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Juhasz Law encompasses the full scope of IP counseling, protection, licensing and litigation for patents,
designs, trademarks, and copyrights, including drafting patent applications, patent licensing, patent
litigation and more.
Paul R. Juhasz
Paul R. Juhasz, J.D. is a leading patent attorney specializing in strategic preparation, prosecution,
counseling, monetization, and litigation with degrees in electrical engineering and chemical engineering.
He is an adjunct professor at the New Hampshire School of Law, is extensively published, and an expert on
Alice and 101 Bilski patent eligible subject matter and patent exhaustion. He has submitted amicus briefs
to the United States Supreme Court in several patent cases. As Director IP Nokia, he lead the protection
and enforcement of Nokia IP throughout North and South America. As assistant general counsel and chief
IP counsel at Symbol, he chaired a joint defense group of companies in defeating the Lemelson
+1 713 260-9643
+1 425 943-7619