Hotel SA July 2024

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+ New rights for workplace delegates<br />

+ Enhancing our advocacy with member video profiles<br />

+ <strong>Hotel</strong> WiFi hacker threats<br />

+ Winter Inspirations<br />










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Shortcut to Stories<br />

JULY <strong>2024</strong><br />

Click here <br />

Click here <br />

Click here <br />

#Schnitty4Sam <strong>2024</strong> results<br />

AHA|<strong>SA</strong> members sell $2,959 schnitties<br />

for Sam, raising $13,903<br />

Fortnightly member profiles<br />

Enhancing our industry advocacy<br />

with members<br />


AHA|<strong>SA</strong> signs commitment to challenge<br />

inappropriate behaviour<br />

Click here <br />

Workplace Relations<br />

Additional rights for workplace delegates<br />

to impact hotels<br />

Click here <br />

<strong>Hotel</strong> Security<br />

Cyber security: is your hotel wi-fi a hacker<br />

vulnerability?<br />

Click here <br />

Winter Festivals<br />

Winter doesn't have to be a 'valley of<br />

death', as these festivals prove.<br />

I N T H I S I S S U E<br />

04 From the President<br />

06 From the CEO<br />

08 Pub Schnitty for a great cause<br />

10 Small Business Sustainability<br />

Support Program<br />

11 Increase Your Financial Knowledge<br />

And Business Resilience<br />

12 Platinum Corporate Partner<br />

Spotlight – AON<br />

13 Women in <strong>Hotel</strong>s<br />

15 Enhancing Our Industry<br />

Advocacy With Members<br />

16 Challenging inappropriate behaviour<br />

in the hospitality industry<br />

18 Regional Meetings<br />

22 Additional Rights for Workplace<br />

Delegates<br />

25 Is Your <strong>Hotel</strong> Wi-Fi A Hacker<br />

Vulnerability?<br />

26 Global Ideas To Set Fire To Winter<br />

In <strong>SA</strong><br />

30 Corporate Partners Directory<br />

32 Corporate Partners <strong>2024</strong>/25<br />

33 Licensee Transfers, New Members,<br />

AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Office Holders & Publisher<br />

We design, build and host beautiful<br />

hotel websites that link with your<br />

third-party software.<br />

boylen.com.au<br />

08 8233 9433<br />

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From the President<br />


The next Federal Election has taken<br />

on added significance for AHA|<strong>SA</strong><br />

members, as both major parties<br />

have targeted migration as key<br />

policy areas.<br />

These policies have the<br />

potential to further reduce our<br />

employment pool.<br />

To examine the need to future-proof<br />

our sector, projections are that<br />

Australia will require an extra 26,000<br />

cooks and chefs alone over the next<br />

10 years. Members fully understand<br />

we are not starting that journey<br />

form a strong base.<br />

Additionally, we will require an extra<br />

12,000 restaurant, accommodation<br />

and hotel managers - all of which<br />

are roles that are difficult to<br />

fill today.<br />

Alarmingly for our industry,<br />

cooking apprenticeships have<br />

dropped below pre-Covid<br />

levels. In September 2023,<br />

there were only 2,760 new<br />

apprenticeships, compared to 4,255<br />

apprenticeship commencements in<br />

September 2021.<br />

The drop in traineeships in that<br />

period has been even greater.<br />


As the gap in our labour force needs<br />

deepens, the AHA|<strong>SA</strong> believes<br />

that several critical measures are<br />

essential to prevent the inevitable<br />

black hole.<br />

Up until 2017, employer-sponsored<br />

migrants - either temporary or<br />

permanent – were approved for<br />

virtually any occupation, provided<br />

there was a proven skill need.<br />

This programme was incredibly<br />

responsive to fill the skill gaps,<br />

particularly when it existed in local<br />

or regional areas.<br />

As it stands today, the current<br />

criteria relies upon Canberra<br />

determining a list of assessed<br />

skill shortages that covers the<br />

entire nation.<br />

And, as any member who has<br />

attempted to access this system<br />

quickly learns, it is a costly and<br />

complex process that lacks<br />

any employer certainty of<br />

a positive outcome.<br />

The current ‘national-only’ approach<br />

discriminates against smaller cities<br />

like Adelaide, and absolutely against<br />

our regions.<br />

Wages are likely to be lower in<br />

these regions, which hurts the<br />

migration criteria. But that fails to<br />

take into account this will still deliver<br />

similar economic outcomes for the<br />

immigrant, given cheaper rents and<br />

lower cost of living pressures.<br />

Meeting our future work needs<br />

is not isolated to migration. We<br />

are suffering from the curious<br />

decision to remove the Governmentfunded<br />

apprenticeship and trainee<br />

incentives, along with the reduction<br />

in the number of publicly-funded<br />

students undertaking hospitality<br />

qualifications.<br />

The AHA|<strong>SA</strong> would welcome a<br />

better linkage with schools, so<br />

training can commence in the<br />

school year, allowing apprentices to<br />

be completed at a younger age. And,<br />

as you would be aware, the AHA|<strong>SA</strong><br />

has lobbied relentlessly for the<br />

four-year apprenticeships - a relic<br />

of a bygone era - to be modernised<br />

without ‘dumbing down’ the value of<br />

the qualification.<br />


To make matters worse, the Federal<br />

Government has commenced<br />

consultation on scrapping the<br />

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F R O M T H E P R E S I D E N T<br />

“Alarmingly for our<br />

industry, cooking<br />

apprenticeships<br />

have dropped<br />

below pre-Covid<br />

levels.”<br />

requirement for backpackers<br />

to work in regional areas for a<br />

minimum of 88 days.<br />

This would deliver another major<br />

blow to country Australia that<br />

desperately needs to attract<br />

employees, not to mention<br />

the hole it will leave in small,<br />

regional economies.<br />

On a more positive note, the<br />

Government has rejected a<br />

suggestion to cap the backpackers<br />

visa to only one year.<br />

Finally, overseas students are an<br />

important part of our workforce.<br />

There is a mood to reduce this<br />

sector to a ‘more sustainable level.’<br />

Not only are there moves to reduce<br />

visa numbers, but to place more<br />

barriers in place, such as increasing<br />

international visa fees from $710 to<br />

$1600, the highest in the world.<br />

Some people seem to have<br />

forgotten that international students<br />

not only form an important part<br />

of our workforce, but also our<br />

tourism economy.<br />

Study Adelaide have revealed 20%<br />

of seats on international flights<br />

are passengers visiting relatives.<br />

Admittedly, not all those relatives<br />

are students, but mum, dad,<br />

brothers and sisters visiting their<br />

family members are a huge part<br />

of that.<br />

Of course, these family visitors don’t<br />

stay at the student accommodation<br />

halls or eat in their food areas. They<br />

book hotel rooms and restaurants<br />

during their stay.<br />

Getting migration settings right<br />

offers both short-term - but more<br />

critically longer term - benefits in<br />

getting the system working for<br />

industry. The current ‘one size fits<br />

all’ approach is hurting, rather than<br />

assisting our labour crisis.<br />



Anna and I recently met the<br />

new Liquor and Gambling<br />

Commissioner, Martyn Campbell.<br />

Watch Video <br />

Martyn is an experienced regulator.<br />

In a career spanning nearly four<br />

decades, he has worked as a<br />

Detective Inspector with both UK<br />

and South Australian Police, and has<br />

been the Workplace Ombudsman,<br />

Assistant Commissioner at the<br />

Australian Taxation Office and<br />

Executive Director of SafeWork <strong>SA</strong>.<br />

Our initial meeting with the<br />

Commissioner was a positive one,<br />

and we look forward to working<br />

positively with Martyn on a range of<br />

our key issues.<br />

David Basheer, AHA|<strong>SA</strong> President<br />

In this issue, we have combined the President's and CEO's videos to provide<br />

an extended overview of current issues. It is broken into chapters so you<br />

can skip ahead to the topics you are interested in. You’ll see the chapters<br />

in the timeline of the video when you hover your mouse over it, or by<br />

expanding the description.<br />

Intro<br />

00:42 - Record number of Corporate<br />

Partners<br />

02:26 -Advocacy on Payroll Tax and<br />

reforms<br />

04:25 -Upcoming State and Federal<br />

elections<br />

05:22 - Beer excise and advocacy<br />

update<br />

07:29 - United national<br />

accommodation voice<br />

08:03 - Government funding for<br />

AHA|<strong>SA</strong> programs<br />

10:48 - Tackling the hotels skills<br />

shortage<br />

12:19 - Attracting more events<br />

into <strong>SA</strong><br />

14:12 - Leading the nation in<br />

minimising gambling harm<br />

15:24 - Communicating with key<br />

decision makers<br />

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Digital Content Manager<br />


A Timely Appointment<br />


From the CEO<br />


The AHA|<strong>SA</strong> is committed to raising<br />

the bar when it comes to industry<br />

training and development.<br />

The complexity of managing a<br />

modern hotel, the pace of change<br />

and ever-evolving compliance<br />

demands mean that today’s hotel<br />

owner or manager and indeed<br />

their staff need to commit to<br />

“lifelong learning”.<br />

Our goal is to help you gain a<br />

competitive edge in the increasingly<br />

competitive hospitality sector. This<br />

of course can be an expensive<br />

exercise, which is why we are<br />

committed to sourcing as much<br />

funding as possible to deliver as<br />

many services as we can either<br />

free of charge or at a heavily<br />

subsidised rate.<br />

In this column, I want to provide<br />

a short overview of the broad<br />

suite of free services/training that<br />

we currently have on offer at the<br />

moment.<br />

Small Business Fundamental<br />

Program:<br />

• Financial Management,<br />

Cash Flow & Budgeting.<br />

Particularly valuable for those<br />

businesses looking to solidify<br />

their understanding of the<br />

fundamentals of business and<br />

cash flows and is tailored to<br />

the hotel industry. This is timely<br />

in the wake of COVID and now<br />

the cost of living crisis.<br />

• Leadership & Management.<br />

This has been particularly<br />

successful. Sessions are being<br />

regularly booked out in record<br />

time. We are looking to see<br />

if we can source additional<br />

funding to enable us to<br />

continue to run these sessions.<br />

• Digital Marketing. These<br />

sessions are aimed at leaders<br />

or managers in small and<br />

family businesses. Topics<br />

range from website user<br />

experience and SEO, to social<br />

media and integrating digital<br />

into your marketing plan.<br />

• Hospitality Focused<br />

Sustainability Workshop. This<br />

is being delivered with 2XE<br />

as part of the Small Business<br />

Sustainability Support program<br />

and follows the successful launch<br />

of the Sustainability Guide for<br />

the <strong>SA</strong> <strong>Hotel</strong> Industry (Green<br />

Industries <strong>SA</strong>). It’s an interactive<br />

and practical workshop designed<br />

to help you to get the most<br />

out of the Guide and how to<br />

implement it.<br />

• The Guide has been<br />

extraordinarily well received. It’s<br />

easy to understand and packed<br />

with ways to easily make your<br />

business more sustainable<br />

and save money through the<br />

introduction of sustainable<br />

practices.<br />

• Bystander Intervention Training.<br />

Practical training for owners,<br />

operators and staff tailored to the<br />

hotel industry and designed to<br />

provide strategies to identify and<br />

address inappropriate conduct<br />

within venues. This training<br />

will take you from Bystander to<br />

Upstander.<br />

• Customer Conflict Resolution<br />

Training (Maybo). Extremely<br />

practical, this is another course<br />

that has been very popular.<br />

• Mental Health First Aid Training<br />

(Breakthough Mental Health<br />

Research Foundation). We<br />

care about the mental health of<br />

everyone in our industry, including<br />

patrons and guests. I’m pleased<br />

to report that this workshop<br />

continues to be very popular.<br />

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F R O M T H E C E O<br />

“Our goal is to help you gain a competitive edge in the<br />

increasingly competitive hospitality sector.”<br />


The team at the AHA|<strong>SA</strong> has done<br />

a very professional job in securing<br />

funding for these initiatives.<br />

We are very grateful to the<br />

government for their contribution.<br />

Now I urge members to<br />

overwhelmingly support these<br />

workshops so that we continue to<br />

receive funding in the future.<br />


In developing these programs, we<br />

have made sure they are being<br />

delivered in our regions, either in<br />

person or online.<br />

It’s been noted before that rural<br />

areas face unique challenges in<br />

finding and developing staff.<br />

This is one part of the solution.<br />


While you may not need these<br />

courses at the present moment,<br />

think of your team.<br />

Giving them the time to participate<br />

is an investment in making your<br />

hotel a better place to visit.<br />

Upskilling leads to great productivity<br />

and profitability. And well-trained<br />

staff also translates to fewer<br />

problems and people who can grasp<br />

new opportunities.<br />


The training we offer will continue to<br />

be needs-based and targeted to the<br />

hotel industry.<br />

We are now providing the strongest<br />

suite of free training and services in<br />

AHA |<strong>SA</strong> history.<br />

But watch this space because we<br />

will be releasing details of even more<br />

initiatives in the months ahead.<br />

Quick Links <br />

Click these links to jump to stories that interest you:<br />

• Telling your stories - new initiatives <br />

• Additional powers for workplace delegates <br />

• Is wifi a cyber weakness in your hotel? <br />

Anna Moeller,<br />

AHA|<strong>SA</strong> CEO<br />

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S C H N I T T Y F O R S A M<br />

Sammy D champions Ollie Wines and Matthew Nicks united off the field<br />

supporting #schnitty4sam with Sam’s brother Sid.<br />

Pub schnitty chips in for<br />

worthy cause<br />

Not a single day goes by without<br />

individual hotels contributing<br />

financially to worthwhile causes.<br />

The latest example of this is<br />

the support pubs provided for<br />

#schnitty4sam, an initiative of the<br />

Sammy D Foundation which raises<br />

awareness about the impacts<br />

of violence.<br />

The top three hotels to contribute<br />

were the Alma Tavern, Hilton <strong>Hotel</strong><br />

– My Bar and the Flagstaff <strong>Hotel</strong>.<br />

“We’re amazed to see in <strong>2024</strong>,<br />

Schnitty4sam has grown far beyond<br />

its humble roots, raising a total of<br />

$60,252,” said Brigid Koenig, CEO.<br />

“<strong>SA</strong> hotels have played a key part in<br />

the initiative over the past two years<br />

and we are enormously grateful.”<br />

Sixteen years ago, 17-year-old Sam<br />

Davis played a game of football, had<br />

a schnitzel for dinner at his<br />

clubrooms, and then went to a<br />

party, just like he had many times<br />

before. Only this time Sam didn’t<br />

come home.<br />

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Sam Davis.<br />

AHA|<strong>SA</strong> MEMBER<br />


49<br />


VENUES<br />

“We’re amazed to see in <strong>2024</strong>,<br />

Schnitty4sam has grown far beyond<br />

its humble roots, raising a total of<br />

$60,252.”<br />

2,959<br />


SOLD<br />

$<br />

13,903<br />

RAISED<br />

In April 2020 #schnitty4sam was<br />

born - a chance for our community<br />

to show their support by sharing<br />

Sam’s favourite, and tragically<br />

last, meal.<br />

“Schnitty4sam continues to be<br />

more than just a fundraiser, it’s<br />

an opportunity for all involved to<br />

be Sam’s voice, and to play a part<br />

in making our community a safer<br />

place,” said Brigid.<br />

“Every dollar raised throughout this<br />

vital campaign supports the Sammy<br />

D Foundation to deliver education<br />

programs in our community.”<br />

Since 2008, the Sammy D<br />

Foundation has spread Sam's<br />

message across hundreds of<br />

schools, community groups, and<br />

sporting clubs, raising awareness<br />

and educating over 260,000 young<br />

people about the consequences<br />

of violent behaviour, and the<br />

risks associated with alcohol and<br />

drug misuse.<br />

Top five fundaising venues:<br />

• Alma Tavern, Norwood<br />

$2,275<br />

• Hilton <strong>Hotel</strong>, MyBar<br />

$1,365<br />

• Flagstaff <strong>Hotel</strong><br />

$725<br />

• Warradale <strong>Hotel</strong><br />

$650<br />

• The Stirling <strong>Hotel</strong><br />

$605<br />

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S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y<br />

Nick Palousis - Managing Director 2XE, Anna Moeller -CEO AHA|<strong>SA</strong>, Josh Wheeler - GI<strong>SA</strong> A/Chief,<br />

at the launch of the Sustainability Guide for the South Australian <strong>Hotel</strong> Industry.<br />

Small Business Sustainability<br />

Support Program<br />

Does your business need support in:<br />

• An increased understanding<br />

of how you can address<br />

environmental sustainability<br />

issues?<br />

• A deeper understanding of<br />

emissions reduction and<br />

sustainability options for your<br />

business?<br />

• An improved ability to access and<br />

understand data sources for your<br />

emissions?<br />

Following the successful launch<br />

of our Sustainability Guide <br />

for the <strong>SA</strong> Hospitality Industry,<br />

thanks to funding and support<br />

from Green Industries <strong>SA</strong>, we're<br />

pleased to promote the State<br />

Government’s Office for Small and<br />

Family Business’s Small Business<br />

Sustainability Support Program,<br />

which addresses all of the issues<br />

raised above.<br />

We encourage you to attend an<br />

upcoming sustainability workshop<br />

in your region:<br />

Click here to register for a free<br />

sustainability workshop and more<br />

information about other supports<br />

available through the program.<br />

South Australia has been a<br />

trailblazer in a commitment to<br />

sustainability, putting Adelaide on<br />

course to become the world's first<br />

carbon-neutral city. <strong>SA</strong> hotels have<br />

already made huge steps in their<br />

approach to waste management,<br />

energy savings, and addressing<br />

environmental concerns.<br />

We hope to see many of you attend<br />

and learn about the savings you can<br />

make, while enhancing our vision to<br />

make <strong>SA</strong> the destination state!<br />

If you have any questions, please<br />

contact Natarsha at the AHA|<strong>SA</strong>:<br />

nstevenson@ahasa.asn.au <br />

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S M A L L A N D F A M I L Y B U S I N E S S<br />

knowledge is needed, and the<br />

content will be adaptable to suit<br />

the needs of participants. It is also<br />

suitable for those who wish to<br />

refresh their financial expertise or<br />

new to the industry.<br />

Please click here for more<br />

information about the session and<br />

to register.<br />

Places are strictly limited so book<br />

soon to avoid missing out.<br />

*Please note, any cancellations require 48 hours<br />

notice otherwise a late cancellation fee may<br />

apply.<br />

If you have any questions or would<br />

like to have a session in your<br />

region, please contact Natarsha<br />

at the AHA|<strong>SA</strong><br />

nstevenson@ahasa.asn.au <br />

Increase Your Financial<br />

Knowledge And Business<br />

Resilience<br />


Registration is now open for the next<br />

three sessions:<br />



31 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2024</strong> - 10am-12pm<br />

Marion <strong>Hotel</strong><br />

849 Marion Rd<br />

Mitchell Park<br />

• Do you want to better manage<br />

your cash flow and your business?<br />

• Do you want to better understand<br />

your financial reporting to<br />

increase your profit margins?<br />

• Do you want to know the<br />

industry’s key performance<br />

indicators and benchmarks?<br />

If the answer to any of these<br />

questions is yes, Bentleys Financial<br />

Resilience for Hospitality can help.<br />

The State Government’s Office for<br />

Small and Family Business <strong>SA</strong> and<br />

the Australian <strong>Hotel</strong>s Association<br />

(<strong>SA</strong>) have partnered with Bentleys<br />

<strong>SA</strong> to provide free specialist advice<br />

specific to the hospitality industry.<br />

Designed for both business<br />

owners and managers across your<br />

venue, this session is suitable for<br />

anyone who works within a hotel<br />

and would like to increase their<br />

financial awareness. No background<br />


7 August <strong>2024</strong> - 10am-12pm<br />


20 August <strong>2024</strong> - 10am - 12pm<br />

Westland <strong>Hotel</strong><br />

100 McDouall Stuart Ave<br />

Whyalla Norrie<br />

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P L A T I N U M P A R T N E R<br />

Platinum Corporate<br />

Partner Spotlight –<br />

AON<br />

Ian Furby, AON Regional Manager <strong>SA</strong>.<br />

AON have had a relationship with the AHA|<strong>SA</strong> and<br />

our members for over 30 years, 20 of those as a<br />

Platinum partner.<br />

We caught up with AON Regional Manager, South<br />

Australia – National, Ian Furby, for a refresher on what<br />

he is seeing in pubs right now and the vast services his<br />

team can provide.<br />

Ian said, “The biggest issue we’re seeing at the moment<br />

with a lot of hotels is not keeping their values up to date,<br />

with the increases in building costs that we’re seeing<br />

post-Covid.”<br />

“Through the increase of interest rates, materials<br />

costs, we’ve been finding that, especially when we look<br />

at a new business for the first time, that they haven’t<br />

necessarily been keeping their values up to date. At<br />

the time of a claim, this could end up in a very adverse<br />

outcome when the payout comes from the insurer.”<br />

Speaking about AON’s offerings, Ian said, “Apart from<br />

insurance placement services, which is what we’re<br />

best known for, AON can also provide evaluation<br />

services to make sure that pubs are insured for the<br />

correct amount.”<br />

“We also look at risk assessments to make sure<br />

that pubs are shown in the best possible light to the<br />

insurance market.”<br />

Ian’s team is based right here in South Australia, and<br />

they know the landscape and current market.<br />

Ian said, “Insurance is there to protect pubs, protect<br />

the livelihood of the publicans that are there running<br />

organisations, but also to protect the staff that working<br />

for them as well.”<br />

“The main objective is to get people back on their feet,<br />

up and running, the same way that they were prior to a<br />

loss actually occurring,” Ian said.<br />

AON can assist members with:<br />

• Material damage of business assets, including cover<br />

for money, theft, and glass<br />

• Business interruption insurance which ensures your<br />

business income following your claim<br />

• <strong>Hotel</strong> Public and Products liability for the operation of<br />

your business<br />

• Machinery and electronic breakdown<br />

• Fidelity insurance for theft by staff<br />

• Management liability<br />

AON remains the leading provider of insurance and risk<br />

management solutions to Australia’s hotel industry and<br />

proud to be endorsed by the AHA|<strong>SA</strong>.<br />

When you need to lodge a claim, you will find AON’s<br />

claims management service is thorough and efficient.<br />

Address: 22/91 King William St, Adelaide <strong>SA</strong> 5000<br />

Phone: 8301 1111<br />

Website: www.aon.com.au/hotels <br />

email: au.hotels@aon.com <br />

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WOMEN<br />

IN<br />


2023<br />

WIH May event attendees.<br />

Women in <strong>Hotel</strong>s August Network –<br />

Award Winning <strong>Hotel</strong>s and winery Tour<br />

Register Now!<br />

For 30 years, Women in <strong>Hotel</strong>s has brought voices<br />

together across our industry.<br />

Our next event on 20 August is shaping up to be a<br />

fantastic opportunity to network on a hotels and<br />

premium winery experience with us!<br />

Starting at The Highway, the tour will drop by the Marion<br />

<strong>Hotel</strong>, then head to Dandelion Vineyard in McLaren<br />

Vale for a ‘Wonder Room’ bespoke experience, with a<br />

premium wine and culinary delight tasting. We will then<br />

head to the McLaren Vale <strong>Hotel</strong> for lunch, where we will<br />

be joined by special guest speakers. The tour will then<br />

head back to Adelaide via a stop at the Warradale <strong>Hotel</strong>,<br />

then we will finish back at The Highway. Times and<br />

details are listed below.<br />

9.30-10.15am<br />

10.30-11am<br />

THE HIGHWAY Morning Tea<br />

on arrival<br />

MARION HOTEL <strong>Hotel</strong> Tour<br />

11.30am-12.15pm DANDELION VINEYARD Tour/<br />

Tasting/Educational (Samuel<br />

Smith & Son)<br />

12.15-3pm<br />

3.30-4pm<br />

4.15pm<br />


with Special Guest Speakers –<br />

Women in Wine<br />


THE HIGHWAY Finish<br />

COST $150pp Inc GST – includes bus transport, all food<br />

and beverages<br />

Register by clicking here <br />

Bookings close Wednesday, 14 August, so get<br />

in quick!<br />

Follow the link to learn more about Women in <strong>Hotel</strong>s,<br />

and we hope to see many more in our industry join this<br />

growing network <br />

Please watch the below video to hear from inspiring<br />

women within the network from our last event.<br />

Watch Video <br />

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We design, build and host beautiful<br />

hotel websites that link with your<br />

third-party software.<br />

boylen.com.au<br />

08 8233 9433<br />

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M E M B E R P R O F I L E<br />

Enhancing Our Industry<br />

Advocacy With Members<br />

Chris Farmer, Owner of the Earl of Leicester.<br />

The AHA|<strong>SA</strong> is excited to be launching a new fortnightly<br />

initiative across our social media, bringing the stories of<br />

South Australia’s publicans and hoteliers to members<br />

and their staff, corporate partners, government, industry<br />

stakeholders, and more!<br />

“Since commencing in May this year, I have been on the<br />

road listening to members – their many achievements,<br />

but also issues that continue to be a roadblock in<br />

business growth," said AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Digital Content Manager,<br />

Josh Bevan.<br />

“I believe that at its core, all good marketing and<br />

advocacy tells a story.<br />

“The hotels industry is one that shows great<br />

camaraderie, and I’m most interested in the stories<br />

of the people behind the bar, in your restaurants,<br />

and accommodation.<br />

“With so many positive stories that we will be amplifying<br />

moving forward and issues that AHA|<strong>SA</strong> specialists are<br />

working towards to make the industry better, there is<br />

a huge opportunity to create an ongoing narrative with<br />

members which will enhance our industry advocacy.<br />

“Taking this a step further, we also aim to raise the<br />

profile of the hotels industry through these fortnightly<br />

videos, sharing the career pathways that members and<br />

their staff have taken,” Josh said.<br />

Over the next couple of months, we look forward to<br />

bringing you: Earl of Leicester <strong>Hotel</strong>, Murray Bridge<br />

<strong>Hotel</strong>, Mawson Lakes <strong>Hotel</strong> and Function Centre, Yorke<br />

Valley <strong>Hotel</strong>, and Lobethal <strong>Hotel</strong>. Watch this space, and<br />

we hope you enjoy hearing about the rich history from<br />

just some of the people who make our industry the best<br />

it can be every second Thursday!<br />

If you haven’t yet subscribed to our main social<br />

media channels, please click on the links below and<br />

follow us.<br />

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B Y S T A N D E R I N T E R V E N T I O N<br />

AHA|<strong>SA</strong> CEO, Anna Moeller, with <strong>SA</strong> Equal<br />

Opportunity Commission, Jodeen Carney.<br />

Challenging inappropriate behaviour<br />

in the hospitality industry<br />

Everyone deserves a safe working environment that<br />

is free of discrimination, bullying, and disrespectful<br />

behaviour. The South Australian hotels industry is taking<br />

a stand!<br />

In June, AHA|<strong>SA</strong> CEO, Anna Moeller, signed our<br />

industry’s WE’RE EQUAL commitment, aimed at<br />

embracing inclusivity, diversity, and zero tolerance for<br />

violence in venues.<br />

It was fantastic to be joined at the National Wine Centre<br />

of Australia with AHA|<strong>SA</strong> Council Members, Minister<br />

for Small and Family Business, the Hon. Andrea<br />

Michaels MP, Minister for Women and the Prevention of<br />

Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence, the Hon. Katrine<br />

Hildyard MP, and South Australia’s Equal Opportunity <strong>SA</strong><br />

Commissioner, Jodeen Carney.<br />

Anna said, “We’re celebrating two things. Our<br />

commitment to WE’RE EQUAL, but also the launch of<br />

the AHA|<strong>SA</strong>’s Bystander to Upstander training with ISC<br />

Consulting, which will provide pubs across the state<br />

and their staff with all the strategies they will need to<br />

prevent and address any inappropriate behaviour in<br />

their venues.”<br />

“Challenging inappropriate behaviour where staff and<br />

the public are concerned can be overwhelming at times.<br />

We want to make sure that venue operators and their<br />

staff are well equipped with the necessary skills and<br />

resources to best manage these situations.”<br />

“The AHA|<strong>SA</strong> is taking a stand and taking the lead in this<br />

space in South Australia to support our members and<br />

the broader industry sector,” Anna said.<br />

Jodeen said, “Complaints to our office over many<br />

years showed that we needed to come up with an<br />

initiative to help businesses and organisations deal with<br />

discrimination in the workforce.”<br />

“Under the state’s Equal Opportunity Act, there are 14<br />

grounds of discrimination. The WE’RE EQUAL initiative<br />

aims to assist businesses to help their staff deal with<br />

discrimination when they see it, but also for businesses<br />

to nail their colours to the mast and say ‘we believe in<br />

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Minister for Small and Family Business, the Hon. Andrea Michaels MP, Minister for Women and the Prevention of Domestic, Family and Sexual<br />

Violence, the Hon. Katrine Hildyard MP, and South Australia’s Equal Opportunity <strong>SA</strong> Commissioner, Jodeen Carney.<br />

social inclusion, we commit to our customers, suppliers<br />

and staff to treat them equally, respectfully and with<br />

dignity’, and for their business to be an easily identifiable<br />

safe place.”<br />

“Having zero tolerance to discrimination and embracing<br />

difference and diversity is a good message and one for<br />

all South Australian’s to hear,” Jodeen said.<br />

Anna said, “The South Australian hotels industry now<br />

has a massive opportunity to lead the nation in creating<br />

safer venues and workplaces of choice by saying “no” to<br />

violence and discrimination.”<br />

Please watch the below video featuring Anna and<br />

Jodeen speaking more about the importance of our<br />

commitment and the training on offer.<br />

The free half-day Bystander to Upstander training<br />

sessions at the AHA|<strong>SA</strong> head office are booking out<br />

quickly! Please click on one of the below dates to<br />

register. If you can’t find a session that suits<br />

your staff, please email Anna Caretti:<br />

acaretti@ahasa.asn.au and we will register your<br />

interest for a future session.<br />

• Thursday 8 August <br />

• Wednesday 21 August <br />

• Wednesday 18 September <br />

• Thursday 26 September <br />

Please note:<br />

• There is a maximum of 2 attendees per venue that can<br />

register for each session.<br />

• This course contains content that attendees might find<br />

disturbing, difficult to view or discuss, or which may be<br />

triggering for some attendees. The presenter will use their<br />

best endeavours to advise attendees of such material in<br />

advance of it being shown or discussed so attendees can<br />

decide whether to leave the room for that topic or part of<br />

the course.<br />

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Members travelled from all over the Eyre Peninsula for the regional meeting in June. Tony Griffin at the Wudinna<br />

<strong>Hotel</strong>Motel on the 18th of June and his wonderful team hosted the turnout, and we thank everyone who<br />

made the journey!<br />

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R E G I O N A L M E E T I N G S<br />

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A big thanks to publicans, Darren and Renne Banks, for hosting Yorke Peninsula members and corporate partners<br />

at the Yorke Valley <strong>Hotel</strong> , and for putting on a wonderful spread for lunch! A special welcome to a new AHA|<strong>SA</strong><br />

member on the peninsula, Rhys O’Donohue, from the <strong>Hotel</strong> Maitland. Your AHA|<strong>SA</strong> is here to support you!<br />

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R E G I O N A L M E E T I N G S<br />

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W O R K P L A C E R E L A T I O N S<br />

Additional Rights for<br />

Workplace Delegates<br />

BY OWEN WEBB & <strong>SA</strong>RAH LEGOE<br />

On 15 December 2023 the Fair Work Act 2009 (Act)<br />

was amended to include additional rights for workplace<br />

delegates. A model term was inserted into various<br />

Awards effective from 1 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2024</strong> which sets out the<br />

extent of these rights in respect of Award covered<br />

employees. This article will outline the new rights and<br />

when they apply together with the risks for employers<br />

should they prevent or obstruct a workplace delegate in<br />

the exercise of these rights.<br />

Who can be a workplace delegate<br />

A workplace delegate is a person who:<br />

• is employed by the employer, and<br />

• is a member of an employee organisation (i.e. union)<br />

entitled to represent workers at the workplace, and<br />

• has been elected or appointed to be the delegate for<br />

the workplace in accordance with the rules of the<br />

employee organisation of which they are a member. 1<br />

Where the person is covered by a modern award<br />

(including the Hospitality Industry (General) Award<br />

2020 (HIGA), the Restaurant Industry Award 2020 (RIA),<br />

General Retail Industry Award 2020 (GRIA) and the<br />

Registered and Licensed Clubs Award 2020 (RLCA)),<br />

or an enterprise agreement whether that enterprise<br />

agreement contains a term dealing with workplace<br />

delegates’ right or not, an employee appointed as<br />

a workplace delegate must provide the employer<br />

with written notice that they have been appointed or<br />

elected as the workplace delegate. The employer may<br />

request evidence from the employee which confirms<br />

their appointment or election. Such evidence may<br />

include, but is not limited to, written confirmation<br />

from the relevant union or evidence of the outcome of<br />

the election. 2<br />

Where a person is covered by a modern award and<br />

that person ceases to be a workplace delegate for<br />

a particular workplace, that person must advise the<br />

employer in writing within 14 days of that person<br />

ceasing to be a workplace delegate. 3 Employers<br />

covered by an Enterprise Agreement should refer to<br />

the Enterprise Agreement to determine whether such<br />

notice must be provided, how it should be provided<br />

and when it should be provided. In the event the<br />

Enterprise Agreement is silent on this matter, the<br />

person must provide the same notice as per the<br />

corresponding award.<br />

A workplace delegate is not entitled to exercise their<br />

rights unless they have complied with the above.<br />

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W O R K P L A C E R E L A T I O N S<br />

What rights does a workplace delegate have<br />

A workplace delegate is entitled to:<br />

(a) represent the industrial interest of members and<br />

persons eligible to be a member of the relevant<br />

union<br />

Where the employee is covered by a modern award,<br />

‘industrial interests’ includes the following:<br />

(i) consultation about major workplace change or<br />

changes or rosters or hours of work;<br />

(ii) resolving disputes;<br />

(iii) disciplinary matters;<br />

(iv) any other matters referred to in the award or in<br />

a workplace policy that allows employees to be<br />

represented. 4<br />

(b) reasonable communication with members and<br />

persons eligible to be a member of the relevant<br />

union about their industrial interests (see section<br />

350C(3)(a) of the Act). For award covered<br />

employees, communications include discussing<br />

membership of the relevant union or discussing<br />

matters the delegate may be representing a<br />

worker(s) in. 5 Nothing in respect of this right,<br />

requires an employer to provide the workplace<br />

delegate with contact details for eligible<br />

employees. 6<br />

Communications may occur during work hours,<br />

during breaks or before or after work. 7<br />

(c) workplace delegates must be provided with<br />

reasonable access to and use of facilities within<br />

the workplace for those communications. For<br />

award covered employees, this means:<br />

(i) a room or area that is fit for purpose, private<br />

and accessible by the delegate and other<br />

employees;<br />

(ii) a noticeboard (whether physical or electronic);<br />

(iii) access to wifi and other electronic means of<br />

communication ordinarily used in the workplace<br />

(for example, email, Teams, phones etc);<br />

(iv) computers, printers, scanners, photocopies and<br />

any other office facilities the delegate may need<br />

to access to carry out their duties. 8<br />

An employer does not need to provide access to or use<br />

of workplace facilities if they are not available or due to<br />

operational requirements (for example, it is not available<br />

or practicable at the time the delegate seeks access or<br />

use of the facilities). 9 By way of example, it would not be<br />

reasonable for the workplace delegate to seek access<br />

to the bistro area of a hotel during meal service or when<br />

the area is open to the public or to request access to<br />

WiFi or computer services at a particular time if there is<br />

an IT outage or WiFi is not available due to the location.<br />

What is deemed reasonable in respect of both the type<br />

of communication and access to facilities will depend<br />

on factors such as the size of the workplace and the<br />

facilities available.<br />

(d) Unless the business is a small business employer<br />

(as defined in the Act), access to paid leave to<br />

attend training during normal working hours as<br />

follows:<br />

(i) 5 days in respect of initial training for one<br />

workplace delegate per 50 eligible employees in<br />

a financial year; and<br />

(ii) at least 1 day for training in each subsequent<br />

year. 10<br />

Training, for the purposes of this right, means<br />

training related to representing the industrial interests<br />

of employees. This is not dissimilar to what was<br />

historically known as union training leave. The Award<br />

sets out the period of notice the workplace delegate<br />

must provide to the employer, plus details of how the<br />

employee is to be paid.<br />

In exercising their rights, an Award covered workplace<br />

delegate must comply with their obligations and duties<br />

as an employee, comply with policies and procedures<br />

of the employer (provide such policies and procedures<br />

are reasonable) and not hinder or obstruct employees in<br />

carrying out their duties. 11<br />

Eligible employees, where referred to in respect of<br />

these rights, means employees (whether engaged on<br />

a full time, part time or casual basis) who are eligible<br />

to be a member of the employee organisation that the<br />

workplace delegate is also a member of and under<br />

the rules of which that person has been elected or<br />

appointed in the position of workplace delegate.<br />

Endnotes<br />

1 See section 350C(1) of the Act.<br />

2 HIGA cl 37A.3; RIA cl 31A.3; GRIA cl 33A.3; RLCA cl 31A.3.<br />

3 HIGA cl 37A.4; RIA cl 31A.4; GRIA cl 33A.4; RLCA cl 31A.4.<br />

4 HIGA cl 37A.5; RIA cl 31A.5; GRIA cl 33A.5; RLCA cl 31A.5.<br />

5 HIGA cl 37A.6; RIA cl 31A.6(a); GRIA cl 33A.6(a); RLCA cl 31A.6(a).<br />

6 HIGA cl 37A.6(a); RIA cl 31A.6(a); GRIA cl 33A.6(a); RLCA cl 31A.6(a).<br />

7 HIGA cl 37A.6(b); RIA cl 31A.6(b); GRIA cl 33A.6(b); RLCA cl 31A.6(b).<br />

8 HIGA cl 37A.7(a); RIA cl 31A.7(a); GRIA cl 33A.7(a); RLCA cl 31A.7(a).<br />

9 HIGA cl 37A.7(b); RIA cl 31A.7(b); GRIA cl 33A.7(b); RLCA cl 31A.7(b).<br />

10 HIGA cl 37A.8; RIA cl 31A.8; GRIA cl 33A.8; RLCA cl 31A.8.<br />

11 HIGA cl 37A.9; RIA cl 37A.9; GRIA cl 33A.9; RLCA cl 31A.9.<br />

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W O R K P L A C E R E L A T I O N S<br />


A workplace delegate that is an Award Free employee,<br />

is still entitled to the rights set out above. Where there<br />

are more prescriptive requirements that apply to award<br />

covered employees, when it comes to Award Free<br />

employees, the employer and the delegate need to<br />

consider what may be reasonable in the circumstances<br />

in determining the scope of the rights and how they are<br />

to apply in the workplace.<br />



For workplace delegates whose employment is covered<br />

by an Enterprise Agreement, the Enterprise Agreement<br />

should be referred to in respect of matters such as the<br />

number of days of paid training leave and the process<br />

for seeking approval. Where the Enterprise Agreement<br />

is silent on such matters, the same approach should<br />

apply as to Award covered employees. 12<br />

Non-compliance by the employer<br />

An employer who:<br />

(a) unreasonably fails or refuses to deal with a<br />

workplace delegate or unreasonably hinders or<br />

obstructs the delegate from carrying out their<br />

duties; or<br />

(b) knowingly or recklessly makes a false or misleading<br />

representation to the workplace delegate exposes<br />

themselves to a general protections claim being<br />

made against the employer in the Fair Work<br />

Commission (see section 350A of the Act), and<br />

the potential of pecuniary penalties being applied<br />

in the event a breach of section 350A of the Act is<br />

found to have occurred. Pecuniary penalties can<br />

be significant.<br />

Non-compliance by the workplace delegate<br />

In the event a workplace delegate is either:<br />

(a) unreasonably fails or refuses to deal with a<br />

workplace delegate or unreasonably hinders or<br />

obstructs the delegate from carrying out their<br />

duties; or<br />

(b) knowingly or recklessly makes a false or misleading<br />

representation to the workplace delegate<br />

the employer should firstly speak with the workplace<br />

delegate and advise them of the concerns with their<br />

behaviour. In the event the behaviour continues,<br />

the employer may wish to consider commencing<br />

disciplinary action (for example, issuing a warning<br />

etc) following the usual procedure and steps of<br />

procedural fairness. However, in taking disciplinary<br />

action employers must be mindful that they must not<br />

themselves be in breach section 350A of the Act.<br />


Members should contact the AHA|<strong>SA</strong> to discuss any of<br />

the issues raised in this fact sheet.<br />

This article contains information that is of a general nature and is for<br />

informational purposes only. This article, and its contents, does not constitute<br />

legal advice.<br />

Endnotes<br />

12 See Fair Work Commission, ‘Delegates’ rights terms in enterprise agreements’ (28 June <strong>2024</strong>) .<br />

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C Y B E R S E C U R I T Y<br />

Is Your <strong>Hotel</strong> Wi-Fi<br />

A Hacker Threat<br />

A recent study found that 76% of<br />

hoteliers regard technology security<br />

as a serious concern.<br />

This unease is valid. <strong>Hotel</strong>s process<br />

a considerable number of online<br />

payments, making them a juicy<br />

target for criminals.<br />

Analysis across 24 countries<br />

revealed a high percentage of<br />

attacks on hotels and in 98% of the<br />

breaches that were studied, credit<br />

card information was stolen.<br />

At the sophisticated end of the<br />

scale, there have been multiple<br />

examples of hackers accessing<br />

smart thermostats and then<br />

jumping across the network into the<br />

hotel finance system.<br />

But it’s the measures that are simple<br />

to put in place – but aren’t – that<br />

expose many hotels.<br />

Wi-Fi is a prime example.<br />

More and more venues offer free<br />

Wi-Fi and patrons expect it as part<br />

of your service offering.<br />

However, criminals can tap into<br />

unencrypted Wi-Fi networks and<br />

steal information such as login<br />

credentials and credit card numbers.<br />

Sangfor Technologies explain that<br />

“people let their guard down when<br />

traveling and rely on their lodging for<br />

dependable and secure services”.<br />

They argue that “it should be the<br />

responsibility of hotel industries<br />

to deploy stringent cybersecurity<br />

measures to assure guests that<br />

their personal information will never<br />

be compromised.”<br />


Your own IT company is best placed<br />

to advise you on the necessary<br />

protection.<br />

But NordVPN offers two<br />

excellent tips:<br />

• “Network encryption. Many hotel<br />

Wi-Fi networks do not sufficiently<br />

encrypt the data you send over<br />

the network, allowing anyone<br />

with the right tools to intercept<br />

it. Currently, the most secure<br />

system is WPA3, but some hotels<br />

set up their networks a long time<br />

ago and forgot to update their<br />

encryption methods. It makes<br />

their guests easy targets for<br />

cybercriminals.<br />

• “Old hardware. Unfortunately,<br />

many hotel owners are fond of<br />

the “if it’s not broken, why fix it?”<br />

mentality. But if the hotel set<br />

up its Wi-Fi network in 2010,<br />

for example, the routers are<br />

severely out of date by now<br />

and won’t support the latest<br />

security updates.”<br />


Cvent stresses the importance of<br />

physical security.<br />

“Your organisation probably has<br />

multiple Wi-Fi access points around<br />

your hotel,” it says.<br />

“Make sure these hardware access<br />

points are not accessible to guests.<br />

You don’t want just anyone walking<br />

up to them, since they can be reset<br />

to factory settings with the push of<br />

a button.<br />

“In addition, it will be important<br />

for the hotel employee and guest<br />

networks to be separate so that even<br />

if bad actors do get onto the Wi-Fi<br />

network, they won’t gain access to<br />

financial or company information.<br />

Your IT department can help you<br />

segment your network so guest<br />

traffic and employee traffic are<br />

completely isolated from each other.”<br />


Security should be on your<br />

regular agenda.<br />

Most hotels don’t have a full-time IT<br />

specialist on staff, so talk to your IT<br />

company. Get them to explain what<br />

your weaknesses are and the cost to<br />

fix them.<br />

The good news is that it may even<br />

help reduce your insurance premium.<br />

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W I N T E R F E S T I V A L S<br />

Photo credit: Rémi Chauvin, <strong>2024</strong>.<br />

Image courtesy of Dark Mofo <strong>2024</strong>.<br />

Global Ideas To Set<br />

Fire To Winter In <strong>SA</strong><br />

The AHA|<strong>SA</strong> presented a detailed submission to<br />

Treasury ahead of this year’s State budget, advocating<br />

for new funds to be invested to increase our winter<br />

tourism numbers. Listening to the AHA’s concerns, the<br />

Treasurer announced $14m over four years to expand<br />

the business events fund to focus on conferences<br />

during that traditional down time.<br />

Conferences should be the key driver for this State<br />

during winter. However, there is no reason events can't<br />

continue to create new reasons for tourists to visit us<br />

during the winter months.<br />

Let’s look at some of the great success stories around<br />

the world.<br />


Dark Mofo returns in 2025. It’s a time of winter feasts,<br />

a nude solstice swims at dawn, and light, art and music.<br />

The ABC reports: “Dark Mofo last year attracted 45,000<br />

interstate visitors, sold more than 100,000 tickets and<br />

brought in more than $5.5 million at the box office,<br />

and has been described by the Tasmanian Hospitality<br />

Association as a "game changer" for winter tourism.”<br />

26 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents

W I N T E R F E S T I V A L S<br />


Venice's Carnevale is world renowned. But February<br />

in Venice is one of the coldest months of the year.<br />

9C is the average high and the average low is a<br />

bitter 1C.<br />

It’s described as “always cold and windy” – but that<br />

doesn’t stop the parades and famous masquerade<br />

balls with incredible fashions and Venetian masks.<br />

Nor does it stop three million visitors attending.<br />


One year it was so cold that mules refused to pull the<br />

famous parade floats! Visitors are advised to pack a<br />

raincoat and ear muffs. With 1.4 million visitors in two<br />

weeks, it “generates nearly $900 million of economic<br />

impact”, according to New Orleans Tourism.<br />


In Brazil, they actually celebrate the start of winter – for<br />

a month! And the focus is strongest in regional areas.<br />

“With 1.4 million visitors in two weeks, it “generates nearly<br />

$900 million of economic impact”, according to New<br />

Orleans Tourism.”<br />

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W I N T E R F E S T I V A L S<br />

“Festa Junina increases tourism, specially in the North<br />

East of Brazil that attracts people from all over the country<br />

during the celebration period.”<br />

Imagine getting visitors passing through your town or<br />

city that equate to seven times the normal population –<br />

in 30 days.<br />

“City officials expect more than 2.5 million visitors to<br />

pass through (Caruaru) this month, attracted by large<br />

paper mache figures, men on wooden stilts and the<br />

traditional mock wedding,” according to Rio Times.<br />

According to Viva Brasi: “Festa Junina increases<br />

tourism, specially in the North East of Brazil that<br />

attracts people from all over the country during the<br />

celebration period. Tourists can provide the big cities<br />

with more than R$75 millions (AUD $20 million) spent in<br />

food, traditional events and activities.<br />

“The size of the public in the festivals varies. School<br />

and churches can attract local communities and small<br />

publics, while larger festivals can reach up to one<br />

million people!”<br />


Held in January, Utah’s coldest month of the year. World<br />

famous. Runs for 10 days and attracts about 85,000<br />

visitors – and headlines around the world.<br />


At the end of winter, Valencia in Spain stages Las Fallas<br />

over five days. It translates as “the fires and attracts<br />

more than 3 million visitors. Puppets are made and<br />

then set on fire, along with bullfights, parades and<br />

paella contests”.<br />

28 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents

Adelaide’s Best <strong>Hotel</strong><br />

Website Design Company <br />

boylen.com.au<br />

Adelaide Web Designer <br />

08 8233 9433<br />

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A H A | S A C O R P O R A T E P A R T N E R S<br />

P U B L I C A N P R O F I L E<br />


Bentleys <strong>SA</strong> 8372 7900<br />

Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />

8273 9300<br />

Winnall & Co. 8379 3159<br />

ATMS<br />

Banktech 0408 462 321<br />

Cashzone 1300 305 600<br />

Next Payments 1300 659 918<br />



Studio Nine Architects 8132 3999<br />


Art Images Gallery 8363 0806<br />


Big Screen Video 1300 244 727<br />

Novatech Creative Event Technology<br />

8352 0300<br />


Foxtel Music 1300 148 729<br />

Moov Music 1300 139 913<br />

Zoo Business Media 07 5587 7222<br />


Bank<strong>SA</strong> 0403 603 018<br />

Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />

8273 9300<br />


BOC Limited 0424 647 568<br />

Supagas Adelaide 08 8480 4500<br />


Accolade Wines 8392 2238<br />

Australian Liquor Marketers 8405 7744<br />

Carlton & United Breweries<br />

13 BEER (13 2337)<br />

Campari Group 02 9478 2727<br />

Coca-Cola Europacific Partners<br />

13Coke 132653<br />

Coopers Brewery 8440 1800<br />

CUB Premium Beverages 8416 7819<br />

Diageo Australia 0401 120 872<br />

Empire Liquor 8371 0088<br />

Lion 8354 8888<br />

Liquor Marketing Group 8416 7575<br />

Oatley Fine Wine Merchants 1800 628 539<br />

Options Craft Liquor Merchants 8346 9111<br />

Pernod Ricard Australia 8208 2400<br />

Samuel Smith & Son 8112 4200<br />

Southtrade International 0410 449 720<br />

Treasury Wine Estates 8301 5400<br />


Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />

8273 9300<br />

Winnall & Co. 8379 3159<br />


DESIGN<br />

Bunnings Group 0435 630 660<br />

Bunzl 088245 6222<br />

Forward Solutions 0468 923 320<br />

Mr Wet Wall 1800 938 925<br />

Stoddart Food Service Equipment<br />

1300 79 1954<br />


Banktech 0408 462 321<br />

BK Electronics 0431 509 409<br />

Cardtronics 03 9574 4878<br />

Coms Systems 0408 462 321<br />

GBay/Aruze Gaming 0424 700 888<br />

Next Payments 1300 659 918<br />


A Cleaner World 0426 887 364<br />


Bunnings Group 0435 630 660<br />

Bunzl 08 8245 6222<br />

DEFIBS<br />

AED Authority 03 8710 8666<br />

Alsco 8346 1391<br />

St John 1300 78 5646<br />


Class A Energy Solutions 8391 4853<br />

PowerMaintenance 1300 700 500<br />

Trans Tasman Energy 1300 118 834<br />


Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />

8273 9300<br />

Winnall & Co. 8379 3159<br />


COMS Systems 1800 324 918<br />

Vix Vision 0400 310 326<br />


Bidfood 0427 099 558<br />

Cookers 1300 88 22 99<br />

Galipo Foods 8168 2000<br />

PFD Foodservice 8114 2300<br />

Thomas Foods 8162 8400<br />


Wirely 0421642409<br />


St John 1300 78 5646<br />


Concept Collections 1300 269 800<br />


Independant Gaming Analysis 8376 6966<br />

Winnall & Co 8379 3159<br />


GBay/Aruze Gaming 0424 700 888<br />

GFR Pro 0408 186 540<br />


Ainsworth Game Technology 0409 171 616<br />

Aristocrat Technologies Australia 8273 9907<br />

Coms Systems 0409 283 066<br />

GBay/Aruze Gaming 0424 700 888<br />

IGT 8231 8430<br />

Independant Gaming Analysis 8376 6966<br />

Konami Australia Pty Ltd 0409 047 899<br />

Light & Wonder 0400 002 229<br />

MAX 8275 9700<br />

Statewide Gaming 0448 076 144<br />


Bluize 1300 557 587<br />


<strong>SA</strong> Lotteries 13 18 68<br />


Bupa 0417 608 751<br />


Langfords <strong>Hotel</strong> Brokers 0410 605 224<br />

JLL 0407 710 389<br />

McGees Property <strong>Hotel</strong> Brokers 8414 7800<br />


H&L Australia Pty Ltd 1800 778 340<br />


Digital Marketing AOK 1300 658 543<br />


Max Systems 8275 9700<br />


Aon Risk Solutions 8301 1111<br />


Bunnings Group 0435 630 660<br />

Bunzl 8245 6222<br />

Cookers 1300 88 22 99<br />

Stoddart Food Service Equipment<br />

1300 79 1954<br />


Eckermann Lawyers 8235 3990<br />

Piper Aderman Lawyers 8205 3318<br />

Ryan & Co Solicitors 0421595815<br />

Wallmans Lawyers 8235 3018<br />


Alsco 1300 659 892<br />

The Banner Crew 8240 0242<br />

MEDIA<br />

FIVEAA 8419 1395<br />

Foxtel 1300 138 898<br />

Solstice Media 8224 1600<br />


Migration Solutions 8210 9800<br />

ONHOLD/MES<strong>SA</strong>GING<br />

1800 ON HOLD 8125 9370<br />


Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />

8273 9300<br />

Tanda 1300 859 117<br />

Winnall & Co. 8379 3159<br />


Bepoz 1300 023 769<br />

Bluize 1300 557 587<br />

H&L Australia Pty Ltd 1800 778 340<br />


JLL 0407 710 389<br />

Knight Frank Valuations & Advisory<br />

8233 5222<br />


Liquor Marketing Group 8416 7575<br />


The Banner Crew 8240 0242<br />


Foxtel 1300 790 182<br />


Adelaide Institute of Hospitality 8338 1492<br />

Alliance College 1300 665 065<br />

Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers<br />

8273 9300<br />

St John 1300 78 5646<br />


HostPlus 0418 327 607<br />


Boylen 8233 9433<br />

30 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents


GAMING CARE works with all South Australian <strong>Hotel</strong>s with gaming<br />

machines to reduce the harm caused by problem gambling.<br />

Providing the hotel industry with the capacity to respond to community concerns related<br />

to the harm associated with gambling by contributing to early intervention and support<br />

for problem gamblers and their families.<br />

Minimising the harm caused by problem gambling behaviour by fostering a compliant<br />

and proactive industry that works with regulators, gambling help services and gaming<br />

patrons to minimise harm caused by gambling.<br />

Assisting licensees and hotel staff with their compliance obligations, and supporting<br />

venue staff through education and training regarding the recognition of problem<br />

gambling indicators and assisting in accurately documenting patron behaviour.<br />

Providing licensees and hotel staff with the confidence and skills required to engage<br />

directly with patrons who are showing indicators of potential problem gambling, enabling<br />

them to intervene early and refer the patron to a gambling help service, or other support<br />

options if required.<br />

Contact your local Gaming Care Officer, or our Office, for<br />

information on how Gaming Care can assist your venue.<br />

For any assistance or support<br />

please contact your local<br />

Gaming Care Officer, or our office<br />

for information on how Gaming<br />

Care can assist your venue.<br />

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CORPORATE PARTNERS <strong>2024</strong>/25<br />


D I A M O N D<br />

P L A T I N U M<br />

G O L D<br />

S I L V E R<br />

131 733<br />

pfdfoods.com.au<br />

Ainsworth Game TechnologyFor full product range<br />

Boylen<br />

and details<br />

Australian Liquor Marketers<br />

Pty Ltd<br />

Bank<strong>SA</strong><br />

Big Screen Video<br />

Bluize<br />

PFD063 <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> Advert (1/4 Page).indd 1<br />

of your nearest branch<br />

Campari Group<br />

18/05/09 11:47 AM<br />

Digital Marketing AOK<br />

Empire Liquor<br />

Foxtel<br />

IGT Australia<br />

Konami Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Light & Wonder<br />

Liquor Marketing Group<br />

Novatech Creative Event<br />

Technology<br />

Oatley Fine Wine Merchants<br />

Samuel Smith & Son<br />

Stoddart Food Equipment<br />

Tanda<br />

B R O N Z E<br />

1800 ON HOLD<br />

Cashzone<br />

Langford’s <strong>Hotel</strong> Brokers<br />

Statewide Gaming<br />

Adelaide Institute of Hospitality<br />

AED Authority<br />

Alliance College<br />

Alsco<br />

Banktech<br />

Bentleys <strong>SA</strong><br />

BK Electronics<br />

BOC Limited<br />

Bunnings Group<br />

Bunzl<br />

Class A Energy Solutions<br />

COMS Systems<br />

Concept Collections<br />

Cookers<br />

Eckermann Lawyers<br />

GBay/Aruze Gaming<br />

Independant Gaming Analysis<br />

JLL<br />

Knight Frank Valuations &<br />

Advisory <strong>SA</strong><br />

McGees Property <strong>Hotel</strong> Brokers<br />

Mr Wet Wall<br />

Next Payments<br />

Options Craft Liquor Merchants<br />

Piper Alderman<br />

Perks Accountants & Wealth<br />

Advisers<br />

PowerMaintenance<br />

Ryan & Co Solicitors<br />

Solstice Media<br />

St John<br />

Studio Nine<br />

Supagas<br />

The Banner Crew<br />

Trans Tasman Energy Group<br />

Vix Vision<br />

Wallmans Lawyers<br />

Winnall & Co<br />

Wirely<br />

A S S O C I A T E<br />

Art Images Gallery<br />

BUPA<br />

Forward Creations<br />

Migration Solutions<br />

Southtrade International<br />

32 | <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents

L I C E N S E E T R A N S F E R S<br />

MAY <strong>2024</strong><br />


Coburn <strong>Hotel</strong> Cockburn 07.05.24 Jodie Penelope Dare<br />

Railway <strong>Hotel</strong> Port Adelaide Port Adelaide 07.05.24 Copper Pots Pty Ltd<br />

Lakeview Motel and Apartments Robe 15.05.24<br />

Foreshore Motor Inn<br />

(to be known as Beach <strong>Hotel</strong>)<br />

Hammer n Tongs Strathalbyn<br />

(to be known as The Vault<br />

Strathalbyn)<br />

Benjamin on Franklin (to be<br />

known as Unionbridge on<br />

Franklin)<br />

GW Regional Enterprises Pty Ltd and Noblet Robe <strong>Hotel</strong><br />

Pty Ltd<br />

Whyalla 15.05.24 Onesteel Manufacturing Pty Ltd<br />

Strathalbyn 15.05.24 Coffee Vault Enterprises Pty Ltd<br />

Adelaide 23.05.24 Critical Path Pty Ltd<br />

Blanchetown <strong>Hotel</strong> Blanchetown 23.05.24 Iddledoo Pty Ltd<br />

Land of Promise <strong>Hotel</strong> Hindmarsh 24.05.24 Skremscin Property No14 Pty Ltd<br />

Chinatown Tavern (to be known<br />

as Eight Dragons)<br />

Adelaide 27.05.24 WYNUP Pty Ltd<br />



OFFICE<br />

Level 4, 60 Hindmarsh<br />

Square, Adelaide <strong>SA</strong> 5000<br />

POSTAL<br />

PO Box 3092,<br />

Rundle Mall <strong>SA</strong> 5000<br />

P (08) 8232 4525<br />

P 1800 814 525 Toll Free<br />

F (08) 8232 4979<br />

E information@ahasa.asn.au<br />

W www.ahasa.asn.au<br />


President<br />


Vice President<br />


Deputy Vice President<br />

Views expressed in <strong>Hotel</strong> <strong>SA</strong> are not necessarily those of the AHA|<strong>SA</strong> or the publisher and neither can accept,<br />

and therefore disclaims any liability, to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from<br />

negligence, accident or any other cause. We do not endorse any advertising materials, services offered within<br />

advertisements or products, special offers or goods promoted therein.<br />










<strong>SA</strong>M McINNES<br />

Secretary Treasurer<br />


Executive Council<br />


Executive Council<br />








Executive Council<br />


Executive Council<br />









CEO<br />


Deputy CEO<br />

ALI<strong>SA</strong> WENZEL<br />

Financial Officer<br />


Accommodation Australia (<strong>SA</strong>)<br />

& Communications<br />


Manager Policy & Industry<br />

Affairs<br />

<strong>SA</strong>RAH LEGOE<br />

Senior Advisor - Workplace<br />

Relations, Liquor Licensing &<br />

Gaming<br />


Legal and Advocacy<br />


Liquor Licensing &<br />

Gaming Advisor<br />


Membership & Business<br />

Services<br />

+<br />


Events & Partnerships<br />


Training Coordinator<br />


Digital Content Manager<br />


Executive Assistant<br />

+<br />

3/288 Glen Osmond Road, Fullarton <strong>SA</strong> 5063<br />

P (08) 8233 9433 W www.boylen.com.au<br />

TIM BOYLEN Managing Director<br />

tboylen@boylen.com.au<br />

JAMIE RICHARDSON Advertising<br />

sales@boylen.com.au<br />


Studio Manager/Graphic Designer<br />

We design, build and host beautiful<br />

hotel websites that link with your<br />

third-party software.<br />

boylen.com.au<br />

08 8233 9433<br />

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