100-101 Digital Marketing Associate Study Guide 2022

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Meta Certified Digital Marketing Associate study guide 18



Posts versus ads

Businesses can create posts about their

products and services on a Facebook Page

to build their brands online. This content

is displayed to their Page followers. When

businesses want to reach people who are not

already familiar with their products and services,

they can advertise on Meta technologies. Ads

appear with a Sponsored label.

Boosting a post

Boosted posts are ads you create from

existing posts on your Facebook Page or

Instagram. Boosting a post can help you get

more messages, engagement, leads or calls.

You may also reach new people who are likely

interested in your Page or business, but don’t

currently follow you.


Promote button

Businesses can create new ads from a

Facebook Page without using existing posts

by clicking the Promote button. Different ad

types and settings are available depending on

each business’ unique goals.

Instagram promotions

You can promote an existing post or Story and

turn it into an ad on Instagram.

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