Dovercourt Fall2024 rec sessional flyer

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Fall Recreation<br />

Drama<br />

The Fundamentals of Acting: The<br />

fundamentals of acting class is a 45 minute<br />

class that focuses on language and movement<br />

to express ideas.<br />

• Tuesdays Sept 17th, 2024-Dec 3rd, 2024,<br />

6:15pm-7:00pm (6-10yrs) - $140.40 -<br />

22870<br />

• Tuesdays Sept 17th, 2024-Dec 3rd, 2024,<br />

7:15pm-8:00pm (10-14yrs) - $140.40 –<br />

22871<br />

Dance<br />

Tiny Dancers: This class introduces<br />

movement and music concepts that help to<br />

develop coordination, flexibility, musicality,<br />

and socialization through a fun and exciting<br />

way. Participants will focus on fundamental<br />

movements through a variety of dance styles.<br />

Ages 1-4yrs parents are expected to participate.<br />

• Mondays Sept 16th, 2024-Dec 2nd, 2024,<br />

4:30pm-5:00pm (1-4yrs)- $121 – 22855<br />

• Mondays Sept 16th, 2024-Dec 2nd, 2024,<br />

5:15pm-6:00pm (4-6yrs) - $181.50 - 22856<br />

• Tuesdays Sept 17th, 2024-Dec 3rd, 2024,<br />

9:30am-10:00am (1-4yrs) - $132 – 22877<br />

• Fridays Sept 20th, 2024-Dec 6th, 2024,<br />

11:00am-11:30am (1-4yrs) - $132 – 22908<br />

• Saturdays Sept 21st, 2024-Dec 7th, 2024,<br />

8:30am-9:00am (1-4yrs) - $121 – 22914<br />

• Saturdays Sept 21st, 2024-Dec 7th, 2024,<br />

9:15am-10:00am (4-6yrs) - $181.50 - 22915<br />

• Sundays Sept 22nd, 2024-Dec 8th, 2024,<br />

8:00am-8:30am (1-4yrs) - $121 – 22931<br />

• Sundays Sept 22nd, 2024-Dec 8th, 2024,<br />

8:45am-9:30am (4-6yrs) - $181.50 - 22932<br />

Jazz: In this 60-minute jazz class focused on<br />

contemporary movement to popular music,<br />

participants will learn popular dance moves<br />

that will enhance their coordination,<br />

flexibility, rhythm, and strength. Learn new<br />

movements and explore their body and<br />

creativity in an energetic, fun atmosphere!<br />

• Mondays Sept 16th, 2024-Dec 2nd, 2024,<br />

6:15pm-7:15pm (4-6yrs) - $242 – 22857<br />

• Mondays Sept 16th, 2024-Dec 2nd, 2024,<br />

7:30pm-8:30pm (6-10yrs) - $242 - 22858<br />

Hip Hop: This is a 60-minute hip hop class<br />

that focuses on street style dance executed to<br />

hip hop music. Participants will focus on<br />

urban-based dance, learning a bit of each<br />

different style of hip hop. This class is high<br />

energy and fun and includes the opportunity<br />

to express themselves through dance..<br />

• Thursdays Sept 19th, 2024-Dec 5th, 2024,<br />

6:30pm-7:30pm (10-14yrs) - $264 – 22891<br />

• Thursdays Sept 19th, 2024-Dec 5th, 2024,<br />

7:45pm-8:45pm (6-10yrs) - $264 - 22892<br />

• Saturdays Sept 21st, 2024-Dec 7th, 2024,<br />

10:15am11:15am (4-6yrs) - $242 – 22916<br />

• Saturdays Sept 21st, 2024-Dec 7th, 2024,<br />

11:30am-12:30pm (6-8yrs) - $242 - 22917<br />

Ballet: This 60-minute ballet class focuses on<br />

the grace and beauty of ballet techniques<br />

including placement, alignment, flexibility,<br />

and musicality through traditional ballet<br />

techniques. It will include ballet concepts,<br />

vocabulary, and skills through barre, across<br />

the floor, center of room, and combinations.<br />

• Sundays Sept 22nd, 2024-Dec 8th, 2024,<br />

9:45am-10:45am (4-6yrs) - $242 – 22933<br />

• Sundays Sept 22nd, 2024-Dec 8th, 2024,<br />

11:00am-12:00pm (6-8yrs) - $242 – 22934<br />

• Sundays Sept 22nd, 2024-Dec 8th, 2024,<br />

12:15pm-1:15pm (8-10yrs) - $242 - 22935<br />

Acro: This 60-minute acro class develops<br />

strength, coordination and flexibility through<br />

gymnastics movements and jazz steps, with a<br />

focus on p<strong>rec</strong>ision, athleticism and flow.<br />

• Wednesdays Sept 18th, 2024-Dec 4th,<br />

2024, 6:00pm-7:00pm (6-8yrs) - $264 –<br />

22955<br />


Programs for children, adults, and families<br />

Check out a great menu of activities for the Spring session!<br />

• Wednesdays Sept 18th, 2024-Dec 4th,<br />

2024, 7:15pm-8:15pm (8-10yrs) - $264 -<br />

22956<br />

Arts<br />

Learn To Draw: Learn to draw is an<br />

introduction class to sketching and the basics<br />

of drawing. Create sketches of birds, butterflies,<br />

flowers, dogs and more<br />

• Tuesdays Sept 17th, 2024-Dec 3rd, 2024,<br />

4:30pm-5:30pm (6-10yrs) - $186 - 22867<br />

• Tuesdays Sept 17th, 2024-Dec 3rd, 2024,<br />

5:45pm-6:45pm (10-14yrs) - $186 - 22868<br />

Abstract Art: Abstract art is a class for<br />

children that focuses on the exploration and<br />

creativity of the mind. Participants will create<br />

pieces of artwork over the various weeks with<br />

all different types of mediums.<br />

• Tuesdays Sept 17th, 2024-Dec 3rd, 2024,<br />

10:15am-10:45am (1-4yrs) - $93 – 22876<br />

• Fridays Sept 20th, 2024-Dec 6th, 2024,<br />

11:45am-12:15pm (1-4yrs) - $93 – 22909<br />

• Fridays Sept 20th, 2024-Dec 6th, 2024,<br />

4:15pm-5:00pm (4-6yrs) - $139.56 –<br />

22899<br />

• Fridays Sept 20th, 2024- Dec 6th, 2024,<br />

5:15pm-6:00pm (6-8yrs) - $139.56 –<br />

22900<br />

• Fridays Sept 20th, 2024-Dec 6th, 2024,<br />

6:15pm-7:00pm (8-10yrs) - $139.56 -<br />

22901<br />

Zendoodle: ZenDoodle offers a unique way<br />

to unwind and explore your creativity.<br />

Through a series of easy-to-follow techniques<br />

and patterns, you'll discover the joy of<br />

creating intricate and mesmerizing designs.<br />

Materials will be provided.<br />

• Fridays Sept 20th, 2024-Dec 6th, 2024,<br />

7:15pm-8:15pm (10-14yrs) - $186 - 22902<br />




Virtual Watercolour Wonderland-<br />

Painting Basics & Beyond: This course<br />

invites you to explore the art of watercolour<br />

with a focus on color theory and brush<br />

handling. From fundamental techniques to<br />

advanced methods, discover how to use this<br />

beautiful paint medium to let your creativity<br />

shine! Class <strong>rec</strong>ordings will be available each<br />

week for those who miss that session or wish<br />

to review. Offered online via Zoom. Supply list<br />

is available in the online description<br />

• Wednesdays Sept 25th, 2024-Nov 27th,<br />

2024, 1:30pm-3:30pm (18yrs+) - $310 -<br />

22879<br />

Music<br />

Introduction To Singing: Introduction to<br />

singing is a 45-minute class that teaches the<br />

basics of how to use your voice to create<br />

music.<br />

• Mondays Sept 16th, 2024- Dec 2nd, 2024,<br />

6:15pm-7:00pm (6-10yrs) - $143.55 - 22859<br />

• Mondays Sept 16th, 2024-Dec 2nd, 2024,<br />

7:15pm-8:00pm (10-14yrs) - $143.55 -<br />

22860<br />

Making Music: Learn and interact with<br />

sounds through games, interactive activities,<br />

instruments to create music. This class focuses<br />

on foundational skills, rhythm, song structure,<br />

melody, dynamics, and social development.<br />

Participants will improve on memory, gross<br />

and fine motor skills, movement, strength and<br />

overall cognition. Ages 1-4yrs a parent must<br />

accompany and participate<br />

• Tuesdays Sept 17th, 2024-Dec 3rd, 2024,<br />

11:00am-11:30am (1-4yrs) - $104.40 –<br />

22875<br />

• Thursdays Sept 19th, 2024-Dec 4th, 2024,<br />

6:00pm-6:45pm (4-6yrs) - $162 - 22893<br />

• Fridays Sept 20th, 2024-Dec 6th, 2024,<br />

10:15am-10:45am (1-4yrs) - $104.40 -<br />

22907<br />

Glee Club: Glee Club is a 45-minute class that<br />

brings participants together to sing and create<br />

performances of iconic songs by popular<br />

artists. This class is a great opportunity for<br />

participants to share their love of music while<br />

creating new friendships.<br />

• Thursdays Sept 19th, 2024-Dec 5th, 2024,<br />

7:00pm-7:45pm (6-10yrs) - $156.60 -<br />

22894<br />

• Thursdays Sept 19th, 2024-Dec 5th, 2024,<br />

8:00pm-8:45pm (10-14yrs) - $156.60 –<br />

22895<br />

Sports<br />

Soccer Skills & Drills<br />

Soccer Skills & Drills: Soccer Skills & Drills<br />

helps participants to enhance and learn new<br />

soccer techniques. Participants will work on<br />

conditioning, skill development and game<br />

play. This class will teach participants<br />

coordination, teamwork, ball control, and<br />

stamina.<br />

• Mondays Sept 16th, 2024-Oct 21st, 2024,<br />

6:00pm-6:45pm (8-10yrs) - $84.75 - 22862<br />

• Mondays Sept 16th, 2024-Oct 21st, 2024,<br />

7:00pm-7:45pm (6-8yrs) - $84.75 – 22863<br />

• Thursdays Sept 19th, 2024-Oct 24th, 2024,<br />

5:00pm-5:45pm (10-14yrs) - $101.70 –<br />

22896<br />

• Thursdays Sept 19th, 2024-Oct 24th, 2024,<br />

7:00pm-7:45pm (6-10yrs) - $101.70 –<br />

22898<br />

• Saturdays Sept 21st, 2024-Oct 26th, 2024,<br />

9:00am-9:45am (6-8yrs) - $84.75 – 22924<br />

• Saturdays Sept 21st, 2024-Oct 26th, 2024,<br />

10:00am-10:45am (8-10yrs) - $84.75 -<br />

22925<br />

Soccer Skills: Soccer Skills is a beginner<br />

soccer class to teach the basic skills of soccer.<br />

Participants will work on learning ball control,<br />

teamwork, shooting, and dribbling. This class<br />

will help learn new skills to implement their<br />

soccer knowledge.<br />

• Mondays Sept 16th, 2024-Oct 21st, 2024,<br />

5:00pm-5:45pm (4-6yrs) - $84.75 – 22861<br />

• Thursdays Sept 19th, 2024-Oct 24th, 2024,<br />

6:00pm-6:45pm (4-6yrs) - $101.70 – 22897<br />

• Saturdays Sept 21st, 2024-Oct 26th, 2024,<br />

8:00am-8:45am (4-6yrs) - $84.75 - 22923<br />

Family Soccer: Families can play and<br />

practice soccer skills and drills together. This<br />

program is for all ages. *Participants under 16<br />

years of age must be accompanied by a<br />

participating and registered adult.<br />

• Saturdays Sept 21st, 2024-Oct 26th, 2024,<br />

11:00am-12:00pm (All Ages) - $113 - 22926<br />

Rock Climbing<br />

Rock Climb with friends in a small group that<br />

challenges participants with different routes to<br />

the top and bouldering challenges. The<br />

auto-belay system provides the opportunity to<br />

build confidence and strength in a safe<br />

environment. *Harness and helmet provided.<br />

Indoor running shoes required.<br />

• Mondays Sept 16th, 2024-Dec 2nd, 2024,<br />

4:30pm-5:15pm (8-10yrs) - $186.45 - 22864<br />

• Mondays Sept 16th, 2024-Dec 2nd, 2024,<br />

5:30pm-6:15pm (6-8yrs) - $186.45 – 22865<br />

• Mondays Sept 16th, 2024-Dec 2nd, 2024,<br />

6:30pm-7:00pm (18yrs+) - $124.30 –<br />

22866<br />

• Fridays Sept 20th, 2024-Dec 6th, 2024,<br />

4:00pm-4:45pm (6-8yrs) - $203.40 –<br />

22965<br />

• Fridays Sept 20th, 2024-Dec 6th, 2024,<br />

5:00pm-5:45pm (8-10yrs) - $203.40 -<br />

22966<br />

Multi-Sport: Learn the basics of multiple<br />

different sports including basketball, soccer,<br />

baseball, ultimate, and more in this 60 minute<br />

program. Designed with an emphasis on<br />

participation and fun, participants will be able<br />

to try new things and find a sport they love.<br />

• Fridays Sept 20th, 2024-Dec 6th, 2024,<br />

7:00pm-8:00pm (6-10yrs) - $271.20 –<br />

22904<br />

• Sundays Sept 22nd, 2024-Dec 8th, 2024,<br />

10:30am-11:30am (6-8yrs) - $248.60 –<br />

22929<br />

• Sundays Sept 22nd, 2024-Dec 8th, 2024,<br />

11:45am-12:45pm (8-10yrs) - $248.60 -<br />

22930<br />

Mini Movers: This is an opportunity for<br />

younger participants to work on their physical<br />

literacy and gross motor skills while socializing<br />

with others. This class will use objects,<br />

equipment, and easy obstacle courses to<br />

engage participants.<br />

• Tuesdays Sept 17th, 2024-Dec 3rd, 2024,<br />

11:45am-12:15pm (1-4yrs) - $135.60 – 22874<br />

• Fridays Sept 20th, 2024-Dec 6th, 2024,<br />

9:30am-10:00am (1-4yrs) - $135.60 –<br />

22906<br />

• Fridays Sept 20th, 2024-Dec 6th, 2024,<br />

6:00pm-6:45pm (4-6yrs) - $203.40 –<br />

22903<br />

• Sundays Sept 22nd, 2024-Dec 8th, 2024,<br />

8:45am-9:15am (1-4yrs) - $124.30 – 22927<br />

• Sundays Sept 22nd, 2024-Dec 8th, 2024,<br />

9:30am-10:15am (4-6yrs) - $ 186.45 –<br />


Sports (cont’d)<br />

Tennis Tactics: A 45-minute program for<br />

participants to learn different tactics and<br />

techniques used in the game of tennis. Learn<br />

new skills or continue to work on skills to<br />

improve.<br />

• Tuesdays Sept 17th, 2024-Oct 22nd, 2024,<br />

5:00pm-5:45pm (6-8yrs) - $101.70 – 22872<br />

• Tuesdays Sept 17th, 2024-Oct 22nd, 2024,<br />

6:00pm-6:45pm (8-10yrs) - $101.70 -<br />

22873<br />

• Fridays Sept 20th, 2024-Oct 25th, 2024,<br />

5:15pm-6:00pm (10-14yrs) - $101.70 –<br />

22912<br />

• Fridays Sept 20th, 2024-Oct 25th, 2024,<br />

6:15pm-7:00pm (6-10yrs) - $101.70 –<br />

22913<br />

Skateboard 101: Skateboarding 101 is a<br />

45-minute program for participants to learn<br />

the basics of skateboarding, including the<br />

proper stance on a skateboard as well as<br />

learning to control and move the board the<br />

way they want it to go.<br />

• Wednesdays Sept 18th, 2024-Oct 23rd,<br />

2024, 5:00pm-5:45pm (8-10yrs) - $101.70 -<br />

22884<br />

• Wednesdays Sept 18th, 2024-Oct 23rd,<br />

2024, 6:00pm-6:45pm (6-8yrs) - $101.70 –<br />

22885<br />

Family Pickleball: Pickleball is a 45-minute<br />

program where participants learn the rules<br />

and basics of the popular game pickleball.<br />

Participants will have the opportunity to<br />

practice their skills and learn new moves. This<br />

class shows participants how to handle the<br />

paddle, the rules of the game, and how to<br />

coordinate with someone else to play the<br />

game. Children 14yrs and under must be<br />

accompanied by a participating and registered<br />

adult.<br />

• Sundays Sept 22nd, 2024-Dec 8th, 2024,<br />

5:15pm-6:00pm (All Ages) - $186.45 -<br />

22959<br />

Pickleball: This 45-minute program teaches<br />

participants the rules and basics of the<br />

popular game pickleball. Participants will<br />

have the opportunity to practice their skills<br />

and learn new moves. This class also shows<br />

participants how to handle the paddle, the<br />

rules of the game, and how to coordinate with<br />

someone else to play the game.<br />

• Sundays Sept 22nd, 2024-Dec 8th, 2024,<br />

3:15pm-4:00pm (6-10yrs) - $186.45 -<br />

22957<br />

• Sundays Sept 22nd, 2024-Dec 8th, 2024,<br />

4:15pm-5:00pm (10-14yrs) - $186.45 –<br />

22958<br />

Ball Hockey: Learn to play floor hockey.<br />

Participants will learn how to handle a hockey<br />

stick, how to handle a floor ball, and how to<br />

pass and shoot. Bring your favourite stick or<br />

use one of ours. A CSA approved helmet with<br />

face protection is required and gloves are<br />

<strong>rec</strong>ommended.<br />

• Fridays Sept 20th, 2024-Dec 6th, 2024,<br />

8:15pm-9:00pm (8-10yrs) - $203.40 -<br />

22905<br />

Basketball: A chance to use the gym to play<br />

basketball with other players<br />

• Saturdays Sept 21st, 2024-Dec 7th, 2024,<br />

11:00am-1:00pm (14yrs+) - $497 - 22918<br />

Basketball Basics:Basketball basics is a<br />

beginner course for participants to learn the<br />

basic skills of basketball. Participants will<br />

learn dribbling, passing, and shooting skills<br />

through fun drills and games. This class is a<br />

great way for participants to learn teamwork<br />

and have fun in the process.<br />

• Wednesdays Sept 18th, 2024-Dec 4th,<br />

2024, 6:00pm-6:45pm (10-14yrs) - $203.40<br />

– 22883<br />

• Thursdays Sept 19th, 2024-Dec 5th, 2024,<br />

6:00pm-6:45pm (6-10yrs) - $203.40 -<br />

22889<br />

Taekwondo: Taekwondo, a Korean martial<br />

art, is the practice of hand and leg techniques<br />

for self-defense. Improve physical health,<br />

focus, flexibility, and decrease stress.<br />

• Fridays Sept 20th, 2024-Dec 6th, 2024,<br />

6:15pm-7:15pm (Orange Belts & Up) -<br />

$271.20 - 22910<br />

• Fridays Sept 20th, 2024-Dec 6th, 2024,<br />

7:30pm-8:30pm (Blue Belts & Up) -<br />

$271.20 - 22911<br />

• Saturdays Sept 21st, 2024-Dec 7th, 2024,<br />

11:30am-12:30pm (5-6yrs) - $248.60 –<br />

22919<br />

• Saturdays Sept 21st, 2024-Dec 7th, 2024,<br />

12:30pm-1:30pm (7-8yrs) - $248.60 –<br />

22920<br />

• Saturdays Sept 21st, 2024-Dec 7th, 2024,<br />

1:30pm-2:30pm (Orange Belt & Up) -<br />

$248.60 - 22921<br />

• Saturdays Sept 21st, 2024-Dec 7th, 2024,<br />

2:30pm-3:30pm (Blue Belts & Up) -<br />

$248.60 - 22922<br />

Karate: Canada Shotokan Karate (CSK) is a<br />

non-profit organization with a vision to<br />

preserve the legacy of Tsutomu Ohshima<br />

Sensei’s traditional Shotokan Karate. Karate<br />

comes from the Japanese words “kara” (empty)<br />

and “te” (hands) meaning Art of Empty<br />

Hands; it involves a variety of techniques -<br />

blocks, strikes, evasion, and throws. Training<br />

consists of kihon (basics), kata (forms) and<br />

kumite (sparring). Benefits of this martial art<br />

include improved discipline, self-confidence<br />

and physical fitness.<br />

• Sundays Sept 22nd, 2024-Dec 8th, 2024,<br />

11:15am-12:00pm (7-9yrs) - $186.45 -<br />

22936<br />

• Sundays Sept 22nd, 2024-Dec 8th, 2024,<br />

12:15pm-1:15pm (10yrs+) - $248.60 –<br />

22937<br />

Register online at www.dovercourt.org or by phone or in person

Playgroups<br />

Parent & Tot Playgroup is for participants<br />

between the ages of 0-4yrs. This allows<br />

toddlers and preschoolers to interact and play<br />

with other children their age while learning<br />

different skills and abilities like gross-motor<br />

skills, fine-motor skills, social skills, and more.<br />

There will be guest speakers every so often to<br />

chat with parents about different topics<br />

regarding toddlers and preschoolers.<br />

• Mondays Sept 16th, 2024-Dec 2nd, 2024,<br />

9:30am-10:30am (0-2yrs) - $203.50 –<br />

22854<br />

• Thursdays Sept 19th, 2024-Dec 5th, 2024,<br />

10:30am-11:30am (2-4yrs) - $222 - 22890<br />

Cooking & Baking<br />

Baking Essentials: Learn the basics of<br />

baking. Work on skills to make delicious treats<br />

like muffins, cookies, brownies, bars, and<br />

baked donuts. This is an opportunity to learn<br />

something new, make friends, and find your<br />

passion for baking!<br />

• Tuesdays Sept 17th, 2024-Dec 3rd, 2024,<br />

6:00pm-7:30pm (8-12yrs) - $378 - 22869<br />

Reading & Writing<br />

Creative Writing: Participants will use their<br />

imagination to create stories of their own.<br />

Learn story structure, character development<br />

and work on handwriting and typing skills.<br />

This class allows participants to be creative,<br />

put thoughts on to paper and be supportive of<br />

others work around them.<br />

• Thursdays Sept 19th, 2024-Dec 5th, 2024,<br />

4:30pm-5:15pm (6-8yrs) - $166.56 –<br />

22887<br />

• Thursdays Sept 19th, 2024-Dec 5th, 2024,<br />

5:30pm-6:15pm (8-10yrs) - $166.56 -<br />

22888<br />

Science & Technology<br />

Science Explorers: Explore and learn new<br />

ideas and topics related to science. Learn<br />

through different experiments in a hands-on<br />

learning environment. This class will allow<br />

participants to push boundaries, use their<br />

brain and make connections.<br />

• Wednesdays Sept 18th, 2024-Dec 4th,<br />

2024, 4:15pm-5:00pm (4-6yrs) - $166.56 –<br />

22880<br />

• Wednesdays Sept 18th, 2024-Dec 4th,<br />

2024 5:15pm-6:00pm (6-8yrs) - $166.56 –<br />

22881<br />

• Wednesdays Sept 18th, 2024-Dec 4th,<br />

2024 6:15pm-7:00pm (8-10yrs) - $166.56 -<br />

22882<br />

Pottery<br />

Family Pottery: Work with various tools,<br />

techniques, and your own creativity to<br />

transform clay into functional or sculptural<br />

works of art. This class will include use of the<br />

wheel, hands-on instruction, and practice.<br />

Finished pieces will be glazed then fired in the<br />

kiln. Please register each individual participant.<br />

Those under the age of 16 must be<br />

accompanied by an adult.<br />

• Saturdays Sept 21st, 2024-Nov 2nd, 2024,<br />

9:00am-11:00am (All Ages) - $297.60 –<br />

22946<br />

• Saturdays Nov 9th, 2024-Dec 7th, 2024,<br />

9:00am-11:00am (All Ages) - $248 - 22947<br />

Pottery Wheel & Handbuilding: Experience<br />

the pleasure of turning clay into unique<br />

functional and sculptural pieces. Beginner<br />

and experienced potters will be guided in<br />

hand building and the use of the wheel to<br />

accomplish their vision. Finish your pieces<br />

with colored slips, underglaze and glazes.<br />

• Mondays Sept 23rd, 2024-Oct 21st, 2024,<br />

6:30pm-9:00pm (18yrs+) - $248 – 22944<br />

• Mondays Nov 11th, 2024-Dec 2nd, 2024,<br />

6:30pm-9:00pm (18yrs+) - $248 – 22945<br />

• Saturdays Sept 21st, 2024-Nov 2nd, 2024,<br />

11:15am-2:15pm (18yrs+) - $446.40 –<br />

22948<br />

• Saturdays Nov 9th, 2024-Dec 7th, 2024,<br />

11:15am-2:15pm (18yrs+) – $372 - 22949<br />

• Saturdays Sept 21st, 2024-Nov 2nd, 2024,<br />

2:30pm-4:30pm (10-14yrs) - $297.60 –<br />

22950<br />

• Saturdays Nov 9th, 2024-Dec 7th, 2024,<br />

2:30pm-4:30pm (10-14yrs) - $248 - 22951<br />

•<br />

Upcoming<br />

fall programs:<br />

Register now:<br />

• Fall swim lessons:<br />

• Fall registered fitness<br />

• Fall <strong>rec</strong>reation including<br />

arts, sports, dance, STEM &<br />

more<br />




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