Bourgie Hall: Music at Heart

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<strong>Music</strong> At <strong>Heart</strong><br />

25<br />

The facade of the church was completely restored. Damaged stones were<br />

replaced, and a new entrance was built in front. Inside, the basement was<br />

excav<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong> ground level to give it more space and make it a real foyer connected<br />

to the underground gallery, while the choir was redesigned for staging purposes.<br />

The original church pews in the orchestra level were removed and replaced<br />

with movable chairs designed by Michel Dallaire, to ensure the vers<strong>at</strong>ility of the<br />

new se<strong>at</strong>ing arrangements. The pews in the balcony level, once restored, were<br />

retained.<br />

To prepare <strong>Bourgie</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> for its musical voc<strong>at</strong>ion, permanent sound and lighting<br />

install<strong>at</strong>ions were added. Go Multimedia (stage and electronics) and Legault<br />

& Davidson (acoustics consultants) provided <strong>Bourgie</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> with professional<br />

equipment to meet the high standards of today’s st<strong>at</strong>e-of-the-art venues. The<br />

cherry wood acoustic shell, the wood floors, the addition of sound-absorbing<br />

m<strong>at</strong>erial on the rear walls and the acoustic reflectors in the centre of the ceiling<br />

all enhance the sound qualities of the hall and maximize its intrinsic qualities.<br />

Although the<br />

acoustics of the<br />

church have always<br />

been excellent,<br />

these improvements<br />

have ensured th<strong>at</strong><br />

the sound remains<br />

optimal whether the<br />

audience is se<strong>at</strong>ed<br />

in the orchestra or<br />

the balcony levels.<br />

Construction of the Claire and Marc <strong>Bourgie</strong><br />

Pavilion of Quebec and Canadian Art of the<br />

MMFA and restor<strong>at</strong>ion of the Erskine and<br />

American Church, now <strong>Bourgie</strong> <strong>Hall</strong><br />

Photo: Bernard Fougères

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