How to run Selenium tests on Chrome using ChromeDriver

In this fast-paced technical world, everybody is looking for a way to execute web automation testing faster. Selenium Chrome Driver can help us achieve this.

In this fast-paced technical world, everybody is looking for a way to execute web automation testing faster. Selenium Chrome Driver can help us achieve this.


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How to run Selenium tests on

Chrome using ChromeDriver?

In this fast-paced technical world, everybody is looking for a

way to execute web automation testing faster. Selenium

Chrome Driver can help us achieve this.

This is the perfect way to make the web automation tests

execute faster. So let’s get started to know how we can

achieve it.

Google Chrome is the industry leader in executing selenium

automation tests because it is one of the most popular web

browsers used globally. With its widespread use and global

coverage, evaluating web applications and websites on the

Chrome browser is very critical and essential. Since Selenium

offers cross-browser functionality, it is a preferred tool for test

automation. Developers can run Selenium tests on Chrome

using the Selenium ChromeDriver. You can run Selenium

tests on Chrome once the ChromeDriver is configured.

In this article, we will focus mainly on using ChromeDriver for

Selenium. You will learn how to install, configure, and

download ChromeDriver for Windows. Let’s look at how to run

Selenium tests on Chrome.

What is Selenium and Selenium


Selenium is an open-source automation testing framework to

test web applications using web browser interactions. It

supports various browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Internet

Explorer and safari.

We use Chrome Driver with Selenium in order to execute tests

on the Chrome browser. Chrome Drivers are executable

drivers used by Selenium WebDriver to launch Google

Chrome. Chrome Driver is also an open source and we can run

the tests on Chrome Browsers by configuring it as per our


How to download and configure

ChromeDriver for Selenium?

Chrome Driver implements W3C WebDriver standards and

protocols. To use Chrome Driver, we must first download it

from the Chromium website, install it on the system, and set

up the project.

To configure Chrome Driver in the code, we use the below line

of code:

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver()

Chrome Browser implements the WebDriver Interface. We

need Chromedriver.exe to start the server on the system that

runs the test scripts in Selenium.

Configuring Selenium ChromeDriver using

Environment Variables?

We can declare system level variables for Chrome Driver so

that whenever a webdriver instance is created in Selenium

script, it automatically detects the path of the Chrome Driver

and runs on it.

Step 1. Once the ChromeDriver executable file is extracted and

moved to the folder location, copy that location and set its

path in the System’s environment variables.

Step 2. open “System Properties” pop up. Click on the

“Environment Variables” button. In System Variables section,

click on Path variable and then click on the Edit button.

Step 3: On the Edit environment variable pop-up, click on the

“New” button and add the ChromeDriver executable location.

Step4:Click on OK to save the configuration.

Step 5. When we create an instance of ChromeDriver in the

script, it will automatically detect the ChromeDriver path from

the system variables and run the tests on the Chrome


Configuring Selenium ChromeDriver using

System.setProperty method?

There is another way to configure ChromeDriver in the test

script that is configuring using code explicitly using

System.setProperty() method

This method accepts key value pair where

key is “webdriver.chrome.driver” and value is the path of the

ChromeDriver executable file that is chromedriver.exe

System.setProperty(“webdriver.chrome.driver”,”path of the


Running Selenium tests on Chrome

Steps to run Selenium Tests on Chrome Browser

1. In any IDE, create a Java Project and Add Selenium Java

Jars in the java build path.

2. Create a Java class and write the below code to launch

Chrome browser.

Delete the System.setProperty() line from the above code if

ChromeDriver is configured in the environment variable.

Code Walkthrough:

1. Set the system property “webdriver.chrome.driver” to the

path of your ChromeDriver.exe file and instantiate a

ChromeDriver class:


iver path”);

2. Maximize the window:


3. To open the URL: driver.get(“URL link”)

Configuring Selenium WebDriver with

WebDriver Manager

WebDriverManager provides an API using the class

WebDriverManager (package io.github.bonigarcia.wdm). This

class provides a group of static methods to create managers,

i.e., objects devoted to providing automated driver

management and other features.

The primary use of WebDriverManager is the automation of

driver management. To use this feature, you need to select a

given manager in the WebDriverManager API (e.g.,

chromedriver() for Chrome) and invoke the method setup().

Let us see how to invoke the browser using WebDriver


Add the below dependency to the pom.xml

Below line of code invokes the chrome browser using



Selenium and Chrome browsers are the most common

combinations for testing web applications across the globe.

Selenium automates the testing of web applications, and with

its support for the Google Chrome browser, ChromeDriver has

become one of the most popular drivers. Even though we can

use ChromeDriver without any additional configuration, we

have understood how to get the most out of ChromeDriver by

configuring it.

Source : this article was originally published at testgrid.io.

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