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The magazine raising awareness of mental health issues
A-Z contact list
for help & advice
Focus on the local
work of MIND & the
Alzheimer’s Society
How to get
help for mental
health issues
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A very warm welcome to Mental Health
Awareness 2024, an independent magazine
which brings the issue of Mental Health directly
to the general public.
Mental Health is just as important as physical
health. Our objective is to provide educational
and informative content which will raise the
profile of Mental Health issues across the local
There are many different types of Mental
Health disorders that can affect anybody
at any stage in their lives. If you or a family
member or friend have been diagnosed with
a mental health problem you might be looking
for information on your diagnosis, treatment
options and where to go for support. We
provide an important list of useful first point
contact information which can be used to get
help for varying mental health issues (pages
22 - 25).
In addition, our magazines give a vital platform
to various local mental health organisations
and volunteer groups to highlight the wide
range of support services that are available to
those who may need them.
In this edition we highlight Dementia Support
in Tangmere, Chichester (page 38). Established
in 2014, Dementia Support is a charity that has
been delivering integrated dementia services
from its purpose-built hub, Sage House, in
West Sussex for over five years. Their vision as
a charity, is a society where dementia is wholly
understood and accepted, enabling people
living with dementia to be fully supported
throughout the whole of their journey.
We also feature MIND in West Sussex (page
28) whose mission is to ensure everyone
susceptible to or experiencing mental health
issues is given all the help, support and
guidance needed to enable them to cope
more easily and effectively. They also seek
to intervene as early as possible to ease the
situation for those people and their families.
Our publication also provides helpful and
informative articles on the following specific
Mental Health issues:
• General Addiction (page 3)
o Drugs (page 5)
o Alcohol (page 10-11)
o Gambling (page 12)
o Smoking (page 15)
• Anxiety / Panic Attacks (page 7)
• Phobias (page 9)
• Eating Disorders (page 14)
• Dementia (pages 16-17)
• Depression (pages 18-19)
• OCD (page 20)
• Post Natal Depression (page 26)
• Psychosis (page 27)
• Counselling (page 29)
• Self Harm (pages 30-31)
• Stress (page 32)
• PTSD (page 33)
• Help for Suicidal Thoughts (page 35)
• Bereavement (pages 36-37)
• ADHD (pages 40-41)
• Difficult Conversation (pages 42-43)
• Insomnia (page 44)
If you would like to be included in the 2025
issue of Mental Health Awareness or wish to
provide any feedback, please send an email to
Ricky at:
Mental Health Awareness
Publications Ltd
Sales - Ricky Edwards
01375 402546
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This magazine is published by Mental Health Publications Limited.
© Mental Health Publications Limited 2024 1
Located in Worthing, on the sunny South Coast in West
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What is it?
If you have an addiction, you’re not alone. According to
the charity Action on Addiction, one in three of us are
addicted to something.
Addiction is defined as not having control over doing,
taking or using something to the point where it could
be harmful to you. Addiction is most commonly
associated with gambling, drugs, alcohol & nicotine,
but it’s possible to be addicted to just about anything,
work – workaholics are obsessed with their work
to the extent that they suffer physical exhaustion. If
your relationship, family & social life are suffering &
you never take holidays, you may be a work addict.
internet – as computer & mobile phone use
has increased, so too have computer & internet
addictions. People may spend hours each day
& night surfing the internet or gaming while
neglecting other aspects of their lives.
solvents – volatile substance abuse is when you
inhale substances such as glue, aerosols, petrol
or lighter fuel to give you a feeling of intoxication.
Solvent abuse can be fatal.
shopping – shopping becomes an addiction when
you buy things you don’t need or want to achieve
a buzz. This is quickly followed by feelings of guilt,
shame or despair.
What causes addictions?
There are lots of reasons why addictions begin.
In the case of drugs, alcohol & nicotine, these
substances affect the way you feel, both physically &
mentally. These feelings can be enjoyable & create a
powerful urge to use the substances again.
Gambling may result in a similar mental “high”
after a win, followed by a strong urge to try again &
recreate that feeling. This can develop into a habit
that becomes very hard to stop.
Being addicted to something means that not
having it causes withdrawal symptoms, or a “come
down”. Because this can be unpleasant, it’s easier
to carry on having or doing what you crave, & so
the cycle continues.
Often, an addiction gets out of control because
you need more & more to satisfy a craving &
achieve the “high”.
How addictions can affect you:
The strain of managing an addiction can seriously
damage your work life & relationships. In the case
of substance abuse (for example, drugs & alcohol),
an addiction can have serious psychological &
physical effects.
Some studies suggest addiction is genetic, but
environmental factors, such as being around
other people with addictions, are also thought to
increase the risk.
An addiction can be a way of blocking out difficult
issues. Unemployment & poverty can trigger addiction,
along with stress & emotional or professional pressure.
Getting help for addictions:
Addiction is a treatable condition. Whatever the
addiction, there are lots of ways you can seek help.
You could see your GP for advice or contact an
organisation that specialises in helping people
with addictions.
Alcohol addiction services - Alcoholics Anonymous
0845 769 7555
Drug addiction services - Narcotics Anonymous
0300 999 1212
Gambling addiction services - Gamblers
Anonymous UK
Stop smoking services - SmokeFree 0300 1231044
Rehab 4 Addiction - free helpline dedicated to
assisting those suffering from drug, alcohol and
mental health problems. Tel: 0800 140 4690
To speak to someone anonymously about any kind
of addiction, you can also call the Samaritans on 116
123 – 24 hour helpline. Other helpful contacts can be
found on our Mental Health Glossary on pages
22 - 25. 3
Experience 1,000 years of rural life in one remarkable site,
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to advertise in the next issue of Mental Health Awareness call: 01375 402 546
Drug Addiction
If you need treatment for drug addiction, you’re
entitled to NHS care in the same way as anyone
else who has a health problem. With the right help
and support, it’s possible for you to get drug free
and stay that way.
Where to get help for drugs:
Your GP is a good place to start. They can
discuss your problems with you and get you into
treatment. They may offer you treatment at the
practice or refer you to your local drug service.
If you’re not comfortable talking to your GP, you
can approach your local drug treatment service
yourself. Visit the Frank website to find local drug
treatment services or call the Frank drugs helpline
on 0300 123 6600. They can talk you through all
your options.
Charity and private drugs treatment - as well
as the NHS, there are charities and private drug
and alcohol treatment organisations that can
help you. Visit the Adfam website to see a list
of useful organisations. Private drug treatment
can be very expensive but sometimes people get
referrals through their local NHS.
Your first appointment:
At your first appointment for drug treatment, staff
will ask you about your drug use. They will also
ask about your work, family and housing situation.
You may be asked to provide a sample of urine
or saliva.
Staff will talk you through all of your treatment
options and agree a treatment plan with you.
They can tell you about local support groups for
drug users and their families or carers. You’ll
also be given a keyworker who will support you
throughout your treatment.
What drug treatment involves:
This depends on your personal circumstances
and also what you’re addicted to. Your keyworker
will work with you to plan the right treatment for
you. Your treatment may include:
Talking therapies – talking therapies, such as
cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), help you
to see how your thoughts and feelings affect
your behaviour.
Treatment with medicines – if you are
dependent on heroin or another opioid drug,
you may be offered a substitute drug, such as
methadone. This means you can get on with
your treatment without having to worry about
withdrawing or buying street drugs.
Detoxification (detox) – this is for people
who want to stop taking opioid drugs like
heroin completely. It helps you to cope with the
withdrawal symptoms.
Self-help – some people find support
groups like Narcotics Anonymous helpful.
Your keyworker can tell you where your nearest
group is.
Reducing harm – your drugs workers will help
you reduce the risks associated with your
drug-taking. You may be offered testing and
treatment for hepatitis or HIV, for example.
Where will you have
your treatment?
You may have your treatment while living at
home or as a hospital inpatient. If your drugrelated
problems are severe or complicated you
may be referred to a residential rehab. For more
information about residential rehab, or to find a
rehab near you, visit rehabonline.
Other contacts for help with Drug Addiction
can be found on our Mental Health Glossary on
pages 22 - 25. 5
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to advertise in the next issue of Mental Health Awareness call: 01375 402 546
Anxiety /
Panic Attacks
Anxiety is a normal emotion that we all
experience, such as in the run up to exams or a
job interview. But when anxiety becomes much
more severe this feeling can take over and begin
to interfere with everyday life. Conditions under
the anxiety disorder umbrella include: social
anxiety, generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), panic
disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD),
phobias, and post-traumatic stress disorder
For people with an anxiety disorder, feelings like
stress, panic and worry are longer lasting, more
extreme and far harder to control. Anxiety can
stop people living the life they want – whether that
means not being able to work, see friends or, in
the most severe cases, even leave the house.
As with many mental health conditions, the exact
cause of panic disorder isn’t fully understood.
But it’s thought the condition is probably linked
to a combination of things, including a traumatic
or very stressful life experience, such as
bereavement, having a close family member with
the disorder or an imbalance of neurotransmitters
(chemical messengers) in the brain.
Everyone experiences feelings of anxiety and
panic at certain times. It’s a natural response
to stressful or dangerous situations. But for
someone with panic disorder, feelings of anxiety,
stress, panic or fear occur regularly and at any
time, often for no apparent reason. You may start
to avoid certain situations because you fear that
they will trigger another attack. This can create a
cycle of living “in fear of fear”. It can add to your
sense of panic and may cause you to have more
A panic attack is when your body experiences a
rush of intense mental and physical symptoms.
It can come on very quickly and for no apparent
reason and can be very frightening and
distressing. Symptoms may include a racing
heartbeat, feeling faint, sweating, nausea, chest
pain, shortness of breath, trembling, hot flushes,
chills, shaky limbs and, a choking sensation.
Most panic attacks last for between 5 and 20
minutes, but may last up to an hour. The number
of attacks you have will depend on how severe
your condition is, sometimes once or twice a
month, while others have them several times a
week. Although panic attacks are frightening,
they’re not dangerous. An attack won’t cause you
any physical harm, and it’s unlikely that you’ll be
admitted to hospital if you have one.
Treatments for
panic disorder
Panic disorder is treatable and you can make
a full recovery. If you’ve been experiencing
symptoms of panic disorder visit your GP. They’ll
ask you to describe your symptoms, how often
they occur and how long you’ve had them. They
may also carry out a physical examination to
rule out other conditions that could be causing
your symptoms. If you don’t get medical help,
panic disorder can escalate and become very
difficult to cope with. You’re more at risk of
developing other mental health conditions, such
as agoraphobia or other phobias, or an alcohol or
drug problem.
Treatment aims to reduce the number of panic
attacks you have and ease your symptoms, using
one or a combination of Psychological therapy
(based on cognitive behavioural therapy) and
medication. If your symptoms don’t improve after
CBT, medication and connecting with a support
group, your GP may refer you to a mental health
specialist such as a psychiatrist
or clinical psychologist. 7
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to advertise in the next issue of Mental Health Awareness call: 01375 402 546
A phobia is an overwhelming and debilitating fear
of an object, place, situation, feeling or animal
and they are the most common type of anxiety
disorder. They can affect anyone, regardless of
age, sex and social background. Phobias are
more pronounced than fears. They develop when
a person has an exaggerated or unrealistic sense
of danger about a situation or object. If a phobia
becomes very severe, a person may organise their
life around avoiding the thing that’s causing them
anxiety. As well as restricting their day-to-day life,
it can also cause a lot of distress..
A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder. You may
not experience any symptoms until you come into
contact with the source of your phobia. However,
in some cases, even thinking about the source
of a phobia can make a person feel anxious or
panicky. This is known as anticipatory anxiety.
Symptoms may include:
unsteadiness, dizziness and light-headedness,
increased heart rate or palpitations,
shortness of breath,
trembling or shaking
an upset stomach.
Types of phobia
There are a wide variety of objects or situations
that someone could develop a phobia about.
However, phobias can be divided into two
main categories:
Specific or simple phobias - centre around a
particular object, animal, situation or activity. They
often develop during childhood or adolescence
and may become less severe as you get older.
Common examples of simple phobias include:
animal phobias – such as dogs, spiders,
snakes or rodents
environmental phobias – such as heights,
deep water and germs
situational phobias – such as visiting the dentist
or flying
bodily phobias – such as blood, vomit or
having injections
sexual phobias – such as performance
anxiety or the fear of getting a sexually
transmitted infection
Complex phobias - tend to be more disabling
than simple phobias. They tend to develop during
adulthood and are often associated with a deeprooted
fear or anxiety about a particular situation
or circumstance. The two most common complex
phobias are:
Agoraphobia – a sufferer will feel anxious about
being in a place or situation where escaping
may be difficult if they have a panic attack.
Social phobia (also known as social anxiety
disorder) - centres around feeling anxious in
social situations.
Phobias don’t have a single cause, but there are a
number of associated factors. For example:
it may be associated with a particular incident
or trauma,
it may be a response that a person develops
early in life from another family member or
genetics may play a role – there’s evidence
to suggest that some people are born with a
tendency to be more anxious than others.
Treating phobias
Almost all phobias can be successfully treated
and cured. If you have a phobia, you should seek
help from your GP. Simple phobias can be treated
through gradual exposure to the object, animal,
place or situation that causes fear and anxiety
( known as desensitisation or self-exposure
therapy). Other contacts for help with Phobias
can be found on our Mental Health Glossary on
pages 22 - 25. 9
Alcohol misuse means drinking excessively. If
someone loses control over their drinking and
has an excessive desire to drink, it’s known as
dependent drinking (alcoholism).
Alcohol consumption is measured in units.
A unit of alcohol is 10ml of pure alcohol, which
is about:
half a pint of lower to normal-strength lager/
beer/cider (ABV 3.6%)
a single small shot measure (25ml)
of spirits (25ml, ABV 40%)
• a small glass (125ml) of wine contains about
1.5 units of alcohol.
Lower-risk limits
To keep your risk of alcohol-related harm low, the
NHS recommends not regularly drinking more
than 14 units of alcohol a week. If you drink as
much as 14 units a week, it’s best to spread this
evenly over 3 or more days.
If you’re trying to reduce the amount of alcohol
you drink, it’s a good idea to have several alcoholfree
days each week
Regular or frequent drinking means drinking
alcohol most weeks. The risk to your health is
increased by drinking any amount of alcohol on a
regular basis.
Risks of alcohol misuse
Alcohol misuse increases your long term risk of
serious health problems such as heart disease,
stroke, liver disease, pancreatitis and various
forms of cancer. It can also lead to social
problems, such as unemployment, divorce,
domestic abuse and homelessness.
The short-term risks of alcohol
misuse include:
accidents and injuries requiring hospital
treatment, such as a head injury
violent behaviour and being a victim of violence
unprotected sex that could potentially lead to
unplanned pregnancy or sexually transmitted
infections (STIs)
loss of personal possessions, such as wallets,
keys or mobile phones
alcohol poisoning – this may
lead to vomiting, seizures (fits) and
falling unconscious
People who binge drink (drink heavily over a short
period of time) are more likely to behave recklessly
and are at greater risk of being in an accident.
Persistent alcohol misuse increases your risk of
serious health conditions, including:
heart disease
liver disease
liver cancer
bowel cancer
mouth cancer
breast cancer
If someone loses control over their drinking and
has an excessive desire to drink, it’s known as
dependent drinking (alcoholism). Dependent
drinking usually affects a person’s quality of life
and relationships, but they may not always find it
easy to see or accept this.
Severely dependent drinkers are often able to
tolerate very high levels of alcohol in amounts that
to advertise in the next issue of Mental Health Awareness call: 01375 402 546
would dangerously affect or even kill some people.
A dependent drinker usually experiences physical
and psychological withdrawal symptoms if they
suddenly cut down or stop drinking, including:
hand tremors – “the shakes”
seeing things that aren’t real
(visual hallucinations)
difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
This often leads to “relief drinking” to avoid
withdrawal symptoms.
Realising you have a problem
with alcohol
This is the first big step to getting help. You may
need help if:
you feel you should cut down on your drinking
you often feel the need to have a drink
you need a drink first thing in the morning to
steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover
other people have been criticising or warning
you about how much you’re drinking
you get into trouble because of your drinking
you think your drinking is causing you problems
you feel guilty or bad about your drinking
Someone you know may be
misusing alcohol if:
they regularly exceed the lower-risk daily limit
for alcohol
they’re sometimes unable to remember
what happened the night before because of
their drinking
they fail to do what was expected of them as a
result of their drinking – for example, missing
an appointment or work because of being drunk
or hungover
Getting help with treating
alcohol misuse
If you’re concerned about your drinking or
someone else’s, a good place to start is with your
GP. Try to be accurate and honest about how much
you drink and any problems it may be causing you.
Your level of alcohol intake may be assessed using
various tests and this will determine your type of
treatment. They’ll be able to discuss the services
and treatments available. Initially your alcohol
intake may be assessed using tests, such as the:
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test –
a widely used screening test that can help
determine whether you need to change your
drinking habits
Fast Alcohol Screening Test – a simpler test
to check whether your drinking has reached
dangerous levels
Treating alcohol misuse
Treatment options include counselling, medication
and detoxification. Detoxification involves a nurse
or doctor supporting you to safely stop drinking;
this can be done by helping you slowly cut down
over time or by giving you medicines to prevent
withdrawal symptoms.
A dependent drinker usually experiences physical
and psychological withdrawal symptoms if they
suddenly cut down or stop drinking, including
anxiety after waking, sweating, nausea and
vomiting, hallucinations, seizures or fits, hand
tremors, depression and insomnia. This often leads
to “relief drinking” to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
To stop drinking instantly could be harmful and you
should take advice from your GP to do this safely.
Cutting down or stopping drinking is usually just
the beginning, & most people will need some
degree of help or some long term plan to stay in
control or to stay completely alcohol-free. Getting
the right support can be crucial to maintaining
control in the future. Only relying on family, friends
or carers for this is often not enough.
Some people with medium or high levels of alcohol
dependence may need intensive rehabilitation
& recovery support for a period after they stop
drinking completely; either through a programme
of intensive support in their local community or by
a residential rehabilitation service. This may be in
an NHS inpatient unit, or in a medically-supported
residential service, depending on your situation and
the assessed medical need.
Further help for alcohol abuse
As well as the NHS, there are a number of charities
and support groups across the UK that provide
support and advice for people with an alcohol
misuse problem. Helpful contacts for Alcohol
Addiction can be found on our Mental Health
Glossary on pages 22 - 25. 11
Gambling related Harms can have a
massive impact on not only the gambler
but those that are affected by someone
else’s gambling. It can harm your health
and relationships and can also leave you in
serious debt
If you answer yes to any of
the questions below it is
advisable for you to seek help
and support.
Have you bet more than you can afford to
Been critised for your betting ?
Felt guilty about the way you gamble?
Been affected by someone else’s gambling ?
Help for problem gamblers
and their families’
There’s evidence that gambling can be
successfully treated in the same way as other
addictions. Cognitive behavioural therapy
usually has the best results. Treatment and
support groups are available for people who
want to stop gambling:
Gamcare - offer free information, support
for problem gamblers in the UK and also for
partners, family and friends for people who
gamble problematically. It runs the National
Gambling Helpline ( 08088020133) This
telephone helpline is available 24 hours a day 7
days a week 365 days a year.
National Problem Gambling Clinic - If you live
in England or Wales, are aged 16 or over and
have complex problems related to gambling,
you can refer yourself to this specialist NHS
clinic for problem gamblers.
Gamblers Anonymous UK - Gamblers
Anonymous UK runs local support groups that
use the same 12-step approach to recovery
from addiction as Alcoholics Anonymous.
There are also GamAnon support groups for
friends and family affected by someone else’s
gambling problem.
Breakeven - Breakeven are part of the National
Gambling support network providing free
treatment and support, face to face and
remote treatment/support for individuals/
couples in the East of England, Sussex KENT
Self-help tips for
problem gamblers
pay important bills, such as your mortgage,
on payday before you gamble
spend more time with family and friends who
don’t gamble
deal with your debts rather than ignoring
them – visit the National Debtline for tips
view gambling as a way to make money –
try to see it as
entertainment instead
bottle up your worries about your gambling –
talk to someone
Other contacts for help with Gambling
Addiction can be found on our Mental Health
Glossary on pages 22 - 25.
to advertise in the next issue of Mental Health Awareness call: 01375 402 546
Are you concerned about how you or
someone you know gambles?
If so, we are here to talk confidentially to
you about your concerns,
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Eating Disorders
An eating disorder is when a person’s relationship
with food becomes abnormal, forcing them to change
their eating habits and behaviours. It can involve
eating too much or too little, or becoming obsessed
with your weight and body shape. It can take over
your life and make you ill. Men and women of any age
can get an eating disorder, but they most commonly
affect young women aged 13 to 17 years old.
Eating problems can disrupt how a person eats
food and absorbs nutrients, which affects physical
health, but can also be detrimental both emotionally
and socially. Eating disorders often occur alongside
other mental health conditions, such as anxiety,
depression, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive
disorder and substance misuse disorders.
Types of eating disorders
Anorexia Nervosa – keeping your weight as low
as possible by restricted food intake and/or
excessive exercise
Bulimia Nervosa – binge eating followed
by deliberate purging (deliberately sick, use
laxatives) to restrict what you eat, or do too much
exercise to try to stop yourself gaining weight
Binge Eating Disorder (BED) – episodes of
overeating in a short space of time until you
feel uncomfortably full, and are then often
upset or guilty
Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder
(OSFED) - when your symptoms don’t exactly
match those of anorexia, bulimia or binge
eating disorder.
Symptoms of eating
disorders include:
dramatic weight loss /spending a lot of time
worrying about your weight and body shape
avoiding socialising when you think food will
be involved
eating very little food / eating a lot of food very
fast / cutting food into small pieces or eating
very slowly
deliberately making yourself sick or taking
laxatives after you eat
wearing loose or baggy clothes to hide
weight loss
exercising excessively or obsessively exercising
lying about how much and when they’ve eaten,
or how much they weigh
having very strict habits or routines around food
changes in your mood
You may also notice physical signs including
feeling cold, tired or dizzy, problems with your
digestion, your weight being very high or very
low for someone of your age and height and not
getting your period for women and girls.
What causes eating disorders?
There is no single reason why someone may
develop an eating disorder - it can be the result
of a combination of genetic, psychological,
environmental, social and biological factors.
Getting help for an
eating disorder
If you think you may have an eating disorder, even
if you aren’t sure, see your GP as soon as you can.
They’ll ask you questions about your eating habits
and how you’re feeling, and will check your overall
health and weight. If they think you may have an
eating disorder, they should refer you to an eating
disorder specialist or team of specialists.
You can also talk in confidence to an adviser from
eating disorders charity Beat by calling their adult
helpline on 0808 801 0677 or youth helpline on
0808 801 0711.
Treatment for eating disorders
While they can be very serious mental health
conditions they are also treatable and, although
it may take a long time, full recovery is possible.
Treatment normally consists of monitoring
a person’s physical health while addressing
the underlying psychological problems with
psychological therapy such as cognitive behavioural
therapy (CBT) or family therapy. Medication such as
a type of antidepressant may also be used.
to advertise in the next issue of Mental Health Awareness call: 01375 402 546
Self-help tips to stop smoking.
Get some stop smoking support - If friends or
family members want to give up too, suggest to
them that you give up together.
Think positive - You might have tried to quit
smoking before and not managed it, but don’t
let that put you off. Look back at the things your
experience has taught you and think about how
you’re really going to do it this time.
Make a plan to quit smoking - Make a promise,
set a date and stick to it. Sticking to the “not
a drag” rule can really help. Whenever you
find yourself in difficulty say to yourself, “I will
not have even a single drag” and stick with
this until the cravings pass. Think ahead to
times where it might be difficult – a party for
instance – and plan your actions and escape
routes in advance.
Make a list of reasons to quit - Keep reminding
yourself why you made the decision to give up.
Make a list of the reasons and read it when you
need support.
Identify when you crave cigarettes - A craving
can last five minutes. Before you give up, make
a list of five-minute strategies. For example, you
could leave the party for a minute, dance or go
to the bar. And think about this: the combination
of smoking and drinking raises your risk of
mouth cancer by 38 times.
If you want to stop smoking, you can make small
changes to your lifestyle that may help you resist
the temptation to light up.
Consider your diet - Is your after-dinner
cigarette your favourite? A US study revealed
that some foods, including meat, make
cigarettes more satisfying. Others, including
cheese, fruit and vegetables, make cigarettes
taste terrible. So swap your usual steak or
burger for a veggie pizza instead. You may
also want to change your routine at or after
mealtimes. Getting up and doing the dishes
straight away or settling down in a room where
you don’t smoke may help.
Change your drink - The same study as above
also looked at drinks. Fizzy drinks, alcohol, cola,
tea and coffee all make cigarettes taste better.
So when you’re out, drink more water and juice.
Some people find simply changing their drink
(for example, switching from wine to a vodka
and tomato juice) affects their need to reach
for a cigarette.
Get moving - A review of scientific studies has
proved exercise – even a five-minute walk or
stretch – cuts cravings and may help your brain
produce anti-craving chemicals.
Make non-smoking friends - When you’re at a
party, stick with the non-smokers.
Keep your hands and mouth busy - Nicotine
replacement therapy (NRT) can double your
chances of success. As well as patches, there
are tablets, lozenges, gum and a nasal spray.
And if you like holding a cigarette, there are
handheld products like the inhalator. There are
also e-cigarettes. When you’re out, try putting
your drink in the hand that usually holds a
cigarette, or drink from a straw to keep your
mouth busy.
There is also support available from your local
stop smoking service. Did you know that you’re
up to four times more likely to quit successfully
with their expert help and advice? www.nhs.
You can also call the NHS Smokefree Helpline on
0300 123 1044 open Monday to Friday 9am to
8pm, and Saturday to Sunday 11am to 4pm. 15
About Dementia
As you get older, you may find that memory loss
becomes a problem. It’s normal for your memory
to be affected by stress, tiredness, or certain
illnesses and medications. This can be annoying
if it happens occasionally, but if you’re becoming
increasingly forgetful, particularly if you’re over
the age of 65 and it’s affecting your daily life or is
worrying you or someone you know, it may be a
good idea to talk to your GP about the early signs
of dementia.
What is dementia?
Dementia isn’t a single disease, but is a syndrome
(a group of related symptoms) associated with
an ongoing decline of brain functioning. Several
different diseases can cause dementia.
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common
type of dementia and, together with vascular
dementia, makes up the vast majority of cases.
Because both vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s
disease are common – especially in older people
– they may be present together. This is often
called mixed dementia because a mix of these
two conditions is thought to be the cause of the
Many of these diseases are associated with
an abnormal build-up of proteins in the brain.
This build-up causes nerve cells to function less
well and ultimately die. As the nerve cells die,
different areas of the brain shrink.
Vascular dementia is caused by reduced blood
flow to the brain. Nerve cells in the brain need
oxygen and nutrients from blood to survive. When
the blood supply to the brain is reduced, the nerve
cells function less well and eventually die.
There are many rarer diseases and conditions
that can lead to dementia, or dementia-like
symptoms. These conditions account for only
5% of dementia cases in the UK.
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) isn’t a cause
of dementia. It refers to a condition in which
someone has minor problems with cognition,
or their memory and thinking, such as memory
loss, difficulty concentrating and problems with
planning and reasoning. These symptoms aren’t
severe enough to cause problems in everyday
life, so aren’t defined as dementia.
How common is dementia?
According to the Alzheimer’s Society there are
around 850,000 people in the UK with dementia.
One in 14 people over 65 will develop dementia,
and the condition affects 1 in 6 people over 80.
The number of people with dementia is increasing
because people are living longer. It is estimated
that by 2025, the number of people with dementia
in the UK will have increased to around 1 million.
Symptoms of Dementia
Dementia is not a natural part of the ageing
process and you need to be aware of the
symptoms of dementia, which tend to worsen
with time and can affect the way you speak, think,
feel and behave.
People with dementia can become apathetic
or uninterested in their usual activities, or may
have problems controlling their emotions. They
may also find social situations challenging
and lose interest in socialising. Aspects of
their personality may change. A person with
dementia may lose empathy (understanding and
compassion), they may see or hear things that
other people do not (hallucinations).
Because people with dementia may lose the
ability to remember events or fully understand
their environment or situations, it can seem as if
they’re not telling the truth, or are wilfully ignoring
As dementia affects a person’s mental abilities,
they may find planning and organising difficult.
to advertise in the next issue of Mental Health Awareness call: 01375 402 546
Maintaining their independence may also become
a problem. A person with dementia will therefore
usually need help from friends or relatives,
including help with decision making.
Although dementia isn’t just about memory loss,
it’s one of the key symptoms. Others include:
increasing difficulty with daily tasks and activities
that require concentration and planning
changes in personality and mood
understanding - periods of mental confusion
language - difficulty finding the right words or
not being able to understand conversations
as easily
memory loss, thinking speed and
mental sharpness
Why is it important to
get a diagnosis?
Although there is no cure for dementia at
present, if it’s diagnosed in the early stages, there
are ways you can slow it down and maintain
mental function.
A diagnosis can help people with dementia get the
right treatment and support, and help those close
to them to prepare and plan for the future.
With treatment and support, many people are
able to lead active, fulfilled lives.
Dementia is diagnosed by doctors ruling out
other conditions that could cause the symptoms,
as well as completing a thorough assessment.
A GP, or a doctor specialising in memory
problems, will run a series of tests and
assessments to see if there is an alternative
explanation for the problems. The doctor will
also want to discuss how the problems being
experienced have developed over time.
How to talk to someone you
think has signs of dementia
Raising the issue of memory loss and the
possibility of dementia can be a difficult thing
to do. Someone who is experiencing these
symptoms may be confused, unaware they have
any problems, worried or in denial.
Before starting a conversation with someone you’re
concerned about, the Alzheimer’s Society suggests
that you ask yourself the following questions:
have they noticed the symptoms?
do they think their problems are just a natural
part of ageing?
are they scared about what the changes
could mean?
are you the best person to talk to them about
memory problems?
do they think there won’t be any point in
seeking help?
When you do talk to them, choose a place that is
familiar and non-threatening. And allow plenty of
time so the conversation isn’t rushed.
You may like to suggest that you accompany
your friend or relative to the GP so you can
support them. This also means that after the
appointment, you can help your friend or relative
recall what has been discussed.
If the diagnosis is dementia
A dementia diagnosis can come as a shock,
but over time some people come to view it in a
positive way. This is because a diagnosis is the
first step towards getting the information, help
and support needed to manage the symptoms.
A diagnosis of dementia can help people
with these symptoms, and their families and
friends, take control, make plans and prepare
for the future.
Further help and information
Other contacts for help with Dementia can be found
on our Mental Health Glossary on pages 22-25. 17
Depression is more than simply feeling
unhappy or fed up for a few days. Most people
go through periods of feeling down, but when
you’re depressed you feel persistently sad for
weeks or months, rather than just a few days.
Some people think depression is trivial and not
a genuine health condition. They’re wrong – it
is a real illness with real symptoms. Depression
isn’t a sign of weakness or something you can
“snap out of” by “pulling yourself together”. The
good news is that with the right treatment and
support, most people with depression can
make a full recovery.
Depression affects people in different ways and
can cause a wide variety of symptoms. But as
a general rule, if you’re depressed, you feel sad,
hopeless, anxious, tearful and lose interest in
things you used to enjoy. There can be physical
symptoms too, such as feeling constantly tired,
sleeping badly, having no appetite or sex drive,
and various aches and pains. The symptoms
of depression may persist for weeks or months
and are bad enough to interfere with your work,
social life and family life. There are many other
symptoms of depression and you’re unlikely to
have all of those listed below.
Psychological symptoms:
continuous low mood or sadness / feeling
hopeless and helpless / having low self-esteem
feeling tearful / feeling anxious or worried
feeling irritable and intolerant of others /
feeling guilt-ridden
having no motivation or interest in things
/ not getting any enjoyment out of life
finding it difficult to make decisions
having suicidal thoughts or thoughts of
harming yourself
Physical symptoms:
moving or speaking more slowly than usual
changes in appetite or weight (usually
decreased, but sometimes increased) /
unexplained aches and pains
lack of energy / low sex drive (loss of libido) /
changes to your menstrual cycle
disturbed sleep / finding it difficult to fall asleep
at night / waking up very early in the morning
Social symptoms:
not doing well at work
avoiding contact with friends and taking part in
fewer social activities
neglecting your hobbies and interests
having difficulties in your home and family life
Severities of depression
Doctors categorize the symptoms of depression
from mild to severe:
mild depression – has some impact on your
daily life and you may simply feel persistently
low in spirit
moderate depression – has a significant impact
on your daily life
severe depression – makes it almost
impossible to get through daily life; a few people
with severe depression may have psychotic
symptoms and it can make you feel suicidal
and that life is no longer worth living.
How to tell if you have
depression and when
to see a doctor
Most people experience feelings of stress,
unhappiness or anxiety during difficult times.
A low mood may improve after a short period
of time, rather than being a sign of depression.
However, it’s important to seek help from your
to advertise in the next issue of Mental Health Awareness call: 01375 402 546
of depression, with talking therapies and
antidepressant medicines.
Bipolar Disorder (also known as manic
depression) - there are spells of both
depression and excessively high mood (mania);
the depression symptoms are similar to clinical
depression, but the bouts of mania can include
harmful behaviour, such as gambling, going on
spending sprees and having unsafe sex.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) – also
known as “winter depression”, SAD is a type
of depression with a seasonal pattern usually
related to winter.
GP if you think you may be depressed. Don’t wait
before seeking help for depression, the sooner
you see a doctor, the sooner you can be on the
way to recovery.
Depression can often come on gradually, so it
can be difficult to notice something is wrong.
Many people try to cope with their symptoms
without realising they’re unwell. It can
sometimes take a friend or family member to
suggest something is wrong.
What causes depression?
Depression is fairly common, affecting about 1 in
10 people at some point during their life. It affects
men and women, young and old. Studies have
shown that about 4% of children aged five to 16 in
the UK are anxious or depressed.
Sometimes there’s a trigger for depression. Lifechanging
events, such as bereavement, losing your
job or even having a baby, can bring it on. People
with a family history of depression are more likely
to experience it themselves. But you can also
become depressed for no obvious reason.
Grief - it can be difficult to distinguish between
grief and depression. They share many of the
same characteristics, but there are important
differences between them. Grief is an entirely
natural response to a loss, while depression is an
illness. People who are grieving find their feelings
of sadness and loss come and go, but they’re
still able to enjoy things and look forward to the
future. In contrast, people who are depressed
constantly feel sad. They don’t enjoy anything
and find it difficult to be positive about the future.
Postnatal Depression – some women
develop depression after they have a baby
and it’s treated in a similar way to other types
Treating depression
Treatment for depression can involve a
combination of lifestyle changes, talking
therapies and medication. Your recommended
treatment will be based on whether you have
mild, moderate or severe depression.
If you have mild depression, your doctor may
suggest waiting to see whether it improves on
its own, while monitoring your progress. This
is known as “watchful waiting”. They may also
suggest lifestyle measures such as exercise
and self-help groups. Talking therapies, such as
cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), are often
used for mild depression that isn’t improving or
moderate depression. Antidepressants are also
sometimes prescribed.
For moderate to severe depression, a combination
of talking therapy and antidepressants is often
recommended. If you have severe depression, you
may be referred to a specialist mental health team
for intensive specialist talking treatments and
prescribed medication.
Living with depression
Many people with depression benefit by making
lifestyle changes, such as getting more exercise,
cutting down on alcohol, giving up smoking and
eating healthily. Reading a self-help book or
joining a support group are also worthwhile. They
can help you gain a better understanding about
what causes you to feel depressed. Sharing your
experiences with others in a similar situation can
also be very supportive.
Further Help and Information
Other contacts for help with Depression can be
found on our Mental Health Glossary on pages
22 - 25. 19
Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common
mental health condition in which a person has
obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours.
It affects men, women and children, and can
develop at any age. OCD can be distressing and
significantly interfere with your life, but treatment
can help you keep it under control.
An obsession is an unwanted and unpleasant
thought, image or urge that repeatedly enters
your mind, causing feelings of anxiety, disgust
or unease.
A compulsion is a repetitive behaviour or mental
act that you feel you need to carry out to try
to temporarily relieve the unpleasant feelings
brought on by the obsessive thought. e.g. For
example, someone with an obsessive fear of
their house being burgled may feel they need
to check all the windows and doors are locked
several times before they can leave the house.
Getting help for OCD
People with OCD are often reluctant to seek help
because they feel ashamed or embarrassed. But
there’s nothing to feel ashamed or embarrassed
about. It’s a health condition like any other. If you
think a friend or family member may have OCD, try
talking to them about your concerns and suggest
they seek help. OCD is unlikely to get better without
proper treatment and support. You can either
refer yourself directly to a psychological therapies
service or visit your GP who can refer you to a local
psychological therapies service if necessary.
Treatments for OCD
There are some effective treatments for OCD that
can help reduce the impact the condition has on
your life. The main treatments are:
psychological therapy – usually a special
type of cognitive behavioural therapy
(CBT) that helps you face your fears and
obsessive thoughts without “putting them
right” with compulsions
medication – usually a type of antidepressant
medication called selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors (SSRIs) that can help by altering the
balance of chemicals in your brain
Causes of OCD
It’s not clear exactly what causes OCD. A
number of different factors may play a role
in the condition. These include family history,
differences in the brain and personality (neat,
meticulous, methodical people with high personal
standards may be more likely to develop OCD, as
may those who are generally quite anxious).
OCD may also occur after important life events
such as childbirth or a bereavement.
Further Help and
Living with OCD can be difficult. In addition to
getting medical help, you might find it helps to
contact a support group or other people with OCD
for information and advice. The following sites
may be useful sources of support:
OCD Action – The
national OCD charity, run by people with
experience of OCD
TOP UK – The OCD and
Phobia charity.
HealthUnlocked OCD forum
Other contacts for help with OCD can be found on
our Mental Health Glossary on pages 22 - 25.
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They are all life-savers
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They are all life-savers
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01375 402546 21
A Summary of Contact Numbers
and Information for Selected Mental Health Disorders
Specialised Area
Contact Details
SANE - emotional support, information & guidance for people
affected by mental illness, their families & carers.
SANEline: 0300 304 7000
Mind - 0300 123 3393 (Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm)
Rethink Mental Illness - support and advice for people living with
mental illness.
Phone: 0300 5000 927 (Mon-Fri, 9.30am-4pm)
Mental Health
Mental Health Foundation - provides information & support for
anyone with mental health problems or learning disabilities.
Young Minds - information on child & adolescent mental health.
Parents helpline 0808 802 5544 (Mon-Fri, 9.30am-4pm)
The Samaritans - confidential support for people experiencing
feelings of distress or despair.
Phone: 116 123 (free 24-hour helpline).
NHS Choices –
Information on online mental health services.
British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy –
01455 883 300
Adfam - a national charity working with families affected by drugs
& alcohol. Has a database of local support groups.
General Addictions
Rehab 4 Addiction - free helpline dedicated to assisting those
suffering from drug, alcohol and mental health problems.
Tel: 0800 140 4690
Addaction - a UK-wide treatment agency that helps individuals,
families & communities manage the effects of drug and
alcohol misuse.
14 22 to advertise in the next issue of Mental Health Awareness call: 01375 402 546
Alcohol Misuse
Alcohol Misuse
Drugs /
Drugs Substance / Abuse
Substance Abuse
Smoking Dependency
Smoking Dependency
Drinkline - the national alcohol helpline. Free & confidential
Drinkline 0300 123 - 1110 the national alcohol helpline. Free & confidential
0300 123 1110
Alcoholics Anonymous - 0845 769 7555 (24 hr)
Alcoholics Anonymous - 0845 769 7555 (24 hr)
Al-Anon Family Groups - offers support to the families & friends of
Al-Anon problem Family drinkers. Groups Helpline - offers 0207 support 403 0888 to the
families & friends of
problem drinkers. Helpline 0207 403 0888
The National Association for Children of Alcoholics -
The for children National of Association alcohol-dependent for Children parents of Alcoholics and others - concerned
for about children their welfare. of alcohol-dependent Free confidential parents helpline and 0800 others 358 concerned 3456.
their welfare. Free confidential helpline 0800 358 3456.
FRANK drugs helpline 0300 123 6600
FRANK drugs helpline 0300 123 6600
Narcotics Anonymous - 0300 999 1212 (daily until midnight)
Narcotics Anonymous - 0300 999 1212 (daily until midnight)
GamCare – the National Gambling Helpline 0808 8020 133 -
GamCare offers free – information, the National support Gambling and Helpline counselling 0808 for 8020 problem 133 -
offers gamblers free in information, the UK. support and counselling for problem
gamblers in the UK.
Gamblers Anonymous - runs local support groups
Anonymous - runs local support groups
GamAnon - support groups for friends and family.
- support groups for friends and family.
Break Even - 01273 833722
NHS Smokefree - helpline on 0300 123 1044
NHS Smokefree - helpline on 0300 123 1044
There is also support available from your local stop smoking
service. There is
also support available from your local stop smoking
National Dementia - helpline 0300 222 1122
National Dementia - helpline 0300 222 1122
Alzheimer's Society - helpline 0300 222 1122
Alzheimer's Society - helpline 0300 222 1122
Alzheimer's Research UK -
0300 Alzheimer's 111 5 111 Research
UK -
0300 111 5 111
Dementia UK - to talk to an Admiral Nurse, who are registered
nurses Dementia & experts UK - to in talk dementia to an Admiral care, call Nurse, who are registered
0800 nurses 888 & experts 6678
in care, call
0800 888 6678
The Carers Trust - if you are looking after someone with dementia,
get The help Carers & support Trust - if & you even are a break looking from after caring. someone
with dementia,
get help & support & even a break from caring. 15 23
A Summary of Contact Numbers - continued
Anxiety Disorders
& Social Anxiety
Panic Disorder
Bipolar Disorder
Psychotic Depression
Episodes / Confusion
(Sudden Delirium)
Seasonal Affective
Eating Disorders
Body Dysmorphic
Anxiety UK - Phone: 03444 775 774 (Mon-Fri, 9.30am-5.30pm)
Anxiety Care UK –
No More Panic –
No Panic – / helpline: 08449 674848
(10.00am – 10.00pm)
Triumph Over Phobia –
Depression Alliance - for sufferers of depression.
Bipolar UK -
The Association for Post Natal Illness -
0207 386 0868
Pre and Postnatal Depression Advice and Support -
0843 2898401
The Hearing Voices Network -
The National Paranoia Network -
Mind's webpage re: hearing voices and psychosis -
SAD Association -
Beat - Phone: 0808 801 0677 (adults)
or 0808 801 0711 (for under-18s)
(Anorexia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder & Bulimia).
Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation –
Respect – 0808 802 4040
National Domestic Abuse - helpline – 0808 2000 247
Refuge –
Autism Spectrum
The National Autistic Society -
Autism Helpline 0808 800 4104
16 24 to advertise in the next issue of Mental Health Awareness call: 01375 402 546
Grief / Bereavement
MIND - has a list if useful contacts
Cruse Bereavement Care - Phone: 0844 477 9400
(Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm)
Hoarding Disorder – 0845 120 3778
Compulsive Disorder
Stress Disorder
OCD Action - support for people with OCD related disorders.
Phone: 0845 390 6232 Website:
(Mon-Fri, 9.30am-5pm)
National Paranoia Network – 0114 271 8210
ASSIST trauma care –
helpline 0178 856 0800
Combat Stress – helpline 0800 1381 619
PTSD Resolution – 0300 302 0551
Dysphoric Disorder
National Association for Premenstrual Syndrome –
The National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC)
Sexual Abuse
0808 801 0331 (freephone, Monday–Thursday 10am–9pm and
Friday 10am–6pm)
HAVOCA (Help for Adult Victims of Child Abuse)
Lifecentre - helpline: 0808 802 0808
Harmless – email
Mind and Body – advice about how to manage difficult thoughts
& feelings, support available for 13-25 year olds in Kent – phone
01795 500882 from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
(see also Back Page for more details).
Men's Health Forum - 24/7 stress support for men by text, chat
and email. Website:
PAPYRUS - Young suicide prevention society.
HOPElineUK 0800 068 4141
(Mon-Fri,10am-5pm & 7-10pm. Weekends 2-5pm)
Suicide / Suicidal
Childline – for children and young people under 19
Call 0800 1111 – the number won’t show up on your phone bill
CALM - the Campaign Against Living Miserably, for men aged
The Silver Line – for older people Call 0800 4 70 80 90 17 25
Post Natal
Postnatal depression is a type of depression that
many parents experience after having a baby.
It’s a common problem, affecting more than 1 in
every 10 women and up to 1 in 25 new fathers
within a year of giving birth.
Many women feel a bit down, tearful or anxious
in the first week after giving birth. Having a baby
is a life-changing event and it often takes time to
adapt to becoming a new parent. Looking after a
small baby can be stressful and exhausting. This
is often called the “baby blues” and is so common
that it’s considered normal.
Unlike the “baby blues”, which generally do not last
more than 2 weeks after giving birth, postnatal
depression can start any time in the first year after
giving birth. It’s important to seek help as soon as
possible if you think you might be depressed, as
your symptoms could last months or get worse
and have a significant impact on you, your baby
and your family. With the right support most
women make a full recovery.
There is no evidence that there’s anything
specific you can do to prevent the condition
developing, apart from maintaining a healthy
lifestyle. However, if you or your family have a
history of depression or mental health problems
earlier in life or during and after pregnancy, tell
your GP if you’re pregnant or thinking of having
a baby. If you have had a mental health problem
while pregnant, your doctor should arrange for
you to be seen regularly in the first few weeks
after birth. Signs that you or someone you know
might be depressed include:
a persistent feeling of sadness and low mood
/ lack of enjoyment and loss of interest in the
wider world
lack of energy and feeling tired all the time /
trouble sleeping at night and feeling sleepy
during the day
difficulty bonding with your baby
withdrawing from contact with other people
problems concentrating and making decisions
frightening thoughts – for example, about
hurting your baby
Getting help for
postnatal depression
Speak to your GP or health visitor if you think you
may be depressed. Many health visitors have been
trained to recognise postnatal depression and
have techniques that can help. If they can’t help,
they’ll know someone in your area who can. Don’t
struggle alone hoping that the problem will go
away. Remember that:
a range of help and support is available,
including therapy
depression is an illness like any other / it’s
not your fault you’re depressed – it can happen
to anyone
being depressed doesn’t mean you’re a bad
parent / it doesn’t mean you’re going mad
your baby won’t be taken away from you
– babies are only taken into care in very
exceptional circumstances
Postnatal depression can be lonely, distressing and
frightening, but support and effective treatments
are available. These include self-help such as
talking to your family and friends about your
feelings and what they can do to help; making
time for yourself to do things you enjoy; resting
whenever you get the chance and getting as much
sleep as you can at night; exercising regularly;
eating a healthy diet. Psychological therapy and
antidepressants may also be prescribed..
Local and national organisations, such as the
Association for Post Natal Illness (APNI) and Pre
and Postnatal Depression Advice and Support
(PANDAS), can also be useful sources of help and
advice – see pages 22 - 25.
to advertise in the next issue of Mental Health Awareness call: 01375 402 546
Psychosis is when people lose some contact
with reality. This might involve seeing or hearing
things that other people cannot see or hear
(hallucinations) and believing things that are
not actually true (delusions). It may also involve
confused (disordered) thinking and speaking..
The 3 main symptoms of psychosis are:
hallucinations - where a person hears, sees and,
in some cases, feels, smells or tastes things that
do not exist outside their mind but can feel very
real to the person affected by them; a common
hallucination is hearing voices
delusions – where a person has strong beliefs
that are not shared by others; a common delusion
is someone believing there’s a conspiracy to harm
disordered thinking and speaking - a person’s
thoughts and ideas come very quickly, which can
make their speech fast and confusing
Experiencing these symptons of psychosis
(or episodes) can cause severe distress and
behavioural changes and you should see a GP
immediately or visit A&E if symptoms are severe.
People with a history of psychosis are more
likely than others to have drug or alcohol misuse
problems and also have a higher risk of self-harm
and suicide.
Causes of psychosis
It’s sometimes possible to identify the cause of
psychosis as a specific mental health condition,
such as:
schizophrenia – a condition that causes a
range of psychological symptoms, including
hallucinations and delusions
bipolar disorder – a mental health condition that
affects mood; a person with bipolar disorder can
have episodes of low mood (depression) and
highs or elated mood (mania)
severe depression – some people with
depression also have symptoms of psychosis
when they’re very depressed
Psychosis can also be triggered by: a traumatic
experience, stress, drug misuse, alcohol misuse,
side effects of prescribed medicine, a physical
condition, such as a brain tumour or dementia,
head injury or childbirth. How often a psychotic
episode occurs and how long it lasts can depend
on the underlying cause.
Treating psychosis
Treatment for psychosis can depend on the
cause, but usually involves a combination of:
antipsychotic medicine – these usually reduce
feelings of anxiety within a few hours of use, but
they may take several days or weeks to reduce
overall psychotic symptoms.
talking therapies – can help reduce the intensity
and anxiety caused by psychosis. A cognitive
behavioural therapist may encourage you to
consider different ways of understanding what’s
happening to you. Similarly family intervention is
also known to be an effective form of therapy for
people with psychosis.
social support – support with social needs, such
as education, employment or accommodation.
Further Help and
The Samaritans tel: 116 125 free of charge
The Hearing Voices Network
The National Paranoia Network
Mind’s webpage re: hearing voices and psychosis
– 27
Local Community Focus
Mind Oxfordshire
About us
West Sussex Mind is an independent local
charity. We support people with their mental
health, provide specialist training and
campaign to improve services and promote
Our work is driven by the needs and
experiences of people with mental health
The advice and support we offer aims to
improve people’s physical and mental wellbeing,
strengthen self-esteem and confidence
and promote strong relationships with family,
friends and communities. We also help people
get into education, training or work and achieve
their personal and social goals.
Increasing understanding about mental health
is a priority for us so we run a comprehensive
training programme for parents, carers and
professionals. Our experts provide specialist
training to professionals such as to those in
education, GP practices and leisure centres as
well as bespoke training to staff and managers
in other organisations and companies.
We also work in communities to raise
awareness and to tackle the stigma which
continues to affect the lives of people with
mental health problems.
We are an independent charity and receive no
regular funding from the national Mind charity.
Your donations support our work across West
We offer mental health support, workshops,
peer support and social activities for adults in
five main locations – in Worthing, Southwick,
Littlehampton, Midhurst and Chanctonbury.
And we provide specialist services, for
example, for 16-25 year olds and families with
young children, in some of these locations and
beyond. See the website links to find out what
we offer near you.
We also run a range of social activities for
people getting support with us to build
confidence, help people socialise and provide
ongoing support in the community. Find our
latest social activities on our website (details
Many people experience social isolation and
this impacts their mental health and well-being.
We help people over 65 in Bognor, Chichester,
Lancing, Southwick and surrounding areas
who are feeling low, have depression, anxiety
or other mental health needs, especially if they
are isolated.
The team, which includes our amazing
volunteers, can help you with:
• In person one-to-one support
• Support on the phone or online
• Social activitis – in person and online – such
as arts and crafts, gentle walks and picnics,
quizzes, bingo and other games
• Mindfulness and mental well-being sessions.
In Bognor, we also run a special activity group,
called ‘Take a break together’, aimed at carers
and those they care for.
Contact us
Registered Address:
The Gateway, 8-10 Durrington Lane
Worthing BN13 2QG
Facebook: @WestSussexMind
Twitter: @WestSussexMind
Instagram: @WestSussexMind
Help Point: 0300 303 5652 (Monday-Friday
10am – 4pm)
to advertise in the next issue of Mental Health Awareness call: 01375 402 546
Counselling is a talking therapy that involves a
trained therapist listening to you and helping
you find ways to deal with emotional issues.
Sometimes the term “counselling” is used to refer
to talking therapies in general, but counselling is
also a type of therapy in its own right.
What can counselling
help with?
Counselling can help you cope with:
a mental health condition, such as depression,
anxiety or an eating disorder
an upsetting physical health condition,
such as infertility
a difficult life event, such as a bereavement, a
relationship breakdown or work-related stress
difficult emotions – for example,
low self-esteem or anger
other issues, such as sexual identity
What to expect from
Counselling can take place either face to
face, in a group, over the phone, by email or
online through live chat services During your
appointment, you’ll be encouraged to talk about
your feelings and emotions with a trained
therapist, who’ll listen and support you without
judging or criticising. The therapist can help you
gain a better understanding of your feelings and
thought processes, and find your own solutions
to problems.
You may be offered a single session of
counselling, a short course of sessions over a few
weeks or months, or a longer course that lasts for
several months or years. It can take a number of
sessions before you start to see progress, but you
should gradually start to feel better with the help
and support of your therapist.
Where to source Counselling
You can get free psychological therapies,
including counselling for depression, on the NHS.
You don’t need a referral from your GP and you
can refer yourself directly to a psychological
therapies service.
If you decide to pay to see a private therapist,
make sure they’re professionally qualified and
you feel comfortable with them. Many private
therapists offer an initial free session and lower
rates for students, job seekers and those on low
wages. You should ask about charges and agree a
price before starting a course of counselling.
Some charities and voluntary organisations also
offer counselling. You don’t need a referral from
your GP for an appointment for these services, but
you may have to pay a fee to cover the cost
of your sessions.
Charities that may offer counselling include:
Cruse Bereavement Care – for bereavement
advice and support
Rape Crisis England and Wales –
for women and girls who have been
raped or sexually abused
Relate – for relationship advice
and counselling
Samaritans – for people to talk about
whatever’s troubling them at any time
Victim Support – for victims and
witnesses of crime
You may also be able to access support
groups through your local community, church
or social services. 29
Self Harm
Self-harm is when somebody intentionally
damages or injures their body. The reasons for
self harm will not be the same for everybody and
can change over time. Sometimes the reason for
self-harm is unknown, but is often a build-up of
many smaller things, which may include:
expressing or coping with
emotional distress caused by - being bullied
or experiencing pressure at school or work,
family arguments or relationship problems,
money worries, low self-esteem, struggling
with stress, anxiety or depression, confusion
about sexuality, grief after bereavement or
loss, physical or sexual abuse, experiencing
complex mental health difficulties that
sometimes cause impulsive behaviour or
difficulty controlling emotions, often due to
past trauma.
trying to feel in control
a way of punishing themselves
relieving unbearable tension
a cry for help
a response to intrusive thoughts
self-harm may be linked to bad experiences
that are happening now, or in the past.
How to recognise self-harm
It can be hard to recognise when someone
has started to self-harm as they may not want
anyone else to know.
Physical signs of self-harm:
keeping themselves fully covered at all times,
even in hot weather
unexplained cuts, bruises or cigarette burns,
usually on the wrists, arms, thighs and chest
unexplained blood stains on clothing or
signs that they have been pulling out their hair
Emotional signs of self-harm:
becoming very withdrawn and not speaking
to others
signs of depression, such as low mood,
tearfulness or a lack of motivation or interest
in anything
signs of low self-esteem, such as thinking
they’re not good enough
talking about ending things or not wanting to
go on
Ways to help avoid self-harm
Finding ways to prevent or distract yourself from
self-harm may help you get through a difficult
moment. Many people who self-harm will
eventually stop on their own, however, support
and treatment is available if you need it to help
address the underlying cause.
Try talking honestly and openly about your
feelings to a trusted friend, family member,
trained volunteer or health professional - it
can feel like a big step but many people feel
more supported and less alone after talking
to someone. Decide on the right time/place
to talk to someone. Be clear about how you’re
feeling, why you’re asking for help and things
they may be able to do. It may be easier to
write something down or practice what you
to advertise in the next issue of Mental Health Awareness call: 01375 402 546
want to say - no one else needs to see it. Let
the other person ask questions – but do not
feel you have to answer them all and decide
if you want to show the other person any
injuries or scars.
Try working out if feeling a certain way leads
to your self-harm – for example, when you’re
feeling sad or anxious you could try
expressing that emotion in a safer way.
Try waiting before you consider self-harm –
distract yourself by going out for a walk,
listening to music, or doing something else
that interests you; the need to self-harm may
pass over time
Try calming breathing exercises or other
things you find relaxing to reduce feelings of
How to help someone else
If you think someone you know has started to
self-harm, you may not be able to help them
on your own but it’s important to approach the
subject with care and understanding. It can be
very helpful to just be there and let them know
they’re not alone.
encourage them to speak to a GP or free
listening service about self-harm
ask how they would like to be supported & tell
them about their positive qualities
try to understand their emotions &
experiences, without judging them
consider that any amount of self-harm
might be a sign that they’re feeling extremely
let them be in control of their decisions, but
get them medical attention if needed
do not try to force them to change what
they’re doing, do not threaten to take away
their control or insult them
Urgent help for self-harm
Some people who self-harm are at a higher
risk of suicide. It’s important to get support or
treatment as soon as possible to help with the
underlying cause and prevent suicidal thoughts
Call 116 123 to talk to Samaritans, who offer
confidential advice from trained volunteers
and you can talk about anything that’s
troubling you, no matter how difficult.
Text “SHOUT” to 85258 to contact the Shout
Crisis Text Line, or text “YM” if you’re under 19
If you’re under 19, you can also call 0800
1111 to talk to Childline.
Non-urgent advice:
Speak to a GP if you’re harming yourself, you’re
having thoughts about harming yourself or you’re
worried about minor injuries, such as small cuts
or burns – without treatment there is a risk of
A GP will listen, give you advice, treat minor
injuries and discuss the best options for you.
They may ask you detailed questions to help
them understand the cause of your self-harm.
It’s important to be honest with them, even if
you do not know why you self-harm. If needed,
a GP may refer you for an assessment with a
local community mental health team (CMHT) to
help you find the right treatment and support to
reduce or stop your self-harm.
The following organisations offer information
and support for anyone who self-harms or thinks
about self-harm, or their friends and family:
Mind – call 0300 123 3393 or text 86463
(9am to 6pm on weekdays)
Harmless – email
Self-injury Support (for women and
girls) & CALM (for men)
Young Minds Parents Helpline – call
0808 802 5544 (9.30am to 4pm on weekdays 31
Most people feel stressed sometimes and some
people find stress helpful or even motivating. But
if stress is affecting your life, there are things you
can try that may help. Support is also available if
you’re finding it hard to cope with stress.
Symptoms of stress
Stress can affect how you feel physically, mentally
and also how you behave. It’s not always easy to
recognise when stress is the reason you’re feeling or
acting differently.
Physical symptoms may include: headaches
or dizziness, muscle tension or pain, stomach
problems, chest pain or a faster heartbeat or sexual
Mental symptoms may include: difficulty
concentrating, struggling to make decisions, feeling
overwhelmed, constantly worrying or being forgetful.
Changes in behaviour may include: being irritable
and snappy, sleeping too much or too little, eating
too much or too little, avoiding certain places or
people or drinking or smoking more.
Causes of stress
Stress is usually a reaction to mental or emotional
pressure. It’s often related to feeling like you’re
losing control over something, but sometimes
there’s no obvious cause. When you’re feeling
anxious or scared, but it might also cause physical
symptoms such as a faster heartbeat or sweating.
If you’re stressed all the time it can become a
Identifying the cause
If you know what’s causing your stress it might be
easier to find ways to manage it. Some examples
of things that may cause stress include:
work – feeling pressure at work,
unemployment or retirement
family – relationship difficulties, divorce or
caring for someone
financial problems – unexpected bills or
borrowing money
health – illness, injury or bereavement
life events – having a baby, planning a
wedding, buying a house
Things you can try to help
with stress
try talking about your feelings to a friend,
family member or health professional. You
could also contact Samaritans, call: 116
123 or email: if you need
someone to talk to
use easy time-management techniques to
help you take control
use calming breathing exercises
plan ahead for stressful days or events –
planning long journeys or making a list of
things to remember can really help
consider peer support, where people use their
experiences to help each other. Find out more
about peer support on the Mind website
do not try to do everything at once – set small
targets you can easily achieve
do not focus on the things you cannot change
– focus your time and energy into helping
yourself feel better
try not to tell yourself that you’re alone –
most people feel stressed at some point in
their life and support is available
try not to use alcohol, cigarettes, gambling or
drugs to relieve stress – these can all
contribute to poor mental health
Further information and
The mental health charity Mind offers
information on dealing with pressure and
developing emotional resilience to help you
adapt and bounce back during difficult times.
If you need more support, you can refer yourself
directly without a GP referral for free
psychological therapies on the NHS.
If you’re struggling to cope with stress and the
things you’re trying yourself are not helping visit
your GP.
For urgent advice or help, call 111 or ask for an
urgent GP appointment.
For emergency help, call 999 or go to A&E
if you or someone you know needs immediate
help (if you have seriously harmed yourself,
for example, by taking a drug overdose). A
mental health emergency should be taken as
seriously as a medical emergency.
to advertise in the next issue of Mental Health Awareness call: 01375 402 546
Stress Disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an
anxiety disorder caused by very stressful,
frightening or distressing events.
Someone with PTSD often relives the traumatic
event through nightmares and flashbacks, and
may experience feelings of isolation, irritability
and guilt. They may also have problems sleeping,
such as insomnia, and find concentrating difficult.
These symptoms are often severe and persistent
enough to have a significant impact on the
person’s day-to-day life.
Causes of PTSD
Any situation that a person finds traumatic can
cause PTSD. These can include:
serious road accidents
violent personal assaults, such as sexual
assault, mugging or robbery
a traumatic birth
PTSD can develop immediately after someone
experiences a disturbing event or it can occur
weeks, months or even years later. PTSD is
estimated to affect about 1 in every 3 people who
have a traumatic experience, but it’s not clear
exactly why some people develop the condition
and others don’t.
Complex PTSD
People who repeatedly experience traumatic
situations such as severe neglect, abuse or violence
may be diagnosed with complex PTSD. Complex
PTSD can cause similar symptoms to PTSD and
may not develop until years after the event. It’s often
more severe if the trauma was experienced early in
life as this can affect a child’s development.
When to seek medical advice
It’s normal to experience upsetting and
confusing thoughts after a traumatic event,
but most people improve naturally over a
few weeks. You should visit your GP if you
or your child are still having problems about
4 weeks after the traumatic experience, or if
the symptoms are particularly troublesome.
If necessary, your GP can refer you to mental
health specialists for further assessment
and treatment.
How PTSD is treated
PTSD can be successfully treated, even when
it develops many years after a traumatic event.
Any treatment depends on the severity of
symptoms and how soon they occur after the
traumatic event. Any of the following treatment
options may be recommended:
watchful waiting – monitoring your symptoms
to see whether they improve or get worse
without treatment
antidepressants – such as paroxetine
or mirtazapine
psychological therapies – such as traumafocused
cognitive behavioural therapy
(CBT) or eye movement desensitisation and
reprocessing (EMDR); you can refer yourself
directly to a psychological therapies service
Further Help and Information
Other contacts for help with PTSD can be found on
our Mental Health Glossary on pages 22 and 23. 33
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to advertise in the next issue of Mental Health Awareness call: 01375 402 546
Help for Suicidal
Suicide is when someone purposely ends their
own life. This section looks at why someone
might think about suicide and how you can
help them. People might think about suicide
for different reasons. There’s no right or wrong
way to talk about suicidal feelings – starting
the conversation is what’s important.
If you are worried that someone may be
thinking about suicide, talk to them. Ask them
about how they are feeling and offer to help.
Talking to someone about their suicidal
thoughts does not make them more likely to
end their life.
You can help someone who is feeling
suicidal by listening to them without judging
them and trying to help them think about
other options.
Helping someone with suicidal thoughts is
likely to have a big impact on you. Find out
what support is available to you. If someone
does try to end their life, this is not your fault.
If you’re feeling like you
want to die, it’s important
to tell someone
Help is available right now if you need it. You
don’t have to struggle with difficult feelings
alone. Talk to someone you trust. Let family
or friends know what’s going on. They may be
able to offer support and help keep you safe.
Alternatively, you could call your GP and ask
for an emergency appointment or call 111 out
of hours – they will help you find the support
and help you need. You could also contact your
mental health crisis team.
Important -
is your life in danger?
If you have seriously harmed yourself – for
example, by taking a drug overdose – call 999
for an ambulance or go straight to A&E or ask
someone else to call 999 or take you to A&E.
Phone a helpline
These free helplines are there to help when
you’re feeling down or desperate. Unless it
says otherwise, they’re open 24 hours a day,
every day.
Samaritans – for everyone
Call 116 123
Campaign Against Living Miserably
(CALM) – for men
Call 0800 58 58 58 – 5pm to midnight
every day
Visit the webchat page
Papyrus – for people under 35
Call 0800 068 41 41 – Mon to Friday 10am
to 10pm, weekends 2pm to 10pm
Text 07786 209697
Childline – for children and
young people under 19
Call 0800 1111 – the number won’t show
up on your phone bill
The Silver Line – for older people
Call 0800 470 80 90 35
Coping with
Coping with the death of a loved one can be
extremely hard. You may be dealing with lots of
different emotions, finding it hard to process them
and having difficulties moving on.
How can I cope with my
feelings after the death of my
loved one?
Grief can make you feel many different things.
It’s important to remember that these feelings
are not bad or wrong. They are a normal part of
bereavement, and there are no quick answers to
how you might be feeling.
Coping with fear
Feeling fearful and anxious is natural – your
familiar world has been turned upside down. You
may feel that you have little control over your
life, your thoughts and emotions. This is likely
to make you feel vulnerable and afraid. But as
you get used to coping, in time, you will begin to
feel more capable of dealing with your changed
Something that might help: If you are feeling
overwhelmed by fearful thoughts or anxiety, it
could help to talk to someone about how you are
feeling. It can take a lot of courage to admit you’re
struggling, but don’t keep it to yourself.
Coping with emptiness and
Feelings of depression and emptiness can hit
you when the reality of the death begins to sink
in. Although it may feel almost unbearable at the
time, this seems to be a period when some inner
healing takes place. Afterwards, people say they
feel lighter, more in control of their lives and better
able to look forward.
Sadness is a natural response to bereavement,
but some people may become depressed. You
don’t have to try to cope on your own and help is
Something that might help: You can talk to your
doctor at any time, in complete confidence. They
won’t judge you – they’re there to listen and help
you get back on track. Remember that you can
phone Samaritans, day or night, on 08457 90 90
Coping with anger
You may feel anger at the injustice of your loss, or
at the lack of understanding in others. You might
be angry at yourself and at the person who died,
who has left you feeling abandoned, frightened
and alone. These feelings are normal.
Something that might help: Don’t bottle up your
feelings – try to think about the reasons for your
anger. Talking about your feelings with someone
who isn’t emotionally involved in your loss can
help. It’s not always easy to open up about our
feelings, but there’s a lot of truth in that old saying
‘a problem shared is a problem halved.’
Coping with guilt
Some people experience feelings of guilt when
someone dies. You may find yourself wondering if
you could have done more to help, or feeling guilty
about something you said or didn’t say to them
when they were alive.
Something that might help: Guilt is a natural
emotion after bereavement, but it’s important
not to dwell on things in the past that you can’t
change. Try not to be too hard on yourself or
anyone else.
to advertise in the next issue of Mental Health Awareness call: 01375 402 546
Coping with loneliness
You may feel as though the person who died has
left a big hole in your life, and this can leave you
feeling lonely, especially if you spent a lot of your
time with them.
Something that might help: Make the most of
opportunities to spend time with other people and
keep in touch with friends and family.
Find someone to talk to
If you’ve not been feeling yourself since the
bereavement, there’s support available. Cruse
Bereavement Care can offer practical advice or
just someone to chat to about how you’re feeling
– phone 0844477 9400
How do I manage if I’m feeling so tired and
You may find that you experience physical
changes after bereavement. These can include:
difficulty getting to sleep
vivid dreams
long periods of wakefulness
loss of appetite
feeling tense and short of breath, or
edgy and restless
feeling slow and lethargic.
You’re likely to feel exhausted, especially if you
were caring for the person who died or if you went
through an anxious time before their death. Strong
emotions and dealing with all the practical things
that need to be done after a death can also leave
you tired and drained.
Something that might help: Take extra care of
yourself – try to eat well and get some rest even if
you can’t sleep. Take gentle exercise if you can. Be
kind to yourself – don’t try to do too much while
you’re grieving.
In addition to the strong emotions that you
may feel after a bereavement, you may also be
worrying about practical issues, such as how
to manage on a smaller income and handle
household tasks. Find out if you can get any
bereavement benefits to give you some extra
money. See if you are eligible to claim anything
which could boost your income.
If a child has lost someone
Talk about the person who has died
During bereavement, it can help a child to talk
about the person who’s died, whether it was a
grandparent, parent, brother, sister or friend.
Direct, honest and open communication is
more helpful than trying to protect your child by
hiding the truth. If you exclude them from family
ceremonies and services after someone has died
it could make them feel excluded.
This can also help your child be open about their
own feelings and avoid confusion about what has
happened. It may be helpful to talk as a family,
perhaps with your child, about how to include
them in any events that celebrate or say goodbye
to the person who has died.
It’s important for them to have someone with
whom they can talk about that person and share
their emotions. This could be through photos,
games, memory boxes or stories.
Over time, children may start to talk more about
their loss at different times and in different ways.
Young children may start talking about death or
including it in their play, but this is normal and
is a way for them to make sense of what has
Further support for your child
Child Bereavement UK – call 0800 028 8840
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm,
or email
Cruse Bereavement Care – call 0808 808 1677
Monday and Friday, 9.30am to 5pm, and Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday 9.30am to 8pm,
or email
Grief Encounter – call 0808 802 0111
Monday to Friday, 9am to 9pm,
or email
Hope Again – call 0808 808 1677
Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 5pm,
or email
Winston’s Wish – call 0808 802 0021
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm,
or email 37
Local Community Focus
friendly face will always be available to support
people living with dementia, their families, friends
and carers.
Dementia Support Services
Tangmere Sage House -
Dementia Support
About us
Established in 2014, Dementia Support is a charity
that has been delivering integrated dementia
services from its purpose-built hub in West
Sussex for over five years.
The charity was the vision of several local people
who had experienced dementia within their
families and understood the lack of support
and help available. They conducted a feasibility
study which involved talking to people living with
dementia, their families and carers and local
dementia “professionals” which revealed that
services were at best fragmented, that people did
not know where to go or what to do once they
had received a diagnosis or if they had concerns
about memory or brain functioning – ultimately
people felt alone and abandoned. The founders
of Dementia Support felt passionately that those
affected deserved better.
Our vision as a charity, is a society where
dementia is wholly understood and accepted,
enabling people living with dementia to be fully
supported throughout the whole of their journey.
The door to Dementia
Sage House is a bespoke, modern and functional
community hub where we bring local Dementia
Support services together under one roof. We
provide the latest support, information, advice and
activities to those living with dementia and their
Our Wayfinding Service allows everyone entering
Sage House to talk to a professional for essential
one-to-one support and advice. A familiar and
• Wayfinding - our team of Wayfinders offer free
information, guidance & advice for Carers,
people living with dementia and the whole
family, every step of the way.
• Activities - we run activities twice daily for
Carers & loved ones; art & crafts, chairobics,
reminiscence, music, singing, mindfulness and
• DayBreaks - we offer daily respite care for loved
ones. Our experienced support workers offer
exceptional 3:1, personalised care, giving you
peace of mind.
• Daisy’sCafe - our Café is a bright, open,
welcoming and a dementia friendly
environment. It is run by our friendly team of
staff and volunteers and is the beating heart of
the Hub.
• PersonalCare - dementia friendly hairdressing
with experienced local stylists, and
complementary therapies such as massage,
bathing and foot care
• SmartZone - learn more about dementia friendly
technology and equipment to help with daily
tasks and regain and improve independence at
• SupportGroups - supporting people living with
dementia, carers, employers and the wider
community, in collaboration with various partner
• CommunityOutreach - bringing our services to
communities near you! Regular support and
activity groups hosted at a range of locations
across West Sussex
How to find us
Dementia Support - Tangmere SageHouse
Sage House, City Fields Way
Tangmere, Chichester PO20 2FP
Tel: 01243 888691
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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a
condition that affects people’s behaviour. People
with ADHD can seem restless, may have trouble
concentrating and may act on impulse.
Symptoms of ADHD tend to be noticed at an early
age and may become more noticeable when a
child’s circumstances change, such as when they
start school. Most cases are diagnosed when
children are under 12 years old, but sometimes it’s
diagnosed later in childhood or even in adulthood.
The symptoms of ADHD usually improve with age,
but many adults who were diagnosed with the
condition at a young age continue to experience
problems. People with ADHD may also have
additional problems, such as sleep and anxiety
Getting help
Many children go through phases where they’re
restless or inattentive. This is often completely
normal and does not necessarily mean they have
ADHD. But you should discuss your concerns
with your child’s teacher, their school’s special
educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) or a GP
if you think their behaviour may be different from
most children their age.
It’s also a good idea to speak to a GP if you’re an
adult and think you may have ADHD, but were not
diagnosed with the condition as a child.
The exact cause of ADHD is not fully understood,
although a combination of factors is thought to
be responsible. The condition has been shown to
run in families and research has also identified a
number of possible differences in the brains of
people with ADHD when compared with those
without the condition. Other factors suggested as
potentially having a role in ADHD include:
being born prematurely (before the 37th week
of pregnancy) or with a low birthweight
smoking or alcohol or drug abuse during
ADHD can occur in people of any intellectual
ability, although it’s more common in people
with learning difficulties.
people with epilepsy
people with brain damage – which happened
either in the womb or after a head injury later in
Symptoms of ADHD can be categorised into 2
types of behavioural problems:
inattentiveness (difficulty concentrating and
o having a short attention span and being
easily distracted
o making careless mistakes / appearing
forgetful or losing things
o being unable to stick to tasks that are
tedious or time-consuming
o appearing to be unable to listen to or
carry out instructions
o constantly changing activity or task /
having difficulty organising tasks
to advertise in the next issue of Mental Health Awareness call: 01375 402 546
hyperactivity and impulsiveness
being unable to sit still / constantly fidgeting,
especially in calm or quiet surroundings
o being unable to concentrate on tasks
o excessive physical movement /
excessive talking
o being unable to wait their turn /
interrupting conversations
o acting without thinking / little or no
sense of danger
Many people with ADHD have problems that fall
into both these categories, but this is not always
the case. ADHD is more often diagnosed in boys
than girls. Girls are more likely to have symptoms
of inattentiveness only, and are less likely to show
disruptive behaviour that makes ADHD symptoms
more obvious. This means girls who have ADHD
may not always be diagnosed.
The symptoms of ADHD in children and teenagers
are well defined, and they’re usually noticeable
before the age of 6. They occur in more than 1
situation, such as at home and at school. Children
may have symptoms of both inattentiveness and
hyperactivity and impulsiveness, or they may have
symptoms of just 1 of these types of behaviour.
These symptoms can cause significant problems
in a child’s life, such as underachievement at
school, poor social interaction with other children
and adults, and problems with discipline.
In adults, the symptoms of ADHD are more
difficult to define. This is largely due to a lack of
research into adults with ADHD.
As ADHD is a developmental disorder, it’s
believed it cannot develop in adults without it first
appearing during childhood. But symptoms of
ADHD in children and teenagers often continue
into adulthood.
If you think you or your child may have ADHD,
speak to a GP. If you’re worried about your child, it
may help to speak to their teachers, before seeing
a GP, to find out if they have any concerns about
your child’s behaviour. The GP cannot formally
diagnose ADHD, but they can discuss your
concerns with you and refer you for a specialist
assessment, if necessary.
If the GP thinks your child may have ADHD, they
may first suggest a period of “watchful waiting”
– lasting around 10 weeks – to see if your child’s
symptoms improve, stay the same or get worse.
They may also suggest starting a group-based,
ADHD-focused parent training or education
programme. Being offered a parent training and
education programme does not mean you have
been a bad parent – it aims to teach you ways of
helping yourself and your child.
If your child’s behaviour does not improve, and
both you and the GP believe it’s affecting their
day-to-day life, the GP should refer you and your
child to a specialist for a formal assessment.
You or your child may be referred to 1 of
the following types of specialist for a formal
a specialist child or adult psychiatrist
a paediatrician – a specialist in children’s health
a qualified healthcare professional with training
and expertise in the diagnosis of ADHD
There’s no simple test to determine whether
you or your child has ADHD, but your specialist
can make an accurate diagnosis after a detailed
ADHD can be treated using medicine or therapy,
but a combination of both is often best.
Help: The charity AADD-UK has a list of support
groups across the UK, including groups for adults,
parents and carers.
For children with ADHD, although there’s no cure,
it can be managed with appropriate educational
support, advice and support for parents
and affected children, alongside medicine, if
For adults with ADHD, medicine is often the
first treatment offered, although psychological
therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy
(CBT) may also help. 41
Advice on how
to start a difficult
if you’re
worried about
someone else.
If you’re worried about someone try to get
them to talk to you:
Often people want to talk, but wait until
someone asks how they are. Try asking open
questions, like ‘What happened about...’,
‘Tell me about...’, ‘How do you feel about...’
Don’t worry about having the answers.
Just listening to what someone has to say
and taking it seriously can be more helpful.
Repeat back what they say to show you
understand, and ask more questions.
Focus on your friend’s feelings instead of trying
to solve the problem - it can be of more help
and shows you care.
Respect what they tell you. Sometimes it’s
easy to want to try and fix a person’s problems,
or give them advice. Let them
make their own decisions.
How do I start a conversation
with someone I’m
concerned about?
You might feel that you don’t know how to help
someone, because you don’t know what to tell
them or how to solve their problems. You don’t
need to be an expert. In fact, sometimes people
who think they have the answers to a problem
are less helpful. Don’t forget that every person
is different, so that what worked for one will not
always work for another.
Find a good time and place
Think about where and when to have the
conversation before you start. Choose
somewhere where the other person feels
comfortable and has time to talk.
Ask gentle questions
and listen with care
You might feel that you don’t know how to help
someone, because you don’t know what to tell
them. But you shouldn’t tell them anything.
Telling doesn’t help.
The best way to help is to ask questions.
That way you leave the other person in control.
By asking questions, the person you are talking
with finds his or her own answers.
The more open the
question the better
Questions that help someone talk through their
problems instead of saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’ are the
most useful. Questions like:
When – ‘When did you realise?’
Where – ‘Where did that happen?’
What – ‘What else happened?’
How – ‘How did that feel?’
Why – be careful with this one as it can make
someone defensive. ‘What made you choose
that’ or ‘What were you thinking about at the
time’ are more effective.
Find out how they feel
Don’t forget to ask how this person is feeling.
Sometimes people will talk you through all the
facts of what happened, why it happened and
what actions they are thinking of taking, but
never say how they actually feel.
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Revealing your innermost emotions - anger,
sadness, fear, hope, jealously, despair and so
on – can be a huge relief. It sometimes also
gives clues about what the person is really
most worried about.
Check they know where
to get help
If someone has been feeling low for some time
it is probably a good idea that they get some
support, whether it is through talking to someone
like a counsellor or getting some practical help.
Useful questions you might ask them include:
‘Have you talked to anyone else about this?’
‘Would you like to get some help?’
‘Would you like me to come with you?’
Or, for someone who is reluctant to get help:
‘Do you have someone you trust you can go to?’
‘If it helps, you can talk to me any time.’
You can also suggest to your friend that the
following sources of help may be useful:
Samaritans (by phone on 116 123 or
Befrienders Worldwide includes a directory of
emotional support helplines around the world.
NHS 111 offers health advice in the UK and is
free from landlines and mobiles.
Respect what they tell
you, don’t pressure them
If they don’t want help, don’t push them.
Sometimes it’s easy to want to try and fix
a person’s problems, or give them advice.
It’s usually better for people to make their own
decisions. Help them think of all the options,
but leave the choice to them. Being there for
them in other ways, like through socialising or
helping with practical things, can also be a
great source of support.
If you say the wrong thing,
don’t panic
There is no perfect way to handle a difficult
conversation, so don’t be too hard on yourself if it
didn’t go as well as you had hoped. If you feel able
to, put things right: “Last week I said … and I realise
now that was insensitive so I’m sorry. What I meant
to say was …”
Show you understand
Ask follow-up questions and repeat back the key
things your friend has told you, using phrases like
‘So you’re saying…’, ‘So you think…’.
Look after yourself,
and talk to someone too
Hearing someone else’s worries or problems
can affect you too. Take time for yourself to do the
things you enjoy, and if you need to talk,
find somebody you trust to confide in.
Be careful not to make promises to people you
may not be able to keep; this could relate to
someone telling you they are experiencing abuse.
Don’t take on so much of other peoples’ problems
that you yourself start feeling depressed. 43
Most people experience problems with sleep
at some time in their life, but Insomnia means
you regularly have problems sleeping. In fact, it’s
thought that a third of Brits will have episodes of
insomnia at some point. Symptoms can last for
months, sometimes years.
How much sleep you need
Everyone needs different amounts of sleep.
On average we need:
Adults – 7 to 9 hours
Children – 9 to 13 hours
Toddlers & babies – 12 to 17 hours
Symptoms of Insomnia
You have insomnia if you regularly:
find it hard to go to sleep
wake up several times during the night
lie awake at night
wake up early and can’t go back to sleep
still feel tired after waking up
find it hard to nap during the day even though
you’re tired
feel tired and irritable during the day
find it difficult to concentrate during the day
because you’re tired
What causes insomnia?
The causes can include physical conditions,
psychological conditions (such as depression
or anxiety) or a combination of both. The most
common causes are:
stress, anxiety or depression
a room that’s too hot or cold,
uncomfortable beds,
alcohol, caffeine or nicotine,
recreational drugs like cocaine or ecstasy,
jet lag,
shift work
Treating Insomnia yourself
Insomnia usually gets better by changing your
sleeping habits.
go to bed and wake up at the same time every
day – only go to bed when you feel tired
relax at least 1 hour before bed
make sure your bedroom is dark & quiet –
use thick curtains, an eye mask or ear plugs
exercise regularly during the day
make sure your mattress, pillows and covers
are comfortable
smoke, or drink alcohol, tea or coffee at
least 6 hours before going to bed
eat a big meal late at night
exercise at least 4 hours before bed
watch television or use devices right
before going to bed
nap during the day
sleep in after a bad night’s sleep – stick to
your regular sleeping hours instead
to advertise in the next issue of Mental Health Awareness call: 01375 402 546
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