Dovercourt free Try-it Week flyer

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Free<br />

TRY-IT<br />

WEEK<br />

SEP. 9 - 15<br />

<strong>Try</strong> over 50 classes including<br />

drawing, science, drama, arts,<br />

singing, tennis, pickleball,<br />

zumba, tai chi, yoga, pole<br />

walking, movie in the park and<br />

more! See details online.<br />




<strong>Dovercourt</strong> <strong>Try</strong> <strong>it</strong> week!<br />

Sep. 9 - 15, 2024<br />

Fall session is almost here and we’re offering an amazing week of<br />

<strong>free</strong> classes to try out. There’s something for all ages. Book your<br />

spot on our registration s<strong>it</strong>e, using the course codes. Descriptions<br />

are available online. Classes for the full fall session are open for<br />

registration now.<br />

F<strong>it</strong>ness<br />

Pool<br />

Monday, Sep. 9<br />

11:45am-12:40pm OA Yoga & Tai Chi w Gigi #23217<br />

5:00-5:45pm Soccer Skills (4-6yrs) #23059<br />

6:00-6:45pm Soccer Skills & Drills (8-10yrs) #23060<br />

6:15-7:15pm Jazz (4-6yrs) #23056<br />

7:00-7:55pm People on Weights w Sergio #23220<br />

7:00-7:45pm Soccer Skills & Drills (6-8yrs) #23061<br />

7:30-8:30pm Jazz (6-10yrs) #23057<br />

9:30-10:30am Playgroup (0-2yrs) #23058<br />

Tuesday, Sep. 10<br />

9:30-10:00am Tiny Dancers (1-4yrs) #23064<br />

10:15-10:45am Abstract Art (1-4yrs) #23065<br />

11:00-11:30am Making Music (1-4yrs) #23066<br />

11:45am-12:15pm Mini Movers (1-4yrs) #23067<br />

4:30-5:30pm Learn To Draw (6-10yrs) #23062<br />

5:45-6:45pm Learn To Draw (10-14yrs) #23063<br />

6-6:55pm Zumba Fusion w Mered<strong>it</strong>h #23218<br />

6:15-7:00pm Fund’ls of Acting (6-10yrs) #23068<br />

7:15-8:00pm Fund’ls of Acting (10-14yrs) #23069<br />

Wednesday, Sep. 11<br />

11:45am-12:45pm Pole Walking w Krista #23219<br />

4:15-5:00pm Science Explorers (4-6yrs) #23070<br />

5:00-5:45pm Skateboard 101 (8-10yrs) #23075<br />

5:15-6:00pm Science Explorers (6-8yrs) #23071<br />

6:00-6:45pm Skateboard 101 (6-8yrs) #23076<br />

6:00-7:00pm Acro (6-8yrs) #23073<br />

6:15-7:00pm Science Explorers (8-10yrs) #23072<br />

7:15-8:15pm Acro (8-10yrs) #23074<br />

Thursday, Sep. 12<br />

4:30-5:15pm Creative Wr<strong>it</strong>ing (6-8yrs) #23077<br />

5:30-6:15pm Creative Wr<strong>it</strong>ing (8-10yrs) #23078<br />

6:00-6:45pm Basketball Basics (6-10yrs) #23079<br />

6:00-6:45pm Making Music (4-6yrs) #23080<br />

7:00-7:45pm Glee Club (6-10yrs) #23081<br />

8:00-8:45pm Glee Club (10-14yrs) #23083<br />

Friday, Sep. 13<br />

4:15-5:00pm Abstract Art (4-6yrs) #23084<br />

5:15-6:00pm Abstract Art (6-8yrs) #23085<br />

5:15-6:00pm Tennis Tactics (10-14yrs) #23091<br />

6:00-6:45pm Mini Movers (4-6yrs) #23088<br />

6:15-7:00pm Tennis Tactics (6-10yrs) #23092<br />

6:15-7:00pm Abstract Art (8-10yrs) #23086<br />

7:00-8:00pm Multi-Sport (6-10yrs) #23089<br />

7:15-8:15pm Zendoodle (10-14yrs) #23087<br />

8:00-10:00pm Movie In The Park, Shrek Just come!<br />

8:15-9:00pm Ball Hockey (8-10yrs) #23090<br />

Saturday, Sep. 14<br />

8:00-8:45am Soccer Skills (4-6yrs) #23098<br />

8:30-9:00am Tiny Dancers (1-4yrs) #23093<br />

9:00-9:45am Soccer Skills & Drills (6-8yrs) #23099<br />

9:00-10:00am Yoga 101 #23216<br />

9:15-10:00am Tiny Dancers (4-6yrs) #23094<br />

10:00-10:45am Soccer Skills & Drills (8-10yrs) #23100<br />

10:15-11:15am HipHop (4-6yrs) #23095<br />

11:00am-12:00pm Family Soccer #23101<br />

11:00am-1:00pm Basketball (14yrs+) #23097<br />

11:30am-12:30pm HipHop (6-8yrs) #23096<br />

2:00-3:00pm Family Swim register 7 days before<br />

3:00 - 4:00pm Open Swim register 7 days before<br />

Sunday, Sep. 15<br />

9:45-10:40am Pilates - All Levels #23214<br />

9:45-10:45am Ballet (4-6yrs) #23106<br />

10:30-11:30am Multi-Sport (6-8yrs) #23102<br />

11:00am-12:00pm Ballet (6-8yrs) #23107<br />

11:45am-12:45pm Multi-Sport (8-10yrs) #23103<br />

12:15-1:15pm Ballet (8-10yrs) #23108<br />

3:15-4:00pm Pickleball (6-10yrs) #23104<br />

4:15-5:00pm Pickleball (10-14yrs) #23105<br />

5:15-6:00pm Family Pickleball #23251<br />

<strong>Dovercourt</strong> Recreation Centre 411 <strong>Dovercourt</strong> Ave. www.dovercourt.org 613-798-8950

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