The Gold of the Incas
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Hi! How are you?<br />
I’ve always liked ancient<br />
And now I know more than<br />
anyone, because I can visit<br />
<strong>the</strong>m with all <strong>the</strong> gang!<br />
Well, I think <strong>the</strong> opposite:<br />
<strong>The</strong> TIME MACHINE is <strong>the</strong><br />
worst invention in history.<br />
But I’m not going to<br />
leave my cousin<br />
Christina or my pals,<br />
Victor and Ibis,<br />
by <strong>the</strong>mselves.<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gold</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Incas</strong><br />
Tee-hee!<br />
Me and Cali just<br />
play all <strong>the</strong> time!<br />
Did you know that<br />
Cali is <strong>the</strong> only living<br />
half-dinosaur, half-bird!<br />
Hey! How’s it going?<br />
Yeah, I know, we get into a<br />
MESS from time to time.<br />
VICTOR<br />
SELDON<br />
But this time travel<br />
thing is <strong>the</strong> best<br />
invention in history.<br />
•4•<br />
CALI<br />
•5•<br />
Hmm. For many years I have<br />
been working in SECRET<br />
to assemble a collection<br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> most important<br />
objects in <strong>the</strong> world<br />
<strong>The</strong> Explorers make a<br />
formidable team, and <strong>the</strong>y<br />
could achieve this, but Eternal<br />
Maleficent won’t allow it.<br />
I have all <strong>the</strong> time in<br />
<strong>the</strong> world to thwart<br />
Sockrates’ plans.<br />
BWAHAHAHA! All <strong>the</strong><br />
time in <strong>the</strong> world!<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gold</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Incas</strong><br />
…AND US TOO<br />
<strong>The</strong> Explorers are scared to<br />
death. Ho, ho! <strong>The</strong>y know <strong>the</strong>y<br />
can’t EXPOSE ME and that, at<br />
any moment, I’ll squash <strong>the</strong>m<br />
like bugs! Ha, ha! Ho, ho!<br />
THE<br />
GOLD<br />
OF THE<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gold</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Incas</strong><br />
S<br />
eldon was lying on his back on Cadaqués beach, sleeping<br />
DEEPLY—so deeply that nothing could have woken him. He<br />
had his swimsuit and shades on. His entire body was smo<strong>the</strong>red<br />
in sunscreen. In his left hand he held a BACKPACK containing his<br />
clo<strong>the</strong>s and shoes. Protruding from one side was a cheese-andtomato<br />
sandwich nearly a yard long and wrapped in paper, which<br />
he’d brought with him in case he felt hungry.<br />
When Christina had suggested going to <strong>the</strong> HYPERMEGASUPER-<br />
BIBLIOMUSEUM first thing that morning, Seldon had refused<br />
point-blank.<br />
“No way, Chris. I’m not spending two hours walking <strong>the</strong>re and two<br />
back just because you want to look something up in a few books.”<br />
“Victor’s coming too,” Christina persisted, “and I’m sure Gertrude<br />
will make you a superbreakfast.”<br />
“You won’t convince me. I’ve got things to do.”<br />
“What things?”<br />
“Sleeping.”<br />
Seldon was dreaming <strong>of</strong> fourteen-story-high CAKES, five-pint<br />
chocolate shakes, and bus-sized bags <strong>of</strong> chips. He suddenly heard,<br />
“…DON! …PER! …DIES!”<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gold</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Incas</strong><br />
It sounded like Victor’s voice, but it seemed like it was coming from<br />
a very long way <strong>of</strong>f. At <strong>the</strong> same time, he heard a FAN. But it must<br />
have been a giant fan, because it was making a lot <strong>of</strong> noise.<br />
Seldon was very proud <strong>of</strong> his dream. It was so real that he could<br />
feel <strong>the</strong> blasts <strong>of</strong> cold air. He smiled. He loved dreams like that.<br />
All <strong>of</strong> a sudden, it went dark. <strong>The</strong> clouds must have covered <strong>the</strong> sun,<br />
although Seldon didn’t remember seeing any clouds before he fell<br />
asleep.<br />
<strong>The</strong>n he heard those words again, louder, but just as unintelligible.<br />
“…DON! …PER! …DIES!”<br />
<strong>The</strong> wind was getting stronger and <strong>the</strong> noise louder all <strong>the</strong> time.<br />
<strong>The</strong>y would have awoken anybody but Seldon—and he would have<br />
carried on sleeping if he hadn’t felt a sudden, painful blow to his<br />
BELLY. He sat up with a start and his shades fell <strong>of</strong>f. He opened his<br />
eyes and saw Cali sitting on his tummy.<br />
Cali yelled in Victor’s voice, "SELDON! THE TIME-<br />
Seldon quickly opened a pocket in his backpack and took out a<br />
handful <strong>of</strong> licorice candies, which he put straight into his mouth.<br />
<strong>The</strong>n he looked around him. People were running away in fright, as<br />
if fleeing from danger.<br />
<strong>The</strong>n he understood. A HELICOPTER gently landed in front <strong>of</strong><br />
him. <strong>The</strong> pilot was Archie, <strong>the</strong> Scottish butler who had worked for<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Sockrates ever since he had saved his life in <strong>the</strong> 17th<br />
century. He was wearing his usual waistcoat with black-and-red<br />
vertical stripes. In <strong>the</strong> co-pilot’s seat was Victor, who was signaling<br />
for him to climb aboard. Ibis sat behind him with an empty seat<br />
next to her. Seldon leapt to his feet and yelled at Cali:<br />
“What <strong>the</strong> heck!?” he exclaimed. “What’s this hen doing here?”<br />
•12•<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gold</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Incas</strong><br />
Seldon got into a helicopter for <strong>the</strong> first time in his life, and Cali<br />
jumped onto Ibis’ lap. Very POLITELY, Archie asked, “Have <strong>the</strong><br />
young lady and gentlemen eaten <strong>the</strong> time-stopper candies?”<br />
Victor gave a thumbs-up to confirm that <strong>the</strong>y all had. <strong>The</strong>n <strong>the</strong><br />
butler took a pinch <strong>of</strong> green, paralyzing TIME-STOPPING POWDER<br />
from <strong>the</strong> right pocket <strong>of</strong> his waistcoat and ano<strong>the</strong>r pinch <strong>of</strong> orange<br />
FORGETTING POWDER from <strong>the</strong> left pocket. He opened his fingers,<br />
and <strong>the</strong> wind from <strong>the</strong> helicopter blades scattered <strong>the</strong>m straight<br />
away.<br />
Move it, or you’ll<br />
be staying here!<br />
In an instant, everyone except himself and <strong>the</strong> Explorers froze in<br />
quite ridiculous positions. <strong>The</strong> forgetting powder guaranteed that,<br />
when <strong>the</strong> Explorers returned from <strong>the</strong>ir mission and scattered <strong>the</strong><br />
TIME-STARTING POWDER, nobody would remember this very odd<br />
incident.<br />
<strong>The</strong> helicopter took <strong>of</strong>f. While he put on <strong>the</strong> clo<strong>the</strong>s he had in his<br />
backpack, Seldon asked, “Where are we going?”<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gold</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Incas</strong><br />
“We’re flying to <strong>the</strong> HYPERMEGASUPERBIBLIOMUSEUM,” replied<br />
Archie.<br />
“Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Sockrates has suddenly decided that everything is ready<br />
for <strong>the</strong> MISSION,” Victor explained. “We’re leaving for <strong>the</strong> Inca<br />
Empire in a little while from now.”<br />
“What about Christina?” asked Seldon. “How come she’s not with<br />
us?”<br />
“Well…it turns out <strong>the</strong>re’s a slight problem,” said Victor.<br />
“Tee-hee!” laughed Ibis. “Christina and Grandpasocks can’t<br />
agree.”<br />
“Can someone explain?” asked Seldon in surprise.<br />
Archie turned around to say, “I regret to say, I must confirm your<br />
friend’s words. <strong>The</strong>re is a fundamental DISAGREEMENT between<br />
Miss Christina and Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Sockrates as to how <strong>the</strong> next mission<br />
should be carried out. <strong>The</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essor had planned that you would<br />
travel to Cusco, <strong>the</strong> capital <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Inca Empire, but Miss Christina<br />
would prefer to visit MACHU PICCHU.”<br />
Go back in time!<br />
<strong>The</strong> Time Clock takes you <strong>the</strong>re<br />
through <strong>the</strong> Bibliochronohistories.<br />
Granite.<br />
Explorers, do you know what<br />
material <strong>the</strong> buildings<br />
at Machu Picchu are made <strong>of</strong>?<br />
Archeologist<br />
Hiram Bingham will<br />
reveal <strong>the</strong> city’s secrets<br />
on page 158.<br />
•16•<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gold</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Incas</strong><br />
“Whaaat!? I can’t even pronounce it.”<br />
“MACHU PICCHU!” exclaimed Cali in Archie’s voice.<br />
<strong>The</strong>y all went into <strong>the</strong> kitchen. Christina was half-hidden behind<br />
<strong>the</strong> piles <strong>of</strong> books that covered most <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> huge, round table. She<br />
was entirely ABSORBED in what she was reading.<br />
“I hear you. One place is much <strong>the</strong> same as ano<strong>the</strong>r as far as<br />
I’m concerned, but... Archie, would you mind turning around and<br />
taking hold <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> helicopter CONTROLS? I’m trying hard not to<br />
look down, and <strong>the</strong> last thing I need to see is this heap <strong>of</strong> junk flying<br />
itself.”<br />
“Naturally, Master Seldon.”<br />
Nobody said ano<strong>the</strong>r word until <strong>the</strong> helicopter landed<br />
behind <strong>the</strong> little wooden house that hid <strong>the</strong> entrance to <strong>the</strong><br />
HYPERMEGASUPERBIBLIOMUSEUM. Once inside <strong>the</strong> enormous<br />
building, <strong>the</strong>y went down <strong>the</strong> staircase that took <strong>the</strong>m straight to<br />
Basement 12.<br />
Oh. How come you<br />
got here so quickly?<br />
Did you fly?<br />
Archie announced, entirely unnecessarily, “We are in BASEMENT<br />
12, young lady and gentlemen. If you would kindly follow me,<br />
I will take you to <strong>the</strong> kitchen. If I am not mistaken, you will find<br />
Miss Christina <strong>the</strong>re. I trust that <strong>the</strong> cook will be able to give you<br />
something to help you recover from your journey.”<br />
“Of courrrse I’ll be able to gifff <strong>the</strong>m something!” exclaimed<br />
Gertrude in her trademark German accent. She had come out to<br />
greet <strong>the</strong> Explorers with a broad smile on her face and a tray full<br />
<strong>of</strong> big portions <strong>of</strong> chocolate and apricot jam cake with whipped<br />
cream. “Do you think I vould let <strong>the</strong>m go hungrrry? Herrre’s my<br />
delicious Sacherrr torrrte.”<br />
•18•<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gold</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Incas</strong><br />
Seldon tried to answer with his mouth full and sprayed CAKE<br />
crumbs all over.<br />
“Gulp. Sorry. I want you to know that I’m totally against this. I<br />
can’t stand heights. Anyways, it made me hungry. May I take<br />
ano<strong>the</strong>r piece, Gertrude? Oh, by <strong>the</strong> way, Archie told me you<br />
wanted to persuade <strong>the</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essor to let us go somewhere called<br />
I-don’t-know-what. Did you do it?”<br />
Christina’s face fell slightly.<br />
“No. We’re going to CUSCO, as planned. I don’t know what I was<br />
thinking to suggest changing <strong>the</strong> mission. <strong>The</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essor knows<br />
perfectly well what he’s doing. Going to Machu Picchu would’ve<br />
been like a dream, but we can’t use <strong>the</strong> Time Machine for sightseeing.”<br />
While his cousin was talking, Seldon busied himself by looking<br />
at <strong>the</strong> illustrations in <strong>the</strong> books about <strong>the</strong> <strong>Incas</strong> on <strong>the</strong> table,<br />
especially <strong>the</strong> ones <strong>of</strong> people. He frowned but said nothing.<br />
A little later, Gertrude hit <strong>the</strong> COOKING POT with a ladle and<br />
asked, “Could someone please m<strong>of</strong>ff all <strong>the</strong>se books? I need rrroom<br />
forrr <strong>the</strong> language beans.”<br />
Victor and Seldon helped Christina to pile all <strong>the</strong> books up<br />
haphazardly on one side <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> table. Archie said, “Don’t you worry,<br />
Miss Christina. I’ll put <strong>the</strong>m all away. Oh, an EXCELLENT choice,”<br />
he assured her on reading <strong>the</strong> title <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> largest books.<br />
“Basement 125, if I’m not mistaken.”<br />
“Indeed, Archie. Seventeenth corridor to <strong>the</strong> left, <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> room<br />
through <strong>the</strong> third door at <strong>the</strong> bottom. It’s <strong>the</strong> one with a skull in a<br />
cage.”<br />
Victor and Seldon looked at each o<strong>the</strong>r. <strong>The</strong> latter murmured,<br />
“<strong>The</strong>y’re completely nuts, those two.”<br />
Gertrude made <strong>the</strong> children sit around <strong>the</strong> table and placed a<br />
steaming wooden bowl in front <strong>of</strong> each <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m. On a small plate<br />
were <strong>the</strong> four TRANSLATING PEAS. <strong>The</strong> Explorers took one per<br />
person and put <strong>the</strong>m in <strong>the</strong>ir ears. Gertrude explained, “Each<br />
bowl contains thirrrteen grrrains <strong>of</strong> maize frrrom a cob that vas<br />
harrrvested on <strong>the</strong> last night <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> full moon. <strong>The</strong>rrre arrre also<br />
seventy-one vite lupin beans, all on top <strong>of</strong> peanut butterrr. Vith<br />
this, you’ll speak perrrfect Quechua.”<br />
His mouth full, Seldon said, “I guess QUECHUA is <strong>the</strong> language <strong>the</strong><br />
<strong>Incas</strong> spoke.”<br />
•20•<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gold</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Incas</strong><br />
“<strong>The</strong> main one. All <strong>the</strong> peoples that were conquered by <strong>the</strong> <strong>Incas</strong><br />
had to learn Quechua, even if <strong>the</strong>y had a different first language,”<br />
explained Christina.<br />
When <strong>the</strong> Explorers finished <strong>the</strong> language beans, Gertrude opened<br />
<strong>the</strong> door under <strong>the</strong> stairs that led up to <strong>the</strong> mezzanine floor<br />
overlooking <strong>the</strong> kitchen. She took <strong>the</strong>m into <strong>the</strong> CHANGING ROOM.<br />
“I hafff yourrr clo<strong>the</strong>s rrready. Ve just hafff to do a few alterrrations.<br />
But I think you’ll look verrry elegant.”<br />
Suddenly <strong>the</strong>y heard, “THEY’RE COMPLETELY NUTS!!!”<br />
Cali and Ralf sprang out <strong>of</strong> a chest full <strong>of</strong> helmets worn by<br />
bikers, medieval knights, astronauts, and all sorts <strong>of</strong> people. <strong>The</strong><br />
ornithosaurus was chasing <strong>the</strong> turkey, who was shrieking, “Gobble,<br />
gobble, gobble!”<br />
Gertrude chased <strong>the</strong>m out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> CHANGING ROOM.<br />
“What about mine?” asked Ibis.<br />
“It’s yellow, vith a jaguarrr’s head on <strong>the</strong> frrront. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Incas</strong> hafff<br />
to like yellow because it’s <strong>the</strong> colorrr <strong>of</strong> gold and maize, and <strong>the</strong>y<br />
hafff plenty <strong>of</strong> both.”<br />
“Tee-hee! I love it!”<br />
“<strong>The</strong> girrrls’ clo<strong>the</strong>s,” explained Gertrude, “arrre voven frrrom<br />
vicuña vool, vich vas kept forrr <strong>the</strong> most imporrrtant figurrres in<br />
<strong>the</strong> empirrre. <strong>The</strong> boys hafff to settle forrr alpaca and llama vool.”<br />
<strong>The</strong>y spent a while longer choosing hats, footwear, and backpacks<br />
to put <strong>the</strong> finishing touches to <strong>the</strong>ir OUTFITS.<br />
“Just one last thing: Chrrristina, let down<br />
yourrr hairrr. Ve’ll make two nice, long,<br />
fat brrraids. Yourrr verrry long hairrr vill<br />
attrrract a lot <strong>of</strong> attention.”<br />
“If I catch you, I’ll pluck you both!”<br />
Gertrude had made <strong>the</strong>m some fairly inconspicuous tunics and<br />
ponchos with geometric motifs to wear. Each poncho had one main<br />
color. Christina’s was purple, <strong>the</strong> most important color to <strong>the</strong> <strong>Incas</strong>,<br />
because she was <strong>the</strong> LEADER <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir group. Victor’s was green, like<br />
nature, because he couldn’t be tamed. Seldon’s was red, because he<br />
was really hot-tempered at times.<br />
•22•<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gold</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Incas</strong><br />
Seldon had been SULKING for some time. When Gertrude finished<br />
doing Christina’s hair, he asked, “Is that it?”<br />
“What do you mean?” his cousin asked.<br />
“I think you need to explain what you mean,” said Victor.<br />
“It’s obvious,” replied Seldon. “Even if we dress like <strong>the</strong> <strong>Incas</strong>, we<br />
don’t LOOK LIKE <strong>the</strong>m at all. What do you suppose <strong>the</strong>y’ll think <strong>of</strong> a<br />
girl with blonde hair like Christina? Or red, like mine? We don’t look<br />
like <strong>Incas</strong>; we look like Europeans! We’ll be found out in no time!”<br />
“I’m Egyptian,” observed Ibis.<br />
Victor scratched his head and said, “<strong>The</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essor must have<br />
thought <strong>of</strong> that already. Perhaps he thought we’d pretend to be<br />
You just have to<br />
look at yourselves.<br />
You can say I’m no expert,<br />
but I can tell you for nothing<br />
that this mission is headed<br />
for total FAILURE.<br />
<strong>The</strong>n <strong>the</strong>y heard Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Sockrates, who had just arrived.<br />
“Hmm. What an interesting conversation. ARCHIBALD!!!”<br />
“I am right here, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor. Who do you think is pushing your<br />
wheelchair?”<br />
“Ah, very well. Archibald, take me to <strong>the</strong> PARCHMENT ROOM to<br />
finalize <strong>the</strong> details <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> mission and clear up young Seldon’s<br />
misgivings. <strong>The</strong>n get a fea<strong>the</strong>r from Ralf while Gertrude goes to<br />
fetch Otto.”<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gold</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Incas</strong><br />
“Ralf is playing with Cali,” Ibis said.<br />
“I am aware <strong>of</strong> that, Miss Ibis. <strong>The</strong> racket <strong>the</strong>y’re making is echoing<br />
through <strong>the</strong> entire HYPERMEGASUPERBIBLIOMUSEUM.”<br />
<strong>The</strong> Explorers followed Archie and <strong>the</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essor out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />
CHANGING ROOM. <strong>The</strong>y crossed <strong>the</strong> kitchen and went into <strong>the</strong><br />
PARCHMENT ROOM through <strong>the</strong> door to <strong>the</strong>ir right. When Archie<br />
went <strong>of</strong>f to do what <strong>the</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essor had asked, Gertrude arrived with<br />
Otto <strong>the</strong> squid in his tank. Soon after, <strong>the</strong>y heard Cali repeating<br />
Ralf’s cries over and over again.<br />
“Gobble, gobble, gobble!”<br />
Archie returned with a turkey fea<strong>the</strong>r in his<br />
hand and a SCRATCH on his face. Cali<br />
came in silently behind him, ran over<br />
to Ibis, and jumped into her arms.<br />
<strong>the</strong> twenty-one missions that <strong>the</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essor had planned stuck on<br />
<strong>the</strong> inside <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> door. <strong>The</strong> first two had a line drawn through <strong>the</strong>m.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essor tapped <strong>the</strong> tank glass with his finger to scare Otto,<br />
who immediately released a stream <strong>of</strong> ink to hide in. <strong>The</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essor<br />
dipped <strong>the</strong> tip <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> quill pen into <strong>the</strong> tank, <strong>the</strong>n crossed out <strong>the</strong><br />
third mission:<br />
“Hmm. Perfect. Now we can concentrate on <strong>the</strong> <strong>Incas</strong>. Ahem. Young<br />
Seldon made a most interesting observation, and young Victor<br />
gave a very good answer. Well, my PLAN took this into account. You<br />
won’t pass yourselves <strong>of</strong>f as foreigners but travelers from a far-<strong>of</strong>f<br />
region in <strong>the</strong> north <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> empire, more than fifteen hundred miles<br />
from <strong>the</strong> capital. Nobody will know what <strong>the</strong> inhabitants <strong>of</strong> such a<br />
remote area look like.”<br />
“Close <strong>the</strong> door,” Pr<strong>of</strong>essor<br />
Sockrates ordered Archie.<br />
<strong>The</strong> butler obeyed, and <strong>the</strong>y<br />
could all see <strong>the</strong> PARCHMENT with<br />
Go back in time!<br />
<strong>The</strong> Time Clock takes you <strong>the</strong>re<br />
through <strong>the</strong> Bibliochronohistories.<br />
Explorers, do you know what<br />
<strong>the</strong> <strong>Incas</strong> called<br />
<strong>the</strong> ruler <strong>of</strong> a community?<br />
Curaca.<br />
Mountaineer<br />
Annie Smith Peck<br />
will explain how Inca<br />
territory was divided up<br />
on page 161.<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gold</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Incas</strong><br />
Seldon made a face implying he didn’t entirely agree. He asked,<br />
“And will <strong>the</strong>y swallow <strong>the</strong> story that blondes and redheads come<br />
from <strong>the</strong>re?”<br />
“ARCHIBALD!!!”<br />
“<strong>The</strong>re’s no need to shout, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor. <strong>The</strong> PARCHMENT ROOM is very<br />
small, and I am still in it. You wanted to ask me whe<strong>the</strong>r I believe<br />
it possible that <strong>the</strong> Time Explorers will manage to pass for<br />
genuine <strong>Incas</strong>, and my answer is that I do not have <strong>the</strong> slightest<br />
idea. However, <strong>the</strong> explanation that you have thought up seems<br />
fairly plausible.”<br />
Victor and Seldon looked at each o<strong>the</strong>r blankly. Ibis had been<br />
entertaining herself by TICKLING Cali for some time. It was<br />
Christina who explained:<br />
It was <strong>the</strong> <strong>Incas</strong>’ most<br />
important festival. It was held<br />
every year to honor Inti, <strong>the</strong><br />
Sun god. And on a very special<br />
day and in a very special<br />
place, right, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor?<br />
“Hmm. You make it very complicated. Do you think I’m right or<br />
not?”<br />
“Indubitably, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor.”<br />
“Ah. Very well. Hmm, you don’t need to worry. When you reach<br />
Cusco, <strong>the</strong>re will be THOUSANDS <strong>of</strong> people from all over <strong>the</strong><br />
empire dressed in all fashions and looking entirely different. You<br />
will attract no more attention than any o<strong>the</strong>r visitor from a farflung<br />
province. I have also chosen an opportune moment so that<br />
you can blend into <strong>the</strong> background.”<br />
“And this moment is…?” Victor asked impatiently.<br />
“<strong>The</strong> festival <strong>of</strong> Inti Raymi in 1487.”<br />
Indeed!<br />
ARCHIBALD!!!<br />
“Yes, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor. Miss Christina is full <strong>of</strong> surprises. I agree with you.”<br />
“Hmm. I didn't say anything. However, that is what I meant. Brrr.<br />
You’re always one step ahead. Well, yes, Christina is right. Every<br />
winter solstice, <strong>the</strong> Inti Raymi begins in CORICANCHA.”<br />
Seldon looked at his cousin and asked in a pleading voice,<br />
“Translation, please.”<br />
•28•<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gold</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Incas</strong><br />
“<strong>The</strong> winter SOLSTICE is <strong>the</strong> day with <strong>the</strong> fewest hours <strong>of</strong> daylight<br />
and <strong>the</strong> longest night. As Cusco’s in <strong>the</strong> sou<strong>the</strong>rn hemisphere, it<br />
falls in late June. And Coricancha is <strong>the</strong> most sacred place in <strong>the</strong><br />
entire empire—it’s <strong>the</strong> Temple <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sun.”<br />
“Now I get it,” said Seldon. “And what do we have to go and find in<br />
this Temple <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sun?”<br />
“A gastropod <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Titanostrombus galeatus species,” revealed<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Sockrates with a satisfied smile.<br />
Archie felt it expedient to add, “<strong>The</strong> common name for this object<br />
is PUTUTU.”<br />
Victor and Seldon turned to look at Christina, who explained,<br />
“Pututus are sea snail shells that <strong>the</strong> empire’s messengers blew<br />
to announce <strong>the</strong>ir arrival someplace. <strong>The</strong>y must be about eight<br />
inches long, like <strong>the</strong> palm <strong>of</strong> Seldon’s hand.”<br />
“Ahem. Just so,” confirmed <strong>the</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essor. “And you will have no<br />
problem finding messengers in Cusco, because all <strong>the</strong> messages<br />
in <strong>the</strong> empire leave from or finish up <strong>the</strong>re. So, if you have no more<br />
questions, we can go to <strong>the</strong> CLOCK ROOM.”<br />
Before <strong>the</strong>y went through <strong>the</strong> door marked TIME CLOCK, Archie<br />
handed Victor a torch and a single, unlit match.<br />
“In case <strong>the</strong> Time Tunnel drops you <strong>of</strong>f somewhere dark. Remember<br />
that <strong>the</strong> match cannot enter <strong>the</strong> Inca era because it’s an alien<br />
object to that CULTURE. Whe<strong>the</strong>r you need it or not, you’ll have to<br />
light it before you leave <strong>the</strong> Time Tunnel and let it burn to ashes.”<br />
“I hear you, Archie. Can we go now?” Victor asked impatiently.<br />
Archie mounted <strong>the</strong> bicycle that supplied <strong>the</strong> Time Machine with<br />
energy. He waited for Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Sockrates to give <strong>the</strong> order to<br />
start pedaling. <strong>The</strong> Explorers stood in front <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> DISHWASHER<br />
that would take <strong>the</strong>m to a distant place and time. Victor went first.<br />
Behind him was Christina. Next was Ibis, with Cali in her arms. Last<br />
<strong>of</strong> all was Seldon.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essor gave Archie <strong>the</strong> signal to start pedaling. Several<br />
lights came on, and Gertrude reminded <strong>the</strong>m, “You hafff only<br />
seventy-two hourrrs beforrre you rrreturrrn—thrrree days. Don’t<br />
stay a minute longerrr.”<br />
•30•<br />
Naturally, in <strong>the</strong> HYPERMEGASUPERBIBLIOMUSEUM, those<br />
seventy-two hours would go by in a flash: For those who stayed<br />
behind, only fifteen minutes would pass.<br />
Just as Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Sockrates was pulling <strong>the</strong> dishwasher door open,<br />
Ralf came RUNNING into <strong>the</strong> room. Cali jumped out, and <strong>the</strong> two<br />
animals started to chase one ano<strong>the</strong>r.<br />
“Cali!” yelled Ibis. “We’re going. Are you coming or not?”<br />
Cali turned tail and jumped on top <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> gadgets that controlled<br />
<strong>the</strong> Time Machine to get back to Ibis. Ralf chased her until Gertrude<br />
managed to grab him by <strong>the</strong> tail.<br />
“Gobble, gobble, gobble!”<br />
“Ve vill hafff a little talk, you and I.”<br />
Cali and Ralf had left a TRAIL <strong>of</strong> ornithosaurus and turkey fea<strong>the</strong>rs.<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Sockrates, who was a little flustered, cried, “Onward,<br />
Explorers! <strong>The</strong> Temple <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sun awaits you!”<br />
Once Seldon climbed into <strong>the</strong> Time Machine, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Sockrates<br />
closed <strong>the</strong> dishwasher door and turned <strong>the</strong> Time Clock over. <strong>The</strong><br />
SAND began to fall, and <strong>the</strong> fifteen minutes began. <strong>The</strong>y <strong>the</strong>n<br />
heard <strong>the</strong> sound <strong>of</strong> something small falling to <strong>the</strong> floor.<br />
Clink, clink, clink, clink.
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gold</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Incas</strong><br />
Once <strong>the</strong> Explorers were in <strong>the</strong> Time Tunnel, <strong>the</strong>re was no need for<br />
Archie to keep pedaling. He got <strong>of</strong>f <strong>the</strong> bicycle, bent down, and<br />
picked up a round object that he had spotted on <strong>the</strong> floor.<br />
“A control KNOB!” exclaimed Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Sockrates. With his eyes<br />
as round as oranges, he looked at <strong>the</strong> dashboard that Cali and Ralf<br />
had knocked it <strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong>.<br />
“Is it serrrious, Prrr<strong>of</strong>essorrr?”<br />
“Serious, you say? I cannot imagine a greater CATASTROPHE.<br />
Right now, I have no way <strong>of</strong> knowing where <strong>the</strong>y are. <strong>The</strong>y are lost<br />
in time!”<br />
Seldon belly-ached endlessly.<br />
“What <strong>the</strong> heck!?”<br />
And Cali, who had climbed onto his backpack, repeated his<br />
complaint over and over.<br />
“WHAT THE HECK!?”<br />
“We’ve been unlucky,” Victor, who was lighting <strong>the</strong> way with <strong>the</strong><br />
burning torch, tried to calm him down. “Who could’ve imagined<br />
that <strong>the</strong> Time Tunnel would drop us <strong>of</strong>f at <strong>the</strong> BOTTOM <strong>of</strong> a well?”<br />
“We’re soaked right up to our knees,” Seldon carried on grumbling.<br />
“And as if that wasn’t enough, we’re getting plastered with mud<br />
outside. Luckily, it’s not cold. O<strong>the</strong>rwise, we’d have caught a<br />
chill.”<br />
“Nobody catches a chill because <strong>of</strong> a bit <strong>of</strong> mud,”<br />
contradicted Victor.<br />
“Tee-hee! It’s fun to play in <strong>the</strong> mud. Come on, Cali!<br />
Let’s run to that big rock!”<br />
Cali tried to slide down Seldon’s backpack, but she ended<br />
up crashing into <strong>the</strong> ground and SPLASHING Seldon<br />
with mud.<br />
•34•<br />