This Is Our Wellington 17

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<strong>This</strong> is our<br />

LOVE<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong><br />


Summer in<br />

Inside<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong><br />

New mayor for<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong><br />

D Day veteran guest<br />

at Midsummer Fayre<br />

Wrekin 24 hour<br />

challenge - strong<br />

body, strong mind<br />

<strong>Is</strong>sue Number <strong>17</strong> | July 2024<br />

<strong>This</strong> <strong>Is</strong> <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Wellington</strong> <strong>17</strong> Euro*.indd 1 25/06/2024 14:41

<strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Town Council<br />

www.wellington-shropshire.gov.uk<br />

How to contact <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council<br />

Civic Offices, Larkin Way, Tan Bank, <strong>Wellington</strong>,<br />

Telford, Shropshire TF1 1LX<br />

Telephone: 01952 567697<br />

Email: wellingtontowncouncil@telford.gov.uk<br />

www.facebook.com/<strong>Wellington</strong>TCShropshire<br />

Ward<br />

Councillors<br />

Do you know which Councillor represents your<br />

Ward? See list of Councillors below, contact<br />

details are via the Town Council.<br />


Cllr Joan<br />

Gorse<br />

Cllr Emma<br />

Holding<br />


Cllr Reg<br />

Snell<br />

x.com/<strong>Wellington</strong>TCI<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council Officers<br />

Cllr Usman Ahmed<br />

Mayor<br />

Adrienne Taylor<br />

Communications and<br />

Events Assistant<br />

VACANT <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Crier<br />

Mick & Joe Talbot WEST team<br />

Karen Roper<br />

Chief Executive Officer<br />

Sally Themans<br />

Love <strong>Wellington</strong>, <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Regeneration & <strong>This</strong> is our<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Magazine<br />

Rubbish and Recycling team – bins<br />

Email: recyclefortelford@telford.gov.uk<br />

Telephone: 01952 384384<br />

Planning and Development<br />

Telephone: 01952 380380<br />

Email: planning.control@telford.gov.uk<br />

Housing Solutions team<br />

Telephone: 01952 381925<br />

Birth, deaths and marriages<br />

Telephone: 01952 382444<br />

register.office@telford.gov.uk<br />

Abandoned rubbish - Neighbourhood<br />

and Leisure Services<br />

Telephone: 01952 384384 (office hours)<br />

or 03451 559955 (out of hours)<br />

Email: recyclefortelford@telford.gov.uk<br />

Child sexual exploitation<br />

Telephone: 01952 385385<br />

Citizens Advice Telford & The Wrekin<br />

Telephone: 0300 330 1165<br />

www.wellington-shropshire.gov.uk<br />

www.lovewellington.co.uk<br />

Caroline Mulvihill<br />

Events Manager and Deputy<br />

Chief Executive Officer<br />

Important Contacts and Numbers<br />

Neighbourhood and Enforcement<br />

Services<br />

Email: envmaintcs@telford.gov.uk<br />

Telephone: 01952 384384 (office hours)<br />

03451 559955 (out of hours)<br />

Roads and Highways<br />

Highways Maintenance team<br />

Telephone: 01952 384000<br />

Email: highways@telford.gov.uk<br />

Noise - Public Protection team<br />

Telephone: 01952 381818<br />

Email:<br />

environmental.health@telford.gov.uk<br />

Pest Control<br />

Telephone: 01952 384384<br />

Email: envmaintcs@telford.gov.uk<br />

Citizens Advice consumer helpline<br />

Telephone: 0808 223 1133<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Library<br />

Telephone: 01952 382990<br />

Email: wellington.library@telford.gov.uk<br />



Cllr Lee<br />

Carter<br />


Cllr Lisa<br />

Jinks<br />


SEAT<br />

VACANT<br />

Cllr John<br />

Latter<br />



Cllr Karen<br />

Tomlinson<br />

Cllr Lionel<br />

Woolley<br />




Cllr Graham<br />

Cook<br />


Cllr Julie<br />

Pierce<br />

Cllr Simon<br />

Day<br />



Cllr Paul<br />

Davis<br />


Cllr Usman<br />

Ahmed<br />

Cllr Jim<br />

McGinn<br />



Cllr Giles<br />

Luter<br />

Cllr Crispin<br />

Barker<br />

Cllr Stuart<br />

Williams<br />


Cllr Stephen<br />

deLauney<br />

Telford and Wrekin Community Help<br />

Line 01952 382030<br />

Family connect 01952 385385<br />

Job Box 01952 382888<br />

Mind 0300 1240365<br />

Maninplace 01952 248248<br />

Steer Clear knife crime 01952 214747<br />

Street Link – homeless 0300 500 0914<br />

Dog Fouling Telephone 01952 384384<br />

(office hours) 03451 559955 (out of<br />

hours) Email: envmaintcs@telford.gov.uk<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Leisure Centre<br />

Telephone: 01952 382720<br />

Email: wellingtonleisure@telford.gov.uk<br />

Cllr Martin<br />

Jobe<br />



Cllr Bill<br />

Tomlinson<br />

Cllr Anthony<br />

Lowe<br />



Cllr Angela<br />

McClements<br />

<strong>This</strong> <strong>Is</strong> <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Wellington</strong> <strong>17</strong> Euro*.indd 2 25/06/2024 14:41

Welcome<br />

A letter from the Mayor of <strong>Wellington</strong>,<br />

Cllr Usman Ahmed<br />

I look forward to<br />

serving and helping the<br />

people of <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

<strong>This</strong> is our <strong>Wellington</strong> has<br />

been designed by Plus Two<br />

Media Limited.<br />

Plus<br />

Media<br />

Limited<br />

All text copyright<br />

© <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council<br />

2024 / Love <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Photographs supplied by Love<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> and <strong>Wellington</strong> Town<br />

Council additional pictures from<br />

Wrekin News / Plus Two Media<br />

Limited archive.<br />

For more information about<br />

newsletter and brochure design<br />

and printing in <strong>Wellington</strong> and<br />

Telford please contact James<br />

Baylis. Telephone: 07977 481186<br />

or email:<br />

james@plus2media.co.uk<br />

www.plus2media.co.uk<br />

It is both an honour and the greatest privilege<br />

of my life to have been elected Mayor of<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong>.<br />

I’d like to start by paying tribute to my<br />

predecessor Councillor Paul Davis who<br />

brought great passion, dedication, and<br />

fortitude to the role. His love for our town<br />

shone through. Thank you to my colleagues<br />

and fellow councillors for considering me<br />

worthy of this role and to the people of College<br />

Ward, whom I represent, for their support. It is<br />

incredibly humbling to be elected in a democracy.<br />

Since a young age, I have always loved<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong>. I attended Alton Park School and<br />

New College and worship at the mosque on<br />

Regent Street; but I never imagined I would one<br />

day be mayor of our beautiful and historic town.<br />

It is incredibly humbling to be the first Asian of<br />

Pakistani origin, the first minority ethnic mayor<br />

and the first Muslim Mayor of <strong>Wellington</strong>. <strong>Our</strong><br />

strength as a community is in our diversity.<br />

Though elected as a Labour councillor, I will<br />

be <strong>Wellington</strong>’s mayor. I promise to be an active<br />

mayor, bringing our communities together and<br />

championing causes I believe in. No one should<br />

l Marc Fourgere Deputy Mayor of Châtenay-<br />

Malabry with <strong>Wellington</strong> Mayor Usman Ahmed.<br />

sleep rough in one of the richest countries in the<br />

world, and everyone in <strong>Wellington</strong> should have<br />

a decent home. My mayoral charity for the year<br />

will be Maninplace, a fantastic organisation that<br />

supports our most vulnerable residents.<br />

Compassion, respect, tolerance, and the<br />

service of others are my values. And, as we look<br />

forward to a summer in <strong>Wellington</strong>, we take<br />

time to remember those who made a difference<br />

80 years ago as we commemorate D-Day, and<br />

we meet some of those that are helping those<br />

in need now – the Primal Instincts team who<br />

climbed the Wrekin 24 times in 24 hours to<br />

highlight and help men’s mental health (page<br />

8&9).<br />

Summers in <strong>Wellington</strong> are always busy and<br />

as we go to print plans are in place for a host of<br />

events starting in July with the Italian Scooter<br />

Day, the Green Festival, Saturdays in the Square<br />

and the Bowring Fun Days – as well as the Walking<br />

Festival in September - details of all which you<br />

will find in these pages.<br />

I hope to meet some of you at some of these<br />

various events, and I look forward to serving and<br />

helping the people of <strong>Wellington</strong> – and so, I begin<br />

my mayoral term.<br />

03<br />

Printed by Eight Days a Week<br />

Print Solutions, a proud,<br />

independent printer and mailing<br />

house. For more information or<br />

to obtain a quote please contact<br />

Stefan Mills on 07715 480565 or<br />

stefan@edwps.co.uk<br />

eight days<br />

a week<br />

print solutions<br />

The views expressed in <strong>This</strong> is <strong>Our</strong><br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> are those of the individual<br />

contributors and not necessarily the views<br />

of the <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council, Love<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> or Plus Two Media Limited.<br />

l Above; Mayor Usman<br />

Ahmed with D Day veteran,<br />

Mr Bill Humphries.<br />

@Love<strong>Wellington</strong><br />

@Love<strong>Wellington</strong>1<br />

lovewellingtonshropshire<br />

<strong>This</strong> <strong>Is</strong> <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Wellington</strong> <strong>17</strong> Euro*.indd 3 25/06/2024 14:41

LOVE<br />

Community News<br />

04<br />



GROUP<br />

TALKS<br />

l July 18<br />

The Walker Legacy, part 2,<br />

Wendy Palin<br />

l Sept 19<br />

William Withering, eminent<br />

son of <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Diana Clarke<br />

l Nov 21<br />

James Oliver (<strong>Wellington</strong><br />

benefactor)<br />

Andrew Beach and Judy<br />

Meeson.<br />

All talks are held at <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Library at 7:30pm<br />

New play<br />

area<br />

coming to<br />

Dothill<br />

A new play area at Dothill<br />

and Severn Drive is under<br />

development, funded by<br />

Section 106 money from the<br />

former Charlton school site.<br />

The project, which started<br />

in June, has been in the<br />

pipeline since the school land<br />

was in the planning stages.<br />

The funds were released after<br />

a certain number of houses<br />

were built. After meetings<br />

with council officers and a<br />

tender process, the chosen<br />

equipment was selected for<br />

its play value and will include<br />

an interpretation board to<br />

support children with special<br />

needs.<br />

Cllr Karen Tomlinson has<br />

also contributed Pride money<br />

to this scheme.<br />



On Saturday 8 June thousands packed<br />

into the centre of <strong>Wellington</strong> to enjoy<br />

the annual Midsummer Fayre, organised<br />

by <strong>Wellington</strong> H2A and All Saints Church.<br />

Amid all the usual music and merriment, visitors<br />

paused for a public show of thanks to guest of<br />

honour Mr Bill Humphries who, at 99, is one of<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong>’s last D-Day veterans. In the week<br />

that the nation marked the 80th anniversary of<br />

the Normandy Landings, representatives of our<br />

French twin town, Châtenay-Malabry, led an<br />

emotional tribute to Bill and all those <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

men who risked their lives in the liberation of<br />

France eight decades ago.<br />

Market late nights return<br />

The ever-popular <strong>Wellington</strong> Late Night Markets have<br />

made a welcome return this summer with the first one<br />

held on the last Saturday of June. There will be three<br />

more evenings throughout the summer with entertainment,<br />

delicious street food, and an all-round good<br />

vibe - the perfect night out with family and friends.<br />

Inside the <strong>Wellington</strong> Market Food Court vendors<br />

include Park Street Kitchen, Bubbly’s Kitchen, Red<br />

Dragon Noodles, Gorgeous Pizza Company, Odd Pals,<br />

and The Welldeck.<br />

Outside the Market Yard has a livelier vibe, with live<br />

entertainment and tasty food from Red Brick Craft<br />

Beer Bar & Food, Hungry Dogs, Jamaica No Problem<br />

Mon Caribbean, AJ’s Kitchen Bar & Food and pop up<br />

stalls.<br />

A number of traders will be open for shopping during these events. 5-10pm, £2 entry and<br />

children go free. Future dates:<br />

Saturday 27 July Saturday 31 August Saturday 28 September<br />

<strong>This</strong> <strong>Is</strong> <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Wellington</strong> <strong>17</strong> Euro*.indd 4 25/06/2024 14:41

<strong>This</strong> is our <strong>Wellington</strong> | www.lovewellington.co.uk<br />

LOVE<br />

Orbit reaches milestone<br />

The <strong>Wellington</strong> Orbit<br />

marked its 5th Birthday<br />

in May with a special<br />

open weekend which<br />

saw over 200 members<br />

of the community visit for a building<br />

tour. <strong>This</strong> enabled visitors to explore<br />

the untouched behind the scenes<br />

areas and hear about the plans for<br />

the upcoming ‘Phase 2’ renovations<br />

which will see the upper floors<br />

transformed into multi-purpose<br />

spaces for the community ranging<br />

from dance studios, meeting rooms,<br />

art exhibitions and more. Following<br />

extensive consultation the works on<br />

Phase 2 are due to start in 2025.<br />

The Orbit is hosting a number of<br />

events over the summer, as part<br />

of the Saturdays in the Square<br />

including Orbit Rocks, ‘Music From<br />

the Movies’ concert on 10 August,<br />

with local bands, dance groups and<br />

acts performing; a Family Fun Day<br />

(Part of High Street Celebrations) on<br />

<strong>17</strong> August - with live music, local dance groups, Victorian<br />

show and outdoor games from Boardroom Gaming<br />

Café; and a return of the popular ‘Reels & Wheels’<br />

car display on 24 August, with a collection of sports<br />

& classic cars, classic and modern motorbikes in the<br />

Square and all Saints Church, coinciding with a cinema<br />

screening (film to be announced).<br />

For a full programme and to see what’s going on at<br />

The orbit, please visit wellingtonorbit.co.uk<br />

Legacy inspires<br />

Charity<br />

Challenges<br />

In a heartfelt tribute to her late<br />

partner, Wrekin Rower Gary<br />

Richards, <strong>Wellington</strong>’s Alyson<br />

Westbrook is embarking on a series<br />

of fundraising challenges throughout<br />

2024 to support Severn Hospice.<br />

The highlight of her endeavours<br />

will be climbing Mount Kilimanjaro<br />

in September which will be a<br />

fundraiser for both Severn Hospice<br />

and Kelly’s Heroes.<br />


05<br />

The Telford Wrekin Raiders Ladies Ice Hockey<br />

Club, founded in 1988 is, after 35 years,<br />

still going strong and boasts three women<br />

from the original line up who are still playing.<br />

The club’s name was chosen by the players in<br />

appreciation for local landmark, The Wrekin,<br />

and has been proudly worn on the kit jerseys<br />

for all those years.<br />

Since its inception the club has seen a<br />

range of players, aging from 8 to 60, several<br />

of whom have gone on to play at Olympic<br />

level. In 2022 the coaching team set up the<br />

Midlands Wrekin Raiders, an under 16 girls<br />

team, which attracts girls from all over the<br />

Midlands to play in Telford.<br />

The backbone of the club are the<br />

committee, the coaches and sponsors from<br />

local businesses, who play a vital role in<br />

ensuring the team’s continued success.<br />

<strong>This</strong> season sponsors include Nexus<br />

Components, Egerton’s barbers, Peppers<br />

restaurant and <strong>Wellington</strong>-based Rowton<br />

Brewery and The Wrekin Inn. <strong>This</strong> season<br />

has also seen two more local businesses<br />

in <strong>Wellington</strong> getting involved - with The<br />

Boardroom Café providing players with space<br />

for downtime and Sweets Galore in the<br />

market providing raffle prizes.<br />

Spokesperson Donna Sumnall told<br />

TIOW, “A good portion of the players live in<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> - many have called <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

home for years and some have made the<br />

move more recently. Every single one says<br />

the same thing - <strong>Wellington</strong> is a great place to<br />

live!”.<br />

The club are always on the lookout<br />

for local ladies (or u16 girls) wanting<br />

to try something new - find them on<br />

Instagram @telfordwrekinraiders or email<br />

telfordwrekinraiders@gmail.com<br />

Gary Richards, who passed away<br />

last year, was a beloved member of<br />

the Wrekin Rowers who completed<br />

a remarkable 3,000-mile row across<br />

the Atlantic, raising over £120,000<br />

for the RNIB and Severn Hospice. To<br />

honour Gary’s memory and continue<br />

his legacy of charity fundraising,<br />

Alyson will also participate in the<br />

Red Lion to Aberystwyth bike ride.<br />

Alyson’s own journey symbolises<br />

resilience and dedication, and she<br />

hopes her efforts will raise both<br />

awareness and funds for Severn<br />

Hospice.<br />

Her commitment reflects the<br />

deep impact Gary had on her<br />

life and the wider <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

community.<br />

<strong>This</strong> <strong>Is</strong> <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Wellington</strong> <strong>17</strong> Euro*.indd 5 25/06/2024 14:41

LOVE<br />

Community News<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Twinning Weekend Success<br />

06<br />

Over the weekend of 7-10<br />

June, <strong>Wellington</strong> Twinning<br />

Association welcomed<br />

visitors from our twin town<br />

of Châtenay-Malabry, just<br />

outside Paris. The group attended a<br />

civic welcome event on the Friday with<br />

afternoon tea. The Mayor of <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Usman Ahmed welcomed the visitors<br />

with a response from the Deputy<br />

Mayor of Châtenay, Marc Fougere.<br />

On Saturday, the Twinning<br />

Association had a stall as part of the<br />

Midsummer Fayre with many of the<br />

guests taking part in the procession<br />

in period costume. The French party<br />

were delighted to meet <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

resident and D-Day veteran 99-yearold<br />

Bill Humphries and extended a vote<br />

of thanks to him, from the people of<br />

France.<br />

On Saturday evening the group<br />

attended a ceilidh in Belmont Hall<br />

and a farewell dinner on Sunday at<br />

The Cock Hotel. “It was a wonderful<br />

weekend of friendship, remembering<br />

the past and looking to the future”<br />

said Mrs Laurence Moses, Chair of<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Twinning.<br />

If you would like to find out more<br />

about <strong>Wellington</strong> Twinning Association,<br />

please call 07795 031681 or email<br />

wellingtonshropshiretwinning@gmail.<br />

com<br />

Comedy of Errors<br />

in Bowring Park<br />

l Above; Handlebards 2024 © Rah Petherbridge-CAST (BL<br />

Sam Perry BR Craig Hamilton FL Lucinda Davidson FR<br />

Caroline O’Mahoney)<br />

On Friday, September 6 at 7pm, Bowring Park will host a unique<br />

outdoor production of Shakespeare’s “The Comedy of Errors,”<br />

performed by the HandleBards. <strong>This</strong> four-strong troupe of<br />

actors travel across the UK on bicycles, carrying all their set,<br />

props, and costumes with them, promoting environmentally<br />

sustainable theatre.<br />

<strong>This</strong> classic Shakespearean comedy, which sees two sets of<br />

estranged twins brought together on the same island leading to<br />

a whirlwind of mistaken identities, music, and manic costume<br />

changes will be a fun evening out for <strong>Wellington</strong> residents.<br />

Audience members are encouraged to bring a chair or<br />

blanket to sit on, a picnic to enjoy, and to dress appropriately<br />

for the weather. Don’t miss this inventive and eco-friendly<br />

performance.<br />

For tickets, visit Telford Theatre.com<br />

A hub of activity and<br />

community spirit<br />

Since 2016, a dedicated<br />

group of volunteers<br />

has managed Arleston<br />

Community Centre,<br />

ensuring it remains a<br />

welcoming and thriving<br />

venue for local residents.<br />

The centre, run by a<br />

Board of Trustees that<br />

includes local councillors<br />

and community<br />

members, operates<br />

without paid staff. Their<br />

tireless efforts have turned it into<br />

a vital community asset.<br />

Despite its small size, the centre is bustling with activity. It hosts<br />

numerous events, including the successful Senior Citizen’s Afternoon<br />

Tea held in May. Regular events such as Christmas Craft Fairs, Arleston<br />

Memories Group meetings, and Table Top Sales keep the community<br />

engaged.<br />

The centre is an ideal venue for children’s parties, short courses,<br />

and training events, with competitive hourly hire rates. To learn more,<br />

contact Emma at bookings@arlestoncc.co.uk.<br />

Regular groups at the centre include mixed martial arts for children,<br />

Coffee and Craft Club, a monthly Film Club, and more. The installation<br />

of acoustic panels and solar panels, thanks to successful grant<br />

applications, has enhanced the facility.<br />

Despite its success, many people are still unaware of the centre.<br />

To ensure its continued vibrancy, Arleston Community Centre seeks<br />

volunteers. If you have some spare time and wish to contribute,<br />

contact Claire at 07941 515220 or clairedempsey68@gmail.com.<br />

<strong>This</strong> <strong>Is</strong> <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Wellington</strong> <strong>17</strong> Euro*.indd 6 25/06/2024 14:41

<strong>This</strong> is our <strong>Wellington</strong> | www.lovewellington.co.uk<br />

LOVE<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Walking Festival<br />

The 13th <strong>Wellington</strong> Walking Festival will<br />

take place this year from Monday 9<br />

September to Sunday 15 September.<br />

There will be 30 events during the festival<br />

with some firm favourites and ten new walks.<br />

The theme of ‘Heritage’ will ensure a range<br />

of interesting historical walks along many of the<br />

wonderful routes that <strong>Wellington</strong> enjoys. The<br />

opening day of the festival celebrates our iconic<br />

landmark, the Wrekin, with a new Heritage Walk<br />

which explores much of the history in a mile long<br />

walk - contrasted with the ‘Rough Way on the<br />

Wrekin Hills’ which will challenge walkers up the<br />

steepest ascents and descents of the four hills.<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong>’s Makers Mural Trail will be<br />

celebrated with walkers enjoying discovering the<br />

stories in the town’s ancient streets.<br />

The festival also journeys afield to neighbouring<br />

towns and villages and a walk to the Telford Steam<br />

Railway where a ride on the steam train can be<br />

enjoyed.<br />

To find out more and discover the week’s<br />

programme visit wellingtonwalkersarewelcome.<br />

org.uk<br />

Italian Scooters in the Square<br />

Back for the third year the hugely successful Italian Scooter Day will return on Saturday 20 July.<br />

As with previous years, expect the town market square to be packed with scooters of all types<br />

and vintages with riders coming from as far as Cheshire and Staffordshire.<br />

Organised by David Morris, Director of the ‘Italian Auto Moto Club’ together with Love<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong>, this is a great way of drawing visitors to <strong>Wellington</strong>. David commented, “<strong>This</strong> event<br />

is fast becoming very well-known as the only UK event purely for scooters on its central streets.<br />

It’s great to get enthusiasts to come to meet up in a town setting and help to regenerate the<br />

local economy.”<br />

07<br />



DAY<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong><br />

will host a<br />

unique ‘Italian<br />

Scooter Day’<br />


20TH JULY<br />

2024<br />


CENTRE, TF1 1DB<br />

9.30AM - 3.30PM<br />

The towns streets will be packed with scooters of<br />

all types and vintage, with riders and enthusiasts<br />

coming in from as far as Cheshire & Staffordshire.<br />

Any enquiries regarding the event should<br />

contact David Morris on 07773 537564 -<br />

or email: djmfastforward@hotmail.co.uk<br />

<strong>This</strong> <strong>Is</strong> <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Wellington</strong> <strong>17</strong> Euro*.indd 7 25/06/2024 14:41

<strong>Wellington</strong> Wellness<br />

08<br />

Wrekin 24 Challenge:<br />

Strong Body, Strong<br />

Mind<br />

Did you know that of the 112 people<br />

who take their own lives in the UK every<br />

week, three quarters of them are men?<br />

Now there’s an inspiring group of men<br />

in Telford dedicated to reducing that<br />

number, and they have been getting<br />

very well acquainted with our local<br />

landmark in the process.<br />

Primal Instinct is a group created<br />

by men for men to support men<br />

who may be struggling with<br />

mental health, addiction or<br />

isolation. And it’s already making<br />

a big impact.<br />

Founded by Ricky Biffa, Lee Stevens and<br />

Christopher Booth in June 2023, the group<br />

aims to reverse the trend of male suicide<br />

and to help and support men with their<br />

mental health issues with brotherhood and<br />

friendship spun around physical challenges.<br />

What began as a few friends getting<br />

together to support each other, has grown<br />

into a movement involving almost 200 local<br />

men of various ages and backgrounds.<br />

But all have the same mission – to spread<br />

the word that asking for help is a sign of<br />

strength and courage, not weakness.<br />

The group started out with its now<br />

famous ‘River Dip’, complete with ‘Viking<br />

Clap’; men getting together to take a short<br />

plunge in the River Severn at Coalport on<br />

Saturday mornings. They found they liked<br />

the challenge of getting up early (they<br />

meet at 6 am) and particularly the ‘primal’<br />

camaraderie of the cold-water experience.<br />

News of the challenge spread throughout<br />

the Telford area – and beyond. As one<br />

‘Primal’ (as they are known) explained, they<br />

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To provide the wraparound support that<br />

many men facing challenges need, the<br />

Primal Instinct group offer a comprehensive<br />

programme of activities:<br />

l River Dip every Saturday at 6am - Coalport<br />

l Walk and talk at 8am Sundays in Telford Town<br />

Park, meeting at The Wrekin Giant<br />

l The Wrekin Challenge & Share at 5am on<br />

Tuesday and Friday mornings<br />

now have men travelling from as far<br />

as Milton Keynes to join in, and the<br />

challenge is as much about not hitting<br />

that snooze button but getting up and<br />

out and doing something with others.<br />

As well as the river dip, the Primals<br />

now have activities throughout<br />

the week, such as walk and talk<br />

sessions, a ‘Talking Circle’, and the<br />

‘Wrekin Challenge & Share’ to provide<br />

comprehensive ‘wraparound’ support<br />

for each other throughout the week.<br />

The Wrekin Challenge was set up<br />

by Mark Lloyd and Dean Pettinger and<br />

consists of a climb to the top of the<br />

Wrekin, with some kind of physical<br />

challenge at the top and then time,<br />

whilst walking down, to share stories<br />

and experiences. Mark explained, “We<br />

meet at 5am on a Tuesday and Friday<br />

mornings – it is physical – you need a<br />

strong body to carry a strong mind and<br />

the exertion helps bond participants to<br />

be able to open up and share. Whilst<br />

we are not trained counsellors, we<br />

can listen and signpost people to the<br />

professional help they need.”<br />

The group were determined to<br />

undertake the ultimate challenge last<br />

month which saw them embark on<br />

24 ascents of The Wrekin in 24 hours,<br />

raising funds to pay for emergency<br />

counselling for those men in the<br />

group that need it. Mark was joined<br />

by plenty of supporters and wellwishers<br />

throughout the 24 hour<br />

challenge, some of whom did<br />

one or many more ascents, with<br />

both Mark and Paul Richards<br />

completing the full 24 and raising<br />

over £7,000 in the process – far<br />

exceeding their expectations.<br />

The Primals firmly believe that<br />

physical health supports mental<br />

health—strong body, strong<br />

mind - and the activities are<br />

physical and very much designed to<br />

support men’s mental health. As Mark<br />

said, “We create a safe space for men,<br />

to be themselves and to be the best<br />

men they can be.”<br />

Tragically, one of the founders of the<br />

Primals, Ricky Briffa, took his own life<br />

in December last year, aged just 34.<br />

It is his legacy that drives the group<br />

forward. These men are on a mission<br />

to make sure others do not have to go<br />

through what his family and friends<br />

went through.<br />

“The news of Ricky’s death<br />

was a huge shock. He was<br />

a man who had turned<br />

his life around and was<br />

on a path to help<br />

others do the same.<br />

It’s a stark reminder<br />

that mental health<br />

issues are real, and<br />

we, as men, have a<br />

duty to look out for<br />

one another.”<br />

l Talking Circle at Dawley Town Hall from 6pm<br />

to 8:30 pm Wednesday<br />

l Primals Online 8pm Sunday<br />

Details of all their activities are available on the<br />

website primal-insincts.co.uk or find Primal<br />

Instincts on social media.<br />

In every issue of <strong>This</strong> <strong>Is</strong> <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Wellington</strong> over the<br />

next year, we will be focusing on ‘<strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Wellness’ – for all members of our community.<br />

l Below: Mark Lloyd and Dean Pettinger who<br />

set up the ‘Wrekin Challenge & Share’ and<br />

completed 24 and 21 ascents of The Wrekin<br />

09<br />

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LOVE<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Regeneration News<br />

Prestigious Green Award<br />

for Little Green Pantry<br />

10<br />

Keli King has been<br />

awarded ‘Green Start-Up<br />

of the Year’ at the annual<br />

Midlands Startup Awards<br />

for her zero-waste shop,<br />

The Little Green Pantry,<br />

on Crown Street.<br />

Keli launched<br />

The Little<br />

Green<br />

Pantry to<br />

help reduce<br />

plastic waste and<br />

promote environmental<br />

sustainability and the shop<br />

offers a range of food and<br />

toiletries aimed at cutting<br />

down on single-use<br />

plastics.<br />

“<strong>This</strong> means so much<br />

to me,” said Keli. “I<br />

would not have got here<br />

without my fantastic team<br />

and, of course, our loyal<br />

customers who choose<br />

The Little Green Pantry<br />

and care about our planet<br />

as much as we do.”<br />

Keli’s venture began<br />

in 2019 as a pop-up<br />

stall in local markets,<br />

including <strong>Wellington</strong> and<br />

Newport, and diversified<br />

into deliveries during<br />

the lockdown. After<br />

completing a start-up<br />

course with Good2Great<br />

funded by Telford &<br />

Wrekin Council and<br />

receiving a Pride in <strong>Our</strong><br />

High Street grant, she<br />

opened her permanent<br />

shop in <strong>Wellington</strong>.<br />

Now in its third year the<br />

business employs a team<br />

of five who run the shop<br />

and participate in external<br />

events like the Shrewsbury<br />

Food Festival. Keli is set to<br />

compete in the UK final of<br />

the competition at Ideas<br />

Fest in September, an<br />

event for entrepreneurs<br />

and business leaders.<br />

l Katie, Lee, Keli<br />

King from the Little<br />

Green Pantry<br />

New businesses and moves<br />

l By Danielle – Beauty salon on Duke Street<br />

l CLA Barbers on King Street<br />

l Quackers R Us – Market Annex (second hand and new clothes and<br />

homewares)<br />

l The Hungry Dogs – <strong>Wellington</strong> Market Yard<br />

l The Old Orleton – re-opened with new owners<br />

l Repair Xperts Pro have opened a second shop in New Street<br />

‘Paint the Town’ this Summer<br />

Love <strong>Wellington</strong> is running a Summer Window Painting Competition –<br />

‘Paint the Town’ - inviting all local shops and businesses to join in to get<br />

some summer vibes and colour around the streets. Sally Themans from<br />

Love <strong>Wellington</strong> said, “We’re calling on all the wonderful businesses<br />

across <strong>Wellington</strong> to unleash their creativity and grab brushes and let<br />

imagination run wild as shopfront and windows are transformed to<br />

capture the essence of summer, brightening the town for passersby<br />

at the same<br />

time.” Seen here<br />

are some of the<br />

wonderful summer<br />

windows.<br />

And some moves….<br />

l Welford CBD moved to Bell Street<br />

l Chill Out Skate Shop is moving to Market<br />

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<strong>This</strong> is our <strong>Wellington</strong> | www.lovewellington.co.uk<br />

Above and Beyond: Fulfilling<br />

a vital need in <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

In <strong>Wellington</strong>, a new business,<br />

Above and Beyond, is making a<br />

significant impact by providing<br />

compassionate transport services<br />

for the community. Founded by<br />

Kayleigh Parsons and her friend Ben<br />

Tonks, the business emerged from<br />

Kayleigh’s personal experiences and<br />

challenges with her son’s learning<br />

disabilities and the difficulties of school<br />

transport.<br />

Kayleigh, inspired by her husband’s<br />

work with a company focused on school<br />

runs, recognised a broader need, so<br />

she and Ben decided to establish their<br />

own business. After attending a Love<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> social media course and<br />

securing their operator’s license, Above<br />

and Beyond hit the road in November<br />

2023. “The course really helped guide<br />

me into knowing exactly what was<br />

needed on social media to market the<br />

business” said Kayleigh.<br />

“We slowly built it up from one car<br />

on the road, taking shifts covering the<br />

phone and driving. We now have four<br />

vehicles on the road with a fifth in the<br />

licencing process we also have our eye<br />

on a minibus for larger groups.”<br />

Above and Beyond specialises in<br />

transporting individuals who need extra<br />

support to maintain their independence<br />

and wellbeing. Their services cater to<br />

a wide range of customers, including<br />

school children, shoppers, and even<br />

those requiring airport transfers or<br />

weekend transport and is committed<br />

to easing the stress of those needing<br />

additional support.<br />

In just six months, Kayleigh and Ben’s<br />

venture has not only grown but also<br />

filled a crucial gap in the community,<br />

making a difference in the lives of many<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> residents.<br />

New Guide to enhance<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> shop fronts<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong>’s Regeneration<br />

Partnership has published<br />

a new guide to help the<br />

town’s businesses maximise<br />

the potential of their<br />

shop fronts. The guide is a<br />

collaboration between Rob<br />

Francis of arts and heritage<br />

group <strong>Wellington</strong> H2A and<br />

Telford & Wrekin Council<br />

conservation and planning<br />

officers.<br />

Rob, who wrote a town<br />

centre vision for <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Town Council a decade<br />

ago, emphasised the<br />

importance of preserving<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong>’s history<br />

and making the town<br />

appealing to both residents<br />

and visitors. “Much of<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> town centre<br />

is a conservation area, so<br />

we want to help preserve<br />

its history,” he explained.<br />

“The guide offers practical<br />

advice about colour<br />

schemes and signage<br />

that enhance individual<br />

properties and the town<br />

overall. The collective<br />

choices of businesses<br />

significantly impact the<br />

look and feel of the place.”<br />

Jon Drew of <strong>Wellington</strong>’s<br />

Boardroom Café supports<br />

the initiative, noting that<br />

early advice on shop<br />

front design can make a<br />

significant difference. “We<br />

benefited from a start-up<br />

grant from Telford & Wrekin<br />

Council and had to work<br />

closely with the council’s<br />

planning team,” he said.<br />

“Many businesses don’t get<br />

that input and often aren’t<br />

aware of the rules until it’s<br />

too late. <strong>This</strong> guide will help<br />

others design their shop<br />

fronts well, benefiting us<br />

all.”<br />

The guide aims to set<br />

out design rules for the<br />

conservation area and<br />

offers ideas to make<br />

businesses’ efforts as<br />

effective as possible. A<br />

copy of the guide can be<br />

found on <strong>Wellington</strong> Town<br />

Council’s website.<br />

LOVE<br />

Saturday<br />

Cycles to the<br />

recue<br />

Dave Taylor at Saturday Cycles<br />

came to the rescue when<br />

Robbie Seaward popped in<br />

to have new brake pads fitted<br />

at very short notice. Robbie<br />

was in the middle of a 1000<br />

mile cycle ride around the<br />

outskirts of England in aid of<br />

Brain Tumour Research UK<br />

and was in desperate need of<br />

help with his bike.<br />

“Robbie’s ride was raising<br />

awareness that chemotherapy is not to be feared<br />

and that you can still live well and extend your life<br />

– and in the process hopes to enter the Guinness<br />

Book of Records for the longest cycle journey<br />

conducted by a patient currently undergoing<br />

chemotherapy,” said Dave. “I was pleased to be<br />

able to help.”<br />

Robbie is receiving treatment for a brain tumour.<br />

At the time of going to press he was on day 15, up in<br />

Newcastle, and had been featured on Radio 5 Live<br />

the day before.<br />

Spinning<br />

Around’s<br />

‘record’<br />

day<br />

One Saturday in April<br />

Emma Perks of Spinning<br />

Around Records single<br />

handedly brought in the<br />

crowds to <strong>Wellington</strong>. It<br />

was all part of a nationwide<br />

‘Record Store UK’ day which<br />

saw people quite literally queuing<br />

down New Street from the early hours to get their<br />

hands on rare and limited-edition vinyl. Spinning<br />

Around Records opened in September last year,<br />

helped by a grant from Telford & Wrekin’s Pride in<br />

<strong>Our</strong> High Street, and is having a great impact on<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong>. As Love <strong>Wellington</strong> remarked in their<br />

post – which reached over 36,000 people on<br />

social media - “Whoever said vinyl / retail / high<br />

streets or for that matter <strong>Wellington</strong> has had its<br />

day?”<br />

11<br />

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LOVE<br />

Love <strong>Wellington</strong> Climate News<br />

Sustainable Sundays go<br />

from strength to strength<br />

12<br />

Climate Action Hub<br />

Telford (CAHT) is a<br />

local charity focused<br />

on reducing carbon<br />

emissions and landfill<br />

through promoting reduce,<br />

reuse, repair, share and recycling<br />

initiatives. Since the beginning<br />

of 2024 CAHT has been holding<br />

monthly ‘Sustainable Sunday’<br />

events at Belmont Hall in<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong>. The aim of these<br />

events is to provide local people<br />

with the opportunity to engage<br />

in climate and nature action<br />

whilst saving money. The events<br />

are free to help everyone feel<br />

welcome. <strong>This</strong> has been made<br />

possible thanks to Telford &<br />

Wrekin Council’s Climate Change<br />

Fund Grant.<br />

The monthly events are growing<br />

in popularity with between 100-<br />

<strong>17</strong>0 people of all ages regularly<br />

attending events. Each event<br />

covers a different theme to<br />

provide something of interest<br />

to everyone and showcase the<br />

many ways we can make our lives<br />

more sustainable. The themes so<br />

far this year have included: how<br />

to make your home more energy<br />

efficient; how to grow your own<br />

food; wildlife friendly gardening;<br />

sustainable cooking and eco<br />

arts and crafts sessions. At the<br />

sustainable fashion event in<br />

May, Telford College students<br />

designed, made and modelled<br />

amazing sustainable outfits made<br />

from second hand clothing and<br />

inspired by themes relating to<br />

climate and nature action.<br />

Still to come are events on how<br />

to go plastic free, a repair, make<br />

and mend session and how to<br />

have a sustainable Christmas. The<br />

events also showcase the work<br />

of other local groups to provide<br />

further inspiration, including:<br />

Telford Repair Café; Transition<br />

Telford; Shropshire Cycle<br />

Hub; Shropshire and Telford<br />

Community Energy; Connected<br />

Mobiles and Shropshire Wildlife<br />

Trust.<br />

All the events feature<br />

Terracycle Recycling, mobile<br />

phone, electronic gadget,<br />

jewellery, stamps and coins<br />

collection points, an Eco Library<br />

to borrow books on nature,<br />

climate and living life in a more<br />

sustainable way and a swap<br />

element. People can bring<br />

household items, books, DVD’s,<br />

toys, clothes etc. to swap for<br />

free or take for a ‘pay as you can’<br />

donation, with an average of 100<br />

kilos of items being donated and<br />

100’s of items being rehomed at<br />

each event.<br />

Delicious plant-based<br />

refreshments are provided on a<br />

‘pay as you can’ basis.<br />

To find out how you can get<br />

involved please see CAHT’s<br />

website climateactionhub.org.<br />

uk/events or follow them on<br />

social media or join in one of<br />

their events including <strong>Wellington</strong>’s<br />

first Green Festival at The Square<br />

and All Saints Church grounds on<br />

Saturday 27 July 10-3pm.<br />

l Telford College Students modelling their<br />

sustainable fashion.<br />

Stop press!<br />

Congratulations to Jane Bundy from Climate Action Hub Telford who was<br />

nominated by Paola Armstrong from <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council for the BBC ‘Make a<br />

Difference’ Award. It has just been announced that Jane is a finalist!<br />

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14<br />

Annual<br />

Town<br />

Report<br />

now<br />

available<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Town Council<br />

www.wellington-shropshire.gov.uk<br />

Annual Report<br />

2023 / 24<br />

The latest Annual Town Report<br />

from <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council<br />

can now be viewed online<br />

on the town council website<br />

wellington-shropshire.gov.<br />

uk or for a hard copy please<br />

pop into the <strong>Wellington</strong> Town<br />

Council offices on Tan Bank.<br />

In the report there is plenty<br />

of information about the<br />

various activities of the town<br />

council 2023-2024; from<br />

planning to finance, the groups<br />

that the town council supports<br />

to regeneration and Love<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong>.<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council News<br />

Farewell and thank you Paola!<br />

In June <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council bid farewell<br />

to Paola Armstrong, who had been with the<br />

council since 2020 and had responsibility<br />

for organising the <strong>Wellington</strong> Festival, the<br />

Saturdays in the Square, <strong>Wellington</strong>’s Green<br />

Festival as well as playing a significant role in<br />

regeneration and Love <strong>Wellington</strong>.<br />

Paola brought with her a genuine and contagious<br />

passion for absolutely doing the very best for her<br />

hometown of <strong>Wellington</strong> and her impact will be<br />

lasting. She will be sorely missed by colleagues,<br />

councillors, the many businesses she supported<br />

and championed, as well as the wider community<br />

she served.<br />

We wish Paola and her family all the very best as<br />

they embark on a new adventure in New Zealand.<br />

Paola would like to send this message: “I<br />

have loved every single second of working for<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> and look forward to watching the<br />

continual improvements from the other side of<br />

the world. My heartfelt thanks goes to everyone<br />

who has helped make my time at <strong>Wellington</strong> Town<br />

Council and Love <strong>Wellington</strong> so utterly enjoyable!”<br />

Bayley Mile’s record participation<br />

In May <strong>Wellington</strong> came alive for the<br />

annual Bayley Mile road race organised<br />

by <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council. Steeped in<br />

tradition, this event, which originated in<br />

the 1930s, saw a turnout of 160 runners,<br />

including pupils from 11 local schools and, for<br />

the first time ever, participants from the town’s<br />

businesses.<br />

The Bayley Mile was started 27 years ago<br />

to promote community spirit and healthy<br />

competition among local schools. <strong>This</strong> year’s<br />

event showcased the town’s vibrant spirit, with<br />

enthusiastic runners navigating the course<br />

around <strong>Wellington</strong>.<br />

Among the highlights were the impressive<br />

performances by Chloe Stuart of Wrekin College,<br />

who set a new record in the Under 15 Girls<br />

category with a time of 5 minutes and 26.9<br />

seconds, and Oliver Dolan of Dothill Primary, who<br />

broke records in the Under 11 Boys category with<br />

a time of 5 minutes and 32.6 seconds.<br />

Adding to the excitement, the town’s<br />

businesses joined the fray, demonstrating their<br />

support for the event and fostering camaraderie<br />

in the community. Dave Bradshaw of DB<br />

Computers crossed the finish line as the first<br />

business participant.<br />

The Bayley Mile is testament to the vision<br />

of its founder, John Bayley, who championed<br />

education and community engagement.<br />

School Team Winners<br />

St Lawrence Primary Under 11 Girls<br />

St Lawrence Primary Under 11 Boys<br />

Thomas Telford Under 13 Girls<br />

Wrekin College Under 15 Boys<br />

Thomas Telford Under 13 Boys<br />

Thomas Telford Under 15 Boys<br />

Individual Winners<br />

Under 15 Boys Kody Gilbody Thomas Telford<br />

Under 15 Girls Chloe Stuart Wrekin College<br />

Under 13 Boys Charlie Stuart Wrekin College<br />

Under 13 Girls Harriet Anslow Thomas Telford<br />

Under 11 Boys Ollie Dolan Dothill Primary<br />

Under 11 Girls Penny Newman Shortwood<br />

Primary<br />

Open race<br />

Douglas Stewart Adams Grammar School<br />

Camilla Stewart Wenlock Olympians<br />

Business Race<br />

Dave Bradshaw – pictured with Mayor Cllr Paul<br />

Davis<br />

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<strong>This</strong> <strong>Is</strong> <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Wellington</strong> <strong>17</strong> Euro*.indd 15 25/06/2024 14:41

What’s going on in<br />


Welcome to <strong>Wellington</strong>’s packed schedule of events over the summer and autumn....<br />

All details are correct at time of going to print. Please keep an eye on the Love <strong>Wellington</strong> and <strong>Wellington</strong> Town<br />

Council FaceBook Accounts for updates about events as arrangements are confirmed.<br />

Friday 19 & Saturday 20 July<br />

Art Exhibition at Methodist Church (TBC)<br />

Saturday 20 July<br />

9.30am - 3.30pm<br />

Italian Scooter Day - Market Square & Central<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Wednesday 24 July<br />

11am - 1pm<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Family Fun Days at Bowring Park<br />

with Tori Arts<br />

Saturday 27 July<br />

10am-3pm<br />

Green Festival, All Saints, <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Saturday 27 July<br />

5pm - 10pm<br />

Late Night Opening <strong>Wellington</strong> Market with<br />

street food, pop up bars, live music - entry £2<br />

Friday 2 August<br />

11am - 1pm<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Family Fun Days - Blast Off Rockets<br />

at Bowring Park<br />

Saturday 3 August<br />

10am – 3pm<br />

Saturdays in the Square, <strong>Wellington</strong> (Telford)<br />

Brass Band<br />

Wednesday 7 August<br />

11am - 1pm<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Family Fun Days with Flip and Dippy<br />

at Bowring Park<br />

Saturday 10 August<br />

10am – 3pm<br />

Saturdays in the Square, <strong>Wellington</strong> – Orbit<br />

Rocks<br />

Thursday 15 – Monday 19 August<br />

Jollies Inflatables at Bowring Park<br />

Saturday <strong>17</strong> August<br />

11am – 1pm<br />

Saturdays in the Square, High Street<br />

Celebration Day <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Wednesday 21 August<br />

11am - 1pm<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Family Fun Days with Kev’s<br />

Community Circus at Bowring Park<br />

Saturday 24 August<br />

11am – 1pm<br />

Saturdays in the Square, <strong>Wellington</strong> ‘Wheels<br />

& Reels’<br />

Wednesday 28 August<br />

11am - 1pm<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Family Fun Days with Flip and Dippy<br />

at Bowring Park<br />

Saturday 31 August<br />

11am – 1pm<br />

Sounds in the Square, <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Saturday 31 August<br />

5pm – 10pm<br />

Late Night Opening <strong>Wellington</strong> Market with<br />

street food, pop up bars, live music - entry £2<br />

Friday 6 September<br />

7pm<br />

Comedy of Errors - Open Air production in<br />

Bowring Park<br />

Monday 9 - Sunday 15 September<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Walking Festival<br />

A festival programme can be downloaded from<br />

wellingtonwalkersarewelcome.org.uk<br />

Saturday 28 September<br />

5pm - 10pm<br />

Late Night Opening <strong>Wellington</strong> Market with<br />

street food, pop up bars, live music - entry £2<br />

Saturday 26 October - Saturday 2 November<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> businesses Halloween Promotion<br />

Friday 2 November<br />

Firework Night at <strong>Wellington</strong> Cricket Club<br />

Saturday 9 - Saturday 16 November<br />

<strong>Wellington</strong> Drama Festival at The Belfrey<br />

Theatre belfreytheatre.com<br />

Sunday 10 November<br />

10.30am onwards<br />

Remembrance Parade through <strong>Wellington</strong> and<br />

Service at All Saints Church<br />

Monday 11 November<br />

11am<br />

Armistice Day - <strong>Wellington</strong> Market Square<br />

Saturday 30 November<br />

From 2pm<br />

Christmas Lights Switch On - <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Market Square and All Saints Church<br />

Monday 2 December<br />

From 5pm<br />

Christmas Lights Switch On - <strong>Wellington</strong><br />

Neighbourhoods: Shawbirch, Brooklands and<br />

Arleston<br />

Sunday 8 December<br />

Mayor’s Civic Carol Service<br />

<strong>This</strong> <strong>Is</strong> <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Wellington</strong> <strong>17</strong> Euro*.indd 16 25/06/2024 14:41

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