HGT Magazine #130 July/August 2024

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Nothing About Us Without Us<br />

+<br />

FIRE<br />


Issue 130<br />

<strong>July</strong> / Aug <strong>2024</strong><br />

$6.50 (INCL. GST)

Subscribe<br />

Get the <strong>HGT</strong> magazine delivered<br />

right to your post box and save<br />

10% off the retail price. On-island<br />

for one year (six issues): $35.10<br />

plus GST. Off-island (anywhere<br />

in Canada): $51.00 plus GST. US:<br />

$74.85 plus GST.<br />

Advertise<br />

Haida Gwaii Trader is committed<br />

to help spread the word of<br />

businesses of all sizes with<br />

affordable options for everyone.<br />

Rates start as low as $45 per<br />

month plus GST.<br />

Submit<br />

We welcome you to send us your<br />

family-oriented stories, news,<br />

illustrations, cartoons, poems,<br />

etc., for publishing consideration.<br />

Contact Information<br />

Phone: 250-557-2088<br />

Email: info@haidagwaiitrader.<br />

com<br />

Mail: PO Box 313, Port Clements,<br />

BC V0T 1R0<br />

Website: haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

<br />

Deadline for SeptOct/24 issue<br />

Content we layout: Aug 10 th<br />

<strong>2024</strong>.<br />

Classifieds and print ready<br />

submissions: Aug 20 th <strong>2024</strong>.<br />

Haida place names as per the<br />

This is Haida Gwaii Kaats’ii hla |<br />

Káats’a hlaa <strong>2024</strong> publication.<br />

The views and opinions expressed<br />

by the various authors do not<br />

necessarily reflect the opinions,<br />

beliefs or viewpoints of Haida<br />

Gwaii Trader. © <strong>2024</strong> Haida<br />

Gwaii Trader. All rights reserved.<br />

Prefer a digital copy? Scan here<br />

for the <strong>HGT</strong> Ezine!<br />

Features<br />

6<br />

Telling the Truth<br />

Nothing About Us Without Us<br />

12<br />

Where There's Smoke<br />

Fire Safety on Haida Gwaii<br />

28<br />

The Importance of Art<br />

A Student Road Show<br />

Also In This Issue<br />

Dear Huckleberry.................................. 10<br />

'Round and About ................................. 16<br />

Neko and Friends .................................. 18<br />

Shutterbugs ............................................ 19<br />

HG Local Foods Project ........................ 20<br />

Haida Gwaii Eats................................... 22<br />

Gwaii Trust ............................................ 26<br />

All Things Music ................................... 32<br />

Opiod Alarm .......................................... 35<br />

On the Cover: image represents a fraction of<br />

more than 20,000 Haida sacred ginaxan belongings<br />

and artworks taken far from Haida Gwaii.<br />

PC Shellene Patience with permission from the<br />

Saahlinda Naay Haida Gwaii Museum.<br />

Plus: Firefighter Jason Rupke<br />

PC Skidegate Volunteer Fire Department.<br />

Haida Gwaii Kelpers ............................. 36<br />

Puzzle Page ............................................ 38<br />

Science Corner ...................................... 39<br />

Horoscope .............................................. 40<br />

Classifieds .............................................. 41<br />

Tide Tables ............................................. 50<br />

Community Calendar ........................... 51<br />

2 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 3

Haida Gwaii<br />

Trader Values<br />

<strong>HGT</strong> commits to the Truth and<br />

Reconciliation’s Call to Action<br />

#85: continuing to develop<br />

media initiatives that inform<br />

and educate the Canadian<br />

public, and connect the Haida<br />

people and fellow islanders.<br />


We proudly serve the<br />

unceded traditional territory<br />

of the Haida Nation along<br />

with all those who live,<br />

work and play on Haida<br />

Gwaii. We offer affordable<br />

advertising for all local<br />

businesses and exemplary<br />

off-island businesses whose<br />

products and/or services are<br />

in limited, local supply.<br />

UNITED<br />

Our focus is to build,<br />

maintain and enhance<br />

bridges between the Haida<br />

people and fellow islanders<br />

of all ages, genders and<br />

income, between nature and<br />

humanity, and between spirit<br />

and ego.<br />


We support basic,<br />

equitable needs shared<br />

by all, including social<br />

sustainability, clean air,<br />

water and energy, affordable<br />

housing, wellness, and<br />

nutritious, locally produced<br />

food.<br />

Our Valued Contributors<br />

Lin Armstrong loves reading,<br />

writing, jigsaws, theatre, sports<br />

and volunteering at the Thrift<br />

Store. She lives in Daajing Giids<br />

with hubby Jack and cat Lady<br />

Bean. armstrongs@haidagwaii.ca<br />

Monica Caulfield, a professional<br />

astrologer since 2007, is passionate<br />

about helping people develop tools<br />

of awareness and purpose in life.<br />

sageadvisor2u@gmail.com<br />

Stu Crawford is an ecologist<br />

who lives in Masset and enjoys<br />

learning, eating things, and<br />

exploring Haida Gwaii.<br />

stu.crawford@gmail.com<br />

Dear Huckleberry, an observer<br />

of human conduct and love<br />

interactions, is passionate about<br />

finding creative ways to navigate<br />

love, friendships and familiar<br />

relationships.<br />

dearhuckleberry.hgt@gmail.com<br />

Behind the Scenes<br />

Shellene Patience<br />

Owner<br />

Editor in Chief<br />

shellene.patience@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Claude Adams<br />

Assistant Editor<br />

assistant.editor@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Jana McLeod has lived on Haida<br />

Gwaii all her life. She’s a mother to<br />

8 and grandma to 7. Writing, and<br />

making people laugh keeps her<br />

grounded.<br />

ja_mcleod@hotmail.com<br />

Rosemary “Ro” Millham is<br />

a retired university professor,<br />

geologist, NASA scientist and<br />

educator. She enjoys the peace,<br />

beauty, people and nature of<br />

Haida Gwaii and loves taking<br />

her dog for walks on the beach.<br />

ro.rosemary@gmail.com<br />

Contributors On Pause:<br />

Rhonda Lee Russ and Margo Hearne<br />

Supporting Local Writers<br />

Haida Gwaii Trader’s Commitment<br />

As we believe in the importance of publishing and paying for locally-written content, we<br />

devote an average of $1000 per issue for writer pay. Do you or someone you know have<br />

a Haida-Gwaii inspired topic, series idea, an interesting hobby or field of expertise you<br />

would like to share aspects of with our growing readership? All paid writers agree to submit<br />

their articles in a minimum of three-issues per year and all content is pitched/published<br />

via <strong>HGT</strong>’s editing procedures and policies. Give us a call at 250-557-2088 or email info@<br />

haidagwaiitrader.com We look forward to hearing from you!<br />

Jamie McDonald<br />

Events Manager<br />

Contributing Writer<br />

events.manager@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Terri-Lynne Penner<br />

Office and Classifieds/<br />

Subscriptions Manager<br />

info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Graphic Design and Desktop Publishing Team: Direct Design & Andre Favron<br />

IT: Northern Rogue Technologies Inc., JAMAXX Web Design, Direct Design<br />

Bookkeeper: J. Pigeon Bookkeeping & Accounting<br />

Letter From the Editor<br />

That Which Sets Us Free<br />

Piecing together this issue with the <strong>HGT</strong><br />

Team and the people of Haida Gwaii has<br />

been especially rewarding for me. Our<br />

population may be mini, but the goings-on<br />

are max! Collaborations are robust and<br />

opportunities of all kinds are bountiful.<br />

I would like to take this opportunity to formally<br />

welcome our new misty isles media<br />

family member, Haida Gwaii News. It is<br />

thrilling to have, as one of my respected<br />

colleagues so beautifully articulated,<br />

“More voices. More choices.”<br />

Fear of competition is a pointless state of<br />

mind. Best described in a Google overview,<br />

“Competition is fundamental to a well-functioning<br />

economy and benefits consumers. It leads to lower prices,<br />

higher quality, greater variety and more innovation.” I<br />

believe business is a place where we bless and prosper<br />

with each other.<br />

As I travel these fair islands, I’m seeing a surge in positivity<br />

and renewed optimism. It’s exciting how many<br />

new businesses have opened their doors and community<br />

support is vigorous. Albeit a customary summer thing,<br />

it also appears that more people are volunteering these<br />

days, especially young folks. Kudos!<br />

And now, dear readers, I would like to share a steam<br />

of consciousness with you; an excerpt taken from my<br />

journal that answers the question, “What is important<br />

for those of us living on Haida Gwaii right now?”<br />

Shellene Patience<br />

A circular economy is key, embrace change<br />

as an opportunity for growth, be grateful to<br />

be living at this time in history, learn from<br />

but no longer let the past hold you back,<br />

savour the present and be excited for the<br />

blessings of the future, treat yourselves, others<br />

and all things with kindness, care and<br />

respect, there is limitless potential, trust in<br />

the journeys of your lives. We have everything<br />

we need to succeed… good things are<br />

coming our way.<br />

As I wrote this at the bottom of one page<br />

of my journal (gifted to me from a dear<br />

soul), then completed it on the next page,<br />

the image that appeared on the opposite<br />

page sent chills up and down my spine. I took a snap so<br />

I could share it here. Its message felt all-encompassing<br />

and profoundly clear: Serve the Truth.<br />

One foot gently in front<br />

of the other,<br />

Shellene Patience<br />

A special thank you to Jasmine Beachy and her sons Carter and<br />

Connor for sharing their youthful perspectives over the past couple<br />

of years. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed publishing Kids’ Musings and<br />

wish you all the very best in your future endeavours. – <strong>HGT</strong> Team<br />

4 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 5

Telling the Truth<br />

Nothing About Us Without Us<br />

Claude Adams | Photos by Shellene Patience with permission from the<br />

Saahlinda Naay Haida Gwaii Museum<br />

Looted fragments of the Haida culture<br />

are spread all around the world. In<br />

Melbourne, Australia, a pole taken<br />

from HlGaagilda Skidegate nearly a<br />

century ago, sits in a crate waiting<br />

to come home. In Gainesville, Florida,<br />

hundreds of argillite poles await<br />

repatriation. In museums around the<br />

world, one can find everything<br />

from trinkets to 50-foot-tall poles<br />

– testament to the wholesale ransacking<br />

of a people’s heritage.<br />

Stolen and spread throughout<br />

the world while the Haida People<br />

underwent one of the worst<br />

genocides in history.<br />

A database compiled by the<br />

Saahlinda Naay Haida Gwaii<br />

Museum includes close to 20,000<br />

articles, many of them appropriated<br />

from Haida Gwaii in the period<br />

of 1862 - 1902, a grim time when the<br />

population was nearly obliterated by<br />

introduced smallpox and the potlatch<br />

ban.<br />

Slowly, item by item, these sacred<br />

belongings are being brought home.<br />

In the past 20 years, more than 500<br />

ancestral remains have been brought<br />

back to be buried in Haida soil, thanks<br />

to the tireless efforts of repatriators<br />

like the late Guuday Guud Dlaaya<br />

Vince Collison, Taa.uu ‘Yuuwans Nika<br />

Collison, Sdahl Ḵ’awaas Lucy Bell, Aay<br />

Aay Gidins, and now SG̲ aan Kwahagang<br />

James McGuire, Collections<br />

and Engagement Coordinator at the<br />

museum.<br />

…educational places<br />

need to exist and we<br />

think they need to<br />

exist founded in truth.<br />

- SGaan Kwahagang<br />

James McGuire<br />

It is imperative that these poles and<br />

other items be seen and interpreted<br />

correctly, by the living ancestors of<br />

their original owners, if the real history<br />

of a people is to be honestly told<br />

and passed on to the young generation<br />

of Haida.<br />

“We have an ancestral responsibility,”<br />

McGuire said in a recent interview,<br />

“to make sure we don’t pass down the<br />

trauma issued to us at birth.”<br />

However, repatriation in the modern<br />

context, he explains, means more<br />

than just bringing cultural objects<br />

back home to Haida Gwaii. It also<br />

involves building and maintaining<br />

lasting, meaningful relationships<br />

with museums to display their<br />

stolen indigenous material, so<br />

they tell a truthful story - a story<br />

as faithful as possible to the actual<br />

experiences of the Haida People.<br />

“Half of our people live off Haida<br />

Gwaii. Half of them are little<br />

Haidas learning about themselves<br />

in these spaces (museums). So,<br />

who better to teach them than<br />

their ancestors and their aunts<br />

and uncles? So, we do believe<br />

that these educational places need to<br />

exist, and we think they need to exist<br />

founded in truth.”<br />

What stood in the way of truth for<br />

so long, McGuire says, is the “racist<br />

science” of eugenics, rooted in the<br />

belief that certain population groups<br />

are genetically superior to others.<br />

Some of the stolen Haida sacred ginaxan belongings and artworks awaiting Sdiihltl’lxa return<br />

“These places were curated with the<br />

understanding that the former savage<br />

humans with primitive technologies<br />

were far below in our understanding<br />

of the universe than the Eurocentric<br />

white human male.<br />

“And most curations that exist today –<br />

outside of the ones we have attempted<br />

to change – inadvertently. . . curate<br />

out of that same fashion.”<br />

McGuire tells how as a teenage boy<br />

growing up in school in Vancouver<br />

in the early 2000s, his social studies<br />

class textbook, teaching the history of<br />

Canada, had many stories of a land<br />

that seemed very foreign to the North<br />

Pacific coast. It wasn’t until the end<br />

of the book that there was a chapter<br />

with a paragraph summarizing<br />

each of the indigenous peoples of<br />

this region. When the class got to the<br />

Haida People there was a photograph<br />

of his uncle cutting fish. And when<br />

he read the text, he found that the<br />

information about the Haida culture<br />

was inaccurate.<br />

“This is the one subject in this school<br />

I know a lot about, and everything<br />

written was completely wrong.”<br />

“It’s uncomfortable,” he says trenchantly,<br />

“to know that everything you<br />

know is a lie.”<br />

Confronting that lie has, for the past<br />

20 years, been the work of some 100<br />

volunteers in two communities, Gaw<br />

Tlagée Old Massett and HlGaagilda<br />

Skidegate, carrying out the work<br />

of repatriation. Over that time, the<br />

Haida repatriators have achieved a<br />

level of professionalism that allows<br />

them to confidently visit other museums<br />

and correct the misrepresentations<br />

of indigenous displays. They are<br />

not just considered colleagues in the<br />

museum world; they are often educators.<br />

What is vitally needed on Haida<br />

Gwaii now is the funding to build<br />

more facilities to house the objects<br />

that are coming home.<br />

SGaan Kwahagang James McGuire with Jaada Niijangwaay<br />

Female Portrait Mask, carved by Simeon Stithlda / Sdiihlda,<br />

Tsiits Gitanee, c. 1880, welcomed home in 2023.<br />

“We have grown in our capacity mentally,”<br />

says McGuire. “We have grown<br />

our capacity professionally; we now<br />

need to grow our capacity physically<br />

(and for that) we need to have safe,<br />

higher storage and safe lab space in<br />

both communities. That’s the hope.”<br />

“There’s the uncomfortable reality<br />

that all that physical history (housed<br />

in Saahlinda Naay) is just about at the<br />

high tide level. Every day, there is risk<br />

of a potential tsunami or something<br />

like that.<br />

“We are at capacity for space. We are<br />

playing Jenga (a building block game)<br />

every day.”<br />

McGuire looks forward to the day<br />

when every museum in possession<br />

of Haida belongings contacts Saahlinda<br />

Naay Haida Gwaii Museum<br />

to seek instruction, partnership,<br />

and guidance on how they should<br />

be presented, or to return the items<br />

themselves. In this future scenario,<br />

he says, it won’t be called repatriation<br />

anymore, but rather it will be seen as<br />

a transfer “because there will be no<br />

barriers” between the institutions.<br />

“The lessons of our people are some of<br />

the most important lessons on earth,<br />

therefore it is important these spaces<br />

say, ‘nothing about us, without us.”<br />

“If something needs to be home to be<br />

studied, it will come here (to Haida<br />

Gwaii). If something needs to be on<br />

display there (in another museum),<br />

and be spoken of in our perspective,<br />

it will be there.”<br />

Over time, it is hoped, the historical<br />

misunderstandings that spanned generations<br />

will be set right.<br />

6 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 7

Entrepreneurial Spirit:<br />

Summer Sees new Businesses Blooming!<br />

Jesse Embree<br />

Haida Gwaii Community Futures is here to support local<br />

entrepreneurs to take on their dreams and bring them to life.<br />

We’re excited to see a number of entrepreneurs recently<br />

open their doors, be sure to go check them out!<br />

Koo’s Bistro:<br />

Chef Aaron Koo is excited to be bringing new life to the restaurant space within the Singing Surf<br />

Hotel in Masset. With an extensive background in culinary service, Chef Koo is eager to share<br />

his take on authentic Korean Cuisine with Haida Gwaii!<br />

Open Tues- Sat 11-2pm for Lunch and 5-9pm for Dinner, Check their FB for updates!<br />

Diaz Combat Sports Haida Gwaii A.K.A. “DCS-HG”:<br />

Tucked away 15kms North of Masset you’ll find the DCS-HG Gym! Open to anyone looking to explore<br />

combat sports for fitness, discipline or to help build their self-confidence. Ronald Diaz brings a lifetime<br />

of experience and connections in combat sports to his work as a trainer and is thrilled to see<br />

folks come out to support them enhancing their skills and their well-being.<br />

For more info e-mail dcshaidagwaii@gmail.com<br />

We are grateful for the financial support of the Canada Council for the Arts, BC Arts Council, North Coast Regional Distriict + Gwaii Trust Society<br />

Gina DaahlGahl Naay | The Trading House<br />

Art . Jewelry . Books . Music . Beauty . Fashion . Home + much more!<br />

Shop in-house, or online at: haidagwaiimuseumgiftshop.ca<br />

Haida Heritage School Check Haida Heritage Centre Facebook page for schedules + updates<br />

Cultural Tours + Programs<br />

Pricing + bookings available online<br />


JULY 6 – DECEMBER 31, <strong>2024</strong><br />



250.559.4643 . haidagwaiimuseum.ca<br />

250.559.7885 . haidaheritagecentre.com<br />

Haida Heritage Centre at Kay Llnagaay<br />

Clothing + Memorabilia<br />

Shop in-house, or online at: haidaheritagecentre.com/shop<br />

<strong>July</strong>/<strong>August</strong> Hours<br />

Open 7 days/week 10am – 5pm<br />

Haida Gwaii Kayak:<br />

Blacktail – Bake + Brew:<br />

Captivated by the natural beauty of Haida Gwaii during his time studying here, owner Mateo Cariglino<br />

created HGK to allow him to pursue his passion and provide convenient and affordable access to<br />

the waters of Haida Gwaii for locals and tourists alike. Located in Daajing Giids next to the Visitor<br />

Information Center, HGK is a great option for accessing the waters of Skidegate inlet.<br />

For more info check their website www.haidagwaiikayak,com or check their FB or Instagram .<br />

A coffee shop and bakery attached to Blacktail restaurant. Offering specialty coffees, premium<br />

baked goods, soups and sandwiches to-go. Located perfectly for people-watching from the patio in<br />

downtown Daajing Giids, expect it to become a go-to for a quick bites, lunch meetings or an early<br />

morning pick me up!<br />

Open Tuesday to Saturday 7am-2pm. For updates check their FB and Instagram @blacktailhaidagwaii<br />

We also want to give a shout out to other recently launched businesses:<br />

Hygge Home Haida Gwaii, Surf + Sky, West Coast Tacos, Dockside F&C, Fred<br />

Nelson’s Food Truck, Steller’s Jay Community Pub, Haida Haze and no doubt a few<br />

other hidden gems we’ve overlooked. It’s inspiring to see these entrepreneurs take<br />

these bold first steps!<br />

Wherever you are in your entrepreneurial journey, Haida Gwaii Community Futures<br />

is here to help with resources, coaching and support services always free of charge.<br />

Phone: 250-626-5594<br />

Email: business@haidagwaiifutures.ca<br />

Website: www.haidagwaiifutures.ca<br />

8 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 9

Dear Huckleberry,<br />

I have three children from a previous marriage, and I’m<br />

close to all of them. We take holidays together every<br />

year and enjoy ourselves, but my children prefer that<br />

we go without my current wife, who resents this very<br />

much. She says she feels excluded from what she calls<br />

“my family.” But my kids feel it’s important that they<br />

have exclusive access to me, and I to them, at least once<br />

a year. What’s your advice? – Conflicted<br />

Dear Conflicted, I appreciate that you want to<br />

lavish your attention on your children on these holidays.<br />

You probably feel that this makes up for some of<br />

the trauma they suffered when your marriage to their<br />

mother broke up.<br />

But what you are doing is segmenting your new family.<br />

You are telling your wife that she is in effect an outsider,<br />

and that she has to find her own<br />

way to come to terms with your<br />

children. This must be extremely<br />

hurtful for her.<br />

Your actions are risking your loving<br />

relationship with your wife.<br />

You have to find a way to accommodate her wishes<br />

and include her in your outings with your kids or your<br />

marriage will suffer. The fact that you are conflicted<br />

tells me that you already know this deep in your heart.<br />

Pay attention to your inner voice.<br />

Embrace all your loved ones equally. If you don’t, it<br />

will in time have a corrosive effect on every one of your<br />

family members. And you certainly don’t want that!<br />


Dear Huckleberry is an advice column aiming to use a bit of sound advice to<br />

nurture healing and growth, while hopefully making you laugh a little too. This<br />

column is not a substitute for working with a licensed counsellor. Please seek<br />

professional help if you are struggling.<br />

Dear Huckleberry,<br />

Just the way life has turned out, I live far away from<br />

most of my close family and friends. A few people I used<br />

to call friends here on Haida Gwaii have either passed<br />

away, drifted away or moved away. I love living here, but<br />

sometimes I feel a bit lost and lonely. What should I do?<br />

– Should I Stay or Should I Go?<br />

Dear Should I Stay or Should I Go, Loneliness<br />

can, for sure, be one of the most challenging experiences.<br />

Dearest, please know you are, well, not alone in your<br />

aloneness. Face-to-face connections have dramatically<br />

decreased over the past couple of decades. Some even<br />

say loneliness is an epidemic.<br />

Don’t despair. Your heart-tugging feelings of isolation<br />

can be helped. Start with being kind to yourself. It’s<br />

OK to feel sad occasionally. It’s often simply a sign<br />

that something needs to change.<br />

Although I cannot advise you to<br />

Pay attention to your<br />

inner voice.<br />

stay or go, I can say this, before<br />

you decide, take some time to<br />

explore your options. You could<br />

make traveling to see your kin<br />

a bigger priority in your life. Or you could extend invitations<br />

to your loved ones to come and visit you at one<br />

of the most magical places on the planet. Or maybe just<br />

reach out a bit more. Make a call. Heck, write a letter!<br />

Receiving a hand-written card or letter. What a treat!<br />

If your screen time (tv and/or phone) is a bit much,<br />

unplug and get out into nature. How about a hobby<br />

you’ve dreamed of doing? Or sometimes it’s just a matter<br />

of getting out of our own head and serving others. Volunteers<br />

are needed literally everywhere on Haida Gwaii.<br />

Once you’ve done some self-discovery and “getting out<br />

and about” exploration, check-in again. Your funk just<br />

might be fixed.<br />

24JUL_dRSG_Whirlpool<br />


SKIDEGATE JULY 9 -10<br />


COMING<br />

SOON!<br />

AUGUST 1-28, <strong>2024</strong><br />

25 cu. ft. 36" Side-by-Side Refrigerator<br />

Handles major food hauls and looks good doing<br />

it. Extra freezer shelves make more room and a<br />

seamless design brings clean lines to the kitchen.<br />

MSS25N4MKZ<br />


ZONE<br />

GRILL<br />

MODE<br />



GRILL/<br />




High Temp<br />

Self Clean +<br />

Steam Clean<br />

30" Electric Range with Convection Technology<br />

Features Air Fry technology, convection technology<br />

and 5 cooktop elements.<br />

YMFES8030RZ<br />

1.1 cu. ft. Over-the-Range<br />

Flush Built-In Microwave<br />

This 1.1 cu. ft. microwave without<br />

turntable gives you space for more<br />

cooking and quick cleanup so you<br />

can spend less time in the kitchen.<br />

YMMMF6030PZ<br />

$<br />

649<br />

$<br />

1799 $<br />

1699 $<br />

949<br />




52 TIMES A YEAR<br />



Buy any qualifying Kitchen Major Appliance<br />


on the second qualifying Kitchen Major Appliance<br />

MODERN<br />


SMART<br />


AIR<br />



WITH NO<br />


AIRFRY<br />

see store for details<br />

Top Control Dishwasher with 3rd Level Rack<br />

and Dual Power Filtration<br />

Dual Power Filtration, an advanced dishwasher filtration<br />

system, disposes of any food in its path, letting you skip the<br />

soaking, scrubbing and pre-rinsing. MDB8959SKZ<br />

Have a letter you would like to submit for consideration? Email dearhuckleberry.hgt@gmail.com or send via mail<br />

to Dear Huckleberry c/o Haida Gwaii Trader, PO Box 313, Port Clements, BC V0T 1R0. Do explain your full<br />

situation - unlimited text – but also include a 100-word maximum overview question. If your submission is chosen,<br />

only the overview question will be published.<br />

Haida Owned and Operated<br />

Call/Text: 250-624-4146<br />

mackenziefurniture.ca | sales@mackenziefurniture.ca<br />

150 - 1st Avenue West, Prince Rupert, BC<br />

10 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 11

Where There’s Smoke<br />

Fire Safety on Haida Gwaii<br />

If you want a reality check, talk to a local volunteer fire<br />

fighter. They will tell you that although we think we live<br />

in a wet, mossy rainforest, truth is we’ve been in drought<br />

conditions for the last ten years. That makes ours a fireprone<br />

ecosystem. And that is why the Coastal Fire Centre<br />

has banned category 2 and 3 open burning since May 17,<br />

<strong>2024</strong>. Find out more at www2.gov.bc.ca (enter Coastal<br />

Fire Centre into search box) or download the free BC<br />

Wildfire app on your iPhone or android.<br />

Campfire Safety<br />

Campfires are currently exempt, but please remember<br />

to never leave a campfire unattended. The safest place<br />

to build a campfire is below the high tide line. Even so,<br />

always make sure the fire is totally out before you leave.<br />

When deciding where to build a campfire, consider the<br />

presence of duff. Duff is the partly decayed organic matter<br />

on the forest floor. In some places the duff on Haida Gwaii<br />

is over three feet deep. A fire on duff would continue to<br />

burn down into the available fuel source and possibly<br />

reignite much later. We add to forest duff when dumping<br />

yard debris on the backroads. Duff on the side of the<br />

highway can be ignited by a live cigarette butt. The brush<br />

fire earlier this spring in Tll.aal (Tlell) was caused by a<br />

butt flicked out of a moving vehicle. If you are a smoker,<br />

you might want to subscribe to the Toronto Fire Service<br />

campaign not to become a flicking idiot.<br />

Think a wildfire couldn’t happen here? There is still evidence<br />

of the major fire in the 1840s that spread from<br />

Masset to the headwaters of the Tlell River. When there<br />

were multiple logging companies on island they had their<br />

own firefighting equipment. Today, for the initial blaze<br />

we rely on our volunteer firefighters who, incidentally,<br />

wear 110 lbs of equipment when fighting a structural fire.<br />

If in doubt, get out, stay out and call the<br />

fire department.<br />

Lin Armstrong<br />

PC | Toronto Fire Service<br />

Report a Fire:<br />

Gaw Tlagée Old Massett: 250 626 5222<br />

Masset: 250 626 5511<br />

‘Wáan Kún Port Clements: 250 557 4355<br />

HlGaagilda Skidegate: 250 559 8300<br />

Daajing Giids: 250 559 4488<br />

K’il Kun Sandspit: 250 637 2222<br />

Never use water, flour or baking powder<br />

on an oil or electrical fire. Use salt or<br />

baking soda.<br />

Daajing Giids Volunteer Fire Fighters: Aidan<br />

Schubert, Sam Hall, Larry Duke, Brady Yu<br />

PC | Lin Armstrong<br />

Firefighter Jason Rupke<br />

Photo courtesy Skidegate Volunteer Fire Department<br />

Safety at Home<br />

Daajing Giids Fire Chief Larry Duke says, “Fires here are<br />

completely preventable.” He refers to the things you can<br />

do to help mitigate the possibility of a fire and he recommends<br />

starting closest to your home.<br />

Tips to fire-smart your home:<br />

1. Clean your deck, above and below<br />

2. Assess your roof, gutters and vents<br />

3. Keep your lawn mowed<br />

4. Relocate combustible materials (don’t stack firewood<br />

against your home)<br />

5. Prune trees on your property<br />

6. Reduce highly flammable plants: bushes, shrubs,<br />

trees close to your home<br />

7. Create a wildfire evacuation plan<br />

8. Have a working smoke alarm, fire extinguisher<br />

and a garden hose in good condition attached to<br />

a working water system<br />

9. Have shovels, rakes, and axes accessible<br />

10. Remove any bark mulch from around or near your<br />

house<br />

Embers can travel up to two km ahead of a wildfire,<br />

which is why metal roofs are recommended. Some property<br />

owners in BC are removing combustible plants and<br />

trees that are within 1.5 meters of the home. The four<br />

most combustible trees are spruce, fir, pine and cedar,<br />

all trees with sap, and all abundant on island. Currently,<br />

we are under water restrictions to ensure there is enough<br />

water to fight a fire. For more fire smart tips, check out<br />

firesmartbc.ca.<br />

Emergency Grab and Go<br />

Do you have a Grab and Go bag? Did you know there<br />

are two kinds of bags to prepare? One is for 24 hours and<br />

contains ready-to-eat food and water, a phone charger and<br />

battery bank, small batteries, hand-crank radio, flashlight,<br />

small first-aid kit, medications, toiletries, glasses or contact<br />

lenses, cash in small bills, seasonal clothing, pen and<br />

notepaper, matches and a whistle.<br />

There is also a 72- hour Grab and Go bag. Seventy-two<br />

hours because it could be up to three days for support<br />

crews to be deployed from the mainland, if they are needed.<br />

The 72-hour bag contains more supplies plus blankets,<br />

sleeping bags and a tent. Place these items close to an exit<br />

so you can literally grab them and go. Safety first! Happy<br />

summer to all.<br />

12 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 13

Hekate’s Retreat<br />

Golf, Delicious Eats & Staycation Deal!<br />

Hygge Home<br />

A New Venture in Comfort<br />

Summer at K’il Kun Sandspit’s<br />

Hekate’s Retreat is in full swing!<br />

Highlights include our newly renovated<br />

Clubhouse Restaurant, a list<br />

of upcoming golf tournaments and<br />

a variety of accommodation options.<br />

Whether you’re visiting the island or<br />

need a staycation, we invite you to<br />

Hekate’s Retreat to try our new menu<br />

items, enjoy a round of golf or sign up<br />

for one of our $500 Cash Prize Tournaments.<br />

A great spot to stay on your<br />

way to/from Gwaii Haanas National<br />

Park Reserve or a quiet escape to explore<br />

Moresby Island.<br />

Locals Staycation<br />

15% Off in <strong>2024</strong>!<br />

We love locals! We’re now offering<br />

Haida Gwaii residents a 15% discount<br />

on all our accommodations. The perfect<br />

escape to enjoy some downtime,<br />

golf, explore, and sample our new<br />

menu! Whether you want to camp,<br />

RV, a couple’s escape in our NEW<br />

Fairway cabins or group getaways<br />

to relax in our beautiful Homestead<br />

House, there are lots of options. If<br />

you’re planning on attending the<br />

Sandspit Loggers Sports Day (<strong>July</strong><br />

27), we are offering a local’s discount<br />

of 25% off accommodations for that<br />

weekend. Extend the festivities by<br />

joining our Friday 4 Ball Golf Event<br />

(<strong>July</strong> 26) where we are giving away a<br />

$500 Cash Prize.<br />

Come check out all the excitement at<br />

Hekate’s Retreat!<br />

Willows Golf Course<br />

Tournament Schedule*<br />

JULY 6: $500 Cash Prize<br />

Tournament<br />

JULY 26: Loggers Sports<br />

Weekend 4Ball Cash Prize<br />

AUGUST 17/18: Willows Open<br />

AUGUST 24: $500 Cash Prize<br />

Tournament<br />

SEPTEMBER 7/8: Hekate’s Cup<br />

SEPTEMBER 14: Two Club<br />

Challenge<br />

SEPTEMBER 28: Tombstone<br />

*Visit our website at hekatesreteat.ca to<br />

register for the above tournaments.<br />

342 School Road<br />

K’il Kun Sandspit, Haida Gwaii<br />

Website: hekatesretreat.ca<br />

Email: contact@hekatesretreat.ca<br />

Phone: 250-637-2207<br />

Tuna Poke<br />

Interior of newly renovated<br />

Clubhouse restaurant<br />

(also below)<br />

Steak Dinner<br />

Her name is Jodi Oline Chaplin, and she’s adding a brandnew<br />

word to the lexicon of commerce on Haida Gwaii.<br />

The word is “Hygge” and it’s pronounced<br />

HOO-gah. It’s a Danish/Norwegian word<br />

that means coziness, a sense of warm<br />

well-being. Jodi, who is of Metis and<br />

Scandinavian background, says her new<br />

Masset business – called Hygge Home –<br />

brings that feeling to home furnishing<br />

design.<br />

“I found my passion for design as a small<br />

child,” she says. “My mom had a red<br />

wooden rocking chair when she was a<br />

girl, and it found its way into my childhood<br />

bedroom. I loved that chair and<br />

was so proud to display it! I would draw<br />

my bedroom layout, cut out shapes of<br />

Get that Hygge feeling!<br />

• Quality Furniture<br />

• Home Décor & Gifts<br />

• In-home Design<br />

Facebook/interiordesignhaidagwaii | Instagram/hyggehomehaidagwaii<br />

#1- 2072 Collison Ave., Masset, Haida Gwaii<br />

my furniture and carefully place them on my floor plan.<br />

At seven years old, I began exploring new and innovative<br />

designs for my spaces.”<br />

Jodi Oline<br />

PC | Dylaina Gollub<br />

Jodi started her own design business<br />

in 2013, after careers in real estate and<br />

in-home design. She was drawn to what<br />

she calls “an earthy transitional Scandinavian<br />

style” – a blend of contemporary<br />

and rustic materials.<br />

She came to Masset 20 years ago, looking<br />

for adventure, and after moving away for<br />

a time, decided to make it her permanent<br />

home. “I love the land and the people,” she<br />

says. “I feel very connected here, I almost<br />

feel like I have been here before.”<br />

Drop by and say hi to Jodi and get that<br />

Hygge feeling!<br />

“There is nothing more important than<br />

feeling at peace in your own space.”<br />

– Jodi Oline / Owner<br />

250-800-0195 | jodi@hyggehomehaidagwaii.com | www.hyggehomehaidagwaii.com<br />

14 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 15

‘Round and About<br />

Wakefulness – Listen to the Pain<br />

As I age, I notice it can be harder to hear my body in an<br />

authentic way. When I don’t listen, it has a way of letting<br />

me know I need to tune in. It can be subtle or blow up in<br />

my face. The blowing up means trouble, usually resulting<br />

in hospitalization. Luckily for the last while I haven’t had<br />

that experience, but it’s always close though.<br />

When I realize what’s going on<br />

my inner sleuth kicks in and sees<br />

the signs I missed. One of the<br />

most common occurrences is of<br />

great pain I haven’t expressed. I<br />

always beat myself up for how obvious<br />

it is; the difference today is I want to embrace those<br />

gems of growth instead of avoiding them.<br />

This means taking care of those tender, hurt parts of my<br />

heart. Needing a day or two to keep those broken pieces<br />

that make me bleed inside is a good thing. It means I’m<br />

maturing and growing. As someone who deals with mental<br />

health issues, facing these demons of my existence<br />

lessens their power over me.<br />

Usually when Mother’s Day or Father’s<br />

Day arrives, I am ahead of the<br />

game and prepare. This year though<br />

for some reason it fell flat. Nothing<br />

happened.<br />

One day I brought some lavender for<br />

stress to work. I dabbed in on without<br />

thinking. I felt sick the next day and<br />

stayed home. I started boiling some<br />

eggs for a snack and began to cry. My<br />

mother came for a visit. As I poured<br />

out the water, I spilled it onto the<br />

cloth. She would have done the same<br />

so as to not waste a chance to sanitize<br />

it. I suddenly remembered how<br />

she used to like her eggs. Broken up<br />

with butter, salt and pepper in a cup,<br />

then she’d spread it on toast one bite<br />

at a time. I sat and ate how she would<br />

have, savouring each bite.<br />

Jana McLeod<br />

My dad was so cheeky! One of his favorite songs was<br />

“Beautiful Brown Eyes.” He would sing it all the time.<br />

My mom’s eyes were blue. I’m listening to it right now. It<br />

made me think of a New Year’s eve party at the sergeant’s<br />

mess. Dad did the polka with me to “Roll Out the Barrel”<br />

I haven’t laughed with such joy since.<br />

I wonder how many memories<br />

are just beneath the surface waiting<br />

for me to reminisce. Grief can<br />

be a sneaky wicket. It’s a huge catalyst<br />

for unhealthy coping mechanisms.<br />

As an Indigenous woman<br />

I’ve lost a lot and our communities have been ripped<br />

apart by things. It would be so easy for me to get lost in<br />

that fog of pain, but I have children that get me though,<br />

thank goodness.<br />

Embrace those gems<br />

of growth instead of<br />

avoiding them.<br />

We need so much, and I am trusting us to get out of this<br />

to make a better future for everyone. Keep appreciating<br />

your friends and relatives. Keep visiting your nonnies and<br />

chinnies. Our time with each other is fleeting. Take care<br />

of you!<br />

Memories of Mom<br />

Located downtown<br />

Masset, across<br />

from the Co-op<br />

Find us on our<br />

website or Facebook<br />

for specials and<br />

events!<br />

the626.ca<br />

Dining room features<br />

Haida art<br />

Patio Dining<br />

Serving breakfast,<br />

lunch, and dinner<br />

daily<br />

Fish and chips<br />

Pizza + Subs<br />

Fish tacos<br />

Mega burritos<br />

Smashed burgers<br />

Bubble tea<br />

Milkshake (25 flavors)<br />

Soft ice cream<br />

*Draft beer<br />

*Craft cocktails<br />

*Full bar<br />

*Off sales<br />

*with purchase of food<br />

16 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 17

Neko and Her Friends<br />

A Story of Connections<br />

Shutterbugs<br />

Fried Egg Anyone?<br />

Jamie McDonald<br />

Laura Sample<br />

250-559-8561<br />

31857 Hwy 16<br />

in Tll.aal Tlell<br />

Faster Speeds<br />

in Haida Gwaii<br />

Save up to $845d<br />

when you sign up for<br />

Internet with Mascon.<br />

Already a customer?<br />

Upgrade your internet to get in<br />

on this offer.<br />

Limited time offer<br />

Conditions apply<br />

Mascon.ca/Haida-Gwaii-Offer<br />

Jen Rutt has been running a foster<br />

home for animals for eight years.<br />

She shared a heart-warming story<br />

about how fostering rabbits led to an<br />

unexpected connection with a new<br />

little buddy, five-year-old Neko. We<br />

were chatting in her lovely dining<br />

room overlooking the inlet in Daajing<br />

Giids.<br />

“I was talking with Sarah Pansino. .<br />

. in Daajing Giids and told her I was<br />

fostering two sister rabbits for the past<br />

five years,” said Jen. “We hadn’t been<br />

able to find them a permanent home<br />

and they weren’t getting enough<br />

human attention.”<br />

Within a week, Sarah had talked to<br />

someone who might be interested<br />

- Alicia Embree, who runs DANU<br />

Child Care, also in DG. Alicia mentioned<br />

she was looking to adopt some<br />

rabbits. She had really enjoyed taking<br />

care of a friend’s rabbit.<br />

“They are so good for kids,” she said,<br />

“because they teach them about<br />

boundaries as they are so gentle and<br />

need care and nurturing.”<br />

Alicia and her daughter Neko went<br />

to visit Jen’s rabbits, named Spot and<br />

Ostara. While getting to know the<br />

Neko, Jen and bunnies<br />

Spot and Ostara<br />

furry pair, Neko also recognized Jen’s<br />

cat Bob, who is a rescue animal from<br />

the Gwaii Animal Helpline. She had<br />

first met Bob, a stray, when he was<br />

roaming around town.<br />

After that initial visit, Alicia and Neko<br />

went to pick up the rabbits. While Alicia<br />

was taking the hutch apart, Neko<br />

and Bob the cat got to hang out. Neko<br />

kept mentioning to her mom that she<br />

really loves Bob and wanted to spend<br />

more time with him.<br />

“As Neko was realizing she liked Bob,<br />

I was realizing I liked Neko,” said Jen.<br />

“I haven’t spent any time around children<br />

in my life, I was the youngest in<br />

my family and never had an opportunity<br />

to be around young children.<br />

And I’m so grateful for any time we<br />

get to spend together.<br />

“It’s good for all of us.”<br />

If you are interested in fostering or<br />

adopting an animal, or if you want to<br />

make a donation, contact the Gwaii<br />

Animal Helpline Society via their<br />

website at www.gwaiianimalhelpline.<br />

com or email info@gwaiianimalhelpline.com.<br />

Neko and Bob<br />

PC | Jen Rutt<br />

A fried egg is what<br />

comes to mind when<br />

I see the large Phacellophora<br />

camtschatica<br />

or egg-yolk jellyfish.<br />

I believe the info in<br />

Wikipedia describes<br />

this creature very<br />

well. This jellyfish<br />

has a “bell close to<br />

60 cm (2 ft) in diameter,<br />

and most individuals<br />

have 16 clusters<br />

of up to a few dozen<br />

tentacles, each up to<br />

6 m (20 ft) long.<br />

“It feeds primarily<br />

by collecting medusae<br />

and plankton<br />

with its tentacles<br />

and bringing them<br />

into its mouth for<br />

digestion. It is capable<br />

of only limited<br />

motion, and mostly<br />

drifts with the current,<br />

even when swimming.”<br />

The body of this jellyfish is a curious<br />

thing: it doesn’t contain any respiratory,<br />

circulatory or excretory systems.<br />

Instead, it uses its large surface area<br />

to accomplish these functions. Its<br />

reproduction and life cycle mostly<br />

follows the same life cycle as other<br />

members in the class Scyphozoa. It<br />

alternates between a polyp form that<br />

reproduces asexually and a medusa<br />

form that reproduces sexually.<br />

The egg-yolk jellyfish mainly feeds<br />

on zooplankton and smaller jellyfish,<br />

which are trapped in the tentacles and<br />

then covered in mucous. These tentacles<br />

are brought to the mouth by oral<br />

lobes. Another fascinating feature is<br />

its symbiotic relationship with larval<br />

crabs, in which the crabs feed on a<br />

parasite that also lives on the bell of<br />

the jellyfish.<br />

It’s a cool water species found most<br />

commonly in the Northern Pacific. I<br />

photographed this one by holding my<br />

waterproof camera under water and<br />

snapping several photos. I believe its<br />

bell was approximately 18 to 20 inches.<br />

I’ve tried to photograph them on<br />

and off for several years, but I think<br />

the series I captured this time are<br />

my best ones. Photographed in Shingle<br />

Bay, Haida Gwaii, BC, Canada.<br />

laurastruenoth.com<br />

echobay@hgqci.org<br />

Haida Gwaii Essentials<br />

Handcrafted Soap<br />

& Body Products<br />

Available at: Or<br />

Masset Market & Shop<br />

Island Retailers Online!<br />

islandwisehaidagwaii.com<br />


4.79 %<br />

Learn more ><br />

18 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 19

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Share the Land – a Food Security Project<br />


armers’ Markets Markets 2022<br />

2022<br />

Farmers’ Markets Markets Haida 2022<br />

2022<br />

Gwaii Farmers’ Markets 2022<br />

Claude Adams | Photos courtesy Veronika Higlister<br />

Imagine that you own a piece of land Says Veronika, “We just want to sow org/tools/land/bc-land-matching-program/#bclmp<br />

highlights some of the<br />

plants, al food, artisan plants, handicrafts artisan handicrafts other and bounty. other It’s bounty. also an It’s occasion also an occasion to to<br />

with agricultural potential but choose<br />

some to savor local some culture, local and culture, to contribute and to contribute to the community’s to the community’s<br />

the<br />

economy.<br />

seed. Land-sharing<br />

economy.<br />

can give people<br />

four al waii food, such has for<br />

plants, four markets, some such reason<br />

artisan markets, three handicrafts on not three Graham to farm<br />

and on other Graham Island, it. You<br />

bounty. Island, are one It’s also on and the Moresby an one opportunity<br />

occasion on Moresby to grow food before or program’s success stories, such as a farm<br />

to<br />

to way local inutes savor from food, approached A away some farmer’s an plants, enriching from local market culture, artisan an by enriching weekly an is handicrafts more aspiring to experience. weekly contribute than and farmer just experience. other a to cornucopia the who bounty. community’s without of It’s local also economy. food, an investing occasion plants, into artisan land handicrafts ownership; and other and bounty. food cart It’s also operation an occasion called to Digable<br />

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inutes Gwaii any away has And land. four from you such might an enriching markets, even get weekly three to enjoy on experience. Graham a hot meal! Island, Haida own and Gwaii land one on has happy Moresby four such to see markets, it used; three it on can Graham Valley. Island, On 2.5 and acres one on of Moresby<br />

Daajing Giids Daajing Queen Giids Charlotte Queen Charlotte Farmers’ Market<br />

Farmers’ Market<br />

leased land, farmer<br />

Callum grows vegetables and grain,<br />

ly minutes away from an enriching Island, weekly so most experience. of us are help only build minutes and away teach from skills, an enriching passion weekly and experience.<br />

und The answer Date/Time: seems Date/Time: obvious. Saturdays, You Saturdays, 11am—2pm, come to 11am—2pm, year-round year-round<br />

75 Main<br />

Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte Farmers’ Market<br />

terms that (with satisfy a short both<br />

(with break parties:<br />

a short around break resilience in the face of food insecurity<br />

and it! Daajing<br />

Farmers’ year-round Drive, finally, Daajing<br />

Market it helps to promote Daajing coop-<br />

Giids Queen Charlotte Farmers’ Market<br />

Give Christmas/January).<br />

around<br />

the<br />

Christmas/January).<br />

and also raises ducks.<br />

und<br />

it!<br />

Location: Masset Date/Time: Location: Gather, Market- Daajing 223 Saturdays, Make Gather, Giids Oceanview it! Queen Bake 223 11am—2pm, Oceanview it! Charlotte Drive, Grow<br />

75 Main aspiring farmer access (with a short to your break acreage, around Christmas/January).<br />

Callum says the program made possible<br />

his dream of starting a farm. “I as<br />

-round Giids. Date/Time: Giids. Date/Time: Fridays, 11am-2pm, Saturdays, 11am—2pm, year-round erative ways year-round to grow food.” Date/Time: Saturdays, 11am—2pm, year-round<br />

in return for some Location: share Gather, of 223 harvest. Oceanview Drive, Daajing<br />

ing , 1575 vegets,<br />

baked What we What offer: we You’ll offer: Street find You’ll Location: Masset. delicious find added delicious Gather, baked bene-<br />

treats 223 baked Oceanview of The treats all sharing kinds, of Drive, all of kinds, Daajing land is already Location: happen-<br />

Gather, a young 223 Oceanview farmer today Drive, Daajing face the reality<br />

Main<br />

Location: (with Across a short from break the HG around Co-op, Christmas/January).<br />

1575 Main<br />

(with a short break around Christmas/January).<br />

And there’s an exceptional Giids.<br />

ng veges,<br />

baked What we offer: You’ll find delicious baked treats of all kinds,<br />

s, mushdcrafterooms,<br />

vege-<br />

What promote locally rooms, we offer: the harvested locally Locally cause harvested kelp grown of food products, and kelp security. prepared products, and more! foods and help including more! of the vege-<br />

BC Land Matching Program afford…The Land Matcher was with me<br />

locally fit: Both grown locally the fresh grown landowner produce, fresh Giids. produce, gorgeous and the gorgeous flowers, farmer foraged flowers, ing throughout mush-<br />

foraged mush-<br />

the province Giids. with the that land is not at a price that I could<br />

uding<br />

s, mushdcrafted<br />

locally grown fresh produce, gorgeous flowers, foraged mushrooms,<br />

locally land-sharing harvested or kelp land-match-<br />

products, more! (BCLMP), treats baked of funded all kinds, What by we the offer: federal You’ll and find delicious every step baked of the treats way of and all kinds, made finding<br />

tery, ents, tables, greens and microgreens, eggs, preserves, ferments, and baked What we offer: You’ll find delicious baked<br />

It’s called<br />

goods and treats, plant starts and seedlings, cut<br />

ery, d ers, more! Contact: mushhandcrafteing,<br />

and it’s a project of a trio of Haida<br />

and Contact: Heidi locally Archer, Heidi grown Archer, Market fresh produce, Market Manager gorgeous Manager / queencharlottemarket@gmail.corooms<br />

BC flowers, / governments queencharlottemarket@gmail.com<br />

and rooms, berries<br />

mush-<br />

foraged mush-<br />

locally under grown the Sustainable fresh produce, land gorgeous easy flowers, and approachable. foraged mush-Thirooms, @ Partnership. locally harvested The kelp gram products, will and truly more! change Canada for many<br />

pro-<br />

d arket. more! Contact: Heidi<br />

locally / Instagram: are<br />

Archer,<br />

harvested available / Instagram: Market @qc_market in kelp season.<br />

Manager<br />

products, @qc_market Locally / Facebook: / Canadian and<br />

queencharlottemarket@gmail.com<br />

include soap and / body Instagram: products, @qc_market jewellery,<br />

handcrafted more! / Facebook: @ Agricultural<br />

Gwaii women: Elizabeth Condrotte and<br />

arket. ottery, QueenCharlotteFarmersMarket<br />

items and<br />

BCLMP / pottery, Facebook: and<br />

supports @ farmers of all sizes, generations to come and will create a<br />

s t@gmail. and more! knitted, Veronika QueenCharlotteFarmersMarket<br />

painted, Contact: Higlister felted Heidi and from Archer, beach-combed Tll.aal Market Tlell Manager treasures and / queencharlottemarket@gmail.com<br />

hot Louis lunches from are a new Daajing / Instagram: regular Giids. feature @qc_market at the market. / Facebook: market@gmail.com @<br />

/ Instagram: @qc_market / Facebook: @<br />

Moresby Artisan Moresby Market Artisan (K’il Market Kun (K’il Sandspit)<br />

ing Kun thousands Sandspit)<br />

of acres.<br />

farming in our communities.”<br />

more! Contact: Heidi Archer, Market Manager / queencharlotte-<br />

from market gardens to ranches stretch-<br />

much-needed re-birth of small-scale<br />

e @gmail. market. Delicious and Linda<br />

They have QueenCharlotteFarmersMarket<br />

gotten Moresby things Artisan rolling Market by distributing<br />

Natalie sign-up Affolter<br />

QueenCharlotteFarmersMarket<br />

Date/Time: Date/Time: Sundays, Sundays, 11am-1pm, (K’il 11am-1pm, Kun starting Sandspit)<br />

Sunday,<br />

June day, 12, 2022, June 12, through 2022, 11am-1pm, mid-September<br />

through So mid-September<br />

far, starting it has Sun-<br />

made 296 matches on more For more information about the local<br />

starting Sun-<br />

rket@gmail. Contact:<br />

Date/Time: sheets / 250-626-9181<br />

Sundays, at farmers’ / massetmarket@gmail.<br />

com<br />

ing June markets and Location: other day, Location: gatherings In June Moresby front 12, of In 2022, Artisan ALM front in Haida through Market of Elementary ALM mid-September<br />

(K’il than Elementary Kun School, 11,800 Sandspit)<br />

School, acres.<br />

Moresby Artisan program, Market (K’il you Kun can Sandspit)<br />

email GIFI1912@<br />

ing June Gwaii. 406 Copper Location: 406 Date/Time: Bay Copper In Road front Bay Sundays, of Road ALM Elementary 11am-1pm, School, starting Sunday,<br />

June 12, 2022, through mid-September<br />

day, June 12, 2022, through mid-September<br />

Date/Time: Sundays, gmail.com 11am-1pm, or sewwhat@qcislands.net<br />

starting Sun-<br />

Tll.aal 406 Tlell Copper Farmers’ Bay Road<br />

Market<br />

The BCLMP website youngagrarians.<br />

he left of<br />

tarting e left What of The June we<br />

concept<br />

What offer: we Baked<br />

is<br />

offer: Date/Time: actually<br />

goods, Baked Location: an Sundays, occasional goods,<br />

idea In promoted<br />

kids, locally What pottery,<br />

occasional 11am—2pm, front fresh of produce, ALM fresh starting Elementary produce, by June art School, by<br />

Location: In front of ALM Elementary School,<br />

r. local<br />

we kids, by offer: a 5, handmade small pottery, 2022, Baked group until handmade 406 goods,<br />

sea the Copper of salt last agriculturalists<br />

local<br />

occasional<br />

and sea week Bay soaps, salt Road of fresh and October. sewing, soaps, produce,<br />

photography<br />

left of and more!<br />

of<br />

sewing, art by photography<br />

who kids, call pottery,<br />

406 Copper Bay Road<br />

esh o the eggs,<br />

and Location: themselves more!<br />

handmade Highway the sea 16, Graham salt behind and soaps, and to sewing, the left photography<br />

and more!<br />

sh eggs,<br />

the ad, komlings<br />

Contact: and<br />

Island Tlell East What Fire Hall. Coast we offer: Look Farmers Baked for the Institute, goods, giant carrot! occasional an fresh produce, art What by we offer: Baked goods, occasional fresh produce, art by<br />

d, komings<br />

and<br />

organization Contact: Kelsey local kids, Kricheldorf Kelsey<br />

Contact: Kelsey<br />

of farmers, pottery, Kricheldorf / handmade<br />

Kricheldorf<br />

ranchers moresbymarket@gmail.com / sea<br />

/ moresbymarket@gmail.com<br />

and salt and soaps, sewing, / local photography<br />

founded Spring @MoresbyMarket<br />

and<br />

/ kids, pottery, handmade sea salt and soaps, sewing, photography<br />

and more!<br />

/<br />

fresh Facebook: What growers eggs, Facebook: offer:<br />

Facebook:<br />

@MoresbyMarket<br />

@MoresbyMarket in more! greens, 1912. hot Their lunch goal items, is farm fresh eggs,<br />

read, komedlings<br />

spring@ bucha, and strawberry, Contact: Kelsey raspberry, Kricheldorf rhubarb and / moresbymarket@gmail.com currant seedlings and Contact: / Kelsey Kricheldorf / moresbymarket@gmail.com /<br />

baked<br />

to “passionately<br />

goods, jams and<br />

promote<br />

jellies, canning,<br />

farming<br />

sourdough<br />

and<br />

bread, kom-<br />

gardening on the islands.” gohaidag-<br />

much more! Facebook: @MoresbyMarket<br />

Facebook: @MoresbyMarket<br />

…. into this, a bounty<br />

waii.ca/attraction/the-graham-islands-<br />

east-coast-farmers-institute<br />

You Contact: Sponsors<br />

HGLFP Marylynn Sponsors Hunt / 250-559-8282 / stmarysspring@<br />

Turn this, an untended field ….<br />

of fresh, seasonal food!<br />

HGLFP hank rysspring@<br />

gmail.com / Facebook: Tlell Farmers Market<br />

A<br />

H<br />

A<br />

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I S<br />

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FARM ERS'<br />

FARMERS'<br />

ERS'<br />



TE<br />

A<br />

M<br />

I S<br />

L<br />

A<br />

I S<br />

Thank You HGLFP Sponsors<br />

N<br />

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N<br />

D<br />

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FARM ERS'<br />

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T<br />

FARM ERS'<br />

T<br />

FARM ERS'<br />

nfo 0-557-2088 call 250-557-2088 or email or info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

or email email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

FARM ERS'<br />


H<br />

A<br />

M<br />

A<br />

I S<br />

L<br />

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N<br />

D<br />

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FARM ERS'<br />

Thank You HGLFP Sponsors<br />

A<br />

H<br />

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D<br />

FARM ERS'<br />


E<br />

A<br />

S<br />

T<br />

C<br />

T<br />

FARM ERS'<br />

Thank you HGLFP Sponsors<br />

To become a sponsor or for more info call<br />

250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

re info call 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

To become a sponsor or for more info call 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

20 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 21

Haida Gwaii Eats<br />

Dining Out with Local Food<br />

Jamie McDonald<br />

This summer, let your palates be delighted with local flavours, prepared and served in the many amazing food<br />

trucks, pubs and restaurants serving delicious food on our islands.<br />

The 626 Fish & Chipper | Masset<br />

Halibut Ceviche – This dish consists of locally sourced fish, red<br />

onion, colourful peppers and diced tomatoes marinated in citrus<br />

and seasoned with fresh cilantro. It’s part of the culinary<br />

culture of various Spanish-American countries along the Pacific<br />

Ocean. Indoor and outdoor seating.<br />

Hours: Monday to Thursday, 10 am to 7pm; Friday and Saturday, 10 am to 8 pm; Sunday, 11:30-<br />

6:30. 2011 Harrison St., across from Delmas Coop. 250-626-7573<br />

The Axe and Anchor Pub<br />

Gamadis | ‘Waan Kún Port Clements<br />

A burger with meat from Richardson Ranch, tomatoes from<br />

Gloria O’Brien's greenhouse, herbs and garlic from the pub’s<br />

greenhouse, pea shoots from Tll.aal Tlell, greens and goat<br />

cheese from B.C. Indoor and outdoor seating.<br />

Hours: Wednesday: 12-10pm; Thursday: 12-11pm; Friday & Saturday:<br />

12pm-12am; Sunday: 10am-6pm. 117 Bayview Drive. 250-626-7939<br />

Cedar + Salt | HlGaagilda Skidegate<br />

Local albacore tuna poke, seasonal veggies, local seaweed,<br />

crispy onions, scallions, ponzu, pickled ginger, wasabi aioli<br />

and basmati rice. Indoor and outdoor seating.<br />

Hours: Tuesday – Saturday 11am-4pm. Located in the Haida Heritage<br />

Centre, #2 - Second Beach Road. 604-312-4417<br />

Blacktail Restaurant | Daajing Giids<br />

Cioppino - a hearty Italian- American seafood stew<br />

with local halibut, mussels, tiger prawns, tomato &<br />

fennel broth, saffron aioli. Indoor and outdoor seating.<br />

Hours: Wednesday - Saturday @5pm. Reservations: only for groups of 6+. Otherwise, it’s first come<br />

first served. 3207 Wharf Street. 604-762-5742<br />

Steller’s Jay Community Pub<br />

Daajing Giids<br />

Owner Matt Lunner has been experimenting with local wild<br />

harvested ingredients and are working on developing new recipes<br />

to add to their feature menu, which changes every few weeks.<br />

Spruce Tip Crème Brûlée – This dessert consists of a rich custard base, made of<br />

spruce tip infused cream topped with a layer of hardened caramelized spruce tip<br />

sugar. It is topped with fresh spruce tips and frozen local berries on top. Indoor<br />

seating.<br />

Hours: Wed-Sat 4pm ‘til late. 3200 Oceanview Drive. 250-559-2323<br />

Dockside F&C | Daajing Giids<br />

Local lingcod fish & chips. Take out.<br />

Hours: Sat-Sun-Mon-Tue 5-8 pm. Government Dock.<br />

Facebook/Dockside F&C.<br />

Raincoast Breads<br />

K’il Kun Sandspit<br />

Bull Kelp Taco - a taco shell made out of Bull Kelp,<br />

with sliced smoked cabbage, mixed with wild Queen<br />

Anne’s Lace and sweet mini bell pepper ring and finished with a house dressing of<br />

sunflower oil, egg yolk, winter cress blossoms, maple syrup and sea salt. Halibut,<br />

lightly seasoned and cooked quickly in brown butter, topped with sauces as well<br />

as fresh Siberian miner’s lettuce and streambank violets. Served with a Zoug sauce<br />

(cilantro/jalapeno/lemon) and elderberry salsa.<br />

Lupin Burger - The burger comes on a lettuce leaf that is wrapped and sealed in<br />

beeswax allowing the consumer to pick up the whole burger and eat it off the<br />

lettuce leaf like a lettuce edible spoon. Koji Ferment of Lupin Beans, Cow’s Parsnip<br />

Seed and Burdock Root, Huckleberry Glazed Onions, Green Cherokee Tomato,<br />

Fresh Basil, Dill Pickled Blue and Golden Chanterelle, Preserved Cauliflower<br />

Mushroom, Oyster Mushroom Catsup, Sauce “Avery Island” Mountain Ash Blossoms.<br />

Indoor seating.<br />

Hours: Dinners require reservations, open every day and some Sundays - 6pm seating. 376 School<br />

Road. 250-637-1651<br />

Hekate’s Retreat – The Clubhouse Restaurant<br />

K’il Kun Sandspit<br />

Fish tacos with locally caught halibut, purchased direct<br />

from the CHN fishery program through Haida Wild. Indoor<br />

and outdoor seating.<br />

Hours: Thurs – Sun 12-3pm and 5-9 pm. 342 Copper Bay Mainline.<br />

250-637-2207<br />

Bull Kelp Taco<br />

Lupin Burger<br />

22 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 23

Waterfront pub with<br />

spectacular views and sunsets!<br />

Check out our Facebook<br />

& Instagram<br />

pages for up to<br />

date info or call<br />

250-626-7939<br />

theaxeandanchor<br />

pub@gmail.com<br />

Located at 117<br />

Bayview Drive,<br />

Port Clements<br />



Haida Gwaii Licensees are seeking comments from the<br />

public on proposed Operations for all tenures across Haida<br />

Gwaii In accordance with Section 15 of the Forest and<br />

Range Practices Amendment Act, we are requesting your<br />

concerns and comments on proposed developments for<br />

<strong>2024</strong>/2025/2026.<br />

The Forest Operations Maps is available for review and<br />

comment at:<br />

• Forest Operations Map website Forest Operations Map<br />

(gov.bc.ca)<br />

https://fom.nrs.gov.bc.ca/public/projects<br />

• Ministry of Forest Office - 1229 Oceanview Drive,<br />

Daajing Giids (computer access to review/ comment via<br />

Forest Operations Map portal)<br />

Casual & Fine Dining • Full Bar with Beer on Tap<br />

Live Entertainment • Sports & Themed Events<br />

Daily Drink Specials • Happy Hour Every Day 3pm-5pm<br />

Take-out • Off Sales • Lotto & ATM Machine<br />

Shuttle Bus • Wheelchair Accessible<br />

Taan Forest (www.taanforest.com)<br />

Office Review available at:<br />

Unite #3 Commercial<br />

Centre Highway 16<br />

Skidegate BC.<br />

Office hours Monday to Friday: 9am - 5am<br />

Comments to:<br />

Taan Forest<br />

Unit 3 Commercial Center<br />

Box 848, Skidegate, BC, V0T 1S1<br />

Email: FOM@Taanforest.com<br />

A&A Trading (Haida Gwaii) Ltd.<br />

(www.aatrading.com)<br />

Office Review available upon request at:<br />

453 Beach Road<br />

K’il Kun/Sandspit, BC<br />

Comments to:<br />

A&A Trading (Haida Gwaii) Ltd.<br />

207-1100 Island Hwy<br />

Campbell River, BC. V9W 8C6<br />

Email: FOM@aatrading.com<br />

Husby Forest Products<br />

(www.husbyforestproducts.com)<br />

Office Review available at:<br />

6425 River Road<br />

Delta BC<br />

Office hours Monday - Friday: 8am - 4pm<br />

Comments to:<br />

Husby Forest Products<br />

6425 River Road<br />

Delta, BC, V4K5B9<br />

Email: Info@husby.bc.ca<br />

FSC® and Taan Forest<br />

Sustainable Forestry on Haida Gwaii<br />

This summer, Taan Forest is hosting<br />

the Forest Stewardship Council<br />

(FSC ® ) Team on Xaayda Gwaay<br />

Xaadáa Gwáay Haida Gwaii as part<br />

of FSC ® ’s global media tour with<br />

the approval of the Haida Nation.<br />

FSC ® , a global organization promoting<br />

responsible forest management<br />

through certification, is<br />

recognized by its distinctive logo<br />

on paper and wood products, signifying<br />

sustainable sourcing from<br />

forest to consumer.<br />

Taan Forest<br />

In 2011, just one year into operation,<br />

Taan Forest achieved FSC ®<br />

certification, a milestone for the<br />

Haida and Canadian forest management.<br />

As one of the first indigenous-owned<br />

companies to gain this<br />

recognition, this was a milestone<br />

for the Haida and Canadian forest<br />

management.<br />

In an exciting endorsement of Taan<br />

Forest’s sustainability credentials,<br />

FSC® has chosen Taan Forest for<br />

their upcoming media trip, inviting<br />

journalists worldwide to Haida<br />

Gwaii to highlight sustainable forestry<br />

practices.<br />

Journalists will stay at the cabins at<br />

Haida House at Tll.aal Tlell, providing<br />

an ideal setting for the Haida<br />

Enterprise Corporation’s (HaiCo)<br />

Haida Tourism and Taan Forest to<br />

showcase the best of Haida Gwaii.<br />

Over three to four days, they will<br />

visit various sites across the islands<br />

to show how Taan Forest’s practices<br />

align strongly with FSC ® certification.<br />

Hosting this media tour on Haida<br />

Gwaii is a testament to the Haida’s<br />

dedication and achievements in<br />

reclaiming control of their natural<br />

resource management. By not<br />

only achieving certification but<br />

also being selected to represent<br />

sustainable forestry practices to a<br />

global audience, Taan Forest can<br />

showcase the strength of indigenous<br />

leadership in environmental<br />

stewardship.<br />

Taan Forest is committed to<br />

conservation, sustainability<br />

and strengthening the<br />

Haida and local economy<br />

through employment and<br />

capacity building.<br />

For more information go<br />

to www.taanforest.com or<br />

email info@taanforest.com<br />

24 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 25

Welcome New Staff<br />

We own and manage a multi-million dollar perpetual fund<br />

for the benefit of all people of Haida Gwaii<br />

The Community Grants Specialist (formerly Project Officer) acts as a community resource, supporting islanders and organization<br />

through the application process and project life-cycle. We are pleased to share that in June we added an aditional<br />

position, and there will now be one CGS in Gaw Tlagée, and one in HlGaagilda. Welcome Michelle and Tando!<br />

Meet the Newest Members of Gwaii Trust<br />

Board of Directors <strong>2024</strong>-25<br />

Continuing Education Grant<br />

The Continuing Education Grant was designed to encourage<br />

Haida Gwaii residents to pursue educational opportunities of<br />

all kinds, both on and off-island.<br />

Who can apply?<br />

Residents who have lived on Haida Gwaii for the past 24<br />

consecutive months. A student who has left Haida Gwaii<br />

to attend school but otherwise maintains their residency is<br />

considered a resident. This grant is open to mature students,<br />

recent high school graduates, and both full-time and parttime<br />

students.<br />

What can I apply for?<br />

This grant can help cover the cost of tuition and course<br />

materials for courses at recognized universities, colleges,<br />

and trades programs (including online courses) that result<br />

in credits towards a certificate, diploma or degree. This<br />

includes both short-term courses (those that take less than<br />


Donald (Duffy) Edgars, Director OMVC (new)<br />

Lisa Bell, Alternate OMVC (new)<br />

Gidin Jaad Erica Reid, Director CHN Skidegate<br />

Michelle (Ooka) Pineault, Alternate Skidegate Band Council<br />

Lori Wiedeman, Director Graham Island South (new)<br />

Karen Dean, Alternate Graham Island South (new)<br />

Stephen (Buck) Grosse, Alternate CHN Old Massett (new)<br />

Flavien Mabit, Director Area E<br />


Terry Carty, Alternate Graham Island North<br />

Maureen Bailey, Director Graham Island Central<br />

Huux Percy Crosby, Chair<br />

Lisa Hageman, Director CHN Old Massett<br />


Billy Yovanovich, Director Skidegate Band Council<br />

Bret Johnston, Director Graham Island North<br />

Berry Wijdeven, Alternate Graham Island Central<br />

Desi Collinson, Alternate CHN Skidegate<br />

Laurie Chisholm, Alternate Area E<br />

three months to complete) and long-term courses (those<br />

that are three months or longer).<br />

How much money is available?<br />

Up to $3,750 a calendar year, or a maximum of five courses<br />

to a maximum of $750 per course. Funding will be based on<br />

the actual cost of your course and materials.<br />

When is the application deadline?<br />

Applications are accepted throughout the year. Your application<br />

must be submitted no later than either two weeks<br />

into the semester or course (long-term courses) or the day<br />

before the course starts (short-term courses).<br />

For more information: www.gwaiitrust.com/grants or contact<br />

grant coordinator Pam Hill,ceg@gwaiitrust.com.<br />


Michelle Prouty-Wilson - Community Grants Specialist Office:<br />

HlGaagilda Skidegate<br />

Hello, good people. My name is Michelle Prouty-Wilson. Born in Daajing Giids<br />

many moons ago, I have been fortunate to call HlGaagilda home for nearly 30<br />

years, with a brief interlude on Vancouver Island, where I spent four transformative<br />

years. Much like the salmon cycle, it was time for me to return to my roots<br />

and bring home the skills and education I had gathered. Not to mention, my Jeep<br />

missed the beach, and I missed the surfing.<br />

I proudly carry the Haida name dii jaasga Kway yas and am honoured to be a part<br />

of the Tsiits gitanee clan. With gratitude and enthusiasm, I have accepted the role of<br />

community grant specialist for the southern communities. My late husband, Godfrey<br />

Williams (Didi), was passionate about the work being done when he was a member of the<br />

board; I hope to continue the legacy he built. As Gwaii Trust embarks on an exciting new journey,<br />

I felt compelled to join this venture, contributing my expertise and working alongside a passionate team dedicated to<br />

making a positive impact. I anticipate collaborating with many of you and forging a bright future together.<br />

Tando Dwyer - Community Grants Specialist<br />

Office: Gaw Tlagée Old Massett<br />

Hey, I'm Tando Dwyer, originally from Kenya but grew up in England from the<br />

age of 3.<br />

Since 2021, I've been fortunate to call Haida Gwaii home, alongside my wife<br />

Victoria and our two wonderful kids, Myla and Anaya. As part of a Haida<br />

family, I'm privileged to raise our children immersed in their cultural heritage.<br />

I found my passion for sports early on, excelling in rugby and boxing. Now, I'm<br />

thrilled to bring boxing to Haida Gwaii, leading two community classes a week.<br />

Joining Gwaii Trust feels like a natural fit, aligning perfectly with my values. My<br />

mission? To enhance and support our Haida Gwaii community in every way I can.<br />

Travel Assistance & Continuing Education: Open throughout the year, visit gwaiitrust.com for details<br />

Youth Grant: Oct 1 by 11:59pm<br />

Community Innovation: Sep 1, Nov 1 by 11:59pm<br />

gwaiitrust.com<br />

250 626 3654<br />

26 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 27

The Ant Queen by artist Sophia Schulbeck<br />

Another school year has rounded<br />

off with the successful come-back of<br />

SD50’s biennial Student Art Show.<br />

Moving from its previous southern<br />

gallery location of recent years (Haida<br />

Gwaii Museum at Ḵay ‘Llnagaay), the<br />

show went on the road, touring participating<br />

District schools in May and<br />

June with the aim of more equitable<br />

access and exposure. Some of the<br />

works seen here were featured in this<br />

year’s travelling show.<br />

Reflecting on this school year (as<br />

teachers do in the final days of the<br />

year) I find myself reminiscing about<br />

my own high school art classes and<br />

art teacher with fondness. Located<br />

on the third floor of a large Burnaby<br />

school, a classroom unlike the others,<br />

the art room was filled with splashes<br />

of colour, kinetic creations dangling<br />

from the ceiling, years of collected<br />

clutter, sculpture and supplies stuffed<br />

in shelves and mezzanines - a rumble<br />

of teen-aged bodies speckled about<br />

circular large tables in the room.<br />

There was a sense of fun, excitement,<br />

energy and belonging in this space. It<br />

was ours.<br />

Ainsley Duke<br />

Age 16 | Grade 10 | GidGalang Kuuyas<br />

Naay Secondary School | Daajing Giids<br />

“My part of this collaborative mural we<br />

have been working on is the lady kneeling<br />

on the right. The mural itself is pretty<br />

disjointed and is trying to bring together<br />

different artistic approaches and all our<br />

unique ideas into one piece that looks<br />

good. I’m hoping it gets mounted in one<br />

of the school hallways or stairwells and<br />

becomes a part of the fabric of the school.<br />

My contribution represents my development<br />

and growth as an artist as this has<br />

been the first year I’ve started to work on<br />

representing the human form.”<br />

Allison Kozak<br />

Jett Curry<br />

Age 8 | Grade 2<br />

Tahayghen Elementary<br />

School (Soon to be<br />

amalgamated as<br />

Daaxiigan Sk’adáa<br />

Née K-12) | Masset<br />

The Importance of Art<br />

A Student Road Show<br />

Allison Kozak | Art Teacher Gudangaay Tlaats’gaa Naay Secondary School<br />

Allison Kozak: Halloween<br />

Creature from the Black Lagoon<br />

28 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 29

Sophia Schulbeck<br />

Maya Sanmiya (L), Sophia Pages, Freya<br />

Murphy, Zefi Hepburn from GTN<br />

Amaleia Pennier (L) and<br />

Dallace Edgars from GTN<br />

Age 18 | Grade 12 | Gudangaay<br />

Tlaats’gaa Naay Secondary School<br />

(Soon to be amalgamated as Daaxiigan<br />

Sk’adáa Née K-12) | Masset<br />

Building a<br />

stronger<br />

community<br />

t gether<br />

Haida Gwaii Community Foundation<br />

The Haida Gwaii Community Foundation was established<br />

by the Gwaii Trust Society as an opportunity to receive<br />

funds and issue tax receipts to donors. We currently<br />

have five funds accepting donations:<br />



Brooke Anderson<br />

Age 12 | Grade 7 | Port Clements<br />

Elementary School<br />

Some 40 years later I find myself<br />

in the privileged position of also<br />

being a high school art teacher. In<br />

many ways it’s my dream job and<br />

I’ve aimed to create a similar ‘haven’<br />

or ‘refuge’ in my own classroom. I<br />

treasure the magic when a group of<br />

typically rowdy, unsettled students<br />

find themselves in ‘the zone’ where<br />

time stands still for the hour; hands<br />

moving, molding or carving clay in<br />

some meditation, or a class’s set of<br />

brushes sweeping on paper - minds<br />

focused and quiet. I treasure these<br />

moments as much as I do the more<br />

frenzied times, when the energy is full<br />

tilt; music cranked, paint flowing (and<br />

spilling), students glazing, throwing<br />

on wheels, unloading a kiln, designing,<br />

researching and troubleshooting<br />

ideas, admiring and engaging in one<br />

another’s work = the hive, alive!<br />

Art programs are important in schools<br />

- arts programs of every kind - because<br />

they teach real-life skills. They create<br />

a safe space that encourages exploration,<br />

imagination and creation. Students<br />

develop resilience and problem-solving<br />

abilities by learning to<br />

adapt and persevere through the challenges<br />

they’ll encounter. Art-making<br />

can help to develop a deeper sense of<br />

self-awareness and a sense of pride as<br />

we uphold and explore those things<br />

we care about and value as individuals,<br />

as a society and as a culture. Art<br />

makes us.<br />

The Ant Queen<br />

In the colony your worth is judged by<br />

your productivity.<br />

You have to work as hard as you can<br />

to benefit society.<br />

Don’t be lazy, you have to contribute,<br />

Just do your best.<br />

But your best isn’t good enough, so<br />

You find it in yourself to give more,<br />

and more, and more, until…<br />

Wait.<br />

I gave enough, I did my best.<br />

I’m allowed to just…<br />

Relax.<br />

I sit back,<br />

Feel the sun on my face, hear the birds<br />

and feel the breeze,<br />

And I am happy.<br />




To learn more about the benefit of these<br />

funds on Haida Gwaii, exciting matching<br />

fund opportunities, or to donate to a fund<br />

online, visit gwaiitrust.com/hgcf<br />

“Don’t pass up the beauty of nature. Take<br />

time to reflect on your life.”<br />

Gid Xyaalas<br />

Ryder Bell<br />

Age 17 | Grade 11 | Gudangaay<br />

Tlaats›gaa Naay Secondary (Soon to be<br />

amalgamated as Daaxiigan Sk’adáa Née<br />

K-12) | Masset<br />

30 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 31

All Things Music<br />

Summer Pubbing – Open Mics and Karaoke<br />

The summer is always full of musical<br />

happenings all over the islands!<br />

Steller’s Jay Pub<br />

Open Mic, Dance Party<br />

and Live Music!<br />

New this summer (June, <strong>July</strong> &<br />

<strong>August</strong> only), there are monthly open<br />

mics at Steller’s Jay Pub in<br />

Daajing Giids, at 3200 Oceanview<br />

Drive, helping fill the<br />

gap while the Haida Gwaii<br />

Coffeehouse organizers take<br />

a well-deserved break for the<br />

summer. Spearheaded by Jessiquita<br />

Madrid, the first one<br />

in June had 12 great performances.<br />

All ages, all talents,<br />

locals and tourists, come one,<br />

come all!<br />

Anyone can join these open<br />

mics which are free and take<br />

place every first Wednesday<br />

of the month. Sign up is at 6<br />

pm and the Open Mic starts<br />

at 7 pm. Next events is <strong>August</strong><br />

7 th .<br />

If you aren’t a performer but<br />

love to listen to music, there is<br />

a dress-like-a-tourist themed<br />

Jamie McDonald<br />

dance party at Steller’s Jay on <strong>July</strong> 13<br />

with DJ Hecktik in the house.<br />

DJ Hecktik is a bass house Dj from<br />

Haida Gwaii who’s been playing<br />

music since 2018. “I mostly play bass<br />

house but I also play other genres like<br />

tech house, drum and bass, and hip<br />

hop. I’m excited for future upcoming<br />

shows on the island. I like my music<br />

DJ Hecktik<br />

loud with the bass turned up”, said<br />

Chandler, who’s known professionally<br />

as DJ Hecktik. He’s up from 9<br />

pm onwards.<br />

Finally, Lancelot Knight, who graced<br />

the scene with his voice and guitar<br />

performance in front of a packed pub<br />

on June 1, is coming back to play at<br />

Steller’s Jay with special invited local<br />

Mitch Wilson playing<br />

at the first open mic at<br />

Steller’s Jay on June 1st<br />

guest musicians on <strong>July</strong> 27, starting<br />

at 9 pm. Knight is a Plains Cree singer-songwriter<br />

from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.<br />

He has toured throughout<br />

Europe and across North America,<br />

spanning a variety of musical genres.<br />

This is a show not to be missed!<br />

“We are aiming at organizing two<br />

shows per month,” said Matt Lunner,<br />

owner of Steller’s Jay. “We are a locals<br />

focused business, a place to go and<br />

have fun in any season with theme<br />

nights, ethnic foods, arts nights, trivia,<br />

salsa dancing and more.”<br />

The Axe &<br />

Anchor Pub<br />

Karaoke Time!<br />

If you want to sing but don’t play an<br />

instrument, then maybe the karaoke<br />

nights at the Axe and Anchor Pub<br />

at 117 Bayview Drive in Port Clements<br />

are for you. Almost every Friday<br />

(check their FB page for updates),<br />

they have a song catalogue and singer<br />

list available from DJ Greg from 8pm<br />

onwards. The karaoke fun starts<br />

around 9 pm once the dining service<br />

has ended and there are singers on the<br />

rotation list. There are thousands of<br />

karaoke favourites to select from and<br />

all levels of talent are welcome.<br />

EOTW<br />

Over Forty Years of<br />

Music and Fun!<br />

Finally, who can forget all the wonderful<br />

music that we will be blessed to<br />

listen and dance to at the Edge of the<br />

World Music Festival. From <strong>August</strong><br />

9 to 11 in Tll.aal Tlell, this singular<br />

west coast festival experience started<br />

back in 1978 and now occurs at one<br />

of the largest venue’s on Haida Gwaii.<br />

It includes musicians that travel from<br />

places all over Canada and the world.<br />

Vendors of arts, crafts, and delicious<br />

foods will be too good to resist!<br />

Do join us for any or all of these<br />

shows!<br />

Steller’s Jay Community Pub<br />

Come in, we’re open<br />

Good Food. For Locals.<br />

Wednesday to Saturday<br />

4 pm to late<br />

3200 Oceanview Drive<br />

Daajing Giids<br />

250 559 2323<br />






778 230 9871<br />


32 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 33

Open Mon-Fri 10am - 4pm<br />

Sat-Sun 2 - 4pm<br />

June - September<br />

Phone:<br />

250-626-5015<br />







WITH<br />



JSB 3:33 PENNY POM POM<br />









AUGUST 9 - I0 - II<br />

$65 - $I 5<br />

5<br />






Near the end of a public meeting<br />

in Gaw Tlagée Old Massett recently,<br />

Xuhlyang Reverend Lily Bell took up<br />

the microphone and gave a vivid illustration<br />

of how the community could<br />

combat a growing drug crisis in its<br />

midst.<br />

It happened, she said, in the small<br />

Tsimshian village of Kitkatla, southwest<br />

of Prince Rupert, about two<br />

years ago. “All the naaniis, they went<br />

to the houses of the ones that they<br />

believed were the drug dealers . . . and<br />

knocked on their door and said they<br />

would no longer put up with their<br />

drug dealing.”<br />

This is the kind of direct action, she<br />

told the meeting, that could help end<br />

the worrying number of drug overdoses<br />

among young Haida. The meeting<br />

drew an audience of some 150<br />

people gathered in a circle at Kwiiyaans<br />

Community Hall.<br />

“The spirits have come together this<br />

night,” said Rev. Bell. “We pray to<br />

God, everyone of us, being protectors<br />

and keepers for our children.”<br />

The exact number of recent overdoses<br />

is not clear, but there were reports<br />

of at least two local cases in a twoweek<br />

period, one of them resulting<br />

in death. And several more in preceding<br />

months, Said one local health<br />

provider, “In a very small community<br />

that has largely been sheltered from<br />

the opioid crisis, two incidents in<br />

two weeks are perceived as an emergency.”<br />

There are also unconfirmed reports of<br />

“dirty” drugs being handed out freely<br />

Opioid Alarm<br />

A Community Speaks Out<br />

Claude Adams<br />

to youth, making it urgent that people<br />

test the narcotics they are being given,<br />

or dispose of them altogether.<br />

At the meeting, Gam Kaayangsdla,ang<br />

Donald ‘Duffy’ Edgars, Chief<br />

Councillor with the Old Massett Village<br />

Council, invited participants to<br />

take up the mic and express their<br />

concerns. “We need to heal,” said one<br />

woman. “We need detox on Haida<br />

Gwaii. We need healing centers on<br />

Haida Gwaii . . . We need to meet as<br />

a grassroots body. We can’t be a topdown<br />

approach. . . We need the people<br />

to speak, to start talking about this. I<br />

don’t know what else to do!”<br />

It’s not enough, insisted another<br />

speaker, to wash our hands of the<br />

problem and say it’s up to the individuals<br />

to refrain from drug use. “No, it’s<br />

not (enough). It’s like dangling candy<br />

in front of a kid. Shame on these people<br />

(who are handing out drugs).”<br />

PC | northernhealth.ca<br />

enforcement wasn’t doing enough to<br />

crack down on drug traffickers who<br />

are well known in the community.<br />

“We fought for Haida title,” said one<br />

man. “Let’s use it. Let’s implement<br />

our authority. . . We should have the<br />

power. We don’t need evidence. We<br />

know the dealers. . . Everybody that<br />

doesn’t do drugs, you can go out, you<br />

can make people safe.”<br />

A wellness table was set up at the<br />

meeting to inform people about what<br />

they can do in the event of an overdose.<br />

One suggestion was to have<br />

access to Naloxone kits. Naloxone<br />

is life-saving medication that can<br />

reverse an opioid overdose. Kits are<br />

available at the Niislaa Naay Healing<br />

House Society.<br />

For more information on harm reduction,<br />

you can call or text Carly Van<br />

Solkema, mental health coordinator<br />

with the Niislaa Naay Healing House<br />

Society at 250-626-7884.<br />

Email:<br />

hecatebird@gmail.com<br />

Some speakers argued that law<br />

34 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 35

Stewarding the Ocean Forest<br />

Haida Gwaii Kelpers<br />

Harvesting kelp is not a new thing<br />

for Dafne Romero. Hailing from<br />

Michoacán, Mexico, from the age of<br />

six Romero learned to harvest and<br />

cook Macrocystis pyrifera, also known<br />

as ts’aats’idga (Haida) or giant kelp<br />

from her abuela grandmother. “I grew<br />

up with very strong women and in a<br />

very privileged house … where we<br />

had everything made from scratch.<br />

My whole family, in fact, harvest and<br />

hunt as the Haida do, that’s why I feel<br />

at home here. It’s part of our ancient<br />

culture.”<br />

A resident of Daajing Giids since<br />

1999, Romero, who has a food science<br />

background, founded North Pacific<br />

Kelp (NPK) in 2009. “…the relationship<br />

between nature and humans are<br />

more connected here than any other<br />

place I’ve been. I travelled all around<br />

the world and I think Haida Gwaii is<br />

very similar to Mexico culture.”<br />

Shellene Patience<br />

As stated on the NPK website, their<br />

company provides high-quality,<br />

sustainably sourced kelp products<br />

that support a healthy lifestyle and<br />

a healthy planet. Along with dried<br />

whole and powdered chanterelles,<br />

NPK also sells dulse mini flakes, a<br />

sea veggie mix, kelp powder, kombu<br />

and mini seaweed flakes, giant kelp<br />

lasagna and even kelp soap. “My<br />

dream,” she says, “was to create a<br />

small business where we can do<br />

things with respect, consciousness<br />

and education. So many of the people<br />

out there extracting natural resources<br />

don’t have a clue what species are<br />

and how they grow, die, and what<br />

the ecosystem dynamics are. For me<br />

was really shocking to realize that. So,<br />

these industries that have no connection<br />

with what they are doing, in my<br />

perspective I find it absolutely wrong,<br />

unethical… and almost criminal.”<br />

Drone Survey<br />

PC | Dafne Romero<br />

“Fundamentally, our respect for<br />

nature is the backbone of our company,”<br />

Romero adds. “I’m not doing<br />

this for profit. The kelp forests give me<br />

food, health, knowledge, solvency and<br />

beauty of the natural world.”<br />

Dafne believes the kelp forests have<br />

rights that need protection. Water<br />

quality, sewage treatment, deforestation,<br />

marine transport, oil and gas<br />

spills, all these human influences negatively<br />

affect the kelp forests and all<br />

ecosystems around them. Introduced<br />

species such as the Carcinus maenas,<br />

the green crab - that eat everything<br />

- and invasive plants such as Sargas-<br />

sum muticum, commonly known as<br />

Japanese wireweed, are also damaging<br />

both ecologically and economically.<br />

So, why are kelp forests important?<br />

Home to over a thousand species of<br />

animals and plants, kelp forests not<br />

only support high levels of biodiversity,<br />

but they also, by dampening<br />

wave forces, help alleviate the effects<br />

of storms. In essence, they are land<br />

protectors! With the erosion issues we<br />

are seeing on Haida Gwaii, monitoring<br />

and safeguarding our kelp forests<br />

is essential.<br />

Romero and her NPK team are one<br />

of the organizations doing just that.<br />

Since 2021, with a grant from the<br />

Department of Fisheries and Oceans/<br />

Salmon Restoration Program, NPK<br />

has been conducting kelp research.<br />

“With our kelp forests being a habitat<br />

for juvenile salmon, rockfish, herring<br />

and many other fishes,” Romero<br />

reports, “our work includes species<br />

counting and drone surveys to assess<br />

biomass distribution.”<br />

Education is another NPK focus.<br />

They have hosted field trips with the<br />

Living and Learning and other local<br />

schools, Haida Gwaii Higher Education<br />

Society, and BC, Alberta and<br />

Yukon universities. Walking their<br />

talk, as Romero says, “We are ‘kelping’<br />

to build communities and natural<br />

resources for a better living.” For<br />

more information: North Pacific Kelp<br />

northpacifickelp.ca.<br />

Dafne Romero (red) and Jules Riddle doing kelp research in Skidegate Inlet<br />

PC | Angie Ito<br />

Gwaii Haanas Kelp Restoration Project<br />

The Chiix̱uu Tll iinasdll: Nurturing Seafood to Grow project focuses on restoring kelp forests that have been devastated<br />

by high numbers of sea urchin. Kelp forests are extremely important to the ecosystems around Gwaii Haanas as they<br />

act as nurseries for smaller fish, fuel coastal food webs, and absorb vast amounts of carbon, much like forests on land.<br />

Check out some before and after images of kelp canopy area at the restoration site. The results are quite amazing!<br />

2022 was a cooler ocean water year which is good for kelp here. In years when the water is warmer, the kelp does not<br />

do as well. Even with low urchin densities, climate change that is warming the ocean is another challenge for kelp,<br />

making it that much more important for us to do what we can to help kelp stay healthy!<br />

Pickled Kelp<br />

Contest!<br />

Sandspit Wild Harvest Festival<br />

(October 5th & 6th/24) – Calling<br />

all kelp picklers! Come out and<br />

enter your best pickled kelp and<br />

win prizes! For more info call<br />

Dolly Garza at 778-953-1788.<br />

2017 2022<br />

Source: Text and photos<br />

courtesy Gwaii Haanas<br />

National Park Reserve,<br />

National Marine<br />

Conservation area Reserve,<br />

Haida Heritage Site, June<br />

7/24 Facebook post.<br />

36 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 37

Across<br />

Puzzle Page<br />

Bays and Beaches<br />

1. Large Graham Island Park.<br />

4. Take your___,uncles and cousins to the beach.<br />

7. Pickled herring.<br />

8. Sandhill Crane eggs___ close to the beach.<br />

9. Alaska from afar may appear as an___.<br />

10. The “Queen Charlotte___” - a deep submarine<br />

feature.<br />

12. This beach features Netonia Yalte’s tower.<br />

15. Like a second skin.<br />

17. Sideways crawlers.<br />

19. Beach peas germination type.<br />

20. Not a beach friendly product.<br />

21. Permanently attached sea creatures are___.<br />

Down<br />

1. Galapagos of the___.<br />

2. It takes___to get to Bonanza Beach.<br />

3. Picnic basket staple.<br />

4. Find this rock on this beach.<br />

5. Save a little so you will have a___.<br />

6. Moresby Island bay or local bistro.<br />

10. Taaw Tldáaw can be seen from “4 Down” beach<br />

11. “Naw” is this creatures’ Haida name.<br />

13. “14 down” loves a meal of these.<br />

14. Playful sea creatures.<br />

Terri-Lynne Penner<br />

16. Majestic sunrises are a ___sight from East<br />

Beach.<br />

18. Mosquito bites can be soothed with pitch___.<br />

Answer key can be found after the Community Calendar at<br />

the back of the magazine.<br />

On Haida Gwaii, “Wait five minutes and the weather will<br />

change” is often heard. Here’s why.<br />

Weather and climate. It’s complicated. Latitude, mountains,<br />

temperature, precipitation and hours of sunshine<br />

vary. However, a major weather determinant for Haida<br />

Gwaii is ocean currents.<br />

Elements generating ocean currents include tides, winds,<br />

atmospheric pressure, heat exchange and changes in water<br />

temperature and density. Interactions with land and rivers<br />

also affect the strength and direction of the currents.<br />

As cold water from Antarctica moves north it warms and<br />

mixes with cold water from the Bering Sea. This water is<br />

then dispersed either toward the mainland or south along<br />

the west coast of Haida Gwaii and Vancouver Island due<br />

to steady winds.<br />

The prevailing westerly winds move water toward the coast<br />

where our mountains, inlets and coastal islands influence<br />

movement, becoming more dynamic when forced into<br />

inlets mixing with freshwater rivers along the west coast<br />

of Haida Gwaii as storms brew across the open Pacific from<br />

Japan (Kuroshio Current). That explains why we have one<br />

of the windiest and wettest areas in Canada.<br />

PC | https://oceantracks.org/<br />

The Science Corner<br />

Currents, Meteors and Moving Poles<br />

Ro Millham<br />

What’s Up?<br />

<strong>July</strong> 5: Earth at aphelion at 5:06 A.M. UTC. Earth will<br />

be farthest from the Sun for the year, opposite of January’s<br />

perihelion, our planet’s closest solar approach. Earth<br />

is furthest from the sun during summer in the Northern<br />

Hemisphere.<br />

<strong>August</strong> 12: The Persied meteor shower is one of the year’s<br />

most reliable, boasting 60 or more “shooting stars” per<br />

hour, peaking <strong>August</strong> 12. The moon will set at midnight<br />

leaving the sky dark.<br />

PC | Lunar Planetary Institute.<br />

Note that this image represents New Moon to New Moon, the opposite<br />

for Full Moon cycles taking 1.8 days to make a full orbit of the<br />

Earth to return to the same position. For more information starchild.<br />

gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/StarChild/questions/question32.html<br />

Aug.19: Blue Moon. Moon phases take 29.5 days to complete,<br />

which means it takes just 354 days to complete 12<br />

lunar cycles. However, every 2.5 years or so, a 13th full<br />

moon is observed within a calendar year. This 13th full<br />

moon doesn’t conform to the normal naming scheme and<br />

is referred to as the Blue Moon, hence, “Once in a blue<br />

moon”.<br />

Did You Know?<br />

Earth’s poles are changing. This magnetic reversal of the<br />

North and South Pole has happened 171 times in the past 71<br />

million years. We’re<br />

overdue a change in<br />

location since the<br />

North Pole is moving<br />

at roughly 55<br />

kilometers per year,<br />

an increase over the<br />

15km per year.<br />

PC | New World Magnetic Maps<br />

38 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 39

Haida Gwaii Stargazers<br />

Horoscopes for <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />

By Monica Caulfield<br />

Looking to post a free* classified or event ad? It’s super easy! Simply log onto www.haidagwaiitrader.com,<br />

click on the category tab for the type of ad you wish to place and the site will then guide you each step of the<br />

way. Need a hand? Do not hesitate to contact us. Prefer mail? Our mailing address is PO Box 313, Port Clements,<br />

BC, V0T 1R0. Please note: The deadline for new and/or updated classifieds to appear in each issue is<br />

noon on the 20th of the month prior to the next publication. (For example, noon on Aug 20th for the Sep/Oct<br />

issue.) *Free classifieds apply to private, personally owned and non-business postings. Ads pertaining to business products,<br />

services, employment as well as real estate for sale or for rent are subject to fees.<br />

Aries (Mar 20 – Apr 19) You’re drawn to your home and family,<br />

dearest Aries, even if that means your cat. Quiet evenings spent<br />

creating are in order at this time. The activities that ground you<br />

and bring you peace are beneficial to your Aries spunkiness. Allow<br />

yourself to rest more to rejuvenate your body. Keywords: clever,<br />

artistic and full of life.<br />

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 19) Dearest Taurus, when you’re flitting<br />

around in busyness, it’s challenging to stay focused long enough to<br />

prioritize your commitments. Emotional issues may be coming to the<br />

forefront to be processed and cleansed. Slow down, like you’re famous<br />

for, and try to enjoy the ride. Keywords: sincere, caring and joyful.<br />

Gemini (May 20 – June 20) You are being asked to show up in<br />

the public eye, dearest Gemini. And to show up ready to speak the<br />

truth of your belief system. Ask yourself, how can I get my point<br />

across without putting others on the defense? Focus on the goal, use<br />

your unique open-minded personality while being true to yourself.<br />

Keywords: genuine, authentic and integrity.<br />

Cancer (June 21 – <strong>July</strong> 21) I understand that you are all about caring<br />

for your friends and family, dearest Cancer. But today is the day to<br />

consider sitting down with your loved ones to talk about yourself.<br />

Discuss your hopes and dreams. Tell a story that describes what<br />

you are made of and why. What are you planning for your future?<br />

This is the time to share yourself with others. To role model loving<br />

yourself. Doing this, promotes more self-worth and self-confidence<br />

and allows you to see the whole picture. Keywords: educate, healthy<br />

choices and thrive.<br />

Leo (<strong>July</strong> 22 – Aug 21) It would do you some good, dearest Leo,<br />

to find yourself lost in the woods. I don’t mean literally lost, just<br />

walking with curiosity and with no agenda in mind. A walking<br />

meditation, per se. This will help you to keep the creative juices<br />

flowing and you’ll be able to evaluate your situation with greater<br />

clarity and purpose. What is rising up is the balancing act between<br />

family life and career, between night and day, between staying in<br />

and going out. How might you counter-act these choices? Keywords:<br />

symmetry, stability and adjust.<br />

Virgo (Aug 22 – Sept 21) Have you attained your most precious goals,<br />

dearest Virgo? What is left on your horizon, on your bucket list? Your<br />

aspirations are front and center and there’s a chance for new surprises<br />

with your career and mission in life. Take action, work hard and<br />

stay honest when it comes to speaking of yourself and your dreams.<br />

Keywords: inspiration, desires and passion.<br />

Libra (Sept 22 – Oct 21) This is Mission Control, dearest Libra. And<br />

you are at the center of it. The opportunity to shine in the public<br />

eye is bright right now. Show your community spirit and highlight<br />

your goals and aspirations, so others can see how rewarding it can<br />

be. Expand your joy, recreate as needed and receive a new vision for<br />

your existing relationships. Keywords: pursuit, vocation and quest.<br />

Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) Educate yourself, dearest Scorpio, so<br />

that when the time comes, you will be prepared for what’s in store.<br />

Engage in life to the fullest, speak out with pizazz, share the truth<br />

within your family, all in a unique way that shows your signature<br />

personality. Cozy up with your family and allow yourself to feel<br />

loved. Keywords: devotion, delight and relish.<br />

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 20) Enjoy your passion around loved<br />

ones, dearest Sagittarius. What deep feelings are coming to the surface?<br />

And how do you plan on clearing them up, so you have more<br />

band width to experience wonderful new adventures? Practicing<br />

forgiveness of self and others is the name of the game. Take what<br />

you believe and direct it into positive change, as needed. Keywords:<br />

compassion, charity and grace.<br />

Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) Don’t compromise your current belief<br />

systems, dearest Capricorn, but consider compromising your attitude<br />

for the sake of peace. Not everyone in this world is as capable and<br />

resilient as you are. It’s a good idea to find diplomacy when it comes<br />

to your loved ones. Allow them to make their own decisions, even<br />

if you can see the outcome before they can. Keep focusing on the<br />

prize. Keywords: discretion, finesse and foresight.<br />

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) Focus on your work with a flair, dearest<br />

Aquarius. The insights you are gathering are going to eventually<br />

pay-off. Stay attentive. Your home-work balance is coming into<br />

play and wants you to pay attention to every little bit of time that<br />

you are wasting, then decide to do something useful instead. You<br />

are a powerhouse right now, use it wisely. Keywords: impressive,<br />

compelling and direct.<br />

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 19) Try to keep up, dearest Pisces, with all<br />

that is going on and all that there is. One day you are recreating in<br />

your sweet spot and the next day you are frantically writing lists of<br />

things to get done. It’s important to keep as organized as you possibly<br />

can so you can enjoy this wonderful life of abundance. No need to<br />

view it as too stressful. Get up every day and show gratitude for all<br />

that you are. Keywords: appreciate, honor and grace.<br />

Veracious<br />

Exterior & Transport LTD<br />

• Roofing • Decking<br />

• Gutters & more!<br />

caroson@live.com<br />

250-617-2659<br />

In the Home & Office<br />

MIA Women Leather<br />

Boots. Size 8. Worn a couple<br />

times but 1/2 size too small<br />

for me $10 Call Menzie at<br />

(250) 557-4240 or email mencie_lucena@<br />

yahoo.com<br />

Devialet Phantom Gold<br />

I 108DB Bluetooth Wi-Fi<br />

Speaker. Works through Wi-<br />

Fi and the Devialet app which<br />

contains many features including graphic<br />

equalizer, Bluetooth. $1,200 Email Davi at<br />

davidkedron22@gmail.com<br />

Beautiful Antique Coat and Hat<br />

Stand. Approx. 1930. Originally from<br />

Central Europe. $180 Paul email hgtads@<br />

runbox.com<br />

Paper Towel Dispenser and<br />

Receptacle. Commercial<br />

grade stainless paper towel<br />

dispenser and removable garbage<br />

can. Uses both roll, single<br />

fold and multi fold. New<br />

Price. $40 Call Michael at (250) 626-7873<br />

or email Haidagwaiisurf@gmail.com<br />

Sigma 24-70mm f2.8 DG<br />

DN Art Nikon Mount. In<br />

excellent condition with no<br />

scratches. Hardly used. $900<br />

Email mathewsalce3@gmail.com<br />

In the Yard & Workshop<br />

Portable Double Toilet. Portable<br />

building can be moved<br />

from site to site as required.<br />

Unit can be connected to<br />

mains power, sewerage and<br />

water manufacture and fittings. Shipping<br />

container style structure with insulated<br />

sides and roof, roof is fully sealed, 4 crane<br />

lift lugs, one in each corner. Forklift pockets,<br />

easy clean floor, walls and ceiling.<br />

Vented key lockable door in steel frame.<br />

Toilet dual flush, hand wash basin, toilet<br />

roll holders, toilet brush and wall mounted<br />

holder, exhaust fan, internal ceiling<br />

light and light switch. Transportable with<br />

crane lift points. Weight: 600kg $2,500.<br />

Email lowepatricia32@gmail.com<br />

Amazing Deal! Beachcomber<br />

Energy Saver hot tub in excellent<br />

condition. Lots of jets<br />

and places to relax and “feel<br />

the magic!” Open to offers.<br />

Call Morris at (250) 559-0024<br />

or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

About 150’ of Thick Cable 2/0 gauge,<br />

2 cores of 3/8” aluminium and a 3/16”<br />

copper earth. $2.20 a foot. I have shorter<br />

pieces of slightly thinner cable. Email me<br />

for more photos and details. Email hgtads@runbox.com<br />

FUNK IT!<br />

Home Garden Gift<br />

Located downtown Daajing Giids<br />

250-559-4753<br />

Local jewelry<br />

and pottery<br />

We sell<br />

mattresses!<br />

40 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 41

Gwaii Animal<br />

Helpline Society<br />

•Companion<br />

Animal Adoption<br />

•Rehoming<br />

www.gwaiianimalhelpline.com<br />

It’s Hunting Season Again!<br />

Fantastic crossbow with a lot<br />

of accessories including extra<br />

bolts, broadheads, bag, scope,<br />

extra draw rope, draw assister, and more.<br />

Specs are listed. Price tag still on it for<br />

bow alone. $600 Call Michael at (250) 626-<br />

7873 or email haidagwaiisurf@gmail.com<br />

T&B Wiring Staples. New in box, galv,<br />

14/2 -12/2. ordered 2 boxes of 100, got 2<br />

cartons of 500. Selling full box for $45 +<br />

partial box for $32. Call Toni at (250) 626-<br />

5472 or email tintintooni@gmail.com<br />

Milton Roy Spectronic<br />

Genesys 5 UV Spectrophotometer<br />

(model 336001).<br />

Includes two brand new<br />

cuvettes. Passes all its self-diagnostic tests<br />

Ideal for soil, water or general chemical<br />

analysis - for example, to test for lead<br />

in your drinking water or the amount<br />

of selenium in a local soil sample (hint:<br />

low). Very easy to use. $190 Email Paul at<br />

hgtads@runbox.com<br />

Swing Chairs. Never used.<br />

Still in original packing. Price<br />

is for both... $80 Call Toni<br />

at (250) 626-5472 or email<br />

tintintooni@gmail.com<br />

On the Road<br />

Drifta Hardshell Rooftop<br />

Tent 1.4. As I sold my<br />

weekend car as I have a work<br />

Ute now. The tent is in great<br />

shape, I only slept a few<br />

nights and spent the rest of<br />

its time just sitting on my roof. This tent<br />

is the bigger 1.4 version so it’s spacious.<br />

Comes with a telescopic ladder. $1,900<br />

email Dom @ domenicortiz02@gmail.<br />

com<br />

2015 F350 6.7L Diesel<br />

Platinum Crew Cab. Fully<br />

loaded 4x4 pick up in very<br />

good condition and excellent mechanical<br />

condition. Tows like a dream. Black beauty!<br />

$45,000 Call Travis at (250) 637-1011 or<br />

email haidabigfoot@gmail.com<br />

Haida Gwaii<br />

Auto Inc.<br />

42 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 43<br />

Dealer #50179<br />

2015 Ford Explorer<br />

128,100km/Stk#126 $16,995<br />

2015 Dodge Ram 1500<br />

198,250km/Stk#124 $16,995<br />

2017 Ford Escape<br />

67,500km/Stk#122 $23,995<br />

2022 Hyundai Elantra<br />

41,600km/Stk#2102 $27,995<br />

“No reasonable offer<br />

refused!”<br />

250-559-4641<br />

605 Ocean View Dr.<br />

Daajing Giids<br />

bill@hgauto.ca<br />

Touring Van. 1990 Chevy<br />

camper van. Nice Collector.<br />

Runs well. Replaced engine.<br />

Good rubber. Interior good condition.<br />

Needs some wiring work and some TLC.<br />

Take it for a spin. $4900. Call Harold<br />

White at (250) 626-5011 or email hswhitesid@yahoo.ca<br />

Camper Trailer 2022 Model<br />

“Sunset’-Possible Live-In<br />

w/Pad Re. NEW PRICE!!<br />

$60,000 34’x 8’with a 14’slide<br />

out. Purchased from dealer Jan 2023,<br />

unit fully equipped with king size bed,<br />

kitchen includes propane stove/oven,<br />

an electric furnace, thermostat control,<br />

propane heating. Unit designed for travel,<br />

with dual wheel trailer assembly. Pic may<br />

not be exact as item for sale. There is the<br />

possibility of Live-in with pad rental. Call<br />

Bob (250) 637 1168. or email stratton@<br />

haidagwaii.net<br />

Summertime Ride! 1967<br />

Triumph Tiger and a Few<br />

More Toys. 1967 Triumph<br />

Tiger and a few more toys.<br />

Bike may not be exact as picture. Day time<br />

calls only please Call Lindsey Doerksen at<br />

(778) 260-4733 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Set of 4 Tires. Michelin LTX Trail 265/70<br />

R 18. Brand new. $1,000 Call Dennis at<br />

(250) 637-1128 or email ddsgng@gmail.<br />

com<br />

On the Water<br />

Boat Hook. For docking purposes. Like<br />

new. $60 Call Morris at (250) 559-0024 or<br />

email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Mustang Bib Pants. New in bag XL red<br />

$125 Call Matthew at (778) 260-5909 or<br />

email mattpierce@iname.com<br />


Groceries & Liquor<br />

Bakery & Deli<br />

Home & Office Supplies<br />

Gifts & Local Treasures<br />

91 Bayview Dr. Port Clements<br />

Mon-Sat 10-6 | 250-557-4331<br />

2023 Kolibri Inflatable Boat with HD<br />

Galvanized Trailer. Only used 25 hours.<br />

Lots of extras. Racor fuel filter 15” launching<br />

wheels Tonneau roof. Will sell separately.<br />

$5,000 Call Matt at (778) 260-5909<br />

or email mattpierce@iname.com<br />

25’ Boat with 150 Mercury.<br />

Runs good, ready for the<br />

water. New down riggers<br />

and electric siv. $16,000 Call Fletcher at<br />

(250) 626-7606 Fletchercollison@hotmail.<br />

com<br />

Seadoo. GSR 230 High performance<br />

machine. 100km/<br />

hr+ Low hours and clean<br />

machine. Comes with trailer<br />

and cover. Water skis and wakeboard.<br />

Tow ropes and bungee anchor included.<br />

$12,000 Call Michael at (250) 626-7873 or<br />

email Haidagwaiisurf@gmail.com<br />

Kids Zone<br />

New Bike Trailer. $450 Call<br />

Sarleana at (250) 626-7606<br />

or email fletchercollison@<br />

hotmail.com<br />

Bugaboo Donkey Duo<br />

Pram, Siblings Set. Excellent<br />

condition both cosmetically<br />

and mechanically. Has<br />

just been professionally deep<br />

cleaned with polish detail and<br />

service ready for sale, looks<br />

and feels like a brand new<br />

pram. Two seats and a newborn bassinet.<br />

Cup holder and skateboard, new leather<br />

covers on the belly bars including x2<br />

reversible custom made pram liners with<br />

matching bassinet mattress cover and<br />

tyre pump. $400 Math at email donaldova1234@gmail.com<br />

Tiiiddall Zoonee SSiiillveer SStuddiiioo<br />

Orrrriiiggiiinnaallll Ennggrrrraavveeeeed Siiillllvveeeeerrrr Jeeeeeweeeeelllllllleeeeerrrry<br />

Tidal Zone Silver Studio<br />

Zoonee SStuddiiioo<br />

Designed and Tiiiddall handcrafted SSiiillveer<br />

Silver Jewellery by Laura Dutheil<br />

by local artisan jeweller<br />

Orrrriiiggiiinnaallll Ennggrrrraavveeeeed Jeeeeeweeeeelllllllleeeeerrrry<br />

Siiillllvveeeeerrrr<br />

Laura Dutheil<br />

Designed and handcrafted<br />

Available at:<br />

by local artisan jeweller<br />

Laura Dutheil<br />

• DG Earrings, Visitor rings, pendants,<br />

bracelets, ear cuffs & more,<br />

Earrings, rings, pendants,<br />

Centre<br />

bracelets, with ear tidal cuffs & zone more, inspired<br />

with tidal zone inspired<br />

• Sandspit engravings<br />

engravings<br />

Visitor Centre<br />

Custom orders orders welcome! welcome!<br />

Summertime pop-up in DG!<br />

Available at Funk It! and the Queen Charlotte Visitor Information Centre<br />

Available at Funk It! and the Queen Charlotte Visitor Information Centre<br />

Tidal Zone Silver Studio tidalzonesilverstudio@gmail.com<br />

Tidal tidalzonesilverstudio.com<br />

Zone Silver Studio tidalzonesilverstudio@gmail.com<br />

Available at Funk It and the<br />

Queen Charlotte Visitor Information Centre<br />

Put Your Ad Here<br />

info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />


Sarah Barnhardt<br />

Licensed Realtor<br />

Longtime Haida<br />

Gwaii resident<br />

Serving all<br />

island communities<br />

Call me!<br />

Prince<br />

Rupert<br />

250.922.5409<br />

sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

519 3rd Avenue West,<br />

Prince Rupert<br />

Real Estate & Rentals<br />

362 Christina Place, Sandspit.<br />

This beautifully renovated<br />

3 bed 2 bath home is a<br />

rare find, a must see! Every<br />

room has been updated tastefully with<br />

west coast charm. The open concept main<br />

floor has vaulted ceilings, and a cozy<br />

fireplace, primary bedroom with ensuite,<br />

spacious rec room. 1280 sq.ft workshop<br />

with covered RV storage, heated garage,<br />

custom deck, greenhouse and fruit trees.<br />

MLS #R2846681 Price $660,000 Call Sarah<br />

250-922-5409 or email sarahbarnhardt@<br />

remax.net<br />

4 Newcombe Ave Port<br />

Clements. This is an incredible<br />

live/work opportunity<br />

in the heart of Haida Gwaii.<br />

This property has it all! It includes a<br />

3-bedroom, 1 bathroom, residence, with<br />

kitchen, living room and dining room.<br />

Motel guest space with office, washroom,<br />

dining room and fully equipped commercial<br />

kitchen. There is an office, storage<br />

room, indoor workshop and a detached<br />

garage. Motel guest rooms of various sizes<br />

are in adjacent buildings. Price $465,000<br />

Call Sarah 250-922-5409 email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

Private Ocean Access. 4.233<br />

acres of land with direct,<br />

private ocean access. Perfect<br />

home to lock up. 1 ½ story, 3 Br, 1 bath,<br />

framed in up n down fireplaces, French<br />

doors to the ocean, two patio sliders and<br />

being salt-box design it takes advantage<br />

of natural heating and cooling. Highway<br />

access on one side and ocean on the<br />

other. email for more info. Price $688,888<br />

https://www.bitchute.com/video/wtNt1P-<br />

WjwoCR/ Email Dave @davydahl@ymail.<br />

com<br />

1868 Balsam Cr Masset.<br />

Fully renovated and ready<br />

to move in! This is a beautiful,<br />

newly renovated home.<br />

Everything has been done including<br />

both bathrooms, kitchen, new floors and<br />

paint throughout, all new appliances and<br />

heat pump. Located in a quiet cul de sac<br />

walking distance to everything Masset has<br />

to offer. Masset is located on the northern<br />

end of Graham Island, with easy access<br />

to some of Haida Gwaii’s best beaches,<br />

forests, fishing and recreational opportunities.<br />

Price $249,500 Call 250-922-5409 or<br />

email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

2226 Dogwood Cr Masset.<br />

Recently renovated and ready<br />

to move in! This 4-bedroom<br />

home has been fully renovated<br />

in the last year. Both bathrooms and<br />

the kitchen have been tastefully updated,<br />

as well as new floors, all new appliances<br />

and a new heat pump. Located near the<br />

end of a quiet street with easy access to<br />

schools and shopping. Masset is a lovely<br />

community on the northern end of Graham<br />

Island, Haida Gwaii, which is famous<br />

for its world-renowned beaches, fishing,<br />

forests and culture. Price $239,500 Call<br />

250-922-5409 or email sarahbarnhardt@<br />

remax.net<br />

Mobile Trailer to be<br />

Moved. Located in Daajing<br />

Giids 1980’s vintage; 2 small<br />

bedrooms, 1 master bedroom.<br />

Bright living room and kitchen with gas<br />

stove/oven. Bathroom with newer hot<br />

water tank. The unit has a new roof and<br />

solid bones. Option to sell furnished and<br />

with appliances. Price $15,000 Call 250-<br />

637-1437 or email mark_leyden@icloud.<br />

com<br />

$825,000<br />

MLS® R2880856<br />

4511 Oceanview Drive<br />

Daajing Giids, BC<br />

Open House Dates: <strong>July</strong> 27 -(11-3)<br />

<strong>August</strong> 3, 11, & 17 (11-3)<br />

$900,000<br />

MLS® R2801474<br />

1416 Delkatla Street<br />

Masset, BC<br />

Walk-out Oceanfront and newly<br />

renovated.<br />

$75,000<br />

MLS® R2801474<br />

6 Froese Subdivision Road<br />

Wáan Kún Port Clements, BC<br />

6017 sq ft Lot in Mobile Home<br />

Subdivision<br />

$665,000<br />

MLS® R2852747<br />

379 Beach Road<br />

K’il Kun Sandspit, BC<br />

Open House Dates: <strong>July</strong> 13 (11:30-<br />

1:30), <strong>July</strong> 29 (2-4), <strong>August</strong> 4 (11:30-<br />

1:30), <strong>August</strong> 18 (2-4)<br />

$175,000<br />

MLS® R2871436<br />

193 Bayview Drive<br />

Wáan Kún Port Clements, BC<br />

Ocean Front 10,758 sq ft Lot<br />

$440,000<br />

MLS® R2900210<br />

1558 Millard Street<br />

Masset, BC<br />

Open House Dates: <strong>July</strong> 14 (2-4),<br />

<strong>July</strong> 21 (11:30-1:30), <strong>August</strong> 10 (2-<br />

4), <strong>August</strong> 25 (11:30-1:30)<br />

SOLD<br />

<strong>2024</strong> Swan Cres<br />

197 Bayview Drive<br />

45206 A Highway 16<br />

4307 Husband Road<br />

$600,000<br />

MLS® R2798368<br />

372 School Road,<br />

K’il Kun Sandspit, BC<br />

Open House Dates:<strong>July</strong> 13 (2-4),<br />

<strong>July</strong> 28 (11:30-1:30), <strong>August</strong> 4 (2 -<br />

4), <strong>August</strong> 18 (11:30-1:30)<br />

Highway 16<br />

Masset, BC<br />

Reduced!<br />

Now $400,000<br />

MLS® R2784153<br />

122 acres of untouched land.<br />

Check haidagwaiirealestate.com for any<br />

changes to Open House schedules<br />

44 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 45

Organic Produce<br />

Groceries & Dairy<br />

• Artisan Breads & Baked Goods<br />

• Farm Fresh, Seasonal Veggies<br />

• Free Range Meats<br />

• Organic Charcuterie Meats<br />

• International Cheeses<br />

• Foods for All Diets<br />

250-559-8623<br />

store@isabelcreek.ca<br />

Open Mon-Sat: 10am-5:30pm<br />

3219 Wharf Street<br />

Daajing Giids<br />


AT TLL.AAL<br />



250.557.4600<br />

Triple J Contracting<br />


• SITE PREP<br />



Cornelius Stoltzfus<br />

250-557-4280<br />

Michael Horst<br />

250-557-2053<br />

Port<br />

Clements<br />

Museum<br />

Pioneer History<br />

Visitor Information<br />


DAY 10-4<br />

(Until Sept 30)<br />

45 Bayview Drive,<br />

Port Clements<br />

250-557-4576<br />

portclementsmuseum.ca<br />

Ocean View Home. 3 bedroom<br />

and 2 full bathrooms<br />

waterfront home on Oceanview<br />

Drive, centrally located in Daajing<br />

Giids. This spacious gem is located near<br />

the ocean, high school, parks, and 3-minute<br />

drive/10-minute walk. Price $540,000<br />

Call 604-789-6856 or email lctchaves@<br />

gmail.com<br />

Essential Worker Accommodations.<br />

Long or Short<br />

Term. Port Clements and<br />

Masset. Port Clements: furnished and<br />

unfurnished 1 and 2 bedroom apartments.<br />

Newly renovated, including bathroom<br />

and kitchen. Sat. internet, TV, king size<br />

beds, laundry and parking is included.<br />

Well suited for worker accommodation.<br />

Clean and secure building. Masset: several<br />

renovated housing units. 3 and 4 bedroom<br />

units. Furnished or unfurnished. Sat.<br />

internet, cable, laundry and parking are<br />

included. Please email dustin@rushworthelectric.ca<br />

for more information or call/<br />

text 250 661 9012<br />

Promote Your<br />

Business<br />

250-557-2088<br />

info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Affordable rates<br />

Web and print exposure<br />

Ad design assistance<br />

NEW PRICE! 1574 McLeod<br />

Street Masset. Bring your<br />

business ideas to this wonderful<br />

commercial property<br />

in downtown Masset, Haida Gwaii. This<br />

building has been purpose built with a<br />

large cafe style kitchen, including a convenient<br />

drive-through window allowing<br />

you to serve customers on the go. The<br />

main floor also has a lovely guest dining<br />

area and washroom. The second level,<br />

flex space, consists of two large rooms,<br />

another washroom and laundry facilities.<br />

MLS # C804948 Price $375,000 Call Sarah<br />

Barnhardt Re/Max Coast Mountains<br />

250-922-5409 or email sarahbarnhardt@<br />

remax.net<br />

New Price! #1 Froese 3/4<br />

Acre. Port Clements. Fully<br />

serviced and subdividable in<br />

the heart of the village of Port Clements.<br />

Now available at $159,000. Call John 250<br />

218 9776 or emailJohnismay2014@gmail.<br />

com<br />

$60,000*<br />


*(Price includes putting in pilings, moving and set-up. All you need is a prepared site.)<br />

896 sq. ft. house (plus covered porch) - to be moved<br />

Located north of Port Clements<br />

1 BR, 1 bath, kitchen with fridge and stove<br />

Utility room, large bright living room<br />

Lots of double-paned windows<br />

Painted, plywood floors<br />

Covered porch<br />

Phone: 250-557-8563 (Ask for Charles or Esther) or 250-557-<br />

2007 (Ask for Jeremy) or email: info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Kohlen and<br />

Company Appraisals<br />

Richard Kohlen, CRA, P. APP<br />

Serving Haida Gwaii<br />

since 2015<br />

Contact us!<br />

250-302-1074<br />

richardkohlen@gmail.com<br />

Location, Location! 622 7th<br />

Street. This large waterfront<br />

lot in Daajing Giids is ready<br />

for development. Currently<br />

operating as a liquidation store, but the<br />

C2 blended zoning allows for mixed use<br />

residential and commercial opportunities<br />

including short term rentals. With stunning<br />

ocean views and over 15,000 sq.ft, it<br />

is the ideal location for a BnB, restaurant,<br />

or any number of commercial endeavours.<br />

Incredible waterfront location with<br />

all the conveniences of the village. Price<br />

$800,000 Call Sarah 250-922-5409 or email<br />

sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

Offered Below Appraised<br />

Value! 223 2nd Ave. This is<br />

an immaculate home with<br />

expansive ocean and mountain views<br />

centrally located in the town of Daajing<br />

Giids. Beautifully updated with recent<br />

renovations throughout. This home features<br />

large bedrooms and plenty of space<br />

for family and friends. Multiple outdoor<br />

entertaining areas including decks, patios,<br />

and manicured gardens with mature fruit<br />

trees. MLS # 2869941 Price $995,000 Call<br />

Sarah 250-922-5409 or email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

1836 Alder Crescent, Masset.<br />

This beautifully updated,<br />

large family home is situated<br />

in a quiet cul de sac walking distance to<br />

all amenities. The home has 5 bedrooms,<br />

an office, 2 bathrooms and plenty of space<br />

for a family and for entertaining guests.<br />

There is a spacious deck off the kitchen,<br />

a garden shed for storage and a 20x20<br />

garage, ample space for RV and boat parking.<br />

The property consists of 2 lots totaling<br />

over 13,000 sq.ft. A new heat pump<br />

was recently installed. MLS # R2840720<br />

Price $470,000 Call Sarah 250-922-5409 or<br />

email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

The Only Gas Station in<br />

Town! 2 Grouse Street Over<br />

5000 sq.ft building has a long<br />

list of assets; including, fuel<br />

services (gas and diesel), convenience<br />

store, restaurant, commercial kitchen,<br />

2 dining rooms, and office space. Upstairs<br />

is a lovely 1470 sq.ft, renovated, 3<br />

bedroom 1.5 bathroom apartment with<br />

outside entrance. The ground level 1470<br />

sq.ft apartment has 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom,<br />

office and a large indoor workshop.<br />

A must-see opportunity in the charming<br />

village of Port Clements. MLS R2832537<br />

Price $699,000 Call 250-922-5409 or email<br />

sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

Wanted<br />

Have You Thought About Selling? My<br />

family and I are looking on the north end<br />

of the island for a 3/4 bedroom, 1 1/2 +<br />

bathroom home to buy, preferably move<br />

in ready with updated finishings. We are<br />

very motivated buyers. Haw’aa. Shannon<br />

@email smmpw11@gmail.com<br />

ISO Brother laser printer, in good<br />

working condition. All things stationery<br />

in Masset sold them awhile ago $12,345<br />

Call Toni at (250) 626-5472 or email<br />

tintintooni@gmail.com<br />

Wanted for Rent. Looking for a 3 month<br />

plus house rental. 3-bedroom 2 bathroom<br />

and space for two dogs. Thank you! Haawa!<br />

Call Janie at (604) 375-4858 or email<br />

janie@healingkeys.com<br />

Wanted Large Dog Crate. Must be the<br />

type with a hard top that comes apart in<br />

2 pieces not an open cage style. Pickup<br />

island wide. Call Chris burns at (250) 626-<br />

8968 or chris421sd@gmail.com<br />

Valley Boat<br />

Service<br />

Fabrication<br />

Custom Upgrades<br />

250-557-2057<br />

Port Clements, BC<br />

46 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 47

Space Rentals<br />

Online Gift Shop<br />

Events<br />

Tours<br />

#2 Second Beach Road<br />

HlGaagilda Skidegate,<br />

Haida Gwaii<br />

250-559-7885<br />

www.haidaheritagecentre.com<br />

info@haidaheritage.com<br />

Employment & Training<br />

F/T Administrative/Bookkeeping<br />

Assistant. The<br />

primary responsibility will be to work collaboratively<br />

with the Executive Director and Bookkeeper<br />

to assist in managing the day-to-day<br />

operations of GNC and the various companies<br />

it oversees. Remuneration: $23.57 Full-time<br />

position with benefits (upon successful completion<br />

of probation). Open until the position<br />

has been filled. Email your cover letter and<br />

resume to: Ronald Goetzinger, Executive<br />

Director Ronald.goetzinger@gwaalagaanaay.<br />

com 888 Unit#3 Highway 16 PO Box 1297<br />

Skidegate, BC V0T 1S1<br />

Member Service Representative.<br />

Salary Range: $25.55 To<br />

29.36 hourly. The Member Service Representative<br />

- Cash is a key position in the branch<br />

providing routine cash financial transaction<br />

through exemplary member service. Minimum<br />

Qualifications: Education: High School<br />

diploma is a requirement. Experience: Previous<br />

sales and service experience is required.<br />

Working knowledge, skills and experience<br />

in Microsoft Office. Call Jessie Suroysuroy at<br />

(250) 628-0356 or email jessiesuroysuroy@<br />

northsave.com<br />



By following these Haida<br />

Gwaii Trader-inspired tips,<br />

you can create compelling<br />

classified ads that quickly<br />

attract potential buyers and<br />

lead to successful sales!<br />

Business Account Manager<br />

is a key position in the branch<br />

providing business financial solutions and exemplary<br />

member service. Minimum Qualifications:<br />

Education: Completion of post-secondary<br />

education is required. Completion of sales<br />

and service training required. Completion of<br />

business credit lending program is required.<br />

Experience: Previous business lending experience<br />

required. Previous financial services experience<br />

is required. Skills: Business acumen<br />

and understanding of demands of running a<br />

business. Excellent written and verbal English<br />

communication skills. Working knowledge,<br />

skills and experience in Microsoft Office.<br />

Travel is a requirement of this position. Call<br />

Jessie Suroysuroy at (250) 628-0356 or email<br />

jessiesuroysuroy@northsave.com (Masset/<br />

Daajing Giids)<br />


CEPTIONIST. For our Daaging<br />

Giids branch. Minimum Qualifications:<br />

Education: High School diploma is a requirement.<br />

Experience: Previous sales, service,<br />

and financial services experience is preferred.<br />

Skills: Demonstrated sales and service skills<br />

and working knowledge and experience in<br />

Microsoft Office. $25.54 - $29.36 p\h. Apply<br />

www.northsave.com/AboutUs/Careers Call<br />

Jessie Suroysuroy at (250) 628-0354 or email<br />

jessiesuroysuroy@northsave.com<br />

• Clarity is Key: Keep your ad description clear<br />

and concise, focusing on key features and<br />

benefits.<br />

• Capture Quality Images: Take high-quality<br />

photos from various angles to showcase your<br />

item's condition accurately.<br />

• Be Honest and Transparent: Include any flaws<br />

in your item to build trust with buyers.<br />

• Engage with Buyers: Use friendly language and<br />

respond to inquiries quickly to foster positive<br />

interactions.<br />

3113 Oceanview Drive, DG<br />

CLBC Residence<br />

Support Worker Casual<br />

Posting Expires: Until filled<br />

Casual/on-call<br />

Variable work shifts<br />

Level/Salary Range<br />

(with additional 10.6% wage bonus)<br />

Residence Worker Day & Evening Shifts<br />

JJEP Wage Grid Levels 10 : $28.70/hr - $32.91/hr<br />

Asleep Night Shifts<br />

JJEP Wage Grid Levels 5 : $25.37/hr - $29.07/hr<br />

To Apply<br />

Subject line: CLBC Residence Support Worker Casual<br />

Attention: Daniel Kolpatzik, Community Living<br />

Contracts Manager<br />

Email: clcm@hgscp.ca, Phone: 250-626-7977, or Mail:<br />

Box 811, 2132 Collison Avenue, Masset, BC, V0T 1M0<br />

For more info, check out our website/<br />

employment section: hgscpeace.ca<br />

Opportunities for Support<br />

Workers. Alder House is looking<br />

for full or part time Program<br />

Support workers (PSW). Starting<br />

salary is $22.00 per hour. Reporting to the Program<br />

Manager, the PSWs function as part of<br />

a team to provide a range of supports serving<br />

Alder House residents, many of whom are<br />

living with mental illness and/or substance<br />

abuse. Required is a High School Diploma<br />

(or a combination of skills and experience),<br />

complete BC Housing required training, basic<br />

computer experience and completion of a Vulnerable<br />

Criminal Record check. For more information,<br />

please contact Sandra Dean McKay<br />

or Jessa Griffith at jessa.griffith@alderhouse.<br />

ca or call 778 260 3420.<br />

2 Full Time Financial Service<br />

Representative for Daajing<br />

Giids. for our Daajing Giids and Masset<br />

branch. Minimum Qualifications: Education:<br />

Secondary School Diploma required. Skills:<br />

Demonstrated sales skills and knowledge<br />

of products and services required. Working<br />

knowledge, skills and experience in Microsoft<br />

Office. $27.86 - $32.05 p/h. Apply online:<br />

www.northsave.com/AboutUs/Careers. Call<br />

Jessie Suroysuroy at (250) 628-0354 or email<br />

jessiesuroysuroy@northsave.com<br />

Josh Davidson<br />

For Hire<br />

Excavation Services<br />

Lot Clean Up & Clearing<br />

Yard Work<br />

Tree Removal<br />

Fence Building<br />

Hauling<br />

We Haul Anything!<br />

Community Service Listings<br />

Alcoholics Anonymous. If<br />

you have a drinking problem we<br />

can help. If you live in the north<br />

end of Haida Gwaii call John at<br />

250-626-7557. In-person meetings<br />

are on Wednesdays, at 8 pm in the Masset<br />

Fire Hall soup kitchen. If you live in the South<br />

end, call Lou at 250-559-4568. Meetings are<br />

held in the HlGaagilda Skidegate at the United<br />

Church, at 8 pm on Saturday nights. For<br />

more info on how to join a local virtual Zoom<br />

meeting, call John at 250-626-7557. Call John/<br />

Lou at (250) 626-7557 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Do You Have Something<br />

to Sell?<br />

If you wish to feature your classifieds in the<br />

SeptOct <strong>HGT</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>/Ezine, please ensure you<br />

post/edit your ads by <strong>August</strong> 20th, <strong>2024</strong>, at noon<br />

on the <strong>HGT</strong> website www.haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

or email us your ads to<br />

info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

(small fee applies for ads we post on<br />

folks’ behalf)<br />

Haida Gwaii-Wide Services<br />

Call/Text 250-626-9271<br />

48 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 49

Business Financing<br />

Resources & Coaching<br />

Haida Gwaii Tide Tables <strong>2024</strong><br />

Community Economic Development<br />

The tide height in Haida Gwaii varies by up to 24 feet<br />

(more than 7 meters)! The big tides (higher highs and<br />

lower lows) happen every 2 weeks around the full and<br />

new moons. Knowing the tides is important for exploring<br />

tide pools, harvesting intertidal food, fishing, navigation,<br />

and tidal currents. So before you head out, be<br />

sure to check the date, time, and tide height, and adjust<br />

the time for your specific location around Haida Gwaii.<br />

Tides in Haida Gwaii<br />

Compared to predictions for Prince Rupert<br />

K'iis Gwaay<br />

Langara Pt<br />

10 min early<br />

Masset<br />

Gawée Sdaa 20 min late<br />

Alexandra Narrows<br />

Flood starts 0:15 after low<br />

Ebb starts 0:10 after high<br />

Sk'iiluu Kaahlii<br />

Nesto Inlet<br />

10 min early<br />

Skaats'insii<br />

Dawson Hbr<br />

15 min early<br />

Taan Guu<br />

Trounce Inlet<br />

Low 55 min late<br />

High 20 min late<br />

Daa.ulgaay<br />

East Skidegate Narrows<br />

(Floods west)<br />

West Beacon<br />

Flood starts 3:20 – 3:50 after low<br />

Ebb starts 3:00 – 3:30 after high<br />

East Beacon<br />

Flood starts 1:50 – 2:50 after low<br />

Ebb starts 1:30 – 2:30 after high<br />

Juus Kaahlii<br />

Juskatla<br />

Low 5:15 late<br />

High 4:45 late<br />

Designed by:<br />

Stu Crawford<br />

Box 788, Masset, BC<br />

stu.crawford@gmail.com<br />

(250) 626-3868<br />

Crawford<br />

Ecological Consulting<br />

Hl'yaalang Waagusd<br />

North Beach<br />

5 min early<br />

Taa Suu<br />

Hunger Hbr<br />

20 min early<br />

Data from the Canadian Hydrographic Service<br />

Estimates are unofficial and may vary<br />

significantly from reality<br />

Gaw Kaahlii<br />

Masset Sound<br />

Flood starts 2:50 after low<br />

Ebb starts 2:30 after high<br />

Gamadiis<br />

Port Clements<br />

Low 3:05 late<br />

High 2:50 late<br />

Daajing Giids<br />

Queen Charlotte<br />

Low 20 min late<br />

High same as P.R.<br />

Kuuɢahl<br />

McCoy Cove<br />

Low 15 min late<br />

High 5 min late<br />

K'yal Gawɢa<br />

Pacofi<br />

Low 10 min late<br />

High same as P.R.<br />

Gwaay K'aas<br />

Copper Is.<br />

Same as P.R.<br />

Kay Tay Daanaay<br />

Cape St James<br />

Low 10 min early<br />

High 5 min early<br />

www.haidagwaiifutures.ca<br />

Haida Gwaii Trader Community Calendar<br />

Alcoholics Anonymous If you have a drinking<br />

problem we can help. If you live in the north end<br />

of Haida Gwaii call John at 250-626-7557. In-person<br />

meetings are on Wednesdays, at 8 pm in the<br />

Masset Fire Hall soup kitchen. If you live in the<br />

South end, call Lou at 250-559-4568. Meetings are held in the<br />

HlGaagilda Skidegate at the United Church, at 8 pm on Saturday<br />

nights. For more info on how to join a virtual meeting, call John<br />

at 250-626-7557 or visit aa.org/pages/en_US<br />

VIRL – Tech support with library Manager<br />

Patrick. If you need any tech support, contact your<br />

local VIRL branch and schedule a time to come in<br />

with your device. For info, psiebold@virl.bc.ca or<br />

778-269-4132. Virtual Gardening Series Monthly,<br />

first Monday of the month (except when holiday, then 2 nd Monday)<br />

6:30-8pm / Register for each session separately. <strong>July</strong> 8: Small<br />

Space Design Ideas. Aug 12: A Year in the Orchard. Sept 9: Lawn<br />

Care & Lawn Alternatives. Visit virl.bc.ca/learn/skills/gardening/virtual-gardening<br />

to register.<br />

Agate Man Triathlon Sept 07 / 9am-1pm / Pure<br />

Lake / Hwy 16 / The course includes a 500m swim in<br />

Pure Lake in Naikoon Provincial Park, followed by<br />

a 20km cycle into the Village of Masset, and a 6km<br />

run to finish that goes through the Delkatla Wildlife<br />

Sanctuary. Cost: 45$ per person or 135$ for teams of 3. For more<br />

information contact HG Rec at 250-637-1192 or info@hgrec.com<br />

or hgrec.com<br />

Storywalks Daajing Giids – Waterfront Walkway<br />

Port Clements - Community Playground / Gaw<br />

Tlagée Old Massett – Ball Field / K’il Kun Sandspit<br />

- Louise Dover Trail / <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> / In 4 communities<br />

across Haida Gwaii you’ll find stories to stop and read<br />

with your littles! This year we will have Storywalk craft kits at<br />

the libraries in each community to pick up and continue the<br />

fun. Once you read the story, head to your local library during<br />

its open hours and pick up a kit! Take a photo of your completed<br />

craft and post it to our Facebook page for a chance to win a<br />

copy of one of this year’s Storywalk books. For more information,<br />

contact Jenna Inglis 250-889-3057 or ccrrfamilyresource@<br />

islandswellnesssociety.com or check FB: Haida Gwaii Child Care<br />

Resource and Referral Program<br />

<strong>July</strong>/<strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />

Go to www.haidagwaiitrader.com, click on the Calendar tab and post your event, or send your event details to<br />

Jamie McDonald at events.manager@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Island Wide & Online<br />


All calendar details appear as promoted at the time of printing.<br />

Gaw Tlagée / Old Massett & Masset<br />

Tawlang Ga Tlaayds Maternal Child Health Programs<br />

for families with children 0-6: Open Gym<br />

& Haida Singing Together Tuesdays, Xaad Kil,<br />

Family Drop-in, various schedules and locations;<br />

Toddler feeding group 4th Wednesday of the<br />

month, 10am-12 pm. For summer schedule or more information,<br />

contact Ashley Jacobson, Coordinator or check our FB: Tawlang<br />

Ga Tlaayds.<br />

Gaw Tlagée Youth Centre Activities Check their FB: Old<br />

Masset Youth Program or contact Christian Young, Toni-Lynn<br />

Davidson Tonilynn.davidson@haidahealth.ca or Mike Russ at<br />

250-626-3573 for an update on all activities offered by the center<br />

this summer!<br />

Women’s Drop-In Coffee Time Thursdays<br />

10am-Noon / Wellness House / 2112 Collison Ave.<br />

Open to all self-identifying women! Healthy<br />

snacks provided. For more information contact<br />

Delevina at 250-626-3911 and Maureen Samuels 250-626-4725<br />

or Carly 250-626-7884 or wellness.coordinator@haidahealth.ca.<br />

Rides provided by Ellis Edgars 250-626-9118. Monday Men’s<br />

Group Mondays / 5-8pm / Gaw Tlagée Youth Centre / 150 Raven<br />

Ave / All ages welcome. Dinner and beverages provided. Bring a<br />

friend. Activities: games, skill building, discussions, connections.<br />

For more information contact Brodie Swanwon at 778-791-8118<br />

or brodie.swanson@haidahealth.ca. Paddle Making Workshop<br />

with Vernon Williams Sundays <strong>July</strong> 14-21-28 & Aug 11-<br />

18-25 / 11:30am-3:30pm / Mitch Russ’s Shed / 148 Raven Avenue<br />

Drop in and make a paddle. Light lunch and coffee provided.<br />

Traditional Medicine Group Fridays - various times. For Haidas<br />

and their relatives. Contact Sarah.stevenson@haidahealth.<br />

ca to register or for more info. Harm Reduction Lunch Mon &<br />

Fri / 10am-2pm / Wellness House / 2132 Collison Ave. / For more<br />

information contact David Emerson at 778-361-0769 or david.<br />

emerson@haidahealth.ca<br />

Masset Market Fridays, 11am – 2pm, year-round.<br />

Community Night Markets Fridays, 6-8 pm,<br />

until <strong>August</strong> / Across from the HG Co-op, 1575<br />

Main Street in Masset / Locally grown and prepared<br />

foods as well as locally handcrafted items<br />

and more! Delicious hot lunches are a regular feature at the<br />

market. For more info, contact Natalie Affolter at 250-626-9181<br />

or massetmarket@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook and<br />

Instagram: Masset Market<br />

250-557-2088 / info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

50 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 51

Alternate Fitness Mon-Wed-Fri / 12-12:45pm<br />

Masset Legion Branch 244 / 2082 Collison Ave<br />

Free modified fitness class for middle-age and<br />

seniors. Instructor: Harold White. No registration<br />

required. Cardio, strength, flexibility and balance<br />

exercises. For more information contact HG Rec at 250-637-1192<br />

or info@hgrec.com or hgrec.com<br />

VIRL 2123 Collison / Storytime & a Craft<br />

Tuesdays / 10:30-11:30 am / Lego Club Wednesdays<br />

/ 3-4pm. For more information contact Etchi<br />

Zaleski at 250-626-3663 or jzaleski@virl.bc.ca<br />

Wáan Kύn / Gamadiis Llnagaay Port Clements<br />

22 Shoot @ Port Clements Rod and Gun Club<br />

Aug 11 / 12-3pm / Juskatla Road, 5 km out of Port<br />

Compete with friends and family for the tightest<br />

groupings in multiple categories. Trap Shoot / Sept 15 / Prepare<br />

for bird season, or just have fun! For more information contact<br />

Jason Rupke at 250-589-1420, jasonrupke@hotmail.com, or FB:<br />

PortClementsRodandGunClub<br />

Storytime and crafts Wednesdays <strong>July</strong> 10,17 and<br />

Aug 14/ 10:30-11:30am / Multipurpose Building,<br />

Strong Start Room / 36 Cedar Avenue West / Join<br />

Etchi from the Vancouver Island Regional Library<br />

for Storytime! For more information contact Etchi<br />

Zaleski at 250-626-3663 or jzaleski@virl.bc.ca<br />

Port Clements Community Market Wednesdays<br />

in <strong>July</strong>, Aug schedule TBD / 5-8 pm / St Mark’s<br />

Church / 54 Bayview Dr /Along with our Make/<br />

Bake/Craft/Grow/Upcycle goods, garage sale goods<br />

will also be permitted to be sold at our Markets in<br />

<strong>July</strong>. We encourage vendors of all ages to come and sell their<br />

goods. Vendor space rentals - $15. Some outdoor space is also<br />

available. For more information contact Betty Stewart at 250-<br />

922-5467 or pcvcc@portclements.ca or FB: Port Clements Community<br />

Market<br />

Nutrimentum Wellness Gardening Workshops <strong>July</strong> 13,<br />

<strong>July</strong> 27, Aug 24, Sept 14, and Sept 28 / 10am-3pm / 66002 Hwy 16<br />

Learn how to care for your garden and what to do with your harvest!<br />

Space is limited, so please register early. $50 per workshop,<br />

includes farm-to-table lunch. For more information contact Jennifer<br />

Pigeon at 250-626-7478 or jennifer@nutrimentumwellness.<br />

com or nutrimentumwellness.com<br />


Send your details to Jamie McDonald at<br />

events.manager@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Daajing Giids<br />

VIRL Daajing Giids Events 138 Bay Street.<br />

Storytime and lego Thursdays / 10:30-11:30am<br />

Knitters Social Thursdays (when not a movie<br />

night) Bring your knitting needles, crochet or<br />

spinning projects, and stories. Movie night: The<br />

Big, Bad Fox and Other Tales <strong>July</strong> 18 / 6:30-8pm / Join us<br />

to watch this funny animated film which offers three tales of<br />

animal misfits down on the farm. Movie night: Being Caribou<br />

Aug 15 / 6:30pm-8pm / Join us to watch this movie in which a<br />

husband-and-wife team follow a herd of 120,000 caribou on foot<br />

across 1500 km of Arctic tundra. For more information contact<br />

Michelle Scott at 250-559-4518 or dg1@virl.bc.ca or virl.bc.ca<br />

Earth Temple Activities & Events 403 Oceanview<br />

Drive. Inner and Outer Worlds Workshop<br />

<strong>July</strong> 19, 2-5pm / Self-exploration arts-based<br />

workshop to align our outer actions and self with<br />

our inner values and experience. Led by Janet<br />

Rigg. Cost: 90$. Fiber Creations Workshop Aug<br />

16 / 2-5 pm / With Erin Harris. Cost: 90$ (early birds 80$ until<br />

Aug 2). Art Viewing Fridays / 3-6pm / Come in and see the<br />

visual Art Show: Selacia’s Garden. Free. The Groove - Monthly<br />

Ecstatic Dance Party Every 2nd Friday of the month / 8-9:30pm<br />

A safe space for freedom of movement. All ages; suggested<br />

donation $10. For more information contact Jessiquita at 250-<br />

617-5013 or jessiquitamadrid@gmail.com. Tarot Club / Before<br />

the Groove / 5:30 – 7:30 pm / By donation. For more information<br />

on all programs contact Karen at 250-637-1918 or kswalhout@<br />

gmail.com or earth-temple.square.site<br />

Wellness Wednesdays 11:30 am-2 pm / Firehall<br />

202, 2nd Ave / Join us every Wednesday for a free<br />

lunch and optional sharing circle led by a mental<br />

health professional. For more information contact<br />

Jason Rupke at 250-559-4981 or jason.rupke@northernhealth.ca<br />

Breastfeeding group <strong>July</strong> 12 & Aug 16 / 11-12:30<br />

pm / Child Centre / 134 Bay Street / This peer support<br />

group is for parents who are currently providing<br />

human milk to their little ones, as well as expecting parents<br />

thinking of human milk feeding, and elders and community care<br />

providers with lived human milk feeding experience. For more<br />

information contact Emma at 250-626-7688 or emma.mt@lllc.ca<br />

or FB: LLLC -La Leche League Haida Gwaii or www.lllc.ca<br />

Forbes Pharmacy<br />

at the Hospital in Daajing Giids<br />


9 am to 5 pm<br />

Closed for lunch 1-2 pm<br />

250-559-4910 rxdm1005@nbly.ca<br />

www.forbespharmacy.ca<br />

Find us on Facebook!<br />

Daajing Giids - cont.<br />

Sunday Church and Worship Service Sundays / 10am-12pm<br />

Bethel Assembly Church / 222 Oceanview Drive / We are a friendly<br />

and welcoming family fellowship Christian Church (affiliated<br />

with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) where everybody<br />

(including children) is welcome. Sunday services commence at<br />

10am followed by fellowship. Free Lunch Tuesdays / 11:30am-2<br />

pm. For more information, please check our website: bethelassembly.ca<br />

For more information contact Bill and Heather at 604-<br />

989-2364 or bbeamish1@hotmail.com or bethelassembly.ca<br />

CORE exam Aug 30 / 6-8pm / Location TBD / $30<br />

fee, in person exam only. Possession and acquisition<br />

(PAL) Course Aug 31 / 9 am to 5 pm / Community<br />

Centre / Instructor Julian Knight. Cost: 200$<br />

@ DG Community Hall. For more information,<br />

contact HG Rec at 250-637-1192 or info@hgrec.com or hgrec.<br />

com<br />

Steller’s Jay Community Pub / Summer Open<br />

Mic Aug 7 / 6-9pm / 3200 Oceanview Drive / Join<br />

us and share your talents. Sign up at 6 pm. Open<br />

mic starts at 7 pm. All ages, all talents, locals and<br />

tourists encouraged. Free Event. For more information<br />

contact Jessiquita Madrid at 250-617-5013 or jessiquitamadrid@gmail.com.<br />

<strong>July</strong> 13 / 9pm til late / Dress like a tourist<br />

dance party with DJ Hecktik. <strong>July</strong> 27 / 9 pm til late / Live music<br />

with Lancelot Knight & friends. FB: Steller’s Jay Community<br />

Pub<br />

Taoist Tai Chi® Saturdays / 10am-11:30am<br />

Wednesdays 6-8 pm / Daajing Giids Community<br />

Hall / 134 Bay Street / Strength, Flexibility, Stillness<br />

For more information contact Beatie at 250-<br />

631-9160 or haidagwaii@taoist.org or www.taoist.<br />

org<br />

Community Market in Daajing Giids Saturdays<br />

11am-2pm / kiosks by the DG ball field / Oceanview<br />

drive / Maude Island Farm’s certified organic<br />

produce, Grandma Betty’s artisan jams & jellies,<br />

Dangles jewelry, locally designed & printed souvenir mugs, coffee<br />

and more. Mary’s homemade goodies and hand-knit toques,<br />

socks & gloves. St. Mary’s Spring Estate Farm’s freshly baked<br />

sourdough bread, sauerkraut, kombucha, fresh farm produce<br />

and eggs. Kiss and Tlell smokies. Marina’s egg rolls. Lama’s tasty<br />

cuisine, including shawarma & falafel... and more! Vendors welcome<br />

(full season or drop-in fees). For more information contact<br />

Community Club at 250-559-8122 or 250-634-0767<br />

or dg.communityhall@gmail.com or Facebook:<br />

The Community Market in Daajing Giids on Haida<br />

Gwaii<br />

Support Group - a compassionate and supportive gathering<br />

for those with elders facing dementia symptoms Jul 29 &<br />

Aug 19 / 6:30-8pm Senior’s room next to VIRL / 138 Bay Street /<br />

Our sessions include caring, sharing, understanding and tea.<br />

All are welcome. For more information contact Shelley Braun at<br />

778-361-0260 or haidagwaii@bcss.org or www.bcss.org<br />

8X8 studio 3201 Oceanview Drive / Saturdays 12-4pm / The Pole<br />

of Inaccessibility, Vernal Bogren Swift and Simon Davies exhibit.<br />

Free<br />

K’il Kun Sandspit<br />

VIRL - Craft Night Thursdays / 5-7pm / Vancouver<br />

Island Regional Library / Seabreeze Plaza,<br />

Beach Rd / Bring your own craft (knitting, crochet,<br />

painting, etc.) or use the library’s embroidery or<br />

collaging supplies. All ages welcome. For more information<br />

Kelsey (250) 637-2247 or sp1@virl.bc.ca or virl.bc.ca/<br />

branches/sandspi<br />

Moresby Market Sundays / 11am-1pm / ALM<br />

School - near the pergola / 406 Copper Bay / At<br />

this cozy, community market you’ll find pottery,<br />

baking, handmade soaps, local dried mushrooms,<br />

sewing, fresh produce, photography and more.<br />

Shop with the locals at this small but mighty market!<br />

To book a table, our drop-in table fee is $10 for adults and<br />

$5 for kids. An annual vendor membership is $50 for adults and<br />

$25 for kids. For more information contact Kelsey Kricheldorf at<br />

moresbymarket@gmail.com or Facebook: Moresby Market<br />

Golf Tournaments: Sandspit Loggers Sports<br />

Weekend – 4Ball Cash Prize <strong>July</strong> 26 Willow’s<br />

Open Aug 17-18 $500 Cash Price Tournament Aug<br />

24 Hekate’s Cup Sept 7 Two Club Challenge Sept<br />

14 Tombstone Sept 28. Hekate’s Retreat and Clubhouse / 342<br />

Copper Bay Mainline / Register at hekatesretreat.ca/golf. For<br />

more information, contact the staff at 250-637-2207 or contact@<br />

hekatesretreat.ca<br />

Wilderness Rangers Camp Aug 19-23 / 9am-3pm<br />

Agnes L Mathers Elementary school gymnasium<br />

406 Copper Bay / Discover how to engage in the<br />

great outdoors. Learn basic survival skills, knot tying,<br />

wildlife id, and exploring nature through mini<br />

hikes and conservation activities. 5 to 12 years old. Cost: $120.<br />

Register through HGrec.com<br />

HlGaagilda Skidegate<br />

@ George Brown Rec Centre Hwy 16 / Circuit<br />

Training Mon & Wed / 5:30-6:30pm / Everyone<br />

Welcome! Haida Gwaii Elders Gathering Tue<br />

& Thu / 1-3pm / Come out and join The Skidegate<br />

Health Centre’s Elder Wellness Coordinator, Jessica<br />

Fairweather for afternoons of movement, story<br />

sharing, art creation and socializing! Everyone ages<br />

55+ welcome. For more information contact Jessica Fairweather<br />

at 250-559-4610 or jessica.fairweather@haidiawellness.org or FB:<br />

Skidegate Health Centre<br />

Totem to Totem <strong>July</strong> 20 / 7am-2:15pm / Haida<br />

Heritage Centre / 2 Second Beach Rd / Marathon,<br />

Half and 10 km run. Registration required. For more information,<br />

contact David Vincent Seymour 604-880-9614 or seymourd52@hotmail.com<br />

or visit totemtototem.com<br />

52 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 53

Guided Beach Walks <strong>July</strong> 22 @ 9am; <strong>July</strong> 23 @<br />

9:45am; <strong>July</strong> 24 @ 10:30am; Aug 20 @ 8:45am; Aug<br />

21 @ 9:30am Aug 22 @ 10:15am/ Beach in front<br />

of the Haida Heritage Centre / 60 Second Beach<br />

Rd / Our huge tides provide great opportunities to explore the<br />

intertidal zone and some of the strange and beautiful animals<br />

that make their home there. Meet on the beach in front of<br />

the Haida Heritage Centre. Rubber boots or other waterproof<br />

footwear highly recommended. Approximately 90 minutes, dogs<br />

not permitted (except for service animals). Guided Spirit Lake<br />

Trail Hike Fridays until Aug 23 / 2-3:30 or 4pm / Spirit Lake<br />

Trail / Hwy 16 / Come and explore the sights, sounds, and smells<br />

of a temperate rainforest. Learn how the Haida use and depend<br />

upon these forests; while walking to tranquil Spirit Lake, a place<br />

of story and enchantment. Meet at the Spirit Lake Trailhead<br />

across the highway from the George Brown Recreation Centre in<br />

HlG̱aagilda Skidegate. Wear appropriate footwear and clothing<br />

for hiking. For more information contact Meighan Wilson at<br />

meighan.wilson@pc.gc.ca or parks.canada.ca/pn-np/bc/gwaiihaanas/activ/decouvertes-tours/interp<br />

Dorothy Grant | Raven Comes Full Circle Jul 6<br />

to Dec 21 / Haida Gwaii Museum at Kay Llnagaay<br />

#2 Second Beach Road / Celebrating 40 years of Haida haute<br />

couture. For more information contact Cherie Wilson at 250-559-<br />

4643 or adminassistant@haidagwaiimuseum.ca or haidagwaiimuseum.ca<br />

Skidegate Days <strong>July</strong> 18, 19 & 20. Teen Dance<br />

<strong>July</strong> 19 / 8-12 pm / Skidegate Youth Centre / Front<br />

Street / Theme: Fancy Rez Party, semi-formal, open<br />

to all youth on Haida Gwaii, Ages 14-17. Bingo <strong>July</strong> 18 / 5 pm<br />

(doors at 4pm) / Skidegate Community Hall / $10 000, concession<br />

available. Slo Pitch Tournament <strong>July</strong> 18-20 / Contact Darcy to<br />

register. For more information, visit FB: Skidegate Days<br />

Tll.aal / Tlell<br />

Taoist Tai Chi® Mondays / 10am-noon / Tlell<br />

Firehall / 36542 Hwy 16 / Strength, Flexibility,<br />

Stillness. For more information contact Charlie at<br />

250 559 8252 or haidagwaii@taoist.org or taoist.<br />

org<br />

Edge of the World Music Festival Aug 9, 10,11<br />

Various schedules / Tlell Fair Grounds / Hwy 16<br />

Musical performances, food and craft vendors and<br />

service providers, great fun in an amazing outdoor<br />

space. Camping nearby available. Sliding scale<br />

$65-125 for tickets. For more information, visit edgefestival.ca<br />

Your Communities, Your Councils<br />

Village of Port Clements Regular Council<br />

Meetings: 3 rd Monday of the month; Committee<br />

of the Whole meetings: Once a month, dates TBA<br />

6-7:30pm / 36 Cedar Avenue West / Regular Council<br />

meetings. For more information (250) 557-4295 or office@portclements.ca<br />

or portclements.ca<br />

Daajing Giids 1st and 3rd Monday of the month<br />

7pm / 903 A Oceanview Drive / Regular Council<br />

Meetings. For more information (250) 559-4765 or office@<br />

queencharlotte.ca, queencharlotte.ca<br />

Masset 2nd and 4th Monday of each month / 7pm<br />

1686 Main Street / Regular Council Meetings. For<br />

more information (250) 626-3995 or vomadmin@<br />

mhtv.ca or massetbc.com<br />

Puzzle Page<br />

Answer Key<br />

Tll.aal Tlell Farmers’ Market Sundays starting<br />

May 5 / 11am-2pm / Look for the giant carrot in<br />

Tlell, by the Fire Hall / Hwy 16 / Haida art and<br />

clothing, BBQ lunch, baked goods, jams & jellies,<br />

handmade aprons, fudge and candies, local artisans,<br />

coffee, souvenir mugs, vegetables, lemonades & ice pops<br />

in season. New vendors welcome! For more information contact<br />

Marylynn Hunt at 250-559-8282 or stmarysspring@gmail.com or<br />

Facebook: Tlell Farmers Market<br />

Tlell Fall Fair Aug 4 / 10 am-5pm / Tlell Fair<br />

Grounds / Hwy 16 / A day of entertainment, food,<br />

games for children and fun for all. Come see the<br />

exhibits, animals and catch up with friends or make<br />

new ones. For more information, contact Linda<br />

Louis (250) 559-8975 or sewwhat@qcislands.net<br />

54 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 55

Log burling | Jasin Wourms and his cousin David Putterill<br />

PC Betsy Cranmer<br />

<strong>2024</strong> Loggers Sports Day Event Schedule<br />

SATURDAY, JULY 27 th <strong>2024</strong><br />

8:30am – Meet at SuperValue for<br />

parade line up<br />

9am – parade<br />

9am – 10am – Event registration at<br />

Loggers Sports Grounds<br />

10:30am – Events begin<br />

Greased Pole Climb thoughout the day<br />

12 Noon – Beer Gardens and<br />

Concessions open<br />

4:30pm – Awards and crowning of King<br />

and Queen Logger<br />

9:30pm – 1:30am – Loggers Sports Day<br />

Dance<br />

Come one!<br />

Come all!<br />

Order of Events<br />

1. Men’s, Ladies, Novice, Junior Choker Races,<br />

Peewee and Junior Events<br />

2. Men’s obstacle Pole Buck, Ladies Nail Drive,<br />

Novice Axe Throw<br />

3. Men’s Horizontal Chop, Novice Nail Drive<br />

4. Ladies Boom Chain Race<br />

5. Ladies Axe Throw, Novice Boot Toss<br />

6. Men’s Axe Throw, Ladies Molly Hogan<br />

7. Ladies and Men’s Doubles Crosscut, Jack and Jill<br />

8. Men’s Stock Saw Buck<br />

9. Modified Saw Buck<br />

10. Eye Splice, Ladies PeeVee<br />

11. Men’s Single Crosscut<br />

12. Ladies Bowline, Novice PeeVee, Pole Climb<br />

13. Men’s Standing Chop<br />

14. Novice, Ladies, Men’s Log Burling

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