October 2024 issue

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The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong>

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The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong> — Vol. 49, No. 2

The Guelph/Wellington Seniors Association<br />

A non-profit organization based at the<br />

Evergreen Seniors Community Centre<br />

http://www.gwsa-guelph.ca<br />



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Directors & Officers<br />

Pat Gage — President<br />

Cathryn Cortissoz— Vice-President<br />

Art Roelofsen — Treasurer<br />

Linda Jeffrey — Executive Director<br />

Directors<br />

Charlie Bishop Sam Montoya<br />

Karen Kelly Eva Quan<br />

Elizabeth Steggles Jeff Millard<br />

Yvonne Thomas Donna Keating<br />

Audrey Bishop—Admin. Assistant<br />

Sharon Lamers—Finance Administrator<br />

The Sentinel Team<br />

Carol Croft — Adminstrator, Printer<br />

Linda Green — Editor, Printer<br />

George Hughes — Printer<br />

Ray Miller — Part-time Assistant<br />

All of the above GWSA members<br />

are Volunteers.<br />

City Staff<br />

TBA — Supervisor, Senior Services<br />

Jill Hunt — Customer Service Clerk<br />

TBA — Recreation Program<br />

Co-ordinator — Senior Services<br />

Becky MacDonald — Recreation<br />

Co-ordinator — Volunteers<br />

Mark Leeming — Chef<br />

Joan Moynihan — Sous Chef<br />

Kitchen & Dining Room Staff — Volunteers<br />

Evergreen Seniors Community Centre<br />

A City of Guelph Recreation Facility run in<br />

partnership with the Community Services Department<br />

of the City of Guelph and the Guelph/<br />

Wellington Seniors Association<br />

683 Woolwich St., Guelph, ON, N1H 3Y8<br />

Tel.: 519-837-5699 / Fax: 519-823-8972<br />

Hours: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm M-F<br />

(closed Statutory Holidays)<br />

Read The Sentinel on our website,<br />

www.gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

ISSN: 0383 817X<br />

It has been an interesting September – we have all<br />

been exploring different ways to see our friends and<br />

carrying on with our activities since the City began<br />

renovating the Evergreen.<br />

Despite our GWSA office and meeting rooms<br />

being closed, lots has been happening behind the<br />

scenes and I wanted to give everyone an update.<br />

1. The draft version of the <strong>2024</strong> by-laws, which<br />

we presented at the AGM in June, are now with<br />

our lawyers at SVLaw. Thanks to all our<br />

members who reached out with questions and<br />

constructive suggestions following the meeting<br />

which we were able to incorporate into the new<br />

document. As many of you know, we were<br />

required to update our bylaws and letters patent<br />

to comply with Not-for-Profit Corporations Act,<br />

2010 and we expect to meet the <strong>October</strong> 18 th<br />

deadline.<br />

2. In September, the Board met offsite to review<br />

our Strategic Plan. Our current plan expires this<br />

year, and it was time to evaluate the previous<br />

mission and vision of the GWSA to see if it still<br />

serves the Association going forward for the next<br />

5 years. We spent some time analysing our<br />

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.<br />

It is important to create new strategic objectives<br />

to take us into 2030. If you have any ideas you<br />

would like the Board to consider, please drop me<br />

a line before the end of November.<br />

3. At the end of August, we launched a region<br />

wide survey of older adults who are 55+. This is<br />

(Continued on page 4)<br />

NOTE: Disclaimer—The Sentinel and the GWSA do not necessarily agree<br />

with or support statements in the Sentinel made by advertisers, or submissions<br />

by writers (no political or religious topics please).<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong>

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(Continued from page 3)<br />

the first survey of its kind ever launched by the Association and it is focused<br />

on eight areas of an age-friendly community as defined by the World Health<br />

Organization. Our partners (County of Wellington, Guelph Foodbank, Guelph<br />

Public Library, Guelph Wellington Local Immigration Partnership, and the<br />

Wellington County Library) aim to gather insights to enhance services and<br />

programs for older adults in the community.<br />

The GWSA will be sharing the results and using the data collected from this<br />

survey to better address the needs of the older adult community. The closing<br />

date for the survey is <strong>October</strong> 15 th , <strong>2024</strong>.<br />

Go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/368GVVZ to access the survey.<br />

If you have not yet participated, I strongly urge you to fill it out – your opinion<br />

matters.<br />

In closing, this past week I sat down with representatives of the City of Guelph<br />

to discuss our Community Benefit Agreement.<br />

We are a signatory to a five-year Community Benefit Agreement (CBA) with<br />

the City of Guelph which expires at the end of this year. We are a tenant of the<br />

city and every year we pay the city for staff support, facility space, office<br />

supplies, use of the RecEnroll software, and processing credit and debit card<br />

payments by our members. Much has changed since we signed the previous<br />

agreement, and the Board is now in the process of renegotiating this agreement<br />

based on the future needs of our members as we plan for the future. I will keep<br />

you informed at the talks proceed.<br />

Looking forward to seeing you at the Evergreen soon,<br />

Pat Gage - President<br />


For a Friendly Alternative<br />

For men retired from full-time employment. Interesting lectures. Exchange views on topics of mutual<br />

interest. Participate in social activities. Fellowship.<br />

The Royal City Men’s Club meets at Trinity Church (400 Stevenson St. N., Guelph) every second<br />

Thursday of the month from 9:30 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. Alternate Thursdays, we meet locally for coffee.<br />

For more information, go to www.royalcitymensclub.ca or royalcitymensclub@gmail.com<br />

Contact Warren Gregg - President 519-837-9611 Bob Berry - Past President<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong> — Vol. 49, No. 2

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by Linda Green<br />

Halloween dates back more than<br />

2,000 years.<br />

Halloween is even older than<br />

Christianity itself. It all started as a<br />

pre-Christian Celtic festival<br />

called Samhain, which means<br />

“summer’s end”. Held in the<br />

beginning of November, the feast<br />

recognized the last day of the fall<br />

harvest and spirits crossing over,<br />

since they believed the veil between<br />

the living and spirit world grew<br />

thinnest at that time. People in<br />

Ireland, the United Kingdom and<br />

Northern France used to ward off<br />

ghosts by lighting sacrificial<br />

bonfires, and wearing costumes to<br />

trick the spirits.<br />

Trick-or-treating has existed since<br />

medieval times.<br />

Taking candy from strangers one<br />

night a year isn’t a new tradition. It<br />

once was known as “guising” in<br />

Scotland and Ireland. Young people<br />

dressed up in costumes and went<br />

door-to-door looking for food or<br />

money in exchange for performing<br />

songs, poems or other “tricks”.<br />

Today, the tradition has morphed<br />

into children getting dressed up and<br />

asking for candy.<br />

The Irish also brought us jack-o’-<br />

lanterns.<br />

As the story goes, an Irish man<br />

named Stingy Jack tricked the devil<br />

and therefore was not allowed into<br />

heaven or hell - so he spent his days<br />

roaming the Earth carrying a<br />

lantern; hence the name “Jack of the<br />

Lantern”.<br />

They used to be carved out of<br />

turnips, potatoes and beets.<br />

Jack-o’-lanterns did originate<br />

in Ireland, after all. Once Halloween<br />

became popular in North America,<br />

people used local produce like<br />

pumpkins instead.<br />

Candy corn was originally called<br />

“chicken feed”.<br />

This treat was sold in boxes with a<br />

rooster on the front to appeal to<br />

America’s agricultural roots. The<br />

sugary recipe has gone largely<br />

unchanged since the 1880s. Love<br />

them or hate them, you can’t argue<br />

with that kind of consistency.<br />

25. Princesses & superheroes rank<br />

as the most popular costumes.<br />

Barbie was one of the most popular<br />

costumes for adults last year,<br />

following the success of the<br />

Barbie movie, but princesses and<br />

superheroes still continue to be top<br />

choices, followed by witches, fairies<br />

and dinosaurs.<br />

Special Printing For Members<br />

Do you have a need for printing (i.e., bookmarks, booklets, calendars,<br />

dinner menus/programs, club bylaws, annual reports), large or small<br />

quantities, black & white print (10¢ per page) or colour (30¢ per page)?<br />

If so, please contact Carol Croft or Linda Green, either in the Sentinel<br />

office (we’re not here all the time, though) or by email at sentinel@gwsaguelph.ca,<br />

or leave a message at the front desk. You must be a GWSA<br />

member to take advantage of this.<br />

We will try to accommodate you with your project as much as we can.<br />

Personal Donations<br />

Online donations to the GWSA are done through<br />

Canada Helps. Canada Helps is a registered<br />

Canadian charity and non-profit social enterprise.<br />

Visit https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/<br />

guelphwellington-seniors-association/ to access<br />

Canada Helps. Their mission is to increase<br />

charitable giving, and it’s critical that they pass<br />

along as much as possible out of every dollar they<br />

collect. You receive a tax receipt for 100% of the<br />

value of your donation.<br />

<strong>October</strong> 8, <strong>2024</strong>, is the deadline for<br />

submissions for the<br />

November Sentinel.<br />

Email submissions to: sentinel@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Distribution of the November <strong>issue</strong><br />

Will be Thursday, <strong>October</strong> 31.<br />

Editor is not responsible for quality of submitted photos<br />

(but we’ll do our best).<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong>

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Volunteer Corner from Becky MacDonald<br />

Orientation and Training<br />

All volunteers will be required to<br />

complete the mandatory Orientation &<br />

Training. The trainings can be<br />

completed from the comfort of your<br />

home online. For those who do not have<br />

access to a computer, other methods can<br />

be arranged.<br />

The committee reports to the Board for all membership<br />

and marketing initiatives, focusing on the maximum<br />

interest of members and advancement of the Board’s<br />

Strategic Plan. The Committee provides content and<br />

messaging advice to the webmaster for the website and<br />

social media accounts and prepares monthly GWSA<br />

Email Updates. Marketing and recruitment experience<br />

would be an asset but are not required.<br />

Other Volunteer Opportunities:<br />


A valid GWSA membership is required.<br />

GWSA Board of Directors<br />

Looking for two new members to join the team. The<br />

Board meets on the 3 rd Wednesday of the month in the<br />

mornings except July. Knowledge, skills, and<br />

experience applicable to a not-for-profit board;<br />

commitment to actively supporting programs and<br />

services for seniors; willingness and ability to<br />

represent the GWSA in a professional manner; proven<br />

ability to work co-operatively with others.<br />

Governance Committee<br />

Looking for two new members to join the team.<br />

Morning meetings 4-6 times per year or once a month<br />

at the call of the chair. Assists the Board of Directors<br />

with the development and review of bylaws, policies,<br />

and procedures for the Association.<br />

Experience in governance with a not-for-profit<br />

organization, and comfort working with documents or<br />

willingness to learn would be assets.<br />

Membership & Marketing Committee<br />

Looking for two new members to join the team that<br />

meets on the 4 th Tuesday of each month at 9:30 am.<br />

Welcome & Information Desk<br />

There is an opening on Monday<br />

afternoons and Friday afternoons to<br />

assist with greeting community and<br />

GWSA members, providing tours, answering questions<br />

and assisting when required with other tasks.<br />

This is a co-volunteer weekly position.<br />

Bistro 683 – Kitchen<br />

Join the Bistro 683 team of volunteers!<br />

Looking for volunteers to assist as floaters when<br />

needed to assist in the kitchen with food preparation<br />

and with dishes. This would be an on-call position and<br />

perhaps a short term while spaces open for vacations.<br />

How to get involved?<br />

First, complete an online application form:<br />

https://gwsa-guelph.ca/1749-2/<br />

No computer? Pick up a paper application at the<br />

Evergreen Seniors Community Centre customer<br />

service desk. Second, you will be contacted to set up<br />

an interview followed with training.<br />

If you are a current volunteer, you are more than<br />

welcome to take on more than one position. Follow up<br />

with Becky for more details.<br />

For more information about a particular position or<br />

about volunteering in general, contact: Becky<br />

MacDonald by phone 519-822-1260 X 2096 or email:<br />

becky.macdonald@guelph.ca<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong> — Vol. 49, No. 2

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Karen is originally from Sydney, Australia, and moved<br />

to Canada when she was 18. She loves to go back to her<br />

homeland of Australia every few years, when she can, as<br />

she jokingly remarks, “to refresh my<br />

Australian accent.”<br />

Karen is a nature lover and both hiking<br />

and outdoor photography provide her<br />

with a lot of pleasure. Her passion of<br />

watching investigative/crime TV<br />

documentaries makes her wonder if she<br />

might have missed her calling of being a<br />

detective!<br />

Karen is an exemplary volunteer as her<br />

extensive background in Human<br />

Resources, and Executive Coaching<br />

provide her with leadership, management<br />

and people skills, inherently needed in the<br />

volunteer positions she fulfills through<br />

the GWSA. Karen became a GWSA member in 2023 and<br />

in that same year volunteered on the Governance<br />

Committee. Two accomplishments that she’s proud of<br />

during that time are the revision of the Diversity, Equity<br />

and Inclusion policy which included adding Accessibility<br />

and creating a draft version of a Code of Conduct for<br />

discussion and finalization. Karen currently also<br />

volunteers as the Chair of the Membership and Marketing<br />

Committee and serves on the Board of Directors.<br />

Karen loves to volunteer as she can share her diverse<br />

knowledge with others which keeps her mind alert and<br />

improves her sense of well-being. “There’s a real sense of<br />

purpose in making a difference. At this stage of life, it can<br />

be challenging to meet new people to socialize and<br />

connect with” and volunteering provides<br />

Karen with the opportunity to share ideas<br />

and experiences with a peer group of<br />

seniors. Volunteering helps Karen to feel<br />

less isolated especially after the alienation<br />

of so many during COVID-19.<br />

Why volunteer? Karen explains it this<br />

way: “You can try something out and see if<br />

you really like it, if it’s a good fit for you.”<br />

It’s an opportunity to do something you<br />

want to do knowing that you aren’t being<br />

paid for it, your payment is the chance to<br />

contribute to society. It’s something that<br />

you can do out of the goodness of your<br />

heart and it’s a mutually beneficial<br />

experience. “As a GWSA volunteer, we work together to<br />

improve the lives, health and well-being of both ourselves<br />

and our members.” This makes us all feel less invisible in<br />

society and more connected to our peer group.<br />

Written by: Jessie Watt, Volunteer<br />


‘For Sale’ ads will be left in for 3 <strong>issue</strong>s from first<br />

insertion (i.e., in Sept. <strong>issue</strong> — removed from Dec.<br />

<strong>issue</strong>); if you wish it to remain in longer, please<br />

contact The Sentinel office and/or leave us a message.<br />

If your item sells, please let us know so that we can<br />

remove it. NO ‘Accommodation’ or ‘Vehicle’ ads<br />

will be included in the Evergreen Market. Such ads<br />

will be treated as advertising inserted within these<br />

pages at the current Sentinel advertising rates plus<br />

HST.<br />

Thank you, Sentinel Administrator<br />

FOR SALE<br />

Women’s bicycle for sale. Excellent condition. Includes<br />

helmet, air pump and saddlebag. Asking $150 OBO. Call<br />

519-821-9797.<br />

Nikon SLR digital camera. Asking $80. Call Ron at 519-<br />

821-3367.<br />

Small Electric Lawnmower. 14” Very light and easy to<br />

push. Used for 3 seasons. $55.00. Aeropilates Exerciser as<br />

advertised on TSC. Never used. DVD and all accessories<br />

included. $300.00. Armstrong Flute with Case. Great for a<br />

beginner. $40.00. Yamaha Viola, Case, Bow and Rosen.<br />

$40.00. Paperback Books. Left Behind The Kids by J<br />

Jenkins and T. LaHaye. A series of 40 books. $50.00. Cat<br />

Bed. $10.00. (My cat prefers my bed.) Call Lorraine at<br />

519-763-0962 or email at lorjohnston1@gmail.com.<br />

Halloween and Fall door decorations. Approximately 20<br />

assorted available from $15-$20 each. Contact Judie at 226-<br />

203-5190.<br />

Wheelchair - purchased new and used only for a couple of<br />

weeks. Manual included. Asking $750. Call Kathy at (519)<br />

824-0238.<br />

WANTED<br />

Wanting to buy used walker. Call Rosie at 519-760-0717.<br />

Wanting to buy a one-person tent. Please call Lis at 226-<br />

668-9144.<br />

Free advertising for GWSA members ONLY.<br />



The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong>

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GWSA Group & Activity Reports<br />

ALL Activity Groups require that you MUST have an up-to-date GWSA Membership to participate.<br />

Art in the Hall<br />

Art in the Hall is an opportunity for all artisans<br />

associated with the GWSA to showcase their work. It<br />

has been running for many years and will continue to<br />

display the fine artistic talents of GWSA members.<br />

Over the past year, the following groups have<br />

participated: Rug Hooking, Quilting, West End and<br />

West Hills Art Groups, Bunka, Photography, and the<br />

Guelph Carving Club. Work can be offered for sale<br />

or display only.<br />

A portion of the proceeds from each sale is given<br />

to the GWSA. If you have not had an opportunity to<br />

see the fine work, please make your way down the<br />

hall towards the library and look outside Room 4 for<br />

the display. Two large walls have been dedicated to<br />

hanging art and window space is also available for<br />

smaller items. Generally, art is displayed for a twomonth<br />

period. If you wish to buy a piece, please<br />

advise the staff at the front desk and they will be<br />

happy to assist you in making a purchase. Enjoy the<br />

changing displays. I trust you will be amazed by the<br />

talent!<br />

Badminton<br />

The Badminton Club continues to be a thriving and<br />

popular club with a full membership capped at 115.<br />

Our play days and times are provided under GWSA<br />

Groups & Activities Contact Information separately<br />

in the Sentinel.<br />

In addition to badminton, the club hosts a number<br />

of other social and activity events during the year.<br />

A number of our more skilled players continue to<br />

be involved in outreach programs at schools, where<br />

they help to coach badminton to our youth and hence<br />

ensure the future continuation of our sport.<br />

Our new season started April 1. During the new<br />

<strong>2024</strong>-2025 season, we had a number of Leadership<br />

Team volunteers step down at the end of March after<br />

serving for several years. During the next couple of<br />

months, the club will be looking for other members<br />

of the club as replacements. The change to an early<br />

registration by the City of Guelph has brought some<br />

new challenges that the Leadership Team has had to<br />

navigate. We will also be looking for volunteers for<br />

help in unofficial capacities.<br />

Thus far, it was a highly successful year.<br />

Badminton continues to grow in popularity and our<br />

club continues to grow and adapt to the needs of our<br />

members. Come check us out and maybe we’ll see<br />

you on the court!<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong> — Vol. 49, No. 2<br />

Beading & Jewelry Making<br />

Bring your kit along to the Board Room Fridays<br />

from 9:30-11:30 am to work on your personal<br />

beadwork and jewelry projects. Leslie will facilitate<br />

impromptu mini-classes on Metis beadworking.<br />

Cost $2.00 per session. beading@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Book Club 1<br />

Book Club 1 meets in the Board Room at the<br />

Evergreen Centre on the last Friday of the month<br />

from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. For <strong>October</strong>, we will be<br />

reading “The Secret Book of Flora Lea” by Patti<br />

Henry. Our November book is “The Art Thief ” by<br />

Michael Finkel. Monthly fee is $3.00.<br />

Bridge<br />

GWSA welcomes all Bridge players with a basic<br />

knowledge of the game to enjoy playing Bridge in a<br />

friendly and comfortable environment. No partner?<br />

No problem! We mix and mingle with a room full of<br />

eager players so that everyone has a partner for any<br />

of our regularly scheduled games.<br />

Join us for Recreational Bridge in the afternoon or<br />

evening.<br />

Tuesdays 6:30-9:00 pm Evergreen Room 3<br />

Thursdays 12:30-3:30 pm Evergreen Room 3<br />

Bunka<br />

Bunka embroidery is created by using a unique<br />

combination of punch needle and special silk-like<br />

rayon thread. When completed, many pictures<br />

resemble delicately shaded paintings. In fact, the<br />

needle is held and operates in much the same manner<br />

as an artist’s brush or pencil. We do not teach classes<br />

or have an instructor, but we will mentor new<br />

members. Supplies are ordered as a group. Every<br />

Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to noon in Room 3.<br />

Canasta<br />

Come out and join our friendly group for a game of<br />

canasta. We welcome all levels of players. If you are<br />

new to the game, we will be glad to teach you. Join<br />

us on Fridays from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. in Room 3.<br />

Chess<br />

Do you enjoy the game of chess? Come out and<br />

make friends! Our club is open to players of all<br />

levels. We are primarily amateur players simply out<br />

for the joy of casual chess, although with enough<br />

(Continued on page 9)

(Continued from page 8)<br />

interest, we could organize small tournaments. We<br />

meet Fridays in the Hallway from 10 a.m. to noon<br />

and we ask for $2 per person each time for the<br />

GWSA. And don’t worry if you don’t have a chess<br />

set — we have three sets as well as a digital clock for<br />

those interested in a time control!<br />

Computer Mentoring<br />

There are four mentors available every Monday from<br />

1-3 p.m. to answer your questions. Two volunteers<br />

are available to help with Windows PCs and Android<br />

smartphones and tablets, and two volunteers are able<br />

to assist iPad and iPhone users! One mentor can help<br />

Chromebook users. If you are using a laptop<br />

computer, please bring it with you.<br />

The fee is $3 for members of the GWSA and $5 for<br />

non-members. Please register at the front desk for<br />

each session before joining us in the Computer<br />

Room, now Room 1.<br />

Craft Group<br />

The Craft Group at the Evergreen would like to<br />

thank everyone who has supported us this past year.<br />

With the new gift shop, we were able to continue<br />

selling our crafts and help support the GWSA. And<br />

to all our knitters at home who generously give of<br />

their time and talents, we thank you. Again this year,<br />

we have been able to donate hats, scarfs and mitts to<br />

those in need.<br />

Guelph Wood Carving Club<br />

est. Circa 1986<br />

A well-established wood carving club of mostly<br />

seniors (both men and women) has operated in the<br />

Guelph area for decades.<br />

We do carving in the round, like cartoon<br />

characters, birds and wildlife, spoons, bowls, etc.<br />

Other carving techniques include relief carving,<br />

marquetry, and pyrography. Training is available.<br />

Meets Monday evening 6:00 pm-9:00 pm in<br />

Evergreen Room 2.<br />

Cribbage<br />

Come on out on a Tuesday afternoon for a friendly<br />

game of cribbage in Room 3 of the Evergreen<br />

Centre. The room is open at 12:30 pm and we start<br />

playing at 1:00 pm. Everyone is welcome, and we<br />

play 8 games, with prizes at the end of the<br />

afternoon. If you are not sure how to play, we have<br />

instructors to help.<br />

Darts Club<br />

Come out and give Darts a try. We are a social group<br />

and have darts for loan so you can see if this is for<br />

you. Also try 3 times before you pay Dart<br />

membership. We go out for lunch on the last Friday<br />

of each month.<br />

High scores for August:<br />

Vicki - 111, 122, 124, 118, 108<br />

Paul - 111, 111, 113, 125<br />

Ross - 100<br />

Frank - 140<br />

Doris - 120, 100, 100, 140<br />

Bill - 107 - 118<br />

Neville - 102, 121, 119, 100<br />

Heather - 103<br />

Dave - 108<br />

Jackie - 116, 117<br />

Art 107, 134<br />

Margaret O. - 108<br />

Marcel - 121<br />

Contact info:<br />

GWSA Dart Club gwsadartclub@gmail.com<br />

Line Dancing<br />

Evergreen Auditorium<br />

Line dancing is exercise not only for the body, but<br />

the mind as well. It’s an excuse to get out, meet new<br />

friends, enjoy good music, and no partner is<br />

required. If you have never line danced before or<br />

need a refresher, the Introduction to Line Dancing is<br />

where to start. Here you will learn the basic steps and<br />

easier dances to slower music. The Beyond the<br />

Basics classes is the next step up from the<br />

Introduction class. Some harder steps will be taught<br />

and some dances may be a bit faster and include<br />

more turns. The Intermediate class is for experienced<br />

line dancers looking for a challenge.<br />

Monday Line Dance Classes<br />

8:35-9:35 am Introduction to Line Dancing<br />

9:40-10:40 am Beyond the Basics<br />

10:45-11:45 am Intermediate<br />

Thursday Line Dance Classes<br />

1:10-2:10 pm Introduction to Line Dancing<br />

2:15-3:15 pm Beyond the Basics<br />

The first 3 visits are free. After that, in addition to<br />

providing us proof of a GWSA membership, it’s<br />

$2.00 each time you come.<br />

Mah Jongg<br />

Mah Jongg is in the hall on Mondays from 1:30-4:30<br />

p.m. It is a game played with tiles, similar to<br />

Dominoes. Instruction is available for those who<br />

don’t know how to play.<br />

Peer Learning<br />

Peer Learning is for seniors who like to have a good<br />

discussion with a small friendly group. It’s a great<br />

way to meet new people and have fun while learning.<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />

9<br />

(Continued on page 10)

10<br />

(Continued from page 9)<br />

Due to the closure of the Evergreen Centre for the<br />

month of September, Peer Learning classes will<br />

begin in early <strong>October</strong> and continue into early<br />

December.<br />

The following new topics will be offered:<br />

Mondays 9:30 – 11:30 am Current Events<br />

Thursdays 9:30 – 11:30 am The New Technologies<br />

For more information or to put your name on our e-<br />

mail list, contact Barb McLeod 519-823-2531.<br />

Into Focus Photography<br />

We are a friendly group of amateur photographers<br />

with equipment ranging from mobile phones and<br />

point-and-shoot cameras to fancy DSLR models. We<br />

share a common interest in photography as a hobby<br />

and we learn from each other. New members are<br />

always welcome. Our regular meetings are on the last<br />

Monday of every month in Room 4.<br />

If you are interested in joining, contact Stu<br />

McCannell (smccannell@rogers.com).<br />

Pickleball<br />

Pickleball is a sport in which four players use solid<br />

paddles made of wood or composite materials to hit a<br />

perforated polymer ball over a net. The sport shares<br />

features of other racquet sports: the dimensions and<br />

layout of a badminton court and a net and rules<br />

similar to tennis, with a few modifications.<br />

This sport is for people of all ages who are looking<br />

for some fun, laughter, socialization and exercise.<br />

It’s easy to learn, but can be challenging for those<br />

with a competitive nature. All levels of skill invited.<br />

Pickleball equipment is provided.<br />

Rug Hooking<br />

We have been gathering as a group of rug hookers at<br />

the Evergreen Centre since February 2022.<br />

Traditional rug hooking is both art and a craft.<br />

Many beautiful and unique items are made by pulling<br />

loops of fabric or yarn through a stiff, woven base<br />

such as burlap or linen. It is enjoyable, fun and a very<br />

social hobby. Beginners are welcome and we will<br />

help you get started. The Rug Hooking Group meets<br />

on Tuesday afternoon, 12-4, in Rm 2.<br />

Contact: Kathy McCallum, 226-821-1331.<br />

Email: rughooking@gwsa-guelph.ca.<br />

Scrabble<br />

Come join us for Scrabble at 1 pm to 3:30 pm every<br />

Thursday in the Hall outside the Library. All skills<br />

from newbie to expert. Drop-ins are welcome or call<br />

me for more information. Previous members, please<br />

join us again. Brand new players are most welcome.<br />

All you need is a GWSA membership!<br />

Any questions? Call or email Sebastian.<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong> — Vol. 49, No. 2<br />

Phone: 647-580-5780.<br />

Shuffleboard<br />

We are a very fun group and have had a lot of new<br />

members join recently, so now we can’t accept any<br />

more new members! Our membership fee is $25.00 a<br />

year plus tax and we play Tuesdays and Wednesdays<br />

from 1 to 3 p.m.<br />

Silver Drummers<br />

It’s fun to drum! You are welcome to come out on<br />

Thursday to experience a Drum Circle. We have<br />

drums and percussion instruments to share. Or bring<br />

your own. Each session takes the lead from the<br />

facilitator and the people in the room - sometimes we<br />

can get noisy, sometimes we dance!<br />

Our instructor also takes us through the basics as we<br />

learn a variety of different rhythms.<br />

There is no enrolment fee though we ask for a payas-you-go<br />

$2 participation fee after 3 try-outs.<br />

Register with us on Recenroll should you decide you<br />

are having too much fun. We now meet on<br />

Thursdays from 10:30 to 11:30 am. Hope to see<br />

you!<br />

Silver Strummers<br />

The ukulele orchestra is an unqualified success story!<br />

There are now 65 individuals who have joined the<br />

Silver Strummers. We welcome ALL skill levels,<br />

beginner through advanced. We will provide you<br />

with all the information you will need to get started.<br />

If you would like to try the universally accessible and<br />

friendly instrument of the ukulele.<br />

silverstrummers@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Silvertones<br />

The Silvertones members practise weekly in Room 3<br />

on Fridays from 2 to 3:30 p.m. We do have a few<br />

openings so please contact Darlene Pembleton 519-<br />

822-0704 if you would like to join our choir or<br />

would like more information. You do not have to be<br />

able to read music, just have a love for singing.<br />

Evergreen Snooker Club<br />

The Evergreen Snooker Club is composed of a group<br />

of active, friendly players with skill levels covering<br />

the full spectrum from learner/beginner to<br />

accomplished player. If you are interested in learning<br />

the game, or have played in the past and want to get<br />

back into it, please drop by the Snooker Room. You<br />

will be assured a warm welcome and a place to try<br />

your hand at one of our three tables. The Snooker<br />

Room is open weekdays between 9:00 am and 4:00<br />

pm and any other time the Evergreen Centre may be<br />

open.<br />

(Continued on page 11)

(Continued from page 10)<br />

The primary focus of the club is to have fun, build<br />

friendships and socialize. Your snooker skill level is<br />

irrelevant, so don’t feel intimidated if you are a<br />

beginner. Prospective members may visit the club<br />

room up to three times without charge to help with<br />

their decision on whether to join. While most of the<br />

current members are men, there is a small group of<br />

women who play regularly (typically on Tuesday<br />

mornings), so ladies, don’t be shy, give it a try.<br />

Membership is available to all paid-up members of<br />

the GWSA on payment of the prescribed annual<br />

snooker activity fee. The current fee of $70.00 (plus<br />

tax) buys you access to the Snooker Room any time<br />

it is open and to all the snooker you care to play.<br />

Texas Hold ’Em<br />

Why not come out and have fun with us? We are<br />

averaging about 24 players a week. We are situated<br />

in Room 2. We charge $2 per week and pretty well<br />

all of that goes back to the GWSA. We play<br />

Tuesdays & Fridays from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.<br />

Each player starts off with $650 in real casino<br />

chips, and, as we do not play for money, we work on<br />

a point system. The one with the most points each<br />

week is the winner. We play until there is only one<br />

player left or 8:30 pm comes, whichever is first.<br />

We will gladly teach anyone who is interested in<br />

playing. Just follow the laughter to find us. We<br />

welcome everyone who wants to play and enjoys<br />

company. We have quite a few ladies playing at<br />

present and would always welcome more. We do not<br />

want to become a men’s club! Remember, you have<br />

to be a member of the GWSA to play.<br />

Walking Club<br />

If you are interested in walking indoors during the<br />

fall/winter, starting in <strong>October</strong>, the Walking Club<br />

will be walking Wednesday mornings from 10:45 am<br />

to 11:45 am at the Guelph Sports Dome (375 College<br />

Ave. West). We recommend that you be there around<br />

10:30, to hang up your coat and change to indoor<br />

shoes. No outdoor shoes are allowed on the turf<br />

surface.<br />

If you are not already a Walking Club member, you<br />

can register online through RecEnroll or at the front<br />

desk of the Evergreen Centre. There is a $10 annual<br />

fee and you must be an active member of the GWSA.<br />

If you are interested in helping with this group or<br />

would like any additional information, please contact<br />

walkingclub@gwsa-guelph.ca.<br />

Watercolour Painters<br />

The Evergreen Watercolour Painters provides an<br />

opportunity for watercolour painters to practise their<br />

hobby along with others sharing the same interest,<br />

while encouraging one another and receiving<br />

information, ideas and inspiration. While we do not<br />

offer classes or lessons, we welcome accomplished<br />

watercolour painters. There is a small annual<br />

membership fee and membership with the GWSA is<br />

required. We meet in Room 2 from 12:30 to 4 p.m.<br />

on the 1st and 5th Wednesday of the month, and<br />

from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the third Wednesday.<br />

West Hills Art Group<br />

The West Hills Art Group has gathered for many<br />

years to create and display original paintings,<br />

drawings and event cards, enjoying conversation and<br />

sharing individual skills with other artists.<br />

Member artists at all levels are welcome to create<br />

their acrylic, watercolour, mixed media and cut-andpaste<br />

event card works of art.<br />

Writers Club<br />

If you enjoy the power of the pen, come join the<br />

Writers Club. We can toss around ideas and topics to<br />

get the creative juices flowing. Then let’s share the<br />

resulting written shape for constructive comments,<br />

while enjoying the company of others. Please feel<br />

welcome to join the journey. We will meet on the 1st<br />

and 3rd Wednesday of the month in the Board Room,<br />

from 1-3 p.m. There is a weekly fee of $2 for the<br />

GWSA. Contact Susan Jackson 519-265-3246.<br />

Writing Your Life Story<br />

Members of the Writing Your Life Story Activity<br />

Group are pleased to announce the publication of<br />

their anthology: Every Life Tells a Story. This<br />

comprises an eclectic collection of tales from the<br />

members’ own Life Stories. Some are nostalgic,<br />

some serious and some humourous. A sample copy is<br />

available to view in the GWSA office and copies are<br />

available on a print-to-order basis, for $20 each. If<br />

you would like to buy a copy – one or more (they<br />

would make great Christmas gifts), please contact<br />

Jennifer Blackie at 519-824-7204 or<br />

WritingYourLifeStory@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

11<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong>

12<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong> — Vol. 49, No. 2<br />


We are open<br />

Monday to Friday 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.<br />

Born a Crime<br />

by Trevor Noah<br />

I caught Trevor Noah on the late, late, show on TV a couple of times over the years. I learned he<br />

was a young, witty comedian from South Africa. But that was all I knew about him. Low and<br />

behold, we have his early autobiography in our library!<br />

Noah begins his story by explaining how and why the country of South Africa was set up under<br />

the Apartheid system. It’s a straight forward explanation, clear and concise. His father was Swiss<br />

and his mother was Xhosa (a South African tribe). Inter-racial marriages were banned, thus the title<br />

“Born a Crime”.<br />

His father was rarely in the picture. His mother kept him indoors and hidden in his early years<br />

because, if found out, she could have been jailed for 5 years and the child would have been taken<br />

away.<br />

When finally liberated from Apartheid, Trevor and his mother embarked on a new life full of<br />

adventure and many humorous situations. His mother was an intelligent, educated and determined<br />

woman who played a major role in shaping the Trevor Noah of today.<br />

The story seems somewhat disjointed but it really doesn’t affect the flow of the book. It is a<br />

humorous and touching account of Trevor Noah’s young life which I found very interesting and<br />

enjoyable.<br />

Written by Sue Gamble

GWSA Groups & Activities Contact Information<br />

You may be required to show your up-to-date GWSA membership card at any activity.<br />

Your GWSA Membership includes a copy of the Sentinel Newsletter, published 10 times per year, and the<br />

ability to join any of our many activities and events. Our ongoing activity groups have either a yearly fee or<br />

a pay-as-you-play fee. We also offer educational workshops, many at no charge for members.<br />

13<br />

Art In The Hall<br />

Kim Taylor<br />

ArtInTheHall@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Art Studio<br />

Evergreen Room 2<br />

Jennifer Storey<br />

ArtStudio@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Every 2 nd & 4 th Wed. 1-4 pm<br />

$25/year<br />

Badminton<br />

Evergreen Auditorium<br />

Michael Gareau (365-292-0078)<br />

Badminton@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Tues. 7-9:30 pm<br />

Thurs. & Fri. 10:30 am-1 pm,<br />

Sun. 1:30-3:30 pm<br />

Mon. & Wed. 1-4 pm (WECC)<br />

No play at WECC July & August<br />

$60/year. Currently we have a wait list<br />

Beading & Jewelry Making<br />

Board Room<br />

Beading@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Fridays 9:30-11:30 am<br />

$2/visit<br />

Bid Euchre on Thursdays<br />

Evergreen Room 2<br />

John Finamore (519-993-8221)<br />

BidEuchre@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Thursdays 1 pm-4 pm<br />

$2/visit<br />

Euchre on Monday<br />

Evergreen Room 3<br />

Earl Mead<br />

Euchre-Monday@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Mondays - 1:00-3:00 pm<br />

$2/visit<br />

Euchre on Friday<br />

Evergreen Room 4<br />

Peter Smith (519-217-8986)<br />

Euchre-Friday@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Fridays - 1:30-4:00 pm<br />

$2/visit<br />

Book Club 1<br />

Board Room<br />

Veronica Sanche (519-767-9991)<br />

BookClub1@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Last Friday of month - 1-2:30 pm<br />

$3/visit<br />

Book Club 2<br />

Board Room<br />

Lynne Oxley (416-918-7466)<br />

BookClub2@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Second Friday of month - 1-2:30 pm<br />

$3/visit<br />

Bridge<br />

Evergreen Room 3<br />

Sandi Kinsey<br />

Bridge@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Tuesdays - 6:30-9:00 pm<br />

Thursdays - 12:30-3:30 pm<br />

$1/visit<br />

Bunka Art Group<br />

Evergreen Room 3<br />

Carol Ferrier (519-831-1387)<br />

Bunka@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Wednesdays - 9:00 am-noon<br />

$25/year<br />

Canasta<br />

Evergreen Room 3<br />

Sandi Kinsey<br />

Canasta@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Fridays - 9:00-11:30 am<br />

$1/visit<br />

Casual Bicycling<br />

Various Locations in and<br />

around Guelph<br />

John Ness<br />

CasualBicycling@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Wed. - May 1-Oct. 31 - 9:00 am-noon<br />

$10/year<br />

Canoe Club<br />

Claude Bilodeau<br />

CanoeClub@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Canoe season runs from the Meet-N-Greet in April to the<br />

end of September. Canoe outings are generally every<br />

Thursday and Friday.<br />

$75/year<br />

Chess Club<br />

Hall<br />

Bruce Hurst (519-831-4340)<br />

ChessClub@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Fridays – 10 am-12 pm<br />

$2/visit<br />

(Continued on page 14)<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong>

14<br />

(Continued from page 13)<br />

Computer Club<br />

Room 1<br />

Ross Knechtel (226-706-4058)<br />

Ken Chupa (519-829-2476)<br />

ComputerClub@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

January, March, May, September, November<br />

2nd Monday - 2-4 pm<br />

$3/visit<br />

Computer Mentoring<br />

Room 1<br />

Ken Chupa (519-829-2476)<br />

Computer.mentors@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

No appointment necessary.<br />

Mondays from 1:00 to 3:00 pm<br />

$3/visit<br />

Craft Club<br />

Evergreen Room 2<br />

Sheila Robinson (519-836-9478)<br />

CraftGroup@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Fridays - 8 am-12 noon<br />

Cribbage<br />

Evergreen Room 3<br />

Elaine Miller<br />

Cribbage@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Tuesdays 12:30 pm-4 pm<br />

$2/visit<br />

Darts Club<br />

Auditorium Stage<br />

Neville Newman (519-400-9136)<br />

DartsClub@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Tuesdays and Fridays, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm<br />

$25/year<br />

Diabetes Support Group<br />

Room 1<br />

Bill MacDonald (519-400-0950)<br />

DiabetesSupport@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

2nd Tuesday – 11 am -12 pm<br />

4th Tuesday – 10 am -12 pm<br />

Golf<br />

Tom Kane (519-827-1475)<br />

Golf@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Mondays, May to September<br />

$10/year<br />

Into Focus Photography<br />

Evergreen Room 4<br />

Stu McCannell<br />

PhotographyClub@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Last Monday of every month—2:30-5 pm<br />

$25.00 a year<br />

Line Dancing<br />

Evergreen Auditorium<br />

Phyllis (519-760-9415)<br />

Donna (519-831-0943)<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong> — Vol. 49, No. 2<br />

linedancing@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Mondays – 8:30 to noon<br />

Thursdays – 1:00 to 3:15 p.m.<br />

Mah Jongg<br />

Hall<br />

Leona Petri (519-546-9993)<br />

MahJong@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Mondays - 1:30-4:30 p.m.<br />

Peer Learning<br />

Boardroom<br />

Barb McLeod (519-823-2531)<br />

PeerLearning@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

$18/session<br />

Pickleball<br />

Pickleball@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

We play at the Evergreen Seniors Community Centre and<br />

the West End Community Centre. Players play against<br />

similar skill levels.<br />

$60/year<br />

Currently we are full and not accepting new participants<br />

Quilting<br />

Evergreen Room 2<br />

Beryl Drohan (519-827-0120)<br />

QuiltGroup@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Mondays - 12:30-4:00 pm<br />

Rug Hooking<br />

Evergreen Room 2<br />

Kathy McCallum<br />

RugHooking@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Tuesdays 12-4 pm<br />

$25/year<br />

Scrabble<br />

Hall outside the Library<br />

Sebastian (647-580-5780)<br />

Scrabble@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Thursdays - 1:00-3:30 pm<br />

$2/visit<br />

Shuffleboard<br />

Evergreen Auditorium<br />

Carolina Augello (519-824-2853)<br />

Shuffleboard@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Tuesdays & Wednesdays - 1-3 pm<br />

$25/year<br />

Silver Drummers<br />

Room 3<br />

Sandy Isaacs<br />

SilverDrummers@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Thursdays 10:30 to 11:30 am<br />

$2/visit<br />

(Continued on page 15)

15<br />

(Continued from page 14)<br />

New Activity! Silver Ringers<br />

Room 1<br />

Ann Sneyd (519-830-6640)<br />

silverringers@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Fridays 2:00-3:30 pm<br />

$30<br />

Silver Strummers<br />

Room 3<br />

SilverStrummers@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Fridays - Beginners 12-1 pm<br />

Experienced 1-2 pm<br />

$65/year<br />

Silvertones Choir<br />

Room 3<br />

Membership Enquiries:<br />

Darlene Pembleton (519-822-0704)<br />

Silvertones@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Fridays 2:00 - 3:30 pm<br />

$54.24/year<br />

Evergreen Snooker Club<br />

Evergreen Snooker Room<br />

Brian Yasvinski (905-301-2786)<br />

Snooker@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Daily - 9:00 am-4:00 pm<br />

$70.00/year<br />

Table Tennis<br />

Evergreen Auditorium<br />

Petr Vales<br />

TableTennis@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Evergreen:<br />

Mondays - 3-6:15 pm<br />

Wednesdays - 10 am-1 pm<br />

Saturdays - 9:00 am-12:00 noon<br />

West End: Fridays - 1:00-4:00 pm<br />

(WECC - except July/August)<br />

$60/year<br />

Texas Hold’Em Poker Tuesday<br />

Room 2<br />

Dennis Canning (519-824-0552)<br />

Texasholdempokertuesday@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Tuesdays 6:30-8:30 pm<br />

$2/visit<br />

Watercolour Painters Club<br />

Evergreen Room 2<br />

Marta Coutts<br />

WaterColourPainters@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

1st and 5th Wednesday of the month - 12:30-4 pm<br />

Third Wednesday - 9 am to 4 pm<br />

Membership $30/year<br />

West End Art Group<br />

Rm 2 West End Comm. Centre<br />

Nancy Baker (519-822-6653)<br />

WestEndArtGroup@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

September – June<br />

Tuesdays - 12:30-4:00 pm<br />

Membership $25/year<br />

West Hills Art Group<br />

Rm 2 West End C. C.<br />

Dale Vardy<br />

WestHillsArtGroup@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

September - June<br />

Thursdays - noon-4:00 pm<br />

Membership $25/year<br />

Wood Carving Group<br />

Evergreen Room 2<br />

Ken Fugler<br />

WoodCarving@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Monday – 6-9 pm<br />

$40/year<br />

Writers Club<br />

Board Room<br />

Susan Jackson (519-265-3246)<br />

WritersClub@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

1st and 3rd Wednesday, 1-3 p.m.<br />

$2/visit<br />

Writing Your Life Story<br />

Board Room<br />

Jennifer Blackie (519-824-7204)<br />

WritingYourLifeStory@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Thursdays 1-3 pm<br />

$50 every 6 months<br />

Texas Hold’Em Poker Friday<br />

Room 2<br />

Brian Pittana (519-993-4024)<br />

Texasholdempokerfriday@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

Fridays 6:30-8:30 pm<br />

$2/visit<br />

Walking Club Indoors<br />

Guelph Sports Dome<br />

walkingclub@gwsa-guelph.ca<br />

<strong>October</strong> 2 – March 31<br />

Wednesdays, 10:45 am – 11:45 am<br />

$10 annual activity fee<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong>

16<br />

Solutions on pg. 32<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong> — Vol. 49, No. 2

17<br />


OF NOTE<br />

“Our Young Seniors”<br />

‘We’re not over the hill; we’re just<br />

gaining speed!’<br />

Margaret I. Hammond - <strong>October</strong> 15 (99)<br />



Jim and Carol Croft celebrated their 57th<br />

anniversary on September 2, 2023 (1967)<br />

Paxman, Len and Pat - celebrating 78<br />

years of marriage (Oct. 19, 1946)<br />

If you have a birthday or anniversary<br />

that you would like to include in the<br />

Sentinel, please let us know the month<br />

before.<br />

This column is NOT done automatically.<br />

We DON’T have access to your<br />

personal information.<br />

“Passages”<br />

We would like to convey our condolences<br />

to Association Members and their Families<br />

Martin, Sonny passed away on Tuesday, August 13,<br />

<strong>2024</strong>, at the age of 81. He was a member of the<br />

Cribbage group.<br />

Gadsby, Mary Patricia passed away on Friday,<br />

September 13, <strong>2024</strong>. She was an avid quilter and<br />

long-time GWSA member.<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong>

Clubs and Drop-In Activities OCTOBER <strong>2024</strong><br />

W West End Community Centre<br />

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday<br />

7<br />

8:35-9:35a Introduction to<br />

Line Dancing<br />

9:40-10:40a Beyond the<br />

Basics Line Dancing<br />

10:45-11:45a Int. Line Dancing<br />

12-3p Pickleball (B/I)<br />

12:30-4p Quilting<br />

1-3p Euchre<br />

1-4p Badminton W<br />

1:30-4:30p Mah Jongg<br />

3-6:15p Table Tennis<br />

6-9p Carving Club<br />

14<br />

Weekend Activities<br />

Saturday<br />

9a-12p Table Tennis<br />

Sunday<br />

8:30a-10:45a Pickleball<br />

(B/I)<br />

10:45a-1p Pickleball<br />

(I/A)<br />

1:30-3:30p Badminton<br />

CLOSED<br />

Thanksgiving<br />

Day<br />

1<br />

8:30a-12:30p Pickleball (I/A)<br />

10a-12p Darts<br />

10:30a-12:30p Pickleball (B/I)<br />

12-2p Pickleball (A) W<br />

12-4p Rug Hooking<br />

12:30-4p Cribbage<br />

12:30-4p West End Arts W<br />

1-3p Shuffleboard<br />

2-4p Pickleball (A) W<br />

6:30-8:30p Texas Hold<br />

’Em Poker<br />

6:30-9p Bridge<br />

7-9:30p Badminton<br />

8<br />

8:30a-12:30p Pickleball (I/A)<br />

10a-12p Darts<br />

10:30a-12:30p Pickleball (B/I)<br />

11a-12p Diabetes Support<br />

12-2p Pickleball (A) W<br />

12-4p Rug Hooking<br />

12:30-4p Cribbage<br />

12:30-4p West End Arts W<br />

1-3p Shuffleboard<br />

2-4p Pickleball (A) W<br />

6:30-8:30p Texas Hold<br />

’Em Poker<br />

6:30-9p Bridge<br />

7-9:30p Badminton<br />

15<br />

8:30a-12:30p Pickleball (I/A)<br />

10a-12p Darts<br />

10:30a-12:30p Pickleball (B/I)<br />

12-2p Pickleball (A) W<br />

12-4p Rug Hooking<br />

2<br />

8:30-10a Pickleball (I/A)<br />

9a-12p Bunka<br />

10a-1p Table Tennis<br />

10:45-11:45a Walking Club<br />

12:30-4p Watercolour Painters<br />

1-3p Shuffleboard<br />

1-3p Writers Club<br />

1-4p Badminton W<br />

1:30p BINGO<br />

9<br />

8:30-10a Pickleball (I/A)<br />

9a-12p Bunka<br />

10a-1p Table Tennis<br />

10:45-11:45a Walking Club<br />

1-3p Shuffleboard<br />

1-4p Art Studio<br />

1-4p Badminton W<br />

1:30p BINGO<br />

16<br />

8:30-10a Pickleball (I/A)<br />

9a-12p Bunka<br />

9a-4p Watercolour Painters<br />

10a-1p Table Tennis<br />

10:45-11:45a Walking Club<br />

3<br />

8:30-10:30a Pickleball (B/I)<br />

10:30-11:30a Silver Drummers<br />

10:30a-1p Badminton<br />

12-2p Pickleball (A) W<br />

12-4p West Hills Arts W<br />

12:30-3:30p Bridge<br />

1-3p Writing Your Life Story<br />

1-3:30p Scrabble<br />

1-4p Bid Euchre<br />

1:10-2:10p Intro to Line Dancing<br />

2-4p Pickleball (B/I) W<br />

2:15-3:15p Beyond the<br />

Basics Line Dancing<br />

10<br />

8:30-10:30a Pickleball (B/I)<br />

10:30-11:30a Silver Drummers<br />

10:30a-1p Badminton<br />

12-2p Pickleball (A) W<br />

12-4p West Hills Arts W<br />

12:30-3:30p Bridge<br />

1-3p Writing Your Life Story<br />

1-3:30p Scrabble<br />

1-4p Bid Euchre<br />

1:10-2:10p Intro to Line Dancing<br />

2-4p Pickleball (B/I) W<br />

2:15-3:15p Beyond the<br />

Basics Line Dancing<br />

17<br />

8:30-10:30a Pickleball (B/I)<br />

10:30-11:30a Silver Drummers<br />

10:30a-1p Badminton<br />

12-2p Pickleball (A) W<br />

12-4p West Hills Arts W<br />

4<br />

8a-12p Crafts<br />

8:30-10:30a Pickleball (B/I)<br />

9-11:30a Canasta<br />

9:30-11:30a Beading<br />

10a-12p Chess<br />

10a-12p Darts<br />

10:30a-1p Badminton<br />

12-1p Silver Strummers Beg.<br />

1-2p Silver Strummers Exp.<br />

1-4p Table Tennis W<br />

1:30-4p Euchre<br />

2-3:30p Silver Ringers<br />

2-3:30p Silvertones<br />

6:30-8:30p Texas HE Poker<br />

11<br />

8a-12p Crafts<br />

8:30-10:30a Pickleball (B/I)<br />

9-11:30a Canasta<br />

9:30-11:30a Beading<br />

10a-12p Chess<br />

10a-12p Darts<br />

11a-12p Beading<br />

12-1p Silver Strummers Beg.<br />

1-2p Silver Strummers Exp.<br />

1-2:30p Book Club 2<br />

1-4p Table Tennis W<br />

1:30-4p Euchre<br />

2-3:30p Silver Ringers<br />

2-3:30p Silvertones<br />

6:30-8:30p Texas HE Poker<br />

18<br />

8a-12p Crafts<br />

8:30-10:30a Pickleball (B/I)<br />

9-11:30a Canasta<br />

9:30-11:30a Beading<br />

10a-12p Chess<br />

10a-12p Darts<br />

18<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong> — Vol. 49, No. 2

21<br />

8:35-9:35a Introduction to<br />

Line Dancing<br />

9:40-10:40a Beyond the<br />

Basics Line Dancing<br />

10:45-11:45a Int. Line Dancing<br />

12-3p Pickleball (B/I)<br />

12:30-4p Quilting<br />

1-3p Euchre<br />

1-4p Badminton W<br />

1:30-4:30p Mah Jongg<br />

3-6:15p Table Tennis<br />

6-9p Carving Club<br />

28<br />

8:35-9:35a Introduction to<br />

Line Dancing<br />

9:40-10:40a Beyond the<br />

Basics Line Dancing<br />

10:45-11:45a Int. Line Dancing<br />

12-3p Pickleball (B/I)<br />

12:30-4p Quilting<br />

1-3p Euchre<br />

1-4p Badminton W<br />

1:30-4:30p Mah Jongg<br />

2:30-5p Into Focus<br />

Photography<br />

3-6:15p Table Tennis<br />

6-9p Carving Club<br />

12:30-4p Cribbage<br />

12:30-4p West End Arts W<br />

1-3p Shuffleboard<br />

2-4p Pickleball (A) W<br />

6:30-8:30p Texas Hold<br />

’Em Poker<br />

6:30-9p Bridge<br />

7-9:30p Badminton<br />

22<br />

8:30a-12:30p Pickleball (I/A)<br />

10a-12p Darts<br />

10a-12p Diabetes Support<br />

10:30a-12:30p Pickleball (B/I)<br />

12-2p Pickleball (A) W<br />

12-4p Rug Hooking<br />

12:30-4p Cribbage<br />

12:30-4p West End Arts W<br />

1-3p Shuffleboard<br />

2-4p Pickleball (A) W<br />

6:30-8:30p Texas HE Poker<br />

6:30-9p Bridge<br />

7-9:30p Badminton<br />

29<br />

8:30a-12:30p Pickleball (I/A)<br />

10a-12p Darts<br />

10a-12p Diabetes Support<br />

10:30a-12:30p Pickleball (B/I)<br />

12-2p Pickleball (A) W<br />

12-4p Rug Hooking<br />

12:30-4p Cribbage<br />

12:30-4p West End Arts W<br />

1-3p Shuffleboard<br />

2-4p Pickleball (A) W<br />

6:30-8:30p Texas HE Poker<br />

6:30-9p Bridge<br />

7-9:30p Badminton<br />

1-3p Shuffleboard<br />

1-3p Writers Club<br />

1-4p Badminton W<br />

1:30p BINGO<br />

23<br />

8:30-10a Pickleball (I/A)<br />

9a-12p Bunka<br />

10a-1p Table Tennis<br />

10:45-11:45a Walking Club<br />

1-3p Shuffleboard<br />

1-4p Art Studio<br />

1-4p Badminton W<br />

1:30p BINGO<br />

30<br />

8:30-10a Pickleball (I/A)<br />

9a-12p Bunka<br />

10a-1p Table Tennis<br />

10:45-11:45a Walking Club<br />

12:30-4p Watercolour Painters<br />

1-3p Shuffleboard<br />

1-3p Writers Club<br />

1-4p Badminton W<br />

1:30p BINGO<br />

12:30-3:30p Bridge<br />

1-3p Writing Your Life Story<br />

1-3:30p Scrabble<br />

1-4p Bid Euchre<br />

1:10-2:10p Intro to Line Dancing<br />

2-4p Pickleball (B/I) W<br />

2:15-3:15p Beyond the<br />

Basics Line Dancing<br />

24<br />

8:30-10:30a Pickleball (B/I)<br />

10:30-11:30a Silver Drummers<br />

10:30a-1p Badminton<br />

12-2p Pickleball (A) W<br />

12-4p West Hills Arts W<br />

12:30-3:30p Bridge<br />

1-3p Writing Your Life Story<br />

1-3:30p Scrabble<br />

1-4p Bid Euchre<br />

1:10-2:10p Intro to Line Dancing<br />

2-4p Pickleball (B/I) W<br />

2:15-3:15p Beyond the<br />

Basics Line Dancing<br />

31<br />

8:30-10:30a Pickleball (B/I)<br />

10:30-11:30a Silver Drummers<br />

10:30a-1p Badminton<br />

12-2p Pickleball (A) W<br />

12-4p West Hills Arts W<br />

12:30-3:30p Bridge<br />

1-3p Writing Your Life Story<br />

1-3:30p Scrabble<br />

1-4p Bid Euchre<br />

1:10-2:10p Intro to Line Dancing<br />

2-4p Pickleball (B/I) W<br />

2:15-3:15p Beyond the<br />

Basics Line Dancing<br />

10:30a-1p Badminton<br />

12-1p Silver Strummers Beg.<br />

1-2p Silver Strummers Exp.<br />

1-4p Table Tennis W<br />

1:30-4p Euchre<br />

2-3:30p Silver Ringers<br />

2-3:30p Silvertones<br />

6:30-8:30p Texas HE Poker<br />

25<br />

8a-12p Crafts<br />

8:30-10:30a Pickleball (B/I)<br />

9-11:30a Canasta<br />

9:30-11:30a Beading<br />

10a-12p Chess<br />

10a-12p Darts<br />

10:30a-1p Badminton<br />

12-1p Silver Strummers Beg.<br />

1-2p Silver Strummers Exp.<br />

1-2:30p Book Club 1<br />

1-4p Table Tennis W<br />

1:30-4p Euchre<br />

2-3:30p Silver Ringers<br />

2-3:30p Silvertones<br />

6:30-8:30p Texas HE Poker<br />

Everyday Activities<br />

Snooker—9a-4p<br />

Library —<br />

Mon-Fri – 10a-3p<br />

19<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong>

20<br />


HOME<br />


Small Job Specialist<br />

Indoor/Outdoor<br />

Picture & Mirror Hanging<br />

Furniture Assembly<br />

Painting<br />

Age-in-Place Services<br />

Drywall Repairs<br />

Eaves Cleaning<br />

$10 OFF your first service when<br />

you reference this ad!<br />

226-332-5154<br />

info@guelphresidential.ca<br />

www.guelphresidential.ca<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong> — Vol. 49, No. 2

21<br />

The GWSA Shuffleboard members celebrate the End of Summer<br />

Over 40 members participated in the “End of Summer Get-together” which took place on Wednesday<br />

August 28th. It was a day filled with lots of camaraderie, good food and, of course, a mini tournament<br />

which definitely added an element of fun and excitement. Members were split into 3 teams (Red, Black and<br />

White) and the winners of this tournament were the “White” team.<br />

Also, Elaine Bigam took the opportunity before the event started to announce she was stepping down<br />

from her AGL position and introduced the new Committee which will be led by Carolina Augello (new<br />

AGL) assisted by Alice Romanick and Corinna DeGeer.<br />

The day was an excellent way to end the summer with a bang! Everyone’s enthusiasm definitely added a<br />

special touch to this event. Thank you to all those who contributed by bringing some yummy goodies and<br />

assisted with the set up and co-ordination! See you all in <strong>October</strong>!!<br />

The winning team, the Whites!<br />

Elaine Bigam, previous AGL.<br />

Two members from the new<br />

Shuffleboard Committee (left to right)<br />

Carolina Augello, new AGL and Alice<br />

Romanick posing with another<br />

member Ruth Nelson.<br />

Wesleen Grant (above) and Corinna<br />

DeGeer were the members in charge<br />

of the mini tournament games.<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong>

22<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong> — Vol. 49, No. 2

23<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong>

24<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong> — Vol. 49, No. 2

25<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong>

26<br />

519-836-1697<br />

6981 Concession 4, Puslinch ON N0B 2J0<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong> — Vol. 49, No. 2

27<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong>

28<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong> — Vol. 49, No. 2

29<br />

The Elliott Community is Guelph’s<br />

only not-for-profit organization to<br />

offer 4 lifestyle choices for Seniors.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Life Leases<br />

Supportive Living<br />

Assisted Living<br />

Long Term Care<br />

elliottcommunity.org<br />


519-822-0491 x2240<br />

Quality choices for mature living in a<br />

safe, caring, home-like environment.<br />

A proud tradition of serving Guelph and area since 1903<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong>

30<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

519-830-6634<br />


Safe Tree & Stump Removal<br />

Pruning & Support Systems<br />

Fully Insured & Qualified<br />

Certified by the<br />

International<br />

Society of<br />

Arboriculture<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong> — Vol. 49, No. 2

31<br />

Guelph FHT's Wellness Workshops are offered at no<br />

cost and open to everyone! Check out our Fall <strong>2024</strong><br />

workshop offerings! You can print and view the<br />

schedule by visiting our webpage:<br />

www.guelphfht.com/wellness-workshops-andprograms/<br />

*Please note: the dates/times/locations may change.<br />

Keep checking website/email for any updates.<br />

FREE Wellness Workshops in <strong>October</strong>, presented by<br />

the Guelph Family Health Team:<br />

Calming Strategies (Topic: Mindfulness)<br />

Date: Thursday, <strong>October</strong> 3<br />

Time: 12:00 pm – 12:45 pm EST<br />

Location: *VIRTUAL webinar only<br />

Learn more HERE<br />

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Part 1<br />

(3 sessions to attend)<br />

Dates: Thursday, <strong>October</strong> 3, 10, 17<br />

Time: 10:00 am - 11:30 am EST<br />

Location: *VIRTUAL webinar only<br />

Learn more HERE<br />

Let's Talk About: Panic<br />

Date: Monday, <strong>October</strong> 7<br />

Time: 9:30 am - 11:00 am EST<br />

Location: *VIRTUAL webinar only<br />

Learn more HERE<br />

Calming Strategies (Topic: Guided Imagery)<br />

Date: Thursday, <strong>October</strong> 17<br />

Time: 12:00 pm – 12:45 pm EST<br />

Location: *VIRTUAL webinar only<br />

Learn more HERE<br />

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Part 1<br />

(3 sessions to attend)<br />

Dates: Monday, <strong>October</strong> 21, 28, November 4<br />

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm EST<br />

Location: IN-PERSON workshop only<br />

Suite 500 – 649 Scottsdale Drive, Guelph<br />

Learn more HERE<br />

Let's Talk About: Mild Cognitive Impairment<br />

Date: Wednesday, <strong>October</strong> 23<br />

Time: 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST<br />

Location: *VIRTUAL webinar only<br />

Learn more HERE<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong>

32<br />

See Puzzles on pgs. 16 & 17<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong> — Vol. 49, No. 2

33<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong>

34<br />

Thursday, November 21, <strong>2024</strong><br />

“First Light” in Midland<br />

Total Cost - $140.00 members only (nonrefundable) Code: 57461<br />

Registration starts on Thursday, August 29, <strong>2024</strong><br />

Booking Deadline: Thursday, <strong>October</strong> 31, <strong>2024</strong><br />

Sainte-Marie’s “First Light” is an award-winning, must-see holiday event with a great lineup of family activities<br />

and live musical performances, all amidst the spectacular glow of thousands of candles.<br />

You will be transported back in time to the 17th century and early pioneer times. Wander the lantern lit pathways to<br />

the historical buildings dressed up for the holiday season with fresh greenery & festive decor. Talk with men and<br />

women in period clothing and learn what life was like in those days.<br />

Explore the vendor fair to get a head start on your holiday shopping, enjoy take-home crafts, historical<br />

demonstrations, and festive decor. Warm up with a hot cup of cocoa by the fire!<br />

Come and experience a little holiday magic!<br />


Please note: Most of the vendors will not have the ability to accept credit or debit card payments and will only<br />

accept cash. There is no ATM on site.<br />

When you register in Recenroll or at the front desk, please choose your entree for dinner:<br />

Traditional French Canadian Tourtiere with mashed potatoes and cranberry chutney<br />

or Traditional Christmas dinner: turkey, stuffing, cranberry, sweet potato, carrot, turnip, mashed potatoes & gravy<br />

or Vegetarian.<br />

Departure Evergreen Centre: 12:30 p.m.; Carousel: 12:45 p.m. Reminder: Please park at the Carousel.<br />

Return: approx. 10:00 p.m.<br />

Cost: includes travel by coach, hot dinner, admission charge, all tips (including the driver), and taxes.<br />

Please have lunch or bring a snack.<br />

Don't wait - sign up when the trip opens.<br />

Refund Policy: This trip is NON-REFUNDABLE; doctor’s certificates will not be accepted. Should there be a<br />

mandatory provincial shutdown due to COVID-19 or GWSA cancels the trip due to lack of participation, all<br />

participants will receive a full refund to their method of payment. Don’t Wait! That means booking your trip before<br />

the trip must be cancelled due to low participation.<br />

Accessibility: Unfortunately there is no wheelchair accessibility on this trip. Travellers who can transfer to a<br />

coach seat may have their collapsible, manual wheelchair or walker stored in the cargo area of the coach.<br />

Parking: Please DO NOT park your vehicles in the Evergreen parking lot while you are on a day trip. Vehicles<br />

must be left at the Carousel parking area in Riverside Park where you will board the bus. This allows for other<br />

members to have a place to park when they come throughout the day.<br />

PROCEDURES FOR BOOKING THIS TRIP: All participants will be required to have a current GWSA<br />

membership. If your membership needs renewal, please see the front desk staff at the Centre. Please bring the<br />

completed contact list available on the GWSA website located on the Trips, Travel and Tours page. If you are unable<br />

to print this form, copies will be available from a Travel Committee member the day of the trip.<br />

Registration will be available until the trip is fully booked, or booking is closed on Thursday, <strong>October</strong> 31, <strong>2024</strong>.<br />

Register online (preferred): Sign up for a RecEnroll account with the City of Guelph. MasterCard, Visa,<br />

Amex or Visa Debit are accepted for online booking https://cityofguelph.perfectmind.com/SocialSite/<br />

MemberRegistration/MemberSignIn.<br />

Register by telephone: By contacting Customer Service at the Evergreen Seniors Centre at 519-837-5699. As<br />

of January 1, 2023, credit card information is no longer accepted over the telephone. If you wish to make a telephone<br />

payment, you must first save your credit card on your RecEnroll account. Customers can also pre-purchase a City<br />

Card or an account credit in-person at any of our recreation facilities to be used towards future purchases by<br />

telephone.<br />

Register at the front desk at the Evergreen until the trip is fully booked, or booking is closed on Thursday, <strong>October</strong><br />

31, <strong>2024</strong>.<br />

Please put the date on your calendar and arrive on time.<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong> — Vol. 49, No. 2

35<br />

Thursday December 12, <strong>2024</strong><br />

Mystery Trip<br />

Total cost : $150.00 - members only (non-refundable) Code: 57463<br />

Registration starts on Tuesday, <strong>October</strong> 1, <strong>2024</strong><br />

Booking deadline: Friday, November 15, <strong>2024</strong><br />

Join us on a “Magical Mystery Trip” where you will enjoy a delicious hot meal, be inspired and<br />

entertained! Dress warmly!<br />

Choose one of the following when you register for the trip:<br />

1) Turkey Dinner (dark and white meat) with mashed potatoes and veg/gravy or<br />

2) Honey glazed ham dinner with mash potato/veg/corn bread/brown mustard sauce or<br />

3) Summer vegetable ratatouille with peas & peppercorn polenta<br />

Depart Evergreen Centre: 12:30 p.m. Carousel: 12:45 p.m. Return: 10:00 p.m.<br />

Please park at the carousel and not the Evergreen Centre.<br />

Cost: includes travel by coach, hot dinner, admissions, tips (including the driver), and all taxes.<br />

Reminder: please have lunch before the trip or bring a snack to eat on the bus as dinner won’t be<br />

served for a few hours after we get to our destination.<br />

Don’t wait - sign up when the trip opens.<br />

Refund Policy: This trip is NON-REFUNDABLE; doctor’s certificates will not be accepted. Should there be<br />

a mandatory provincial shutdown due to COVID-19 or GWSA cancels the trip due to lack of participation, all<br />

participants will receive a full refund to their method of payment. Don’t Wait! That means booking your trip<br />

before the trip must be cancelled due to low participation.<br />

Accessibility: Unfortunately there is no wheelchair accessibility on this trip. Travellers who can transfer<br />

to a coach seat may have their collapsible, manual wheelchair or walker stored in the cargo area of the coach.<br />

Parking: Please DO NOT park your vehicles in the Evergreen parking lot while you are on a day trip.<br />

Vehicles must be left at the Carousel parking area in Riverside Park where you will board the bus. This allows<br />

for other members to have a place to park when they come throughout the day.<br />

PROCEDURES FOR BOOKING THIS TRIP: All participants will be required to have a current<br />

GWSA membership. If your membership needs renewal, please see the front desk staff at the Centre. Please<br />

bring the completed contact list available on the GWSA website located on the Trips, Travel and Tours page.<br />

If you are unable to print this form, copies will be available from a Travel Committee member the day of the<br />

trip.<br />

Registration will be available until the trip is fully booked, or booking is closed on Friday, November 15,<br />

<strong>2024</strong>.<br />

Register online (preferred): Sign up for a RecEnroll account with the City of Guelph. MasterCard,<br />

Visa, Amex or Visa Debit are accepted for online booking https://cityofguelph.perfectmind.com/SocialSite/<br />

MemberRegistration/MemberSignIn.<br />

Register by telephone: By contacting Customer Service at the Evergreen Seniors Centre at 519-837-<br />

5699. As of January 1, 2023, credit card information is no longer accepted over the telephone. If you wish to<br />

make a telephone payment, you must first save your credit card on your RecEnroll account. Customers can<br />

also pre-purchase a City Card or an account credit in-person at any of our recreation facilities to be used<br />

towards future purchases by telephone.<br />

Register at the front desk at the Evergreen until the trip is fully booked, or booking is closed on Friday,<br />

November 15, <strong>2024</strong>.<br />

Please put the date on your calendar and arrive on time.<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong>

36<br />

Bistro 683 - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />

The Evergreen Restaurant is open to the public<br />

and serves a large variety of menu items that are<br />

available from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, Monday to<br />

Friday (except holidays):<br />

Featured Hot Lunch<br />

$7.50 + tax.<br />

Each hot lunch is served as a full and balanced,<br />

nutritional meal.<br />

Full Breakfast Plate Sandwiches<br />

Breakfast Sandwich Homemade Soups<br />

French Toast<br />

Fresh Bakery Items<br />

Toasted Western Sandwich Hamburgers<br />

Daily Breakfast Specials Salads<br />

Beverages<br />

Breakfast is served starting at 9:00 am. The daily<br />

featured Lunch is served from 11 am to 1 pm<br />

Monday to Friday and the menu is below.<br />

Coffee and tea services are available until 2:00 pm.<br />

Take-out is available for your convenience.<br />

Our goal is to provide balanced, nutritious meals.<br />

We provide great quality, while keeping costs<br />

reasonable. The tremendous support of volunteers<br />

in the restaurant helps us achieve this goal.<br />

7<br />

The Bistro serves a large variety of ‘Take Home<br />

Frozen Meals’ for your convenience. They are<br />

available in the Bistro freezer all day from 9:00 am<br />

until 4:30 pm. They can be purchased from the<br />

Bistro cashier or the front desk staff after 2:00 pm.<br />

Catering<br />

Catering is available by special order: Hot/cold<br />

drinks, sweet trays, sandwiches, etc. Please have<br />

your order to the customer service clerk in the<br />

office at least 48 hours prior to your event. This<br />

allows staff to ensure that your catering needs will<br />

be met. Thank you for your co-operation in this<br />

matter.<br />

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday<br />

Chicken<br />

Parmesan<br />

1<br />

Chicken<br />

Parmesan<br />

2<br />

Chicken<br />

Parmesan<br />

3<br />

Chicken<br />

Parmesan<br />

4<br />

Chicken<br />

Parmesan<br />

The <strong>October</strong> Dining Menu will<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

14 CLOSED 15<br />

21<br />

28<br />

Chicken<br />

Parmesan<br />

Chicken<br />

Parmesan<br />

Chicken<br />

Parmesan<br />

16<br />

Chicken<br />

Parmesan<br />

Chicken<br />

Parmesan<br />

Chicken<br />

Parmesan<br />

Room<br />

Chicken<br />

(Bistro<br />

Chicken<br />

683)<br />

Chicken<br />

once<br />

Chicken<br />

Parmesan Parmesan Parmesan Parmesan<br />

the<br />

22<br />

Evergreen<br />

23<br />

24<br />

Centre<br />

25<br />

Chicken<br />

Chicken<br />

Chicken<br />

29<br />

BREAKFAST served starting at 9:00 am<br />

FEATURED LUNCH served 11 am to 1:00 pm<br />

be available in the Dining<br />

Parmesan<br />

Parmesan<br />

17<br />

Parmesan<br />

has re-opened.<br />

30<br />

31<br />

Chicken<br />

Parmesan<br />

Chicken<br />

Parmesan<br />

Chicken<br />

Parmesan<br />

18<br />

Chicken<br />

Parmesan<br />

The Sentinel - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong> — Vol. 49, No. 2

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