Newsletter 24.05
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LUDGVAN SCHOOL NEWSLETTER <strong>24.05</strong>.24<br />
NEWSLETTER<strong>24.05</strong>.24<br />
LUDGVAN SCHOOL NEWSLETTER <strong>24.05</strong>.24
A word from the Principal...<br />
Dear families,<br />
It’s hard to believe, but we are already at half term and rapidly approaching the end of<br />
the year. We appreciate that as we reach this point, there is naturally a desire to find<br />
out which classes your children will be in and who their teacher will be. Shortly after<br />
half term, we will share this information with you, but feel it is important that staffing<br />
is finalised and confirmed before we do this to avoid any confusion. Once you and your<br />
children are aware of staffing plans we will hold transition sessions to ensure pupils and<br />
staff are well prepared for the beginning of the next school year.<br />
Many of our children have continued to be active on the sporting front in recent weeks<br />
with our swimmers and footballers proving particularly successful. It’s great to see our<br />
school competing with much larger settings from across the county and is testament to<br />
their determination and teamwork, well done all.<br />
Shortly after half term, we be holding one of the major events of the year, the summer<br />
performance. This year, the children will be recreating Moana and huge amounts of<br />
time and effort have gone into making this a wonderful spectacle. Please buy yourself a<br />
ticket, even if your child isn’t performing – it’s sure to be a fantastic show!<br />
Finally, just a few reminders to help the morning drop off a little safer and easier for<br />
everyone:<br />
- Please park considerately. There should be no parking or waiting on the double<br />
yellow lines, zig-zags or in the school driveway. This will make it far safer for everyone.<br />
There is parking available at the Community Centre and it only takes 1 minute to walk<br />
from there to the school grounds along the community path.<br />
- Children should not be on site before 0845. Staff are not available to supervise,<br />
so it is important that children enter the site at 0845 and can go straight into their<br />
classrooms. There should be no football or games on the playground before children<br />
come into school.<br />
Kind regards,<br />
Adam Anderson<br />
What’s Useful information...<br />
been going on...<br />
Term Dates 23/24<br />
19 July - end of Summer Term<br />
EYFS & KS1 collection at 1pm<br />
Y3 & Y4 collection at 1.10pm<br />
Y5 & Y6 collection at 1.20pm<br />
3 June - return from half term<br />
Diary Dates<br />
11-13 June - Moana Performance evenings<br />
17 June 2024 - Inset Day<br />
1 July - Sports Day<br />
17 July - Leavers’ Assembly<br />
5 September 2024 - start of Autumn Term<br />
Parking<br />
Please remember to park safely and considerately at both ends of the school day and<br />
use the Community Centre path whenever possible. Thank you for continued support.<br />
School Lunches<br />
Please ensure your child’s lunch option is booked online every day, including packed<br />
lunches. This can be done in advance for the rest of the term if preferred, but the<br />
daily deadline for bookings and amendments is midnight the night before.
Sports...<br />
SPORTS<br />
Wow! What an amazing half term of sport we have had!<br />
Our children have taken part in Girls football matches, swimming galas, hockey<br />
matches, many, many boys football tournaments with some amazing results. There<br />
have been Quadkid athletics events, tennis tournaments, dance lessons taught by<br />
MBA and our very own Mrs Brooks, balance bike session for EYFS and even yoga<br />
before SAT’s to relax and calm the minds of our Year 6 children. These have all been<br />
in addition our PE lessons and to our amazing clubs offer, how lucky are our children!<br />
They have all done a fantastic job at all of these events and have done us and<br />
themselves very proud! They are always keen to take part in sporting events and this<br />
is so good for their overall wellness into adolescence and later in life.<br />
The best bit…there’s still lots more to come!<br />
Well done also to all the parents who have had to keep up with all of these events<br />
(and messages from me!) and ensured their children were ready to do their best.<br />
A great team effort from beginning to end!
Farm Club...<br />
It’s been a long time since we’ve posted about the Farm in the newsletter.<br />
So much has happened since!<br />
We said goodbye to Cookie the pony who went to a new home in the company of other<br />
horses and ponies, including multiple Shetlands. Our pigs made their way to Vivian Olds<br />
Butchers after which we had a very successful pork sale. Thank you to everyone who got<br />
involved and we hope it tasted nice! We’ve had lots of positive feedback from customers.<br />
We’re currently having a break from the pigs to allow the ground to recover before looking at<br />
getting more piglets closer to Christmas.<br />
Over the Easter holidays we had our first successful lambing season, welcoming Edith, Enid,<br />
Elton and Ethel to the farm. It wasn’t quite plain sailing - we were able to deliver 3 healthy<br />
lambs, with Ethel arriving from another farm to replace one that was sadly still born.<br />
Thankfully Clarissa eventually adopted her and has been raising her well.<br />
After a break, we welcomed ducks back to the farm. 5 ducklings hatched in our school<br />
incubator and are currently doing well. They’ve just moved to a temporary outside pen<br />
until they are strong enough to live outside properly. The ducklings have been well handled<br />
throughout the school which will hopefully allow our children more interaction with them once<br />
they are fully grown. Our previous ducks preferred to keep well clear of the children!<br />
Over the past few weeks our children have been out and about to various farms and<br />
farming events to learn more about farming, beyond the level we can provide on our school<br />
farm. Year 1 and Farm Club have been to Cornhill Farm, learning all about poultry and pig<br />
farming from Farmer Pete. Year 2 visited Tregullas Farm to learn more about the sheep<br />
farming. Year 3 visited Trink to learn more about dairy farming. Farm Club made their way to<br />
the Devon County Show - despite the rather wet conditions, a great day was had exploring<br />
the different elements of farming.
Outdoor Learning...<br />
So much has been happening in Outdoor Learning across the school. The brighter weather<br />
has enabled us to make the most of our Outdoor Spaces. Orienteering and map skills has<br />
been a big focus for all classes. From learning about compass headings, becoming familiar<br />
with the different features on maps to planning the most efficient routes to win at<br />
orienteering competitions, all children have shown excellent progress and enjoyment. The<br />
children certainly take the competition element very seriously and are determined to develop<br />
their map skills to become faster and more efficient.<br />
Building and crafts has been a big part of Forest School sessions across the school,<br />
particularly using clay. A massive range of clay sculptures has been created. The children<br />
have been very creative!<br />
Year 6 have been busy building their own bird houses. The project began with designing what<br />
their final product will look like. They were given pre-cut wood sections of the house to put<br />
together with hammers and nails. They quickly learnt how important it is to get the technique<br />
right when using nails to ensure the nails went in straight and didn’t end up sticking out at<br />
the sides or that the nails bent when hammering them in. Removing the numerous bent nails<br />
was certainly a challenge! The painting aspect proved trickier than first thought. The children<br />
found their original designs changing as they went, especially when mixing the exact shade of<br />
paint was needed multiple times. We were really proud with how well the children worked and<br />
how great their final products turned out.
Broad and Balanced...<br />
EYFS<br />
This half term we have been focusing on ‘Around the world’. We have looked at where animals<br />
live, what we would need to travel to a different county and even how to send a postcard. We<br />
had a chance to meet some new additions to Ludgvan school and it is safe to say the children<br />
were smitten with the baby chicks.<br />
In maths the children have been looking at subitising, the children have been working really<br />
hard to secure their numbers up to 5, they have also been looking at using different materials<br />
to create repeating patterns.<br />
We have had a big push on mindfulness this half term, having the opportunity to take part in<br />
yoga, draw to music and different types of breathing exercises. We hope this will encourage<br />
the children to use these techniques in everyday life.<br />
This week we received a letter from a friend asking for some help - we searched the classroom<br />
and looked for clues to tell us who needed our help the children figured out ‘The Gingerbread<br />
Man’ needed our help, we set some traps to catch him, created ‘wanted’ posters to<br />
stick up around the classroom and even found some gingerbread crumbs - we are yet to find<br />
‘The Gingerbread Man’, our investigation continues!<br />
I am so proud of you all, well done Rainbow class!!
Broad and Balanced...<br />
Year 1<br />
This half term Year 1 is learning about ‘how can we stay healthy’. We have learnt about our<br />
physical and mental health. Every week all the children spend some time completing yoga<br />
and tai chi exercises. They have learnt several new breathing strategies to help them stay<br />
calm and focused! We have been focused on mindfulness and what activities can support this.<br />
Science is all about growing this term. The children were very excited to plant their sunflower<br />
seeds. We are looking forward to seeing how well they are growing at home. They have learnt<br />
about evergreen and deciduous trees. The children explored the school grounds trying to<br />
identify the various types of trees.<br />
We went on a wildflower walk around the community centre field and found lots of different<br />
flowers. We compared these to garden flowers and the children sketched some beautiful<br />
pictures of the flowers.<br />
The class really enjoyed their trip to Cornhill farm with Farmer Pete! They learnt so much and<br />
were beautifully behaved.<br />
Within our RE lessons, we have been learning about the creation story. The children made<br />
story boards and had a go at making their own worlds! They were very creative and worked<br />
well within their teams.
Broad and Balanced...<br />
Year 2<br />
Year 2 have immersed themselves into the life of a Victorian. We’ve explored Queen Victoria’s<br />
reign, Charles Darwin’s discoveries and most importantly what school was like! Our highlight<br />
had to be our Victorian day, every single child looked fantastic and got themselves fully involved<br />
in the day.<br />
In English, we have been planning and writing persuasive letters asking Queen Victoria to<br />
support us to stop children working in the workhouses. They have worked really hard on<br />
these and will be bringing a copy home very soon for you to read!<br />
In Art, we have been developing our drawing skills through the lens of Pablo Picasso and have<br />
created some fantastic Piccaso faces. We are now moving onto exploring the works of Stanhope<br />
Forbes in preparation for our own landscape sketches.<br />
We were lucky enough to visit Tregullas Farm to meet the baby lambs (and Pablo the calf!).<br />
We went hiking around the Lizard and explored the local area. It’s been a lovely beginning to<br />
our summer term and we can’t wait for our next adventure together.
Broad and Balanced...<br />
Year 3<br />
Since our last newsletter, Year 3 have been on their residential camp to Coverack. On camp<br />
we spent the day at BF Adventure, where we did archery, quarry team games and went on<br />
the zip wire. We also went to the Eden Project where we found out about all the ingredients<br />
from around the world to make a delicious chocolate cake. On the final day we went to<br />
Roskilly’s farm for an ice cream and a woodland walk before coming home.<br />
The children were amazingly well behaved throughout and we all had a great time!<br />
We have now finished learning about the Egyptians and the children have really enjoyed this<br />
topic. They have ended their unit by designing and making (next week) a throne for<br />
Cleopatra. In Science we have had a great time learning about animals, including humans.<br />
The children learnt things like, what is needed to be healthy and why our skeleton is so<br />
important. To help us learn the names of our bones, we made 3D skeletons. In our PSHE this<br />
term we have been learning how to keep ourselves and others safe. We went for a lovely walk<br />
around the village to learn how to be safe on and around our roads.<br />
We’ve learnt so much and been really busy. If you see us, ask us about our maths or about<br />
the stories we’ve written or about our fluent French, or even about our Minack show<br />
experience that is yet to come after half term.<br />
Great job Year 3!
Broad and Balanced...<br />
Year 4<br />
Class 4 has had a great half term.<br />
They’ve worked hard, making amazing progress in all subject areas.<br />
In maths, the children have been learning about fractions, decimals,<br />
recognising 2D shapes and telling the time. They’ve thoroughly enjoyed history, especially<br />
learning about the Greek Gods and Ancient Greece life. In English, they’ve written a mythical<br />
story based on Gods and Goddesses, which were brilliant.<br />
I was amazed at their printing in art where they created a forest using leaves and paint, then<br />
painting. We’ve been discussing emotions in PSHE, focusing on different methods used to<br />
help manage them. The children have loved making quizzes in ICT; they send them to<br />
different teachers or to each other to answer.<br />
We also brought home some medals alongside Year 3 in tennis!<br />
Well done Year 4!
Broad and Balanced...<br />
Year 5<br />
This term Year 5 has been learning about shapes and coordinates in maths, and using our<br />
geography skills to navigate using maps! We spent a fun day navigating a walk to Carn Brea<br />
using only a map and a compass and putting our skills into practise in the outdoors.<br />
In English, we have been studying the story of Beowulf and learning all about Vikings. Year 5<br />
have taken great pride in transforming our Year 5 Garden with new plants and having a good<br />
old tidy up! It has been a fun term getting to know each other as their new teacher and we<br />
are excited for Sports Day and more outdoor learning activities in June and July!
Broad and Balanced...<br />
Year 6<br />
These past few weeks have been a whirlwind of SATs preparation amidst the relentless<br />
downpours outside. However, the weather by no means dampened our spirits as we<br />
approached the tests with a huge smile and tried our absolute best. There were only a few<br />
tears of frustration and anxiety, and those were from Mr Anderson. Well done Year 6 on a<br />
fantastic week!<br />
Last week, one of our PSHE lessons was focused around mental health, its impact on us and<br />
ways that we can help to ease some of the pressures around us.<br />
The children created an amazing array of posters, booklets and images which demonstrated<br />
the importance of ensuring we pay close attention to the health of our minds as well as the<br />
health of our bodies. We also wrote down many of our worries into a worry jar, and it was<br />
surprising how full some of our jars became, and the similar problems that we face on a daily<br />
basis. An important message that I took away from this important topic was to always try to<br />
remember that everyone around us has their own troubles and worries, and simply talking to<br />
someone can be a first step in helping them to resolve even the smallest of problems.
Broad and Balanced...<br />
Ludgvan School<br />
Music and Lyrics by<br />
Lin-Manuel Mirands, Opetaia Foa‘i & Mark Mancina<br />
Book Adapted by<br />
Susan Soon He Stanton<br />
Music and Orchestrations Adapted and Arranged by<br />
Ian Weinberger<br />
Based on the 12016 Disney film Moana<br />
Tuesday 11 th June – 6:00 PM<br />
Wednesday 12 th June – 6:00 PM<br />
Thursday 13 th June – 6:00 PM<br />
For Tickets Visit<br />
Sports Day...
Sports Day...<br />
FOR THE children AT ludgvan school<br />
support THE fls!<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
join the fls<br />
Sports Day...<br />
To start supporting, visit:<br /><br />
and search for: Ludgvan<br />
Supporters must be 16 years of age or older.