Tackle Trade World - September 2024

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18,500<br />



IN OVER<br />

120 COUNTRIES<br />


SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong><br />


One-piece stainless steel, mirror polished, chrome and titanium plated for durability, corrosion<br />

resistance, and low friction. Available in sizes #05 to #20, expanding to #50. Perfect for anglers,<br />

specially tough fish anglers, eliminating the need for ceramic or stainless-steel rivet rings.<br />

Built to last, engineered to excel. Patent granted.<br />

Trusted by saltwater anglers for reliability and performance.<br />

Lightweight aluminum openwork construction, embedded rollers, Teflon bearings,<br />

shaped feet, heavy-duty tip-tops, and designed for wind-on knots.<br />

Build Great Fishing Rods<br />

info@fishpacbay.com<br />



Genuine artificials<br />

How ROK Fishing is<br />

changing carp fishing baits.<br />

PAGE 14<br />

All dressed up<br />

Why the clothing market is<br />

so important to the trade.<br />

PAGE 18<br />

A<br />

record 57.7 million<br />

Americans went<br />

fishing last year,<br />

although the<br />

industry has yet to meet the<br />

challenge of angler retention.<br />

The post-pandemic surge<br />

of participation in fishing<br />

continues to draw record<br />

numbers of participants on<br />

the water but data from the<br />

Recreational Boating &<br />

Fishing Foundation’s (RBFF)<br />

<strong>2024</strong> Special Report on<br />

Fishing finds churn continues<br />

to pose a significant challenge<br />

for the industry, especially<br />

among female participants.<br />

The study says that, in<br />

2023, 57.7 million Americans<br />

aged six and over took to the<br />

nation’s waterways to enjoy<br />

recreational fishing, a six per<br />

cent increase from 2022.<br />

These numbers topped<br />

the all-time records set in<br />

2020 amid COVID-related<br />

shutdowns and data continues<br />

to underscore the critical<br />

importance of introducing<br />

fishing at a young age.<br />

Retaining newcomers<br />

remains an integral part of<br />

fishing’s continued success.<br />

Eighty-seven per cent of<br />

current fishing participants<br />

fished before the age of 12, but<br />

participation rates fell sharply<br />




after a child turned 18 and,<br />

specifically, female youth quit<br />

fishing at an 11 per cent higher<br />

rate than male youth.<br />

RBFF president and CE<br />

Dave Chanda said: “These<br />

disparities show families with<br />

young children are key to<br />

growing future participation.<br />

“Connecting youth to fishing<br />

will ensure that our nation’s<br />

waterways are protected, our<br />

communities are healthy and<br />

our industry is thriving.”<br />

According to the report,<br />

relaxation was a key driver for<br />

new anglers in 2023. Many<br />

also reported that spending<br />

time with family and friends<br />

inspired fishing.<br />

In addition to these<br />

results, the report provides<br />

a comprehensive look at the<br />

state of fishing participation in<br />

the USA.<br />

It details how 21.3 million<br />

women went fishing in 2023 –<br />

the highest number of female<br />

participants on record. An<br />

incredible 4.2 million Americans<br />

tried fishing for the first time in<br />

2023 and fishing participation<br />

nearly doubled in a decade<br />

among Hispanic Americans<br />

aged six and over, rising from 3.5<br />

million in 2013 to 6.3 million<br />

in 2023.<br />

• Continued on page 8<br />

S E N T T O M O R E T H A N 1 8 , 5 0 0 T A C K L E I N D U S T R Y<br />


SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong><br />

<strong>Tackle</strong><strong>Trade</strong><br />


Editor: John Hunter<br />

+44 7990 542958<br />

john.hunter@dhpub.co.uk<br />

A journalist all his life and with 20-plus years of<br />

international business magazine experience, John<br />

was the founding editor of TTW and has now<br />

returned to the helm. He has helped many brands<br />

launch and grow over the years through B2B<br />

publications and via his own consultancy business.<br />


North America: Bart Manganiello<br />

+1 914 722 7601<br />

bartalm@optonline.net<br />

For over 38 years, Bart has been working with trade<br />

magazines, 34 in the tackle industry. Since 2001, he<br />

has been TTW’s North American Director, providing<br />

the best communication programs to companies,<br />

helping them connect with current and prospective<br />

trade partners around the world.<br />

Rest Of The <strong>World</strong>: Guido Knegt<br />

+39 3475036436<br />

guido.knegt@dhpub.co.uk<br />

A born and bred Dutchman, he spent five years<br />

travelling the world as a scuba-diving instructor and<br />

English teacher before settling down in Sardinia.<br />

Guido previously worked for TTW from 2014 - 2017.<br />

China: Robert Li (Li Ziwei)<br />

+86 13451914155<br />

robert.li365@gmail.com<br />

Li Ziwei (Robert) has been working as news editor<br />

for over 20 years. He founded the most influential<br />

Chinese fishing forum in the Straits and successfully<br />

organised many industry events. His love for culture<br />

and tourism has led him to devote his entire life to<br />

the exchanges between China and southeast Asia.<br />

Sub Editor: David Haynes<br />

Art Editor: Paul Evans<br />

DHP LTD Editorial, administration, subscriptions<br />

and accounts to: DHP Ltd, 1st Floor, Nene House, Sopwith Way,<br />

Daventry, NN11 8EA, UK<br />




The US tackle trade is, once again,<br />

riding the crest of a wave, after the<br />

Recreational Boating & Fishing<br />

Foundation’s latest report found that a<br />

record number of people went fishing in<br />

2023.<br />

A staggering 57.7 million people<br />

picked up a fishing rod at some point<br />

during the year across the United States<br />

– that’s more than in the boom we all<br />

enjoyed towards the end of the Covid-19<br />

pandemic.<br />

There are also signs in other countries<br />

that more people are going fishing,<br />

boosting demand for tackle, which has<br />

hitherto been stuck on dealers’ shelves.<br />

That has to be a good thing for us all,<br />

especially after a lean spell which has<br />

seen manufacturers bemoaning lack of<br />

sales and retailers not spending that<br />

much time with beleaguered reps and<br />

agents.<br />

Covid-19 was kind to the trade around<br />

the world but, despite suggestions<br />

and warnings at the time, the industry<br />

collectively failed to ride the wave for as<br />

long as it could.<br />

For years, the industry has ploughed<br />

time, effort and resources into<br />

encouraging people to pick up a rod<br />

for the first time and enjoy the thrill of<br />

catching their first fish.<br />

These are great initiatives and we have<br />

all seen amazing headline figures from<br />

our respective trade and governing bodies<br />

or well-meaning organisations that prove<br />

how many thousands of people were<br />

given their first chance of fishing.<br />

However, the same amount of resource<br />

has not been targeted where it really is<br />

needed – on retaining those people after<br />

their ‘have a go’ session has ended.<br />

In many countries, including the US<br />

and the UK, the churn (the number of<br />

anglers leaving the sport) is substantial,<br />

with a huge swathe of first-timers simply<br />

not being converted into regular anglers<br />

or others simply drifting away.<br />

The RBFF recognised this in its latest<br />

report, too – participation rates fell<br />

alarmingly when anglers turned 18 as<br />

they discovered other ways to spend their<br />

time or found their wages were squeezed<br />

by the realities of daily life.<br />

This has to change – and the industry<br />

needs to collectively invest in ways to<br />

retain people and convert first-time fishcatchers<br />

into lifelong anglers.<br />

We have many ways to do this –<br />

creating a sense of community, backing<br />

clubs and associations, providing<br />

better access to waters, improving<br />

habitats to increase fish stocks, promote<br />

conservation to safeguard our target<br />

species, provide incentives like loyalty<br />

programmes, use regular communication<br />

and education and support diversity<br />

initiatives.<br />

But we can’t just leave these to others<br />

to implement – we need to get behind<br />

these ideas, offer support and promote<br />

awareness so we can retain our anglers.<br />

We failed to capitalise on the<br />

opportunity presented to us during<br />

Covid but, in the US at least, we have<br />

been given a second chance. Let’s not<br />

repeat the same mistake again.<br />

/tackletradeworld<br />

/company/tackle-trade-world<br />


Super<br />

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<br />

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Super<br />


september <strong>2024</strong><br />

Contents<br />

contents<br />

08 News<br />

A European Angling Summit has been<br />

announced for November, tackle brand<br />

Quantum confirms it will focus on<br />

saltwater gear and brewer Carlsberg has<br />

unveiled a lure to combat drinking while<br />

fishing.<br />

10 News<br />

Danish firm Nordic Fieldsport has taken<br />

over Swedish spinning brand Myran,<br />

Foundation Outdoor Group has agreed a<br />

partnership with Swedish Bait Mechanics<br />

while dealers can now buy Roxstar Fishing<br />

gear.<br />


OUR CAPS<br />

The founder of the <strong>World</strong> Predator Classic,<br />

Ross Honey, has been given a top honour<br />

by the town where it takes place but Ross<br />

says the award is for everyone involved in<br />

angling.<br />



ROK Fishing, the French manufacturer<br />

specialising in the design and production<br />

of carp fishing gear, is revolutionising this<br />

sector with its range of artificial baits.<br />

14<br />


Rod component manufacturing giant Fuji<br />

Kogyo has updated its global distribution<br />

strategy, as it embraces the latest changes<br />

in the worldwide business environment.<br />


They say: “There’s no such thing as<br />

bad weather, only unsuitable clothing,”<br />

especially when it comes to fishing. So<br />

how do you ensure your customers are<br />

properly kitted out for all weather<br />

conditions?<br />

20 SHOP WINDOW<br />

We take a look at some of the latest<br />

apparel that key brands have launched –<br />

which items will you be stocking?<br />



The land connecting North and South<br />

America boasts a lengthy coastline, rivers<br />

and lakes, with some countries offering a<br />

dynamic and evolving tackle sector with<br />

substantial growth potential.<br />


Livingston Lures has pioneered this field<br />

with its EBS Smart-Chip Technology,<br />

promising the natural, biological sounds<br />

of bait fish, adding game-changing<br />

attraction.<br />


It’s an often-quoted phrase that certainly<br />

applies to manufacturing fishing products<br />

One great example is X-Braid Finesse, now<br />

available to wider markets like the US,<br />

thanks to a partnership with Daiwa.<br />



When Japanese rodmaker ZENAQ set<br />

about creating its latest specialty series, it<br />

incorporated everything an angler could<br />

require. Which is why this series bears the<br />

name INQLUDE.<br />


More tackle and gear recently released<br />

into the market that you might wish to<br />

consider adding to your inventory for the<br />

coming season.<br />



In today’s digital age, a robust social<br />

media strategy is essential for retailers to<br />

connect with their audience, build brand<br />

loyalty and drive sales. But how do you go<br />

about it with a busy shop to run?<br />

22<br />

18<br />

28<br />

06 www.tackletradeworld.com

ON<br />

THESE<br />

SEAS,<br />


BEGINS<br />

WITH<br />

THE<br />

BATTLE.<br />

Now stronger and even more durable - the<br />

PENN ® Battle ® IV continues its tradition of<br />

being THE workhorse of saltwater spinning<br />

reels. Newly upgraded with a Hydro Armor<br />

System and additional seals, the Battle IV<br />

is even more protected against saltwater<br />

intrusion and corrosion. An updated<br />

design eliminates through-holes in the<br />

spool body to further protect the reel from<br />

unwanted debris infiltrating its body and<br />

handle. Available in nine sizes and select<br />

high speed models, you can count on the<br />

Battle IV to have your back in any fight.<br />


© <strong>2024</strong> Pure Fishing, Inc.

© Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation's (RBFF) <strong>2024</strong> Special Report on Fishing<br />

NEWS<br />

Record numbers go fishing in the USA<br />

• Continued from page 3<br />

Meanwhile, 5.2 million black Americans<br />

aged six and over picked up a rod last year,<br />

the highest number since activity tracking<br />

began in 2007.<br />

Women represented 37 per cent of total<br />

anglers, 41 per cent of first-time participants<br />

and 45 per cent of those considering fishing.<br />

And 2023 also brought a milestone in<br />

fly fishing with participation in this sector<br />

topping eight million for the first time.<br />

Another sector which saw significant<br />

growth was saltwater fishing, as participation<br />

increased five per cent to 15 million<br />

participants – the highest number on record,<br />

exceeding 2020 by 500,000 anglers, and pre-<br />

Covid 2019 by nearly two million.<br />

Dave added: “Throughout 2023, fishing<br />

remained a gateway to health and wellbeing<br />

for the more than 4.2 million first-time<br />

participants. These new anglers are younger,<br />

more diverse and digitally connected.<br />

“By understanding the demographics,<br />

motivations and barriers of participants, the<br />

fishing industry can better reach America’s<br />

youngest citizens, nurture a new generation<br />

of fishing enthusiasts and retain those new<br />

to the sport.”<br />

Stephanie Vatalaro, senior vice-president<br />

of strategy and operations at RBFF,<br />

explained: “The truth is, the decline in<br />

participation among our youth represents a<br />

huge opportunity to do more as an industry<br />

and meet the moment together.<br />

“Girls who fish become women who fish.<br />

It’s our charge to reach newcomers and<br />

invite them to have great fishing experiences,<br />

showcase convenient water access, provide<br />

beginner educational resources and costeffective<br />

equipment and emphasise why<br />

getting out on the water is more than a<br />

hobby – it’s a way of life.”<br />

The Special Report on Fishing, an<br />

57.7M Americans<br />

went fishing<br />

Highest participation on record<br />

3.2M increase from 2022<br />

21.3M<br />

Women went<br />

fishing in 2023<br />

Highest number of female<br />

participants on record<br />

of all anglers<br />

37% were female<br />

Highest participation on record<br />

20%<br />

87%<br />

of female anglers<br />

have kids ages 6-12<br />

of current fishing participants<br />

fished before the age of 12<br />

<strong>2024</strong> SPECIAL<br />

REPORT<br />


25%<br />

4.2M<br />

5.2M<br />

New<br />

Anglers<br />

11.2M returning participants<br />

12.3M lost participants<br />

Black<br />

Participants<br />

fished in 2023<br />

Highest on record<br />

Hispanic<br />

6.3M Participants<br />

fished in 2023<br />

Highest on record<br />

13M<br />

Youth<br />

went fishing<br />

up from 12.7M<br />

Youth Female anglers (6-12) participated in fishing<br />

Only 19% kept fishing as a teenager (13-17) vs.<br />

30% of their male counterparts<br />

MORE<br />


annual report in its 14th year, provides an<br />

overview of fishing participation in the<br />

USA, including participation numbers<br />

among key groups, barriers to entry, reasons<br />

for participation and more. RBFF created<br />

the report in partnership with the Outdoor<br />

Foundation.<br />

www.takemefishing.org/specialreport<br />


As the Quantum brand marks<br />

its 40th anniversary, it is<br />

redirecting its focus on to the<br />

saltwater market, expanding on<br />

its legacy of top-tier rods, reels<br />

and combos.<br />

Embracing this shift, the<br />

CEO of parent company<br />

Rather Outdoors, Ken Eubanks,<br />

said: “We are committed to<br />

delivering the new standard<br />

of performance in saltwater<br />

tackle.”<br />

By assembling a team of<br />

industry veterans in sales,<br />

marketing, product, and brand<br />

management with over 150<br />

years of experience in the<br />

saltwater tackle business,<br />

Quantum says it now has the<br />

foundation needed to push the<br />

brand to new heights.<br />

Mike Rice, Quantum’s senior<br />

vice-president, explained: “This<br />

team has a proven track record<br />

of managing successful saltwater<br />

brands and understands what<br />

our customers and consumers<br />

want.<br />

“‘Tested Beyond Limits’ is<br />

more than just a tagline for<br />

the brand; it’s how the team<br />

operates. Whether field testing<br />

on the water or rigorously<br />

testing rods and reels in the<br />

state-of-the-art facility in Tulsa,<br />

Oklahoma, nothing is approved<br />

until everyone agrees it’s market<br />

ready. No compromises.”<br />

Quantum is set to release a<br />

very focused assortment during<br />

ICAST <strong>2024</strong>, including two<br />

families of reels and combos<br />

and one family of rods, for a<br />

total of 40 SKUs.<br />

The first couple years of<br />

development will be focused<br />

on spinning tackle – next<br />

year’s product is already in<br />

development – but after that<br />

the possibilities are endless, says<br />

the firm.<br />

Benchmark and Strive<br />

reels are each equipped with<br />

innovative features and built to<br />

the highest quality standards.<br />

Both reels are available in sizes<br />

2500-8000 and are offered as<br />

combos as well.<br />

Built to catch anything<br />

from trout to tarpon,<br />

Quantum Benchmark reels are<br />

manufactured to the highest<br />

quality standards. Strive will be<br />

offered in the same six sizes as<br />

the Benchmark.<br />

Designed specifically for the<br />

inshore market, the Quantum<br />

Myth rod series, meanwhile, will<br />

offer value across its 10 models.<br />



Europe’s largest fishing exhibition – Angling<br />

<strong>World</strong> Berlin – will present the international<br />

B2B summit of the recreational angling<br />

industry on November 28th.<br />

This year, Angling <strong>World</strong> Berlin takes<br />

its next significant strategic step by<br />

launching a B2B segment in cooperation<br />

with the European Fishing <strong>Tackle</strong> & <strong>Trade</strong><br />

Association (EFTTA).<br />

The international recreational angling<br />

industry is being invited to the EFTTA<br />

Angling Summit on November 28th, at<br />

hub27 on the Berlin exhibition grounds.<br />

This will be the first-ever EFTTA<br />

Angling Summit, with plans for it to be held<br />

annually in the same venue the day before<br />

Angling <strong>World</strong> Berlin, as part of a longterm<br />

partnership.<br />

This B2B platform will offer insights and<br />

input on key industry topics and promote<br />

networking within the trade. The one-day<br />

summit is aimed at all interest groups in<br />

the sector, including brands, manufacturers,<br />

Beer maker Carlsberg Sweden<br />

has teamed up with renowned<br />

lure builder Claes ‘Svartzonker’<br />

Claesson to highlight the risks of<br />

drunk fishing.<br />

“DrunkenBait by Svartzonker”<br />

is a unique fishing lure designed<br />

to remind anglers to stay sober<br />

while on the water.<br />

The unique lure resembles a<br />

drunk person who has ended<br />

up at the bottom of the lake. It<br />

serves as a visual warning against<br />

the dangers of drunk fishing and<br />

a reminder to anglers to choose<br />

non-alcoholic beverages when on<br />

the water.<br />

DrunkenBait is a fully<br />

retailers, and distribution companies.<br />

Ross Honey, Angling Spirit founder and<br />

EFTTA board member, said: “The launch<br />

of the EFTTA Angling Summit at Angling<br />

<strong>World</strong> Berlin marks a significant milestone<br />

for the international angling community.<br />

“This event will provide an unparalleled<br />

platform for industry leaders to collaborate,<br />

share insights, and drive the future of fishing<br />

tackle and trade. We are excited about the<br />

opportunities this summit presents for<br />

fostering innovation and strengthening our<br />

network.”<br />

Angling <strong>World</strong> Berlin project manager,<br />

Felix Steinacker, added: “The premiere of<br />

the EFTTA Angling Summit as a new<br />

B2B congress for the international angling<br />

industry is of great significance to us.<br />

“With this strategic step, we are not<br />

only putting a stronger focus on the B2B<br />

sector and opening a new B2B segment<br />

here in Berlin for our exhibitors and the<br />

international industry. But this step also<br />

functional pike<br />

lure, jointed at<br />

the waist for<br />

realistic drunken<br />

movement in the<br />

water. The lure is available<br />

in an exclusive limited<br />

edition, each hand-painted<br />

and individually weighted by<br />

Svartzonker himself.<br />

Claes explained: “Fishing and<br />

alcohol do not mix well. I hope<br />

the DrunkenBait can encourage<br />

more anglers to choose nonalcoholic<br />

options while fishing.<br />

And who knows, maybe<br />

someone will catch a big pike<br />

with it too.”<br />

DrunkenBaits have been<br />

distributed to selected resellers<br />

with a few of the exclusive<br />

lures raffled off on<br />

Carlsberg Sweden<br />

and Svartzonker’s<br />

social media.<br />

The proceeds<br />

will be donated to fish<br />

conservation and the<br />

Swedish Red Cross’s water<br />

projects around the world.<br />

Drowning is the third leading<br />

cause of unintentional injury<br />

death worldwide, according to<br />

the <strong>World</strong> Health Organisation<br />

(WHO), and alcohol use is a<br />

common risk factor, particularly<br />

underscores the growing internationalisation<br />

of our fair.<br />

“We are confident that the EFTTA<br />

Angling Summit will offer an excellent<br />

platform for exchange and networking on an<br />

international stage. Winning EFTTA as a<br />

partner for Angling <strong>World</strong> Berlin makes us<br />

proud.”<br />

The summit program includes morning<br />

and afternoon sessions with international<br />

representatives from politics, associations<br />

and the trade at large. It will discuss<br />

challenges facing the industry, such as<br />

changing market conditions, growing<br />

international competition and the impacts<br />

of changing environmental conditions. The<br />

conference day will conclude with a Dinner<br />

& Networking Night in the evening. Details<br />

of the program and the first speakers will<br />

be announced in due course. Tickets are<br />

available via the website.<br />

boot-berlin.de/en/angling-world-berlin/tickets<br />

Carlsberg launches lure promoting alcohol-free f ishing<br />

in fatal boating and fishingrelated<br />

accidents. But the dangers<br />

of mixing alcohol with fishing are<br />

not fully acknowledged.<br />

In Sweden, a new survey<br />

by Verian, commissioned by<br />

Carlsberg Sweden, reveals<br />

concerning attitudes towards<br />

alcohol consumption while<br />

fishing – it indicated that 41<br />

per cent of Swedes are open to<br />

drinking alcohol while fishing<br />

and 20 per cent have done so.<br />

The attitude among men is<br />

particularly concerning, with a<br />

majority (55 per cent) open to<br />

drinking while fishing and 31 per<br />

cent having already done so.

NEWS<br />

Bait f irm has ingredients to lift FOG<br />

In another strategic move to bolster<br />

its leadership position in the global<br />

sportfishing industry, Foundation Outdoor<br />

Group has announced an exclusive<br />

distribution partnership with Swedish Bait<br />

Mechanics (SBM), a leading northern<br />

Europe bait manufacturer.<br />

The agreement offers Foundation<br />

complete worldwide sales, marketing, and<br />

fulfilment rights to SBM’s diverse product<br />

line of fresh, high nutrition value (HNV)<br />

baits.<br />

The agreement also provides Foundation<br />

– based in the USA but with a prominent<br />

European HQ – with exclusive<br />

distribution rights for Boatman bait boats<br />

across Scandinavia.<br />

Gary Benney,<br />

Foundation Europe’s<br />

vice-president of<br />

operations, explained:<br />

“We’re excited to add<br />

Swedish Bait Mechanics<br />

to our diverse product<br />

line.<br />

“The carp fishing<br />

industry in Europe is<br />

immense and it continues<br />

to grow in North<br />

America, and partnering<br />

with an established leader,<br />

with the highest level of quality products,<br />

perfectly aligns with Foundation’s growth<br />

strategies and our efforts here in Europe.”<br />

Based in Halmstad, Swedish Bait<br />

Mechanics was established in 2009 with<br />

the vision of filling an industry void and<br />

consumer need for quality carp baits.<br />

From humble beginnings, it has<br />

established itself as the premier provider<br />

of HNV baits, primarily focused on carp<br />

fishing and offering a full line of bait<br />

boilies, hook baits and liquid attractors as<br />

well as fishing rods and accessories<br />

SBM also maintains exclusive rights to<br />

sell and distribute Boatman bait boats in<br />

Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden,<br />

which extends to Foundation Outdoor<br />

Group through the new relationship.<br />

Foundation’s president and COO Brook<br />

Oliva added: “The ability to offer products<br />

that are tailored to European customers<br />

was a key consideration when we decided<br />

to invest in the Halmstad headquarters<br />

and distribution centre.<br />

“We are proud to partner with Swedish<br />

Bait Mechanics and to offer their highquality<br />

baits and Boatman bait boats to<br />

our growing customer base.”<br />

SBM customers will continue to enjoy<br />

the highest quality baits and will also now<br />

benefit from shorter lead times and more<br />

accurate stock control via the Foundation<br />

agreement. This will enable SBM to<br />

increase its focus on fresh ideas and<br />

further product development.<br />

The partnership with Foundation<br />

Outdoor Group – which owns brands<br />

including Mud Hole Custom <strong>Tackle</strong>,<br />

American <strong>Tackle</strong>, MHX, Custom Rod<br />

Builder (CRB) and ProProducts – will<br />

also provide increased distribution of<br />

SBM product to a broader audience of<br />

consumers and third-party bait resellers.<br />


Swedish spinner manufacturer<br />

Myran, which has a 75-year<br />

history in the trade, is to be<br />

taken over by Danish outdoor<br />

company Nordic Fieldsport.<br />

Björn Elmervik Johansson,<br />

who himself took over the<br />

iconic company back in 2001,<br />

is handing it on to Eric and<br />

Henrik Svendsen at Nordic<br />

Fieldsport, although the<br />

Elmervik connection will<br />

continue.<br />

It all began in 1950 when<br />

Paul Johansson sat filing a<br />

dessert spoon, which developed<br />

into Paul’s Sportdepot business.<br />

It kicked off with the Myrspinner<br />

with interchangeable<br />

blades and was soon followed<br />

by a number of models such as<br />

Wipp, Toni, Mira, Panther, Agat<br />

and Tuna Lax – all under the<br />

Myran brand and all still in the<br />

portfolio today.<br />

Björn took over the brand<br />

23 years ago and continued<br />

the production in Huskvarna,<br />

Sweden, where the well-known<br />

fly- and spinner boxes are also<br />

produced. The spirit of Paul<br />

Johansson lives on in these<br />

products that have always been<br />

and still are made in Sweden.<br />

On October 1st Björn<br />

Elmervik will transfer the the<br />

business to Nordic Fieldsport,<br />

however Björn will continue as a<br />

consultant for an agreed period<br />

while his son, Marcus, will<br />

take on the role of production<br />

manager. Marcus has worked for<br />

the business for 22 years and it<br />

is hoped this move will ensure<br />

the products’ high quality and<br />

reliable delivery.<br />

Eric and Henrik Svendsen<br />

said: “We are both proud and<br />

humble to take 75 years of<br />

Swedish industrial history<br />

further on. We have planned<br />

several new initiatives – certainly<br />

on the marketing front – but<br />

one thing is certain; Myran’s<br />

quality, values and the continued<br />

production in Sweden will not<br />

be changed. At the same time,<br />

we are very glad to have the<br />

continued support from the<br />

Elmervik family.”<br />

Björn added: “During the<br />

years, I have received many<br />

offers to sell the company,<br />

but often with the purpose of<br />

moving production to the Far<br />

East.<br />

gbenney@fogeurope.com<br />

www.fogeurope.com<br />

“I am, however, confident of<br />

the future of the company in<br />

the hands of Eric and Henrik.<br />

I am handing over a healthy<br />

and profitable business and I<br />

am happy that the Elmervik<br />

family still will be involved in<br />

the continued production in<br />

Sweden.<br />

www.myrans.se<br />



RoxStar Fishing, the creator<br />

of the Fly Striker, a bestselling<br />

inline fishing spinner on<br />

Amazon for two years straight,<br />

unveiled wholesale distribution<br />

to brick-and-mortar retailers for<br />

the first time at ICAST <strong>2024</strong>.<br />

This landmark event marks a<br />

major expansion for this family<br />

owned company, bringing<br />

its acclaimed product to a<br />

wider audience through retail<br />

partnerships.<br />

In conjunction with this<br />

launch, RoxStar Fishing is<br />

committing over $1.4 million<br />

in advertising over the next 12<br />

months.<br />

This strategic investment<br />

aims to significantly enhance<br />

brand awareness and reach more<br />

fishing enthusiasts across the<br />

nation.<br />

The robust ad campaign will<br />

leverage multiple channels,<br />

including digital marketing,<br />

social media, and traditional<br />

advertising, to ensure maximum<br />

visibility and engagement.<br />

ICAST <strong>2024</strong> attendees were<br />

given the unique opportunity<br />

to experience the Fly Striker at<br />

first hand and meet the team<br />

behind its success.<br />

Known for its quality and<br />

performance, the Fly Striker<br />

has already become a favourite<br />

among anglers, and this new<br />

retail availability will make it<br />

even more accessible to the<br />

fishing community.<br />

RoxStar is also proud to<br />

announce its partnership with<br />

Flies For Vets, a non-profit<br />

organisation dedicated to<br />

supporting veterans. For every<br />

sale made, RoxStar Fishing<br />

will donate one dozen flies to<br />

the organisation. This initiative<br />

helps veterans cope with PTSD<br />

by introducing them to the pure<br />

serenity of fly fishing in nature.<br />

www.roxstarfishing.com<br />

Time to get your Wapsi orders in<br />

Wapsi Fly, which claims<br />

to be the world’s largest<br />

manufacturer and wholesale<br />

distributor of fly-tying<br />

materials, has unveiled its <strong>2024</strong><br />

catalogues and an improved<br />

website boasting wholesale<br />

online ordering.<br />

The US-based supplier has<br />

confirmed the mailing of both<br />

its <strong>2024</strong> Wapsi and Anglers<br />

Image wholesale catalogues to<br />

customers around the globe.<br />

The catalogue mailings<br />

coincide with the release of<br />

its improved website featuring<br />

online ordering for wholesale<br />

customers.<br />

Additional resources such<br />

as product photographs,<br />

descriptive text, and fly-tying<br />

videos are there for dealers to<br />

download when needed.<br />

customerservice@wapsifly.com<br />



(L to R) Alderman Daan van<br />

Orselen, Ross Honey,<br />

Mayor Dr J P Peter Rehwinkel.<br />




A prestigious award presented honouring the benefits of the<br />

<strong>World</strong> Predator Classic in The Netherlands is a feather in the cap<br />

for the whole industry, says the organiser.<br />

Angling Spirit and WPC founder<br />

Ross Honey was given the<br />

Dutch Gemeente Voorne aan<br />

Zee Award – the first time it has<br />

ever been presented to someone outside<br />

the country – to highlight how the event<br />

boosts both the economy and fishing<br />

itself.<br />

Over the past decade, the <strong>World</strong><br />

Predator Classic’s meticulous planning<br />

has always included a strong emphasis<br />

on preserving flora, fauna and the<br />

environment, reflecting a deep<br />

commitment to sustainability.<br />

The <strong>World</strong> Predator Classic has<br />

not only become a celebrated event in<br />

the angling community but has also<br />

significantly boosted fishing tourism and<br />

stimulated the establishment of related<br />

businesses.<br />

This surge in activity has had a<br />

substantial positive impact on the venue’s<br />

economy, putting the Hellevoetsluis<br />

region firmly on the map.<br />

The official citation read: “As a token<br />

of appreciation for the tremendous efforts<br />

in organising the <strong>World</strong> Predator Classic<br />

with great attention to flora, fauna and<br />

the environment.<br />

“The event has significantly<br />

boosted (fishing) tourism as well<br />

as the establishment of businesses.<br />

This has had a major impact on the<br />

municipality’s economy. Hellevoetsluis<br />

and its surroundings have been put on the<br />

national and international map thanks to<br />

the event.”<br />

The honour was welcomed by Gerard<br />

Bakkenes, the president of the European<br />

Fishing <strong>Tackle</strong> <strong>Trade</strong> Association<br />

(EFTTA), who said: “It is important<br />

to recognise the positive impact that<br />

recreational catch and release angling has<br />

on our environment.<br />

“The work carried out by EFTTA is<br />

crucial in safeguarding the future of this<br />

practice. Their efforts ensure that angling<br />

can continue to be enjoyed responsibly<br />

while protecting our natural resources.”<br />

Presenting the award to Ross were<br />

Alderman Daan van Orselen and mayor<br />

Dr J P Peter Rehwinkel, who noted that<br />

not only was it a personal achievement<br />

but also a celebration of the collaborative<br />

efforts that have transformed the region<br />

into a hub for sustainable angling and<br />

economic growth.<br />

Ross added: “I am grateful to everyone<br />

who has supported and participated in the<br />

<strong>World</strong> Predator Classic. This achievement<br />

would not have been possible without<br />

the hard work and dedication of our<br />

entire team, the local community, and the<br />

incredible participants who have travelled<br />

from all over the world.<br />

“Thank you to the municipality of<br />

Hellevoetsluis for this honour and to<br />

everyone who has played a part in this<br />

journey. Together, we will continue to<br />

strive for excellence, environmental<br />

stewardship, and the celebration of our<br />

shared passion for fishing.”<br />






ROK Fishing, the French manufacturer specialising in the design<br />

and production of carp fishing gear, is revolutionising this sector<br />

with its range of artificial baits.<br />

There’s no doubt about it –<br />

artificial baits are becoming<br />

increasingly popular, especially<br />

among carp anglers of all<br />

skillsets.<br />

It’s not surprising as artificials are<br />

suitable both for competition fishermen<br />

who have endless combinations and for<br />

less experienced anglers who benefit<br />

from tested and proven products.<br />

ROK Fishing has made a strong<br />

impact with its range of baits specifically<br />

designed for carp fishing.<br />

Every detail of its products has<br />

been meticulously thought out to<br />

offer fishermen infinite possibilities in<br />

terms of bait presentation, pushing the<br />

boundaries of traditional techniques and<br />

perfectly adapting to the most varied<br />

fishing conditions.<br />

The range includes various densities,<br />

textures and especially colours for<br />

perfect visuals to attract carp.<br />

Meeting the needs<br />

The ROK Fishing range stands out<br />

for its ability to meet the specific<br />

needs of fishermen, whether they<br />

prefer a traditional approach or more<br />

sophisticated techniques.<br />

Among the notable innovations is the<br />

Sinking Density range, whose baits are<br />

designed to be fished directly on the<br />

bottom of the lake or river, with the<br />

density adjusted to allow them to sink<br />

slightly. This subtlety allows for precise<br />

and effective bait presentation.<br />

Perfectly balanced artificial baits are<br />

also remarkably effective when used<br />

correctly – only the hook rests on the<br />

bottom while the bait slightly rises,<br />

thus providing an optimal and natural<br />

presentation.<br />

This feature is particularly useful<br />

over muddy or dirty bottoms, where<br />

baits might otherwise sink and become<br />

invisible to the carp. With its Perfect<br />

Balance range, ROK Fishing offers<br />

perfectly balanced baits that are highly<br />

effective for this method.<br />

Unmatched buoyancy<br />

Meanwhile, the Ultra Pop-Up range<br />

represents another major advancement.<br />

Thanks to its exceptional and<br />

unmatched buoyancy, it perfectly<br />

balances any bait, whether boilies, seeds<br />

or pellets.<br />

It is also ideal for zig fishing<br />

techniques, where baits need to be<br />

suspended in the water column to attract<br />

moving fish.<br />

As a result, the Ultra Pop-Up<br />

range opens up new perspectives and<br />

opportunities in both fishing strategy<br />

and bait presentation. This range is<br />

also ideal for combating pests or other<br />

nuisances which might otherwise try and<br />

take a bait.<br />

The choice of shape and especially the<br />



size of the artificial bait is particularly<br />

important, allowing anglers to choose<br />

the desired level of balance or pop-up<br />

effect.<br />

Seeing clearly<br />

Beyond a judicious choice of density, the<br />

option of different colours is also very<br />

important.<br />

The Natural Yellow range from ROK<br />

Fishing aims to mimic a real corn kernel<br />

and represents a safe choice for starting<br />

with artificial baits.<br />

Many other colours offer very<br />

interesting contrasts to adapt to all<br />

types of bottom. Indeed, carp are<br />

attracted to contrasts, so choosing a<br />

light colour like white or pink against<br />

a dark background can really catch the<br />

fish’s eye. Conversely, with wary fish,<br />

more discreet colours can be tested.<br />

For even more assured results,<br />

ROK Fishing offers ready-to-use<br />

combinations of two colours, selected<br />

and tested by its specialists to provide<br />

effective contrasts.<br />

During the 2023 <strong>World</strong> Carp Championships,<br />

almost all participating nations used ROK<br />

Fishing’s artificial baits, confirming their<br />

effectiveness in competition.<br />

Tried and tested<br />

During the 2023 <strong>World</strong> Carp<br />

Championships, almost all participating<br />

nations used ROK Fishing’s artificial<br />

baits, confirming their effectiveness in<br />

competition.<br />

With this new range multiplying<br />

shapes, densities and colours, difficult<br />

situations no longer exist – fishermen<br />

can experiment, innovate and adapt<br />

their techniques, according to the<br />

specific conditions of each session.<br />

As if that wasn’t enough, the company<br />

offers attractive displays to its partner<br />

stores to effectively present the extent<br />

of its range, helping fishermen collect as<br />

many references as possible to adapt to<br />

all situations.<br />

export@rokfishing.com<br />

www.rokfishing.com<br />



FUJI<br />



Rod component manufacturing giant Fuji Kogyo has updated its global distribution<br />

strategy as it embraces the latest changes in the worldwide business environment.<br />

With effect<br />

from April<br />

1st, the<br />

Japanese<br />

manufacturer has divided<br />

its distribution model<br />

into five key areas –<br />

Japan, the American<br />

continent, Europe<br />

(which will be split into<br />

two), Oceania and Asia,<br />

appointing well-known<br />

distributors in each.<br />

Fuji says this global<br />

distribution model will<br />

not only ensure the<br />

quickest supply chain<br />

for tackle items but will<br />

also ensure the latest<br />

information on products<br />

and service updates will<br />

also be available.<br />

For rod factory<br />

sales, Kowa Company<br />

will continue to be<br />

responsible for providing<br />

the required items.<br />

The distributors and their<br />

areas are:<br />

Japan Domestic<br />

First Corporation<br />

mail@first-fuji.co.jp<br />

first-fuji.co.jp<br />

Asia – Kowa Company<br />

+81 3 5464 2815<br />

fujitackle@kowa.co.jp<br />

North and South<br />

America distributor<br />

Anglers Resource owner<br />

Bill Falconer said: “I am<br />

very excited about this<br />

enhanced new structure<br />

that will allow us to better<br />

serve our Fuji customers.<br />

“This streamlined new<br />

structure allows us to<br />

be much more agile in<br />

serving our customers.<br />

This new distribution<br />

structure allows us to<br />

offer both faster order<br />

fulfillment as well as<br />

deeper inventory to<br />

ensure consistent product<br />

availability for things like<br />

the revolutionary new<br />

TCH seat technology.<br />

“And the timing is<br />

perfect as Fuji plans to<br />

continue to release new<br />

products that we can bring<br />

to market quickly and in<br />

robust quantity.”<br />

+1 251 943 4491<br />

info@anglersresource.net<br />

anglersresource.net<br />

Oceania distributor<br />

Frogleys Offshore<br />

director Michael<br />

Starkey said: “This new<br />

structure allows more<br />

countries to access more<br />

products, helping all<br />

markets across the world.<br />

It is great to be able to<br />

offer all of Oceania the<br />

whole range of Fuji<br />

products, allowing local<br />

custom rod builders to<br />

build how they want,<br />

not just what used to be<br />

available.”<br />

+61 2 66813988<br />

enquiries@<br />

frogleysoffshore.com.au<br />

fujitackle.com.au<br />

Europe (Spain and 20<br />

other countries) will<br />

be handled by Calico<br />

SA, who said : “All the<br />

team at Calico SA are<br />

extremely enthusiastic<br />

to participate in the new<br />

distribution structure of<br />

Fuji as well as continue<br />

to develop and promote<br />

the brand after more<br />

than 50 years of close<br />

cooperation – do not<br />

hesitate to contact us.”<br />

+34 93 300 1412<br />

fuji@calico.es<br />

kalikunnan.com<br />

Meanwhile Europe<br />

(Italy and 19 other<br />

countries) is being<br />

looked after by Majora<br />

Intelligent Fishing.<br />

Owner Carlo Rossi<br />

said: “Our mission will<br />

be to offer a quick and<br />

eff icient delivery service<br />

based on immediate<br />

availability; our range<br />

includes more than 1,800<br />

Fuji references to offer<br />

a complete variety of<br />

products and satisfy all<br />

kind of costumer requests.<br />

“We also just launched<br />

a ‘Rod Building Studio’<br />

based in our warehouse<br />

to offer a complete ‘rod<br />

building service’ to any<br />

European company, not<br />

only for our domestic<br />

market.”<br />

+39 393 9341799<br />

info@fujitackle.it<br />

www.fujitackle.it<br />


B A I T F I S H S O U N D<br />

TITAN<br />


KRAKEN<br />






spotlight<br />

Spotlight on<br />

clothing<br />

“There’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing,” so they say.<br />

That phrase is particularly applicable to fishing. So how do you ensure your<br />

customers are properly kitted out for whatever the weather throws at them?<br />

The fishing clothing market is<br />

a specialised segment within<br />

the outdoor apparel industry,<br />

catering to the needs of<br />

recreational and professional<br />

anglers, many of whom won’t be deterred<br />

by a spot of challenging weather.<br />

Harsh conditions – too wet, too cold<br />

or too hot – rarely put anglers off from<br />

chasing their favourite quarry… indeed<br />

many great fishing locations boast<br />

extreme weather conditions.<br />

And, while an angler’s tackle may<br />

change only slightly according to<br />

conditions, clothing really does need<br />

to be selected very carefully for every<br />

trip.<br />

The market boasts a huge variety<br />

of garments designed to enhance<br />

performance, safety and comfort while<br />

fishing. These range from moisturewicking<br />

shirts and UV-protective<br />

clothing for hot, humid and tropical<br />

climates through to waterproof jackets<br />

and insulated suits when the temperature<br />

gauge heads towards 0ºC or below.<br />

Market overview<br />

The fishing apparel market has seen<br />

steady growth over the past decade., with<br />

more and more brands either expanding<br />

their offerings or simply adding clothing<br />

to their range.<br />

The rising popularity of recreational<br />

fishing, increased awareness of the<br />

benefits of specialist clothing and<br />

advancements in fabric technology have<br />

all contributed to this growth.<br />

According to a report by Grand View<br />

Research, the global fishing clothing<br />

18 www.tackletradeworld.com

market was valued at approximately<br />

USD 2.1 billion in 2022 and is<br />

expected to grow at a compound<br />

annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.2 per<br />

cent from 2023 to 2030.<br />

Several factors are driving the<br />

growth of the fishing clothing market.<br />

In many places, recreational<br />

fishing is becoming more popular,<br />

with millions of people participating<br />

globally and the relevant associations<br />

working hard to grow numbers.<br />

This has led to a higher demand for<br />

specialist apparel.<br />

Innovations in fabric technology,<br />

such as moisture-wicking, UV and<br />

bug protection, plus antimicrobial<br />

properties, have improved the<br />

functionality and comfort of fishing<br />

clothing.<br />

At the same time, anglers are<br />

becoming more aware of the health and<br />

safety benefits of wearing appropriate<br />

fishing gear, such as protection from<br />

harmful UV rays and hypothermia in<br />

cold weather.<br />

The expansion of e-commerce has<br />

made it easier for consumers to access a<br />

wide range of products, compare prices<br />

and read reviews, thus boosting market<br />

growth.<br />

Consumer preferences<br />

Understanding consumer preferences<br />

is crucial for analysing this sector, with<br />

several key trends emerging in recent<br />

years:<br />

Modern anglers prioritise clothing<br />

that offers high performance and<br />

comfort, with features such as<br />

breathability, flexibility and moisture<br />

management highly valued.<br />

Eco-conscious consumers are<br />

increasingly seeking fishing clothing<br />

made from sustainable materials.<br />

Brands that use recycled fabrics and<br />

promote environmentally friendly<br />

practices are gaining popularity.<br />

While functionality remains a<br />

priority, many consumers also look for<br />

stylish and fashionable fishing apparel.<br />

This trend has led to the incorporation<br />

of trendy designs and colours in fishing<br />

clothing lines. We all remember the<br />

boom in camou clothing a few years<br />

back and there now appears to be a<br />

trend for eye-catching designs.<br />

Anglers often invest in high-quality,<br />

durable clothing that can withstand<br />

harsh outdoor conditions. Durability<br />

is a significant factor influencing<br />

purchasing decisions.<br />

Key players<br />

The market is highly competitive,<br />

with several key players dominating<br />

the landscape. Simms is known for its<br />

high-performance fishing gear, whether<br />

that is its staple of waders, jackets,<br />

pants or accessories.<br />

Columbia Sportswear’s PFG<br />

(Performance Fishing Gear) line<br />

is popular among anglers for its<br />

innovative designs and advanced<br />

fabric technologies, while Patagonia<br />

is renowned for its commitment to<br />

sustainability and offers eco-friendly<br />

fishing apparel made from recycled<br />

materials.<br />

Those needing safety and protection<br />

from the elements may turn to brands<br />

like Grundéns, a specialist in rugged,<br />

durable gear designed for professional<br />

fishermen and extreme conditions.<br />

One mainstream name that has been<br />

pushing into this sector in recent years<br />

is Under Armour, which is coaxing rodholding<br />

customers with its moisturewicking<br />

and UV protection lines.<br />

All dressed up<br />

The market can be segmented based on<br />

product type, distribution channel and<br />

region.<br />

With layering being key to<br />

comfort, there are a plethora of<br />

moisture-wicking, UV-protective<br />

and antimicrobial shirts while jackets<br />

and outerwear generally tend to be<br />

waterproof, windproof and insulated to<br />

cope with various weather conditions.<br />

Better materials mean many are<br />

also more lightweight than their<br />

predecessors.<br />

Durable, flexible pants and shorts<br />

should be in everyone’s wardrobe to<br />

cater for different fishing environments<br />

while smart dealers can cover many<br />

bases with accessories including<br />

hats, caps, gloves, socks and eyewear<br />

– although the latter is very much a<br />

category in its own right.<br />

Whether you are a speciality tackle<br />

store, a general outdoor retailer or a<br />

sports equipment outlet, whether bricks<br />

and mortar or an e-commerce site – or<br />

both – there’s plenty for you to stock.<br />

Not surprisingly, North America is<br />

the largest (and arguably most diverse)<br />

market, driven by high participation<br />

rates in recreational fishing for a huge<br />

variety of species in a wide range of<br />

conditions.<br />

Europe is also incredibly diverse<br />

in terms of fishing styles, weather<br />

patterns and clothing requirements,<br />

while the Asian-Pacific region is<br />

starting to witness rapid growth thanks<br />

to increasing disposable incomes and<br />

rising popularity of fishing as a leisure<br />

activity.<br />

Meanwhile regions like Latin<br />

America and Africa, where fishing<br />

is both a livelihood and a growing<br />

recreational activity, are coming to the<br />

fore.<br />

Future trends<br />

Analysts seem to agree there are<br />

certain trends likely to shape the<br />

future of the fishing clothing market.<br />

Continuous advancements in<br />

fabric technology will lead to the<br />

development of more efficient and<br />

comfortable fishing apparel. Smart<br />

clothing with built-in sensors to<br />

monitor body temperature and other<br />

vital signs could become a reality.<br />

The trend toward sustainability will<br />

continue to grow, with more brands<br />

adopting eco-friendly materials<br />

and manufacturing processes.<br />

Consumers will also increasingly<br />

demand transparency regarding<br />

the environmental impact of their<br />

purchases.<br />

Customised and personalised<br />

fishing clothing, tailored to individual<br />

preferences and needs, will gain<br />

popularity. This trend could be driven<br />

by advancements in 3D printing and<br />

on-demand manufacturing.<br />

Meanwhile, as more women<br />

participate in fishing, the demand for<br />

female-specific fishing clothing will<br />

continue to rise. Brands will focus on<br />

creating stylish and functional apparel<br />

designed specifically for women and<br />

there are already plenty of womenonly<br />

fishing brands in the sector.<br />

Meeting the challenge<br />

Despite the positive outlook, the<br />

market faces several challenges.<br />

Fishing is a seasonal activity in many<br />

regions, leading to fluctuations in<br />

demand for fishing clothing – both in<br />

number and type.<br />

The continued presence of<br />

counterfeit products in the market<br />

can undermine consumer trust and<br />

affect brand reputation.<br />

Economic downturns can impact<br />

consumer spending on non-essential<br />

items like specialist fishing apparel<br />

and we have certainly seen this issue<br />

over the years.<br />

Nevertheless, the fishing clothing<br />

market is poised for continued<br />

growth, driven by increasing<br />

participation in recreational fishing,<br />

advancements in fabric technology<br />

and greater consumer awareness of<br />

the benefits of specialised fishing<br />

gear.<br />

Key players are well-positioned<br />

to capitalise on these trends, while<br />

new opportunities in sustainability,<br />

customisation and women’s apparel<br />

present avenues for further expansion.<br />

As the market evolves, staying<br />

attuned to consumer preferences and<br />

embracing innovation will be crucial<br />

for success.<br />

clothing<br />

www.tackletradeworld.com 19

spotlight<br />

PENN<br />

FiERcE thERMo sUit<br />

PENN has you covered this winter with its two-piece Fierce Thermo<br />

Suit, designed to keep you warm and dry on the worst of windy, wet,<br />

and cold days.<br />

It consists of polyester coated with 8,000mm PVC with micro<br />

fleece lining and padding to keep you dry and warm and fied with<br />

extra-large and durable zippers that won’t let you down.<br />

Whether you are fishing on a boat, from a pier, or even on the<br />

bank, this suit will protect you from Mother Nature and ensure you<br />

won’t need to worry about staying warm. Available from <strong>September</strong><br />

in sizes M, L, XL, and XXL.<br />

www.pennfishing.com<br />

BÁJIO<br />

BAMBoo pERFoRMAncE hooDiE<br />

These lightweight long-sleeve hoodies are UPF 40, made with<br />

Earth-friendly material and feature killer designs by taoo artist and<br />

fishing guide Casey Anderson.<br />

But there’s more… A sustainable miracle fabric, bamboo is<br />

antimicrobial, odour-resistant, moisture-wicking, quick-drying,<br />

hypoallergenic, so to the touch, UV protective and insulating.<br />

Bajío’s Bamboo Performance Hoodie features so, move-withyou,<br />

four-way stretch fabric, thumbholes to shade your hands from<br />

the sun, and a crossover hood to shield your neck and head from the<br />

elements – no neck gaiter needed!<br />

www.bajiosunglasses.com<br />

HUK<br />

pURsUit coVER-Up DREss<br />

Designed to combine fashion with functionality for female fishing<br />

enthusiasts, it’s the ultimate accessory, whether you are hopping off<br />

the boat or relaxing by the pool.<br />

With its 50+ UPF sun protection, female anglers can confidently<br />

enjoy long days under the sun, knowing it protects them from<br />

harmful UV rays. The adjustable hood enhances style and offers an<br />

extra layer of sun protection.<br />

Craed from 100 per cent polyester, the so, anti-microbial fabric<br />

provides a flaering, non-cling drape, making lady anglers look and<br />

feel great. Mesh sides ensure breathability, keeping female fishing<br />

enthusiasts cool and comfortable throughout their adventures.<br />

www.hukgear.com<br />

SIMMS<br />

siMMs pRo DRY sUit<br />

The all-new Pro Dry Suit is the ultimate foul weather fortress.<br />

Built with waterproof/breathable Gore-Tex Pro fabric, the jacket<br />

features an adjustable hood, water-resistant zippered chest pockets,<br />

zippered handwarmer pockets and watertight cuffs.<br />

A centre front zipper reinforced with a storm flap provides<br />

maximum weather protection.<br />

Utilising the same Gore-Tex Pro fabric, the Bib features air mesh<br />

suspenders, a vast pocket array and includes thigh-high zippers for<br />

easy on/off.<br />

www.simmsfishing.com<br />

20 www.tackletradeworld.com

STOPPIONI s.n.c. Firenze Italy<br />

Tel.+39 0558739615 -Fax +39 0558739648 stonfo@stonfo.com<br />

MEMBER<br />

Art.738<br />


Tools to make very small loops ideal for<br />

hooklengths and hair rigs.<br />

The small size allows you to tie 4 mm<br />

loops, while the large 6 mm.<br />

4 mm 6 mm<br />

1 2 3<br />

4<br />

1 or 2x<br />

5 6<br />

7 8<br />

www.stonfo.com<br />


NEW <strong>2024</strong><br />

UNI PRODUCTS J.G. Cote Inc.<br />

1004 Principale<br />

Ste-Melanie, QC. Canada JOK 3AO<br />

Tel: 450-889-8054<br />

Toll-Free: 1-877-889-8054<br />

Fax: 450-889-5887<br />

Email: info@uniproducts.com<br />

Look to UNI<br />

for the best in<br />

spooled<br />

fly-tying<br />

materials!<br />





www.uniproducts.com<br />




usiness<br />

panama city<br />



The slender isthmus connecting North and South America boasts a<br />

D O I N G B U S I N E S S W I T H . . .<br />

lengthy coastline – plus some exciting rivers and lakes – while some<br />

of its countries offer a dynamic and evolving sector with substantial<br />

growth potential if you are a tackle business.<br />

Central America has<br />

much to commend<br />

it to the tackle<br />

industry, as it has<br />

plenty of world-class fishing,<br />

especially offshore, boasting<br />

calm waters, warm weather<br />

and billfish in huge numbers.<br />

Marlin and sailfish can be<br />

caught all year round and the<br />

warm tropical waters also<br />

offer phenomenal fishing for<br />

yellowfin tuna, dorado and<br />

wahoo.<br />

Fishing tourism here is a<br />

key part of the landscape,<br />

thanks to the weather,<br />

beaches, top hotels and<br />

friendly culture.<br />

Few destinations can offer<br />

the combination of trophy<br />

species, the sheer quantity of<br />

fish and the consistent yearround<br />

fishing that Central<br />

America can.<br />

Costa Rica is seen as<br />

the billfish capital of the<br />

world by many, thanks to<br />

the numerous records it<br />

throws up regularly and<br />

there’s a reason why the<br />

International Game Fish<br />

Association (IGFA) stages<br />

so many billfish tournaments<br />

in the waters of the Pacific,<br />

while the Caribbean Sea on<br />

the other side also offers<br />

great tarpon and snook<br />

opportunities.<br />

The Pacific is so<br />

productive thanks to the<br />

meeting of the California<br />

Current from the north<br />

and the Humboldt Current<br />

from the south, bringing in<br />

cooler water and creating a<br />

nutrient-rich environment<br />

which sustains an incredible<br />

amount of marine life.<br />

Western Panama offers<br />

up famous hot spots like<br />

the Hannibal Bank, Isla<br />

22 www.tackletradeworld.com

elize<br />

Guatemala city<br />


FOCUS<br />

& FAcT FiLe<br />

GDP (USD, approx)<br />

GDP Growth rate<br />

belize $2.83 billion<br />

belize 8.7%<br />

costa Rica $69.24 billion costa Rica 4.6%<br />

el salvador $32.49 billion el salvador 2.6%<br />

Guatemala $95 billion<br />

Guatemala 4.1%<br />

Honduras $31.72 billion Honduras 4%<br />

nicaragua $15.67 billion nicaragua 3.8%<br />

panama $76.52 billion<br />

panama 10.8%<br />

cenTRAL AMeRicA<br />

san José, costa Rica<br />

Top export partners: USA, EU, Central America<br />

Lake nicaragua<br />

Top import partners: USA, Central America, China<br />

Honduras<br />

Montuosa and Coiba Island,<br />

with some incredible marlin<br />

fishing, especially for bigger<br />

fish.<br />

Meanwhile, yellowfin tuna<br />

are a key target on topwater<br />

lures and lighter spinning<br />

outfits, not to mention<br />

dorado and wahoo offshore.<br />

Belize has long been a<br />

favoured spot for saltwater<br />

fly anglers keen to get<br />

among the tarpon, permit,<br />

bonefish and snook, while<br />

snappers, grouper, barracuda<br />

and mackerel add to the fun<br />

on lures or bait.<br />

You’ll also find plenty of<br />

wahoo, mahi mahi, tuna and,<br />

of course, marlin and sailfish,<br />

once you move offshore.<br />

But don’t think you need<br />

to head out to sea for top<br />

fishing. There’s plenty for<br />

the freshwater angler to<br />

get their teeth into, from<br />

Capital Cities<br />

belize Belmopan costa Rica San José el salvador San Salvador<br />

Guatemala Guatemala City Honduras Tegucigalpa nicaragua Managua<br />

panama Panama City<br />

Populations<br />

belize 405,272 costa Rica 5.181 million el salvador 6.397 million<br />

Guatemala 18.36 million Honduras 10.76 million nicaragua 7.142 million<br />

panama 4.53 million<br />

Official languages<br />

belize English<br />

costa Rica, el salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, nicaragua, panama Spanish<br />

Currencies<br />

belize Belize dollar costa Rica Colón el salvador US dollar<br />

Guatemala Quetzal Honduras Lempira nicaragua Córdoba<br />

panama Balboa/US dollar<br />

www.tackletradeworld.com 23

usiness<br />

key species >><br />

Yellowfin tuna<br />

Jack crevalle<br />

Peacock bass<br />

Bonefish<br />

White marlin<br />

Snook Wahoo Yellowfin tuna<br />

rainbow and peacock bass to<br />

snook, tarpon and tropical<br />

gar. Costa Rica is the best<br />

freshwater hotspot, due to<br />

its pristine jungle rivers, lakes<br />

and lagoons.<br />

The inshore fishing in<br />

Panama is also just as popular<br />

as the big game offshore<br />

fishing.<br />

Rich opportunities<br />

While the fishing or species<br />

are similar in most Central<br />

American countries, each has<br />

its own unique charm and<br />

experiences.<br />

Honduras has been<br />

climbing the ladder of<br />

popularity among fly anglers<br />

who love flats fishing;<br />

bonefish are abundant all year<br />

round, while permit peak in<br />

the first half of the year and<br />

tarpon towards the latter part.<br />

Head for the Isla de la Bahia<br />

(Bay islands) at the southern<br />

tip of the Mesoamerican<br />

Barrier reef.<br />

Nicaragua may have<br />

a chequered reputation<br />

and some parts of it are<br />

notoriously difficult to reach<br />

but the fishing here is a<br />

revelation. From huge tarpon<br />

to billfish, roosterfish and<br />

much more, there is plenty<br />

to commend each side of the<br />

country.<br />

Or head to Lake Nicaragua<br />

for a freshwater experience<br />

like no other. With more than<br />

40 species, you’ll be spoiled<br />

for choice, especially when you<br />

consider it is home not just to<br />

rainbow bass, gar and mojarra<br />

but also, amazingly, sharks,<br />

tarpon and snook. More than<br />

40 rivers drain into the lake,<br />

with one connecting it to<br />

the Carribbean Sea, so the<br />

diversity of species is perhaps<br />

no surprise.<br />

In fairness, though, every<br />

country in Central America<br />

is worth exploring for similar<br />

species and there are charters<br />

and lodges in each.<br />

Market drivers<br />

The region attracts a<br />

significant number of tourists<br />

for sport fishing, particularly<br />

in countries like Costa Rica<br />

and Panama. This influx<br />

boosts demand for highquality<br />

fishing tackle.<br />

At the same time, fishing is<br />

also a vital source of both food<br />

and income for many local<br />

communities, leading<br />

to steady demand for<br />

affordable and durable fishing<br />

gear.<br />

Growing awareness of<br />

sustainable fishing practices is<br />

influencing the market, with<br />

a shift towards eco-friendly<br />

tackle options and countries<br />

like Costa Rica go big on its<br />

ecological work.<br />

Innovations in fishing tackle<br />

design and materials, such as<br />

lightweight composites and<br />

advanced lures, enhance the<br />

fishing experience, driving<br />

market growth even further,<br />

especially as tourist anglers<br />

demand top quality gear to<br />

tackle these hard-fighting and<br />

sizeable species.<br />

24<br />


Marlin<br />

Red snapper<br />

cenTRAL AMeRicA<br />

Tarpon<br />

striped marlin<br />

sailfish<br />

permit<br />

Market challenges<br />

That said, the tackle market in<br />

Central America faces several<br />

challenges.<br />

Economic fluctuations in<br />

some countries can impact<br />

consumer spending on<br />

recreational activities, including<br />

fishing.<br />

Overfishing and pollution<br />

threaten fish populations,<br />

potentially reducing the longterm<br />

sustainability of fishing<br />

activities.<br />

Inconsistent regulations and<br />

enforcement across different<br />

countries can create market<br />

uncertainties.<br />

While the dependence on<br />

imports for high-end fishing<br />

tackle can lead to supply chain<br />

vulnerabilities, especially during<br />

global crises like the Covid-19<br />

pandemic.<br />

Market trends<br />

There is increasing demand<br />

for sustainable fishing tackle,<br />

including biodegradable lures<br />

and lead-free weights, driven by<br />

environmental concerns.<br />

Online platforms are<br />

becoming significant sales<br />

channels, offering convenience<br />

and a wider range of products<br />

to consumers.<br />

Consumers – both local<br />

and tourists – are seeking<br />

customised tackle options,<br />

tailored to their specific fishing<br />

needs and preferences.<br />

The market is also<br />

characterised by a mix of local<br />

manufacturers and international<br />

brands. Shimano and Daiwa<br />

rods and reels along with Pure<br />

Fishing brands such as Abu<br />

Garcia, Berkley, and Penn,<br />

mingle with lures and hooks<br />

from Rapala VMC plus bigname<br />

fly brands like Orvis,<br />

all rubbing shoulders with<br />

local small and medium-sized<br />

enterprises producing affordable<br />

and region-specific tackle.<br />

Typical buyers here range<br />

from traditional brickand-mortar<br />

stores, which<br />

remain popular, especially in<br />

tourist areas, to e-commerce<br />

businesses, which typically offer<br />

a broader range of products and<br />

brands, through to numerous<br />

fishing lodges, guides and<br />

charters. The gear the latter<br />

provide as a service can often<br />

influence buying decisions<br />

further down the line.<br />

Looking ahead<br />

Several factors will influence<br />

what the future of the tackle<br />

market is in Central America.<br />

As global travel resumes<br />

post-pandemic, the region is<br />

likely to see a surge in tourism,<br />

boosting the demand for fishing<br />

tackle. At the same time,<br />

potential government efforts<br />

to promote sustainable fishing<br />

and support local manufacturers<br />

could enhance market growth,<br />

although there are always<br />

concerns over economic and<br />

political stability in some of<br />

these countries.<br />

That said, relatively untapped<br />

markets in Honduras, El<br />

Salvador and Nicaragua,<br />

in particular, present real<br />

opportunities for growth.<br />

www.tackletradeworld.com<br />






We all know that great-looking lures catch fish, but they are even more effective when<br />

they sound right. Livingston Lures has pioneered this field with its EBS Smart-Chip<br />

Technology, promising the natural, biological sounds of bait fish.<br />

Livingston Lures is heralding in a new<br />

age of fish attraction, one that sees<br />

lures made of plastic, paint and beads<br />

evolve into fish magnets that include<br />

the replication of real, natural sound.<br />

The firm’s proprietary Electronic Baitfish<br />

Sound Technology emits the biological<br />

sounds of real baitfish, activating as soon as<br />

a Livingston Lure comes into contact with<br />

the water.<br />

The lure looks, acts and sounds like a<br />

naturally occurring food that a fish might<br />

find attractive – enticing more fish and,<br />

crucially, more strikes.<br />

Sounds amazing<br />

Hundreds of scientific studies have proven<br />

fish hear both natural and unnatural sounds.<br />

That’s why lure manufacturers in the 1970s<br />

added beads to create low frequency noise.<br />

Now, 40 years later, Livingston has perfected<br />

sound technology, transforming artificial<br />

bait into virtual live bait, thanks to EBS<br />

Technology.<br />

More importantly fish can differentiate<br />

between unnatural and natural sounds<br />

produced by baitfish.<br />

According to a report called Effects<br />

of Mid- and High-Frequency Sonars on<br />

Naval Undersea Center Division, produced<br />

in February 2008: “The auditory system is<br />

particularly important for aquatic vertebrates<br />

when visual orientation is restricted. Sounds<br />

from different sources provide them with<br />

information relevant for survival, eg finding<br />

mates and prey or avoiding predators.<br />

“Acoustic signals in water travel very<br />

rapidly, travel great distances without<br />

substantially attenuating (declining in<br />

level) in open water, and they are highly<br />

directional.”<br />

“Besides being able to detect sounds,<br />

a critical role for hearing is to be able to<br />

discriminate between different sounds<br />

(eg, frequency and intensity), detect<br />

biologically relevant sounds in the presence<br />

of background noises, and determine the<br />

direction and location of a sound source in<br />

the space around the animal.<br />

“Vision is often most useful when a fish is<br />

close to the source of the signal, in daylight<br />

and when the water is clear. However, vision<br />

does not work well at night or in deep<br />

waters.”<br />

The majority of sounds produced by fish<br />

are low frequency, generally from 45Hz to<br />

300Hz. Electronic Baitfish Sounds emanate<br />

at 100Hz and 7dB, the threshold of hearing<br />

for bass and most other fish.<br />

“Initial trials on largemouth bass show<br />

there is an apparent greater detection<br />

distance (several metres) for your lures<br />

that is independent of the model shape or<br />

colour,” explained Dr Thomas B. Hardy,<br />

PhD, chief science officer, The Meadows<br />

Center for Water and the Environment,<br />

Texas State University.<br />

In tests on non-rattling and rattling baits,<br />

fish that responded swam to the bait but did<br />

not strike. The fish were not only called (by<br />

Livingston Lures’ EBS) from further away<br />

but actually struck the lure when they got<br />

close enough to do so.<br />

The scientific difference<br />

Every Livingston Lure is based on science,<br />

proving fish use both visual and audible<br />

senses to track and attack prey – with<br />

audible senses playing the most significant<br />

role in the strike.<br />

They all mimic prey using colour, action<br />

and sound for enhanced attraction. The<br />

better they do it, the more fish you catch.<br />

Livingston Lures trigger instinctive<br />

strikes once the fish are in sight range while<br />

the effective strike zone is doubled through<br />

EBS.<br />

It has been using State-of-the-art design<br />

and Smart Chip EBS Technology since<br />

2013, calling fish from beyond their sight,<br />

making Livingston Lures very effective in<br />

dark and dirty water.<br />

It’s so effective, Livingston Lures is<br />

currently undergoing several studies by<br />

PhD students in universities across the<br />

world while one key fishing highlight was<br />

pro-staffer Randy Howell winning the<br />

prestigious Bassmaster Classic 2014 on the<br />

Howeller DMC Guntersville Craw pattern.<br />

www.livingstonlures.com<br />


advertorial<br />

foundation outdoor group<br />

A Foundational<br />

ICAST <strong>2024</strong><br />

After months of preparation and several exciting days at the Orange County<br />

Convention Center in Orlando catching up with industry partners and creating<br />

new relationships, ICAST <strong>2024</strong> was a huge success for Foundation Outdoor Group.<br />

This year’s 1,500 square feet of exhibit space was essential to sharing all of the<br />

new products and programs developed since the 2023 exhibition – and the<br />

response was tremendous…<br />

Private Label Rod Program<br />

The biggest splash was made by the new<br />

Private Label Rod Program. With low<br />

MOQ entry points, extremely attractive<br />

pricing, and three levels of customisation,<br />

companies can develop their own line of<br />

high-quality fishing rods to represent their<br />

brand, series, store, or business name. No<br />

matter the business size, the Foundation<br />

Outdoor Group team of design experts are<br />

ready to guide their clients every step of<br />

the way.<br />

Branded fishing accessories<br />

In tandem with the Private Label Rod<br />

Program, another showstopper was the new<br />

line of finished goods offered to brands<br />

that are looking to expand their product<br />

lines. From landing nets and gaffs to a<br />

wide selection of tackle and gear bags,<br />

Foundation Outdoor Group has introduced<br />

new ways for sportfishing businesses to put<br />

their brand on new revenue sources.<br />

New brands added to the Foundation<br />

portfolio<br />

Through exclusive distribution agreements,<br />

Foundation Outdoor Group was proud to<br />

share a new line of premium quality carbon<br />

reel seats from GAHO and a new line of<br />

bait offerings from Swedish Bait Mechanics.<br />

GAHO is a recent entry in the<br />

international rod component market,<br />

having revolutionised the carbon design and<br />

production processes. Foundation Outdoor<br />

Group has exclusive GAHO distribution<br />

rights across the globe, offering both casting<br />

and spinning carbon seats which will be<br />

available later this year.<br />

Primarily focused on the European carp<br />

market, Swedish Bait Mechanics (SBM) is<br />

a premier provider of HNV baits, including<br />

a full line of bait boilies, hook baits, and<br />

liquid attractors. Foundation owns exclusive,<br />

worldwide sales, marketing, and fulfillment<br />

rights to SBM’s diverse product line.<br />

Mud Hole Advantage<br />

ICAST <strong>2024</strong> was also Foundation Outdoor<br />

Group’s first opportunity to share the<br />

Mud Hole Advantage tiered business sales<br />

program directly to the sportfishing industry.<br />

Launched in June, the program offers<br />

significantly discounted pricing schedules<br />

based on the customer’s annual purchases.<br />

Rod building businesses also benefit<br />

from having a dedicated team of account<br />

specialists to support their business growth.<br />

Beyond introducing its new programs at<br />

ICAST <strong>2024</strong>, Foundation Outdoor Group<br />

is always proud to share the latest products<br />

from its world class fishing rod brands,<br />

including American <strong>Tackle</strong>, CRB, MHX,<br />

and ProProducts.<br />

sales@foundationoutdoorgroup.com<br />

www.foundationoutdoorgroup.com<br />

www.tackletradeworld.com 29


DAIWA<br />

AT A GLANCE:<br />

- Constructed of revolutionary Izanas polyethylene fibres<br />

- Eight-carrier braid - Proprietary WX Weave process<br />

- Multi-colour green, tan and black for camouflaging<br />

- Perfectly round - Extreme low diameter<br />

- High breaking strength - Abrasion resistant<br />

- Specially coated to lower friction and repel oil or chemicals<br />

- 165-yard spool - Available in 4lb to 20lb.<br />



It’s an often quoted phrase which certainly applies to<br />

manufacturing fishing products. One great example is<br />

X-Braid Finesse, now available to wider markets like the<br />

US, thanks to a partnership with Daiwa.<br />

Japan’s premier X-Braid<br />

fishing line brand has<br />

always been a stickler for<br />

details and nowhere is<br />

this more evident than<br />

in its X-Braid Finesse, where<br />

the details start at a molecular<br />

level.<br />

For years, braided lines<br />

woven with Dyneema were<br />

at the top of the food chain<br />

but that’s changing as Izanas<br />

comes to the fore. This<br />

ultra-high molecular weight<br />

polyethylene material has the<br />

highest strength and modulus<br />

of a man-made fibre – almost<br />

eight times stronger than<br />

piano wire of the same weight.<br />

Daiwa field marketing<br />

manager Chris Martin<br />

explained: “Beyond Izanas<br />

being an unrivalled base<br />

material, it’s how individual<br />

weights of the entire X-Braid<br />

family are manufactured that<br />

makes it far superior to the<br />

competition.<br />

“Other companies take<br />

a single base material and<br />

stretch it to achieve the<br />

desired diameter and weight.<br />

This creates inconsistencies,<br />

which can lead to weak spots.”<br />

Uniquely, each diameter and<br />

weight of X-Braid is produced<br />

from a dedicated spool. So,<br />

for example, if 10lb X-Braid<br />

Finesse is the desired final<br />

weight, the base material fibre<br />

is 10lb.<br />

Martin added: “The<br />

actual weaving machines are<br />

proprietary and built in house<br />

to create the ‘WX Weave’.<br />

In traditional weaving used<br />

by other brands the line<br />

comes off multiple bobbins.<br />

That means in an eightstrand<br />

weave there are eight<br />

bobbins spitting out line.<br />

That results in line twist and<br />

inconsistencies.”<br />

In X-Braid’s “top secret”<br />

WX Weave, the strands<br />

come together uniformly to<br />

yield exceptional consistency.<br />

Moreover, the process<br />

produces a denser weave with<br />

more material in the finished<br />

product. That tighter weave<br />

results in a smoother, more<br />

abrasion resistant fishing line,<br />

while also being rounder and<br />

slightly stiffer, making it much<br />

easier to handle and tie, closer<br />

to how monofilament feels.<br />

But that’s not all. Martin<br />

revealed: “The line making<br />

process concludes with the<br />

addition of a specialised<br />

coating that allows for<br />

extremely low friction, as well<br />

as heat, abrasion, and chemical<br />

resistance… not to mention<br />

longer casts.”<br />

Lastly, X-Braid Finesse<br />

comes in high visibility white<br />

to make the line easier to<br />

manage and visible in lowlight<br />

conditions.<br />

www.daiwa.us<br />



EST.<br />

1958<br />

66 Years<br />

of Service!<br />

F J Neil has been family owned and operated since the<br />

1950s… and is still going strong! Under the Dolphin brand<br />

we supply all types of terminal tackle and accessories, from<br />

traditional bamboo poles to the latest rigs and lures.<br />

• Competitive pricing<br />

• Large stock inventory – no order delays<br />

• Rapid turnaround • Export specialists<br />

• Able to source any special requirements<br />



FJ NEIL COMPANY INC, 1064 ROUTE 109, PO BOX 617, LINDENHURST, NY 11757-0617 USA<br />

We are looking for experienced agents or distributors for the European market. If qualified, email Neil Miritello at nmfjn@aol.com



The Taiwan Coast Guard and the private sector held an event today at the North Embankment Parent-child Fishing<br />

Area in Taichung Harbor, attracting 60 groups of families to sign up. They hope to use the friendly fishing parentchild<br />

experience to cultivate a new generation of fishing culture and pay attention to the conservation of the marine<br />

environment.<br />

The Marine Conservation Department of the Marine Commission, together with the Taiwan Fishermen's Federation<br />

Association of Taichung City and the Taiwan Fishing <strong>Tackle</strong> Industry Association, jointly organized the "113th<br />

Parent-Child Carnival and Friendly Fishing Promotion Event" with the concept of "friendly fishing" and the goal<br />

of establishing a good fishing environment for parents and children. , and invited multiple local groups and public<br />

opinion representatives to participate.<br />

Director Lu Xiaojun said that allowing children to actually experience fishing and feel the salty sea breeze will be more<br />

vivid than learning from textbooks. Fishing by pulling the curved hook of the fishing rod will be more interesting and<br />

more interesting than fishing games on electronic products. A sense of challenge, through which you can practice<br />

ocean life and go outdoors to experience the vitality of the ocean. I believe that the next generation will understand the<br />

ocean better.<br />

The Marine Protection Department pointed out that through "inventory and planning of fishing areas",<br />

"determination of safety standards", "strengthening environmental cleaning", "establishing a data reporting system",<br />

"promoting the sustainable use of resources", "carrying out education and promotion", " Implement the 8 aspects<br />

of "self-management" and "appropriate accountability", promote the "Taiwan Friendly Fishing Action Plan", and<br />

establish the iOcean fishing reporting system to collect information such as fishing catches, and then use scientific<br />

estimation to plan fishing management measures.<br />

There are currently 158 fishing spots open to the public in Taiwan, including 57 fishing ports, 15 commercial ports, 11<br />

fishing spots in Kenting National Park, 18 Keelung Island fishing islands, 3 fishing platforms and 54 fishing spots open<br />

in principle. Free fishing spots are provided, and life jacket lending service stations are set up at 66 coast patrol security<br />

checkpoints near the open fishing spots to ensure the safety of anglers.<br />

The Coast Guard stated that it hopes to draw on the experience of the Taichung Harbor North Embankment Fishing<br />

Demonstration Area and take into account the sustainability of environmental resources to formulate relevant<br />

recreational fishing management policies, comprehensively establish an environmentally friendly fishing order,<br />

improve the overall fishing environment, and encourage the public to engage in healthy leisure activities.



Bi Hai Fishing <strong>Tackle</strong> Industry Expo<br />

has been deeply involved in the<br />

Chinese fishing tackle industry for<br />

more than 30 years. It is an important<br />

exhibition platform in the complete<br />

industrial chain of the Chinese fishing<br />

tackle market and has accumulated<br />

profound industry heritage. We have<br />

been committed to promoting the<br />

development and exchange of the<br />

fishing tackle industry, and at the<br />

same time shouldering the mission of<br />

opening up the market and seeking<br />

new development opportunities. After<br />

comprehensive industry surveys,<br />

extensive solicitation of opinions<br />

and in-depth field investigations, we<br />

decided to hold the "<strong>2024</strong> Autumn<br />

Bi Hai (Chengdu) Fishing <strong>Tackle</strong><br />

and Outdoor Leisure Equipment<br />

Exhibition" at the Chengdu Century<br />

City New International Convention<br />

and Exhibition Center from<br />

November 1st to 3rd, and it is planned<br />

to recruit exhibitors in early July.<br />

Bi Hai (Tianjin) Fishing <strong>Tackle</strong><br />

Industry Expo is our core exhibition<br />

project. The exhibition area in the<br />

spring of <strong>2024</strong> reached 150,000 square meters, bringing together many well-known domestic and foreign<br />

brands and products, and attracting nearly 300,000 buyers from all over the country to participate. It has<br />

become an indispensable and important traditional event in the fishing tackle industry. We will continue<br />

this tradition and hold the annual spring exhibition at the National Exhibition and Convention Center<br />

(Tianjin).<br />

Based on the successful spring exhibition, the <strong>2024</strong> Chengdu Autumn Fair will continue to focus on the<br />

fishing tackle exhibition, while combining the local characteristics of Chengdu and trying to integrate<br />

multiple elements such as outdoor leisure, road camping equipment, and fishing culture, aiming to attract<br />

not only professionals but also a wider audience. This innovative move fits Chengdu's image as a "leisure<br />

capital". At the same time, it also demonstrates the determination of the Blue Sea Fishing <strong>Tackle</strong> Exhibition<br />

to continuously innovate and break through the traditional exhibition model. Our goal is no longer limited<br />

to facilitating business transactions, but to create a more diverse and inclusive platform to serve a wider<br />





Yu Tao won the championship! "Almighty King"<br />

National Fishing Championship (Shandong<br />

Dongping Station)<br />

The best way to promote fishing tackle products in<br />

the Chinese market is to participate in fishing tackle<br />

exhibitions and large-scale fishing competitions. We<br />

will continue to introduce some well-known fishing competitions in China.<br />

On May 31, the <strong>2024</strong> "Almighty King" National Fishing Championship (Shandong Dongping<br />

Station) was successfully concluded in the Qiannianzhoucheng Zhuangyuan Lake Fishing Town<br />

in Dongping County, Shandong! About 500 anglers from all over the country gathered at the<br />

competition site to compete in fishing skills.<br />

Each contestant ranked his personal ranking through the total points of six games, including the<br />

3.6-meter hand rod crucian carp tail number competition, the 4.5-meter hand rod target fish tail<br />

number and weight double points competition, the 5.4-meter hand rod 5 large mixed fish weight<br />

competition, and the 5.4-meter hand rod mixed fish weight competition, with a total of eight<br />

points.<br />

After a day and a half of fierce competition, the top three athletes in the preliminaries, Yu Tao, Liu<br />

Chaofeng, and Gu Dawei, used a 5.4-meter hand-held rod to fish for mixed fish weight competition<br />

to determine the champion, runner-up, and third place.<br />

After three 90-minute mixed fish weight competitions, Yu Tao (Anhui), Liu Chaofeng (Handan,<br />

Hebei), and Gu Dawei (Xuzhou, Jiangsu) won the championship, runner-up, and third place in<br />

the <strong>2024</strong> "All-Round King" National Fishing Championship (Shandong Dongping Station).


Everything<br />

you want from<br />

a specialty rod<br />

When Japanese rodmaker ZENAQ set about creating its latest<br />

specialty series, it incorporated everything an angler could require.<br />

Which is why this series bears the name INQLUDE.<br />

INQLUDE is ZENAQ’s latest<br />

specialty rod series, designed for<br />

estuarine and coastal mid-shore game<br />

fishing, with each blank meticulously<br />

tailored to specific targets and<br />

scenarios.<br />

The Japanese rod making expert invites<br />

anglers to indulge their passion with<br />

these exceptional, meticulously crafted<br />

rod blanks.<br />

There are a number of key features<br />

which characterise the INQLUDE series,<br />

all designed with the target species in<br />

mind.<br />

Super blanks<br />

In addition to a biological approach,<br />

blank design is based on feedback from<br />

the field – for example, the feel of the<br />

lure’s cast, the required lure action and<br />

the power required to confront the target<br />

fish. When converting the design into a<br />

blank, it is often a matter of optimally<br />

fusing conflicting issues.<br />

ZENAQ has worked hard to realise<br />

the phrase “fused at a high level”. In<br />

terms of a rod blank, this means advanced<br />

moulding technology is essential.<br />

The super blank, fused at a high level<br />

with the know-how accumulated as a<br />

blank manufacturer for over 60 years, is<br />

the backbone of INQLUDE.<br />

Guiding principles<br />

ZENAQ’s original RG guide system,<br />

which has a proven track record as<br />

the ‘guide system with the fewest line<br />

troubles’, has been further improved.<br />

By evolving the conventional RG butt<br />

guide (RG7) into the ultra-high-footed<br />

RG10, it can handle a wide range of midshore<br />

games up to PE3 class lines.<br />

The RG10 instantly suppresses<br />

the line loop released from the reel<br />

spool, converting it into a straight-line<br />

trajectory without fluttering.<br />

Anglers can experience the “piercing<br />

cast feel” of the line passing through the<br />

narrow guide tunnel with its densely<br />

spaced small-diameter guides.<br />

ZENAQ’s original RG guide system<br />

prevents loss of casting distance even in<br />

rainy or windy conditions and drastically<br />

reduces line troubles.<br />

Sitting pretty<br />

As “the only point of contact between<br />

the angler and the rod,” the reel seat is<br />

arguably the most important part of the<br />

rod, yet it is often overlooked.<br />

36 www.tackletradeworld.com

ZENAQ’s Hexagonal Reel Seat 20 was developed<br />

exclusively for big games. This reel seat, which has been<br />

carefully thought out from casting to lure operation and big<br />

fights, has brought fresh surprises and results to casting games.<br />

The included Hexagonal Reel Seat 15 is based on the same<br />

concept and fits perfectly to the reel size expected to be used<br />

for mid-shore game fishing.<br />

It uses a carbon frame structure and special rubber that does<br />

not change, due to hydrolysis. By covering the entire reel seat<br />

with rubber designed with an exquisite hardness, it creates an<br />

unprecedented feeling that fits comfortably in the hand, and<br />

the unique hexagonal shape makes it easy to hold the rod with<br />

little force, providing reliable operability.<br />

A balanced approach<br />

ZENAQ’s rod design prioritises weight balance in actual<br />

fishing situations. This balance in actual fishing situations<br />

with a reel and lure is more important than the ‘rod weight’<br />

specification.<br />

The handle is designed for repeated casts at a good tempo.<br />

The rear grip length is said to be easy to swing and not<br />

interfere with life vests to obtain the maximum casting<br />

distance for the lure.<br />

The grip end is made of EVA material that is also easy<br />

to swing and does not affect handling, even if it comes into<br />

contact with clothing during a cast.<br />

The metal rear ring, attached as a rod balancer that is<br />

essential for improving actual fishing performance, is engraved<br />

with the ZENAQ logo, giving it functional beauty.<br />

RG10 guide system<br />

Tip guides<br />

Magnum<br />

Bullet<br />

Hook keeper<br />

ZENAQ<br />

Magnum Bullet<br />

One key product within the latest range is the INQLUDE<br />

IS88-M9 Magnum Bullet, an 8ft 8in rod capable of handling<br />

lures from 15g to 80g and PE1-3 lines.<br />

The defining characteristic of this rod is its astonishing<br />

castability, launching large lures like big minnows with the<br />

explosive force of a bullet.<br />

Unlike typical sea bass rods, it effortlessly casts out large<br />

lures weighing 50g to 80g even in adverse weather conditions,<br />

allowing you to reach “that extra five metres” that was<br />

previously unattainable.<br />

The high-response blank delivers exceptional sensitivity,<br />

transmitting the subtle vibrations of lure wobbles and even the<br />

slightest changes in current.<br />

It also provides the control needed to effortlessly work even<br />

large topwater plugs with a walk-the-dog action.<br />

Furthermore, its blank power allows the use of big bait lures<br />

up to 120g, which exceeds the lure specification (however,<br />

lures above 80g cannot be fully cast).<br />

While possessing a sharpness not found in rock shore rods,<br />

it boasts the power to confidently tackle unexpected trophy<br />

fish.<br />

With its high versatility, capable of casting lures as light<br />

as 10g, it excels in a variety of scenarios, from river sea bass<br />

and surf flatfish to yellowtail and Japanese lates (barramundi)<br />

fishing.<br />

It is also adept at enticing pelagic fish in bay areas and midshore<br />

jigging, making it the ultimate heavy-duty versatile rod<br />

for a wide range of targets worldwide.<br />

zenaq.com/en/inqlude_sp<br />

Rod blank<br />

Reel seat<br />

Rod handle<br />

Balancer ring<br />

www.tackletradeworld.com 37


1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

Do you want your<br />

products to be seen by<br />

thousands of potential<br />

buyers… FREE of<br />

charge? Then get in<br />

touch, we’d love to<br />

hear from you.<br />


+44 7990 542958<br />

john.hunter@dhpub.co.uk<br />

Contact John directly for<br />

details of how to send<br />

your product images and<br />

a short description to<br />

<strong>Tackle</strong> <strong>Trade</strong> <strong>World</strong>.<br />

1 DAIWA<br />


When Daiwa set out to develop<br />

the world’s first ever saltwatergrade<br />

underspin jig, it turned to<br />

contemporary lure design guru<br />

Hiroshi Nishine.<br />

The line-tie placement on the<br />

sculpted head forces the nose of<br />

the jig downward, almost like a<br />

lipless crankbait, while the unique<br />

blade shape, with upper and lower<br />

curves, causes the blade to spin<br />

in a tight rotation, not striking the<br />

body of the jig.<br />

Its hooks are perilously sharp<br />

and nickel plated for maximum<br />

corrosion resistance while the<br />

elongated bait-keeper is designed<br />

to keep plastics sturdily in<br />

place without requiring a dot of<br />

superglue.<br />

The heavier weights of 1oz<br />

and 1.5oz make it effective out to<br />

100 feet of water and it’s offered<br />

in colours including Chartreuse<br />

Green Back, Fire Orange and Motor<br />

Oil featuring UV paint or the more<br />

natural Flake Pearl, Smelt, Gun<br />

Metal and Black Back.<br />

www.daiwa.us<br />

2 TROKAR<br />

TK150VP HOOK<br />

Standing on the shoulders of the<br />

legendary TK150, Trokar has taken<br />

all those elements and added the<br />

sheer locking power of the Pro-V<br />

Bend.<br />

As soon as you reel down,<br />

the Trokar point slices through<br />

like butter, and the Pro-V design<br />

immediately funnels fish down<br />

into the deepest point of the V,<br />

locking them through whatever<br />

runs or acrobatics they use to try<br />

and throw the hook.<br />

Available in sizes ranging from<br />

4 to 1/0 give you the drop shot<br />

hook options needed to tackle<br />

smallmouth bass, largemouth bass<br />

confidently, and spotted bass.<br />

www.eagleclaw.com/collections/<br />

trokar<br />


GEAR HUB<br />

True to its sustainability policy,<br />

the base and sides of the Gear<br />

Hub – designed as an all-in-one<br />

storage solution for anglers – are<br />

manufactured from 100 per cent<br />

post-consumer recycled material.<br />

It includes four integrated rod<br />

holders, nine accessory tracks<br />

to mount additional Railblaza<br />

products, two recessed handholds,<br />

rod and reel tethers, multiple tiedown<br />

points and enough space for<br />

eight tackle boxes.<br />

The Gear Hub has vast<br />

applications and is sure to be a<br />

favourite for paddle sport, fishing<br />

and boating enthusiasts, however<br />

it will likely be a popular choice in<br />

the outdoor adventure market too.<br />

www.railblaza.com<br />


2025<br />

®<br />


JANUARY 17-19<br />

EDISON, NJ:<br />

JANUARY 24-26<br />

ATLANTA, GA:<br />

JANUARY 31-<br />

FEBRUARY 2<br />


FEBRUARY 15-16<br />

DENVER, CO:<br />

FEBRUARY 21-23<br />


FEBRUARY 28-<br />

MARCH 2<br />


MARCH 15-16<br />


It is The Show!<br />

flyfishingshow.com<br />



4<br />

5<br />

7<br />

6<br />



5 MHX<br />


6 PLANO<br />


7 MUSTAD<br />


Do you often lose control of<br />

spooled wire? The UNI-Strap is<br />

designed to solve the problem.<br />

It keeps the wire in place and<br />

ready to use when you need it.<br />

The small textile elastic slides<br />

easily on the spool while pulling<br />

off a length of wire and the small<br />

hole keeps the end ready for use.<br />

Once you try the UNI-Strap,<br />

UNI-Products says you will want<br />

one for all your wire spools.<br />

www.uniproducts.com<br />

MHX’s popular and powerful<br />

X-Fighter Series now offers 7ft 10in<br />

lengths with six different powers<br />

for saltwater anglers fishing big<br />

game from the shore.<br />

With both composite and<br />

E-glass options, X-Fighters are a<br />

perfect combination of finesse<br />

and brute force. These fast-action<br />

blanks are available in Light,<br />

Medium-Light, Medium, Medium-<br />

Heavy, Heavy and Extra-Heavy<br />

models to meet the needs of any<br />

angler looking to land saltwater<br />

monsters.<br />

MHX designers develop each<br />

rod blank series and model<br />

to address the performance<br />

demands of specific applications<br />

and fishing styles and are<br />

designed using innovative<br />

materials and methods, as the<br />

preferred choice of elite anglers<br />

and serious rod builders.<br />

When you’re out on the water,<br />

having a reliable cooler for your<br />

catch, food and drinks is crucial.<br />

The Plano Frost Cooler 32 Ltr<br />

is built with rugged injectionmoulded<br />

construction, ensuring<br />

it stands up to the toughest<br />

conditions. Dual-stage latches<br />

provide an air-tight seal, delivering<br />

commercial-grade insulation to<br />

keep everything inside ice cold.<br />

It includes two sturdy handles<br />

for easy transport and tie-down<br />

slots to secure it on the boat. A<br />

removable dry basket keeps your<br />

snacks separate and dry.<br />

The pièce de résistance is a<br />

stainless steel bottle opener on<br />

the lid, because a cold drink is<br />

always better with a freshly caught<br />

fish!<br />

www.planooutdoors.com<br />

In freshwater fishing, few light<br />

tackle techniques can replicate<br />

natural forage as effectively as<br />

a dropshot rig. The deception is<br />

subtle and sceptical predators are<br />

ultimately vulnerable. Tied directly<br />

to the leader at its midpoint, the<br />

Apex Dropshot Hook 10559AP is<br />

offered in sizes ranging from No 6<br />

to 2/0, featuring a turned-up eye<br />

that enables the lure to rest at a<br />

90-degree angle from the line.<br />

The fine wire construction<br />

reduces the risk of bass detecting<br />

the hook, while the sharp<br />

needlepoint enhances the<br />

probability of hookups during<br />

subtle bites.<br />

www.mustad-fishing.com<br />

www.mudhole.com<br />


Classifieds<br />


PLIERS<br />



The EASIEST... The FASTEST...<br />

The BESTEST...<br />

for changing hooks or spinner blades<br />

visit www.Texas<strong>Tackle</strong>.com for demo video<br />


4 Sizes<br />

www.Texas<strong>Tackle</strong>.com<br />

RIGS !!!!<br />

COMING UP…<br />

NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong><br />

Ad Copy: <strong>September</strong> 13th, <strong>2024</strong><br />

Mailed: October 2nd, <strong>2024</strong><br />

Special issue: Ice Fishing<br />

Spotlight: Fly Tying<br />

Doing Business With: The Bahamas<br />

DECEMBER <strong>2024</strong><br />

Ad Copy: October 18th, <strong>2024</strong><br />

Mailed: November 6th, <strong>2024</strong><br />

Special issue: Confluence review<br />

Spotlight: Small boats<br />

Doing Business With: Germany<br />

JANUARY 2025<br />

Ad Copy: November 15th, <strong>2024</strong><br />

Mailed: December 4th, <strong>2024</strong><br />

Special issue: New Gear<br />

Spotlight: Boat Accessories<br />

Doing Business With: United Kingdom<br />

To submit news or editorial for<br />

any of these issues, contact:<br />

To advertise or discuss a marketing campaign in any of these editions,<br />

contact our business development team:<br />

EDITOR<br />


T: + 44 (0)7990 542958<br />

E: john.hunter@dhpub.co.uk<br />



T: +1 914 722 7601<br />

E: bartalm@optonline.net<br />

REST of WORLD<br />


T: +39 347 503 6436<br />

E: guido.knegt@dhpub.co.uk





In today’s digital age, a robust social media strategy is essential for retailers<br />

to connect with their audience, build brand loyalty and drive sales.<br />

But how do you go about it when you have a busy shop to run?<br />

The first step in any social media<br />

strategy is to select the right<br />

platforms to use as these will form<br />

the foundation of an effective<br />

approach.<br />

Not sure which ones work for your<br />

target audience or requirements? Here’s a<br />

handy brief guide:<br />

Facebook: Probably the best-known,<br />

platform, Facebook is deal for reaching a<br />

broad demographic, sharing detailed posts<br />

and creating targeted ads.<br />

Instagram: Perfect for visually driven<br />

products, engaging younger audiences<br />

and utilising features like Stories and<br />

Shopping.<br />

X (formerly Twitter): Useful for realtime<br />

engagement, customer service and<br />

sharing updates or promotions.<br />

Pinterest: Beneficial for showcasing<br />

products through pins and driving<br />

traffic to the website, it has a particular<br />

resonance with the female market.<br />

TikTok: Effective for engaging Gen Z<br />

with creative, short-form videos and viral<br />

content opportunities.<br />

LinkedIn: More business orientated, so<br />

it’s great for interacting with other brands<br />

and their content or finding staff.<br />

Content creation<br />

Creating compelling content is crucial<br />

to capturing and retaining the audience’s<br />

attention. Retailers should focus on a<br />

range of content to keep it fresh, always<br />

bearing in mind the audience of the<br />

platform they are using.<br />

Product posts: High-quality images<br />

and videos can showcase new arrivals,<br />

bestsellers and seasonal items.<br />

User-Generated Content (UGC): Try<br />

sharing customers’ photos and reviews<br />

(with their permission, naturally) to build<br />

trust and authenticity. Maybe they’ve<br />

caught an exceptional fish or simply had a<br />

day out in beautiful surroundings<br />

Behind-the-scenes: Offer a glimpse into<br />

the store’s background, daily processes<br />

(stock arrival, refits, bait preparation, for<br />

example) or highlight team members to<br />

humanise your business.<br />

Promotions and discounts: Highlight<br />

sales, special offers and limited-time deals<br />

to drive immediate action.<br />

Educational content: Providing tips,<br />

how-tos and tutorials related to the<br />

products adds value and demonstrates<br />

expertise. How about a bait rigging tip,<br />

knot tying lessons or rig tying.<br />

Rules of engagement<br />

Building a community around the brand<br />

involves proactive engagement strategies.<br />

Make sure you respond in a timely<br />

and genuine manner to any questions or<br />

interactions with followers to foster a<br />

sense of connection.<br />

How about hosting live sessions in<br />

your shop? Platforms like Facebook and<br />

Instagram allow things like live broadcast<br />

videos for you to showcase products,<br />

answer questions and engage in real-time<br />

interaction with customers (both current<br />

and potential).<br />

Try running competitions and<br />

giveaways on social media. This will<br />

encourage user participation and sharing,<br />

which will, in turn, increase visibility and<br />

engagement<br />

Also, you could try collaborating with<br />

influencers to leverage their audience and<br />

enhance credibility.<br />

Performance measurement<br />

When you have done this work, be sure to<br />

track and analyse your posts’ performance<br />

metrics so you know what works – and<br />

what doesn’t. Monitor likes, comments,<br />

shares and saves to gauge content<br />

effectiveness. Look at how people see<br />

your content (reach and impressions) and<br />

work out which calls to action work by<br />

analysing Click-Through-Rate (CTR) of<br />

links to your website or specific product<br />

pages. You can even work out how many<br />

social media interactions lead to sales or<br />

other desired actions.<br />

And make sure you are growing your<br />

follower or subscriber base.<br />

A well-crafted social media strategy<br />

is indispensable for retailers aiming<br />

to thrive in a competitive market. By<br />

selecting the right platforms, creating<br />

engaging content, fostering community<br />

engagement, and continually measuring<br />

performance, retailers can build a strong<br />

online presence that drives brand loyalty<br />

and boosts sales.<br />

john@hunter-media.co.uk<br />

www.hunter-media.co.uk<br />




A scanned Baltic Herring makes the base design of this hyper realistic<br />

imitation, the Herring Shad V2. This paddle tail softbait is a proven big fish<br />

lure with extreme details that gives an exciting rolling and kicking action,<br />

coupled with articulated fins, flank flash details and a noisy rattle inside the<br />

tail that yields a secondary action and strike triggering response. Your new<br />

favorite soft plastic has arrived!<br />


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export@rokfishing.com<br />


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