Overcoming Common Challenges in Manual Software Testing

Manual Testing does not work in today’s world. There are lot more problems with manual testing, and this problem can cause drastic issues in your software or website.

Manual Testing does not work in today’s world. There are lot more problems with manual testing, and this problem can cause drastic issues in your software or website.


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Overcoming Common Challenges in

Manual Software Testing

Manual Testing does not work in today’s world. There are a lot more

problems with manual testing, and this problem can cause drastic

issues in your software or website.

Software testing is a crucial part of software development. The very

sole aim of software testing is to verify that the software builds

perfectly to satisfy the customer’s requirements. Software testing is

not easy; it is a time-consuming procedure, as you need to check

whether it follows methodologies like Agile and DevOps.

Tech changes very fast; as a result, lots of updates occur, so software

developers need to make changes accordingly and then again test to

see whether it complies with the frameworks.

However, the challenges in manual testing can be daunting.

Performing all these tasks manually is hectic and time-consuming,

which led to the introduction of automated testing, significantly

streamlining the testing process.

challenges in manual testing

What Is Automated Testing?

To make things easy for developers, testers write a set of code or test

scripts and make tools out of it that follow all the testing parameters and

perform all the testing in just one click; developers can test their website

and software.

What is manual testing?

Manual testing is a step by step process of which involves testing software

by a quality analyst. Quality analysts manually test the software and find

bugs in them and resolve them manually.

Problems with manual testing!

manual testing?

5 Unavoidable Problems You Will Face In Manual


1. Manual testing cause Human Errors:

Manual testers are very professional in their work, but they are human

at last, and mistakes are bound to happen. If an error is left unnoticed

by the tester, it can impact the quality of the software.

So tester works carefully and needs to validate 2 to 3 times whether

every error is eradicated, which takes lots of time for the tester and

delays the further stage of the software.

Hence for better time efficiency and testing accuracy, automation

testing is better than manual testing.

2. Return on investment:

Manual testers often charge a lot, and sometimes you need more than

one team to properly test your software following all testing norms.

It takes lots of capital from your pocket; on the other hand, with

automation testing, software testing takes place accurately, in less

time and money.

Thus providing a better return on investment.

With automated testing, developers can quickly test the software and

eradicate the errors properly without relying on any testing team for

their feedback.

So you can save your money, time, and energy with automated testing

software, as having a separate testing team adds one more layer to

the thick bar of the software development process

3.Manual testing makes job hectic:

When you make software, you do not make it for one day, month, or

year, you make it for a long duration.

So with the development of tech and change in versions, operating

systems, you need to provide regular updates

To comply with the operating system, to provide a better user

experience, to add new features and much more.

In this case, manual testing is not the best way to go, as every time

changes take place, there will be a need for testing.

Testing will take a reasonable amount of time, delay the updates and

make the process hectic.

4. Manual testing hamper testing environment:

In order to eradicate all the errors that might occur at the user end,

testing software in the actual test environment is essential.

You need to test software for all the supporting devices, android and

ios versions, for all browsers, operating systems before you give it a

clean sheet.

Setting up test environments manually for different

O.S/devices/browsers is difficult and time-consuming.

This makes manual testing a more hectic task

5. Need for programming skills :

You need proper knowledge of programming for software testing;

without programming skills, you can’t perform software testing, so you

need a specialized person for testing the software.


software testing

Automation testing is way better than manual testing and today’s

software industry also resonates with this thought.

Manual testing is a long and hectic process, from hiring a suitable

tester to testing software manually for every new update for different


Repeating the same process for other software is time-consuming.

After all this, there are still chances of occurrence of human error that

do not make sense.

Source: This article was originally published at Testgrid.io

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