Creativity Pack | 64 Million Artists & 27º Cultura Inglesa Festival
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<strong>Creativity</strong> means many different things to different people - when we<br />
talk about creativity we are talking about ‘everyday creativity’ -<br />
the ways in which we show up, express ourselves, connect with<br />
others, solve problems, generate ideas and practice resourcefulness.<br />
<strong>64</strong> <strong>Million</strong> <strong>Artists</strong> research and data shows that creativity supports<br />
us to...<br />
Better understand ourselves and each other<br />
Interact with, challenge and navigate the world around us<br />
Imagine new solutions and ways of being, and lots more...<br />
Self-reflection:<br />
Creative prompts often encourage<br />
introspection, allowing us to explore<br />
our thoughts, feelings, and experiences<br />
through creative expression.<br />
Inspiration:<br />
Creative prompts can spark new ideas<br />
and inspire us to think outside our<br />
usual patterns, helping us discover<br />
fresh perspectives.<br />
Skill Development:<br />
Creative prompts may target specific<br />
skills or techniques, allowing us to<br />
enhance artistic or creative abilities.<br />
Create a new routine:<br />
Setting aside time each day for a<br />
creative prompt can contribute to<br />
building a positive routine and habit<br />
formation.<br />
Connection:<br />
Participating in shared creative<br />
experiences fosters a sense of<br />
connection, community and shared<br />
accomplishment.<br />
Goal setting:<br />
Setting and achieving daily creative<br />
goals can bring a sense of<br />
accomplishment and motivation,<br />
contributing to personal growth.<br />
Mindfulness:<br />
Engaging in daily creative activities<br />
can be a form of mindfulness,<br />
promoting focus on the present moment<br />
and enhancing overall well-being.<br />
Stimulating Curiosity:<br />
Creative prompts often introduce new<br />
topics, encouraging participants to<br />
explore subjects they may not have<br />
considered before.<br />
Boosting gratitude:<br />
Some creative prompts may encourage<br />
us to appreciate and express gratitude<br />
for different aspects of our lives.<br />
Stress Reduction:<br />
Creative expression has therapeutic<br />
benefits. It can serve as a stressrelief<br />
outlet, offering a break from<br />
daily pressures.<br />