100-101 Digital Marketing Associate Study Guide 2022

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Meta Certified Digital Marketing Associate study guide


Meta Ads Manager

Reporting in Ads Manager can help you determine how close a business is to reaching

its advertising goals.

• You can use the metrics in Ads Manager to learn what worked well and what can be

improved, which can inform future ad campaigns. You can also use the metrics in

Ads Manager to optimize ads while they’re running.

Default metrics

In the Ads Manager dashboard, you can see each level of the campaign (campaign, ad set

and ad). This is where you can view and compare the performance of past and current

campaigns, ad sets and ads using metrics relevant to the campaign objective.

Campaigns tab: In

this tab, information

in the dashboard will

be organized by ad

campaign. The dashboard

will automatically show

you a list of active and

inactive campaigns, the

performance of each

campaign and more.

Ad sets tab: In this

tab, information in

the dashboard will be

organized by ad set. You

can narrow the list of

ad sets shown here to

a specific campaign by

selecting a campaign in

the Campaigns tab.

Ads tab: In this tab,

information in the

dashboard is organized

by ad. Information

includes ad quality


Results metrics

Results metrics tell you how many people an ad

campaign has reached and the results it achieved.


This is the number of times an ad achieved

an outcome, based on the objective and ad

delivery optimization selected.


This is the number of people who saw the

ads at least once. Reach is different from

impressions, which may include multiple

views of ads by the same people.


This measures how often the ads were on

screen for the selected audience.

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