How to use Cypress Intercept to Stub API Responses

Cypress provides a complete package for End to End automation, it can help you with UI automation, API automation and web application automation. Cypress is a Unique tool it makes all the tasks associated with test automation very easy and doable, In addition to that it can provide you a functionality called Intercept which helps in mocking or stubbing the request and its associated response.

Cypress provides a complete package for End to End automation, it can help you with UI automation, API automation and web application automation. Cypress is a Unique tool it makes all the tasks associated with test automation very easy and doable, In addition to that it can provide you a functionality called Intercept which helps in mocking or stubbing the request and its associated response.


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Cypress comes with a lot of libraries and functionalities, using which we

can perform End to End automation with great efficiency and speed.

Implementation of new concepts and techniques is fairly easy and

achievable. While performing Intercept it gives us a great amount of

flexibility to test the application in all possible perspectives, it reduces the

dependency of third party API’s and helps us to run our test cases


Source: This article was originally published at testgrid.io

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