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A Gift and a Curse<br />
A Haida Gwaii Tour<br />
+<br />
THE<br />
Issue 131<br />
Sept / Oct <strong>2024</strong><br />
$6.50 (INCL. GST)
2 HG
Subscribe<br />
Get the <strong>HGT</strong> magazine delivered<br />
right to your post box and save<br />
<strong>10</strong>% off the retail price. On-island<br />
for one year (six issues): $35.<strong>10</strong><br />
plus GST. Off-island (anywhere<br />
in Canada): $51.00 plus GST. US:<br />
$74.85 plus GST.<br />
Advertise<br />
Haida Gwaii Trader is committed<br />
to help spread the word of<br />
businesses of all sizes with<br />
affordable options for everyone.<br />
Rates start as low as $45 per<br />
month plus GST.<br />
Submit<br />
We welcome you to send us your<br />
family-oriented stories, news,<br />
illustrations, cartoons, poems,<br />
etc., for publishing consideration.<br />
Contact Information<br />
Phone: 250-557-2088<br />
Email: info@haidagwaiitrader.<br />
com<br />
Mail: PO Box 313, Port Clements,<br />
BC V0T 1R0<br />
Website:<br />
<br />
Deadline for NovDec/24 issue<br />
Content we layout: Oct <strong>10</strong> th<br />
<strong>2024</strong>.<br />
Classifieds and print ready<br />
submissions: Oct 20 th <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
Haida place names as per the<br />
This is Haida Gwaii Kaats’ii hla |<br />
Káats’a hlaa <strong>2024</strong> publication.<br />
The views and opinions expressed<br />
by the various authors do not<br />
necessarily reect the opinions,<br />
beliefs or viewpoints of Haida<br />
Gwaii Trader. © <strong>2024</strong> Haida<br />
Gwaii Trader. All rights reserved.<br />
Prefer a digital copy? Scan here<br />
for the <strong>HGT</strong> Ezine!<br />
Features<br />
6<br />
The Omnipresent Deer<br />
A Gift and a Curse<br />
12<br />
Artists Visiting Artists<br />
A Haida Gwaii Tour<br />
28<br />
The Fastpitch Legacy<br />
A Hometown Hero Reects<br />
Also In This Issue<br />
Dear Huckleberry.................................. <strong>10</strong><br />
Naturalist's Almanac ............................ 16<br />
Tymeko Collinson ................................. 18<br />
Chill Zone .............................................. 19<br />
The Empty Church ............................... 20<br />
HG Local Foods Project ........................ 22<br />
Haida Qwaii Eats .................................. 23<br />
Gwaii Trust ............................................ 26<br />
All Things Music ................................... 30<br />
On the Cover: Dandelion dreams | PC Joey Rudichuk<br />
Plus: Sasha Tarrant nee Olson | PC<br />
Bonanza Beach ...................................... 32<br />
Puzzle Page ............................................ 35<br />
Science Corner ...................................... 36<br />
Horoscope .............................................. 37<br />
Classifieds .............................................. 38<br />
Tide Tables ............................................. 49<br />
Community Calendar ........................... 50<br />
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 3
Our Valued Contributors<br />
Roberta “Byrd” Aiken loves<br />
being a mom, knitting and has<br />
been a freelance writer and<br />
photographer for over 3 decades<br />
- starting with basketball and fast<br />
pitch on Haida Gwaii.<br /><br />
Dear Huckleberry, an observer<br />
of human conduct and love<br />
interactions, is passionate about<br />
finding creative ways to navigate<br />
love, friendships and familiar<br />
relationships.<br /><br />
Haida Gwaii<br />
Trader Values<br />
<strong>HGT</strong> commits to the Truth and<br />
Reconciliation’s Call to Action<br />
#85: continuing to develop<br />
media initiatives that inform<br />
and educate the Canadian<br />
public, and connect the Haida<br />
people and fellow islanders.<br />
We proudly serve the<br />
unceded traditional territory<br />
of the Haida Nation along<br />
with all those who live,<br />
work and play on Haida<br />
Gwaii. We offer affordable<br />
advertising for all local<br />
businesses and exemplary<br />
off-island businesses whose<br />
products and/or services are<br />
in limited, local supply.<br />
UNITED<br />
Our focus is to build,<br />
maintain and enhance<br />
bridges between the Haida<br />
people and fellow islanders<br />
of all ages, genders and<br />
income, between nature and<br />
humanity, and between spirit<br />
and ego.<br />
We support basic,<br />
equitable needs shared<br />
by all, including social<br />
sustainability, clean air,<br />
water and energy, affordable<br />
housing, wellness, and<br />
nutritious, locally produced<br />
food.<br />
Monica Caulfield, a professional<br />
astrologer since 2007, is passionate<br />
about helping people develop tools<br />
of awareness and purpose in life.<br /><br />
Stu Crawford is an ecologist<br />
who lives in Masset and enjoys<br />
learning, eating things, and<br />
exploring Haida Gwaii.<br /><br />
Behind the Scenes<br />
Shellene Patience<br />
Owner<br />
Editor in Chief<br /><br />
Claude Adams<br />
Assistant Editor<br />
Contributing Writer<br /><br />
Rosemary “Ro” Millham is<br />
a retired university professor,<br />
geologist, NASA scientist and<br />
educator. She enjoys the peace,<br />
beauty, people and nature of<br />
Haida Gwaii and loves taking<br />
her dog for walks on the beach.<br /><br />
Contributors on pause:<br />
Lin Armstrong, Rhonda Lee Russ and Jana McLeod<br />
Supporting Local Writers<br />
Haida Gwaii Trader’s Commitment<br />
As we believe in the importance of publishing and paying for locally-written content, we devote<br />
an average of $<strong>10</strong>00 per issue for writer pay. Do you or someone you know have a Haida-<br />
Gwaii inspired topic, series idea, an interesting hobby or field of expertise you would like to<br />
share aspects of with our growing readership? All paid writers agree to submit their articles<br />
in a minimum of three-issues per year and all content is pitched/published via <strong>HGT</strong>’s editing<br />
procedures and policies. Give us a call at 250-557-2088 or email We<br />
look forward to hearing from you!<br />
Jamie McDonald<br />
Events Manager<br />
Contributing Writer<br /><br />
Terri-Lynne Penner<br />
Office and Classifieds/<br />
Subscriptions Manager<br /><br />
Graphic Design and Desktop Publishing Team: Direct Design & Andre Favron<br />
IT: Northern Rogue Technologies Inc., JAMAXX Web Design, Direct Design<br />
Bookkeeper: J. Pigeon Bookkeeping & Accounting<br />
4 HG
Letter From the Editor<br />
The Strength of Silence<br />
Shellene Patience<br />
Ah…the sights and sounds of autumn. Gusts of wind have<br />
alder leaves falling like rain. What a visual. And who can<br />
walk through carpets of leaves without the urge to do a<br />
leaf crunch dance? It’s a titillating sound. Toss them with<br />
your feet to make them ip and y? Maybe get horizontal<br />
and roll around? Come on, ya know you pondered it.<br />
Fall’s earth-scent is intoxicating. I have a small window<br />
in my bathroom that I often leave open and there’s a<br />
consistent drift of fresh air. I adore lling my lungs with<br />
it. Happy shiver.<br />
Clothing layers are back. Sigh.<br />
This issue of the <strong>HGT</strong> Magazine includes inspirations<br />
about animals, art, music and lots of dynamic and skillful<br />
people who love Haida Gwaii. It’s so cool to experience<br />
this astonishing place through their eyes, expressions,<br />
thoughts and actions.<br />
On an entirely diferent and rather unusual topic for me<br />
to write about: have you, dear reader, ever been kind,<br />
patient and generous to someone and in return been either<br />
ghosted, insulted or even reprimanded? There’s nothing<br />
that makes my lips purse, head shake and blood boil more<br />
than ungratefulness. This is not to say I do things only<br />
for appreciation. Far from it. I’m ever striving to live up<br />
to my last name and practicing a heart-centered life is<br />
the marrow in my bones. But when one turns the other<br />
cheek again and again and again…only to be met with<br />
indignance, well, wrath comes to mind.<br />
Reaching my tolerance limit doesn’t happen often, but it<br />
did the other day. I spent a while writing a ery response<br />
email. The vent felt deeply satisfying. But then, as I learn<br />
the value of transmuting anger in diferent ways, I clicked<br />
“discard.”<br />
Then, I slept on it.<br />
And I’m so glad I did. I woke up the next morning, opened<br />
the blinds and the sunrise completely reframed my mindset.<br />
Just one sleep and a blue-sky morning had me seeing<br />
the ofender in a completely diferent light. I felt empathy.<br />
Forgiveness. Understanding. Compassion. How challenging<br />
life must be for this party to act the way they do.<br />
And so, I thanked them for their comments and wished<br />
them well. My theory: the world has enough nasty in it.<br />
Expanding good feeds many souls.<br />
The power of the pause is a study I nd endlessly fascinating,<br />
and I’ve come to view it as a foundation for living<br />
a peaceful and contented life. When emotions rise, lling<br />
our chests with tension and our hearts race, here’s why<br />
taking a break totally rocks. It reduces stress, improves<br />
focus and productivity, enhances problem-solving and<br />
creativity, lowers the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes<br />
and even some cancers. Moments of silence promote<br />
relaxation, positive reections and clear heads.<br />
Said so well by mindfulness instructor, Erica Ebert,<br />
“Silence isn’t empty; it’s full of answers.” Beautiful fall<br />
to all and, hand on heart, thank you, háw’aa, hawaa for<br />
your ongoing contributions and support.<br />
One foot gently in front<br />
of the other,<br />
S Pan<br />
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 5
The Omnipresent Deer<br />
It’s one of the joys, and one of the<br />
tribulations, of life on Haida Gwaii:<br />
The unexpected deer encounter. One<br />
day you might be charmed by their<br />
Bambi-like innocence while walking<br />
in the forest, and the next day, you<br />
are swerving to avoid a collision with<br />
a buck on the highway. They are the<br />
delight of the tourist, and the menace<br />
of the backyard gardener. In death,<br />
they come as the delicious meal of<br />
venison, or as unsightly roadkill. Both<br />
a gift of nature, and a curse.<br />
Try to imagine what life would be like<br />
on the islands without the Sitka blacktailed<br />
deer.<br />
Berry Wijdeven, a resident of Tll.aal<br />
Tlell, has one perspective. Wijdeven<br />
worked as a species-at-risk biologist<br />
for 14 years and he came to see the<br />
deer as a monumental problem, an<br />
invasive species that has transformed<br />
the natural environment. “The food<br />
chain has kind of collapsed,” he says.<br />
“There are fewer berries to eat, fewer<br />
insects, fewer small songbirds…The<br />
forests are very quiet and they’re not<br />
supposed to be that quiet.”<br />
The irony, of course, is that the deer<br />
were introduced to Haida Gwaii in<br />
the late 1800s as a food source, and<br />
they ourished because there are no<br />
natural predators, apart from man<br />
and the occasional black bear. They<br />
were free to feed, roam extensively<br />
and procreate, unbothered by wolves<br />
or coyotes, and today, estimates of<br />
the deer population range as high as<br />
250,000, although an accurate census<br />
is impossible.<br />
Wijdeven illustrates the impact of<br />
6 HG<br />
A Gift and a Curse<br />
Claude Adams<br />
the deer by telling how they have<br />
indirectly reduced the numbers of<br />
stads k’un goshawks, Haida Gwaii’s<br />
national bird and one of the world’s<br />
rarest and most threatened species.<br />
The deer feed on the understory - the<br />
shrubs and bushes and berries on the<br />
forest oor– and consequently deplete<br />
the food supply of small birds, the primary<br />
diet of goshawks.<br />
Where are the<br />
songbirds hiding?<br />
- Scientist Jean-<br />
Louis Martin<br />
Over the years, an organization called<br />
the Research Group of Introduced<br />
Species (RGIS), made up of French<br />
scientists, Parks Canada and a number<br />
of universities, found a drastic<br />
decline in the populations of wrens,<br />
warblers, sparrows, woodpeckers and<br />
hummingbirds in areas where deer<br />
browse. There was also long-term<br />
damage to seabirds, mammals, reptiles<br />
and amphibians. A number of<br />
native plants were also afected.<br />
Wrote one of the RGIS scientists,<br />
Jean-Louis Martin: “Why are these<br />
forests so silent in spring, compared<br />
to those at home? Where are the<br />
songbirds hiding? And what about<br />
the blanket of owers that usually<br />
explode in spring at the edges of forests?<br />
Why are they missing?”<br />
The answer was distressing. “As deer<br />
ate themselves out of their preferred<br />
food,” Martin wrote, “they switched<br />
Curious doe<br />
PC | Shellene Patience
Salal berry feast. What a buck!<br />
PC | Danielle Louise Allard<br />
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 7
to less palatable plants. By doing so<br />
they created that eerie mossy atmosphere.<br />
At the same time insects<br />
and songbirds that depended on the<br />
understory vanished and with them<br />
the humming and songs that usually<br />
ll a forest.”<br />
In recent years, a project called<br />
Llgaaygwü sdiihlda Restoring Balance<br />
was carried out in Gwaii Haanas<br />
National Park Reserve in an attempt<br />
to eradicate the deer population on<br />
a number of islands. Sharpshooters<br />
were brought in from New Zealand,<br />
and the deer were hunted with dogs<br />
and from helicopters, and while many<br />
were killed, the project was ultimately<br />
unsuccessful.<br />
Says Wijdeven: “They kill 90 to 95%<br />
(of the deer) and ve years later the<br />
remaining 5% have increased again,<br />
so even if we had all the money in the<br />
world to eradicate them, they’d still<br />
be here . . . The minute you eradicate<br />
them from one island they just swim<br />
over and populate it again. . . So, we<br />
know what the problem is, but the<br />
solution is almost impossible.”<br />
There’s an additional complicating<br />
factor. The deer have become a social<br />
issue. “People love their deer,” says<br />
Wijdeven, “and they love to go hunting<br />
and use it for meat. It’s become<br />
part of life, so whenever we talk about<br />
deer eradication, people become quite<br />
upset and that makes it very dicult<br />
to get a global buy-in to do anything.’<br />
So it seems, for now at least, that the<br />
tawny ungulates are here to stay, to<br />
delight and infuriate and feed us,<br />
while they relentlessly reshape the<br />
environment.<br />
Deer Data – Tips from Locals<br />
We put a post on Facebook asking people to share their deer knowledge.<br />
Here are some of the responses, largely unedited:<br />
Bear bangers, or full fence and netting to top it since deer can jump<br />
over 6-8 feet without running and taller if running. Dog in yard.<br />
Using net is simple: posts at each corner of plot and hang shing<br />
net over top of fence posts stretched tight. My father did this on<br />
Vancouver Island in 1970’s to great efect using old seining net.<br />
This also prevented ying eaters of garden produce.<br />
– Nung Koyas Jage<br />
If you don’t want gamey tasting meat, skin the deer before you<br />
hang it to age. - Ruby Decock<br />
Use your carving fork to poke holes in your roast. Mix 1/2 cup soya,<br />
2 tbsp brown sugar, ten crushed garlic cloves and whatever else<br />
you like then put your roast in a big Ziplock with your marinade.<br />
Give the bag a massage, shimmy shake every so often when you<br />
open your fridge. After 2-3 days put the roast in a 400 oven for 30<br />
minutes then reduce to 350 for 30 minutes. Let that meat rest for 7<br />
minutes before slicing. I like some gravy with mashed potatoes and<br />
pickled beets on the side. Yum. - Myrna Lauzon.<br />
Salal jelly goes really nice with roasted deer, kinda like cranberry<br />
sauce and turkey. - Lynda Osborne<br />
Team Garden Security<br />
PC | Amber Fleming<br />
Saving my yard, garden plants and veggies, I have a team that work together, warding of slugs and deer! I haven’t<br />
seen a slug on my property for over a year because of my ducks, and Piper my Labrador not only protects<br />
her ducks from predators, but deer do not enter the property. - Amber Fleming<br />
My Salal-Triple Currant Jam is great with turkey, deer, beef and cheese. (Available at local Farmers’ Markets<br />
too!) - Betty Stewart<br />
Do not throw deer carcasses on the beaches….EVER! Dogs eat the carcass and can get sick, and it provokes dog<br />
ghts. - Myrna Lauzon<br />
8 HG
Celebrating 40 years of Haida haute couture<br />
July 6-Dec 21, <strong>2024</strong><br />
Haida Gwaii Museum at Kay Llnagaay<br />
Haawa | Haw’aa | Thank you to the Canada Council for the Arts, BC Arts<br />
Council, North Coast Regional Distriict + Gwaii Trust Society<br />
Kayd Hll.ngaay | Kíid Hlíing | Spruce Root<br />
Weaving Exhibition<br />
Learn about and explore spruce root weaving<br />
with the House of Weavers and their students<br />
On now at the Haida Gwaii Museum<br />
Haawa | Haw’aa | Thank you to RSF Pawanka Fund<br />
Haida Heritage School Check Haida Heritage Centre Facebook page for schedules + updates<br />
Gina DaahlGahl Naay | The Trading House<br />
Art . Jewelry . Books . Music . Beauty . Fashion . Home + much more!<br />
Shop in-house, or online at:<br />
Haida Heritage Centre at Kay Llnagaay<br />
Clothing + Memorabilia<br />
Shop in-house, or online at:<br />
Cultural Tours + Programs<br />
Pricing + bookings available online<br />
250.559.4643 .<br />
250.559.7885 .<br />
Sept/Oct Hours<br />
please call or check website<br />
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 9
Dear Huckleberry is an advice column aiming to use a bit of sound advice to<br />
nurture healing and growth, while hopefully making you laugh a little too. This<br />
column is not a substitute for working with a licensed counsellor. Please seek<br />
professional help if you are struggling.<br />
Dear Huckleberry,<br />
I’m a heavily-built man in my 70s sufering from a few<br />
physical ailments, including arthritis. I smoke and drink<br />
and live a fairly happy life that doesn’t include much<br />
exercise, which is growing concern of my son who<br />
wants me to enroll in some senior tness programs.<br />
I’ll be frank. I hate the idea of hung and pung with<br />
a bunch of seniors three times a week. I don’t see the<br />
point of it. It’s embarrassing and only tires me out. How<br />
can I gently tell my son to stop insisting I “get t”? And<br />
that his constant harping only makes me more intent<br />
on staying in my comfortable chair? – Lazy Boy<br />
Dear Lazy Boy,<br />
I sense that this is becoming a real issue in your fatherson<br />
relationship, and I can empathize with your need<br />
to be left alone with your no-exercise regime. But try<br />
to see this from your son’s point of view. He loves you<br />
and is worried that your refusal to “get t” can lead to<br />
more serious health problems down the line. And consider<br />
that those health problems – which could include<br />
osteoarthritis, emphysema and even cancer due to your<br />
smoking – may become a burden on his life later on, as<br />
he seeks to provide you with good medical attention.<br />
So, I have a suggestion. Get out of your chair and simply<br />
move doing things you enjoy. Maybe it’s getting out<br />
in nature. Or, puttering more… around your home or<br />
workshop. Heck, put on some music that inspires your<br />
body to boogie, in or out of your chair! Check out “Chair<br />
dance tness for seniors” online. And, if your son lives<br />
nearby, do things with him! Go on walks with him. Take<br />
up father-son pickleball. Go bowling together. Visit the<br />
local swimming pool together once a week. Not only<br />
will your health improve, but your happiness quotient<br />
will grow and so will your relationship with your son.<br />
Finally, this new regime will relieve a bit of the guilt<br />
your son must feel when he pesters you about your<br />
health. Look on it as a loving gift to him, and to yourself.<br />
Dear Huckleberry,<br />
I cherish Haida Gwaii’s spring and summer. But I confess,<br />
I dread the coming cool/cold seasons. I’m not kidding. I<br />
get this heavy feeling all over. It’s like I grieve over the<br />
passing of the warm seasons. Winter coming has me<br />
struggling with sadness, depression, fear and uneasiness.<br />
It’s like I have pre-Seasonal Afective Disorder. Can you<br />
help me cope with the cold? - Clinging to the Warm<br />
Dearest Clinging,<br />
By expressing how you feel you are showing up for<br />
yourself. Way to go! I bet my last Toonie lots of people<br />
relate to your ‘coming of the cold’ anxiety. When it’s<br />
warm, the world feels inviting and energizing. Being<br />
that the extra daylight our spring and summer brings<br />
increases our feel-good chemicals, your cool season<br />
doom is biologically real. In fact, as soon as seasons<br />
start to change, 2 to 3% of Canadians, up to 1.2 million<br />
people, will experience SAD in their lifetime.<br />
Maybe you are a ‘new things’ person. Spring is a time<br />
of renewal and growth. Summer brings travel and gathering.<br />
Instead of resisting what is coming, might you<br />
reframe? Experiment with some new and interesting<br />
things. Often the smallest changes can result in noticeable<br />
relief. Place sitting chairs close to your brightest<br />
windows and make a point of spending some time in<br />
them. If any rooms in your house feel dark, maybe it’s<br />
time to paint them a lighter colour? Painting party?<br />
Then there’s light box therapy and daylight simulation<br />
light bulbs. Grey skies might prevail, but the colours<br />
of cool-season people, places, events and things can<br />
be surprisingly uplifting… if one’s mindset remains<br />
curious and open.<br />
<strong>10</strong> HG<br />
Have a letter you would like to submit for consideration? Email or send via mail to<br />
Dear Huckleberry c/o Haida Gwaii Trader, PO Box 313, Port Clements, BC V0T 1R0. Do explain your full situation<br />
- unlimited text – but also include a <strong>10</strong>0-word maximum overview question. If your submission is chosen, only the<br />
overview question will be published.
Delivery Every Monday<br />
Call or Text 24/7<br />
MacKenzie Furniture<br />
Weekly Delivery<br />
Call or Text 250-624-4146<br />
Fall PRICE BLITZ<br />
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25 cu. ft. 36" Side-by-Side Refrigerator<br />
Handles major food hauls and looks good doing<br />
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30" Electric Range with Convection Technology<br />
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Call/Text: 250-624-4146<br /> |<br />
150 - 1st Avenue West, Prince Rupert, BC<br />
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 11
Artists Visiting Artists<br />
To be an artist is to embrace the unknown,<br />
and to fearlessly and passionately<br />
enter into a relationship with the<br />
material nature of various aspects of<br />
our lives. It is to sit with ideas (and<br />
stay rooted in contemplation of an<br />
idea) and imagine an array of possibilities<br />
that extend from such a <strong>single</strong><br />
thought. It is not to self-identify as<br />
“talented” because it demands more<br />
than a projection. Thinking artistically<br />
is ofered to all of us as part of<br />
the gift of living inside a kaleidoscope<br />
of senses. I have been charmed by<br />
the ideas and creations of my artist<br />
friends on Haida Gwaii and my mind<br />
dances with conversation, connections<br />
and a shared acknowledgement<br />
of belonging to place. I have been<br />
dwelling inside their studios, their<br />
art, and their minds, living fully and<br />
A Haida Gwaii Tour<br />
feeling at home.<br />
Sheila Karrow<br />
I am the visitor. And it spoke to me and<br />
said, “I am looking at you while you are<br />
looking at me” – Sheila Karrow<br />
“Aw yes, this warm yellow you see on<br />
the edge of the late day spruce, I see<br />
it as well.”<br />
“I can taste those berries with you<br />
in this painting; I feel their avour<br />
through colour. You have awakened<br />
my thoughts about traditional harvesting<br />
and Indigenous plant species.”<br />
“Your walls are covered in the art of<br />
others while you sit in conversation<br />
with each one. Do they accompany<br />
you while you work on your pen and<br />
ink?”<br />
A creation of art is an unfurled conversation,<br />
an invitation into dialogue.<br />
Artists who work alone dive deeply<br />
into an individual commitment to<br />
work until something is born. Yet<br />
even still, as we work, we sit and wait<br />
for the words to come. And when another<br />
artist replies, we emerge fully<br />
out of the nest, as Pema Chödrön noted,<br />
and we are fully alive.<br />
There was no time to paint on this<br />
last trip to Haida Gwaii. Everything<br />
that needed to be created was. This<br />
art journey was a metaphysical and<br />
relational event. No canvas needed.<br />
The journey began with a visit to Maryanne Wettlaufer’s beautiful new studio in Masset and a lengthy conversation<br />
about painting, studio building, and the artist way (hopes, struggles, challenges, needs). It ended with an agate smile.<br />
Penny Richardson brought the artists together in her stack wall studio in Tll.aal Tlell. I was fortunate to be on<br />
island at the time. This tradition began with Katie Borserio many years ago - evenings with treats in her art room<br />
at the high school. Today, we enjoyed homemade goodies while we created art and shared creative conversations.<br />
Penny is working on a family cookbook. Intergenerational love in the making.<br />
A stunning creation by Barb Lawrence from Masset, the moonsnail faces back but the crab holds the view with its<br />
ancient spiral. Classic ‘Barb’ motifs and colours are recognizable at once.<br />
Penny’s cookbook<br />
Penny Richardson’s studio<br />
Barb Lawrence’s mosaic<br />
12 HG
Evelyn Vanderhoop’s<br />
pattern board<br />
Peter Sloan’s rings<br />
Judy Hilgemann’s<br />
painting palette<br />
Evelyn Vanderhoop, Masset Haida weaver, shared her pattern board with me and I<br />
was overwhelmed with her visual math sense...just incredible. I sit with the idea of how<br />
this concept could become a visual pattern lesson for students. This would not involve<br />
copying any Haida art designs but rather repeating a design by shifting the visual eld<br />
and using memory and proportion. Students who are not of Haida ancestry can learn<br />
to appreciate form line art without copying it.<br />
A visit to Peter Sloan’s studio: one could walk right by his cedar home in Masset without<br />
realizing there is a jewellery workshop and kiln in the basement. Peter has a full<br />
casting studio downstairs and runs workshops teaching silver jewellery techniques and<br />
casting to local artists. The rings shown in the photo are<br />
castings of hand made wax carvings. There are movable<br />
parts on these as well.<br />
Dorothy Garrett, Daajing Giids.The hand woven blanket<br />
shown here is a labour of love and time, made from wool<br />
she washed, carted, dyed and spun. To rest it on your body<br />
is to feel something alive, almost like the animal it came<br />
from.<br />
Daajing Giid’s Debbie Gardiner. I wonder what does<br />
time become when working on a beadwork piece like<br />
this? Does it stop?<br />
Judy Hilgemann, also in DG, is preparing a body of work<br />
for a solo show and thus, I have not revealed any of her<br />
paintings. Shown here is her palette of colours.<br />
Dorothy Garrett’s<br />
blanket<br />
A visit to Alexandra Rinfret in Tll.aal Tlell leads to art of a diferent sort... enter playful<br />
childhood innocence (with a wink) through designs that skip their way into cookies,<br />
cakes, paintings, and felt creations. Do not fear the playfulness and the silliness that must<br />
come out. She loves patterns, and repeating themes, Andy Warhol hints, colour palette<br />
pairings and opposites. Everything highlights the elements and principles of design.<br />
Debbie Gardiner’s beadwork Alex Rinfret’s creation station One of Alex’s purr-fect paintings<br />
Sheila Karrow lived on Haida Gwaii from 2004-2021. She taught at Sk’aadgaa Naay<br />
and was involved with the arts through the Haida Gwaii Arts Council, Gwaii Trust,<br />
and the HG museum. “It is my hope to return to the eld of education on Haida<br />
Gwaii and reconnect with the arts community. My area of research is in developing<br />
a relational pedagogy through decolonizing both my art and teaching practices.”<br />
Sheila has a keen interest in Haida-inspired education, reconciliation, and place-in-<br />
uenced learning. She is currently living in the Cowichan Valley, teaches elementary<br />
students in Lake Cowichan, paints and ofers workshops in a studio gallery at her<br />
home.<br />
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 13
“There is nothing more important than<br />
feeling at peace in your own space.”<br />
– Jodi Oline / Owner<br />
Get that Hygge feeling!<br />
• Quality Furniture<br />
• Home Décor & Gifts<br />
• In-home Design<br />
Facebook/interiordesignhaidagwaii | Instagram/hyggehomehaidagwaii<br />
#1- 2072 Collison Ave., Masset, Haida Gwaii<br />
250-800-0195 | |<br />
250.637.2207<br />
14 HG<br />
OFFER VALID: SEPT <strong>10</strong> - NOV <strong>10</strong><br />
OCTOBER 5, <strong>2024</strong><br />
7:30PM<br />
<strong>2024</strong> -2025 SEASON<br />
Brent Butt Comedy Night<br />
Brent, one of the funniest guys in the country, is the creator and producer<br />
of sitcom CORNER GAS. His first novel, HUGE, has been on the best seller<br />
list for weeks.<br />
NOVEMBER 8, <strong>2024</strong> MASSET PLAYHOUSE<br />
NOVEMBER 9, <strong>2024</strong> SKIDEGATE HALL<br />
7:30PM<br />
LJ Mounteney<br />
LJ is a West Coast Blues and jazz musician.<br />
Dubbed a “Canadian Bonnie Raitt,” her soulful<br />
vocals along with high-energy performances<br />
makes her stand out in every show.<br />
7:30PM<br />
Dawn Pemberton<br />
Dawn has deep musical roots that take her powerful<br />
voice from gospel and soul to jazz, funk and world<br />
music. A passionate songwriter and performer Dawn<br />
crafts her music with a sense of adventure.<br />
7:30PM<br />
Nicolas Messner<br />
Nic, a Métis fiddler from Manitoba, is known for his<br />
refined yet quick fiddling skills and contagious energy<br />
on stage. As a fourth-generation fiddler, Nic zealously<br />
shares his traditional music while infusing modern and<br />
authentic sounds into his melodies.<br />
7:30PM<br />
THE FOOL Theatre Play<br />
What happens when a dim-witted medieval simpleton is<br />
unwittingly named the King’s new Court Fool... a brand<br />
new comedy play by Monster Theatre.<br />
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 15
A Naturalist’s Almanac<br />
The world gets warmer every year. It’s<br />
worrisome, especially when streams<br />
and rivers on island could have less<br />
water after this dry summer. Low<br />
water levels afect returning salmon<br />
who help to create the world as we<br />
know it. Returning salmon that die<br />
after they spawn help to feed the forest;<br />
their death brings new life. Bears<br />
also eat salmon and leave the remnants<br />
on the riverbank. No sh, no<br />
bears, no forest, no birds.<br />
Haida Gwaii has a more moderate<br />
climate than the adjacent continental<br />
mass. It is an island in the ocean and<br />
the cool sea winds keep the temperature<br />
lower. However, it is important<br />
to be aware of the changing climate.<br />
Earlier this year, before the July fogs<br />
appeared, the forest in some places<br />
was tinder dry. It would not have<br />
taken much to set it alight. Haida<br />
Gwaii has had forest res in the past,<br />
one on an island lake in Moresby and<br />
a huge re just south of Masset in<br />
the 1960’s that burned to Pure Lake<br />
and beyond. The heat remained in the<br />
forest oor for some time and often<br />
re-ignited. The dead standing burned<br />
snags were visible until recently, and<br />
‘re-killed’ cedar was used for craftspeople<br />
until just a few years ago.<br />
It has been a dicult summer. The<br />
tragic and sudden loss of my husband<br />
Peter in February caused big changes<br />
and the many things that had to be<br />
done burned up tons of energy. Apart<br />
from the sorrow and pain associated<br />
with his loss, his notes, books and<br />
his huge library in his oce a few<br />
doors down had to be dealt with. The<br />
work is ongoing. But wonderful life<br />
16 HG<br />
Forests, Fires and Shorebirds<br />
Margo Hearne<br />
continues despite our human troubles.<br />
The resident Canada Geese have<br />
returned to the Sanctuary; they move<br />
back and forth across the Inlet daily<br />
and will soon be joined by their southbound<br />
companions. Songbirds sang<br />
in the trees all summer; large ocks<br />
of shorebirds migrated south and<br />
the Sandhill Cranes of Delkatla had<br />
two healthy chicks which grew up<br />
over the months. Friends who live in<br />
Tll.aal Tlell were also happy to see<br />
crane chicks in late July.<br />
The shorebird migration continues.<br />
The Sanderlings and Plovers were in<br />
high gear recently; they were mostly<br />
this year’s young on their way south.<br />
They jinked and squabbled, rose with<br />
the wind and kept moving. So did a<br />
small ock of Black Turnstones,<br />
although they eventually settled to<br />
feed on the seaweed wracks. It is<br />
amazing to see such vibrant life, perhaps,<br />
to quote Julian of Norwich; “all<br />
will be well and all will be well and<br />
all manner of things will be well.”<br />
Thanks to family and friends and<br />
neighbours for all your kindness this<br />
year and for your help in every way.<br />
Crane with chick in Delkatla<br />
Shorebirds against Tow Hill<br />
Sanderlings by the seashore<br />
Black Turnstone on rock
Located downtown<br />
Masset, across<br />
from the Co-op<br />
Find us on our<br />
website or Facebook<br />
for specials and<br />
events!<br /><br />
Dining room features<br />
Haida art<br />
Patio Dining<br />
Serving breakfast,<br />
lunch, and dinner<br />
daily<br />
Fish and chips<br />
Pizza + Subs<br />
Fish tacos<br />
Mega burritos<br />
Smashed burgers<br />
Bubble tea<br />
Milkshake (25 flavors)<br />
Soft ice cream<br />
*Draft beer<br />
*Craft cocktails<br />
*Full bar<br />
*Off sales<br />
*with purchase of food<br />
Lynn’s<br />
Place<br />
Guest House by the Sea<br />
• 2 Bedrooms<br />
• Full Kitchen<br />
• Private Garden<br />
• Laundry Service<br />
- airbnb<br />
K’il Kun Sandspit, BC<br />
250-637-5654<br /><br />
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 17
Teen-aged Hall of Famer<br />
A Haida First<br />
Claude Adams<br />
250-559-8561<br />
31857 Hwy 16<br />
in Tll.aal Tlell<br />
Sixteen-year-old Tymeko Collinson of<br />
HlGaagilda Skidegate has become the<br />
rst Haida athlete, male or female,<br />
to be honoured with a place in the<br />
BC Sports Hall of Fame in Vancouver,<br />
thanks to her prociency in beach<br />
volleyball.<br />
Tymeko, a student at Gidgalang<br />
Kuuyas Naay Secondary School<br />
(GKNS) in Daajing Giids, distinguished<br />
herself by winning a silver<br />
medal for second place in the sport at<br />
the 2023 North American Indigenous<br />
Games in Halifax.<br />
She was one of only ten Indigenous<br />
athletes in Canada to be named to the<br />
Hall of Fame.<br />
“She really wanted her to be represented<br />
because a lot of the time,<br />
females don’t get enough attention,”<br />
said her proud mother, Natasha.<br />
Besides her skill at beach volleyball,<br />
Tymeko is also an outstanding student<br />
PC |<br />
at GKNS. She captains the basketball<br />
team and helps raise money so the<br />
team can travel to competitions. She<br />
also plays softball and soccer.<br />
What makes her achievement particularly<br />
unique is that there are no<br />
beach volleyball courts on Haida<br />
Gwaii. For that reason, Tymeko had<br />
to train in Vancouver. Her coach is<br />
Lee-Al Nelson.<br />
She hopes to continue playing the<br />
sport at a high level in university.<br />
PUT YOUR<br />
AD HERE<br />
IF YOU ARE<br />
We look forward to<br />
promoting you!<br />
Call<br />
250-557-2088<br />
Or Email<br /><br />
18 HG<br />
Tymeko Collinson
Keeping Things Chill<br />
A Festival Resource<br />
All music festivals, whether a joyous<br />
celebration like the recent Edge of the<br />
World Music Festival (EOTW) in Tll.<br />
aal Tlell or an epic event like Woodstock<br />
1969, have a potential troubling<br />
side that cannot be ignored - the risk<br />
of unsafe drug use, overdosing, alcohol<br />
poisoning, dehydration, even sexual<br />
assault.<br />
The physical and mental safety of the<br />
participants is as important as the<br />
magical ambiance that comes with<br />
the music and the heartfelt socializing.<br />
To that end, some years ago, the<br />
EOTW festival created what was<br />
called a Chill Tent, organized under<br />
the leadership of the late Bonnie<br />
Olson.<br />
Over time, this safe space grew from<br />
a place to nd supplies and water<br />
without judgment to a now-expected<br />
feature of the festival, stafed by volunteers<br />
who bring skills from counselling<br />
to medical training, all committed<br />
to keeping festival-goers safe.<br />
We asked ourselves, how could we<br />
provide a secure environment where<br />
Michelle Prouty<br />
festival-goers could not only feel protected<br />
but also enjoy a musical experience<br />
that rivals the world-renowned<br />
festivals?<br />
Staf are prepared to deal with anxiety,<br />
intoxication, extreme dehydration,<br />
feelings of insecurity or simply<br />
providing a quiet space away from<br />
the hubbub. This year, it was ttingly<br />
renamed Queen B’s Chill Zone in<br />
honour of Bonnie’s pivotal role in its<br />
establishment.<br />
Ali Waldie, a long-time and original<br />
volunteer, put it this way: “I understood<br />
last year, by the number of hugs<br />
I had to eld, that the tent served as<br />
a . . . spot where folks could grab a<br />
little moment with Aunty Bon; that<br />
this opportunity elevated their festival<br />
experience and grounded them and<br />
ofered that deep if eeting sense of<br />
belonging. It’s my opinion that the<br />
Chill Tent and harm reduction tent<br />
have become vital to the festival.”<br />
It’s music and health management<br />
acting in harmony to provide the best<br />
possible festival experience.<br />
Now closed permanently.<br />
Thank you for your many<br />
years of support!<br />
Haida Gwaii Essentials<br />
Handcrafted Soap<br />
& Body Products<br />
Available at: Or<br />
Masset Market & Shop<br />
Island Retailers Online!<br /><br />
Illustration Credit : @randomravenart (Twitter/X)<br />
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 19
The Empty Church<br />
It’s a structure rooted in another<br />
time, when Christianity was vibrant<br />
in Haida Gwaii and the church was<br />
a social hub of the village, with a bell<br />
rung to bring people to Sunday service,<br />
and in the event of a re, or the<br />
outbreak of war.<br />
Now St. Paul’s Church in Masset<br />
is an empty shell, de-consecrated<br />
since February, stripped of its sacred<br />
objects, and awaiting its next role<br />
in a community that has largely<br />
renounced organized religion.<br />
On the day it closed its doors, St.<br />
Paul’s congregation numbered just<br />
four.<br />
A Possible Heritage Site?<br />
St. Paul’s construction<br />
PC | North British Columbia News, October 1912<br />
Claude Adams<br />
When the Rev. David Lehmann, the<br />
Bishop of Caledonia, announced earlier<br />
this year that the 112-year-old<br />
building would be put up for sale,<br />
there was an immediate response.<br />
“No way!” said Arnie Bellis, former<br />
vice-president of the Council of the<br />
Haida Nation. “The people of the<br />
town built that building years back<br />
and turned over the property to the<br />
church; the building was done by volunteers,<br />
and donations of lumber and<br />
whatever it took to build the building<br />
. . . Your religion may have failed, but<br />
the building and the land didn’t (fail),<br />
then give it back to the people that<br />
really own it, the community.”<br />
A lot of people have<br />
memories there.<br />
– Arnie Bellis<br />
Bellis and others believe the building<br />
should be taken over by the CHN<br />
and preserved as a heritage site. “It<br />
still can be used as a place for marriages<br />
and deaths,” says Bellis. “Just<br />
because (Bishop Lehmann) walked<br />
away, doesn’t mean we have to. A lot<br />
of people have memories there.”<br />
Lehmann spoke in an interview about<br />
the decline of organized religion in<br />
Masset. In a recent Canada census, he<br />
said, Masset was found to be unique<br />
“with 80% of the population saying<br />
they don’t have a faith.”<br />
It was not always so.<br />
In 1912, a larger-than-life Anglican<br />
clergyman, the Rev. William Hogan,<br />
organized the building of St. Paul’s<br />
– open to all denominations - in the<br />
community of New Masset that comprised<br />
a mere dozen houses, a general<br />
store, a licensed hotel and a<br />
schoolhouse. The cost was $2000.<br />
The congregation numbered 30.<br />
The Rev. Hogan was a hulk of a<br />
man with a booming voice and a<br />
crushing handshake, who once threw<br />
a settler of the dock for insulting an<br />
Indigenous woman. An obituary<br />
said the Haida would miss him more<br />
than the town’s whites. “He resided<br />
among them (the Haida), declining to<br />
change his place of abode . . . and died<br />
among the children who required his<br />
services.” He had asked to be buried<br />
in the Old Massett cemetery, where<br />
you can nd his grave today, a few feet<br />
from his beloved Masset Inlet.<br />
He lived a bare 18 months after the<br />
completion of the church he built,<br />
which now awaits its new purpose.<br />
20 HG<br />
St. Paul’s Church
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 21
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S<br />
FOODS From Floral PROJECT<br />
to Food<br />
armers’ Markets Markets 2022<br />
2022 Claude Adams<br />
Farmers’ Markets Markets Haida 2022<br />
2022<br />
Gwaii Farmers’ Markets 2022<br />
Dragony Garden Haida Gwaii in simple goal of foraging and growing Start small. Accept the fact that it<br />
plants, al food,<br />
‘Wáan<br />
artisan plants, handicrafts artisan handicrafts<br />
Kún/Gamadiis other and<br />
Port<br />
bounty. other<br />
Clements<br />
It’s bounty. also<br />
is<br />
an It’s 50% occasion also of an our occasion to<br />
food,” to<br />
they say, “has led to could take years. Be amenable to new<br />
some to savor local some culture, local and culture, to contribute and to contribute to the community’s to the community’s economy. economy.<br />
striking out in a new direction – a development<br />
that will further the cause system.”<br />
better health and a stronger immune ideas. And don’t give up.<br />
four al waii food, such has plants, four markets, such artisan markets, three handicrafts on three Graham and on other Graham Island, bounty. Island, one It’s also on and Moresby an one occasion on Moresby to<br />
to way local inutes savor from food, A away some farmer’s an plants, enriching from local market culture, artisan an enriching weekly is handicrafts more to experience. weekly contribute than and just experience. other a to cornucopia the bounty. community’s of It’s local also economy. food, an occasion plants, to artisan handicrafts and other bounty. It’s also an occasion to<br />
waii rs, to has savor of share four food some such sustainability markets, local relaxing culture, three time and on with on Graham to friends the contribute islands. Island, to neighbours, and the one They community’s on suggest Moresby to savor economy. some that Haida local culture, Gwaii and cannot to contribute to the community’s economy.<br />
a inutes Gwaii<br />
Besides<br />
away has And four from you such might<br />
their<br />
an enriching markets, even get<br />
thriving<br />
weekly three to enjoy on<br />
oral<br />
experience. Graham a hot meal! Island, Haida and Gwaii one on has Moresby four such markets, three on Graham Island, and one on Moresby<br />
Daajing Giids Daajing Queen Giids Charlotte business,<br />
Queen Charlotte Farmers’ count Market<br />
Farmers’ on Market the transportation system<br />
ly minutes away from an enriching Island, weekly so most experience. of us are only minutes away from an enriching weekly experience.<br />
und Dragony Date/Time: owners Date/Time: GiO Saturdays, Cojocaru Saturdays, 11am—2pm, and 11am—2pm, to year-round deliver year-round all the needed food to the<br />
75 Main Pam Greenstock (with a Daajing short are (with preparing break Giids a short around Queen break to Charlotte ofer Christmas/January).<br />
around Farmers’ island, Christmas/January).<br />
Market and the best way to assure food<br />
und<br />
it!<br />
Date/Time: Saturdays, 11am—2pm, year-round<br />
island grown Location: Masset food Location: Gather, Market- Daajing products 223 Make Gather, Giids Oceanview it! for Queen Bake 223 sale Oceanview it! Charlotte Drive, Grow security it! Daajing<br />
Farmers’ Drive, is to Daajing<br />
Market grow as much as Daajing possible<br />
Giids Queen Charlotte Farmers’ Market<br />
-round 75 Main<br />
(with a short break around Christmas/January).<br />
next year. Giids. Date/Time:<br />
“Our<br />
Giids. Date/Time: Fridays, 11am-2pm, Saturdays, 11am—2pm, year-round year-round<br />
Date/Time: Saturdays, 11am—2pm, year-round<br />
Location: <strong>2024</strong> season,” Gather, 223 they Oceanview on-island.<br />
ing , 1575 vegets,<br />
baked What we What offer: we You’ll offer: Street find You’ll Location: Masset. delicious find delicious Gather, baked treats 223 baked Oceanview of To treats all that kinds, of Drive, end all kinds, they Daajing are growing Location: seven Gather, 223 Oceanview Drive, Daajing<br />
Main<br />
Location: (with Across a short from break the HG around Co-op, Drive, Christmas/January).<br />
1575 Daajing Main<br />
(with a short break around Christmas/January).<br />
say, “was about Giids. feeding ourselves,<br />
ng vegets,<br />
baked tomer What expectations we offer: You’ll with find delicious live oral. baked treats of all kinds,<br />
s, mushdcrafterooms,<br />
vege-<br />
What locally rooms, we offer: harvested locally Locally harvested kelp grown products, and kelp prepared products, and more! foods and<br />
testing recipes and exceeding cus-<br />
locally grown locally fresh grown produce, fresh Giids. produce, gorgeous gorgeous flowers, foraged flowers, diferent mush-<br />
foraged kinds mush-<br />
of potatoes Giids. (Yukon<br />
uding<br />
s, mushdcrafted<br />
locally grown fresh produce, gorgeous flowers, Gold, including more!<br />
foraged Bintje, vegetables,<br />
In upcoming greens and seasons, microgreens, we eggs, plan preserves, to of-<br />
ferments,<br />
mushrooms,<br />
locally harvested kelp products, and more! Queen,<br />
Haida, Worba, Purple<br />
tery, ents, and baked What we offer: You’ll find delicious baked treats<br />
Red<br />
baked of all<br />
Pontiac)<br />
kinds, What we<br />
and<br />
offer:<br />
carrots,<br />
You’ll<br />
and<br />
find delicious baked treats of all kinds,<br />
goods<br />
ery, d ers, more! Contact: mushhandcrafted<br />
and<br />
fer sourdough Contact: Heidi and locally treats, Archer, Heidi grown plant focaccia, Archer, Market fresh starts produce, and pastries Market Manager seedlings, gorgeous Manager and / queencharlottemarket@gmail.corooms<br />
fermented Contact: and rooms, berries veggies Heidi<br />
cut flowers, / queencharlotte-<br />
mush-<br />
foraged mush-<br />
locally grown fresh produce, gorgeous flowers, foraged mushrooms,<br />
@ locally harvested kelp products, and more!<br />
they preserve everything from jams<br />
d arket. more!<br />
locally / Instagram: are<br />
Archer, from harvested available / Instagram: Market our @qc_market in kelp garden.” season.<br />
Manager<br />
products, @qc_market Locally / Facebook: /<br />
and<br />
and<br />
include soap and / body Instagram: products, @qc_market jewellery, / pottery, Facebook: and @<br />
handcrafted more! / Facebook: @<br />
jellies to garlic. “We feel better<br />
arket. ottery, QueenCharlotteFarmersMarket<br />
items and<br />
s t@gmail. and more! knitted, At the moment they are sharing and knowing where our food is coming<br />
QueenCharlotteFarmersMarket<br />
painted, Contact: felted Heidi and Archer, beach-combed Market Manager treasures and /<br />
hot food lunches products are a new with / Instagram: regular friends. feature @qc_market at from,” the market. say / Facebook: GiO and @ Pam. / Instagram: @qc_market / Facebook: @<br />
Moresby Artisan Moresby Market Artisan (K’il Market Kun (K’il Sandspit)<br />
Kun Sandspit)<br />
And they QueenCharlotteFarmersMarket<br />
are learning how best to<br />
QueenCharlotteFarmersMarket<br />
more! Contact: Heidi Archer, Market Manager / queencharlotte-<br />
e @gmail. market. Delicious trading<br />
Date/Time: Moresby Date/Time: Sundays, Artisan Sundays, 11am-1pm, Market (K’il 11am-1pm, Kun starting Asked Sandspit)<br />
Sunday,<br />
June day, 12, 2022, June 12, through 2022, 11am-1pm, mid-September<br />
through are mid-September<br />
starting to growing Sun-<br />
food on island, they<br />
starting what Sun-<br />
their main challenges<br />
rket@gmail. Contact: grow produce Natalie Affolter with / 250-626-9181<br />
Date/Time: “split-run Sundays, testing”<br />
– experimenting Location: day, Location: In June Moresby front with 12, of In 2022, Artisan plants ALM front through Market of Elementary in ALM mid-September<br />
(K’il answer, Elementary Kun School, Sandspit)<br />
“Timelines, School, mentorship, Moresby and<br />
Artisan Market (K’il Kun Sandspit)<br />
ing June diferent microclimates 406 Copper Location: 406 Date/Time: Bay Copper In Road to front see Bay Sundays, of Road what ALM Elementary 11am-1pm, School, starting Sun-<br />
/ massetmarket@gmail.<br />
com<br />
ing June<br />
transportation.” Oh, and one<br />
Date/Time:<br />
other<br />
Sundays, 11am-1pm, starting Sunday,<br />
June 12, 2022, through mid-September<br />
he left locations of and Tll.aal feeding 406 Tlell Copper day, schedules Farmers’ June Bay 12, Road<br />
Market 2022, work through mid-September<br />
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tarting What best. June we What “We offer: we are Baked offer: Date/Time: learning goods, Baked Location: to Sundays, occasional goods, wildcraft In occasional 11am—2pm, front fresh our of produce, ALM fresh starting Elementary produce, by June art School, by<br />
Location: In front of ALM Elementary School,<br />
r. What we offer: Baked goods, occasional fresh in-ground produce, art garden by beds!<br />
local environment kids, local pottery, kids, 5, handmade pottery, so 2022, it becomes until handmade 406 sea the Copper salt last less and sea week Bay work soaps, salt Road of and October. sewing, soaps, photography<br />
left<br />
sewing, photography<br />
time,” and more! is and Location:<br />
406 Copper Bay Road<br />
esh o the eggs,<br />
local kids, pottery, handmade sea salt and soaps, sewing, photography<br />
over<br />
of<br />
how more! they<br />
Highway<br />
put it.<br />
16, behind and There to the are left also of plans to branch out<br />
sh eggs,<br />
the Tlell Fire Hall.<br />
and more!<br />
ad, komlings<br />
Contact: and GiO Contact: and Kelsey local Pam kids, Kricheldorf Kelsey moved pottery, Kricheldorf to / handmade Haida / Gwaii<br />
sea salt and soaps, sewing, local kids, pottery, handmade sea salt and soaps, sewing, pho-<br />
What we offer: Look Baked for the goods, giant carrot! occasional<br />
d, komings<br />
and Contact: Kelsey Kricheldorf / the raising / pho-<br />
into fresh animal produce, husbandry, art What by we offer: including Baked goods, occasional fresh produce, art by<br />
of / jumbo / Coturnix Quail,<br />
fresh Facebook: What from eggs, Facebook: we the offer: Fraser Spring @MoresbyMarket Valley greens, in hot 2020, lunch and items, farm fresh eggs, tography and more!<br />
Facebook:<br />
@MoresbyMarket<br />
tography and more!<br />
@MoresbyMarket<br />
gentle fowl that are prized for their<br />
read, komedlingbucha,<br />
welcoming and strawberry, Contact: place Kelsey raspberry, in the Kricheldorf rhubarb world to and / be.” currant seedlings and Contact: / Kelsey Kricheldorf / /<br />
baked they found goods, jams it to and be jellies, “the canning, safest, most sourdough bread, kom-<br />
sspring@<br />
meat and egg production.<br />
spring@<br />
much more! Facebook: @MoresbyMarket<br />
They believed it was also the ideal Their advice to Facebook: anyone @MoresbyMarket<br />
planning to<br />
place to achieve self-suciency. “A grow their own food on Haida Gwaii:<br />
HGLFP hank rysspring@<br />
You Contact: Sponsors<br />
HGLFP Marylynn Sponsors Hunt / 250-559-8282 / stmarysspring@<br /> / Facebook: Tlell Farmers Market<br />
A<br />
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22 HG<br />
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nfo 0-557-2088 call 250-557-2088 or email or<br />
or email email<br />
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Thank You HGLFP Sponsors<br />
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To become a sponsor or for more info call 250-557-2088 or email<br />
E<br />
A<br />
S<br />
T<br />
C<br />
T<br />
FARM ERS'<br />
Thank you HGLFP Sponsors<br />
To become a sponsor or for more info call<br />
250-557-2088 or email
Haida Gwaii Eats<br />
Easy Poached Salmon with Creamy Pesto Sauce<br />
Jamie McDonald<br />
With the pinks coming in right now, I have salmon on my mind! This incredible sh, with its ashy silver scales, is<br />
impressive to watch, and makes a tasty, hearty meal. In the picture, I have paired it with couscous and fresh green<br />
peas, still in the pod, sautéed in sesame oil and butter. Enjoy!<br />
Ingredients<br />
• 6 portions of salmon<br />
• ½ cup broth – chicken or vegetable<br />
• ¾ cup of dry white wine<br />
• 1 teaspoon of cornstarch<br />
• 1 cup of <strong>10</strong>% cream<br />
• 3 - 4 tablespoons of pesto<br />
• Salt and pepper to taste<br />
Variant: this recipe is also delicious with halibut.<br />
Instructions<br />
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Place the<br />
salmon in an oven-proof pan and pour the broth over<br />
it. Cover with aluminum foil and cook until the salmon<br />
becomes opaque, about 15 minutes (less if you have<br />
very thin llets). Uncover after <strong>10</strong> minutes of cooking.<br />
Sauce: Pour the white wine in a small pot and heat to<br />
boiling. Boil until reduced to half the quantity of liquid,<br />
approximately three minutes on medium/high heat.<br />
Whisk the cornstarch into the cream and gradually add<br />
to the concentrated white wine, whisking constantly.<br />
Reduce the heat to low and continue whisking until<br />
the sauce thickens. Add the pesto, salt and pepper and<br />
stir. Serve three tablespoons of sauce on each portion<br />
of salmon.<br />
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 23
Waterfront pub with<br />
spectacular views and sunsets!<br />
Check out our Facebook<br />
& Instagram<br />
pages for up to<br />
date info or call<br />
250-626-7939<br />
Casual & Fine Dining • Full Bar with Beer on Tap<br />
Live Entertainment • Sports & Themed Events<br />
Daily Drink Specials • Happy Hour Every Day 3pm-5pm<br />
Take-out • Off Sales • Lotto & ATM Machine<br />
Shuttle Bus • Wheelchair Accessible<br />
theaxeandanchor<br /><br />
Located at 117<br />
Bayview Drive,<br />
Port Clements<br />
Haida Gwaii Licensees are seeking comments from the<br />
public on proposed Operations for all tenures across Haida<br />
Gwaii In accordance with Section 15 of the Forest and<br />
Range Practices Amendment Act, we are requesting your<br />
concerns and comments on proposed developments for<br />
<strong>2024</strong>/2025/2026.<br />
The Forest Operations Maps is available for review and<br />
comment at:<br />
• Forest Operations Map website Forest Operations Map<br />
(<br /><br />
• Ministry of Forest Office - 1229 Oceanview Drive,<br />
Daajing Giids (computer access to review/ comment via<br />
Forest Operations Map portal)<br />
Taan Forest (<br />
Office Review available at:<br />
Unite #3 Commercial<br />
Centre Highway 16<br />
Skidegate BC.<br />
Office hours Monday to Friday: 9am - 5am<br />
Comments to:<br />
Taan Forest<br />
Unit 3 Commercial Center<br />
Box 848, Skidegate, BC, V0T 1S1<br />
Email:<br />
A&A Trading (Haida Gwaii) Ltd.<br />
(<br />
Office Review available upon request at:<br />
453 Beach Road<br />
K’il Kun/Sandspit, BC<br />
Comments to:<br />
A&A Trading (Haida Gwaii) Ltd.<br />
207-1<strong>10</strong>0 Island Hwy<br />
Campbell River, BC. V9W 8C6<br />
Email:<br />
Husby Forest Products<br />
(<br />
Office Review available at:<br />
6425 River Road<br />
Delta BC<br />
Office hours Monday - Friday: 8am - 4pm<br />
Comments to:<br />
Husby Forest Products<br />
6425 River Road<br />
Delta, BC, V4K5B9<br />
Email:<br />
24 HG
Entrepreneurial Spirit:<br />
The Value in Volunteering<br />
Jesse W.H. Embree – HGCF Business Development Officer<br />
When I rst came to Haida Gwaii, I had no interest in volunteering.<br />
Even telling a friend who asked that “I don’t do work for free.” Looking<br />
back, I’m so grateful that my perspective shifted. I didn’t realize then how volunteering<br />
would become key to my sense of self, help me forge connections within the<br />
community and open doors to new opportunities. Now, I nd myself wishing I had more<br />
time to give to the incredible work of our local non-prots! The more involved you become,<br />
the more you see the crucial role these organizations play and how signicantly they enhance<br />
our quality of life across Haida Gwaii.<br />
Working for Haida Gwaii Community Futures, I’ve gotten to meet with a wonderful diversity of volunteer board<br />
members from CF oces across Western Canada. Many are successful entrepreneurs in their own right, having been<br />
clients before joining their local board. Their knowledge, experience and passion for business helps evaluate projects<br />
and plans and provide feedback for how to improve them or when it comes to loans whether to approve them. With 34<br />
Community Futures oces in BC and 267 across Canada, the Community Futures Network of Canada has over 2900<br />
volunteers who help support and guide how we operate!<br />
Stop and consider all the goods and services made possible by the dedication of volunteers and board members in local<br />
non-prots. From thrift stores and farmers’ markets to soccer and softball leagues, HG recreation programs, funding<br />
from Gwaii Trust, creation and management of housing, local food banks, and those are just the tip of the iceberg!<br />
Non-prots are also big drivers of our local economy, providing good and meaningful work and critical services that<br />
aren’t protable enough to interest the private sector. All made possible through the dedication of volunteers, their<br />
commitment is what keeps these vital organizations running across Haida Gwaii.<br />
As we transition into our fall and winter routines, reect on your passions and volunteer or join a non-prot board<br />
related to them. With growing concerns about loneliness and disconnection, volunteering is a powerful way to address<br />
the issues you care about while connecting with others who share your passion.<br />
No matter your skills or interests, there is always a need for active volunteers and<br />
the thoughtful, dedicated guidance that board members provide. While volunteers<br />
aren’t paid, the value created in their own lives and the legacy they leave in<br />
community are beyond measure.<br />
Haawa/ Háw’aa to all who give their time! If you haven’t yet, I hope you nd an<br />
opportunity that ts. You and your community will be the better for it.<br />
Phone: 250-626-5594<br />
Email:<br />
Website:<br />
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 25
Continuing Education Grant opens doors for<br />
Haida Gwaii residents<br />
Name: Chavonne Guthrie<br />
School: Dalhousie University<br />
Goal: BSc in Marine Biology, Indigenous Studies minor<br />
Funding since 2023: $6,000<br />
Receiving her first Gwaii Trust Continuing Education Grant in<br />
2023, HlGaagilda’s Skidegate’s Chavonne Guthrie was already<br />
beginning her third year of schooling at Dalhousie University<br />
studying Marine Biology with a minor in Indigenous Studies.<br />
“The end goal of my academic career is to graduate and become<br />
a marine biologist researcher who works to incorporate<br />
Indigenous ways of knowing into my research.”<br />
In September Chavonne will be returning to school, starting<br />
her fourth and final year. After that, she’s planning to take a<br />
well-deserved year off before diving into a master’s degree.<br />
Congratulations, Chavonne, wishing you all the best!<br />
Name: Wilfred Marks<br />
School: Coast Mountain College<br />
Goal: Red Seal Carpenter<br />
Funding since 2021: $7,500<br />
Carpentry has always been a passion for Wilfred Marks, a<br />
resident of Gaw Tlagée Old Massett. For the past four years,<br />
Wilfred has been pursuing his educational goal of completing<br />
all four years of carpentry training. His dream is to open more<br />
doors in the field and eventually build his own home. Recently,<br />
he celebrated a major milestone by completing his third year in<br />
the carpentry program at Coast Mountain College.<br />
Wilfred’s dedication to mastering the craft is an inspiring example<br />
of perseverance and a love for hands-on work.<br />
Congratulations, Wilfred, and best of luck in the upcoming<br />
year!<br />
26 HG
About the Continuing Education Grant<br />
Who can apply?<br />
Residents who have lived on Haida Gwaii for the past 24<br />
consecutive months. A student who has left Haida Gwaii<br />
to attend school but otherwise maintains their residency is<br />
considered a resident. This grant is open to mature students,<br />
recent high school graduates, and both full-time and<br />
part-time students. Master’s and doctoral degrees are also<br />
included.<br />
How much money is available?<br />
Up to $3,750 a calendar year, or a maximum of five courses<br />
to a maximum of $750 per course. Funding will be based on<br />
the actual cost of your course and materials.<br />
What can I apply for?<br />
This grant can help cover the cost of tuition and course<br />
materials for courses at recognized universities, colleges,<br />
and trades programs (including online courses) that result<br />
in credits towards a certificate, diploma or degree. This<br />
includes both short-term courses (those that take less than<br />
three months to complete) and long-term courses (those<br />
that are three months or longer).<br />
Is it hard to apply?<br />
You can apply online, just visit to find<br />
the specific grant you’re looking for. Our staff are available<br />
to assist along the way, especially if this is your first time<br />
applying for a grant.<br />
When is the application deadline?<br />
Applications are accepted throughout the year. Your application<br />
must be submitted no later than either two weeks<br />
into the semester or course (long-term courses) or the day<br />
before the course starts (short-term courses).<br />
For more information visit<br /> or contact<br />
Pam Hill, or 250 559 8<strong>10</strong>4<br />
Welcome New Staff<br />
Bianca Edgars - Administrative Assistant<br />
Office: Gaw Tlagée Old Massett<br />
My name is Bianca Edgars (Swanson). I am from the Ts’aahl Laanas/Jaanas Eagle<br />
Clan. I reside in Old Massett with my husband and kids.<br />
I was born and raised in Masset and am grateful that my kids have the privilege<br />
of growing up here as well. Our family is big and it’s busy, we wouldn’t have it<br />
any other way. My hobbies include watching my kids’ sports activities, beading,<br />
collecting earrings, taking walks and drives with my husband. I have worked<br />
with youth of the community for several years; and in that time, I ran programs<br />
for school-aged kids, planned community events, and assisted other departments<br />
in running community events. I thought it was time for a change and went back to<br />
school. I recently received my Diploma in Indigenous Human Services from Nicola<br />
Valley Institute of Technology.<br />
I am excited and honoured to have accepted the role of Administrative Assistant at Gwaii Trust Society. I look forward to<br />
the new experiences, the new skills I will obtain, and the connections I will make.<br />
Upcoming Grant Deadlines<br />
Travel Assistance and Continuing Education: Visit for details<br />
Community Innovation: Nov 1 by 11:59pm<br />
Youth Grant: Oct 1 by 11:59pm<br />
Arts Grant: Nov 1 by 11:59pm<br /><br />
250 626 3654<br />
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 27
The Fastpitch Legacy<br />
Sitting at the ball eld in Daajing<br />
Giids, I feel the air heavy with nostalgia.<br />
The eld is quiet today, no<br />
game in play, but the echoes of decades<br />
of fastpitch games linger. As<br />
I sat with Sasha Tarrant nee Olson,<br />
her two daughters, aged 13 and 11,<br />
were practicing their pitching, their<br />
powerful throws snapping through<br />
the air with a familiar sound. It was<br />
a full-circle moment - Sasha, now a<br />
mother, watching her daughters pitch<br />
on the same eld where she rst fell<br />
in love with the game.<br />
Sasha with her husband Dave and<br />
daughters Evey and Devyn, who live<br />
in Maple Ridge, BC, hadn’t been back<br />
to Haida Gwaii since she left at the<br />
age of 13. This was her rst trip home<br />
in 35 years, coinciding with the 20th<br />
anniversary of her participation in<br />
the 2004 Olympics as part of Canada’s<br />
women’s fastpitch team. The timing<br />
couldn’t have been more perfect.<br />
A Hometown Hero Reflects<br />
Roberta “Byrd” Aiken<br />
Sasha’s journey from this small island<br />
to the grand stage of the Olympics is<br />
a testament to the deep roots of fastpitch<br />
on Haida Gwaii - a legacy that<br />
began long before she was born. The<br />
story of fastpitch here is intertwined<br />
with the creation of the very eld we<br />
were sitting on, a eld born out of<br />
determination, community spirit and<br />
a love of the game.<br />
In the early 1960s, fastpitch had already<br />
taken hold on Haida Gwaii,<br />
with nine men’s teams, including the<br />
Skidegate Red Sox. Then came a small<br />
group of men, many of them abalone<br />
divers, who would change the landscape<br />
of the sport on the islands by<br />
joining forces with Stan Zeller, Les<br />
Zeller, Wayne Lebeau, Buster Sorensen,<br />
to name a few. Among the<br />
new blood was my father, the late<br />
Richard Douglas Aiken, along with<br />
Arv Pelligren , Sam Shelaugh and<br />
others. These men brought their ball<br />
gloves with them, ready to play, but<br />
they lacked the necessary equipment<br />
to compete at a high level. It was then<br />
that Bill Davies, the owner of a local<br />
store, stepped in, sponsoring the team<br />
and providing them with uniforms<br />
and equipment. Thus, the Charlotte<br />
Dodgers became the Charlotte Davies<br />
Dodgers.<br />
The Dodgers faced an immediate<br />
challenge - they had no proper eld<br />
to call their own. At the time, they<br />
played on the local school eld, but<br />
the eld was too small for their needs.<br />
It was during the centennial year of<br />
1967 that an opportunity arose. The<br />
Canadian government was ofering<br />
grants for community projects, and<br />
the Dodgers saw an opportunity.<br />
The residents had two options: use<br />
the centennial grant to bring television<br />
service to the area or build a<br />
ball eld. They chose the ball eld—a<br />
(L to R) The Tarrant family,<br />
Devyn, Sasha, Evey with Halle,<br />
the family dog, and Dave<br />
PC | Roberta Aiken /<br />
Byrd’s Eye View Photography<br />
Charlotte Davies Dodgers<br />
Photo courtesy Charlotte Davies Dodgers archives<br />
28 HG
decision that would forever change<br />
the community. The chosen site was<br />
a swampy area near the community<br />
hall. It was no small task to transform<br />
this land into a playable eld.<br />
The foundation was laid using a mix<br />
of derelict vehicles and even a double-ended<br />
troller, “The Seal,” owned<br />
by Harvey Holly. Flat decks were sent<br />
across the islands to collect old cars,<br />
and Granby Construction, which was<br />
in town building the highway, donated<br />
their equipment and time to ll the<br />
area with blasted rock.<br />
The labour was a true community<br />
efort, with Granby Construction<br />
handling the heavy lifting, and local<br />
volunteers stepping in to do everything<br />
from digging holes for fence<br />
posts to constructing the backstop.<br />
Bill Davies provided the materials<br />
for the backstop, while the Dodgers<br />
themselves supplied the manpower.<br />
The fence posts came from the Port<br />
stretch and volunteers were asked to<br />
dig three holes each until there were<br />
enough for the entire eld. This way,<br />
the work didn’t fall too heavily on any<br />
one person, and many stayed longer<br />
to help.<br />
Sasha in action at the Olympics<br />
PC |<br />
But the construction of the eld was<br />
only part of the story. The Davies<br />
Dodgers were a team of passionate<br />
players, many of whom had been<br />
part of the original team since its inception.<br />
One memorable instance,<br />
as Stan Zeller shared, was when the<br />
team traveled to Masset for a doubleheader,<br />
only to nd themselves short<br />
two players. Rather than forfeit, they<br />
called on two women to step in and<br />
play. Remarkably, the Dodgers won<br />
both games, a testament to the skill<br />
and determination of everyone on the<br />
eld that day, regardless of gender.<br />
Over the years, the eld became a hub<br />
for the community, not just for fastpitch<br />
but for other activities as well.<br />
The eld’s foundation—a mix of cars,<br />
rocks, and community spirit—symbolized<br />
the resilience and creativity of<br />
the people who built it. The backstop<br />
was later revamped, the fencing replaced<br />
with a sturdier chain link, and<br />
the bleachers added with LIP grant<br />
money.<br />
Today, the eld stands as a testament<br />
to the dedication of those early players<br />
and the community that supported<br />
them. In 2018, the village of<br />
Devyn pitching<br />
PC | Roberta Aiken /<br />
Byrd’s Eye View Photography<br />
Daajing Giids and the Community<br />
Club agreed that the ball eld would<br />
be named in honour of the Charlotte<br />
Davies Dodgers, the team that made<br />
it all possible. This has not happened<br />
due to Covid but it will happen soon.<br />
As I sat with Sasha, reecting on<br />
her journey, I couldn’t help but feel<br />
a deep sense of pride. The eld we<br />
were sitting on was more than just<br />
a place to play ball—it was a symbol<br />
of community, perseverance and the<br />
love of a game that has shaped the<br />
lives of so many.<br />
Sasha Olson, our hometown hero,<br />
stands as a living link to the rich<br />
legacy of fastpitch on Haida Gwaii.<br />
Watching her daughters pitch with<br />
the same intensity that once fueled<br />
the men’s games of the 1980’s reveals<br />
the profound impact those memories<br />
have had on her. We would love to<br />
host Sasha, and her daughters, to<br />
run a summer clinic with hopes to<br />
bring back fastpitch to Haida Gwaii.<br />
This could ensure the legacy of the<br />
Charlotte Davies Dodgers continues<br />
on this eld for generations to come.<br />
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 29
All Things Music<br />
EOTW Local Performers Share Their Vibes<br />
Jamie McDonald<br />
After such an amazing weekend of<br />
musical bliss, I asked local performers<br />
to share what they enjoyed most<br />
about performing at the Edge of the<br />
World Music Festival this year. All<br />
of them mentioned their gratitude<br />
for the efort that the volunteers and<br />
festival staf put out, clearly seen by<br />
the solid organization of the festival,<br />
musical curation and overall positive<br />
vibe. Here is what stood out for them:<br />
Chini Har and<br />
Wildson<br />
HlGaagilda Skidegate<br />
Mitch aka Wildson said, “When I was<br />
on stage and my father and I locked<br />
hands, I remember praying to creator<br />
to have someone capture this<br />
moment – the passing of the torch<br />
from father to son. In the time leading<br />
up to that, I thought my father might<br />
have a heart attack on stage because<br />
he was so excited! I was seeing his<br />
inner child coming out, with him<br />
dancing in his chair on stage, almost<br />
levitating. This picture captured all<br />
the feelings and rush up to that point,<br />
it was so special. We worked so hard,<br />
with a nine-piece band, to make this<br />
magic happen and you could tell it<br />
worked with the people in the crowd<br />
and energy exchange coming from<br />
them. It was so amazing.”<br />
JSB 3:33<br />
Masset<br />
“I love playing at the Edge of the<br />
World because of all the people that<br />
come out to the festival from all over<br />
the world. It’s a great opportunity to<br />
showcase my music and all the work<br />
that goes into it. The love from the<br />
crowd is always amazing and the<br />
sound quality is always top notch.”<br />
JSB 3:33 on Soundcloud.<br />
Bermeja<br />
Daajing Giids<br />
Shawn Gairdner said: “I really<br />
enjoyed playing with Bermeja as well<br />
as with Chini Har and Wildson this<br />
year. The energy was amazing and<br />
it was an honour to play the drums<br />
with Chini and celebrate his legacy.<br />
Haida Gwaii is such a perfect place<br />
to debut new music to the masses as<br />
well as honour the past. Can’t wait to<br />
see what happens next year:) Bermeja<br />
on Soundcloud.<br />
Badfish<br />
K’il Kun Sandspit<br />
Behn Cochrane said, “Always love<br />
the local bands that play at the festival,<br />
especially the amazing energy<br />
of the Coastal Drifters. I enjoyed our<br />
set although I always nd it hard to<br />
stay present during the set and try<br />
to remember all the chords, words<br />
and dynamics of the songs. I watched<br />
some of our videos and I was happy<br />
with the sounds we made.”<br />
Sasha Aubin<br />
Taaw Tlldáaw Tow Hill<br />
“I am overcoming my fears of playing<br />
solo on stage! I was so nervous<br />
and was rst up in the morning…I<br />
got good feedback – people came up<br />
to me and congratulated me. I liked<br />
how well things were coordinated –<br />
volunteers were so helpful and made<br />
it easy to perform”. Sashaaubin on<br />
YouTube.<br />
Wildson and father Chini Har<br />
PC | Mary Helmer<br />
30 HG<br />
JSB333<br />
PC | Meishon Racette<br />
Sasha Aubin<br />
PC | Talon Gillis
Ja$e El Nino<br />
HlGaagilda Skidegate<br />
Jason Alsop commented, “I love<br />
that the EOTW creates a space for<br />
local artists to share our gifts with<br />
the community and visitors to Haida<br />
Gwaii. It’s beautiful to be a part of<br />
all ages of the islands’ communities<br />
coming together to celebrate our love<br />
for music and Haida Gwaii.”<br />
Will Russ aka Tycoon who was on<br />
stage with Ja$e El Nino said, “Performing<br />
at the music fest is very fun.<br />
It’s the biggest show in town. Lots<br />
of pressure to get it right because all<br />
of the bands are so good. We have to<br />
keep that same level of professionalism<br />
and quality.” carvingshedstudios<br />
on Bandcamp.<br />
Aaron Riis<br />
Masset<br />
“Performing at the EOTW was a great<br />
experience again this year. The beautiful<br />
location on the river and friendly<br />
people made it very memorable for<br />
me, not to mention the dinner and<br />
jam Sunday night!”<br />
The Alkemist<br />
Daajing Giids<br />
“As always, I was lled with gratitude<br />
to play EOTW festival again, and<br />
I’m proud to be part of this amazing<br />
community. I had a blast playing this<br />
year and was so happy to be joined<br />
by my son Declan who composed<br />
and performed his own song “The<br />
Power of My Heart”. He had the Sunday<br />
crowd in tears and it was a very<br />
Declan Myers and father Jay<br />
Myers aka The Alkemist<br />
PC | Zson Sheehy<br />
moving moment for me as a father.<br />
I was also joined by my main man<br />
and cowboy accomplice Atticus Burton-Adams,<br />
who played jaw harp on a<br />
couple tunes. Finally I’d like to extend<br />
a huge haawa to all the festival organizers<br />
and volunteers for all they do.<br />
I can’t wait to play again next year!”<br />
thealkemist on Bandcamp.<br />
Harmonie Rose<br />
‘Wáan Kún Port Clements<br />
“I loved watching my grandson dancing<br />
to my music!”<br />
Haida Gwaii<br />
Coffeehouse<br />
Daajing Giids<br />
Feature bands have yet to be announced but dates are<br />
set for Fridays Sep 27th and Oct 25th at DG Community<br />
Hall for the monthly open mic. Doors open at 6:30 pm.<br />
The evening will begin with a shared community meal,<br />
so please remember to bring a bowl, spoon and mug to<br />
take part. The open mic starts at 7 pm (sign up at 6:30).<br />
Everything is by donation. For more information, follow<br />
us on Facebook or visit<br />
Friday Night<br />
Karaoke at the Axe<br />
and Anchor Pub<br />
Port Clements<br />
No talent required, no contests, no pressure! Friday,<br />
Oct 18th (and following Fridays) starting at 9 pm until<br />
closing. Hosted by KJ Greg, this fun event promotes<br />
an open, friendly and non-judgmental atmosphere to<br />
encourage newbies, as well as seasoned performers.<br />
Steller’s Jay Community Pub<br />
Come in, we’re open<br />
Good Food. For Locals.<br />
Wednesday to Saturday<br />
4 pm to late<br />
3200 Oceanview Drive<br />
Daajing Giids<br />
250 559 2323<br />
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 31
Bonanza Beach Bliss<br />
Chahluu Kaahlii Rennell Sound<br />
DG dogs having a blast: Otter (brown<br />
German Shorthaired Pointer), Ripley<br />
(big speckled GSP), Margot (orangish<br />
smaller Corgi), and Dolly (robust Corgi<br />
with long tail)<br />
PC Kasimir Chupik-Hall, Daajing Giids<br />
32 HG
Open Mon-Fri <strong>10</strong>am - 4pm<br />
Sat-Sun 2 - 4pm<br />
June - September<br />
Phone:<br />
250-626-5015<br />
Email:<br /><br />
• Massage<br />
• Yoga<br />
• Events<br />
• Art<br />
• Kids<br />
Programs<br />
403 Oceanview Dr, Daajing Giids<br />
250-637-1918<br />
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 33
Voyent Alert! Is a multi-purpose communication<br />
service provided by the The North Coast Regional<br />
District partnered with Masset, Port Clements, Daajing<br />
Giids, Old Massett, Skidegate, Sandspit, Tlell and Tow<br />
Hill to keep you informed of critical events like fires or<br />
floods as well as day-to-day communications such as<br />
road maintenance and closures, water advisories, etc.<br />
S E R V ICE<br />
Voyent Alert! provides informative communications. Critical information such as the<br />
distance and direction from an incident, and preferred evacuation routes from your<br />
followed locations may be provided.<br />
Voyent Alert! allows you to create and follow multiple locations such as “Kids School” or<br />
“Mom’s House”. Any event or communication related to your followed locations will be<br />
forwarded to you along your preferred communication channel.<br />
YOUR WAY<br />
Receive alerts over a wide variety of communication channels including mobile apps,<br />
text/SMS alerting, email or voice dial. You can register for one or more communication<br />
channels.<br />
Smart alerting capabilities ensure that you will only get notified when a communication is<br />
relevant to your or one of the locations you are following.<br />
EASY<br />
Registration for the service is FREE, simple and anonymous.<br />
Download and install the Voyent Alert! app<br />
from the Apple App or Google Play stores.<br />
Register online to receive email, voice or text-based alerts at:<br /><br />
34 HG
Puzzle Page<br />
Harvest Time<br />
Terri-Lynne Penner<br />
Across<br />
1. Use these to carry your bounty.<br />
4. Youngsters learn about gathering at___.<br />
9. Harvesting herbs to make a natural this.<br />
<strong>10</strong>. Write this about your harvest secrets!<br />
11. To care and feed.<br />
12. Low growing berries.<br />
17. Navigating a ___environment for the perfect find.<br />
19. A foliage crown.<br />
21. The Sandspit Wild Harvest Festival is a great ___<br />
for harvesting tips.<br />
22. Season of leaves changing colour.<br />
23. Botanical space.<br />
Down<br />
1. Woven item to carry bounty.<br />
2. 1 down will carry this.<br />
3. We scoop it for pie and carve it to smile.<br />
5. The inner bark can make 1 down.<br />
6. Be mindful not to__our resources.<br />
7. Collected for dyes, medicine and crafts.<br />
8. Low growing fungi with high doses of<br />
Vitamin D.<br />
13. ‘Tis the season to ___ stocking our pantries.<br />
14. Harvested fruits, medicinal herbs, roots, bones<br />
and spices in brandy make this drink.<br />
15. Harvested from the sea. (Xaayda Kil)<br />
16. Conservation efforts needed to protect this.<br />
18. “Reap what you sow.” is an example of this form<br />
of expression.<br />
20. A joy to have___land to plant a bounty.<br />
Answer key can be found after the Community Calendar at<br />
the back of the magazine.<br />
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 35
The Science Corner<br />
Bullish Berry and Big Sky<br />
From Nova Scotia to Haida Gwaii, a bumper crop of berries<br />
arrived! The Salmonberries, rst to appear here on Haida<br />
Gwaii, were abundant this year, but one cannot help but<br />
notice the abundant owers on the blackberry bushes this<br />
year. Originally, the Haida Gwaii forests had an understory<br />
rich in berry-bearing shrubs such as Salal, Salmonberry or<br />
Red Huckleberry. Then others were introduced, including<br />
the aggressive Himalayan Blackberry.<br />
PC | Ro Millham<br />
Ro Millham<br />
year, expanding the infestation. These invasive berries may<br />
be tasty, but they are near impossible to eradicate.<br />
The Night Sky<br />
Sept 18 - Full Supermoon - The Moon will be located on<br />
the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun, its face fully<br />
illuminated. Known as the Harvest Moon closest to the<br />
September equinox each year. A Super Moon occurs when<br />
the Moon is closest to Earth.<br />
Sept 22 – Equinox - The rst day of fall, when the Sun will<br />
shine directly on the equator with nearly equal amounts<br />
of day and night throughout the world.<br />
Oct 17 - Full Supermoon. Called the Hunters’ Moon, the<br />
Travel Moon and the Blood Moon.<br />
Oct 21, 22 - Orionids Meteor Shower. An average shower<br />
of up to 20 meteors per hour is produced by dust grains<br />
left behind by comet Halley.<br />
The Himalayan Blackberry has spread across Haida<br />
Gwaii. Considered the most invasive nonnative shrub on<br />
the West Coast, it displaces native plants, hinders wildlife<br />
and causes economic loss. Common in Mediterranean climates<br />
similar to Haida Gwaii - warm and rainy winters and<br />
hot and dry summers, with frequent, heavy, short rainfall<br />
events mainly in autumn - it prefers moist, well-drained<br />
soils, especially in low-elevation riparian, hardwood and<br />
conifer communities.<br />
The stems, called canes, grow upright, then cascade onto<br />
surrounding vegetation, forming large mounds or thickets.<br />
Some canes stay erect, growing up to nine feet high, while<br />
others grow in a trail 20-40 feet long. Canes even take root<br />
as the tip hits the ground, producing berries in the second<br />
PC | The Independent UK<br />
The Earth is closest to the Sun in winter in the northern hemisphere.<br />
As the Earth orbits the Sun, its path is closer to us and we might<br />
expect our winters would be warmer. Unfortunately, the Northern<br />
Hemisphere is pointed away from direct rays from the Sun during this<br />
“close encounter”. PC | Time and Date<br />
36 HG<br />
Did You Know?
Haida Gwaii Stargazers<br />
Horoscopes for September & October <strong>2024</strong><br />
Monica Caulfield<br />
Aries (Mar 20 – Apr 19) You are learning how to communicate<br />
better with your family, dearest Aries. What once was<br />
hard, now seems manageable with the right amount of give<br />
and take. You can work hard, play hard and communicate<br />
with passion. Don’t squander this gift as it’s coming at the<br />
perfect time. Keywords: wellbeing, guide and stamina.<br />
Taurus (Apr 20 – May 19) It’s easy to stay grounded now,<br />
dearest Taurus. What’s harder is to stay inspired. Keep managing<br />
your health with awareness of body, mind and spirit, as<br />
a whole system, not various parts that work independently of<br />
each other. Improve on your time management skills so you<br />
can fit in that last minute invitation that might just change<br />
the course of your life for the better. Help loved ones and let<br />
loved ones help you. Keywords: mentoring, heal and grow.<br />
Gemini (May 20 – June 20) When you make the time for<br />
recreation and play, dearest Gemini, you will also find unique<br />
outlets that you could have never found without letting<br />
your mind rest. Find ways to relax, whether that is going to<br />
bed earlier, taking a walk around the park or playing with<br />
your dog. You may find unexpected surprises around your<br />
career path so surf the waves of change and enjoy the ride.<br />
Keywords: honest talk, authenticity and vitality.<br />
Cancer (June 21 – July 21) Stay focused on the prize,<br />
dearest Cancer. Look inward and communicate openly to<br />
reap the benefits that are coming your way. Analyze your<br />
family dynamics to better understand what everyone needs<br />
including you. It’s possible to please loved ones and please<br />
yourself at the same time. And it’s perfectly fine to do so.<br />
Keywords: deep thoughts, passionate purpose and understanding.<br />
Leo (July 22 – Aug 21) There are a variety of opportunities,<br />
presenting themselves all at once, dearest Leo. Hang with<br />
the family whenever you can, to benefit from the group wisdom.<br />
Practice staying grounded and in the present moment<br />
and try not to jump to any conclusions without having all<br />
the facts lined up. Be honest about your feelings and situation<br />
and allow the solution to present itself easily to you.<br />
Keywords: adventurous spirit, honest look and believe.<br />
Virgo (Aug 22 – Sept 21) Your humble personality is not<br />
needed today, dearest Virgo. It’s best to know what you want<br />
and go out there and make it happen. There’s nothing wrong<br />
with doing so, even if you get a fair amount of attention for it.<br />
A career breakthrough may be in the cards for you. You don’t<br />
have to give everything away to feel worthy, you already are.<br />
Keywords: foresight, compelling and shine your light.<br />
Libra (Sept 22 – Oct 21) Prioritize your decision making,<br />
dearest Libra. You may be daydreaming about the<br />
future, which is a good lesson in intuition. But you also<br />
must be crystal clear about the direction you are traveling.<br />
What have you said out loud that needs clarifying? You<br />
can’t find your way to your ultimate destination if you are<br />
going in the wrong direction. Be precise, see the road up<br />
ahead, put one foot in front of the other and walk forward.<br />
Keywords: express yourself, visualize and organize.<br />
Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) So many choices for the taking,<br />
dearest Scorpio. It’s hard not to over-think the situation. With<br />
all the opportunities coming out of the woodwork, why not<br />
take some time and devote your attention to what is the most<br />
important thing to you. Travel and cultural education might<br />
help you to focus on your priorities. What plan would bring<br />
you the most adventure and the most rewards? Answer this<br />
and you know exactly what to do next. Keywords: recharge<br />
your battery, integrity and thrive.<br />
Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 20) What’s happening now, dearest<br />
Sagittarius, may feel chaotic at times and there’s lots of<br />
energy to micromanage self and others. But even so, doesn’t<br />
it make you feel alive? Analyze the issues and communicate<br />
with hope to your family and loved ones. Something sudden<br />
may be expressing itself within your relationships so it’s best<br />
to go with the flow and benefit from these breakthroughs.<br />
Keywords: adjustment, quest and rise to the occasion.<br />
Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) Your ability to stay grounded<br />
in times of turmoil is a beautiful thing, dearest Capricorn.<br />
It’s time to have that deep conversation with your loved ones<br />
that you may have been putting off. Your self-confidence will<br />
benefit from this when you realize that you speak with rational<br />
perspective and intellect. Keywords: self-worth, resources<br />
and stability.<br />
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) Are you feeling more sensitive<br />
than normal, dearest Aquarius? There are times when this<br />
is the perfect place to be. It allows you to appreciate your<br />
surroundings, people and situations. Lean into your feelings<br />
with honesty so you can see them for what they are. You may<br />
see surprises at home when you do so. Keywords: intuition,<br />
inspiration and knowing.<br />
Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 19) It’s nice to have good communication,<br />
especially at home, dearest Pisces. And right now, it’s<br />
important to do so. Can you figure out how to keep yourself<br />
fulfilled while also helping loved ones to be heard? This is<br />
the back and forth for you right now. Self-versus others. The<br />
great balancing act. And you are totally up for this task at<br />
hand. Keywords: focus, compromise and compassion.<br />
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 37
Veracious<br />
Exterior & Transport LTD<br />
• Roofing • Decking<br />
• Gutters & more!<br /><br />
250-617-2659<br />
Looking to post a free* classified or event ad? It’s super easy! Simply log onto,<br />
click on the category tab for the type of ad you wish to place and the site will then guide you each step of the<br />
way. Need a hand? Do not hesitate to contact us. Prefer mail? Our mailing address is PO Box 313, Port Clements,<br />
BC, V0T 1R0. Please note: The deadline for new and/or updated classifieds to appear in each issue is<br />
noon on the 20th of the month prior to the next publication. (For example, noon on Aug 20th for the Sep/Oct<br />
issue.) *Free classifieds apply to private, personally owned and non-business postings. Ads pertaining to business products,<br />
services, employment as well as real estate for sale or for rent are subject to fees.<br />
In the Home & Office<br />
New Beaded Earrings. Very<br />
pretty, would go with that<br />
special outfit. Many styles<br />
and designs to choose from.<br />
$35ea. Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or<br />
email fletchercollison1964071@gmail.<br />
com<br />
I Will Make You a Banana<br />
Cream Pie. It’s very yummy.<br />
$25. Call Sarleana at (250)<br />
626-7606 or email<br />
Vinyl Flooring. Approx. 30<br />
boxes of 12”x 24” floor tiles.<br />
24 sqft. per box. Champagne<br />
colour. A bit creamier than<br />
photo. Waterproof. No underlayment<br />
needed. $50 Call Sabine Matt at (778) 260-<br />
5909 or email<br />
Blaze King Wood Stove.<br />
KE1<strong>10</strong>7 refurbished and<br />
recertified. Like new condition<br />
and not yet used (still on<br />
pallet). Photo shows model so<br />
you can research it. Will forward photos<br />
when requested. $2,900 Call Greg at (778)<br />
882-7398 or email<br />
Demolishing a 14’ X 64’ Mobile Home.<br />
There is no mold and many reusable<br />
items. Call Gord at (250) 637-5755 or<br />
email<br />
Sigma 24-70mm f2.8 DG<br />
DN Art Nikon Mount. In<br />
excellent condition with no<br />
scratches. Hardly used. $900<br />
Jacob at email<br />
Solid Wood Desk with Hidden<br />
Chair. $200 Call Jenn<br />
at (250) 559-8837 or email<br /><br />
Samsung XCover4 Phone-<br />
Price Reduced! 4 years old,<br />
light use, in good condition. It<br />
has been factory reset. Negatives:<br />
Android 9, so some<br />
recent apps might not work, no WiFi calling.<br />
4G should be active for quite awhile.<br />
Positives: headphone jack/ removable<br />
battery. The removeable battery is perfect<br />
for Haida Gwaii super spies or anyone<br />
who is being pursued by the CIA! This<br />
could be you. Includes: 3 USB A-MicroB<br />
cables, 1 USB C-MicroB cable, charger,<br />
spare battery and battery charger, and 3<br />
plastic cases. Uses a MicroSim card, but<br />
a NanoSim card can be fitted. $55 Call<br />
Dave Crossley at (250) 208-<strong>10</strong>01 or email<br /><br />
Beautiful Antique Coat<br />
and Hat Stand. Approx.<br />
1930. Originally from Central<br />
Europe. $180 Call Paul<br />
at (250) 244-1937 or email<br /><br />
38 HG
Art Gallery Compass<br />
From Easel to Home<br />
PRINTS<br />
2025 CALENDARS<br />
T-SHIRTS | HOODIES<br /><br />
Space Rentals<br />
Online Gift Shop<br />
Events<br />
Tours<br />
#2 Second Beach Road<br />
HlGaagilda Skidegate,<br />
Haida Gwaii<br />
250-559-7885<br /><br /><br />
New Dream Catchers<br />
Earrings. $30 Call Sarleana<br />
at (250) 626-7606 or email<br /><br />
Jupiter Commercial Steam<br />
Cleaner Machine. Was<br />
purchased to clean dust-off<br />
air vents, so hardly used. All<br />
accessories as per picture are<br />
included. Very easy machine to use. Selling<br />
as no longer needed. $2,550 Mathew<br />
at email<br />
In the Yard & Workshop<br />
Gorgeous 8-Seater Wicker<br />
Outdoor Table w/Chairs.<br />
This immaculate table setting<br />
is like new. Comes with 8<br />
comfortable seats and beige cushions. In<br />
like new condition. Only 18months old!<br />
Only selling as too big for my new place.<br />
Glass top table measuring 2m x 1m and<br />
76cm tall. $800 Alex at email<br />
Milton Roy Spectronic<br />
Genesys 5 UV Spectrophotometer.<br />
(model 336001)<br />
Includes two brand new<br />
cuvettes. Passes all its self-diagnostic tests.<br />
Ideal for soil, water or general chemical<br />
analysis - for example, to test for lead in<br />
your drinking water or the amount of<br />
selenium in a local soil sample. Very easy<br />
to use. $190 Call Paul at (250) 244-1937 or<br />
email<br />
Portable Double Toilet.<br />
Portable building. Demountable<br />
building. Unit can be<br />
connected to mains power,<br />
sewerage and water manufacture<br />
and fittings. Shipping container<br />
style structure with insulated sides and<br />
roof. Roof is fully sealed. 4 crane lift lugs,<br />
one in each corner. Forklift pockets. Easy<br />
clean floor, walls and ceiling. Vented.<br />
Key lockable door in steel frame. Toilet<br />
dual flush. Hand wash basin. Toilet roll<br />
holders. Toilet brush and wall mounted<br />
holder. Exhaust fan, internal ceiling light<br />
and light switch. 600kg. $2,500 Patricia at<br />
email<br />
Beachcomber Energy Saver<br />
Hot Tub. In excellent condition.<br />
Lots of jets and places<br />
to relax and “feel the magic!”<br />
Open to offers. Call Morris at<br />
(250) 559-0024 or email<br />
Hunting Rifle. Savage model 16, .223<br />
cal., stainless/synthetic, accu trigger(adjustable),<br />
accu stock, special recoil pad,<br />
leather padded sling, case, Whitetail 4X40<br />
scope, bullets, extra magazine, as new,<br />
never went hunting. $1,500 firm. Need<br />
PAL. Call Brian 250-626-5119 or 236-785-<br />
0182 or email brian-mulvany@hotmail.<br />
com<br />
Hunting Rifle. Winchester Model 70,<br />
30-06, stainless/synthetic, 3-9 scope, case,<br />
bullets, 1981 original papers, like new-only<br />
shot a few times. need PAL. $1200 firm.<br />
Call Brian 250-626-5119 or 236-785-0182<br />
or email<br />
Yard Work. I need someone to weed<br />
whack part of my yard. The tenant didn’t<br />
cut the grass, so it is quite long. Call Gord<br />
at (250) 637-5755 or email patngord2@<br /><br />
Single Phase Spindle<br />
Moulder Router. Versatile<br />
machine with accessories<br />
and cutters included in price.<br />
Finger jointing/cabinet door<br />
frames/panel raising and more. Mobile.<br />
Great for small workshop. $1,200 Cris or<br />
email<br />
Would You Like Your<br />
Windows Washed? I’m a<br />
hard worker and I work for<br />
reasonable rates. Call Dale at<br />
780 222 9085 or email<br />
Thick Cable (2/0). About 150’ thick cable.<br />
(2/0 gauge, 2 cores of 3/8” aluminium<br />
and a 3/16” copper earth). $2.20 a foot.<br />
I have shorter pieces of slightly thinner<br />
cable. Call Paul at (250) 244-1937 or email<br /> for more photos and<br />
details.<br />
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 39
AT TLL.AAL<br />
250.557.4600<br />
On the Road<br />
Honda CR-V 2001. Fourwheel<br />
drive (crossover). A<br />
couple of minor dents. Very<br />
reliable. About 235,000 km.<br />
Ideal car for Haida Gwaii. $2,850 Call<br />
Paul at (250) 244-1937 or email hgtads@<br /><br />
For Parts. 2006 Infinity for parts. Heated<br />
leather seats, Bose stereo. FREE the whole<br />
car is free. Call Gord at (250) 637-5755 or<br />
email<br />
Tire Chains. 2 sets to fit 35” tires. Seems<br />
to fit regular truck tires 750-16/17. Call<br />
Gord at (250) 637-5755 or email<br />
1990 Chevy Touring Camper<br />
Van. Palm Springs Edition.<br />
Runs well. Replaced engine.<br />
Good rubber. Interior good condition.<br />
Needs some wiring work and some TLC.<br />
Take it for a spin. $2,700 Call Harold at<br />
(250) 626-5011 or email hswhitesid@<br /><br />
Mini Digger DINGO. Narrow<br />
760mm width, smaller<br />
then the 790mm they sell.<br />
One of the smallest digging<br />
machines for tight access. Narrow kit is<br />
supplied, good wheels and tyres. Starts<br />
perfect and sounds as it should. $7,500<br />
Call Jacob at (409) 203-1228 or email<br /><br />
“<br />
“We have been advertising with the Haida Gwaii Trader for almost 3 years<br />
now and have seen great success! We’ve been very happy with the customer<br />
retention we have received from advertising with them. And the whole team<br />
is an absolute delight to work with! Makes our ads a breeze to get done!”<br />
S. Anderson / Knight Automotive, Terrace, BC<br />
40 HG
Haida Gwaii<br />
Auto Inc.<br />
Dealer #50179<br />
2018 Ford Escape<br />
91,700km/Stk#132 $19,995<br />
2019 Ford Edge<br />
70,800km/Stk#131 $26,495<br />
2015 Dodge Ram 1500<br />
198,250km/Stk#124 $16,995<br />
2018 Ford Escape<br />
92,000km/Stk#130 $21,995<br />
“No reasonable offer<br />
refused!”<br />
250-559-4641<br />
605 Ocean View Dr.<br />
Daajing Giids<br /><br />
9’ Camper. In super condition,<br />
always stored in our<br />
shop with electric heat set on<br />
very low 24/7 to prevent any<br />
mildew or mold issues. The floor was covered<br />
with carpet to prevent any damage<br />
to the floor tile. Outside footwear were<br />
not used inside. Everything works as it<br />
should. I have more images if you would<br />
like them texted to you. Asking $15,000<br />
or reasonable offer. Call Laura Sample<br />
at (780) 897-4665 or email lrsample@<br /><br />
2018 Ford Escape. Excellent<br />
condition. New brakes,<br />
power windows and doors.<br />
Heated seats. Two key fobs.<br />
90,250km. No accident. OBO<br />
$14,900 Call Connie at (403) 598-6056 or<br />
email<br />
Still Time to Ride! 1967 Triumph<br />
Tiger and a few more<br />
toys. Bike may not be exact as<br />
picture. Day time calls only<br />
please. Lindsey Doerksen at (778) 260-<br />
4733 or email<br />
98 Tacoma. 4x4, standard,33400<br />
km, good tires,<br />
needs rear drivers back window.<br />
$2k obo Call Dan at (250)<br />
877-0113 or email<br />
Rooftop Ruggers Stealth<br />
Tent <strong>2024</strong>. 12V power. 3 CIG<br />
sockets and 4 USB outlets.<br />
A wrap around rain awning.<br />
70mm Super Soft Mattress.<br />
Constructed from a strong aluminium.<br />
Thick canvas with the strong rubber seals.<br />
The latches feature a unique lock. Carpet<br />
lined internal roof reduces condensation.<br />
Ladder and access points on both sides<br />
with rear to suit a variety of vehicles.<br />
5M long USB LED light. Full mounting<br />
hardware kit is supplied. Roof Bars are<br />
available at an additional cost! Roof Bars<br />
to store luggage. Closed Dimensions:<br />
2120x1320x180mm. Internal Dimensions<br />
2030x1240x1345mm. Weight-68kg $2,099.<br />
Allann at email<br />
Drifta Hardshell Rooftop<br />
Tent 1.4. The tent is in great<br />
shape, I only slept a few<br />
nights. This tent is the bigger<br />
1.4 version so it’s spacious. Comes with<br />
a telescopic ladder. $1,900. Dom at email<br /><br />
On the Water<br />
1990 Endeavor Intercat<br />
1500 “Cat-on-Cat Rig” Catamaran<br />
- $65,000 US. Will be<br />
on Haida Gwaii first 3 weeks<br />
in September. 1990 Endeavor<br />
Intercat Catamaran w/ Twin<br />
60hp Evinrude E-Tech outboards, 4KW<br />
generator electric heat, Mercury dingy w/<br />
3hp. outboard, house battery plus two engine<br />
start batteries, 2 queen berths, galley<br />
with appliances, bathroom w/stand-alone<br />
shower. Full glassed-in cockpit, Garmin<br />
chartplotters and depthfinders, Raytheon<br />
radar, Autohelm autopilot. Electric Windless.<br />
Two anchors. Two electric Scotty<br />
downriggers. Urethane paint requires<br />
no wax. Cruises 7 knots with <strong>10</strong> knot<br />
top speed. Call Steve Sackmann at (509)<br />
760-8795 or email steve@sackmannlaw.<br />
com<br />
inside-passage-1990-endeavor-intercat-us/77619<strong>10</strong>500.html<br />
11’ 6 RIB For Sale. Flexboat<br />
fiberglass hull Hypalon<br />
tubes. Mercury 25 EFI 4<br />
stroke Phantom tilt trim. 3<br />
props Galvanized trailer Lots<br />
extras. This boat is suitable<br />
for a maximum of 3 persons of medium<br />
to small statues, I’m to big for it. I have<br />
installed a bilge pump, purchased 2 new<br />
props and repaired some deficiencies.<br />
$3,500 Call Matt at (250) 559-8686 or<br />
email<br />
2017 AB Inflatables 11’6’‘.<br />
*Trailer not included* with<br />
a Yamaha 15HP 4 Stroke<br />
outboard motor. Less than 1<strong>10</strong>hrs!! 5 Person/825<br />
Capacity Non-skid diamond pattern<br />
floor. Four davit lifting points. Large<br />
bow locker with seating. Double fiberglass<br />
hull. Title on hand! $4,500 Allan at email<br /><br />
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 41
250-559-8623<br /><br />
Open Mon-Sat: <strong>10</strong>am-5:30pm<br />
3219 Wharf Street<br />
Daajing Giids<br />
Gwaii Animal<br />
Helpline Society<br />
•Companion<br />
Animal Adoption<br />
•Rehoming<br /><br />
Boat Rack. Taken off a fullsize<br />
GMC box end of July.<br />
$200 Call Katja Beamish at<br />
(250) 847-8767 or email<br />
Boat Hook For Sale. For<br />
docking purposes. Like new.<br />
$60 Call Morris at (250) 559-<br />
0024 or email<br />
Volvo Penta 5.7. Inboard/outboard motor<br />
with everything. New gear shifter. Runs<br />
great. For sale in October <strong>2024</strong>. $16,000.<br />
Call Danny Stewart at (250) 631-3478 or<br />
email<br />
25’ Boat with 150 Mercury. Runs good,<br />
ready for the water. New down riggers.<br />
New electric SIV. $17,000 Call Fletcher at<br />
(250) 626-7606 or email Fletchercollison@<br /><br />
Real Estate & Rentals<br />
1 Froese Subdvn. Road -<br />
Port Clements. A fully serviced,<br />
.3/4 Acre lot in the<br />
heart of Port Clements on<br />
Graham Island...part of the amazing archipelago<br />
of Haida Gwaii. City water, sewer<br />
and 200-amp electrical service. Make<br />
this your dream getaway/holiday spot or<br />
this lot could easily be subdivided. Price:<br />
159,500. Call John Ismay 250-218-9776/<br />
email<br />
Great Building Lot on a<br />
Quiet Street. 51 Yakoun<br />
Street, Port Clements. A<br />
great place to build your<br />
home or holiday spot. Gently sloping lot<br />
on a quiet street in the heart of town.<br />
Price: $69,000. Call John Ismay 250-218-<br />
9776/email<br />
213 Oceanview Drive –<br />
Daajing Giids. Location,<br />
location, location. Welcome<br />
home to this wonderful family<br />
property. This 2-storey, 2078sqft. home<br />
is awaiting your decorating ideas, but the<br />
functional layout is already there! A beautiful<br />
open concept with a primary bedroom<br />
and 2 bathrooms on the main floor<br />
and 4 large bedrooms on the second floor.<br />
This home is close to everything! Walking<br />
distance to the high school, hospital,<br />
credit union, grocery and clothing stores<br />
and many restaurants. Price: $450,000<br />
Call Mary-Jo Braid(PERC) 778-922-0167<br />
or email<br />
Duplex for Sale - Daajing<br />
Giids. Spectacular views.<br />
Close to hospital and town<br />
core. 3400 plus square feet. Each unit has<br />
a full basement. One has 2 bedrooms and<br />
2 bathrooms and the other has 2 bedrooms,<br />
3 bathrooms plus a shop! All new<br />
construction. Ready to move in. Could be<br />
a triplex instead of a duplex. Access from<br />
the upper unit is from the back. Access<br />
from the lower unit is from the front, so<br />
they are separated nicely. Each has a nice<br />
yard. Price: $860,000. Call Jim @ 778-686-<br />
0554 or email<br />
1605 Old Beach Road -<br />
Masset. Former home of the<br />
“thriving” Masset Grocery.<br />
The building is in Top Notch condition<br />
and includes all equipment, displays,<br />
shelving, walk-in cooler, walk-in freezer,<br />
fully equipped Deli kitchen, security system<br />
and much more. This offers a tremendous<br />
opportunity to re-instate this successful,<br />
former business in a prime location.<br />
The C3 zoning allows multiple choices of<br />
business opportunities...get creative. Price:<br />
$750,000. Call John Ismay 250-218-9776/<br />
email<br />
42 HG
$825,000<br />
MLS® R2880856<br />
4511 Oceanview Drive<br />
Daajing Giids, BC<br />
3 bed 2 bath family home with<br />
panoramic ocean views. Open<br />
concept living with vaulted ceilings,<br />
skylights, large kitchen and much<br />
more.<br />
Plus located on the 3 acres is a<br />
character 3 bed Mortgage Helper.<br />
$665,000<br />
MLS® R2852747<br />
379 School Road<br />
K’il Kun Sandspit, BC<br />
Oceanview 2 bed 2 bath home on<br />
12000+ sq ft lot.<br />
Huge workshop to store your boat<br />
and RV, fish processing plant,<br />
and green house. Meticulously<br />
maintained yard and house. Large<br />
wrap around deck for entertaining.<br />
$425,000<br />
MLS® R29002<strong>10</strong><br />
1558 Millard Street<br />
Masset, BC<br />
2 bed plus den, 2 bath home on<br />
large fully fenced lot.<br />
This home has plenty of character,<br />
with large deck for entertaining<br />
during the summer. Other features,<br />
wood stove, heat pump, and high<br />
ceilings in living room.<br />
$600,000<br />
MLS® R2798368<br />
372 School Road,<br />
K’il Kun Sandspit, BC<br />
Very private spacious rancher. 4 bed<br />
2 full bathrooms with large open<br />
concept living room/dining and<br />
kitchen. Don’t let this one fool you<br />
in thinking it’s small.<br />
Large workshop and 2 space carport<br />
big enough for your boat.<br />
$540,000<br />
MLS® R2913980<br />
811 Oceanview Drive<br />
Daajing Giids, BC<br />
3 bed, 2 full bath home with ocean<br />
view.<br />
Fully renovated top to bottom, open<br />
concept living room, dining room,<br />
and kitchen. Potential for suite in<br />
basement.<br />
$425,000<br />
MLS® R2917579<br />
417 Oceanview Drive<br />
Daajing Giids, BC<br />
3 bed and 2 full baths ocean view<br />
Rancher.<br />
Open concept living with 9’ ceilings<br />
with skylights and beam features. 2<br />
year old double metal roof system,<br />
Heat pump and electric forced air<br />
furnace, insulated workshop<br />
Highway 16<br />
Masset, BC<br />
122 Acres of untouched land. No<br />
zoning, no land use bylaws.<br />
Off grid living at it’s best.<br />
$400,000<br />
MLS® R2784153<br />
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 43
Valley Boat<br />
Service<br />
Fabrication<br />
Custom Upgrades<br />
250-557-2057<br />
Port Clements, BC<br />
Huge Price Reduction! - Private<br />
Ocean Access - Tlell. This<br />
oceanfront includes 200’ of<br />
private beach on 4.233 acres. 1 1/2 story, 3<br />
bdrm, 1 1/2 baths with first & second floor<br />
views of the ocean, includes up’n’down<br />
fireplaces. Construction is salt box post<br />
& beam with large open spaces, bring<br />
your own ideas to finish. The main floor<br />
offers French doors leading to the ocean &<br />
includes 2 patio doors. There are 3 acres of<br />
large standing Sitka Spruce. The property<br />
is zoned ALR. Price: $450,000 Motivated<br />
seller will consider all reasonable offers.<br />
Call Shannon Marin @ 250-204-5796<br />
email<br />
1852 Balsam Crescent -<br />
Masset. Ready for you to<br />
Zoonee Tiiiddall SStuddiiioo<br />
SSiiillveer<br />
enjoy at a very sensible<br />
Siiillllvveeeeerrrr<br />
price.<br />
Ennggrrrraavveeeeed Orrrriiiggiiinnaallll Jeeeeeweeeeelllllllleeeeerrrry<br />
Tidal Zone Silver Studio This half<br />
Zoonee SSiiillveer SStuddiiioo<br />
duplex<br />
Tiiiddall<br />
has been<br />
Designed and handcrafted<br />
Silver Siiillllvveeeeerrrr Jewellery by Laura Ennggrrrraavveeeeed Dutheil<br />
by Jeeeeeweeeeelllllllleeeeerrrry<br />
local Orrrriiiggiiinnaallll artisan jeweller<br />
very well looked after and has a recent<br />
Designed and Laura handcrafted Dutheil<br />
Available at:<br />
by local artisan jeweller<br />
stove, a newer washer and a recent oil<br />
Laura Dutheil<br />
• DG Earrings, Visitor rings, pendants,<br />
bracelets, ear cuffs & more,<br />
Earrings, rings, pendants,<br />
Centre<br />
tank. The whole place has been recently<br />
bracelets, with ear tidal cuffs & zone more, inspired<br />
with tidal zone inspired<br />
• Sandspit engravings<br />
engravings<br />
painted and is fresh and clean. This home<br />
Visitor Centre<br />
Custom orders orders welcome! welcome!<br />
offers 4 bedrooms up, a spacious living/<br />
Available at Funk It! and the Queen Charlotte Visitor Information Centre<br />
778-260-0434 Available at Funk It! (call and studio the Queen for hours) Charlotte Visitor Information Centre<br />
Tidal Zone Silver Studio<br />
Tidal<br />
Zone Silver Studio<br />
Available at Funk It and the<br />
Queen Charlotte Visitor Information Centre<br />
Port<br />
Clements<br />
Museum<br />
Pioneer History<br />
Visitor Information<br />
DAY <strong>10</strong>-4<br />
(Until Sept 30)<br />
45 Bayview Drive,<br />
Port Clements<br />
250-557-4576<br /><br />
dining room on the main floor and a full<br />
basement waiting for your ideas. Located<br />
close to all village amenities. Price:<br />
$199,900. Call John Ismay 250-218-9776/<br />
email<br />
Modular Home for Sale-<br />
North of Port Clements. To<br />
be moved. Older, in fair condition.<br />
14 x 70 modular home. New roof<br />
in 2011. 2-bedroom, one bathroom which<br />
needs to be remodeled. Large, bright living<br />
room. Open kitchen and nice size dining<br />
room. Laminate flooring in living room,<br />
kitchen, dining room and master bedroom.<br />
Solid wood subfloor installed under<br />
laminate. Comes with wood stove and hot<br />
water tank. Includes 14 x 18 addition and<br />
<strong>10</strong> x 28 deck. Solid and movable. Price<br />
$<strong>10</strong>,000. Call Ephram 250-557-8572 or<br />
email<br />
Worker Accommodations<br />
- Long/Short Term - Port<br />
Clements & Masset. Port<br />
Clements: furnished and unfurnished<br />
1 and 2 -bedroom apartments.<br />
Newly renovated, including bathroom and<br />
kitchen. Sat. internet, TV, king-size beds,<br />
laundry and parking are incl. Well suited<br />
for worker accommodation. Clean and<br />
secure building. Masset: several renovated<br />
housing units. 3/4-bedroom units. Furnished<br />
or unfurnished. Sat. internet, cable,<br />
laundry and parking are included. Please<br />
email, call/<br />
text 250 661 9012<br />
Wanted<br />
Contacts for Development/<br />
Construction. I am looking<br />
to build my contact list for<br />
anybody who is red seal/certified/registered<br />
as a trades<br />
person or construction/development company<br />
including Inspectors/Engineers/Architects.<br />
In my line of work, I have clients<br />
who need work, quotes and inspections<br />
done. Please email me with your company/trade/professional<br />
profile information.<br />
I would prefer to give work to local people<br />
than go off island. We are in desperate<br />
need of a home inspector. Call Tracey De<br />
Frane at (250) 618-2434 or email tracey.<br /><br />
ISO Exp. Handyman for Bathroom Reno.<br />
Need someone to lay lino and replace<br />
tricky shower faucets in Sept. Call Toni<br />
at (250) 626-6473 or email tintintooni@<br /><br />
Groceries & Liquor<br />
Bakery & Deli<br />
Home & Office Supplies<br />
Gifts & Local Treasures<br />
91 Bayview Dr. Port Clements<br />
Mon-Sat <strong>10</strong>-6 | 250-557-4331<br />
44 HG
DARE TO BE<br />
<strong>HGT</strong> ADVERTISING<br />
WORKS<br />
Call us!<br />
250-557-2088<br />
Or Email<br /><br />
Freebies<br />
FREE. IKEA wooden frame<br />
toddler bed. Call Erica Reid<br />
at (250) 637-1777 or email<br /><br />
FREE. Sofa and chair. Well<br />
used but has some life left,<br />
very heavy oak frame, please<br />
bring help. Sofa 74” wide<br />
Chair 35” wide Call Melinda at (250) 637-<br />
1660 or email melinda_pick@hotmail.<br />
com<br />
FREE. 3 Larsen Magnetic Antennas.<br />
Call Gord at (5k0) 637-5755 or email<br />
Josh Davidson<br />
For Hire<br />
Excavation Services<br />
Lot Clean Up & Clearing<br />
Yard Work<br />
Tree Removal<br />
Fence Building<br />
Hauling<br />
We Haul Anything!<br />
Employment & Training<br />
Administrative Assistant.<br />
Skidegate. Haida Gwaii Accounting<br />
& Income Tax. This is a fulltime<br />
position for maternity leave<br />
coverage for up to 18 months<br />
(possibly longer). Wage $22.00-$28.00.<br />
Employer supported courses and in house<br />
training for bookkeeping and income taxes<br />
if desired. AA will ensure all information<br />
remains confidential. Attend to general<br />
office duties such as but not limited to:<br />
Answer telephone, learn the filing system,<br />
prepare, and upkeep client files and<br />
records, running office errands, organize<br />
and keep office space tidy. Call Leah<br />
2505597756 or email<br />
Want to give back to<br />
your community?<br />
Alder House is looking for full and part time<br />
Program Support Workers (PSW)<br />
• Ability to work independently and as part of a team<br />
• Compassionate, understanding nature with strong<br />
communication and interpersonal skills<br />
• Assist house residents to attain success<br />
Starting wage is $22.50 per hour. Training provided.<br />
Benefits for successful candidates<br />
Contact Sandra Dean or Jessa to see if<br />
this is a job for you!<br /> | 778 260 3420<br />
Haida Gwaii-Wide Services<br />
Call/Text 250-626-9271<br />
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 45
CLBC Residence Support<br />
Worker Casual. Variable<br />
work shifts. $22.94–$29.76/<br />
hr. You will provide respectful<br />
living support to adult residents with<br />
developmental disabilities living in residence<br />
and participate in general daily<br />
operations and upkeep of the residence.<br />
Minimum Requirements: Grade 12 or<br />
G.E.D. equivalent. Complete certification<br />
in Standard First Aid with CPR-C. Food-<br />
Safe. Certification Class 5 Drivers License<br />
and clean Drivers abstract. Violence<br />
Prevention/De-escalation and other on<br />
the job training courses. Good written and<br />
verbal communication skills. Able to deal<br />
appropriately with and use de-escalation<br />
skills with upset residents while adhering<br />
to directives and allowing clients their<br />
autonomy. This position is dependent on a<br />
Criminal Records Check. Daniel Kolpatzik<br />
at (250) 626-7977 or email<br />
CEPTIONIST. Daajing Giids.<br />
Minimum Qualifications: High School<br />
diploma. Completion of post-secondary<br />
education is an asset. Experience: Previous<br />
sales, service, and financial services experience<br />
is preferred. Skills: Demonstrated<br />
sales and service skills. Broad knowledge<br />
of products and services required. Ability<br />
to prioritize, organize work within time<br />
constraints, under pressure and competing<br />
priorities. Ability to communicate<br />
and liaise professionally with members,<br />
potential customers, community groups<br />
and co-workers while maintaining confidentiality.<br />
Working knowledge, skills, and<br />
experience in Microsoft Office. Hourly<br />
Rate: $25.54-$29.36 Apply online: www.<br /> Call Jessie<br />
Suroysuroy at (250) 628-0354 or email<br /><br />
3113 Oceanview Drive, DG<br />
Now Hiring!<br />
Community Living Support Worker SOUTH-2<br />
(Community Inclusion)<br />
The role involves assisting a disabled individual with limited<br />
mobility and personal care needs to be active and included<br />
in the community, and providing recreational support for<br />
participating in community and cultural activities.<br />
• No experience necessary, on-the-job training!<br />
• Flexible work option fit for Haida Gwaii lifestyle.<br />
• Staff supports (transportation subsidy, educational<br />
development etc).<br />
$25.95 – $29.76/hour<br />
as per BCGEU Collective Agreement<br />
11 hours/week (Additional hours may be available)<br />
Qualifications:<br />
• Grade 12 Secondary School diploma or GED equivalent.<br />
• Courses, certificate, or diploma in a related human/<br />
social service field would be an asset.<br />
• Reliable vehicle, Class 5 Drivers License & clean drivers<br />
abstract.<br />
• Satisfactory Criminal Record Check for Vulnerable<br />
Sector.<br />
Community Living Contracts Manager<br /> 250-626-7977<br />
Now Hiring!<br />
Casual CLBC Residence Support Worker (Masset)<br />
CRSWs provide respectful, daily living support to adult<br />
residents with developmental disabilities living in the CLBC<br />
24-hour group home.<br />
• Casual/on-call, variable work shifts.<br />
• No experience necessary, on-the-job training!<br />
• Benefits as per BCGEU Collective Agreement.<br />
• Staff supports such as transportation subsidy and<br />
educational development.<br />
Day & Evening Shifts: $28.70/hr - $32.91/hr<br />
Asleep Night Shifts: $25.37/hr - $29.07/hr<br />
(According to JJEP wage grid and with an additional <strong>10</strong>.6% wage bonus)<br />
Qualifications:<br />
• Grade 12 Secondary School diploma or GED equivalent.<br />
• Courses, certificate, or diploma in a related human/<br />
social service field would be an asset.<br />
• Class 5 Drivers License & clean abstract.<br />
• Satisfactory Criminal Record Check for Vulnerable<br />
Sector.<br />
Community Living Contracts Manager<br /> 250-626-7977<br />
46 HG
Kohlen and<br />
Company Appraisals<br />
Richard Kohlen, CRA, P. APP<br />
Serving Haida Gwaii<br />
since 2015<br />
Contact us!<br />
250-302-<strong>10</strong>74<br /><br />
Serving Korean Cuisine<br />
1504 Old Beach Road,<br />
Masset, BC<br />
Visit our Facebook<br />
@ Koos Bistro<br />
Faster Speeds<br />
in Haida Gwaii<br />
Save up to $845d<br />
when you sign up for<br />
Internet with Mascon.<br />
Already a customer?<br />
Upgrade your internet to get in<br />
on this offer.<br />
Limited time offer<br />
Conditions apply<br /><br />
Business Account Manager.<br />
This role is the primary<br />
point of contact to a portfolio of members<br />
whose basic business needs expand both<br />
the lending and investment spectrum.<br />
The Business Account Manager also<br />
demonstrates strong relationship management<br />
and business development skills<br />
bring new business members to NSCU.<br />
Minimum Qualifications: Post-secondary<br />
education, sales/service training, business<br />
credit lending program, previous business<br />
lending experience, previous financial<br />
services experience, and experience in<br />
evaluating all aspects of credit decisions is<br />
required. Excellent written/verbal English<br />
communication skills. Intermediate skills<br />
in Microsoft Office. Travel is a requirement<br />
of this position. Call Jessie Suroysuroy at<br />
(250) 628-0356 or email jessiesuroysuroy@<br /><br />
Community Living Contracts<br />
Manager. $39.30/<br />
hr includes Health/Welfare/<br />
Municipal Pension benefits.<br />
35 hrs/week Monday–Friday.<br />
Responsible for overseeing and managing<br />
HGSCP’s Community Living BC programs<br />
and staff, including Home Share, Community<br />
Inclusion and Residential Care<br />
in accordance with Community Living<br />
B.C. and HGSCP principles, policies and<br />
procedures. Requirements: Diploma in a<br />
related Human Services/Social Services<br />
field, three years recent related experience<br />
including 1yr supervisory experience,<br />
previous social service/related program<br />
management experience, a current 1st aid<br />
certificate, a satisfactory Criminal Records<br />
Check and Driver’s Abstract review (use<br />
of own car needed). Brie Altrogge at (250)<br />
626-4664 or email<br />
Do You Have Something<br />
to Sell?<br />
If you wish to feature your classifieds in the NovDec<br />
<strong>HGT</strong> Magazine/Ezine, please ensure you post/edit<br />
your ads by October 20th, <strong>2024</strong>, at noon on the <strong>HGT</strong><br />
website or email us<br />
your ads to<br /><br />
(small fee applies for ads we post on<br />
folks’ behalf)<br />
Property Manager for<br />
Housing Societies. Daajing<br />
Giids. You manage the care,<br />
maintenance, day-to-day operations<br />
of the societies properties<br />
by maintaining buildings, grounds and<br />
providing a safe residence for tenants. You<br />
must have good people skills, communication,<br />
organization and be able to multitask<br />
and prioritize. Maintenance skills are<br />
required; basic construction, plumbing,<br />
troubleshooting and knowing when to call<br />
the experts. This is a part time position for<br />
someone who likes interesting variety in<br />
their work. Starting wage is $27.50. Call<br />
Barb at 778-260-4630 or email: admin@<br /><br />
Community Service Listings<br />
Sellers Beware. Most Valued<br />
<strong>HGT</strong> Classified Members, if you<br />
get an email responding to any<br />
of your <strong>HGT</strong> classified ads from<br />
someone naming themselves as Paul Richard,<br />
email allukmantrandingllc@gmail.<br />
com, this party is not legitimate. Here is<br />
a sample of an email response to their inquiry<br />
about purchasing a classified for sale<br />
item posted by a member, “Sounds good<br />
am Interested please send me your details,<br />
your name and address and I will issue<br />
out the cashier check payment via USPS<br />
service and send you the tracking number<br />
as soon as the check confirms clear I will<br />
instruct my mover to come and pick it up<br />
at your location Thanks.” If you read this<br />
response carefully, there are several flags<br />
confirming it is not legitimate. NEVER<br />
provide any additional personal information<br />
(besides what is posted on your adphone<br />
number and email address) to any<br />
party until you qualify them as legitimate.<br />
One way is to ask for their phone number<br />
so you can call them back. Although we<br />
here at Haida Gwaii Trader have no way to<br />
stop scammers from responding to posted<br />
ads, we can at least alert our membership<br />
to these issues, provide resources (www2.<br /><br />
scams-and-fraud) and be watchful of any<br />
irregularities we or any members notice<br />
and report to us. Thank you for your ongoing<br />
patronage. Together we will not fall<br />
prey to these people who waste their time<br />
with such schemes. Shellene/ <strong>HGT</strong><br />
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 47
Alcoholics Anonymous. If<br />
you have a drinking problem<br />
we can help. If you live in<br />
the north end of Haida Gwaii<br />
call John at 250-626-7557.<br />
In-person meetings are on Wednesdays, at<br />
8 pm in the Masset Fire Hall soup kitchen.<br />
If you live in the South end, call Lou at<br />
250-559-4568. Meetings are held in the Hl-<br />
Gaagilda Skidegate at the United Church,<br />
at 8 pm on Saturday nights. For more info<br />
on how to join a local virtual Zoom meeting,<br />
call John/Lou at (250) 626-7557 or<br />
email<br />
Quilters and Other Workers in Fibre–Save<br />
The Date! Please join us for<br />
our second annual Quilt Shop Retreat, for<br />
three days of Stitching and Fellowship for<br />
island–and off-island–quilters, stitchers,<br />
embroiderers, knitters, crocheters and<br />
card-makers at The Community Hall in<br />
Daajing Giids on Haida Gwaii. Friday<br />
November 8th through Sunday November<br />
<strong>10</strong>th, <strong>2024</strong>. Register by October 1st! Call<br />
Dani @ 250-637-1375 or email<br />
PUT YOUR<br />
AD HERE<br />
<strong>HGT</strong> has you covered.<br />
Stoked to hear from you!<br />
Call 250-557-2088<br />
Or Email<br /><br />
Join<br />
Our<br />
Team<br />
Executive Director<br />
The Executive Director (ED) is responsible for implementing the strategy<br />
set out by the Board of Directors, advancing the vision and leadership<br />
of Gwaii Trust, Athlii Gwaii Legacy Trust and Haida Gwaii Community<br />
Foundation through effective organizational strategy and performance.<br />
They are responsible for working to enhance the organization’s existing resources,<br />
reputation, credibility and relationships to successfully implement<br />
the strategic agenda for social, economic and environmental change.<br />
The ED is committed to advancing an organizational culture that is<br />
collaborative, innovative, and designed to build inclusive engagement, opportunities<br />
and partnerships for First Nations peoples.<br />
Full suite of benefits including paid vacation and sick leave. Employer paid<br />
medical, dental, and health spending account after three months. Group<br />
retirement plan with employer matching after three months.<br />
Priority in hiring will be given to qualified Haida citizens, followed by Haida<br />
Gwaii residents, and then off-island applicants.<br />
Location: HlGaagilda Skidegate with occasional travel<br />
to the office in Gaw Tlagée Old Massett<br />
Deadline to apply: October 1, <strong>2024</strong><br />
For a full job description, visit:<br />
48 HG
Haida Gwaii Tide Tables <strong>2024</strong><br />
The tide height in Haida Gwaii varies by up to 24 feet<br />
(more than 7 meters)! The big tides (higher highs and<br />
lower lows) happen every 2 weeks around the full and<br />
new moons. Knowing the tides is important for exploring<br />
tide pools, harvesting intertidal food, shing, navigation,<br />
and tidal currents. So before you head out, be<br />
sure to check the date, time, and tide height, and adjust<br />
the time for your specic location around Haida Gwaii.<br />
Tides in Haida Gwaii<br />
Compared to predictions for Prince Rupert<br />
K'iis Gwaay<br />
Langara Pt<br />
<strong>10</strong> min early<br />
Estimates are unofficial and may vary<br />
significantly from reality<br />
Hl'yaalang Waagusd<br />
North Beach<br />
5 min early<br />
Masset<br />
Gawée Sdaa 20 min late<br />
Alexandra Narrows<br />
Flood starts 0:15 after low<br />
Ebb starts 0:<strong>10</strong> after high<br />
Sk'iiluu Kaahlii<br />
Nesto Inlet<br />
<strong>10</strong> min early<br />
Skaats'insii<br />
Dawson Hbr<br />
15 min early<br />
Taan Guu<br />
Trounce Inlet<br />
Low 55 min late<br />
High 20 min late<br />
Daa.ulgaay<br />
East Skidegate Narrows<br />
(Floods west)<br />
West Beacon<br />
Flood starts 3:20 – 3:50 after low<br />
Ebb starts 3:00 – 3:30 after high<br />
East Beacon<br />
Flood starts 1:50 – 2:50 after low<br />
Ebb starts 1:30 – 2:30 after high<br />
Juus Kaahlii<br />
Juskatla<br />
Low 5:15 late<br />
High 4:45 late<br />
Designed by:<br />
Stu Crawford<br />
Box 788, Masset, BC<br /><br />
(250) 626-3868<br />
Crawford<br />
Ecological Consulting<br />
Taa Suu<br />
Hunger Hbr<br />
20 min early<br />
Data from the Canadian Hydrographic Service<br />
Gaw Kaahlii<br />
Masset Sound<br />
Flood starts 2:50 after low<br />
Ebb starts 2:30 after high<br />
Gamadiis<br />
Port Clements<br />
Low 3:05 late<br />
High 2:50 late<br />
Daajing Giids<br />
Queen Charlotte<br />
Low 20 min late<br />
High same as P.R.<br />
Kuuɢahl<br />
McCoy Cove<br />
Low 15 min late<br />
High 5 min late<br />
K'yal Gawɢa<br />
Pacofi<br />
Low <strong>10</strong> min late<br />
High same as P.R.<br />
Gwaay K'aas<br />
Copper Is.<br />
Same as P.R.<br />
Kay Tay Daanaay<br />
Cape St James<br />
Low <strong>10</strong> min early<br />
High 5 min early<br />
Business Financing<br />
Resources & Coaching<br />
Community Economic Development<br /><br />
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 49
Haida Gwaii Trader Community Calendar<br />
September/October <strong>2024</strong><br />
Go to, click on the Calendar tab and post your event, or send your event details to<br />
Jamie McDonald at<br />
All calendar details appear as promoted at the time of printing.<br />
Island Wide & Online<br />
Alcoholics Anonymous If you have a drinking<br />
problem we can help. If you live in the<br />
north end of Haida Gwaii call John at 250-<br />
626-7557. In-person meetings are on Wednesdays,<br />
at 8 pm in the Masset Fire Hall soup<br />
kitchen. If you live in the South end, call Lou at 250-559-<br />
4568. Meetings are held in the HlGaagilda Skidegate at the<br />
United Church, at 8 pm on Saturday nights. For more info<br />
on how to join a virtual meeting, call John at 250-626-7557<br />
or visit<br />
VIRL – Tech support with library Manager<br />
Patrick. If you need any tech support, contact<br />
your local VIRL branch and schedule a<br />
time to come in with your device. For info,<br /> or 778-269-4132. Virtual<br />
Gardening Series Monthly, first Monday of the month (except<br />
when holiday, then 2 nd Monday) / 6:30-8pm / Register<br />
for each session separately. Oct 7: Root Prep for Successful<br />
Transplanting. Nov 4: Putting the Garden to Bed. Visit virl.<br /> to register<br />
Gaw Tlagée / Old Massett & Masset<br />
Women’s Drop-In Coffee Time Thursdays<br />
<strong>10</strong>am-Noon / Wellness House / 2112 Collison<br />
Ave. / Open to all self-identifying women!<br />
Healthy snacks provided. For more information<br />
contact Delevina at 250-626-3911 and Maureen<br />
Samuels 250-626-4725 or Carly 250-626-7884 or wellness.<br /> Rides provided by Ellis<br />
Edgars 250-626-9118. Monday Men’s Group Mondays<br />
5-8pm / Gaw Tlagée Youth Centre / 150 Raven Ave / All ages<br />
welcome. Dinner and beverages provided. Bring a friend.<br />
Activities: games, skill building, discussions, connections.<br />
For more information contact Brodie Swanson at 778-<br />
791-8118 or Traditional<br />
Medicine Group Fridays - various times. For Haidas and<br />
their relatives. Contact to<br />
register or for more info. Harm Reduction Lunch Mon &<br />
Fri / <strong>10</strong>am-2pm / Wellness House / 2132 Collison Ave. / For<br />
more information contact David Emerson at 778-361-0769<br />
or<br />
50 HG<br />
Tawlang Ga Tlaayds Maternal Child Health<br />
Programs for families with children 0-6: Open<br />
Gym & Haida Singing Together Tuesdays,<br />
Xaad Kil Story Time, Family Drop-in, various<br />
schedules and locations; Toddler feeding<br />
group 4th Wednesday of the month, <strong>10</strong>am-12 pm. Infant<br />
feeding group 3rd Thursday of the month / 11-12:30.<br />
Gaw Tlagée Youth Centre Activities Check their FB:<br />
Old Masset Youth Program or contact Christian Young,<br />
Toni-Lynn Davidson<br />
or Mike Russ at 250-626-3573 for an update on all activities<br />
offered by the center!<br />
Masset Market Fridays, 11am – 2pm, year-round / Across<br />
from the HG Co-op, 1575 Main Street in Masset / Locally<br />
grown and prepared foods as well as locally<br />
handcrafted items and more! Delicious hot<br />
lunches are a regular feature at the market.<br />
For more info, contact Natalie Affolter at 250-<br />
626-9181 or or check us out on<br />
Facebook and Instagram: Masset Market<br />
Alternate Fitness Mon-Wed-Fri / 12-12:45pm / Masset Legion<br />
Branch 244 / 2082 Collison Ave / Free modified fitness<br />
class for middle-age and seniors. Instructor:<br />
Harold White. No registration required. Cardio,<br />
strength, flexibility and balance exercises.<br />
Iyengar Yoga with Jenn Mondays Sept<br />
16 - Oct 28 (round 1); Nov 4 - Dec 16 (round<br />
2) / 5:15-6:45pm / Masset Playhouse / 1616 Millard Street<br />
Focusing on alignment and including the use of props<br />
(provided), this class is suitable for everyone. Jenn will<br />
provide adaptations so that each student’s realities (age,<br />
health, yoga history, nature) will be respected. Cost: $<strong>10</strong>8<br />
for 6 sessions. Girls Basketball Grades 3 to 7 Wednesdays,<br />
Sep 18 – Nov 20 / 4:30-6:30pm / Daxiigan Sk’adáa Née<br />
1647 Cook St / Instructor: Katie Wilmot Cost: 50$. Basketball<br />
and leadership program for self-identifying females.<br />
For more information contact HG Rec at 250-637-1192 or<br /> or
Diaz Combat Sports Gym 14160 Tow Hill<br />
Rd Kids Kickboxing Mon-Wed-Fri / 4:30-<br />
5:15pm / Kids Acro-dance Tue-Thu / 4:30-<br />
5:15pm / Women’s Kickboxing Mon-Wed-Fri<br />
5:30-6:30pm / Adults Acro-dance Tue-Thu<br />
5:30-6:30pm / Co-ed kickboxing Mon-Wed-Fri / 7-8<br />
pm / The schedule is ongoing, year-round and more classes<br />
will be added. Costs are flexible, no registration required.<br />
Kids classes ages 7+. For more information contact Ronald<br />
Diaz at 250-626-7928 or<br />
VIRL 2123 Collison / Lego Club Wednesdays<br />
3-4pm. For more information contact Etchi<br />
Zaleski at 250-626-3663 or<br />
HGAC presents LJ Mounteney Blues Trio<br />
Nov 8 / 6:30-9pm / Masset Playhouse<br />
1616 Millard Street / Come hear West Coast<br />
Blues Artist LJ Blues Trio (LJ, Linda Kidder & Tim Porter).<br />
Dubbed a “Canadian Bonnie Raitt,” Mounteney combines<br />
soulful vocals with high-energy performances! Doors open<br />
at 6:30 Show starts at 7:30. For more information contact<br />
HGAC at or<br />
Renewable Energy Symposium Sep 21 &<br />
22 / <strong>10</strong>am-5pm / Kwiiyaans Community Hall<br />
Eagle Ave / 3rd island wide renewable energy<br />
symposium. Haida Gwaii 2074: What do our<br />
Islands look like 50 years from now? Keynote |<br />
Haana Edenshaw Food | Brodie Swanson Facilitation | Gid<br />
Uuwans Dana Moraes Fun + Swag + Door Prizes Childminding<br />
Available. Everyone is welcome! For more information<br />
contact Swiilawiid Sustainability Society at info@<br /> or<br />
Wáan Kύn / Gamadiis Llnagaay Port Clements<br />
Salsa and Bachata Class Sep 28 / 12-5pm<br />
PC Community Hall / 120 Bayview Dr / Join<br />
instructor Francisco de Jesus Villalobos from<br />
the World Dance Company (Vancouver) and<br />
the Salsa on Haida Gwaii Group for this dance<br />
workshop. 12-2 & 2:15 - 3:45 Salsa - For Beginners - Basic<br />
steps, Rhythm & timing, fundamental steps and patterns<br />
2-2:15 & 3:45-4 Break 4 - 5 Bachata - For Beginners - Basic<br />
steps, Rhythm & timing, fundamental steps and patterns<br />
Cost: sliding scale - suggested contribution $50 (see registration<br />
form for more details) Register here: https://forms.<br />
gle/9EBw8GMdyHpMxM8j9. For more information contact<br />
Jamie or Jessiquita at 514-238-7953 or 250-617-5013 or<br /> or or<br />
FB: Salsa on Haida Gwaii<br />
@ Port Clements Rod and Gun Club<br />
Juskatla Road, 5 km out of Port / 12-3pm<br />
Thanksgiving Turkey Shoot Oct 6 / Compete<br />
with friends and family for the tightest groupings in<br />
multiple categories. Pumpkin Shoot / Nov 3 / For more<br />
information contact Jason Rupke at 250-589-1420,,<br />
or FB: PortClementsRodandGun-<br />
Club<br />
Latin Community Celebration Sep 28<br />
5-11:55pm / PC Community Hall / 120 Bayview<br />
Dr / Join us for a potluck starting at 5 pm followed<br />
by an evening of dancing to Latin beats<br />
(rock, bachata, merengue, salsa, cumbia, etc.) to celebrate<br />
the Latin Culture. Free & Open to all! For more information<br />
contact Jamie or Jessiquita at 514-238-7953 or 250-<br />
617-5013 or or jessiquitamadrid@<br /> or FB: Haida Gwaii Comunidad Latinx<br />
Seniors Yoga Thursdays Oct 17 – Dec 12<br />
11am-12pm / Port Clements Multiplex Gym<br />
36 Cedar Avenue West / Learn to respect your<br />
body and discover its intelligence as you<br />
stretch, strengthen, open and relax. Mats are available,<br />
please bring a blanket and arrive a few minutes early. Cost:<br />
free. Instructor: Jennifer Pigeon. No registration required.<br />
For more information contact HG Rec at 250-637-1192 or<br /> or<br />
Gardening Workshop Sept 14 & Sept 28 / <strong>10</strong>am-3pm<br />
Nutrimentum Wellness / 66002 Hwy 16 / On preparing the<br />
harvest for storage & fermentation. $50 per workshop,<br />
(plus cost of supplies, depending on the workshop). For<br />
more information contact Jennifer Pigeon at 250-626-7478<br />
or or<br />
Send your details to Jamie McDonald at<br /><br />
Forbes Pharmacy<br />
at the Hospital in Daajing Giids<br />
9 am to 5 pm<br />
Closed for lunch 1-2 pm<br />
250-559-49<strong>10</strong> rxdm<strong>10</strong><br /><br />
Find us on Facebook!<br />
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 51
Daajing Giids<br />
Baby Steps 204 Oceanview / last Monday of<br />
the month / 5:30–7pm / A monthly meeting<br />
for expecting parents or folks with littles<br />
0-1. Dinner provided. Attendance via Zoom<br />
available. Text your rsvp to Jenna 250-889-3057. Drop in<br />
Playgroup Fridays / 9-11am / This playgroup is available<br />
for littles age 0-5 years old. Parents must be in attendance.<br />
For more information, contact Jenna Inglis 250-889-3057<br />
or or<br />
check FB: Haida Gwaii Child Care Resource and Referral<br />
Program<br />
VIRL Daajing Giids Events 138 Bay Street.<br />
Craft & Social Night Thursdays (when not<br />
a movie night) / 7-8pm / Bring your knitting<br />
needles, crochet or spinning projects, and<br />
stories. Movie nights: movies TBA Sept 19 &<br />
Oct 17 / 6:30-8pm. For more information contact Michelle<br />
Scott at 250-559-4518 or or<br />
Earth Temple Activities & Events 403<br />
Oceanview Drive. The Groove - Monthly<br />
Ecstatic Dance Party Every 2nd Friday of the<br />
month / 8-9:30pm / A safe space for freedom<br />
of movement. All ages; suggested donation<br />
$<strong>10</strong>. For more information contact Jessiquita at 250-617-<br />
5013 or Art Jam Mondays<br />
starting on Sep 16 / 7:30-9pm / Join us to work on your<br />
art, bring your materials, we will provide good tunes and<br />
tea! Suggested donation: $5. For more information contact<br />
Erin 778-260-9944. Five Elements and Sound Practice<br />
Workshop Sep 21-22 / <strong>10</strong>am-3pm / Geshela YongDong<br />
will share teachings from the Tibetan Bon Tradition. Experience<br />
how the use of particular Tibetan sounds can bring<br />
inner peace and balance. Develop a deep connection to the<br />
Five Elements of Mother Earth, Space, Fire, Water and Air.<br />
For more information contact Kiki van der Heiden at<br />
or www.kikivanderheiden.<br />
com. Exercise with Tai Chi Wednesdays starting Sept 4<br />
noon-1pm / Non-profit exercise with tai chi. Cost: $5. For<br />
more information contact Heather George at 250-559-4517,<br />
text 250-637-1440 or Inner and Outer<br />
Worlds: Art Therapy with Janet Rigg Oct 5 th<br />
1-5pm / 5:30-6:45pm. Chair Yoga Tuesdays Oct 22 – Dec<br />
<strong>10</strong> / 2-3pm. Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training<br />
(ASIST) Oct TBD / Learn how to have the conversation<br />
with someone at risk. Two-day training, lunch provided.<br />
Cost: $125. For more information on all programs<br />
contact Karen at 250-637-1918 or<br />
or<br />
Wellness Wednesdays 11:30 am-2 pm / DG<br />
Firehall / 202, 2nd Ave / Join us every Wednesday<br />
for a free lunch and optional sharing<br />
circle led by a mental health professional. For<br />
more information contact Jason Rupke at 250-<br />
559-4981 or<br />
Sunday Church and Worship Service Sundays / <strong>10</strong>am-<br />
12pm / Bethel Assembly Church / 222 Oceanview Drive / We<br />
are a friendly and welcoming family fellowship Christian<br />
Church (affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of<br />
Canada) where everybody (including children) is welcome.<br />
Sunday services commence at <strong>10</strong>am followed by fellowship.<br />
Free Lunch Tuesdays / 11:30am-2 pm. For more<br />
information, please check our website:<br />
For more information contact Bill and Heather at 604-989-<br />
2364 or or<br />
Meghan’s Hatha Yoga Thursdays Oct 3 -<br />
Nov 14 / 5:30-6:45pm / Earth Temple / 403<br />
Oceanview / This will be a mixed level yoga<br />
practice. It’s beginner friendly with options<br />
to step up your practice depending on experience. Classes<br />
will encompass a wide variety of poses and breath work.<br />
Cost: $<strong>10</strong>5 for 7 classes. Lengthen and strengthen with<br />
Shelley Tuesdays, Nov 5 -Dec 17 / 6-7pm / Instructor: Shelley<br />
Sansome. Cost: $<strong>10</strong>5 for 7 classes. A dynamic fusion<br />
of yoga, Pilates, and creative strength exercises. All levels<br />
welcome, beginner friendly. For more information, contact<br />
HG Rec at 250-637-1192 or or<br />
Karaoke night with DJ Union Native Sep<br />
28 / 8pm-close / Steller’s Jay Community Pub<br />
3200 Oceanview Drive / Join us and sing some<br />
songs! For more information contact Matt<br />
at (250) 559-2323 or stellersjayhaidagwaii@<br /> or FB: Steller’s Jay Community Pub<br />
Taoist Tai Chi® Saturdays / <strong>10</strong>am-12pm<br />
Wednesdays 6-8 pm / Daajing Giids Community<br />
Hall / 134 Bay Street / Strength, Flexibility,<br />
Stillness For more information contact<br />
Beatie at 250-631-9160 or haidagwaii@taoist.<br />
org or<br />
HGAC presents Brent Butt Oct 5 / 6:30-<br />
9pm / Daajing Giids Community Hall / 134<br />
Bay Street / Comedian, actor, writer, producer,<br />
award winning creator of Corner Gas Brent Butt - only 1<br />
show - stand-up comedy. Doors open at 6:30. Show starts<br />
at 7:30. Tickets at the door only. $20 HGAC members,<br />
$25 nonmembers. Youth & seniors $20. Children under<br />
<strong>10</strong> years old Free (accompanied by an adult). For more<br />
information contact HGAC at or<br /><br />
52 HG
Community Market in Daajing Giids Saturdays<br />
/ 11am-2pm / kiosks by the DG ball field<br />
Oceanview drive / Maude Island Farm’s certified<br />
organic produce, Grandma Betty’s artisan<br />
jams & jellies, Dangles jewelry, locally designed & printed<br />
souvenir mugs, coffee and more. Mary’s homemade goodies<br />
and hand-knit toques, socks & gloves. St. Mary’s Spring<br />
Estate Farm’s freshly baked sourdough bread, sauerkraut,<br />
kombucha, fresh farm produce and eggs. Kiss and Tlell<br />
smokies. Marina’s egg rolls. Lama’s tasty cuisine, including<br />
shawarma & falafel... and more! Vendors welcome<br />
(full season or drop-in fees). For more information contact<br />
Community Club at 250-559-8122 or 250-634-0767 or<br /> or Facebook: The Community<br />
Market in Daajing Giids on Haida Gwaii<br />
K’il Kun Sandspit<br />
VIRL - Craft Night Thursdays / 5-7pm<br />
Vancouver Island Regional Library / Seabreeze<br />
Plaza, Beach Rd / Bring your own craft<br />
(knitting, crochet, painting, etc.) or use the<br />
library’s embroidery or collaging supplies.<br />
All ages welcome. For more information Kelsey (250) 637-<br />
2247 or or<br />
Taoist Tai Chi® Sundays / 6-7:30pm<br />
Sandspit Community Hall / 411 Alliford Bay<br />
Strength, Flexibility, Stillness. For more<br />
information contact Remi 250-637-5729 or<br /> or<br />
Golf Tournaments Hekate’s Retreat and<br />
Clubhouse / 342 Copper Bay Mainline / Two<br />
Club Challenge Sept 14 Tombstone Sept 28.<br />
Register at For more<br />
information, contact the staff at 250-637-2207 or contact@<br /><br />
Sandspit Wild Harvest Festival Oct 5 & 6<br />
See website for detailed schedule / Sandspit<br />
Community Hall / 411 Alliford Bay / This<br />
small grassroots event is a celebration of the<br />
bounty of our forests, shores, mountains, tidal<br />
flats, bogs, dunes, and all parts of the rich lands and seas<br />
of Haida Gwaii. Entry to the event is free. Some activities<br />
require for participants to sign up for them, and while<br />
most activities are free, some outings and workshop may<br />
have a fee. For more information contact Sandspit Community<br />
Society at or<br /><br />
HlGaagilda Skidegate<br />
Dorothy Grant | Raven Comes Full Circle<br />
Until Dec 21 / Haida Gwaii Museum at Kay<br />
Llnagaay / #2 Second Beach Road / Celebrating 40 years of<br />
Haida haute couture. For more information contact Cherie<br />
Wilson at 250-559-4643 or<br />
or<br />
@ George Brown Rec Centre Hwy 16 / Circuit<br />
Training Mon & Wed / 5:30-6:30pm / Everyone<br />
Welcome! Haida Gwaii Elders Gathering Tue<br />
& Thu / 1-3pm / Come out and join The Skidegate<br />
Health Centre’s Elder Wellness Coordinator,<br />
Jessica Fairweather for afternoons of movement,<br />
story sharing, art creation and socializing! Everyone<br />
ages 55+ welcome. For more information contact Jessica<br />
Fairweather at 250-559-46<strong>10</strong> or<br />
or FB: Skidegate Health Centre<br />
RCMP Fishing Derby Sep 20 / Tlell River / and Regimental<br />
Ball Sep 21 / 5-11:30pm / Skidegate Community<br />
Hall / Front Street / Fishing Derby: $25 entry fee. Regimental<br />
Ball: Tickets $150 per person. All proceeds donated to a<br />
local charity. An exquisite dinner consisting of both locally<br />
sourced Haida fare and traditional RCMP regimental dinner<br />
staples promises to be unforgettable. For more information<br />
contact RCMP at DaajingGiidsRCMPBall<strong>2024</strong>@<br /><br />
HGAC presents LJ Mounteney Blues Trio<br />
Nov 9 / 6:30-9pm / Small Hall / Front Street<br />
Come hear West Coast Blues Artist LJ Blues<br />
Trio (LJ, Linda Kidder & Tim Porter). Dubbed a “Canadian<br />
Bonnie Raitt,” Mounteney combines soulful vocals with<br />
high-energy performances! Doors open at 6:30 Show starts<br />
at 7:30.<br />
Guided Spirit Lake Trail Hike Sept 27<br />
2-3:30 or 4pm / Spirit Lake Trail / Hwy 16<br />
Come and explore the sights, sounds, and smells of a<br />
temperate rainforest. Learn how the Haida use and depend<br />
upon these forests; while walking to tranquil Spirit Lake,<br />
a place of story and enchantment. Meet at the Spirit Lake<br />
Trailhead across the highway from the George Brown Recreation<br />
Centre in HlG̱aagilda Skidegate. Wear appropriate<br />
footwear and clothing for hiking. For more information<br />
contact Meighan Wilson at<br />
or<br />
250-557-2088 /<br />
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 53
Tll.aal / Tlell<br />
Taoist Tai Chi® Wednesdays / <strong>10</strong>am-noon<br />
Tlell Firehall / 36542 Hwy 16 / Strength,<br />
Flexibility, Stillness. For more information<br />
contact Charlie at 250 559 8252 or<br />
or<br />
Puzzle Page<br />
Answer Key<br />
Tll.aal Tlell Farmers’ Market Sundays<br />
11am-2pm / Look for the giant carrot, by the<br />
Fire Hall, Hwy 16 / Haida art and clothing,<br />
BBQ lunch, baked goods, jams & jellies, handmade<br />
aprons, fudge and candies, local artisans, coffee,<br />
souvenir mugs, vegetables, lemonades & ice pops in season.<br />
New vendors welcome! For more information contact<br />
Marylynn Hunt at 250-559-8282 or stmarysspring@gmail.<br />
com or Facebook: Tlell Farmers Market<br />
Yoga and breakfast at Haida House Sep<br />
14 & 21 / 9-11am / Haida House / 2087 Beitush<br />
road / Join Karen for a Hatha yoga class<br />
followed by delicious breakfast. Yoga 9-<strong>10</strong>am:<br />
$20, Breakfast Buffet <strong>10</strong>-11am $25 For more<br />
information contact Karen Walhout at 250-637-1918 or<br /> or<br />
Your Communities, Your Councils<br />
Village of Port Clements Regular Council<br />
Meetings: 3 rd Monday of the month; Committee<br />
of the Whole meetings: Once a month,<br />
dates TBA / 6-7:30pm / 36 Cedar Avenue West<br />
Regular Council meetings. For more information (250)<br />
557-4295 or or<br />
Daajing Giids 1st and 3rd Monday of the<br />
month / 7pm / 903 A Oceanview Drive / Regular<br />
Council Meetings. For more information (250) 559-<br />
4765 or,<br />
Masset 2nd and 4th Monday of each month<br />
7pm / 1686 Main Street / Regular Council<br />
Meetings. For more information (250) 626-3995<br />
or or<br />
Do You Have Something to Sell?<br />
Haida Gwaii Trader classifieds get<br />
results!<br />
Scan the QR code with<br />
your phone or go to www.<br /> to get<br />
posting!<br />
By following these Haida Gwaii Trader-inspired tips, you<br />
can create compelling classified ads that quickly attract<br />
potential buyers and lead to successful sales!<br />
• Clarity is Key: Keep your ad description clear and<br />
concise, focusing on key features and benefits.<br />
• Capture Quality Images: Take high-quality photos<br />
from various angles to showcase your item's<br />
condition accurately.<br />
• Be Honest and Transparent: Include any flaws in<br />
your item to build trust with buyers.<br />
• Engage with Buyers: Use friendly language and<br />
respond to inquiries quickly to foster positive<br />
interactions.<br />
54 HG
September / October <strong>2024</strong> 55