How to use Cypress Intercept to Stub API Responses
Cypress provides a complete package for End to End automation, it can help you with UI automation, API automation and web application automation. Cypress is a Unique tool it makes all the tasks associated with test automation very easy and doable, In addition to that it can provide you a functionality called Intercept which helps in mocking or stubbing the request and its associated response.
Cypress provides a complete package for End to End automation, it can help you with UI automation, API automation and web application automation. Cypress is a Unique tool it makes all the tasks associated with test automation very easy and doable, In addition to that it can provide you a functionality called Intercept which helps in mocking or stubbing the request and its associated response.
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How to use Cypress Intercept to Stub
API Responses
Cypress is a Unique tool it makes all the tasks associated with test
automation very easy and doable, In addition to that it can provide you a
functionality called Intercept which helps in mocking or stubbing the request
and its associated response. Using which user can active test automation
and its running ability can be assured even if api services are down.
What is Intercept ?
Intercept is a fairly new concept in the world of service virtualization, the
“cy.intercept()” is a very powerful concept, using this we can monitor all the
interaction of the application with the webservices or third party API. During
test automation and execution it becomes extra useful as we can control
various aspects of applications and its interaction with external API and
Why use Cypress Intercept
There are various reasons why we are using Cypress Intercept, the most
important reason is the ease of its usage for performing Mocking and
stubbing. We can easily take control of requests and responses which are
performing communication between application and API or services and
make required changes in that. We can even take a record for all these
transactions and use these responses in the absence of an API backend.
We can use Cy.intercept for manipulating network requests which were
made by application during testing, we can intercept specific HTTPS
requests, determine its properties and then decide how we are going to
respond to the same.
With the help of Cypress intercept we can perform performance testing,
security testing and reduce the risk of test flakiness, reduce the number of
false failures and perform testing of edge cases.
What is Mocking?
Mocking or Stubbing are the process of providing predefined responses to
specific requests. We use this technique when we want to remove our
dependency from all the third party services, there are cases when these
third party API services are not stable enough and we are not getting
desired support. So for resolving this issue we create responses for the
required request and make sure whenever automation hits the backend
with a request which involves third party dependency, it will get the already
defined response.
How can we use Cypress Intercepts for Security
and performance testing?
Using Cypress Intercepts we can explore different dimensions and scope of
For performing Security testing using Cypress we can do Cross -site
scripting testing by which we can simulate user inputs and check if they are
getting sanitised for preventing XSS vulnerabilities below is the code
snippet which is showing an example for implementing.
// Example: Testing for XSS
cy.get('#outputDiv').should('not.contain', '<script>');
Another way of performing security testing is request intercept, by which
while intercepting requests and responses we can perform checks for
security headers, response code and other information which can impact
security. Below is the example code for doing this.
// Example: Intercepting and checking response headers
cy.intercept('GET', '/api/sensitive-data').as('sensitiveData');
For performing Performance testing intercept is a very useful tool, we can
use below techniques for doing that.
By using Network Throttling, we can simulate various network conditions
such as slow connections, delayed responses and check how an
application is behaving under these conditions and design multiple
scenarios around it.
Below is the example code for that.
// Example: Simulating slow network
cy.intercept('GET', '/api/data').as('getData');
cy.wait('@getData', { timeout: 10000 }); // Wait for the request to complete
cy.intercept('GET', '/api/data').throttle(5000); // Simulate a slow network
cy.wait('@getData', { timeout: 15000 }); // Wait for the request to complete
with throttling
Another way of doing this is Performance metrics, we use additional
plugins in cypress like Cypress pref, Lighthouse for performing this, by
using these tools we can analyse and collect the performance metrics such
as page load times, resource sizes and more.
Below is the example code for doing this.
// Example: Using cypress-perf to collect performance metrics
const { analyze } = require('cypress-perf');
describe('Performance Testing', () => {
it('should load the page quickly', () => {
How to use Cypress Intercepts?
We can use cypress intercepts in multiple ways, below are some most used
ways by which we can use Cy.Intercept().
1. Intercepting Network Requests:
We can use “cy.intercept()” for intercepting network requests and
responding to them back as per the requirements from the test.
In the below snippet cypress is intercepting a GET request which is coming
to ‘/api/inters’ and responds back with the data stored in fixture file named
as ‘inter.json’
cy.intercept('GET', '/api/inters, { fixture: 'inter.json' }).as('getInter');
2. Modifying responses:
We can perform modification in the intercepted request and responses.
In the below snippet cypress is intercepting a request with PUT command
for updating a user and it is responding back with a modified response
having updated user data.
cy.intercept('PUT', '/api/users/1', (req) => {
req.reply({ statusCode: 200, body: { id: 1, name: 'Updated User' } });
3. Stubbing/Mocking Requests:
Using intercept we can perform stubbing, with the help of stub network
requests we can prevent requests to reach the network. In place of that it
can be redirected to a stubbed server and from there it can get the
response which is mocked by the user.
cy.intercept('POST', '/api/login', {
statusCode: 200,
body: { token: 'mocked-token' },
4. Aliasing and waiting:
After performing an intercept we can use the concept of aliasing using
‘.as()’ for the intercepted request and put a wait contention until it gets
cy.intercept('GET', '/api/data').as('getData');
// Perform actions that trigger the GET request
Prerequisite for Cypress Intercepts?
For performing cypress Intercept operation few basic things are required
such as cypress installed and working, understanding of network request
and responses and commands like (HTTPS,PUT,POST,GET,DELETE).
Understanding of java script is also required for performing scripting .
Cypress Intercepts implementation
Here we are intercepting functionality and setting a response which will be
coming from the fixture file.
In the below example we are trying to describe how to perform cypress
intercept cy.intercept(). Firstly we need a request whether it is
GET/PUT/POST and we need to create a fixture file where we will be
storing the response which we want to send when the request comes in.
In the later part of the code we are using aliasing “.as(‘getPosts’)” the
request that it can be used further. After that we will be visiting the web
application and performing an action which later creates a GET request
and then we wait for it to get intercepted and then we send the response
which we have stored inside the fixture.
After that we verify the response assertion, whether the response contains
expected response code or elements in the body.
// my_test.spec.js
describe('Intercepting Network Requests', () => {
it('should intercept a GET request', () => {
// Intercept a GET request to a specific URL
cy.intercept('GET', '/api/posts', { fixture: 'posts.json' }).as('getPosts');
// Visit the page that triggers the GET request
// Perform actions that trigger the GET request, e.g., click a button
// Wait for the intercepted request to complete
cy.wait('@getPosts').then((interception) => {
// Verify the response or perform assertions
expect(interception.response.body).to.have.length(3); // Assuming
'posts.json' contains an array of 3 posts
Real time Implementation:
Here in this example we are setting the ERP details in fixtures so that when
user looks for particular ERP and in real time it is not available with the API
or we are not getting response from API, That time we can use the
response stored inside fixtures which contains details of ERP(name, ID and
other completion status). Once a request is submitted the response is
supplied back and the user can complete the test with this data.
cy.wait('@GetUserDetails').then((response) => {
.should('', 'id')
.and('', 'token');
Mocking example
cy.intercept('POST', '/graphql', (req) => {
if (req.body.operationName === 'GetErps') {
req.reply((res) => {
data: {
erps: [
id: 'MyCustomERP1',
name: 'MyCustomERP1',
standard: true,
pipelineId: null,
extractType: ['REPORT'],
auditFirm: null,
__typename: 'Erp',
Cypress comes with a lot of libraries and functionalities, using which we
can perform End to End automation with great efficiency and speed.
Implementation of new concepts and techniques is fairly easy and
achievable. While performing Intercept it gives us a great amount of
flexibility to test the application in all possible perspectives, it reduces the
dependency of third party API’s and helps us to run our test cases
Source: This article was originally published at