Welcome to The Club Fall 2024
A Magazine for 55+ Like No Other! Welcome to The Club features timeless articles and anecdotes including many from the archives of Daytripping Magazine. It's online at www.welcometotheclub.ca and is also distributed free in Sarnia-Lambton, Ontario.
A Magazine for 55+ Like No Other!
Welcome to The Club features timeless articles and anecdotes including many from the archives of Daytripping Magazine. It's online at www.welcometotheclub.ca and is also distributed free in Sarnia-Lambton, Ontario.
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<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
Must be 55<br />
or older!<br />
THE<br />
CLUB<br />
Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />
...Even if we might be getting older.<br />
From the crea<strong>to</strong>rs of...<br />
Pho<strong>to</strong> - Local artist Bill Walters - by Shaun Antle, Oh Me Nerves Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy<br />
welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
VOLUME 4, ISSUE 3 FALL <strong>2024</strong>
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> the <strong>Fall</strong> issue!<br />
Community & Home<br />
Support Services<br />
“Alone we can do so little.<br />
Together we can do<br />
so much!”<br />
Helen Keller<br />
Volunteer &<br />
Social Opportunities<br />
“Our support services<br />
enable clients<br />
<strong>to</strong> live with<br />
Dignity & Respect.”<br />
Transportation<br />
519-845-1353 • volunteer@leohelps.ca • www.lamb<strong>to</strong>nelderlyoutreach.org<br />
Making Access <strong>to</strong> Community Supports & Health Services Easier!<br />
Expanded local services & supports listings<br />
New community naviga<strong>to</strong>r option<br />
Inclusive of all ages & stages<br />
Find. Specific supports you need.<br />
Search.<br />
☎<br />
<br />
Community<br />
Naviga<strong>to</strong>rs listen<br />
and help find local<br />
resources and<br />
supports based<br />
on the needs<br />
of the caller.<br />
Talk. Call <strong>to</strong> speak with a Community Naviga<strong>to</strong>r.<br />
www.agefriendlysarnialamb<strong>to</strong>n.ca 519-336-3000<br />
LEO Scored 98% Exemplary Standing<br />
for providing Quality Services<br />
Funded in part by the United Way of Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />
and Jackpot City, Sarnia<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Elderly Outreach • 1-800-265-0203 • www.lamb<strong>to</strong>nelderlyoutreach.org<br />
P A G E<br />
2<br />
For this issue, appropriately, we’ve chosen <strong>to</strong> list some ideas of what...<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong>
FALL <strong>2024</strong> 3<br />
THE<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
<strong>Club</strong><br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
P A G E<br />
...we can all be thankful for during the coming season and every day.<br />
This FREE magazine is distributed in Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n. (See Page 7)<br />
I’m of the belief that it never hurts <strong>to</strong><br />
ask and that very few people do.<br />
Most people are reticent <strong>to</strong> ask for<br />
something, when the worst that can<br />
possibly happen is that they’ll be <strong>to</strong>ld<br />
no. Maybe 40 years in the advertising<br />
sales business has thickened my skin a<br />
wee bit – people say no <strong>to</strong> me all the<br />
time and that’s what I expect from<br />
many of them, but it’s my job <strong>to</strong> ask.<br />
In fact, my favourite line when speaking<br />
<strong>to</strong> someone about advertising and<br />
introducing myself is “feel free <strong>to</strong> say<br />
yes or no.”<br />
<strong>The</strong>re’s a small article by Seaway<br />
Sounds on page 12 of this issue inviting<br />
people <strong>to</strong> join the group. <strong>The</strong>y simply<br />
asked if they could submit something<br />
and we said “Of course you can, that’s<br />
a part of what we’re here for!” <strong>The</strong>atre<br />
Sarnia has an article about their<br />
upcoming season on page 16. Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />
Shores Nature Trails has an article on<br />
pages 30 & 31. <strong>The</strong>y had one in the<br />
last issue as well, and the issue before<br />
that. It’s free for these groups and good<br />
content that allows us <strong>to</strong> provide a public<br />
service. <strong>The</strong> writers of articles like this<br />
are not paid (regular contribu<strong>to</strong>rs are<br />
and you can be one) but it provides a<br />
great benefit for their group at no cost.<br />
It’s a win-win-win situation since our<br />
readers also benefit from their time and<br />
our willingness <strong>to</strong> provide the space <strong>to</strong><br />
an important community group.<br />
So it begs the question, why don’t<br />
more people do it? Very few citizens<br />
or groups ask about sending articles<br />
about nonprofit events they’re holding<br />
or services they provide <strong>to</strong> people 55+<br />
in our community. An even greater<br />
mystery is that we routinely suggest<br />
this <strong>to</strong> people and they think it’s a great<br />
opportunity, but rarely follow through.<br />
Oddly, businesses are even less likely<br />
<strong>to</strong> take us up on this opportunity. We’ve<br />
also published Daytripping magazine for<br />
the past 30 years and I’ve consistently<br />
encouraged our cus<strong>to</strong>mers <strong>to</strong> send us<br />
articles. We don’t have a reporter and<br />
the magazine is written by our readers,<br />
but Daytripping’s purpose is <strong>to</strong> promote<br />
our cus<strong>to</strong>mers unique shops. I bet we’ve<br />
received one per year at the most. I’ve<br />
often suggested that even if they pay<br />
someone $100 <strong>to</strong> write the article,<br />
the ad space it takes up would cost<br />
much more than that, and a first-hand<br />
account recommending a business is<br />
going <strong>to</strong> be much more effective than<br />
any advertisement. And… crickets!<br />
I don’t really think that it’s a fear of<br />
rejection, though the articles do need<br />
<strong>to</strong> be well written. It’s more likely that<br />
people are just busy, busy, busy... even<br />
many retirees we talk <strong>to</strong> can’t believe<br />
how swamped they are.<br />
However, please keep this thought<br />
in the back of your mind if you have a<br />
knack for writing. <strong>The</strong> Strangway Centre<br />
is a good example of a place that many<br />
citizens frequent and benefit from it’s<br />
many resources and programs. Who is<br />
better qualified <strong>to</strong> write an article than<br />
a person with first hand experience? If<br />
you’ve received great service from one<br />
of our advertisers, why not put it in<br />
writing and send it <strong>to</strong> us? <strong>The</strong>y deserve<br />
it, other people will appreciate hearing<br />
about it, you’ll feel good about it, and<br />
we’ll be happy <strong>to</strong> help you give them a<br />
shout out.<br />
We’ve always welcomed our readers<br />
<strong>to</strong> be a part of our magazines, <strong>to</strong><br />
make them their own, and it’s made<br />
an immeasurable difference in our<br />
success and in their lives and the lives<br />
of many of our readers. We’ve learned<br />
that people really love this magazine,<br />
because they’ve <strong>to</strong>ld us time and time<br />
again. You’re welcome <strong>to</strong> send us an<br />
article about a group you volunteer with,<br />
a business you think deserves it, or just<br />
<strong>to</strong> share the s<strong>to</strong>ry you tell time and time<br />
again at a party... we truly hope <strong>to</strong> hear<br />
from you. Maybe you won’t... but it<br />
never hurts <strong>to</strong> ask.<br />
Thanks for reading. Please let our<br />
cus<strong>to</strong>mers (and ones that should be)<br />
know just how much you like <strong>Welcome</strong><br />
<strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> – they make it possible and<br />
we need them <strong>to</strong> keep it going strong.<br />
It Never Hurts To Ask<br />
by Mark Moran, Publisher<br />
THE<br />
THE<br />
CLUB<br />
CLUB<br />
CLUB<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
Event Listings ................... 20-21<br />
Discount List ............................ 15<br />
Where <strong>to</strong> Find the <strong>Club</strong> ......... 7<br />
Community Resources ....... 35<br />
Snapshots ................................. 32<br />
Chris Treftlin, Sipkens Nurseries, Kelly-Lynn Musico, Ruth Sharon,<br />
Mary Lou Tasko, Ronny D’Haene, Shaun Antle (Oh Me Nerves<br />
Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy), Steve Lox<strong>to</strong>n, Christine Coles Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy, An<strong>to</strong>n<br />
Luko, George Rosema Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy, DeMoor Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy,<br />
Susan Enders, Mandy Roy (Canatara Classics), Stacey<br />
Strand-Lachine, Joy Pryce, Kevin Babbey, Will Bartlett, Tammy<br />
With, Norma West Linder, Dorothy Johnson, Diane Lambert, Lyn<br />
Tremblay, Joan Harder, Blanche Haskett, Liz Underhill, Joan<br />
Richardson, Jacoba Bos, Maxine Miner, Wayne W. Bastin, Agnes<br />
Burroughs, Nadine Wark, Eileen Cade-Edwards, Marie Kemmis,<br />
Jeanette Paddon, Mike Keenan<br />
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Mary Lou Tasko, Ronny D’Haene, Shaun Antle (Oh Me Nerves<br />
Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy), Steve Lox<strong>to</strong>n, Christine Coles Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy, An<strong>to</strong>n<br />
Luko, George Rosema Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy, DeMoor Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy,<br />
Susan Enders, Mandy Roy (Canatara Classics), Stacey<br />
Strand-Lachine, Joy Pryce, Kevin Babbey, Will Bartlett, Tammy<br />
With, Norma West Linder, Dorothy Johnson, Diane Lambert, Lyn<br />
Tremblay, Joan Harder, Blanche Haskett, Liz Underhill, Joan<br />
Richardson, Jacoba Bos, Maxine Miner, Wayne W. Bastin, Agnes<br />
Burroughs, Nadine Wark, Eileen Cade-Edwards, Marie Kemmis,<br />
Chris Treftlin, Sipkens Nurseries, Kelly-Lynn Musico, Ruth Sharon,<br />
Mary Lou Tasko, Ronny D’Haene, Shaun Antle (Oh Me Nerves<br />
Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy), Steve Lox<strong>to</strong>n, Christine Coles Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy, An<strong>to</strong>n<br />
Luko, George Rosema Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy, DeMoor Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy,<br />
Susan Enders, Mandy Roy (Canatara Classics), Stacey<br />
Strand-Lachine, Joy Pryce, Kevin Babbey, Will Bartlett, Tammy<br />
With, Norma West Linder, Dorothy Johnson, Diane Lambert, Lyn<br />
Tremblay, Joan Harder, Blanche Haskett, Liz Underhill, Joan<br />
Richardson, Jacoba Bos, Maxine Miner, Wayne W. Bastin, Agnes<br />
Burroughs, Nadine Wark, Eileen Cade-Edwards, Marie Kemmis,<br />
Jeanette Paddon, Mike Keenan<br />
Mark Moran - Publisher, Ad Sales<br />
Carrie Ann Timm - Associate Publisher<br />
Carla MacGregor - Advertising Sales<br />
Rhonda Long - Advertising Sales<br />
Angela Lyon - Graphics & Editing<br />
Carla Mejia - Graphic Design<br />
Mark Moran - Publisher, Ad Sales<br />
Carrie Ann Timm - Associate Publisher<br />
Carla MacGregor - Advertising Sales<br />
Rhonda Long - Advertising Sales<br />
Angela Lyon - Graphics & Editing<br />
Carla Mejia - Graphic Design<br />
a k o a P b i e Ad a es<br />
Carrie Ann Timm - Associate Publisher<br />
Carla MacGregor - Advertising Sales<br />
Rhonda Long - Advertising Sales<br />
Angela Lyon - Graphics & Editing<br />
Mark Moran - Publisher, Ad Sales<br />
Carrie Ann Timm - Associate Publisher<br />
Carla MacGregor - Advertising Sales<br />
Rhonda Long - Advertising Sales<br />
Angela Lyon - Graphics & Editing<br />
Carla Mejia - Graphic Design<br />
VOLUME 4,<br />
ISSUE 3<br />
<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />
VOLUME 4,<br />
ISSUE 3<br />
<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />
ISSUE 3<br />
<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />
VOLUME 4,<br />
ISSUE 3<br />
<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />
P.O. Box 430 • Brights Grove, ON •N0N 1C0<br />
519-491-1676 • info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
P.O. Box 430 • Brights Grove, ON •N0N 1C0<br />
519-491-1676 • info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
P.O. Box 430 • Brights Grove, ON •N0N 1C0<br />
519-491-1676 • info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
P.O. Box 430 • Brights Grove, ON •N0N 1C0<br />
519-491-1676 • info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
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From the<br />
publishers of<br />
From the<br />
publishers of<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> Features<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> Features<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> Features<br />
www.welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
www.welc<br />
To receive <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> in the<br />
mail for $20/year (4 issues),<br />
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You can also view each issue online -<br />
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To receive <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> in the<br />
mail for $20/year (4 issues),<br />
give us a call <strong>to</strong> discuss payment.<br />
You can also view each issue online -<br />
just ask <strong>to</strong> be added <strong>to</strong> our email notification list.<br />
To receive <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> in the<br />
mail for $20/year (4 issues),<br />
give us a call <strong>to</strong> discuss payment.<br />
You can also view each issue online -<br />
just ask <strong>to</strong> be added <strong>to</strong> our email notification list.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> is published four times annually by Moran Advertising, Brights Grove, Ontario. <strong>The</strong> publisher reserves<br />
the right <strong>to</strong> reject, discontinue or omit any advertisment without notice or penalty <strong>to</strong> either party. No portion of this<br />
publication can be reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of Moran Advertising. <strong>The</strong> content of this<br />
publication does not necessarily represent the opinions of the publisher. <strong>The</strong> content of this publication has not been deemed<br />
by the publisher <strong>to</strong> be correct and accurate. <strong>The</strong> advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising<br />
directly or indirectly from errors occuring in this publication beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that<br />
portion of the advertisment in which the error occurred, whether such error is due <strong>to</strong> the negligence of its servants or<br />
otherwise, and there shall be no liablity for non insertion of any advertisment beyond the amount paid for such advertisment.<br />
Use of Material: submitted articles, letters, and other works or materials may be used, published, distributed and s<strong>to</strong>red by<br />
Moran Advertising, <strong>Welcome</strong> To <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, and Daytripping Magazine, in whole or in part, in print or by any other means.<br />
Trivia .......................... 5<br />
Recipes ............. 12,25<br />
Crossword ............ 17<br />
Word Search ....... 31<br />
Sudoku .................. 28<br />
Actual headlines from many different newspapers.<br />
EXTRA!!!<br />
EXTRA!!!<br />
Shot Off<br />
Woman's<br />
Leg Helps<br />
Nicklaus <strong>to</strong> 66<br />
Enraged Cow<br />
Injures Farmer<br />
With Ax<br />
Cancer Society<br />
Honours<br />
Marlboro Man<br />
Killer Sentenced <strong>to</strong> Die for 2nd<br />
Time in 10 Years<br />
Miners Refuse<br />
<strong>to</strong> Work After<br />
Death<br />
Squad Helps<br />
Dog Bite<br />
Victim<br />
Man Struck by Lightning Faces<br />
Battery Charge<br />
Two Soviet<br />
Ships Collide,<br />
One Dies
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
Scan with Phone<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Chauffeur Service <strong>to</strong><br />
From Sarnia....<br />
• Prevent Au<strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong>fts at Airports .....<br />
• Airport flight schedules are cancelled .....<br />
• Trains are cut back.....<br />
• Buses are cut back.....<br />
• Shuttles are cut back.....<br />
Private & Personal... “Door <strong>to</strong> Door” Chauffeur Service • 24 HRS. Day<br />
Toron<strong>to</strong>, Detroit, Flint, Hamil<strong>to</strong>n, London, Kitchener/Waterloo Airports<br />
(This is not a “Shuttle Service”)<br />
- “New Model”<br />
- Experienced, Accident Free, Mature Male Driver<br />
- Have Current Sarnia Police Check, RCMP Check, USA NEXUS Check<br />
- Luggage Service In/Out Vehicle, from Home &Airport Pickups<br />
- Portable “Luggage” Weight Scale, & Small “Step S<strong>to</strong>ol” in Vehicle<br />
- GPS Confirmation of Flights, with Texting Service when Boarding & Landed<br />
- Small Pets are “<strong>Welcome</strong>,” in an Airline-Approved Pet Carrier<br />
Please Email or Text for more details.<br />
Also, for other services like Train Stations, Weddings, Hospital Treatments, coming for a Funeral.<br />
NOTE: 12 Passenger Van also available<br />
Thank You, Joe Szasz Sr.<br />
Text or Call Joe @ 519-339-6628 ... or E-mail ... joebe1@sympatico.ca<br />
(Text preferred. Please leave a message on voice calls, as I am usually on the road)<br />
As summer fun fades and we fall<br />
back <strong>to</strong> school activities, life on our<br />
grandparent’s farm begins <strong>to</strong> adjust.<br />
My family lived in the city but as kids<br />
our biggest adventures were made<br />
visiting ‘the farm’ with four cousins<br />
<strong>to</strong> play with just down the gravel road.<br />
Over the years there were a variety of<br />
farm animals – chickens, geese, pigs,<br />
dairy cows, horses, ponies which kept<br />
everyone busy; but, in the late fall/<br />
winter with harvesting done, there<br />
seemed <strong>to</strong> be more time for us. First<br />
came our Thanksgiving gathering<br />
with church, music, hay-bale forts,<br />
turkey, pumpkin pie; but, grandpa’s<br />
favourite occasion was Halloween<br />
which meant a hauntingly wonderful<br />
party including crunching falling<br />
leaves running back and forth <strong>to</strong><br />
my cousins farm, picking pumpkins<br />
from the patch, costumes, plenty of<br />
To Grandmothers House We Go<br />
food, fellowship and fun (crokinole/<br />
checkers) – followed by a game of<br />
Dead Man’s Bluff when darkness<br />
fell (I can still remember the squeals<br />
of delight). Remembrance Day<br />
was never forgotten either - many<br />
family members were in WWII…<br />
in particular one uncle who spent<br />
five years in Europe. Christmas was<br />
magical. By now the nearly-alwaysfrozen<br />
pond was cleared for skating<br />
plus moonlight horse-drawn sleigh<br />
rides in the cutter across snowy<br />
fields (bells jingling all the way).<br />
Grandma was a great cook (even<br />
with a wood s<strong>to</strong>ve) so while women<br />
were inside preparing dinner, the<br />
By Joy Pryce • from Daytripping May-June 2012<br />
You must be 55 or over <strong>to</strong> read this magazine.<br />
men were outside playing with<br />
the kids. With such a large family<br />
names were drawn for the young<br />
only from year <strong>to</strong> year (always with<br />
one for Rudolph – inevitably a new<br />
baby would arrive the next year).<br />
Our grandparent’s gift <strong>to</strong> the family<br />
was a huge wicker basket of fruit<br />
<strong>to</strong> be enjoyed all day long – there<br />
were taffy pulls, caramel apples,<br />
popcorn balls, candy canes and a<br />
visit from a real live Santa through<br />
a back bedroom window with his<br />
big bag of presents.<br />
All winter, grandma<br />
would quilt (helped<br />
by my mom and aunt)<br />
Looking Back<br />
Travel back in time <strong>to</strong> when these<br />
items or events were the latest fad.<br />
Slinky - 1946<br />
CB Radios - 1947<br />
Pez Dispensers - 1948<br />
Silly Putty - 1949<br />
Scrabble - 1952<br />
Matchbox Cars - 1953<br />
Davy Crocket coonskin caps - 1954<br />
Baseball cards - 1955<br />
Frisbees - 1957<br />
Hula Hoops - 1958<br />
Barbie - 1959<br />
<strong>The</strong> Twist - 1961<br />
Slot cars - 1962<br />
Troll dolls - 1963<br />
Beatlemania - 1964<br />
Lava lamps - 1965<br />
Skateboards - 1966<br />
Tie-die T-shirts - 1968<br />
Hot pants - 1970<br />
Platform shoes - 1971<br />
Clackers - 1972<br />
Happy Face - 1973<br />
Streaking - 1974<br />
Pet Rocks - 1975<br />
Mood Rings - 1975<br />
Disco - 1977<br />
Star Wars - 1977<br />
Hacky sacks - 1978<br />
Rubik's Cube - 1980<br />
Trivial Pursuit - 1981<br />
Smurfs - 1982<br />
Cabbage Patch Dolls - 1983<br />
Koosh Balls - 1988<br />
Barney - 1988<br />
Sonic the Hedgehog - 1991<br />
Beanie Babies - 1993<br />
Tickle Me Elmo - 1996<br />
Blackberry - 1998<br />
Pokemon - 2000<br />
iPods - 2001<br />
Crocs - 2002<br />
Facebook - 2004<br />
Webkinz - 2005<br />
Sillybandz - 2009<br />
Angry Birds - 2010<br />
Vine - 2013<br />
Ice Bucket Challenge - 2014<br />
Hatchimals - 2016<br />
Pokémon Go - 2016<br />
and before each grandchild’s<br />
sixteenth birthday - a quilt<br />
pattern was chosen – mine was<br />
Washing<strong>to</strong>n Pavement in white<br />
and royal blue (I loved that quilt)<br />
made ready for that ‘special’<br />
day. Another ritual for the girls<br />
(can’t remember what was done<br />
for the boys) – we could select a<br />
china pattern from Kingsmill’s<br />
and for each special occasion a<br />
piece was given…by the time we<br />
were married – we had saved an<br />
eight piece set (you can imagine<br />
the bookkeeping).<br />
Just as the seasons change…<br />
life changes leaving us with<br />
marvelous memories, an<br />
unforgettable legacy of spiritual<br />
awareness, and family-first<br />
treasured skills…still enjoyed<br />
<strong>to</strong>day!<br />
P A G E<br />
4<br />
Be Thankful For... your pets - they always love you unconditionally.<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong>
We’re all getting older, we may as well laugh about it!<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Driving<br />
TRIVIA<br />
Selected<br />
After Hours<br />
questions from<br />
Annual Trivia Night<br />
“<strong>The</strong> Daytripper” has a team entered every year, but we have yet <strong>to</strong> win.<br />
Answers Below<br />
1. Which space mission, launched in 1977, has now entered<br />
interstellar space and is carrying the Golden Record with<br />
sounds and images from Earth?<br />
Voyager 1<br />
Hubble Space Telescope<br />
Curiosity<br />
Cassini<br />
2. Which of New<strong>to</strong>n’s Laws states that ‘for every action,<br />
there is an equal and opposite reaction’?<br />
1st Law of Motion 2nd Law of Motion<br />
3rd Law of Motion<br />
3. What Brazilian musical genre rose <strong>to</strong> prominence in the<br />
1960’s?<br />
Salsa Bossa nova Cumbia Rhumba<br />
4. In the "Harry Potter" series, what is the name of the<br />
three-headed dog guarding the trapdoor on the third-floor<br />
corridor at Hogwarts?<br />
5. How many time zones does Russia have?<br />
4 9 11<br />
6. Fill in the blank of this Dead Poets Society famous quote,<br />
"Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives<br />
____________."<br />
7. What is the phenomenon where light is bent as it passes<br />
through a medium, such as glass, due <strong>to</strong> a change in its<br />
speed?<br />
Refraction Reflection Diffraction Dispersion<br />
8. Where did the first NBA game take place?<br />
9. <strong>The</strong> Great Wall of China was primarily built <strong>to</strong> protect<br />
against invasions from which group of people?<br />
Mongols Huns Persians Vikings<br />
10. <strong>The</strong> command “mush”, used for sled dogs, comes from<br />
this French word.<br />
12. Nori is what ingredient in sushi?<br />
13. What was the first song transmitted live from outer space?<br />
Let it Be<br />
Rocket Man<br />
Jingle Bells<br />
Twinkle Twinkly Little Star<br />
ANSWERS:<br />
1. Voyager 1; 2. 3rd Law of Motion; 3. Bossa nova; 4. Fluffy;<br />
5. 11; 6. Extraordinary; 7. Refraction; 8. Toron<strong>to</strong> in 1946; 9.<br />
Mongols; 10. Marche; 11. Seaweed; 12. Jingle Bells<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong> Be Thankful For... uncontrollable laughing fits about silly things. P A G E 5
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Feel free <strong>to</strong> send in pho<strong>to</strong>s showcasing Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n.<br />
• Collecbles • Giware • Kids Toys, Games & Books • Fudge<br />
• Maple Buer Tarts & Baking • Williamson Farms Beef & Pork<br />
• Local Honey • Cheese • Local Cider • Williamson Farms Maple Syrup<br />
Open Monday <strong>to</strong> Friday 10-6, Saturday 10-5<br />
14 King Street West, FOREST • 226-520-0144<br />
www.williamsonfarmscountrys<strong>to</strong>re.ca<br />
Ideas...<br />
Unhurried Rhythm<br />
by Kevin Babbey<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
from Daytripping<br />
Sept-Oct 2007<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Women’s Interval Home<br />
Neighbourlink<br />
Like a pleasant<br />
cease my meandering and<br />
We donate $25 for each reprinted<br />
River City Vineyard<br />
childhood memory<br />
daydreaming and hurry!<br />
Daytripping Magazine article.<br />
Victim Services<br />
- an old barn filled<br />
Hurry before it could<br />
$5250 donated since Jan. 2021<br />
with last year’s CCMF hay;<br />
no longer hold off the<br />
or the dry, Habitat sweet<br />
encroaching rains. But<br />
THIS ISSUE’S RECIPIENT is... scent of Hospice <strong>to</strong>bacco<br />
like a child oblivious <strong>to</strong><br />
Seaway Kiwanis Animal Farm hanging in the Humane kiln – Society<br />
everything but what he<br />
autumn’s fragrance<br />
can feel and taste and see<br />
Inn of the Good Shepherd<br />
filled my senses.<br />
right now, I could no more<br />
My goal in life is <strong>to</strong> be as Nature was Pathways dressed<br />
cease my wandering than<br />
good a person as my dog in her last, SODA brilliant<br />
the stars in the heavens<br />
burst of colour, as if<br />
could reverse their courses.<br />
v1.1 Strangway already Community thinks I am. Centre<br />
Noelle’s Gift<br />
she sensed the snows<br />
Circling hawks, curious<br />
WINE STORE WINE TASTINGS v1.2 Forest Kine<strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong>atre<br />
Mike Weir Foundation<br />
would soon arrive and this was it. As if, like trout and sleeping catfish; trees bare of<br />
v1.3 Heritage a <strong>to</strong>o-familiar lover taken for granted, she<br />
- unknown St. Clair<br />
Gallery in the Grove<br />
leaves reaching up from resting places<br />
GIFT BASKETS & GIFT CARDS v1.4 Sarnia Blessings<br />
was aching <strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong>atre turn heads Sarnia and be noticed, in the depths, their forms, like autumn<br />
5547 Aberarder Line, Plymp<strong>to</strong>n-Wyoming v2.1 Canatara wanted, admired, loved, one last time, <strong>to</strong> itself, ghosts of glories past... berries of<br />
Dogs! Log Cabin Res<strong>to</strong>ration<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Young <strong>The</strong>atre Players<br />
519-381-1112 • AFEW.wine<br />
bring back - just once more! - the ghosts brilliant red and petals of deep purple;<br />
v2.2 Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Rebound<br />
Bluewater Trails<br />
of glories past. Or, perhaps, as if this was leaves of burgundy and green... silvery<br />
v2.3 Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Shores Nature Trails<br />
Strangway Centre<br />
her last chance <strong>to</strong> be wanted and loved for white clamshells half buried in the sand...<br />
v2.4 nuSarnia Foundation<br />
various city options<br />
Farmers’<br />
the first time.<br />
hornets circling their nest in orderly<br />
S<strong>to</strong>p & Shop v3.1 Lamb<strong>to</strong>n in Wildlife Inc.<br />
And maybe various that’s why trails<br />
Market<br />
I ached so <strong>to</strong> be confusion... squirrels scampering noisily<br />
v3.2 United Way of Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />
Fridays til<br />
here this day. Halkovich Many of nature’s Outdoor treasures Learning over Centre parched and curling leaves, frantically<br />
would soon slip away. Some would merely <strong>to</strong>pping up their winter supplies... birds -<br />
v3.3 Miracle Max’s Minions Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 9<br />
Parents for Parks<br />
be held hostage beneath the ice, or hidden dozens of them - taking flight without<br />
v3.4 Lawrence House Centre for the Arts<br />
Petrolia Discovery<br />
FOREST<br />
under a shawl of white... but others would chirp or twitter, the song of their wings<br />
v3.5 Bluewater Centre for Rap<strong>to</strong>r Rehabilitation<br />
LEO<br />
fade like warm breath from a cold window, beating the air in furious unison building<br />
Forest<br />
V4.1 VPP<br />
never <strong>to</strong> return.<br />
and falling like the crescendo of cymbals...<br />
<strong>Fall</strong> Fair<br />
V4.2 NeighbourLink <strong>The</strong> simplicity and clarity of fall had and in a calm, black pool, ghostly<br />
September Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />
replaced the clutter and haze of summer apparitions - four-pointed stars stretching<br />
V4.3 Seaway Kiwanis 20, Animal 21 Farm<br />
Check out our down<strong>to</strong>wn -<br />
in both air and water. Treasures of colour inside undulating clouds - gliding delicately<br />
& 22<br />
and contrast, texture and fragrance filled through their endless, watery universe...<br />
browse our shops or take in a movie<br />
my senses and spilled over in<strong>to</strong> wonder As I drifted through this autumn solitude,<br />
at the his<strong>to</strong>ric Kine<strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong>atre!<br />
and delight as I paddled across steepwalled<br />
chasms of water. With just a nudge gentle urgency <strong>to</strong> take in all these simple<br />
the restless wind breathed in<strong>to</strong> my soul a<br />
Make a day of it in Forest!<br />
Craft &<br />
Vendor Sale<br />
from the sleepy breeze, trees rained wonders before they, like the season, were<br />
Keep up <strong>to</strong> date with event & shopping Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 5<br />
golden leaves in lazy spirals <strong>to</strong> the glassy gone.<br />
information on our website & socials.<br />
at<br />
water. Now and then the sun forced open Never once have I felt like an intruder,<br />
Fairgrounds<br />
a window in the clouds overhead, and nor even a guest, in this place. Creation<br />
Women in<br />
Business<br />
Oc<strong>to</strong>ber<br />
24<br />
from its vantage point high above the<br />
earth, it watched. Like a curious god, it<br />
watched as my red canoe and I carved<br />
curving paths across an emerald surface<br />
strewn with shards of yellowing sun and<br />
crescent-shaped remnants of azure sky;<br />
a surface crowded with hundreds of<br />
leafy vessels, my fellow travellers in this<br />
awesome journey. Other times when the<br />
sun peeked through heaven’s curtains,<br />
it seemed like less of a curious god and<br />
more like a worried parent, a beneficent<br />
but impatient deity that kept urging me <strong>to</strong><br />
- ever-changing, ever-changeless - has<br />
always made me feel like I belong, like I<br />
am where I am supposed <strong>to</strong> be, like I have<br />
found my place in this world. All she’s<br />
ever required of me is a heart innocently<br />
bathed in humility, a soul clothed in<br />
awe. In this rare and peaceful grace of<br />
belonging I paddled on and, <strong>to</strong> the gentle<br />
music of water drops cascading from<br />
my paddle, kept unhurried rhythm with<br />
creation. I paddled alone and yet, in this<br />
lonely place, held in creation’s embrace,<br />
I’ve never felt alone.<br />
P A G E<br />
6<br />
Be Thankful ... that you live in a free, democratic society.<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong>
Most articles in here have been written by people like you.<br />
Forest Pharmacy<br />
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• Free Delivery in Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Shores*<br />
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info@forestpharmasave.ca<br />
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• Compression S<strong>to</strong>ckings<br />
• Mobility Aids & Much More!<br />
29 King St W, Forest • 519-851-3331<br />
Open Wed <strong>to</strong> Fri 10 <strong>to</strong> 2 & by appointment<br />
forestnaturalremedies@rogers.com<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
foresttravelservice.com<br />
We’re here <strong>to</strong> help you<br />
make travelling easier.<br />
519-786-2319 ESTABLISHED IN 1977<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
BscP.T. MCPA<br />
Registered<br />
ered<br />
ed<br />
Physiotherapist<br />
ist<br />
Forest Physiotherapy<br />
and Rehabilitation<br />
10 Watt Street, et<br />
Forest • 519-786-3336<br />
36<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE<br />
CLUB<br />
At Home Spa<br />
Bob Bailey, M.P.P.<br />
Tourism Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />
Twin Bridge Lighting<br />
SARNIA<br />
Alzheimer’s Society<br />
Bluewater Home Hardware<br />
Cameron Paint<br />
Continental Hair<br />
Food Basics<br />
Giresi’s Pizza Fac<strong>to</strong>ry<br />
Home Instead<br />
Tales from Weaselscat<br />
“What are you doing in that chair?”<br />
With hands on his hips, Uncle Peter,<br />
the trapper-turned-barber, s<strong>to</strong>od before<br />
the chrome and red vinyl barber chair,<br />
scowling at Karl. Leo, Lorenz and Gordie<br />
lowered their newspapers a <strong>to</strong>uch <strong>to</strong><br />
peer over at the unfolding drama.<br />
“I want you <strong>to</strong> cut my hair of course”,<br />
snorted Karl.<br />
“Which one?” asked Uncle Peter,<br />
innocently as he wrapped a paper<br />
collar around Karl’s neck and fastened<br />
the barber’s bib.<br />
“All of them! Start with the 3rd from<br />
the left!”<br />
This exchange followed a similar<br />
pattern that was repeated each month<br />
or so when Karl eased in<strong>to</strong> the barber<br />
chair for a haircut.<br />
“Not much <strong>to</strong> work with,” mumbled<br />
Uncle Peter as he ran his hand over the<br />
smooth surface of Karl’s head.<br />
“Well you know, grass doesn’t grow<br />
on a busy path.”<br />
“It don’t grow on concrete either,”<br />
mumbled Gordie from behind<br />
yesterday’s Moosejaw Sun newspaper.<br />
Leo and Lorenz hid behind their<br />
newspapers and snickered.<br />
“Well, I think that hair is highly over<br />
rated,” continued Karl with an air of<br />
indifference. “It’s really nothing but a<br />
nuisance; look at the hassle I get from<br />
WHERE <strong>to</strong> PICK UP <strong>The</strong> club<br />
Imperial <strong>The</strong>atre<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Audiology<br />
Local Motif<br />
London Road Diagnostic Clinic<br />
London Road Pharmacy<br />
M&M Food Markets<br />
Marilyn Gladu, M.P.<br />
Metro - London Rd.<br />
Metro - Northgate<br />
Mission Thrift S<strong>to</strong>re<br />
Napoli’s Pizza<br />
Pa<strong>to</strong>dia Eye Institute<br />
Russell St. Home Hardware<br />
Sarnia Library<br />
Shine at Home<br />
Shoppers - Wellwise (Northgate)<br />
Sipkens Nurseries<br />
Sole Decisions<br />
Strangway Community Centre<br />
<strong>The</strong> Bookkeeper<br />
<strong>The</strong> Eye Guy<br />
<strong>The</strong> Shoebox<br />
Treat Yourself Wellness<br />
United Way<br />
Foodland<br />
Skeeter Barlow’s<br />
Foodland<br />
Hogan Pharmacy<br />
Rob’s No Frills<br />
Pharmasave<br />
FOREST<br />
Al<strong>to</strong>n Farms Winery<br />
By Will Bartlett,<br />
Camlachie<br />
a quiet small <strong>to</strong>wn somewhere in Saskatchewan<br />
Episode 3: Karl’s Haircut<br />
you guys every time I need my mane<br />
trimmed.” Karl’s ‘mane’ was actually<br />
just a white fringe that barely <strong>to</strong>pped<br />
his ears. “<strong>The</strong>n there’s the shampooing,<br />
the brushing, trimming and combing;<br />
the battle never ends!”<br />
“Well, it’s obvious that your hair<br />
surrendered the battle long ago,”<br />
growled Gordie.<br />
Uncle Peter settled in with his<br />
scissors while Gordie idly wondered<br />
why it was that a haircut always <strong>to</strong>ok<br />
the same amount of time, and cost<br />
the same, regardless of how much<br />
hair the cus<strong>to</strong>mer arrived with.<br />
“Drat,” muttered Uncle Peter as<br />
the comb dropped <strong>to</strong> the floor. “I<br />
can’t seem <strong>to</strong> hang on <strong>to</strong> anything<br />
anymore; my fingers just don’t<br />
work like they used <strong>to</strong>.” Uncle<br />
Peter stared at his arthritic fingers,<br />
scarred and rough from years<br />
of setting traps in ice cold water.<br />
He flexed them stiffly and pulled<br />
another comb from a glass on the<br />
counter.<br />
“I hear ya,” agreed Gordie, “I<br />
got the same problem. When I was<br />
twenty, my butt was round, my belly<br />
flat, my manhood stiff, and my fingers<br />
were nimble. Now that I’m in my<br />
seventies, my belly is round, my butt is<br />
flat, and my fingers are stiff!”<br />
Foodland<br />
Pharmasave<br />
Williamson Farms Country S<strong>to</strong>re<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Heritage Museum<br />
Moore<strong>to</strong>wn Sports Complex<br />
Oil Museum<br />
Black Gold Brewery<br />
Central Lamb. Family Health<br />
Country Yarns<br />
Heidi’s Independent Grocer<br />
Hogan Guardian Pharmacy<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Pharmacy<br />
Uncle Peter nodded in agreement.<br />
Gordie continued, “When I drop<br />
something, I stand there and stare at<br />
it while the same thoughts go through<br />
my head... Is there any way I can get<br />
it without getting down on my knees?<br />
This is going <strong>to</strong> hurt... How will I get<br />
back up? You know, the other day I<br />
found a loonie on the ground in the<br />
Safeway parking lot. It had rolled under<br />
a pallet and in order <strong>to</strong> pick it up, I<br />
would have had <strong>to</strong> get down on my<br />
knees. I debated whether it was worth<br />
the pain and bother for one dollar, and<br />
in the end, I decided it wasn’t worth it.”<br />
“So, did you just leave it there?”<br />
asked Karl.<br />
“Not exactly. I dug a loonie out of<br />
my pocket and threw it down beside<br />
the other one. I figured that the next<br />
person <strong>to</strong> come along and find it<br />
might think it worth picking up if<br />
there were two of them.”<br />
Karl snorted, “I must be losing it<br />
Gordie, that almost makes sense.”<br />
Uncle Peter rolled his eyes as he<br />
dusted Karl’s neck with a soft brush<br />
laden with Old Spice talc. “Gordie,<br />
you’re the only man I know who<br />
can lose money when he finds it.”<br />
“Well, I’m off <strong>to</strong> the health<br />
clinic this morning for my annual<br />
physical and <strong>to</strong> check out the new<br />
nurse,” chirped Karl as he slipped<br />
out of the barber chair and admired<br />
his fresh haircut in the mirror. He<br />
paid Uncle Peter $16.00, and with a<br />
nod <strong>to</strong> the others, he slipped out the<br />
door in<strong>to</strong> the summer sunshine and<br />
headed for the Weaselscat Health Clinic<br />
and Wellness Centre.<br />
Life was good in Weaselscat, a<br />
quiet small <strong>to</strong>wn somewhere in<br />
Saskatchewan.<br />
*Not a complete list, but these locations<br />
should always receive papers.<br />
Grog’s Restaurant<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Elderly Outreach<br />
Marcanda Gifts & Tea Room<br />
Zekveld’s Garden Market<br />
Foodland<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County Archives<br />
Little Bean Kids Co.<br />
Marley IDA Pharmacy<br />
Spa-Cation<br />
Also available at<br />
ALL Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />
County Libraries<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong> Be Thankful For... How easy technology has made some things. P A G E 7
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
PICK YOUR OWN • Strawberries • Raspberries<br />
• Apples • Pears • Pumpkins (in season)<br />
4622 London Line, Reeces Corners • 519-845-3482<br />
FARM STORE with fresh produce,<br />
bakery items, preserves, maple syrup,<br />
honey & more. S<strong>to</strong>p by soon!<br />
www.zekveldgardenmarket.ca<br />
Children <strong>Welcome</strong><br />
Thank you for continuing <strong>to</strong> shop locally!<br />
Grandkids are F UNNY<br />
When my grandson Billy and I entered our<br />
vacation cabin, we kept the lights off until we<br />
were inside <strong>to</strong> keep from attracting pesky<br />
insects. Still, a few fireflies followed us in.<br />
Noticing them before I did, Billy whispered,<br />
"It's no use, Grandpa. <strong>The</strong> mosqui<strong>to</strong>es are<br />
coming after us with flashlights."<br />
<strong>The</strong><br />
Wisdom of...<br />
Confucius 551-479 BC<br />
You’ve got a lot riding on those tires!<br />
You can trust Wyoming Tirecraft<br />
for personal small <strong>to</strong>wn service.<br />
Cars, Trucks, Performance<br />
Specializing in Farm<br />
Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.<br />
Choose a job you love, and you will never have <strong>to</strong> work a<br />
day in your life.<br />
Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire.<br />
Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.<br />
He who exercises government by means of his virtue may<br />
be compared <strong>to</strong> the north polar star, which keeps its place<br />
and all the stars turn <strong>to</strong>wards it.<br />
It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do<br />
not s<strong>to</strong>p.<br />
To practice five things under all circumstances<br />
constitutes perfect virtue; these five are gravity,<br />
generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness.<br />
Never give a sword <strong>to</strong> a man who can't dance.<br />
<strong>The</strong>re are three methods <strong>to</strong> gaining wisdom. <strong>The</strong> first is<br />
reflection, which is the highest. <strong>The</strong> second is limitation,<br />
which is the easiest. <strong>The</strong> third is experience, which is the<br />
bitterest.<br />
Ability will never catch up with the demand for it.<br />
Wyoming<br />
Au<strong>to</strong> Centre<br />
We can also do<br />
repairs, oil changes,<br />
brakes, batteries,<br />
seasonal maintenance<br />
and much more.<br />
It’s worth<br />
the trip<br />
<strong>to</strong> Wyoming!<br />
547 Ontario Street, Wyoming • 519-845-0813 • tirecraft.com<br />
Green County Ebikes<br />
and<br />
Mobility Scooters<br />
New • Used<br />
Parts • Sales • Service<br />
Financing Available<br />
Ebike &<br />
Mobility Scooter<br />
Batteries<br />
Also Sundays in Grand Bend<br />
at Pinery Antique Flea Market<br />
638 Broadway Street, Wyoming • 519.333.8313 • www.greencountyebikes.com<br />
TUES. TO FRI.<br />
10AM - 5PM<br />
P A G E<br />
8<br />
Be Thankful For... air conditioning and iced tea on hot summer days.<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong>
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.<br />
60 Y Years of f S Service i t <strong>to</strong> Wyoming<br />
W i<br />
& <strong>The</strong> Surrounding Community!<br />
• Compounding Service Offered<br />
607 Broadway Street,<br />
Wyoming 519-845-3341<br />
• hay fever<br />
• oral thrush<br />
• pink eye<br />
• dermatitis<br />
We offer<br />
prescriptions for:<br />
• acid reflux<br />
• hemorrhoids<br />
• cold sores<br />
• impetigo<br />
• insect bites and hives<br />
• urinary tract infections<br />
• menstrual cramps<br />
• sprains & strains<br />
• tick bites<br />
If You Give A Girl A Ratrod<br />
S<strong>to</strong>ry and Pho<strong>to</strong>s by Tammy With • from Daytripping Spring <strong>2024</strong><br />
If you attend a car show in<br />
Southwestern Ontario there is a good<br />
chance you may run in<strong>to</strong> Robynn Marks<br />
and her 1960 AMC Rambler. Robynn is<br />
a fresh face <strong>to</strong> the circuit after recently<br />
rebuilding the car her brother gave her<br />
30 years ago.<br />
<strong>The</strong> journey began in 1987 when her<br />
12 year old brother Alex went on a trip<br />
<strong>to</strong> South Carolina with his father and a<br />
group of car enthusiasts. Armed with a<br />
savings he had made corn detasseling<br />
all summer, Alex purchased the Rambler<br />
and a Hudson which<br />
they <strong>to</strong>wed back<br />
<strong>to</strong> the border. <strong>The</strong><br />
border security had<br />
never seen such a<br />
thing, and as such<br />
they decided <strong>to</strong><br />
charge the young boy<br />
$50 <strong>to</strong> bring the cars<br />
back <strong>to</strong> Canada.<br />
Alex never worked<br />
on the Rambler, but<br />
would help his father<br />
work on other cars.<br />
Robynn would watch<br />
the pair work and<br />
would talk about how much she<br />
loved the Rambler and what she<br />
would do <strong>to</strong> it if it were her car.<br />
She would occasionally suggest<br />
<strong>to</strong> her brother a colour or<br />
alteration she felt would suit it.<br />
<strong>The</strong>n, on Robynn’s 20th birthday her<br />
brother presented her with a ring box<br />
containing the key <strong>to</strong> the Rambler, and<br />
<strong>to</strong>ld her since she had so many ideas<br />
for it, he wanted her <strong>to</strong> have it. Robynn<br />
was delighted <strong>to</strong> have it, and spent the<br />
next several years carting the car from<br />
house <strong>to</strong> house as<br />
she raised her four<br />
young children. As<br />
time went on she<br />
gathered pieces for<br />
the rebuild and put<br />
them away.<br />
Robynn promised<br />
herself she would<br />
start the project, and<br />
on February 1st, 2019<br />
she kept that promise.<br />
At the advice of her<br />
husband Rob; a fellow<br />
gearhead, Robynn<br />
started by tearing<br />
From Children<br />
From Children<br />
• When you hear your <strong>to</strong>ilet flush and then, "Uh-oh," it's already <strong>to</strong>o late.<br />
• LEGOS will pass through the digestive tract of a 4 year old.<br />
• No matter how much Jell-o you put in a swimming pool you still can't<br />
walk on water.<br />
• <strong>The</strong> fire department has at least a 5 minute response time.<br />
• Crayons do not remain solid when s<strong>to</strong>red on the dashboard on a hot<br />
summer day.<br />
• Never leave a <strong>to</strong>ddler, a furry animal and a pair of<br />
scissors alone in the same room.<br />
• A king size waterbed holds enough water <strong>to</strong> fill a<br />
2000 square foot house 4 inches deep.<br />
• You should never take a goldfish for a walk.<br />
• <strong>The</strong> spin cycle on the washing machine does<br />
not make earth worms dizzy.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
623 Broadway St., Wyoming • 519-845-9915 • VillageFireplaceShop.com<br />
the car apart and placing<br />
pieces in well labelled<br />
boxes. Once the car was<br />
apart from the engine<br />
block up, she started the<br />
major undertaking of<br />
putting it back <strong>to</strong>gether.<br />
As this was her first<br />
build, she relied on the<br />
expertise of her husband.<br />
Rob acted as any good leader would; he<br />
<strong>to</strong>ld her what she needed <strong>to</strong> know and<br />
then let her teach herself. With his help,<br />
and the help of the internet, Robynn<br />
worked away for 30 months, usually<br />
spending two or three days a week on<br />
the project. “We used Friday as our date<br />
night, we would order take out and work<br />
on our cars. He has been my number<br />
one supporter,” Robynn spoke fondly of<br />
her time <strong>to</strong>gether with her husband.<br />
On July 22nd 2021 Robynn put the<br />
final <strong>to</strong>uches on the car, and for the first<br />
time presented her car <strong>to</strong> an audience<br />
on August 8th at <strong>The</strong> Walkabout on<br />
Christina Street in Sarnia. “I can’t even<br />
describe what that felt like, it was like<br />
a proud parent kind of moment,” says<br />
Robynn.<br />
She is still a minority in the craft,<br />
and as such she is often overlooked as<br />
the person responsible for bringing her<br />
Rambler <strong>to</strong> life. “Most people at the shows<br />
think Rob built her, but he is quick <strong>to</strong><br />
redirect them back <strong>to</strong> me,” she says with<br />
a little chuckle. Her greatest hope is that<br />
seeing her next <strong>to</strong> this accomplishment<br />
will inspire little girls <strong>to</strong> dream big and<br />
think, I can do that <strong>to</strong>o!<br />
“A project like this is never really<br />
finished,” Robynn states, as there is<br />
always something else <strong>to</strong> add. Currently<br />
she is adding a little artistic flare <strong>to</strong> the<br />
car with the addition of rose decals on<br />
the exterior and floral accents on the<br />
interior. Her vision is <strong>to</strong> give the car a<br />
ratrod feel.<br />
Perhaps her favourite detail included<br />
is the wood panel across the back seat<br />
featuring the signature of every person<br />
who helped make her vision a reality.<br />
It includes the signatures of the people<br />
who donated parts, her children, and<br />
most notably, the brother who started<br />
her journey 30 years before.<br />
Robynn has set her sights on a new<br />
project; converting a more modern car<br />
in<strong>to</strong> a rally car. She has yet <strong>to</strong> start the<br />
project, but says she starts with a vision<br />
of what it will look like in the end and<br />
goes from there. As for her philosophy,<br />
Robynn believes,<br />
You should never drive<br />
boring cars<br />
Bathroom<br />
& Kitchen<br />
Showroom<br />
519-845-3726<br />
www.Plymp<strong>to</strong>nPlumbing.com • 4401 London Line, Wyoming<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong> Be Thankful For... down comforters & fluffy pillows on cold winter nights. P A G E 9
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
• Manicures • Pedicures • Waxing<br />
• Massage <strong>The</strong>rapy • Electrolysis<br />
a getaway from the everyday<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
635 Broadway Street<br />
226-307-0772<br />
Growing<br />
A Greener<br />
Community,<br />
One Tree<br />
At A Time<br />
SENIORS 10% OFF (65+)<br />
Contact Us: 519-845-0847<br />
info@wyomingtreeservice.ca<br />
Spoil the Grandkids!<br />
Kids Consignment (preemie <strong>to</strong> youth 18)<br />
Local Artisan Shop<br />
647 Broadway St, Wyoming<br />
IN THE WORLD...<br />
1. Self Confidence<br />
2. Rest<br />
3. Exercise<br />
4. Diet<br />
5. Sunlight<br />
6. Friends<br />
Maintain<br />
them in all<br />
stages of<br />
life & enjoy!<br />
Don’t let old age get you down - it’s <strong>to</strong>o hard <strong>to</strong> get back up!<br />
Do you<br />
want<br />
copies<br />
of...<br />
<strong>The</strong>y’re T<br />
FREE for people 55+! + Wild Roses for a Brave Mother<br />
By Norma West Linder, from Daytripping May-June 2008<br />
A city girl at heart, it must have been<br />
difficult for my mother <strong>to</strong> move <strong>to</strong><br />
Mani<strong>to</strong>ulin Island at the age of twentythree.<br />
Her father had a sash and door<br />
fac<strong>to</strong>ry in Mindemoya, a village in the<br />
centre of the island, and he prevailed<br />
upon my parents <strong>to</strong> leave Toron<strong>to</strong> and<br />
join him there, along with me and<br />
my older sister around 1929. Life on<br />
Mani<strong>to</strong>ulin in those days was paradise<br />
for children, but it must have been hell<br />
for young adults. In our small hamlet of<br />
perhaps four hundred souls, most of the<br />
houses, including ours, had no hydro.<br />
Laundry had <strong>to</strong> done on a washboard,<br />
the whites boiling first for ages in<br />
a boiler on the kitchen s<strong>to</strong>ve. Mom<br />
once <strong>to</strong>ld me that one spring day the<br />
clothesline broke and she nearly cried<br />
at the sight of all those muddy sheets<br />
on the ground. If she was unhappy,<br />
however, she kept it well hidden from<br />
us kids. I recall her sitting at the piano<br />
in our front room singing “Happy<br />
Days are Here Again” when the long<br />
island winters seemed ready<br />
<strong>to</strong> depart. And she always<br />
<strong>to</strong>ok time <strong>to</strong> smell the wild<br />
roses we girls brought her<br />
every June.<br />
As I grew in<strong>to</strong> adulthood,<br />
I heard the s<strong>to</strong>ry of her<br />
own childhood, and it was<br />
not a pretty one. She was<br />
determined <strong>to</strong> break the<br />
cycle of physical and mental<br />
abuse, and she did so with<br />
flying colours. My sister Marie<br />
(nicknamed “Toots”) and I<br />
still share great s<strong>to</strong>ries about<br />
the old days when we were<br />
growing up on the largest fresh<br />
water island in the world, set<br />
like a triangular green jewel in<br />
Canada’s Great Lakes.<br />
My brother Gordon was born at<br />
home in 1932. By that time we had<br />
dispensed with coal oil lamps in favour<br />
of electric lights. In 1938 the Red Cross<br />
Hospital was up and running and my<br />
sister Lois Jean, who now lives in Los<br />
Angeles, was born there. Even though<br />
we moved from the Island when she<br />
was a baby, she’s the one sister who is<br />
a genuine “Haw-Eater.” Sister Connie<br />
arrived on the scene in 1945, when we<br />
were living in Gravenhurst. With twenty<br />
years between having her first daughter<br />
and her fourth one, Mom must have felt<br />
that a good deal of her life was given<br />
over <strong>to</strong> caring for children.<br />
When she decided <strong>to</strong> grow her<br />
own vegetable garden instead of<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
THE<br />
CLUB<br />
For a group,<br />
apartment<br />
building,<br />
or meeting?<br />
Call 519-491-1676 or email<br />
info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
buying from the local farmers, we all<br />
pitched in <strong>to</strong> help in the undertaking.<br />
Undertaking is the appropriate word for<br />
the way it turned out. If ever a dream<br />
was doomed <strong>to</strong> die before it even got<br />
started, this was one. Most of our big<br />
back yard consisted of half an inch of<br />
<strong>to</strong>psoil above a hundred and fifty feet<br />
of solid rock—the actual distance they<br />
had <strong>to</strong> drill before hitting water when<br />
they sank the shaft for our pump. If<br />
hard work alone could have guaranteed<br />
success, my mother’s vegetable patch<br />
would have been the most productive<br />
one for miles around. She spent hours<br />
planting, weeding, and watering.<br />
Garden pests were the only forms of<br />
life that bloomed, with weeds a close<br />
second. We went back <strong>to</strong> eating good<br />
old reliable lamb’s quarters when we<br />
wanted backyard greenery.<br />
Close on the heels of the Great<br />
Agricultural Flop came the Chicken<br />
Raising Venture. “Just think,” said<br />
my mother, “our very own eggs for<br />
breakfast.” My father and grandfather<br />
built what was probably the<br />
most attractive henhouse in<br />
Mindemoya. <strong>The</strong> only<br />
trouble was the hens<br />
adamantly refused <strong>to</strong><br />
set one yellow foot<br />
inside it. <strong>The</strong>y refused<br />
<strong>to</strong> set period. Instead<br />
they roosted at night in the<br />
trees encircling our yard.<br />
Finally, the men were<br />
forced <strong>to</strong> go out at<br />
night with flashlights<br />
and pota<strong>to</strong> sacks and<br />
shanghai them, one by one.<br />
For us it wasn’t just chicken<br />
every Sunday, it was chicken every<br />
day. Mom once <strong>to</strong>ld me that I begged<br />
her <strong>to</strong> give me bologna sandwiches in<br />
my school lunch—just for a change.<br />
After these experiments, the men<br />
went back <strong>to</strong> planing boards, and<br />
Mom contented herself with planting<br />
geraniums. She still brightened her<br />
balcony with geraniums when she<br />
lived in an apartment in Sarnia, where<br />
I’ve spent most of my life. My mother<br />
was brave in the face of the losses<br />
that life brings—her only son from a<br />
car accident in 1979, her husband <strong>to</strong><br />
heart failure just three months later.<br />
My mother died in a nursing home in<br />
1996, in her ninetieth year. I used <strong>to</strong> go<br />
and play Euchre there with her every<br />
Sunday. I miss those games more<br />
than words can say, and I’ll always be<br />
grateful that she won her last hand.<br />
P A G E<br />
10<br />
Be Thankful For... food! Especially turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce!<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong>
Maybe we should s<strong>to</strong>p it with the elderly jokes. <strong>The</strong>y’re getting old.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
MPP – Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />
Building A Better Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />
Visiting the recently completed<br />
Cestar Dock at Sarnia Harbour.<br />
<strong>The</strong> significant expansion <strong>to</strong><br />
the dock is the final piece of<br />
Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n's Oversized<br />
Load Corridor.<br />
Celebrating the 75th Anniversary<br />
of the IODE Margaret S<strong>to</strong>kes<br />
Chapter in Petrolia.<br />
Joining the MPP for<br />
Windsor-Tecumseh, the Minister<br />
of Natural Resources, and the MPP<br />
for Lamb<strong>to</strong>n-Kent-Middlesex in<br />
rural Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County <strong>to</strong> announce<br />
$2.5M in provincial funding <strong>to</strong> help<br />
municipalities manage the<br />
hazards posed by old and inactive<br />
oil and gas wells.<br />
Riding in style at another<br />
fantastic Canada Day Celebration<br />
in Canatara Park.<br />
Good day loyal readers of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong>! After another magnificent<br />
Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n summer, it seems autumn is in the air. <strong>The</strong><br />
shorter days, cooler temps, and amazing fall colours make this<br />
the perfect time of year <strong>to</strong> maximize your outdoor time, enjoying<br />
all the fall activities, attractions, and events that Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />
has <strong>to</strong> offer.<br />
Speaking of getting out and staying active, the Ontario<br />
government continues <strong>to</strong> expand access <strong>to</strong> services and<br />
activities for those 55+ through investments in programing at<br />
more than 316 Seniors Active Learning Centres across Ontario.<br />
Locally, the Cruickshank Centre in Corunna, and the Strangway<br />
Community Centre for Adults 50+ in Sarnia will each receive over<br />
$51,000 in <strong>2024</strong> <strong>to</strong> support community programing for active<br />
adults in Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n. Programs that will be available <strong>to</strong> the<br />
55+ crowd cover a wide variety of activities and services including<br />
fitness, healthy lifestyle and wellness classes, recreation, social<br />
activities, and learning opportunities.<br />
<strong>The</strong> investment in our local Active Living Centres is part of the<br />
Ontario government’s more than $15 million investment in all<br />
Active Living Centres across the province, an increase of more<br />
than $1 million from last year.<br />
Whether it’s a visit <strong>to</strong> an Active Living Centre, or just getting out<br />
and exploring one of the many fall fairs in Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County this<br />
season, I hope you take every opportunity <strong>to</strong> connect with what’s<br />
going on in our community and experience the people and places<br />
that make Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n so special.<br />
I wish everyone across Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n an amazing autumn.<br />
Enjoy every moment!<br />
I was honoured <strong>to</strong> participate<br />
in a panel discussion on<br />
energy sustainability with<br />
local leaders at the inaugural<br />
Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Chamber of<br />
Commerce Economic Summit.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Minister of Municipal Affairs<br />
and Housing joined local leaders,<br />
dignitaries, and first responders<br />
for the annual Rotary of Sarnia<br />
Mackinac Pancake Breakfast.<br />
This year’s event was also a<br />
fundraiser <strong>to</strong> support local<br />
initiatives <strong>to</strong> build supportive<br />
housing in Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n.<br />
Joining the Minister of Colleges<br />
and Universities at St. Clair<br />
College in Windsor <strong>to</strong> learn<br />
more about how Ontario<br />
colleges are supporting the<br />
Ontario government’s efforts <strong>to</strong><br />
train the skilled trades workers<br />
of <strong>to</strong>morrow.<br />
Visiting Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Rebound’s<br />
second annual Youth Makers Expo<br />
<strong>to</strong> celebrate a $200,000 Resilient<br />
Communities Fund Grant from the<br />
Ontario government’s Ontario<br />
Trillium Foundation.<br />
805 Christina St. North, Suite 102<br />
Point Edward, ON N7V 1X6<br />
Contact Bob Bailey<br />
Tel.: 519-337-0051<br />
Fax: 519-337-3246<br />
E-mail: bob.baileyco@pc.ola.org<br />
Website: bobbaileympp.com<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong> Be Thankful For... your friends. Can you imagine your life without them? P A G E 11
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Thank you, <strong>to</strong> all the advertisers you see throughout the magazine.<br />
Established in 1978,<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Pharmacy continues <strong>to</strong><br />
provide caring, professional pharmacy<br />
services <strong>to</strong> residents of the beautiful<br />
<strong>to</strong>wn of Petrolia and Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County.<br />
4130 Glenview Rd, Unit 2, Petrolia<br />
519-882-0650<br />
Danielle Edgar, B.Sc., PharmD<br />
Pharmacist<br />
Monday–Friday 9–6<br />
Saturday 9–12<br />
HOGAN<br />
P•H•A•R•M•A•C•Y<br />
Beautiful Gift Shop<br />
• Wedding • Birthday<br />
• Baby • Home Decor<br />
Full Service Pharmacy<br />
Full Service Cosmetic Department<br />
Full Service Home Health Care Dept.<br />
Wednesday is Senior’s Day<br />
20% OFF* for Cus<strong>to</strong>mers 60+<br />
Enjoy our Holiday Events! !<br />
Cus<strong>to</strong>merAppreciation tio Week: Nov. 4-9<br />
Kick off <strong>to</strong> Christmas Event: Nov. 12<br />
Cosmetics Supreme Sparkle Event: Nov. 26<br />
LADIES NIGHT - All Day/All-Night Event: Dec. 3<br />
MEN'S NIGHT - All Day/All-Night Event: Dec. 10<br />
Last Minute Christmas Event: Dec. 17<br />
4177 Petrolia Line, Petrolia • (519) 882-1840 Mon-Fri 9-9, Sat 9-6, Sun10-5<br />
A Cappella Singing with<br />
Seaway Sounds Chorus<br />
Do you love <strong>to</strong> sing but don’t want <strong>to</strong><br />
sing solo? Have you been <strong>to</strong>ld you can’t<br />
sing? Do you know that is just because<br />
you are probably not singing the right<br />
part? Seaway Sounds sings 4-part<br />
harmony and you will likely fit in<strong>to</strong> one<br />
of those parts. <strong>The</strong> 4 parts are Tenor<br />
(the cherry on <strong>to</strong>p), Lead (usually the<br />
melody), the Bari<strong>to</strong>ne (is like Tigger…<br />
jumps above and below the Leads)<br />
and Bass (the foundation of the 4-part<br />
chord!).<br />
Seaway Sounds is part of the Sweet<br />
Adelines International organization and<br />
our chorus has been chartered for 41<br />
years. When you join Seaway Sounds,<br />
not only are you developing new<br />
friendships with the chorus, you become<br />
a part of a world-wide organization and<br />
through time and attending regional<br />
events, you will expand your list<br />
of friends even more!<br />
By Diane Lambert<br />
We want your<br />
pho<strong>to</strong>s, s<strong>to</strong>ries<br />
& anecdotes<br />
showcasing<br />
Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n!<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE<br />
CLUB<br />
Send them <strong>to</strong><br />
info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
We also welcome your ideas,<br />
comments or questions.<br />
<strong>The</strong> most important aspect of this<br />
chorus is the singing. Our Direc<strong>to</strong>r,<br />
Michelle St. Onge-Mitchell, has been<br />
a Direc<strong>to</strong>r for many years and her<br />
passion, energy, skill and performance<br />
abilities make each chorus member do<br />
their best!<br />
Seaway Sounds is recruiting so if<br />
you want more information, please call<br />
our Membership Chair, Diane Lambert<br />
at 519-344-8621 or email Diane at<br />
dllfox1952@gmail.com. We have a<br />
website - check it out!<br />
www.seawaysounds.com<br />
This may be the right fit for you and<br />
for us…only one way <strong>to</strong> find out!<br />
Remember When?<br />
By Dorothy Johnson, Petrolia<br />
Can you smell it?<br />
That tantalizing odour that’s<br />
wafting its way out the kitchen<br />
door. It’s a welcome home after<br />
the long walk home from school or<br />
wherever you’ve been or whatever<br />
your age.<br />
“Mom’s baking cookies,” and you<br />
just can’t wait <strong>to</strong> taste them.<br />
I dedicate this wee poem <strong>to</strong> my<br />
mom, Pearl, who made the best as<br />
I remember.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Cookie Jar<br />
My Mother always <strong>to</strong>ld me,<br />
To keep my cookie jar full,<br />
So when unexpected company comes<br />
It will help you, your duties <strong>to</strong> fulfill.<br />
A plate of cookies and cup of tea,<br />
Will put your guests at ease,<br />
And often one will shyly ask,<br />
May I have your recipe please?<br />
And when your hubby gets<br />
A craving for a snack,<br />
You’ll know he’s been in the cookie jar,<br />
When you hear the lid “click” back.<br />
When a Grandmother you become<br />
To sweet little lasses and lads,<br />
<strong>The</strong>y will get the hungries that will not keep,<br />
So a cookie will make them glad.<br />
And so it’s proven <strong>to</strong> be true<br />
That happy all will be<br />
As long as you keep some cookies on hand<br />
For any emergency.<br />
THE WALK<br />
Dad’s Cookies<br />
Mix <strong>to</strong>gether:<br />
1¾ cups all purpose flour<br />
2½ cups minute oatmeal<br />
1 tsp. baking powder<br />
1 tsp. baking soda<br />
½ tsp. salt<br />
Set aside.<br />
Cream <strong>to</strong>gether:<br />
1 cup margarine softened)<br />
1 cup brown sugar<br />
1 cup white sugar<br />
Stir in:<br />
2 eggs & 2 tsp. vanilla<br />
Add:<br />
1 cup raisins or<br />
chocolate chips<br />
½ cup chopped walnuts<br />
1 cup flaked coconut<br />
Mix in dry ingredients until<br />
blended. Drop by spoonful<br />
on<strong>to</strong> a greased cookie sheet.<br />
Bake at 375˚F for 10 <strong>to</strong> 12<br />
minutes or until golden<br />
brown and just slightly soft<br />
on <strong>to</strong>p. Cool for 5 minutes<br />
then remove from pan.<br />
<strong>The</strong>se are really good with<br />
1 cup chocolate chips and 1<br />
cup butterscotch chips; 1 cup<br />
cut mixed fruit at Christmas.<br />
Petrolia’s<br />
Luxury<br />
Down<strong>to</strong>wn<br />
Development<br />
<strong>The</strong> Walk is Petrolia’s only luxury<br />
apartment project in the down<strong>to</strong>wn<br />
core. Within walking distance <strong>to</strong> the<br />
grocery s<strong>to</strong>re, hospital, pharmacies and<br />
more, the location is ideal for adopting<br />
Petrolia’s trendy down<strong>to</strong>wn lifestyle. 519-882-3157<br />
www.albanyretirementvillage.com/the-walk<br />
P A G E<br />
12<br />
Be Thankful For... antiques - they help us remember the past.<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong>
As you may have guessed by now, it’s for people 55+<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
• Fresh Produce<br />
• Fresh Meat<br />
• Party Trays<br />
• Bakery<br />
• Deli<br />
• Bulk Food<br />
• Seasonal<br />
Merchandise<br />
• Flower<br />
Market<br />
SARNIA<br />
519-337-3713<br />
519-834-2833<br />
• AUTO • HOME • FARM<br />
1-800-265-7506 • www.cam-ron.ca<br />
Every Tuesday is SENIORS DISCOUNT DAY<br />
10% OFF for age 60 and over (must tell cashier)<br />
Doesn’t apply <strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong>bacco, lottery or gift cards<br />
Do you live in the<br />
BOONIES?<br />
<strong>The</strong> CLUB is<br />
available at all<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County<br />
libraries<br />
(while they last)!<br />
Vendors<br />
Special<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong><br />
Events<br />
Oil Field His<strong>to</strong>ry... in Action.<br />
1860s Working Oil Field His<strong>to</strong>ric Site<br />
Open Saturdays & Sundays<br />
in September 10am-4pm<br />
Use our easy<br />
ONLINE<br />
Every weekday morning, big orange<br />
school buses snake their way along rural<br />
roads from Newfoundland <strong>to</strong> British<br />
Columbia and every afternoon, they<br />
return along those same routes. Yes,<br />
these vehicles that transport our children<br />
each day are uniquely Canadian.<br />
While I could not confirm exactly<br />
when they began <strong>to</strong> become a familiar<br />
sight on our roadways, I know from<br />
personal experience they have been<br />
in use for at least three generations.<br />
According <strong>to</strong> our parents we had it easy<br />
because, as we heard so often, they “had<br />
<strong>to</strong> walk <strong>to</strong> school, up hill both ways, in<br />
their bare feet... etc.”<br />
Now when I hear complaints about<br />
how long children must stay on the bus<br />
between home and school, I know I am<br />
getting old when I find myself saying,<br />
“well you know, when I was a kid...”<br />
I spent a lot of hours on a school<br />
bus exactly like the one that drives by<br />
my door each day, and unless you have<br />
experienced the ride yourself, no others<br />
will know or understand the unique role<br />
that orange school bus plays in the life<br />
of a child.<br />
‘As-the-wheels-on-the-bus-go-roundand-round,’<br />
there is a lot of learning<br />
www.yourindependentgrocer.ca<br />
We’ll bring your groceries <strong>to</strong> your car!<br />
4136 Petrolia Line,<br />
Petrolia • 519-882-2211<br />
www.yourindependentgrocer.ca<br />
taking place. Children grow up on those<br />
trips back and forth <strong>to</strong> school every<br />
day. Early on, they find their sense of<br />
place. It usually begins simply with the<br />
choosing of a seat.<br />
From grade nine <strong>to</strong> grade twelve, I left<br />
our house at 7:10 a.m. for a 45-mile bus<br />
ride that got me <strong>to</strong> school by 9:00 a.m. I<br />
was the first student <strong>to</strong> climb aboard in<br />
the morning and the last one let off each<br />
night. I chose <strong>to</strong> sit five seats from the<br />
front, on the left hand side.<br />
In a bus, a hierarchy is determined.<br />
<strong>The</strong> more reserved, quiet students sit<br />
closer <strong>to</strong> the front of the bus and the<br />
driver, while those more extroverted<br />
gather closer <strong>to</strong> the rear - the loudest<br />
and rowdiest prefer the very back seats.<br />
I felt most comfortable somewhere in<br />
between.<br />
I was the new kid that first day in<br />
grade nine. <strong>The</strong> secondary school drew<br />
from a different catchment area than<br />
my elementary school, so former school<br />
friends were all sent <strong>to</strong> another school.<br />
I had no his<strong>to</strong>ry with any of those who<br />
got on board the bus, and it was obvious<br />
no one wanted <strong>to</strong> sit with the new kid.<br />
Thankfully I loved <strong>to</strong> read, so I hid my<br />
discomfort in the pages of a book.<br />
MAY 18 TO OCTOBER 19<br />
Saturday Mornings 7:30am-Noon<br />
Fletcher St. (behind Library) 519-882-2350<br />
School Bus Children Learn Lessons In Life<br />
<strong>The</strong> seat beside me<br />
remained empty until<br />
the last leg of the trip,<br />
when a girl named Sheila<br />
dumped herself next <strong>to</strong><br />
me. She became my ‘bus<br />
friend.’<br />
In any other situation,<br />
Sheila and I may not<br />
have been friends at all. I was shy and<br />
skinny, she was outgoing and, <strong>to</strong> put<br />
it quite frankly, already rather wellendowed<br />
for a 14 year old. While she<br />
was quite happy that I saved her a seat<br />
every morning, at night Sheila headed<br />
<strong>to</strong>wards the back of the bus <strong>to</strong> hang out<br />
with, whom I perceived <strong>to</strong> be, the more<br />
popular ‘in’ crowd. But despite attempts<br />
by (usually) boys who tried <strong>to</strong> convince<br />
her <strong>to</strong> share her seat, Sheila saved it for<br />
me. My ‘bus friend’ drew me out of my<br />
shyness. From her I learned about selfconfidence<br />
and self-worth.<br />
On those bus trips I also learned<br />
<strong>to</strong> observe. To wonder about the<br />
white-haired boy who every morning<br />
appeared as if from nowhere at the side<br />
of the road, and rarely spoke. To watch<br />
courtships begin and young couples fall<br />
in love. To feel sorry for the foster boy<br />
Fiery Faces<br />
Oct 17th, 5-8 pm<br />
Community<br />
Carving Night<br />
Oct 18-20, 6-9 pm<br />
Pumpkin Viewing<br />
To Book a Tour ~ call, email or Facebook us!<br />
www.PetroliaDiscovery.org<br />
w.Pe<br />
t<br />
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ery.<br />
org<br />
petroliadiscovery@outlook.com<br />
over<br />
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outl<br />
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ook.co<br />
com<br />
4281 Discovery Line<br />
PETROLIA • 519-882-0897<br />
by Lyn Tremblay • from Daytripping Nov-Dec 2010<br />
who always got in<strong>to</strong><br />
trouble and spent<br />
many trips sitting<br />
in the special<br />
‘reserved’ seat<br />
behind the<br />
bus driver. I<br />
learned disdain<br />
for those who<br />
<strong>to</strong>ok advantage of him.<br />
I learned from that bus driver, a patient<br />
man who drove for many years, seldom<br />
raised his voice, but maintained control<br />
and gained respect the soft-spoken way.<br />
And maneuvered a bus filled with other<br />
people’s most valued possessions, over<br />
dangerous icy roads and through many<br />
snow s<strong>to</strong>rms <strong>to</strong> safety.<br />
I learned patience. Ninety miles a day<br />
is a long time <strong>to</strong> sit still. I also learned<br />
<strong>to</strong> use that time wisely – I studied for<br />
exams!<br />
I learned new words – but not<br />
necessarily what they meant, and surely<br />
not the kind most parents think their<br />
children would know either!<br />
That bus carried a young teenager<br />
in<strong>to</strong> a bigger world beyond her family<br />
farm and small village. It carried her in<strong>to</strong><br />
adulthood.<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong> Be Thankful For... your home. Whatever it may be, be thankful you have one. P A G E 13
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
519-882-4633 • suncoastnaturalhealth.ca<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Cover of the CLUB<br />
Although Newfoundland is where his heart feels at home, Shaun has<br />
happily settled in<strong>to</strong> family life in Corunna. His pho<strong>to</strong>graphy has taken<br />
him all over the world with a focus on travel, wildlife and landscape -<br />
and more recently - lifestyle and pet pho<strong>to</strong>graphy. He has been<br />
featured by Canadian Geographic, CBC, CTV and other outlets. In his<br />
words... “I’m just a regular guy with an immense love of pho<strong>to</strong>graphy.”<br />
Retirement<br />
Village<br />
Down<strong>to</strong>wn Retirement Living<br />
in a Quaint Vic<strong>to</strong>rian Town<br />
How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?<br />
Our local cover<br />
pho<strong>to</strong>grapher is<br />
Shaun Antle<br />
See more of Shaun’s work: ohmenervespho<strong>to</strong>graphy.ca or facebook.com/oh.me.nerves.pho<strong>to</strong>graphy<br />
- Menon this ad for a 15% discount -<br />
Everything for<br />
your Kning,<br />
Crocheng,<br />
Cross Stch &<br />
Needlepoint<br />
Country Yarns Needs!<br />
2776 LaSalle Line, PETROLIA • 519-882-8740<br />
Wed.10-5 • Thurs.10-6 • Fri.10-5 • Sat. 10-3<br />
www.country-yarns.com<br />
www.albanyretirementvillage.com<br />
Call <strong>to</strong> Book a Tour:<br />
423 Albany Street<br />
Petrolia, ON<br />
519-882-3157<br />
Enjoy Friends | Enjoy Independence | Enjoy Life<br />
Wednesday, Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 9,<br />
<strong>2024</strong><br />
BEER<br />
FACTS<br />
After he won the Nobel<br />
Prize, Niels Bohr was given<br />
a perpetual supply of beer<br />
piped in<strong>to</strong> his house.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Code of Hammurabi<br />
decreed that bartenders<br />
who watered down beer<br />
would be executed.<br />
At the Wife Carrying World<br />
Championships, first prize is<br />
the wife’s weight in beer.<br />
A cloud near the<br />
constellation Aquila<br />
contains enough ethyl<br />
alcohol <strong>to</strong> fill 400 trillion<br />
pints of beer.<br />
Coined in the early 1900s,<br />
the word “alcoholiday”<br />
means leisure time spent<br />
drinking.<br />
<strong>The</strong> builders of the Great<br />
Pyramid of Giza were paid<br />
with a daily ration of beer.<br />
SIDETRACKED... As Usual<br />
My best friend accuses me, and<br />
my sister agrees, that I never like <strong>to</strong><br />
commit <strong>to</strong> anything <strong>to</strong>o far ahead or<br />
make many definite plans for even the<br />
next day. I argue, but really its true. I do<br />
like <strong>to</strong> keep my options open. At times<br />
it causes me <strong>to</strong> miss an opportunity,<br />
while some days I experience a lot of<br />
satisfaction. Saturday morning was<br />
just such an experience.<br />
It had been a very busy week,<br />
involving a trip <strong>to</strong> the E.R. for x-rays,<br />
<strong>to</strong> make sure that a slip and fall I had<br />
did not crack any bones, though I was<br />
finding it a bit painful <strong>to</strong> climb the<br />
stairs. So, on Friday evening I climbed<br />
in<strong>to</strong> bed happily promising myself a<br />
lazy day on the sofa with the latest<br />
crossword puzzles and the TV tuned<br />
<strong>to</strong> curling.<br />
In the kitchen the next morning, I<br />
glanced about and noticed, a<strong>to</strong>p one<br />
of the cupboards, a very large cobweb<br />
adorned with a lot of dust. I climbed<br />
up on a chair <strong>to</strong> remove it, and then<br />
realized that all the cupboard <strong>to</strong>ps<br />
were adorned with similar dust<br />
webs. Before I could pour my first<br />
coffee I was up on the counter with<br />
a pail of soapy water, cloths, a roll of<br />
paper <strong>to</strong>wels, and a large spray bottle<br />
containing a mixture guaranteed <strong>to</strong><br />
remove all kitchen grease and dirt, as<br />
well as leave all surfaces germ free. As<br />
I made my way around the kitchen<br />
from one cupboard <strong>to</strong>p <strong>to</strong> the next,<br />
I was as<strong>to</strong>unded <strong>to</strong> notice, on close<br />
inspection, how smudged and stained<br />
the doors were, so I included them in<br />
my spraying and scrubbing. Every few<br />
minutes I would get down, refill my<br />
pail with clean water, or get more paper<br />
<strong>to</strong>weling, and was amazed how easily<br />
I was able <strong>to</strong> make my way around the<br />
kitchen, climbing up and down. As I<br />
traversed the counter <strong>to</strong>ps I began <strong>to</strong><br />
think of myself as Tarzan swinging<br />
through the tree<strong>to</strong>ps in the jungle…<br />
a pretty big reach in comparisons,<br />
but hey… I was actually having fun. I<br />
opened a cupboard door <strong>to</strong> catch any<br />
drips that may be inside, and decided<br />
that a couple of those bowls were<br />
never used and were taking up needed<br />
space. I decided <strong>to</strong> move the shelving<br />
<strong>to</strong> make a bit more room. That done,<br />
I continued my trip <strong>to</strong> the other side of<br />
the sink, noting the incredibly soiled<br />
blinds as I passed. I finished the last of<br />
the <strong>to</strong>p cupboards (more climbing up<br />
and down), then decided <strong>to</strong> attack the<br />
blinds. <strong>The</strong> phone rang and I climbed<br />
down carefully and began searching<br />
for the phone, now on its fourth ring.<br />
Ah, got it, no one on the other end.<br />
Again up on the chair <strong>to</strong> heave myself<br />
<strong>to</strong> the counter <strong>to</strong>p, <strong>to</strong> begin detaching<br />
the valance and its rod from the wall.<br />
Though I was the one that put it there,<br />
for the life of me, I couldn’t remember<br />
how it came off. <strong>The</strong> phone rang,<br />
down I got, getting there in time <strong>to</strong><br />
hear my son’s voice, cheerfully asking<br />
“Whatcha doin’ Ma?”<br />
“Something I do bi-annually,” I said,<br />
”Cleaning the <strong>to</strong>ps of cupboards and<br />
all the stuff up there.”<br />
“Gee, Mom, I really hope you don’t<br />
mean that you only clean that turkey<br />
plate every two years, ‘cause I seem<br />
<strong>to</strong> remember you used it last Easter.”<br />
This remark began a short debate on<br />
the proper use of the English language<br />
and the difference between bi and<br />
By Joan Harder<br />
from Daytripping July-Aug 2011<br />
semi at which time I remarked that<br />
it was incredulous that he knew the<br />
difference, and was immediately<br />
corrected, “You mean incredible don’t<br />
you? But of course, you, being a writer<br />
and all, you would know that?.” I <strong>to</strong>ld<br />
him I loved him and hung up.<br />
On the next trip up <strong>to</strong> the window,<br />
I remembered the way <strong>to</strong> remove the<br />
valance rod, sneezing on the cloud of<br />
dust that hit me when it came loose.<br />
<strong>The</strong>n with just one more venture<br />
down <strong>to</strong> get a screw driver, the blind<br />
was also freed. I spread the blind on<br />
<strong>to</strong>p of the plastic table cloth, sprayed<br />
it liberally with the miracle cleaning<br />
stuff, and began scrubbing each slat<br />
separately, while listening <strong>to</strong> CBC<br />
radio’s “Quirks and Quarks” and a<br />
lively debate on the pros and cons of<br />
cake as opposed <strong>to</strong> pie. I got quite<br />
in<strong>to</strong> the debate and in no time my<br />
scrubbing had reached the bot<strong>to</strong>m<br />
slat, at exactly the same time that<br />
“Pie” was pronounced the winner<br />
over “Cake,” and I agreed. I shook the<br />
valance vigorously and watched the<br />
dust disappear <strong>to</strong>ward the neighbor’s<br />
house. Only three more climbs and<br />
the window was neatly covered with<br />
blind and valance. I stepped back<br />
<strong>to</strong> survey the finished product, and<br />
realized that everything was shiny<br />
clean, but the patterned print of the<br />
valance was now <strong>to</strong>wards the wall and<br />
the lining was facing out, and frankly,<br />
I didn’t give a damn!!!<br />
I am delighted <strong>to</strong> report that I now<br />
am able <strong>to</strong> run up and down the stairs<br />
without pain. Oh, yes, and I still had<br />
time <strong>to</strong> watch the curling and have my<br />
first cup of coffee!<br />
P A G E<br />
14<br />
Be Thankful For... walking through the leaves, or jumping in a freshly raked pile.<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong>
Cut out this list and tell your friends about it... great deals!<br />
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<strong>The</strong> DISCOUNT LIST<br />
A list i of o local discountsi<br />
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benefit n<br />
efi t<br />
people ple e over e acertain a a i<br />
age.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
THE<br />
LIST<br />
Sponsored By:<br />
TOWN<br />
AGE+<br />
BRIGHTS GROVE Shoppers Drug Mart 20% OFF Thursdays ask 519-869-4224<br />
CORUNNA Corunna Foodland 2% OFF Wednesdays 60+ 519-862-5213<br />
Corunna Pharmasave 15% OFF Tuesdays & Fridays 60+ 519-862-2020<br />
Shoppers Drug Mart 20% OFF Thursdays ask 519-862-1451<br />
FOREST CDS Pharmacy 15% OFF Wednesdays 60+ 519-786-2104<br />
Forest Foodland 2% OFF Wednesdays 60+ 519-786-2321<br />
Forest Naturals & Home Health 10% OFF Wednesdays 60+ 226-520-0054<br />
Forest Pharmasave 15% OFF Wednesdays 60+ 519-786-5161<br />
Williamson Farms Country S<strong>to</strong>re Various Wednesdays 55+ 226-520-0144<br />
PETROLIA Bargain Shop 20-30% 1st Wednesday of month 60+ 519-882-0057<br />
Country Yarns 15% OFF See ad in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> all ages 519-882-8740<br />
Gramma’s Candy S<strong>to</strong>re 5% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-882-1212<br />
Heidi’s Your Independent Grocer 10% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-882-2211<br />
Hogan Pharmacy 20% OFF Wednesdays 60+ 519-882-1840<br />
Johnny G’s Premium Pizza 15% OFF Tuesdays 55+ 519-882-2000<br />
M&M Food Market 10% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-882-4316<br />
McDonald’s 20% OFF* Coffee/Tea daily 55+ 519-882-3678<br />
Subway 25% OFF Mondays 55+ 519-882-4215<br />
SunCoast Natural Health 15% OFF Every day 65+ 226-307-0694<br />
PT EDWARD Twin Bridge Lighting 15% OFF Mondays 55+ 519-344-3535<br />
SARNIA Bulk Barn 10% OFF Wednesdays 65+ 519-542-6668<br />
Cameron Paint 15% OFF Wednesdays 55+ 519-491-9994<br />
Cameron Paint 20% OFF 1st Friday of month all ages 519-491-9994<br />
Cus<strong>to</strong>m Plumbing 10% OFF Every day 65+ 519-337-1545<br />
Generation Paint Company 15% OFF Every day 65+ 519-330-4424<br />
Giant Tiger 10% OFF Ist Monday of month 65+ 519-336-0831<br />
Goodwill 25% OFF 2nd Monday of month 55+ 519-541-9273<br />
London Road Pharmacy 20% OFF Thursdays 60+ 519-491-6778<br />
M&M Food Market 10% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-542-8398<br />
McDonald’s 20% OFF* Coffee/Tea daily 55+ 519-336-7096<br />
Michaels 10% OFF Every day 55+ 519-542-3200<br />
Mission Thrift S<strong>to</strong>re 20% OFF Thursdays 65+ 519-337-1614<br />
OMG Poutine 15% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-491-5563<br />
Petsmart 10% OFF Grooming on Tuesdays 65+ 519-542-2822<br />
Peavey Mart 20% OFF Last Tuesday of month 55+ 519-542-4091<br />
Pet Valu 10% OFF Last Thursday of month 60+ 519-541-0468<br />
Ren’s Pets 10% OFF Last Wed. of month 60+ 519-333-6606<br />
Rexall Pharmacy 20% OFF Tuesdays 55+ 519-332-5575<br />
Russell Street Home Hardware 20% OFF See ad in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> 60+ 519-383-0688<br />
Salvation Army Thrift S<strong>to</strong>re 20% OFF Wednesdays 60+ 519-344-3781<br />
Sarnia Pharmacy 10% OFF Tuesdays and Fridays 65+ 519-337-3215<br />
Shoppers Drug Mart 20% OFF Thursdays ask 519-337-3727<br />
Value Village 30% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-541-0153<br />
STRATHROY M&M Food Market 10% OFF Tuesdays 60+ 519-245-6355<br />
McDonald’s 20% OFF* Coffee/Tea daily 55+ 519-245-3821<br />
WYOMING Wyoming Tree Service 10% OFF Every day 65+ 519-845-0847<br />
Call 519-491-1676 or email info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca <strong>to</strong> add one!<br />
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FALL <strong>2024</strong> Be Thankful For... your parents. <strong>The</strong>y are a big part of how you became you. P A G E 15
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
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<strong>The</strong>atre Sarnia has announced its<br />
highly anticipated <strong>2024</strong>-2025 season at<br />
the his<strong>to</strong>ric Imperial <strong>The</strong>atre, promising<br />
a captivating mix of timeless classics,<br />
heartfelt dramas, and contemporary<br />
masterpieces. Executive Direc<strong>to</strong>r Brian<br />
Austin Jr. shared his enthusiasm for<br />
the upcoming season, highlighting the<br />
range of productions that will enchant<br />
audiences from September through<br />
May.<br />
“Our new season offers something for<br />
everyone,” said Brian Austin Jr. “From<br />
the magical enchantment of Cinderella<br />
<strong>to</strong> the intense thrilling drama of Misery,<br />
we’ve curated a lineup that celebrates<br />
the diversity and transformative power<br />
of theatre. We’re excited <strong>to</strong> welcome<br />
audiences back for what promises <strong>to</strong> be<br />
an unforgettable year.”<br />
Kicking off the season from September<br />
20-28, <strong>2024</strong>, is the enchanting Rodgers<br />
& Hammerstein’s Cinderella. This fresh<br />
Broadway adaptation of the beloved<br />
musical features iconic songs such as<br />
“In My Own Little Corner,” “Impossible/<br />
It’s Possible,” and “Ten Minutes<br />
Ago,” with a modern, humorous,<br />
I look forward <strong>to</strong> each and every issue. I can hardly wait <strong>to</strong> sit down<br />
and go through it. I deliver issues <strong>to</strong> my friends who tell me how much<br />
they appreciate getting the issue. Please keep it coming.<br />
Barb Neely<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> is the finest periodical in the entire area.<br />
Alice Frew<br />
Drop us a line… we’d love <strong>to</strong> know what you think!<br />
info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca or message on Facebook<br />
Feedback<br />
Comments from Our Readers<br />
Send your thoughts ts <strong>to</strong> info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
th<br />
ec<br />
lu<br />
ca<br />
or comment me t<br />
on our Facebook ok page<br />
<strong>The</strong>atre Sarnia Unveils a Spectacular<br />
<strong>2024</strong>-2025 Season at the Imperial <strong>The</strong>atre<br />
and romantic libret<strong>to</strong> by Tony Award<br />
nominee Douglas Carter Beane. Under<br />
the direction of Henri Canino, with<br />
choreography by Jackie Burns and<br />
musical direction by Chris McCloskey,<br />
audiences will be<br />
transported <strong>to</strong> a world<br />
of magic and dreams.<br />
Stage management<br />
will be handled by<br />
Kate Hardy.<br />
Following this,<br />
from Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 23-27,<br />
<strong>2024</strong>, <strong>The</strong>atre Sarnia<br />
presents <strong>The</strong> Last<br />
Romance, a <strong>to</strong>uching<br />
comedy exploring the<br />
power of love later in<br />
life. <strong>The</strong> s<strong>to</strong>ry follows<br />
Ralph, a widower who finds a second<br />
chance at romance with the elegant<br />
Carol. Directed by Jane Janes and<br />
stage managed by Diane Vienneau,<br />
this heartwarming tale reminds us that<br />
love can come when we least expect it.<br />
“<strong>The</strong> Last Romance is a beautiful s<strong>to</strong>ry<br />
that shows how love can rejuvenate the<br />
spirit,” noted Austin Jr.<br />
For those who enjoy suspense,<br />
Misery offers a thrilling experience from<br />
January 29-February 2, 2025, based<br />
on Stephen King’s acclaimed novel.<br />
This gripping tale follows novelist Paul<br />
Sheldon, who is held<br />
captive by his fan<br />
Annie Wilkes after a<br />
car crash. As Annie’s<br />
obsession grows,<br />
Paul’s life hangs in<br />
the balance. Directed<br />
by Ian Alexander and<br />
stage managed by<br />
Cara Bootland, this<br />
intense production<br />
will keep audiences<br />
on the edge of<br />
their seats. “Misery<br />
is a masterclass in suspense and<br />
psychological drama,” Austin Jr. added.<br />
In the spring, from April 2-6, 2025,<br />
Mom’s Gift blends comedy and drama,<br />
revolving around a family dealing with<br />
the ghost of their mother, who must<br />
complete a mission <strong>to</strong> earn her wings.<br />
Only her daughter can see and hear her,<br />
adding complexity <strong>to</strong> their interactions<br />
and unearthing family secrets. Directed<br />
by Dianne Visser and stage managed<br />
by Maddisyn Fisher, this play promises<br />
laughter and heartfelt moments. Austin<br />
Jr. remarked, “Mom’s Gift is both funny<br />
and deeply moving, making it a mustsee.”<br />
Closing the season is the revolutionary<br />
musical Rent, running from May 23-31,<br />
2025. Celebrating love, life, and the<br />
bohemian spirit in New York City’s East<br />
Village, Rent has won the Tony Award for<br />
Best Musical and the Pulitzer Prize for<br />
Drama. It features unforgettable songs<br />
and a powerful narrative about young<br />
artists navigating love and life under the<br />
shadow of HIV/AIDS. Directed by Kate<br />
Hardy, with choreography by Olivia<br />
Gogas and Bethany Tiegs, and musical<br />
direction by Denise Chaulk and Valerie<br />
Schmidt, this production will resonate<br />
with audiences through its passionate<br />
s<strong>to</strong>rytelling. Emma Van Barneveld<br />
serves as the stage manager. “Rent is<br />
a cultural phenomenon that continues<br />
<strong>to</strong> inspire and move audiences,” said<br />
Austin Jr. “We are thrilled <strong>to</strong> bring this<br />
iconic musical <strong>to</strong> our stage.”<br />
P A G E<br />
16<br />
Be Thankful For... veterans - we owe our freedom <strong>to</strong> them.<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong>
It’s the advertising that makes this magazine possible, and free!<br />
THE CLUB <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Celebrating 30 Years in Sarnia, Ontario<br />
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Clichés<br />
by<br />
Blanche Haskett • from Daytripping March-April 2012<br />
ACROSS<br />
Cliché’s! It seems I’ve been hearing<br />
them all my life, but what are cliché’s?<br />
Cliché’s are little bits of wisdom,<br />
perhaps, that have been passed down<br />
through the ages. Some of them make a<br />
lot of sense while others do not.<br />
Like, “home is where the heart is.”<br />
Well my heart goes wherever I go, so<br />
my home is wherever I am. I’m sure<br />
glad I don’t have the expense of the<br />
upkeep of all my homes. I would be in<br />
the poor house by now. Poor me!<br />
“Money isn’t everything” may<br />
be true, but it can be a darn good<br />
substitute and mighty handy when<br />
you’re down <strong>to</strong> your last slice of bread.<br />
Speaking of bread, “man cannot live<br />
by bread alone.” As children,<br />
my siblings and I proved<br />
that wrong many times<br />
over.<br />
Cliché’s contradict<br />
themselves. One tells<br />
us <strong>to</strong> ‘look before you<br />
leap,” while another<br />
one says “he who<br />
hesitates is lost.” It<br />
seems I’ve been looking<br />
and hesitating at the wrong<br />
times all my life.<br />
“Never put off until <strong>to</strong>morrow<br />
what you can do <strong>to</strong>day.” Good advice,<br />
but my mot<strong>to</strong> has always been “never<br />
do <strong>to</strong>day what you can put off until<br />
<strong>to</strong>morrow.” Hey! It works for me!<br />
“<strong>The</strong>re’s more than one way <strong>to</strong> skin a<br />
cat.” C’mon, what kind of people make<br />
up these crazy sayings? My question is<br />
– who would want <strong>to</strong>?<br />
“You eat like a bird.” If we did, we’d<br />
probably all look like the Goodyear<br />
blimp! As I understand it, those little<br />
Life is a Bowl of Cherries<br />
creatures eat a peck at a time.<br />
“Never put the cart before the horse.”<br />
Good sound advice. I’ve yet <strong>to</strong> see a<br />
horse that can push as good as it pulls.<br />
“Drown your troubles.” From many<br />
years of experience I’ve learned those<br />
little devil’s can swim better than<br />
Marilyn Bell.<br />
“Life is a bowl of cherries.” Let me<br />
set you straight. Sometimes it’s the pits.<br />
“Time heals all wounds” is probably<br />
true, but I had an acquaintance once<br />
who was a real jerk. We lost contact,<br />
but a couple years ago I heard he broke<br />
a leg in a skiing accident. I thought, yes,<br />
time heals all wounds but I was very<br />
happy <strong>to</strong> know that eventually, time<br />
also wounds all heels.<br />
“You can’t make a silk<br />
purse out of a sow’s ear.”<br />
Again, my question<br />
comes <strong>to</strong> mind – who<br />
would want <strong>to</strong>?<br />
“You drive a hard<br />
bargain.” I own a<br />
second hand car so I<br />
know how hard it is <strong>to</strong><br />
drive a bargain.<br />
“Keep your ear <strong>to</strong> the<br />
ground.” An impossibility, I’d<br />
say. Can you imagine how hard it is<br />
<strong>to</strong> walk in that position? Con<strong>to</strong>rtionist<br />
or what?<br />
“You can always tell a man in love.”<br />
<strong>The</strong> trouble is, he never listens.<br />
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”<br />
In these days I think beauty is in the<br />
eyes of the beer holder.<br />
“Nobody’s perfect.” <strong>The</strong>re are only<br />
two perfect people in the world. <strong>The</strong>re’s<br />
you and there’s me and sometimes I<br />
wonder about you.<br />
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FALL <strong>2024</strong> Be Thankful For... farmers. Thanksgiving is a perfect time <strong>to</strong> appreciate their work. P A G E 17
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
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<strong>The</strong><br />
My husband (who is<br />
convinced he is a better<br />
driver than anyone) was<br />
driving when he saw the<br />
flash of a traffic camera. He<br />
figured that his picture had<br />
been taken for exceeding<br />
the limit even though he<br />
knew that he was not<br />
speeding. Just <strong>to</strong> be sure,<br />
he went around the block<br />
and passed the same spot,<br />
driving even more slowly,<br />
but again the camera<br />
flashed. Now he began <strong>to</strong><br />
think that this was quite<br />
funny, so he drove even<br />
slower as he passed the<br />
area once more, but the<br />
traffic camera again<br />
flashed. He tried a fourth<br />
and fifth time with the same<br />
results and was now<br />
laughing as the camera<br />
flashed while he rolled past<br />
at a snail’s pace.<br />
Two weeks later he got five<br />
tickets in the mail for<br />
driving without a seat belt.<br />
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Ch Cha Changing<br />
Seasons<br />
Courtesy of<br />
Sipkens Nurseries<br />
Take a deep breath. <strong>The</strong> morning fresh air has a delightful aroma. Sunshine<br />
landing on a few new blossoms. Cool and clear air after a rain. A <strong>to</strong>uch of frost on<br />
the landscape. Summer turns <strong>to</strong> fall so very quickly it seems. Where did the time<br />
go?<br />
Breathe again, every breath is a new gift. Enjoy each day, don’t rush them away<br />
or try <strong>to</strong> live in the past. Now is as romantic a time of year as spring <strong>to</strong> enjoy a<br />
stroll in the garden or your favourite park.<br />
<strong>Fall</strong> for me always has the joy of harvest. Finding abundant produce from<br />
summer work in the garden, picking the most imperfect pumpkin or knobby<br />
gourd, watching the plants slow down their above ground exuberance, digging<br />
up sweet pota<strong>to</strong>es or the regular type, picking Zinnias and other fall beauties.<br />
September and Oc<strong>to</strong>ber yield so much of summer’s bounty.<br />
All summer, at the greenhouse, we are tending thousands of plants which come<br />
in<strong>to</strong> their most glorious showcase—just in time for fall. <strong>The</strong> ever-exuberant Mum,<br />
millet grass, ornamental kale and peppers, brown eyed susan, and many others.<br />
Take a few minutes <strong>to</strong> pick out some fresh colour <strong>to</strong> welcome a new season. It is a<br />
quick exchange <strong>to</strong> move from summer annuals <strong>to</strong> fabulous fall.<br />
I always enjoy fall flowers and foliage, picking and eating produce, some of<br />
which I planted and tended <strong>to</strong>, some from a farmers’ market, or a friend’s garden.<br />
Remembering where our food comes from, the hands that worked for it, and<br />
being thankful for so many blessings, is such a necessary activity. Celebrate every<br />
day and be grateful!<br />
Here below are some helpful hints for your Autumn checklist:<br />
❏ Care for your lawn so it can<br />
rebuild during cooler seasons with<br />
fertilizer or seed.<br />
❏ Finely mulch leaves so they do<br />
not smother your grass and return<br />
nutrients <strong>to</strong> the earth.<br />
❏ Top up mulch in gardens <strong>to</strong><br />
insulate new plantings and refresh<br />
the look of your home.<br />
❏ Change out your summer<br />
seasonal flowers for fresh autumn<br />
colours and harvest bounty,<br />
and then change up <strong>to</strong> fresh<br />
greenery boughs and berries<br />
(mid November) <strong>to</strong> create a<br />
warm welcome <strong>to</strong> your guests <strong>to</strong><br />
welcome winter.<br />
❏ Plant your seed garlic for next<br />
summer harvest.<br />
❏ Add compost and manure <strong>to</strong><br />
your gardens <strong>to</strong> improve the soil<br />
fertility.<br />
❏ Prepare your vegetable garden<br />
for next season by clearing out<br />
the weeds and plant waste and<br />
turning in compost <strong>to</strong> make spring<br />
preparation a breeze<br />
❏ Collect seeds from your favourite<br />
summer annuals and heirloom<br />
vegetables <strong>to</strong> sow next year.<br />
❏ Create a habitat for the wild<br />
creatures in your yard with an<br />
area left ‘wild and untended’ with<br />
branches and leaves.<br />
❏ Remember our feathered friends<br />
by leaving out seed heads and<br />
putting out feeders and a water<br />
supply.<br />
❏ Clean up empty pots and trays<br />
and return for recycle or reuse.<br />
❏ Put a simple act of kindness in<strong>to</strong><br />
action. It often spreads further<br />
than you will ever know.<br />
P A G E<br />
18<br />
Be Thankful For... your career - especially if you managed <strong>to</strong> find one that you’ve loved.<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong>
Many of the articles are from the archives of Daytripping Magazine.<br />
Visit Sarnia’s Best Lile<br />
Family Shoe S<strong>to</strong>re Today!<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
We’re here<br />
<strong>to</strong> help YOU<br />
hear better!<br />
Do you know someone living with dementia?<br />
3 out of 5 people living with<br />
dementia will go missing at some<br />
point, a frightening experience,<br />
and a dangerous one.<br />
That’s why the Alzheimer Society<br />
of Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n is partnering<br />
with <strong>The</strong> Sarnia Police Services and<br />
OPP <strong>to</strong> provide an opportunity for<br />
individuals living with dementia <strong>to</strong><br />
be registered as someone at risk of<br />
going missing. Critical information<br />
collected provides searchers with<br />
quick access <strong>to</strong> key information <strong>to</strong><br />
assist in locating the individual and<br />
returning them home safely.<br />
Registration<br />
is easy!<br />
TOP 10<br />
Billboard Hits<br />
Country Hits<br />
565 Murphy Rd • 519-383-0588 • shoeboxsarnia.ca<br />
EDAEMTIN ______________________<br />
SMNIGSI ________________________<br />
ISKR ____________________________<br />
NFMINATOOIR __________________<br />
NIGOACLT_______________________<br />
DAIVUILIDN _____________________<br />
ERLZAIMESH ____________________<br />
SAWEERNSA ____________________<br />
EDSISEA ________________________<br />
OVEL ___________________________<br />
TPOPRSU _______________________<br />
Let’s all do our part <strong>to</strong> help individuals with<br />
dementia live safely in our community.<br />
Simply call Alzheimer Society Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n<br />
at 519 332 4444 <strong>to</strong> learn how.<br />
1944<br />
1 Bing Crosby Swinging On a Star<br />
2 Bing Crosby & <strong>The</strong> Andrews Sisters Don't Fence Me In<br />
3 Bing Crosby I'll Be Seeing You<br />
4 Jimmy Dorsey Bosame Mucho (Kiss Me Much)<br />
5 Dinah Shore I'll Walk Alone<br />
6 Ella Fitzgerald & <strong>The</strong> Ink Spots<br />
In<strong>to</strong> Each Life Some Rain Must <strong>Fall</strong><br />
7 Ella Fitzgerald & <strong>The</strong> Ink Spots I'm Making Believe<br />
8 <strong>The</strong> Mills Brothers You Always Hurt the One You Love<br />
9 Bing Crosby Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ra<br />
10 Bing Crosby I Love You<br />
Source:<br />
playback.fm<br />
1 Red Foley Smoke On <strong>The</strong> Water<br />
2 <strong>The</strong> King Cole Trio Straighten Up And Fly Right<br />
3 Louis Jordan Is You Is or Is You Ain't (Ma' Baby)<br />
4 Tex Ritter I'm Wastin' My Tears on You<br />
5 Louis Jordan Ration Blues<br />
6 Ernest Tubb Soldier's Last Letter<br />
7 Al Dexter Too Late <strong>to</strong> Worry<br />
8 Al Dexter So Long Pal<br />
9 Ernest Tubb Try Me One More Time<br />
10 5 Red Caps I Learned A Lesson, I'll Never Forget<br />
Movies<br />
Going My Way<br />
Best Motion Picture<br />
Meet Me in St. Louis<br />
Bathing Beauty<br />
Two Girls and a Sailor<br />
Wilson<br />
Source:<br />
playback.fm<br />
Snow White<br />
and the Seven Dwarves<br />
Source: the-numbers.com<br />
“Attitude is more<br />
important than the past,<br />
than education, than money,<br />
than circumstances, than<br />
what people do or say.<br />
It is more important than<br />
appearance, giftedness<br />
or skill.”<br />
Ta<br />
We were invited <strong>to</strong> go <strong>to</strong> a wedding<br />
next month. Clem isn’t the fancy kind so<br />
we don’t much go anywhere where I have<br />
<strong>to</strong> get all gussied up, but this was one of<br />
those times, and I knew I’d have <strong>to</strong> put on<br />
a dress.<br />
<strong>The</strong> last time my varicose-veined legs<br />
were sticking out for the world <strong>to</strong> see<br />
was when Clem and I threw a surprise<br />
anniversary in the barn for my out-laws.<br />
Boy time flies by, already five years ago. I<br />
wanted <strong>to</strong> wear my coveralls, being barn<br />
and all, but Clem insisted I wear a dress,<br />
‘<strong>to</strong> look like a lady’, he said. That was not<br />
a day I wanted <strong>to</strong> remember, so when it<br />
was all over, I threw that darn dress in the<br />
bot<strong>to</strong>m of the old rotting cedar chest the<br />
out-laws had given us when Clem and I<br />
were churched.<br />
So this was a day it had <strong>to</strong> be revived<br />
from that musty old place. Other than a<br />
few wrinkles, it looked in good shape. <strong>The</strong><br />
only thing out of shape was me. It was<br />
clear from the start that the darn dress<br />
had shrunk in that old chest, as it would<br />
hardly go over my head, and it got stuck<br />
on my chest, and no amount of teasing<br />
and coaxing would convince it <strong>to</strong> go over<br />
my belly let alone my hips. I barely got the<br />
darn thing off.<br />
This dress fitting brought <strong>to</strong> mind when<br />
I was going <strong>to</strong> my first prom. My mother<br />
had bought a new dress for me, sort of<br />
tight, but I thought if I wore it around the<br />
house it would stretch, somewhat like<br />
tight jeans. I had <strong>to</strong> get in<strong>to</strong> a pair of silk<br />
s<strong>to</strong>ckings, the kind with the darn seam<br />
going up the back (for those of you who<br />
remember). Now the only way <strong>to</strong> hold<br />
them up was a garter belt, or a girdle<br />
and I knew the only way I was going <strong>to</strong><br />
look decent was <strong>to</strong> get in<strong>to</strong> a girdle. I<br />
realized this was not going <strong>to</strong> be an easy<br />
task, because with a body like mine, you<br />
grunted, heaved, held your breath <strong>to</strong> the<br />
count of fifty, laid on a bed and wriggled,<br />
trying <strong>to</strong> get that boomerang elastic thing<br />
on. Mission accomplished meant you<br />
looked like you had a skinny tummy and<br />
hips, but the extra few pounds went <strong>to</strong><br />
your chest <strong>to</strong> make you look like a muffin<br />
~<br />
W. C. Fields<br />
• Hearing Assessments for 5 years and older<br />
• Tinnitus Evaluation & Treatment<br />
• Hearing Aids & Assistive Listening Devices<br />
• Hearing Aid Accessories & Batteries<br />
• Providing hearing care for<br />
Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n since 1988<br />
SARNIA • 519-542-0569<br />
102-1433 London Road<br />
PETROLIA • 226-738-0401<br />
4-4119 Petrolia Line<br />
www.lamb<strong>to</strong>naudiology.com<br />
By Liz Underhill<br />
from Daytripping<br />
Summer 2010<br />
“Girdle Blues”<br />
<strong>to</strong>p in a Triple E.<br />
Sometimes those<br />
spare pockets<br />
of fat rocketed up <strong>to</strong><br />
your chin. That’s how we<br />
women developed the<br />
double chin. Now if it went<br />
south, it squeezed out below<br />
the girdle itself. I was the<br />
only gal in <strong>to</strong>wn with rolls that<br />
hung down <strong>to</strong> her knees.<br />
Now add that <strong>to</strong> the<br />
problem of pulling on those<br />
darn s<strong>to</strong>ckings. I had <strong>to</strong> roll those dainty<br />
things down so I could insert my calloused<br />
feet in<strong>to</strong> them, but first I had <strong>to</strong> bend over<br />
<strong>to</strong> reach my feet. I was lucky <strong>to</strong> be able<br />
<strong>to</strong> breathe let alone twist around <strong>to</strong> make<br />
sure that back seam was straight. That all<br />
finished, I felt great.<br />
Do you know where they came up with<br />
the idea for the barbershop red-striped<br />
flagpole? That was from me. <strong>The</strong>y copied<br />
that design from the red welt marks left<br />
around my legs when the elastic in the<br />
girdle broke loose from the pressure of<br />
trying <strong>to</strong> hold the whole of me in one<br />
shapely place. To <strong>to</strong>p it off, those darn<br />
s<strong>to</strong>ckings stayed hooked <strong>to</strong> the girdle.<br />
<strong>The</strong>y wrapped around my legs like a<br />
spinning <strong>to</strong>p while my <strong>to</strong>es bore holes<br />
through the soles of the s<strong>to</strong>ckings. It was<br />
those darn s<strong>to</strong>ckings that left those welts<br />
after they exploded and went airborne<br />
from the sheer speed and landed, along<br />
with that elastic <strong>to</strong>rture chamber, on the<br />
chandelier.<br />
I let out a gush of breath and <strong>to</strong>re a hole<br />
in my prom dress. When I looked up, I<br />
saw two brown things hanging from the<br />
underbelly of the light. It reminded me<br />
of our pet cow Crocket just after she had<br />
been milked. I knew then I had <strong>to</strong> do some<br />
major overhauls <strong>to</strong> the prom dress, but<br />
considered myself lucky when I examined<br />
myself in the mirror and realized I still had<br />
my teeth.<br />
That memory was <strong>to</strong>o much, I couldn’t<br />
face another trial like that, so I declined<br />
the wedding invite.<br />
Ms. Klara<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong> Be Thankful For... your health - value it because who knows how long it will last. P A G E 19
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
Upcoming<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
EVENTS<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE<br />
CLUB<br />
Events are listed FREE for<br />
non-profit groups<br />
(space<br />
perming).<br />
Dates/times subjest <strong>to</strong> change. We recommend that you check ahead.<br />
weekdays Sarnia Weekly adult activities at Strangway Centre, Sarnia sarnia.ca 332-0656<br />
weekdays TV Low Impact Fitness on Your TV, Cogeco, 9am Cogeco Channel 700<br />
weekdays TV Balanced Yoga on YourTV Cogeco, 9:30am Cogeco Channel 700<br />
weekdays Sarnia Mall Walking, visit Guest Services <strong>to</strong> sign up www.lamb<strong>to</strong>nmall.com<br />
weekdays various Wellness Programs by North Lamb<strong>to</strong>n CHC. Pre-reg. www.nlchc.com<br />
weekdays Sarnia Day Hospice St. Joseph’s Hospice, Reg. required 519-337-0537<br />
monthly various Book <strong>Club</strong>s and events at Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County Libraries lclibrary.libnet.info/events<br />
monthly various LEO Diners <strong>Club</strong>, Hot Lunch, pre-reg. required 519-845-1353 ext 301<br />
Mon Corunna Pepper, Corunna Legion, 1pm www.corunnalegion.ca<br />
Mon (last) online Drop in & Chat, Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Ont Ances<strong>to</strong>rs, (not in Dec) www.lamb<strong>to</strong>n.ogs.on.ca<br />
Mon (4th) Forest Buddy Check Coffee, Free Support Group, 11am Legion www.forestlegion.ca<br />
Mon (2nd) Sarnia Buddy Check Coffee, Free Support Group, 11am Legion svance505@gmail.com<br />
Mon Wyoming Forever Fit with LEO, Wyoming Legion, 9:30am 519-845-1353 ext 301<br />
Tues (2nd) online Zoom Genealogy meetings, 7-8:15pm, Free www.lamb<strong>to</strong>n.ogs.on.ca<br />
Tues (alt) Petrolia Meat Raffle - 6:30 at Black Gold Brewery, Kiwanis www.petroliakiwanis.ca<br />
Tues Petrolia Yoga - Petrolia Legion, 7pm, pre-register www.petrolialegion216.ca<br />
Wed Br Grove Meat Raffle, 5-7pm, Huron Oaks Golf Course FB Sarnia Lakeshore Optimist <strong>Club</strong><br />
Wed (1st) Forest Kiwanis Bingo at Legion, 7pm info@forestkiwanis.org<br />
Wed Forest Darts, Forest Legion, 7pm www.forestlegion.ca<br />
Wed (<strong>to</strong> Oct 9) Grand Bend Farmers’ Market, Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Heritage Mus. 9am-1pm lamb<strong>to</strong>nshoresmarkets@gmail.com<br />
Wed (3rd) Oil Springs Meeting Night at Oil Springs Legion, 7pm FB Oil Springs Legion<br />
Wed (3rd) Petrolia Jamboree, Soft Rock, Country. Lunch 12-1pm $10, 1-4pm petrolialegion216.ca<br />
Wed (2nd) Petrolia Lions Gift Card Bingo, Petrolia Lions Hall 7pm 519-882-8728<br />
Wed Sarnia Triple C Carvers, Royal Cdn Naval Assoc, 8:30am-noon www.tripleccarvers.ca<br />
Wed Corunna Forever Fit with LEO, 9:30am 519-845-1353 ext 301<br />
Wed (1st) Wyoming Meat Bingo, Wyoming Lions Hall 7pm FB Wyoming Lions <strong>Club</strong><br />
Thurs Corunna Cribbage, Corunna Legion 1pm www.corunnalegion.ca<br />
Thurs Forest Shuffleboard, Forest Legion 10am, starting Oct. 12 www.forestlegion.ca<br />
Thurs Forest Euchre, Forest Legion 1:30pm. starting Oct. 12 www.forestlegion.ca<br />
Thurs Petrolia Darts, Petrolia Legion 7pm www.petrolialegion216.ca<br />
Thurs Petrolia Meat Raffle, Petrolia Optimist <strong>Club</strong>, Crabby Joe’s 6pm www.lcpetroliaoptimist.org<br />
Thurs Sarnia Park Nite at Canatara Park, 5pm <strong>to</strong> dusk, thru Sept 26 FB Sarnia Street Cruisers<br />
Thurs Sarnia Catch the Ace, Trivia Night, Sarnia Legion www.sarnialegion.com<br />
Fri Corunna Bridge, Corunna Legion 1pm www.corunnalegion.ca<br />
Fri Forest Cornhole, Forest Legion, 7pm, starting Oct. 6 www.forestlegion.ca<br />
Fri (<strong>to</strong> Oct 11) Forest Farmers’ & Artisan Market, 9am-1pm lamb<strong>to</strong>nshoresmarkets@gmail.com<br />
Fri Grand Bend Meat Raffle, 50/50, Karaoke, 5pm at Legion FB Grand Bend Legion<br />
Fri Petrolia Karaoke at the 216 Lounge, Petrolia Legion 8pm www.petrolialegion216.ca<br />
Fri (2nd/4th) Sarnia Open Dances, 7:30-11pm, $10, Polish Hall Sarnia 519-337-5708<br />
Fri (1st) Sarnia First Friday, down<strong>to</strong>wn multi-cultural walkabout FB Sarnia First Friday<br />
Fri Sarnia Live Music and Dancing, Sarnia Legion, 7-11pm www.sarnialegion.com<br />
Sat Corunna Meat Draw, Corunna Legion, 4pm www.corunnalegion.ca<br />
Sat Forest Meat Raffle, Forest Legion 3:30pm www.forestlegion.ca<br />
Sat (alt) Oil Springs Meat Raffle, Oil Springs Legion 4pm FB Oil Springs Legion<br />
Sat Petrolia Meat Raffle, Petrolia Legion 2pm www.petrolialegion216.ca<br />
Sat Petrolia Farmers’ Market, May 18-Oct 19, 7:30am-Noon 519-882-2350 <strong>The</strong>ra<br />
Sat Sarnia Meat Raffle, Sarnia Legion 3pm www.sarnialegion.com<br />
Sat Sarnia Live Music and Dancing, Sarnia Legion 7-11pm www.sarnialegion.com<br />
Sat Wyoming Meat Raffle, Wyoming Legion 4pm FB Wyoming Legion<br />
Sun (1st) Petrolia Free Family Swim, Petrolia YMCA 1-3:30pm www.petrolia150.com<br />
For Live Music Listings check out<br />
FB group “Sarnia’s Live Music Hub” or www.sarniarocks.com<br />
SEPT <strong>2024</strong><br />
S M T W T F S<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />
8 9 10 11 12 13 14<br />
15 16 17 18 19 20 21<br />
22 23 24 25 26 27 28<br />
29 30 31<br />
We’re living life <strong>to</strong> the fullest (until about 9 pm).<br />
OCT <strong>2024</strong><br />
S M T W T F S<br />
1 2 3 4 5<br />
6 7 8 9 10 11 12<br />
13 14 15 16 17 18 19<br />
20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />
27 28 29 30 31<br />
DATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Please check ahead if possible.<br />
ongoing L Shores His<strong>to</strong>ric Buildings at Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Heritage Museum www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />
Jul 17-Nov 9 L Shores Hockey - Canadian Museum of His<strong>to</strong>ry Travelling Exhibit www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />
ongoing online Nnigiiwemin/We are going home exhibit (virtual) www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />
ongoing online Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Agricultural Hall of Fame (virtual) www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />
ongoing online Lamb<strong>to</strong>n at War (virtual) www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />
ongoing online Shine: Spotlight on Women of Lamb<strong>to</strong>n www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />
ongoing online <strong>The</strong> Farmerettes (virtual) www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />
ongoing online First Nations in the 149th www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />
Sept14-Oct19 Br Grove Kennady Rayn & John Williams galleryinthegrove.com<br />
Nov2-Dec14 Br Grove Gifts of the Season, Annual Artisan Sale galleryinthegrove.com<br />
Sept 6-28 Sarnia Nancy Pequegnat-Jackson Solo Exhbit lawrencehouse.ca<br />
Sept 6-28 Sarnia Pavel Alexey Solo Exhibit lawrencehouse.ca<br />
Oct 1-31 Sarnia SAW Sarnia Artists Workshop lawrencehouse.ca<br />
Nov 1-30 Sarnia Members Exhibit “A Time for Giving” lawrencehouse.ca<br />
Dec 6-28 Sarnia Members Exhibit “Handmade for the Holidays” lawrencehouse.ca<br />
Aug 2-Oct 12 Sarnia Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Through the Lens: Teen Pho<strong>to</strong> Contest www.jnaag.ca<br />
Oct 4-Mar 15 Sarnia Dark Ice | Glaces obscures: Leslie Reid and Robert Kautuk www.jnaag.ca<br />
AUGUST <strong>2024</strong><br />
30 Pt Edward Vintage in the Village Cruise Nights, 4:30pm, Waterfront Pk 519-337-3021<br />
31 Plymp-Wyo Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County Plowing Match, 5586 London Line www.lamb<strong>to</strong>nplowmens.ca<br />
31 Corunna 12th Annual Veteran’s Mo<strong>to</strong>rcycle Run, Reg. 10:30, Legion 519-862-1240<br />
SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong><br />
1 Petrolia Free 150 Birthday Swim at YMCA, 1-3:30 www.petrolia150.com<br />
2 Petrolia Jumbo Peameal on a Bun, $10. 11am-1pm www.petrolialegion216.ca<br />
5 Watford Summer Market, 5-9pm, Centennial Park FB Watford Summer Market<br />
6 Sarnia First Friday - Down<strong>to</strong>wn Cultural Walkabout www.sarniafirstfriday.com<br />
6 Sarnia First Friday Exhibits Opening 6-9pm www.lawrencehouse.ca<br />
6-7 Sarnia Bluewater Health Foundation Block Party www.bwhf.ca<br />
6-8 Petrolia Petrolia-Enniskillen <strong>Fall</strong> Fair www.petroliafair.ca<br />
7 Sarnia Art in the Park, Mike Weir Park 9am-5pm rotaryartintheparksarnia.com<br />
8 Pt Edward Lady Luck 42nd Toy Run, Reg. 12pm at BW Bridge FB Lady Luck Riders MC<br />
9 Sarnia Open Stage at Lawrence House 7pm www.lawrencehouse.ca<br />
10-29 Petrolia <strong>The</strong> Ultimate “Fiddler on the Loose” - A VPP Original www.thevpp.ca<br />
12 Florence Lamb<strong>to</strong>n 175 Show & Tell, Florence Lib, 10am-12pm lamb<strong>to</strong>nmuseums.ca/show<br />
13-14 Sarnia Alice in Wonderland Jr: S-L Rebound, $15 www.imperialtheatre.net<br />
13-15 Wyoming Plymp<strong>to</strong>n-Wyoming <strong>Fall</strong> Fair www.plymp<strong>to</strong>n-wyomingfair.com<br />
13 Wyoming Live Pie Auction for CEEH, Wyoming Fair 519-384-4328<br />
13 Wyoming Picking & Fiddling at Wyoming Legion Br. 388, 7-10pm Bill 226-402-2730<br />
14 Petrolia Lamb<strong>to</strong>n 175 Show & Tell, Petrolia YMCA, 10am-12pm lamb<strong>to</strong>nmuseums.ca/show<br />
14 Petrolia Harvestfest, Farmers’ Market, 5pm, tickets required www.<strong>to</strong>wn.petrolia.on.ca<br />
14-15 Walpole Is FN Harvest Moon Pow Wow, 10am-6pm, Highbank Pk FB Harvest Moon Pow Wow<br />
15 Corunna RCL Zone A-4 Drumhead Ceremony, 2pm 519-862-1240<br />
Alvins<strong>to</strong>n | Petrolia | Sarnia<br />
NOV <strong>2024</strong><br />
S M T W T F S<br />
1 2<br />
3 4 5 6 7 8 9<br />
10 11 12 13 14 15 16<br />
17 18 19 20 21 22 23<br />
24 25 26 27 28 29 30<br />
15 Alvins<strong>to</strong>n Terry Fox Run/Walk, BAICC, 1pm www.terryfox.org<br />
15 Petrolia Terry Fox Run/Walk, Lions Hall Pavilion. 9:15am www.terryfox.org<br />
15 Sarnia Terry Fox Run/Walk, Canatara Park Pavilion, 9:15am www.terryfox.org<br />
15 Sarnia Journey <strong>to</strong> a Dream, Diane Lambert & Monica Vau<strong>to</strong>ur, Free sarniabookkeeper.com<br />
P A G E<br />
20<br />
Be Thankful For... fall fairs. Candy apples, carousels, cot<strong>to</strong>n candy, Tilt-A-Whirl.<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong>
Feel free <strong>to</strong> submit events... info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong> Cont’d<br />
16 Forest <strong>Fall</strong> Film Festival, “Poms” Free by donation www.kine<strong>to</strong>.ca<br />
16 Sarnia Open Stage at Lawrence House 7pm www.lawrencehouse.ca<br />
17 Port Franks Euchre Rama, 9am, $10 includes lunch, Opt. Centre FB Port Franks Seniors<br />
18 Petrolia Soft Rock Jamboree & Lunch, 12-4pm, $10 www.petrolialegion216.ca<br />
19 Sarnia Katherena Vermette, Author of Real Ones, 7pm, $10 sarniabookkeeper.com Pre-reg.<br />
20-22 Forest Forest <strong>Fall</strong> Fair www.theforestfair.ca<br />
20-28 Sarnia <strong>The</strong>atre Sarnia: Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella www.imperialtheatre.net<br />
21 Corunna Street Festival, 10am-3pm, Lyndock Street www.corunnastreetfestival.com<br />
21 Petrolia Hillsdale Cemetery Tour, 12-4pm, $25 at VPP Box Office 519-882-1221<br />
21 Sarnia Trail & Ale for Rayjon, 5/10K, Howard Watson Trail www.rayjon.org/trail-and-ale/<br />
22 Wyoming Dance, Scott Elliott & the Roads Travelled, Legion, 1-4pm Bill 226-402-2730<br />
22 Sarnia Kidney Walk <strong>2024</strong>, Canatara Park, 9am www.kidneywalk.ca<br />
22 Sarnia First of <strong>Fall</strong> Beach Clean Up, Canatara Pk, 10am FB Lake Huron Coastal Centre<br />
25 Brigden Lamb<strong>to</strong>n 175 Show & Tell, Brigden Library, 1-3pm www.lamb<strong>to</strong>nmuseums.ca/show<br />
27 Petrolia Shop Like Charlotte Ladies Night, 5-9pm, Tickets $25 519-882-4359<br />
27 Forest Fish Fry at Forest Legion, $25, 5-7pm forestlegionevents@gmail.com<br />
27-29 Alvins<strong>to</strong>n Brooke-Alvins<strong>to</strong>n & Watford <strong>Fall</strong> Fair www.alvins<strong>to</strong>nfair.com<br />
28 Wyoming Poker Run for Christmas for Everyone, Lions Hall, 10am FB Misfit Elves Poker Run<br />
28 Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Doors Open Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County FB Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County Archives<br />
28 Petrolia Progressive Euchre Tournament, 1pm, $10, Lunch $5 at Noon 519-331-3143<br />
29 Sarnia Walk Right Back: <strong>The</strong> Everly Brothers S<strong>to</strong>ry www.imperialtheatre.net<br />
OCTOBER <strong>2024</strong><br />
3 Sarnia Twin Flames - Canadian Indigenous Folk Duo, 7pm www.imperialtheatre.net<br />
4 Sarnia First Friday - Down<strong>to</strong>wn Cultural Walkabout www.sarniafirstfriday.com<br />
4 Sarnia First Friday Exhibits Opening 6-9pm www.lawrencehouse.ca<br />
5 Wyoming Dance, Country Versatiles, Legion, 7-10pm Bill 226-402-2730<br />
5 Sarnia Gwetaandaawe Market, Maawn Doosh Gumig Gym, 9-2pm 519-336-8410<br />
5 Petrolia Veterans Emergency Fund Dinner & Dance, 5pm-11:45 www.petrolialegion216.ca<br />
5 Sarnia Bayou County - <strong>The</strong> Very Best of CCR Live www.imperialtheatre.net<br />
6 Br Grove Lady Luck Turkey Run & Dinner, Reg. 10am, KSU 11am FB Lady Luck Riders MC<br />
6 Petrolia Free 150 Birthday Swim at YMCA, 1-3:30 www.petrolia150.com<br />
8-27 Petrolia “<strong>The</strong> Tony Bennett Songbook” A VPP Original www.thevpp.ca<br />
9 Sarnia Sarnia Concert Assoc pres. Toron<strong>to</strong> Concert Orchestra www.imperialtheatre.net<br />
11 Wyoming Picking & Fiddling at Wyoming Legion Br. 388, 7-10pm Bill 226-402-2730<br />
11-14 Brigden Brigden <strong>Fall</strong> Fair www.brigdenfair.ca<br />
12 Forest Great Canadian Dueling Pianos, 7pm at Forest Legion forestlegionevents@gmail.com<br />
14 Sarnia Open Stage at Lawrence House 7pm www.lawrencehouse.ca<br />
15 Sarnia Relive the Music 50s & 60s Show, 7:30pm www.imperialtheatre.net<br />
17 Petrolia Fiery Faces, Community Carving Night, 5-8pm, Discovery www.fieryfaces.ca<br />
18-20 Petrolia Fiery Faces, Pumpkin Display 6-9pm, Discovery www.fieryfaces.ca<br />
18 Sarnia Grace, 2 - Celebrating the Tragically Hip www.imperialtheatre.net<br />
19 Port Franks Shades of Autumn Vendor Sale and Tea Room www.ausableportfranksoptimist.club<br />
19 Sarnia Classic Albums Live: Supertramp - Crime of the Century www.imperialtheatre.net<br />
19-20 Forest Forest All Handmade Market ladybugg62@yahoo.com<br />
19-20 Grand Bend Lamb<strong>to</strong>n <strong>Fall</strong> Colour & Craft Festival, 10am-4pm www.heritagemuseum.ca<br />
21 Forest <strong>Fall</strong> Film Festival, “<strong>The</strong>lma” $8, 7pm www.kine<strong>to</strong>.ca<br />
21 Petrolia St. Paul’s BBQ Chicken <strong>to</strong> Go, 4-6pm, order by Sept 12 orderyourdinnernow@gmail.com<br />
21 Sarnia Open Stage at Lawrence House 7pm www.lawrencehouse.ca<br />
23 Forest <strong>Fall</strong> Film Festival, “<strong>The</strong>lma” $20 incl Lunch & movie 519-466-2287 <strong>to</strong> reserve<br />
23-27 Sarnia <strong>The</strong>atre Sarnia presents: <strong>The</strong> Last Romance www.imperialtheatre.net<br />
25-26 Petrolia IODE Margaret S<strong>to</strong>kes Chptr: Hauntings & His<strong>to</strong>rical Tour $20 adv 519-882-4919 Dawn<br />
26 Forest Great Big Sea Tribute Concert, Kine<strong>to</strong>, 7:30pm www.eventbrite.ca<br />
26 Port Franks Pumpkins After Dark www.ausableportfranksoptimist.club<br />
26 Wyoming Full Petty Fever, $15 adv tickets/$20 door, 8pm FB Wyoming Legion<br />
26 Petrolia Halloween Party, 8pm, Petrolia Legion www.petrolialegion216.ca<br />
27 Wyoming Dance, Celtic Hillbillies, Legion, 1-4pm Bill 226-402-2730<br />
NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong><br />
1 Sarnia First Friday - Down<strong>to</strong>wn Cultural Walkabout www.sarniafirstfriday.com<br />
1 Sarnia First Friday Exhibits Opening 6-9pm www.lawrencehouse.ca<br />
1 Forest Elvis - Tribute <strong>to</strong> the King at Forest Legion, 7:30pm forestlegionevents@gmail.com<br />
1 Sarnia Ron James...Not Nearly Done Yet! 7:30pm www.imperialtheatre.net<br />
2 Sarnia Gwetaandaawe Market, Maawn Doosh Gumig Gym, 9-2pm 519-336-8410<br />
2 Wyoming Dance, Joan Spalding & Foggy Mtn Band, Legion, 7-10pm Bill 226-402-2730<br />
2 Sarnia Dancing Under the Stars Gala, DeGroot’s Nurseries lcoene@sjhospice.ca<br />
3 Br Grove Lady Luck Chilly Chili Run, Reg. 10am, KSU 11am FB Lady Luck Riders MC<br />
3 Petrolia Free 150 Birthday Swim at YMCA, 1-3:30 www.petrolia150.com<br />
3 Sarnia ISO: Windy Journey, 3pm www.imperialtheatre.net<br />
5 Port Franks Euchre Rama, 9am, $10 includes lunch, Opt. Centre FB Port Franks Seniors<br />
7 Forest Excelsior Band f. Cathy Landeryou, 7pm, by donation www.kine<strong>to</strong>.ca<br />
8 Wyoming Picking & Fiddling at Wyoming Legion Br. 388, 7-10pm Bill 226-402-2730<br />
8 Sarnia Classic Albums Live: Meatloaf - Bat Out of Hell www.imperialtheatre.net<br />
11 Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Remembrance Day Services throughout Lamb<strong>to</strong>n County your local RCL Branch<br />
11 Sarnia Open Stage at Lawrence House 7pm www.lawrencehouse.ca<br />
13 Sarnia Sarnia Concert Assoc pres. Bridge and Wolak, 7:30pm www.imperialtheatre.net<br />
15 Sarnia Imperial <strong>The</strong>atre presents: El<strong>to</strong>n Rohn, 8pm www.imperialtheatre.net<br />
Sat, Nov. 16th Wyoming Fairgrounds<br />
16 Wyoming Great Canadian Dueling Pianos, Fairgrounds, 7:30pm 226-964-1225 Conner<br />
16 Sarnia O Christmas Tea: A British Comedy, 3pm www.imperialtheatre.net<br />
17 Wyoming Dance, <strong>The</strong> Pierce Family, Legion, 1-4pm Bill 226-402-2730<br />
18 Forest <strong>Fall</strong> Film Festival, “Sing Sing” $8, 7pm www.kine<strong>to</strong>.ca<br />
18 Sarnia Open Stage at Lawrence House 7pm www.lawrencehouse.ca<br />
20 Forest <strong>Fall</strong> Film Festival, “Sing Sing” $20 incl Lunch & movie 519-466-2287 <strong>to</strong> reserve<br />
20-Dec 8 Petrolia “Starbright Christmas <strong>2024</strong>” A Glorious Tradition at VPP www.thevpp.ca<br />
22 Sarnia It’s Too Late <strong>to</strong> S<strong>to</strong>p Now - <strong>The</strong> Music of Van Morrison www.imperialtheatre.net<br />
23 Petrolia ChristmasFest <strong>2024</strong>, St. Paul’s UC, 10am-3pm 519-882-1390 or text 519-312-6505<br />
23 Sarnia Hotel California, <strong>The</strong> Original Eagles Tribute www.imperialtheatre.net<br />
25 Sarnia State Ballet <strong>The</strong>atre of Ukraine: Swan Lake www.imperialtheatre.net<br />
30 Petrolia Rumblefish! at Petrolia Legion, 7-10pm www.petrolialegion216.ca<br />
DECEMBER <strong>2024</strong><br />
<strong>to</strong> Dec 8 Petrolia “Starbright Christmas <strong>2024</strong>” A Glorious Tradition at VPP www.thevpp.ca<br />
1 Petrolia Free 150 Birthday Swim at YMCA, 1-3:30 www.petrolia150.com<br />
5 Sarnia Elvis Christmas Special w. Pete Paquette www.imperialtheatre.net<br />
6 Petrolia Town Christmas in the Park, Chili Cook Off www.<strong>to</strong>wn.petrolia.on.ca<br />
6 Sarnia First Friday - Down<strong>to</strong>wn Cultural Walkabout www.sarniafirstfriday.com<br />
6 Sarnia First Friday Exhibits Opening 6-9pm www.lawrencehouse.ca<br />
7 Petrolia Christmas Market, 10am-3pm www.<strong>to</strong>wn.petrolia.on.ca<br />
7 Sarnia Gwetaandaawe Market, Maawn Doosh Gumig Gym, 9-2pm 519-336-8410<br />
7 Petrolia Santa Claus Parade, 2pm, “Celebrating Petrolia 150” www.<strong>to</strong>wn.petrolia.on.ca<br />
8 Wyoming Dance, Celtic Hillbillies, Legion, 1-4pm Bill 226-402-2730<br />
9 Sarnia Open Stage at Lawrence House 7pm www.lawrencehouse.ca<br />
13 Wyoming Picking & Fiddling at Wyoming Legion Br. 388, 7-10pm Bill 226-402-2730<br />
13-15 Petrolia “<strong>The</strong> VPP Holiday Jamboree” Foot S<strong>to</strong>mpin’ Festive Fun www.thevpp.ca<br />
14 Forest Down<strong>to</strong>wn Jazz & Guests, “Jazzy Christmas” 1-2pm www.kine<strong>to</strong>.ca<br />
14 Wyoming Christmas in the Village, 5:30pm, Lions <strong>Club</strong> Hall FB Plymp<strong>to</strong>n-Wyoming Special Events<br />
15 Sarnia ISO: Messiah, 3pm www.imperialtheatre.net<br />
16 Sarnia Open Stage at Lawrence House 7pm www.lawrencehouse.ca<br />
31 Petrolia Petrolia 150 Closing Event at Greenwood Rec. Centre www.Petrolia150.com<br />
for FREE TEXT LISTINGinWinter Issue (Mid-Nov<strong>to</strong>Feb)<br />
Fb)<br />
Include locaon, date, name of event,<br />
website or contact number.<br />
Send <strong>to</strong>:<br />
info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE<br />
CLUB<br />
Send Your Events in for Free Text Listing or Display Ad <strong>to</strong> info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
or Submit online at www.welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca/events<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong> Be Thankful For... museums - the best “schools” in the world.<br />
P A G E 21
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
van Goozen Music<br />
STORE & STUDIO • 519-344-2319<br />
115 Mit<strong>to</strong>n Street South, Sarnia<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Lessons & Books<br />
AGES 3 <strong>to</strong> 103<br />
Class or Private<br />
Instruction<br />
FALL Lessons<br />
Resume Sept. 30<br />
FOLLOW US!<br />
To find (and post) current events<br />
& community information, please<br />
follow our Facebook page.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> ...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
How did I get over the hill without getting <strong>to</strong> the <strong>to</strong>p?<br />
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Every once in a while I feel like I am<br />
at two with the universe. Having recently<br />
made our annual pilgrimage around the<br />
house <strong>to</strong> ‘spring ahead” in time, I once<br />
again find myself more of an analog<br />
person caught in a digital world. True<br />
enough, if it weren’t for time, everything<br />
would happen at once, but there are<br />
definitely days when we must settle for<br />
inferior quality time.<br />
With the world’s technical advances<br />
we now find ourselves capable of using<br />
yesterday’s technology <strong>to</strong> resolve <strong>to</strong>day’s<br />
problems <strong>to</strong>morrow. For instance, if I<br />
were <strong>to</strong> put a cup of instant coffee in the<br />
microwave, might I not, theoretically, go<br />
back in time? For me, the hardest part<br />
about the concept of time travel would<br />
have <strong>to</strong> be the grammar. ‘A seminar on<br />
Time Travel will be held two weeks<br />
ago.” See what I mean? <strong>The</strong> debate is<br />
moot anyway, since we all know there<br />
can’t be any future in time travel.<br />
Nowadays, with world travel so<br />
prevalent, if I were <strong>to</strong> fly <strong>to</strong> China,<br />
crossing the International Date Line, and<br />
then phone home when I arrived there,<br />
would I not, technically, be able <strong>to</strong> answer<br />
the phone at home myself? Think of it.<br />
A doc<strong>to</strong>r should be able <strong>to</strong> play golf on<br />
Wednesday afternoon in Augusta, then<br />
fly <strong>to</strong> Australia and play golf again on the<br />
same Wednesday afternoon! Although,<br />
I’m not sure just how the folks “down<br />
under” can even remain upright when<br />
they are upside down like that, as my<br />
globe turns. Maybe they have Velcro on<br />
Piece of Mind<br />
By Joan Richardson • From Daytripping May-June 1999<br />
Do You Have the Time?<br />
their shoes, but I digress.<br />
If time is money, how much would<br />
it take <strong>to</strong> buy me some more time? If<br />
time s<strong>to</strong>ps for no man, can a woman at<br />
least slow it down some? And while I’m<br />
pondering the gender aspect of time,<br />
what happened <strong>to</strong> Mother Time? or Father<br />
Nature for that matter? Is it all right <strong>to</strong> play<br />
my AM radio in the afternoon? If I bought<br />
a cuckoo clock at an army surplus s<strong>to</strong>re,<br />
and it got <strong>to</strong> be ten o’clock at night, would<br />
the cuckoo kook 2200 times? If it is now<br />
1300 hours military time, does that mean<br />
that 1600 hours is still 300 hours away?<br />
If you’ve ever tried <strong>to</strong> teach your child<br />
how <strong>to</strong> read an ordinary analog clock, you<br />
can identify with my conundrum. First<br />
you must explain that the first hand on the<br />
device is the hour hand, the second hand<br />
is the minute hand and the third hand is<br />
the second hand. Confused yet? Well, how<br />
about describing how the minute hand<br />
resting on the one designates a five minute<br />
span, while its crossing the three indicates<br />
a fifteen minute period and we then<br />
shorten that, for some unknown reason,<br />
<strong>to</strong> a quarter after the hour. Same thing at<br />
the six, which we translate <strong>to</strong> a half past<br />
or thirty minutes and the nine, which also<br />
means a quarter <strong>to</strong> or an incredible fortyfive<br />
minutes! No, wonder the days of the<br />
analog watch are numbered.<br />
So my friends, beware of living like<br />
there is no <strong>to</strong>morrow. <strong>The</strong>re may not be<br />
a <strong>to</strong>morrow. After all, there wasn’t one<br />
<strong>to</strong>day. But as Kermit would say, “Time’s<br />
fun when you’re having flies”!<br />
Senior<br />
Discount<br />
Mention this<br />
Ad for<br />
15% OFF<br />
<strong>The</strong>n & Now<br />
by Steve Lox<strong>to</strong>n<br />
<strong>The</strong> red circled area in each pho<strong>to</strong><br />
shows the only building that still<br />
stands <strong>to</strong>day. It was once Alex<br />
Laing’s General S<strong>to</strong>re, TD Bank<br />
and a shoe s<strong>to</strong>re. It currently<br />
houses Godfather’s Pizza.<br />
His<strong>to</strong>rical vs. current<br />
Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n pho<strong>to</strong>s<br />
Visit “Lost Lamb<strong>to</strong>n, Found!” on Facebook<br />
circa<br />
1900-1910<br />
Looking south, at the west side of Broadway Street from<br />
Niagara Street in Wyoming. <strong>The</strong> entire block in the<br />
foreground burned down in the 1940s.<br />
<strong>2024</strong><br />
P A G E<br />
22<br />
Be Thankful For... charity. <strong>The</strong>re would be so much more suffering without it.<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong>
I’ve decided: whatever age I am is the new 30!<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Established in 2010, Shine at Home serves seniors who wish<br />
<strong>to</strong> live in full independence. Since our earliest beginnings we<br />
have learned that with just a little help, people can remain<br />
in their homes for many years safe and free in the<br />
knowledge that a dedicated team is there for them.<br />
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It doesn’t matter how old you are, life is always better<br />
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housekeeping is so nice and<br />
efficient and always fits in<br />
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Ruth Ann - Client<br />
shineathome.com<br />
It was one of those mornings when<br />
I would’ve rather stayed in bed a while<br />
longer, for after a busy week of gardening,<br />
running errands, doc<strong>to</strong>r’s appointments<br />
in London and getting the camper ready<br />
for our annual trek <strong>to</strong> our favourite<br />
campsite at Balsam Lake Provincial Park,<br />
I was ready for a restful Saturday with<br />
only a bit of dusting on the list of things<br />
<strong>to</strong> do. <strong>The</strong>n I checked my calendar and<br />
saw that I’d written: Emma is coming at<br />
8 a.m. Of course I should’ve remembered<br />
the promise I’d made <strong>to</strong> my seven year<br />
old great-granddaughter, Emma.<br />
Emma had spent a day with us during<br />
spring break when we had a cookie baking<br />
event with her and our two youngest<br />
granddaughters, ten year old Ella and<br />
seven year old Olivia. All three girls love<br />
<strong>to</strong> bake, so we had a great time, ending<br />
with more cousins joining us around the<br />
kitchen table. <strong>The</strong> cookies were sampled<br />
by all and even the dog, who’d stationed<br />
himself under the table, was delighted<br />
with the crumbs and pieces dropped by<br />
the many visi<strong>to</strong>rs, including the parents<br />
of the girls who’d come <strong>to</strong> have Tea Time<br />
at Grandma’s house and take home their<br />
kids and, of course, some of the baked<br />
stuff for those at home.<br />
Somehow in all the commotion of<br />
farewell hugs and finding everyone’s<br />
boots and jackets, Emma’s cookies had<br />
ended up in my cookie tin, from where<br />
they’d promptly disappeared in<strong>to</strong> some<br />
hungry man (or woman’s) s<strong>to</strong>mach. To<br />
make Emma feel better and <strong>to</strong> clear my<br />
own conscience I’d promised Emma<br />
another cookie baking day with me alone<br />
on a Saturday. <strong>The</strong> day had arrived, so I’d<br />
better be ready.<br />
While I savoured my breakfast mug<br />
filled with hot, strong tea, a little voice<br />
called out from the back door, “Hi<br />
Grandma! I got up real early and I’m not<br />
A Day with Emma<br />
even tired. I brought my boots so I can<br />
help Grandpa feed the chickens. And<br />
I didn’t have breakfast yet,” she said,<br />
as she entered the kitchen where the<br />
sunshine coming through the window<br />
held the promise of a beautiful spring<br />
day. She <strong>to</strong>ok her place at the table,<br />
and ate a bowl of cereal, s<strong>to</strong>pping long<br />
enough between bites <strong>to</strong> ask questions.<br />
“Are we going <strong>to</strong> make soup <strong>to</strong>day?” was<br />
her first question.<br />
When I said, “Yes, we are,” she replied<br />
with “Oh good. <strong>The</strong>n if we have<br />
lef<strong>to</strong>vers, can I take some home?<br />
We haven’t had grandma soup since<br />
Annie was born.” She continued<br />
with a sigh that sounded like she<br />
and her family had not eaten a<br />
decent meal for months.<br />
Soon we were ready for the<br />
baking session. Hands were<br />
washed, an apron tied<br />
around Emma’s thin body<br />
and her long hair tied back<br />
in a ponytail dangling <strong>to</strong><br />
her waist. Our favourite<br />
cookie recipe was<br />
easy <strong>to</strong> find in my<br />
old and most often<br />
used cookbook. We<br />
just turned <strong>to</strong> the<br />
page with the most<br />
spills plus the names of<br />
grandchildren who had<br />
baked the cookies and printed<br />
their names <strong>to</strong> verify that yes,<br />
these are good cookies, and yes, I<br />
baked them in Grandma’s kitchen<br />
on this date. One of these “bakers”<br />
By Jacoba Bos • from Daytripping July-Aug 2013<br />
is now a university graduate and another<br />
is in his last year of college, studying <strong>to</strong><br />
become a civil engineer.<br />
While we measured ingredients and<br />
stirred the dough, Emma’s mouth was<br />
as active as her hands. “Grandma, did<br />
you see the sunset last night?” she asked,<br />
while her small hands formed perfectly<br />
round balls of cookie dough which were<br />
then put in neat rows on the cookie<br />
sheet. When I <strong>to</strong>ld her I was sorry <strong>to</strong><br />
have missed it, she s<strong>to</strong>pped what she<br />
was doing and described <strong>to</strong> me<br />
the beautiful scene of an early<br />
summer sunset, naming every<br />
colour she had seen in the sky.<br />
I felt as if I had seen it myself.<br />
We swept up the spilled<br />
flour while the cookies<br />
were baking. “So now we<br />
make grandma soup, right<br />
Grandma?” I was ready for<br />
a cup of coffee then, and<br />
so was my husband who’d<br />
followed his nose in<strong>to</strong> the<br />
kitchen where the cookies<br />
were ready <strong>to</strong> come out of<br />
the oven. <strong>The</strong> three of us<br />
had a coffee break with the<br />
still warm cookies.<br />
“When are we going<br />
<strong>to</strong> see the little chicks,<br />
Grandpa?” Emma asked as<br />
she bit in<strong>to</strong> her cookie, carefully<br />
catching every crumb off the table<br />
with her fingers.<br />
“As soon as I finish my coffee,”<br />
her great-grandpa replied. Emma<br />
was already at the backdoor, almost<br />
stumbling over the long apron she was<br />
still wearing. In her haste <strong>to</strong> get outside,<br />
she’d put on her jacket over the apron and<br />
was putting on her boots in readiness for<br />
the next adventure with Grandpa. She’d<br />
apparently also forgotten all about our<br />
soup making adventure <strong>to</strong>gether. That<br />
actually suited me very well, since there’s<br />
no written recipe for grandma soup. So<br />
while Emma was holding baby chicks,<br />
feeding the ducks and petting the dogs, I<br />
cooked the soup.<br />
At lunchtime, Emma hardly had time<br />
<strong>to</strong> eat, as she had so much <strong>to</strong> tell us about<br />
“the baby chicks that are sooo cute”, the<br />
little dogs that were waiting in time <strong>to</strong> be<br />
petted by her and the ducks who “walked<br />
like ladies.”<br />
“It’s true, Grandma,” she said as she<br />
slid off her chair and walked a few steps,<br />
her body straight and her head held high<br />
<strong>to</strong> imitate the Indian Runner ducks which<br />
do have a distinct walk.<br />
After lunch, Emma packed a cookie tin<br />
full of the biggest and best of the cookie<br />
batch, and put her now dirty boots in<br />
a bag. I packed a few more goodies,<br />
including a container of “grandma soup”<br />
and we were on our way <strong>to</strong> bring our<br />
guest home. We had a short visit with<br />
Emma’s mom who said she couldn’t wait<br />
<strong>to</strong> taste the cookies, and we went home.<br />
<strong>The</strong> house seemed empty and quiet,<br />
and the setting sunbeams coming<br />
through the windows showed a dust layer<br />
on the furniture thick enough <strong>to</strong> write<br />
your name on, and the kitchen counter<br />
in dire need of a good cleaning. All of that<br />
could wait for another less important day.<br />
For I couldn’t have wished for a better<br />
way <strong>to</strong> spend my day. Instead of chasing<br />
away the dust that always returns, I had<br />
a little girl <strong>to</strong> listen <strong>to</strong>, <strong>to</strong> talk and laugh<br />
with and make unforgettable memories<br />
<strong>to</strong>gether.<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong> Be Thankful For... nature. Forests, flower gardens, sandy beaches, honey bees. P A G E 23
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
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We’d like <strong>to</strong> hear your honest opinions on how you like this magazine.<br />
Life’s 12 Lessons<br />
Author unknown<br />
1. Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.<br />
2. <strong>The</strong>re can be a fine line between “hobby” and “mental illness.”<br />
3. People who want <strong>to</strong> share their religious views with you almost never<br />
want you <strong>to</strong> share yours with them.<br />
4. You should never confuse your career with your life.<br />
5. No matter what happens in life, somebody will find a way <strong>to</strong> take it <strong>to</strong>o<br />
seriously.<br />
6. Nobody cares if you can’t dance well. Just get up and dance.<br />
7. Never lick a steak knife.<br />
8. Take out the fortune before you eat the cookie.<br />
9. <strong>The</strong> most destructive force in the universe is gossip.<br />
10. Nobody can give me a sensible reason as <strong>to</strong> why we observe daylight<br />
savings time.<br />
11. A person who is nice <strong>to</strong> you but rude <strong>to</strong> the waiter is not a nice person.<br />
12. Your friends love you, no matter what.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Smell of <strong>Fall</strong><br />
Growing up in the country some years<br />
ago, one might well have recognized<br />
the changing seasons by the smells one<br />
encountered.<br />
It was fall when the good smell of<br />
canning in progress greeted ones nose<br />
when one entered the back door of the<br />
house. My mother was making pickles.<br />
<strong>The</strong>re was a sharp odor of spices and<br />
vinegar as she drained the syrup and<br />
re-heated it, for each of nine days, and<br />
poured it back over the cut up cucumbers<br />
in the crock. What a great treat in winter.<br />
<strong>The</strong> hot steamy scent of stewing<br />
<strong>to</strong>ma<strong>to</strong>es was next, packed in jars with<br />
a bit of salt and a snitch of sugar - any<br />
left over was run through the colander for<br />
juice at mealtime. Oh, how tasty.<br />
<strong>The</strong>n it was time for chili sauce, using<br />
up the last baskets from the gardens<br />
bounty, along with onions, sugar, vinegar,<br />
and a variety of spices <strong>to</strong> taste just right.<br />
One might add some celery, or apples<br />
and pears. This smell wafted throughout<br />
the house for days, as the huge kettle<br />
was slowly simmered for hours till<br />
just the right thickness. It burnt easily<br />
though, and one had <strong>to</strong> watch, or it could<br />
“scorch” in the bot<strong>to</strong>m. (Ugh, not a good<br />
smell then).<br />
Pears and peaches boiling was a softer<br />
smell, after being peeled, and simmered<br />
in light syrup, but apple sauce was my<br />
favourite. Apples were peeled, cooked <strong>to</strong><br />
a softness, mashed in<strong>to</strong> a smooth texture<br />
and sweetened <strong>to</strong> taste. Yummy...<br />
If there still remained any green<br />
<strong>to</strong>ma<strong>to</strong>es, they were great <strong>to</strong> grind up<br />
with apples, brown sugar, spice and<br />
butter <strong>to</strong> become a great mince meat for<br />
pies and tarts. A treat for the nostrils.<br />
Sometimes Mother would dry corn<br />
for later meals - no freezers back then,<br />
of course. Kernals were cut from the cob,<br />
laid out on shallow pans and left in low<br />
heat until dried. <strong>The</strong>n it was s<strong>to</strong>red in air<br />
tight jars or bags made of a sugar sack.<br />
It had a sweet smell but after soaking in<br />
water over night it became a tasty dish<br />
for supper.<br />
<strong>The</strong> heady aroma of apples s<strong>to</strong>red<br />
in the cellar with the added fragrance of<br />
the earthy pota<strong>to</strong>es and carrots was good<br />
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by Maxine Miner<br />
from Daytripping<br />
Sept-Oct 2004<br />
<strong>to</strong>o. Apples would need <strong>to</strong> be picked<br />
over and some used up. <strong>The</strong>se would be<br />
peeled and sliced in<strong>to</strong> quarters and dried<br />
as well. <strong>The</strong>y were a chewy treat for kids<br />
<strong>to</strong> snitch if mother wasn’t watching when<br />
she made dried apple pies.<br />
<strong>The</strong>n there was one other smell<br />
potent above all others in the fall. When<br />
Sauerkraut was made, large heads of<br />
cabbage were shredded fine with a sharp<br />
knife or using a regular cutter with a keen<br />
blade set over a tub. It was mixed with salt<br />
and pounded down with a clean axe until<br />
juice formed. A large plate was set on <strong>to</strong>p,<br />
covered with a cloth and a weight. It was<br />
set behind the s<strong>to</strong>ve <strong>to</strong> ferment. In a few<br />
days it would be ready <strong>to</strong> try, heated up<br />
in the old cast iron frying pan along with<br />
a few sausages. A real aromatic feast.<br />
When winter was approaching, the<br />
smells changed again. Coming from the<br />
wood shed was a musky odor of wood,<br />
and the smell of sour milk as the cream<br />
sepera<strong>to</strong>r was moved in <strong>to</strong> be warm for<br />
winter. Mixed with this was the sharp bite<br />
of cider working in<strong>to</strong> vinegar for winter.<br />
<strong>The</strong> boots and coats worn <strong>to</strong> do barn<br />
chores added thier bit <strong>to</strong> the air in the<br />
old back kitchen. And the dank wet odor<br />
of dog fur when old Shep could sneak in<br />
added <strong>to</strong> the smells of the season.<br />
Best of all though was the wonderful<br />
smells as mother began her season of<br />
Christmas baking - carrot puddings,<br />
cakes and cookies. That was best of all.<br />
P A G E<br />
24<br />
Be Thankful For... ghost s<strong>to</strong>ries! It’s sooooo fun <strong>to</strong> be scared!<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong>
Contact us any time by email - info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
Locally Grown<br />
Autumn Squash<br />
(aka: Winter Squash)<br />
Winter squash differs from our summer varieties<br />
(such as zucchini) as they are harvested only after they<br />
have fully matured. <strong>The</strong>ir hard outer shells allow for<br />
a much longer s<strong>to</strong>rage time and protect their sweet<br />
and delicious inner flesh. You’ll find them in abundance<br />
at your local markets, in family gardens and our friendly<br />
roadside stands. Beautiful and enticing inside and out,<br />
these usually include Spaghetti, Hubbard, Calabaza, Delicate,<br />
Butternut, Acorn, Buttercup, Turban and Sweet Dumpling.<br />
Winter Squash Soup<br />
3 cups peeled and cubed winter squash<br />
(Hubbard, Acorn or Butternut)<br />
10 ounces chicken broth<br />
1/2 cup water<br />
1/2 cup onion, chopped<br />
1/2 teaspoon curry powder<br />
In a large saucepan, combine broth, squash, onion, water, ginger, curry, salt and<br />
thyme. Bring <strong>to</strong> a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, for about 10 minutes, or<br />
until squash is tender. Mash squash and stir. Ladle in<strong>to</strong> bowls and garnish with a<br />
dollop of sour cream and serve. Makes 4 delicious servings.<br />
Winter Squash Thoughts<br />
1/4 teaspoon salt<br />
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger<br />
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme, crushed<br />
Sour cream (for <strong>to</strong>pping)<br />
Fresh thyme springs for garnish, if<br />
desired<br />
• Nutrition-wise, winter squash contain a great portion of soluble fiber, rich in<br />
beta-carotene, potassium, lutein, vitamins A, B6, C. It’s a good source of iron,<br />
riboflavin(B2), thiamine & magnesium.<br />
• To prevent spoilage, leave part of stem attached. You can s<strong>to</strong>re squash in a cool,<br />
dark place for about a month.<br />
• Acorn and Spaghetti squash are extremely difficult <strong>to</strong> peel raw. Try slicing the<br />
squash in half and remove the seeds. Roast the halves face-down until tender and<br />
soft. <strong>The</strong> flesh will be ready for scooping for your recipes.<br />
• To prepare Butternut squash, chop off either end of squash and peel. Slice in<br />
half <strong>to</strong> remove seeds and cut as desired. Squash can be prepared a day in advance<br />
and s<strong>to</strong>red in a covered dish in the fridge.<br />
• Squash can be roasted. Leave skin on as it will come off much easier after<br />
cooking. Roast with a bit of butter, cinnamon and applesauce. You can then mash<br />
or cut in<strong>to</strong> cubes and add <strong>to</strong> your rice and pasta dishes, or purée for soups. Diced<br />
butternut squash is delightful when added <strong>to</strong> soups, stews and chili.<br />
• Purée winter squash and freshly grated parmesan cheese <strong>to</strong> serve over pasta.<br />
Soooo good.<br />
• Grilling is a fun option. Place cubed squash on skewers. Coat with honey, ginger,<br />
grill <strong>to</strong> perfection.<br />
• For a sweet presentation, utilize the squash shell as an edible bowl.<br />
• To stabilize stuffed squash shells in the oven during baking time (you don’t want<br />
them <strong>to</strong> tip and spill any of that delicious filling). Crumple up aluminum foil and<br />
place around squash boats. That’ll do it and it may ease in clean up <strong>to</strong>o.<br />
• COOKING A FEW WINTER SQUASH (for immediate recipe & later use): In a<br />
large roaster, place squash (halved & seeded) cut side down. Add 2 <strong>to</strong> 3 cups of<br />
water. Cover and bake in a 350ºF oven for 1 hour, or til tender. When baked, the<br />
peel should easily pull away from flesh. It’s ready <strong>to</strong> mash and serve or save.<br />
• SQUASH BAKE RECIPE: : In a 13 x 9 inch baking dish combine Butternut squash<br />
flesh cut in<strong>to</strong> 1/2-inch chunks, 1 red onion (halved and thinly sliced), 1 1/3 cup<br />
frozen corn kernels (thawed) and 2 ¼ teaspoon extra virgin olive oil. Bake for 45<br />
minutes in a preheated 400 degree F oven, or until squash is tender (be sure <strong>to</strong><br />
stir half-way through cooking time). Top with 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan<br />
cheese and return <strong>to</strong> the oven for 5 or so minutes, until cheese is melted and a<br />
lovely golden colour. Enjoy!<br />
• WINTER SQUASH CHUTNEY: : Combine chunks of winter squash, raisins,<br />
diced red pepper, sugar and spices and cook until tender. Deliciously addition <strong>to</strong><br />
meat and poultry dishes.<br />
• SQUASH PIE FILLING: : Many winter squash varieties can be use just like when<br />
making pumpkin pie. All that’s needed is the flavour enhancing spices like<br />
nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger or cloves.<br />
• SEASONING & SERVING SQUASH (your way): Cook your<br />
selected winter squash until tender. Toss in a bit of olive<br />
oil or butter and add any of these seasonings:<br />
Honey and sage; honey, ginger and<br />
cinnamon; cinnamon, nutmeg<br />
& maple syrup; brown sugar;<br />
curry powder or cilantro &<br />
diced jalapeño peppers.<br />
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BY KIDS<br />
A teacher collected some well-known<br />
proverbs and gave each child in the<br />
class the first half of the proverb and<br />
asked them <strong>to</strong> come up with the rest.<br />
Here is what these kids came up with:<br />
(kids part shown on right)<br />
• Better <strong>to</strong> be safe than ............................. punch a fifth grader<br />
• Strike while the ...................................................... bug is close<br />
• It's always darkest before ............................light savings time<br />
• Never underestimate the power of.............................. termites<br />
• You can lead a horse <strong>to</strong> water but .................................... how?<br />
• Don't bite the hand that ......................................... looks dirty<br />
• No news is ................................................................ impossible<br />
• A miss is as good as a .................................................... Mister<br />
• You can't teach an old dog................................................ math<br />
• If you lie down with dogs, you ...........will stink in the morning<br />
• Love all, trust ....................................................................... me<br />
• <strong>The</strong>n pen is mightier than ........................................... the pigs<br />
• An idle mind is ..................................... the best way <strong>to</strong> relax<br />
• Where there's smoke, there's ....................................... pollution<br />
• Happy is the bride who .......................... gets all the presents<br />
• A penny saved is ......................................................... not much<br />
• Two's company, three's ................................... <strong>The</strong> Musketeers<br />
• Children should be seen and not ......... spanked or grounded<br />
• If at first you don't succeed ....................... get new batteries<br />
• When the blind lead the blind .................. get out of the way<br />
• <strong>The</strong>re is no fool like .................................................. Aunt Edie<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong> Be Thankful For... carving pumpkins and roasting the seeds!<br />
P A G E 25
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Please consider leng your favourite local<br />
business (and our adversers) know that<br />
you read it, keep it and that it should work<br />
well for them. It’s only free (and possible)<br />
because of their adversements.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>... THE<br />
Retirement: the pay sucks, but the hours are really good!<br />
Ghost S<strong>to</strong>ries...<br />
“Old Cemetery Lane”<br />
Old Cemetery Lane was at one time<br />
the main drag of Kramer <strong>Fall</strong>s, a very<br />
busy <strong>to</strong>wn.<br />
But now that man’s super freeway<br />
runs straight through the lush farmland<br />
and rolling hills of the countryside some<br />
20 miles east of <strong>to</strong>wn, it has left us in<br />
the shadows of the past. We’re now<br />
just a little community, miles from<br />
nowhere and fast becoming<br />
a ghost <strong>to</strong>wn with lots of<br />
abandoned homes - their<br />
foundations in ruins and their<br />
roofs and walls left <strong>to</strong> decay by<br />
the mercy of the weather. It’s a<br />
nice place <strong>to</strong> hunt for antiques,<br />
but be sure <strong>to</strong> do it by daylight<br />
or you may find more then you bargain<br />
for... for this place is not what it seems<br />
<strong>to</strong> be!<br />
Back in the good old days, our<br />
<strong>to</strong>wn, around 1872, had two churches,<br />
one log schoolhouse with a big pot<br />
belly woods<strong>to</strong>ve, two general s<strong>to</strong>res,<br />
a shoemaker, two blacksmith shops,<br />
a small wagon fac<strong>to</strong>ry, and two hotels<br />
- <strong>The</strong> Schaus Hotel and the Cleveland<br />
hotel (the biggest of the two) - one at<br />
each end of <strong>to</strong>wn. <strong>The</strong>re were about 53<br />
homes, mostly log, but some brick and<br />
s<strong>to</strong>ne <strong>to</strong>o. We had all kinds of evergreen<br />
trees back then, and cedar trees by the<br />
swamp. <strong>The</strong>re was a three s<strong>to</strong>ry grist<br />
and saw mill on the Crows River at the<br />
mill pond, a flax mill, and a lime pit - the<br />
<strong>to</strong>wns largest employer at the time. My<br />
granddad worked there for over 42 years,<br />
from dawn <strong>to</strong> dusk, six days a week.<br />
<strong>The</strong> new pioneers <strong>to</strong>iled very hard and<br />
long in those days long long ago. Why,<br />
we even had our own newspaper office<br />
at the back of the big general s<strong>to</strong>re. Mr.<br />
William Duncan printed it up until 1893,<br />
the year it was lost <strong>to</strong> that great wind<br />
s<strong>to</strong>rm and the same year we had a train<br />
wreck where the bridge was washed out<br />
down by old man Thompsons brick yard.<br />
Kramer <strong>Fall</strong>s was prone <strong>to</strong> many<br />
spring floods. It was a hard time <strong>to</strong> live<br />
in those days. Life was full of setbacks.<br />
You never knew what your day would<br />
bring. <strong>The</strong> railway just packed up and left<br />
after one of the worst floods - never <strong>to</strong><br />
return again! Soon after that, the closure<br />
of the brick yard started our <strong>to</strong>wn on it’s<br />
downhill journey.<br />
On the north end of <strong>to</strong>wn up the hill<br />
where the great pine trees grew, there<br />
s<strong>to</strong>od a big s<strong>to</strong>ne church. It could be<br />
seen from some miles away. It was the<br />
most aloft building in our <strong>to</strong>wn. Down<br />
<strong>to</strong> the bot<strong>to</strong>m of the steep hill, our very<br />
frist log church sat so sad and alone by<br />
the edge of the swamp at the mill pond.<br />
We will never hear the hymns of praise<br />
come from those walls again. <strong>The</strong> church<br />
had a very old graveyard at it’s side with<br />
a wrought-iron fence and rusty doubleleaf<br />
gates. Time has dressed the gates<br />
in a garment of red rust. Mr. Joseph<br />
Steward, the first settler <strong>to</strong> get a deed <strong>to</strong><br />
crown land is buried there, along with my<br />
By Wayne W. Bastin<br />
from Daytripping<br />
Sept-Oct 2005<br />
grandparents and names like Kramer,<br />
Gebhardt, Crawford, Becker, Inglis,<br />
Strauss, Moyer, Matthew, Beitz, McIn<strong>to</strong>sh,<br />
Brick, Field, Dickert and Schaus.<br />
Across the laneway from the cemetery<br />
by the Crows River, is a log home that<br />
has been empty for a multitude of years,<br />
since old Joe Bates hung himself after<br />
his wife was murdered by a mad<br />
man down by the mill pond. No<br />
one would ever live in the Bate’s<br />
home after that. <strong>The</strong>y say it has<br />
been haunted since that murder<br />
<strong>to</strong>ok place.<br />
Lots of condemned buildings<br />
are in our <strong>to</strong>wn now... the<br />
main road has become just a<br />
laneway now. Sweet flowers grow wild<br />
and blossoms are everywhere!. Violets,<br />
wild roses and forget-me-nots of our<br />
forefathers, gone wild with time. It’s<br />
a very lovely place <strong>to</strong> take a summer<br />
walk in the bright sunlight of the day...<br />
a garden of Eden by day but a Hades at<br />
night! <strong>The</strong>y call it Old Cemetery Lane<br />
now... a place of departed souls.<br />
Lots of strange s<strong>to</strong>ries about this<br />
place... ask the old timers, they’ll talk <strong>to</strong><br />
anyone who will listen <strong>to</strong> their tales.<br />
Late one night I <strong>to</strong>ok a short cut by<br />
the old cemetery on a very gloomy<br />
dark night... the air thick and heavy, the<br />
graves<strong>to</strong>nes shrouded by fog. <strong>The</strong> head<br />
pieces <strong>to</strong>ok on strange shapes. I heard<br />
a soft voice call my name from out of<br />
the mist over and over. I think I saw<br />
someone’s shadow move from behind<br />
the gate. I felt the hair on the back of my<br />
neck stand up and I tell you I sure ran for<br />
dear life as fast as my legs could carry<br />
me. One other time, three of us walked<br />
by the Bates’ condemned cabin near the<br />
burial ground, only <strong>to</strong> see some strange<br />
flickering candle lights in the upper<br />
window and the sound of someone<br />
crying in house. It was the sadness of<br />
the crying that got <strong>to</strong> me, it was so full of<br />
grief! I will never forget that night as long<br />
as I live. We never went near that place<br />
after dark again.<br />
Some people claim <strong>to</strong> have seen the<br />
iron cemetery gates swing open late at<br />
night when there was not even a breeze<br />
of air. Some have seen shadow figures<br />
move past the gate over <strong>to</strong> Bates log<br />
house, and heard whispering voices in<br />
the still of the night. Could they be the<br />
souls of Mr. and Mrs. Bates going home<br />
<strong>to</strong> their haunted cabin in the dark gloom<br />
of the night? People say there are restless<br />
souls down by the swamp when the<br />
night is a misty grey... that they wander<br />
aimlessly up and down the Old Cemetery<br />
Lane, lost in the spirit world of the dead.<br />
Could it be Mrs. Bates or could it be old<br />
man Bates looking for his wife’s killer?<br />
No one ever found out who the killer<br />
was. Maybe it’s the evil one looking for<br />
someone else <strong>to</strong> do in. Who knows what<br />
lurks late at night on this country road.<br />
Sweet dreams... if you dare sleep<br />
alone!<br />
P A G E<br />
26<br />
Be Thankful For... compliments. Give them often & appreciate the ones you get.<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong>
Our next issue will come out around the middle of November <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
Welcoming<br />
New Patients<br />
Corunna Pharmasave<br />
Glencoe Pharmasave<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
• Pharmacist available 24/7 for our paents<br />
• FREE Delivery • FREE Compliance Packs<br />
• $2.00 Co-Pay waived on elegible ODB Prescripons<br />
• 10% discount on otc items every Tuesday & Friday<br />
SARNIA: 206 Maxwell St, 519-337-3215 • CORUNNA: 409 Lyndoch St, 519-862-2020 • GLENCOE: 235 A Main St, 519-287-3225<br />
Are you ready for fall?? It’s here, and<br />
winter isn’t far behind, so there are a few<br />
things that need <strong>to</strong> be done before you<br />
can cuddle up by the fire with a good<br />
gardening book. Houseplants that have<br />
been outdoors for the summer should<br />
now be inspected for scale insects and<br />
cleaned with insecticidal soap before<br />
moving them inside. <strong>The</strong>y should be<br />
brought indoors, at least 2 weeks before<br />
the furnace is started so they can get<br />
used <strong>to</strong> their new environment before<br />
they are subjected <strong>to</strong> indoor heating.<br />
If you have been waiting for the<br />
perfect time <strong>to</strong> palant a new lawn, the<br />
time has arrived. With morning and<br />
evening dews, you get free watering,<br />
and cooler temperatures are perfect<br />
conditions for growth. Grass requires<br />
three items for growth - water, sunlight<br />
and heat. DO NOT water every day - this<br />
will teach the roots <strong>to</strong> remain on the<br />
Match the<br />
Garden Chores for September<br />
by Agnes Burroughs • from Daytrippng Sept-Oct 2005<br />
surface and die in severe drought or cold.<br />
1” of water a week supplemented by<br />
Mother Nature will give good solid<br />
growth. Use an empty salmon<br />
can for measuring water use<br />
with your sprinkler. Depending on<br />
the weather, a final grass<br />
cut should be done rather<br />
high so it can over winter<br />
best. A final fertilizing with<br />
a high root number should<br />
be done at this time (4-9-15<br />
winterguard).<br />
Planting new shrubs can be done at<br />
this time, as they won’t have the hot<br />
summer sun <strong>to</strong> contend with and will<br />
be under less stress. Old perennial beds<br />
should be divided and replanted now -<br />
be sure <strong>to</strong> enrich the soil with compost.<br />
Japanese iris, peonies and primrose<br />
will benefit from dividing and<br />
replanting now. Hedges of all<br />
kinds need a final haircut,<br />
and do compost the<br />
clippings. Continue <strong>to</strong> water<br />
all established evergreens,<br />
shrubs and trees right up<br />
until the ground freezes. If<br />
the shrubs have a canopy<br />
of foliage, be sure <strong>to</strong> lay the<br />
hose beneath this so that the roots<br />
truly get the water. Trees don’t die from<br />
cold, they die from dehydration.<br />
As soon as their foliage has been<br />
slightly frosted, lift and prepare dahlias,<br />
cannas, tuberous begonias, gladiolus<br />
and other tender bulbs. If you intend<br />
<strong>to</strong> over winter geraniums, coleus and<br />
begonias, be sure <strong>to</strong> get them in before<br />
frost, cut them back by half and place in<br />
light sandy soil in well drained pots.<br />
Parsley, chives and other herbs may<br />
be dug now for fresh pickings through<br />
the winter. Bulbs should be planted now<br />
for wonderful colour next spring. Plant<br />
them 3 times the depth of their size.<br />
In other words, a 2 inch bulb should<br />
be planted 6” deep. Water well and<br />
add bone and blood meal <strong>to</strong> the hole -<br />
not <strong>to</strong>uching but close <strong>to</strong> the bulb. <strong>The</strong><br />
soaked ground and blood meal MAY<br />
discourage squirrels - no guarantees.<br />
For the best selection and color<br />
choice - tulips, hyacinths, daffodils,<br />
fritallarias, galanthus, and crocus should<br />
be available at your garden centre now.<br />
Now, sit down and enjoy that fireplace<br />
and a good gardening book.<br />
&<br />
1.<br />
“Come on down!”<br />
Fat Albert”<br />
A.<br />
2.<br />
“Let’s get ready <strong>to</strong> rumble!”<br />
Steve McGarrett, “Hawaii Five-O”<br />
B.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
“Good grief.”<br />
“Hey hey HEEY!”<br />
Steve Martin & Dan Aykroyd<br />
Czech playboys, “SNL”<br />
Charlie Brown, “Peanuts” special<br />
C.<br />
D.<br />
5.<br />
“Yada, yada, yada.”<br />
Fred Flints<strong>to</strong>ne, “<strong>The</strong> Flints<strong>to</strong>nes”<br />
E.<br />
6.<br />
“Book ‘em, Danno.”<br />
J.J., “Good Times”<br />
F.<br />
7.<br />
“We are 2 wild & crazy guys!”<br />
Wendy’s ad<br />
G.<br />
8.<br />
9.<br />
10.<br />
“Dyn-o-mite!”<br />
“Yabba dabba do!”<br />
“Whatchoo talkin’ ‘bout, Willis?”<br />
“Seinfeld”<br />
Arnold Drummond,<br />
“Diff’rent Strokes”<br />
Ed McMahon,<br />
“<strong>The</strong> Tonight Show”<br />
H.<br />
I.<br />
J.<br />
11.<br />
“Where’s the beef?”<br />
“<strong>The</strong> Price is Right”<br />
K.<br />
12.<br />
“Here’s Johnny!”<br />
Michael Buffer, various sports events<br />
L.<br />
1;K 2;L 3;D 4;A 5;H 6;B 7;C 8;F 9;E 10;I 11;G 12;J<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong> Be Thankful For... neighbours that keep an eye on your home & lend you stuff. P A G E 27
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
<strong>The</strong> Codfish<br />
<strong>The</strong> codfish lays<br />
10,000 eggs,<br />
the homely hen<br />
lays one.<br />
<strong>The</strong> codfish never<br />
cackles <strong>to</strong> tell you<br />
what she's done.<br />
And so we scorn<br />
the codfish,<br />
while the humble<br />
hen we prize,<br />
which only goes<br />
<strong>to</strong> show you,<br />
that it pays<br />
<strong>to</strong> advertise.<br />
Growing old is inevitable, but growing up is optional!<br />
Life is better on an e-bike!<br />
Electric Powered<br />
Mobility Scooters<br />
Bikes & Kick Scooters<br />
Sales, e Parts & Service<br />
e e<br />
Since 2014<br />
154 Mit<strong>to</strong>n St. North • Sarnia sarniaebikes@gmail.com<br />
Embracing the Magic of Autumn<br />
By Kelly-Lynn Musico, Brights Grove • Registered Physiotherapist, Registered Yoga Teacher<br />
I absolutely love the Autumn! While<br />
some of us are mourning the loss of<br />
the hot, sizzling, summer nights, I find<br />
myself eagerly anticipating the arrival<br />
of fall, with its beauty and crisp, cool<br />
embrace. <strong>The</strong>re’s something uniquely<br />
magical about the fall season that<br />
captivates my heart and soul.<br />
Autumn is a time of beauty, comfort,<br />
and joy.<br />
Enchanting Beauty<br />
One of the most enchanting aspects<br />
of autumn is the transformation of the<br />
landscape. <strong>The</strong> landscape comes alive<br />
with a palette of fiery reds, deep oranges,<br />
golden yellows, and rustic browns. It’s as<br />
if nature has saved its most breathtaking<br />
display for the<br />
year’s final act.<br />
What a gift.<br />
Locally, we can<br />
engage in the<br />
splendor of this<br />
beauty by taking<br />
time <strong>to</strong> stroll<br />
through a park<br />
or drive along a<br />
scenic Lakeshore<br />
Road, or Highway<br />
21 and watch as it becomes a visual<br />
feast, with every turn revealing a new<br />
and stunning palette of colors. Oh, what<br />
beauty!<br />
And what about the sound of the<br />
season? Oh, the sounds. How about<br />
taking a stroll through Cantara park? <strong>The</strong><br />
crispness of the fallen leaves underfoot<br />
adds an audi<strong>to</strong>ry dimension <strong>to</strong> our<br />
walk. <strong>The</strong>re is something nostalgic and<br />
childlike when walking through a pile of<br />
leaves, hearing them crunch and rustle.<br />
Oh, the sounds!<br />
Comfortable Temperatures<br />
<strong>The</strong> fall season brings with it, crisp<br />
and invigorating air, carrying with it the<br />
subtle scent of earth and wood smoke.<br />
Cool nights are a wonderful opportunity<br />
for bonfires which provide us with cozy,<br />
communal experiences, where s<strong>to</strong>ries<br />
are shared, and laughter is plentiful.<br />
<strong>The</strong>se comfortable temperatures make<br />
fall the perfect season <strong>to</strong> spend time<br />
outdoors. Whether it’s hiking through<br />
a forest, or conservation area, enjoying<br />
a picnic in the park, or simply sitting<br />
on a porch with a warm drink, the fall<br />
weather is accommodating and inviting.<br />
Oh, what joy!<br />
Joyful Fun <strong>Fall</strong> Activities<br />
Physical and social engagement is<br />
so critical especially as we age. <strong>Fall</strong> is<br />
a season rich with activities that get<br />
us moving, brings people <strong>to</strong>gether and<br />
creates lasting memories. Locally, we<br />
are blessed <strong>to</strong> have an abundance of<br />
fall festivals, fall fairs, pumpkin patches,<br />
corn mazes and<br />
even a local,<br />
harvest moon<br />
pow wow. <strong>The</strong>re’s<br />
no shortage of<br />
fun <strong>to</strong> be had.<br />
Apple picking is<br />
a beloved autumn<br />
pastime for our<br />
family. It offers<br />
the ability <strong>to</strong><br />
move in the fresh<br />
outdoors while harvesting local, fresh,<br />
crisp apples. And then, our plethora<br />
of harvested apples translates in<strong>to</strong><br />
delicious applesauce, pies, and crisps.<br />
Oh, how fun!<br />
So, as we embrace the magic of<br />
autumn, lets remind ourselves of the<br />
simple pleasures that can make life so<br />
rich and fulfilling. Autumn is a season<br />
that invites us <strong>to</strong> slow down, appreciate<br />
the beauty around us, and connect with<br />
loved ones. So, whether I’m marvelling<br />
at the colourful foliage, relishing in the<br />
comfortable weather, or partaking in<br />
fun, fall activities, autumn never fails <strong>to</strong><br />
fill my heart with warmth and wonder.<br />
Oh the Magic of Autum!<br />
Move. Feel. Live.<br />
THE CLUB<br />
<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />
SUDOKU<br />
Sudoku puzzles are formaed as a 9x9 grid, broken down in<strong>to</strong> nine<br />
3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each<br />
row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row,<br />
column and box.<br />
You can figure out<br />
the order in which<br />
the numbers will<br />
appear by using<br />
the numeric clues<br />
already provided<br />
in the boxes. <strong>The</strong><br />
more numbers you<br />
name, the easier it<br />
gets <strong>to</strong> solve the<br />
puzzle!<br />
PUZZLE<br />
ON<br />
PAGE 37<br />
P A G E<br />
28<br />
Be Thankful For... living in a part of the world that has free, clean, fresh water.<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong>
If your business offers anything <strong>to</strong> people 55+, you should advertise <strong>to</strong>o!<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
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info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> the <strong>Club</strong> has a by-line of<br />
’55 and over’ and is geared <strong>to</strong> that age<br />
group. It is suggested that not all seniors<br />
are informed of just how many activities<br />
are available <strong>to</strong> them in our area. Maybe<br />
they have not checked out what is<br />
offered. Gone are the days when people<br />
in their 40’s were considered <strong>to</strong> be ‘old!’<br />
I think it had <strong>to</strong> do with parents having<br />
<strong>to</strong> work <strong>to</strong>o hard in and out of the home,<br />
while also raising large families.<br />
Strangway Centre in Sarnia is a<br />
wonderful facility offering dozens of<br />
activities such as cards, woodworking,<br />
exercises, art, music, day trips and so<br />
much more…good for the mind, body<br />
and soul. <strong>The</strong> age is 20+but many are<br />
upwards of 50.<br />
Many seniors enjoy freighter-watching<br />
under the Bluewater Bridges while<br />
eating chips and Grammie’s Cupboard<br />
ice cream. <strong>The</strong>re is always time <strong>to</strong> bring<br />
out their cameras and capture one of<br />
these mammoth ships. If you haven’t<br />
been down <strong>to</strong> the bridges <strong>to</strong> see the<br />
internationally renowned Rocky the<br />
Snake, you need <strong>to</strong> make the scene one<br />
day soon. <strong>The</strong> concept was started in<br />
2023 by Wendy Marsden, who painted<br />
13 rocks of various shapes and sizes<br />
and placed them on the gravel s<strong>to</strong>nes.<br />
It caught on and people of all ages from<br />
near and far have added their rocks<br />
which feature meaningful messages,<br />
tributes, hobbies, sport teams, art and<br />
more. It winds itself like a true snake<br />
several yards <strong>to</strong> the north. Due <strong>to</strong> the<br />
increasing size it <strong>to</strong>ok on the look of a<br />
very fat snake! Seniors at the long-term<br />
care homes have contributed as well as<br />
students from the schools and it is hoped<br />
they’ll contribute more.<br />
Last summer I was happy <strong>to</strong> chat with<br />
a few families on vacation in our area,<br />
Keeping Active for the<br />
’55 & Over’ Crowd…<br />
some from abroad as well as places in<br />
the U.S. <strong>The</strong>ir choice was <strong>to</strong> paint family<br />
on their rocks or depict something about<br />
their home<strong>to</strong>wn, state or province. If<br />
you take a notion <strong>to</strong> paint some rocks<br />
<strong>to</strong> add <strong>to</strong> Rocky the Snake, acrylic paint<br />
is recommended as it stands up <strong>to</strong> the<br />
weather.<br />
Are you someone who enjoys<br />
reading <strong>to</strong> your grandchildren? That<br />
is a wonderful bonding time and<br />
creates lasting memories. <strong>The</strong> local<br />
library in your <strong>to</strong>wn may<br />
have a program where<br />
they welcome readers<br />
<strong>to</strong> come read <strong>to</strong> the<br />
children. It is a win-win<br />
situation. And speaking of<br />
grandchildren, if you are a<br />
senior and a grandparent,<br />
you know some of your<br />
time can be spent building<br />
relationships as the grandkids grow<br />
through the years. Cheering them on at<br />
a sporting event or even baking cookies<br />
<strong>to</strong>gether will make their day and yours.<br />
If you are a senior living in a condo/<br />
apartment building, you could consider<br />
starting up a social club which can be<br />
a way <strong>to</strong> alleviate the loneliness that<br />
comes with losing a spouse and living<br />
on your own. Such activities could be<br />
dining out, supporting theatre, (local and<br />
out of <strong>to</strong>wn), table games and whatever<br />
suits the group. Local churches, besides<br />
Sunday services, offer many events<br />
and activities for all ages. <strong>The</strong>y are also<br />
known <strong>to</strong> plan special events for seniors.<br />
“Opal” by Ronny D’Haene<br />
By Nadine Wark, Sarnia<br />
<strong>The</strong>re is nothing quite like walking<br />
through the gardens of our local parks<br />
which are attended <strong>to</strong> with such care<br />
and expertise from Spring through the<br />
<strong>Fall</strong>. <strong>The</strong> colours and varieties of plants,<br />
bushes and flowers are breathtaking<br />
with each season showcasing its own<br />
spectacular garden views.<br />
I like seeing surprises while out walking<br />
and many times it’s a matter of being at<br />
the right place at the right time. When<br />
I think of Germain Park in Sarnia, the<br />
famous ‘white squirrel’<br />
comes <strong>to</strong> mind. Pearl was<br />
around for years, then<br />
word was out that she<br />
passed away. Before that<br />
time, however, a second<br />
smaller white squirrel<br />
appeared and was called<br />
Opal, daughter of Pearl<br />
(just where the father is,<br />
is anyone’s guess). I have been fortunate<br />
<strong>to</strong> come across them a few times. It has<br />
been said that there are white squirrels<br />
in Wyoming as well. <strong>The</strong> first I heard<br />
of them was Exeter, Ontario and a sign<br />
outside <strong>to</strong>wn said ‘Home of the White<br />
Squirrel.’<br />
I am a dog-lover, having walked our<br />
family dogs for decades and enjoy seeing<br />
the variety of breeds when walking at<br />
our many beautiful parks. I have come<br />
across unique animals at Centennial<br />
Park such as the Bearded Dragon and<br />
another time, a rabbit; both were on a<br />
leash; also a colourful parrot under the<br />
bridges. What fun it was <strong>to</strong> come across<br />
a goat being walked under the Bluewater<br />
Bridges several years ago. It was<br />
entertaining <strong>to</strong> watch Bela, my Scottish<br />
Terrier at the time, come nose-<strong>to</strong>-nose<br />
with the leashed goat! (I could almost<br />
read her mind… “now what kind of a<br />
dog is THIS?!”) Thankfully I have pho<strong>to</strong>s<br />
of all these surprises while out walking.<br />
Joining a gym is something which may<br />
appeal <strong>to</strong> those who are not fit but could<br />
be. <strong>The</strong> equipment is not for everyone<br />
but a personal program can be geared <strong>to</strong><br />
suit every need. A pool might be worth a<br />
try. Some do not swim and do not want<br />
lessons, but just moving in the water<br />
can work wonders. And the water is so<br />
beneficial and easier on the joints.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> (along with it’s<br />
parent - Daytripping Magazine) is written<br />
by it’s readers and most articles are<br />
nostalgic in nature, so you could try your<br />
hand at writing about some experience<br />
that’s been worth remembering. You<br />
could also go on a daytrip and write<br />
about it. You don’t have <strong>to</strong> travel far <strong>to</strong><br />
have a great time, meeting the locals,<br />
doing a little shopping and checking out<br />
the recommended restaurants.<br />
Every <strong>to</strong>wn has its own programs for<br />
senior folks and, if you feel ‘in a rut’ as<br />
many do, pick up the phone and make<br />
something happen! <strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong> the <strong>Club</strong><br />
is also an excellent resource for seniors,<br />
featuring local events; important phone<br />
numbers; help with transportation;<br />
s<strong>to</strong>re discounts; community resources<br />
including transportation info and meals.<br />
It is my go-<strong>to</strong> resource for everything<br />
senior.<br />
Edi<strong>to</strong>r’s Note: Nadine, I can confirm that<br />
white squirrels enjoy Wyoming, as one<br />
made its home in my backyard for several<br />
years (although it’s been a while since I’ve<br />
seen it). ~ Angela<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong> Be Thankful For... medical research and all advances that have been made. P A G E 29
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Don’t put this down! You’ll have <strong>to</strong> bend over <strong>to</strong> pick it back up!<br />
To Help You ‘SEE’ <strong>The</strong> World More Clearly<br />
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Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign<br />
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Window...<br />
"Don’t stand out<br />
there hungry - come<br />
in & get fed up."<br />
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www.strictlysunrooms.com<br />
Nature’s<br />
Remedy –<br />
Raising<br />
Resilient<br />
Kids<br />
By Mary Lou Tasko,<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Shores Nature Trails<br />
www.lsntblazers.com<br />
No doubt your first thought is “Why<br />
am I seeing an article about raising<br />
kids in a magazine for retirees?” Fair<br />
question!<br />
As retirees, we are the current<br />
generation that has time <strong>to</strong> observe,<br />
contemplate and certainly appreciate the<br />
important aspects of life. Most of us have<br />
extended families that include youth who<br />
will be making their way in life long after<br />
we are gone. We can all agree, I expect,<br />
that we want these future adults <strong>to</strong> have<br />
the resilience <strong>to</strong> weather life’s s<strong>to</strong>rms.<br />
And we would also want that life <strong>to</strong> be<br />
lived on a healthy planet, something we<br />
probably gave little thought <strong>to</strong> as younger<br />
people. Believe it or not, resilient kids<br />
and a healthy natural environment are<br />
more connected than you might think.<br />
Perhaps we can use our older, wiser<br />
influence <strong>to</strong> help our youth develop the<br />
skills they need for the future.<br />
Since the advent of the industrial<br />
revolution, humans have been spending<br />
less and less time outdoors, and the<br />
digital revolution of the last 30 years<br />
has accelerated this shift. Urban areas<br />
have exploded and, in many cases,<br />
poor planning has resulted in the loss<br />
or fragmentation of natural areas.<br />
Add societal fears of vulnerability for<br />
kids playing outside, and the result is<br />
children growing up with limited or no<br />
connection <strong>to</strong> the natural world.<br />
Richard Louv, award-winning<br />
journalist and author, coined the phrase<br />
“Nature-Deficit Disorder” <strong>to</strong> describe<br />
the set of human costs that result from<br />
being alienated from nature. Since his<br />
book, Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our<br />
Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder,<br />
was published in 2005, several hundred<br />
studies have been done <strong>to</strong> identify the<br />
impact of nature experiences.<br />
When children play outdoors,<br />
whether it’s organized or unstructured,<br />
their physical health is affected. <strong>The</strong>y<br />
keep their lungs and heart robust,<br />
develop strong bones and improve<br />
flexibility, all important components of<br />
resilience <strong>to</strong> disease or injury. Although<br />
it seems contradic<strong>to</strong>ry, exercise can<br />
actually calm children and allow them<br />
<strong>to</strong> focus more easily.<br />
Nature has the capacity <strong>to</strong> stimulate<br />
and utilize all of our senses—sight,<br />
hearing, smell, <strong>to</strong>uch and even taste!<br />
While kids may perceive a movie<br />
or video game as more stimulating,<br />
these media focus on only one or two<br />
senses. Living in the real world requires<br />
the senses <strong>to</strong> work <strong>to</strong>gether <strong>to</strong> make<br />
meaning and help us retain what we<br />
have learned.<br />
Researchers have noted that focusing<br />
or paying attention appears <strong>to</strong> require<br />
less effort in a natural environment<br />
compared <strong>to</strong> an urban environment.<br />
This “soft fascination” creates<br />
pleasurable feelings, not mental fatigue.<br />
Many therapists believe that engaging<br />
in the natural world allows our brains,<br />
and therefore our bodies, <strong>to</strong> rest and<br />
rejuvenate.<br />
Perhaps most striking are the links<br />
researchers have found between<br />
cognitive and emotional health, and<br />
interactions with nature. Most studies<br />
suggest that kids who play outside<br />
are more attentive, more competent,<br />
happier and less anxious than kids<br />
who spend more time indoors. Why?<br />
Researchers have a few ideas.<br />
Unstructured play in a natural setting<br />
promotes creativity and imagination.<br />
Children can design their own games or<br />
activities and modify them as needed.<br />
<strong>The</strong>re is no agenda created by an adult<br />
<strong>to</strong> guide the play. It goes where it goes.<br />
<strong>The</strong>re are so many ways <strong>to</strong> interact<br />
with an outdoor environment, and such<br />
a variety of outdoor environments, that<br />
children can be decision-makers and<br />
action-takers. <strong>The</strong>y build confidence<br />
in their abilities, but also learn about<br />
limits and consequences, key steps in<br />
developing responsibility.<br />
Interacting with the natural world is<br />
likely <strong>to</strong> stimulate kids’ sense of wonder<br />
of the phenomena that occur naturally<br />
every day. It makes them think. Asking<br />
questions, considering hypotheses and<br />
perhaps even researching the truth<br />
puts children’s brains <strong>to</strong> work in a<br />
challenging way.<br />
Many of us have experienced the<br />
mood-boosting benefits of a walk or<br />
leisurely bike ride in nature. Research<br />
continues <strong>to</strong> confirm that time spent<br />
in nature can reduce feelings of stress,<br />
depression and anxiety. This is good<br />
news, especially when the Canadian<br />
Mental Health Association estimates<br />
that 1 in 7 youth experience a mental<br />
health issue—with anxiety being the<br />
most common.<br />
But how do interactions with nature<br />
help children develop resilience?<br />
Healthy bodies and healthy minds<br />
are the building blocks of resilience.<br />
Physical health improves resilience<br />
<strong>to</strong> disease or injury, but also provides<br />
a sense of well-being that boosts<br />
P A G E<br />
30<br />
Be Thankful For... the clothes on your back. If you have extra, donate some.<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong>
Please tell our advertisers that you saw their ad in this magazine!<br />
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THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
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optimism and mental strength. Youth<br />
who can use their imagination and<br />
deductive skills <strong>to</strong> solve problems,<br />
but also have the confidence <strong>to</strong> use<br />
it, are better equipped <strong>to</strong> manage<br />
difficulty. <strong>The</strong> understanding of reallife<br />
limits or consequences shapes<br />
their ability <strong>to</strong> make thoughtful<br />
decisions and take appropriate action.<br />
In 2015, researchers at three American<br />
universities conducted a survey of<br />
about 600 middle school students in<br />
rural communities throughout South<br />
Carolina. Lead author Ed Bowers noted<br />
that few previous studies had examined<br />
connections between time spent<br />
outdoors and an area of psychology<br />
called “positive youth development,” the<br />
development of key strengths than can<br />
help youth succeed. <strong>The</strong> approach focuses<br />
on “five Cs”: competence, confidence,<br />
caring, character and connection. For<br />
example, character can be measured by<br />
doing the “right” thing, demonstrating<br />
integrity and valuing diversity. Youth<br />
who exhibit high levels of each element<br />
are more likely <strong>to</strong> demonstrate resilience<br />
during challenging times and contribute<br />
positively <strong>to</strong> society.<br />
<strong>The</strong>ir study findings suggested that<br />
youth who spend time in nature and<br />
feel connected <strong>to</strong> the outdoors are more<br />
likely <strong>to</strong> report positive developmental<br />
outcomes; they felt more competent,<br />
confident and caring.<br />
Benjamin Parry from the University<br />
of Birmingham said “Fostering positive<br />
youth development in nature settings<br />
can provide a unique source of resilience<br />
for youth during difficult or challenging<br />
times. Our research demonstrates that<br />
adolescents who participate in outdoor<br />
activities during these periods would<br />
be far less likely <strong>to</strong> report declines and<br />
more likely <strong>to</strong> maintain their mental<br />
health through resilience.”<br />
Parry also noted that their results<br />
support previous research that<br />
demonstrates time spent in nature as<br />
a youth can lead <strong>to</strong> pro-environmental<br />
behaviour and stewardship later in life.<br />
Like any other perception or<br />
behaviour that is nurtured early in life,<br />
engagement in and respect for nature<br />
has the potential <strong>to</strong> become a life-long<br />
habit. In fact, when youth spend time<br />
outside, they are 20% more likely <strong>to</strong><br />
participate in outdoor programs or<br />
explore nature independently when they<br />
are older. Exposure leads <strong>to</strong> awareness<br />
and understanding of environmental<br />
issues which, in turn, may lead <strong>to</strong> action<br />
that helps preserve the natural world.<br />
How can we help engage youth?<br />
Be a role model. Show the young<br />
people in your life that you value the<br />
natural environment by walking, hiking,<br />
fishing, camping, playing outdoor<br />
games … and so on. Nothing speaks<br />
louder than example.<br />
Include your young people in your<br />
activities when you can and be open <strong>to</strong><br />
trying things that they like <strong>to</strong> do in the<br />
outdoors—or at least watching if you’re<br />
not up for ziplining or white water<br />
rafting!<br />
Learn about the natural environment<br />
with your young people. Read articles<br />
or watch shows about nature, research<br />
<strong>to</strong>pics of interest and participate in<br />
learning programs. Visit national or<br />
provincial parks and conservation<br />
areas where educational programs or<br />
activities may be offered.<br />
Encourage your young people <strong>to</strong><br />
volunteer at school or through local<br />
nature organizations—better yet,<br />
volunteer <strong>to</strong>gether.<br />
Take action with your young people.<br />
Participate in citizen science projects.<br />
Create a wildlife habitat in your backyard.<br />
Build a pollina<strong>to</strong>r garden. Plant trees.<br />
Check out the Protect Nature Challenge<br />
on canada.ca for details and links related<br />
<strong>to</strong> these ideas. <strong>The</strong> Children & Nature<br />
Network and Project Learning Tree are<br />
two more excellent resources for youth<br />
nature activities.<br />
Also check out #NatureForAll, a<br />
global movement that works <strong>to</strong> inspire<br />
a love of nature. It encourages people<br />
<strong>to</strong> share their experiences in order <strong>to</strong><br />
generate support and action <strong>to</strong> conserve<br />
our natural world for future generations.<br />
At a local level, Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Shores<br />
Nature Trails is a volunteer organization<br />
that promotes, develops and maintains<br />
several area nature trails. LSNT offers<br />
opportunities for youth <strong>to</strong> engage<br />
with nature such as youth-specific<br />
hiking incentives, trail maintenance<br />
and special projects, and activities or<br />
workshops with its partners <strong>to</strong> enhance<br />
understanding of environmental issues.<br />
Encouraging your young people <strong>to</strong> seize<br />
these opportunities, or participating<br />
with them, is an easy way <strong>to</strong> start and<br />
keep them on a path <strong>to</strong> personal growth<br />
and community service. For more<br />
information about LSNT’s work, visit<br />
LSNTBlazers.com.<br />
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FALL <strong>2024</strong> Be Thankful For... sunrises and sunsets, and watching them with a loved one. P A G E 31
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
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We love showcasing Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n’s talented pho<strong>to</strong>graphers!<br />
Snapshots<br />
by Sarnia-Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Pho<strong>to</strong>graphers!<br />
Christine Coles Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy<br />
Susan Enders<br />
SAY IT NOW!<br />
When I was a child, quarreling and illfeelings<br />
between my brother, sister and<br />
me always ended in a short bedtime<br />
ceremony of "kiss and make it up." Our<br />
parents said this was the right thing <strong>to</strong><br />
do. No one, as far as I can remember,<br />
actually said why this was so, but we<br />
guessed it had something <strong>to</strong> do with<br />
saying we were sorry, and that we<br />
loved one another, while there was still<br />
the chance. For if "something" should<br />
happen <strong>to</strong> one of us during the night,<br />
it would then be <strong>to</strong>o late and we would<br />
never have the chance again. It was a sad<br />
thought, but we were <strong>to</strong>o young <strong>to</strong> take it<br />
<strong>to</strong>o seriously.<br />
When I grew up I realized the sound<br />
and compassionate logic behind my<br />
parents insistence that we “say it now”<br />
and not <strong>to</strong> wait until <strong>to</strong>morrow when it<br />
could be <strong>to</strong>o late.<br />
Often we assume that a loved one<br />
knows our inner feelings. In making this<br />
assumption we are robbing them of a<br />
certain joy, and are cheating ourselves<br />
the pleasure of giving, for the declaration<br />
of love is indeed a gift.<br />
It may be that embarrassment prevents<br />
us from revealing our true feelings, but<br />
regrets later are infinitely more painful<br />
and longer lasting than momentary<br />
embarrassment.<br />
One may argue that a person surely<br />
knows when he or she is loved, that there<br />
is no need <strong>to</strong> actually speak the words.<br />
<strong>The</strong> counterargument is simple: Is there<br />
anything more uplifting than hearing a<br />
loved one say, simply and meaningfully,<br />
"I LOVE YOU?"<br />
A few summers ago I <strong>to</strong>ok a longdelayed<br />
trip <strong>to</strong> the Old Country. My father,<br />
By Eileen Cade-Edwards<br />
from Daytrippng May-June 2009<br />
then in perfect health, <strong>to</strong>ok me <strong>to</strong> a place<br />
that, he said, always held fond memories<br />
for him. It was a place called <strong>The</strong> Hog’s<br />
Back, in Surrey – a curiously shaped<br />
hill with a breathtaking view across the<br />
downs. It was there many years before,<br />
that he had watched me as a child taking<br />
my first unsteady steps.<br />
Remembering, his face grew soft and<br />
he put his arm around my shoulders.<br />
"You were only as high as a dog’s knee,"<br />
he said, smiling. "And your mother and I<br />
were so proud of you."<br />
I laughed. It was so long ago, but my<br />
dear sentimental father remembered<br />
all of it. How I LOVED him. I wanted <strong>to</strong><br />
tell him so with all my heart, but I didn't<br />
know how <strong>to</strong> begin …<br />
It was only when my trip was coming<br />
<strong>to</strong> an end and he was driving me <strong>to</strong> the<br />
airport that an inner voice came <strong>to</strong> my<br />
rescue, “Say it NOW, before it’s <strong>to</strong>o late!”<br />
"Dad" I whispered, "Dad. <strong>The</strong>re’s<br />
something I’ve always meant <strong>to</strong> tell you.<br />
I love you. I love you very much."<br />
He glanced at me briefly, not daring<br />
<strong>to</strong> take his eyes off the highway for<br />
more than moment, but I saw a glow of<br />
happiness spread across his face. "I'm<br />
glad, "he murmured. "I'm glad."<br />
A few months after my return home,<br />
my father died after a brief illness. How<br />
glad I was that I had spoken out, that I<br />
had <strong>to</strong>ld him how I really felt about him.<br />
Yet, strangely, it hadn't been easy.<br />
But if the right words don’t come easily<br />
let's not panic. It doesn’t matter what we<br />
say, as long as the message is conveyed.<br />
We can use the phone or write a special<br />
note that speaks for us. <strong>The</strong> important<br />
thing is, “SAY IT NOW.”<br />
George Rosema Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy<br />
DeMoor Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy<br />
Mandy Roy<br />
Canatara Classics<br />
Want your<br />
pho<strong>to</strong> featured?<br />
519-491-1676 or<br />
info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
An<strong>to</strong>n Luko<br />
Stacey Strand-Lachine<br />
P A G E<br />
32<br />
Be Thankful For... children - they have so much <strong>to</strong> teach us.<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong>
Sometimes, no news really is good news.<br />
When we talk about men<strong>to</strong>ring,<br />
we are really expecting a transfer of<br />
experience and knowledge, and who has<br />
more experience and knowledge than a<br />
senior. When we discuss men<strong>to</strong>ring there<br />
is a natural affinity between someone,<br />
typically younger, and a senior. Imagine<br />
a person that had a long and successful<br />
career as a teacher, accountant, doc<strong>to</strong>r,<br />
pas<strong>to</strong>r, welder, police officer, firefighter,<br />
the list is endless, being able <strong>to</strong> pass on<br />
this wealth of understanding, knowledge,<br />
and experience. <strong>The</strong>se men<strong>to</strong>rs have<br />
had every interpersonal experience<br />
imaginable: raised a family, been in a<br />
community for decades, and they just<br />
want <strong>to</strong> help someone with this same<br />
knowledge. Could that someone be you?<br />
Who would you rather be, the graduate<br />
with a piece of paper, or that same<br />
graduate with the support and knowledge<br />
of a men<strong>to</strong>r?<br />
This is not a friendship, although it can<br />
be. It is not companionship, although it<br />
can be and usually is. What men<strong>to</strong>ring<br />
is, what true men<strong>to</strong>ring is at its core is,<br />
A Path <strong>to</strong> Wellness<br />
Men<strong>to</strong>ring – What Seniors Have <strong>to</strong> Offer<br />
By Chris Treftlin, Shine at Home, Sarnia<br />
a passing on of profound experience,<br />
and by the passing on of this profound<br />
experience the person receiving the<br />
knowledge, the mentee, will never be<br />
the same. <strong>The</strong>y are benefitting <strong>to</strong> a much<br />
deeper degree than if they had just sat<br />
in a classroom and passed tests. Formal<br />
education is vitally important <strong>to</strong> be sure,<br />
however men<strong>to</strong>ring takes that formal<br />
knowledge further, much further.<br />
So important is men<strong>to</strong>ring that some<br />
organizations have formal programs built<br />
in<strong>to</strong> their business practices. In these<br />
organizations new recruits are paired<br />
with experienced and successful existing<br />
employees. <strong>The</strong>y have regular meetings<br />
and discuss all the things the newbie<br />
would need <strong>to</strong> navigate the organization.<br />
In this article we are not talking about<br />
anything that formal. It could be, but it is<br />
not necessary.<br />
Let us go back <strong>to</strong> a great movie that<br />
demonstrates the power of men<strong>to</strong>ring.<br />
Everyone remembers <strong>The</strong> Karate Kid.<br />
<strong>The</strong> relationship between Mr. Miyagi<br />
the men<strong>to</strong>r, and Daniel LaRusso the<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
mentee was the focus of the s<strong>to</strong>ry. A<br />
coming-of-age tale that demonstrated<br />
the importance of men<strong>to</strong>ring. Everyone<br />
remembers “Wax On, Wax Off.” <strong>The</strong><br />
senior, more experienced Miyagi had <strong>to</strong><br />
move Daniel <strong>to</strong> the true understanding of<br />
the art of Karate. More than that he s<strong>to</strong>od<br />
alongside the young LaRusso as he<br />
met and overcame the challenges<br />
placed before him. You see that is<br />
what men<strong>to</strong>ring is, standing with<br />
the mentee. <strong>The</strong> men<strong>to</strong>r does not<br />
fight the battles, but rather teaches<br />
their pupil how <strong>to</strong> fight them.<br />
So, that is men<strong>to</strong>ring. We can<br />
easily see the benefits that occur<br />
for the individual being men<strong>to</strong>red.<br />
<strong>The</strong> rest of this article will focus on<br />
how the men<strong>to</strong>r benefits. I have<br />
written many times about purpose. This<br />
is what happens for the seniors while<br />
men<strong>to</strong>ring. A greater sense of self worth.<br />
An opportunity <strong>to</strong> contribute, <strong>to</strong> make a<br />
difference.<br />
Here is something <strong>to</strong> consider: In<br />
Japan a senior is revered. That is, they are<br />
honoured in society for their contribution.<br />
Please reflect on the word “honoured.”<br />
As such, what a senior has <strong>to</strong> offer is<br />
given weight and importance. Going back<br />
<strong>to</strong> my comments on <strong>The</strong> Karate Kid. Mr.<br />
Miyagi revered his parents, and he was<br />
bringing that in<strong>to</strong> his relationship with<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
Daniel, only Daniel didn’t know it. Do we<br />
revere our seniors? Do we honour them<br />
for their contribution <strong>to</strong> society? In Japan<br />
there is a national holiday dedicated<br />
<strong>to</strong> seniors. Respect for the Aged Day—<br />
every September 15. Worth considering<br />
perhaps.<br />
Wax on. Wax off.<br />
Here are a couple of links <strong>to</strong> get you<br />
started. You will need <strong>to</strong> pick things up<br />
from here <strong>to</strong> find out how <strong>to</strong> become<br />
a men<strong>to</strong>r. Interestingly, many current<br />
programs use technology <strong>to</strong> achieve the<br />
connection.<br />
https://men<strong>to</strong>rcanada.ca/en<br />
https://bigbrothersbigsisters.ca/ourprograms/<br />
Search your individual communities for<br />
programs that can offer a real men<strong>to</strong>ring<br />
opportunity. <strong>The</strong>y are out there. Not as<br />
many as there should be perhaps. Why<br />
don’t you start one?<br />
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FALL <strong>2024</strong> Be Thankful For... time spent helping mom (or grandma) bake apple pies. P A G E 33
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
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<strong>The</strong> older I get, the more I enjoy<br />
Saturday mornings. Perhaps it’s the quiet<br />
solitude that comes with being the first<br />
<strong>to</strong> rise, or maybe it’s the unbounded<br />
joy of not having <strong>to</strong> be at work. Either<br />
way, the first few hours of a Saturday<br />
morning are most enjoyable. A few<br />
weeks ago, what began as a typical<br />
Saturday morning, turned in<strong>to</strong> one of<br />
those lessons that life seems <strong>to</strong> hand<br />
you from time <strong>to</strong> time.<br />
I turned the dial up in<strong>to</strong> the phone<br />
portion of the band on my ham radio<br />
in order <strong>to</strong> listen <strong>to</strong> a Saturday morning<br />
swap net. Along the way, I came across<br />
an older sounding chap, with a golden<br />
voice. He was telling whomever he<br />
was talking with something about “a<br />
thousand marbles.” I was intrigued and<br />
s<strong>to</strong>pped <strong>to</strong> listen... “Well, Tom, it sure<br />
sounds like you’re busy with your job.<br />
I’m sure they pay you well but it’s a<br />
shame you have <strong>to</strong> be away from home<br />
and your family so much. Working sixty<br />
or seventy hours a week <strong>to</strong> make ends<br />
meet? Missing your daughter’s dance<br />
recital? He continued, “Let me tell you<br />
something Tom, something that has<br />
helped me keep a good perspective on<br />
my own priorities.”<br />
“You see, I sat down one day and did<br />
a little arithmetic. <strong>The</strong> average person<br />
lives about seventy-five years. I know,<br />
some live more and some live less, but<br />
on average, folks live about seventy-five<br />
years. Now then, I multiplied 75 times<br />
52 and I came up with 3900, which is<br />
the number of Saturdays that the average<br />
person has in their entire lifetime.<br />
“Now stick with me, Tom, I’m getting<br />
<strong>to</strong> the important part.” “It <strong>to</strong>ok me until<br />
I was 55 years old <strong>to</strong> think about all<br />
this in any detail”, he went on, “and<br />
by that time I had lived through over<br />
twenty-eight hundred Saturdays. I got <strong>to</strong><br />
Free & Private<br />
Consultations<br />
E-Mail<br />
<strong>The</strong> E-Mail<br />
IN-BOX<br />
Send the good stuff <strong>to</strong> info@welcome<strong>to</strong>theclub.ca<br />
1000 Marbles<br />
thinking that if I lived <strong>to</strong> be seventy-five,<br />
I only had about a thousand of them left<br />
<strong>to</strong> enjoy. “So I went <strong>to</strong> a <strong>to</strong>y s<strong>to</strong>re and<br />
bought every single marble they had. I<br />
ended up having <strong>to</strong> visit three <strong>to</strong>y s<strong>to</strong>res<br />
<strong>to</strong> round up 1000 marbles. I <strong>to</strong>ok them<br />
home and put them inside of a large,<br />
clear plastic container right here in the<br />
sack next <strong>to</strong> my gear. Every Saturday<br />
since then, I have taken one marble out<br />
and thrown it away.” “I found that by<br />
watching the marbles diminish, I focus<br />
more on the really important things in<br />
life. <strong>The</strong>re is nothing like watching your<br />
time here on this earth run out <strong>to</strong> help<br />
get your priorities straight.”<br />
“Now let me tell you one last thing<br />
before I sign-off with you and take<br />
my lovely wife out for breakfast. This<br />
morning, I <strong>to</strong>ok the very last marble out<br />
of the container. I figure that if I make<br />
it until next Saturday then I have been<br />
given a little extra time. And the one<br />
thing we can all use is a little more time.”<br />
“It was nice <strong>to</strong> meet you Tom, I hope<br />
you spend more time with your family,<br />
and I hope <strong>to</strong> meet you again here on the<br />
band... 75 year old man, this is K9NZQ,<br />
clear and going QRT, good morning!”<br />
You could have heard a pin drop on the<br />
band when this fellow signed off. I guess<br />
he gave us all a lot <strong>to</strong> think about.<br />
I had planned <strong>to</strong> work on the antenna<br />
that morning, and then I was going <strong>to</strong><br />
meet up with a few hams <strong>to</strong> work on<br />
the next club newsletter. Instead, I went<br />
upstairs and woke my wife up with a<br />
kiss. “C’mon honey, I’m taking you and<br />
the kids <strong>to</strong> breakfast.” “What brought<br />
this on?” she asked with a smile. “Oh,<br />
nothing special, it’s just been a long time<br />
since we spent a Saturday <strong>to</strong>gether with<br />
the kids. Hey, can we s<strong>to</strong>p at a <strong>to</strong>y s<strong>to</strong>re<br />
while we’re out? I need <strong>to</strong> buy some<br />
marbles....<br />
loo washroom, bathroom<br />
vest sleeveless undershirt<br />
lounge suit business suit<br />
Trilby hat fedora<br />
anorak hoodie<br />
MacIn<strong>to</strong>sh raincoat<br />
windcheater windbreaker<br />
knickers underwear<br />
tights pantyhose<br />
ices cupcakes<br />
sweets candies<br />
iron monger hardware s<strong>to</strong>re<br />
nick police station<br />
chemist pharmacist<br />
high street main street<br />
mo<strong>to</strong>rway limited access highway<br />
petrol gasoline<br />
lorrie truck<br />
mo<strong>to</strong>rbike mo<strong>to</strong>rcycle<br />
tellie TV<br />
form criminal record<br />
caravan recreational trailer<br />
Welling<strong>to</strong>ns high rubber boots<br />
public school private school<br />
wireless radio<br />
windscreen windshield<br />
lift eleva<strong>to</strong>r<br />
tram streetcar<br />
tube subway<br />
landlord pub owner<br />
Sent in by John Thompson, Hamil<strong>to</strong>n<br />
P A G E<br />
34<br />
Be Thankful For... movies and books, a great way <strong>to</strong> escape from everyday life.<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong>
You’re not getting older, you’re just becoming a classic!<br />
<strong>The</strong> Turkey Shot<br />
Out of the Oven...<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
by Jack Prelutsky<br />
<strong>The</strong> turkey shot out of the oven<br />
And rocketed in<strong>to</strong> the air,<br />
It knocked every plate off the table<br />
And partly demolished a chair.<br />
It ricocheted in<strong>to</strong> a corner<br />
And burst with a deafening boom,<br />
<strong>The</strong>n splattered all over the kitchen,<br />
Completely obscuring the room.<br />
It stuck <strong>to</strong> the walls and the windows,<br />
It <strong>to</strong>tally coated the floor,<br />
<strong>The</strong>re was turkey attached <strong>to</strong> the ceiling,<br />
Where there'd never been turkey before.<br />
It blanketed every appliance,<br />
It smeared every saucer and bowl,<br />
<strong>The</strong>re wasn't a way I could s<strong>to</strong>p it,<br />
That turkey was out of control.<br />
I scraped and scrubbed with displeasure,<br />
And thought with chagrin as I mopped,<br />
That I'd never again stuff a turkey<br />
With popcorn that hadn't been popped!<br />
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provide coupon code before ordering. Online orders,<br />
click “add coupon” and enter code. Participating<br />
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Bayshore Home Care Solutions Assistance with Housekeeping, Errands & Meal Prep 519-383-6979 bayshore.ca<br />
Canadian Red Cross Grocery Pickup & Transportation Services 519-332-6380 redcross.ca<br />
Care-A-Van Door-<strong>to</strong>-Door Public Transportation - lift equipped vehicles 519-336-3789 cav@sarnia.ca<br />
Habitat for Humanity Low-Cost Home Reno Services 519-339-7957 habitatsarnia.org<br />
Health811 Free and confidential health advice 24/7. Call or chat online. 8-1-1 ontario.ca/health811<br />
Heart <strong>to</strong> Home Meals Pre-Made Frozen Meal Delivery <strong>to</strong> 60+ 877-404-4246 heart<strong>to</strong>homemeals.ca<br />
Home Instead Memory Care, Meal Prep, Laundry, Pers. Care, 24hr & Overnight 519-704-1471 homeinstead.com/Sarnia<br />
Instacart Delivery from several local s<strong>to</strong>res 888-246-7822 instacart.ca<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Elderly Outreach Community & Home Support Services, Volunteerism, Activities 519-845-1353 lamb<strong>to</strong>nelderlyoutreach.org<br />
Lamb<strong>to</strong>n Public Health Individual, Agency and Caregiver help 226-254-8222 lamb<strong>to</strong>npublichealth.ca<br />
Neighbourlink Household Chores, Transportation, Shopping, Companionship 519-336-5465 neighbourlinksarnia.org<br />
Sarnia Blessings Senior Meal-plan, Prices Geared <strong>to</strong> Income 519-402-9093 sarniablessings@outlook.com<br />
Shine at Home Transportation, 24 hr Housekeeping, Shopping, Meal Prep 519-336-9898 shineathome.com<br />
Strangway Community Centre Recreational, Social & Educational Programs & Activities 519-332-0656 strangway@sarnia.ca<br />
Vic<strong>to</strong>rian Order of Nurses (VON) Dementia Programs, Home Nursing, Respite, Much More 519-542-2310 von.ca/en/site/sarnia<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong> Be Thankful For... music. Not <strong>to</strong>o many things in life have as much diversity. P A G E 35
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
Julie Munday, Certified Pedorthist<br />
www.soledecisions.com<br />
35 YEARS<br />
For help with comfort,<br />
support, circulation,<br />
fatigue and balance.<br />
303 Davis St, Sarnia • 888-971-6345 Quick Solutions with On-site Lab<br />
If this brings back good memories, send us some of your own.<br />
And so my s<strong>to</strong>ry begins at age<br />
7…when my mother <strong>to</strong>ld me I was<br />
adopted. <strong>The</strong> term meant<br />
absolutely nothing <strong>to</strong><br />
me. Mom would just<br />
say that they went<br />
<strong>to</strong> the hospital and<br />
brought me home as a<br />
baby. I was born in July<br />
1944. I was adopted at<br />
6 weeks old.<br />
My parents were<br />
very hard working<br />
farmers in a rural area<br />
of Sarnia, ON. <strong>The</strong>y<br />
were unable <strong>to</strong> have<br />
their own children.<br />
My mother was plagued with<br />
health issues, the worst being asthma<br />
& rheuma<strong>to</strong>id arthritis. However, that<br />
did not s<strong>to</strong>p her from working the fields<br />
with my dad. My early memories are<br />
that of being in the back of their car<br />
playing with my dolls while both of<br />
them were weeding the rows of crops<br />
with their hoes. In those days, it seemed<br />
<strong>to</strong> be the only way they knew I would<br />
be safe with them, in the car parked<br />
in the field closeby. <strong>The</strong>n, on occasion,<br />
much <strong>to</strong> my mother’s objections, dad<br />
would set me on <strong>to</strong>p of the work horses<br />
while he was ploughing! And dad let me<br />
milk cows with him. <strong>The</strong> barn was a fun<br />
place for me.<br />
As my young years passed, loneliness<br />
absorbed me. Being in a rural area in that<br />
particular era of 1940’s & 50’s meant<br />
not being able <strong>to</strong> have much of a social<br />
life, even in high school, with school<br />
buses taking us directly <strong>to</strong> schools in the<br />
city and bringing us home immediately<br />
after. Don’t get me wrong, I did have<br />
close friends but getting <strong>to</strong>gether other<br />
than school was difficult. I also had<br />
Written From My Heart...<br />
first cousins<br />
nearby and we<br />
worked <strong>to</strong>gether<br />
helping our parents<br />
harvest their crops.<br />
As I grew older,<br />
I also grew more<br />
inquisitive about<br />
“where did I<br />
come from.”<br />
Mom’s answer<br />
was always<br />
much the same…<br />
”you’re not really ours but we<br />
love you just the same…and never ask<br />
Dad about it!”<br />
And so I never asked again, but the<br />
inquisitive mind grew stronger. Giving<br />
birth <strong>to</strong> my first child brought it clearly<br />
<strong>to</strong> my mind...how did my mother feel<br />
when she gave birth <strong>to</strong> me? Was my<br />
birth father there? Who were they?<br />
Where were they?<br />
Now I was learning what adoption<br />
really meant, and why I never really<br />
identified with most other family<br />
members, always thinking I was the<br />
different one!<br />
And so my s<strong>to</strong>ry continues on at<br />
age 77, “the discovery”…<br />
<strong>The</strong> day was Wednesday, May 27th<br />
2022 and completely normal until late<br />
afternoon. I received an email from<br />
23andMe stating there were some new<br />
DNA relatives. Not unusual at all as over<br />
many years since I joined, similar emails<br />
were sent and upon checking the site,<br />
usually it was a 3rd or 4th cousin, aunt,<br />
uncle possible match. I did reach out <strong>to</strong><br />
By Marie Kemmis, Point Edward<br />
a couple of these people, however, none<br />
of them seemed interested enough <strong>to</strong><br />
reply. And so that was how it went for<br />
years. And overall, it became easy <strong>to</strong><br />
lose interest. Definitely I had resigned<br />
myself <strong>to</strong> never locating a close DNA<br />
relative.<br />
My lifelong search was finally<br />
coming <strong>to</strong> an end…At least on my<br />
maternal side.<br />
On that May afternoon in 2022,<br />
I responded on the DNA site <strong>to</strong> a<br />
possible match with a half-brother.<br />
After comparing notes with his son,<br />
we decided that I should once again<br />
try <strong>to</strong> access more “identifiable”<br />
information from the local CAS. All that<br />
was given <strong>to</strong> me many years earlier was<br />
“Unidentifiable Information.”<br />
<strong>The</strong> wait was on…However, soon<br />
I was now given more “Identifiable”<br />
information, which was redacted in<br />
many cases. However, the given names<br />
of my birth mother & her siblings were<br />
clear enough. I messaged my halfbrother’s<br />
son with my new found info,<br />
and my heart pounded as he confirmed<br />
all of the given names as that of his dad’s<br />
family born in Regina, Saskatchewan!!!<br />
In just a few short days, I met my older<br />
half-brother & some of his children on a<br />
video chat from Southey, Saskatchewan!<br />
Almost immediately they <strong>to</strong>ld me that<br />
I had another half-brother living in the<br />
Baja Peninsula, Mexico.<br />
<strong>The</strong> three of us have the same birth<br />
mother with different birth fathers.<br />
Our birth mother was the third<br />
youngest of 12 children born in Regina.<br />
<strong>The</strong>y are of Austrian descent, her<br />
parents born in Bukovina, Austria (now<br />
Ukraine).<br />
A family reunion was held August<br />
12th 2022 in Southey, SK, where my<br />
half-brother & his family lived. My<br />
eldest daughter and I went <strong>to</strong> Regina<br />
for a week and met many of our new<br />
family, so many of them!!! Hugging<br />
my half-brothers for the very first time<br />
will always be surreal <strong>to</strong> me. Seeing<br />
them, hearing them talk, watching<br />
their actions…even though we are now<br />
growing old, is embedded in my mind.<br />
Along with that is the “auntie” reference<br />
from ever so many offspring’s. We<br />
were welcomed with open arms by<br />
everyone.<br />
My lifelong wish <strong>to</strong> have an “older<br />
brother” has finally come true…best<br />
of all, I have two of them! We continue<br />
on <strong>to</strong> communicate often via social<br />
media. Perhaps there will be one more<br />
time soon that we can share memories,<br />
laugh & cry <strong>to</strong>gether!<br />
For 77 years, after being an only,<br />
adopted child, I am truly blessed <strong>to</strong><br />
have met a family I can relate <strong>to</strong> and<br />
call my own.<br />
Today, as I reflect on everything,<br />
everyone in my life, I “live the dream”<br />
with three precious grown children,<br />
grandchildren & great-grandchildren, a<br />
step daughter her beautiful family. My<br />
parents taught me as they knew best,<br />
& I thank them for adopting me. <strong>The</strong>y<br />
also gave me the gift of learning <strong>to</strong> play<br />
piano – a lifelong solace for me.<br />
My husband is my strength, my<br />
forever love.<br />
God has been very, very good <strong>to</strong> me!<br />
Marie (Snauwaert) Kemmis (aka “the<br />
little girl from Ontario” per my newfound<br />
half-brothers)<br />
P A G E<br />
36<br />
Be Thankful For... really good conversations with someone as interesting as you!<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong>
Let’s grow old <strong>to</strong>gether. You go first.<br />
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
Puzzle<br />
Solution<br />
THE <strong>Club</strong><br />
For <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />
SUDOKU on page 28<br />
Puzzle<br />
Solution<br />
For <strong>The</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />
CROSSWORD on page 17<br />
Guess<br />
Who?<br />
I am an athlete born in<br />
California on August 3, 1977. My<br />
love for football began at age 4<br />
when I saw the NFC<br />
Championship game. I am the<br />
all-time leader in Super Bowl<br />
appearances and I’ve set<br />
numerous NFL records.<br />
Answer: Tom Brady<br />
I am an ac<strong>to</strong>r born in California<br />
on July 9, 1956. I started my<br />
career with many comedic<br />
roles, but eventually moved in<strong>to</strong><br />
dramatic movies. I won<br />
back-<strong>to</strong>-back Academy Awards<br />
for Best Ac<strong>to</strong>r in 1993 and 1994.<br />
Answer: Tom Hanks<br />
Most homes own a <strong>to</strong>olbox with<br />
assorted gadgets; though none as<br />
unique as Grandma’s, I am sure. Kept<br />
in a corner of her kitchen, underneath<br />
a wicker sewing basket, standing on<br />
long spindly legs, the <strong>to</strong>olbox was a<br />
bright blue colour and embellished with<br />
flowers painstakingly cut out of lef<strong>to</strong>ver<br />
wallpaper. Upon discovering the art of<br />
“Mod-Podge” back in the 60s (a hobby<br />
that occupied her every spare moment<br />
until she ran out of items <strong>to</strong> decorate),<br />
she <strong>to</strong>ok notice of the <strong>to</strong>olbox. <strong>The</strong> bigger<br />
surprise was still <strong>to</strong> come when you<br />
opened the box <strong>to</strong> discover the many<br />
unusual items that begged answers <strong>to</strong><br />
their existence. However, answers did not<br />
come from Grandma. She admitted the<br />
<strong>to</strong>olbox had been around for as long as<br />
she could remember (minus the flowers).<br />
lt was Grandpa’s, along with everything<br />
in it, and he was very possessive of the<br />
box and its contents so she stayed away<br />
from it until it became hers only.<br />
Often, when I s<strong>to</strong>pped by her house for<br />
a visit, she might mention<br />
that something was driving<br />
her crazy, such as a loose<br />
doorknob, so I would drag<br />
out the <strong>to</strong>olbox <strong>to</strong> see<br />
if she had the right size<br />
screwdriver <strong>to</strong> solve the<br />
problem. Getting right down<br />
Grandma’s<br />
Toolbox<br />
By Jeanette Paddon<br />
from Daytripping March-April 2017<br />
<strong>to</strong> the job proved <strong>to</strong> be difficult however,<br />
as so many unusual items in the <strong>to</strong>olbox<br />
distracted me. <strong>The</strong>re were four hammers<br />
in there. (l never knew of anyone who ever<br />
needed four different hammers!) One had<br />
a square head and a very unusual looking<br />
nail-puller at the other end, which really<br />
puzzled me. Another one was so tiny I<br />
wondered if it might have been a child’s<br />
<strong>to</strong>y? Grandpa who was long gone from<br />
this earth had collected most of the <strong>to</strong>ols,<br />
and she had never questioned or learned<br />
<strong>to</strong> use any of them. Every screwdriver had<br />
the name of the gas station that donated<br />
it, which was a way of showing their<br />
appreciation for your business. (Does any<br />
business still do this?) An old padlock I<br />
found would never be useful again, as the<br />
tiny key found in the <strong>to</strong>olbox did not fit it.<br />
I had completely forgotten about this<br />
<strong>to</strong>olbox, until it showed up at my house<br />
during the Christmas holidays. My younger<br />
daughter had borrowed it from her sister<br />
(who had inherited it after Grandma<br />
died). Everyone was coming <strong>to</strong> my house,<br />
so the <strong>to</strong>olbox ended up here, on its way<br />
back <strong>to</strong> its present owner but forgotten<br />
when everyone left. Eventually I opened<br />
it, and memories came flooding back.<br />
All of the items I remembered, including<br />
tiny original boxes from Dominion Tack<br />
& Nail Co. filled with red thumbtacks<br />
(priced at a nickel a box), and equally tiny<br />
boxes of electrical staples from the Stelco<br />
Co. of Canada, were still there. I shook<br />
my head when I discovered the rusty old<br />
wrench with one broken claw still had its<br />
spot in the <strong>to</strong>olbox also. So was the old<br />
measuring tape marked in inches only,<br />
along with many other strange objects<br />
whose name or usefulness have yet <strong>to</strong> be<br />
discovered. Grandma, who was 99 when<br />
she left us many years ago,<br />
would be happy <strong>to</strong> see how<br />
important her <strong>to</strong>olbox still is<br />
<strong>to</strong> the ones left behind. Now,<br />
I wonder what happened <strong>to</strong><br />
the wicker sewing basket?<br />
Perhaps a s<strong>to</strong>ry for another<br />
day!<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong> Be Thankful For... siblings - they’re the best & most loyal friends you’ll ever have. P A G E 37
<strong>Welcome</strong> <strong>to</strong>...<br />
Sarnia’s<br />
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pickersalley.com<br />
<strong>The</strong>se were found on signs outside of churches.<br />
Plus<br />
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<strong>The</strong><br />
Isn’t it weird being the same age as old people?<br />
Retirement<br />
Coach<br />
© by Mike Keenan<br />
http://theretirementcoach.libsyn.com/<br />
Why Do You<br />
Need A Dog?<br />
Listen <strong>to</strong> Mike’s podcasts (humour, travel and poetry) at: snoring <strong>The</strong> Retirement <strong>to</strong> snorting Coach: <strong>to</strong> howling, dogs<br />
During COVID-19, when we were<br />
http://theretirementcoach.libsyn.com/ His book, ‘Don’t Ever have Quita - wide a Journal range of Coping of vocal expressions<br />
forced with Crisis in<strong>to</strong> & Nourishing social isolation, Spirit,’ is available the number in print & electronic that can format make at Amazon: us laugh. Sometimes,<br />
of https://amzn.<strong>to</strong>/2KBdPWQ<br />
pets zoomed up <strong>to</strong> take the place of they even seem <strong>to</strong> be trying <strong>to</strong> talk <strong>to</strong> us<br />
humans.<br />
in their own language.<br />
I favour dogs over cats, and I have <strong>The</strong>y love <strong>to</strong> roll around in smelly<br />
no space for a horse, although a horse things. Have you ever seen a dog roll<br />
might help save on gas.<br />
around in the mud or a pile of leaves?<br />
Retired people should consider <strong>The</strong>y seem <strong>to</strong> revel in the smell and the<br />
adopting a dog. <strong>The</strong>y are one of the mess, and it’s both gross and hilarious<br />
most beloved animals on the planet. at the same time.<br />
From their loyalty <strong>to</strong> their sense of <strong>The</strong>y have strange eating habits.<br />
humour, they’ve captured our hearts Dogs will eat just about anything, from<br />
and tickled our funny bones in more shoes <strong>to</strong> socks <strong>to</strong> sticks <strong>to</strong> rocks. And<br />
ways than we can count.<br />
when they do eat something they<br />
Humour, you might ask? Dogs have shouldn’t, they often look at us with a<br />
a knack for making us laugh, whether guilty expression, as if <strong>to</strong> say, “I couldn’t<br />
it’s with their silly antics or their quirky resist.”<br />
personalities. I once knew a dog who <strong>The</strong>y love <strong>to</strong> play. Dogs are like<br />
loved nothing more than stealing shoes perpetual children. <strong>The</strong>y never tire of<br />
and running around with them in his playing and having fun. <strong>The</strong>y’ll chase<br />
mouth. He’d do it for hours on end, and after balls, Frisbees, and <strong>to</strong>ys for hours<br />
every time he’d look up at us with a on end, and they never seem <strong>to</strong> get<br />
mischievous grin, as if <strong>to</strong> say, “Got you bored.<br />
again!” It was impossible not <strong>to</strong> laugh. <strong>The</strong>y’re obsessed with sniffing. Dogs<br />
It’s not just their humour that makes have an incredible sense of smell, and<br />
dogs so lovable; it’s their loyalty. Dogs they love <strong>to</strong> use it <strong>to</strong> explore the world<br />
are the ultimate wingman. <strong>The</strong>y stand around them. <strong>The</strong>y’ll sniff everything<br />
by your side no matter what, and from flowers <strong>to</strong> other dogs <strong>to</strong> our shoes,<br />
they do anything <strong>to</strong> protect you. I was and they seem <strong>to</strong> get great pleasure out<br />
walking my dog once, and we ran in<strong>to</strong> of it.<br />
a group of nasty squirrels. My dog <strong>The</strong>y have funny sleeping positions.<br />
immediately went in<strong>to</strong> attack mode, Dogs can sleep in the most awkward<br />
barking and growling like a madman. positions, with their legs splayed out in<br />
Of course, the squirrels were long gone all directions or their heads hanging off<br />
by the time we got there, but my dog the couch. And when they’re dreaming,<br />
was still convinced he’d saved my life. they often twitch and make funny<br />
Dogs aren’t perfect. <strong>The</strong>y have their noises that are <strong>to</strong>o cute <strong>to</strong> handle.<br />
quirks and their flaws, like any other Dogs are funny, loyal, and intelligent,<br />
animal. For example, have you ever and they have a way of making our<br />
tried <strong>to</strong> take a dog for a walk when they lives better in so many ways. Whether<br />
don’t want <strong>to</strong> go? It’s like trying <strong>to</strong> move they’re stealing shoes or snuggling<br />
a boulder.<br />
up on the couch, they’re always there<br />
But even with their flaws, dogs for us, reminding us of what’s truly<br />
are still some of the most wonderful important in life.<br />
creatures on the planet. <strong>The</strong>y’re always So, the next time you see a dog, give<br />
there <strong>to</strong> cheer us up when feeling down, them a pat on the head and thank them<br />
and they have a way of making even the for all the joy they bring in<strong>to</strong> our lives.<br />
<strong>to</strong>ughest days a little bit better. I once And if they happen <strong>to</strong> steal your shoe,<br />
heard someone say that dogs are like well, just consider it a compliment<br />
antidepressants on four legs. I couldn’t Listen <strong>to</strong> Mike’s podcasts (humour,<br />
agree more.<br />
travel, and poetry) at <strong>The</strong> Retirement<br />
Another thing that makes them Coach: http://theretirementcoach.<br />
special is their ability <strong>to</strong> form<br />
libsyn.com/ His book, ‘Don’t Ever<br />
strong bonds with their<br />
Quit—a Journal of Coping<br />
humans. Some sit by the<br />
with Crisis & Nourishing<br />
window for hours, waiting<br />
Spirit,’ is available in print<br />
for their owner <strong>to</strong> come<br />
& electronic format at<br />
home. And then, they<br />
Amazon: https://amzn.<br />
jump up and down with<br />
excitement, wagging<br />
their tails like an out-ofcontrol<br />
windmill. How<br />
can one resist such a<br />
joyful reception?<br />
Perhaps the most<br />
remarkable thing about<br />
dogs is their intelligence.<br />
<strong>The</strong>y might not be able<br />
<strong>to</strong> do algebra or read<br />
Shakespeare, but they’re<br />
still incredibly smart animals. I once<br />
watched a dog solve a Rubik’s cube in<br />
under a minute. Okay, that might be<br />
a slight exaggeration, but you get the<br />
point. Dogs are quick learners, and<br />
they have an uncanny ability <strong>to</strong> read<br />
our emotions and respond accordingly.<br />
And they are adept at bringing levity<br />
in<strong>to</strong> our lives. <strong>The</strong>y chase their own<br />
tails. It’s like they’re playing a game of<br />
“catch the tail,” and they can’t resist<br />
the challenge. It’s both hilarious and<br />
adorable <strong>to</strong> watch.<br />
<strong>The</strong>y make funny noises. From<br />
<strong>to</strong>/2KBdPWQ<br />
Publisher’s Note: <strong>The</strong><br />
best “refreshment break” I<br />
ever saw was at a <strong>to</strong>urism<br />
conference, where the tired<br />
guests left the banquet<br />
room after a speech <strong>to</strong> find<br />
an area in the hallway<br />
filled with puppies <strong>to</strong> hold<br />
and take pho<strong>to</strong>s with. It<br />
was priceless!<br />
P A G E<br />
38<br />
Be Thankful For... free papers filled with great stuff <strong>to</strong> read!<br />
FALL <strong>2024</strong>
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FALL <strong>2024</strong> Be Thankful For... peace - whether it be in your country, your home or your heart. P A G E 39