100-101 Digital Marketing Associate Study Guide 2022

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Meta Certified Digital Marketing Associate study guide



What is one tool that businesses

can use to review their privacy and


Which decision can you make

at the ad level?

security settings to help keep their

accounts secure?

a. Data hashing

b. Privacy Checkup

c. User guides

a. Where your ad will be seen

b. What your ad looks like

c. Where your ad will send viewers to

d. Your ad objective

d. Ad preferences


What is a benefit of using a Facebook

ad instead of a regular Page post?


An ad was flagged for being

misleading. What could be

the cause?

a. Facebook ads can reach people

who don’t follow your

Page already.

a. The ad did not include a


b. Facebook ads do not appear

in the Feed.

b. The ad has a specific description

of the item.

c. The ad targeted a broad audience.

c. Facebook ads offer video options.

d. Facebook ads enable comments,

likes and shares.

d. The product landing page didn’t

clearly reflect the product

promoted in the ad.


What action does an advertiser

want customers to take if they

select engagement as their


An advertiser is creating a campaign

campaign objective?

in Ads Manager. At what level can

they indicate that they want to place

their ad on Instagram?

a. Make a purchase

b. Remember an ad

a. Ad set level

c. Download an app

b. Ad level

d. Like a post

c. Campaign level


Which platform can be used to set

up a Facebook ad campaign?

a. Meta Foresight

b. Mobile Studio

c. Ads Manager

d. Events Manager

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