Enjoy! Fall 2024 - Activity Guide
City of Palo Alto, Community Services Department Fall 2024 activity guide.
City of Palo Alto, Community Services Department Fall 2024 activity guide.
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<strong>Enjoy</strong><br />
Resident Registration: August 22 @ 8:30 a.m.<br />
Non-Resident Registration: August 29 @ 8:30 a.m.<br />
<strong>Fall</strong> Class <strong>2024</strong><br />
<strong>Activity</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />
Jack O Jaunt<br />
Prizes for most creative, cutest and scariest !<br />
Scan to register...<br />
if you dare!<br />
Friday, October 25 | 6:30 - 8:30 P.M.<br />
Lytton Plaza
<strong>Enjoy</strong><br />
<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Activity</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />
General Information ............................................................ Pg 4<br />
DIGIDRAW .......................................................Pg 8<br />
Preschool Classes ............................................................... Pg 13<br />
Youth & Teen Classes ......................................................... Pg 19<br />
Middle School Athletics................................................Pg 42<br />
Adult Classes ..................................................................... Pg 44<br />
For Everyone ...................................................................... Pg 62<br />
Human Services ................................................................. Pg 67<br />
Facility Rental Info ........................................................... Pg 69<br />
Great Glass Pumpkin Patch<br />
Cover: The Great Glass Pumpkin Patch! Join us the weekend of September<br />
28-29, for glass demonstrations, food trucks, and over 10,000 unique<br />
glass pumpkins, gourds, and autumnal keepsakes - in countless arrays of<br />
colors & sizes - all available for purchase!<br />
To see all upcoming City events, visit our<br />
website to see the City calendar.<br />
要 查 看 所 有 即 将 举 ⾏ 的 城 市 活 动 , 请 访 问 我 们 的 ⽹ 站<br />
查 看 城 市 ⽇ 历 。<br />
Para ver todos los próximos eventos de la<br />
ciudad, visite nuestro sitio web para ver el<br />
calendario de la ciudad.
Community Services<br />
Department Contact Info<br />
Program Supervisors:<br />
General and Facility Information*:<br />
Adult Art Classes<br />
Fanny Retsek<br />
617.3525<br />
fanny.retsek@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Youth & Teen Art Classes<br />
Taryn Curiel<br />
566.4553<br />
taryn.curiel@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Junior Museum & Zoo<br />
Alex Hamilton<br />
329.2412<br />
alex.hamilton@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Children-Music, Sports &<br />
Special Interest,<br />
Adult/Senior-Dance &<br />
Singing, Fitness<br />
Margie Cain<br />
463.4919<br />
margie.cain@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Teen Services<br />
Chris Sanchez<br />
463.4904<br />
christofer.sanchez@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Children-Dance, Family-Dance, Music,<br />
Children's Theatre Performances<br />
Chris Luciani<br />
463.4934<br />
christopher.luciani@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Adult Sports, Middle School Athletics<br />
Chris Roman<br />
329.2515<br />
chris.roman@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Athletic Field Reservations<br />
Chase Boone<br />
463.4905<br />
playingfields@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Human Services<br />
Minka van der Zwaag<br />
463.4953<br />
minka.vanderzwaag@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Public Art & Cubberley Artist<br />
Studio Program (CASP)<br />
Elise DeMarzo<br />
617.3517<br />
elise.demarzo@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Aquatics<br />
Palo Alto Swim and Sport<br />
636.SWIM (7946)<br />
paloaltoswim.com<br />
Baylands Preserve<br />
Alex Hamilton<br />
329.2506<br />
alex.hamilton@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Community Theatre<br />
Brian Haines<br />
329.2602<br />
brian.haines@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Open Space Preserves<br />
Baylands Nature Preserve<br />
617.3156<br />
2500 Embarcadero Rd., Palo Alto<br />
Esther Clark Preserve<br />
329.2423<br />
End of Old Trace Rd., off<br />
Arastradero Rd., Palo Alto<br />
Foothills Nature Preserve<br />
329.2423<br />
3300 Page Mill Rd., Los Altos Hills<br />
Pearson-Arastradero Preserve<br />
326.2423<br />
1530 Arastradero Road<br />
Open.Space@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Lucie Stern<br />
Community Center<br />
1305 Middlefield Rd., Palo Alto<br />
463.4900<br />
Monday-Friday 8:30a-5:30p<br />
LSCC@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Palo Alto Art Center<br />
1313 Newell Road., Palo Alto<br />
329.2366<br />
Tuesday-Saturday 10a-5p<br />
artcenter@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Junior Museum & Zoo<br />
1451 Middlefield Rd., Palo Alto<br />
329.2111<br />
Tues-Sun 10a-5p<br />
funscience@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Mitchell Park<br />
Community Center<br />
3700 Middlefield Rd., Palo Alto<br />
329.2400<br />
Monday-Friday 8:30a-5:30p<br />
MPCC@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Cubberley<br />
Community Center<br />
4000 Middlefield Rd., T2, Palo Alto<br />
329.2418<br />
Monday-Thursday 8:30a-5:30p<br />
cubberley@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Children's Theatre<br />
1305 Middlefield Rd., Palo Alto<br />
463.4930<br />
Tuesday-Saturday 9:30a-5:30p<br />
childrens.theatre@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
4<br />
*Please note that our facilities may have new operating hours,<br />
please call or email for more information.
City of Palo Alto Department of Community Services<br />
Mitchell Park 329-2400 Children’s Theatre 463-4930<br />
Art Center 329-2366 Cubberley 329-2418<br />
Lucie Stern 463-4900 Jr. Museum & Zoo 329-2111<br />
Primary Adult Contact (Please Print)<br />
Last Name: First Name: Phone #<br />
Address: City: Zip: Email<br />
Course or <strong>Activity</strong> Session Information<br />
COURSE<br />
CODE<br />
M/F<br />
DATE OF<br />
BIRTH<br />
GRADE<br />
FEE<br />
Fee Reduction Program: Only register if fee reduction is available Register at full rate once fee reduction limit has been reached.<br />
We will not let a child under the age of 14 leave class by him/herself unless the parent/guardian checks the “yes” box below:<br />
Please indicate if you grant your child permission to sign him/herself out.<br />
YES, I permit my child<br />
NO, I do not permit my child<br />
Photo & Video Waiver for all classes and camps provided by the City of Palo Alto:<br />
Create a New Account/ Make Changes:<br />
to leave class by him/herself for every class meeting this quarter.<br />
to leave class by him/herself for every class meeting this quarter.<br />
Photos and video footage may be used for publication including newsletters, press media, website, flyers, social media, and<br />
brochures of City of Palo Alto entities.<br />
YES, I permit my child/children to be photographed and/or videotaped while in a City of Palo Alto class.<br />
NO, I do not permit my child/children to be photographed and/or videotaped while in a City of Palo Alto class.<br />
Please visit www.cityofpaloalto.org/enjoyonline to create your new account or to make changes to existing <strong>Enjoy</strong>! accounts.<br />
For assistance, please call 650-463-4949.<br />
Payment Information Check Cash Charge Total Amount: $<br />
Name on Card:<br />
Last 4 digits<br />
of saved<br />
card on file:<br />
Seasonal Programming (all ages):<br />
WITHDRAWAL POLICY*: Participants will have 24 hours after the first session to withdraw and receive a refund or<br />
credit. Withdrawals received after the 24 hour window will not receive a refund or credit. Late registrations will<br />
not receive a refund or credit. For all on-time withdrawal requests, the customer will have the option to receive<br />
the entire program fee as credit on their account, or pay a $15 processing fee per class, per participant, for a<br />
refund to their credit card.<br />
TRANSFERS*: Participants will have until the end of the first session to transfer to another program. Transfers are<br />
always subject to space availability and the customer is responsible for any additional program fees. Transfers for<br />
participants that enroll after the start date, a transfer may not be permitted.<br />
CANCELLATIONS: Refunds for programs that have been canceled by the City are always 100% refundable.<br />
*For Tennis withdrawal and transfer information, please see the next section.<br />
City of Palo Alto Department of Community Services (CONTINUED)<br />
Tennis & Workshops for Adult & Youth Programming:<br />
WITHDRAWAL POLICY: Families will have 7 days prior to the start date of the program or workshop to withdraw<br />
and receive a refund or credit. Withdrawals received later than this will not receive a refund or credit. For all ontime<br />
withdrawal requests, the customer will have the option to receive the entire program or workshop fee credit<br />
on their account, or pay a $15 processing fee per program, per participant, for a refund to their credit card.<br />
TRANSFERS: Participants will have 7 days prior to the first day of the program or workshop to transfer to another<br />
program. Transfers are always subject to space availability and the customer is responsible for any additional<br />
program fees.<br />
CANCELLATIONS: Refunds for programs or workshops that have been cancelled by the City are always 100%<br />
refundable.<br />
WAIVER<br />
WAIVER: All classes require the signature of each registering adult or parent or guardian of any minor(s).<br />
I give permission to participate in the following programs, including any associated travel sponsored by the City of<br />
Palo Alto Community Services Department, for myself and/or child as named. In consideration for participation in<br />
the programs, I agree to the following:<br />
I understand that participating in the programs is a voluntary activity that I am choosing to participate in and is<br />
not required. I understand that there are inherent risks in participating in the programs which may be both<br />
foreseen and unforeseen and include illness, physical injury and death.<br />
I agree to ASSUME ALL RISKS of participating in the programs. I agree to DISCHARGE AND RELEASE (agreeing<br />
to make no claim and not to sue) and HOLD HARMLESS the City of Palo Alto, its employees, its agents, its<br />
independent contractors, and volunteers working for the City, from any and all liability for injury suffered by me<br />
or my child arising from or connected with these programs. I understand and agree that this ASSUMPTION OF<br />
THE RISK, DISCHARGE AND RELEASE, AND HOLD HARMLESS includes any claims relating to the actions,<br />
omissions, or negligence of the City, its employees, agents, independent contractors, and volunteers.<br />
I understand that COVID remains in the community and could surge without warming. The City will provide the<br />
programs in compliance with applicable government health orders and guidance. I understand that even when<br />
operating under such guidance, there is still a risk of being infected by coronavirus and other infectious diseases. I<br />
agree that participants must be symptom free (no coughing or fever) in order to participate in the program.<br />
If participant’s family member or someone in close contact with the participant (outside of this program) tests<br />
positive for COVID-19, or if participant tests positive for COVID-19, I give permission for the City to notify other<br />
people in contact with the participant (including other program participants, staff, and volunteers) that they may<br />
have been exposed to COVID-19. In doing so, the City shall not identify the participant or their family by name<br />
except as required by government mandates.<br />
I acknowledge that I have carefully read this liability waiver and understand the information herein, and that I<br />
agree to each of the terms and acknowledgments in this liability waiver.<br />
Signature:<br />
Second Registrant’s Signature: (if two adults using same form)<br />
Print Name/ Date:<br />
Print Name/ Date:<br />
Ways to register:<br />
Registration<br />
Online, visit: CityofPaloAlto.org/<strong>Enjoy</strong>Online<br />
Via phone: Call us at 650.463.4949<br />
In person at any of the following registration sites:<br />
Lucie Stern Community Center, Mitchell Park Community Center, Palo Alto Art Center, or the<br />
Palo Alto Children's Theatre<br />
To register via mail: Fill in the form on the next page and send a check addressed to<br />
"City of Palo Alto." Mailed in registration is not guaranteed and available on a first come, first served<br />
basis. Payment via mail must be via check.<br />
Mail completed form and payment to the following location:<br />
Lucie Stern Community Center<br />
1305 Middlefield Road<br />
Palo Alto, CA 94301<br />
Frequently Asked Questions:<br />
I don't live in Palo Alto. Can I still register for<br />
<strong>Enjoy</strong>! programs?<br />
Yes! Everyone is welcome to participate. Palo Alto<br />
residents and children enrolled in a PAUSD school<br />
receive priority registration dates as well as the resident<br />
discount rate as shown in the <strong>Enjoy</strong>! Palo Alto catalog.<br />
What happens if I am "waitlisted" for a course?<br />
If the course you are hoping to register for is full, you will<br />
be placed on the "waitlist." No payment is necessary<br />
when joining a waiting list. As space becomes available,<br />
waitlisted participants will be contacted via email and<br />
have 24 hours to enroll in the course. If we do not hear<br />
from you in that time, we will move onto the next person.<br />
How do I read the program listing?<br />
Why does my child have to be a certain age or<br />
grade level in order to register for some courses?<br />
In order to ensure the best experience possible for all<br />
participants, each <strong>Enjoy</strong>! course if tailored to specific<br />
ages or grade levels. Each course in the <strong>Enjoy</strong>! lists the<br />
age or grade level requirements. Registrants must meet<br />
these requirements prior to the first class meeting.<br />
Are there any other discounts available?<br />
The City of Palo Alto offers Palo Alto youth, adults, PAUSD<br />
students, adults aged 60+ years, and disabled residents<br />
the opportunity to apply for our Fee Reduction Program<br />
based on household income. Those who qualify receive a<br />
25% or a 50% discount on courses. This discount is valid<br />
for 1 year and capped at $150 for adults, or $300 for<br />
youth, adults aged 60+, and disabled residents.<br />
Reductions are only applicable to new registrations. For<br />
more info, please call us at 650.463.4949<br />
I'm a member of the Art Center Foundation. Does<br />
that qualify me for a discount?<br />
Yes! Select members of the Art Center Foundation qualify<br />
for one studio course per Foundation membership per<br />
year. Call 650.329.2366 for more information.<br />
When do I pay for courses?<br />
All courses require payment at the time of registration.<br />
We accept cash, personal checks (made payable to City<br />
of Palo Alto), MasterCard, VISA, American Express, and<br />
Discover.<br />
DIGI<br />
The Community Services Department is excited to annouce the DigiDraw Pilot!<br />
To help provide a more equitable experience for our participants, the DigiDraw, a randomized registration<br />
process, was designed to give everyone an equal oportunity to participate in programs that fill up quickly.<br />
Our team has selected a few of our <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2024</strong> seasonal programs to pilot the DigiDraw.<br />
The selected sessions have been set up so that you are immediately placed onto a waitlist BEFORE general<br />
registration opens. Placing your name (or participant) on this waitlist indicates your interest in participating.<br />
We will be using a random number generator to invite you to register.<br />
You will have from July 18 through August 13, <strong>2024</strong> to add yourself or program participant to that list. Our<br />
team will be sending the invites to join the session from the waiting list on August 14th and 15th.<br />
The e-mail inviting you to enroll off the waitlist will have a link that is live for 24 hours. This link will take you to<br />
the official registration and payment page. Once payment has been processed, your are officially enrolled!<br />
If you need help or have questions, please call 650.463.4949 or email us at enjoyonline@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
If the class fills and you do not receive a spot, you will remain on the wait list. We will continue to randomly<br />
invite folks as spots become available. Participating in the DigiDraw does not guarantee enrollment.<br />
A few notes to make sure you receive our communications:<br />
1) Add the following email address to your safe senders list: noreply@civicplus.com<br />
2) E-mail sender will be <strong>Enjoy</strong>! Online, City of Palo Alto (some inboxes cut this down to “<strong>Enjoy</strong>!<br />
Online, City”)<br />
3) Please check your spam/junk folders, sometimes these messages may land there even with all the<br />
proper configurations.<br />
4) On your CivicRec account, be sure to opt-in to the Courtesy Notices and Critical Announcements<br />
e-mail preferences:<br />
DRAW<br />
PILOT<br />
We’d love to hear from<br />
you:<br />
The following sessions are participating in the <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2024</strong> DigiDraw Pilot:<br />
Art Adventures:<br />
43217 | Sat., Sept 21- Nov 15, 11:15a-12:15p<br />
43218 | Sat, Sept 21- Nov 16, 12:45p-1:45p<br />
Story Acting:<br />
43683 | Sat., Oct 19- Nov 23. 9:15a-10a<br />
43684 | Sat, Oct 19- Nov 23, 10:15a-11a<br />
Fun with Clay:<br />
43216 | Tue, Sept 17- Nov 12, 3:15p-4:15p<br />
43249 | Fri, Sept 20- Nov 15, 3:15p-4:15p<br />
43219 | Wed, Sept 18- Nov 13, 2:30p-3:45p<br />
43233 | Thu, Sept 19- Nov 14, 3:15p-4:15p<br />
43250 | Sat, Sept 21- Nov 16, 1p-2p<br />
Ceramics Studio:<br />
Beginning Ice Skating Classes:<br />
43234 | Thu, Oct 17- Nov 21, 3:30p-4p<br />
43235 | Thu, Oct 17- Nov 21, 3:30p-4p<br />
*Middle School Athletics is also<br />
participating in the DigiDraw, MSA<br />
information can be found in the MSA<br />
section of the <strong>Enjoy</strong>! <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2024</strong> Catalog.<br />
43220 | Tue, Sept 17- Nov 12. 4:30p-6p<br />
43232 | Wed, Sept 18- Nov 13, 4p-5:15p<br />
43247 | Fri, Sept 20- Nov 15, 4:30p-5:45p<br />
43246 | Thu, Sept 19- Nov 14, 4:30p-5:45p<br />
43251 | Sat, Sept 21- Nov 16, 2:15p-3:30p<br />
43248 | Sat, Sept 21- Nov 16, 3:45p-5p<br />
Scan here to<br />
view ALL<br />
DigiDraw<br />
sessions on<br />
our<br />
registration<br />
page:<br />
Scan to be<br />
directed to<br />
the online<br />
application.<br />
Program<br />
Size of<br />
Household<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3<br />
4<br />
5<br />
6<br />
7<br />
8<br />
Income Eligibility Caps<br />
50% Discount<br />
$102,300<br />
$116,900<br />
$131,500<br />
$146,100<br />
$157,800<br />
$169,500<br />
$181,200<br />
$192,900<br />
City of Palo Alto residents may be eligible for the Fee<br />
Reduction Program. The program offers a 50% discount on<br />
class or camp fees based on household income. A $600<br />
subsidy cap will be applied per eligible youth (under 17<br />
years of age), adults aged 60+, and persons with disabilities,<br />
while eligible adults age 59 and younger will receive a<br />
subsidy cap of $300. Discounts are available for most Art<br />
Center, Children’s Theatre, Junior Museum and Zoo, Open<br />
Space, and Recreation camps and classes, and Boost! or<br />
Teen Center memberships. Proof of income eligibility is<br />
required, please see the application for additional<br />
information.<br />
Requests<br />
The City of Palo Alto welcomes people of<br />
all abilities to enjoy our programs, classes,<br />
and events. If you or someone you know<br />
needs accommodation support to<br />
participate, please complete and submit<br />
the form below. Staff will review your<br />
information and be in touch soon to discuss<br />
your accommodation needs.<br />
Scan to be<br />
directed to<br />
the online<br />
application.<br />
10<br />
Both applications can be found on our webpage, and by clicking on the respective drop down:<br />
Withdraw, Transfer,<br />
and Cancellation Policy<br />
All transfer and withdrawal requests need to be received in writing within the time frames<br />
provided below. Email is encouraged and can be sent to <strong>Enjoy</strong>Online@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Walk-in requests can be dropped off at any registration site.<br />
Mailed requests must be delivered prior to the end of the allotted time frame and can be sent to:<br />
Lucie Stern Community Center, 1305 Middlefield Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94301<br />
Seasonal Program Policies:<br />
WITHDRAWAL POLICY: Participants will have 24 hours after the first session to withdraw<br />
and receive a refund or credit on account. Late registrations will not be able to withdraw<br />
enrollment for a refund or credit on account. Withdrawals received after the 24 hour window<br />
will not receive a refund or credit on account. Withdrawal requests received prior to the 24<br />
hours after the first session are eligible for a refund or credit on account. Customers have the<br />
option to receive the entire program fee as credit on their account, or pay a $15 processing<br />
fee per class, per child, for a refund.<br />
TRANSFERS: Participants will have until the end of the first session to transfer to another<br />
program. Transfers are subject to space availability and the customer is responsible for any<br />
additional fees incurred. Transfers for late enrollments may not be permitted.<br />
CANCELLATIONS: Refunds for camps that have been cancelled by the City are always 100%<br />
refundable.<br />
Tennis & Workshops Policies:<br />
WITHDRAWAL POLICY: Families will have 7 days prior to the start date of the program or<br />
workshop to withdraw and receive a refund or credit on account. Late registrations will not<br />
be able to withdraw for a refund or credit on account. Withdrawals received with less than 7<br />
days notice will not receive a refund or credit on account. Customers have the option to<br />
receive the entire program or workshop fee credit on their account, or pay a $15 processing<br />
fee per program, per participant, for a refund.<br />
TRANSFERS: Families will have 7 days prior to the first day of the program or workshop to<br />
transfer to another program. Transfers are always subject to space availability and the<br />
customer is responsible for any additional program fees.<br />
CANCELLATIONS: Refunds for programs or workshops that have been cancelled by the City<br />
are always 100% refundable.<br />
Withdraw and Transfer Request Form<br />
Staff initials:<br />
Date received:<br />
Primary Contact Full Name:<br />
Primary Contact E-Mail:<br />
Phone Number:<br />
Address:<br />
Signature<br />
Approving<br />
Request:<br />
Date:<br />
(Participant name, if different from Primary Contact, will be noted below)<br />
Program Withdrawal Request<br />
If you need to withdraw, please let us know within the respective withdrawal window for that program (see<br />
reverse). We will place a credit on your account that can be applied to another course. If you prefer to<br />
receive a credit card refund, a $15 processing charge will be deducted from each enrollment. Credit card<br />
refunds can only be issued to original card used.<br />
Select one<br />
refund option<br />
Program Session Information<br />
Participants Name Session Code Program Name Start Date<br />
Credit to<br />
<strong>Enjoy</strong>!<br />
Account<br />
Refund to<br />
Credit Card<br />
Program Transfer Request<br />
Participants will have until the end of the first session to transfer to another program. Transfers are subject to space<br />
availability and the customer is responsible for any additional fees incurred. Transfers for late enrollments may not be<br />
permitted.<br />
If the session you are transferring into has a higher cost, please ensure your credit card is saved to your <strong>Enjoy</strong>! Online<br />
Account for expedited service.<br />
Session<br />
Participants Name<br />
Code<br />
Program Name Start Date Cost<br />
Transfer From:<br />
Transfer To:<br />
Session<br />
Participants Name<br />
Code<br />
Program Name Start Date<br />
Cost<br />
Transfer From:<br />
12<br />
Transfer To:
Guardian<br />
participation<br />
required<br />
Material fee<br />
in addition<br />
to class fee.<br />
Sibling<br />
discount<br />
available!<br />
Save $ when you<br />
enroll siblings.<br />
Must be in one<br />
transaction.<br />
Check out this<br />
new program!<br />
Preschool Classes<br />
Spectrum<br />
Friendly<br />
DigiDraw<br />
PILOT<br />
Session!<br />
Art Adventures<br />
*what is the DigiDraw?! Go to page 8-9 to find out.<br />
Painting, drawing, printmaking, and sculpture--all with a dash of science and learning about the natural world--will<br />
delight preschoolers who are ready for a guided art class. Students learn new artmaking techniques in a fun and<br />
supportive environment. Caregivers serve as collaborators and assistants. This is a great class for preschoolers who love<br />
to create and express themselves.<br />
Ages: 3y-5y<br />
Instructor: Sharon Reich<br />
Fees: Residents $143 | Non-Residents $164.45<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Art Starts Studio<br />
Capacity: 8<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43169 Tue, Sept 17- Nov 12 10a-11a<br />
43170 Tue, Sept 17- Nov 12 2p-3p<br />
43175 Wed, Sept 18- Nov 13 1p-2p<br />
Ages: 3y-5y<br />
Instructor: Kyrie Robinson<br />
Fees: Residents $143 | Non-Residents $164.45<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Art Starts Studio<br />
Capacity: 8<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43217 DigiDraw Sat, Sept 21- Nov 16 11:15a-12:15p<br />
43218 DigiDraw Sat, Sept 21- Nov 16 12:45p-1:45p<br />
Ages: 3y-5y<br />
Instructor: Celina Tracy<br />
Fees: Residents $48 | Non-Residents $55.20<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Art Starts Studio<br />
Capacity: 8<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43693 Sat, Sept 28- Oct 12 2:15p-3:15p<br />
43696 Sat, Sept 28- Oct 12 3:30p-4:30p<br />
43695 Sat, Oct 26- Nov 9 2:15p-3:15p<br />
43697 Sat, Oct 26- Nov 9 3:30p-4:30p<br />
Preschool Classes<br />
Clay for Preschoolers<br />
Parents or Caregivers join their preschoolers in learning<br />
how to build and shape clay, together transforming their<br />
ideas into functional glazed and fired pieces. In addition<br />
to being fun for parents and kids, creating clay projects<br />
builds problem-solving and fine motor skills for young<br />
students. This class is for any parent or caregiver who<br />
wants to spend quality time with their preschooler in a<br />
creative and educational way.<br />
Ages: 3y-5y<br />
Instructor: Kari Kirkpatrick<br />
Fees: Residents $223 | Non-Residents $256.45<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Classroom<br />
Capacity: 10<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43211 Thu, Sept 19- Nov 14 1:15p-2:30p<br />
Ages: 3y-5y<br />
Instructor: Eliza Thomas<br />
Fees: Residents $223 | Non-Residents $256.45<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Classroom<br />
Capacity: 10<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43212 Fri, Sept 20- Nov 15 11:30a-12:45p<br />
43213 Fri, Sept 20- Nov 15 1:15p-2:30p<br />
Bouncing to Broadway<br />
A fun and innovative introduction to the wonderful<br />
world of Broadway musicals for young children. This<br />
class is a perfect blend of dancing, singing and acting.<br />
Children will listen and dance to Broadway tunes, from<br />
classics like Oliver and Annie, to more modern<br />
musicals like Shrek. After warm-ups, children will learn<br />
their positions and across the floor moves such as jazz<br />
walks, chasses, kicks and piques. Each week, the class<br />
will work on choreography, singing and performance!<br />
Ages: 2y-3y<br />
Instructor: Haryun Peun<br />
Fees: Residents $140 | Non-Residents $161<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 8<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43630 Thu, Oct 3- Nov 21 10:55a-11:25a<br />
Preschool Classes<br />
Ages: 3y-5y<br />
Instructor: Linda Papanicolaou<br />
Fees: Residents $223 | Non-Residents $256.45<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Classroom<br />
Capacity: 10<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43230 Sat, Sept 21- Nov 16 10a-11:15a<br />
43231 Sat, Sept 21- Nov 16 11:30a-12:45p<br />
Let’s Dance!<br />
This captivating class allows children to experience<br />
the joy of dance in a relaxing and creative atmosphere.<br />
The teacher will guide the class through moving and<br />
listening exercises designed to get children dancing and<br />
expressing themselves without inhibition. Children will<br />
delight as they discover new ways to move to different<br />
styles of music.<br />
Ages: 2y-3y<br />
Instructor: Haryun Peun<br />
Fees: Residents $140 | Non-Residents $161<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 8<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43627 Thu, Oct 3- Nov 21 9:45a-10:15a<br />
Prince & Princess Ballet<br />
This is a magically themed dance class designed to<br />
capture a child’s fascination with fairy tales. Children<br />
learn basic ballet, combination dance steps, and<br />
creative dance movements across the floor. Children<br />
will use fun props, such as scarves, wands, and more as<br />
they dance to familiar music. Morning sessions require<br />
parent participation.<br />
Ages: 2y-3y<br />
Instructor: Haryun Peun<br />
Fees: Residents $140 | Non-Residents $161<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 7<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43624 Thu, Oct 3- Nov 21 9:10a-9:40a<br />
Ages: 3y-4y<br />
Instructor: Haryun Peun<br />
Fees: Residents $140 | Non-Residents $161<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 7<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43625 Thu, Oct 3- Nov 21 10:20a-10:50a<br />
Story Acting<br />
*what is the DigiDraw?! Go to page 8-9<br />
to find out.<br />
Children will be introduced to new and familiar stories<br />
that promise to spark their imaginations and inspire<br />
them to leap into action as story-book characters! In this<br />
class, children learn how to tap their natural instincts to<br />
create larger-than-life characters, thus allowing them to<br />
explore the rich and exciting world of theatre. Class may<br />
be repeated. This is not a parent participation or parent<br />
observation class, but it is the perfect class for the child<br />
ready for an independent learning experience.<br />
Ages: 4y-5y<br />
Instructor: Kathy Blumenfeld & Tom Farley<br />
Fees: Residents $150 | Non-Residents $172.50<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 10<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43516 Tue, Oct 8- Nov 12 3:40p-4:25p<br />
43517 Thu, Oct 17- Nov 21 3:40p-4:25p<br />
43683 DigiDraw, Sat, Oct 19- Nov 23 9:15a-10a<br />
43684 DigiDraw, Sat, Oct 19- Nov 23 10:15a-11a<br />
Kid’s Combo Dance<br />
This combination dance class incorporates the 3 major<br />
disciplines: Ballet, Modern, and Jazz. The class will<br />
balance technique training with expressive movement<br />
in a fun, upbeat environment. Students will learn to<br />
explore their emotions through body movement and<br />
expression. Students will also learn to dance with each<br />
other, in formations, and with props.<br />
Ages: 3y-4y<br />
Instructor: Haryun Peun<br />
Fees: Residents $140 | Non-Residents $161<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 8<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43629 Thu, Oct 3- Nov 21 11:30a-12p<br />
Preschool Classes<br />
Preschool Classes<br />
Magical Series<br />
Spectrum & Sensory Friendly<br />
Story Acting<br />
Classic and modern books are used to teach children<br />
how to use their bodies and voices to create fun and<br />
familiar characters. This spectrum friendly class allows<br />
children to discover their unique creativity as they<br />
explore the wonderful world of theatre. We are<br />
delighted to welcome our friends, ages 4-8, who are in<br />
the developmental age range of 4-6, and can work<br />
within a 5:1 participant to instructor ratio. For children<br />
who need 1:1 support, we ask that parents/caretakers/<br />
aides join the child in the classroom.<br />
Ages: 4y-8y<br />
Instructor: Tom & Sandy Farley<br />
Fees: Residents $150 | Non-Residents $172.50<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 6<br />
For classes with the Junior Museum & Zoo, caregivers<br />
must attend class with child and no unregistered<br />
siblings are allowed.<br />
Discovery Science<br />
Discover a smorgasbord of science at the Palo Alto<br />
Junior Museum & Zoo. Each week, we’ll explore a<br />
variety of exciting science topics. Join us and learn<br />
about things that chirp, fizz, and zoom. Activities change<br />
each session, quarter and year, so you can sign up again<br />
and again and still have new adventures!<br />
Ages: 3y-5y<br />
Fees: Residents $198 | Non-Residents $227.70<br />
Location: Junior Museum & Zoo | Science Lab 1<br />
Capacity: 10<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43356 Thu, Sept 12- Oct 24 10:30a-11:15a<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43354 Fri, Sept 13- Oct 25 9:15a-10a<br />
43518 Fri, Oct 18- Nov 22 3:40p-4:25p<br />
43355 Fri, Sept 13- Oct 25 10:30a-11:15a<br />
43369 Thu, Oct 31- Dec 19* 10:30a-11:15a<br />
*No Class, 11/28<br />
Dance 43735 Tue, Sept 10- Oct 22 1p-1:45p<br />
Children will experience the expressive art form of<br />
dance, exploring how to bodies by moving to a variety<br />
of music styles, contemporary, musical theatre, hip-hop<br />
and classical. This spectrum friendly class allows<br />
children to discover their unique creativity as they<br />
explore the wonderful world of dance. We are delighted<br />
to welcome our friends, ages 5-12, who are in the<br />
developmental age range of 5-8. Children are required<br />
to have a parents/caretakers/aides join them in the<br />
classroom.<br />
Ages: 5y-12y<br />
Instructor: Joanna Haas<br />
Fees: Residents $150 | Non-Residents $172.50<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 6<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43621 Mon, Sept 30- Nov 4 4p-4:40p<br />
43736 Tue, Oct 29- Dec 17* 1p-1:45p<br />
*No Class, 11/26<br />
43357 Fri, Nov 1- Dec 20 * 9:15a-10a<br />
*No Class, 11/29<br />
43358 Fri, Nov 1- Dec 20* 10:30a-11:15a<br />
*No Class, 11/29<br />
Amazing Animals<br />
Join us and discover the wonders of zoology at the Palo<br />
Alto Junior Museum & Zoo. Each week, we will explore<br />
a fun science activity and meet a new amazing animal!<br />
Join us and learn about mammals, reptiles,<br />
invertebrates and more. Activities change each session<br />
and quarter, so you can sign up again and again and still<br />
have new adventures!<br />
Ages: 3y-5y<br />
Fees: Residents $198 | Non-Residents $227.70<br />
Location: Junior Museum & Zoo | Science Lab 1<br />
Capacity: 10<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43350 Wed, Sept 11- Oct 23 10a-10:45a<br />
43351 Thu, Sept 12- Oct 24 9:15a-10a<br />
43352 Wed, Oct 30- Dec 18* 10a-10:45a<br />
*No Class, 11/27<br />
43353 Thu, Oct 31- Dec 19* 9:15a-10a<br />
*No Class, 11/28<br />
A Day at Little Explorers<br />
Experience the joy of exploration in a developmental<br />
program for toddlers and preschoolers. <strong>Enjoy</strong> a school<br />
day of dramatic and sensory play, art, science, math,<br />
music and literacy centers.<br />
Ages:1.5 y-4y<br />
Instructor: Martina Entriken<br />
Fees: Residents $630 | Non-Residents $724.50<br />
Location: Peers Park | Peers Park Field House<br />
Capacity: 15<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43227 Fri, Sept 13- Dec 20* 9:30a-11:30a<br />
*No Class, 11/29<br />
Little Explorers Adventures<br />
Experience the joy of exploration in a developmental<br />
program for toddlers and young preschoolers. All weeks<br />
include a field trip to a nature, community, or cultural<br />
location, plus a school day with dramatic and sensory<br />
play, art, science, math, music, and literacy centers.<br />
Ages:1.5 y-4y<br />
Instructor: Martina Entriken<br />
Fees: Residents $1170 | Non-Residents $1345.50<br />
Location: Peers Park | Peers Park Field House<br />
Capacity: 15<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43228 M & W, Sept 9- Dec 18* 9:30a-11:30a<br />
*No Class, 10/14, 11/11, 11/25, 11/27<br />
Ages:1.5 y-4y<br />
Instructor: Martina Entriken<br />
Fees: Residents $1260 | Non-Residents $1449<br />
Location: Peers Park | Peers Park Field House<br />
Capacity: 15<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43229 Tu & Th, Sept 10- Dec 19 9:30a-11:30a<br />
*No Class, 11/26, 11/28<br />
Preschool Classes<br />
Preschool Classes<br />
18<br />
Music Together<br />
Did you know that all children are musical? In our<br />
research-based program, an innovative teacher guides<br />
children and parents (or caregivers) in singing songs of<br />
many cultures, dancing, and playing basic instruments<br />
to support music development.<br />
Tuition includes: Access to the Music Together learning<br />
app, a digital download of songs and videos, a<br />
songbook, a parent education guide and an optional CD.<br />
Ages: 1 month-4y<br />
Instructor: Drew Wanderman<br />
Fees: Residents $285 | Non-Residents $327.75<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center |<br />
Fireside Room<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43239 Tue, Sept 10- Nov 12 9:30a-10:15a<br />
43240 Tue, Sept 10- Nov 12 10:30a-11:15a<br />
43241 Tue, Sept 10- Nov 12 4p-4:45p<br />
43242 Wed, Sept 11- Nov 13 9:30a-10:15a<br />
43243 Wed, Sept 11- Nov 13 10:30a-11:15a<br />
43244 Thu, Sept 12- Nov 14 9:30a-10:15a<br />
43245 Thu, Sept 12- Nov 14 10:30a-11:15a<br />
Guardian & Me Soccer<br />
Introduce your toddler to the world’s most popular<br />
game! As you participate together in our fun age<br />
appropriate activities, your child will be developing their<br />
large motor skills and socialization skills. A variety of<br />
activities designed around the game of soccer will be<br />
played each week. Each participant will receive a soccer<br />
jersey.<br />
Ages: 2y-3.5y<br />
Instructor: Kidz Love Soccer<br />
Fees: Residents $175 | Non-Residents $201.25<br />
Location: Mitchell Park | Mitchell Park Field South<br />
Capacity: 14<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43154 Thu, Sept 5- Oct 17 5p-5:30p<br />
43155 Thu, Sept 5- Oct 17 5:35p-6:05p<br />
43156 Sat, Sept 14- Oct 26 9:10a-9:40a<br />
Sibling<br />
discount<br />
available!<br />
Tot Soccer<br />
<strong>Enjoy</strong> running and kicking just like the big kids.<br />
Encourages large motor skill development through<br />
fun soccer games and introduces small children to the<br />
group setting. Each participant will receive a soccer<br />
jersey. Shin guards are required. KLS class status<br />
hotline: (888) 372-5803<br />
Ages: 3.5y-4y<br />
Instructor: Kidz Love Soccer<br />
Fees: Residents $175 | Non-Residents $201.25<br />
Location: Mitchell Park | Mitchell Park Field South<br />
Capacity: 14<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43157 Sat, Sept 14- Oct 26 9:45a-10:15a<br />
Tot/Pre Soccer<br />
Little tykes will enjoy running and kicking just like the<br />
big kids! Children will have fun and learn the basic<br />
techniques of the game while building self-esteem.<br />
Children learn to follow instructions in a nurturing, age<br />
appropriate environment. Each participant will receive a<br />
soccer jersey. Shin guards are required. KLS class status<br />
hotline: (888) 372-5803<br />
Ages: 3.5y-4y<br />
Instructor: Kidz Love Soccer<br />
Fees: Residents $175 | Non-Residents $201.25<br />
Location: Mitchell Park | Mitchell Park Field South<br />
Capacity: 14<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43159 Thu, Sept 5- Oct 17 4:20p-4:55p<br />
Pre Soccer<br />
Teaches the basic techniques of the game and builds<br />
self-esteem through participation and fun soccer activities.<br />
Children learn to follow instructions in a nurturing,<br />
age appropriate environment. Each participant will<br />
receive a soccer jersey. Shin guards are required. KLS<br />
class status hotline: (888) 372-5803<br />
Ages: 4y-5y<br />
Instructor: Kidz Love Soccer<br />
Fees: Residents $175 | Non-Residents $201.25<br />
Location: Mitchell Park | Mitchell Park Field South<br />
Capacity: 14<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43158 Sat, Sept 14- Oct 26 10:20a-10:55a
Guardian<br />
participation<br />
required<br />
Youth AND Teen Classes<br />
Material fee<br />
in addition<br />
to class fee.<br />
Sibling<br />
discount<br />
available!<br />
Save $ when you<br />
enroll siblings.<br />
Must be in one<br />
transaction.<br />
Check out this<br />
new program!<br />
Spectrum<br />
Friendly<br />
DigiDraw<br />
PILOT<br />
Session!<br />
Fun with Clay<br />
*what is the DigiDraw?! Go to page 8-9 to find out.<br />
In these fun-filled classes, young artists explore clay and transform it! Students make cups, plates, tiles, as well as<br />
modeled figures of animals, people, plants, and much more. Students develop fine motor skills and self-confidence as<br />
their ideas come to life in imaginative three-dimensional artwork. Each quarter, the instructor introduces new themes, so<br />
this is a great class to take again and again.<br />
Ages: 5y-8y<br />
Instructor: Celina Tracy<br />
Fees: Residents $178 | Non-Residents $204.70<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Classroom<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43216 DigiDraw, Tue, Sept 17- Nov 12 3:15p-4:15p<br />
Ages: 5y-8y<br />
Instructor: Celina Tracy<br />
Fees: Residents $178 | Non-Residents $204.70<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Classroom<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43249 DigiDraw, Fri, Sept 20- Nov 15 3:15p-4:15p<br />
Ages: 5y-8y<br />
Instructor: Celina Tracy<br />
Fees: Residents $223 | Non-Residents $256.45<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Classroom<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43219 DigiDraw, Wed, Sept 18- Nov 13 2:30p-3:45p<br />
Ages: 5y-8y<br />
Instructor: Kari Kirkpatrick<br />
Fees: Residents $178 | Non-Residents $204.70<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Classroom<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43233 DigiDraw, Thu, Sept 19- Nov 14 3:15p-4:15p<br />
Ages: 5y-8y<br />
Instructor: Riki Morita<br />
Fees: Residents $178 | Non-Residents $204.70<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Classroom<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43250 DigiDraw, Sat, Sept 21- Nov 16 1p-2p<br />
Youth & Teen Classes<br />
Youth & Teen Classes<br />
20<br />
Ceramics Studio<br />
*what is the DigiDraw?! Go to page 8-9<br />
to find out.<br />
Campers will take their ceramics skills to the next level.<br />
Campers will learn advanced pinching, coiling, and slab<br />
building as well as advanced decorative and glazing<br />
techniques in order to bring their ideas to life. Our<br />
professional ceramics artists will share tips and tricks for<br />
working with clay—all in a fun and creative<br />
environment. No previous ceramics experience<br />
required.<br />
Ages: 9y-13y<br />
Instructor: Celina Tracy<br />
Fees: Residents $267 | Non-Residents $307.05<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Classroom<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43220 DigiDraw, Tue, Sept 17- Nov 12 4:30p-6p<br />
Ages: 9y-13y<br />
Instructor: Celina Tracy<br />
Fees: Residents $223 | Non-Residents $256.45<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Classroom<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43232 DigiDraw, Wed, Sept 18- Nov 13 4p-5:15p<br />
43247 DigiDraw, Fri, Sept 20- Nov 15 4:30p-5:45p<br />
Ages: 9y-13y<br />
Instructor: Kari Kirkpatrick<br />
Fees: Residents $223 | Non-Residents $256.45<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Classroom<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43246 DigiDraw, Thu, Sept 19- Nov 14 4:30p-5:45p<br />
Ages: 9y-13y<br />
Instructor: Riki Morita<br />
Fees: Residents $223 | Non-Residents $256.45<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Classroom<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43251 DigiDraw, Sat, Sept 21- Nov 16 2:15p-3:30p<br />
43248 DigiDraw, Sat, Sept 21- Nov 16 3:45p-5p<br />
Ceramics Independent Study<br />
This Ceramics class is for teens who would like to work<br />
on their ceramics projects on their own time. Class fee<br />
includes a bag of clay and the glazes and firing required<br />
to complete projects. Instructor, Mo Moran, is available<br />
to answer student questions via text and in person when<br />
dropping off and picking up artwork for firing.<br />
Students will be responsible for bringing their artwork<br />
to be fired to the Art Center and to pick up the glazes.<br />
Ages: 10y-18y<br />
Instructor: Mo Moran<br />
Fees: Residents $129 | Non-Residents $148.35<br />
Capacity: 5<br />
Session Code<br />
Dates<br />
43738 Sept 16- Nov 4<br />
Ceramics Teen Open Studio<br />
This course is designed as a space for students to<br />
use their prior knowledge and creative experience to<br />
develop a deeper understanding of ceramics and their<br />
own artistic voice. Students will build upon established<br />
ceramics skills and continue to develop technically<br />
and creatively. This can include wheel throwing and<br />
hand-building depending on the students’ interests.<br />
This class offers guidance, but not specific projects as<br />
it is meant to prepare students for self-directed studio<br />
work.<br />
Ages: 14y-18y<br />
Instructor: Mo Moran<br />
Fees: Residents $267 | Non-Residents $307.05<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43739 Mon, Sept 16- Nov 4 5p-6:30p<br />
Wheel Throwing<br />
Learn to throw pots, bowls, mugs and plates on the<br />
potter’s wheel! In this fun class, students will<br />
experiment with a variety of wheel throwing techniques<br />
and develop confidence and dedication to the craft. This<br />
class is intended for intermediate and advanced<br />
ceramics students who have previous experience<br />
working with clay. Class is held in the Adult Ceramics<br />
Studio at the Art Center.<br />
Ages: 11y-14y<br />
Instructor: Kathleen Gordon<br />
Fees: Residents $267 | Non-Residents $307.05<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Adult Ceramics Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43252 Wed, Sept 18- Nov 13 3p-4:30p<br />
43253 Wed, Sept 18- Nov 13 4:45p-6:15p
Teen Ceramics Apprenticeship<br />
Teen Ceramics Apprentices will volunteer for a minimum<br />
of two hours a week for the current class or camp<br />
session at the Art Center. Shifts will overlap with<br />
ceramics classes for all ages. Volunteer tasks include<br />
maintaining the ceramics studio, organizing supplies<br />
and work, working with the kiln, assisting with lesson<br />
planning, classroom management, and working closely<br />
with Art Center ceramics instructors. Ceramics<br />
Apprentices will have access to the ceramics studio<br />
during set hours for their own artmaking purposes<br />
during their apprenticeship. Candidates for this role<br />
must have two years of ceramics experience in Art<br />
Center classes or instructor approval and be at least 16<br />
years of age.<br />
This extension of the Art Center’s ceramics program is<br />
a great way to earn service hours, develop leadership<br />
skills, have fun in a creative environment, and build a<br />
portfolio. Apprentices must attend one training session<br />
(date to be determined based on availability).<br />
Questions: contact Mo Moran<br />
e-mail: mo.moran@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Ages: 14y-18y<br />
Instructor: Mo Moran<br />
Fees: Residents $100 | Non-Residents $115<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center<br />
Capacity: 8<br />
Colorful Painting & More<br />
Inspired by artists from around the world, young artists<br />
experiment with a variety of 2D and 3D media including<br />
acrylics, liquid watercolors, oil pastels, collage, printmaking,<br />
and sculptural techniques. Students learn to<br />
compose a painting, mix colors, use brushstrokes, and<br />
explore positive and negative space. This is a great class<br />
for any student who loves to paint and express themselves<br />
creatively! New projects each quarter make this a<br />
great class to take again and again.<br />
Ages: 5y-8y<br />
Instructor: Sharon Reich<br />
Fees: Residents $143 | Non-Residents $164.45<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Art Starts Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43171 Tue, Sept 17- Nov 12 3:15p-4:15p<br />
43176 Wed, Sept 18- Nov 13 2:30p-3:30p<br />
Ages: 9y-11y<br />
Instructor: Sharon Reich<br />
Fees: Residents $143 | Non-Residents $164.45<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Art Starts Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43172 Tue, Sept 17- Nov 12 4:30p-5:30p<br />
43177 Wed, Sept 18- Nov 13 4p-5p<br />
Youth & Teen Classes<br />
Youth & Teen Classes<br />
22<br />
Kid’s Drawing Skills<br />
In this guided drawing class, students draw from life and<br />
from their imaginations as they learn techniques like<br />
shading, perspective, and proportioning. Artists leave<br />
the class with a set of technical drawing skills that make<br />
them feel excited and empowered to continue making<br />
art. This is a wonderful class for kids who love to draw.<br />
Ages: 5y-8y<br />
Instructor: Ria Sharma<br />
Fees: Residents $143 | Non-Residents $164.45<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43180 Thu, Sept 19- Nov 14 3:15p-4:15p<br />
Ages: 9y-12y<br />
Instructor: Ria Sharma<br />
Fees: Residents $143 | Non-Residents $164.45<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43181 Thu, Sept 19- Nov 14 4:30p-5:30p<br />
Ages: 5y-8y<br />
Instructor: Paulina Shapona<br />
Fees: Residents $143 | Non-Residents $164.45<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Art Starts Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43185 Fri, Sept 20- Nov 15 3:15p-4:15p<br />
Ages: 9y-12y<br />
Instructor: Paulina Shapona<br />
Fees: Residents $143 | Non-Residents $164.45<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Art Starts Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43186 Fri, Sept 20- Nov 15 4:30p-5:30p<br />
Drawing Comics<br />
Students create fun and unique comics in this class<br />
while building technical skills as they learn about<br />
design, line quality, and anatomical proportions. This<br />
class will explore a variety of comic styles such as<br />
Manga, Anime, and Western comics. This fun,<br />
open-ended class is for any artist passionate about new<br />
or vintage comics.<br />
Ages: 8y-11y<br />
Instructor: Corey Pang<br />
Fees: Residents $178 | Non-Residents $204.70<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43209 Sat, Sept 21- Nov 16 11:15a-12:30p<br />
Drawing & Painting<br />
In these classes students will learn new drawing,<br />
painting, and printmaking techniques. We’ll use a<br />
variety of materials: pencil, charcoal, watercolor,<br />
acrylics, oil and chalk pastels. Projects are designed<br />
to encourage creativity while building new skills and<br />
techniques.<br />
Ages: 9y-11y<br />
Instructor: Nicola Franklin<br />
Fees: Residents $178 | Non-Residents $204.70<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Art Starts Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43183 Thu, Sept 19- Nov 14 3:30p-4:45p
Advanced Drawing, Painting, and<br />
Printmaking<br />
This is the class where creativity meets technique. Dive<br />
into the intricate world of line, form, and perspective as<br />
you expand your drawing repertoire. Explore the<br />
boundless possibilities of painting from the luminous<br />
washes of watercolor to bold acrylics. Delve into<br />
printmaking techniques including carving, relief, and<br />
lino blocks. Continually advance your skills; projects<br />
change every quarter.<br />
Ages: 11y-17y<br />
Instructor: Nicola Franklin<br />
Fees: Residents $214 | Non-Residents $246.10<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Art Starts Studio<br />
Capacity: 14<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43182 Thu, Sept 19- Nov 14 5p-6:30p<br />
Ages: 11y-17y<br />
Instructor: Corey Pang<br />
Fees: Residents $178 | Non-Residents $204.70<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43120 Sat, Sept 21- Nov 16 1p-2:15p<br />
3D Art<br />
Unleash your creativity in our Sculpture Class! Dive into<br />
the dynamic realm of 2.5 and 3 dimensional art,<br />
transforming flat ideas into stunning masterpieces.<br />
Explore traditional and experimental techniques with<br />
various materials. Try new art materials, expand your<br />
skills, and sculpt your dreams into reality! This class is<br />
great for young artists who want to take their art beyond<br />
the paper surface.<br />
Ages: 8y-10y<br />
Instructor: Sharon Reich<br />
Fees: Residents $127 | Non-Residents $146.05<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Art Starts Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43178 Mon, Sept 16- Nov 4 3:15p-4:15p<br />
Ages: 11y-14y<br />
Instructor: Sharon Reich<br />
Fees: Residents $127 | Non-Residents $146.05<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Art Starts Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43179 Mon, Sept 16- Nov 4 4:30p-5:30p<br />
Volunteer Opportunity for ART LOVERS<br />
Join the Palo Alto Art Center 's Project Look Docent Program!<br />
Project Look docents lead<br />
interactive tours of the<br />
Palo Alto Art Center<br />
galleries and assist handson<br />
art activities to local K-<br />
5 students through our<br />
school field trip program.<br />
Commitment is 90 minutes<br />
per week, Tuesday - Friday<br />
mornings, September - May.<br />
No experience required!<br />
We provide docent training!<br />
All new docents are required<br />
to attend three new docent<br />
training sessions and three fall<br />
exhibition training sessions:<br />
New Docent Training:<br />
September 3, 6, & 10<br />
9:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.<br />
<strong>Fall</strong> Exhibition Training:<br />
September 13, 17, & 20<br />
9:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.<br />
Questions?<br />
Please visit our website<br />
or contact Rebecca Passarello,<br />
Director of Volunteer Engagement,<br />
rebecca.passarello@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
650-617-3509<br />
Youth & Teen Classes<br />
24<br />
Fiber Arts & Upcycling Fabrics<br />
Use a myriad of materials to explore the world of fiber<br />
arts and create various projects using fabric. While<br />
having fun, students will learn to hand sew, weave,<br />
macrame and design fabric to create wearable art. We’ll<br />
also explore prolonging the life of clothes with<br />
colorful and decorative darning and embroidery as well<br />
as discover the wonderful world of hand felting. We’ll<br />
make felt beads and soap covers and more. Come join<br />
us for some fiber arts fun!<br />
Ages: 6y-9y<br />
Instructor: Kari Kirkpatrick<br />
Fees: Residents $143 | Non-Residents $164.45<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43167 Tue, Sept 17- Nov 12 3:15p-4:15p<br />
Ages: 10y-13y<br />
Instructor: Kari Kirkpatrick<br />
Fees: Residents $178 | Non-Residents $204.70<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43168 Tue, Sept 17- Nov 12 4:30p-5:45p<br />
Stitch Craft<br />
Explore the world of hand sewing! Projects may include<br />
hand stitching, embroidery, crochet, knitting, felting,<br />
weaving, and more. Projects are endless, so this is a<br />
great class to take over and over to advance your fiber<br />
arts skills.<br />
Ages: 8y-11y<br />
Instructor: Kari Kirkpatrick<br />
Fees: Residents $178 | Non-Residents $204.70<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43173 Wed, Sept 18- Nov 13 2:30p-3:45p<br />
Ages: 12y-17y<br />
Instructor: Kari Kirkpatrick<br />
Fees: Residents $178 | Non-Residents $204.70<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43174 Wed, Sept 18- Nov 13 4p-5:15p<br />
Elements of Art<br />
Line, size, shape, color, value, and texture; these are the<br />
basic building blocks of art. Each week, we’ll explore<br />
a new element with a wide variety of art materials and<br />
techniques. This class is perfect for kids who are excited<br />
about making art and experimenting with new art<br />
materials. New projects every quarter so young artists<br />
can take this class again and again.<br />
Ages: 5y-8y<br />
Instructor: Nicola Franklin<br />
Fees: Residents $127 | Non-Residents $146.05<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43162 Mon, Sept 16- Nov 4 3:15p-4:15p<br />
Ages: 9y-13y<br />
Instructor: Nicola Franklin<br />
Fees: Residents $127 | Non-Residents $146.05<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43164 Mon, Sept 16- Nov 4 4:30p-5:30p<br />
Street Art<br />
Led by an experienced street muralist, this class is a<br />
dynamic journey into the heart of street art culture.<br />
From the fundamentals of spray paint techniques to<br />
experimenting with stencils, vinyl, and street art<br />
materials, students will not only develop their artistic<br />
skills but also explore themes of identity, community,<br />
and social change. This class is more than just art; it’s a<br />
platform for creative expression and meaningful<br />
dialogue. No buildings will be harmed in the course of<br />
this art class.<br />
Ages: 11y-17y<br />
Instructor: Corey Pang<br />
Fees: Residents $178 | Non-Residents $204.70<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />
Capacity: 14<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43215 Sat, Sept 21- Nov 16 2:30p-3:45p
Personal Portfolio<br />
With a focus on self-expression, artistic growth, creative<br />
exploration, and technical development, high school<br />
students will work on a comprehensive personal art<br />
portfolio. <strong>Guide</strong>d by an experienced artist and educator,<br />
students will delve into advanced drawing and painting<br />
techniques and receive personalized feedback and<br />
guidance tailored to their individual interests and<br />
aspirations. Students will also have access to<br />
professional light boxes to photograph their work.<br />
Ages: 14y-18y<br />
Instructor: Ria Sharma<br />
Fees: Residents $285 | Non-Residents $327.75<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />
Capacity: 14<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43184 Thu, Sept 19- Nov 14 6p-8p<br />
Art Center Teen Volunteer<br />
Teen Volunteers are volunteers (12-18 years old) who<br />
assist professional art instructors in the day-to-day<br />
running of the Kids and Teens Studio Art classes.<br />
Volunteers offer support through encouraging students,<br />
prepping art supplies and more. This is a great way to<br />
earn service hours, develop and strengthen leadership<br />
skills, and have fun in a creative environment. Teens<br />
volunteer for a session of classes (<strong>Fall</strong>, Winter or Spring),<br />
working with the Director of Volunteer Engagement to<br />
choose a class time that fits their schedule.<br />
Ages: 12y-18y<br />
Fees: Free!<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center<br />
Capacity: 40<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
40409 Sept 17- Nov 16 Varies<br />
Stop Motion Animation<br />
A fun and exciting class where students bring their<br />
imagination to life. Students take over the full process<br />
of making a movie from A to Z, including storyboarding,<br />
set designing, animating the characters, voice-over, and<br />
sound effects. All tools and technology provided, just<br />
bring your fun ideas!<br />
Ages: 8y-10y<br />
Instructor: Ala Mohseni<br />
Fees: Residents $143 | Non-Residents $164.45<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43685 Fri, Sept 20-Nov 15 3:15p-4:15p<br />
Fun Filmmaking Techniques<br />
Learn the basics of making movies from start to finish<br />
through fun activities. Students will create and plan<br />
out their film ideas, create a storyboard, direct and film<br />
scenes, edit their footage and add final touches, then<br />
screen their film during our class film festival. All<br />
filmmaking tools are provided, just bring your creative<br />
self!<br />
Ages: 11y-14y<br />
Instructor: Ala Mohseni<br />
Fees: Residents $143 | Non-Residents $164.45<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43686 Fri, Sept 20- Nov 15 4:30p-5:30p<br />
For all family workshops, each member of your family<br />
that will be in attendance must register.<br />
For each registered youth, there must also be a<br />
registered adult. All registered adults must have a<br />
registred youth with them.<br />
Ceramics Family Workshops<br />
Siblings, parents, and grandparents are all welcome to<br />
join this three day ceramics workshop. Family members<br />
will learn how to shape clay, transforming their ideas<br />
into functional, glazed and fired pieces. The first two<br />
weeks, we will create clay objects and the final week<br />
we will glaze them. This workshop is for any family who<br />
wants to spend time together.<br />
Ages: 6y +<br />
Instructor: Kathleen Gordon<br />
Fees: Residents $119 | Non-Residents $136.85<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Classroom<br />
Capacity: 14<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43690 Thu, Sept 19- Oct 3 6p-8p<br />
43691 Thu, Oct 10- 24 6p-8p<br />
Youth & Teen Classes<br />
Mosaic Family Workshop<br />
Did you know mosaics were discovered in a temple in<br />
Mesopotamia? From sacred spaces to street art, artists<br />
have used mosaics to decorate, embellish, and tell<br />
stories for centuries. Using tiles on wood, your family<br />
will make a custom creation, learning about the art<br />
materials, and steps necessary from start to finish. This<br />
is a 2 days workshop. Please make sure you can attend<br />
both days.<br />
Sept 22 meets from 2p-5p<br />
Sept 29 meets from 2-3:30p<br />
Ages: 7y +<br />
Instructor: Alejandra Hermandinger<br />
Fees: Residents $71 | Non-Residents $81.65<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43254 Sun, Sept 22- 29 2p-5p<br />
Winter Family Ceramics Workshop<br />
In this workshop, families and friends will be introduced<br />
to sgraffito- a decorative technique where color<br />
is applied to clay and carved away, allowing for creating<br />
patterns and illustrations on the surface. All tools and<br />
supplies will be provided. By the end of this workshop,<br />
participants will have finished and fired ceramics pieces<br />
from various projects meant to celebrate the winter<br />
season! These items are perfect for gifts or seasonal<br />
keepsakes. These workshops are open to anybody from<br />
6 to 100. All youth must be accompanied by at least one<br />
adult in their participating party.<br />
Ages: 6y +<br />
Instructor:<br />
Fees: Residents $79 | Non-Residents $90.85<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Classroom<br />
Capacity: 14<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43740 Sat, Dec 7- 14 10a-12p<br />
43741 Sat, Dec 7- 14 12:30p-2:30p<br />
43742 Sun, Dec 8- 15 1p-3p<br />
43743 Sun, Dec 8- 15 3:30p-5:30p<br />
Youth & Teen Classes<br />
26<br />
Magical Ceramics<br />
Family Workshop<br />
We are delighted to launch this new ceramics workshop<br />
which welcomes our friends who are in a special needs<br />
program at their school and are in the developmental<br />
age range of 6-18. Each participant is required to bring a<br />
parent/caretaker/aide to support their creative<br />
endeavors. Your student will practice gross and fine<br />
motor skills with fun and creative ceramic projects.<br />
To register for this class, please email<br />
lucy.larson@cityofpaloalto.org or call 650-617-3505.<br />
Ages: 5y +<br />
Instructor: Kathleen Gordon<br />
Fees: Residents $59 | Non-Residents $67.85<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Classroom<br />
Capacity: 6<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43688 Sun, Oct 27- Nov 3 1p-2:30p
Musical Theatre Dance<br />
Students will learn the distinctive styles of some of<br />
Broadway’s leading choreographers such as Bob Fosse<br />
and Jerome Robbins. The class challenges children to<br />
deepen their dance skills as they venture through some<br />
of Broadway’s most popular musicals, learning some<br />
of the choreography that gave these productions their<br />
fame and lasting appeal.<br />
Ages: 8y-11y<br />
Instructor: Joanna Haas<br />
Fees: Residents $165 | Non-Residents $189.75<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43632 Sat, Sept 28- Nov 16 3:15p-4p<br />
Broadway Goes Hip Hop<br />
The dynamic style of Hip Hop dance has found its way<br />
onto the Broadway stage in recent years in such smash<br />
hit musicals as In The Heights and Hamilton. In this<br />
class, dancers will learn exciting choreography set to the<br />
music of these mega-hit Hip Hop musicals.<br />
Ages: 8y-11y<br />
Instructor: Joanna Haas<br />
Fees: Residents $165 | Non-Residents $189.75<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43638 Sat, Sept 28- Nov 16 4:15p-5p<br />
Bharatanatyam-<br />
Classical Indian Dance<br />
This course will introduce an ancient classical dance<br />
form from south Indian called Bharatanatyam. Children<br />
will learn the basic postures and steps, as well as some<br />
history and theory about this dance form. Adults are<br />
also welcome to enroll.<br />
Ages: 6y & up<br />
Instructor: Aparna Seetharaman<br />
Fees: Residents $165 | Non-Residents $189.75<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Newcomers<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43641 Fri, Sept 6- Nov 22 4:40p-5:10p<br />
43642 Fri, Sept 6- Nov 22 5:15p-5:45p<br />
Ages: 6y & up<br />
Instructor: Aparna Seetharaman<br />
Fees: Residents $150 | Non-Residents $172.50<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Newcomers<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43640 Mon, Sept 9- Nov 18* 5p-5:30p<br />
*No Class, 11/11<br />
Ages: 6y & up<br />
Instructor: Aparna Seetharaman<br />
Fees: Residents $175 | Non-Residents $201.25<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Level 2<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43643 Fri, Sept 6- Nov 22 5:50p-6:30p<br />
Youth & Teen Classes<br />
Youth & Teen Classes<br />
28<br />
Joy of Singing -<br />
A Fun Choir for Young Singers<br />
Does your child love to sing or hum to their favorite<br />
melodies around the house or in the car? This is the<br />
perfect class for them! This brand-new class is filled with<br />
music, games and fun, celebrating the joy of singing at a<br />
young age! No music experience required, but it is<br />
suggested that participants be able to read<br />
independently.<br />
For early readers or non-readers, we suggest that<br />
parents and families spend some extra time at home<br />
singing the songs each week. This will be helpful for all<br />
of the participants, but particularly our beginning reader<br />
kiddos, who will benefit from getting more comfortable<br />
with the lyrics at home. Plus, it seems to add to the<br />
enjoyment of the class when the singers can share the<br />
joy with family members!<br />
This class culminates in a final sharing day for friends<br />
and family, on Wednesday, Nov 13.<br />
Ages: 5y-7y<br />
Instructor: Erin Chumas<br />
Fees: Residents $280 | Non-Residents $322<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 20<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43645 Wed, Sept 25- Nov 13 3:40p-4:30p<br />
43646 Wed, Sept 25- Nov 13 4:40p-5:30p<br />
Joy of Singing - Musical Theatre<br />
Does your child love singing songs from the musical<br />
theatre songbook? Then this is the perfect class for<br />
them. Each session we will select three songs from a<br />
well-known musical for children in the class to learn!<br />
This brand-new class is also filled with music games and<br />
fun, celebrating the joy of singing This class culminates<br />
in a final sharing day for friends and family, on<br />
Wednesday, Nov 13.<br />
Ages: 8y-10y<br />
Instructor: Erin Chumas<br />
Fees: Residents $280 | Non-Residents $322<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 15<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43718 Wed, Sept 25- Nov 13 5:40p-6:30p<br />
Vocal Lessons<br />
<strong>Enjoy</strong> these one-on-one, in-person vocal lessons.<br />
Participants will learn innovative singing techniques,<br />
and with the instructor’s guidance, students are able to<br />
select songs from a variety of genres, including but not<br />
limited to Broadway, country, pop and rock.<br />
There are multiple, 30-minute sessions per day, click<br />
here to see all available sessions.<br />
Ages: 8y-18y<br />
Fees: Residents $350 | Non-Residents $402.50<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre<br />
Capacity: 1<br />
Monday, Sept 23- Nov 4, 3:30p-7p<br />
Ages: 8y-18y<br />
Fees: Residents $400 | Non-Residents $460<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre<br />
Capacity: 1<br />
Tuesday, Sept 24- Nov 12, 3:30p-7p<br />
Thursday, Sept 26- Nov 14, 3:30p-7p<br />
Sundays, Sept 29- Nov 17, 9a-5p<br />
Creative Dramatics<br />
This unique class introduces children to theatre by<br />
focusing on their natural sense of play. The aim is to<br />
encourage inventiveness and originality by introducing<br />
children to creative building blocks such as pantomime,<br />
games, skits and more! Family and friends are invited to<br />
share in the creativity on the last day of class.<br />
Ages: 5y-6y<br />
Instructor: Kathy Blumenfeld<br />
Fees: Residents $150 | Non-Residents $172.50<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 10<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43521 Sat, Sept 28- Nov 16 11:15a-12p<br />
43519 Tue, Oct 1- Nov 19 4:35p-5:20p<br />
Ages: 6y-7y<br />
Instructor: Kathy Blumenfeld<br />
Fees: Residents $150 | Non-Residents $172.50<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 10<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43520 Thu, Sept 26- Nov 21 4:35p-5:20p<br />
Ages: 7y<br />
Instructor: Tessa Koning- Martinez<br />
Fees: Residents $165 | Non-Residents $189.75<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 10<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43523 Sat, Sept 28- Nov 16 11a-12p
Curtains Up! Intro to Acting<br />
Designed for the beginning student, this class teaches<br />
beginning performers to develop believable characters<br />
while learning acting techniques in a fun, supportive<br />
environment. Under the guidance of a theatre<br />
professional, students gain confidence performing in<br />
front of an audience by learning theatre games,<br />
improvisation techniques, and scripted work while<br />
having an unforgettable class experience.<br />
Ages: 8y-10y<br />
Instructor: Kathy Blumenfeld & Tessa Koning- Martinez<br />
Fees: Residents $175 | Non-Residents $201.25<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 10<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43605 Sat, Sept 28- Nov 16 12:30p-1:30p<br />
43604 Tue, Oct 1- Nov 19 5:30p-6:30p<br />
Performance Studio<br />
Students will work with a director to prepare and stage a<br />
short, one act play. They’ll be guided through the<br />
audition process, delve the depths of a character as<br />
a means of discovering dialogue that’s natural and<br />
believable, and gain hands-on experience performing on<br />
stage. Some memorizations outside of class is<br />
expected. Everyone who enrolls will receive a role in the<br />
play. Actors of all experience levels are welcome.<br />
Ages: 10y-14y<br />
Instructor: Bill Olson<br />
Fees: Residents $175 | Non-Residents $201.25<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Magic Castle Stage<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43618 Sat, Sept 28- Nov 16 2:45p-4p<br />
Intermediate Acting<br />
This class is a follow-up to our Intro to Acting course,<br />
and focuses on scene study, script analysis, and<br />
character development. Students will work on scenes<br />
with partners, and delve deeper into character studies,<br />
as a way to get to the heart of great acting. After taking<br />
this class, students will have confidence to audition for<br />
any role!<br />
Ages: 10y-13y<br />
Instructor: Bill Olson<br />
Fees: Residents $175 | Non-Residents $201.25<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 10<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43613 Sat, Sept 28- Nov 16 4:10p-5:10p<br />
Improv Like A Pro<br />
Improvisation is a wildly fun performing art form where<br />
the actor’s split second decisions and quick witted<br />
responses can turn everyday situations into moments of<br />
comic delight! Whether you’re grooming yourself for an<br />
impromptu presentation at school, an audition for your<br />
favorite play, youngsters well versed in improvisational<br />
techniques are prepared to respond to all of life’s<br />
situations with wit and humor.<br />
Ages: 10y-14y<br />
Instructor: Bill Olson<br />
Fees: Residents $175 | Non-Residents $201.25<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Magic Castle Stage<br />
Capacity: 14<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43614 Sat, Sept 28- NOv 16 1:30p-2:40p<br />
Youth & Teen Classes<br />
Youth & Teen Classes<br />
30<br />
Scene Study<br />
Students get to enjoy playing well-known characters<br />
from classic scenes in the children’s theatre canon.<br />
The focus will be on text analysis and making dramatic<br />
choices from uncovering meaning beneath the dialogue.<br />
Students participate in in scenes involving 2 to 4 characters.<br />
Director feedback provides students with a deeper<br />
understanding of how to rehearse a scene. Memorization<br />
of scenes is encouraged. Scenes are assigned on the<br />
first day of class.<br />
Ages: 9y-11y<br />
Instructor: Kathy Blumenfeld<br />
Fees: Residents $175 | Non-Residents $201.25<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 10<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43612 Thu, Sept 26- Nov 21* 5:30p-6:30p<br />
*No Class, 10/10<br />
Advanced Scene Study<br />
Explore advanced acting techniques in this challenging<br />
course. Students will focus on text analysis and making<br />
dramatic choices based on the text. Students<br />
participate in engaging exercises as well as hands-on<br />
scene and solo work. Director feedback provides<br />
students with a deeper understanding of how to<br />
rehearse a scene. Memorization of scenes is required.<br />
Scenes are assigned on the first day of class.<br />
Ages: 11y-15y<br />
Instructor: Bill Olson<br />
Fees: Residents $175 | Non-Residents $201.25<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 8<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43644 Wed, Sept 25- Nov 13 3:45p-5p<br />
How to Audition<br />
This class will help you prepare to audition with<br />
confidence! We’ll demonstrate and practice audition<br />
techniques and provide you with tips, resources and<br />
monologues. You’ll improve your cold reading skills,<br />
develop a dynamic monologue, and practice delivering<br />
monologues in front of the class. You’ll then be ready to<br />
deliver your best at that next audition!<br />
Ages: 9y-12y<br />
Instructor: Tessa Koning-Martinez<br />
Fees: Residents $175 | Non-Residents $201.25<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 8<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43617 Sat, Sept 28- Nov 16 1:45p-2:45p<br />
Magical Series<br />
Spectrum & Sensory Friendly<br />
Story Acting<br />
Classic and modern books are used to teach children<br />
how to use their bodies and voices to create fun and<br />
familiar characters. This spectrum friendly class allows<br />
children to discover their unique creativity as they<br />
explore the wonderful world of theatre. We are<br />
delighted to welcome our friends, ages 4-8, who are in<br />
the developmental age range of 4-6, and can work<br />
within a 5:1 participant to instructor ratio. For children<br />
who need 1:1 support, we ask that parents/caretakers/<br />
aides join the child in the classroom.<br />
Ages: 4y-8y<br />
Instructor: Tom & Sandy Farley<br />
Fees: Residents $150 | Non-Residents $172.50<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 6<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43518 Fri, Oct 18- Nov 22 3:40p-4:25p<br />
Dance<br />
Children will experience the expressive art form of<br />
dance, exploring how to bodies by moving to a variety<br />
of music styles, contemporary, musical theatre, hip-hop<br />
and classical. This spectrum friendly class allows<br />
children to discover their unique creativity as they<br />
explore the wonderful world of dance. We are delighted<br />
to welcome our friends, ages 5-12, who are in the<br />
developmental age range of 5-8. Children are required<br />
to have a parents/caretakers/aides join them in the<br />
classroom.<br />
Ages: 5y-12y<br />
Instructor: Joanna Haas<br />
Fees: Residents $150 | Non-Residents $172.50<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 6<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43621 Mon, Sept 30- Nov 4 4p-4:40p
Science with a Twist<br />
Dive into science with a twist at the Palo Alto Junior<br />
Museum and Zoo. Learn about a variety of science topics<br />
exploring physics, biology, chemistry, and earth science.<br />
Tinker with contraptions and work on multi-week<br />
building projects. Activities change each session,<br />
quarter and year, so you can sign up again and have new<br />
adventures!<br />
Ages: 5y-6y<br />
Fees: Residents $198 | Non-Residents $227.70<br />
Location: Junior Museum & Zoo | Science Lab 1<br />
Capacity: 10<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43371 Wed, Sept 11- Oct 23 2p-2:45p<br />
43374 Wed, Oct 30- Dec 18* 2p-2:45p<br />
*No Class, 11/27<br />
Ages: 6y-9y<br />
Fees: Residents $198 | Non-Residents $227.70<br />
Location: Junior Museum & Zoo | Science Lab 1<br />
Capacity: 10<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43372 Wed, Sept 11- Oct 23 3:15p-4p<br />
43375 Wed, Oct 30- Dec 18* 3:15p-4p<br />
*No Class, 11/27<br />
Discovery Science<br />
Discover a smorgasbord of science at the Palo Alto<br />
Junior Museum & Zoo. Each week, we’ll explore a<br />
variety of exciting science topics. Join us and learn<br />
about things that chirp, fizz, and zoom. Activities change<br />
each session, quarter and year, so you can sign up again<br />
and again and still have new adventures!<br />
Ages: 5y-6y<br />
Fees: Residents $198 | Non-Residents $227.70<br />
Location: Junior Museum & Zoo | Science Lab 1<br />
Capacity: 10<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43370 Tue, Sept 10- Oct 22 3p-3:45p<br />
43373 Tue, Oct 29- Dec 17* 3p-3:45p<br />
*No Class, 11/26<br />
Youth & Teen Classes<br />
<strong>Fall</strong> Cooking with Junior Chef Stars<br />
Join us as we provide junior chefs with the tools<br />
necessary to create, cook, and learn. Our curriculum<br />
covers nutrition, seasonal cooking, knife skills, the<br />
purpose of core ingredients and the cultural aspects of<br />
food all while having a blast and making new friends.<br />
Every season has new and exciting recipes so sign up if<br />
you are seasoned junior chef star or for the first time!<br />
Material feel of $60 due to the instructor at the first class.<br />
Ages: 7y-13y<br />
Instructor: Junior Chef Stars<br />
Fees: Residents $240 | Non-Residents $276<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center<br />
Community Room<br />
Capacity: 20<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43165 Tue, Sept 10- Oct 15 4:30p-5:45p<br />
43166 Tue, Nov 5- Dec 17* 4:30p-5:45p<br />
*No Class, 11/26<br />
Kidizens Build-A-Sustainable-City<br />
The Kidizens “Build-A-City” workshop is a hands-on,<br />
interactive session where kids construct an entire LEGO<br />
city while learning civic and economic concepts in a fun,<br />
social learning environment. Working in committees<br />
over multiple weeks, students use analytical thinking,<br />
cooperation, and communication to make decisions,<br />
role-playing as city council members. This project-based<br />
learning enhances problem-solving, public speaking,<br />
and real-life skills in a social learning environment.<br />
Ages: 6y-12y<br />
Instructor: Kidizens Staff<br />
Fees: Residents $320 | Non-Residents $368<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center<br />
Community Room<br />
Capacity: 24<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43744 Mon. Sept 9- Nov 4* 3:30p-5:30p<br />
*No Class, 10/14<br />
Youth & Teen Classes<br />
32<br />
Brick Techniques STEM basics with<br />
LEGO®<br />
Join Brick Tech as we introduce your child to STEM<br />
basics by building guided projects out of LEGO® pieces!<br />
Each LEGO® project will showcase relevant STEM<br />
concepts, such as a motorized car to discuss gear drives<br />
or a house with bricks to introduce overlapping<br />
construction, fostering hands-on learning for<br />
participants.<br />
Ages: 5y-8y<br />
Instructor: Brick Tech Staff<br />
Fees: Residents $390 | Non-Residents $448.50<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center<br />
Community Room<br />
Capacity: 16<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43200 Thu, Sept 12- Nov 14 3:15p-4:45p<br />
Academic Writing:<br />
News Reporters<br />
Bring purpose and excellence to your writing! Every<br />
piece of writing has a goal, whether it’s sharing your<br />
creativity or examining an academic topic, and in this<br />
class students learn to develop and tailor their writing<br />
styles to suit those goals. Students learn about different<br />
genres, audiences, and levels of formality in writing, all<br />
while practicing their writing in multiple fields.<br />
Experienced instructors, small classes! $20 materials.<br />
Ages: 8y-11y<br />
Instructor: Communication Academy<br />
Fees: Residents $415 | Non-Residents $477.25<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center<br />
Community Room<br />
Capacity: 4<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43296 Wed, Sept 11- Nov 20* 4p-5p<br />
*No Class, 11/6
Public Speaking:<br />
Persuasive Speakers<br />
Share your opinions persuasively and inspire the world!<br />
Learn to express your beliefs clearly, concisely,<br />
charismatically, and above all – persuasively! Students<br />
master effective communication, increase their<br />
confidence, refine their use of language, organization,<br />
and style… and gain the most valuable skill in the world:<br />
Persuasion! Experienced instructors, small classes! $20<br />
materials.<br />
Ages: 8y-11y<br />
Instructor: Communication Academy<br />
Fees: Residents $415 | Non-Residents $477.25<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center<br />
Community Room<br />
Capacity: 6<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43293 Wed, Sept 11- Nov 20* 5:15p-6:15p<br />
*No Class, 11/6<br />
Want to take Academic Writing<br />
AND Public Speaking? Sign up<br />
for the combination class and<br />
save $$!<br />
Public Speaking &<br />
Academic Writing Combination<br />
Master skills in speaking, writing, language, and<br />
confidence! Get both of our Persuasive Speakers and<br />
News Reporters courses – at an automatic discount!<br />
Students get the benefits of both component classes,<br />
plus supervision for the time between them, so that<br />
they can learn, grow, and have fun! We offer different<br />
subjects every season. Experienced instructors, small<br />
classes! $40 combined materials.<br />
Ages: 8y-11y<br />
Instructor: Communication Academy<br />
Fees: Residents $745 | Non-Residents $856.75<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center<br />
Community Room<br />
Capacity: 8<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43349 Wed, Sept 11- Nov 20* 4p-6:15p<br />
*No Class, 11/6<br />
Beginning Ice Skating Classes<br />
*what is the DigiDraw?! Go to page 8-9<br />
to find out.<br />
Beginning Ice Skating Classes are for skaters who have<br />
never had lessons, move slowly or have never skated.<br />
Includes ½ hour group class once a week and rental<br />
skates and practice time on the public session in<br />
progress that day. For higher level classes please<br />
contact Winter Lodge directly.<br />
Ages: 6y-7y<br />
Instructor: Winter Lodge Staff<br />
Fees: Residents $210 | Non-Residents $241.50<br />
Location: Winter Lodge<br />
Capacity: 10<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43234 DigiDraw, Thu, Oct 17- Nov 21 3:30p-4p<br />
Ages: 8y-10y<br />
Instructor: Winter Lodge Staff<br />
Fees: Residents $210 | Non-Residents $241.50<br />
Location: Winter Lodge<br />
Capacity: 10<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43235 DigiDraw, Thu, Oct 17- Nov 21 3:30p-4p<br />
Ages: 11y-16y<br />
Instructor: Winter Lodge Staff<br />
Fees: Residents $210 | Non-Residents $241.50<br />
Location: Winter Lodge<br />
Capacity: 10<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43236 Mon, Oct 14- Nov 18 5p-5:30p<br />
Youth & Teen Classes<br />
Youth & Teen Classes<br />
34<br />
NAofA Basketball Development<br />
Clinic<br />
This clinic by National Academy of Athletics is perfect<br />
for players in preparation of their upcoming league play.<br />
This program is designed to make you more<br />
confident with the basketball. Ball handling drills,<br />
shooting fundamentals and many other skill based<br />
instructional programs will be combined with games<br />
and other small sided competitions. Come join our<br />
experienced staff and walk away a better player!<br />
Ages: 8y-10y<br />
Instructor: National Academy of Athletics<br />
Fees: Residents $209 | Non-Residents $240.35<br />
Location: Cubberley Community Center | Pavilion<br />
Capacity: 40<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43201 Sat, Sept 14- Oct 19 9:15a-10:30a<br />
Ages: 11y-13y<br />
Instructor: National Academy of Athletics<br />
Fees: Residents $209 | Non-Residents $240.35<br />
Location: Cubberley Community Center | Pavilion<br />
Capacity: 40<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43202 Sat, Sept 14- Oct 19 10:45a-12p<br />
Soccer 1 Techniques & Teamwork<br />
Learn dribbling, passing and receiving, defense and<br />
shooting goals. Fun skill games are played at every<br />
session, and every participant will have a ball at his or<br />
her feet. This class is perfect for first time players while<br />
being fun and engaging for kids with some experience.<br />
Small-sided soccer matches will be introduced<br />
gradually. Each participant will receive a soccer jersey.<br />
Shin guards are required after the first meeting. KLS<br />
class status hotline: (888) 372-5803<br />
Ages: 5y-6y<br />
Instructor: Kidz Love Soccer<br />
Fees: Residents $175 | Non-Residents $201.25<br />
Location: Mitchell Park | Mitchell Park South FIeld<br />
Capacity: 14<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43160 Thu, Sept 5- Oct 17 3:30p-4:15p<br />
43161 Sat, Sept 14- Oct 26 11a-11:45a
Soccer 2 Skillz & Scrimmages<br />
Skillz and Scrimmages teaches advanced skill building<br />
such as dribbling, passing and shooting, as well as an<br />
introduction to goaltending. Kids will scrimmage and<br />
learn to play together as a team. From defense and<br />
midfield to forward and goalie…kids get exposure to<br />
playing every position and having fun. Each participant<br />
will receive a soccer jersey. Shin guards are required<br />
after the first meeting. KLS class status hotline: (888)<br />
372-5803<br />
Ages: 7y-10y<br />
Instructor: Kidz Love Soccer<br />
Fees: Residents $175 | Non-Residents $201.25<br />
Location: Mitchell Park | Mitchell Park South FIeld<br />
Capacity: 14<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43163 Sat, Sept 14- Oct 26 11:50a-12:35p<br />
World Cup Soccer Skill Clinics<br />
World Cup Soccer Clinics are customized to create many<br />
touches on the ball, improve dribbling, passing, receiving<br />
and shooting. We form small groups to ensure a focused<br />
and personal practice. We make it instructional, challenging<br />
and fun. Every practice includes a scrimmage.<br />
Please bring to each class: Soccer ball, shin guards,<br />
soccer cleats or tennis shoes, and water. Fee includes a<br />
T-shirt.<br />
Weather/Rain Policy Note: If the field is closed due to rain<br />
or other weather conditions, we will run our soccer class<br />
online via Zoom.<br />
Ages: 4y-6y<br />
Instructor: World Cup Clinics Coaches<br />
Fees: Residents $269 | Non-Residents $309.35<br />
Location: Greer Fields | Field 1 - West<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43723 Sat, Sept 14- Nov 2 10a-11a<br />
Ages: 4y-6y<br />
Instructor: World Cup Clinics Coaches<br />
Fees: Residents $239 | Non-Residents $274.85<br />
Location: Greer Fields | Field 1 - West<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43725 Tue, Sept 17- Oct 29 4p-5p<br />
Ages: 4y-6y<br />
Instructor: World Cup Clinics Coaches<br />
Fees: Residents $209 | Non-Residents $240.35<br />
Location: Greer Fields | Field 1 - West<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43727 Thu, Sept 19- Oct 24 4p-5p<br />
World Cup Soccer Skill Clinics -<br />
Con’t.<br />
Ages: 4y-6y<br />
Instructor: World Cup Clinics Coaches<br />
Fees: Residents $179 | Non-Residents $205.85<br />
Location: Cubberley Community Center | Pavilion<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43731 Tue, Nov 5- Dec 10* 4p-5p<br />
*No Class, 11/26<br />
43733 Thu, Nov 7- Dec 12* 4p-5p<br />
*No Class, 11/28<br />
43729 Sat, Nov 9- Dec 14* 10a-11a<br />
*No Class, 11/30<br />
Ages: 7y-9y<br />
Instructor: World Cup Clinics Coaches<br />
Fees: Residents $269 | Non-Residents $309.35<br />
Location: Greer Fields | Field 1 - West<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43724 Sat, Sept 14- Nov 2 11a-12p<br />
Ages: 7y-9y<br />
Instructor: World Cup Clinics Coaches<br />
Fees: Residents $239 | Non-Residents $274.85<br />
Location: Greer Fields | Field 1 - West<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43726 Tue, Sept 17- Oct 29 5p-6p<br />
Ages: 7y-9y<br />
Instructor: World Cup Clinics Coaches<br />
Fees: Residents $209 | Non-Residents $240.35<br />
Location: Greer Fields | Field 1 - West<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43728 Thu, Sept 19- Oct 24 5p-6p<br />
Ages: 7y-9y<br />
Instructor: World Cup Clinics Coaches<br />
Fees: Residents $179 | Non-Residents $205.85<br />
Location: Cubberley Community Center | Pavilion<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43732 Tue, Nov 5- Dec 10* 5p-6p<br />
*No Class, 11/26<br />
43734 Thu, Nov 7- Dec 12* 5p-6p<br />
*No Class, 11/28<br />
43730 Sat, Nov 9- Dec 14* 11a-12p<br />
*No Class. 11/30<br />
Youth & Teen Classes<br />
Beginning Pickleball for Younger<br />
Youth Players<br />
This class teaches pickleball skills and the basics of the<br />
game suitable for younger youth players who are new<br />
or newer to pickleball. Participants should bring their<br />
own paddle; wear court shoes, sunscreen and a hat, and<br />
bring water. (Loaner paddles will be available for those<br />
who don’t have their own).<br />
Ages: 9y-11y<br />
Instructor: J Tseng, R Pearson, T Wong, J Schmidt, C<br />
Leung, O Rasmussen<br />
Fees: Residents $90 | Non-Residents $103.50<br />
Location: Mitchell Park | Pickleball Courts<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43286 Tu & Th, Sept 24- Oct 3 3:45p-5:15p<br />
Advanced Beginning Pickleball for<br />
Younger Youth Players<br />
This Course continues the <strong>Fall</strong>-to-Spring Series to build<br />
skills in, and knowledge of, pickleball for youth players.<br />
This class is suitable for players who already know the<br />
basics of pickleball and wish to improve their skills.<br />
Participants should bring their own paddle and bring<br />
water. (Loaner paddles will be available for those who<br />
don’t have their own).<br />
Ages: 9y-11y<br />
Instructor: J Tseng, R Pearson, T Wong, J Schmidt, C<br />
Leung, O Rasmussen<br />
Fees: Residents $180 | Non-Residents $207<br />
Location: Mitchell Park | Pickleball Courts<br />
Capacity: 6<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43264 Tu & Th, Oct 22- Nov 14 3:45p-5:15p<br />
Youth & Teen Classes<br />
36<br />
Beginning Pickleball for Older<br />
Youth Players<br />
This class teaches pickleball skills and the basics of the<br />
game for older youth players who are new or newer to<br />
pickleball. Participants should bring their own paddle;<br />
wear court shoes, sunscreen and a hat, and bring water.<br />
(Loaner paddles will be available for those who don’t<br />
have their own).<br />
Ages: 11y-16y<br />
Instructor: J Tseng, R Pearson, T Wong, J Schmidt, C<br />
Leung, O Rasmussen<br />
Fees: Residents $90 | Non-Residents $103.50<br />
Location: Mitchell Park | Pickleball Courts<br />
Capacity: 16<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43276 Tue & Thu, Oct 8- 17 3:45p-5:15p<br />
Advanced Beginning Pickleball for<br />
Older Youth Players<br />
This Course continues the <strong>Fall</strong>-to-Spring Series to build<br />
skills in, and knowledge of, pickleball for youth players.<br />
This class is suitable for players who already know the<br />
basics of pickleball and wish to improve their skills.<br />
Participants should bring their own paddle and bring<br />
water. (Loaner paddles will be available for those who<br />
don’t have their own).<br />
Ages: 11y-16y<br />
Instructor: J Tseng, R Pearson, T Wong, J Schmidt, C<br />
Leung, O Rasmussen<br />
Fees: Residents $180 | Non-Residents $207<br />
Location: Mitchell Park | Pickleball Courts<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43291 Tue & Thu, Oct 22- Nov 14 3:45p-5:15p
Play Tennis the Stanford Way<br />
Individual Tennis Lessons<br />
Personal and semi-private (1-4 players)<br />
taught by the staff of Stanford Hall of<br />
Famer John Whitlinger and longtime<br />
Stanford/USPTAPro Tom Sarsfield<br />
WhitlingerSarsfieldTennis.com<br />
Director's Hourly Rate<br />
Stanford/USPTA Elite Pro Tom Sarsfield<br />
(408) 745-6171 thomassarsfield@mac.com<br />
$120 for 1 player, $10 per hour more for<br />
each additional player<br />
Lessons at Rinconada Park #5-6 and<br />
Mitchell Park #1-2<br />
Group Lessons<br />
<strong>Enjoy</strong> top-flight instruction from the staff of Stanford Hall of Famer John Whitlinger and<br />
longtime Stanford/USPTA Pro Tom Sarsfield. All classes will consist of eight hours of<br />
instruction with a max of 6 students unless stated otherwise.. Terrific Tiny Tennis classes<br />
will consist of six to eight 40 minute lessons. Students provide own rackets.<br />
IMPORTANT: In case of rain, contact the recreation dept. at 463-4900, Monday through<br />
Friday, 8:30am-5:30pm, within the hour before scheduled starting time for class status or<br />
check with the instructor by visiting WhitlingerSarsfieldTennis.com for contact information.<br />
If at any time the instructor is absent, report to the next scheduled lesson for makeup date.<br />
REC. DEPT.<br />
Unless notified to the contrary, make up lessons will be forwarded to the next normal meeting day and<br />
time. However, Fridays (for weekday lessons) or Sundays (for weekend lessons) may be used at the<br />
instructor’s discretion. NOTE:If an earlier class is postponed due to rain, all the following classes may<br />
also be postponed that day even if the courts become dry.<br />
*Pro's Hourly Rate<br />
$95 for one player, $5 per hour more for<br />
each additional person. (*$5 per hour<br />
discount for 3 (three) or more hours paid<br />
in advance for 1-2 players)<br />
*For lessons at Mitchell Park #1-2,<br />
call USPTA Professionals<br />
Neil Da Silva (408) 398-5543,<br />
John Chan (415) 298-7900,<br />
Hung Nguyen (408) 499-2433, or<br />
Lisa Sarsfield (408) 745-6171<br />
*For lessons at Rinconada Park #5-6,<br />
James Knofler (408) 410-0434<br />
Megan Bryan (650) 759-8433,<br />
Sujan Bajracharya 650-787-7906.<br />
Or visit WhitlingerSarsfieldTennis.com<br />
for more contact information.<br />
Payment for lesson(s) must be given to<br />
the instructor at the time of your first<br />
lesson. Only checks payable to TOM<br />
SARSFIELD will be accepted (no cash or<br />
credit card).<br />
Terrific Tiny Tennis<br />
Children, 5-7 years of age, play FUN activities and games on the “42 foot court” with low compression tennis balls. Lessons<br />
are designed to enhance their athletic and skill development in a success oriented environment. Small group lessons, only<br />
2-6 students per class! We recommend 21”-23” rackets.<br />
Ages: 5y-7y<br />
Instructor: Whitlinger-Sarsfield Tennis<br />
Fees: Residents $145 | Non-Residents $166.75<br />
Capacity: 6<br />
Mitchell Park Courts 1 & 2<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43615 Tu & Th, Sept 10- Oct 3 3:20p-4p<br />
43620 Sat, Sept 14- Nov 2 3:30p-4:10p<br />
43622 Sat, Sept 14- Nov 2 4:10p-4:50p<br />
43623 Tu & Th, Oct 15- Nov 7 3:20p-4p<br />
Rinconada Courts 5 & 6<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
40583 M & W, Sept 9- Oct 2 3:20p-4p<br />
43606 Tue, Sept 10- Oct 29 3:20p-4p<br />
43607 Thu, Sept 12- Oct 31 3:20p-4p<br />
43608 Sat, Sept 14- Nov 2 2p-2:40p<br />
43609 Sat, Sept 14- Nov 2 2:40p-3:20p<br />
43610 Sat, Sept 14- Nov 2 3:20p-4p<br />
43611 M & W, Oct 16- Nov 13* 3:20p-4p<br />
*No Class, 11/11<br />
Ages: 5y-7y<br />
Instructor: Whitlinger-Sarsfield Tennis<br />
Fees: Residents $109 | Non-Residents $125.35<br />
Capacity: 6<br />
Mitchell Park Pickleball Courts<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43616 Wed, Sept 11- Oct 16 3:10p-3:50p<br />
43619 Wed, Sept 11- Oct 16 3:50p-4:30p<br />
Youth & Teen Classes<br />
Youth & Teen Classes<br />
38<br />
Quickstart Tennis<br />
Special service, only 3-6 players per class! Learn simple<br />
and efficient techniques on the 60ft court with low<br />
compression tennis balls. Emphasis on control,<br />
consistency, sportsmanship, and FUN! We recommend<br />
the 25” rackets.<br />
Ages: 8y-10y<br />
Instructor: Whitlinger-Sarsfield Tennis<br />
Fees: Residents $209 | Non-Residents $240.35<br />
Capacity: 6<br />
Mitchell Park Courts 1 & 2<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43636 Tu & Th, Sept 10- Oct 3 4p-5p<br />
43637 Tu & Th, Oct 15- Nov 7 4p-5p<br />
Rinconada Courts 5 & 6<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43633 M & W, Sept 9- Oct 2 4p-5p<br />
43634 Tue, Sept 10- Oct 29 4p-5p<br />
43635 M & W, Oct 16- Nov 13* 4p-5p<br />
*No Class, 11/11<br />
Quickstart Advantage Tennis<br />
Special service, only 3-6 players per class! Review and<br />
develop techniques on the “60 ft. court” with low<br />
compression tennis balls. More emphasis on depth,<br />
direction, and spin. Players should have prior<br />
Quickstart experience and/or instructor’s approval.<br />
Ages: 8y-10y<br />
Instructor: Whitlinger-Sarsfield Tennis<br />
Fees: Residents $209 | Non-Residents $240.35<br />
Capacity: 6<br />
Mitchell Park Courts 1 & 2<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43694 Sat, Sept 14- Nov 2 2:30p-3:30p<br />
Rinconada Courts 5 & 6<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43687 M & W, Sept 9- Oct 2 5p-6p<br />
43689 Thu, Sept 12- Oct 31 4p-5p<br />
43692 M & W, Oct 16- Nov 13* 5p-6p<br />
*No Class, 11/11<br />
Junior Novice Tennis<br />
Special service, only 3-6 players per class! Develop the<br />
essential techniques with emphasis on control, depth,<br />
and direction on the 78’ court with regulation tennis<br />
balls. Lessons will also incorporate rules,<br />
sportsmanship, and basic doubles play. Ten year olds<br />
may participate with instructors approval.<br />
Ages: 11y-14y<br />
Instructor: Whitlinger-Sarsfield Tennis<br />
Fees: Residents $209 | Non-Residents $240.35<br />
Capacity: 6<br />
Mitchell Park Courts 1 & 2<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43701 Sat, Sept 14- Nov 2 1:30p-2:30p<br />
Rinconada Courts 5 & 6<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43698 M & W, Sept 9- Oct 2 6:30p-7:30p<br />
43700 M & W, Oct 16- Nov 13* 6:30p-7:30p<br />
*No Class, 11/11<br />
Junior Low Intermediate Tennis<br />
Special service, only 3-6 players per class! For players<br />
who are consistent on a slow pace rally but need to<br />
develop better depth, directional control, and use of<br />
spin. Review and strengthen stroke techniques with<br />
more emphasis on basic strategy and tactics. Ten years<br />
old’s may participate with instructors’ approval.<br />
Ages: 11y-14y<br />
Instructor: Whitlinger-Sarsfield Tennis<br />
Fees: Residents $209 | Non-Residents $240.35<br />
Capacity: 6<br />
Mitchell Park Courts 1 & 2<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43703 Tu & Th, Sept 10- Oct 3 5p-6p<br />
43704 Tu & Th, Oct 15- Nov 7 5p-6p<br />
Rinconada Courts 5 & 6<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43702 Sat, Sept 14- Nov 2 1p-2p
Junior Intermediate Tennis<br />
Special service, only 3-6 players per class! For players<br />
who are consistent on a medium pace rally but needs to<br />
develop more spin, power, and/or variety. Refine stroke<br />
techniques, strategy, and tactics with performance<br />
enhancing drills.<br />
Ages: 11y-15y<br />
Instructor: Whitlinger-Sarsfield Tennis<br />
Fees: Residents $209 | Non-Residents $240.35<br />
Capacity: 6<br />
Rinconada Courts 5 & 6<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43705 Tue, Sept 10- Oct 29 5p-6p<br />
SCHOOL'S<br />
OUT!<br />
PAUSD Break Camps &<br />
Weekend Workshops<br />
Star Wars STEM with LEGO®<br />
Are you a Star Wars® Fan? Do you like LEGO® then this<br />
class is for you! Come join us for an adventure as we<br />
build all your favorite Star Wars® projects. From speeder<br />
bikes to x-wings your child will learn STEM concepts<br />
while exploring a galaxy far far away…<br />
Ages: 5y-10y<br />
Instructor: Brick Tech Staff<br />
Fees: Residents $55 | Non-Residents $63.25<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center<br />
Community Room<br />
Capacity: 20<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43194 Sat, Sept 21 9a-12p<br />
LEGO® Ultimate Train Workshop<br />
Join Brick Tech this spring as we plan, build, create and<br />
test LEGO® projects with working trains! In this new<br />
offering we will explore STEM concepts relevant to all<br />
things locomotive in nature. Participants will build<br />
guided projects such as a train station, mail hook and a<br />
manual track switch. All projects will interact with the<br />
Train while providing an opportunity for hands on<br />
learning and learning through play, as well as peer<br />
interaction. Don’t miss this opportunity to get your<br />
LEGO® lover on the right track to speed ahead in this<br />
new offering from Brick Tech.<br />
Ages: 5y-10y<br />
Instructor: Brick Tech Staff<br />
Fees: Residents $55 | Non-Residents $63.25<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center<br />
Community Room<br />
Capacity: 20<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43195 Sat, Oct 5 9a-12p<br />
43198 Sat, Dec 7 9a-12p<br />
BOO! Spooky Haunted House<br />
LEGO® Workshop<br />
Put on your Halloween costumes and get ready to build<br />
the spookiest haunted house ever, completely out of<br />
LEGO®! In this workshop, participants will get to spend<br />
the ghostly holiday building and creating with LEGO®,<br />
discovering new ways to make spooky creations.<br />
Please note: Costumes must not cover eyes and<br />
should not include any accessories/weapons.<br />
Costumes are not required to participate.<br />
Ages: 5y-10y<br />
Instructor: Brick Tech Staff<br />
Fees: Residents $55 | Non-Residents $63.25<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center<br />
Community Room<br />
Capacity: 20<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43196 Sat, Nov 2 9a-12p<br />
Youth & Teen Classes<br />
Youth & Teen Classes<br />
40<br />
LEGO® Engineering & Design -<br />
City Creator<br />
Join Brick Tech this fall as we design, create and build<br />
our very own custom city. Participants will explore<br />
STEM, engineering and design concepts as they build<br />
their own individual piece of the City! Don’t miss this<br />
chance to let your little LEGO® lover learn and have<br />
fun while getting to build with peers in a collaborative<br />
project setting.<br />
Ages: 5y-10y<br />
Instructor: Brick Tech Staff<br />
Fees: Residents $55 | Non-Residents $63.25<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center<br />
Community Room<br />
Capacity: 20<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43197 Sat, Nov 16 9a-12p<br />
Veterans Day Basketball Camp<br />
The one day coed camp by National Academy of<br />
Athletics will emphasize the fundamentals for Shooting,<br />
Ball Control, Defense, Rebounding, Passing and<br />
Conditioning. Additionally, campers will participate<br />
in contests, games and other fun events. Campers are<br />
divided into groups by both age and ability.<br />
Ages: 7y-12y<br />
Instructor: National Academy of Athletics<br />
Fees: Residents $99 | Non-Residents $113.85<br />
Location: Cubberley Community Center | Pavilion<br />
Capacity: 40<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43203 Mon, Nov 11 9a-3p<br />
Academic Writing:<br />
Persuasive Authors<br />
Express your opinions, win arguments, and learn the<br />
all-important art of persuasion! In this class, students<br />
learn from the texts of charismatic figures, historical<br />
inspirations, and best practices to assemble an effective<br />
persuasive style. They learn to research, understand<br />
points of view, make effective word choices, and express<br />
their opinions with clarity and confidence. Learn the<br />
most valuable skill in the world: Persuasion!<br />
Experienced instructors, small classes! $20 materials<br />
Ages: 8y-11y<br />
Instructor: Communication Academy<br />
Fees: Residents $310 | Non-Residents $356.50<br />
Location: Mitchell Park Community Center<br />
Matadero Room<br />
Capacity: 4<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43222 M-W, Nov 25- 27 9a-11:30a<br />
Public Speaking:<br />
Animated Storytellers<br />
Bring expression, emotion, and mastery to your voice<br />
with the art of storytelling! In this engaging class,<br />
students master many powerful skills - performing<br />
for an audience, expressing the full range of emotion<br />
through characters, attentiveness as audience<br />
members, and more! Through fun activities and<br />
speaking games, students become expert speakers who<br />
can share ideas and entertainment with charisma and<br />
enthusiasm! Small classes, experienced instructors! $20<br />
materials.<br />
Ages: 8y-11y<br />
Instructor: Communication Academy<br />
Fees: Residents $310 | Non-Residents $356.50<br />
Location: Mitchell Park Community Center<br />
Matadero Room<br />
Capacity: 6<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43221 M-W, Nov 25-27 12:30p-3p<br />
Want to take Academic Writing<br />
AND Public Speaking? Sign up<br />
for the combination camp and<br />
save $$!<br />
Public Speaking & Academic<br />
Writing Combination Camp<br />
Master skills in speaking, writing, language, and<br />
confidence! Get both of our Animated Storyteller and<br />
Persuasive Author courses – at an automatic discount!<br />
Students get the benefits of both component classes,<br />
plus supervision for the time between them, so that<br />
they can learn, grow, and have fun! We offer different<br />
subjects every season. Experienced instructors, small<br />
classes! $40 combined materials.<br />
Ages: 8y-11y<br />
Instructor: Communication Academy<br />
Fees: Residents $555 | Non-Residents $638.25<br />
Location: Mitchell Park Community Center<br />
Matadero Room<br />
Capacity: 8<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43223 M-W, Nov 25-27 9a-3p
Minecraft with LEGO®<br />
STEM - Basic Camp<br />
Come explore your favorite Minecraft biomes structures<br />
and STEM concepts with LEGO®. Build houses and traps<br />
to defend against mobs. Build tools, mines, caves to<br />
explore and help Steve defeat the ender dragon! Please<br />
note there will be no video games played in this camp.<br />
Ages: 5y-10y<br />
Instructor: Brick Tech Staff<br />
Fees: Residents $165 | Non-Residents $189.75<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center<br />
Community Room<br />
Capacity: 20<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43199 M-W, Nov 25-27 9a-12p<br />
Thanksgiving 3 Day All Sports<br />
Camp<br />
A great way to introduce your youngsters to the world of<br />
sports, teamwork and athletics! This camp by the<br />
National Academy of Athletics will help to build your<br />
child’s motor control, hand-eye coordination, agility and<br />
many other sports related skills. Your child will have a<br />
blast playing games with the other children that may<br />
include: baseball, basketball, soccer, flag football,<br />
capture the flag, relay & obstacle races and a whole<br />
lot more. This camp will feature different activities so<br />
that your child will be familiar with a variety of athletic<br />
activities!<br />
Ages: 7y-12y<br />
Instructor: National Academy of Athletics<br />
Fees: Residents $235 | Non-Residents $270.25<br />
Location: Cubberley Community Center | Gym B<br />
Capacity: 40<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43204 M-W, Nov 25- 27 9a-3p<br />
Youth & Teen Classes<br />
Middle School<br />
Athletics<br />
Fletcher JLS Greene<br />
Girls Flag<br />
Football<br />
39487 | 6th Grade<br />
39488 | 7th Grade<br />
39489 | 8th Grade<br />
39477 | 6th Grade<br />
39478 | 7th Grade<br />
39479 | 8th Grade<br />
39497 | 6th Grade<br />
39498 | 7th Grade<br />
39499 | 8th Grade<br />
Boys Flag<br />
Football<br />
39493 | 6th Grade<br />
39494 | 7th Grade<br />
39495 | 8th Grade<br />
39483 | 6th Grade<br />
39484 | 7th Grade<br />
39485 | 8th Grade<br />
39500 | 6th Grade<br />
39501 | 7th Grade<br />
39502 | 8th Grade<br />
Girls<br />
Volleyball<br />
39490 | 6th Grade<br />
39491 | 7th Grade<br />
39492 | 8th Grade<br />
39480 | 6th Grade<br />
39481 | 7th Grade<br />
39482 | 8th Grade<br />
39503 | 6th Grade<br />
39504 | 7th Grade<br />
39505 | 8th Grade<br />
Cross<br />
Country<br />
39496 | 6th-8th<br />
Grade<br />
39486 | 6th-8th<br />
Grade<br />
39506 | 6th-8th<br />
Grade<br />
42<br />
<strong>Fall</strong> game schedules can be found here:<br />
Important Dates<br />
(For MSA <strong>Fall</strong> Sports):<br />
DigiDraw opens: 7/23 for all Middle School Athletic <strong>Fall</strong> Sports.<br />
DigiDraw closes: 8/18 be sure to add your student to the list by the<br />
end of this day!<br />
Payment & Registration (ONLY if contacted):<br />
Fletcher: August 19-21, <strong>2024</strong><br />
JLS: August 20-22, <strong>2024</strong><br />
Greene: August 21-23, <strong>2024</strong><br />
Open enrollment for MSA sports, if there are still spaces available,<br />
will open on August 26 (Fletcher), August 27 (Greene), August 28<br />
(JLS).<br />
Guardian<br />
participation<br />
required<br />
Material fee<br />
in addition<br />
to class fee.<br />
Sibling<br />
discount<br />
available!<br />
Save $ when you<br />
enroll siblings.<br />
Must be in one<br />
transaction.<br />
Check out this<br />
new program!<br />
Spectrum<br />
Friendly<br />
Adult Classes<br />
DigiDraw<br />
PILOT<br />
Session!<br />
For all ceramics classes, the firing and glazes are included. Clay must be purchased at the Art Center ($25 per 25lb).<br />
Basic ceramic tool kit required (available at class for $15).<br />
Adult Classes<br />
Introduction to Ceramics<br />
with Miki Shim<br />
This course is designed for those with little to no<br />
experience but is open to all levels.<br />
Class participants will gain clay knowledge, construction<br />
techniques, and best practices in working with clay.<br />
Step-by-step style instruction will cover hand-building<br />
projects and cover various glazing techniques.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Miki Shim<br />
Fees: Residents $360 | Non-Residents $414<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Studio<br />
Capacity: 20<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43495 Tue, Oct 8- Dec 10* 10a-1p<br />
*No Class, 11/26<br />
Intermediate Wheel Projects with<br />
Miki Shim<br />
Work with Miki in this intermediate to advanced wheel<br />
class to continue your studio practice. Students will<br />
receive hands-on instruction to develop individualized<br />
expression of form and design, fine-tune their throwing<br />
skills and expand their knowledge of ceramics<br />
processes. Projects will include functional and<br />
decorative vessels thrown on the wheel and will include<br />
altered forms and combine hand-built elements.<br />
Independent projects ideas are welcome and will<br />
receive instruction as needed.<br />
This is an intermediate and advanced level class. Prior<br />
wheel sessions required. Students must be able to<br />
center and pull even walls.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Miki Shim<br />
Fees: Residents $280 | Non-Residents $322<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Studio<br />
Capacity: 20<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43496 Mon, Oct 7- Dec 9* 6p-9p<br />
*No Class, 10/14, 11/11, 11/25<br />
Beginning Wheel Throwing with<br />
Joey Agcopra<br />
In this beginning to intermediate wheel class we will<br />
focus on creating functional dinnerware. New students<br />
will receive hands on instruction to build their<br />
proficiency on the wheel. Students with experience<br />
will be encouraged to work more independently and<br />
learn how to create more complex forms. Independent<br />
project ideas are welcome and will receive instruction as<br />
needed.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Joey Agcopra<br />
Fees: Residents $400 | Non-Residents $460<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Studio<br />
Capacity: 20<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43497 Thu, Sept 12- Nov 14 7p-10p<br />
Hand Building with<br />
Hsin-Chuen Lin<br />
This course focuses on hand building. Hsin will<br />
demonstrate and teach one project per week based<br />
on slab build techniques. We are making Sushi plates,<br />
pencil holders, Ikebana vessels, pitchers, and baskets,<br />
with additional attention given to texture and sgraffito<br />
decoration. Advanced students will learn from instructor<br />
demonstrations and will receive individual attention on<br />
independent projects.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Hsin-Chuen Lin<br />
Fees: Residents $400 | Non-Residents $460<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Studio<br />
Capacity: 20<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43401 Fri, Sept 13- Nov 15 10a-1p<br />
Wheel Throwing, Level 2<br />
In this beginning to intermediate wheel class we will<br />
focus on creating functional dinnerware. New students<br />
will receive hands on instruction to build their<br />
proficiency on the wheel. Students with experience<br />
will be encouraged to work more independently and<br />
learn how to create more complex forms. Independent<br />
project ideas are welcome and will receive instruction as<br />
needed.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Joey Agcopra<br />
Fees: Residents $400 | Non-Residents $460<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Studio<br />
Capacity: 20<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43498 Wed, Sept 11- Nov 13 7p-10p<br />
Wheel Throwing with Danny Sheu<br />
We will start this class with the fundamentals of<br />
wheel-thrown pottery. Beginning students will learn<br />
how to center clay and create basic forms, as well as<br />
trimming, finishing and glazing. Once the foundations<br />
are taught, students of all levels will learn from the<br />
instructor’s demonstrations and individualized guidance<br />
and assistance so that each student can develop their<br />
personal direction and style. This class is appropriate for<br />
beginners and advanced students.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Danny Sheu<br />
Fees: Residents $400 | Non-Residents $460<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Studio<br />
Capacity: 20<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43400 Thu, Sept 12- Nov 14 10a-1p<br />
Ceramics with Gary Clarien<br />
This class will address wheel throwing and hand<br />
building. Additionally, surface treatments will be<br />
emphasized. This class will also cover a variety of<br />
techniques as well as glazing and firing. All levels of<br />
experience welcome. Advanced students will learn from<br />
instructor demonstrations and will receive individual<br />
attention on independent projects.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Gary Clarien<br />
Fees: Residents $400 | Non-Residents $460<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Studio<br />
Capacity: 20<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43402 Sat, Sept 14- Nov 23 10a-1p<br />
Adult Classes<br />
Intro to Glazes<br />
In this lecture-based class with Aaron Grulich, ceramics<br />
students will dive deep into glaze chemistry,<br />
components and properties. Students will learn glaze<br />
recipe fundamentals, the raw materials involved, and<br />
how they interact with each other and with the clay<br />
body. Aaron will also go over what happens in the kiln<br />
to clay and glazes as they fire. Students will also spend<br />
some time in the ceramics studio creating test tiles and<br />
glaze tests.<br />
Experience in ceramics required.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Aaron Grulich<br />
Fees: Residents $450 | Non-Residents $517.50<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Studio B<br />
Capacity: 15<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43501 Tue, Sept 10- Nov 12 6p-9p<br />
Self-Directed Ceramics Projects<br />
This course is only for ceramics students who have taken<br />
at least two previous ceramics classes at the Palo Alto<br />
Art Center.* Self-Directed Projects gives experienced<br />
Art Center Ceramics Program participants access to the<br />
studio during open studio drop-in hours for the entire<br />
session for a flat fee without having to take an instructed<br />
class. Only work made in the PAAC studios will be fired.<br />
*No exceptions made to Art Center Ceramics two-class<br />
prerequisite. If you have not taken two classes at the Art<br />
Center you will be dropped from this class.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Fees: Residents $400 | Non-Residents $460<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Studio<br />
Capacity: 60<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43404 Mon-Sun, Sept 9- Nov 17* Varies Daily<br />
*No Class, 10/14, 11/11<br />
Ceramics <strong>Fall</strong> Extension<br />
Open to students enrolled in <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2024</strong> ceramics classes<br />
and Self-Directed Projects only. This extension allows<br />
access to the studio during studio hours for a flat fee.<br />
Finish up your projects or make a few more.<br />
Adult Classes<br />
46<br />
Ceramics Drop-In Pass<br />
This pass allows students enrolled in the Art Center’s<br />
instructed ceramics classes to use the studio this quarter<br />
anytime during the open studio drop-in hours for a<br />
flat fee.<br />
Day passes are available for students who prefer not to<br />
get the quarterly unlimited Drop-In Pass. Day passes are<br />
$12 for Palo Alto residents and $14 for non-residents.<br />
Pass NOT required for Self-Directed Projects students.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Fees: Residents $100 | Non-Residents $115<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Studio<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43403 Mon-Sun, Sept 9- Nov 17* Varies daily<br />
*No Class, 10/14, 11/11<br />
Please note: Wares made during extension will NOT be<br />
done in time for the holidays.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Fees: Residents $150 | Non-Residents $172.50<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Studio<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43499 Mon-Sun, Nov 18- Dec 15* Varies Daily<br />
*No Class, 11/28, 11/29, 12/6, 12/7<br />
Ceramics Firing Service<br />
Firing Service is exclusively for students who<br />
participated in the Art Center’s Curbside Program in<br />
2020. Online enrollment is no longer available. To enroll<br />
email fanny.retsek@cityofpaloalto.org or call<br />
(650) 617-3525.<br />
Participants must drop-off and pick-up their wares in the<br />
Art Center Ceramics studio during drop-in hours (see receipt<br />
for hours). Participants must appropriately shelve<br />
all wares to be fired.<br />
Take-home glazes are no longer included. However,<br />
participants may glaze during drop-in hours (included in<br />
firing service fee).
Beginning Drawing & Introduction<br />
to Art<br />
This introductory lecture-based class teaches the<br />
foundations needed to express your creativity through<br />
drawing. You will use charcoal to do your own drawings<br />
from still life as you learn to see like an artist, explore<br />
media, create dynamic compositions, draw in<br />
perspective, and use light and shadow. We end with an<br />
introduction to color theory and painting with oil,<br />
acrylic and watercolor. After this class you will be set for<br />
your next art adventure!<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Richard Becker<br />
Fees: Residents $252 | Non-Residents $289.80<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Studio A<br />
Capacity: 20<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43502 Thu, Sept 12- Nov 14 10a-12:30p<br />
Painting: Beginning & Beyond<br />
This class is a one-room schoolhouse! Beginning and<br />
intermediate students follow a guided study curriculum;<br />
independent students bring their own self-determined<br />
projects. Each week’s half-hour of lecture,<br />
demonstration and class-long practice exercises help<br />
beginners, but useful for students of all levels. Many<br />
students prefer the independent study route for support<br />
in pursuing their own artistic practice. Acrylic,<br />
watercolor, oil, and pastel are welcome. This class has a<br />
culture of studious effort and quiet concentration.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Ann McMillan<br />
Fees: Residents $300 | Non-Residents $345<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Studio A<br />
Capacity: 18<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43394 Wed, Sept 11- Nov 20* 7p-10p<br />
*No Class, 10/23<br />
Beginning Painting<br />
Have you always wanted to learn to paint? This is the<br />
class for you! We’ll travel at a beginner’s pace, starting<br />
with exploring materials and methods. We’ll then work<br />
on value, color-mixing and drawing skills. Ann covers<br />
copying artworks, working from photographs, and<br />
painting from observation. Oil and acrylic paints are<br />
both welcome. Students will be expected to follow the<br />
course curriculum. For independent work and study,<br />
please sign up for Painting: Beginning and Beyond.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Ann McMillan<br />
Fees: Residents $240 | Non-Residents $276<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Studio A<br />
Capacity: 18<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43386 Mon, Sept 9- Nov 18* 6p-9p<br />
*No Class, 10/14, 10/21, 11/11<br />
Acrylic Painting<br />
Exciting breakthroughs with acrylic paint allow it to be<br />
handled more like traditional oil paint: slower drying<br />
time, buttery consistency, and smooth mix-ability.<br />
Through lectures and demonstrations, students learn<br />
how to handle and control this marvelous medium with<br />
easy to follow step-by-step methods. Class will cover<br />
staging your picture, color theory, design, materials,<br />
techniques, and tricks. Students will create their own<br />
paintings from still life or using images and/or<br />
photographs.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Richard Becker<br />
Fees: Residents $300 | Non-Residents $345<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Studio A<br />
Capacity: 15<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43503 Tue, Sept 10- Nov 12 10a-1p<br />
Adult Classes<br />
Watercolor<br />
Through lectures and demonstrations, students will<br />
learn the basics of watercolor painting. The instructor<br />
will cover wet-in-wet, drybrush, washes, glazes, and<br />
most importantly, the behavior of water, our complex<br />
partner in the painting process. Students will create<br />
their own watercolors using images from still life and<br />
landscape. Students will also learn about composition,<br />
design, color theory, and a variety of papers, pigments,<br />
and brushes.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Richard Becker<br />
Fees: Residents $270 | Non-Residents $310.50<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Studio B<br />
Capacity: 18<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43505 Mon, Sept 9- Nov 18* 10a-1p<br />
*No Class, 10/14, 11/11<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Richard Becker<br />
Fees: Residents $300 | Non-Residents $345<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Studio A<br />
Capacity: 20<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43504 Sat, Sept 14- Nov 16 10a-1p<br />
Printmaking Explorations<br />
This class will offer a variety of printmaking techniques<br />
to engage students in the magical world of printmaking,<br />
using safer practices and less toxic materials and<br />
methods. Throughout the course, we’ll explore block<br />
printing (relief), silkscreen, and lithography. Each class<br />
will have instruction and studio time for students to<br />
pursue their individual interests. No experience<br />
necessary, the only requirement is enthusiasm!<br />
Experienced printmakers welcome.<br />
Materials fee of $25 payable to instructor.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Moose Wesler<br />
Fees: Residents $320 | Non-Residents $368<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Studio A<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43508 Mon, Sept 9- Nov 18* 10a-1p<br />
*No Class, 9/30, 10/14, 11/11<br />
Adult Classes<br />
48<br />
Exploration in Visual Storytelling<br />
Turn your stories into compelling visual narratives!<br />
Work on a personal project or explore various forms of<br />
visual storytelling: memoirs, graphic novels, children’s<br />
books, travel diaries, daily journals, comic, poetry, etc.<br />
Through a practical technical overview (storyboarding,<br />
character design, page composition, etc.), exploration<br />
of AI tools, and fun art and writing exercises, develop a<br />
unique toolbox for creating visual stories that resonate<br />
with audiences. Get tips on how to promote, share, and<br />
publish your work.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Danièle Archambault<br />
Fees: Residents $350 | Non-Residents $402.50<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43399 Tue, Sept 17- Nov 19 6:30p-8:30p<br />
Monotype, Mixed Media, and<br />
More<br />
Trace monotypes, silkscreen monoprints, stencils,<br />
painting, drypoint printing, 3-D creations—come and<br />
play with us in the print studio as we explore the vast<br />
and varied medium of monoprints. Monoprinting is a<br />
very flexible way of working, giving the artist a great<br />
deal of expressive freedom. It also often involves the<br />
element of surprise as the print is revealed at the press.<br />
Discover new techniques or enhance your skills in this<br />
class for all levels.<br />
Materials fee of $25 payable to instructor.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Moose Wesler<br />
Fees: Residents $400 | Non-Residents $460<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Studio A<br />
Capacity: 10<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43509 Wed, Sept 11- Nov 20* 10a-1p<br />
*No Class, 10/2
Ready-Made and Conceptual Art<br />
This class introduces participants to sculpture and<br />
mixed-media art using everyday objects and found<br />
materials. Students will learn about sculptural works<br />
from the 20th-21st centuries that started the<br />
ready-made tradition of and will develop practical skills<br />
for transforming ordinary objects into art. The class<br />
encourages experimentation, improvisation, and<br />
conceptual thinking. Students will develop new<br />
perspectives on materials and objects while engaging<br />
in thinking about sustainability and the role of reusing<br />
existing objects in art.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Efrat Kedem<br />
Fees: Residents $300 | Non-Residents $345<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Studio B<br />
Capacity: 16<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43525 Thu, Sept 12- Nov 14* 10a-1p<br />
Basketry: Beginning & Beyond<br />
Basketry is one of the oldest known art forms. In this<br />
class we explore techniques and materials, aiming to<br />
cover three basic weaving techniques: coiling, twining<br />
and plaiting, depending on your pace. Materials include<br />
natural, human-made and found. Some examples are<br />
round and flat reed, raffia and seagrass, yarn and rope.<br />
Students can experiment with their own found or<br />
purchased fibers. Advanced/continuing students can<br />
work independently to develop a weaving practice and<br />
learn new techniques.<br />
Floral Design with Jen<br />
In this class we will make a variety of different floral<br />
designs, exploring a survey of western designs. Each<br />
week the students will create and take home a new<br />
arrangement. If you have taken my classes before, I am<br />
changing the curriculum so you will learn something<br />
new every quarter. There will be a mix of new designs<br />
and some repeats with new twists. This class is open to<br />
all levels.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Jennifer Hess<br />
Fees: Residents $300 | Non-Residents $345<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Studio B<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43511 Tue, Sept 17- Nov 19 10a-11:30a<br />
43510 Fri, Sept 20- Nov 22 3p-4:30p<br />
Introduction to Jewelry &<br />
Metalsmithing<br />
This course introduces the techniques of cutting,<br />
joining, and finishing metal. It covers fabrication<br />
through soldering, sawing, hammer texturing, and<br />
surface finishing, along with considerations of design<br />
and function. The course is taught by Hannah Lee, who<br />
holds an MFA in Jewelry & Metalsmithing. There are no<br />
prerequisites for this course.<br />
Materials kit fee: $35 (This includes brass and copper,<br />
solder, flux, safety glasses, and more; payable to<br />
instructor via cash or Zelle.)<br />
Please bring $35 material fee payable to instructor.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Charlene Chow<br />
Fees: Residents $150 | Non-Residents $172.50<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Studio B<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43397 Fri, Sept 13- Oct 11 10a-12p<br />
43398 Fri, Oct 18- Nov 15 10a-12p<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Hannah Lee<br />
Fees: Residents $480 | Non-Residents $552<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Studio B<br />
Capacity: 14<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43527 Mon, Sept 9- Nov 4* 2p-5p<br />
*No Class, 10/14<br />
43528 Mon, Sept 9- Nov 4* 6p-9p<br />
*No Class, 10/14<br />
Adult Classes<br />
Jewelry: Lost Wax Casting<br />
Lost-wax casting has been used since the fourth<br />
millennium BC and is still how most pieces of cast<br />
jewelry are created today. Wax lets you be creative with<br />
your designs in a way that is different from fabrication<br />
and soldering since it’s much more fluid and sculptural.<br />
The possibilities of what you can create with wax, fire,<br />
and molten metal are endless! Join us and experience<br />
the wonderful world of wax carving and casting.<br />
Kit fee of $35 payable to instructor on first day includes<br />
1/2LB of bronze, carving wax, sprue wax, etc., and<br />
investment for casting 6 flasks.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Kelly Harrison<br />
Fees: Residents $450 | Non-Residents $517.50<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Studio B<br />
Capacity: 13<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43396 Wed, Oct 9- Nov 13 6p-9p<br />
Papermaking and<br />
Collage Inclusions<br />
Learn to create your own paper from recycled pulp.<br />
Using simple materials like pulp, water, and a blender/<br />
beater, we’ll craft unique sheets of paper perfect for<br />
journaling, writing, or art. This class will focus on sheet<br />
forming and incorporating inclusions such as flowers,<br />
plants, collage scraps, or other flat natural materials.<br />
Each handmade sheet will be a beautiful, one-of-a-kind<br />
creation. Papermaking is an incredibly fun and<br />
satisfying process! No experience necessary; all levels<br />
are welcome.<br />
Materials fee: $15 payable to instructor.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Catherine Lucky<br />
Fees: Residents $200 | Non-Residents $230<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Studio A<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43524 Sat, Nov 2 1:30p-4:30p<br />
Painting Workshop with<br />
Richard Becker<br />
Develop a finished painting in watercolor or acrylics.<br />
Richard Becker will guide you through a detailed step by<br />
step approach to achieve a balanced painting. Various<br />
methods, approaches and techniques exploring design,<br />
color and paint application will be covered.<br />
Start a new painting or bring a current work in progress.<br />
Adult Classes<br />
50<br />
Introduction to Papermaking:<br />
Recycled Pulp Edition<br />
Learn to create your own paper from recycled pulp.<br />
Using simple materials like pulp, water, and a blender/<br />
beater, you’ll craft unique sheets of paper perfect for<br />
journaling, writing, or art. This introductory class will<br />
cover the basics of papermaking, including a brief<br />
history and the essentials of sheet forming. Each<br />
handmade sheet will be a beautiful, one-of-a-kind<br />
creation. Papermaking is an incredibly fun and satisfying<br />
process! No experience necessary; all levels welcome.<br />
Materials fee, $15 payable to instructor.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Catherine Lucky<br />
Fees: Residents $200 | Non-Residents $230<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Studio A<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43522 Sat, Oct 19 1:30p-4:30p<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Richard Becker<br />
Fees: Residents $150 | Non-Residents $172.50<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Studio A<br />
Capacity: 15<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43507 Tu & Th, Dec 3- 12 10a-1p<br />
Basic Home Floral Design<br />
If you typically buy flowers at your local grocery store<br />
and want to learn how to arrange them in a more<br />
pleasing way, this is the workshop for you. This one-day<br />
workshop strips down a series of classes to the most<br />
basic information. We will create two very basic<br />
practical designs that are perfect for the home setting.<br />
One will be a 360-degree design and the other will use<br />
the blocking method.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Jennifer Hess<br />
Fees: Residents $60 | Non-Residents $69<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Studio A<br />
Capacity: 15<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43950 Sat, Sept 28 1:30p-4:30p
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Jennifer Hess<br />
Fees: Residents $40 | Non-Residents $46<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Studio A<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Halloween<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43513 Sat, Oct 26 2p-3:30p<br />
Join us this Halloween, <strong>Fall</strong>, or Winter to make an<br />
arrangement with themed materials perfect for that<br />
season! Materials and design have been curated by your<br />
instructor. Experiene the fun and joy of playing with<br />
flowers and making an arrangement yourself.<br />
Materials fee: $65. All materials will be provided. So all<br />
you have to do is show up and you will leave with<br />
something truly special. No experience is necessary.<br />
Thanksgiving<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43514 Sat, Nov 23 2p-3:30p<br />
Winter Holiday<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43512 Sat, Dec 14 2p-3:30p<br />
Half Marathon<br />
10K & 5K RUN<br />
& 5K Walk<br />
A benefit event<br />
supporting local<br />
nonprofits for<br />
children and families<br />
Presented by City of Palo Alto<br />
Coming to the<br />
Palo Alto Baylands<br />
SEPT<br />
20 th<br />
Sign up today:<br />
PaloAltoOnline.com/moonlight-run/<br />
Art Center<br />
Adult Drop-In<br />
Programs<br />
Drop-in programs are an opportunity to work independently<br />
in the company of other artists. No registration<br />
is required, just come when you can. No instruction<br />
is provided. Bring your own supplies. Easels, drawing<br />
boards and tables are available. Payment is made onsite<br />
directly to the group coordinator. Programs are ongoing<br />
weekly.<br />
For more information and closure dates see our<br />
webpage: https://cityofpaloalto.org/adultstudiodropin<br />
Drop-In Figure Painting & Drawing<br />
Try your hand at painting a portrait or drawing a<br />
reclining figure. These afternoon long-pose sessions are<br />
the ideal opportunity to work from the figure to<br />
develop a finished piece or move around the model to<br />
do a series of short sketches. Open to all!<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Fees: $10-$15<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Studio A<br />
Capacity: 22<br />
Every Tuesday (costumed model), 1:30p-4:30p<br />
*No Sessions on 12/24 or 12/31<br />
Every Thursday (nude model), 1:30p-4:30p<br />
*No Sessions on 11/28, 12/26, or 1/2<br />
Collage Drop-In<br />
Join our Collage Drop-in Group for weekly informal<br />
demonstrations that cover a variety of techniques based<br />
on group interest. Please bring all your own supplies.<br />
Open to all!<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Fees: $10<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Studio B<br />
Capacity: 20<br />
Every Wednesday, 10a-1p<br />
*No Session on 11/27, 12/25, or 1/1<br />
Open Jewelry Studio and Paula<br />
Kirkeby Press Printmaking<br />
Drop-In Programs<br />
Our printmaking and jewelry studios are open for<br />
experienced printmakers and jewelers who want to<br />
work independently in our well-equipped studios.<br />
Pre-approval to use the jewelry and printmaking<br />
studios is required.<br />
You must be at least 18 and meet eligibility<br />
requirements.<br />
A day pass to use the studio, once approved, is<br />
$12 for Palo Alto Residents and $14 for Non-Residents.<br />
Please contact the Art Center for more information and<br />
to schedule an assessment and orientation.<br />
Call 650-329.2366 or<br />
email artcenter@cityofpaloalto.org.<br />
Adult Classes<br />
52<br />
The Tuesday night sessions feature both short and long<br />
poses with a nude model. Reserve your spot and pay in<br />
advance online: www.bookeo.com/PAAC-TueFigure.<br />
Open to all!<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Fees: $10<br />
Location: Palo Alto Art Center | Studio A<br />
Capacity: 22<br />
Every Tuesday, 6p-9p<br />
*No Sessions on 12/24 or 12/31
Bharatanatyam-<br />
Classical Indian Dance<br />
This course will introduce an ancient classical dance<br />
form from south Indian called Bharatanatyam. Children<br />
will learn the basic postures and steps, as well as some<br />
history and theory about this dance form. Adults are<br />
also welcome to enroll.<br />
Ages: 6y & up<br />
Instructor: Aparna Seetharaman<br />
Fees: Residents $165 | Non-Residents $189.75<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Newcomers<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43641 Fri, Sept 6- Nov 22 4:40p-5:10p<br />
43642 Fri, Sept 6- Nov 22 5:15p-5:45p<br />
Ages: 6y & up<br />
Instructor: Aparna Seetharaman<br />
Fees: Residents $150 | Non-Residents $172.50<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Newcomers<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43640 Mon, Sept 9- Nov 18* 5p-5:30p<br />
*No Class, 11/11<br />
Ages: 6y & up<br />
Instructor: Aparna Seetharaman<br />
Fees: Residents $175 | Non-Residents $201.25<br />
Location: Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Level 2<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43643 Fri, Sept 6- Nov 22 5:50p-6:30p<br />
Line Dance Classes<br />
Classic line dances featuring music from swing, country<br />
western, Latin, Ballroom, and Zydeco traditions.<br />
Emphasis on developing dance “presence” and poise as<br />
well as building skill and endurance. An outrageously<br />
fun way to stay in shape, make new friends, and<br />
energize mind, body, and spirit. Singles and couples<br />
welcome! No partners necessary. Practice between<br />
classes is helpful but not required.<br />
If you want to take the class virtually, please reach out to<br />
Donna directly for the Zoom link at:<br />
donna95070@gmail.com<br />
Beginning Line Dance- Hyflex<br />
The Beginning section focuses on absolute beginners<br />
and experienced dancers who want to review, warm-up<br />
or build dance skills. Easier dances taught at a slower<br />
pace.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Donna Frankel<br />
Fees: Residents $125 | Non-Residents $143.75<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center | Ballroom<br />
(can be attended virtually)<br />
Capacity: 25<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
40585 Tue, Sept 10- Nov 26 * 10:15a-11:15a<br />
*No Class, 11/5<br />
Intermediate Line Dance- Hyflex<br />
This section is designed for dancers who have had at<br />
least one basic line dance series. Attention to styling<br />
while a variety of dances will be taught. Skill level:<br />
Intermediate.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Donna Frankel<br />
Fees: Residents $125 | Non-Residents $143.75<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center | Ballroom<br />
(can be attended virtually)<br />
Capacity: 25<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43259 Tue, Sept 10- Nov 26* 11:15a-12:15p<br />
*No Class, 11/5<br />
Adult Classes<br />
Adult Classes<br />
54<br />
Advanced Line Dance- Hyflex<br />
This section focuses on dancers with a minimum of two<br />
years line dance experience, or by permission of<br />
instructor, and who want to build memory skills,<br />
resilience, technique and composure on the dance floor.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Donna Frankel<br />
Fees: Residents $125 | Non-Residents $143.75<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center | Ballroom<br />
(can be attended virtually)<br />
Capacity: 25<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43260 Tue, Sept 10- Nov 26* 12:15p-1:15p<br />
*No Class, 11/5<br />
Love to line dance?<br />
Why not double up!<br />
Take two line dance sections at a reduced cost!<br />
Combo Beginning & Intermediate<br />
Line Dance<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Donna Frankel<br />
Fees: Residents $185 | Non-Residents $212.75<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center | Ballroom<br />
(can be attended virtually)<br />
Capacity: 25<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43261 Tue, Sept 10- Nov 26* 10:15a-12:15p<br />
*No Class, 11/5<br />
Combo Intermediate & Advance<br />
Line Dance<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Donna Frankel<br />
Fees: Residents $185 | Non-Residents $212.75<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center | Ballroom<br />
(can be attended virtually)<br />
Capacity: 25<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43262 Tue, Sept 10- Nov 26* 11:15a-1:15p<br />
*No Class, 11/5<br />
Dance to Express!<br />
Modern Dance For Everyone<br />
Explore the fundamentals of modern dance while<br />
building strength, learning choreography, and<br />
connecting with your community! Class begins with a<br />
warm-up sequence that builds the foundations of dance<br />
technique, then concludes with learning choreography<br />
that lets students express and have fun. Students will<br />
dance to a variety of music from jazz/blues to<br />
contemporary/pop.<br />
Class is danced in socks, bare feet, or dance shoes.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Lydia Feuerhelm<br />
Fees: Residents $110 | Non-Residents $126.50<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center | Ballroom<br />
Capacity: 20<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43255 Tue, Sept 17- Oct 15 6:45p-7:45p<br />
43256 Tue, Oct 22- Nov 19 6:45p-7:45p<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Lydia Feuerhelm<br />
Fees: Residents $66 | Non-Residents $75.90<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center | Ballroom<br />
Capacity: 20<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43257 Tue, Dec 3- 17 6:45p-7:45p<br />
Ballroom Latin -<br />
Beginner/Intermediate -<br />
Rumba & Samba<br />
Learn and perfect the foundational steps of<br />
International Ballroom Latin dances, Rumba and<br />
Samba. The program will teach core sequences for each<br />
dance, while improving your technique and connection.<br />
No need to come with a partner! We will rotate dance<br />
partners throughout each lesson to improve your<br />
leading and following skills.<br />
Ages: 18y & up<br />
Instructor: Kate Barnes<br />
Fees: Residents $144 | Non-Residents $165.60<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center<br />
Ballroom<br />
Capacity: 20<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43406 Mon, Sept 9- Nov 4* 6p-6:55p<br />
*No Class, 10/14
Salsa & Bachata Shines -<br />
Beginner/Intermediate<br />
Be part of a positive and uplifting dance class, learning<br />
salsa and bachata shines sequences and<br />
choreographies!<br />
This class is a beginner/intermediate level dance class<br />
but still achievable for newer dancers with a little extra<br />
practice outside of class time. As it focuses on dancing<br />
as an individual (rather than with a partner) it also gives<br />
more seasoned dancers a chance to focus on YOU!<br />
Covers footwork, choreography, technique and body<br />
movement.<br />
Ages: 18y & up<br />
Instructor: Kate Barnes<br />
Fees: Residents $144 | Non-Residents $165.60<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center<br />
Ballroom<br />
Capacity: 20<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43408 Mon, Sept 9- Nov 4* 7p-7:55p<br />
*No Class, 10/14<br />
Beginner Salsa (On1)<br />
For new dancers to salsa, this class is designed to teach<br />
you the foundational movements, sequences,<br />
connection and technique for salsa partnerwork (on 1).<br />
Combining commonly used foundational moves as well<br />
as some more creatively inspired combos, it is<br />
guaranteed to not only teach you your first moves in<br />
salsa partnerwork but also to have alot of fun doing it!<br />
No need to come with a partner! We will rotate dance<br />
partners throughout each lesson to improve your<br />
leading and following skills.<br />
Ages: 18y & up<br />
Instructor: Kate Barnes<br />
Fees: Residents $144 | Non-Residents $165.60<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center<br />
Ballroom<br />
Capacity: 20<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43409 Mon, Sept 9- Nov 4* 8p-8:55p<br />
*No Class, 10/14<br />
Argentine Tango Class & Practice<br />
Argentine Tango is originated from Buenos Aires,<br />
Argentina. It is one of the most popular, sensual and<br />
elegant Latin dances. The Argentine Tango Class is one<br />
and a half hours. In the first half hour, we will start with<br />
fundamental Tango exercises that lead to a specific<br />
Tango move.<br />
This class is progressive. We welcome all levels of<br />
dancers and a partner is not necessary.<br />
Requirement: dance shoes with leather or suedes soles.<br />
Ages: 15y & up<br />
Instructor: Natasha Ng<br />
Fees: Residents $76 | Non-Residents $87.40<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center<br />
Ballroom<br />
Capacity: 26<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43224 Thu, Sept 5- 26 7:30p-9:30p<br />
43225 Thu, Oct 3- 24 7:30p-9:30p<br />
Mindful Yoga/Meditation for<br />
Feeling Great with Surfer Mike<br />
Give yourself the gift of relaxation through mindfulness<br />
meditation, yoga and other mindful movement. All ages<br />
and levels welcome.<br />
* Calm the mind while developing present moment<br />
awareness.<br />
* Open the body through an inward self-inspired style of<br />
yoga.<br />
* Listen to your body and feel deep openings and inner<br />
body awareness.<br />
Renew, revitalize and learn to lower stress. Let go of<br />
aches, pains and feel great! Discover inner peace and<br />
well-being.<br />
Please bring your own mat.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Surfer Mike<br />
Fees: Residents $80 | Non-Residents $92<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center | Ballroom<br />
Capacity: 25<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43258 Wed, Sept 25- Nov 13 3p-4:15p<br />
Adult Classes<br />
Yin & Restorative Yoga<br />
Stretch your body at a deeper level with slow,<br />
meditative poses and enjoy the renewed energy and<br />
calm that follow. Yin and Restorative Yoga poses release<br />
deeply-held stress while restoring balance, joint<br />
mobility and flexibility. All levels welcome. Please bring<br />
a mat and blanket; a long strap and two yoga blocks are<br />
highly recommended.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Kate Griffin<br />
Fees: Residents $175 | Non-Residents $201.25<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center | Ballroom<br />
Capacity: 20<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
40584 Thu, Sept 12- Dec 5* 10:15a-11:15a<br />
*No Class, 10/31, 11/7, 11/28<br />
Passport to Retirement<br />
This class provides comprehensive information for any<br />
one planning for retirement. Learn how to overcome<br />
roadblocks, assess the costs, manage your income<br />
sources, select retirement plan distribution choices,<br />
and ‘inflation proof’ your income. Other topics include<br />
estate planning, social security, and lifestyle issues.<br />
Spouse/guest can attend at no charge.<br />
Ages: 40y & up<br />
Instructor: Peter Evans, CLU ChFC<br />
Fees: Residents $75 | Non-Residents $86.25<br />
Location: Mitchell Park Community Center<br />
Adobe South<br />
Capacity: 25<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43205 Tue, Sept 24- Oct 8 6:30p-9p<br />
43206 Thu, Oct 3- 17 6:30p-9p<br />
Adult Classes<br />
Tai-Chi (Chen style) & Qigong<br />
Chen style Taiji is widely acknowledged as the ancestor<br />
of all TaiChi styles, incorporating martial arts and health<br />
benefits which may improve lifelong physical<br />
wellness, mind-body connection, stress reduction,<br />
better joint mobility, physiological functions,<br />
concentration, body coordination, balance, immune<br />
system, physical strength & flexibility.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Master Loren Chin<br />
Fees: Residents $154 | Non-Residents $177.10<br />
Location: Lucie Stern Community Center | Ballroom<br />
Capacity: 30<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43226 Wed, Sept 4- Nov 27 6p-7:30p<br />
Beginning Ice Skating Classes<br />
Beginning Ice Skating Classes are for skaters who have<br />
never had lessons, move slowly or have never skated.<br />
Includes ½ hour group class once a week and rental<br />
skates and practice time on the public session in<br />
progress that day. For higher level classes please<br />
contact Winter Lodge directly.<br />
Ages: 17y & up<br />
Instructor: Winter Lodge Staff<br />
Fees: Residents $210 | Non-Residents $241.50<br />
Location: Winter Lodge<br />
Capacity: 10<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43237 Wed, Oct 16- Nov 20 8p-8:30p<br />
Rejuvenate Your Retirement<br />
This unique and comprehensive course focuses on the<br />
issues and concepts important to retirees. In<br />
straightforward language, explained are financial<br />
strategies such as tax-efficient income planning, lifestyle<br />
preservation, inflation protection, and providing a<br />
legacy. Includes a 143-page workbook. Spouse/Guest<br />
may attend at no additional charge.<br />
Ages: 55y & up<br />
Instructor: Peter Evans, CLU ChFC<br />
Fees: Residents $58| Non-Residents $66.70<br />
Location: Mitchell Park Community Center<br />
Matadero Room<br />
Capacity: 25<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43207 Mon, Sept 23- 30 10a-12:30p<br />
Ages: 55y & up<br />
Instructor: Peter Evans, CLU ChFC<br />
Fees: Residents $58| Non-Residents $66.70<br />
Location: Mitchell Park Community Center<br />
Adobe South<br />
Capacity: 25<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43208 Wed, Oct 2- 9 1p-3:30p<br />
Beginning Lawn Bowling<br />
Learn the basic skills, set-up, rules, and etiquette of<br />
Lawn Bowling. Players will be able to bowl against each<br />
other in friendly games. Lawn Bowling equipment will<br />
be provided.<br />
Students are to wear comfortable clothes, and flat<br />
bottom sole shoes (if possible). Tennis / gym shoes will<br />
be acceptable. Classes will be held outside on a smooth<br />
and flat grass surface. Please bring your own water<br />
bottles, hat and sunscreen if necessary.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Rob Mori<br />
Fees: Residents $25 | Non-Residents $28.75<br />
Location: Palo Alto Lawn Bowling Green<br />
Capacity: 20<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43238 Wed, Sept 4- Oct 9 6p-7p<br />
Beginning Pickleball<br />
If you’re new or just getting started with Pickleball, this<br />
class is for you! You’ll learn: stance, basic footwork,<br />
positioning with dinking, volleying, serving, returning<br />
and transitioning forward. Player will also be taught<br />
basic doubles strategy through fun games and drills.<br />
Students should bring their own paddles, wear court<br />
shoes, bring water and wear a hat. All other equipment<br />
will be provided.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Salvador B. Lopez Jr.<br />
PPR/ITPTA Certified Teaching Pro<br />
Fees: Residents $195 | Non-Residents $224.25<br />
Location: Mitchell Park | Pickleball Courts<br />
Capacity: 8<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43361 Mon, Sept 9- Oct 7 4:30p-5:30p<br />
43359 Wed, Sept 11- Oct 9 11a-12p<br />
43362 Mon, Oct 21- Nov 18 3:30p-4:30p<br />
43360 Wed, Oct 23- Nov 20 11a-12p<br />
Adult Classes<br />
LAP SWIM<br />
Pricing<br />
Resident<br />
D r op- I n: $ 9<br />
S eni or ( 60+ ) : $ 8<br />
M ont h ly Membership:$ 6 5<br />
S eni or M ember s h i p ( 60+ ) : $ 52<br />
N o n-Resident<br />
D r op- I n: $ 1 0<br />
S eni or ( 60+ ) : $ 9<br />
M ont h ly Membership: $ 72<br />
S eni or M ember s h i p ( 60+ ) : $ 6 1<br />
<strong>Fall</strong> Schedule<br />
M o n day - F r i day: 6:0 0 a m - 4:00pm<br />
S a t urd a y / S u n d a y : 6:0 0 a m -<br />
5 : 0 0 p m<br />
SWIM School<br />
Schedule: September 3 - December 21<br />
M o nda y - Fri day: 3 : 0 0 pm - 6 : 45pm<br />
s aturd a y: 9 : 0 0 a m - 11:45a m<br />
SWIM & SPORT<br />
at Rinconada Pool<br />
for more info:<br />
paloaltoswim.com<br />
PASA - Palo<br />
Alto Swim Club<br />
Schedule & Practice Times<br />
Monday - Friday: 4:30pm - 8:00pm<br />
Rinconada<br />
Masters<br />
Fees<br />
Adults: $88/month<br />
Seniors/Students (60+): $80/month<br />
Schedules & Practice Times<br />
Monday - Friday: 6:00am - 7 :00am, 7:00am - 8:00A m<br />
Tues/Thurs: 12:00pm - 1:00pm<br />
Sundays: 8:00am - 9:30am<br />
650-463-4914<br />
777 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, CA 94301<br />
info@paloaltoswim.com<br />
Adult Classes<br />
58<br />
Advanced Beginning Pickleball<br />
This class is for a player who wants to keep on<br />
improving. Students will learn all situations as a<br />
pickleball player such as the serve, the return of serve,<br />
non-volley zone play and the transitioning forward<br />
through drills and match play.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Salvador B. Lopez Jr.<br />
PPR/ITPTA Certified Teaching Pro<br />
Fees: Residents $195 | Non-Residents $224.25<br />
Location: Mitchell Park | Pickleball Courts<br />
Capacity: 8<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43368 Mon, Oct 21- Nov 18 4:30p-5:30p<br />
Intermediate Pickleball<br />
If you have learned pickleball and want to go to the next<br />
level then this is the clinic for you. Students will<br />
develop and learn play from the non-volley zone<br />
including dinking, block volleys, lobs, third shot drops<br />
and drives. Players will also be taught double strategy<br />
through fun games, drill and more. Bring your own<br />
paddles, water and a hat. Wear court shoes.<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Salvador B. Lopez Jr.<br />
PPR/ITPTA Certified Teaching Pro<br />
Fees: Residents $195 | Non-Residents $224.25<br />
Location: Mitchell Park | Pickleball Courts<br />
Capacity: 8<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43365 Mon, Sept 9- Oct 7 5:30p-6:45p<br />
43363 Wed, Sept 11- Oct 9 9:30a-10:45a<br />
43364 Wed, Oct 23- Nov 20 9:30a-10:45a<br />
Advanced Intermediate Pickleball<br />
This class is for the player who wants to keep on<br />
improving. The students will learn all situations as a<br />
pickleball player. A drill forward session with many<br />
situational games and match play. Be prepared to break<br />
a sweat and have some fun!!!<br />
Ages: 18y+<br />
Instructor: Salvador B. Lopez Jr.<br />
PPR/ITPTA Certified Teaching Pro<br />
Fees: Residents $195 | Non-Residents $224.25<br />
Location: Mitchell Park | Pickleball Courts<br />
Capacity: 8<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43366 Wed, Sept 11- Oct 9 8:05a-9:20a<br />
43367 Wed, Oct 23- Nov 20 8:05a-9:20a<br />
Adult Novice Tennis<br />
Special service, only 3-6 players per class. Develop the<br />
essential techniques with emphasis on control, depth,<br />
and direction. Lesson will also incorporate rules,<br />
sportsmanship, and basic doubles play.<br />
Ages: 15y+<br />
Instructor: Whitlinger-Sarsfield Tennis<br />
Fees: Residents $209 | Non-Residents $240.35<br />
Capacity: 6<br />
Rinconada Courts 5 & 6<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43706 M & W, Sept 9- Oct 2 7:30p-8:30p<br />
43707 Tue, Sept 10- Oct 29 7p-8p<br />
43708 Thu, Sept 12- Oct 31 6p-7p<br />
43709 M & W, Oct 16- Nov 13* 7:30p-8:30p<br />
*No Class, 11/11<br />
Adult Low Intermediate Tennis<br />
Special service, only 3-6 players per class! For players<br />
who are consistent on a slow paced rally but needs to<br />
develop better depth and directional control and use<br />
of spin. Review and strengthen stroke techniques with<br />
more emphasis on basic strategy and tactics.<br />
Ages: 15y+<br />
Instructor: Whitlinger-Sarsfield Tennis<br />
Fees: Residents $209 | Non-Residents $240.35<br />
Capacity: 6<br />
Rinconada Courts 5 & 6<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43710 M & W, Sept 9- Oct 2 10a-11a<br />
43711 Tue, Sept 10- Oct 29 8p-9p<br />
43712 Thu, Sept 12- Oct 31 7p-8p<br />
43713 M & W, Oct 16- Nov 13* 10a-11a<br />
*No Class, 11/11<br />
Mitchell Park Courts 1 & 2<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43714 Tu & Th, Sept 10- Oct 3 6:30p-7:30p<br />
43715 Tu & Th, Oct 15- Nov 7 6:30p-7:30p
Play Tennis the Stanford Way<br />
Individual Tennis Lessons<br />
Personal and semi-private (1-4 players)<br />
taught by the staff of Stanford Hall of<br />
Famer John Whitlinger and longtime<br />
Stanford/USPTAPro Tom Sarsfield<br />
WhitlingerSarsfieldTennis.com<br />
Director's Hourly Rate<br />
Stanford/USPTA Elite Pro Tom Sarsfield<br />
(408) 745-6171 thomassarsfield@mac.com<br />
$120 for 1 player, $10 per hour more for<br />
each additional player<br />
Lessons at Rinconada Park #5-6 and<br />
Mitchell Park #1-2<br />
Group Lessons<br />
<strong>Enjoy</strong> top-flight instruction from the staff of Stanford Hall of Famer John Whitlinger and<br />
longtime Stanford/USPTA Pro Tom Sarsfield. All classes will consist of eight hours of<br />
instruction with a max of 6 students unless stated otherwise.. Terrific Tiny Tennis classes<br />
will consist of six to eight 40 minute lessons. Students provide own rackets.<br />
IMPORTANT: In case of rain, contact the recreation dept. at 463-4900, Monday through<br />
Friday, 8:30am-5:30pm, within the hour before scheduled starting time for class status or<br />
check with the instructor by visiting WhitlingerSarsfieldTennis.com for contact information.<br />
If at any time the instructor is absent, report to the next scheduled lesson for makeup date.<br />
REC. DEPT.<br />
Unless notified to the contrary, make up lessons will be forwarded to the next normal meeting day and<br />
time. However, Fridays (for weekday lessons) or Sundays (for weekend lessons) may be used at the<br />
instructor’s discretion. NOTE:If an earlier class is postponed due to rain, all the following classes may<br />
also be postponed that day even if the courts become dry.<br />
*Pro's Hourly Rate<br />
$95 for one player, $5 per hour more for<br />
each additional person. (*$5 per hour<br />
discount for 3 (three) or more hours paid<br />
in advance for 1-2 players)<br />
*For lessons at Mitchell Park #1-2,<br />
call USPTA Professionals<br />
Neil Da Silva (408) 398-5543,<br />
John Chan (415) 298-7900,<br />
Hung Nguyen (408) 499-2433, or<br />
Lisa Sarsfield (408) 745-6171<br />
*For lessons at Rinconada Park #5-6,<br />
James Knofler (408) 410-0434<br />
Megan Bryan (650) 759-8433,<br />
Sujan Bajracharya 650-787-7906.<br />
Or visit WhitlingerSarsfieldTennis.com<br />
for more contact information.<br />
Payment for lesson(s) must be given to<br />
the instructor at the time of your first<br />
lesson. Only checks payable to TOM<br />
SARSFIELD will be accepted (no cash or<br />
credit card).<br />
Adult Intermediate Tennis<br />
Special service, only 3-6 players per class! For players<br />
(NTRP 3.0) who are consistent on a medium paced rally<br />
but needs to develop more spin, power, and/or variety.<br />
Develop stroke techniques, strategy, and tactics with<br />
performance enhancing drills.<br />
Ages: 15y+<br />
Instructor: Whitlinger-Sarsfield Tennis<br />
Fees: Residents $209 | Non-Residents $240.35<br />
Capacity: 6<br />
Rinconada Courts 5 & 6<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43716 M & W, Sept 9- Oct 2 11a-12p<br />
43717 Thu, Sept 12- Oct 31 8p-9p<br />
43719 M & W, Oct 16- Nov 13* 11a-12p<br />
*No Class, 11/11<br />
Mitchell Park Courts 1 & 2<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43720 Tu & Th, Sept 10- Oct 3 7:30p-8:30p<br />
43721 Tu & Th, Oct 15- Nov 7 7:30p-8:30p<br />
Advanced Players Tennis<br />
Longtime Stanford/USPTA Pro Tom Sarsfield will<br />
personally teach this dynamic clinic for Advanced<br />
Players (NTRP 3.5-4.5). Players will enhance their<br />
tactical and strategic play with competitive situational<br />
drills. Refine stroke techniques with Ball machine and<br />
Serving target drills. Only 3-6 players per Pro/court!<br />
Ages: 15y+<br />
Instructor: Whitlinger-Sarsfield Tennis<br />
Fees: Residents $159 | Non-Residents $182.85<br />
Capacity: 12<br />
Rinconada Courts 4, 5 & 6<br />
Session Code Dates Time<br />
43722 Sat, Sept 14- Oct 5 10:30a-12p<br />
Adult Classes<br />
Ailsa’s Exercise<br />
Stay in shape and meet new friends! This exercise class works every part of your body and targets major muscle groups.<br />
Class begins with easy aerobic movements, and a half hour of upper body strengthening using hand weights, floor exercises<br />
for muscle toning, and stretching for flexibility. Wear fitness shoes with good soles for ankle support and stability.<br />
Cardio Dance<br />
A high-energy, low-impact workout set to Top 40 Dance and Pop Music. Each song has its own follow-along formula that<br />
combines dance steps and fitness moves. Experience the joy of movement, music, and self-expression while maintaining<br />
or elevating your fitness.<br />
Zumba!<br />
Come join us on Saturday mornings as we dance our way through a fun, upbeat, low-impact cardio workout set to the<br />
music of Latin and international rhythms - the hour will fly by! Class is medium-to-fast-paced, designed to be moderate/<br />
high-intensity, but modifications are always shown, so you choose your workout level. Beginners 18+yrs welcome! No<br />
dance experience needed. Bring water, a towel, indoor workout shoes; NO sandals, boots, leather-soled shoes.<br />
Email unizumba@gmail.com with questions.<br />
Early Aerobics - Virtual<br />
A great way to start the day! Class includes a thorough warm-up, low-impact cardio activity, interval training, full-body<br />
strengthening and conditioning with hand weights, balance, healthy back exercises and flexibility improvement.<br />
All choreographed to music. For Zoom login details, e-mail: jerrie.thurman@gmail.com<br />
The following 3 classes are taught by Yue Whelchel. New students, to acquire the zoom link before the session starts,<br />
please e-mail oceanyy2003@yahoo.com<br />
Pilates Total Body - Virtual<br />
This class will provide a full-body workout for strength, flexibility, and core control. You will learn how to use your own body<br />
to create resistance and build strength from the core out. Through this athletic fusion of yoga and Pilates, you will move<br />
quickly and powerfully to develop agility, core conditioning, balance, flexibility, and so much more. At home equipment<br />
needed is a mat, your beautiful body, spirit, and a towel. You will definitely work up a sweat! All levels are welcome.<br />
Barre Fusion - Virtual<br />
Total Body Conditioning - Virtual<br />
60<br />
Get ready for a Barre-inspired full-body workout that burns<br />
fat and sculpts long, lean muscles. Enhance your flexibility,<br />
elevate your cardiovascular fitness, while lengthening and<br />
strengthening your muscles for truly uplifting results. You<br />
will use light weights (2-3lbs), resistance bands, chairs, and<br />
small towels to challenge yourself with a combination of<br />
basic ballet techniques. Make sure you have a pair of light<br />
weights, a towel for your work out and water! All levels are<br />
welcome to participate.<br />
Focus strengthen major muscle groups with<br />
body-weight utilize a variety of exercise equipment such as<br />
dumb bells, resistance bands. This class is designed to teach<br />
you proper form with high repetition work to build muscular<br />
endurance. Great balance and core stabilization<br />
exercises are incorporated into this workout. Execution of<br />
many different exercises while putting emphasis on tone,<br />
strength and flexibility. Please have your own 5-8 lbs.<br />
weights. All levels are welcome.
Elizabeth F. Gamble Garden is dedicated to maintaining and enhancing<br />
our historic house and garden as a community resource for horticultural<br />
education, inspiration, and enjoyment for all. The 2-1/2 acre garden is<br />
open from sunrise to sunset and features multiple garden "rooms" to<br />
explore and enjoy. Gamble Garden is free and open to the public, 365<br />
days a year.<br />
Elizabeth F. Gamble Garden<br />
1431 Waverley Street, Palo Alto<br />
650-329-1356<br />
www.gamblegarden.org<br />
Mark your calendars for these fun events at Gamble. To learn more and<br />
to register, scan the QR code below.<br />
FREE Second Saturday Family Tours & Activities<br />
2nd Saturday of the month, 10a-11a: Sep 14, Oct 12, Nov 9<br />
Floral Arranging Classes<br />
Select Saturdays, 9:30a-11:30a: Sep 21, Oct 26, Nov 23<br />
40th Birthday Celebration Kickoff<br />
Sunday, Oct 13, 12p-3p<br />
Children’s Halloween Party<br />
Saturday, Oct 19, 10a-11a<br />
Winter Festival<br />
Thursday-Saturday, Dec 5-7, 10a-4p
For EVERYONE<br />
Seniors Table Tennis<br />
The Seniors Table Tennis Program is back! Currently located in the Pavilion at<br />
Cubberley Community Center. Cosponsored by the Palo Alto Tennis Club and<br />
the City of Palo Alto Recreation Division, the program is open for adults over<br />
the age of fifty-five (55+). The schedule for play is 9:30a-2:30p every<br />
Tuesday, year round, except for holidays.<br />
Jack O Jaunt 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM<br />
Friday, October 25<br />
Lytton Plaza<br />
Prizes for<br />
most creative<br />
cutest and scariest !<br />
Palo Alto Recreation Foundation<br />
The Palo Alto Recreation Foundation (PARF) assists the City of Palo Alto Recreation Division by<br />
sponsoring and funding programs and special events that promote social, cultural, and<br />
recreational connections for Palo Alto residents, surrounding neighbors, and visitors. PARF<br />
enhances youth, senior, family and neighborhood interactions, and promotes recreation and<br />
wellness throughout the Palo Alto community. Visit: parecfoundation.org for more information.<br />
Friends of the Palo Alto Parks<br />
Friends of the Palo Alto Parks works with the city of Palo Alto, private groups, other<br />
nonprofits, and citizen organizations to preserve, maintain, and beautify our parks and open<br />
spaces. Visit: friendsofpaparks.org for more information.
Current Exhibitions & Upcoming Community Events!<br />
GROW<br />
September 21- December 15, <strong>2024</strong><br />
Thousands of years ago our ancestors began growing things intentionally and cultivated natural<br />
resources to make what was wanted and needed. Over time, these planned outdoor spaces diversified<br />
to become gardens. Today many find tending a garden deeply rewarding, and even healing.<br />
Anna Valdez, Windowsill, 2017, oil, acrylic and spray paint on canvas,<br />
55 x 55 in., Courtesy of the artist and Hashimoto Gallery.<br />
Growing food, flowers and plants literally<br />
grounds us, helping us pay attention to<br />
our senses, connect with the seasons,<br />
and the climate. And while there is a lot to<br />
consider about climate, equity and justice<br />
when it comes to the land and growing,<br />
we don’t need to own a plot of land to be<br />
a gardener—even a collection of plants<br />
on a windowsill can be a garden, bringing<br />
us joy, connection, and maybe even our<br />
own Eden. GROW explores the gardens<br />
from our memories, imagination and<br />
history; the gardens and green spaces<br />
that we share; and the gardens that grow<br />
us towards a better future. Works in the<br />
exhibition from diverse mediums consider<br />
our unique connections with the natural<br />
world, our well-being and pleasure.<br />
GROW is guest curated by Marianne K.<br />
McGrath.<br />
Friday Night at the Art Center<br />
Friday, September 20, 6 p.m.- 8 p.m. | Free event<br />
Join us for a community celebration of the GROW exhibition featuring hands-on art<br />
activities and a cash bar provided by the Palo Alto Art Center Foundation. Palo Alto Art<br />
Center Foundation members join early at 5 p.m. for a special preview walkthrough with the<br />
curator.<br />
Happenings at the Wildlife Circle<br />
For more information, visit: paloaltozoo.org<br />
Join us in the Wildlife Circle at the Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo next time you visit!<br />
We have daily Flamingo feedings at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.!<br />
Or visit us at noon on Wednesdays, Saturdays, or Sundays and meet Sequoia the Bald<br />
Eagle! Tickets are required for entry, advance ticket purchase is strongly encouraged.<br />
The Teen Arts Council (TAC) holds open meetings<br />
every Wednesday at 6:30pm during the school<br />
year. At these meetings, lead by our executive<br />
board, we hang out and plan events 'by teens for<br />
teens' centered around art. Do you have an idea for<br />
an artsy event you want to see in your community?<br />
It is free to attend, volunteer at an event, or just<br />
drop by to meet some friends. No formal sign up<br />
required!<br />
The TAC meeting schedule will be posted closer to<br />
the school year starting. More information can be<br />
found on our website: teenartscouncil.org<br />
We hope to see you there!<br />
All performances will take place at the<br />
Lucie Stern Community Theater:<br />
1305 Middlefield Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94301<br />
Theatre<br />
August 9-18<br />
theatreworks.org<br />
Box Office: 877.662.8978<br />
Charlie and the<br />
Chocolate Factory<br />
Sept 6- 22<br />
paplayers.org<br />
Box Office: 650.329.0891<br />
Fiddler on the Roof<br />
Nov 8- 24<br />
La Sonnambula<br />
Fri, Oct 11, 7 p.m.<br />
Sun, Oct 13, 2 p.m.<br />
Sat, Oct 19, 7 p.m.<br />
Sun, Oct 20, 2 p.m.<br />
wbopera.org<br />
Box Office: 650.424.9999
Human Services<br />
Our Mission:<br />
"To promote and sustain a safety net of services to improve the quality of life in the community."<br />
Information & Referral<br />
The City of Palo Alto provides information and referral<br />
services to help you find assistance in a variety of<br />
resource areas.<br />
Website: www.cityofpaloalto.org/ResourceReferral<br />
E-mail: info&referral@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Phone: 463.4906 | Monday-Friday, 8:30a- 5p<br />
In-person appointments*: to schedule, call 463.4906<br />
*appointments are available 8:30a- 5p,<br />
Monday-Thursday.<br />
Health Services<br />
Access high quality and affordable family-based<br />
health care. Contact Ravenswood Family Health<br />
Network at 650.330.7400<br />
Child Care<br />
Human Services provides a listing and map of local<br />
licensed and accredited child care center and family<br />
child care homes, as well as school based after<br />
school care, go to www.cityofpaloalto.org/childcare.<br />
The City of Palo Alto also provides funding to<br />
subsidize child care for low income families, for more<br />
information, visit:<br />
https://paccc.org/apply_for_care/financial_aid<br />
If you have any further questions, please call us at<br />
463.4906<br />
Resources for Families and<br />
Teachers of Young Children<br />
This resource website is brought to you courtesy of Palo<br />
Alto Advisory Committee on Early Care and Education in<br />
cooperation with the City of Palo Alto. It includes a variety<br />
of resources for parents, caregivers and educators<br />
regarding information on child development, behavioral<br />
challenges, parenting education/support groups, nutrition,<br />
educator resources and much more. To access go to<br />
www.cityofpaloalto.org/childresources<br />
Palo Alto Mediation Program<br />
www.pamediation.org<br />
Phone: 856.4062 | Fax: 408.720.0810<br />
E-Mail: PAMediation@housing.org<br />
Questions answered, conflicts resolved, FREE SERVICES OFFERED. Information and referrals for Landlords,<br />
Tenants, and Homeowners (deposits, repairs, evictions, noise, privacy, fences, trees and hedges, animals).<br />
Mediation and Conciliation of Disputes between landlords, tenants, neighbors, contractors, clients, businesses,<br />
consumers, employers, employees, co-workers, and others.<br />
Why Mediation? Mediation is convenient, confidential, informal, and effective. Mediation enables the parties to<br />
resolve disputes themselves and offers an alternative to going to court or doing nothing.<br />
Note: For information about the Mandatory Response Program, a special conciliation and mediation service for<br />
tenants and landlords, please visit: www.cityofpaloalto.org/City-Hall/Housing/Tenant-Landlord-Resources<br />
The Palo Alto Mediation Program is administered by Project Sentinel in partnership with the City of Palo Alto.<br />
Food & Nutrition Programs<br />
Downtown Food Closet<br />
425 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto | Phone: 325.3663<br />
Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri: 10a-2:30p<br />
Thursday: 10a-12p and 1p-2p<br />
Saturday-Sunday: Closed<br />
The Downtown Food Closet provides essential<br />
food to homeless and low-income individuals of<br />
Palo Alto, Menlo Park, and East Palo Alto.<br />
LifeMoves Opportunity Services Center<br />
33 Encina Ave., Palo Alto | Phone: 853.8672<br />
Monday through Friday from 8a-4p.<br />
Services include FREE Breakfast (8:30a-10:30a),<br />
FREE Lunch (12:30p-2p), bus passes, case<br />
management, classes, coffee & snacks, coin<br />
laundry, coin showers, computers & Wi-Fi,<br />
emergency utilities & rental assistance, lockers,<br />
mailbox services, permanent housing<br />
assistance, shelter referrals, and toiletries.<br />
South Palo Alto Food Closet<br />
670 East Meadow Drive, Room 9<br />
Open M-F in the afternoon (by appointment, please<br />
email southpaloaltofoodcloset@gmail.com<br />
to schedule an appointment.)<br />
Provides food to low-income individuals and<br />
families in Palo Alto. Please check out their website<br />
for qualifications:<br />
www.southpaloaltofoodcloset.com<br />
Second Harvest Food Bank- Free Groceries<br />
3990 Ventura Court.<br />
11 a.m.- 1 p.m.<br />
Twice monthly distribution (2nd & 4th Tuesday)<br />
Both a drive-thru and walk-up model available.<br />
Reservations not required. For more information<br />
call 1-800-984-3663.<br />
Senior Congregate Lunch Sites<br />
Hosted by La Comida de California. A hot,<br />
three-course meal served for sit-in dining. Asking<br />
contribution of $3 for ages 60 and over and their<br />
spouse ($8 for any guest under 60 years)<br />
LaComida.org<br />
2 sites in Palo Alto are:<br />
La Comida at First United Methodist<br />
625 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto<br />
Monday-Friday, 11:45a-12:15p | Phone: 322.3742<br />
La Comida at Stevenson House<br />
455 E. Charleston Rd., Palo Alto<br />
Monday-Friday 11:15a-12:15p | Phone: 322.3742<br />
Facilty Rental Information:<br />
Lucy Evans Interpretive Center<br />
2775 Embarcadero Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94303<br />
Located in the Baylands Nature Preserve, the Lucy<br />
Evans Baylands Nature Interpretive Center provides a<br />
unique opportunity to view a pristine salt marsh<br />
habitat. The interpretive center is a great place to host<br />
an off-site work meeting or even a small family<br />
gathering. The Center can seat a maximum of 100<br />
people. Food & beverages (soft drinks, beer, wine) are<br />
permitted. Tables and chairs are available for use.<br />
For additional information, visit:<br />
cityofpaloalto.org/baylands<br />
or e-mail: jmzeventrequests@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Foothills Interpretive Center<br />
11799 Page Mill Rd. Los Altos Hills, CA 94022<br />
Located in the Foothills Nature Preserve, the<br />
Foothills Nature Interpretive Center Classroom<br />
provides a quiet and serene space for you and<br />
your group. The classroom is a great place to host<br />
an off-site work meeting. The classroom can seat<br />
a maximum of 50 people.<br />
Food & beverages (soft drinks, beer, wine) are<br />
permitted. Tables and chairs are available for use.<br />
For additional information, visit:<br />
cityofpaloalto.org/foothillsnaturepreserve<br />
or e-mail: open.space@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Palo Alto Art Center<br />
1313 Newell Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94303<br />
The beautiful Palo Alto Art Center offers a welcoming setting for events of all kinds. With indoor and<br />
outdoor spaces that meet a variety of event needs, the Palo Alto Art Center is an ideal location for<br />
celebrating those important milestones or holding your next work team meeting. We also host piano and<br />
dance recitals, concerts and more! Chairs, tables, and audio-visual systems area available for indoor<br />
rentals. Food, soft drinks, beer, and wine are permitted (no hard liquor).<br />
Auditorium Sculpture Garden Meeting Room<br />
For additional information, visit: cityofpaloalto.org/artcenter<br />
or e-mail: artcenter@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Junior Museum & Zoo<br />
1451 Middlefield Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94301<br />
With beautiful indoor and outdoor spaces, highly-trained staff, and unique experiences, the Palo Alto Junior<br />
Museum & Zoo is the perfect backdrop for your celebration. Whether you're entertaining kids, adults, or<br />
both, your party is sure to be fun when held at the Junior Museum & Zoo. Past events held at the Palo Alto<br />
Junior Museum & Zoo include corporate events, birthday parties, family celebrations, school fundraisers,<br />
and more. We offer several options for venues and programs that can be customized to fit your events'<br />
needs.<br />
Zoo Science Lab Dawn Redwood Courtyard<br />
For additional information, visit: paloaltozoo.org<br />
or e-mail: jmzeventrequests@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Lucie Stern Community Center<br />
1305 Middlefield Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94301<br />
Built in 1934, Lucie Stern has played host to several weddings and special events over the years. This<br />
attractive Spanish Mediterranean-style complex has an array of rooms and kitchen space, customizable for<br />
meetings and small or large gatherings. The Ballroom is the centerpiece of Lucie Stern and features<br />
hardwood floors, a wood-beamed cathedral ceiling, two tiled fireplaces, and six art deco chandeliers in the<br />
California Colonial style architecture. Accommodating up to 200 for dining, this room is perfect for your<br />
dream wedding! Our patio area is enclosed by a walled garden and is private enough for your wedding<br />
ceremony or outdoor dinner celebration! Why not plan to let us host your event by scheduling a tour today!<br />
Community Room Patio Ballroom<br />
For additional information, visit: cityofpaloalto.org/luciestern<br />
or e-mail: LSCC@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Mitchell Park Community Center<br />
3700 Middlefield Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94303<br />
Rebuilt in 2014, Mitchell Park Community Center (MPCC) provides the City of Palo Alto with an<br />
environmentally-friendly community complex. This 15,000-square-foot complex is part of a larger<br />
41,000-square-foot campus including the Mitchell Park Library and Ada's Cafe. Strategically placed to<br />
maximize natural sunlight, the building surrounds a picturesque courtyard featuring a mature California<br />
Coastal Valley Oak tree. Our event spaces are perfect for your next wedding,<br />
bar/bat mitzvah, business meeting, or special event.<br />
El Palo Alto Adobe Room El Palo Alto- set up<br />
For additional information, visit: cityofpaloalto.org/mpcc<br />
or e-mail: MPCC@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Cubberley Community Center<br />
4000 Middlefield Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94303<br />
Cubberley Community Center is an exceptional facility, which has been operated by the City of Palo Alto since<br />
1990. Cubberley provides one time hourly rentals and regular ongoing rentals. Cubberley offers space for<br />
community meetings, seminars, social events, dances, theatre performances, music rehearsals and athletic<br />
events. Cubberley is also home to many long-term leasers that provide services to the community in areas of<br />
education, health, child care, dance, art, and music instruction.<br />
Pavilion<br />
Lecture Room (H-1)<br />
Dance Studio (L-6)<br />
For additional information, visit: cityofpaloalto.org/cubberley<br />
or e-mail: Cubberley@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
Cubberley Theatre<br />
4000 Middlefield Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94303<br />
The Cubberley Theatre is a devoted 317 seat venue with modern technical facilities, suitable for dance<br />
performances, orchestra concerts, corporate presentations, film screenings and more. We offer full technical<br />
support for your event, with a staff of professional lighting, sound, and stage technicians. With our diverse<br />
repertory of experience with differing types of events, we will customize your experience here to your group’s<br />
individual needs, providing the right levels of technical support, time in the venue, and support space.<br />
View from Stage View of Stage Lobby<br />
72<br />
For additional information, visit: cityofpaloalto.org/cubberleytheatre<br />
or e-mail: Cubberley-theatre@cityofpaloalto.org
Whether you want to learn something new,<br />
connect with fellow community members or simply<br />
enjoy our collections and spaces, the Library is<br />
your community resource!<br />
L O C A T I O N S<br />
Children’s Library<br />
College Terrace Library<br />
Downtown Library<br />
Mitchell Park Library<br />
Rinconada Library<br />
1276 Harriet St.<br />
2300 Wellesley St.<br />
270 Forest Ave<br />
3700 Middlefield Rd.<br />
1213 Newell Rd.<br />
(650) 329-2436<br />
pa.library@cityofpaloalto.org<br />
@paloaltolibrary<br />
SCAN FOR<br />
HOURS!<br />
Support the Friends of the<br />
Palo Alto Library<br />
Over the past 10 years, FOPAL has donated over $3<br />
million to purchase much-needed books, media, online<br />
resources, equipment, and unique adult, teen and<br />
children’s programs for Palo Alto’s public libraries.<br />
SHOP<br />
at FOPAL’s huge monthly sales of used books,<br />
CDs, DVDs, puzzles, games, and much more.<br />
Sales are the second Saturday and Sunday of<br />
every month at the Cubberley Community<br />
Center or daily at our Library branch stores.<br />
DONATE<br />
your gently used books and media and more to<br />
FOPAL. Bring your tax-deductible donation to<br />
our Main Sale Room at Cubberley, or call us and<br />
we’ll pick up!<br />
your time to FOPAL. As little as two hours a week<br />
will make a difference.<br />
or give the gift of membership to a fellow book lover.<br />
For more details, visit fopal.org or call Janette<br />
Herceg, FOPAL Director of Volunteer Engagement<br />
at 650-494-1266.<br />
Events are subject to change. For most up-to-date event information and<br />
registration, visit bit.ly/seePACLevents. *Registration is required for starred events.<br />
A Towering Tale of Kindness with Kimberly Lovato*<br />
Wednesday, September 11, 3:30–4:30 PM | Mitchell Park<br />
Library Meet Kimberley Lovato, author of upbeat rhyming<br />
picture book, Pisa Loves Bella: A Towering Tale of Kindness<br />
Storytimes<br />
Join us for stories, songs and rhymes! Check the library<br />
calendar for details.<br />
Button Making Pop-Up for Teens!<br />
3rd Wednesday of the month, 3–4 PM | Mitchell Park Library<br />
Drop by after school for button making in the Teen Zone.<br />
Are you a local teen artist looking for a space to<br />
display your artwork?<br />
Sign up to be our featured artist in the Rinconada Library<br />
Teen Room! More information: bit.ly/enjoyteenart<br />
STEAM Lab Saturday<br />
1st Saturday of the month, 12:30–1:30 PM<br />
<strong>Enjoy</strong> fun-filled STEAM activities geared towards kids ages<br />
5-11. Check the library calendar for details.<br />
LEGO Fridays!<br />
Fridays, 4–5 PM | College Terrace Library<br />
We have the LEGOs. Bring your imagination and build<br />
something fun!<br />
Check out our Teen page at bit.ly/teenspage<br />
Get the latest on upcoming events, booklists, blogs, and<br />
resources tailored for teens!<br />
Teen Library Advisory Board (TLAB)<br />
Do you have a passion for reading or libraries? Are you<br />
interested in serving the local teen community? Consider<br />
joining TLAB! Grades 8–12. If interested, please email<br />
LibraryTeens@CityofPaloAlto.org.<br />
ESL Conversation Group*<br />
Wednesdays, 11 AM–12 PM | Online Event<br />
Practice speaking and listening in English. For adults 18+.<br />
Meditation with Sara<br />
Saturdays, 11 AM–12 PM | Rinconada Library<br />
Join us for a guided meditation open to all experience levels.<br />
Mindfulness Meditation<br />
Saturdays, 1–2 PM | Mitchell Park Library<br />
Improve your mental and physical health. Open to all levels.<br />
Tai Chi with Nelson Ng<br />
Sundays, 10 AM–12 PM | Rinconada Library<br />
Learn the basic principles and the philosophy behind TaiChi<br />
while gaining flexibility and a better sense of balance, through<br />
slow and gentle movement.<br />
Line Dancing with Sandy and Kent<br />
1st Thursday of the month, 3:30–4:30 PM | Mitchell Park<br />
Exercise your brain and body and enhance your balance. No<br />
partner needed and beginners welcome!<br />
Medicare Mysteries Solved!*<br />
1st Saturday of the month, 1–3 PM | Online Event<br />
Are you or a loved one getting ready to apply for<br />
Medicare? Register for a monthly workshop presented by<br />
Sandra Karol, MS, RDMS, RVT. Email isail2@earthlink.net<br />
to register.<br />
Writers Helping Writers*<br />
3rd Thursday of the month, 6:30 PM–7:30 PM |<br />
Rinconada Library Join California Writers Club-San<br />
Francisco Peninsula Branch for monthly presentations<br />
from local authors.<br />
Brown Bag Book Club* 2nd Tuesday of the month,<br />
12–1 PM | Online Event<br />
Palo Alto Pageturners Book Club 2nd Thursday of the<br />
month, 6:30–7:45 PM | Rinconada Library<br />
Graphic Novel Book Club 2nd Thursday of the month,<br />
7–8:30 PM | Mitchell Park Library<br />
YA Reads for Adults Book Club 4th Thursday of the<br />
month, 6:45–7:45 PM | Rinconada Library<br />
<strong>Enjoy</strong><br />
cityofpaloalto.org/enjoyonline<br />
Online<br />
The quickest and most convenient way to register for<br />
classes. Over 55% of all registrations are now being<br />
completed using <strong>Enjoy</strong>! Online from the comfort of your<br />
own home! Have you tried <strong>Enjoy</strong>! Online yet?<br />
You can register for classes and<br />
activities from the comfort of your<br />
own home or office.<br />
No more waiting in line.<br />
You don't have to fill out a<br />
registration form.<br />
You get immediate confirmation of<br />
enrollment.<br />
You can check the availability of a<br />
class or activity online even if you<br />
don't have a User ID.<br />
You can waitlist for a class online at<br />
no charge and staff will inform you<br />
if a spot has become available.<br />
Upcoming Registration Dates:<br />
Winter 2025 Summer Camp 2025<br />
dates are subject to change, changes will be posted on the City webpage noted below<br />
Palo Alto Residents<br />
December 5 @ 8:30 a.m.<br />
Non-Residents<br />
December 12 @ 8:30 a.m.<br />
Palo Alto Residents<br />
March 6 @ 8:30 a.m.<br />
Non-Residents<br />
March 13 @ 8:30 a.m.<br />
This current catalog and additional information can be found online at:<br />