Beach/House, Fall 2024
Shadows lengthen. The crowds are gone. The weather is at its most glorious. Autumn arrives and cozy season begins on the Outer Cape. It’s the time of year when people here head back indoors to tackle some of the household projects that were impossible to even think about during summer’s hubbub. Evenings that were spent dining outdoors are now savored in front of a fire. In this special edition of the Provincetown Independent's home, garden, and design pages, we’re easing our way into the fall projects that come before the year-end holidays and the promise of the new year ahead.
Shadows lengthen. The crowds are gone. The weather is at its most glorious. Autumn arrives and cozy season begins on the Outer Cape. It’s the time of year when people here head back indoors to tackle some of the household projects that were impossible to even think about during summer’s hubbub. Evenings that were spent dining outdoors are now savored in front of a fire. In this special edition of the Provincetown Independent's home, garden, and design pages, we’re easing our way into the fall projects that come before the year-end holidays and the promise of the new year ahead.
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Provincetown Independent | BEACH / HOUSE | <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2024</strong> | 5<br />
the bed have built- in drawers. The<br />
nightstands are also used as dressers.<br />
“Thankfully, we have additional<br />
storage in the basement for things we<br />
don’t access much,” he says.<br />
The house is built for entertaining.<br />
Goldstein, who is a passionate<br />
cook, loves having people over,<br />
whether it’s two or 16. “Robbie’s task<br />
is always the menu,” Stanton says.<br />
“We’re never in the kitchen together,<br />
because that’s a recipe for disaster.<br />
My task is ambience.” The house<br />
has speakers on every floor and the<br />
same candles burning throughout<br />
the house so that guests are receiving<br />
the same subtle scents and sounds<br />
as they move up and down the stairs.<br />
Goldstein loves the feeling of having<br />
a lot of people around one of their indoor<br />
or outdoor dining tables, even if<br />
it can be a bit tight. “For me, it’s that<br />
cozy feeling you get being surrounded<br />
by friends while you’re eating,” he<br />
says. “I think the Danes call it hygge.”<br />
This is a social house that’s<br />
meant to entertain guests, even if<br />
most of them can’t sleep over. “Our<br />
friends are still angry at us that we<br />
did not keep the second bedroom,”<br />
says Stanton. “So, yeah, this house<br />
is designed to entertain — but it’s<br />
also designed to be a nice refuge once<br />
people leave.” As nice as it is to see<br />
guests come, it can be just as nice to<br />
see them go.<br />
Stanton swapped out the original glass shower stall for his favorite Italian marble in the secondfloor<br />
bathroom. All the custom built-ins in the house are white oak.<br />
A mudhead-style portrait by Julian Cardinal hangs in the first-floor stairwell.<br />
A second-floor terrace off the bedroom is another spot to entertain friends while Goldstein<br />
cooks downstairs.<br />
The same Rutland wallpaper as in the den decorates the ground-floor powder room. Sconces<br />
throughout the house are by Roman & Williams Guild.