Creativity Pack | 64 Million Artists & 27º Cultura Inglesa Festival
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Discover fun and accessible<br />
creative prompts designed by <strong>64</strong><br />
<strong>Million</strong> <strong>Artists</strong> to celebrate<br />
<strong>Cultura</strong> <strong>Inglesa</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> 2024.
We’re excited to bring you this creative activity pack in<br />
celebration of the 27th <strong>Cultura</strong> <strong>Inglesa</strong> <strong>Festival</strong>. Inside you’ll<br />
find three creative prompts to spark imagination, curiosity and<br />
connection. We invite you to use this pack to explore your<br />
creativity in new ways, whether that be individually, with<br />
students, co-workers, community members or anyone you would<br />
like!<br />
Page 3: About <strong>64</strong> <strong>Million</strong> <strong>Artists</strong> & <strong>Cultura</strong> <strong>Inglesa</strong> <strong>Festival</strong><br />
Page 4: Why <strong>Creativity</strong>?<br />
Page 5 & 6: How to use the pack and top tips<br />
Page 7 - 9: Creative Prompts<br />
Page 10: Discover more<br />
ABOUT <strong>64</strong> MILLION ARTISTS<br />
<strong>64</strong> <strong>Million</strong> <strong>Artists</strong> is a social<br />
enterprise, seeking to spark the<br />
creativity of everyone in the UK.<br />
Since 2014, they have been working to<br />
change how people feel about<br />
creativity. <strong>Creativity</strong> can help us go<br />
beyond the limits of old and<br />
traditional thoughts and patterns and<br />
open us up to new things and positive<br />
changes in our lives and the world<br />
around us.<br />
They do this by holding space for<br />
individuals and groups to explore their<br />
innate creativity through programmes,<br />
events, and accessible and free year<br />
round campaign for everyday creativity<br />
- including their flagship campaign The<br />
January Challenge.<br />
Photo Credit: Donna Ford<br />
<strong>64</strong><br />
@<strong>64</strong>millionartists<br />
@<strong>64</strong>millionartists<br />
@<strong>64</strong>M_<strong>Artists</strong><br />
<strong>Cultura</strong> <strong>Inglesa</strong> is a not for profit<br />
institution whose mission is to promote<br />
the teaching of English and British<br />
culture in Brazil.<br />
Their annual <strong>Cultura</strong> <strong>Inglesa</strong> <strong>Festival</strong><br />
(CIF), a renowned cultural, educational<br />
and artistic event, celebrates it’s<br />
27th year in 2024. It is the largest<br />
festival in Latin America focusing on<br />
British culture and the English<br />
language.<br />
The event will take place from<br />
September 26th to October 13th in a<br />
hybrid format, both in person and<br />
online. The festival stands out for its<br />
socio-cultural tendency, reflected in<br />
the free, accessible and diverse<br />
programme.<br /><br />
@culturainglesaoficial<br />
@culturainglesasp<br />
@culturainglesa<br />
<strong>Creativity</strong> means many different things to different people - when we<br />
talk about creativity we are talking about ‘everyday creativity’ -<br />
the ways in which we show up, express ourselves, connect with<br />
others, solve problems, generate ideas and practice resourcefulness.<br />
<strong>64</strong> <strong>Million</strong> <strong>Artists</strong> research and data shows that creativity supports<br />
us to...<br />
Better understand ourselves and each other<br />
Interact with, challenge and navigate the world around us<br />
Imagine new solutions and ways of being, and lots more...<br />
Self-reflection:<br />
Creative prompts often encourage<br />
introspection, allowing us to explore<br />
our thoughts, feelings, and experiences<br />
through creative expression.<br />
Inspiration:<br />
Creative prompts can spark new ideas<br />
and inspire us to think outside our<br />
usual patterns, helping us discover<br />
fresh perspectives.<br />
Skill Development:<br />
Creative prompts may target specific<br />
skills or techniques, allowing us to<br />
enhance artistic or creative abilities.<br />
Create a new routine:<br />
Setting aside time each day for a<br />
creative prompt can contribute to<br />
building a positive routine and habit<br />
formation.<br />
Connection:<br />
Participating in shared creative<br />
experiences fosters a sense of<br />
connection, community and shared<br />
accomplishment.<br />
Goal setting:<br />
Setting and achieving daily creative<br />
goals can bring a sense of<br />
accomplishment and motivation,<br />
contributing to personal growth.<br />
Mindfulness:<br />
Engaging in daily creative activities<br />
can be a form of mindfulness,<br />
promoting focus on the present moment<br />
and enhancing overall well-being.<br />
Stimulating Curiosity:<br />
Creative prompts often introduce new<br />
topics, encouraging participants to<br />
explore subjects they may not have<br />
considered before.<br />
Boosting gratitude:<br />
Some creative prompts may encourage<br />
us to appreciate and express gratitude<br />
for different aspects of our lives.<br />
Stress Reduction:<br />
Creative expression has therapeutic<br />
benefits. It can serve as a stressrelief<br />
outlet, offering a break from<br />
daily pressures.<br />
HOW TO USE<br />
THE PACK<br />
In this pack are three creative prompts for you to take part in,<br />
individually, in a group or however you would like to. There is no<br />
wrong or right way to take part. You might read them and see where<br />
your imagination takes you or spend 5 minutes, or 5 hours bringing a<br />
creation to life.<br />
You can print page 7,8 and 9 to have the creative prompts ready to<br />
use and revisit whenever you like.<br />
A creative prompt is a playful and accessible prompt to inspire<br />
creative exploration and action. An opportunity to inspire people to<br />
try something new. It’s quick to do (roughly 10-20 minutes), and<br />
should only require materials you'll likely find around you.<br />
In each creative prompt we invite you to ‘Do’,‘Think’ and ‘Share’...<br />
Do<br />
If we think about getting creative too much, we’ll never even start.<br />
So, we encourage just having a go. Try a creative prompt and see what<br />
happens (...and if nothing happens, that's okay too!). You don't need<br />
any tools, you can do a creative prompt in your mind and on-the-go.<br />
Think<br />
Reflecting on our creativity can help us discover our unique thoughts<br />
and feelings, leading to a deeper connection with ourselves. We also<br />
invite you to explore what creativity means to others so that we can<br />
all inspire one another and learn just how varied creativity is for<br />
everyone.<br />
Share<br />
We invite you to come together online and in-person to share the<br />
creative path you have taken, in a way that is meaningful to you.<br />
Whether it’s something you have created or simply how thinking about<br />
how the prompt made you feel.<br />
If running a group session, factor in social, or relationshipbuilding<br />
time. We suggest starting with a warm up to better get<br />
to know each other. Our suggestion is to invite participants to<br />
finish the sentence ‘<strong>Creativity</strong> Is…’ and then share responses<br />
with one another. Are there any similarities or differences in<br />
participants' answers?<br />
Let participants know what to expect from the session -<br />
including timings and breaks (make sure you stick to them!). If<br />
you are running your session online - let people know which<br />
programme you’ll be using.<br />
Value everyone’s contribution. Let all voices be heard and<br />
encourage everyone to participate.<br />
People feel vulnerable being creative because they don’t want<br />
to look silly or be judged. Create an atmosphere in which<br />
people feel they can trust, take a risk and have a go without<br />
making a fool of themselves. By modeling the activity (and not<br />
being perfect) you give others permission to take a risk and<br />
not worry about ‘getting it right’.<br />
We all have different skills, abilities and challenges. Keep<br />
open-minded about people’s comfort levels around reading,<br />
writing and drawing, or whatever the creative prompt invites<br />
you to do. Allow people to respond to the creative prompt in<br />
their own way.<br />
Encourage feedback and reflection. If running a group session<br />
we always recommend leading a check out to end the session. You<br />
could lead an informal conversation asking participants how the<br />
experience was for them? Or ask ‘What feeling or action will<br />
you take away from the activity today?’<br />
DO<br />
1. Choose a colour. Your favourite colour, or a colour<br />
that represents how you are feeling right now.<br />
2. In 5 minutes, find as many objects around you that<br />
are that colour.<br />
3. Arrange your objects. Can you balance them on top of<br />
each other to create your own sculpture or tower?<br />
4.Capture your creation using photography or drawing.<br />
If you are in a group - each of you could choose a<br />
different colour and bring them all together! Can you<br />
find the colours of the rainbow? How many objects can<br />
you find?<br />
THINK<br />
What other objects or<br />
memories do you associate<br />
with the colour you have<br />
chosen?<br />
SHARE<br />
Share your creation with your<br />
friends or community. Invite<br />
them to have a go themselves!<br />
Share your creations on<br />
social media with #27CIFx<strong>64</strong>MA<br />
#<strong>64</strong><strong>Million</strong><strong>Artists</strong><br />
#<strong>Cultura</strong><strong>Inglesa</strong><strong>Festival</strong><br />
Objective: To be resourceful with everyday objects<br />
around you and discover their potential as creative<br />
tools for self expression!<br />
DO<br />
Choose a word, any word.<br />
Either: Create a music beat inspired by the word. Using<br />
objects you have around you, try and replicate how the<br />
word sounds and create a rhythm.<br />
OR: Create a dance inspired by the word. You could use<br />
different parts of your body to spell the word out? Or<br />
explore the words' meaning through different movements?<br />
If you are in a group - take turns to share your music<br />
beat or dance with each other and see if the group can<br />
guess what the word is!<br />
THINK<br />
How does making a beat or<br />
moving to the word make<br />
you feel?<br />
SHARE<br />
Share with a friend, invite them<br />
to join in. What similarities or<br />
differences do you both have in<br />
their response to the same word?<br />
Share your creations on social<br />
media with #27CIFx<strong>64</strong>MA<br />
#<strong>64</strong><strong>Million</strong><strong>Artists</strong><br />
#<strong>Cultura</strong><strong>Inglesa</strong><strong>Festival</strong><br />
Objective: To experiment with language as a tool for play.<br />
To explore words in an active way to support learning.<br />
DO<br />
Invent a planet! What does your perfect world look<br />
like? Who (or what…) lives there?<br />
Draw or build your planet - think about colours, natural<br />
materials and textures. What is it called? What is life<br />
like on your planet? How do people that live there look<br />
after their planet?<br />
If you are in a group you could each design a different<br />
part of the planet e.g who lives there, what the natural<br />
materials are, a flag - bring them together to create<br />
your collective planet.<br />
THINK<br />
What qualities of Earth<br />
would you transfer to<br />
your planet and why.<br />
What qualities of Earth<br />
would you leave behind?<br />
SHARE<br />
Share your planet with your fellow<br />
students, friends or community.<br />
Invite them to invent their own<br />
planet and join your solar system!<br />
Share your creations on social<br />
media with #27CIFx<strong>64</strong>MA<br />
#<strong>64</strong><strong>Million</strong><strong>Artists</strong><br />
#<strong>Cultura</strong><strong>Inglesa</strong><strong>Festival</strong><br />
Objective: To imagine new and different ways of being, and spark<br />
ideas on how we can take better care of Planet Earth. To explore<br />
the environments that make us feel welcome and bring us joy.<br />
Thank you for taking part!<br />
We hope this creative activity pack has provided<br />
inspiration, and that whatever journey it has taken<br />
you on, you feel encouraged to continue exploring<br />
your creativity in new ways.<br />
Join <strong>64</strong> <strong>Million</strong> <strong>Artists</strong> free, year round public programme of<br />
creative resources. Sign up to their weekly newsletter to<br />
receive a new, fun and accessible creative prompt every Monday,<br />
direct to your email inbox. Alongside lots more exciting free<br />
offers, events and creative inspiration.<br />
Join The January Challenge! 31 days of creative prompts to<br />
kickstart the new year, designed by individuals and communities<br />
from across the UK. An invitation to use creativity to spark<br />
confidence, conversation and connection. It's a fun, free and<br />
accessible experience designed to set your mind on an adventure<br />
and brighten up the coldest, darkest month of the year. Sign up<br />
here.<br />
Visit to discover the full<br />
programme of events between 26th September to 13th October.<br />