REDZONE - ifm Razorbacks Football Magazine - No. 1 - english

REDZONE Stadium Magazine of the ifm Razorbacks. Everything about the American football season of the first division of the Erima GFL. Interviews, under the helmet, rules of the game, tables, statistics and facts, interesting facts, flag football and much more.

REDZONE Stadium Magazine of the ifm Razorbacks. Everything about the American football season of the first division of the Erima GFL. Interviews, under the helmet, rules of the game, tables, statistics and facts, interesting facts, flag football and much more.


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promoted<br />


DAY<br />

PAGE 16 - 18<br />

Report about<br />

Flag-<strong>Football</strong><br />

Interview with the<br />

Headcoach John Gilligan<br />

PAGE 23 -24<br />


3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

7<br />

8<br />

10<br />

11<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16-18<br />

19-22<br />

23-24<br />

25<br />

27-28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

Foreword<br />

Game plan 2024<br />

Standings<br />

Game Rules<br />

Roster <strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong><br />

Teams erima GFL<br />

Greetings from far away - Mario Hines<br />

Roster Munich Cowboys<br />

„Good to know“ - Info about the Cowboys<br />

Teampicture <strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong><br />

Interview with John Gilligan<br />

Under the Helmet QB, RB & WR<br />

Flag football<br />

Competition<br />

Sponsors & Partners<br />

Landesturnfest 2024<br />


Dear American <strong>Football</strong> Friends,<br />

very dear guests from near and far,<br />

The <strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong> are back at the Tele-Data Stadium in<br />

Lindenhof! For the upcoming season, I warmly welcome all the<br />

players, coaches and trainers, fans, spectators and all guests in<br />

Weingarten.<br />

Liebe Freunde des American <strong>Football</strong>,<br />

sehr geehrte Gäste aus Nah und Fern,<br />

After<br />

die <strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong><br />

the one-year<br />

sind zurück<br />

renovation<br />

im TeleData-Stadion<br />

break, the<br />

am<br />

Weingarten<br />

Lindenhof! Zur<br />

stadium<br />

diesjährigen<br />

is again<br />

the Saison tried heiße and ich tested alle Spieler, homevenue Trainer for und the Betreuer, <strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong> Fans, Zuschauerinnen and again und offers<br />

the Zuschauer best sowie framework alle Gäste for ganz sporting herzlich success. Willkommen In in the Weingarten. past months, the city of<br />

Weingarten has invested 1.2 million Euros in the Tele-Data Stadium and<br />

among other things the main grass playing field was completely redone.<br />

American <strong>Football</strong> and soccer are not the only sports benefitting from the<br />

renovations, a new track, pole vault and refurbished long jump pits have<br />

also been created for athletics. Come and see the excellent conditions in<br />

Nach der einjährigen Sanierungspause steht mit dem Weingartener Stadion wieder<br />

die bewährte Heimspielstätte für die <strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong> zur Verfügung und bietet wieder<br />

beste Rahmenbedingungen für sportliche Erfolge. Die Stadt Weingarten hat in den<br />

zurückliegenden Monaten über 1,2 Millionen Euro ins TeleData-Stadion investiert<br />

und u.a. das Hauptrasenspielfeld von Grund auf erneuert. Von den Sanierungen<br />

profitiert nicht nur der American <strong>Football</strong> oder der Fußballsport, auch für die<br />

the<br />

Leichtathletik<br />

most beautiful<br />

wurden eine<br />

stadium<br />

neue Laufbahn,<br />

in the Schussental<br />

eine neue Stabhochsprunganlage<br />

area yourself !<br />

oder<br />

sanierte Weitsprunggruben geschaffen. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst von den<br />

hervorragenden Gegebenheiten im wohl schönsten Stadion des Schussentals!<br />

However, an ideal structure must always be filled with life. Therefore, I<br />

would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to all responsible<br />

organizers of the <strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong>, the numerous helpers, as well as all the<br />

Eine ideale Infrastruktur muss jedoch immer mit Leben gefüllt werden. Daher möchte<br />

ich an dieser Stelle allen verantwortlichen Organisatoren der <strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong>, den<br />

contributors zahlreichen Helferinnen and sponsors. und Helfern, sowie allen Mitwirkenden und Sponsoren<br />

meinen großen Dank aussprechen.<br />

I wish all American football fans fair, successful and exciting home games<br />

Allen American <strong>Football</strong>freunden wünsche ich faire, erfolgreiche und spannende<br />

in<br />

Heimspiele<br />

our stadium.<br />

in unserem Stadion.<br />

Yours, Ihr<br />

Clemens Moll<br />

Mayor of Weingarten<br />

Clemens Moll<br />




DER GFL<br />



What is American <strong>Football</strong> about?<br />

The goal of American <strong>Football</strong> is to advance<br />

the ball and gain yards. In the course of<br />

a game, two teams of eleven players each<br />

try to get the game ball into the opponent’s<br />

end zone or to score a field goal to gain<br />

points.The team in possession of the ball<br />

(The Offence ) can gain yards or a touchdown<br />

or a field goal by throwing the ball or<br />

running the ball. The defending team (Defence)<br />

tries to prevent the offence from advancing<br />

the ball and the defence are trying<br />

to regain possession of the ball itself.There<br />

is always either only the offence or only<br />

the defence of a team on the pitch at one<br />

time.When the offence does not manage to<br />

advance the ball ten yards further up the<br />

field after four attempts (downs), the possession<br />

of the ball changes. Each player has<br />

a certain position in which they play. Due to<br />

the many different and versatile positions,<br />

American <strong>Football</strong> can be played at least at<br />

amateur level by both big or heavy players<br />

as well as small or light players. The plays<br />

of the offence and the defence are determined<br />

by the head coach and the offence and<br />

defence co-ordinators.<br />

How to score points?<br />

In American football, it’s rare to see a draw<br />

because the rules allow for different ways<br />

to gainpoints.<br />

Touchdown<br />

The ball is carried into the opposing end<br />

zone or the ball is caught in the end zone.<br />

The team gets six points for scoring a<br />

touchdown.<br />

Extrapunkt<br />

After a touchdown, the offensive team has<br />

the opportunity to kick the ball from the 3<br />

meter line through the goal frame. As with<br />

soccer , the ball has to be kicked through<br />

the two vertical goalposts, but unlike soccer,<br />

the ball has to be kicked over the crossbar.<br />

If this succeeds, you get 1 point. This is<br />

also known as PAT (Point After Touchdown).<br />

Two Point Conversion<br />

Alternatively, after a touchdown instead of<br />

kicking, the offence can also try to carry or<br />

throw the ball from the 3 meter line into the<br />

end zone. Since this is more difficult than<br />

the kick, you get 2 points for this.<br />

Field Goal<br />

If a team hasn’t gain enough yards for a new<br />

first down or touchdown or the time is running<br />

out, there is the possibility to kick the<br />

ball through the opponent‘s goal poles from<br />

any point in the field. You get 3 points for a<br />

successful field goal.<br />

Safety<br />

Safety is the opportunity for the Defence<br />

to score points. For this, the defence must<br />

bring the opposing quarterback to the<br />

ground (sack) in the opponents end zone.<br />

This situation is rather rare, but is worth 2<br />


ROSTER<br />


Q U A R T E R B A C K<br />

Jack Flaherty<br />

Broghean McGovern<br />

15<br />

17<br />

W I D E - R E C E I V E R<br />

Jax Crawford<br />

Michael Mayer<br />

Pierre Moudourou<br />

2<br />

3<br />

13<br />

Alexander Grünholz<br />

Tim Emminger<br />

Simon Mayr<br />

Melvin Pilan<br />

Linus Marquardt<br />

Lars Anders<br />

Tim Müller<br />

Adrian Terwart<br />

22<br />

80<br />

83<br />

84<br />

85<br />

87<br />

88<br />

R U N N I N G - B A C K<br />

Karekin Brooks<br />

Lennies McFerren<br />

Manuel Rieger<br />

8<br />

11<br />

24<br />

O F F E N S I V E - L I N E<br />

Laurits Vinther<br />

Joschua Rindfleisch<br />

Ludvig Haglund<br />

Leo Dumke<br />

Niklas Böning<br />

Sebastian Trabold<br />

Louis Wessels<br />

Dario Lucanto<br />

Luca Nicklas<br />

Marc Bächstädt<br />

52<br />

54<br />

55<br />

56<br />

61<br />

65<br />

68<br />

72<br />

75<br />

79<br />

K I C K E R<br />

Linus Diez<br />

6<br />


D E F E N S I V E - B A C K<br />

Dexter Shea<br />

Khyon Fitzpatrick<br />

Alkaly Cisse<br />

Jonas Fritz<br />

Alexander Borgmann<br />

Niklas Herrmann<br />

Jona Uekert<br />

Nick Dezel<br />

1<br />

5<br />

9<br />

14<br />

18<br />

21<br />

36<br />

37<br />

L I N E B A C K E R<br />

Nico Stensinski<br />

Mika Stieger<br />

Elias Eisele<br />

Kevin Kienzle<br />

10<br />

12<br />

19<br />

23<br />

Jonas Croner<br />

Jenson Bosworth<br />

Fabian Wohnhaas<br />

Timo Grafberger<br />

29<br />

39<br />

49<br />

D E F E N S I V E - L I N E<br />

Travontae Booker<br />

Tarek Schumacher<br />

Monday Okokhue<br />

Henri Moudilou<br />

Ben Rashid<br />

Heiko Birkle<br />

Finn Herter<br />

Yannick Blank<br />

Lucas Walk<br />

7<br />

27<br />

43<br />

44<br />

45<br />

64<br />

90<br />

97<br />




Mario Hines #9<br />

Hi <strong>Razorbacks</strong> family! I love you and<br />

miss you! I fondly think about my<br />

time with you all in 2013 and 2014.<br />

The first two years Ravensburg was<br />

in the GFL(2). And again coaching<br />

in the GFL in 2018. I am still strong<br />

friends with many of you. And many<br />

of you I consider family. Mike Mayer.<br />

Frank and the Kienzle family, DJ,<br />

Borgi, Nico, Andi L, Trabbi, Bam Bam.<br />

Too many to name. We had wonderful<br />

times on and off the field. From<br />

Touchdowns to BBQs. Again, I love<br />

you and miss you all and I am always<br />

with you in the <strong>Razorbacks</strong> family!

Arbeiten Sie schon oder suchen Sie noch?<br />

Ist Ihnen auch zum Schreien zumute, wenn Sie solche<br />

Papierberge sehen?<br />

Dabei ist es so einfach Dokumente in Papierform jedem<br />

zu jeder Zeit und an jedem Ort verfügbar zu machen.<br />



Q U A R T E R B A C K<br />

Raue Luca<br />

Yockey Nicklas<br />

11<br />

19<br />

W I D E - R E C E I V E R<br />

Boccella Gabriel<br />

Wagner Tobias<br />

Cooney-Quinn Zac John<br />

Chereminskiy Anton<br />

Braun Günter<br />

Sutor Magnus<br />

Heiß Nicco<br />

Kilger Erich<br />

Matar Ahmed<br />

Doege Miguel<br />

Casin Leo<br />

Bohnet Daniel<br />

Delgado Jeremias<br />

2<br />

3<br />

5<br />

8<br />

14<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

23<br />

80<br />

81<br />

83<br />

86<br />

R U N N I N G - B A C K & T I G H T - E N D<br />

Zumbach Jonathan<br />

Marton Jack<br />

Spies Kevin<br />

Beuthner Amadeus<br />

Dodson JR Andrew<br />

Mayer Maximilian<br />

Ludwig Stephan<br />

Makella Valentin<br />

Pyttlik Leon<br />

1<br />

6<br />

9<br />

12<br />

13<br />

20<br />

49<br />

85<br />

87<br />

O F F E N S I V E - L I N E<br />

Ivan Leopold<br />

Wenta Florian<br />

Jovanovic Marko<br />

Stölken Anton<br />

Tüttinghoff Tobias<br />

Monticciolo Mirko<br />

Urban Christian<br />

DeVries Luke<br />

Heller Thomas<br />

Müller Martin<br />

Vollert Benedikt<br />

45<br />

52<br />

55<br />

62<br />

64<br />

66<br />

70<br />

71<br />

73<br />

74<br />

77<br />

K I C K E R<br />

Mittasch Maximilian<br />

21<br />

ROSTER<br />


D E F E N S I V E - B A C K<br />

Chereminskiy Nikita<br />

Rehe Victor<br />

<strong>No</strong>land Lucas Andrew<br />

Schnorrbusch Sascha<br />

Grassl Laurenz<br />

Buchberger Moritz<br />

Wimmer Jakob<br />

Thirion Olivier<br />

0<br />

4<br />

7<br />

24<br />

25<br />

26<br />

27<br />

30<br />

L I N E B A C K E R<br />

Gaul Florian<br />

Maier Jonas<br />

Barnes Lane<br />

Omosebi Joshua<br />

Blöchl Niklas<br />

Schad Robin<br />

Park Soo Ho<br />

Englmann Vinzent<br />

15<br />

35<br />

43<br />

47<br />

48<br />

53<br />

54<br />

57<br />

D E F E N S I V E - L I N E<br />

Chaar Mohamed Saber<br />

Frank Elias<br />

Mederer Matthäus<br />

Streichert Maximilian<br />

Richter Julius<br />

Wisniewski Patrick<br />

Wolf Maximilian<br />

Haller Andre<br />

Cucchiara Johnny<br />

Lehmann Nils<br />

Wegner Sandy<br />

Badom Godwin<br />

10<br />

33<br />

56<br />

69<br />

90<br />

91<br />

92<br />

93<br />

94<br />

95<br />

98<br />


„Good to know“<br />

Info about the opponent<br />

SINCE 1975<br />

Game results 2024:<br />

VS<br />


VS<br />


VS<br />


7 : 31<br />

21 : 14<br />

canceled<br />

It was exactly 31 years ago that the Cowboys<br />

from Munich was German champions.<br />

In 1993 in Munich, they won the final<br />

against the Cologne Crocodiles 42:36 in<br />

front of around 9.000 spectators. They are<br />

a permanent fixture in the 1st league and<br />

the Munich Cowboys have put in a strong<br />

performance so far this season. With a solid<br />

defense and an effective offense, they have<br />

placed themselves at the top of the table.<br />

Under the direction of their head coach<br />

Christos Lambropoulos, the players have<br />

put in outstanding performances and show<br />

impressive teamwork.<br />

Balance of the last 5 seasons:<br />

2023 GFL 1 - south 5th place<br />

2022 GFL 1 - south 2nd place<br />

2021 GFL 1 - south 3rd place<br />

2019 GFL 1 - south 7th place<br />

2018 GFL 1 - south 4th place<br />

SEO-IP<br />



INTERVIEW with<br />


Gaby: Welcome back to<br />

Ravensburg. How did it come that<br />

you decided to come back?<br />

John: It‘s a beautiful place. I had great<br />

memories of Ravensburg when I was here<br />

before. Great members of people. Great<br />

memories of football, great memories of<br />

the town, great memories of our fans. And<br />

it‘s always easy to come back. It was easy<br />

to come back to a beautiful place to people<br />

that I like. But a lot of work coming up.<br />

Gaby: You have been head coach for a few<br />

years now. In your opinion, what‘s the most<br />

important quantities to be a head coach?<br />

John: Ravensburg is known for Ravensburger,<br />

big Puzzle company. And so, as a<br />

head coach, you must figure out how to put<br />

the puzzle together. There‘s a lot of pieces.<br />

More so now in GFL1 than there was in GFL2<br />

when I was here. And that‘s my job as a<br />

head coach, is how to figure out how to put<br />

the puzzle together. The right coaches, the<br />

right players, the right schemes. Figuring<br />

out all the different pieces of the puzzle<br />

and how you make it work. And that‘s a 24<br />

hour task. I think that‘s the biggest thing a<br />

head coach does, is figure out how to put<br />

together the pieces of the puzzle.<br />

Gaby: What are your goals for the 2024<br />

season?<br />

John: Well, I think every goal every<br />

coach have is to play for a championship.<br />

Why play the game if you‘re not going to<br />

play for a championship? But realistically,<br />

I think we have to figure out the different<br />

pieces of the puzzle we have. Do we have<br />

the right coaches? Do we have the right<br />

players? Do we have the right facilities?<br />

Do we have the right budget to play in GFL1.<br />

When I was here before I played in GFL2, so<br />

we had four import players. Everybody else<br />

was the local players. <strong>No</strong>w half our team is<br />

import players, so figure it out.<br />

If we have the resources. If we don‘t have<br />

the resources and working with the board,<br />

working with Frank, working with the different<br />

board members to figure out how do<br />

we get those resources that we need to be<br />

successful.<br />

Gaby: How do you prepare on game day.<br />

Do you have special Rituals?<br />

John: <strong>No</strong>. Game Day is pretty easy. Because<br />

the work that coaches do, that happens<br />

during the week. That happens for us.<br />

It happens on Sunday when we watch film<br />

and we pregame and we plan, and then on<br />

Monday, as we go through it Tuesday when<br />

we practice. So to answer your question, during<br />

the week. That‘s where we do all of our<br />

work. And on game day. It‘s just sit back and<br />

watch it happen. If you‘ve done your work<br />

right during the week then it‘s very nice to<br />

watch everything happen on Saturday or<br />

Sunday on game day. I know a lot of people<br />

get all excited and intense. Maybe the players<br />

do. But as coaches, I find it. You spend<br />

all your energy during the week and then on<br />

game day there‘s. <strong>No</strong>t much energy that you<br />

spend. You just watch the game, and you<br />

make corrections where you need to make<br />

corrections, and you do. What you can do as<br />

a coach to help your players be successful.

Gaby: How important is team<br />

chemistry to success?<br />

John: It‘s very important. And it‘s a very<br />

challenging thing here in Ravensburg because<br />

first you have local players. Players<br />

that work full time. Go to school full time,<br />

and then they love playing football, and<br />

so they come out and they. Play football.<br />

Then you have imports, and some of your<br />

imports come from the United States. Some<br />

of your imports come from Sweden, some<br />

come from Australia, some of them come<br />

from France. So, there‘s a lot of different<br />

cultures. And so that‘s, again, putting together<br />

the pieces of the puzzle, the culture.<br />

And trying to understand different players<br />

and why they‘re here and why they play the<br />

game. So, understanding the players who<br />

love playing football. And in the players<br />

who pretend to play football, the people<br />

who just want to put on a uniform. Some of<br />

them are really good football players, and<br />

then some of them just want to wear the<br />

uniform and be a razorback for a day, but<br />

they have to understand that it‘s a commitment.<br />

17<br />

For the season and that‘s again, part<br />

of my job is figuring out the pieces of<br />

the puzzle on who. Those guys are and<br />

who those guys are not.<br />

Gaby: Which role do the fans play for you?<br />

John: You know, the fans are huge. Yeah.<br />

The fans are very important to support the<br />

<strong>Razorbacks</strong>. When you have players and<br />

you have coaches and you have the organization,<br />

like Frank and the board. But the<br />

fans are really who we play for. When Covid<br />

happened, playing a game and not having<br />

any fans there. I couldn‘t imagine what that<br />

would be like. So that‘s the exciting part<br />

of it is fans show up and their knowledge<br />

of football. Hopefully it increases as they<br />

come to our games, and they understand<br />

more and more about American football.<br />

But, yeah, our fans are very important to us.<br />

And I thank all those fans who supported us<br />

over the years. It‘s nice to see people that<br />

I‘ve saw five years ago, six years ago, and<br />

they‘re there and say: Hey, Coach Gilly. It‘s<br />

just nice to see them because they‘ve always.<br />

Been razorback fans.<br />

Gaby: We have a question from the<br />

fans, from Instagram. The question<br />

from sauti40 was: Welcome<br />

back, John. How hard did you<br />

miss the german beer“?<br />

John: You can buy a<br />

little german beer in the<br />

United States. But I like<br />

my german beer. And<br />

every time I would have<br />

a beer in the states, I<br />

would always compare it<br />

to German Beer and it never<br />

measured up.

Gaby: <strong>No</strong>w we have the „Quick answer“:<br />

So, the German people<br />

should be very proud of their<br />

beer. I know that there are a lot of<br />

people in the United States who try to<br />

make really good beer. There‘s some<br />

good beer there, but It‘s not like sitting<br />

here in Germany and drinking beer. I think<br />

it‘s good Beer, but I also think it‘s where<br />

you drink it. You get to drink it here in<br />

a beautiful area in Ravensburg. You get<br />

to look at the mountains, you get to look<br />

at all the greenery. And you always enjoy<br />

a beer with a good person. The german<br />

beers, augmented by the fact that you<br />

have great country, and you have great<br />

people. *We toasted with beer* - “Cheers”.<br />

Gaby: And second question from a Fan: Is<br />

it possible to be at a practice, even for your<br />

developed team?<br />

John: Yeah. We have tryouts, usually at<br />

the end of the season, so anybody who‘s<br />

interested in playing football can come to<br />

those tryouts. But even during the season<br />

if somebody was interested in playing football.<br />

They can come to our football office<br />

and introduce themselves, tell us who they<br />

are, and we can get them into practice, and<br />

they can sort of try it out. Kick the tires,<br />

as we say, to find out if it‘s something.<br />

That they want to do and find out whether<br />

they‘re good enough to be. On a GFL<br />

team. Or maybe they just want to play on<br />

the Devo team or maybe they want to play<br />

on flag team or U 19 team. A lot of different<br />

opportunities. But, yeah, we welcome<br />

all people. I think that‘s a big part of what<br />

I‘m here to do is to make sure that football<br />

continues to grow, and not only the Flaggies.<br />

And the younger players, but also the<br />

Devo and the GFLT team. We have a lot of<br />

opportunity for growth.<br />

Gaby: Coffee oder Tea?<br />

John: Coffee.<br />

Gaby: Wine or Beer?<br />

John: Beer.<br />

Gaby: Train or Airplane?<br />

John: Train in Europe. Airplane in the<br />

States<br />

Gaby: Burger or Pizza?<br />

John: A good Pizza, yeah Chicago style<br />

Gaby: Summer oder Winter?<br />

John: Winter, I love skiing.<br />

Gaby: Germany oder Amerika?<br />

John: Both! America is where I grow up<br />

and my family and grandchildren lives there.<br />

Both countries have their good and bad<br />

sites. In Germany I love to go for a walk, its<br />

so pretty here, but I don’t have enough time<br />

at the moment.<br />

Gaby: Offence der Defence?<br />

John: As a player: Offence, as a Coach<br />

both of them and the specials team.<br />

Gaby: Travel: City or Beach?<br />

John: Mountains. I love to hike.<br />

Gaby: German or American Bread?<br />

John: of course, that German bread is<br />

unbeatable.<br />

Gaby: Fruits or vegetables?<br />

John: Vegetables, especially potatoes<br />

Gaby: American <strong>Football</strong> or German<br />

Soccer?<br />

John: that’s easy, American <strong>Football</strong>.<br />

Thanks Gilly, for the Interview. We wish you<br />

a successful and healthy season 2024.<br />

Report by Gaby Rimmele<br />

Picture from von Florian Wolf

UNDER<br />


Quarterback, Runningback & Wide-Receiver<br />


UNDER<br />


Quarterback, Runningback & Wide-Receiver<br />


UNDER<br />


Quarterback, Runningback & Wide-Receiver<br />


UNDER<br />


Quarterback, Runningback & Wide-Receiver

Flag football<br />

A growing game<br />

The nice thing about when you are almost<br />

finished with the season is that you can begin<br />

to draw a conclusion before other teams<br />

really start the season.<br />

For example, the <strong>ifm</strong> Ravensburg Razorback‘s<br />

U15 Flag youth team have their last<br />

league game on June 9th, 2024 in the Flag<br />

Landesliga Baden Württemberg (9 against<br />

9) in Freiburg.<br />

But even before the game, the outcome is<br />

positive! Three victories, a narrow defeat<br />

against Leonberg and a bigger one against<br />

Reutlingen - means a finish in the middle of<br />

the pack.But much more importantly, all of<br />

this was achieved with a very young squad.<br />

During the games, all coaches made sure<br />

that there were a lot substitutions so that<br />

all players got their playing time. And this<br />

advance of trust was showed by the players<br />

- whether an experienced player or rookie -<br />

very good and exciting performances were<br />

achieved. Of course there is still enough to<br />

do: The coaches of the Flag youth team are<br />

committed to training the youngest in the<br />

development through<br />

occasional training exercises<br />

in the equipment.<br />

Flag football is also played in the age group<br />

of up to 13 years old (U13). <strong>No</strong>w, of course,<br />

you might think that - given the high number<br />

of players who go to the U17 - there<br />

may not be enough players left for a U13.<br />

But that‘s not the case. For the first time in<br />

the history of the <strong>Razorbacks</strong> there are so<br />

many players in the U13 that you can even<br />

play in the game form 9 against 9 (as in the<br />

U15). This is partly due to this year‘s, very<br />

broad squad of the U15 and also to other<br />

players in the age group up to 11 years, who<br />

will then join the U13 in the fall. Fortunately,<br />

the Flag footballers were also able to<br />

record growth in the coaching team for this<br />

age range, so that good training is guaranteed<br />

in all areas.<br />

<strong>Razorbacks</strong> family even more in terms of understanding<br />

of the game, so that they can<br />

start their journey into youth tackle football<br />

in order to hopefully join the development<br />

team or even the GFL later. In the fall,<br />

the U17 league will begin in the field of tackle<br />

football. 17 players of the current U15<br />

are eligible to play for this and are already<br />

being introduced to this next step in their

It‘s great fun to be part of this community.<br />

Family! If you want to become<br />

part of this family, you<br />

are welcome to try out a trial training<br />

session (possible at various<br />

ages). We look forward to your<br />

inquiries at:<br />

coaches@ravensburg-razorbacks.de.<br />

<strong>No</strong>t to be forgotten in this success story<br />

is the support from the parents. Be it cake<br />

sales at the youth games, participation and<br />

support in the trips away or support for the<br />

games of the other <strong>Razorbacks</strong> teams. It is<br />

a really appreciated.<br />

Training U11, U13, U15<br />

Tuesday: 5 to 7 p.m.<br />

Friday: 4:30 to 6 p.m.<br />

Report by Matthias Pfeiffer<br />

Pictures from Sebastian Pfeiffer<br />



Kreuzworträtsel - mitmachen und<br />

coole Preise gewinnen!<br />

1. Welche Farben haben unsere Helme?<br />

2. Was ist das Logo von den <strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong>?<br />

3. Wie heißt das Maskottchen der <strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong>?<br />

4. Wie wird der <strong>Football</strong> noch genannt?<br />

5. Aus welcher Stadt sind die <strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong>?<br />

6. Gegen welchen Gegner spielen wir heute?<br />

7. Wie heißt unser Stadionheft?<br />

8. Wie heißt unser Head Coach?<br />

9. Wie wird das erreichen von sechs Punkten genannt?<br />

10. Wie heißt unser Tages-Sponsor?<br />

25<br />

... und so kannst Du gewinnen:<br />

1. Gehe heute zum Fanshop-Truck.<br />

2. Trage das Lösungswort inkl. deine<br />

Kontaktdaten in die dort ausgelegten<br />

Gewinnspielkarten ein.<br />

3. Werfe die ausgefüllte Gewinnspielkarte<br />

in die dafür aufgestellte Losbox am<br />

Fanshop-Truck ein.<br />

4. Erhalte in den kommenden Tagen eine<br />

Gewinnbenachrichtigung per E-Mail<br />

von den <strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong>.<br />

5. Hole deinen Gewinn beim nächsten<br />

Heimspiel am Fanshop-Truck ab.<br />


Martin Fritz



<strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong> support the<br />

Landesturnfest in Schussental 2024<br />

The <strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong> have once again shown<br />

that they are not only a strong unit on the<br />

field, but also show great commitment away<br />

from the Gridiron. Even if the <strong>Razorbacks</strong><br />

team is already playing in the Bundesliga<br />

season, they did not miss the opportunity<br />

to actively participate in the preparation of<br />

the Landesturnfest (state gymnastics festival)<br />

in Schussental 2024 and made a valuable<br />

contribution to the largest popular<br />

sports event in Baden-Württemberg.<br />

From May 30th to June 2nd, 2024 Ravensburg,<br />

Weingarten, Baienfurt, Baindt and<br />

Berg turned into a sporting world. The Landesturnfest<br />

offered four days full of spoting<br />

competitions, varied stage shows, things to<br />

do for the whole family and numerous paties.<br />

The gymnastics motto “Swabian. Sporty.<br />

Schussental. „Was lived by everyone involved<br />

with a lot of joy and commitment.<br />

The gymnastics festival<br />

spanned several central venues,<br />

including the city garden in Weingarten,<br />

Marienplatz in Ravensburg and various places<br />

in Baienfurt, Baindt and Berg. The Oberschwabenhalle<br />

became the stage of the<br />

famous gymnastics festival gala, which delighted<br />

the audience with an impressive mix<br />

of sports, artistry and art. In addition, the<br />

gymnastics festival market, a recruiting fair<br />

and numerous concerts offered a colorful<br />

variety of experiences.<br />

The <strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong> are proud to have contributed<br />

their small part at this important<br />

event and to have actively supported the<br />

community. Together with all participants<br />

and visitors, the <strong>Razorbacks</strong> experienced<br />

a colorful and unforgettable state gymnastics<br />

festival 2024. The enthusiasm and cohesion<br />

that the gymnastics festival in the<br />

Schussental has spread will continue for a<br />

long time and further strengthen the region.<br />

Report by Sebastian Trabold<br />

The use of the <strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong> in the construction<br />

of the main grandstand on Marienplatz<br />

in Ravensburg was an important building<br />

block. In their free time, the players<br />

worked tirelessly to ensure that the infrastructure<br />

for the events was ready in good<br />

time and smoothly.<br />

Head coach John Gilligan emphasised the<br />

importance of this commitment: “Sport in<br />

general is very important for the development<br />

of young people. We have a social responsibility<br />

here and are also happy to support<br />

sport in the Schussental in addition to<br />

the field. „


Publisher:<br />

<strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong> Ravensburg<br />

TSB 1847 Ravensburg e.V.<br />

Brühlstr. 31 / 88212 Ravensburg<br />

Content:<br />

Frank Kienzle<br />

(Head of department <strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong> Ravensburg)<br />

Ronny Rühlemann<br />

(Marketing manager <strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong> Ravensburg)<br />

Pictures:<br />

All images and graphics have an owner and<br />

are not available for free use.<br />

Florian Wolf (Shakral Photography)<br />

Sebastian Pfeiffer (sebi-pics)<br />

Sebastian Just Fotografie<br />

Graphic & Design:<br />

Sebastian Pfeiffer (sebi-pics)<br />

Reporting:<br />

Gaby Rimmele (gabbyphotoFN)<br />

Print:<br />

GESSLER + FUNK Office GmbH<br />

Danziger Str. 7 / 88250 Weingarten<br />

The respective authors are responsible for<br />

the content of the reports; the respective<br />

companies are responsible for the advertisements<br />

and their content.

Kick-off für<br />

Spitzenleistung.<br />

Stronger<br />

together.<br />


Wir sind stolz, auch in dieser Saison als<br />

Namenssponsor der <strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong> im<br />

Spiel zu sein. Denn als Global Player der<br />

Automatisierungs- und Sensortechnik<br />

verbindet uns eine gemeinsame Taktik:<br />

Vorausdenken, innovative Strategien<br />

optimieren, Schwachstellen erkennen<br />

und mit Spitzenleistungen für eine<br />

erfolgreiche Zukunft punkten.<br />

Mach auch im Beruf, was du liebst<br />

und werde Teil unseres Teams!<br />


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