Hotel SA June 2024
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+ Berri’s Community Spirit A Prized Asset<br />
Response To Coalition Immigration Stance<br />
bring more revenue<br />
to your outdoor spaces.<br />
commercial outdoor comfort heating systems<br />
for all size outdoor spaces.<br /><br />
1300 484 503 |
Shortcut to Stories<br />
JUNE <strong>2024</strong><br />
From The President<br />
Response To Coalition<br />
Immigration Stance<br />
Click here <br />
Click here <br />
From The CEO<br />
Digital Content Manager A Timely<br />
Appointment<br />
Click here <br />
Owen Webb<br />
What Makes The New Deputy CEO Tick?<br />
Click here <br />
Regional Meetings<br />
Gawler, Barossa, Southcoast and Hills<br />
Click here <br />
Berri’s Community Spirit<br />
A Prized Asset<br />
Click here <br />
Vale Malcolm Hill,<br />
Champion of Country Pubs<br />
I N T H I S I S S U E<br />
04 From the President<br />
06 From the CEO<br />
08 What Makes The New<br />
Deputy CEO Tick?<br />
12 New Sustainability Guide To Empower<br />
<strong>SA</strong> <strong>Hotel</strong>s In Setting Nation-Leading<br />
Clean And Green Standards<br />
14 Regional Meetings<br />
18 Women In <strong>Hotel</strong>s<br />
20 Berri’s Community Spirit A Prized Asset<br />
26 Annual Wage Review 2023-24<br />
30 It seems like a good idea, but...<br />
32 Vale Malcolm Hill, Champion Of<br />
Country Pubs<br />
34 Corporate Partners Directory<br />
35 Gaming Care<br />
36 Corporate Partners 2023/24<br />
37 Licensee Transfers, New Members,<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Office Holders & Publisher<br />
We design, build and host beautiful<br />
hotel websites that link with your<br />
third-party software.<br /><br />
08 8233 9433<br />
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Response To Coalition<br />
Immigration Stance<br />
From the President<br />
The Federal Coalition’s budget reply<br />
speech had a disturbing policy<br />
contained within it.<br />
The proposal to slash net<br />
migration to 160,000 would have<br />
an immediate negative impact on<br />
our ability to bring in much-needed<br />
skills to cover our labour shortages.<br />
The AHA has lobbied the Federal<br />
Opposition to reconsider its pledge,<br />
which includes cutting overseas<br />
arrivals by 25%.<br />
Meetings have taken place with<br />
their leader Peter Dutton and the<br />
Shadow Immigration Minister<br />
Dan Tehan. The first took place<br />
inside 12 hours of the Leader’s<br />
announcement.<br />
We have requested clarification<br />
regarding the specific visa<br />
category targeted by the proposed<br />
measures. This move comes amid<br />
concerns regarding the Opposition<br />
Leader’s pledge to prioritise skilled<br />
visas within the construction sector,<br />
potentially affecting the position of<br />
hospitality workers in the queue.<br />
We pointed out that our industry<br />
is currently facing a prolonged<br />
shortage of chefs for kitchen<br />
staffing. Employers are actively<br />
engaged in recruiting trained<br />
cooks from various countries, with<br />
a notable sponsorship of 2841.<br />
overseas chefs to come to Australia<br />
in 2022-23.<br />
From those meetings, it was agreed<br />
any migration skills list needs to<br />
have a clear focus on where the<br />
real shortages are, and that the<br />
Coalition would work with the AHA<br />
and Accommodation Australia in<br />
the finalisation of its migration and<br />
workforce policies.<br />
The hospitality sector has 12,000<br />
chef and cook positions vacant right<br />
now. We are also in desperate need<br />
of restaurant and hotel managers,<br />
where migration has played an<br />
important role in assisting<br />
employers’ needs.<br />
There are also concerns around the<br />
current Federal Government’s policy<br />
to relegate chefs, cooks, restaurant<br />
and hotel managers from the Tier<br />
One migration priority list, making it<br />
even harder for our members to fill<br />
those positions.<br />
The AHA has articulated a clear view<br />
to the Federal Government that those<br />
roles need to remain on the skilled<br />
occupation list, both permanent<br />
and temporary.<br />
The recent State Government budget<br />
was largely well received by the AHA.<br />
Coming off the excitement of our<br />
events season, where national<br />
data revealed South Australia as<br />
the country’s number one tourist<br />
destination for April, we again head<br />
into tourism’s Achilles heel - winter<br />
visitation numbers.<br />
The AHA presented a detailed<br />
submission to Government to<br />
provide more funding to reverse our<br />
‘Valley of Death’.<br />
The Treasurer has listened and<br />
allocated $14m over four years to<br />
expand the business events fund to<br />
focus on conferences and events<br />
during winter.<br />
It is money perfectly targeted.<br />
Data from Business Events<br />
Adelaide reveals that a conference<br />
delegate will spend $650 a day,<br />
compared to $200 per day from the<br />
leisure tourist.<br />
Beyond a conference, delegates<br />
extend their stay to explore the<br />
regions and become advocates<br />
for the State - returning with<br />
their families.<br />
We also welcome the<br />
announcement of $20.8 million<br />
provided to increase marketing<br />
of our state both interstate<br />
and overseas.<br />
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F R O M T H E P R E S I D E N T<br />
Beyond tourism, there is energy<br />
relief for small business. The<br />
Economic Recovery Fund will<br />
provide small business energy<br />
grants of $20 million in<br />
<strong>2024</strong>-25 for Round 2 of the<br />
Economic Recovery Fund.<br />
This will support up to 8,000 eligible<br />
small businesses and not-forprofit<br />
organisations with grants<br />
between $2,500 - $50,000 to invest<br />
in energy efficient equipment or<br />
other improvements to reduce<br />
and manage their energy usage<br />
and costs.<br />
Members should keep an eye out<br />
via the Office for Small and Family<br />
Business website, with applications<br />
expected to open in August<br />
this year.<br />
Importantly, again there are no new<br />
taxes, while tax increases have been<br />
restricted to CPI.<br />
Our only disappointment was a lack<br />
of funding targeting the chronic<br />
labour and skills shortages in our<br />
sector. We continue to remind<br />
Government not every young kid<br />
wants to work on nuclear subs or<br />
other new world industries.<br />
NEW <strong>SA</strong>TC CHAIR<br />
It has been announced David Koch<br />
will become the new Chair of <strong>SA</strong>TC<br />
in July.<br />
David brings a wealth of business<br />
and strategic experience to this<br />
critical role.<br />
A man familiar with success,<br />
no doubt David will build on the<br />
impressive work done by <strong>SA</strong>TC in<br />
recent times.<br />
I would like to acknowledge the<br />
outstanding contribution made by<br />
the outgoing Chair Andrew Bullock.<br />
Andrew became Chair in 2019,<br />
unaware that tourism would be on<br />
the brink of its greatest challenge<br />
in a lifetime. Andrew steered<br />
<strong>SA</strong>TC though those seemingly<br />
impossible Covid years and the<br />
recent announcement of record<br />
occupancy levels in South Australia<br />
is a testament to Andrew’s drive<br />
and direction.<br />
Andrew will not be lost to the<br />
industry, as he remains Chair of<br />
the South Australian division of<br />
Accommodation Australia.<br />
It was with sadness we were<br />
advised of the death of AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Life<br />
member Malcolm Hill.<br />
Malcolm was the long time<br />
manager of the Berri <strong>Hotel</strong> and<br />
served on the AHA|<strong>SA</strong> State Council<br />
for 17 years.<br />
Malcolm was a revered figure in the<br />
Riverland in both the business and<br />
sporting community.<br />
His life was remembered at<br />
a moving service at the Berri<br />
Football Club.<br />
Watch Video <br />
Photo © We Are <strong>SA</strong><br />
Immediate AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Past President<br />
Peter Hurley was one of several<br />
speakers who superbly eulogised<br />
Malcolm’s wonderful life.<br />
In honour of Malcom’s remarkable<br />
commitment and influence at the<br />
Berri <strong>Hotel</strong>, it was announced at<br />
the funeral the Sports Bar would<br />
be renamed the Malcolm Hill<br />
SportsBar.<br />
The AHA|<strong>SA</strong>’s deepest sympathies<br />
are expressed to his loving wife of<br />
62 years Ann and children Peter,<br />
Amanda and Julia.<br />
David Basheer, AHA|<strong>SA</strong> President<br />
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Digital Content Manager<br />
A Timely Appointment<br />
From the CEO<br />
When I was appointed as CEO of<br />
the AHA|<strong>SA</strong>, I promised “evolution<br />
not revolution”.<br />
We are conscious of the need to<br />
move with the times in all areas<br />
of operations, including our<br />
communications. This is why in<br />
recent years we have experimented<br />
with podcasts and social media<br />
platforms to tell our stories.<br />
And now, we have appointed an<br />
experienced communications<br />
professional, Josh Bevan, to be our<br />
first Digital Content Manager.<br />
This is a strategic move to respond<br />
to the growing influence of social<br />
media and the consumption of<br />
digital content.<br />
Josh will drive our communication<br />
with members, partners and other<br />
target audiences and stakeholders –<br />
but he will also be available to assist<br />
members and Corporate Partners.<br />
He has hit the ground running<br />
and has already provided advice<br />
to member hotels on how to<br />
implement strategies, especially<br />
those who don't have a comms or<br />
marketing person on their team.<br />
We are keen to ensure that our<br />
regional members have equal<br />
access to this service.<br />
Josh will attend all of the regional<br />
meetings and be out and about<br />
across the state. Please seek him<br />
out and have a chat with him to see<br />
how he can assist you.<br />
In addition to his strong social<br />
media skills, Josh has years of<br />
experience with video production<br />
– a medium that is of increasing<br />
importance in the marketing of<br />
venues and messaging on behalf<br />
of industry.<br />
His experience includes being<br />
employed as a producer for<br />
ABC radio for five years, sound<br />
engineering and working as a<br />
communications professional for<br />
both employee associations and<br />
private enterprise.<br />
Josh will help shape the AHA|<strong>SA</strong>’s<br />
narrative and provide a voice for<br />
our members. He will give the<br />
community a better understanding<br />
of “pub land” and address some<br />
of the long-standing myths about<br />
the industry.<br />
We are particularly keen to use<br />
social media and video to address<br />
the ongoing skills crisis that<br />
members confront on a daily basis.<br />
The association will use Josh’s<br />
skills to promote our sector<br />
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F R O M T H E C E O<br />
“We are particularly keen to use<br />
social media and video to address<br />
the ongoing skills crisis that members<br />
confront on a daily basis.”<br />
offering exciting, progressive and<br />
long term career pathways. Not just<br />
jobs to get you someone through<br />
university or a gap year, but a career<br />
that offers lifetime opportunities,<br />
opens the door to travel, provides<br />
jobs for all age groups and<br />
embraces diversity.<br />
By tapping the power of social<br />
media to tell our stories, we can<br />
make a difference to how people<br />
perceive our industry.<br />
Many hotels already use social<br />
media to promote themselves and<br />
their offerings. It is now the ‘Go To’<br />
tool across society to communicate<br />
immediately and effectively across<br />
a broad audience.<br />
It is vital that our association<br />
masters this space.<br />
Social media particularly targets<br />
younger demographics. More than<br />
half of Gen Z say that social media<br />
is their main source of news. This<br />
would have been unthinkable in<br />
years gone by - but the world is<br />
changing rapidly and we need to<br />
keep pace with that change if we are<br />
to remain relevant.<br />
Our ability to be a communication<br />
leader on social platforms and<br />
with our digital content will<br />
be increasingly important into<br />
the future.<br />
I would urge you to watch the video<br />
on this page. In it, I turn the tables<br />
and ‘interview the interviewer’,<br />
allowing Josh to explain his focus in<br />
his own words.<br />
Watch Video <br />
Anna Moeller,<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong> CEO<br />
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D E P U T Y C E O P R O F I L E<br />
What Makes The New Deputy CEO Tick?<br />
In hindsight, Covid-19 provided the perfect ‘trial by fire’<br />
for Owen Webb to take on the burdens of being Deputy<br />
CEO of the AHA|<strong>SA</strong>.<br />
By his own admission, the 24/7 demands of the<br />
pandemic took him “right to the edge and almost<br />
broke me”.<br />
“Now that I look back, it felt as though if we could get<br />
through that period as an industry, we could just about<br />
get through anything,” he said,<br />
“I personally had never been busier than during the<br />
pandemic. It was unrelenting, amendments were being<br />
made to IR legislation on a regular basis and at a state<br />
level the goalposts were constantly changing through<br />
changes to the emergency management directions.<br />
Trying to decipher the changes and how they applied in<br />
practical terms to members and their employees was a<br />
huge challenge.<br />
“It wasn’t just me. The whole AHA|<strong>SA</strong> team were<br />
magnificent the way they worked so cohesively together<br />
and thought of ideas “outside of the box”. The team<br />
carried a huge workload for the industry, and in the end<br />
we were able to provide really succinct, timely advice<br />
and support to our members.<br />
“That was greatly appreciated by the members and that<br />
appreciation made it all worthwhile.<br />
“We were nimble and adaptable as an association,<br />
and in the end we came out of the Covid period with<br />
higher levels of membership than we’d ever had before,<br />
because more than ever hotels could see the benefits of<br />
being a member of the AHA.<br />
“What I took from our members during that period was<br />
their positive outlook. I was earning a salary and still<br />
had a job, but for the hoteliers they were riding the wave<br />
of emotions having to deal with constant change and<br />
not only having to think about how they were going<br />
to keep their business afloat but also how they were<br />
going to try and keep their staff employed. They didn’t<br />
mope around; instead, they asked ‘How can we make<br />
this work?’ They had to come up with innovative ideas<br />
to maintain trade – who would have thought we would<br />
have served so many meals through the drive thru<br />
bottleshops ! They were incredible”.<br />
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D E P U T Y C E O P R O F I L E<br />
“At this stage I'm more<br />
behind-the-scenes. I'm there<br />
to assist to work across<br />
our projects, services and<br />
advocacy, and to get a<br />
strong handle on the issues<br />
affecting our industry.”<br />
Looking at his lean, clean-cut appearance, you might not<br />
be surprised to learn that Owen has run a staggering<br />
11 marathons (42.2km) and assures me that this year’s<br />
Adelaide Marathon will be number 12.<br />
But few would suspect that he has cleaned hotel rooms<br />
and worked alongside farmers and roo shooters to earn<br />
a living.<br />
That was many years ago in more carefree times after<br />
leaving school. However, he has retained the skills<br />
learned from working with people from all walks of life,<br />
especially when it comes to understanding employee<br />
and IR matters.<br />
Adelaide born and bred - “my parents were 10-pound<br />
Poms” – he spent an impromptu gap year after school,<br />
working around Australia in a winery, in hospitality and<br />
travelling overseas.<br />
He went on to complete a Bachelor of Management in<br />
Labour Relations at the University of South Australia<br />
in 1999.<br />
Married to Vesna, he has a daughter Amelia aged<br />
19 and a son Aleksander aged 14.<br />
Owen has been at the AHA|<strong>SA</strong> for a total of 14 years.<br />
However, this is his second stint, his first being between<br />
2001 and 2003. He has also worked in hotels in HR<br />
roles, for both the RD Jones Group in Adelaide for five<br />
years and Mantra Accommodation Group for four years.<br />
Throughout his career he has forged a formidable<br />
reputation for being a cool head under pressure, with<br />
more than five years as Workplace Relations Manager<br />
and six years as an IR advocate.<br />
“I love the idea of helping people with problems, which<br />
is part of the appeal of IR,” he said.<br />
“If there is a problem, I enjoy the idea of trying to work<br />
through it and seeing if there is a solution.<br />
“That’s why I like the membership association work.<br />
We can work through a member’s problem, assist them<br />
(hopefully), and enjoy the feeling of satisfaction when<br />
the member is happy with the outcome.”<br />
Owen clearly has the rare ability to cut through<br />
complexity and provide clear and simplified advice.<br />
He is also adept at dealing with pressure and multiple<br />
inputs, two traits he will need as the Deputy CEO.<br />
Describing how he sees his role, Owen said: “David<br />
(Basheer) and Anna (Moeller) are the spokespeople for<br />
the industry.<br />
“At this stage I'm more behind-the-scenes. I'm there<br />
to assist to work across our projects, services and<br />
advocacy, and to get a strong handle on the issues<br />
affecting our industry.”<br />
In addition to IR work, Owen assists with regional<br />
meetings, and meets with the likes of Liquor<br />
and Gaming, and ministerial advisors to gain an<br />
understanding of proposed legislation and changes to<br />
guidelines, and to provide input.<br />
He also sits on the Industrial Relations Consultative<br />
Council, which mainly comprises employers and unions,<br />
who provide input and feedback to the Minister for<br />
Industrial Relations on any proposed changes the state<br />
government is seeking to make in IR and Work Health<br />
and Safety.<br />
In his words, he’s “adding depth” to the association.<br />
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D E P U T Y C E O P R O F I L E<br />
“There remains a real<br />
challenge to promote<br />
our industry to younger<br />
generations and to promote<br />
the industry as providing an<br />
exciting and fulfilling career.”<br />
“For the AHA|<strong>SA</strong> team, our key function is to assist<br />
members work through the challenges they face from<br />
a legislative and compliance perspective, and provide<br />
them with the necessary support and tools to help them<br />
successfully run their businesses” he said.<br />
These challenges include labour shortages, rising cost<br />
of business, compliance and red tape… to name a few.<br />
“The labour shortage, particularly post Covid, has<br />
been crippling for our industry. We have instances of<br />
members not getting a single applicant for a job, and<br />
hotels having to reduce trade and services because they<br />
simply don’t have the staff to service customers.<br />
“There remains a real challenge to promote our industry<br />
to younger generations and to promote the industry as<br />
providing an exciting and fulfilling career.<br />
“We have recently put in submissions to the state<br />
government for funding that can be used to try and<br />
promote and attract individuals into our industry”.<br />
“As an industry association we will also continue<br />
to support the government to attract major events<br />
and boost tourism, and importantly advocate for an<br />
increase to the budget for the tourism commission<br />
to attract those visitors from interstate and overseas<br />
through appropriate campaigns.”<br />
VISION<br />
Those who know him say he is patient, a good listener<br />
and above all, a problem solver.<br />
But that patience can be tested.<br />
“From an industrial relations perspective, there is no<br />
doubt in my mind that we are overregulated,” explained<br />
the 47-year-old.<br />
“It would be nice if we made life easier and less<br />
complex, especially industrial relations for small<br />
business, so it’s not overwhelming for them.<br />
He would also like to be part of a societal change where<br />
a hospitality career is at the forefront of young peoples’<br />
minds, with a higher level of skills and training.”<br />
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S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y<br />
Left to Right: CEO and Founder of 2XE, Nick Palousis;<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong> CEO, Anna Moeller; CEO Green Industries <strong>SA</strong>, Josh Wheeler.<br />
New Sustainability Guide To Empower<br />
<strong>SA</strong> <strong>Hotel</strong>s In Setting Nation-Leading<br />
Clean And Green Standards<br />
The South Australian hospitality<br />
industry made a huge leap forward<br />
in its clean and green efforts<br />
in <strong>June</strong>, with the launch of the<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong>’s Hospitality Industry’s<br />
Guide to Sustainability.<br />
In collaboration with the State<br />
Government’s Green Industries<br />
<strong>SA</strong> (GI<strong>SA</strong>) and local sustainability<br />
consultants 2XE, this guide will<br />
cement a commitment and provide<br />
comprehensive resources to<br />
empower hotels in adopting and<br />
excelling sustainable practices.<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong> CEO, Anna Moeller, said,<br />
“We are thrilled to unveil this guide<br />
with the State Government and 2XE<br />
on behalf of the hotels industry.”<br />
“Environmental sustainability<br />
has played a pivotal role in South<br />
Australia’s history, driven by a<br />
commitment to protecting our<br />
pristine natural environment. Our<br />
state has been a trailblazer, being<br />
the first to ban plastic bags in 2009<br />
and setting Adelaide on course to<br />
become the world’s first carbonneutral<br />
city.”<br />
“We have developed this guide so<br />
that our hotel members are well<br />
supported in their endeavours<br />
towards more sustainable options<br />
and can realise the real moneysaving<br />
opportunities that come<br />
along with a more effective use<br />
of resources.”<br />
“This sustainability guide aims<br />
to tackle waste management by<br />
aligning industry thinking to avoid<br />
waste in the first place, followed<br />
by initiatives that focus on better<br />
practices, reusing and recycling, and<br />
finally, disposing of waste in more<br />
responsible ways.”<br />
“Across our great state, we not only<br />
provide excellent venues and service<br />
with premium food and wine, but we<br />
have shown that we can do it with<br />
care for our people and our planet.”<br />
“By looking at sustainable supply<br />
chains and sharing the success,<br />
our industry can encourage the<br />
extension of green practices and<br />
become an industry leader in this<br />
space,” Anna said.<br />
GI<strong>SA</strong>’s Chief Executive, Josh<br />
Wheeler, said, “Green Industries<br />
<strong>SA</strong> has a long track record of<br />
partnering with industry to provide<br />
valuable guides and toolkits like<br />
this to enable South Australian<br />
businesses to unlock the potential<br />
of the circular economy to gain a<br />
competitive advantage while also<br />
demonstrating a commitment to<br />
environmental leadership.”<br />
2XE Managing Director, Nick<br />
Palousis, said, “This is exactly<br />
the leadership that has set South<br />
Australia apart from the rest of the<br />
nation for so long.”<br />
"In this guide, we have outlined<br />
the many opportunities for venues<br />
and hotels to reduce their impact<br />
on the environment and benefit<br />
the business by doing so. 2XE is<br />
so happy to be on the ride with<br />
the leaders at the AHA-<strong>SA</strong>, Green<br />
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S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y<br />
Industries <strong>SA</strong>, and our hospitality<br />
industry,” Nick said.<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong> members have already<br />
adopted sustainable practices<br />
outlined in this guide:<br />
• Watervale <strong>Hotel</strong> owners, Nicola<br />
and Warren are reducing food<br />
waste by turning unused animal<br />
parts into items for their “Doggie<br />
Degustation” menu for canine<br />
companions. With their pub<br />
and farm just minutes of each<br />
other, food waste from the pub<br />
goes to a three-stage compost<br />
system - eventually being used to<br />
grow fresh produce. It’s circular,<br />
regenerative, and impressive!<br />
• The Maylands <strong>Hotel</strong> analysed<br />
their waste composition,<br />
revealing that organic food<br />
waste comprised approximately<br />
38% of their general waste. By<br />
implementing an organic waste<br />
management service, the hotel<br />
successfully diverted significant<br />
amounts of waste from landfill,<br />
resulting in a net weekly saving<br />
of $50 and annual savings of<br />
$2,600!<br />
• Novotel Barossa upgraded most<br />
of their lighting to LED fittings.<br />
It is expected that this upgrade<br />
could result in up to 11,800kWh<br />
in savings per year, or $3,540<br />
(at 0.30c/kWh).<br />
• The Feathers <strong>Hotel</strong> installed<br />
incorporated timed heaters<br />
so they are only turned on<br />
when required.<br />
• The Old Spot <strong>Hotel</strong> has a large<br />
roof space and has invested<br />
in a large rooftop solar system<br />
– even incorporating panels<br />
on their car park shading<br />
structure! As a result, they are<br />
seeing a significant reduction in<br />
electricity costs.<br />
• Case studies that underpinned<br />
this new sustainability guide<br />
showed that:<br />
• On average, restaurants throw<br />
away 23% of food they purchase<br />
• Lighting controls can reduce<br />
energy use by 30 to 50%<br />
Launch attendees.<br />
Panel Discussion Members, Left to Right: Watervale <strong>Hotel</strong> Owner, Warrick Duthy, Mark Condi<br />
from Duxton Pubs, and Andrew Kemp from Matthews Hospitality Group.<br />
• Refrigeration in hospitality venues<br />
can account for up to 30% of their<br />
total energy consumption<br />
• Poorly maintained HVAC systems<br />
can consume up to 30% more<br />
energy than they should<br />
• Upgrading building insulation can<br />
result in up to 40% reduction in<br />
heating and cooling costs<br />
• Good operational practices can<br />
result in up to 10% savings<br />
• A tap that drips 1 drop per<br />
second can waste up to 7,000<br />
litres of water per year<br />
We look forward to working with<br />
members to continue adopting<br />
sustainable practices and<br />
encourage businesses to reach<br />
out to our specialists if they<br />
have questions, need advice, or<br />
sustainability initiatives they would<br />
like to promote through us!<br />
A copy of the AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Hospitality<br />
Industry's Guide to Sustainability can<br />
be downloaded here .<br />
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There was a record turnout at the Gawler and Barossa regional meeting! Publicans, Andrew and Chris Plush, hosted<br />
the massive turnout for lunch at the Tanunda <strong>Hotel</strong> for members and corporate partners. It was clear that the<br />
big issues we’re all aligned on are tackling our industry’s skills shortage and staff retention with government, and<br />
reducing further red tape, taxes, and costs for businesses.<br />
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R E G I O N A L M E E T I N G S<br />
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There was a lot of positive energy at the Macclesfield <strong>Hotel</strong> , where Publicans, Jen and Justin Yorke, hosted<br />
a large turnout of members and corporate partners for the South Coast and Hills regional meeting. Great food<br />
and a perfect way to spend a sunny Autumn day! It was great to catch up with everyone, hearing your stories and<br />
relaying the latest in workplace relations, licensing, and advocacy for the hotels industry.<br />
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R E G I O N A L M E E T I N G S<br />
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State’s economy.<br />
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W O M E N I N H O T E L S F U N C T I O N<br />
Women<br />
For 30 years, Women in <strong>Hotel</strong>s has brought voices together across our industry. The event in May, hosted at the<br />
Arkaba <strong>Hotel</strong> , once again showed the leadership roles that women are taking in the hospitality industry. It was<br />
great to catch up with you all!<br />
Thanks to our guest speaker, Sue Dewing, CEO of Sturt Football Club Inc and AHA|<strong>SA</strong> member for sharing her<br />
story, and our corporate partners for attending.<br />
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In <strong>Hotel</strong>s<br />
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B E R R I H O T E L<br />
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B E R R I H O T E L<br />
ASSET<br />
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B E R R I H O T E L<br />
In 2020 Berri <strong>Hotel</strong> announced a 3-year landmark sponsorship partnership with the town's main sporting stadium<br />
and complex. This this partnership has been renewed for a further 3 years making a 6 year deal.<br />
“Berri <strong>Hotel</strong> seeks partnerships with local organisations,<br />
non-profits and community groups that positively impact<br />
both the community and the individuals involved.”<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong>s are the heart of regional communities – and<br />
none more so than the Berri <strong>Hotel</strong>.<br />
The community-owned hotel won the Community<br />
Service & Support award at the 2023 AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Awards<br />
for Excellence.<br />
“Overall, it is the local community that shapes the Berri<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong>,” said Jeremy Sweet General Manager<br />
“It provides a sense of belonging, social connections,<br />
economic opportunities and a platform for<br />
collective action.<br />
“By actively participating in and supporting the local<br />
community, we help create a thriving and inclusive<br />
environment for everyone involved.”<br />
The list of organisations that benefit from the highlyregarded<br />
country pub is too long to list, but includes the<br />
likes of:<br />
• Guide Dogs <strong>SA</strong><br />
• Leukemia Foundation<br />
• Relay for Life (Cancer Council)<br />
• Royal Flying Doctors Service<br />
• St Vincent De Paul Society <strong>SA</strong><br />
• Rotary International<br />
• Lions International.<br />
It supports a range of schools, as well as 15 community<br />
events and 16 community sporting clubs.<br />
"The sponsorship and support the Berri <strong>Hotel</strong> provides<br />
is essential for the growth and sustainability of our<br />
netball club,” said Lauren Cresp, Treasurer of the Berri<br />
Netball Club.<br />
“The hotel contributions play a crucial role in enabling<br />
our teams, events and juniors to thrive in an all-inclusive<br />
environment."<br />
Built in 1918, Berri <strong>Hotel</strong> has been community-owned<br />
since May 1937.<br />
Having undergone a number of major renovations in<br />
recent years, it offers 101 rooms and suites, function<br />
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B E R R I H O T E L<br />
spaces, a bistro, sports bar, gaming lounge, and drive<br />
through bottle shop. In recent times, the opening of the<br />
Berri <strong>Hotel</strong> Riverview Apartments was a project, with<br />
the creation of 30 new short-stay apartments as part of<br />
the <strong>Hotel</strong>.<br />
As a community-owned pub, it invests profits from<br />
meals, drinks, accommodation, gaming, events etc<br />
back into the local community.<br />
This is in addition to the employment of local staff and<br />
use of local suppliers.<br />
Not surprisingly, its tagline “Here for you” talks directly<br />
to the community.<br />
The Berri <strong>Hotel</strong> has a wide focus. It invests broadly,<br />
so that it supports the well-being, health, lifestyle and<br />
performance of the local community. For 2022/2023,<br />
this represented an annual financial contribution in<br />
excess of $150,000.<br />
The total over seven years has exceeded $1 million.<br />
Youth is an important focus. It has sponsored Glossop<br />
High and Rivergum College, as well as supporting the<br />
Breakfast Program at Berri Regional Secondary College.<br />
This initiative provides breakfast to students before the<br />
start of the school day.<br />
“By ensuring that students have access to a nutritious<br />
meal to fuel their bodies and minds, promoting better<br />
academic performance and overall well-being,” Jeremy<br />
Sweet General Manager<br />
“Our community hotel aims<br />
to create a positive impact<br />
on the local community,<br />
while providing a unique<br />
and enriching experience for<br />
locals and visitors alike.”<br />
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B E R R I H O T E L<br />
Berri <strong>Hotel</strong> Group's board is structured to ensure<br />
representation of local businesses, government, and<br />
community groups.<br />
The staff, management and board actively participate<br />
in a range of community groups, initiatives and events,<br />
including:<br />
• Berri Barmera CBD Revitalisation Plan<br />
• Destination Riverland Tourism Plan 2030<br />
• Outdoor Cinema loan and set up for community<br />
groups and sporting clubs<br />
• Member of a Reference Group for Regional Industry<br />
and Engagement for student pathways and careers<br />
with the Department of Education.<br />
• Local Prostate Cancer Push, working with the Prostate<br />
Cancer Foundation Australia and Berri Lions Club.<br />
As Australia continues to grapple with a skills shortage<br />
in hotels, the Berri <strong>Hotel</strong> is working hard to be part of<br />
the solution.<br />
It actively promotes the hotel industry to the community,<br />
highlighting careers in the hospitality industry,<br />
encouraging support of local tourism operators, and<br />
providing education about the tourism and hospitality<br />
industry's contribution to the wider economy.<br />
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B E R R I H O T E L<br />
“We need to reduce the<br />
length of apprenticeships<br />
and traineeships because<br />
the dropout rate is<br />
significant. It is not all about<br />
apprenticeships – we would<br />
like to see short skills<br />
courses to upskill.”<br />
Examples include:<br />
• A Berri <strong>Hotel</strong> and Berri Regional Secondary College<br />
partnership, awarding an annual scholarship to a<br />
nominated year 12 student. This initiative features<br />
seminars with students regarding careers in<br />
the industry.<br />
• People of Berri <strong>Hotel</strong>' a coordinated social media<br />
campaign profiling the team members, suppliers, and<br />
customers of the <strong>Hotel</strong>.<br />
• Local media releases promoting benefits of <strong>Hotel</strong><br />
operations for the community and economy (jobs,<br />
visitor nights, visitor expenditure and events.)<br />
“Berri <strong>Hotel</strong> seeks partnerships with local organisations,<br />
non-profits and community groups that positively<br />
impact both the community and the individuals<br />
involved,” said Jeremy Sweet General Manager<br />
“These interactions promote a sense of unity and create<br />
a stronger social support system within our community.<br />
“Our community hotel aims to create a positive impact<br />
on the local community, while providing a unique and<br />
enriching experience for locals and visitors alike.”<br />
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W O R K P L A C E R E L A T I O N S<br />
Annual Wage<br />
Review 2023-24<br />
On 3 <strong>June</strong> <strong>2024</strong>, the Fair Work Commission Annual<br />
Wage Review Panel (Panel) handed down their decision<br />
in the 2023-24 Annual Wage Review. In this article we<br />
look at the increase that was awarded, the impact for<br />
hotels and what preparation is required to ensure that<br />
hotels are compliant with the changes.<br />
The Panel decided to increase the National Minimum<br />
Wage and all modern award minimum wage rates<br />
by 3.75% effective from the first full pay period<br />
commencing on or after 1 July <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
The effect of the 2023-24 Annual Wage Review decision<br />
is that for those employees employed pursuant to<br />
Modern awards in the hotel and retail sector such as<br />
the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2020 (HIGA),<br />
Restaurant Industry Award 2020 (RIA) and General<br />
Retail Industry Award 2020 (GRIA), base rates of pay<br />
will increase by 3.75%.<br />
The minimum wage increases from $882.80 per week,<br />
calculated based on a week of 38 ordinary hours, or<br />
$23.23 per hour, to $915.90 per week or $24.10 per<br />
hour, effective from the first full pay period on or after<br />
1 July <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
To put the increase into context as an example, the<br />
rate of pay for any work performed between 7:00am<br />
to 7:00pm Monday to Friday for a casual food and<br />
beverage attendant wage level 3 classification under the<br />
Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2020 will increase<br />
from $31.09 per hr (inclusive of 25% casual loading) to<br />
$32.25 per hr.<br />
The Panel as part of the Annual Wage Review process<br />
received submissions from various interested parties<br />
including state and federal governments, unions and<br />
employer associations.<br />
The Australian Council of Trade Unions proposed a 5%<br />
increase to minimum and award wages, plus at least an<br />
additional 4% in award rates for selected occupations,<br />
particularly in care and degree-qualified work as part of<br />
a gender pay equity measure. The Australian Chamber<br />
of Commerce and Industry supported an increase in<br />
minimum and modern award wages of up to 2% (plus<br />
the legislated 0.5% Superannuation Guarantee increase<br />
in <strong>2024</strong>).<br />
In determining the level of the increase, the Panel<br />
stated that “… a primary consideration has been the<br />
cost-of living pressures that modern-award-reliant<br />
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W O R K P L A C E R E L A T I O N S<br />
“The Australian Council of Trade Unions proposed a 5%<br />
increase to minimum and award wages, plus at least an<br />
additional 4% in award rates for selected occupations,<br />
particularly in care and degree-qualified work as part of<br />
a gender pay equity measure.”<br />
employees, particularly those who are low paid and<br />
live in low-income households, continue to experience<br />
notwithstanding that inflation is considerably lower than<br />
it was at the time of last year’s Review. 1 ” The Panel also<br />
noted that it was not appropriate to increase awardwages<br />
by an amount significantly above the inflation<br />
rate because “ … labour productivity is no higher than<br />
it was four years ago and productivity growth has only<br />
recently returned to positive territory. 2 ” In awarding the<br />
increase the Panel also took into consideration that<br />
labour market conditions and business profit growth<br />
was less positive in those industry sectors that were<br />
heavily award reliant and that employees would soon<br />
receive the benefit of the Stage 3 tax cuts and other<br />
Budget cost of living measures 3 .<br />
The AHA|<strong>SA</strong> has prepared new wage schedules<br />
reflecting the Panel’s changes to award rates of pay.<br />
The schedules are available to download from the<br />
Workplace Relations Tab on the AHA|<strong>SA</strong> website. Wage<br />
schedules are available for the following Awards:<br />
• Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2020<br />
• Restaurant Industry Award 2020<br />
• General Retail Industry Award 2020<br />
• Registered & Licensed Clubs Award 2020<br />
A more detailed Wage Rate and Allowances Guide for<br />
the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2020 and the<br />
General Retail industry Award 2020 has been developed<br />
and is also available on the AHA|<strong>SA</strong> website.<br />
Those members who have an Enterprise Agreement in<br />
place will be affected if the wages in their agreement<br />
are less than the minimum rates in the relevant modern<br />
award as at the first full pay period commencing on or<br />
after the 1 July <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
In accordance with section 206(1) of the Fair Work Act<br />
2009 (Cth) the base rate of pay under an enterprise<br />
agreement must not be less than the base rate of<br />
Endnotes<br />
1 Fair Work Commission, Annual Wage Review 2023-<strong>2024</strong> Announcement of Decision, para 12<br />
2 Ibid, para 12<br />
3 Ibid, para 12<br />
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W O R K P L A C E R E L A T I O N S<br />
pay that would be payable to the employee under the<br />
modern award if the modern award applied.<br />
<strong>SA</strong>LARY ARRANGEMENTS<br />
Members will need to review any salary arrangements<br />
for Award or Enterprise Agreement covered employees<br />
and which have been calculated in accordance with an<br />
applicable Award or Enterprise Agreement to ensure<br />
the salary is sufficient in line with the relevant Award or<br />
Enterprise Agreement provisions.<br />
Members need to ensure that they review the salary of<br />
an employee who is paid pursuant to clause 24 of the<br />
HIGA – Annualised Wage Arrangements or clause 20 of<br />
the RIA. An employee who is paid under an Annualised<br />
Wage Arrangement under either of these Awards must<br />
be paid at least 25% more than the minimum wages<br />
prescribed in the relevant Award for the work being<br />
performed. Accordingly, such employees’ salaries<br />
need to be reviewed to ensure that they are at least<br />
25% more than the new minimum wage prescribed<br />
the relevant Award for the wage level applicable to the<br />
employee’s position effective from the first full pay<br />
period on or after 1 July <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
Members need to ensure that for any managerial<br />
employees who are paid a salary in accordance with<br />
clause 25 of the HIGA – Salaries Absorption, the<br />
salary needs to be at least 125% of the minimum<br />
annual salary in clause 18.2 of the HIGA – Managerial<br />
staff (<strong>Hotel</strong>s).<br />
<strong>SA</strong>LARIES ABOVE MINIMUM AWARD<br />
Whilst clause 24 and clause 25 of the HIGA (and clause<br />
20 of the RIA) place obligations on employers to ensure<br />
that their employees are paid at least the minimum<br />
salary in those respective clauses, some members will<br />
be paying salaries that are well above the minimum<br />
salary obligations in these clauses.<br />
If an employee is paid a salary well above the<br />
employer’s minimum salary obligations under clause<br />
24 and clause 25 of the HIGA or clause 20 of the<br />
RIA, the employer does not have to increase the<br />
employee’s salary by the percentage increase awarded<br />
in the Annual Wage Review, provided the employer is<br />
still meeting the minimum salary obligations under<br />
these clauses.<br />
If an Individual Flexibility Arrangement (IFA) is in place<br />
between an employee and their employer in accordance<br />
with a Modern Award or an Enterprise Agreement,<br />
members will need to review the IFA to ascertain<br />
whether any increase to the modern award wages<br />
affects the IFA. Remembering that an IFA must result in<br />
the employee being better off overall at the time the IFA<br />
is made than if the IFA had not been made.<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong>s that use an external payroll provider should<br />
communicate with their provider to ensure that the new<br />
rates effective from the first full pay period on or after 1<br />
July <strong>2024</strong> are loaded into the payroll system.<br />
Members should refer to the Contract of Employment<br />
to determine whether the wage or salary of an Award<br />
or Enterprise Agreement free employee needs to be<br />
reviewed at this time, and if that review needs to be<br />
conducted in line with the decision of the Fair Work<br />
Commission. If the contract is silent on a wage review,<br />
then it will be up to the employer and the employee to<br />
determine when (and if) the wage or salary is reviewed<br />
and if any increase is awarded.<br />
SUPERANNUATION CHANGES FROM 1 JULY <strong>2024</strong><br />
The Superannuation Guarantee percentage rate payable<br />
to employees will also increase by 0.5% on 1 July <strong>2024</strong><br />
to 11.5%. The new rate will be applicable from 1 July<br />
<strong>2024</strong>, not the first full pay period on or after 1 July <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
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W O R K P L A C E R E L A T I O N S<br />
It seems like a good idea, but…<br />
Occasionally we are asked questions here at the<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong> that cause us to pause and think. “That seems<br />
like a good idea, but why am I uneasy about it?”<br />
One such question was a request as to whether alcohol<br />
could be provided from a vending machine inside<br />
licensed premises, with patrons required to purchase<br />
tokens to operate the machine, in a similar way to<br />
cigarette vending machines. The idea was to enable<br />
patrons to purchase cans from a machine in a part of<br />
the premises that did not have a bar in it.<br />
The token idea would reduce the risk of minors<br />
accessing liquor, but the concept still didn’t seem to<br />
sit right. So, we discussed it, and decided to advise<br />
against it for a few reasons.<br />
First, while the use of tokens which were purchased<br />
from bar staff reduced the risk of under-age drinking,<br />
it did not do so to an acceptable level. It would be<br />
far too easy for a patron to sell or give a token to an<br />
under-age person in an area that was not frequented by<br />
staff. Such behaviour might not amount to “secondary<br />
supply” under the Liquor Licensing Act and might<br />
arguably be lawful, at least until the minor actually used<br />
the token. We concluded that the risk was too high.<br />
Secondly, unless the supply of tokens was restricted<br />
in numbers to (say) one or two at a time, how would<br />
the venue monitor responsible service? If a patron<br />
purchased several tokens and used them all at the<br />
same time to have perhaps 5 or 6 cans in front of them,<br />
the venue could be said to be supplying excessive<br />
quantities that did not represent the observance of<br />
proper service rules.<br />
Thirdly, the obligation when selling liquor for<br />
consumption on the premises is to deliver the liquor<br />
in an open container. That isn’t possible in a vending<br />
machine, and if a patron (probably with no knowledge<br />
of the rules) left the premises with a sealed can<br />
that had been purchased for consumption on, the<br />
venue would be guilty of an offence under the Act.<br />
An appropriate sign above or near the machine<br />
would reduce the risk of that occurring but it could<br />
not eliminate the risk, especially if the area was not<br />
frequented by staff.<br />
So, while it seemed like a good idea, we concluded that<br />
it created too many problems, and advised against it.<br />
Kudos to the licensee for thinking outside the box and<br />
for asking us first!<br />
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L I F E M E M B E R<br />
Vale<br />
Malcolm Hill,<br />
Champion<br />
Of Country<br />
Pubs<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Life Member Malcolm Hill<br />
has been remembered as a giant of<br />
regional South Australia, following<br />
his passing in May this year.<br />
Other Life Members and senior<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong> figures joined in a<br />
celebration of his life at Berri<br />
Memorial Oval.<br />
Former AHA|<strong>SA</strong> CEO, Ian Horne, who<br />
served with Malcolm, recalled how<br />
he was elected as State Councillor<br />
for the Riverland.<br />
“The membership included a<br />
uniquely South Australian creation,<br />
the community-owned hotel.<br />
Four such enterprises fell within<br />
Malcolm’s area of responsibility as<br />
an AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Councillor, including of<br />
course the Berri <strong>Hotel</strong> which<br />
he managed.<br />
“Malcolm effectively became<br />
the Community Owned <strong>Hotel</strong><br />
representation on State Council.<br />
“He ensured that on all issues<br />
affecting the hotels industry in<br />
South Australia, amounting to in<br />
excess of 600, the dozen or so<br />
community-owned and operated<br />
facilities stretching from Ceduna to<br />
the Riverland, were considered, had<br />
a voice and were listened to.”<br />
Ian recalled: “Malcolm became<br />
on many occasions a voice of<br />
balance, of common sense and<br />
of community.<br />
“His long advocacy for and<br />
representation of Community<br />
hotels in <strong>SA</strong> was rewarded with life<br />
membership of AHA|<strong>SA</strong>.”<br />
The Sturt Football Club also paid<br />
tribute to their former champion:<br />
“Malcolm began his illustrious<br />
football career in the VFL with<br />
Hawthorn, contributing to their first<br />
premiership in 1961.<br />
“After his time with Hawthorn,<br />
he joined Sturt and played<br />
intermittently during the 1960s,<br />
participating in a total of 40 games<br />
and securing three premierships in<br />
1966, 1968, and 1969.<br />
“Beyond his time with Sturt,<br />
Malcolm was deeply involved<br />
with the Berri Football Club and<br />
managed the Berri <strong>Hotel</strong> for many<br />
years, leaving a lasting impact on<br />
the community.”<br />
In a fitting tribute, it was announced<br />
at the funeral that the Berri <strong>Hotel</strong><br />
has renamed its sports bar The<br />
Malcolm Hill Sports Bar.<br />
EULOGY<br />
Former AHA|<strong>SA</strong> President,<br />
Peter Hurley, gave the eulogy at<br />
the service.<br />
“I had known of Malcolm Hill for<br />
many years before I met him,”<br />
he said.<br />
“My earliest recollection of him<br />
was his part in ruining the last<br />
Saturday in September for a<br />
teenage Footscray supporter in<br />
1961 – which was the Hawks’<br />
first premiership.<br />
32 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
L I F E M E M B E R<br />
“Beyond his time with Sturt, Malcolm<br />
was deeply involved with the Berri<br />
Football Club and managed the Berri<br />
<strong>Hotel</strong> for many years, leaving a lasting<br />
impact on the community.”<br />
“After shifting to Adelaide he came<br />
across my radar as the publican<br />
parachuted into a Double Blue<br />
strip to accrue more flags. It<br />
seemed like flags just followed<br />
this bloke wherever he went.<br />
“After buying my first pub in<br />
Wudinna I became increasingly<br />
aware, even envious of the country<br />
pub in Berri that was effectively<br />
the Vegas of the Riverland,<br />
attracting huge crowds with Ernie<br />
Sigley, Johnny O’Keefe and other<br />
big names.<br />
“Having joined the Council of the<br />
AHA|<strong>SA</strong> to represent the Whyalla<br />
zone in 1978, I first met this bloke<br />
that seemed to be a magnet<br />
to success.<br />
“His profile at the AHA|<strong>SA</strong> table<br />
was as large as his presence on<br />
the MCG or Adelaide Oval.<br />
“People listened to whatever<br />
he said and despite my<br />
obvious rookie status we soon<br />
became friends.<br />
“Malcolm represented the interests<br />
of the hotel industry in the Riverland,<br />
and regional <strong>SA</strong> generally, with<br />
conviction and passion.<br />
“He didn’t constrain his commentary<br />
to the hotel industry alone.<br />
“We used to hear of all the<br />
challenges of life outside the<br />
comfort of city living.<br />
“Fire, flood, drought, freight costs,<br />
fruit prices, grape prices, staff<br />
recruitment, etc.<br />
“As in life generally, over the 17 years<br />
of his tenure on AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Council<br />
and Executive there were many<br />
changes affecting the hotel industry.<br />
These included the introduction of<br />
breath testing, which morphed<br />
into RBT.<br />
Then there was the introduction of<br />
CPI indexation of excise, imposition<br />
of sales tax and later wine<br />
equalisation tax, introduction of Pub<br />
TAB and Sky Channel, new glass<br />
sizes, a Licensing Act Review, and<br />
the general explosion in red tape<br />
and regulation on business.<br />
“He had a view on them all.<br />
“It would not be unfair in saying<br />
Malcolm did not embrace all levels<br />
of change.<br />
“He had an eye for the unintended<br />
consequences.<br />
“And he made sure we all heard his<br />
view. I loved it.<br />
“His incredible service to the<br />
hotel industry through his time on<br />
Council was ultimately recognised<br />
by awarding him the highest<br />
honour the AHA|<strong>SA</strong> can bestow,<br />
that being Life Membership.<br />
“The only two living life members<br />
at the time were Peter Whallin and<br />
Fred Basheer.<br />
“Fred’s son David, the current <strong>SA</strong><br />
President, has travelled up today<br />
to honour Malcolm’s contribution<br />
and status in the industry as well.<br />
“The hotel and tourism industry,<br />
regional South Australia, indeed<br />
the whole state needs more<br />
people with the mind and<br />
enthusiasm of Malcolm Hill.<br />
“You are never dead Malcolm while<br />
you live on in the hearts and minds<br />
of all of us who knew you or knew<br />
of you.”<br />
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A H A | S A C O R P O R A T E P A R T N E R S<br />
P U B L I C A N P R O F I L E<br />
Bentleys <strong>SA</strong> 8372 7900<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
Winnall & Co. 8379 3159<br />
Studio Nine Architects 8132 3999<br />
Art Images Gallery 8363 0806<br />
ATMS<br />
Banktech 0408 462 321<br />
Cashzone 1300 305 600<br />
Next Payments 1300 659 918<br />
Big Screen Video 1300 244 727<br />
Novatech Creative Event Technology<br />
8352 0300<br />
Foxtel Music 1300 148 729<br />
Moov Music 1300 139 913<br />
Zoo Business Media 07 5587 7222<br />
Bank <strong>SA</strong> 0403 603 018<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
BOC Limited 0424 647 568<br />
Supagas 8252 7472<br />
Accolade Wines 8392 2238<br />
Australian Liquor Marketers 8405 7744<br />
Billsons 03 57281304<br />
Campari Group 02 9478 2727<br />
Carlton & United Breweries 13 BEER (13 2337)<br />
Coca-Cola Europacific Partners 8416 9547<br />
Coopers Brewery 8440 1800<br />
CUB Premium Beverages 8416 7819<br />
Diageo Australia 0401 120 872<br />
Empire Liquor 8371 0088<br />
Lion 8354 8888<br />
Liquor Marketing Group 8416 7575<br />
Oatley Fine Wine Merchants 1800 628 539<br />
Options Craft Liquor Merchants 8346 9111<br />
Pernod Ricard Australia 8208 2400<br />
Samuel Smith & Son 8112 4200<br />
Southtrade International 0410 449 720<br />
Treasury Wine Estates 8301 5400<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
Winnall & Co. 8379 3159<br />
Banktech 0408 462 321<br />
BK Electronics 0431 509 409<br />
Cardtronics 03 9574 4878<br />
Coms Systems 0408 462 321<br />
Consillion 1800 500 994<br />
GBay/Aruze Gaming 0424 700 888<br />
Next Payments 1300 659 918<br />
Bunnings Group 0435 630 660<br />
Bunzl 08 8245 6222<br />
A Cleaner World 0426 887 364<br />
Boylen 8233 9433<br />
AED Authority 03 8710 8666<br />
Alsco 8346 1391<br />
St John 1300 78 5646<br />
Class A Energy Solutions 8391 4853<br />
Power Maintenance Group 1300 700 500<br />
Trans Tasman Energy 1300 118 834<br />
Bunnings Group 0435 630 660<br />
Bunzl 08 8245 6222<br />
Mr Wet Wall 1800 938 925<br />
COMS Systems 1800 324 918<br />
Vix Vision 0400 310 326<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
Winnall & Co. 8379 3159<br />
Alsco 8346 1391<br />
St John 1300 360 455<br />
FOOD <strong>SA</strong>FETY<br />
Think ST Solutions 0422 285 720<br />
Bidfood 0427 099 558<br />
Cookers 1300 88 22 99<br />
Galipo Foods 8168 2000<br />
PFD Foodservice 8114 2300<br />
Thomas Foods 8162 8400<br />
Concept Collections 1300 269 800<br />
GFR Pro 0408 186 540<br />
<strong>SA</strong> Lotteries 132 315<br />
UBET 8354 7300<br />
Independant Gaming Analysis 8376 6966<br />
Winnall & Co 8379 3159<br />
GBay/Aruze Gaming 0424 700 888<br />
GFR Pro 0408 186 540<br />
Bluize 1300 557 587<br />
Ainsworth Game Technology 0409 171 616<br />
Aristocrat Technologies Australia 8273 9900<br />
Coms Systems 0409 283 066<br />
GBay/Aruze Gaming 0424 700 888<br />
IGT 8231 8430<br />
Independant Gaming Analysis 8376 6966<br />
Konami Australia Pty Ltd 0409 047 899<br />
MAX 8275 9700<br />
Light & Wonder 0400 002 229<br />
Statewide Gaming 0448 076 144<br />
Bupa 1300 662 074 (#2146982)<br />
JLL 8233 8890<br />
Knight Frank Valuations & Advisory<br />
8233 5222<br />
Langfords <strong>Hotel</strong> Brokers 0410 605 224<br />
McGees Property <strong>Hotel</strong> Brokers 8414 7800<br />
H&L Australia Pty Ltd 1800 778 340<br />
Digital Marketing AOK 1300 658 543<br />
STR 7070 0103<br />
Max Systems 8275 9700<br />
Aon Risk Solutions 8301 1111<br />
Bunnings Group 0435 630 660<br />
Bunzl 08 8245 6222<br />
Cookers 1300 88 22 99<br />
Stoddart Food Service Equipment<br />
0468 923 320<br />
<strong>SA</strong> Lotteries 13 18 68<br />
Eckermann Lawyers 8235 3990<br />
Piper Alderman Lawyers 8205 3318<br />
Ryan & Co Solicitors 0421 595 815<br />
Wallmans Lawyers 8235 3018<br />
Alsco 8346 1391<br />
MEDIA<br />
FIVEaa 8419 1395<br />
Foxtel 1300 138 898<br />
Solstice Media 8224 1600<br />
Migration Solutions 8210 9800<br />
ONHOLD/MES<strong>SA</strong>GING<br />
1800 ON HOLD 8125 9370<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
Tanda 1300 859 117<br />
Winnall & Co. 8379 3159<br />
Bepoz 1300 023 769<br />
Bluize 1300 557 587<br />
H&L Australia Pty Ltd 1800 778 340<br />
Australian Liquor Marketers 8405 7744<br />
Liquor Marketing Group 8416 7575<br />
The Banner Crew 8240 0242<br />
Foxtel 1300 790 182<br />
Adelaide Institute of Hospitality 8338 1492<br />
Alliance College 1300 665 065<br />
The Kingsmen 0410 416 655<br />
Maxima 8340 7766<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />
08 8273 9300<br />
St John 1300 360 455<br />
HostPlus 0418 327 607<br />
Boylen 8233 9433<br />
34 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
GAMING CARE works with all South Australian <strong>Hotel</strong>s with gaming<br />
machines to reduce the harm caused by problem gambling.<br />
Providing the hotel industry with the capacity to respond to community concerns related<br />
to the harm associated with gambling by contributing to early intervention and support<br />
for problem gamblers and their families.<br />
Minimising the harm caused by problem gambling behaviour by fostering a compliant<br />
and proactive industry that works with regulators, gambling help services and gaming<br />
patrons to minimise harm caused by gambling.<br />
Assisting licensees and hotel staff with their compliance obligations, and supporting<br />
venue staff through education and training regarding the recognition of problem<br />
gambling indicators and assisting in accurately documenting patron behaviour.<br />
Providing licensees and hotel staff with the confidence and skills required to engage<br />
directly with patrons who are showing indicators of potential problem gambling, enabling<br />
them to intervene early and refer the patron to a gambling help service, or other support<br />
options if required.<br />
Contact your local Gaming Care Officer, or our Office, for<br />
information on how Gaming Care can assist your venue.<br />
For any assistance or support<br />
please contact your local<br />
Gaming Care Officer, or our office<br />
for information on how Gaming<br />
Care can assist your venue.<br />
Back to Contents W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | 35
D I A M O N D<br />
P L A T I N U M<br />
G O L D<br />
S I L V E R<br />
131 733<br />
AED Authority<br />
Ainsworth Game Technology Campari Group<br />
Australian Liquor Marketers<br /><br />
For full product range<br />
Boylen<br />
and details<br />
PFD063 <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> Advert (1/4 Page).indd 1<br />
of your nearest branch<br />
18/05/09 11:47 AM<br />
Digital Marketing AOK<br />
Bank<strong>SA</strong><br />
Empire Liquor<br />
Big Screen Video<br />
Foxtel<br />
Bluize<br />
GFR Pro<br />
IGT<br />
Konami Australia Pty Ltd<br />
Light & Wonder<br />
Liquor Marketing Group<br />
Novatech Creative Event<br />
Technology<br />
Oatley Fine Wine Merchants<br />
Options Craft Liquor Merchants<br />
Samuel Smith & Son<br />
Stoddart Food Equipment<br />
Tanda<br />
B R O N Z E<br />
1800 ON HOLD<br />
Cashzone<br />
Adelaide Institute of Hospitality Class A Energy Solutions<br />
Alliance College<br />
COMS Systems<br />
Alsco<br />
Concept Collections<br />
Banktech<br />
Consillion<br />
Bentleys Accountants<br />
Billsons<br />
Cookers<br />
BK Electronics<br />
Eckermann Lawyers<br />
BOC Limited<br />
GBay/Aruze Gaming<br />
Bunnings Group<br />
Independant Gaming Analysis<br />
T Bunzl 08 8100 2499 F 08 8232 JLL 4979<br />
H O T E L I N D U S T R Y S U P P O R T E R<br />
4TH FLOOR AHA|<strong>SA</strong> HOUSE<br />
60 HINDMARSH SQUARE, ADELAIDE <strong>SA</strong> 5000<br />
Knight Frank Valuations &<br />
Advisory <strong>SA</strong><br />
Langfords <strong>Hotel</strong> Brokers<br />
McGees Property <strong>Hotel</strong> Brokers<br />
Next Payments<br />
Perks Accountants & Wealth<br />
Advisers<br />
Piper Alderman Lawyers<br />
Power Maintenance Group<br />
Ryan & Co. Solicitors<br />
Solstice Media<br />
Statewide Gaming<br />
A Cleaner World (ACW)<br />
Art Images Gallery<br />
Bupa<br />
Maxima<br />
St John<br />
Studio Nine Architects<br />
Supagas<br />
The Banner Crew<br />
The Kingsmen<br />
Trans Tasman Energy Group<br />
Vix Vision<br />
Wallmans Lawyers<br />
Winnall & Co<br />
Migration Solutions<br />
Southtrade International<br />
Think ST Solutions<br />
36 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
L I C E N S E E T R A N S F E R S<br />
MAY <strong>2024</strong><br />
Coburn <strong>Hotel</strong> Cockburn 07.05.24 Jodie Penelope Dare<br />
Railway <strong>Hotel</strong> Port Adelaide Port Adelaide 07.05.24 Copper Pots Pty Ltd<br />
Lakeview Motel and Apartments Robe 15.05.24<br />
Foreshore Motor Inn<br />
(to be known as Beach <strong>Hotel</strong>)<br />
Hammer n Tongs Strathalbyn<br />
(to be known as The Vault<br />
Strathalbyn)<br />
Benjamin on Franklin (to be<br />
known as Unionbridge on<br />
Franklin)<br />
GW Regional Enterprises Pty Ltd and Noblet Robe <strong>Hotel</strong><br />
Pty Ltd<br />
Whyalla 15.05.24 Onesteel Manufacturing Pty Ltd<br />
Strathalbyn 15.05.24 Coffee Vault Enterprises Pty Ltd<br />
Adelaide 23.05.24 Critical Path Pty Ltd<br />
Blanchetown <strong>Hotel</strong> Blanchetown 23.05.24 Iddledoo Pty Ltd<br />
Land of Promise <strong>Hotel</strong> Hindmarsh 24.05.24 Skremscin Property No14 Pty Ltd<br />
Chinatown Tavern (to be known<br />
as Eight Dragons)<br />
Adelaide 27.05.24 WYNUP Pty Ltd<br />
OFFICE<br />
Level 4, 60 Hindmarsh<br />
Square, Adelaide <strong>SA</strong> 5000<br />
POSTAL<br />
PO Box 3092,<br />
Rundle Mall <strong>SA</strong> 5000<br />
P (08) 8232 4525<br />
P 1800 814 525 Toll Free<br />
F (08) 8232 4979<br />
E<br />
W<br />
President<br />
Vice President<br />
Deputy Vice President<br />
Views expressed in <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> are not necessarily those of the AHA|<strong>SA</strong> or the publisher and neither can accept,<br />
and therefore disclaims any liability, to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from<br />
negligence, accident or any other cause. We do not endorse any advertising materials, services offered within<br />
advertisements or products, special offers or goods promoted therein.<br />
<strong>SA</strong>M McINNES<br />
Secretary Treasurer<br />
Executive Council<br />
Executive Council<br />
Executive Council<br />
Executive Council<br />
CEO<br />
Deputy CEO<br />
ALI<strong>SA</strong> WENZEL<br />
Financial Officer<br />
Accommodation Australia (<strong>SA</strong>)<br />
& Communications<br />
Manager - Policy & Industry<br />
Affairs<br />
<strong>SA</strong>RAH LEGOE<br />
Senior Advisor - Workplace<br />
Relations, Liquor Licensing &<br />
Gaming<br />
Legal and Advocacy<br />
Liquor Licensing &<br />
Gaming Advisor<br />
Membership & Business<br />
Services<br />
+<br />
Events & Partnerships<br />
Training Coordinator<br />
Digital Content Manager<br />
Executive Assistant<br />
+<br />
3/288 Glen Osmond Road, Fullarton <strong>SA</strong> 5063<br />
P (08) 8233 9433 W<br />
TIM BOYLEN Managing Director<br /><br />
JAMIE RICHARDSON Advertising<br /><br />
Studio Manager/Graphic Designer<br />
We design, build and host beautiful<br />
hotel websites that link with your<br />
third-party software.<br /><br />
08 8233 9433<br />
Back to Contents W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | 37