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There are very few franchisee lawyer specialists practicing in the country. Almost every

franchisee-only lawyer has begun representing both franchisors and franchisees, although they do

not fully disclose this to the franchisee community. This is because it is clear which side of the aisle

has greater funds and resources to fund their law offices.

Many times these franchise lawyers try to argue either that they were only lending minimal

assistance to the franchisor on its case and were not acting officially as the lead lawyer; however,

this excuse rings hollow when you realize that these lawyers’ names are part of

the law firm’s name itself – these very apologist lawyers make the final decisions regarding

representing both franchisees and franchisors at the same time.

This joint representation of franchisors and franchisees, especially in the litigation context, is directly

harmful to your status and position as a franchisee or dealer, despite any fast-talk otherwise. When

shopping for advice, and seeking legal counsel, make sure to include this important factor in your

review process — you want a franchisee lawyer looking out exclusively only for your interests; not

a franchise lawyer, no matter how charming, that rides both sides of the fence.

Contact Details:

Goldstein Law Firm, PLLC

1629 K St. NW, Suite 300,

Washington, DC 20006 Website:


Email: jgoldstein@goldlawgroup.com

Phone: 202-293-3947

Fax: 202-315-2514

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