The Mystery on the Freedom Trail

One if by land! Too many tombstones! Four funny friends! Spooky old places! Lots of clues and it's a race to the finish! When their schoolteacher cousin disappears in the middle of running the Boston Marathon, four kids wind their way through the perilous maze of Boston streets along the Freedom Trail to discover what happened! Take your mark and race with Christina, Grant and their cousins - Derian and C.F. - as they try to track down the mysterious whereabouts of their schoolteacher cousin who has disappeared from the famous Boston Marathon - right in the middle of the race! MORE than a race, a mystery! MORE than a mystery, there's real history about the Freedom Trail and the Boston Marathon history, too! MORE THAN ENOUGH REASONS TO RACE TO READ... The Mystery on the Freedom Trail The Boston Marathon Mystery.

One if by land! Too many tombstones! Four funny friends! Spooky old places! Lots of clues and it's a race to the finish! When their schoolteacher cousin disappears in the middle of running the Boston Marathon, four kids wind their way through the perilous maze of Boston streets along the Freedom Trail to discover what happened! Take your mark and race with Christina, Grant and their cousins - Derian and C.F. - as they try to track down the mysterious whereabouts of their schoolteacher cousin who has disappeared from the famous Boston Marathon - right in the middle of the race! MORE than a race, a mystery! MORE than a mystery, there's real history about the Freedom Trail and the Boston Marathon history, too! MORE THAN ENOUGH REASONS TO RACE TO READ... The Mystery on the Freedom Trail The Boston Marathon Mystery.

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2<br />

Hop <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> plane<br />

to Hopkint<strong>on</strong><br />

By Saturday morning, Mimi, Papa, Christina,<br />

and Grant were speeding toward Atlanta’s<br />

Hartsfield Internati<strong>on</strong>al airport, <strong>the</strong> busiest in <strong>the</strong><br />

nati<strong>on</strong>. Uncle Michael was taking <strong>the</strong>m so <strong>the</strong>y<br />

didn’t have to leave <strong>the</strong>ir car <strong>the</strong>re and “pay<br />

through <strong>the</strong> nose,” as Papa, <strong>the</strong>ir grandfa<strong>the</strong>r,<br />

always said.<br />

Grant always tried to picture how some<strong>on</strong>e<br />

could pay a parking bill through <strong>the</strong>ir nose, but he<br />

just couldn’t imagine it. Not even an elephant. Of<br />

course, Papa was always saying things that Grant<br />

didn’t understand yet. His grandfa<strong>the</strong>r had lots<br />

of opini<strong>on</strong>s. He had opini<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> everything,<br />

even opini<strong>on</strong>s.<br />

“In my opini<strong>on</strong>,” Papa suddenly said, “we<br />

should stop at <strong>the</strong> terminal here and use <strong>the</strong><br />

curbside check-in, so we d<strong>on</strong>’t have to carry all<br />

<strong>the</strong>se bags.” Grant knew what that meant: Uncle<br />


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