Coachella Valley Magazine Summer 2024
Coachella Valley Magazine. All things in the Coachella Valley & More Summer 2024 ! Published by JBGmg Indio, CA email: 562.810.8881
Coachella Valley Magazine. All things in the Coachella Valley & More Summer 2024 !
Published by JBGmg
Indio, CA
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<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong><br />
<strong>Magazine</strong><br />
<strong>Summer</strong><br />
<strong>2024</strong><br />
Staying Cool<br />
through the<br />
Hot <strong>Summer</strong><br />
Months<br />
SBM Cover Photo: “JB” Griffin<br />
Sunset Island Home Pending Sale
Sunset Beach, CA photo “JB” Griffin<br />
Outdoor Cooling Fans<br />
Installed by Mendoza Electric Indio, CA<br /><br />
Indio Real Estate Broker at your Service “JB” Griffin. Broker Owner DRE#01229433<br />
Call to schedule a meeting cell 562.810.8881
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Mag<br />
Send us your articles, news,<br />
photos, ads<br />
78-365 Highway 111, #171<br />
La Quinta, CA 92253<br />
562.810.8881<br /><br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />
Welcome to the Premier <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> issue of<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>. Our magazine is<br />
published by JBGmg based in Indio, CA. We<br />
spotlight and publish interesting content from anywhere<br />
across the globe and accept ads both in the<br />
USA and globally. We welcome your suggestions,<br />
photos, ads and editorial content for our online and<br />
print on demand magazine. Wishing everyone a safe<br />
and fun <strong>Summer</strong> Season. Hope to see you in the<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> and beyond.<br />
Sincerely,<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> Issue <strong>2024</strong><br />
Morro Bay Feature ...................5<br />
Captain Eddie Rickenbacker...... 12-16<br />
Featured Restaurants .............18<br />
Featured Resorts ......20<br />
trimcards Weight Management Feature .............28<br />
California Born Heaven bound<br />
JBGmg Christian Ministries ............44-45<br />
“JB” James B. Griffin<br />
Founder / Publisher<br /><br />
PS - Be sure to find the Lizard in this issue and tell us<br />
what page you found it on.<br />
Publisher: JB” James B. Griffin<br />
Photographer: “JB” Griffin<br />
Design: JBGmg<br />
Marketing / Advertising: “JB” James B. Griffin<br />
For article submissions photos, please email<br /><br />
Did you know<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> is the<br />
Land of 10,000 Pools<br />
One pool for every<br />
2.5 of us 250,000 residents<br />
© All Rights Reserved . No part of this <strong>Magazine</strong> may be reproduced without<br />
the written consent of the Publisher. Disclaimer: <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />
will not be held liable for any claims made against products or services provided<br />
by our advertisers.<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
3 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
gummy7 global marketplace promotes interesting people, places and events from Antarctica to Zambia.<br />
gummy7 was founded by ”JB” Griffin, a resident of Indio CA and native of So Cal who thought of the name<br />
gummy7 while on a business trip in Shanghai China at a International Travel Show in 2006.<br />
We welcome your stories, ads and photos or suggestions<br />
email<br />
visit us online 24/7 @<br /><br />
4 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
Morro Bay, CA<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> fun<br />
Indio Mag publisher and Chris Dorn<br />
Owner of Dorn’s Breakers Restaurant in<br />
Morro Bay.<br />
A Morro Bay Favorite Since 1942<br /><br />
Bummer the Skateboard Museum in Morro<br />
Bay has closed<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
5 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
Just Sold<br />
6 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
Golf Carts of the Desert<br /> Ask for John Pino 760. 776.3080<br />
“JB” Griffin publisher of Coachela <strong>Valley</strong> All things of<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> is a Experienced Real Estate Broker who along with his<br />
wife Coby and pooches Romy, Spot and Dusty resides in Indio, CA and is<br />
pleased to announce the launch of <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> &<br />
“All things in the <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> and More! 24/7.<br />
If you are thinking of moving to the Desert or looking for Second Home in<br />
the Desert to buy or lease please call JB@ 562.810.8881 or email<br /> DRE# 01229433<br /><br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
7 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
8 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
Romy<br />
adjusting to his<br />
new digs in Indio,<br />
CA<br />
Rescued from an<br />
Animal Shelter<br />
in December 2023<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
9 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
Check out the New Homes at Indian Palms<br />
10 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
Rent this RV<br /><br />
RVs for Sale in Palm Desert<br />
check it out the Inventory Blue Compass<br /><br />
See the USA<br />
in your<br />
Home on<br />
Wheels<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
11 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
12 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
13 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
14 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
15 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
16 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
Feature The Nest Since 1965<br />
a <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Favorite<br /><br />
Why is Marilyn Monroe<br />
famous in Palm Springs?<br />
Palm Springs is Marilyn<br />
crazy. And for good reason.<br />
She was discovered there,<br />
and some of her famous<br />
photos were taken at the<br />
swimming pool of Charlie<br />
Farrell’s Racquet Club. She<br />
was a regular visitor to Palm<br />
Springs with her second<br />
husband and baseball<br />
legend, Joe DiMaggio.<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
17 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
Featured Restaurants in<br />
the <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong><br />
Wallys Turtle ( closed for the Season until 10/1 )<br /><br />
Cactus Jacks<br /><br />
Casa Mendozas Old Town La Quinta<br /><br />
Fortun’s Kitchen and Bar<br /><br />
Vicky’s of Santa Fe closes for Season June 30th - September 12th<br /><br />
La Quinta Cliff House - See you at the Rock<br /><br />
Tack Room Tavern temporarily Closed Saddle up at the Tack<br /><br />
Jackalope Ranch Open Wed in Sunday for Dinner<br /><br />
“JB Griffin, <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong><br />
Mag publisher loves Cactus<br />
Jacks best prime rib sliders and<br />
more!<br />
18 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
Meanwhile Back in Palm Springs where its<br />
118 today<br />
For those of you visiting the <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> remember to stay<br />
Hydrated always in the <strong>Summer</strong> Heat from June thru September where<br />
Temps can be very extreme and dangerous which my lead to a Heat<br />
Stroke. Be safe always, stay indoors, carry plenty of water with you in<br />
your car and remember the heat continues up to 5pm, before finally<br />
leveling off to its high point for the day before slowly cooling down.<br />
As all full timers who live in the <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> know get things done<br />
outside early before 10am and stay hydrated always as mentioned.<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
19 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
Featured Resorts in<br />
the <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong><br />
La Quinta Resort & Club<br /><br />
JW Marriot Palm Desert<br /><br />
Aqua Caliente Rancho Mirage<br /><br />
Sands Hotel & Spa<br /><br />
Dive Palm Springs<br /><br />
Renaissnace Esmeralda Resort & Spa Indian Wells<br /><br />
Ingleside Estate “Franks Place”<br /><br />
Margaritaville Resort Palm Springs<br /><br />
20 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
<strong>Summer</strong> Sale $7.99 per pack<br />
Pickup your 30 day supply of trimcards at<br />
La Quinta Maiboxes Pack & Ship<br />
78-365 Highway 111<br />
La Quinta, CA<br />
ph: 760.564.7007<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
21 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
22 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
Indio Homes for Sale or Lease at Indian<br />
Springs Golf & CC Gated Community<br />
Call Indian Springs Resident RE Broker<br />
“JB” Griffin @ 562.810.8881<br />
for a List of Home for Sale or Lease<br />
DRE# 01229433<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
23 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
24 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
It Pays<br />
to advertise<br />
call<br />
562.810.8881<br />
Place your Free Ad<br />
email<br />
in <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong><br />
<strong>Magazine</strong> online<br />
24/7<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
25 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
– Latest News –<br />
Spring and festival time are among our favorite times of the year. Cruise<br />
over if you need some extra sustenance!<br />
Please note:<br />
Our hours have been adjusted to reflect that the kitchen closes at 9 PM,<br />
and we close the doors at 10 PM.<br />
Serving food from:<br />
Mon - Fri, 11 AM - 9 PM<br />
Sat & Sun, 9 AM - 9 PM<br />
Breakfast Served Saturday & Sunday Only<br />
Closed at 10 PM every night.<br />
(760) 346-1565<br />
26 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
High Blood Pressure Feature aka the Silent Killer<br />
Prevention<br />
Lifestyle changes can help lower high blood pressure and can help anyone<br />
with hypertension. Many who make these changes will still need to take<br />
medicine.<br />
These lifestyle changes can help prevent and lower high blood pressure.<br />
Do:<br />
Eat more vegetables and fruits.<br />
Sit less.<br />
Be more physically active, which can include walking, running, swimming,<br />
dancing or activities that build strength, like lifting weights.<br />
Get at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75<br />
minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity.<br />
Do strength building exercises 2 or more days each week.<br />
Lose weight if you’re overweight or obese.<br />
Take medicines as prescribed by your health care professional.<br />
Keep appointments with your health care professional.<br />
Don’t:<br />
eat too much salty food (try to stay under 2 grams per day)<br />
eat foods high in saturated or trans fats<br />
smoke or use tobacco<br />
drink too much alcohol (1 drink daily max for women, 2 for men)<br />
miss or share medication.<br />
Reducing hypertension prevents heart attack, stroke and kidney damage, as<br />
well as other health problems.<br />
Reduce the risks of hypertension by:<br />
reducing and managing stress<br />
regularly checking blood pressure<br />
treating high blood pressure<br />
managing other medical conditions<br />
reducing exposure to polluted air.<br />
Source:<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
27 / CV / <strong>2024</strong><br />
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<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
29 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
30 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
Arizona Feature Boulders Resort<br />
When in Scottsdale Visit<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Mag<br />
Publisher “JB” Griffin<br />
loves his annual visits to<br />
Scottsdale, AZ<br /><br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
31 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Mag Book Feature<br />
Struggling with a Job / Career<br />
“JB” Griffin, publisher <strong>Coachella</strong><br />
<strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> and gummy7<br />
<strong>Magazine</strong> is a resident of Indio,<br />
CA and writer/publisher of 57<br />
Jobs and Counting a career less<br />
traveled and guide to finding your<br />
passion<br />
To order a hard copy of the book<br />
32 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
trimbits<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Mag Stay Fit Feature<br />
courtesy of trimcards<br />
drink water instead of sugary drinks<br />
Check out trimbits to help you<br />
maintain or lose weight<br />
trimbits @<br /><br />
trimcards <strong>2024</strong> - 24 pack POP Display<br />
Feature your Business on the<br />
Cover of future editions of<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />
email<br />
or Call 562.810.8881<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
33 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
34 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
Graphic Design<br />
Services<br />
562.810.8881<br />
Mitch and<br />
Midge<br />
Common Sense, Ideas,<br />
Recipes, Fun , Stuff<br />
and More from<br />
Antartica to Zambia<br />
...............<br />
When Living or Playing in the<br />
Desert in the <strong>Summer</strong> always<br />
be aware of the Heat Stay<br />
Hydrated and do your summer<br />
chores outside early<br />
If you think a person may be<br />
experiencing heatstroke, seek<br />
immediate medical help. Call<br />
911 or your local emergency<br />
services number.<br />
Again nope not my car<br />
Mitch & Midge highly suggest Cactus Jack’s for<br />
Lunch or Dinner when in Palm Desert where the<br />
locals meet<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
35 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
RIP Jerry West<br /><br />
36 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
Manage your Weight ...One Day At a Time.......<br />
Try “trimcards” Weight & Health Management<br />
System for Life!<br />
30 day supply for only $7.95 and start feeling and<br />
looking better with more energy. The key to<br />
“trimcards” is moderation in all<br />
things and being aware of what you<br />
eat and drink.<br />
Order Today<br />
When in the<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> check out<br />
the more than 100 courses<br />
Courses to test you golf skills<br />
Visit<br />
online 24 /7<br /><br />
“JB” Griffin, Golfer<br /><br />
ph: 562.810.8881<br />
We promote interesting people, places, events from<br />
Antarctica to Zambia<br />
please support our advertisers<br />
Call “JB” James B. Griffin, Broker Owner<br />
562.810.8881 DRE# 01229433<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
37 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
Features<br /><br />
38 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
39 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
Featured Church<br /><br />
Promote Your Business on<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> online 24/7<br />
and available by Print on Demand<br /><br />
Call us 562.677.7452<br />
24/7 Voice Mail<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Mag Featured Realtor<br />
“JB” Griffin ..<br />
or “JB” @ 562.810.8881 DRE# 01229433<br />
“JB” Griffin<br />
DRE# 01229433<br />
RE Broker<br />
JBGmg<br />
Serving all the<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong><br /><br />
40 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
Get Featured<br />
on<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong><br />
<strong>Valley</strong><br />
<strong>Magazine</strong><br />
online 24/7<br />
We love<br />
Photos, Ads<br />
and More!
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Mag News and More<br />
...........<br />
send us your news<br />
When In the Desert be sure to enjoy Breakfast at<br />
Keedy’s<br /><br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
41 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
Did you know according to Readers Digest<br />
people rarely used to smile in photos..<br />
We serve only the best and finest foods available to us.<br />
We pride ourselves in providing you, our customers,<br />
with the very finest.<br />
Palm Springs<br />
401 Tahquitz Canyon<br />
Palm Springs, CA 92262<br />
Palm Desert<br />
73-161 Country Club #D<br />
Palm Desert, CA 92260<br />
(760) 325-1199<br />
Fax (760) 325-0771<br />
(760) 568-1350<br />
Fax (760) 568-1581<br />
Cool Places to<br />
beat the <strong>Summer</strong><br />
Heat<br />
Visit Solvang, CA<br />
just a 4 hour 45<br />
minute drive from<br />
Indio, CA 269<br />
miles<br />
Stay updated on Indio<br />
Happenings in the <strong>Coachella</strong><br />
<strong>Valley</strong><br /><br />
Andersons Pea Soup Resturant, Buellton,Ca<br />
42 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Mag BIZ Card Board<br />
Post your Business Card<br />
Here !<br />
email<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
43 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
Advertise your Business on<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />
The Living Desert Zoo Garden<br />
Model Trains<br />
44 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
<strong>Summer</strong> Has Arrrived<br />
Things to do in the <strong>Coachella</strong><br />
<strong>Valley</strong> or places to go for a break<br />
from the Heat<br />
Golf probably best to play early<br />
Stay Hydrated when outside in<br />
the Heat<br />
Breakfast at Keedy’s<br />
Lunch at Sherman’s<br />
Dinner at Cactus Jack’s<br />
Take early morning Walks<br />
Workout Indoors at your<br />
favorite Gym<br />
Always check the<br />
Asphalt when<br />
walking your Dogs in<br />
the Desert Heat and<br />
best not to walk your<br />
pets after 9am in the<br />
<strong>Summer</strong><br />
Swim<br />
Visit The Living Zoo<br />
Drive to the Beach or Big Bear<br />
for the day or go on Vacation to<br />
escape the Heat<br />
Go to Church<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
45 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
When in Palm Desert Visit<br />
Thinking of Selling ?<br />
Call “JB” Griffin for a Free Market Analysis<br />
@ 562.810.8881<br />
Broker / Owner<br />
JBGmg<br />
DRE# 01229433<br />
Please call to schedule an appointment:<br /><br />
California Real Estate Broker<br />
Let us help you find your home ..<br />
JBGmg represents buyers<br />
and sellers 1.99% We pay 50% to<br />
Brokers for Referrals on COE.<br /><br />
46 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
47 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> Yes it used to be called the Bob Hope<br />
Classic Shanks for the Memories Pictured “JB” Griffin, Indio Resident and<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Mag Publisher at PGA West<br />
48 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
Just Published 2023<br />
Read Online<br /><br />
read/67595149/california-born-heaven-bound<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
49 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
52 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
Join us for Fun and Fellowship<br />
at Faren’s<br />
Social Dinner / Supper Club<br />
Desert Hot Springs Feature<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
53 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
Desert Hot Springs Spa Hotel since 1950<br /><br />
Desert Hot Springs is the only place in the world with both hot and cold mineral spring aquifers. Miracle<br />
Springs Resort is justly famous for its natural hot spring mineral waters with their therapeutic, healing<br />
properties. Our crystal clear waters rise at an average 140°F from underground lakes, called aquifers,<br />
located about 300 feet down. This water is then cooled to temperatures ranging from 90°F to 104°F<br />
and pumped at 200 gallons per minute into our eight pools and spas; perfect for swimming, soaking,<br />
and relaxing.<br />
Unlike many natural hot springs, the water here has a pleasant scent and tastes great! It is the finest<br />
mineral spring water to be found anywhere, and regularly wins 1st and 2nd “Best Tasting Water in the<br />
World” at the Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting Competition.<br />
Discovered hundreds of years ago by the Cahuilla Indians, it was “rediscovered” in 1914 when pioneer<br />
Cabot Yerxa unearthed the curative mineral waters on his land – a little over a mile from where<br />
our hotel stands today. His first well produced crystal clear mineral water at 132°F and a second well<br />
produced cool fresh drinking water, so he named the area Miracle Hill.<br />
Throughout his life, Australian geologist and chemist, Dr. Augustus Broue traveled the world analyzing<br />
hot spring mineral waters. In 1938, he visited Desert Hot Springs: “From the analysis of these waters, I<br />
have not found the like of them in any country I have explored… It would appear to have qualities far<br />
superior to any waters known to me.”<br />
54 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
When in Desert Hot Springs be<br />
sure to check out the El Morocco<br />
Inn and Spa<br /><br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
55 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
Never been to Morocco but I’ve been to the Morocco Inn & Spa<br />
- went for the day spa a, great experience - “JB” Griffin, Publisher<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Mag<br />
56 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
57 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
58 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
“JB” Griffin So Cal Lifetime<br />
Resident moved to there home in Indio, Ca in <strong>2024</strong> with<br />
his wife Coby and 3 dogs after selling their home in Sunset<br />
Beach, CA. “JB” has launched <strong>Coachella</strong> Mag online 24/7.<br />
We are looking forward to new experiences from our home<br />
in Indio, CA and look forward to all the <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong><br />
has to offer. We look forward to articles, ads and interesting<br />
content from <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> and beyond.<br />
email:<br /><br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
59 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
Photo Throwback<br />
LA Kings win the Stanley Cup ( pictured <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Mag publisher and Kings Cheer<br />
Squad and Fan !<br />
The Los Angeles Kings won their first Stanley Cup in 2012, defeating the New Jersey Devils<br />
6-1 in Game 6 of the Stanley Cup Final. The Kings’ victory was notable because they were the<br />
first eighth-seeded team in North American sports history to win a championship. The Kings<br />
scored three goals in the first period when the Devils were short-handed due to a penalty, and<br />
Dustin Brown, Jeff Carter, and Trevor Lewis all scored within four minutes.<br />
The Kings have won two Stanley Cup titles in total, also winning in 2014. They have also won<br />
three conference championships, in 1993, 2012, and 2014.<br />
Send us your photos and<br />
ads email<br />
60 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Mag Publisher “JB” and Charlie GM of the Jackalope Ranch meet in Indio.<br />
Small World yes we both had a connection from South Pasadena/Alhambra Ca Famous<br />
Restaurant Twoheys back in the Day where Charlie ran TwoHeys.<br /><br /><br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
61 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
Stay In Shape<br />
during the Hot<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> no<br />
excuses<br />
62 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Mag visits Bend Oregon and<br />
the Amazing<br />
Sunriver Resort for Golf and More !<br /><br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
63 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
64 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
Nope Not my Car<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
65 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
Featured Artist Brian Griffin<br />
Founder Bogey Style<br />
Link to portfolio<br /><br />
Indio Mag Throwback Photo Vault<br />
1995 American Single Parents<br />
outing Fillmore, CA, Fillmore &<br />
Western Train Ride<br />
Bummer just heard the Train Ride is<br />
permanently closed.<br /><br />
aspn as it was called was<br />
founded in So Cal by<br />
Laura Wilson and “JB”<br />
Griffin in 1992 for social<br />
gatherings on weekends for<br />
Single Parents and their<br />
children.<br />
66 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
67 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
68 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue
Griffin Golf<br />
Collectibles<br />
Vintage Golf Club<br />
2- 9 Iron set<br />
Offered at<br />
$199<br />
+ Shipping<br />
USA only<br />
Call:<br />
562.810.8881<br />
<strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue<br />
69 / CV / <strong>2024</strong>
70 / CV / <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Coachella</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Issue