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Five holiday regions: Chiemsee-Alpenland, Chiemsee-Chiemgau,
Berchtesgadener Land, Tennengau/Dachstein-
West, and Dachstein Salzkammergut, have united their most
beautiful, centuries-old hiking areas by creating the SalzAlpen-
• 230 km long-distance hiking trail
• 18 day-stages - 2 countries - 6 tourism regions
• Start/end point in Bavaria: Prien am Chiemsee
• Start/end point in Austria: Obertraun
• 39 entry points
• Hiking routes: moderate low-elevation mountain trails, lake
routes alongside Chiemsee, Königssee, and Hallstättersee
• Many historical sites along the way
• Elevations: 466 meters (in Kuchl) to 1,663 meters (Hochfelln)
• Best time of year to hike: May-October
Hikers who take on the SalzAlpenSteig not only get to explore
the wonderful nature of Chiemgau, Berchtesgaden, Tennengau,
and the Salzkammergut but also follow the trail of „white
gold.“ The hiking network consists of the SalzAlpenSteig itself
spanning 230 km, along with 25 hiking loops, and clearly
marked pathways. Numerous hikers have already experienced
and been thrilled by the new SalzAlpenSteig trail.
The SalzAlpenSteig comprises a total of 18 daily stages. On
stage 11, hikers cross the Dürrnberg and make their way via
Kuchl to Golling. On the next stage, your hike continues to
Scheffau. Directly along the route, an array of highlights greet
industrious hikers. Attractions such as the Salzwelten salt
mines and Salzachöfen Gorge are definite must-sees! Use the
stamp pass to collect achievement stamps for each stage. Once
the passbook is full, there is a small surprise in store for you!
Stage 12
This stage takes us through the beautiful riparian forests
along the Rivers Salzach and Lammer to the imposing
Salzachklamm and the Salzachöfen, as well as to the romantic
pilgrimage church of Maria Brunneck. Despite
the relatively short length of the route (only 13 kilometers),
this stage between the Hagen- and Tennengebirge
mountains, with its high peaks and deep gorges, is particularly
The stage begins at the foot of impressive Golling Castle,
in the town center of Golling. Following the River
Salzach, we hike upstream through the wild and romantic
Salzachauen, able to admire the high peaks of the Tennengebirge
to the southwest, and the Hagengebirge and
Berchtesgaden Alps to the southeast and east of Golling.
We are treated to an impressive panoramic view of the
countless 2000-meter peaks in these mountain ranges,
such as the Hoher Göll (2522m), Schneibstein (2276m),
Tristkopf (2110m), and Tiroler Kogel (2322m).
A unique natural spectacle awaits us in the next section of
this stage, the Salzachklamm, a dramatic gorge between
the Tennen- and Hagengebirge ranges, where the Salzach
has carved as much as 80 meters deep into the Dachstein
limestone. The eroding effects of the eddying water have
created large erosion basins in the cliff walls of the gorge.
More info available at Golling Tourist Office
Salzachklamm Gorge
is considered a hidden
gem amongst Austria’s
gorges. Up to 80 meters
deep, this gorge is barely
a few meters wide at its
narrowest point.
The SalzAlpenSteig stamp pass.
Shortly afterwards, we reach the pilgrimage church of
Maria Brunneck, built in 1763, and Gasthaus Pass Lueg,
an inn which is also an official partner of the SalzAlpen-
Steig. Then we continue towards the Lammeregg (894m),
which we circumnavigate via forestry roads. This variety-rich
stage of the SalzAlpenSteig ends in Unterscheffau
at impressive St. Ulrich’s Church, or at the Tourist Information
Center in Scheffau.