(in)Justice Now Final 022524

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(in)Justice Now is, quite literally, the music of my dreams. In the tumultuous summer of 2020, during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic and the summer of racial reckoning following the murder of George Floyd, my restless dreams were haunted by a yearning melody. As over 11,000 anti-AAPI (Asian American, Pacific Islander) hate incidents were reported nationwide, this same melody in my soul, like an urgent call, rose to a fever pitch along with worldwide cries for racial justice. For a brief moment in United States history, it seemed that a racially just society was not only achievable, but imminent. Four years later, it is difficult to say much has changed – yet still the yearning call for justice remains. This piece is my meditation on the tension between pain, indignation, and hope, accentuating the fierce urgency of forging a world free from fear and discrimination. Now is the time to act. Now is the time to make justice real. This piece is dedicated to George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Vicha Ratanapakdee, John Cheng, the eight victims of the Atlanta spa shootings, and countless other victims killed or harmed by hate crimes and systemic racism. "We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice." – Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. — !omas B. Yee Flute I-II Piccolo Oboe Clarinet in B-flat I-II-III Bass Clarinet Bassoon Contrabassoon Alto Saxophone I-II Tenor Saxophone Baritone Saxophone Trumpet in B-flat I-II-III Horn in F I-II-III-IV (Horn I Solo) Trombone I-II-III Bass Trombone Euphonium Tuba Timpani Percussion I-II-III-IV-V Perc. I: Snare Drum, Ride Cymbal, Triangle, Tam-tam (large, shared) Perc. 2: Bass Drum, Glockenspiel (shared), Tam-tam (large, shared), Hi-Hat Perc. 3: Crotales (2 octaves), Sizzle Cymbal, Concert Toms, Temple Blocks, Glockenspiel (shared) Perc. 4: Vibraphone, Brake Drum, Tambourine, Suspended Cymbal Perc. 5: Chimes, Suspended Cymbal, Marimba (5 octave)

Transposed Score Thomas B. Yee (1992) 1 3 q Flute I-II & Piccolo & Oboe & Clarinet in Bb I & Œ stagger breathe repeat, do not sync œ æ œ œ æ œ : : Clarinet in Bb II & Œ n stagger breathe repeat, do not sync œ œ æ œ œ æ : : Clarinet in Bb III Bass Clarinet & & n stagger breathe w/Bsn. repeat, do not sync w/Bsn. œæ œ œæ œ n Bassoon ? stagger breathe w/B. Cl. repeat, do not sync w/B. Cl. œ œ æ œ œ æ : : Contrabassoon ? n W n Alto Saxophone I & Alto Saxophone II & Tenor Saxophone & Baritone Sax & Trumpet in Bb I-II & Trumpet in Bb III & Horn in F I-II & yearning, beckoning solo œ p ˙. bw F w œ ‰ p Horn in F III-IV & Trombone I-II ? Trombone III Bass Trombone ? Euphonium ? Tuba Timpani Percussion I ? & ã #œ f Crotale on largest Timpani bowed Triangle W æ ƒ Ped. sim. until sound fades œ ‰ p L.V. Percussion II Percussion III Percussion IV Percussion V & & & & bœ œ bœ œ # œ œ bœ œ bœ ƒ bœ Glockenspiel as fast as possible; do not sync Crotales ƒ œ ƒ œ œ Chimes 5 œ ##œ # œ ≈ œ œ # œ œ 3 œ # œ ≈ œ nœ # # œ œ œ b œ ‰ ƒ as fast as possible; do not sync Vibraphone as fast as possible; do not sync as fast as possible; do not sync 3 # œ œ bœ bœ 3 œ œ 3 œ 5 œ # œ F œ bœ F for the University of Texas at San Antonio Symphonic Band œ F #œ F L.V. L.V. L.V. L.V.

(<strong>in</strong>)<strong>Justice</strong> <strong>Now</strong> is, quite literally, the music of my dreams. In the tumultuous<br />

summer of 2020, dur<strong>in</strong>g the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic and the<br />

summer of racial reckon<strong>in</strong>g follow<strong>in</strong>g the murder of George Floyd, my restless<br />

dreams were haunted by a yearn<strong>in</strong>g melody. As over 11,000 anti-AAPI (Asian<br />

American, Pacific Islander) hate <strong>in</strong>cidents were reported nationwide, this same<br />

melody <strong>in</strong> my soul, like an urgent call, rose to a fever pitch along with<br />

worldwide cries for racial justice. For a brief moment <strong>in</strong> United States history, it<br />

seemed that a racially just society was not only achievable, but imm<strong>in</strong>ent.<br />

Four years later, it is difficult to say much has changed – yet still the yearn<strong>in</strong>g call<br />

for justice rema<strong>in</strong>s. This piece is my meditation on the tension between pa<strong>in</strong>,<br />

<strong>in</strong>dignation, and hope, accentuat<strong>in</strong>g the fierce urgency of forg<strong>in</strong>g a world free from<br />

fear and discrim<strong>in</strong>ation. <strong>Now</strong> is the time to act. <strong>Now</strong> is the time to make justice real.<br />

This piece is dedicated to George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Vicha<br />

Ratanapakdee, John Cheng, the eight victims of the Atlanta spa shoot<strong>in</strong>gs, and<br />

countless other victims killed or harmed by hate crimes and systemic racism.<br />

"We have also come to this hallowed spot to rem<strong>in</strong>d America of the fierce<br />

urgency of now. This is no time to engage <strong>in</strong> the luxury of cool<strong>in</strong>g off or to take the<br />

tranquiliz<strong>in</strong>g drug of gradualism. <strong>Now</strong> is the time to make real the promises of<br />

democracy. <strong>Now</strong> is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of<br />

segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice." – Rev. Dr. Mart<strong>in</strong> Luther K<strong>in</strong>g, Jr.<br />

<br />

— !omas B. Yee<br />

<br />

Flute I-II<br />

Piccolo<br />

Oboe<br />

Clar<strong>in</strong>et <strong>in</strong> B-flat I-II-III<br />

Bass Clar<strong>in</strong>et<br />

Bassoon<br />

Contrabassoon<br />

Alto Saxophone I-II<br />

Tenor Saxophone<br />

Baritone Saxophone<br />

Trumpet <strong>in</strong> B-flat I-II-III<br />

Horn <strong>in</strong> F I-II-III-IV (Horn I Solo)<br />

Trombone I-II-III<br />

Bass Trombone<br />

Euphonium<br />

Tuba<br />

Timpani<br />

Percussion I-II-III-IV-V<br />

Perc. I: Snare Drum, Ride Cymbal, Triangle, Tam-tam (large, shared)<br />

Perc. 2: Bass Drum, Glockenspiel (shared), Tam-tam (large, shared), Hi-Hat<br />

Perc. 3: Crotales (2 octaves), Sizzle Cymbal, Concert Toms, Temple Blocks, Glockenspiel (shared)<br />

Perc. 4: Vibraphone, Brake Drum, Tambour<strong>in</strong>e, Suspended Cymbal<br />

Perc. 5: Chimes, Suspended Cymbal, Marimba (5 octave)

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