The Trembling Tower Library of Timbuktu
Haunted libraries? Where?! …Well, EVERYWHERE in the all-new Carole Marsh Mystery series, "The Mystery of the Haunted Library"! Embark on a thrilling escapade with author-turned-character Carole Marsh, AKA “Mimi,”' her brave rescue pup Coconut, and a group of adventurous students as they travel all the way from the Spanish Moss School to the mysterious city of Timbuktu! Join these intrepid detectives on a quest to uncover the elusive "Best Book in the World" as they encounter obstacles and danger in "The Trembling Tower Library of Timbuktu"!
Haunted libraries? Where?! …Well, EVERYWHERE in the all-new Carole Marsh Mystery series, "The Mystery of the Haunted Library"!
Embark on a thrilling escapade with author-turned-character Carole Marsh, AKA “Mimi,”' her brave rescue pup Coconut, and a group of adventurous students as they travel all the way from the Spanish Moss School to the mysterious city of Timbuktu! Join these intrepid detectives on a quest to uncover the elusive "Best Book in the World" as they encounter obstacles and danger in "The Trembling Tower Library of Timbuktu"!
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<strong>The</strong> Mystery<br />
<strong>of</strong> the <br />
Haunted<br />
<strong>Library</strong><br />
Book One—<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Trembling</strong> <strong>Tower</strong> <strong>Library</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />
A Carole Marsh Mystery
Copyright 2024 Carole Marsh Longmeyer<br />
All rights reserved<br />
For information about permission to reproduce selections from<br />
this book, write to Let <strong>The</strong>re Be Learning Books, 710 Water<br />
Street, Beaufort, SC 29902.<br />
<strong>Library</strong> <strong>of</strong> Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.<br />
ISBN: 978-0-635-14173-6 Trade Paper<br />
ISBN: 978-0-635-14174-3 <strong>Library</strong> Binding<br />
ISBN: 978-0-635-14175-0 ePub<br />
ISBN: 978-0-635-14176-7 Audio Book<br />
Book design and illustrations by Lee Barrow<br />
Printed in the United States <strong>of</strong> America
Table <strong>of</strong> Contents<br />
Chapter 1 - It Was a Dark and Stormy Night.......................13<br />
Chapter 2 - Who Made Carole Marsh Cry?..........................21<br />
Chapter 3 - An Idea is Born.................................................27<br />
Chapter 4 - <strong>The</strong> Trip <strong>of</strong> a Lifetime.......................................29<br />
Chapter 5 - “Oh, dear, what have I done?”..........................33<br />
Chapter 6 - <strong>The</strong> Day That was Different..............................41<br />
Chapter 7 - Dinner in a Diner..............................................45<br />
Chapter 8 - Let the Trip Begin!............................................51<br />
Chapter 9 - Adrift in Alligator Alley.....................................55<br />
Chapter 10 - <strong>The</strong> Bridge.......................................................63<br />
Chapter 11 - <strong>The</strong> Plane.........................................................69<br />
Chapter 12 - Breakfast and a Book.......................................79<br />
Chapter 13 - We Have Throw Up!........................................91<br />
Chapter 14 - Safe and Sound, and Sandy!..........................101<br />
Narrated Non-Fiction: <strong>The</strong> Sahara....................................105<br />
Chapter 15 - <strong>The</strong> Haunted <strong>Library</strong>?...................................107<br />
Narrated Non-Fiction: <strong>The</strong> People <strong>of</strong> the Books................112<br />
Chapter 16 - <strong>The</strong> <strong>Library</strong> is Closed!....................................115<br />
Narrated Non-Fiction: Mansa Musa..................................124<br />
Chapter 17 - <strong>The</strong> Train to Morocco..................................... 127<br />
Narrated Non-Fiction: Dewey Decimal.............................135<br />
Chapter 18 - <strong>The</strong> Ghost <strong>of</strong> Books Past................................137<br />
Glossary..............................................................................146<br />
WATCH ME WRITE!.......................................................... 147<br />
More Carole Marsh Books for Kids!................................... 148<br />
Questions for Discussion....................................................149<br />
About the Author................................................................150<br />
Excerpt from THE MYSTERY OF THE<br />
<strong>The</strong> Eerie Mystery at the Egyptian <strong>Library</strong>........................ 151
Books in This Series<br />
<strong>The</strong> Mystery <strong>of</strong> the Haunted <strong>Library</strong> Book One—<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Trembling</strong> <strong>Tower</strong> <strong>Library</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Timbuktu</strong><br />
<strong>The</strong> Mystery <strong>of</strong> the Haunted <strong>Library</strong> Book Two—<br />
<strong>The</strong> Eerie Mystery at the Egyptian <strong>Library</strong><br />
<strong>The</strong> Mystery <strong>of</strong> the Haunted <strong>Library</strong> Book Three—<br />
<strong>The</strong> Creepy Mystery at the <strong>Library</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />
Congress<br />
<strong>The</strong> Mystery <strong>of</strong> the Haunted <strong>Library</strong> Book Four—<br />
<strong>The</strong> Narrow Escape at the New York Public<br />
<strong>Library</strong><br />
<strong>The</strong> Mystery <strong>of</strong> the Haunted <strong>Library</strong> Book Five—<br />
<strong>The</strong> Ghostly Mystery at the British <strong>Library</strong><br />
<strong>The</strong> Mystery <strong>of</strong> the Haunted <strong>Library</strong> Book Six—<br />
<strong>The</strong> Scary Mystery at the Shakespeare<br />
Preface<br />
Since 1979, award-winning author Carole Marsh<br />
has written more than 100 “Real Kids/Real Places”<br />
chapter book mysteries for girls and boys ages<br />
7-14. <br />
In 2023, she had the brilliant idea to create a new<br />
kind <strong>of</strong> Carole Marsh Real Kids/Real Places<br />
mystery book series: THE MYSTERY OF THE<br />
HAUNTED LIBRARY. “Guess where I got this<br />
idea?” she asks. <strong>The</strong> answer: “From librarians!” <br />
What librarians told her kids would really love to<br />
read were chapter book mysteries that included a<br />
graphic novel element and also had fun narrative<br />
non-fiction fact components. <br />
<strong>The</strong> author wrote one book and “it was so much<br />
fun” that she decided to write a trilogy, each set at<br />
a different library around the world. That was “so<br />
much fun” that she went on to write six books.<br />
How many will there end up being? “Oh,” the<br />
author says, “there are sooooo many haunted<br />
libraries! <strong>The</strong> real kids and I may want to visit<br />
them all?!”
Meet the Cast<br />
Neemie<br />
Rabon<br />
George<br />
Author<br />
Carole Marsh<br />
AKA “Mimi”<br />
Coconut<br />
the rescue pup
<strong>The</strong> Mystery<br />
<strong>of</strong> the <br />
Haunted<br />
<strong>Library</strong><br />
Book One—<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Trembling</strong> <strong>Tower</strong> <strong>Library</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />
A Carole Marsh Mystery<br />
Chapter 1<br />
It Was a Dark and Stormy Night <br />
NO, REALLY IT was a dark and stormy day. One<br />
<strong>of</strong> those South Carolina Lowcountry thunder and<br />
lightning mornings when kids wish school had<br />
been cancelled. Instead, four kids—all friends and<br />
fans—<strong>of</strong> mystery book writer Carole Marsh had<br />
splashed their way to the school bus stop. When<br />
they got to Spanish Moss School, they each<br />
jumped <strong>of</strong>f the bus into a deep puddle then waded<br />
their way into the dark building.<br />
“<strong>The</strong> power’s out!” principal Joe Culliwuddy<br />
proclaimed. “Go to the auditorium.”<br />
As the four kids passed by him, he grabbed<br />
each by the neck <strong>of</strong> their yellow slickers. “Except<br />
you!” the principal said...<br />
<br />
Go to the<br />
library!<br />
<br />
<strong>The</strong> kids—Rabon, 12, Neemie, 10, George, 9,<br />
and Sally, 7—stared at Principal Culliwuddy. He<br />
looked a lot like a grizzled shrimp boat captain<br />
because that is what he had been before he became<br />
an educator. When they gave him a puzzled look,<br />
he drawled one word:<br />
“GOOOOOO!”<br />
<br />
Leaving a trail <strong>of</strong> water behind them, the<br />
four kids slouched down the hall to the school<br />
library. It was dark too. <strong>The</strong>y slung their wet<br />
parkas on the coat hooks and fell to the floor. <br />
“At least the carpet is dry,” said Rabon. He<br />
opened his backpack and plucked out his cell<br />
phone.<br />
Neemie plopped on a beanbag, yanked her<br />
iPad out <strong>of</strong> her backpack and started typing. “Hey,<br />
at least we’re not in class! Let’s just chill here all<br />
day.”<br />
“I don’t understand why we were singled<br />
out to go to the library,” groused George, already<br />
on his digital device, on his belly, elbows down,<br />
legs up at the knees. <br />
“I think it’s magical,” said Sally. “<strong>The</strong><br />
library is so dark and cozy, makes me dozy. It’s a<br />
little creepy, don’t you think?” No one answered,<br />
so she just grabbed her pink Taylor Swift<br />
backpack, tugged out her pink cell phone, and<br />
poked her fingers at various items.<br />
<br />
<br />
See how excited we<br />
are staring at our<br />
digital devices.<br />
Maybe I’ll read a book<br />
next time, but in the<br />
meantime, games suit<br />
me fine.<br />
I’m so excited<br />
about what I am<br />
staring at. Can’t<br />
you tell?<br />
I guess I should<br />
read this book on<br />
the desk, but…<br />
I’m so bored. I wish<br />
something exciting<br />
would happen?<br />
For a short time in the quiet, dark, sort <strong>of</strong><br />
creepy library, the four students just did<br />
their digital thing, when suddenly…<br />
Chapter 2<br />
Who Made Carole Marsh Cry? <br />
THE LIBRARY DOOR burst open. A hand with<br />
long fingers and nails painted bright red flipped up<br />
the light switch. <strong>The</strong> room was flooded with light<br />
so bright the kids squinted and ducked their<br />
heads.<br />
...a voice boomed. Carole Marsh had entered the<br />
room. <strong>The</strong> kids were amazed. <br />
“What are you doing here?” asked George.<br />
“Are you reading to us today?!” <br />
Carole Marsh was their favorite children’s<br />
chapter book mystery author. Because she lived in<br />
Beaufort, the kids were accustomed to seeing her<br />
in their school and around town. As always, she<br />
was followed by her fluffy white rescue pup,<br />
Coconut. <br />
“Are we having a hurricane?” Sally asked.<br />
“Is that why the electricity is <strong>of</strong>f?” She seemed<br />
unconcerned. She did not even look up from her<br />
cell phone.<br />
Neemie yawned and scrolled. “Hi, Miz<br />
Marsh, could you turn those lights back <strong>of</strong>f, please.<br />
It’s causing a glare on my screen.”<br />
Rabon had been raised to be a gentleman.<br />
He hopped up <strong>of</strong>f the floor and walked over to the<br />
author. “Good morning, Carole Marsh,” he said,<br />
sticking his hand out to shake hers. “I hope you<br />
did not get too wet in the nasty weather this<br />
morning.” <strong>The</strong>n, he plopped back down on the<br />
carpet and continued playing his computer game.<br />
George did not bother to look up. He was<br />
lost in digital land.<br />
Carole Marsh shook her head. Her blond<br />
hair sprayed a bit <strong>of</strong> water around. Coconut<br />
shook, as dogs will do, and more droplets flew far<br />
and wide. <br />
“Did you kids not hear my question?” the<br />
author said, clearly frustrated. “I asked what you<br />
four are doing.” <br />
<strong>The</strong> kids looked equally puzzled.<br />
“Instagram,” said Sally, as if that were<br />
obvious. She turned her screen around to show<br />
the funny talking dogs in silly outfits.<br />
“Texting my friends to see where they are,”<br />
said Neemie. <br />
“I’m playing Rat Quest,” said Rabon. “It’s a<br />
really cool new game.”<br />
George looked discouraged. “I was<br />
watching a movie, but my digital device done died;<br />
guess I forgot to charge it last night, dadgummit.<br />
I’m dead in the water—literally.”<br />
Carole Marsh stood there, hands on hips.<br />
She stared at the kids. <strong>The</strong>n she asked them<br />
another question. “But is anyone…READING A<br />
BOOK?!”<br />
When the kids looked up, puzzled, she<br />
pointed a finger at the sign: LIBRARY. “This is a<br />
library,” she said. “Why isn’t anyone reading a<br />
BOOK?”<br />
<strong>The</strong> four kids looked all around as if they’d<br />
just noticed the shelves <strong>of</strong> books. When no one<br />
had an answer, the author said, “I don’t know<br />
whether to sigh, laugh, or cry.”<br />
Chapter 3<br />
An Idea is Born<br />
THE FOUR KIDS looked very distressed. <strong>The</strong>y put<br />
their devices down and squirmed a bit.<br />
“Oh, Miz Marsh, we don’t want to make you<br />
cry,” said Neemie. “Please don’t be sad. I promise<br />
to read a book…one day.”<br />
“I’ve read all your books!” said Rabon.<br />
“Some twice, some three times!”<br />
Now, Carole Marsh really did sigh—a big<br />
sigh. “Thank you, Rabon, but I don’t just mean my<br />
books, I mean any books.”<br />
“I listen to audio books,” said Sally. “Mostly<br />
because I don’t read so good yet.”<br />
George said, “I would read a book if…if it<br />
Carole Marsh pondered the kids, her<br />
friends, her fans. This was awful, she thought to<br />
herself. Digital devices were fine, fun, useful. She<br />
used them all the time. But books? Books were<br />
magical. <strong>The</strong>y opened doors, they changed lives.<br />
<strong>The</strong>y always would. And then she had an idea!<br />
“Well, ok, George! Ok all <strong>of</strong> you,” she said.<br />
“I accept the challenge. <strong>The</strong>re’s a two-week school<br />
break coming up. If your parents agree, I will take<br />
you all on a TRIP AROUND THE WORLD to find<br />