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ENG / SPA<br />
<strong>2024</strong> Catalog<br />
Children’s books in English and Spanish
<strong>2024</strong><br />
Page 5<br />
My First Baby Books<br />
Two fabric books and one bath book<br />
for little ones<br />
Page 11<br />
The Super Hoopers:<br />
The Basketball Tournament of Dreams<br />
First book of a new series full of humor<br />
Books available in English and in Spanish<br />
Pages 3 to 13
You can find books that are available both in English and<br />
Spanish in the blue half of the catalog, and books that are<br />
only available in Spanish in the red half.<br />
Page 28<br />
Pubertad positiva<br />
Two helpful and colorful guides to positively<br />
face the changes brought about by puberty<br />
Page 29<br />
Juliette<br />
New comic book series filled<br />
with traveling and adventures<br />
Books available only in Spanish<br />
Pages 14 to 31
0-3 YEARS<br />
BIG series<br />
(SPA: Pasito a pasito, me hago grandecito)<br />
Books with a handle<br />
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
$7.99/u<br />
6+<br />
months<br />
Esther Burgueño<br />
10 cardboard pages with a flap<br />
Collection of nine titles in which the little ones will learn some of the most<br />
important things they need to know at their age, such as the importance of<br />
brushing their teeth, having a bath or going to sleep on time. And they will do it<br />
accompanied by a gang of cute little animals!<br />
In each of these board books we will meet a different baby animal who will<br />
show us one of the first big challenges in a baby’s life. For example, a koala will<br />
explain the importance of sleeping, a penguin will show them how to get dressed,<br />
and an elephant will encourage them to eat on their own.<br />
Some features:<br />
• All the books have been overseen by childhood educators.<br />
• The stories are interactive and fun: kids play and help the animals.<br />
• Made of cardboard with a handle shape cut out, so children can carry them<br />
more easily.<br />
• Illustrations are fun and eye-catching, and stand out against bright<br />
backgrounds.<br />
• The last page has a flap to open, where children can see and learn about<br />
the characters before and after facing each challenge.<br />
978-84-17210-82-3 / Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-56-4 / English<br />
978-84-17210-83-0 / Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-57-1 / English<br />
978-84-17210-84-7 / Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-58-8 / English<br />
978-84-17210-85-4 / Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-59-5 / English<br />
978-84-17210-86-1 / Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-60-1 / English<br />
1. I Want a Bath / Me quiero bañar<br />
2. Let’s Go to Sleep / Vamos a dormir<br />
3. Time to Eat / Es hora de comer<br />
4. I Can Brush My Teeth / Ya me lavo<br />
los dientes<br />
5. Bye-bye Pacifier / Chupetes fuera<br />
6. No More Diapers / Sin pañal<br />
7. I Dress Myself / Me visto solito<br />
978-84-17210-87-8 / Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-61-8 / English<br />
978-84-17210-88-5 / Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-62-5 / English<br />
978-84-17210-90-8 / Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-63-2 / English<br />
978-84-17210-89-2 / Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-64-9 / English<br />
8. I Tidy Up After I Play / Juego y<br />
recojo<br />
9. Let’s Play Without Screens /<br />
Jugar sin pantallas<br />
4<br />
All books on this page are available in English and in Spanish
0-3 YEARS<br />
MY FIRST BABY BOOKS series<br />
(SPA: Mis primeros cuentos de bebé)<br />
Cloth and bath books for different moments of the day<br />
NEW<br />
BOOKS<br />
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
Alicia Teba<br />
8 soft pages with different interactive elements<br />
6+<br />
months<br />
Who’s hiding?<br />
(SPA: ¿Quién se esconde?)<br />
Cloth book with flaps to find hidden<br />
animals, with crinkly paper and a<br />
little mirror.<br />
Let’s Go to Sleep, Little Sheep<br />
(SPA: A dormir, Ovejita)<br />
Interactive cloth book with a plushie<br />
sewn into the spine to play with in<br />
every page.<br />
It’s Time to Take a Bath<br />
(SPA: Es la hora del baño)<br />
Interactive bath book with colorchanging<br />
ink and a squeaker.<br />
978-84-18664-96-0 / Spanish<br />
978-84-18664-97-7 / English<br />
978-84-18664-98-4 / Spanish<br />
978-84-19898-00-5 / Spanish<br />
$16.00 978-84-18664-99-1 / English $16.95 978-84-19898-01-2 / English $9.00<br />
For toddlers from 1 to 3 years old<br />
1+<br />
year<br />
Anti-bullying<br />
book!<br />
Numbers and Emotions<br />
(SPA: Números y emociones)<br />
Touch and learn board book<br />
Sandra Alonso / Alicia Teba<br />
22 cardboard pages with low relief<br />
Learn numbers by following their shapes and get to know ten emotions.<br />
So Different, So Equal<br />
(SPA: Tan diferentes como iguales)<br />
Board book with antibullying message<br />
Javi Costales<br />
$14.99 24 cardboard pages<br />
$14.99<br />
A story to learn what diversity is.<br />
Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-65-6<br />
9 788418 664113<br />
English<br />
978-84-18664-11-3<br />
Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-01-4<br />
English<br />
978-84-18664-12-0<br />
All books on this page are available in English and in Spanish<br />
3-6 YEARS<br />
Traditional fairy tales with rhyming text<br />
TEXT!<br />
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
$14.99/u<br />
Peter and the Wolf (The Boy who Cried Wolf)<br />
(SPA: Peter and the Wolf)<br />
Bernat Cussó / Meritxell Garcia<br />
28 pages<br />
The Three Little Pigs<br />
(SPA: Los tres cerditos)<br />
Bernat Cussó / Meritxell Garcia<br />
28 pages<br />
9 788418 664106<br />
Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-04-5<br />
English<br />
978-84-18664-10-6<br />
Spanish<br />
978-84-94611-59-9<br />
English<br />
978-84-18664-09-0<br />
Goldilocks and the Three Bears<br />
(SPA: Ricitos de Oro)<br />
Jöse Sénder / Laia Guerrero<br />
28 pages<br />
The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats<br />
(SPA: Las siete cabritas)<br />
Jöse Sénder / Laia Guerrero<br />
28 pages<br />
Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-33-5<br />
English<br />
978-84-17210-35-9<br />
Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-32-8<br />
English<br />
978-84-17210-34-2<br />
6<br />
All books on this page are available in English and in Spanish
3-6 YEARS<br />
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
In UPPERCASE text. Ideal to tell to 2-year-olds and up, and for first readers.<br />
My Family is Special<br />
(SPA: Mi familia es especial)<br />
Family diversity seen through tender illustrations<br />
Anna Rayo / Mónica Armiño<br />
32 pages<br />
$15<br />
Spectacular illustrations take us into a story starring many animals, where a<br />
centennial grandmother invites her family to her birthday party.<br />
In addition to the story, there is a look-and-find game where children will have to<br />
find repeated elements within each illustration. Will you be able to spot them all?<br />
Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-66-3<br />
English<br />
978-84-17210-99-1<br />
Was That a Fart?<br />
(SPA: ¿Ha sido un pedo?)<br />
A hilarious picture book about farting<br />
Sandra Alonso / Cristina Losantos<br />
36 pages<br />
$16.99<br />
A hilarious children’s story, impossible not to laugh with, which<br />
also includes a search-and-find game. In this story, we learn that<br />
everybody farts, but that it is best to do it when nobody is around.<br />
It is recommeded for 2 to 6-year-old children. Written in uppercase<br />
letters to make it easier for first readers, this book encourages<br />
reading with a story they can have fun with.<br />
Spanish<br />
978-84-18664-01-4<br />
English<br />
978-84-18664-13-7<br />
All books on this page are available in English and in Spanish<br />
5-6 YEARS<br />
LEARN TO READ series (SPA: Aprende a leer)<br />
In UPPERCASE and lowercase text<br />
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
$7.99/u<br />
ENG: Bernard, the Fireman<br />
SPA: Daniel, el bombero<br />
978-84-17210-21-2 / Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-05-2 / English<br />
ENG: Brave<br />
SPA: Valiente<br />
978-84-17210-22-9 / Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-06-9 / English<br />
ENG: Small, a Happy<br />
Grain of Sand<br />
SPA: Pequeño, el granito<br />
de arena travieso<br />
978-84-17210-23-6 / Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-07-6 / English<br />
ENG: The Fireless Dragon<br />
SPA: El dragón que<br />
no tenía fuego<br />
978-84-17210-24-3 / Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-08-3 / English<br />
ENG: Simba the Lion<br />
SPA: Simba, el león<br />
978-84-17210-25-0 / Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-09-0 / English<br />
Best seller<br />
series<br />
150,000<br />
copies sold<br />
ENG: The Pirate’s Treasure<br />
SPA: El tesoro del pirata<br />
978-84-17210-26-7 / Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-10-6 / English<br />
#1 best seller<br />
in “Children’s Pirate Books”<br />
in Amazon Spain<br />
ENG: The Man with Three<br />
Hairs<br />
SPA: El hombre que<br />
tenía tres pelos<br />
978-84-17210-27-4 / Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-11-3 / English<br />
ENG: The Yellow Car<br />
SPA: El coche amarillo<br />
978-84-17210-28-1 / Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-12-0 / English<br />
ENG: Long Trunk<br />
SPA: Trompa Larga<br />
978-84-17210-29-8 / Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-13-7 / English<br />
The ideal series to learn how to read, which includes nine titles. The text difficulty<br />
increases with each title (longer and more complex sentences), which is perfect for<br />
kids who are learning to read. The text is written in both UPPERCASE and lowercase,<br />
to help them transition smoothly.<br />
5+<br />
years<br />
$67.99<br />
Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-30-4<br />
English<br />
978-84-17210-40-3<br />
8<br />
All books on this page are available in English and in Spanish
5-6 YEARS<br />
OT THE WIZARD series<br />
200 comic strips in each book<br />
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
$11/u<br />
Click here for the Spanish version Click here for the Spanish version Click here for the Spanish version<br />
9 788418 664212 9 788418 664229<br />
Spanish<br />
978-84-18664-05-2<br />
English<br />
978-84-18664-06-9<br />
Spanish<br />
978-84-18664-19-9<br />
English<br />
978-84-18664-20-5<br />
Spanish<br />
978-84-18664-21-2<br />
English<br />
978-84-18664-22-9<br />
Ot the Wizard: the Comic Strips<br />
Picanyol<br />
Come and see the crazy, amusing world of Ot the<br />
Wizard and enjoy its most famous comic strips, which<br />
were published for more than 40 years in a row! In this<br />
new edition of the classic Ot the Wizard comic strips,<br />
recommended for all ages, Ot’s soft and subtle humor<br />
will make you laugh your head off. This wizard is loved<br />
by everyone, and he has made a few generations fall in<br />
love with his bright and crazy ideas. Sit down, relax and<br />
enjoy this wizard’s comical world. You will be hooked!<br />
Ot the Wizard is the cure for boredom!<br />
Two hundred comic strips by Picanyol, one of the most<br />
recognized illustrators in Spain. Ot the Wizard was his<br />
main character, created in 1971.<br />
A magic<br />
trick and an arts<br />
and crafts activity<br />
in each book!<br />
All books on this page are available in English and in Spanish<br />
3-8 YEARS<br />
THE BIG GAME BOOK series<br />
Giant look-and-find board books<br />
Joan Subirana<br />
3 different<br />
difficulty levels<br />
on each page!<br />
In these amazing game books, children can play three different games on each double page, while they learn<br />
interesting facts. Each page has three games with evolutive difficulty levels:<br />
1. For the younger age range: Looking for objects within the illustrations. From 3-4 years old.<br />
2. For the middle age range: Finding 10 objects that start with the same letter. From 5-6 years old.<br />
3. For the older age range: Finding repeated objects, elements out of time, or characters from fairy tales.<br />
From 7-8 years old.<br />
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
$17.99/u<br />
The Big Game Book of Civilizations<br />
SPA: El gran libro juego<br />
de las civilizaciones<br />
The Big Game Book of Monsters<br />
SPA: El gran libro juego<br />
de los monstruos<br />
The Big Game Book of Adventurers<br />
SPA: El gran libro juego<br />
de los aventureros<br />
Spanish<br />
978-84-17210-81-6<br />
English<br />
978-84-17210-14-4<br />
Spanish<br />
978-84-18664-14-4<br />
English<br />
978-84-18664-15-1<br />
9 788418 664274<br />
Spanish<br />
978-84-18664-27-4<br />
9 788418 664281<br />
English<br />
978-84-18664-28-1<br />
Once you have played, you can find an answer key online to see if<br />
you’ve found everything correctly, as well as an interesting list<br />
of curiosities about the cultures, monsters, and adventurers in<br />
the books in Editorial el Pirata’s website!<br />
10<br />
All books on this page are available in English and in Spanish
8+ YEARS<br />
THE SUPER HOOPERS series (SPA: Canastones)<br />
Basketball has never been so much fun!<br />
Alberto Casamayor / Josep Carrasco and Pepe Palma<br />
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
$15.00/u<br />
A series about basketball with lots of humor, starring a group of nine-year-old boys and girls who go to the same school.<br />
You don’t need to be a basketball expert to have the time of your life with Joel and his awesome group of friends.<br />
The Basketball Tournament of Dreams<br />
(SPA: El torneo de básquet soñado)<br />
The first installment of a new and exciting middle-grade saga<br />
In this first adventure, Joel and his best friend, Bermúdez, will have to step up their game<br />
if they want to pass Physical Education this year because their new teacher, Coach Evans,<br />
is stricter than a sergeant. It’s time to get in shape, and to do that, they come up with<br />
the brilliant idea of... forming their own basketball team and winning a championship!<br />
Something that would undoubtedly be much easier if any of the diverse team members had<br />
the slightest clue about playing basketball.<br />
Spanish<br />
978-84-19898-06-7<br />
English<br />
978-84-19898-07-4<br />
NEW<br />
BOOK<br />
All books on this page are available in English and in Spanish<br />
10+ YEARS<br />
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
THE TIME EXPLORERS series (SPA: Los Exploradores del Tiempo)<br />
Middle-grade novels to go back in time with a time-traveling clock<br />
Jordi Ortiz / Miguel Ángel Saura<br />
$15.95/u<br />
Can you imagine traveling through time, learning about ancient civilizations, and living all kinds of adventures? That’s just what<br />
Cristina, Víctor, Seldon and Ibis, the Time Explorers, can do thanks to the miraculous machine invented by Professor Sockrates.<br />
THE TIME EXPLORERS: The Legions of Rome<br />
(SPA: Las legiones de Roma)<br />
In this first adventure, The Time Explorers travel to a city in the Roman Empire to obtain<br />
the most well-protected emblem of the Roman legions: a golden eagle. But they will have<br />
some unexpected setbacks. Will they be able to complete this first mission?<br />
Spanish<br />
978-84-18664-17-5<br />
English<br />
978-84-18664-18-2<br />
With a<br />
time-traveling<br />
clock!<br />
The Expeditions of the Vikings<br />
(SPA: Las expediciones de los vikingos)<br />
On this occasion, the Time Explorers travel to the Viking Age to obtain a<br />
silver brooch that belongs to the famous Eric the Red. But, once again,<br />
they will find themselves involved in one of the evil schemes of their<br />
archenemy: Eternal Maleficent.<br />
Spanish<br />
978-84-18664-29-8<br />
English<br />
978-84-18664-30-4<br />
12<br />
All books on this page are available in English and in Spanish
10+ YEARS<br />
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
HISTORY FOR KIDS series (SPA: Historia para niños)<br />
Non-fiction middle-grade illustrated books<br />
Miguel Ángel Saura<br />
$12.95/u<br />
A series for 10-year-olds to learn history in an entertaining way. With a lot of hilarious, full-color illustrations, a very<br />
easy-going writing style, and tons of humor to make the reading experience more enjoyable.<br />
(SPA: Roma)<br />
Learn everything about the leaders of ancient times<br />
From the founding of Rome to the fall of its empire two thousand<br />
years later, meet Julius Caesar, Mark Anthony, Nero, and countless<br />
other figures who helped raise Roman civilization through great<br />
battles and conquests.<br />
(SPA: Los vikingos)<br />
Learn everything about the children of thunder<br />
Vikings dominated northern Europe for centuries, traveled to the<br />
American continent long before Columbus, and were feared and<br />
admired by all civilizations around them.<br />
Spanish<br />
978-84-18664-23-6<br />
English<br />
978-84-18664-24-3<br />
Spanish<br />
978-84-18664-25-0<br />
English<br />
978-84-18664-26-7<br />
All books on this page are available in English and in Spanish<br />
0-3 YEARS<br />
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
Board books for babies with a wheel<br />
Get to know basic concepts while spinning the wheel, and learn while you play. The wheel is perfect<br />
for the little hands and it helps develop motor skills.<br />
$10/u<br />
Gira y encuentra - Colores<br />
Marta Costa<br />
978-84-18664-31-1<br />
Gira y encuentra - Navidad<br />
Rachael McLean<br />
978-84-18664-32-8<br />
360 o game book<br />
Unfold the book into a spectacular school, a 360 degree carousel in 3D, full of activities, symbolic<br />
play, and lots of animals to play with.<br />
$24.95<br />
Dario Cesaro / Anna Gkoutzouri<br />
978-84-18664-86-1<br />
14<br />
All books on this page are only available in Spanish
1-3 YEARS<br />
DESCUBRE series<br />
Board books with flaps to play with<br />
V.A.<br />
12 cardboard pages with 35 movable flaps<br />
Children’s books designed for 1 to 3 year-olds, to find what elements<br />
hide under the flaps. On each double page, there are a lot of different<br />
elements drawn and, on each flap, a small description of one of them.<br />
1+<br />
years<br />
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
$12.99/u<br />
For babies and toddlers: 0-3 years old<br />
978-84-17210-92-2 978-84-18664-02-1<br />
Buenas noches, todos a dormir<br />
Board book with a light<br />
Christine Battuz<br />
16 cardboard pages with a small light<br />
978-84-17210-67-0<br />
$13.95<br />
978-84-18664-03-8 978-84-18664-04-5<br />
Emociones a todo color<br />
A story to learn the emotions<br />
Elena Ulyeva / Olga Agafanova<br />
22 cardboard pages<br />
978-84-18664-16-8<br />
$12.99<br />
Learn the different emotions you can feel, how to identify them,<br />
and manage them, with Cam the friendly chameleon, who changes<br />
colors depending on his feelings!<br />
Minilibros para jugar y aprender<br />
Box with 9 mini-books to learn basic concepts<br />
V.A.<br />
9 mini borad books in a box set<br />
978-84-17210-18-2<br />
$18.99<br />
All books on this page are only available in Spanish<br />
3-7 YEARS<br />
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
Books with values and full-color illustrations.<br />
Los Robinson y la biblioteca pirata<br />
A picture book about loving books<br />
Jonathan Emmett / Sam Caldwell<br />
32 pages<br />
978-84-18664-93-9<br />
$15.95<br />
The Robinson family has so many books that when they go on vacation<br />
with their boat, they can’t decide which ones to take with them. So<br />
they take them all! But a storm makes them shipwreck and they end<br />
up on a desert island. With the help of the books, they find both a way<br />
to survive and a hidden pirate treasure! Unfortunately, the pirates<br />
are not amused that their precious loot has been dug up. Can they<br />
escape the pirates using only their books?<br />
El oso y su enorme trasero<br />
A picture book about acceptance<br />
Steve Smallman / Emma Yarlett<br />
32 pages<br />
978-84-18664-07-6<br />
Rhyming<br />
text!<br />
$16.95<br />
Bear was sweet and friendly, and he had a huge butt. But his friends didn’t<br />
care because that made it easier for them to find<br />
him when they played. Poor bear, his big bear butt is<br />
causing chaos!<br />
A hilarious story in Spanish about butts, bears, and<br />
animal friends that will make children laugh at the<br />
nonsense caused by a huge butt. A story by Steve<br />
Smallman and Emma Yarlet, two of the most widely<br />
read children’s authors.<br />
By the<br />
best seller author<br />
Steve Smallman<br />
16<br />
All books on this page are only available in Spanish
3-7 YEARS<br />
Books with values and full-color illustrations.<br />
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
Art by<br />
Jean Jullien<br />
Un cuento para la paz: Las botas del<br />
general<br />
A story for peace<br />
Elisa Ramon / Francesc Rovira<br />
40 pages<br />
978-84-17210-80-9<br />
$15.99<br />
The General got a pair of custom-fitted boots made of rhinoceros skin to<br />
go to war. But the boots have a mind of their own and they decide to flee<br />
against the General’s wishes. A book with a very important and powerful<br />
peace message: it’s never too late to do what you think is right.<br />
Pedro, el gato de pie<br />
A story about friendship<br />
Nadine Robert / Jean Jullien<br />
64 pages<br />
978-84-17210-52-6<br />
$17.99<br />
To teach the value of friendship and that sometimes being different makes you<br />
unique and special.<br />
HOLA HOLA: Animales para conocer y<br />
proteger<br />
The protection of wildlife<br />
Brendan Wenzel<br />
48 pages<br />
978-84-17210-71-7<br />
Say hello to a lot of amazing animals. It’s easy to see what sets them apart.<br />
Could you tell what makes them alike?<br />
A New York Times Bestseller and winner of the Caldecott Award.<br />
$19.99<br />
Washington Post<br />
and’s<br />
Book of the Year<br />
All books on this page are only available in Spanish<br />
3-7 YEARS<br />
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
Books with values and full-color illustrations.<br />
Cuidado con la princesa pirata<br />
An adventure picture book<br />
Holly Ryan / Siân Roberts<br />
32 pages<br />
978-84-18664-08-3<br />
Rhyming<br />
text!<br />
$16.95<br />
Princess Prudencia was sweet and calm until… some pirates stole her teddy<br />
bear! Didn’t they know? They should be careful with Princess Prudencia! The<br />
adventures of a feisty and groundbreaking heroine, for adventure-hungry boys<br />
and girls. A children’s story to have a great time with, recommended for 3<br />
to 6-year-olds, with magnificent illustrations that allow us to discover the<br />
adventures of a determined princess. She doesn’t hesitate to take action to<br />
recover her beloved teddy bear, even though that leads her to meet some<br />
terrifying pirates...<br />
9 788418 664083<br />
¡Lo que faltaba!<br />
Family conciliation<br />
Mar Pavón / Gemma Zaragüeta<br />
40 pages<br />
978-84-17210-45-8<br />
$12.99<br />
Tano is having a sleepover at his grandparent’s house for the first time, so the<br />
family showers him with hugs and kisses so he can have a good time.<br />
Querido Maxi<br />
Creativity<br />
Mar Pavón / Gemma Zaragüeta<br />
40 pages<br />
978-84-17210-00-7<br />
$16.99<br />
Maxi is a lucky kid: his mom writes stories and his dad illustrates them. One day,<br />
he is the one who invents his own tale, which turns out to be magic: each time<br />
someone reads it, they tell a different story!<br />
18<br />
All books on this page are only available in Spanish
3-7 YEARS<br />
Books with values and full-color illustrations.<br />
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
El submarino que no quería hundirse<br />
A hilarious story about the first submarine<br />
Anna Obiols / Subi<br />
32 pages<br />
978-84-17210-68-7<br />
$16.95<br />
What a crazy story you’re about to to read! Everyone thinks that the first<br />
modern submarine was invented by Narcís Monturiol, right? Well, it wasn’t<br />
like that!<br />
In this picture book in Spanish for 3+ years old children, you will find out how<br />
seven elephants (seven!) were part of the first submarine in history. On second<br />
thought, Monturiol’s might have been the first submarine that worked...<br />
Cuquedo<br />
Clara Cunha / Paulo Galindro<br />
40 pages<br />
978-84-17210-50-2<br />
Why are all the animals running up and down the jungle? Who<br />
might Cuquedo be? Maybe someone who knows how to scare?<br />
Cuquedo y un amor que da miedo<br />
Clara Cunha / Paulo Galindro<br />
40 pages<br />
$15.99 978-84-17210-51-9<br />
$15.95<br />
Cuquedo wants to find a girlfriend so they can scare together. But his<br />
girlfriend can only be someone who really knows how to scare!<br />
All books on this page are only available in Spanish<br />
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
Boxes with 3 books suitable for each age range. Ideal for gifts.<br />
Plastic-free<br />
box<br />
Libros para niños 1 año<br />
$31.99<br />
• Emociones a todo color<br />
• Es hora de comer<br />
• Buenas noches, todos a dormir<br />
978-84-18664-87-8<br />
Libros para niños 2 años<br />
$31.99<br />
• Minilibros para jugar y aprender<br />
• Me visto solito<br />
• Descubre los animales<br />
978-84-18664-88-5<br />
Libros para niños 3 años<br />
$36.99<br />
• El oso y su enorme trasero<br />
• Cuquedo y un amor que da miedo<br />
• ¡Lo que faltaba!<br />
978-84-18664-89-2<br />
20<br />
All books on this page are only available in Spanish
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
Libros para niños 4 años<br />
$31.99<br />
• ¿Ha sido un pedo?<br />
• Descubre el espacio<br />
• Pascual el dragón descubre la Antártida<br />
978-84-18664-90-8<br />
Libros para niños 5 años<br />
$26.99<br />
• El tesoro del pirata (aprender a leer)<br />
• Mi familia es especial<br />
• Pascual el dragón descubre África<br />
978-84-18664-91-5<br />
Libros para niños 6 años<br />
$31.99<br />
• Pascual el dragón descubre Europa<br />
• El gran libro juego para buscar y encontrar<br />
animales<br />
• Un cuento para la paz: Las botas del general<br />
978-84-18664-92-2<br />
All books on this page are only available in Spanish<br />
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
Boxes with 3 books suitable for each age range. Ideal for gifts.<br />
Plastic-free<br />
box<br />
Cuentos infantiles 1 año<br />
$35.99<br />
• Buenas noches, todos a dormir<br />
• Me quiero bañar<br />
• ¡Estoy aquí para ti!<br />
978-84-17210-93-9<br />
Cuentos infantiles 2 años<br />
$31.99<br />
• Juego y recojo<br />
• Descubre los animales<br />
• Números y emociones<br />
978-84-17210-94-6<br />
Cuentos infantiles 3 años<br />
$41.99<br />
• Cuquedo y un amor que da miedo<br />
• ¡Lo que faltaba!<br />
• Pedro, el gato de pie<br />
978-84-17210-95-3<br />
22<br />
All books on this page are only available in Spanish
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
Cuentos infantiles 4 años<br />
$41.99<br />
• Hola hola: Animales para conocer y proteger<br />
• Cuquedo<br />
• Querido Maxi<br />
978-84-17210-96-0<br />
Cuentos infantiles 5 años<br />
$35.99<br />
• Simba, el león<br />
• Mi familia es especial<br />
• Un cuento para la paz: Las botas del general<br />
978-84-17210-97-7<br />
Cuentos infantiles 6 años<br />
$31.99<br />
• Pascual el dragón descubre América<br />
• El pirata que no sabía decir la R<br />
• El submarino que no quería hundirse<br />
978-84-17210-98-4<br />
All books on this page are only available in Spanish<br />
11/12/18 11:19<br />
5-6 YEARS<br />
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
In UPPERCASE and cursive text<br />
Max Olivetti / Quim Bou<br />
Soft cover - $9.99/u<br />
Hard cover - $14.99/u<br />
Pascual is a friendly dragon always willing to help everyone. Each book shows an adventure on a different continent. Entertaining<br />
and interactive stories, with questions for the reader that teach values such as diversity, environmental sustainability, and<br />
getting to know other cultures!<br />
+<br />
años<br />
2<br />
+<br />
años<br />
5<br />
Pascual el dragón descubre... LA ANTÁRTIDA Max Olivetti<br />
Pascual el dragón descubre...<br />
2ª edición<br />
2+<br />
years<br />
5+<br />
years<br />
¡ En letra<br />
manuscrita!<br />
Dibujos de Quim Bou<br />
Soft cover - 978-84-946115-3-7<br />
Soft cover - 978-84-946115-2-0<br />
Also<br />
available<br />
in lowercase!<br />
Hard cover - 978-84-17210-02-1 Soft cover - 978-84-17210-78-6<br />
Soft cover - 978-84-17210-77-9<br />
Soft cover + lowercase - 978-84-17210-41-0<br />
$56.99<br />
978-84-18664-00-7<br />
Soft cover - 978-84-17210-69-4 Soft cover - 978-84-17210-70-0<br />
24<br />
All books on this page are only available in Spanish
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
Both a<br />
spot-the-difference<br />
and a mystery-solving<br />
book!<br />
ISBN 978-84-944548-6-8<br />
El gran libro de las siete diferencias<br />
Picanyol<br />
978-84-94454-86-8<br />
9 788494 454868<br />
$16.99<br />
Memoria de elefante - Activity books<br />
Picanyol<br />
Activities designed to develop curiosity, improve intellect, reading skills<br />
and concentration in children.<br />
ISBN ME1 (5 to 6-year-olds): 978-84-17210-47-2<br />
ISBN ME2 (6 to 7-year-olds): 978-84-17210-48-9<br />
ISBN ME3 (7 to 8-year-olds): 978-84-17210-49-6<br />
ISBN ME4 (8 to 9-year-olds): 978-84-17210-72-4<br />
ISBN ME5 (9 to 10-year-olds): 978-84-17210-73-1<br />
ISBN ME6 (10 to 11-year-olds): 978-84-17210-74-8<br />
$4.99/u<br />
With huge<br />
unfoldable<br />
pages!<br />
El gran libro juego para buscar y encontrar<br />
Inna Anikeeva<br />
978-84-17210-19-9<br />
In this exciting interactive book, you can unfold each page<br />
to create five massive colorful landscapes brimming with<br />
creative play! Travel to the countryside, the city, the<br />
beach, the zoo, and a fantastic dream world.<br />
Find hidden objects, match the pairs, solve mazes, and play<br />
board games!<br />
El gran libro juego para buscar y encontrar animales<br />
Inna Anikeeva<br />
$16.99 978-84-17210-20-5<br />
$16.99<br />
In this exciting interactive book, you can unfold each page to create<br />
five massive colorful landscapes brimming with creative play! Kids can<br />
explore the woods, the farm, the sea, the desert, the jungle, and the two<br />
poles of our planet.<br />
Find hidden objects, match the pairs, solve mazes, and play board games!<br />
All books on this page are only available in Spanish<br />
7-8 YEARS<br />
In lowercase text<br />
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
El pirata que no sabía decir la R<br />
Nuria Picornell Segura / Oskar Barón<br />
978-84-17210-42-7<br />
Pequeñín<br />
Teresa Duran / Jordi Viladoms<br />
$10 978-84-17210-43-4<br />
$7.99<br />
Once upon a time there was a pirate captain who could leave you shaking<br />
with a simple glance. But he had a problem: he didn’t know how to correctly<br />
pronounce the letter R. The entire ship crew laughed at him because of that.<br />
But everything changed when they decided to board the ship of King Ramon<br />
of Romania. A book that teaches us that, with willpower, all problems can be<br />
solved. A story that delves into the coexistence between different people and<br />
the value of education.<br />
Tierramusgo is a country that hardly deserves to be called a country because<br />
of how small it is. It was a very quiet place until the unexpected arrival of the<br />
ogre Denarices, whose big nose won’t stop sniffing and knocking down all the<br />
warriors who stand in his way. The queen is desperate and she doesn’t have the<br />
slightest idea how to act. Luckily, the shepherd Pequeñín has a plan!<br />
A very inventive book, ideal to make children understand that violence is not<br />
necessary in conflict resolution, and even to discuss sexism.<br />
Papá, dibújame un cuento<br />
Antonio Santamaría<br />
978-84-94454-84-4<br />
$13.99<br />
Nine stories full of imagination and more than 50 astonishing illustrations.<br />
Written with a fast pace and a touch of humor, the protagonists will meet<br />
pterodactyls, crazy white monkeys, an intriguing black giraffe, and much more.<br />
26<br />
All books on this page are only available in Spanish
8-10 YEARS<br />
Detective books for 8 to 10-year-olds<br />
Ursel Scheffler / Hannes Gerber<br />
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
$11.99/u<br />
Each chapter is a different case for Inspector Caramba. At the end of each case, a question will make you do some detective work.<br />
Will you be able to answer it correctly and solve the case? The answer is encoded, and you can only read it with the help of the super<br />
detective’s magnifying glass included with the book! Recommended to improve reading comprehension.<br />
Titles for 8-year-olds:<br />
El calcetín rojo<br />
978-84-946115-4-4<br />
La máscara naranja<br />
978-84-946115-5-1<br />
La maleta amarilla<br />
978-84-946115-6-8<br />
El loro verde<br />
978-84-946115-7-5<br />
El manubrio lila<br />
978-84-946115-8-2<br />
Will you be able<br />
to solve the mystery<br />
in each chapter?<br />
To discover the solution,<br />
use the magnifying glass<br />
that you will<br />
find inside.<br />
Titles for 10-year-olds:<br />
El caso Cobra<br />
978-84-17210-36-6<br />
El dragón dorado<br />
978-84-17210-37-3<br />
All books on this page are only available in Spanish<br />
8-12 YEARS<br />
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
PUBERTAD POSITIVA: Hacia la adolescencia<br />
Two helpful and colorful guides to positively face the changes brought about by puberty<br />
Barbara Pietruszczak / Anna Rudak<br />
$19.99/u<br />
Two guides to positively face the changes brought about by adolescence, with a lot of empathy and knowledge about puberty<br />
and emotions. Recommended for boys and girls aged 8 to 12 years.<br />
Pubertad positiva para chicas<br />
Guía de los cambios en el cuerpo, la primera<br />
regla y la positividad corporal<br />
978-84-19898-05-0<br />
Pubertad positiva para chicas is a book in Spanish about female<br />
puberty. Filled with sensitivity and empathy, it is recommended<br />
for girls between eight and twelve years old.<br />
It promotes body positivity for the following reasons:<br />
• Emphasizes what can be done thanks to the body, not how it<br />
looks.<br />
• Helps build a positive and sensitive language towards oneself<br />
and one’s body.<br />
• Provides accessible and trustworthy information that helps<br />
understand the changes related to the first menstruation and<br />
the puberty period.<br />
Pubertad positiva para chicos<br />
Guía de positividad corporal para<br />
los cambios en el cuerpo y en las emociones<br />
978-84-19898-04-3<br />
Pubertad positiva para chicos is a book in Spanish full of empathy<br />
and knowledge about puberty and emotions, recommended for boys<br />
between 8 and 12 years old. It includes real-life stories!<br />
It is body-positive because:<br />
• It provides trustworthy and accessible information that helps understand<br />
the changes related to puberty.<br />
• It emphasizes the connection between the body and emotions.<br />
• It helps build positive self-language and body image.<br />
Selected for<br />
the White Ravens<br />
catalog<br />
2022<br />
Lokomotywa<br />
Awards<br />
2021<br />
WINNER<br />
28<br />
All books on this page are only available in Spanish
JULIETTE series<br />
Travel all around the world next to your new best friend!<br />
Émilie Decrock / Lisette Morival<br />
9+<br />
years<br />
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
$16.95/u<br />
A new middle-grade comic book series, where Juliette travels all around the world in the company of her journalist mother.<br />
An official adaptation of the famous Canadian book series created by Rose-Line Brasset.<br />
Juliette en Nueva York<br />
978-84-18664-94-6<br />
In the company of her journalist mother, Juliette always travels whenever she has<br />
school holidays. Just a few days before Easter, the teenager flies to New York to spend<br />
a dream week in the famous city that never sleeps. In her itinerary: shopping, sightseeing,<br />
and writing it all in her personal diary. But, of course, this doesn’t account for<br />
Juliette’s new friends, who take her on incredible adventures throughout the city.<br />
Juliette en París<br />
978-84-18664-95-3<br />
The summer vacation has just begun when Juliette and her mother fly to Paris. Although<br />
she would have preferred to spend her afternoons at her friend Gina’s pool, Juliette is<br />
quite happy to admire the city from the top of the Eiffel Tower, take a boat ride on the<br />
Seine River, go shopping at Galeries Lafayette... and make friends with four boys! However,<br />
in the darkest underground tunnels of the City of Light, the teenager will experience<br />
a terrifying adventure.<br />
All books on this page are only available in Spanish<br />
9-10 YEARS<br />
Hilarious novels for 9 to 10-year-olds.<br />
Ester Farran / Jordi Sales<br />
EDITORIAL EL PIRATA<br /><br /><br />
$10.99/u<br />
Adapted by<br />
the Lectura Fácil<br />
(Easy Reading)<br />
association!<br />
¡Vaya lío con el chocolate!<br />
978-84-17210-15-1<br />
Judith and Johan team up to play superhero and<br />
help people. To do that, they will display their<br />
entire arsenal of fun ideas and, most of all, a lot<br />
of chocolate.<br />
¡Vaya lío con las vacaciones!<br />
978-84-17210-16-8<br />
Summer break is here! Judith and Johan will<br />
enjoy some crazy, hilarious adventures in the<br />
countryside, with comical and unforgettable<br />
scenes.<br />
¡Vaya lío con la escuela!<br />
978-84-17210-79-3<br />
When they start school, they find out that this<br />
year they have the least funny teacher. How can<br />
you play superhero with a teacher who acts like<br />
a sergeant?<br />
La Abuela Pirata<br />
Assumpta Mercader, Josep Carrasco, and Pepe Palma<br />
978-84-17210-91-5<br />
$15.99<br />
Marina and Ulises are about to get involved in an amazing adventure. When<br />
they get to their grandmother’s mansion, they find out the family’s best<br />
kept secret: Grandma is actually a pirate!<br />
Una aventura espacial: El vuelo de Mariposa<br />
Jordi Ortiz<br />
978-84-17210-17-5<br />
$13.99<br />
Astounding adventure book. Each chapter takes place on a different planet<br />
of the Solar System, with its real conditions. Includes bonus lessons at<br />
the end! Equally educational and entertaining.<br />
30<br />
All books on this page are only available in Spanish
Available for<br />
1st, 2nd, and 3rd<br />
grades<br />
PDL1<br />
978-84-17210-53-3<br />
PDL2<br />
978-84-17210-54-0<br />
PDL3<br />
978-84-17210-55-7<br />
Following the PIRLS standards*<br />
Three reading<br />
books in Spanish<br />
Three reading<br />
comprehension guides<br />
One activity book<br />
With activities to work on values and emotions<br />
through competency-based learning<br />
To learn more, visit<br /><br />
* This methodology is used worldwide to analyze<br />
children’s level of reading comprehension and evaluate it internationally.
Sabadell<br />
(Barcelona, Spain)<br /><br /><br />
DISTRIBUTION IN THE <strong>USA</strong>:<br />
Independent Publishers Group (IPG)<br />
814 N. Franklin St.<br />
Chicago, IL (60610)<br />
(800) 888-4741