negotiables. Stand proud and<br />

joyful when discussing your aspirations, beliefs and<br />

experiences. Pay attention<br />

The key is curiosity;<br />

be open to everything<br />

that sparks something<br />

inside you.<br />

to actions rather than just<br />

words. Look for consistency<br />

in behavior and how they<br />

treat you and others around<br />

them.<br />

Being honest with yourself<br />

about your expectations is<br />

almost as important as being honest with them; you<br />

need to speak and walk your truth. Always trust<br />

your instincts. If you sense red flags, don’t ignore<br />

them. The key to finding the real thing lies in being<br />

intentional and staying true to yourself.<br />

Have a letter you would like to submit for consideration? Email dearhuckleberry.hgt@gmail.com or send via mail<br />

to Dear Huckleberry c/o Haida Gwaii Trader, PO Box 313, Port Clements, BC V0T 1R0. Do explain your full<br />

situation - unlimited text – but also include a 100-word maximum overview question. If your submission is chosen,<br />

only the overview question will be published.<br />

6 HG

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 7

A Naturalist’s Almanac<br />

Avian Life in Spring – Berries and Beauties<br />

Article and photos by Margo Hearne<br />

The Cedar Waxwings that usually<br />

return in <strong>May</strong> are eating berries on<br />

the holly and cotoneaster bushes,<br />

those that the robins left behind.<br />

The berries are not as rich as huckleberries<br />

or salmonberries, but they<br />

have enough to keep the birds going<br />

until something better comes along.<br />

Cotoneaster berries take a while to<br />

ripen and usually last right through<br />

fall, winter and into spring although<br />

sometimes they don’t survive; a really<br />

sharp frost will kill them off. It happened<br />

a few years ago when we had<br />

a brisk northeaster for more than a<br />

week. All the berries froze and died.<br />

The waxwings that had loaded up on<br />

them the previous year came back<br />

in expectation of the same success,<br />

but they were out of luck and didn’t<br />

return to the same bush for at least<br />

three years. And now they’re back.<br />

They sit on the tip-top of an adjacent<br />

cedar, check out the surrounding<br />

area, then dive in. They often tangle<br />

with the local robin family members<br />

that have recently fledged and are just<br />

a little territorial. There’s a lot of loud<br />

scolding and sharp ‘chats’ about it all<br />

until things settle down. One year<br />

during a really deep snow a flock of<br />

70 robins arrived in February and ate<br />

every berry on the bush! They had it<br />

cleaned out in a week. The waxwings<br />

were out of luck again. Survival is a<br />

chancy business.<br />

Orange-crowned Warblers are one of<br />

three warbler species known to nest<br />

on Haida Gwaii. The other two are<br />

Townsend’s and Wilson’s - bold, bright<br />

70 robins arrived<br />

in February and<br />

ate every berry on<br />

the bush!<br />

birds, all snappy black and yellow<br />

with lots of flair. Not so the Orangecrowned.<br />

It’s a subtle, yellowy-green<br />

bird, sometimes with fine faded<br />

streaking on its front and no white<br />

wing-bars or other standout marks. Its<br />

orange crown is not often seen unless<br />

the bird is alarmed or when wet after<br />

a bath. Then the colours will show up<br />

and can even show some red mixed<br />

with the orange. Interestingly, so does<br />

the much smaller Golden-crowned<br />

Kinglet which has a visible golden<br />

crown and white wing-bars. Both<br />

the kinglet and the Orange-crowned<br />

are forest birds; the kinglet prefers to<br />

nest in the high conifers while the<br />

warbler’s preference is for low leafy<br />

bushes. Its colours are a perfect camouflage<br />

as the leaves shift and dance<br />

in the wind. One wonders if one is<br />

looking at a leaf or a bird?<br />

After seeking out the shifting shadows<br />

in the bushes it was a relief to<br />

see Sandhill Cranes stalking across<br />

the Sanctuary, visible, confident and<br />

apparently fearless. They return to<br />

nest there in early April and have<br />

their territory staked out right away.<br />

As do the Bald Eagles; they don’t skip<br />

around like falling leaves but soar<br />

high and heavenly through the bright<br />

blue sky.<br />

Orange-crowned<br />

Warbler in Fall<br />

American Robin eating<br />

cotoneaster berries<br />

Sandhill Crane in Delkatla<br />

Wildlife Sanctuary<br />

8 HG

Cedar Waxwing in holly tree<br />

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 9

The Mapmaker<br />

Learning from What We’ve Lost<br />

By Claude Adams<br />

John Broadhead has an abiding urge<br />

to protect the well-being of Haida<br />

Gwaii. “It’s been a bit of a mission<br />

since I first came to Haida Gwaii in<br />

the 70s,” he says. “It’s a personal thing,<br />

I don’t know how else to describe it.”<br />

The mission involves cultivating<br />

public understanding with maps and<br />

charts and a book or two, showing<br />

things in the environment that matter<br />

to everyone, making maps that make<br />

a difference to public policies, to the<br />

choices we make about logging and<br />

fishing and their impacts on the land<br />

and sea.<br />

At age 74, the Daajing Giids resident,<br />

whose Haida name is Taaxiid, has<br />

spent the better part of his life doing<br />

that. He’s done so with a team of people<br />

through an organization called<br />

the Gowgaia Institute, whose analysis<br />

projects played a key role in land use<br />

planning on Haida Gwaii, in several<br />

Haida legal initiatives, and in growing<br />

the constituency for change.<br />

Seeing is<br />

believing and<br />

mapping can<br />

convey a big,<br />

complex picture<br />

quickly.<br />

Over the past 30 years, he says, the<br />

many maps and charts produced by<br />

the Institute have built up a dramatic<br />

picture of loss and a powerful argument<br />

in favour of changing the way<br />

that business is done, in particular<br />

by recognizing and exercising Haida<br />

Title.<br />

“Imagine Haida Gwaii’s better quality<br />

forests as a glass of water,” he adds.<br />

“That glass is two-thirds empty.”<br />

“Once we see it on the map, there’s no<br />

way to hide it. Over 110 million cubic<br />

metres of logs, worth more than 20<br />

billion dollars, have been taken from<br />

Haida Gwaii, with little benefit to the<br />

communities - no public swimming<br />

pool, no local sawmill, no local public<br />

transportation, and now, fewer and<br />

fewer jobs.<br />

John’s training is in math, animation<br />

and graphic design, and he says that<br />

10 HG<br />

John Broadhead in his workplace<br />

PC | Bill Broadhead

maps convey information more efficiently<br />

than just words or numbers.<br />

“Seeing is believing and mapping can<br />

convey a big, complex picture quickly<br />

— such as the ecological and economic<br />

value of trees on the land, the<br />

extent and pace of logging, the distribution<br />

and abundance of salmon, and<br />

how those things affect each other.”<br />

I asked John which are his favourite<br />

maps. “The Riparian Fish Forest map<br />

is a beauty - almost abstract, lovely<br />

to look at, yet based on three years of<br />

work with biologists, stream-keepers,<br />

Haida knowledge holders and a ton<br />

of data, and it portrays some of the<br />

things we know about the relationship<br />

between salmon and the well-being of<br />

life in Haida Gwaii. See pages 34-38 at<br />

https://salmonwatersheds.ca/document/lib_465/<br />

“We know that indiscriminate logging<br />

has seriously impacted 66 major<br />

salmon-bearing rivers including 48<br />

watersheds at high or very high risk<br />

of ongoing, cascading impacts to the<br />

watersheds and all of the life forms<br />

that inhabit them.<br />

“The logging history is harder to look<br />

at, and the closer you look the harder<br />

it becomes. We produced a dozen<br />

different versions of it over the last<br />

20 years, with information graphics<br />

that illustrate and quantify annual<br />

logging volumes and values. What’s<br />

gone, what’s left.<br />

An animated map of the history of<br />

logging on Haida Gwaii can be found<br />

by doing a Google search for “You-<br />

Tube Gowgaia Institute.”<br />

Finally, I asked him what kind of<br />

mapping projects might lie ahead,<br />

and if newer technology would make<br />

the Institute’s work more effective.<br />

“The Haida Title Lands Agreement<br />

opens up a whole new path for public<br />

dialogue and planning and mapping<br />

support,” he said.<br />

“In terms of protecting the land, as<br />

of 2017 almost 60 percent of Haida<br />

Gwaii is in protected and special<br />

management areas. The question that<br />

remains is: Have we done an adequate<br />

job of it? Are the protected areas in<br />

the right places? Or have we ‘picked<br />

the low hanging fruit’ in some places<br />

with lower environmental and economic<br />

values, in order to avoid social<br />

conflict and economic impacts on<br />

island communities?<br />

“I think that with or without technology<br />

— and I’m not convinced<br />

that technology brings as many real<br />

improvements as we lead ourselves to<br />

believe — the work as ever is to come<br />

together, to share good food and company,<br />

to sit in respect for each other<br />

and the amazing place where we live,<br />

to listen and learn about the things<br />

that matter to our collective well-being,<br />

to find new ways to protect Haida<br />

Gwaii.”<br />

Gowgaia gratefully acknowledges the<br />

support of the Gwaii Trust in various<br />

mapping projects over the past decade<br />

or so.<br />

Gowgaia Institute<br />

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 11

‘Round and About<br />

The Comedy of Aging – And How to Roll With It<br />

Article by Jana McLeod<br />

Life is funny. One day I’m kicking a fallen breast pad under<br />

the shelf in the Co-op. Thirty years later I’m shaking<br />

the socks out of my pants, the same damn socks that I<br />

already have on. For the record, “looking for socks” is not<br />

a legitimate excuse for being late.<br />

I have always been pretty absent-minded, but it’s getting<br />

worse as I get older. I watch,<br />

marvelling, as my daughter<br />

remembers where we parked<br />

the car in the city. I couldn’t<br />

have done it on my own. I’ve<br />

got some pretty good coping<br />

mechanisms, but the panic button on the car key only<br />

works if you’re in close proximity to your vehicle.<br />

Lying helps when you’re keeping up appearances. This<br />

came to light while trying to win a game of Memory with<br />

my grandson. He’s young enough to fall for the ole “hey<br />

look, a power ranger” trick sometimes but I think he’s<br />

beginning to catch on when I cheat, Especially when his<br />

younger brother pipes up “Gamma moved that card.”<br />

Denial is another tactic I use to cover my decline. One day<br />

I was innocently filing my nails. My dear husband was<br />

looking at me with a bit of mirth, asking me where my<br />

glasses were. His laughter at my insistence that I didn’t<br />

need them was pretty annoying. I took the high road and<br />

just left the room. Then I looked down and realized I<br />

was rubbing a popsicle stick on my nails. I stayed in my<br />

room the rest of the evening pondering ways to fight this<br />

ailment called aging.<br />

At the urging of my doctor I took up an exercise regime.<br />

I bought a sports bra at a cheap outlet store. One boxing<br />

class and the padding came loose and bunched up around<br />

my neck. I tried another bra on in the Sport Chek store<br />

and worked up quite a sweat. It was so tight it took me<br />

fifteen minutes to get out of it. Call it a physical training<br />

session.<br />

I bought a key to the local weight room and my first visit<br />

was pretty intimidating. I have no idea how people listen<br />

to music and not dance! I can’t help it. I also find myself<br />

12 HG<br />

staring at the equipment because I’m trying to figure out<br />

how to use it.<br />

I feel so inadequate at boxing and the weight room. But I<br />

am thrilled to say I have never once felt judged by the people<br />

I’m exercising with. Even my excessive sweat was met<br />

with the observation that it made a lovely heart design on<br />

my back. Any time I ask for<br />

I realized I was rubbing a<br />

popsicle stick on my nails.<br />

help I’m met with respect, encouragement,<br />

and gentleness.<br />

By the way, boxing is free and<br />

happens twice a week at the<br />

Kwiiyaans Community Hall ,<br />

I just monitor their Facebook page. The weight room is<br />

the old curling rink uptown. You can buy a key from the<br />

Masset Village Office. Call them at 250-626-3995.<br />

Jana (in red) training with Naveed Ali.<br />

PC | Tando Dwyer

THE<br />

MILK<br />

RUN<br />

www.theboondocs.org<br />

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 13

Smokey the Tripod<br />

A Cat Tale<br />

Article by Lin Armstrong | Photos by Jane Kinegal<br />

echobay@hgqci.org<br />

Haida Gwaii Essentials<br />

14 HG<br />

Handcrafted Soap<br />

& Body Products<br />

Available at: Or<br />

Masset Market & Shop<br />

Island Retailers Online!<br />

islandwisehaidagwaii.com<br />

I recently interviewed a handsome<br />

long-haired cat. His human companion<br />

was standing by to interpret.<br />

Smokey is almost ten, a mix of Maine<br />

Coon and Himalayan; he is also a<br />

tripod – a three-legged cat - due to an<br />

altercation with genus Canis. Upon<br />

adoption, it was decided Smokey<br />

would remain an indoor cat, something<br />

he rebelled against by running<br />

away for eight days. His human used<br />

the Hansel and Gretel ploy, a chain<br />

of treats leading to her door. The cat<br />

came back.<br />

Smokey obviously liked being outside<br />

although he is not physically<br />

equipped to defend himself. Several<br />

different carrying arrangements were<br />

tried but he managed to wriggle out<br />

of each one. When the pet buggy arrived,<br />

he avoided it. His companion<br />

explained it would be the only way<br />

he could go outside. Add some comfy<br />

pillows and blankets and Smokey<br />

was once again able to safely enjoy<br />

the outdoors during daily walks.<br />

You have probably seen his perambulator<br />

whilst perambulating yourself.<br />

It looks like a baby buggy with a netting<br />

and sunshade and<br />

is pushed by a lady with<br />

lovely white curly hair.<br />

She will tell you he loves<br />

to meet people, especially<br />

children as he can see<br />

mostly all of them from<br />

his perch.<br />

Smokey wants all indoor<br />

cats to know they don’t<br />

need to be a tripod to enjoy<br />

the comfort of a pet<br />

buggy.<br />

He spent most of our<br />

interview curled up on<br />

a pillow in the sun and<br />

he categorically declined<br />

my request for an autograph.

Life-Changing Award<br />

Scholarship Foundation of the Pacific to SFU<br />

Article by Lin Armstrong<br />

Riley Dorman, a grade 12 student<br />

from K’il Kun Sandspit, is this year’s<br />

recipient of a four-year scholarship<br />

to attend Simon Fraser University<br />

(SFU), an award given by the Scholarship<br />

Foundation of the Pacific annually<br />

to a Haida Gwaii student with<br />

outstanding academic achievement<br />

and with a vision to give back to the<br />

islands. The prize includes tuition,<br />

airfare, a meal/accommodation plan,<br />

plus all books and fees.<br />

Students interested in the scholarship<br />

prepare to compete as early as grade<br />

8 and formally notify their teachers<br />

and principal of their intention at the<br />

beginning of grade 12. Besides outstanding<br />

grades, the competitors need<br />

to submit a qualifying essay and undertake<br />

an arduous interview process.<br />

“This year, the committee was impressed<br />

by every candidate who<br />

would have each been an outstanding<br />

representative for the Foundation,<br />

as well as Haida Gwaii youth,” says<br />

Sylvan Daugert, Director of the scholarship<br />

foundation. The Foundation is<br />

Riley with his dog Lola<br />

PC | Claire Gauthier<br />

volunteer-driven and sustains itself<br />

through private donations and generous<br />

support from the Gwaii Trust<br />

Society, SFU, Pacific Salmon Foundation,<br />

and Langara Fishing Lodge.<br />

Sylvan gave a glowing review of Riley’s<br />

presentation. “For 45 minutes,<br />

he held a virtual room of people from<br />

all walks of life and different circumstances,<br />

enthralled with his vision for<br />

Haida Gwaii and himself. Riley laid<br />

his soul bare to us, and we all appreciated<br />

his candour.”<br />

Riley says he didn’t really let himself<br />

believe the scholarship could be a<br />

possibility for him until grade 10. A<br />

tour of Simon Fraser University gave<br />

him the motivation to put in the extra<br />

work required to be an applicant.<br />

Riley has completed his difficult<br />

courses and does not have to write<br />

any more finals. He is focused on<br />

pre-calculus 12, readily admitting<br />

math hasn’t been his easiest subject.<br />

In a letter of gratitude to the Foundation,<br />

Riley wrote, “I<br />

am deeply honored to<br />

have been chosen as<br />

the recipient of this<br />

award. Without the<br />

support of the scholarship,<br />

I feared that a<br />

four-year degree was<br />

financially unobtainable.<br />

This opportunity<br />

surpasses anything<br />

that I imagined for my<br />

future. This unique opportunity<br />

will change<br />

the course of my life<br />

forever.”<br />

Further information,<br />

including a list of previous<br />

winners, is available<br />

at sfotp.com.<br />

Triple J Contracting<br />


• SITE PREP<br />



Cornelius Stoltzfus<br />

250-557-4280<br />

Michael Horst<br />

250-557-2053<br />

Kohlen and<br />

Company Appraisals<br />

Richard Kohlen, CRA, P. APP<br />

Serving Haida Gwaii<br />

since 2015<br />

Contact us!<br />

250-302-1074<br />

richardkohlen@gmail.com<br />

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 15



Haida Gwaii Farmers’ Markets <strong>2024</strong><br />

Article by Jamie McDonald<br />

A Farmers’ Market brings together farmers, craftspeople and consumers. It’s a place to chat, to learn and… to smell,<br />

taste and stock up on delicious local food! Haida Gwaii has a new market in ‘Wáan Kún Port Clements, bringing the<br />

number of markets on the islands up to five - four on Graham Island, and one on Moresby Island, so most of us are<br />

only minutes away from a nourishing and heartwarming weekly experience.<br />

Community Market<br />

in Daajing Giids<br />

April to November, Saturdays, 11am-2pm (no early<br />

birds please). Located in the kiosks by the DG ball<br />

field.<br />

Maude Island Farm’s organic produce, Grandma Betty’s artisan jams & jellies,<br />

Dangles jewelry, locally-designed & printed souvenir mugs, coffee and<br />

more. Mary’s homemade goodies and hand-knit toques, socks & gloves. St.<br />

Mary’s Spring Estate Farm’s freshly-baked sourdough bread, sauerkraut,<br />

kombucha, fresh farm produce and eggs. Kiss and Tlell smokies. Marina’s egg<br />

rolls. Lama’s tasty cuisine, including shawarma & falafel... and more! Vendors<br />

welcome (full season or drop in fees). Call 250-559-8122 or 250-634-0767 or<br />

email dg.communityhall@gmail.com. Facebook: The Community Market in<br />

Daajing Giids on Haida Gwaii.<br />

Tll.aal Tlell<br />

Farmers’ Market<br />

<strong>May</strong> 5 to October 27, Sundays, 11am-2pm. Look for<br />

the giant carrot in Tlell, on Highway 16, by the Tlell<br />

Fire Hall.<br />

Haida art and clothing, BBQ lunch, baked goods, jams & jellies, handmade<br />

aprons, fudge and candies, local artisans, coffee, souvenir mugs, vegetables,<br />

lemonades & ice pops in season. New vendors welcome! Contact Marylynn<br />

Hunt at 250-559-8282 or email stmarysspring@gmail.com. Facebook: Tlell<br />

Farmers Market.<br />

16 HG

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G<br />

A<br />

R<br />

G<br />

G<br />

A<br />

A<br />

A<br />

S<br />

A<br />

A<br />

S<br />

Masset Market<br />

HAIDA Make it! Bake it!<br />

GWAII Grow it!<br />

LOCAL<br />

Fridays, year-round, 11am-2pm and Community Night<br />

Markets, Fridays 6-8 pm from <strong>May</strong> 3 through August 30.<br />

Across from the HG Co-op, 1575 Main Street in Masset.<br />


The Masset Market is a collective of Haida Gwaii growers, bakers and makers.<br />

We brave the elements year-round to offer locally grown and prepared foods<br />

including vegetables, eggs, preserves, ferments, island-roasted coffee, baking<br />

and treats, potted plants and starts, cut flowers and mushrooms and berries<br />

that are available in season. Locally handcrafted items include jewelry, Haida<br />

art & carvings, soap and Haida body products, Gwaii pottery, Farmers’ painted, knitted & Markets sewn crafts,<br />

2022<br />

beachcombed treasures and more! Delicious hot lunches are a regular feature<br />

A at farmer’s A the market. market Picnic is more is more tables than than just and just a outdoor cornucopia a seating of local of local available. food, food, plants, plants, No artisan smoking artisan handicrafts no and and other other bounty. It’s It’s also also an an occasion to<br />

to<br />

share pets share some please. some relaxing New time vendors time with with friends welcome! friends and and neighbours, Call Natalie to savor to Affolter savor some some at local 250-626-9181 local culture, and and or to contribute to to the to the community’s economy.<br />

email And And you massetmarket@gmail.com. you might might even even get get to enjoy to enjoy a hot a hot meal! Facebook meal! Haida Haida and Gwaii Gwaii Instagram: has has four four such such Masset markets, Market. three three on on Graham Island, Island, and and one one on Moresby<br />

Island, Island, so most so most of us of are us are only only minutes away away from from an an enriching weekly weekly experience.<br />

Community Market in<br />

Masset Masset Market- Market- Make Make it! it! Bake Bake it! it! Grow Grow it!<br />

it!<br />

Daajing Daajing Giids Giids Queen Queen Charlotte Farmers’ Market<br />

Market<br />

Date/Time: Fridays, 11am-2pm, year-round<br />

Date/Time: Saturdays, 11am—2pm, year-round<br />

Location: Across Port Across from from Clements<br />

the the HG HG Co-op, Co-op, 1575 1575 Main<br />

Main<br />

(with (with a short a short break break around around Christmas/January).<br />

Street Street in Masset. in January-September, November and December. Location: Every<br />

Gather, 223 223 Oceanview Drive, Drive, Daajing<br />

2nd Tuesday (most months and some Saturdays – see FB Giids. page),<br />

Giids.<br />

What What we we offer: offer: Locally Locally grown grown 11am-2pm. and and prepared 54 Bayview foods foods including Drive, in vegetablestables,<br />

greens greens and and microgreens, Church eggs, eggs, building. preserves, ferments, baked<br />

baked What What we we offer: offer: You’ll You’ll find find delicious baked baked treats treats of of all all kinds,<br />

kinds,<br />

the vege-<br />

white, St. Mark’s Anglican<br />

goods goods and and treats, treats, plant plant starts starts and and seedlings, cut cut flowers, mush-<br />

mushrooms<br />

and and berries berries are are available in season. in season. Locally Locally handcrafted<br />

rooms, rooms, locally locally harvested kelp kelp products, and and more!<br />

more!<br />

locally locally grown grown fresh fresh produce, gorgeous flowers, foraged mush-<br />

mush-<br />

Jams & preserves, home-baked pies, cookies, cakes and tarts fudge, handmade<br />

rooms sewn goods, arts and crafts, hand-knit garments, locally-made souvenirs and<br />

items items include soap soap and and body body products, jewellery, pottery, and<br />

and<br />

knitted,<br />

gifts, fashion<br />

painted, felted<br />

jewelry, felted and and<br />

ice<br />

beach-combed pops, lemonade<br />

treasures (seasonal),<br />

and and more!<br />

more!<br />

hot<br />

Contact:<br />

and cold<br />

Heidi<br />

food Heidi Archer,<br />

and<br />

Market Market Manager / queencharlottemarket@gmail.com<br />

/ Instagram: / @qc_market / Facebook: / @<br />

@<br />

/ Delicious lots more! hot hot Call lunches Betty are are Stewart a new a new regular regular at 250-922-5467 feature feature the at the market. or email pcvcc@portclements.<br />

ca. Facebook: Port Clements Community Market. QueenCharlotteFarmersMarket<br />

Contact: Natalie Natalie Affolter / 250-626-9181 / / massetmarket@gmail.<br />

/ com<br />

com<br />

Moresby Market<br />

Moresby Artisan Artisan Market Market (K’il (K’il Kun Kun Sandspit)<br />

Date/Time: Sundays, 11am-1pm, starting Sun-<br />

Sun-<br />

Tll.aal Tll.aal Tlell Tlell Farmers’ Market<br />

Market<br />

day, day, <strong>June</strong> <strong>June</strong> 12, 12, 2022, 2022, through mid-September<br />

Date/Time: K’il Sundays, Kun 11am—2pm, Sandspit<br />

starting <strong>June</strong><br />

<strong>June</strong><br />

Location: In In front front of ALM of ALM Elementary School,<br />

School,<br />

5, 2022, 5, <strong>June</strong> 2022, until 2 until to the August the last last week 25, week Sundays of October. of 11am-1pm, ALM School, near the 406 406 Copper Bay Bay Road<br />

Road<br />

Location: pergola. Highway 16, 16, behind behind and and to the to the left left of<br />

of<br />

the the Tlell Tlell Fire Fire Hall. Hall. Look Look for for the the giant giant carrot!<br />

carrot!<br />

What What we we offer: offer: Baked Baked goods, goods, occasional fresh fresh produce, art art by<br />

by<br />

At this cozy, community market you’ll find pottery, baking, local handmade local kids, kids, pottery, soaps, handmade sea sea salt salt and and soaps, soaps, sewing, pho-<br />

pho-<br />

What local What we dried we offer: offer: mushrooms, Spring Spring greens, greens, sewing, hot hot lunch lunch fresh items, items, produce, farm farm fresh photography fresh eggs,<br />

eggs, tography and more. and and more!<br />

Shop more!<br />

baked with baked goods, the goods, locals jams jams at and this and jellies, jellies, small canning, but mighty sourdough market! bread, bread, kom-<br />

kombucha,<br />

book strawberry, a table, raspberry, our drop-in rhubarb table and and currant fee is $10 seedlings for adults and<br />

and and Contact: $5 for Kelsey kids. Kelsey Kricheldorf An<br />

/ moresbymarket@gmail.com / /<br />

/<br />

bucha, To much annual much more!<br />

more! vendor membership is $50 for adults and $25 for Facebook: kids. Call @MoresbyMarket<br />

Kelsey<br />

Kricheldorf or email moresbymarket@gmail.com. Facebook: Moresby Market<br />

Contact: Marylynn Hunt Hunt / 250-559-8282 / / stmarysspring@<br />

/ gmail.com / Facebook: / Tlell Tlell Farmers Market<br />

Market<br />

Thank Thank You You HGLFP HGLFP Sponsors<br />

M<br />

I S<br />

L<br />

M<br />

M<br />

A<br />

N<br />

D<br />

SS<br />

II LL<br />

AA<br />

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D D<br />

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H<br />

H<br />


ERS'<br />


TE<br />

A<br />

C<br />

O<br />

C<br />

C<br />

O<br />

T FARM ERS'<br />

T<br />

FARM ERS'<br />

To become To become a sponsor a sponsor or for for more more info info call call 250-557-2088 or email or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 17

Haida Gwaii Eats<br />

Lemon and Local Berries Cake<br />

Article and photos by Jamie McDonald<br />

If you’ve been out for a walk lately, you may have noticed all the beautiful salmonberry bushes are in bloom. Berry<br />

picking is coming up soon and so it’s time to use up all those yummy berries you have stored in your freezer before<br />

the next batch is ready to go in there! Here’s a healthy, vegan, sugar- and wheat-free recipe to help you do just that.<br />

Dry Ingredients<br />

2 cups almond flour<br />

1¼ cups oat flour<br />

2 tsp baking powder<br />

Wet Ingredients<br />

½ cup lemon juice<br />

1 cup pitted dates<br />

1 cup milk (plant-based or other)<br />

Berry Topping<br />

1¼ cup frozen berries (I used thimbleberries<br />

for the colour)<br />

3 pitted dates<br />

2 tsp vanilla<br />

1 tsp baking soda<br />

1/2 tsp turmeric<br />

1½ tsp vanilla extract<br />

1 tbsp lemon zest<br />

1½ cups berries (I used blackberries,<br />

but blueberries also work well)<br />

Water (enough to thin to a pourable<br />

consistency)<br />

Optional: ½ cup toasted desiccated<br />

coconut<br />

Preparation<br />

Preheat the oven to 350 F.<br />

Combine all the dry ingredients in a bowl and whisk. In a blender combine<br />

lemon juice, dates, milk and vanilla extract. Blend until smooth. Whisk in<br />

zest. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients. Mix to combine.<br />

Add 1½ cups berries (blackberries or blueberries) and mix<br />

just to combine. Pour batter into a parchment-lined 9” pan. Bake<br />

for 20 minutes and reduce oven temperature to 325 F. Continue to<br />

bake for an additional 20-25 minutes, or until edges are browned<br />

and top is firm when pressed gently. In the meantime, combine all<br />

the ingredients for the berry topping in a saucepan on medium low<br />

heat. Bring to a simmer for 15-20 minutes. Allow to cool. Blend until<br />

smooth, add water to adjust consistency. Allow the cake to cool in<br />

the pan until warm (about 20 minutes). Remove and pour berry<br />

sauce over top. Optionally sprinkle with toasted coconut. Enjoy!<br />

18 HG

Margie Colcol Bursary<br />

Celebrating 25 Years<br />

Article by Jenny White<br />

Xaayda Gwaay Ngaaysdll Naay Hospital Day <strong>2024</strong> announces the Margie<br />

Colcol bursaries will be awarded for the 25th year.<br />

In September of 1999, the Hospital Day’s Foundation members Fran Fowler<br />

and Judy Puls put forward a motion to honour Margie Colcol, a beloved local<br />

Haida Gwaii nurse who passed away from cancer that same year. The annual<br />

Margie Colcol Bursary was born. What began as one $1,000 bursary in 2000<br />

is now up to three $1,000 bursaries awarded each Hospital Day.<br />

Over the past 24 years the committee has awarded a total $74,500 to sixty-one<br />

different students. These individuals had at least one year of post-secondary<br />

schooling and were pursuing a degree or certification in health care or a related<br />

field of study. Students awarded this bursary have gone on to jobs as nurses,<br />

health administrators, lab techs, pharmacy workers, radiology techs, doctors,<br />

x-ray techs, paramedics, social workers, medical health workers and more.<br />

Applicants send a letter of application each spring. The bursaries are awarded<br />

according to a list of criteria and announced on Hospital Day in <strong>June</strong>.<br />

Applications are now being accepted for the <strong>2024</strong> Margie Colcol Bursaries.<br />

For further information, or to send a letter of application, please refer to the<br />

address in the box below.<br />

Applications requested for<br />

<strong>2024</strong> Margie<br />

Colcol Bursary<br />

116th Hospital Day<br />

Traditional events from the<br />

PARADE to BALL GAMES plus<br />

revitalized events and some new<br />

ones. There are all-island events<br />

that include HIKING TRAIL<br />


of anyone who has lived here at<br />

least 50 years. The parade assembly<br />

starts at 9:30 am and rolls at 10:30<br />

am. For more information about<br />

Hospital Day <strong>2024</strong>, please contact<br />

Kris Olsen at 250-637-1620 or email<br />

Krisolsentrees@gmail.com.<br />

Preference will be given to applicants pursuing<br />

ongoing healthcare field of study.<br />

Please send letter of application to Margie<br />

Colcol Scholarship Committee.<br />

c/o Box 448, Daajing Giids, BC VOT 1SO<br />

Or send an email to jennyw@qcislands.ca<br />

Applications must be received by <strong>June</strong> 7, <strong>2024</strong><br />

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 19

Taan Forest Operations Map<br />

Text and image submitted by Taan Forest<br />

In response to new legislation from<br />

the Province of B.C., which applies<br />

to all forestry companies operating<br />

in BC, Taan has taken steps to make<br />

it easier for Haida citizens and residents<br />

of Haida Gwaii to consult and<br />

comment on Taan’s proposed operations<br />

from <strong>2024</strong> to 2026.<br />

Taan has always published their harvest<br />

plans on its website, but this<br />

new legislation ensures that citizens<br />

and residents have an opportunity<br />

to comment on the proposed harvest<br />

areas before they are approved by<br />

the Heritage and Natural Resources<br />

Department at the Council of the<br />

Haida Nation.<br />

Although these areas have not yet<br />

been approved by the Heritage and<br />

Natural Resources Department,<br />

extensive due diligence has been<br />

conducted in their preparation.<br />

The harvest areas have undergone<br />

initial survey phases to ensure that<br />

Monumental Cedar trees, Culturally<br />

Modified Trees, and other features<br />

and species protected by the Haida<br />

Gwaii Land Use Objectives Order<br />

have the required reserves and buffers<br />

established. Further audits and<br />

surveys will be completed, and the<br />

block design finalized upon completion<br />

and approval from the CHN.<br />

There are multiple ways to view and<br />

comment on these proposed areas:<br />

• It can be done through the BC<br />

Ministry of Forests website<br />

at: om.nrs.gov.bc.ca/public/<br />

projects,<br />

• at the Ministry of Forest Office<br />

– 1229 Oceanview Drive, Daajing<br />

Giids (computer access to<br />

review/comment via Forest Operations<br />

Map portal),<br />

• on the Taan website at: www.<br />

taanforest.com/forest-operations-map,<br />

• via email at FOM@taanforest.<br />

com,<br />

• and as always, our door at the<br />

HlGaaglida Skidegate office<br />

(Unit 3, Commercial Center) is<br />

open for any questions or comments.<br />

As mentioned, this legislation applies<br />

to all licenses on Haida Gwaii.<br />

Husby and A&A’s operations are<br />

also available for review and comment<br />

at their offices and online.<br />

Taan Forest is committed to<br />

conservation, sustainability<br />

and strengthening the<br />

Haida and local economy<br />

through employment and<br />

capacity building.<br />

For more information go<br />

to www.taanforest.com or<br />

email info@taanforest.com<br />

20 HG


GWAII SINCE 1923<br />






Buy any 2 qualifying <strong>May</strong>tag<br />

kitchen appliances, SAVE<br />

an additional $150. Buy<br />

any 3+ qualifying <strong>May</strong>tag<br />

kitchen appliances, SAVE an<br />

additional $300.<br />

Flush Mount<br />

Microwave<br />

$594<br />

Top Control<br />

Dishwasher<br />

30” 6.4 cu. ft.<br />

Electric Range<br />

Side by Side<br />

Refrigerator<br />

$794 $1394<br />

$1794<br />

QUEEN<br />


WAS $999.99<br />

NOW $699.99<br />

Haida Owned and Operated<br />

MacKenzie’s delivers throughout Haida Gwaii every Monday<br />

Trevor Budskin (L) and Store<br />

Owners Rob and Constance Eby<br />

Haida Owned and Operated<br />

Call/Text 250-624-4146<br />

mackenziefurniture.ca | sales@mackenziefurniture.ca<br />

150 - 1st Avenue West, Prince Rupert, BC<br />

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 21

Athlii Gwaii Legacy Trust Act Ushers in Economic<br />

Opportunities for Haida Gwaii<br />

The Gwaii Trust Society is thrilled to<br />

announce a significant milestone in the journey<br />

towards economic revitalization for Haida Gwaii.<br />

After a decade of advocacy and negotiations, the Athlii<br />

Gwaii Legacy Trust Act injects additional funding into<br />

the local economy, paving the way for a brighter future.<br />

The Act facilitates the transfer of the Athlii Gwaii funds<br />

to the Gwaii Trust Society, unlocking opportunities for<br />

economic development, job creation and sustainability.<br />

Originally established in 2007 by the Government of<br />

British Columbia as a charitable trust with remnants<br />

from the South Moresby Forest Replacement Account,<br />

L-R: Adolphus Marks, Watson Price,<br />

Ada Yovanovich, Ethel Jones. Athlii Gwaii, 1985<br />

Photo courtesy CHN<br />

Ada Yovanovich, Athlii Gwaii, 1985<br />

Photo courtesy CHN<br />

the Athlii Gwaii Legacy Trust, now valued at $60 million,<br />

has long been inaccessible due to administrative hurdles.<br />

Since 2014, trustees and other key advocates have tirelessly<br />

engaged with both provincial and federal governments<br />

to find a solution, ensuring that these funds can finally<br />

be accessed to benefit the communities of Haida Gwaii.<br />

While Athlii Gwaii will be amalgamated into Gwaii Trust,<br />

the funds will be tracked separately and allocated towards<br />

specific purposes: environmental restoration, renewable<br />

energy, and economic revitalization.<br />

The Gwaii Trust extends<br />

heartfelt gratitude to all<br />

those who have contributed<br />

to this endeavour<br />

over the years. A special<br />

Haawa / Háw'aa / Thank<br />

You is extended to the<br />

communities and residents<br />

of Haida Gwaii for<br />

their steadfast support,<br />

advocacy, and patience<br />

throughout this process.<br />

Adolphus "Fussy" Marks, Athlii Gwaii, 1985<br />

Photo courtesy CHN<br />

The opportunities that<br />

this fund can initiate<br />

will begin to make an<br />

impact today, laying<br />

the foundation for a<br />

sustainable and thriving<br />

community that<br />

echoes through the<br />

generations to come"<br />

Huux Percy Crosby<br />

Chair, Gwaii Trust<br />

Chair of the Gwaii Trust Society, Huux Percy Crosby,<br />

states, " With the capital from Athlii Gwaii Legacy Trust<br />

finally coming home to the Gwaii Trust, we can continue<br />

the work of restoring the land, building our communities,<br />

22 HG

and pursuing a path that is shaping<br />

a positive future for Haida<br />

Gwaii. The opportunities that<br />

this fund can initiate will begin to<br />

make an impact today, laying the<br />

foundation for a sustainable and<br />

thriving community that echoes<br />

through the generations to come”.<br />

For more about the Athlii Gwaii<br />

Legacy Trust and its history,<br />

visit gwaiitrust.com/aglt<br />

Serving court injunctions, Athlii Gwaii, 1985<br />

Photo courtesy CHN<br />

Grant<br />

Tip!<br />

How much is available for the Travel Assistance Grant?<br />

Up to $300 per return trip. Adults can apply for up to two trips a year, and there is no limit<br />

for youth ages 2-18 (If you're travelling as a group, visit our website for more information on<br />

the Group Travel Grant).<br />

The Individual Travel Assistance Grant helps residents travel off-island to participate in educational,<br />

cultural, arts, sports and seniors' events. Applications are accepted throughout the<br />

year, but must be received a minimum of seven days before travel.<br />

Visit gwaiitrust.com/grants for more information.<br />

Help Us Improve<br />

Gwaii Trust is reviewing the current application and<br />

reporting processes and welcomes your feedback.<br />

Send comments, questions, or concerns to<br />

admin@gwaiitrust.com.<br />

Please note: Your privacy is important to us. All identifying<br />

information will be removed before being passed<br />

along for review unless otherwise requested.<br />

admin@gwaiitrust.com<br />


Travel Assistance & Continuing Education: Open throughout the year, visit gwaiitrust.com for details<br />

Youth Grant: Oct 1 by 11:59pm<br />

Community Innovation: Apr 1, Jun 1, Sep 1, Nov 1 by 11:59pm<br />

Arts Grant: Jun 1 by 11:59pm<br />

(note, the Arts Grant is currently under review. Dates are subject to change)<br />

gwaiitrust.com<br />

250 626 3654<br />

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 23



Bracken Hanuse Corlett (live visuals)<br />

and Dean Hunt (DJ/producer)<br />

MAY 31st at Howard Phillips Hall, Masset<br />

JUNE 1st at Community Hall, Daajing Giids<br />

Doors open at 7pm; Event starts at 7:30pm<br />

Adult ticket $25; Youth (13Y to 19Y) $10; Children (7Y to 12Y) $5<br />

Ticket price includes first beverage and one dessert<br />


Scan the QR code for tickets<br />

or contact info@literacyhaidagwaii.ca<br />

24 HG

Neil Carey at 102<br />

Party On!<br />

Article and photo by Lin Armstrong<br />

The people of K’il Kun Sandspit sure know how to throw a birthday party, especially when the celebrant<br />

is turning 102. Long-time resident Neil Carey was celebrated in a thoroughly modern way at the Daajing<br />

Giids hospital on Sunday, April 14. Originally planned as an outdoor outpouring of heart-felt affection,<br />

the party moved indoors due to the inclement weather. Judy Whaley<br />

had arranged for community residents to sing Happy Birthday to Neil<br />

on separate videos which were then put together in one long congratulatory<br />

recording played during the party. Many well-wishes poured<br />

in from former residents of these islands via Facebook and in cards.<br />

Neil was wheeled into the gathering to greet people. They sang a hearty<br />

round of the birthday song and then they lined up to express their kind<br />

regards to a person they clearly value as a long-time member of their<br />

community. Neil’s sons Gene and George, both now in their eighties,<br />

flew in from the States to honour their dad.<br />

Neil enjoyed a chocolate muffin from the decorative table. The gathering<br />

was originally scheduled for twenty minutes but everyone partied<br />

on for twice as long. Later, Neil sent his thanks from his own computer.<br />

Neil and his two<br />

sons George (L)<br />

and Gene Carey<br />

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 25

The Value of Proper Names<br />

Making Things Right<br />

By Rhonda Lee Russ<br />

Islanders came together on March<br />

27, <strong>2024</strong>, to celebrate the K’il Kun<br />

Xidgwangs Daanaay Sandspit Flying<br />

Space, the newly dedicated name<br />

of Sandspit Airport. The renaming<br />

was done in full partnership by the<br />

Council of the Haida Nation, Transport<br />

Canada, and the Skidegate<br />

Haida Immersion Program which<br />

chose the name. It is the first of two<br />

airports on Haida Gwaii given a<br />

Haida name.<br />

Hltaaxuulang Gud ad K’aaju Friends<br />

Singing Together dance and drum<br />

group welcomed dignitaries into the<br />

airport including members of the<br />

Hereditary Chiefs Council; Stithlda<br />

Frank Collison, Gaahlaay Lonnie<br />

Young, Nang Jingwas Russ Jones,<br />

Gyahgujaang Robert Russ, as well as<br />

representatives from the Council of<br />

the Haida Nation and Canada.<br />

Gaagwiis Jason Alsop, President of<br />

the Haida Nation, and Vance Badawey,<br />

the Parliamentary Secretary to<br />

the Minister of Transport, recounted<br />

the historic importance of K’il Kun<br />

and the “important gesture and<br />

opportunity to share the history of<br />

this place through the Haida language”<br />

and to “connect to the deep<br />

history of this place.”<br />

Dr. GwaaGanad Diane Brown and<br />

Arun Thangaraj, Deputy Minister<br />

of Transport, brought K’il Kun<br />

Xidgwangs Daanaay to life by calling<br />

out the name three times. A brief<br />

explanation of the literal translation<br />

of the name was given by Dr.<br />

GwaaGanad. A collective cheer rang<br />

out through the steel rafters in the<br />

airport waiting area celebrating the<br />

official renaming ceremony.<br />

By working together with all levels<br />

of government to make things right<br />

and referring to our home in the<br />

proper way can only make Haida<br />

Gwaii stronger. It was only recently<br />

that Daajing Giids was renamed and<br />

the name Haida Gwaii was reinstated.<br />

Moving forward there will be<br />

many more opportunities to practice<br />

the Haida language via place names<br />

on Haida Gwaii.<br />

(L to R) Vance Badawey, the Parliamentary Secretary to the<br />

Minister of Transport, Gaagwiis Jason Alsop; President of the<br />

Haida Nation, Stephen Grosse, Vice President of the Haida Nation,<br />

and Arun Thangaraj, Transport Canada Deputy Minister, gifting<br />

those present with prints and mugs of the momentous occasion.<br />

PC | RL Russ<br />

Guustlas Rorick and the new airport name sign were a<br />

big splash with those present at the celebration. The new<br />

airport sign was installed on the grounds of the airport<br />

greeting those who showed up for the celebration.<br />

PC | RL Russ<br />

26 HG

Mon - Fri 10am - 4pm<br />

Sat - Sun 2 - 4pm<br />

<strong>June</strong> - Mid-Sept<br />

Phone:<br />

250-626-7120<br />

Email:<br />

hecatebird@gmail.com<br />

Located downtown<br />

Masset, across<br />

from the Co-op<br />

Find us on our<br />

website or Facebook<br />

for specials and<br />

events!<br />

the626.ca<br />

Dining room features<br />

Haida art<br />

Patio Dining<br />

Serving breakfast,<br />

lunch, and dinner<br />

daily<br />

Fish and chips<br />

Pizza + Subs<br />

Fish tacos<br />

Mega burritos<br />

Smashed burgers<br />

Bubble tea<br />

Milkshake (25 flavors)<br />

Soft ice cream<br />

*Draft beer<br />

*Craft cocktails<br />

*Full bar<br />

*Off sales<br />

*with purchase of food<br />

Longhouse Gift Shop<br />

haida owned and<br />

operated<br />

genuine haida art & crafts<br />

affordable & unique gifts<br />

clothing & accessories<br />

front st, hlgaagilda<br />

skidegate<br />

250-559-8013<br />

www.longhousegiftshop.ca<br />

shop in-house or online!<br />

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 27

Embracing the Truth<br />

A New Day Dawns<br />

Article by Claude Adams | Photos by Mary Helmer<br />

First, some history.<br />

The date is September 9, 1913. The place, Gaw Tlagée Old<br />

Massett. The occasion, a hearing of the Royal Commission<br />

on Indian Affairs for the Province of BC.<br />

The speaker is Henry Edenshaw, son of carver and Haida<br />

chief Albert Edward Edenshaw.<br />

“Many years ago, our forefathers fought to hold these islands,<br />

and kept them, not only for others of our own race;<br />

but from the people of other nations, who dared not come<br />

to this country, knowing we were ready to die for our homes.<br />

“The White men came here and were welcomed. We accepted<br />

your flag, and we also accepted your religion and<br />

government. At that time there was no question of our rights<br />

to the land. We owned it all, by the power of our right as<br />

a nation.<br />

“Since then, we have gradually lost the rights we had, not<br />

through war or treaty; but through the laws made for the<br />

government of a people as a whole. We are not complaining<br />

of the Whites coming here… but we ask for compensation,<br />

or land, that we consider is ours still. We are a lot of men<br />

who desire to have our difficulties settled early, so that all<br />

heartburning may be over and done with. We hope… that<br />

the day is not far distant when this land question… may be<br />

amicably settled to the satisfaction of all of us.”<br />

It's taken well over a century but there’s now an end in<br />

sight to this heartburning of the Haida, as Edenshaw<br />

called it. And it comes in the form of the Gaayhllxid<br />

28 HG

“In the beginning, Creator put<br />

us here. We’ve done OK… the<br />

first explorers didn’t know where<br />

we were, because our villages<br />

blended in with the trees…then<br />

just these last 250 years and we<br />

almost have no trees, no fish or<br />

seafood, just on the cusp of no<br />

return — then this happens, so we<br />

better take care.”<br />

- Haida Elder GwaaGanad Dr. Diane<br />

Brown<br />

Gíhlagalgang Rising Tide – a historic<br />

agreement that recognizes the Haida<br />

people’s title over nearly one million<br />

hectares of island land, land they have<br />

occupied and had stewardship over<br />

since time immemorial.<br />

“It’s an acknowledgment of past denials<br />

and harms, and fully embracing<br />

the truth that we all know that<br />

Haida Gwaii is Haida land, always<br />

has been and always will be,” Council<br />

of the Haida Nation (CHN) president<br />

Gaagwiis Jason Alsop said on April 14,<br />

before signing the pact in HlGaagilda<br />

Skidegate with B.C. Premier<br />

David Eby.<br />

In fact, the signing marks<br />

the start of a transition<br />

period during which the<br />

details of land title – management<br />

of parks and<br />

protected areas, mineral<br />

rights, forestry, hunting<br />

and fishing, etc., – will be<br />

negotiated by the CHN<br />

and the BC government. The agreement<br />

will be enshrined in provincial<br />

legislation later this spring, and the<br />

transition period is expected to last<br />

two years.<br />

The agreement is clear on one point:<br />

a guarantee, in perpetuity, that the<br />

Haida Aboriginal title will not impact<br />

private property or local government<br />

jurisdiction and bylaws on<br />

Haida Gwaii. And provincial laws will<br />

continue to apply. Public services like<br />

highways, airports, ferry terminals,<br />

health care and schools will not be affected.<br />

Provincial leases, permits and<br />

other approvals to use Crown lands<br />

remain in effect.<br />

It’s an acknowledgment<br />

of past denials and<br />

harms, and fully<br />

embracing the truth.<br />

- Gaagwiis Jason Alsop<br />

The CHN is very clear about the fact<br />

that recognition by the provincial<br />

government of Haida rights over the<br />

islands does not “create title” because<br />

"This historic day will be in the<br />

future textbooks of our children,<br />

and I look forward to the day<br />

my kids are school age where<br />

they can learn about this day in<br />

curriculum.” - MLA Jennifer Rice<br />

“Today we did things that have<br />

never been done before making<br />

history, I love my people and I love<br />

Haida Gwaii!!”<br />

-Donnie Edenshaw<br />

“Signers and political people,<br />

good group of past CHN reps and<br />

sprinkled with everyday joe and<br />

gal. Not bad reps, coolness”<br />

- Richard Wilson<br />

“Wow, what an amazing day at<br />

the Victoria Parliament building,<br />

my wife and daughter attended<br />

with me inside Legislature, where<br />

the government of BC and Haida<br />

Gwaii people present the land title<br />

agreement on the table for the<br />

first reading. All of the members<br />

agreed, great day for our Haida<br />

people, the first agreement ever in<br />

history.” - Rodney T Scheck<br />

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 29

“I am thrilled with this and really<br />

appreciate all of our elders,<br />

ancestors and leaders who gave<br />

us this gift.” - April Churchill<br />

Image courtesy of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia<br />

the sovereign right to occupy and govern<br />

the land has always existed. ”Recognition,”<br />

it says, “simply provides a<br />

legal guarantee that Haida Gwaii is<br />

now and forever the territory of the<br />

Haida Nation and that the Crown,<br />

in its dealings with Haida Gwaii, is<br />

bound by that fact.”<br />

This agreement will<br />

raise all boats.<br />

- Premier David Eby<br />

That legal guarantee might well have<br />

been achieved over time through litigation<br />

in the courts, but this agreement<br />

short-circuits the legal process.<br />

The Haida have a clear title case with<br />

no overlapping claims with other<br />

First Nations. Indeed, the Supreme<br />

Court of Canada in 2004 acknowledged<br />

that the Haida have a strong<br />

case but warned that the forests are<br />

being depleted through logging while<br />

the lawyers argue. Better to come to<br />

terms through negotiation.<br />

In the BC legislature, on the occasion<br />

of the first reading of the Aboriginal<br />

Title legislation, Gaagwiis said: “With<br />

this bill we can face the truth head-on<br />

and instill hope that we can face the<br />

troubles of this world together based<br />

on respect and not fear, that we<br />

can change our behaviour as humans<br />

and change the systems<br />

that are harming this earth and<br />

each other.”<br />

Premier Eby was equally enthusiastic.<br />

“This is the honour of my<br />

career… that we are undertaking with<br />

the Haida people to move forward in<br />

a different way. No more battles in<br />

court, sitting around a table focused<br />

on how we are going to work together,<br />

recognizing Haida government,<br />

Haida title and our shared path forward<br />

that is now intertwined. This<br />

agreement will raise all boats.”<br />

The legislation will be enacted into<br />

law later this year.<br />

“The land is no longer Crown<br />

land, the timber is no longer<br />

Crown timber, the wildlife is no<br />

longer Crown wildlife, it’s Haida<br />

land, timber and wildlife.” (Louise<br />

Mandell is a legal counsel and<br />

Aboriginal title and rights expert<br />

who worked on the agreement with<br />

the Haida.) - Louise Mandell<br />

“We have always held our inherent<br />

rights and title to our lands. We<br />

were born knowing this is ours.”<br />

(Tamara Davidson is Vancouver<br />

regional representative for the<br />

Council of the Haida Nation.)<br />

- Tamara Davidson<br />

“Historic moment. We all need<br />

to hold the government to<br />

account and ensure it upholds its<br />

commitments.” - Maia Gibb<br />

“This agreement is the first<br />

of its kind acknowledging the<br />

Haida Nation’s ownership and<br />

jurisdiction of the land. We extend<br />

our heartfelt congratulations to<br />

the Haida Nation!”<br />

- Southeast Alaska Indigenous<br />

Transboundary Commission<br />

30 HG


Article and photos submitted by Haida House at Tll.aal<br />

Spring is in full swing, and so is the Dining Room at the Haida House at Tll.aal.<br />

We reopened the doors to the dining room in early March on a temporary schedule to ease our<br />

way into the season. We opened the lodge early, allowing guests to book a stay starting April<br />

1st. Now that the calendars have turned to <strong>May</strong>, it’s time to switch into full-season mode.<br />

Our gardeners have been busy preparing the greenhouses, and planting early spring so we can<br />

bring flavourful vegetables and fresh greens from our backyard to your table, all summer long.<br />

An exciting addition to the <strong>2024</strong> season will be the opportunity for locals to book the porch &<br />

bar or outdoor event space for private functions and large party gatherings.<br />

We can’t wait to see familiar, friendly faces over the next few months! Check out the dining<br />

room schedule at haidahouse.com/restaurant and plan your next meal or function to be with<br />

the team at the Haida House.<br />



<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 31

All Things Music<br />

Fun Guise<br />

Article by Jamie McDonald<br />

This “fun” new band just made their<br />

debut at the last coffeehouse of the<br />

season in March and they were well<br />

received by the public. They got lots<br />

of people on the dance floor with<br />

their danceable remakes of old jazz<br />

standards by Louis Armstrong, Diana<br />

Krall, Sarah Vaughan, Ray Charles,<br />

Ella Fitzgerald, the Hot Sardines and<br />

more. I met the band in their practice<br />

studio on Forestry Hill so I could<br />

introduce them to you. Here’s what<br />

they had to say.<br />

As I enter the studio, the band members<br />

are setting up. We have Wayne<br />

Harris at the guitar, Marnie Younger<br />

singing and playing the bass and we’ve<br />

got Roly Thompson on the drums.<br />

Gordon Horner is just wetting his sax<br />

reed, standing behind his keyboard,<br />

and we have Charley Robertson, sitting<br />

and tuning his electric guitar.<br />

They all live in Daajing Giids and<br />

they decided to get together “out of<br />

boredom” says Charley. Marnie pipes<br />

in: “It was a few years ago, Charley<br />

came over our place and said ‘hey, you<br />

guys want to play jazz?’ and then said<br />

to me ‘you should learn how to play<br />

bass’ and then he started bringing<br />

sheet music over and it just evolved<br />

from there.” Charley adds: “I played<br />

Fun Guise (L to R) Wayne Harris, Roly Thompson,<br />

Marnie Younger, Charley Robertson, Gordon Horner<br />

PC | Terry-Lynn Wood<br />

music to earn a living for many years<br />

and had to play a lot of songs I didn’t<br />

really like. This project started as<br />

a project to play music just for the<br />

sake of the music and it evolved into<br />

what it is now. The goal is to have fun,<br />

everything else is secondary.” Marnie<br />

pushed for the music to be danceable<br />

because she loves to get up and dance<br />

and knows that there are a lot of likeminded<br />

folks on Haida Gwaii.<br />

They all mention loving the challenge<br />

of learning new ways of playing with<br />

music, of taking a jazz classic, listening<br />

to different musicians play different<br />

versions of it, and then starting to<br />

play around with it, finding a key that<br />

Marnie can sing it in. That’s how they<br />

make a number their own. Everyone<br />

in the band is involved in the process,<br />

bringing some of their ideas to it<br />

and mostly they just have fun playing<br />

together. Hence the name, Fun Guise.<br />

And in the same spirit, they bought<br />

themselves some glasses that come<br />

attached to a fake nose and big bushy<br />

eyebrows, which they wore for their<br />

first gig. Who knows what they will do<br />

next?! Keep your eyes and ears peeled<br />

for future shows in the fall, including<br />

a fundraiser for the Musical Awakenings<br />

program that brings live music<br />

to the long-term care unit at Daajing<br />

Giids Hospital.<br />






778 230 9871<br />


32 HG

Hekate’s Retreat<br />

Golf, Fun and Adventure!<br />

Article and photos by Dawn Postnikoff<br />

The K’il Kun Xidgwangs Daanaay<br />

(previously known as the Sandspit<br />

Airport) is the first pit stop for<br />

many visitors as they arrive on Haida<br />

Gwaii’s Moresby Island, but much is<br />

often missed as they race to catch the<br />

next ferry to Daajing Giids.<br />

Moresby Island is known for its gorgeous<br />

beaches, scenic hiking trails,<br />

winding rivers and backroad adventures.<br />

Memorable and fun to explore,<br />

there’s Diinal GawGa Gray Bay and<br />

Gawu Kuns Siiwaay Mosquito Lake,<br />

K’aayxada TlldaGawaay Mount Moresby<br />

and neighbouring HlGuu K’aw.<br />

was TlldaGaaw Mosquito Mountain.<br />

Never to be forgotten trips to the<br />

Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve<br />

and Haida Heritage Site can also be<br />

arranged with one of the local tour<br />

companies.<br />

Willows Golf Course<br />

Hekate’s Retreat is the perfect base<br />

camp for all your Moresby Island<br />

adventures. Home to the popular<br />

Willows Golf Course, Hekate’s features<br />

a 4-bedroom Homestead House<br />

overlooking the golf course, 4 modern<br />

Fairway Cabins, onsite RV rentals,<br />

and additional camp spots for RV’s or<br />

tents. Enjoy dinner at the Clubhouse<br />

Restaurant (under renovations until<br />

mid-<strong>May</strong>), or plan to take part in one<br />

of their Summer Golf Tournaments.<br />

And afterwards simply wander down<br />

the garden path to get some rest before<br />

your next adventure!<br />

Their Stay & Play Package makes for<br />

the perfect staycation and is a great<br />

gift idea for Mother’s and Father’s<br />

Day! Or consider the Homestead<br />

House for a gathering with friends<br />

and family this summer. Plan for a<br />

relaxing evening around the firepit,<br />

a morning walk along the beach before<br />

breakfast in the Clubhouse and<br />

a fun round of golf right outside your<br />

cabin door.<br />

Visit the website for package details<br />

and scheduled golf events for the <strong>2024</strong><br />

season.<br />

Homestead House solarium<br />

New Fairway Cabins<br />

Fairway Cabin interior<br />

342 School Road<br />

K’il Kun Sandspit, Haida Gwaii<br />

Website: hekatesretreat.ca<br />

Email: contact@hekatesretreat.ca<br />

Phone: 250-637-2207<br />

The Clubhouse<br />

Restaurant patio<br />

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 33

Puzzle Page<br />

YáaGalang Parent Love<br />

By Terri-Lynne Penner<br />

Across<br />

1. Those who support an event, usually financially.<br />

5. <strong>May</strong> 31st Masset ___Market.*<br />

8. Digestive aids often recommended by a pharmacy.<br />

9. Cereal or porridge made from buckwheat groats.<br />

10. Sunday, <strong>May</strong> 12th, we celebrate ___Day.<br />

11. What the night gives way to.<br />

12. Reproductive structure of angiosperms, often brightly colored and<br />

fragrant.<br />

13. Group of honking birds.<br />

16. Place for relief in Mom and Pop’s store, humorously referred to as<br />

the?<br />

18. Partner of their child in waiting.<br />

21. Join the community on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for this free<br />

noon meal.*<br />

22. Partners who tied the knot secretly.<br />

23. The Groove – Monthly Ecstatic___Party.*<br />

24. Join others on___ at Bethel Assembly for lunch.*<br />

Down<br />

1. Muscle twitch during “The Groove”.<br />

2. Ensemble of eight, perhaps celebrating our parents’ special<br />

days.<br />

3. Mom and Pop’s favorite type of wild-caught salmon.<br />

4. This root vegetable pickled is great with 3 down.<br />

5. Sat. <strong>May</strong> 4th is World___ Gardening Day.<br />

6. Mother’s Day cards can be quite___.<br />

7. Mom would appreciate this on her special day.<br />

12. Give Dad a new___gadget on Father’s Day.<br />

14. Its iridescent shell is often used for art.<br />

15. Consequence or outcome resulting from a cause.<br />

16. Material made from flax fibers, often used for household<br />

textiles.<br />

17. 16 down can be dyed with this to make it a golden-brown<br />

colour.<br />

19. A family’s shared set of values and beliefs.<br />

20. A homework writing piece often assigned at school.<br />

*See <strong>HGT</strong> Calendar<br />

Answer key can be found after the Community Calendar at<br />

the back of the magazine.<br />

AI has assisted in the making of the puzzle graphic.<br />

34 HG

Kids' Musings<br />

The World According to Carter & Connor<br />

Yay for longer and warmer days! The<br />

only downside is bedtime when the<br />

boys argue that it’s still light out. We<br />

are back in camping and fishing mode<br />

and the boys couldn’t be happier.<br />

Carter has been asking when we are<br />

going back to Rennell Sound since<br />

the winter! This spring, he has been<br />

having a lot of fun playing soccer and<br />

Connor is looking forward to playing<br />

next year when he is in kindergarten.<br />

Busy, busy boys!<br />

Carter: “Can you cut my hair?”<br />

Mom: “I’m not good at it.”<br />

Carter: “<strong>May</strong>be you should just practice<br />

on some fake hair.<br />

<strong>May</strong>be some grass?”<br />

C: “I was never allowed<br />

to cut the lettuce for salads<br />

until now. I’m getting<br />

older. I’m gonna be<br />

working on guns next.<br />

I started with fishing,<br />

and it’s been going nice.<br />

Then I’m going to go to<br />

guns, and then when<br />

I’m done with that, I’m<br />

gonna start learning to<br />

drive.”<br />

Article and Photo by Jasmine Beachy<br />

C: “I’d like another taco please.”<br />

M: “Ok but think for a minute. Ask<br />

your body if it’s still hungry. Listen to<br />

your tummy.”<br />

C: “Ok. My body is telling me that he<br />

wants a taco cut in half now please.”<br />

M: “Here’s your art, do you want to<br />

write your name on it?”<br />

C: “Yup.”<br />

M: “Ok, here’s a Sharpie.”<br />

C: “Holy! That’s sharp!”<br />

C: “Sometimes when I wait too long<br />

to say what I want to say, I forget it.<br />

That’s why I have to talk all the time,<br />

so I don’t forget.”<br />

C: “We should actually be reptiles<br />

because we have teeth.”<br />

M: “What did you just say?”<br />

C: “Nothing.”<br />

M: “Why did you say we should be<br />

reptiles?”<br />

C: “Nothing! Remember when you<br />

would say ‘nothing’ to me? Well, that’s<br />

a payback.”<br />

M: “Connor, why are you so chatty at<br />

bedtime?”<br />

C: “Because he likes to do all his talking<br />

at night when he’s in bed because<br />

he doesn’t talk all day<br />

while he’s on the iPad.”<br />

(He is in fact NOT on<br />

the iPad all day)<br />

Connor (L) and Carter<br />

with their catches<br />

Connor: “We need a<br />

new camper.”<br />

Dad: “Why?”<br />

Connor: “Because<br />

there’s mouse poop<br />

everywhere.”<br />

Dad: “Don’t worry,<br />

Mom will clean it.”<br />

Connor: “No. I want a<br />

new camper.”<br />

Connor is going to kindergarten in<br />

September. As the date of his Strong-<br />

Start graduation approaches, I get so<br />

sad! He’s my last baby (hopefully not!)<br />

and he’s going off to school with his<br />

big brother. It’ll be so different when<br />

he goes into school, and it’ll be the first<br />

time in seven years that I’ll have a big<br />

chunk of time with no kids. I don’t<br />

know how I feel about that. All more<br />

reason to cherish every moment, good<br />

or bad. It goes too fast. If you have<br />

any funny children’s stories to share,<br />

send them to Shellene at HG Trader<br />

at info@haidagwaiitrader.com.<br />

Supporting<br />

local makers<br />

Beautiful clothes<br />

for beautiful<br />

women!<br />

Exclusively made<br />

in Canada<br />

Size Inclusive<br />

XS to 3X<br />

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Sustainable Fabrics<br />

32 Cow Bay Rd<br />

Prince Rupert<br />

250-922-4342<br />

lazycatcloset.ca<br />

Owner<br />

Trish Lazar<br />

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 35

The Science Corner<br />

Energy, the Sun and Dinosaur Dung<br />

The Sun is a ball of hydrogen and helium gas that is<br />

continuously active, fusing hydrogen atoms together<br />

to form helium The activity on the Sun’s surface, such<br />

as solar flares or coronal mass ejections (CMEs), can<br />

enhance the total energy carried by the solar wind, as<br />

well as its speed.<br />

Solar flares are tremendous explosions on the surface of<br />

the Sun. CMEs - massive collections of charged particles -<br />

are huge bubbles of coronal plasma threaded with intense<br />

magnetic field lines that are ejected from the Sun over several<br />

hours. If the flares<br />

or CMEs occur facing<br />

the Earth, charged<br />

particles can cause<br />

damage to satellites<br />

and communications,<br />

but the Earth’s magnetic<br />

field can protect<br />

Earth fairly well.<br />

CME from August 2012<br />

PC | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center<br />

A cool phenomenon produced by this activity is auroras!<br />

The energy from the Sun swirls around the polar regions<br />

as the Earth’s magnetic field pushes the energy up and<br />

away. This energy causes the atoms in the atmosphere to<br />

become excited and kick up to levels that create beautiful<br />

colors. The color of the aurora depends on which gas is<br />

being excited by the electrons and on how much energy is<br />

being exchanged. Oxygen emits either a greenish-yellow<br />

light or red light; nitrogen generally gives off a blue light.<br />

If you haven’t seen an aurora, try! For more information,<br />

go to Earth’s Magnetosphere | Center for Science Education<br />

or spaceplace.nasa.gov/aurora/en/.<br />

By Ro Millham<br />

What’s Up?<br />

<strong>May</strong> 6-7: Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower. Dust grains left<br />

behind by the comet Halley create the streaks of light<br />

from this meteor shower. With up to 30 meteors per hour<br />

in the Northern Hemisphere, it is an above average meteor<br />

shower, with the best viewing after midnight. The<br />

meteors will radiate from the constellation Aquarius<br />

www.underthenightsky.com/constellations/aquarius/<br />

<strong>May</strong> 8: New Moon.<br />

<strong>May</strong> 23: Full Moon. Some Indigenous peoples know this<br />

as the Flower Moon.<br />

<strong>June</strong> 6: New Moon. Great time to stargaze! The Moon<br />

will be located on the same side of the Earth as the Sun<br />

so it will not be visible in the night sky. New Moon starts<br />

at 12:38 UTC.<br />

<strong>June</strong> 14: Full Moon, Supermoon. The Moon will be on<br />

the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun, illuminating<br />

its entire visible surface. Some Indigenous peoples know<br />

this as the Strawberry Moon.<br />

<strong>June</strong> 20: <strong>June</strong> Solstice. The first day of summer in the<br />

Northern Hemisphere and the first day of winter in the<br />

Southern Hemisphere as the Sun is directly overhead at<br />

the Tropic of Cancer.<br />

Equator<br />

Rotation Axis<br />

23.4°<br />

Arctic circle<br />

The Sun’s Rays<br />

Antarctic circle<br />

PC | Timeanddate.com<br />

36 HG<br />

PC | PBS<br />

Here’s the Poop<br />

The largest piece of fossilized dinosaur dung discovered<br />

is over 30cm long and over two liters in volume. Believed<br />

to be left by a Tyrannosaurus rex (www.sciencefocus.<br />

com/planet-earth/does-fossilised-dinosaur-poo-exist) the<br />

fossilized dung (called a coprolite) is helping scientists<br />

better understand what the dinosaur ate.


Horoscopes for <strong>May</strong> & <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />

By Monica Caulfield<br />

Aries (Mar 20 – Apr 19) Show your true nature, dearest Aries. Do<br />

it with intention and purpose and allow the world to see you for who<br />

you are and what you stand for. Your passionate personality and enthusiasm<br />

coming forth can help others to live their authentic selves<br />

too. Role model how you see the world in technicolor and dream big<br />

or go home. Keywords: imagine, aim, and design.<br />

Taurus (Apr 20 – <strong>May</strong> 19) It’s not the end, it’s the beginning, dearest<br />

Taurus. The end of the old way of thinking has passed, this is true. But<br />

now you have opened wide to re-think your past choices and make<br />

changes as you see fit. Hang out in nature, where you love to be to<br />

receive inspiration and see the many opportunities as bountiful. Keywords:<br />

initiation, quality, and direction.<br />

Gemini (<strong>May</strong> 20 – <strong>June</strong> 20) The time has come to receive a vision for<br />

your future, dearest Gemini. You might feel a bit unfocused or confused<br />

now but hang in there. Reflecting on your life will help you to take the<br />

great parts with you into the future. Look at the truth concerning your<br />

career and mission in life and gather up everything positive about this<br />

and expand on it. Put your heart and soul into the beloved relationships<br />

in your life and practice gratitude about all that there is. Keywords:<br />

perception, ponder, and enjoy.<br />

Cancer (<strong>June</strong> 21 – July 21) Look for avenues of creativity, dearest<br />

Cancer. Focus on the little things in life which, when added up, make<br />

for big, juicy experiences. What pleases you? What gives you joy? How<br />

can you play more? What steps do you need to take to do this? What<br />

are your ultimate goals and aspirations? Answer these questions for<br />

the journey forward. Keywords: delight, glee, and bliss.<br />

Leo (July 22 – Aug 21) Are you surprised to hear about a new purpose<br />

in life, whispering in your ear, dearest Leo? I know it’s probably not<br />

the greatest timing. But ask yourself, when is? Listen to the wind as<br />

it directs you to another mission in life, perhaps better and more appropriate<br />

for you. Recreate and do your best thinking out in nature to<br />

find all the answers to your multitude of questions. Keywords: wander,<br />

frolic, and treasure.<br />

Virgo (Aug 22 – Sept 21) You’re fully engaged in life, dearest Virgo.<br />

Time to travel, learn about other cultures, hang out at your favourite<br />

Thai restaurant, or take up salsa dancing. Open yourself up to the possibilities<br />

that though we are different, we are all the same. Have faith,<br />

be mindful and jump forward into your future, but don’t leap before<br />

you look. Keywords: advance, surge-ahead, and spring into action.<br />

Libra (Sept 22 – Oct 21) Intensity is in the air, dearest Libra. And by<br />

that, I don’t mean it negatively. Intense as in having a deep conversation<br />

with your spouse that has been coming for weeks, or someone<br />

in your family is having a baby or any other number of high energy<br />

experiences. Just stay ready to navigate those waters. You might be<br />

feeling some rebellion around this, but let it flow anyway. In the end,<br />

you’ll understand what it all means. Keywords: emotional, powerful,<br />

and depth.<br />

Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) Your communication style is front and center,<br />

dearest Scorpio. And if you have siblings, they could be involved.<br />

The truth teller in you wants to give it to them with a large dose of<br />

radical honesty. But to get your point across so others can start to digest<br />

it, show your loved ones that you really care about them if that seems<br />

appropriate to do so. Learn to feel grounded and relaxed so you can<br />

understand that you are safe, secure and valuable. Keywords: healthy,<br />

committed, and clear.<br />

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 20) Focus on your organizational skills,<br />

dearest Sagittarius. When you are motivated to plan the outcome that<br />

you want to see, instead of flying by the seat of your pants, you will<br />

allow yourself the time for relaxation and rest. This promotes more<br />

overall energy to thrive. I know it seems counter-productive and perhaps<br />

a little boring, but with a small dollop of planning, you can receive<br />

a bigger dollop of fun. Keywords: analyze, adapt, and get-going.<br />

Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) Your family, dearest Capricorn, needs<br />

your input now. Give advice, when asked, but mostly just try to be a<br />

good listener. When you head outside your home and recreate or play<br />

hard, you return with better inspiration and wisdom to boot. Taking<br />

another look at your finances will help you to stay confident in your<br />

bright future. Keep planning. Keywords: positive, brave, and bold.<br />

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) Opportunities are the flavor of the day,<br />

dearest Aquarius. Many bouncing balls are coming your way so which<br />

ones are worth catching? It’s time you take a stand related to prioritizing<br />

better. I know you want to do it all, all the time. But when you<br />

compile what is the most meaningful thing first and work your way<br />

down, you’ll get more of the magic up front. Keywords: purpose, intention,<br />

and flow.<br />

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 19) Focus on the prize, dearest Pisces. And by<br />

that, I mean, really focus! Opportunities abound to speak your mind.<br />

So do it with clarity, ease and neutrality. You can still go your own way<br />

but it doesn’t have to be at the sake of someone’s hurt feelings. Tread<br />

softly but firmly. Keywords: spotlight, center, and connect.<br />

Proud to Serve<br />

Haida Gwaii!<br />

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JenniferRice.ca<br />

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<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 37

Veracious<br />

Exterior & Transport LTD<br />

38 HG<br />

• Roofing • Decking<br />

• Gutters & more!<br />

caroson@live.com<br />

250-617-2659<br />

250-559-8561<br />

31857 Hwy 16<br />

in Tll.aal Tlell<br />

Looking to post a free* classified or event ad? It’s super easy! Simply log onto www.haidagwaiitrader.com,<br />

click on the category tab for the type of ad you wish to place and the site will then guide you each step of the<br />

way. Need a hand? Do not hesitate to contact us. Prefer mail? Our mailing address is PO Box 313, Port Clements,<br />

BC, V0T 1R0. Please note: The deadline for new and/or updated classifieds to appear in each issue is<br />

noon on the 20th of the month prior to the next publication. (For example, noon on Aug 20th for the Sep/Oct<br />

issue.) *Free classifieds apply to private, personally owned and non-business postings. Ads pertaining to business products,<br />

services, employment as well as real estate for sale or for rent are subject to fees.<br />

In the Home & Office<br />

Wheelchair. Like new. Ki catalyst<br />

wheelchair with detachable<br />

footrests and a J2 comfortable<br />

seat. Wheelchair goes for $425<br />

new; seat cushion goes for $470<br />

new. Asking $250 or best offer, delivery<br />

possibly available. Call Tyra<br />

Parker at (778) 260-0652 or email<br />

tyra903@gmail.com<br />

InvaCare Electric Hospital<br />

Bed. With an Arlo Atmos air<br />

mattress and adjustable rails.<br />

5000ivc model. Asking $1200 or<br />

best offer, delivery available for a fee. Call Tyra<br />

Parker at (778) 260-0652 or email tyra903@<br />

gmail.com<br />

Women Boots. 1 pair of size 8<br />

MIA Women Leather Boots worn<br />

a couple times but 1/2 size too<br />

small for me. $10 Call Menzie<br />

at (250) 557-4240 or email mencie_lucena@<br />

yahoo.com<br />

Cricut. Only used a few times, it<br />

comes with basic supplies and a<br />

good handful of log card stock in<br />

different colours, 4 different cartridges. Never<br />

tried it with the computer. $200 Call Joan at<br />

(250) 637-1898 or email vanillajaad@hotmail.<br />

ca<br />

File Cabinet. Three drawer file<br />

cabinet in good condition. $100<br />

Call Bret Johnston at (250) 626-<br />

7250 or email fishmasset@gmail.<br />

com<br />

FUNK IT!<br />

Home Garden Gift<br />

Located downtown Daajing Giids<br />

250-559-4753<br />

Danby Deep Freezer. Good working condition,<br />

with some cosmetic imperfections on its<br />

exterior body. Measures 65x27x35 inches and<br />

provides ample space at 21 cubic feet. Selling<br />

price: $500 OBO. Delivery can be arranged<br />

anywhere on island with a small delivery fee<br />

if located outside of Masset area. Email or text<br />

preferred. Located in Masset. Call Tyra Parker<br />

at (778) 260-0652 or email tyra903@gmail.com<br />

Original Oil Painting of Trees.<br />

From former CSSR. Circa 1940.<br />

$152 Email Paul @ hgtads@<br />

runbox.com<br />

Denim Shirt. Brand new. Ordered<br />

wrong size XXL. Beautiful<br />

shirt. I’ve ordered the right size<br />

so selling this one. It is 60 inches/<br />

152 cm all around just below<br />

the pocket. $50 Call Lin at (250) 637-1102 or<br />

email armstrongs@haidagwaii.ca<br />

Evolution, EVO Series Walker.<br />

In good condition. Goes for $450<br />

new, folds up nicely for travel or<br />

storage. Asking $200 OBO can<br />

deliver for a fee. Call Tyra Parker at (778) 260-<br />

0652 or email tyra903@gmail.com<br />

Beautiful Antique Coat and<br />

Hat Stand. From former Austro-Hungarian<br />

Empire. $180<br />

Email Paul @ hgtads@runbox.<br />

com<br />

Sofa and Chair. Well used leather<br />

sofa and chair. $190 Call Melinda<br />

at (250) 637-1660 or email<br />

melinda_pick@hotmail.com<br />

Local jewelry<br />

and pottery<br />

We sell<br />


iPhone Pro Max 13 256 GB.<br />

Unlocked. 87% battery left.<br />

Always been in a case. A little<br />

crack at the top right corner of<br />

phone case but it still works to protect the<br />

iPhone. Magsafe charger cord-needs a block.<br />

$725 Call Melinda at (250) 637-1660 or email<br />

melinda_pick@hotmail.com<br />

Gorgeous 8-Seater Wicker<br />

Outdoor Table and Chairs.<br />

This immaculate table setting is<br />

like new and currently on sale<br />

for $1900. Comes with 8 comfortable<br />

seats and Beige cushions, in like new<br />

condition. Only 18months old! Only selling<br />

as too big for my new place. Glass top table<br />

measuring 2m X 1m and 76cm height. Pick up<br />

or can be delivered for a fee. $800 Email Alex<br />

at alexdanielca1@gmail.com<br />

Sigma 24-70mm f2.8 DG DN<br />

Art Nikon Mount. In excellent<br />

condition with no scratches.<br />

Hardly used. $900 Email Jacob<br />

at mathewsalce3@gmail.com<br />

Original Oil Painting (Antique).<br />

From former CSSR (circa<br />

1940). Mountain scene-probably<br />

the Tatra mountains. $180 Email<br />

Paul at hgtads@runbox.com<br />

In the Yard & Workshop<br />

Floor Laminate Cutter. Like<br />

new, very little use. $50 Call Bill<br />

Woodworth at (250) 360-6184 or<br />

email sailpiraeus@gmail.com<br />

Boat Hook For Sale. For docking<br />

purposes. Like new. $60 Call<br />

Morris at (250) 559-0024 or email<br />

info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Hot Tub – Amazing Deal!<br />

Beachcomber Energy Saver hot<br />

tub in excellent condition. Lots<br />

of jets and places to relax and<br />

“feel the magic!” Open to offers.<br />

Call Morris at (250) 559-0024 or email info@<br />

haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Smoke House for Sale. Comes<br />

with racks and wood burner.<br />

Come and pick er up and get ta<br />

smoking! $500 Call Morris at<br />

(250) 559-0024 or email info@<br />

haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Top of the Line Crossbow.<br />

Price tag still on it. Used twice<br />

for hunting and it definitely<br />

works. Ratings are on the stock.<br />

Accessories including scope, soft case, extra<br />

bolts, broad heads and target heads, extra<br />

draw string, draw string assister, trigger lock,<br />

and more. PAL is NOT required for purchase.<br />

$700 Call Michael at (250) 626-7873 or email<br />

haidagwaiisurf@gmail.com<br />

Mitre Saw. New and used for a<br />

week. Bought in October 2023.<br />

Need it gone. I paid a little over<br />

$500 with the taxes. $425. Call<br />

Joan at (250) 637-1898 or email<br />

vanillajaad@hotmail.ca<br />

Wiring Staples New in Box.<br />

T&b wiring staples, galvanized,<br />

14/2 -12/2. ordered 2 boxes of<br />

100, got 2 cartons of 500. Selling<br />

full box for $45 + partial box for<br />

$32 its what i paid for them. Call Toni at (250)<br />

626-5472 or email tintintooni@gmail.com<br />

2 Rolls Poultry Netting. 1” x 48” x 25’, 20<br />

gauge galvanized, with 1 lb fencing staples<br />

$100 Call Dani at (250) 637-1375 or email<br />

dani.lacusta@telus.net<br />

General International CNC Woodcarvers.<br />

$1200. OBO. Call Josh Gagne at (250) 637-<br />

1377 or email josh_gagne@hotmail.com<br />

270' of Thick Cable. 2/0 gauge,<br />

2 cores of 3/8"aluminium and a<br />

3/16"copper earth. $2.20 a foot<br />

or less if you want a long piece. I<br />

have shorter pieces of slightly thinner cable.<br />

Email me for more photos and details. Email<br />

Paul at hgtads@runbox.com<br />

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 39

Gwaii Animal<br />

Helpline Society<br />

•Companion<br />

Animal Adoption<br />

•Rehoming<br />

www.gwaiianimalhelpline.com<br />

On the Road<br />

95 Ural Motorcycle. With 2<br />

sidecars, low mileage, many new<br />

spare parts. $5,000 Call Matthew<br />

at (778) 260-5909 or email<br />

mattpierce@iname.com<br />

2012 Ford F150 XLT. Runs well.<br />

Extended cab. 2 bucket seats. 6’<br />

x 6’ box. Tires are brand new.<br />

$10,000 OBO. Call Jeremy at 250-<br />

557-2007 or 250-557-4589 at (250)<br />

557-2007 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Camper Trailer 2022 Model “Sunset’-Possible<br />

Live-In w/Pad Rental. 34’x 8’ with a<br />

14’ slide out. Purchased from dealer Jan 2023,<br />

unit fully equipped with king size bed, kitchen<br />

includes propane stove/oven, an electric<br />

furnace, thermostat control, propane heating.<br />

Unit designed for travel, with dual wheel trailer<br />

assembly. There is the possibility of Live-in<br />

with pad rental. Asking $70,000 Call Bob (250)<br />

637-1168 or email stratton@haidagwaii.net<br />

2018 Ford Escape SE. Car fax<br />

report is available 90,125kms.<br />

Excellent condition. $15,900<br />

Call Connie at (403) 598-6055 or<br />

email conniehere@hotmail.com<br />

Electric Scooter. Bought this<br />

of off FB and was told it worked<br />

fine. Well, it didn’t work at all. I<br />

ordered new batteries and a charger<br />

for it. I did hook the batteries<br />

up properly, but it still didn’t work. I want what<br />

I paid for the scooter, which was $1500, and<br />

the batteries/charger was approximately $500.<br />

<strong>May</strong>be you can find someone who is good with<br />

these things to get it going but I am done with<br />

it. $1,800 Call Joan at (250) 637-1898 or email<br />

vanillajaad@hotmail.ca<br />

1931 Ford + 1967 Triumph<br />

Tiger and a Few More Toys.<br />

Just added! 1931 Ford, and she is<br />

a beauty. 1967 Triumph Tiger and<br />

a few more toys. Day time calls only please.<br />

Call Lindsey at (778) 260-4733 or email info@<br />

haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Eclipse Trail Master Scooter<br />

2020. Open to trades and offers.<br />

Eclipse Medical Inc Trailmaster<br />

Bigfoot S846. Barely used. In<br />

great condition. Comes with<br />

spare key and instruction manual.<br />

$3,500 Call Maria Roca at (702) 538-0442 or<br />

email reggiemaria.roca@gmail.com<br />

RV Hitch. 2 5/16 $475 Call Melinda at (250)<br />

637-1660 or email melinda_pick@hotmail.com<br />

40 HG

Haida Gwaii<br />

Auto Inc.<br />

Dealer #50179<br />

2016 Ford F350 XLT<br />

152,200km/Stk#118 $27,995<br />

2018 Ford Escape<br />

86,500km/Stk#109 $23,995<br />

2014 Nissan Sentra<br />

77,300km/Stk#0018 $15,995<br />

2018 Ford Escape<br />

72,200km/Stk#110 $23,995<br />

“No reasonable offer<br />

refused!”<br />

250-559-4641<br />

605 Ocean View Dr.<br />

Daajing Giids<br />

bill@hgauto.ca<br />

2011 GMC. 1/2-ton extended cab<br />

4x4, short box with 264,000km.<br />

Good functional truck, has some<br />

dents but little rust, selling because<br />

I have a 1 ton and don't need this one.<br />

$8,500 Call Leandre at (250) 557-4453 or email<br />

mtoad@haidagwaii.net<br />

1982 John Deere 850D. Enclosed<br />

Cab, 154“wide angle blade with<br />

dual tilt, 22” single grouser track<br />

shoes, drawbar. $24,500 Call<br />

Coltan at (250) 626-3833 or email<br />

office@massetservices.com<br />

2004 Volvo VHD64B Plow/<br />

Dump Truck. GVWR/PNBV:<br />

26,644KG / 58,740LBS Engine<br />

Model: D12-395 2100RPM Transmission:<br />

RTO-16908LL, 10 SpeedG0195383<br />

Front Axle: 20,000lb – AVF03143230 Rear Axle<br />

First: RT40-160/MT40-16X 40 – AVA03203418<br />

Rear Axle Second: RT40-160/ 4.300 –<br />

AVA03203447. $22,500 Call Coltan at (250)<br />

626-3833 or email office@massetservices.com<br />

InvaCARE TDX SP2 Power<br />

Wheelchair. In turquoise,<br />

comes with neck support, needs<br />

new batteries but otherwise<br />

works great. New, starts at $7595.<br />

Asking $3500 or best offer, can<br />

help with loading it into vehicles<br />

upon pick up. Possible delivery available anywhere<br />

on island for an additional fee. Call Tyra<br />

Parker at (778) 260-0652 or email tyra903@<br />

gmail.com<br />

Garmin/Etrex GPS Mounts.<br />

Should accommodate most<br />

GPS's. Also, Etrex bike handlebar<br />

mount. Both for $25 or best<br />

offer. Call George at (250) 559-7899 or email<br />

grstein@qcislands.net<br />

2011 Jayco 320 RLDS Travel<br />

Trailer. With 2 dropouts. Fully<br />

equipped, pots, pans, dishes, and<br />

bedding. Ready to go on an adventure.<br />

A1 condition, nonsmoking, no pets. Located<br />

in Sandspit. $26,000 Call Carol Wagner<br />

at (250) 637-1831 or email anncarolwagner@<br />

msn.com<br />

Mini Digger DINGO. Narrow<br />

760mm width, smaller then the<br />

790mm they sell. One of the<br />

smallest digging machines for<br />

tight access. Narrow kit is supplied, good<br />

wheels and tyres. Start’s perfect and sounds<br />

as it should. The machine works as it should.<br />

$7,500 Call Jacob at (409) 203-1228 or email<br />

jacobmvawter@gmail.com<br />

2020 Yamaha Viking VI 6-Seater<br />

Side by Side. Only 1500 kms,<br />

700cc engine, power steering, 4x4<br />

with diff lock. 2” Highlifter lift<br />

kit, 4500 lb winch, light bar, Yamaha hard roof<br />

and folding windshield, 2x Dragonfire youth<br />

harnesses and stock seat belts. Well maintained,<br />

recent oil change. Too may options<br />

to list. Gently used from a young family. No<br />

accidents. Located in Daajing Giids. $18,900<br />

Call Adam Jackson at (250) 735-6505 or email<br />

Adam.g.jackson85@gmail.com<br />

On the Water<br />

Mustang Bib Pants. New in bag XL red.<br />

$125 Call Matthew at (778) 260-5909 or email<br />

mattpierce@iname.com<br />

2023 Kolibri 15” Inflatable Boat with HD<br />

Galvanized Trailer. Only used 25 hours.<br />

Lots of extras. Racor fuel filter 15" launching<br />

wheels Tonneau roof. Will sell separately.<br />

$5,000 Call Matt at (778) 260-5909 or email<br />

mattpierce@iname.com<br />

2010 Bayliner 192 Discovery.<br />

Cuddy cabin w/full camper<br />

canvas. 4.3L v6 Mercruiser with<br />

freshwater cooling system. Bravo<br />

1 leg comes with spare prop. Under 500 hours<br />

on it. Fresh oil change and all regular maintenance<br />

up to date. Stainless steel wakeboard<br />

tower with rod holders. Hook 5, and hook 7<br />

reveal ss chart plotters both with chart chips.<br />

Wired for electric downriggers and has swivel<br />

mounts. Trailer has new brakes and bearings<br />

done recently. Asking $28,500 obo. Downriggers/traps/rods<br />

could be negotiated. Located<br />

in Daajing Giids. Call Adam Jackson at (250)<br />

735-6505 or email Adam.g.jackson85@gmail.<br />

com<br />

New Marine Flare Gun/Cartridges<br />

Pkg. $160 Call Sarleana<br />

at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison1964071@gmail.com<br />

25’ Boat with 150 Mercury.<br />

Runs good, ready for the water.<br />

New down riggers New electric<br />

SIV. $16,000 Call Fletcher at (250)<br />

626-7606 or email Fletchercollison@hotmail.<br />

com<br />

Xcel Women 5/4Wetsuit. Worn 2<br />

seasons Size 4 $100 OBO Call Chloe<br />

at (250) 689-5855 or email chloebourassad@gmail.com<br />

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 41

250-559-8623<br />

store@isabelcreek.ca<br />

Open Mon-Sat: 10am-5:30pm<br />

3219 Wharf Street<br />

Daajing Giids<br />

42 HG<br />

Organic Produce<br />

Groceries & Dairy<br />

• Artisan Breads & Baked Goods<br />

• Farm Fresh, Seasonal Veggies<br />

• Free Range Meats<br />

• Organic Charcuterie Meats<br />

• International Cheeses<br />

• Foods for All Diets<br />


AT TLL.AAL<br />



250.557.4600<br />

Tiiiddall Zoonee SSiiillveer SStuddiiioo<br />

Tidal Zone Silver Studio<br />

Orrrriiiggiiinnaallll Ennggrrrraavveeeeed Siiillllvveeeeerrrr Jeeeeeweeeeelllllllleeeeerrrry<br />

Zoonee SStuddiiioo<br />

Designed and handcrafted<br />

Tiiiddall SSiiillveer<br />

Silver Jewellery by Laura Dutheil<br />

by local artisan jeweller Ennggrrrraavveeeeed Siiillllvveeeeerrrr Jeeeeeweeeeelllllllleeeeerrrry<br />

Orrrriiiggiiinnaallll<br />

Designed Available and Laura handcrafted at: Dutheil<br />

by local artisan jeweller<br />

• Funk Laura It!<br />

Earrings, Dutheil rings, pendants,<br />

• DG bracelets, Visitor ear cuffs & more,<br />

Earrings, rings, pendants,<br />

bracelets, with ear tidal cuffs & zone more, inspired<br />

Centre<br />

with tidal zone engravings<br />

inspired<br />

engravings<br />

• Sandspit Visitor<br />

Centre Custom orders orders welcome! welcome!<br />

Summertime pop-up in DG!<br />

Available at Funk It! and the Queen Charlotte Visitor Information Centre<br />

Available at Funk It! and the Queen Charlotte Visitor Information Centre<br />

Tidal Zone Silver Studio tidalzonesilverstudio@gmail.com<br />

Tidal tidalzonesilverstudio.com<br />

Zone Silver Studio tidalzonesilverstudio@gmail.com<br />

Available at Funk It and the<br />

Queen Charlotte Visitor Information Centre<br />

Kids Zone<br />

Bugaboo Donkey Duo Pram.<br />

Bugaboo donkey duo pram,<br />

siblings set. Excellent condition<br />

both cosmetically and mechanically.<br />

Has just been professionally<br />

deep cleaned with polish detail<br />

and service ready for sale, looks<br />

and feels like a brand-new pram.<br />

Two seats and a newborn bassinet.<br />

Cup holder and skateboard, new leather<br />

covers on the belly bars including x2 reversible<br />

custom-made pram liners with matching<br />

bassinet mattress cover and tyre pump. $400<br />

Email Math at donaldova1234@gmail.com<br />

Real Estate & Rentals<br />

122 Acres in Masset. Old growth forest.<br />

Access by helicopter or hiking in. Not in the<br />

ALR. Timber opportunity, or off grid living.<br />

Price: $600,000 Call 250-618-2434 or email<br />

tracey.defrane@gmail.com<br />

Masset Bike Shop. Great<br />

opportunity to run your own<br />

business without “breaking the<br />

bank.” Tremendous potential for<br />

bike sales and service along with other sports<br />

equipment. The building is in great shape on<br />

2 lots and has room for small living quarters.<br />

The business is in the heart of Masset and<br />

close to the airport offering daily service to the<br />

mainland. Price: $209,000 Call John 250-218-<br />

9776 or email johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />

<strong>2024</strong> Swan Cres Masset. Opportunity<br />

of a lifetime with this<br />

lovely 12,000 sq ft lot! Tucked<br />

away on a peaceful cul-de-sac,<br />

this level and private lot eagerly<br />

awaits the construction of your<br />

dream home. Just steps from the<br />

bird sanctuary and near shopping, schools,<br />

and restaurants, this location offers the perfect<br />

blend of privacy and convenience. With water,<br />

sewer, and hydro services readily available,<br />

this idyllic lot is ready for you to turn your<br />

vision into a reality. Don’t miss out on this perfect<br />

chance to create the home you’ve always<br />

imagined. Price: $80,000 Call Tracey 250-618-<br />

2434 or email tracey.defrane@gmail.com<br />

1416 Delkatla Street Masset.<br />

Over 150’ of waterfront and<br />

180 panoramic views of Masset<br />

Sound. This spacious waterfront<br />

home with 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms has a<br />

freshly updated basement. Price: $900,000 Call<br />

Tracey 250-618-2434 or email tracey.defrane@<br />

gmail.com<br />

1 Froese 3/4 Acre Subdvn. Port<br />

Clements. Fully serviced and<br />

subdividable in the heart of the<br />

village of Port Clements, now<br />

available at $179,000. Call John Ismay 250-<br />

218-9776 or email Johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />

4 Newcombe Ave. Port Clements.<br />

This is an incredible live/<br />

work opportunity in the heart of<br />

Haida Gwaii. This property has it<br />

all! It includes a 3-bedroom, 1 bathroom, residence,<br />

with kitchen, living room and dining<br />

room. Downstairs you will enter the motel<br />

guest space with office, washroom, dining<br />

room and fully equipped commercial kitchen.<br />

Additionally, there is an office, storage room,<br />

indoor workshop, and a detached garage. Motel<br />

guest rooms of various sizes are in adjacent<br />

buildings. Price: $465,000 Call Sarah 250-922-<br />

5409 or email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

372 School Road Sandspit.<br />

5-minute walk to the golf course,<br />

this 4-bedroom, 2-bathroom<br />

home is nestled in on a private<br />

large lot with a large workshop and covered<br />

parking for your fishing boat and RV. Price:<br />

$600,000 Call Tracey 250-618-2434 or email<br />

tracey.defrane@gmail.com<br />

Fully Renovated and Ready<br />

to Move In! 1868 Balsam Cr<br />

Masset. This is a beautiful, newly<br />

renovated home. Everything has<br />

been done including both bathrooms, kitchen,<br />

new floors, paint throughout, all new appliances<br />

and heat pump. Located in a quiet culde-sac,<br />

walking distance of everything Masset<br />

has to offer. Masset is located on the northern<br />

end of Graham Island, with easy access to<br />

some of Haida Gwaii's best beaches, forests,<br />

fishing, and recreational opportunities. Price:<br />

$249,500 Call Sarah 250-922-5409 or email<br />

sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

2226 Dogwood Cr. Masset.<br />

Recently renovated and ready to<br />

move in! This 4-bedroom home<br />

has been fully renovated in the<br />

last year. Both bathrooms and the kitchen<br />

have been tastefully updated, as well as new<br />

floors, all new appliances, and a new heat<br />

pump. Located near the end of a quiet street<br />

with easy access to schools and shopping.<br />

Masset is a lovely community on the northern<br />

end of Graham Island, Haida Gwaii, which is<br />

famous for its world-renowned beaches, fishing,<br />

forests, and culture. Price: $239,500 Call<br />

Sarah 250-922-5409 or email sarahbarnhardt@<br />


3113 Oceanview Drive, DG<br />


Groceries & Liquor<br />

Bakery & Deli<br />

Home & Office Supplies<br />

Gifts & Local Treasures<br />

91 Bayview Dr. Port Clements<br />

Mon-Sat 10-6 | 250-557-4331<br />

Sarah Barnhardt<br />

Licensed Realtor<br />

Longtime Haida<br />

Gwaii resident<br />

Serving all<br />

island communities<br />

Call me!<br />

Prince<br />

Rupert<br />

250.922.5409<br />

sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

519 3rd Avenue West,<br />

Prince Rupert<br />

House for Sale North of Port<br />

Clements. House to be moved.<br />

The price includes putting in<br />

pilings, moving and set-up. All<br />

you need is a prepared site. House is 896 sqft<br />

(not including covered porch) one bedroom/<br />

one bathroom. Utility room. Large, bright living<br />

room. Kitchen with fridge and stove. Lots<br />

of double-paned windows. Painted plywood<br />

floors. Covered porch. Price: $70,000 Call<br />

Charles or Esther 250-557-8563 or Jeremy 259-<br />

557-2007 Email: info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

The Only Gas Station in<br />

Town! 2 Grouse Street. Over<br />

5000sqft building has a long list<br />

of assets, including, fuel services<br />

(gas and diesel), convenience store, restaurant,<br />

commercial kitchen, 2 dining rooms,<br />

and office space. Upstairs is a lovely 1470sqft,<br />

renovated, 3-bedroom 1.5-bathroom apartment<br />

with an outside entrance. The ground<br />

level 1470sqft apartment has 2 bedrooms, 1<br />

bathroom, an office, and a large indoor workshop.<br />

A must-see opportunity in the charming<br />

village of Port Clements. Price: $699,000 MLS<br />

R2832537 Call Sarah 250-922-5409 or email<br />

sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

NEW PRICE! 1574 MacLeod<br />

Street Masset. Bring your<br />

business ideas to this wonderful<br />

commercial property in downtown<br />

Masset, Haida Gwaii. This building<br />

has been purpose built with a large cafe style<br />

kitchen, including a convenient drive-through<br />

window allowing you to serve customers on<br />

the go. The main floor also has a lovely guest<br />

dining area and washroom. The second level,<br />

flex space, consists of two large rooms, another<br />

washroom and laundry facilities. Price<br />

$375,000 MLS # C804948 Call Sarah Barnhardt<br />

Re/Max Coast Mountains 250-922-5409<br />

or email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

2 Story Home and a Cottage<br />

on 5.44 Acres in Tlell, BC<br />

2-bed, 2-bath home, near secluded<br />

beaches, lush moss-laden forests,<br />

and excellent fishing. The home features<br />

a cozy wood fireplace, spacious kitchen, and<br />

full basement with outdoor access. Upgrades<br />

include a metal roof, drilled well and a hot<br />

water tank. There is a spacious workshop,<br />

generous garden, and a large greenhouse. The<br />

charming 1-bed cottage, with separate hydro,<br />

is a perfect mortgage helper. At the bottom of<br />

the property Geikie 2 creek and is home to a<br />

diverse ecosystem. Located in a sought-after<br />

community. Price: $525,000 Call Tracey 250-<br />

618-2434 or email Tracey.defrane@gmail.com<br />

1836 Alder Crescent. This<br />

beautifully updated, large family<br />

home is situated in a quiet<br />

cul-de-sac walking distance to<br />

all amenities. The home has 5 bedrooms, an<br />

office, 2 bathrooms and plenty of space for a<br />

family and for entertaining guests. There is a<br />

spacious deck off the kitchen, a garden shed<br />

for storage, a 20x20 garage and ample space<br />

for RV and boat parking. The property consists<br />

of 2 lots totaling over 13,000 sqft. A new heat<br />

pump was recently installed. Price: $470,000.<br />

MLS # R2840720 Call Sarah Barnhardt 250-<br />

922-5409 or email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

622 7th Street. Location, Location!<br />

This large waterfront lot in<br />

Daajing Giids is ready for development.<br />

Currently operating as a<br />

liquidation store, but the C2 blended zoning<br />

allows for mixed use residential and commercial<br />

opportunities including short term<br />

rentals. With stunning ocean views and over<br />

15,000sqft, it is the ideal location for a BnB,<br />

restaurant, or any number of commercial<br />

endeavours. Incredible waterfront location<br />

with all the conveniences of the village. Price<br />

$800,000 Call Sarah Barnhardt 250-922-5409<br />

or email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

362 Christina Place, Sandspit.<br />

This beautifully renovated 3<br />

bed 2 bath home is a rare find, a<br />

must see! Every room has been<br />

updated tastefully with west coast charm. The<br />

open concept main floor has vaulted ceilings,<br />

and a cozy fireplace, primary bedroom with<br />

ensuite, spacious rec room. 1280sq.ft workshop<br />

with covered RV storage, heated garage,<br />

custom deck, greenhouse, and fruit trees.<br />

Price: $685,000 MLS #R2846681 Call Sarah<br />

Barnhardt 250-922-5409 or email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

2 Story Home and a Cottage<br />

on 5.44 Acres in Tlell, BC<br />

2-bed, 2-bath home, near secluded<br />

beaches, lush moss-laden forests,<br />

and excellent fishing. The home features<br />

a cozy wood fireplace, spacious kitchen, and<br />

full basement with outdoor access. Upgrades<br />

include a metal roof, drilled well and a hot<br />

water tank. There is a spacious workshop,<br />

generous garden, and a large greenhouse. The<br />

charming 1-bed cottage, with separate hydro,<br />

is a perfect mortgage helper. At the bottom of<br />

the property Geikie 2 creek and is home to a<br />

diverse ecosystem. Located in a sought-after<br />

community. Price: $525,000 Call Tracey 250-<br />

618-2434 or email Tracey.defrane@gmail.com<br />

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 43

44 HG<br />

Valley Boat<br />

Service<br />

Fabrication<br />

Custom Upgrades<br />

250-557-2057<br />

Port Clements, BC<br />

Space Rentals<br />

Online Gift Shop<br />

Events<br />

Tours<br />

#2 Second Beach Road<br />

HlGaagilda Skidegate,<br />

Haida Gwaii<br />

250-559-7885<br />

www.haidaheritagecentre.com<br />

info@haidaheritage.com<br />

4 Bedroom House in Tlell. A<br />

4-bedroom house on 2-acre strata<br />

lot with carport, shed +one<br />

year old ride on mower, and<br />

covered RV storage. Included is a small beachfront<br />

strip of property on East Beach, a short<br />

stroll from house, great for swimming and<br />

agate hunting. In the neighborhood, there is a<br />

country store/coffee shop, post office, farmers<br />

market and soccer field, with a 20-minute<br />

drive north to the market in Port Clements.<br />

Price: $465,000. For additional details and<br />

viewing appts call Bill @ 250-637-1870 or<br />

email galt@qcislands.net<br />

2 Story and Large Workshop<br />

in Sandspit. This Oceanview<br />

home is perfect for a young<br />

family. There is a workshop large<br />

enough for a boat and RV. A separate kitchen<br />

for cleaning your catch after a day on the water.<br />

A great beach for your kids to play on and<br />

explore. Less than 5 minutes from the airport,<br />

golf course and boat launch. Price: $665,000<br />

Call Tracey 250-618-2434 or email tracey.<br />

defrane@gmail.com<br />

Workers Accommodations-Long<br />

or Short Term-<br />

Port Clements and Masset.<br />

Port Clements: furnished and<br />

unfurnished 1 and 2 -bedroom apartments.<br />

Newly renovated, including bathroom and<br />

kitchen. Sat. internet, TV, king-size beds, laundry,<br />

and parking are incl. Suited for worker<br />

accommodation. Clean and secure building.<br />

Masset: several renovated housing units. 3 and<br />

4 – bedroom units. Furnished or unfurnished.<br />

Sat. internet, cable, laundry, and parking are<br />

included. Please email dustin@rushworthelectric.ca<br />

for more info or call/text 250 661 9012.<br />

Call for prices.<br />

Home and Property on Robertson<br />

Island, Daajing Giids.<br />

This 1788 sqft waterfront home<br />

offers seclusion on a 4-hectare<br />

lot, accessible only by boat or during "walking<br />

tides". 15 minutes from town, it features<br />

village water/electricity, heat pump, radiant<br />

heaters, and backup systems for power outages.<br />

Enjoy passive solar heat, ocean views, and<br />

sunsets from the covered deck. Recent renovations<br />

include a wrap-around deck. Original<br />

hardwood floors and oak laminate complement<br />

the 3 bedrooms, craft room, and bathroom.<br />

Outbuildings include workshop and<br />

cozy chicken coop. Price: $625,000 based on<br />

March <strong>2024</strong> appraisal, available upon request<br />

to very serious inquiries. Call Katie Greene @<br />

250-637-1664<br />

Private Ocean Access. 4.23<br />

acres of land with direct private<br />

ocean access. I built the perfect<br />

home to lock up. 1 ½ storey, 3<br />

Br, 1 ba. I have framed up’n’down fireplaces,<br />

French doors to the ocean and two patio sliders.<br />

Being of a saltbox design, it takes advantage<br />

of natural heating and cooling. Highway<br />

access on one side and ocean on the other.<br />

Price: $688,888. For more info email davydahl@ymail.com<br />

Offered Below Appraised Value!<br />

223 2ndAve Daajing Giids.<br />

This immaculate 5-bed, 5-bath<br />

home offers stunning ocean<br />

and mountain views. Recently renovated,<br />

it’s ideal for gatherings with outdoor spaces<br />

including decks, patios, and gardens with fruit<br />

trees. With an 840sq.ft garage/workshop and<br />

ample parking, it accommodates guests, RVs,<br />

and boats. Two income-generating suites are<br />

included: a ground floor 2-bed, 2-bath with<br />

kitchen, and a custom-built "Live Edge" suite<br />

with loft bedroom and private deck. Sitting<br />

on three lots totaling nearly 1/2 acre, it comes<br />

fully furnished with appliances, furniture,<br />

and more. This turnkey property offers both<br />

luxury and convenience. Price: $995,000 MLS<br />

#2869941. Call Sarah 250 922 5409 or email<br />

sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

NEW PRICE! Open House<br />

<strong>May</strong> 11 1-3pm. 417 Oceanview<br />

Drive Daajing Giids.<br />

<strong>May</strong> 11 1-3 pm. Escape to this<br />

idyllic setting in a charming<br />

1972 stucco/cedar bungalow, 1248 sq ft,<br />

boasts stunning west mountain inlet views on<br />

0.14 acres. Featuring 3 beds, 2 baths, recent<br />

upgrades include a metal roof/plywood/insulation<br />

(2021) and west/east cedar fence/gates/<br />

garage (2021). Enjoy a newer "True North"<br />

wood stove (2022), skylights, Ikea kitchen, and<br />

modern appliances. Primary bedroom offers<br />

a claw foot tub, while the property includes<br />

a 2nd kitchen/mudroom. Radiant electric<br />

heat pump/air conditioning ensures comfort,<br />

with a large garage/ studio. Amenities include<br />

high-speed internet, cable TV, paved driveway<br />

and so much more. Contact for viewing with<br />

mortgage pre-approval. Price: $425,000. Please<br />

email haasndogs@hotmail.com<br />

Advertise With Us!<br />

info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />


House & Cottage<br />

on Acreage<br />

$525,000<br />

MLS® R2836429<br />

45206A HWY 16,<br />

Tll.aal Tlell, BC<br />

5.44 Acres of rural living in the sought-after<br />

community of Tell, BC. This 2 story home<br />

offers 2 beds and 2 baths with 1200 sq ft to<br />

expand your living space in the above ground<br />

basement with outdoor access. Or utilize the<br />

new BC Housing Secondary Suite Program<br />

and build an income generating suite. The<br />

1.5 bedroom cottage is also a great mortgage<br />

helper. You will feel secure in the tsunami safe<br />

zone. The property also includes a spacious<br />

workshop and generous green house. Near<br />

gorgeous beaches, & parks. Recent upgrades<br />

are a drilled well and new metal roof.<br />

$665,000<br />

MLS® R2852747<br />

$900,000<br />

MLS® R2801474<br />

$600,000<br />

MLS® R2798368<br />

$375,000<br />

MLS® R2872640<br />

Oceanview Home with<br />

Large Dream Workshop<br />

379 Beach Road,<br />

K’il Kun Sandspit, BC<br />

152 feet of Private Ocean<br />

Front - Undergoing<br />

Major Updates<br />

1416 Delkatla Street,<br />

Masset, BC<br />

4 Bed 2 Bath Home<br />

within a 2 Minute Walk<br />

to the Golf Resort<br />

372 School Road,<br />

K’il Kun Sandspit, BC<br />

House with Income<br />

Potential on Waterfront<br />

197 Bayview Drive, Wáan<br />

Kún Port Clements, BC<br />

$175,000<br />

MLS® R2871436<br />

Oceanfront Lot<br />

in Port Clements<br />

197 Bayview Drive, Wáan<br />

Kún Port Clements, BC<br />

Reduced!<br />

Now $400,000<br />

MLS® R2784153<br />

122 Acres of Old Growth<br />

HWY 16, Masset, BC<br />

$80,000<br />

MLS® R2778845<br />

11,998 sq ft Lot on<br />

Private Cut-de-Sac<br />

<strong>2024</strong> Swan Crescent,<br />

Masset, BC<br />

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 45

Wanted<br />

Wanted: Shipping Container. Large, 20-40<br />

ft metal container. Good to Excellent condition.<br />

Secure doors. Wooden floor. Storage on/<br />

off site. Provide photos. Reasonable price. Call<br />

Helen Moore at (819) 355-1924 or email helenmooreca@yahoo.ca<br />

Wanted: A Small Breed Puppy. My best dog,<br />

my best friend, my dog died in November, and<br />

I need to find a new best friend, a small breed<br />

puppy. Hopefully if you have one, it is free or<br />

cheap as I am on disability. I am overflowing<br />

with love for a new puppy, male or female, not<br />

picky. I am limited in lifting ability, thus that<br />

is why I need a small breed puppy. My limit is<br />

25 lbs. I really appreciate your taking time to<br />

read my ad and hope someone knows a person<br />

whose dog is going to have puppies soon. Call<br />

Nung Koyas Kevin Jager at (250) 626-6014 or<br />

email kevjager.haida@gmail.com<br />

Wanted: Brother Laser Printer.<br />

In good working condition.<br />

All Things Stationery in Masset<br />

sold them awhile ago. Call Toni at<br />

(250) 626-5472 or email tintintooni@gmail.com<br />

Wanted: Drywall Lift. Looking<br />

to buy a drywall panel lift, if you<br />

have one of these that you are not<br />

using, I would be interested. Call<br />

Cory at (250) 626-7035 or email<br />

cory_millard@hotmail.com<br />

Wanted: KX125 or KXF 250.<br />

Looking to buy a used motocross<br />

bike, I can fix anything you might<br />

have, so condition not so important.<br />

Send me pics of anything you might have<br />

here on the island. Call Cory at (250) 626-7035<br />

or email cory_millard@hotmail.com<br />

Wanted: Free Weights. Looking<br />

for a lighter set of free weights;<br />

5-10 lbs. By 'free', I don't mean<br />

free as in no cost. I can pay a reasonable<br />

amount for them. Call George at (250) 559-<br />

7899 or email grstein@qcislands.net<br />

Wanted: A Cabin or Small<br />

Home in Nature. Looking to<br />

either rent or rent to own. It can<br />

be a project to renovate or off the<br />

grid setting. Internet, water and solar panels or<br />

windmill are necessary as I am working from<br />

home. Helping someone elderly is an option<br />

or house/animal sitting but would need to be<br />

long term. Will consider bare land if I like the<br />

location or functioning trailer on the land. I<br />

will have this ad running until I find my place<br />

on Earth. Call Willow at (250) 241-0099 or<br />

email canadianwildliferescue@gmail.com<br />

ISO Lovely Ladies. Hello<br />

there, I am looking for some<br />

lovely laying ladies to join my<br />

team this summer. Must be<br />

laying! Hoping for 6-8ish laying hens. Let me<br />

know if you have any you’d be willing to part<br />

with. Call Frances at (250) 637-1759 or email<br />

Haidagwaiiseasalts@gmail.com<br />

Freebies<br />

Free Hospital Bed. The electrical portion of<br />

the bed works, there is no mattress. Free to<br />

someone that needs it. First one here gets it.<br />

Call Bret Johnston at (250) 626-7250 or email<br />

fishmasset@gmail.com<br />

Employment & Training<br />

Hiring F/T MSR. Northern<br />

Savings Credit Union has an<br />

opening for a F/T Member Service Representative<br />

for our Daajing Giids branch. This would<br />

appeal to an outgoing individual interested<br />

in providing excellent customer service and a<br />

career in sales. Minimum Qualifications: Education:<br />

• Secondary School Diploma required.<br />

Experience: • Previous sales and service experience<br />

is preferred or an equivalent combination<br />

of education, training, and experience. Skills: •<br />

Excellent written and verbal English communication<br />

skills. • Working knowledge, skills,<br />

and experience in Microsoft Office. Hourly<br />

Rate: $25.55 - $29.36 Apply online: https://<br />

www.northsave.com/about/careers Call Naomi<br />

Juetten at (250) 628-0356 or email naomijuetten@northsave.com<br />

46 HG

Supportive Recovery Counsellor. Provides<br />

prevention, assessment, referral, counselling, and<br />

follow-up services to HGSCP Supportive Recovery<br />

clients affected by alcohol and drug substance<br />

use disorders. Requirements: Bachelor’s degree in<br />

counselling, social work, or a related field, two years counselling<br />

experience with an emphasis on women who have experienced<br />

violence and/or experiencing substance use disorder with up–todate<br />

knowledge of theory/treatment in the field of trauma and<br />

feminist counseling. Visit https://hgscpeace.ca/the-new-umoma-opens-its-doors-2/employment/<br />

for detailed job description.<br />

Fax: (250) 626-4662, Call (250) 626-4664 or email td@hgscp.ca.<br />

Subject Line: Supportive Recovery Life Skills Position. Attention:<br />

Transition House Director MAIL: Box 811 2132 Collison Avenue<br />

Masset, BC V0T 1M0<br />

WE’RE HIRING! The Haida Gwaii School District<br />

is looking for CASUAL staff to work as: Custodian<br />

($28.70/hour) Education Assistant ($33.72/hour)<br />

Clerical ($28.73 - $34.59/hour) and Bus Driver<br />

($30.40/hour). Application forms and comprehensive<br />

job descriptions can be found on the district<br />

website at www.sd50.bc.ca. Please send complete<br />

application package along with three professional references to:<br />

Email: hr@sd50.bc.ca Haida Gwaii School District No. 50 PO Box<br />

69, Village of Daajing Giids, BC V0T 1S0 Fax: (250) 559-8473 Call<br />

Maureen Benoit at (250) 559-8471 or email hr@sd50.bc.ca<br />

Community Living Support Worker CLSW.<br />

CLBC Community Inclusion-North-end. Permanent<br />

P/T Position Hours: 10 hours per week Monday–Friday.<br />

Salary Range: $25.95–29.76/hour. Job<br />

summary: You will be respectfully and creatively<br />

supporting adults with developmental disabilities. Requirements:<br />

Grade 12 or G.E.D. equivalent. Social service worker education or<br />

experience would be an asset. Visit https://hgscpeace.ca/the-newumoma-opens-its-doors-2/employment/<br />

for detailed job description.<br />

Applications accepted by: clcm@hgscp.ca Subject line:<br />

Community Living Support Worker CLSW (CLBC Community<br />

Inclusion North-end) Attention: Community Living Contracts<br />

Manager. Mail: PO 811, 2132 Collison Avenue, Masset, BC, V0T<br />

1M0 Call Daniel Kolpatzik at (250) 626-7977<br />

CLBC Residence Support Worker Casual<br />

(CRSW Casual) Casual/on-call. Salary Range:<br />

$22.94 – 29.76/depending on shift. As a CLBC Residence<br />

Worker you will be providing respectful daily<br />

living support to adult residents with developmental<br />

disabilities living in the CLBC staffed residence. Able to deal appropriately<br />

with and use de-escalation skills with upset residents.<br />

Visit https://hgscpeace.ca/the-new-umoma-opens-its-doors-2/<br />

employment/ for detailed job description. Applications accepted<br />

by: clcm@hgscp.ca Subject line: CLBC Residence Support Worker<br />

Casual Attention: Community Living Contracts Manager Mail:<br />

PO 811, 2132 Collison Avenue, Masset, BC, V0T 1M0 Call Daniel<br />

Kolpatzik at (250) 626-7977<br />

Driver Required. Minimum BC Class 4, Hourly<br />

rate commission, with min $23/hrs; work hrs to be<br />

self determined, max 40hrs. Gwaii Taxi and Tours @<br />

250 637 1168 or email stratton@haidagwaii.net<br />

F/T Administrative & Bookkeeping Assistant.<br />

Gwaalagaa Naay Corporation. The Administrative<br />

and Bookkeeping Assistant reports directly to the Executive<br />

Director of Gwaalagaa Naay Corporation (GNC). The primary<br />

responsibility will be to work collaboratively with the Executive<br />

Director and Bookkeeper to assist in managing the day-to-day<br />

operations of GNC and the various companies it oversees. F/T<br />

position with benefits (upon successful completion of probation),<br />

competitive hourly wage based on experience of $20.95. Email<br />

your cover letter and resume to: Ronald Goetzinger, Executive<br />

Director Ronald.goetzinger@gwaalagaanaay.com 888 Unit#3<br />

Highway 16 PO Box 1297 Skidegate, BC V0T 1S1<br />

Opportunities for Support Workers. Alder<br />

House is looking for full or part time Program<br />

Support workers Starting salary is $22.00 per hour.<br />

Reporting to the Program Manager, the PSWs function<br />

as part of a team to provide a range of supports serving Alder<br />

House residents, many of whom are living with mental illness<br />

and/or substance abuse. Required is a High School Diploma (or<br />

a combination of skills and experience), ability to complete BC<br />

Housing required training, basic computer experience and completion<br />

of a Vulnerable Criminal Record check. Call Sandra Dean<br />

McKay or Jessa Griffith at jessa.griffith@alderhouse.ca or call 778<br />

260 3420.<br />

Budget Rental at Sandspit Airport is Hiring!<br />

Counter Person: Customer service, reservations, rental<br />

contracts. Position is 5 days a week,12pm-4:30pmworking<br />

with plane arrival times. Starting wage:<br />

$20p/h depending on experience. Serviceperson: Maintains and<br />

cleans cars. Driver’s license required. Position is 5 days a week,<br />

11:30am-4:30pm. Starting wage: $20p/h depending on experience.<br />

Send resume to Carol Wagner @ yvp@haidagwaii.ca or call<br />

250-637-5688<br />

F\T Financial Service Representative for Daajing<br />

Giids. Minimum Qualifications: Education:<br />

Secondary School Diploma required. Completion of post-secondary<br />

education is an asset. Experience: Previous sales, service, and<br />

financial services experience is preferred. Skills: Demonstrated<br />

sales skills and knowledge of products and services required.<br />

Ability to prioritize, organize work within time constraints and<br />

under pressure. Ability to communicate and liaise professionally<br />

with members, potential customers, community groups and<br />

co-workers while maintaining confidentiality. Working knowledge,<br />

skills, and experience in Microsoft Office. Hourly Rate:<br />

$27.86-$32.05 Apply online: www.northsave.com/AboutUs/<br />

Careers or call Jessie Suroysuroy (250) 628-0354 or email jessiesuroysuroy@northsave.com<br />

Community Service Listings<br />

Alcoholics Anonymous. If you have a drinking<br />

problem we can help. If you live in the north end<br />

of Haida Gwaii call John at 250-626-7557. In-person<br />

meetings are on Wednesdays, at 8 pm in the<br />

Masset Fire Hall soup kitchen. If you live in the<br />

South end, call Lou at 250-559-4568. Meetings are held in the<br />

HlGaagilda Skidegate at the United Church, at 8 pm on Saturday<br />

nights. For more info on how to join a local virtual Zoom<br />

meeting, call John at 250-626-7557. Call John/Lou at (250) 626-<br />

7557 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 47

Haida Gwaii Tide Tables <strong>2024</strong><br />

The tide height in Haida Gwaii varies by up to 24 feet<br />

(more than 7 meters)! The big tides (higher highs and<br />

lower lows) happen every 2 weeks around the full and<br />

new moons. Knowing the tides is important for exploring<br />

tide pools, harvesting intertidal food, fishing, navigation,<br />

and tidal currents. So before you head out, be<br />

sure to check the date, time, and tide height, and adjust<br />

the time for your specific location around Haida Gwaii.<br />

Tides in Haida Gwaii<br />

Compared to predictions for Prince Rupert<br />

K'iis Gwaay<br />

Langara Pt<br />

10 min early<br />

Estimates are unofficial and may vary<br />

significantly from reality<br />

Hl'yaalang Waagusd<br />

North Beach<br />

5 min early<br />

Masset<br />

Gawée Sdaa 20 min late<br />

Alexandra Narrows<br />

Flood starts 0:15 after low<br />

Ebb starts 0:10 after high<br />

Sk'iiluu Kaahlii<br />

Nesto Inlet<br />

10 min early<br />

Skaats'insii<br />

Dawson Hbr<br />

15 min early<br />

Taan Guu<br />

Trounce Inlet<br />

Low 55 min late<br />

High 20 min late<br />

Daa.ulgaay<br />

East Skidegate Narrows<br />

(Floods west)<br />

West Beacon<br />

Flood starts 3:20 – 3:50 after low<br />

Ebb starts 3:00 – 3:30 after high<br />

East Beacon<br />

Flood starts 1:50 – 2:50 after low<br />

Ebb starts 1:30 – 2:30 after high<br />

Juus Kaahlii<br />

Juskatla<br />

Low 5:15 late<br />

High 4:45 late<br />

Designed by:<br />

Stu Crawford<br />

Box 788, Masset, BC<br />

stu.crawford@gmail.com<br />

(250) 626-3868<br />

Crawford<br />

Ecological Consulting<br />

Taa Suu<br />

Hunger Hbr<br />

20 min early<br />

Data from the Canadian Hydrographic Service<br />

Gaw Kaahlii<br />

Masset Sound<br />

Flood starts 2:50 after low<br />

Ebb starts 2:30 after high<br />

Gamadiis<br />

Port Clements<br />

Low 3:05 late<br />

High 2:50 late<br />

Daajing Giids<br />

Queen Charlotte<br />

Low 20 min late<br />

High same as P.R.<br />

Kuuɢahl<br />

McCoy Cove<br />

Low 15 min late<br />

High 5 min late<br />

K'yal Gawɢa<br />

Pacofi<br />

Low 10 min late<br />

High same as P.R.<br />

Gwaay K'aas<br />

Copper Is.<br />

Same as P.R.<br />

Kay Tay Daanaay<br />

Cape St James<br />

Low 10 min early<br />

High 5 min early<br />

Business Financing<br />

Resources & Coaching<br />

Community Economic Development<br />

www.haidagwaiifutures.ca<br />

48 HG

On exhibit through <strong>June</strong> 15, <strong>2024</strong><br />


Haida Gwaii Museum<br />

Gina DaahlGahl Naay<br />

The Trading House<br />

<strong>May</strong> 30th, 7-9pm<br />



for local residents <strong>May</strong> 4th – 31st, <strong>2024</strong><br />

Art . Jewelry . Books . Music . Beauty<br />

Fashion . Home . Toys + so much more!<br />

Shop in-house or online at<br />

haidagwaiimuseumgiftshop.ca<br />

Haida Heritage Centre<br />

Memorabilia<br />

Shop in-house or online at<br />

haidaheritagecentre.com/shop<br />


Check Haida Heritage Centre Facebook page for<br />

schedules + updates<br />

Cultural Tours + Programs<br />

Pricing + bookings available online<br />



250.559.4643 . haidagwaiimuseum.ca<br />

250.559.7885 . haidaheritagecentre.com<br />

Spring Hours<br />

Monday – Saturday 10am – 5pm<br />

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 49

Haida Gwaii Trader Community Calendar<br />

<strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />

Go to www.haidagwaiitrader.com, click on the Calendar tab and post your event, or send your event details to<br />

Jamie McDonald at events.manager@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

All calendar details appear as promoted at the time of printing.<br />

Island Wide & Online<br />

Alcoholics Anonymous If you have a drinking<br />

problem we can help. If you live in the north end<br />

of Haida Gwaii call John at 250-626-7557. In-person<br />

meetings are on Wednesdays, at 8 pm in the<br />

Masset Fire Hall soup kitchen. If you live in the<br />

South end, call Lou at 250-559-4568. Meetings are held in the<br />

HlGaagilda Skidegate at the United Church, at 8 pm on Saturday<br />

nights. For more info on how to join a virtual meeting, call John<br />

at 250-626-7557 or visit aa.org/pages/en_US<br />

VIRL – Tech support with library Manager<br />

Patrick. If you need any tech support, contact your<br />

local VIRL branch and schedule a time to come in<br />

with your device. For info, psiebold@virl.bc.ca or<br />

778-269-4132. Virtual Gardening Series Monthly,<br />

first Monday of the month (except when holiday, then 2 nd Monday)<br />

6:30-8pm / Register for each session separately. <strong>May</strong> 6: Salad<br />

Greens All Year Long. <strong>June</strong> 3: Shade Plants and Shrubs. July 8:<br />

Small Space Design Ideas. Visit virl.bc.ca/learn/skills/gardening/<br />

virtual-gardening to register.<br />

StrongStart – Free drop in and play based program<br />

for parents/caregivers and children ages<br />

0-kindergarten. Massett Mon-Fri 9-12/ Tahayghen Elementary<br />

School / 2151 Tahayghen Dr / For more information contact<br />

Beth Kellar at 250-626-5572 or bkellar@sd50.bc.ca or Facebook:<br />

Tahayghen Strong Start Port Clements Tue, Wed and Thu, 9-12<br />

Multiplex / 36 Cedar Avenue West / For more information contact<br />

Jasmine Beachy at 250-557-4333 or jbeachy@sd50.bc.ca or FB:<br />

PCES StrongStart. Sandspit Mon to Fri, 9-12 / Agnes L Mathers<br />

Elementary School / 406 Copper Bay / For more information<br />

contact Claire Gauthier at 250-637-5454 or cgauthier@sd50.bc.ca<br />

or FB: ALM Strong Start Skidegate Wed-Thu, 9-12 / Sk’aadgaa<br />

Naay Elementary / 500 Skidegate Heights / For more information<br />

contact Winnie Tsai Wilson at 250-559-8889 or wtsai@sd50.bc.ca<br />

or FB Sk’aadgaa Naay Strong Start<br />

Gaw Tlagée / Old Massett & Masset<br />

Tawlang Ga Tlaayds - Open Gym & Haida<br />

Singing Wednesdays, 3-5 pm / Kwiiyaans Hall /<br />

348 Eagle Ave / Join us, families with children 0-6<br />

years old & siblings. Snacks provided. Together<br />

Tuesdays Tuesdays 11-1pm + monthly dinner<br />

6-8pm. Xaad Kil Story Time Thursdays 10am-12. Infant<br />

feeding group 3 rd Tuesday of the month, 11-12:30 pm; Family<br />

Drop-in Fridays, 10 am-12 pm. For more information, contact<br />

Ashley Jacobson, Coordinator at 250-626-3573 or check our FB:<br />

Tawlang Ga Tlaayds.<br />

50 HG<br />

Women’s Drop-In Coffee Time Thursdays<br />

10am-Noon / Wellness House / 2112 Collison Ave. /<br />

Open to all self-identifying women! Healthy snacks<br />

provided. For more information contact Delevina<br />

at 250-626-3911 and Maureen Samuels 250-626-4725 or Carly<br />

250-626-7884 or wellness.coordinator@haidahealth.ca. Rides<br />

provided by Ellis Edgars 250-626-9118. Monday Men’s Group<br />

Second & last Mondays of the month / 5-8pm / Gaw Tlagee Youth<br />

Centre / 150 Raven Ave / All Ages Welcome Dinner and beverages<br />

provided. Bring a friend. Activities: games, skill building,<br />

discussions, connections. For more information contact Brodie<br />

Swanwon at 778-791-8118 or brodie.swanson@haidahealth.ca.<br />

Paddle Making Workshop with Vernon Williams Sundays<br />

<strong>May</strong> 12 & 26 / 11:30am-3:30pm / Mitch Russ’s Shed / 148 Raven<br />

Avenue / Drop in any Sunday and make a paddle. Snacks and<br />

coffee provided. Making Regalias / ‘Poncho Style’ with Joyce<br />

Bennett & Vanessa Bellis Wednesdays until <strong>June</strong> 12 / 5-8pm<br />

Sarah’s Longhouse / 387 Eagle Ave / Light dinner provided. Dates<br />

subject to change. For more information contact Delevina Lawrence<br />

at 250-626-9095 or FB: Niislaa Naay Healing House Society<br />

Kwiiyaans Community Hall Activities Eagle Ave. / Old Masset<br />

/ Bootcamp Tue-Thu, 6-7 am; Youth Centre Program Tue<br />

3-5 pm; Boxing Tue 5:30- 6:30pm; Babies program Wed 3-5 pm;<br />

Elders walking program Fri 10:30-12. For more information<br />

and current updates, contact Tando 250-626-7995 or FB Kwiiyaans<br />

Community Hall<br />

Gaw Tlagee Youth Centre Activities – Haida<br />

Children & Youth Dance Group Wednesdays,<br />

3-4:30 pm. For more info contact Kieran 250-626-<br />

7876.Breakfast program Tue-Wed-Thu / 7:30-<br />

8:30am / All school age kids. Afterschool program<br />

Mon to Fri 3-4:30pm / Ages 7-12. Pre-teen<br />

nights Tue-Wed-Thu / 6-8pm / Ages 11-12. Teen<br />

Nights Fri-Sat 7-10pm / Ages 13-18. For more information<br />

contact Toni-Lynn Davidson at Tonilynn.davidson@haidahealth.<br />

ca or FB Old Masset Youth Program<br />

Masset Market Fridays, 11am – 2pm, year-round.<br />

Community Night Markets Fridays, 6-8 pm,<br />

<strong>May</strong> to August / Across from the HG Co-op, 1575<br />

Main Street in Masset / Locally grown and prepared<br />

foods as well as locally handcrafted items<br />

and more! Delicious hot lunches are a regular feature at the<br />

market. For more info, contact Natalie Affolter at 250-626-9181<br />

or massetmarket@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook and<br />

Instagram: Masset Market

Red Cross Wilderness First Aid <strong>May</strong> 15-20<br />

9am-5pm / location TBD, Masset /Organizations<br />

and individuals can register for this 40 hr course.<br />

Participants learn skills and strategies for providing<br />

extended care overnight to a few days. For<br />

more info on this course, visit the Canadian Red Cross website.<br />

Instructor: Maryann Wettlaufer Cost: 725$. Alternate Fitness<br />

Mon-Wed-Fri / 12-12:45pm / Masset Legion Branch 244 / 2082<br />

Collison Ave / Free modified fitness class for middle-age and<br />

seniors. Instructor: Harold White. No registration required.<br />

Cardio, strength, flexibility and balance exercises. PAL Course<br />

Jun 23 / 9am-5pm / Howard Philips Community Hall / 1590 Cook<br />

St. / Possession and Acquisition Licence is the primary licence<br />

for possession of a firearm and acquisition of ammunition. Cost:<br />

200$ Instructor: Julian Knight. For more information contact<br />

HG Rec at 250-637-1192 or info@hgrec.com or hgrec.com<br />

Harbour Days <strong>May</strong> 18 / Masset - downtown<br />

Main Street / Fun filled day open to all! Food,<br />

activities for all ages, parade, and more! Pancake<br />

Breakfast hosted by local RCMP Detachment,<br />

Fireworks at dusk. For more information contact<br />

Myrna Bell-Wilson at 250-626-7735 or starhousewoman@hotmail.com<br />

or FB: Village of Masset<br />

Lego Club / Wednesdays / 3-4pm / VIRL / 2123<br />

Collison / March 19th For more information contact<br />

Etchi Zaleski at 250-626-3663 or jzaleski@virl.<br />

bc.ca<br />

Harm Reduction Lunch Mon & Fri / 10am-2pm / Wellness<br />

House / 2132 Collison Ave. / For more information contact David<br />

Emerson at 778-361-0769 or david.emerson@haidahealth.ca<br />

Wáan Kύn / Gamadiis Llnagaay Port Clements<br />

Black Powder Shoot @ Port Clements Rod and<br />

Gun Club / <strong>May</strong> 26 / 12-3pm / Juskatla Road, 5 km<br />

out of Port / A true test of grit - bring your black<br />

powder arsenal out to compete and help others learn a thing or<br />

two. Father’s Day .22 Shoot Bring your dad out with his dusty<br />

old .22 and compete with family and friends. For more information<br />

contact Jason Rupke at 250-589-1420, jasonrupke@hotmail.<br />

com, or FB: PortClementsRodandGunClub<br />

Forbes Pharmacy<br />

at the Hospital in Daajing Giids<br />


9 am to 5 pm<br />

Closed for lunch 1-2 pm<br />

250-559-4910 rxdm1005@nbly.ca<br />

www.forbespharmacy.ca<br />

Find us on Facebook!<br />

Storytime Tuesdays / 11:30am-12pm / Multipurpose<br />

Building, Strong Start Room / 36 Cedar Avenue<br />

West / Join Etchi from the Vancouver Island Regional<br />

Library for Storytime! For more information<br />

contact Etchi Zaleski at 250-626-3663 or jzaleski@<br />

virl.bc.ca<br />

Port Clements Community Market Tuesdays 11<br />

am-2 pm / St Mark’s Church / 54 Bayview Dr<br />

Make..Bake.. Craft..Grow..Upcycle. Please join us<br />

for our First Port Clements Community Market.<br />

Markets will be held twice monthly. Handmade<br />

knit and crocheted goods, homemade desserts, locally made<br />

jams and preserves, hand crafted jewelry, locally made arts and<br />

crafts, new and gently used items. Free coffee and hot chocolate.<br />

Cash, debit, credit cards and e-transfers accepted. Table rentals<br />

15$ each. For more information contact Betty Stewart at 250-922-<br />

5467 or pcvcc@portclements.ca or FB: Port Clements Community<br />

Market<br />

Gardening workshop <strong>May</strong> 25 (1), <strong>June</strong> 8 (2) & <strong>June</strong> 29 (3)<br />

10am-3pm / Nutrimentum Wellness / 66002 Hwy 16 / (1) We’ll<br />

discuss how to care for and protect your delicate seedlings and<br />

send you home with lots of confidence that your garden will<br />

grow. (2) Learn how to create compost to nurture your soil<br />

and its microbiome (3) Watering, weeding, fertilizing – what<br />

is required in your garden? Space is limited, so please register<br />

early. $50 per workshop, (plus cost of supplies, depending on<br />

the workshop). For more information contact Jennifer Pigeon at<br />

250-626-7478 or jennifer@nutrimentumwellness.com or nutrimentumwellness.com<br />

Daajing Giids<br />

VIRL Daajing Giids Events 138 Bay Street.<br />

Knitters Social Thursdays, <strong>May</strong> 2 & 30 th ; <strong>June</strong> 6,<br />

13 & 27 th . Movie night: Swimming with Sea<br />

Men <strong>May</strong> 23 / 6:30-8pm / An all-male, middle<br />

aged amateur synchronized swim team gets<br />

ready to participate in the international competition. A Full<br />

Monty in swim trunks (sort of….). Movie night: Taming the<br />

Garden Jun 20 / 6:30pm-8pm / A powerful & anonymous man<br />

buys century-old trees from communities along the Georgian<br />

coast and has them excavated for his private collection. The film<br />

delves into its effects on the landscape and the people. For more<br />

information contact Michelle Scott at 250-559-4518 or dg1@virl.<br />

bc.ca or virl.bc.ca<br />

Earth Temple Activities & Events 403 Oceanview<br />

Drive. The Groove - Monthly Ecstatic<br />

Dance Party Every 2nd Friday of the month<br />

8-9:30pm / A safe space for freedom of movement.<br />

All ages; suggested donation $10. For more<br />

information contact Jessiquita at 250-617-5013 or<br />

jessiquitamadrid@gmail.com. Tarot Club / Before the Groove<br />

5:30 – 7:30 pm / By donation. Yoga Inspired Fitness with<br />

Shelley Tuesdays until <strong>May</strong> 28 / 6-7 / Shelley’s fitness classes are<br />

inspired by yoga poses along with pilates and strength training<br />

exercises. Yoga with Lance Mondays / 6-7pm / Tai Chi<br />

inspired exercise Wednesdays / 12-1pm / Hatha Yoga with<br />

Meghan Thursdays / 5:30 – 6:45 pm. Register on hgrec.com. For<br />

more information on all programs contact Karen at 250-637-1918<br />

or kswalhout@gmail.com or earth-temple.square.site<br />

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 51

Daajing Giids - cont.<br />

Family Connection Drop In Monthly, 2nd Thursday<br />

/ 10am-12 / Island Wellness Society Lounge<br />

204 Oceanview / Peer-to-peer support and connection<br />

group for folks who are expecting, or have had<br />

a baby in the past year. Join us for some delicious<br />

snacks and good company! Feel free to bring your baby and/or<br />

partner. Drop in Playgroup Fridays / 9-11am / This playgroup<br />

is available for littles age 0-5years old. Parents must be in attendance.<br />

Baby Steps Last Monday of the month: 5:30-7 pm<br />

A monthly meeting for expecting parents or folks with littles 0-1.<br />

Dinner provided. Attendance via Zoom available. Text your rsvp<br />

to Jenna 250-889-3057. For more information contact 250-559-<br />

4711 or ccrrfamilyresource@islandswellnesssociety.com or FB:<br />

Haida Gwaii Child Care Resource and Referral Program<br />

Wellness Wednesdays / 11:30 am-2 pm / Firehall<br />

202, 2nd ave / Join us every Wednesday for a free<br />

lunch and optional sharing circle led by a mental<br />

health professional. For more information contact<br />

Jason Rupke at 250-559-4981 or jason.rupke@<br />

northernhealth.ca<br />

Breastfeeding group <strong>May</strong> 18 / 11-12:30 pm<br />

Child Centre / 134 Bay Street / This peer support<br />

group is for parents who are currently providing<br />

human milk to their little ones, as well as expecting parents<br />

thinking of human milk feeding, and elders and community care<br />

providers with lived human milk feeding experience. For more<br />

information contact Emma at 250-626-7688 or emma.mt@lllc.ca<br />

or FB: LLLC -La Leche League Haida Gwaii or www.lllc.ca<br />

Sunday Church and Worship Service Sundays / 10am-12pm<br />

Bethel Assembly Church / 222 Oceanview Drive / We are a friendly<br />

and welcoming family fellowship Christian Church (affiliated<br />

with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) where everybody<br />

(including children) is welcome. Sunday services commence at<br />

10am followed by fellowship. Free Lunch Tuesdays / 11:30am-2<br />

pm. For more information, please check our website: bethelassembly.ca<br />

For more information contact Bill and Heather at 604-<br />

989-2364 or bbeamish1@hotmail.com or bethelassembly.ca<br />

@ GidGalang Kuuyas Naay Secondary School<br />

Gymnasium / 801 Oceanview / Drop in Volleyball<br />

Tuesdays until <strong>June</strong> 4 / 7-9 pm / Ages 13+. Drop in<br />

Futsal/Indoor Soccer Thursdays until <strong>June</strong> 6<br />

8-10 pm /Ages 16+ Drop in Racquet Sports Wed<br />

6-8 pm / Come out and play table tennis, pickleball or badmington.<br />

Ages 13+, free. CORE exam only <strong>June</strong> 17 / 6-8 pm / in<br />

Lunch room; Possession and acquisition (PAL) Course <strong>June</strong><br />

16 / 9 am to 5 pm / 200$ @ DG Community Hall; For more information,<br />

contact a representative at 250-637-1192 or info@hgrec.<br />

com or hgrec.com<br />

Taoist Tai Chi® Saturdays / 10am-12pm / Wednesdays 6-8 pm<br />

Daajing Giids Community Hall / 134 Bay Street / Strength, Flexibility,<br />

Stillness For more information contact Beatie at 250-631-<br />

9160 or haidagwaii@taoist.org or www.taoist.org<br />


Community Market in Daajing Giids Saturdays<br />

11am-2pm / kiosks by the DG ball field / Oceanview<br />

drive / Maude Island Farm’s certified organic<br />

produce, Grandma Betty’s artisan jams & jellies,<br />

Dangles jewelry, locally-designed & printed souvenir mugs, coffee<br />

and more. Mary’s homemade goodies and hand-knit toques,<br />

socks & gloves. St. Mary’s Spring Estate Farm’s freshly-baked<br />

sourdough bread, sauerkraut, kombucha, fresh farm produce<br />

and eggs. Kiss and Tlell smokies. Marina’s egg rolls. Lama’s tasty<br />

cuisine, including shawarma & falafel... and more! Vendors welcome<br />

(full season or drop in fees). For more information contact<br />

Community Club at 250-559-8122 or 250-634-0767 or dg.communityhall@gmail.com<br />

or Facebook: The Community Market in<br />

Daajing Giids on Haida Gwaii<br />

Hospital Day Jun 22 / All day / Daajing Giids Community Hall<br />

134 Bay Street / Join us for another Hospital Day celebration!<br />

Theme: Living by the Sea. Parade lines up at 10am, begins at<br />

10:30am; Booths open at 11am; Games, events, and Hospital Day<br />

Dance to end the evening! Stay tuned for more details. For more<br />

information or to volunteer, contact Alissa MacMullin alissamacmullin@gmail.com<br />

K’il Kun Sandspit<br />

VIRL - Craft Night Thursdays / 5-7pm / Vancouver<br />

Island Regional Library / Seabreeze Plaza,<br />

Beach Rd / Bring your own craft (knitting, crochet,<br />

painting, etc.) or use the library’s embroidery or<br />

collaging supplies. All ages welcome. Garden<br />

Gatherings Fridays in <strong>May</strong> / 11am to 12pm / Drop-in event for<br />

adult gardeners of all skill levels to meet and share knowledge.<br />

Lego Club weekly – new day/time to be announced / Drop in<br />

afterschool program for kids. For more information Kelsey (250)<br />

637-2247 or sp1@virl.bc.ca or virl.bc.ca/branches/sandspit<br />

Taoist Tai Chi® Sundays / 6-7:30pm / Sandspit Community<br />

Hall / 411 Alliford Bay / Strength, Flexibility, Stillness. For more<br />

information contact Remi 250-637-5729 or haidagwaii@taoist.<br />

org or taoist.org<br />

Emergency First Aid <strong>May</strong> 27 / 9am to 5pm<br />

Queen Charlotte Safaris / 535 Beach Rd / 1 day<br />

emergency first aid course. Instructor: Meredith Adams.<br />

Cost: 160$ For more information contact HG<br />

Rec at 250-637-1192 or info@hgrec.com or hgrec.<br />

com<br />

Moresby Market Sundays starting Jun 2 / 11am-<br />

1pm / ALM School - near the pergola / 406 Copper<br />

Bay / At this cozy, community market you’ll find<br />

pottery, baking, handmade soaps, local dried<br />

mushrooms, sewing, fresh produce, photography<br />

and more. Shop with the locals at this small but<br />

mighty market! To book a table, our drop-in table fee is $10 for<br />

adults and $5 for kids. An annual vendor membership is $50 for<br />

adults and $25 for kids. For more information contact Kelsey<br />

Kricheldorf at moresbymarket@gmail.com or Facebook: Moresby<br />

Market<br />

250-557-2088 / info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

52 HG

HlGaagilda Skidegate<br />

All Islands’ Art Show (AIAS) – Artist Lecture<br />

<strong>May</strong> 10 / 7-8 pm / Haida Heritage Centre – Classroom<br />

1 / 2 2nd beach road / Come meet the <strong>2024</strong><br />

AIAS adjudicator, Kit Bell, and learn more about<br />

her art. Free! Art Show <strong>May</strong> 3 – <strong>June</strong> 28 / Haida Gwaii Museum<br />

(HGM) - Ocean Gallery / Museum opening hours / Free for<br />

locals all of <strong>May</strong>! Essence – Literary Event (Reading and<br />

posting of words received) <strong>May</strong> 30 / 7-9 pm / HGM - Ocean<br />

Gallery / Let the art from the AIAS inspire your words – 5 to 500<br />

words – send them to gooseeyes@gmail.com with your name,<br />

contact info and who/what inspired you by <strong>May</strong> 26 th . For more<br />

information contact Jamie Mcdonald at 514-238-7953 or allislandartshow@gmail.com<br />

or FB: All Islands’ Art Show<br />

Strengthening Families Together <strong>May</strong> 21 & 28<br />

5-7:30pm / Little Green Building Beside the Small<br />

Hall / 159 Front Street / Looking for tools to help<br />

you support a loved one with mental illness? You<br />

are not alone. Come to our get togethers to get reliable<br />

information about mental illness, diagnosis and treatment<br />

options; effective coping and communication skills, problem<br />

solving, managing your role, tools to help navigate the mental<br />

health system, local supports and resources. Light Meal Provided.<br />

Free Safe Welcoming space. Sessions for friends, family<br />

caregivers. For more information contact Shelley Braun at 250-<br />

600-0215 or haidagwaii@bcss.org<br />

Caturday Night Fever Sat, <strong>June</strong> 1 / 9:30pm-2am / Small Hall<br />

Front Street / Caturday Night Fever, the annual Gwaii Animal<br />

Helpline fundraiser Disco dance party. 100% of proceeds going to<br />

the Gwaii Animal Helpline. Cost: 20$ at the door, 5$ drinks, no<br />

minors allowed, designated drivers will be available on site. For<br />

more information contact Erica Rae Reid at Ericaraereid@gmail.<br />

com or FB: Haida Gwaii Communities - Nearly Everything and<br />

Anything Island Related.<br />

Guided beach walk Jun 6 @ 8:30am; Jun 7 @<br />

9am; Jun 8 @ 9:45am/ Jun 24 @ 10:15 am/ Jun 25<br />

@ 11am / Beach in front of the Haida Heritage Centre<br />

/ 60 Second Beach Rd / Our huge tides provide<br />

great opportunities to explore the intertidal zone and some of<br />

the strange and beautiful animals that make their home there.<br />

Meet on the beach in front of the Haida Heritage Centre. Rubber<br />

boots or other waterproof footwear highly recommended. Approximately<br />

90 minutes, dogs not permitted (except for service<br />

animals). Guided Spirit Lake Trail Hike Fridays starting Jun<br />

7 / 2-3:30 or 4pm / Spirit Lake Trail / Hwy 16 / Come and explore<br />

the sights, sounds, and smells of a temperate rainforest. Learn<br />

how the Haida use and depend upon these forests; while walking<br />

to tranquil Spirit Lake, a place of story and enchantment. Meet<br />

at the Spirit Lake Trailhead across the highway from the George<br />

Brown Recreation Centre in HlG̱ aagilda Skidegate. Wear appropriate<br />

footwear and clothing for hiking. For more information<br />

contact Meighan Wilson at meighan.wilson@pc.gc.ca or parks.<br />

canada.ca/pn-np/bc/gwaiihaanas/activ/decouvertes-tours/interp<br />


Check out our Facebook<br />

& Instagram<br />

pages for up to<br />

date info or call<br />

250-626-7939<br />

theaxeandanchor<br />

pub@gmail.com<br />

events.manager@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Waterfront pub with<br />

spectacular views and sunsets!<br />

Casual & Fine Dining • Full Bar with Beer on Tap<br />

Live Entertainment • Sports & Themed Events<br />

Daily Drink Specials • Happy Hour Every Day 3pm-5pm<br />

Take-out • Off Sales • Lotto & ATM Machine<br />

Shuttle Bus • Wheelchair Accessible<br />

Located at 117<br />

Bayview Drive,<br />

Port Clements<br />

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 53

HlGaagilda Skidegate - cont.<br />

@ George Brown Rec Centre / Hwy 16 / Circuit<br />

Training Mon & Wed / 5:30-6:30pm / Everyone<br />

Welcome! Haida Gwaii Elders Gathering Tue<br />

& Thu / 1-3pm / Come out and join The Skidegate<br />

Health Centre’s Elder Wellness Coordinator, Jessica<br />

Fairweather for afternoons of movement, story<br />

sharing, art creation and socializing! Everyone ages<br />

55+ welcome. For more information contact Jessica Fairweather<br />

at 250-559-4610 or jessica.fairweather@haidiawellness.org or FB:<br />

Skidegate Health Centre<br />

Dorothy Grant | Raven Comes Full Circle Jul 6<br />

7-9:30pm / Haida Gwaii Museum at Kay Llnagaay<br />

#2 Second Beach Road / Save the date for exhibition opening. For<br />

more information contact Cherie Wilson at 250-559-4643 or adminassistant@haidagwaiimuseum.ca<br />

or haidagwaiimuseum.ca<br />

Tll.aal / Tlell<br />

Tll.aal Tlell Farmers’ Market Sundays starting<br />

<strong>May</strong> 5 / 11am-2pm / Look for the giant carrot<br />

in Tlell, by the Fire Hall / Hwy 16 / Haida art and<br />

clothing, BBQ lunch, baked goods, jams & jellies,<br />

handmade aprons, fudge and candies, local artisans, coffee,<br />

souvenir mugs, vegetables, lemonades & ice pops in season. New<br />

vendors welcome! For more information contact Marylynn Hunt<br />

at 250-559-8282 or stmarysspring@gmail.com or Facebook: Tlell<br />

Farmers Market<br />

Taoist Tai Chi® Wednesdays / 10am-noon / Tlell Firehall / 36542<br />

Hwy 16 / Strength, Flexibility, Stillness. For more information<br />

contact Charlie at 250 559 8252 or haidagwaii@taoist.org or<br />

taoist.org<br />

Duck Race <strong>May</strong> 19 / 4-6pm / Tlell River / Hgy 16 / Join the big<br />

race! Tickets: 10$ 1200 Ducks to be sold Proceeds to the Grade<br />

6-7 class of Sk’aadgaa Naay Elementary towards their trip to<br />

T’aalang Stl’ang Rediscovery Camp, <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong>. Concession will<br />

be available down by the Haida House. Hot dogs, burgers, goodies<br />

and candy bags. Grand prize - 2000$, 2nd prize - 500$, Other<br />

prizes to be won on site! For more information contact Dave<br />

Wahl or Janine Wilson at 250-559-8889 or jwilson@sd50.bc.ca<br />

Your Communities, Your Councils<br />

Village of Port Clements Regular Council<br />

Meetings: 3 rd Monday of the month; Committee<br />

of the Whole meetings: Once a month, dates TBA<br />

6-7:30pm / 36 Cedar Avenue West / Regular Council<br />

meetings. For more information (250) 557-4295 or office@portclements.ca<br />

or portclements.ca<br />

Daajing Giids 1st and 3rd Monday of the month<br />

7pm / 903 A Oceanview Drive / Regular Council<br />

Meetings. For more information (250) 559-4765 or office@<br />

queencharlotte.ca, queencharlotte.ca<br />

Masset 2nd and 4th Monday of each month / 7pm<br />

1686 Main Street / Regular Council Meetings. For<br />

more information (250) 626-3995 or vomadmin@<br />

mhtv.ca or massetbc.com<br />


By following these Haida Gwaii Trader-inspired tips, you<br />

can create compelling classified ads that quickly attract<br />

potential buyers and lead to successful sales!<br />

Puzzle Page<br />

Answer Key<br />

• Clarity is Key: Keep your ad description clear and<br />

concise, focusing on key features and benefits.<br />

• Capture Quality Images: Take high-quality photos<br />

from various angles to showcase your item's<br />

condition accurately.<br />

• Be Honest and Transparent: Include any flaws in<br />

your item to build trust with buyers.<br />

• Engage with Buyers: Use friendly language and<br />

respond to inquiries quickly to foster positive<br />

interactions.<br />

54 HG

<strong>May</strong> / <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 55

REVIEW<br />


Haida Gwaii Licensees are seeking comments from the public on<br />

proposed operations for all tenures across Haida Gwaii.<br />

In accordance with Section 15 of the Forest and Range Practices<br />

Amendment Act, we are requesting your comments on proposed<br />

developments for <strong>2024</strong>/2025/2026.<br />

The Forest Operations Map is available for review and comment at:<br />

• Forest Operations Map website Forest Operations Map (gov.bc.ca)<br />

fom.nrs.gov.bc.ca/public/projects<br />

• Ministry of Forest Office - 1229 Oceanview Drive, Daajing Giids<br />

(computer access to review / comment via Forest Operations Map portal)<br />

taanforest.com<br />

Office review available at<br />

Unit #3 Commercial Centre Highway<br />

16 HlGaagilda Skidegate B.C.<br />

Office hours:<br />

Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm<br />

Comments to:<br />

Taan Forest<br />

Unit 3 Commercial Center Box 848<br />

HlGaagilda Skidegate, B.C. V0T lSl<br />

Email:<br />

FOM@Taanforest.com<br />

aatrading.com<br />

Office review available<br />

upon request at:<br />

453 Beach Road<br />

K’il Kun Sandspit, B.C.<br />

Comments to:<br />

A&A Trading (Haida Gwaii) Ltd.<br />

207-1100 Island Hwy<br />

Campbell River, B.C. V9W 8C6<br />

Email:<br />

FOM@aatrading.com<br />

husbyforestproducts.com<br />

Office review available at:<br />

6425 River Road Delta B.C.<br />

Office hours:<br />

Monday - Friday: 8am-4pm<br />

Comments to:<br />

Husby Forest Products<br />

6425 River Road<br />

Delta, B.C .V4K 5B9<br />

Email:<br />


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