100-101 Digital Marketing Associate Study Guide 2022

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Meta Certified Digital Marketing Associate study guide




Instant Experience

key performance


lookalike audience

new audiences

Meta Pixel


slideshow ads



A logged action that people take on your website, app or offline,

usually for capturing and measuring ad performance

A fullscreen, post-click experience that opens after someone

taps your ad on a mobile device

A measurement to evaluate the success of a campaign or ad

A group of people who are similar to an existing audience,

allowing you to direct your ad to people who “look like” your

established customers

A default targeting option that allows you to direct your ads to

people based on demographics, location, interests and behaviors

A small piece of code that you add to your website that enables

you to access our most effective advertising features

A location where you can show an ad on a website or app, such

as Feed, Instagram Stories or Messenger Inbox

Combines multiple images, text and sound to get people’s

attention and tell a story

The process of defining an audience for your ads

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