100-101 Digital Marketing Associate Study Guide 2022
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Meta Certified Digital Marketing Associate study guide
A bank releases a mobile app and
wants to increase app downloads
What kinds of people do lookalike
audiences consist of?
with its new customers. Which
campaign objective should the
bank advertiser choose?
a. App engagement
a. People who have shown interest
in a business in the past
b. People who have indicated
certain interests
b. App lead generation
c. People who have visited a
c. App promotions
business website
d. App store traffic
d. People who have similar
characteristics to an
A clothing advertiser wants to
get more people to add items to
their cart on their website. What
should they do?
a. Create a campaign with the
sales objective.
existing audience
Which three parameters can be
used to reach potential customers
and create a new audience in Ads
Manager? (Choose three)
b. Create a campaign with the
a. Location
leads objective and contact
b. Age
its leads with relevant
c. Reach more people through
the video views objective and
c. Gender
d. Ethnicity
e. App activity
retarget them with lead ads.
d. Use the engagement
objective to interact with
its audience.
If a business wants to retarget
customers who previously
purchased an item from its website,
what audience type should it use?
a. Website
b. Custom
c. New
d. Lookalike